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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/07/2011 16:07



 Circles of women have gathered through the centuries to  support one another with various tasks and needs, including prayer circles, sewing, knitting, and quilting circles. My "14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine," co-authored with Joan Norton, includes suggestions for setting up circles of people wishing to use Magdalene's story as a template for their own spiritual journey.

Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Geometry of Circles have deep connections that connect her to our human circle gatherings in a special way.

Mary Magdalene’s feast day since the 7th century in the West, borrowed from the Orthodox Eastern rite church, has been set on the 22nd of July.

July is the seventh month of our Western calendars, so we sometimes write the date as 22/7.  This strikes me as more than just a simple accident, because 22/7 is also the ratio used to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. We teach this to students in junior high and we call the ratio “pi,” the Greek letter that corresponds to our letter “p.”

In case you’ve forgotten what they taught you in junior high school, any circle that has a diameter of 7 units will have a circumference of 22 units.  The fraction reduces to 3 1/7, which means that whatever the diameter is, the circumference will always be slightly more than 3 x the diameter. 

So Magdalene’ feast day – 22/7 – is very interesting to those of us who know how important the principle of circles is for women sharing and relating to one another…the “family circle,” the “circle of love,” the circle of influence, quilting circles, prayer circles. A circle often represents community.

We know that “7” is symbolic of the “feminine” as “Complete in herself.” It is also a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it is the sum of the masculine “3” and the feminine “4.”

Using the “7” from Magdalene’s feast day as a number symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Feminine, I’d like to show you how she embodies the human person as “sacred vessel filled with the Spirit.” 

1.  Draw a circle and place a dot in the very center.

2.  Now draw a line from the center dot to the edge and label it “7.”  That line is called the “radius.” Any line drawn from the center to the edge of a circle is called its "radius" or one "ray."

3.  To figure out the circumference of the circle, you must double the radius, so draw a straight line to the opposite side, creating a straight line across the entire circle. That line is called the diameter (value of 14 if the radius is 7 units) and can be multiplied by 22/7 to give the circumference “44."

In the ancient world, the Greek gematria "4" was a feminine number related to matter and the earth (4 corners of the earth, 4 cardinal directions, 4 winds, 4 elements). The phrase “flesh and blood” had a value of  444, so numbers that relate to 4 in any order of magnitude have a symbolic connection with earth/humus and human life…our shared humanity.   In this diagram, the “44” of the outer edge suggests the “earthen vessel,” the human person of "flesh and blood," filled with the Spirit (“7”). The image represents the sacred marriage of flesh and divinity, earth and heaven, embodied in each individual person. So, ultimately, each person IS that marriage. Mary Magdalene presents us the archetype of the "earthen vessel filled with the Spirit" and her feast day, 22-7 reflects that understanding of her importance.

Now we will do the calculation for the area of the circle with the “7” radius. The formula is “pi” (22/7) times the square of the radius (7 x 7 = 49).   22/7 x 49 is 154.  If you use the alternative decimal version of “pi” (3.14) the result 153.86 is even more obviously connected to Mary Magdalene, because the Greek gematria of her title “H Magdalhnh” actually adds up to 153. So, using principles of sacred geometry in use at the time the Gospels were written, by virtue of her feast day (7/22) and the gematria of her honorific (153), she is shown to be the “Model” or embodiment of the human person as “sacred partner” of the Divine.

The "153" is highly significant as a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers. It is the denominator of the ratio used to represent the square root of 3 (265/153) and is a numerical abbreviation for the "vesica piscis" ()--the "Vessel of the Fish" or "Measure of the Fish." This shape is the shared space when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one passes through the center of the other.

Among the ancients, this shape was called the "Mother of all forms, " the "Matrix," the "Doorway to Life," the "Womb" and the "Bridal Chamber." It's meaning is that of the "Source" or "vessel of creativity," and the symbol was universally associated with the Goddesses of love and fertility in the ancient world.  It's no accident that the epithet coined for Mary has gematria (153) that irrevocably associates her with the Goddess. 

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Respuesta  Mensaje 60 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/09/2011 00:24
As Beckmann points out, "Archimedes started with a hexagon and progressively doubling the number of sides he arrived at a polygon of 96 sides, which yielded pi as 3 1/7, or 3.142857." 7 The importance of relating pi to septenary units is obvious in a Biblical light when we consider God's abundant use of the number seven in His ordering of Creation. Some of this evidence is covered in our website essay on the Calendar of the Israel. This ratio of 22/7 is also intriguing because it expresses the ratio between the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, in relation to its seven vowels. This is a supporting factor in the idea that the roots of writing & the first alphabet originate in the celestial gospel. As the first "written" revelation to mankind, the stars in this gospel were named and numbered by God [Ps. 147:4]. The divine message of the coming redeemer and the means God chose to deliver it, thus provide the sacred foundation of all language and mathematics. As the divine original source of this wisdom, the witness of the stars was above reproach. The pi ratio expressed as 22/7, reflects this perfection of the celestial gospel, in at least the mathematical, geometrical and linguistic contexts.

Respuesta  Mensaje 61 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/09/2011 01:00


Salmos Capítulo 22

1 Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?
¿Por qué estás tan lejos de mi salvación, y de las palabras de mi clamor?
2 Dios mío, clamo de día, y no respondes;
Y de noche, y no hay para mí reposo.
3 Pero tú eres santo,
Tú que habitas entre las alabanzas de Israel.
4 En ti esperaron nuestros padres;
Esperaron, y tú los libraste.
5 Clamaron a ti, y fueron librados;
Confiaron en ti, y no fueron avergonzados.
6 Mas yo soy gusano, y no hombre;
Oprobio de los hombres, y despreciado del pueblo.
7 Todos los que me ven me escarnecen;
Estiran la boca, menean la cabeza, diciendo:
8 Se encomendó a Jehová; líbrele él;
Sálvele, puesto que en él se complacía.
9 Pero tú eres el que me sacó del vientre;
El que me hizo estar confiado desde que estaba a los pechos de mi madre.
10 Sobre ti fui echado desde antes de nacer;
Desde el vientre de mi madre, tú eres mi Dios.
11 No te alejes de mí, porque la angustia está cerca;
Porque no hay quien ayude.
12 Me han rodeado muchos toros;
Fuertes toros de Basán me han cercado.
13 Abrieron sobre mí su boca
Como león rapaz y rugiente.
14 He sido derramado como aguas,
Y todos mis huesos se descoyuntaron;
Mi corazón fue como cera,
Derritiéndose en medio de mis entrañas.
15 Como un tiesto se secó mi vigor,
Y mi lengua se pegó a mi paladar,
Y me has puesto en el polvo de la muerte.
16 Porque perros me han rodeado;
Me ha cercado cuadrilla de malignos;
Horadaron mis manos y mis pies. (22:1+6 OSEA 22:7 e interrelacionado con los perros. HAY UN OBVIO NEXO ENTRE SIRIO CON EL NUMERO PI)
17 Contar puedo todos mis huesos;
Entre tanto, ellos me miran y me observan.
18 Repartieron entre sí mis vestidos,
Y sobre mi ropa echaron suertes.
19 Mas tú, Jehová, no te alejes;
Fortaleza mía, apresúrate a socorrerme.
20 Libra de la espada mi alma,
Del poder del perro mi vida.
21 Sálvame de la boca del león,
Y líbrame de los cuernos de los búfalos.
22 Anunciaré tu nombre a mis hermanos;
En medio de la congregación te alabaré.
23 Los que teméis a Jehová, alabadle;
Glorificadle, descendencia toda de Jacob,
Y temedle vosotros, descendencia toda de Israel.
24 Porque no menospreció ni abominó la aflicción del afligido,
Ni de él escondió su rostro;
Sino que cuando clamó a él, le oyó.
25 De ti será mi alabanza en la gran congregación;
Mis votos pagaré delante de los que le temen.
26 Comerán los humildes, y serán saciados;
Alabarán a Jehová los que le buscan;
Vivirá vuestro corazón para siempre.
27 Se acordarán, y se volverán a Jehová todos los confines de la tierra,
Y todas las familias de las naciones adorarán delante de ti.
28 Porque de Jehová es el reino,
Y él regirá las naciones.
29 Comerán y adorarán todos los poderosos de la tierra;
Se postrarán delante de él todos los que descienden al polvo,
Aun el que no puede conservar la vida a su propia alma.
30 La posteridad le servirá;
Esto será contado de Jehová hasta la postrera generación.
31 Vendrán, y anunciarán su justicia;
A pueblo no nacido aún, anunciarán que él hizo esto.

Respuesta  Mensaje 62 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/09/2011 01:13



Planeta Agua, Aire y Tierra


Según la unidad de medida a la que nuestra mente métrica está acostumbrada, en la superficie de este planeta (piel de la Madre), dos puntos pueden estar a una distancia máxima de unos 20.000 kilómetros, aunque si trazamos una línea que pase por el núcleo del planeta (corazón de la Madre) hasta el otro lado de la superficie, la distancia máxima es de unos 12.700 kilómetros. Su núcleo compuesto mayormente por hierro (70%, como la proporción de agua en la superficie o de hidrógeno en el Sol) es más grande que el planeta Marte.

¿Sabías que el planeta Aire, Agua y Tierra tiene el mismo tamaño que otra estrella? Es Sirio B, compañera de Sirio (la estrella más que se ve más brillante observando desde la Tierra). Sirio B tarda 50 años en orbitar a Sirio. Están situadas a 8.6 años luz y Sirio B es invisible a simple vista. Es una enana blanca, el resto de una supernova que probablemente explotó hace 4.6 billones de años. Y además de tener el mismo tamaño que el planeta Tierra también tiene la misma densidad que el Sol, cuando lo corriente es que tuviera la mitad de densidad.

Es evidente que nuestro ser físico es tan diminuto en comparación con la región en la que está que no vale la pena ni intentar compararlo con su "Madre Tierra" (por la MATERia prima orgánica con la que está formado, como el carbono). Es como si intentáramos comparar al cuerpo con una célula que circula por el interior del cuerpo. Aún así, para hacernos una idea del tamaño del planeta en el que nacimos y estamos viviendo no sólo podemos hacerlo usando la unidad llamada "metro", sino también comparándolo con los demás cuerpos celestes. Aunque el planeta es demasiado grande para nuestra mente acostumbrada a las dimensiones de su propio mundo particular, el metro estirado 1000 veces como kilómetro puede servirnos para empezar, e incluso usando otras medidas podemos encontrar cantidades y relaciones interesantes, información sustancial y alimenticia para nuestra conciencia. O no. Podemos curiosear. O no.

La referencia más próxima que podemos encontrar fuera del planeta es la órbita de la Luna. Hasta la órbita de la Luna recorremos el Radio de la Órbita de la Luna, y es una relación de distancia. En esta distancia la Tierra cabe 30 veces.

Espacio conteniendo a la Tierra y a la Luna

Y ahora ya podemos encontrarle la primera relación de tamaño con otra esfera: la propia Luna (ver tamaño de la Luna). De hecho, desde Tierra vemos a la Luna con un tamaño 3,6 veces menor que si viéramos a otro planeta del mismo tamaño que el planeta Tierra situada a la distancia de la órbita de la Luna, es decir que lo veríamos 3,6 veces más grande que la Luna. O desde la Luna se ve a la Tierra 3,6 veces más grande que a la propia Luna desde la propia Tierra.





Planeta Carbono (tierra), Aire, Agua y Fuego



La unidad de longitud básica que usamos para medir longitud (tamaño y distancia) es el METRO, y por eso la llamamos unidad métrica. Escalada 1000 veces es 1 KILÓMETRO, y reducida 100 veces es 1 CENTÍMETRO. Con el METRO podemos medir la altura de nuestro cuerpo pero no a nosotros mismos.

La longitud del METRO tiene cierto misterio en relación con el tamaño del Planeta que pisamos, pues con el kilómetro podemos estructurar el diámetro de la Tierra en 113 partes de 112'88 kms, o lo que es lo mismo 112'94 x 112'94, casi 113 x 113. Esto supone que la circunferencia de la Tierra mide 355 partes de 112'88 kms, casi 355 x 113.

La particularidad de 113 y 355 es que son los dos únicos números enteros (racionales) cuya relación proporcional penetra mas profundamente en las entrañas decimales del número irracional PI, concretamente hasta el sexto decimal:

355 / 113 = 3,1415929

Es un ejemplo de que en la realidad matemática lo racional puede fundirse con lo no racional, no entero (que en la realidad de la matemática no expresa "irracionalidad" sino simplemente la frontera de una esfera de la realidad que ya no corresponde a la razón de los números enteros).

Los dos primeros números que divididos dan PI con 2 decimales son el 7 y el 22. Asociando esto a la velocidad de traslación del Planeta Tierra (30.000 metros cada segundo), éste tarda unos 7 minutos en cubrir la distancia correspondiente a su diámetro y 22 minutos para la distancia equivalente a su circunferencia: podriamos llamarla su "Distancia PI". El Planeta Tierra es el único planeta cuyo tiempo de desplazamiento medido en minutos es expresable con estos dos números 7 y 22 cuya relación es PI con dos decimales. Es resultado de la combinación de su tamaño y de su velocidad de traslación. También es el único cuya órbita mide PI kms luz, que es PI x 1000 tramos de 300.000 kms(=distancia cubierta por un rayo de luz SEGÚN el SEGUNdo).

Esta animación reproduce de forma simbólica esa misteriosa relación entre PI y el metro con el que medimos la Tierra.

PI es la relación proporcional entre el diámetro y el perímetro de la forma geométrica primordial y más simple de la Naturaleza: el CÍRCULO plano y la ESFERA tridimensional de los electrones hasta las estrellas pasando por los planetas o las pupilas o el ojo con lo que vemos lo que vemos. La forma circular conforma a todas las demás formas, independientemente de la forma y tamaño de estas.

Así es la longitud del METRO que usándolo para medir el perímetro del Planeta Aire y Agua lleva a darnos esas dos cifras "emparentadas" por PI. Si inventamos ahora una longitud de 99'8998 centímetros (=1'0010 metros) y la llamamos "Pi-Metro" tenemos una unidad con la que estructurar el tamaño de la Tierra justo como:

113 x 113 Pi-Kilómetros de diámetro y 355 x 113 Pi-Kilómetros de perímetro.

1'0010 metros es lo mismo que 10.010 diezmilímetros, o sea 10.000 milímetros más 10 milímetros, lo cual expresado con palabras es:

DIEZ MIL DIEZ diezmil-ímetros

(ver también metro redondeado)


Proximidad del equinoccio

Respuesta  Mensaje 63 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/09/2011 17:47
 Juan 3:14: Y como Moisés levantó la SERPIENTE en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado, (Cristo esta haciendo referencia al HIJO DEL HOMBRE EN TERCERA PERSONA. ¿PORQUE?)
Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
1 Reyes
7:1 Después edificó Salomón su propia casa en trece años, y la terminó toda. (La LETRA M, que es la TRECEAVA LETRA, TIENE LAS DOS COLUMNAS DE JACHIN Y BOAZ CON LA V DE VIRGEN ENTRE AMBAS COLUMNAS)
7:2 Asimismo edificó la casa del bosque del Líbano, la cual tenía cien codos de longitud, cincuenta codos de anchura y treinta codos de altura, sobre cuatro hileras de columnas de cedro, con vigas de cedro sobre las columnas.
7:3 Y estaba cubierta de tablas de cedro arriba sobre las vigas, que se apoyaban en cuarenta y cinco columnas; cada hilera tenía quince columnas.
7:4 Y había tres hileras de ventanas, una ventana contra la otra en tres hileras.
7:5 Todas las puertas y los postes eran cuadrados; y unas ventanas estaban frente a las otras en tres hileras.
7:6 También hizo un pórtico de columnas, que tenía cincuenta codos de largo y treinta codos de ancho; y este pórtico estaba delante de las primeras, con sus columnas y maderos correspondientes.
7:7 Hizo asimismo el pórtico del trono en que había de juzgar, el pórtico del juicio, y lo cubrió de cedro del suelo al techo.
7:8 Y la casa en que él moraba, en otro atrio dentro del pórtico, era de obra semejante a ésta. Edificó también Salomón para la hija de Faraón, que había tomado por mujer, una casa de hechura semejante a la del pórtico.

7:9 Todas aquellas obras fueron de piedras costosas, cortadas y ajustadas con sierras según las medidas, así por dentro como por fuera, desde el cimiento hasta los remates, y asimismo por fuera hasta el gran atrio.
7:10 El cimiento era de piedras costosas, piedras grandes, piedras de diez codos y piedras de ocho codos.
7:11 De allí hacia arriba eran también piedras costosas, labradas conforme a sus medidas, y madera de cedro.
7:12 Y en el gran atrio alrededor había tres hileras de piedras labradas, y una hilera de vigas de cedro; y así también el atrio interior de la casa de Jehová, y el atrio de la casa.
7:13 Y envió el rey Salomón, e hizo venir de Tiro a Hiram, (El rey de TIRO era el rey de los mares-Ezequiel 27)
7:14 hijo de una viuda de la tribu de Neftalí. Su padre, que trabajaba en bronce, era de Tiro; e Hiram era lleno de sabiduría, inteligencia y ciencia en toda obra de bronce. Este, pues, vino al rey Salomón, e hizo toda su obra.
7:15 Y vació dos columnas de bronce; la altura de cada una era de dieciocho codos, y rodeaba a una y otra un hilo de doce codos.
7:16 Hizo también dos capiteles de fundición de bronce, para que fuesen puestos sobre las cabezas de las columnas; la altura de un capitel era de cinco codos, y la del otro capitel también de cinco codos.
7:17 Había trenzas a manera de red, y unos cordones a manera de cadenas, para los capiteles que se habían de poner sobre las cabezas de las columnas; siete para cada capitel.
7:18 Hizo también dos hileras de granadas alrededor de la red, para cubrir los capiteles que estaban en las cabezas de las columnas con las granadas; y de la misma forma hizo en el otro capitel.
7:19 Los capiteles que estaban sobre las columnas en el pórtico, tenían forma de lirios, y eran de cuatro codos.

7:20 Tenían también los capiteles de las dos columnas, doscientas granadas en dos hileras alrededor en cada capitel, encima de su globo, el cual estaba rodeado por la red.
7:21 Estas columnas erigió en el pórtico del templo; y cuando hubo alzado la columna del lado derecho, le puso por nombre Jaquín, y alzando la columna del lado izquierdo, llamó su nombre Boaz.
7:22 Y puso en las cabezas de las columnas tallado en forma de lirios, y así se acabó la obra de las columnas.

7:23 Hizo fundir asimismo un mar de diez codos de un lado al otro, perfectamente redondo; su altura era de cinco codos, y lo ceñía alrededor un cordón de treinta codos.

7:24 Y rodeaban aquel mar por debajo de su borde alrededor unas bolas como calabazas, diez en cada codo, que ceñían el mar alrededor en dos filas, las cuales habían sido fundidas cuando el mar fue fundido.
7:25 Y descansaba sobre doce bueyes; tres miraban al norte, tres miraban al occidente, tres miraban al sur, y tres miraban al oriente; sobre estos se apoyaba el mar, y las ancas de ellos estaban hacia la parte de adentro.
7:26 El grueso del mar era de un palmo menor, y el borde era labrado como el borde de un cáliz o de flor de lis; y cabían en él dos mil batos.

Respuesta  Mensaje 64 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/09/2011 00:32

Music, Stonehenge and The Great Pyramid
by James Furia

 D# = 152.89924 cycles per second, the augmented 4th from its root "A." This interval was outlawed a few hundred years ago. Divide by pi = the radius of the inner circle of Stonehenge. Multiplied by pi = height of the Great Pyramid.          

Also, this note is extremely close to the number 153, an ancient Pythagorean story problem that we of "The Code" have solved. Found in The Bible, John Chap 21, Jesus returns from the dead and mentions this highly significant number to some of the apostles. What we discovered recently is that the entrance to the Great Pyramid is at the 17th course (level)

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153

17 X 9 (total pyramids at the Giza complex) = 153

204 (total courses of stone on the Great Pyramid) / 1.3333333(a 4th in music intervals) = 153

360 feet up the Great Pyramid is the 153rd course

The length of the grand gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 153 feet

153 + 513 = 666           6 x 6 x 6 = 216(new standard)

315 + 351 = 666            2160 miles is the diameter of the moon

135 + 531 = 666            (not the devil but astronomy)

1 and 5 and 3 are the degrees in a scale used to make a chord

Respuesta  Mensaje 65 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/09/2011 00:38

Here we are at PI 3.141592654, tenth decimal place from Barbury Castle Crop Circle. This is a "SIMPLE" equation.

3*1*4*1*5*9*2*6*5*4= 129600.

Thank you so much for this RAJIMMO. This is one of the biggest "coincidences" out of almost 20 years of such "coincidences."

I have been working on a web page for about five days. It includes information about the 2008 "Pi" crop circle formation.

The number 1296 is a major theme, from a visit to Chichen Itza in 1982 to the "Mitochondrial DNA" formation in 2002.

The number of little diamonds in the 2002 mitochondrial DNA formation was 1296.

This will be part of a radio interview on September 10th.

After reading your post about 129600 this morning, I made these notes --


3*1*4* = 12

3*1*4*1*5 = 60 (the ancient "Soss" of the Sumerians)

3*1*4*1*5*9 = 540 (harmonically related to the Code position of the Sphinx)

3*1*4*1*5*9*2 = 1080 (The radius of the Moon, the Mother Goddess number, associated with dowsing energy by mystics (3 x 360)

3*1*4*1*5*9*2*6 = 6480 (One-fourth of the Precession. Length of the 1996 "DNA" formation)

3*1*4*1*5*9*2*6*5 = 32400 (related to the coordinate system 90 x 360, as 90 degrees from the equator to the poles, and 360 degrees around the equator)

3*1*4*1*5*9*2*6*5*4 = 129600 (6 to the fourth power times 100. Ten times half the precession, encoded in the 1991 Barbury Castle pictogram as 120 x 108, the angles to the ratchet spiral).

The number 540 is the first regular (old system) Gematrian number on the list (15 x 36). This means that all the remaining multiplications of the remaining numbers of Pi will also be Gematrian.

The number 54 is the first one with the 666 tangent, but positive rather than negative. The first negative 666 tangent is 126, which is 180 degrees from 306 (2 x 153).

I included this information in my post about the 2008 Barbury Castle formation, which was before the "Pi" encoding was figured out --

Respuesta  Mensaje 66 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/09/2011 16:01
Si añadimos el valor de las letras griegas presentes en el título honorífico «la Magdalena», la suma será igual a 153, el número de los «peces» que se menciona en Juan 21. Este pasaje es una metáfora. Los peces son los iniciados. El número 153 está asociado también a la forma geométrica llamada Vesica piscis, que en la geometría sagrada de los pitagóricos correspondía a las antiguas diosas del amor y de la fertilidad: la matriz, el regazo, la puerta hacia la vida, el Sancta Sanctorum. Jesús era representado como «Pez» por los primeros cristianos y a Magdalena se le había conferido un título que la asociaba con el «Recipiente de los peces». Ambos son el Señor y la Señora de los «Peces» y de la Edad de los peces (la Era de Piscis).

 fishing trip on the sea of Galilee (John 21,11). The number 153, the 17th triangular number, has for hundreds of years been interpreted to signify 'the resurrection to eternal life' (1). The number 17 features here too because it is the gematria value of the central syllable, 'Hah'.

It is also a fact that 153 is the value of Η Μαγδαληνη - The Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is very closely associated with the resurrection of Jesus, as she was the first to discover the empty tomb and encounter his risen form. If the resurrection is viewed in terms of the Greek mysteries, she would have been acting in the role of initiatrix - like Isis raising her dead husband Osiris.


Année non bissextile
Année bissextile
Janvier 31 31               Janvier 31 31              
Février 28 28 28             Février 29 29 29            
Mars 31 31 31 31           Mars 31 31 31 31          
Avril 30 30 30 30 30         Avril 30 30 30 30 30        
Mai 31 31 31 31 31 31       Mai 31 31 31 31 31 31      
Juin 30 151 30 30 30 30 30     Juin 30 152 30 30 30 30 30    
Juillet 31   150 31 31 31 31 31   Juillet 31   151 31 31 31 31 31  
Août 31     153 31 31 31 31 31 Août 31     153 31 31 31 31 31
Septembre 30       153 30 30 30 30 Septembre 30       153 30 30 30 30
Octobre 31         153 31 31 31 Octobre 31         153 31 31 31
Novembre 30           153 30 30 Novembre 30           153 30 30
Décembre 31             153 31 Décembre 31             153 31
                  153                   153
Bien, desde el 13 de octubre hasta el 15 de marzo (15/3=153) tenemos:
Desde el 15 de marzo hasta el 15 de agosto (dia numero 227 gregoriano=coeficiente pi) tenemos:
17+30+31+30+31+15=153 DIAS
Notemos un detalle. El 15/3 o 15 de marzo dijimos que es equivalente al numero 153. Pero previamente al 15 de marzo tenemos el 14 de marzo (3/14=3.14=numero PI). ¿Porque se dan estas impresionantes interrelaciones matematicas? ¿Quien diseño el calendario juliano-gregoriano de origen egipcio en funcion a la estrella Sirio? ¿Porque el 15 de agosto esta ubicado en la posicion DE ORO? 365.242256/227=1.6089 (Numero muy cercano al NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033)

Respuesta  Mensaje 67 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2011 14:56

7:21 Estas columnas erigió en el pórtico del templo; y cuando hubo alzado la columna del lado derecho, le puso por nombre Jaquín, y alzando la columna del lado izquierdo, llamó su nombre Boaz.
7:22 Y puso en las cabezas de las columnas tallado en forma de lirios, y así se acabó la obra de las columnas. (22/7=3.14-NOTEN LA VIRGEN ENTRE LAS DOS COLUMNAS Y SOBRE UN TRIANGULO PIRAMIDAL. ¿Porque la IGLESIA CATOLICA DECLARO EL DIA 22 DE JULIO O 22/7 EL DIA DE MARIA MAGDALENA? ¿CURAS DE ALTO RANGO MANEJAN CODIGOS DEL GRIAL? Noten, incluso que las dos columnas con la piramide en el centro tiene una forma de w. Si ustedes vieron la pelicula STAR GATE alli se ven las dos columnas de JACHIN Y BOAZ EN CONTEXTO A LA PIRAMIDE. Observen tambien la CUPULA EN LA PARTE TRASERA DEL TEMPLO, adonde estaba el LUGAR SANTISIMO DEL TABERNACULO Y DEL TEMPLO DE SALOMON)

7:24 Y rodeaban aquel mar por debajo de su borde alrededor unas bolas como calabazas, diez en cada codo, que ceñían el mar alrededor en dos filas, las cuales habían sido fundidas cuando el mar fue fundido.
7:25 Y descansaba sobre doce bueyes; tres miraban al norte, tres miraban al occidente, tres miraban al sur, y tres miraban al oriente; sobre estos se apoyaba el mar, y las ancas de ellos estaban hacia la parte de adentro.
7:26 El grueso del mar era de un palmo menor, y el borde era labrado como el borde de un cáliz o de flor de lis; y cabían en él dos mil batos.

Respuesta  Mensaje 68 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2011 15:46
Stargate - Puerta a las estrellas Parte 4

Respuesta  Mensaje 69 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2011 17:31

153 top ten

LOS iluminatti fueron fundados el 1 de mayo de 1776.
Si añadimos el valor de las letras griegas presentes en el título honorífico «la Magdalena», la suma será igual a 153, el número de los «peces» que se menciona en Juan 21. Este pasaje es una metáfora. Los peces son los iniciados. El número 153 está asociado también a la forma geométrica llamada Vesica piscis, que en la geometría sagrada de los pitagóricos correspondía a las antiguas diosas del amor y de la fertilidad: la matriz,

 fishing trip on the sea of Galilee (John 21,11). The number 153, the 17th triangular number, has for hundreds of years been interpreted to signify 'the resurrection to eternal life' (1). The number 17 features here too because it is the gematria value of the central syllable, 'Hah'.

It is also a fact that 153 is the value of Η Μαγδαληνη - The Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is very closely associated with the resurrection of Jesus, as she was the first to discover the empty tomb and encounter his risen form. If the resurrection is viewed in terms of the Greek mysteries, she would have been acting in the role of initiatrix - like Isis raising her dead husband Osiris.

Otro concepto es que mayo en ingles es may, anagrama de yam que es MAR EN HEBREO.

Respuesta  Mensaje 70 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/09/2011 20:55
Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la MAÑANA. (22:1+6 O 22/7=3.14=PI/PI-RAMIDE/PYRAMID/MARY)

Plate 13: Artist's impression (courtesy : Ano Cero © )

Had the placing of the capstone ceremony taken place, the whole event would have been a spectacular "reunion" of Sirius and its symbol to mark the new millennium. For as seen from the north face of the Great Pyramid and in alignment with the North-South axis (i.e. along the meridian), the star Sirius would appear to hover on top of the summit of the pyramid at precisely midnight on the 31st December, as if to urge us that its principal symbol, the golden capstone, has been missing for far too long. In many esoteric traditions the capstone of the Great Pyramid, and more especially its return to the summit of the Great Pyramid, will signal the return of the 'great initiate' which, according to some prophecies, such as those of Edgar Cayce, signifies the return of the Christ. Many have argued that the true start of the new millennium is, in fact, 31st December 2000. If so, then the Egyptian authorities still have another opportunity to perform this powerful and evoking ceremony. What better signal than the ancient star of 'divine rebirth' seen hovering over the golden capstone on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza to symbolise the start of a new spiritual age for Humankind.

Plate 13: Sirius A and its "companion" Sirius B (the small spot to the left)

Respuesta  Mensaje 71 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/09/2011 18:31

The vertical line bisects the base 

into 5.5 each side

Information, additional to pi and phi, only manifests when British Imperial Units of linear measure is used.
Implying that Egyptian architects thousands of years ago were familiar with miles, feet ( and cubits ).

The Giza Great pyramid is uncapped; it rises to a flat plateau at about 454 feet.
Its dimensions :
Flinders & Petrie ( 1886 ) base 768 feet, height 481.33 feet
Churchward Ramsey ( 1910 ) 763.81 feet x 486.25 feet
Howard Vyse ( 1830s ) 763.78 feet x 486.22 feet
Prof. Kris Thijs ( 1990 ) 755.55 feet x 481 feet
Michael Joyce ( 1990s ) 760 feet x 484 feet

The cubit is an ancient unit suggested in many encyclopedia to be 17 - 22 inches, the length between elbow and tip of middle finger.


198 has two factors which have a correspondence with time and space:
198 = 8.25 x 24
8.25 feet = half rod ( 99 inches )
24 hours = 1 day


The Great pyramid


Dimensions of the Giza pyramid
The original dimensions of the three major Egyptian pyramids Great, Mycerinus and Chephren at Giza, are difficult to determine exactly.
However they are sufficiently accurate to reveal two important mathematical constants pi and phi, as well as other information.
In this study slight adjustment of dimensions is sometimes inevitable, and incur only negligible errors.


Imperial and Metric Units.
1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 metre
1 yard = 3 feet
1 rod = 5.5 yards
1 inch = 2.54 cm
5 miles = approx. 8 kilometres
1 mile = 5280 feet = 63360 inches

Units of linear measurement.


The MILE was the distance covered in 1000 paces by Roman soldiers.

In medieval times it varied and was approximately 5000 feet.

In 1592 Parliament changed it to 5280 feet.

Stonehenge 2500BC- prof. Alexander Thom in1960s established megalithic yard or 2.72 feet - The ratio Moon/Earth is 27272... - implies that ancient Britons knowledgeable.

Ancient Mayan city of Teotihuacano - pyramid of the Sun & Moon, Avenue of the Dead - 250BC to 500AD - engineer Hugh Marleston found that ancient Maya had used 1.059 metre or 3.47 feet as the basic unit (347, the "Number of Nature").

Evaluation of ancient sites lead me to believe that at least 4000 years ago, the modern day British mile of 5280 feet was known,
because I have found that a UNIT of measurement of 10 RODS seems to have been used, indicated by a factor of THIRTY-TWO.
1 rod = 5.5 yards

32 rods = 176 yards = 1/10 mile = 528 feet

10 rods = one tenth mile ( 176 yards or 528 feet ).

The factor 32 is evident at Saith Maen, Wales, where megalithic builders used 

the 10 rods ( 55 yards ) unit.

click to read
Saith Maen standing stones in Wales belong to a system of standing stones and circles, which convey an ancient knowledge of geometry, metrology and Nature's Numbers.

This significant value 5.5 is incorporated in the Great Pyramid:

The ratio of the Great pyramid's height : base ( 484 : 760 )

 closely approximates to 7 : 11, shown below.


Many are familiar with the fact that each pair of dimensions ( 1886 onwards in any units of linear measurement ) demonstrate two mathematical constants:
1- (2 x base length) divided by height = 3.1415 or pi, symbol p
used in circular & spherical geometry.
2- ( height divided by half base ) = 1.62 ( approximates to 1.618 ), symbol f
measure of growth & derived from the Fibonacci series.
3- The slant angle of the face of the pyramid approximates to 51.85 degrees or 51 degrees 51 minutes.

But there is more:
Consider the complete pyramid:

Numerals of significance manifest when lengths are expressed in British Imperial units, where 5280 feet = 1 mile :

1- base AB = 760 feet divided by 5280 = 0.143939 mile ( adjusted 760.32 feet gives 0.144 mile or ( 12 x 12 ) / 10 x 10 ).

2- AO calculates to 537.4 feet or 0.10178 mile ( 0.1018234 mile = [ (720 x square root 2 )/10 x 10 ].

3- AP calculates to 723.36644 feet ( 723.36 feet = 0.137 mile ).

4- Height OP, 484 feet = 1100/12 mile.

5- Its volume is 1/3 x 0.144 x 0.144 x 1100/12 = 0.6336 ( 63 & its reflection 36 )
Also 63360 inches = 1 mile.

These answers contain the divine numbers 10, 11 & 12 ( Creator, Earth & Sun ) as well as the solar factor 720 and ' light ' number 137.
720 x 11 = 7920 miles, Earth diameter.
720 x 1200 = 864,000, Sun diameter.

The Solar Factor in Imperial & Metric Units
The solar factor 72(0) will convert mile linear measurements in atoms and solar system into simple divine numbers.

72 miles = 115872.768 metres

What a revelation, for the metric value contains the divine numbers of Earth ( 11 ) and Mars ( 58 ) as well as the solar factor 72… and another number 768.

768 = 24 x 32.
24 hours = 1 day.
32 rods = one tenth of a mile.

I have demonstrated how a '10 rod ' unit seems to have been used by stone age architects in the megalithic site involving Saith Maen standing stones in Wales.

click to read.

The number 137, like 037, denotes white ( Sun ) light - '1' white light or '0' apparently nothing comprised of '3' primary in its '7' spectral rays.

'137' also happens to be the fine constant in physics…. ( the constant a = hc/e-2 equals 137, where h= Planck's constant, e = math constant 2.718 and c = speed of light ).

For more on 72 - the solar factor, click

Whilst in feet:
1- 2 x AO, the length of the diagonal of the base = 1074.8 ( 1074 ) feet.
2- the diagonal of the plateau, 46.8 ( actual 47 ) feet of the uncapped pyramid = to 2 x 33.1 feet.

Coincidental or not:
1074 is the atomic diameter ( as a divine number ) of hydrogen.
An atom can be considered as an independent single unit, like the base diagonal is a single 1074 unit.
331 is hydrogen's covalent 'diameter'.

A covalent atom is usually joined to at least another, like the plateau diagonal which consists of 2 'units' of 33.1.

There is a shrinkage of 743 { reflection of 347 ( carbon & Earth to Moon divine distance ) } when two hydrogen atoms combine to become one molecule.
Weirdly Newton discovered light properties in 1704 (' anagram' of 1074 ).

There are indications in the Great Pyramid that ancient Egyptian scholars were familiar with the Divine Numbers of Creation, in addition to the mathematical constants pi and phi.

The ratio of the Great pyramid's height : base ( 484 : 760 ) closely approximates to 7 : 11, shown below.

Thus its base, ELEVEN x 69.0909 ( equals 760 ) obviously situated on the Earth, reveals an 'ELEVEN', the divine number of planet Earth, as well as number 69.1.

What is astounding is that 69.1 miles, a factor incorporated in the pyramid's base of 760 feet ( 11 x 69.0909 ) is the length of 1 degree of longitude ( or Equator ).

Or 360 ( degrees in a circle ) x 69.09009.. will yield 24872.72 miles, the circumference of the Earth.

Here we see THREE facts about the Earth incorporated in the Great pyramid:
1- its divine number 11.
2- The length of 1 degree of longitude, in MILES! ( British Imperial unit of measurement used over 4000 years ago. )
3- The diameter of the Earth can easily be calculated from ( 360 x 69.1 ) divided by pi or 11 x 720 ( Earth divine number x solar factor ).

10 rods is one tenth of a mile
( a unit of measurement I have established in use at least 4000 years ago ).

This tenth factor is noticeable between the 471 feet height of Chephren and 47.1 feet lengths of the sides of the square plateau on the Great pyramid.

Both lengths contain the digits 4 7 1
( a correspondence with light ).

The base of Mycerinus is one half the length of Chephren's.

If we divide 47.1 feet, ( one tenth the height of Chephren or the length of the Great pyramid's plateau ), by pi, the result is 15 ( feet ).

Now 15 x 528 equals 7920 ( feet ).
Or 15 equals ( 7920 divided by 528 ).

Now this beggars investigation because of the numbers 528 and 7920, since
1- 7920 miles is Earth's diameter.
2- 5280 feet equals one mile.

3- What is the significance of 15 ?

The circumference of a circle, diameter 15, calculates to 47.1 (2389 ),
the length of the Plateau or one tenth of Chephren's height.


The factor 10 is obvious here like it is in Chephren & Great pyramids.
Dimensions 226 & 227 and 710 & 711 also demonstrate a 'factor' of 1.

15 x Earth number 11 = 165
165 x 32 = 5280 ( feet = 1 mile ).
( 32 rods = one tenth mile )

Several authors write about a 15 degree rotation at ancient sites.

A similar diagram is shown alongside for planet Mars,
when 87/11 x 528 = 4176 ( miles diameter of Mars ).






There are also implications about the 'DESCENDING of 7 into Earth ( 11 )' and 'ASCENDING of 7 from Earth ( 11 )'.
click hereto read.

The diagram shows a set of other

similar triangles, based on the cross section of pyramids, in accordance with the height & base dimensions of the Great pyramid.

Mars, 58, is associated with 37 ( primary rays of white light & spectral rays ) and 47 ( subsidiary & spectral rays ).

The cap of the Great pyramid depicts 47, 30 and 38.

Earth diameter, 7920 miles, in association with the distance between Earth & Mars, 50.4 million miles.

74 is associated with its reflected number 47 ( the subsidiary rays of white light & spectral rays ).

The Hexagon
The interlocking of two Mars & two 74/47 'pyramids' forms an irregular hexagon as shown below:


(Moon or Sun & Mars) & Mirror Image
Number 358 depicting 'a primary 3', 'human consciousness 5' and 'the Messiah number 8' can be obtained by the combination of the divine numbers of Moon or fadic Sun and Mars.

Below you can see that the meaning of number 358 in Hebrew gematria is in conflict!

However the fadic value of 358 (or 853) is SEVEN. (3 + 5 + 8 = 16; then 1 + 6 = 7).

If we imagine that the Afterlife plane of existence Mars and ours Earth, is separated by an invisible "mirror" or its equivalent, then any message passed into the material world, such as 358 would arrive in our plane in reverse as 853.

When 853 and 358 are expressed as quarters ( involving FOUR ), the results are and 3412/4 and 1432/4 .
The numerators, 1432 and 3412, each contain the first FOUR digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, of our counting system.

What is the significance of the number FOUR?
It is the number of subsidiary rays in white light.
( I believe it is also the ' soul ' number in animal &human. The perfect ' heavenly ' soul is 7 or 1, like white light ).

Coincidental or not, when the sum of the two forms of light, 37 & 47, are multiplied by six ( sides of a hexagon ) the result is 504.
Recall 5040 has special factors ( 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 or 7x8x9x10 = 5040 ).

And when the sum of Mars' 58 and light's 74 are multiplied by 6, the result is 792.
7920 miles is Earth's diameter.

Factor TEN is evident needed to scale 504 & 792.

The Pentagon
When two Mars 58/37 and one light 74/47 are interlocked a pentagon can be constructed as shown.
( I have omitted calculations ).

The number 18 appears in the green triangle as well as 41.

The perimeter of the pentagon is 272 ( 16 x 17 ).
For the isosceles triangle ABC of sides 41, 47, 47, it is 132 ( 12 x 13 ).

The height, perpendicular distance to its 41 base is 22.7.


Now consider the rectangular part of the above diagram :

A 74/47 triangle is drawn within, forming a trapezium which contains Mars & Earth numbers 58 & 11, light 37 and number 60.
Their sum ( 58 + 37 + 11 + 60 ) is 166.

Now the sum of the two light numbers 37 & 47 and planets 58 ( Mars ) & 11 ( Earth ) is 153.

Number 153 is a special one because it is the sum of the first 17 consecutive numbers of our counting system:


The Giza pyramid group/trio
The cross sectional diagrams show dimensions in 'feet'.


Mars/Earth triangles

The 'projection' of '47' from Mars becomes '7' and a 'lost' 4 when it reaches Earth.
Later it returns to Mars as '17' as '37' for permanence or '47' for regeneration.

Numbers 7, 17, 37, 47 and 34 relate to light structure, where here 3 plus 4 indeed makes 7.
And spirit.

Light can also be denoted by 31 and its reflection 13 comprise the number 3113.
3113 = ELEVEN x 283, whilst 1331 = ELEVEN x ELEVEN x ELEVEN ( Earth number ).

click to go to index.

Created August 2006


The fact that these three pyramids are awash with simple mathematical relationships, confirms an intimate alliance.

The dimensions of Mycerinus is based on the mathematical constant pi, like the Great pyramid, because ( 2 x base ) divided by height equals pi.

Pyramids similar to the Great pyramid have a height to base ratio of 7 to 11.

There is a mathematical relationship between Mycerinus and Chephren whereby 710 ( Chephren ) divided by pi equals 226 ( the height of Mycerinus ).

Even 710 is so very closely associated with '711', the combination of height ( 7 ) and base values ( 11 ) for pyramids similar to the Great one.
Both 711 and 227 are indicative of pi ( 22 / 7 ).

The Great pyramid is incomplete or uncapped, since it does not rise fully to a normal pointed apex ( at about 484 feet ).
Instead it stops 30 feet lower at a square plateau, which measures about 47.1 by 47.1 feet.

The cap closely approximates to 47 base x 30 vertical height x 38 feet slant height.
These dimensions convert to 0.0089 ( 0.0089015 ), 0.00568 ( 0.0056818 ) and 0.0072 ( 0.007196 ) mile.

Numbers 89, 72 and 568, ignoring the decimal points.

Notice the solar factor, 72, and its reiteration in 89, for 8 x 9 =72.
The number 568 factorises into 71 x 8 ( LIGHT and MESSIAH ), whilst its reflection, 865 equals 173 x 5 ( LIGHT and '5' )



1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 +13 +14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153.

This is also equal to the number of fish that Jesus caught :
in the Bible, verse 11 of chapter 21 involves the disciples netting 153 fish; "and dragged the net to land, full of big fish, a hundred & fifty-three of them..".
This occurs when Jesus "materialises" himself to his disciples, demonstrating Life-after-death.

153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +........................+ 17
153 = 9 x 17

The number 17 is obviously implicated here.

17 is a special number involving "light", its fadic value 8, the "Jesus number" and "perfection/purification 7".

Number 17 was assigned to the ancient Mayan god C'Haban ( "he who transforms from human to a god when he shakes off the ash clinging to him from the material world" ).

In our diagram, the sum 166 = 153 + 13

13 ( TRINITY ) like 17 relates to light.

We could say that the 74/47 triangle depicts time as well as light because its perimeter 47 + 47 + 74 is 168.
168 = 7 x 24.
7 depicts light and 1 week; 24 hours is 1 day.

Mycerinus, Chephren and Cheops ( Great ) are a most significant trio of pyramids built circa 2500 BC, in the Giza region of Egypt.



Its perimeter is ( 2 x 58 ) + ( 4 x 41 ) = 280 or 2 x 140.
The length of the base of a blue triangle, of which there are four is 41; ( its height is 42 ).
Angles are 76 & 104 degrees.
The number FOUR is prominent.

The number 41 is contained in the hexagon formed by the interlocking of 74/47 and 58/37 triangles.

It relates to the four subsidiary rays in white light.

The following picture using the three major Giza pyramids can be constructed.
Notice that:
1- ' 471 ' is contained in both the vertical and horizontal.
2- There is also a factor of 10, ( 471 = 10 x 47.1 ).
3- it is possible to site exactly FOUR Mycerinus pyramids on the upturned base of the Chephren one.


The hexagon is built using cross sections of pyramids of Mars ( 58 ) and the Great pyramid cap ( 47 )

The ( white ) triangle needed to complete the hexagon has a base length of 18, whilst its height is 37 ( the height of Mars' ).
A prominent number here is EIGHT ( the Messiah number ) whilst 37 depicts LIGHT .

Again FOUR is evident ( four pyramid caps linked to Mars ).

The diameter contains the Earth divine number 11.
87 equals 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 or 3 to power 4 ( 3 & 4 are numbers which relate to spectrum ).

174 is the reflection of number 471, present in Chephren & Great pyramids.

Even 174/7 is a reflection of 471/1, since 1 & 7 have an equivalence in light….

White light is comprised of 7 spectral rays.

4 Mycerinus pyramids would fit exactly on the upturned base of Chephren.
4 x a Mycerinus height 227 feet = 908.
908 divided by pi = 289.

289 = 17 x 17 ( LIGHT ! )

Indications are that Earth & Mars are intimately connected.

The original Knights Templar knew about the relationship….
Click to read

Triangular sections of the pyramids, 484 by 760 and 7 by 11 are said to be

SIMILAR because 484/760 equals 7/11.

Now 7 x 24 x pi = 527.788 ( 528 ! )
7 days = 1 week.
24 hours = 1 day.

Cleverly hidden here is combination of space & time values:

' circular time = linear space '.

15 is the relationship between 7920, the mile-diameter of the Earth, and 528, one tenth of Imperial mile in feet

Earth's diameter is 11 x the solar factor 720 making 7920 miles.
The pentagon also contains the solar factor since its angles are 72 & 108.

We have seen that 11 cubits = 198 inches, and that 720, the solar factor 720 enables us to calculate Earth's diameter.

The result of 198 x 720 is 142,560 or more notably 144,000 minus 1440,
because 1440 minutes equal 24 hours = 1 day.
144,000 minutes = 100 days.

It seems that 198 ( length ) has some correlation with ( time ) 99 days ( 100 minus 1 ), reiterated by the 99 ( inches ) revealed above.

Significant is the fact that the Earth diameter 7920 ( space ) divided by 1440 ( time ) equals 5.5.

In conclusion it seems that 11 and 55 are space and time values for Earth.

198 and 99 will correspond with some other object ( unknown at present ).
Or else the use of these units demonstrates existence as space and time objects.

99 days approximates very closely to 0.271 year or ( 27 x 10.037 ) divided by 10, where 37 depicts light and 10 is Creator number.

27 and 37 have a remarkable relationship: 37 divided by 27 equals 1.37 037 037….
137 037 is similar to 10 037

137 like 10 is the 'basis' of Creation.

For much much more on 137 - the Fundamental number of Nature or Creation.
click here to visit.

Carbon's divine number is 694 or 2 x 347.
347, like 137, is another depiction of light structure.
Not only that, but 347 is also divine distance between Earth and its orbiting Moon.

137 can also be found in the Great pyramid.

The 1953 edition of Pears Encyclopedia gives 1 cubit equals 18 inches.

The Sun and its planets have divine numbers, ( explained shortly ), which relate to their diameters ( in miles ) can be calculated:
Sun = 12, Moon = 3, Earth = 11.

A correlation also exists between these divine values and Imperial linear units:
22 yards ( 4 rods ) = 66 feet = 792 inches.

Conversion: 22 x ( 3 )Moon = 66 x ( 12 ) Sun = 792 inches.
792 ( miles ) x ( 10 ) another divine number = 7920 miles ( diameter of Earth ).
It seems that linear units of measurement, at some time, were based on the Earth diameter and solar divine numbers.

Earth divine 11 ( in cubits ) = 11 x 18 = 198 inches.
198 inches divided by Sun ( 12 ) = 16.5 feet.
16.5 feet divided by Moon ( 3 ) = 5.5 yards ( one rod )….. we arrive at 5.5, which is HALF of 11.

Earth in fact has two divine numbers corresponding to it as an object in space and time: s-11 and t-55 or just 11 & 55.


Respuesta  Mensaje 72 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/09/2011 18:26

The Grail, the Great Pyramid and the Upright Axis

The Great Pyramid acts as a sundial for the Solstices, and is a perfect marker for the two Equinoxes, because at these times of the year it does not cast a shadow . . . as if everything is reduced to zero. After discovering an ancient code that appears to be associated with the obliquity of the earth’s axis, I am ‘inclined’ (pardon the pun) to ask, did the earth tilt from its upright position long ago? (See article 23.5 degrees) It’s a question that we cannot yet answer and a question that many would refrain from asking, but nevertheless there are many that believed this and still believe it today.

If the earth did tilt from an upright position, then it’s easy to see ‘how’ and ‘why’ man conceptualised these ideas, stories, myths and all the symbolism associated with the ‘alpha-omega’ and these two crucial points in the cycle, and why they were deemed important. The alpha-omega, as represented by both these two points in the cycle, also represents the ‘Golden Age’ of the upright axis – an age when everything was aligned with the Creator – the source-center of creation, or so it was believed.

With the tilt it was believed that man fell into these cycles and therefore he tasted “death” – in that death was a necessary part of the cycle – it being the negative half or phase of the cycle. Time began and man then had to toil the earth to sustain himself in a world that periodically died during the winter season. Man then began to note the correspondences this “death phase" made in regard to the opposites that he recognised in all phenomena – which he believed was the result of his own ‘dual perception’ of the world – again, the result of “the fall”. It was believed that this duality in consciousness is the cause of all conflict; that this ‘divide’ limits man’s intelligence whereby, in general he cannot always see beyond and above his present condition. We can also see that this division in consciousness results in an “us” and “them” mentality that can easily be taken advantage of and exploited, and that in general the populace can easily be manipulated by ‘an elite’ that understands these processes and strives to always remain above this duality. Such a group would use Machiavellian techniques based on the same esoteric principles as outlined and would implement them in terms of creating a problem which leads to a ‘thesis’ and ‘antithesis’ situation and then providing a solution that really suits their own agendas – synthesis.
However this knowledge and wisdom, which is symbolised by the Grail, are for everyone to discover for themselves and comprise the teachings attributed to the ‘resurrection god’ who appears at the right time to deliver this knowledge – hence the connection the Grail has with the Passion of Jesus Christ – one of many in the long line of Christed Ones or Anointed Ones - one of these being the ancient Egyptian god Osiris.

We also discover that the spinal column of this “god” actually symbolised the earth’s axis and vice-versa, and that the purpose of his appearance and his teachings was that with his own rebirth and resurrection, the earth too would also be resurrected to its natural upright position. I would emphasise that we are dealing with ancient beliefs here. Here's an apt quote: 

‘When Osiris was enclosed in the trunk of a tamarisk tree, which was later cut down and used as a pillar in the palace of the King of Byblos, he metaphorically became as one with the Tree of Life. Osiris became the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve; he became the World Pillar, the link between the terrestrial and celestial worlds. He held the heavens in his outstretched arms, and he soaked up the word of God from the waters of the Netherworld’. [4]

The tilt of the earth as symbolised by the cross being carried by Jesus, reflects the same imbalance in consciousness and vice-versa. The upright cross of crucifixion by which Jesus ascends to heaven, is itself a metaphor for uprightness, stability and spiritual communion with the Creator and one’s own ascension. It was believed that man cannot heal the duality and division in consciousness as a result of “the fall” and that he cannot escape these cycles
unless he becomes fully conscious OF and AT that crucial point in the cycle (the point in the cycle where he is usually unconscious) by first asking questions about it . . .

We would note that Perceval ("pierce-the-veil" . . . the veil that lies between opposites and also "perceive-all") was supposed to have asked questions about the Grail and in doing so the Fisher King would be healed and the kingdom restored.



The Grail, the Great Pyramid and Orion

Lastly, and in relation with the precessional cycle, the Grail as the cup or chalice, also signifies the star constellation of Orion, which is associated with the archetypal shamanic 'resurrection god' - the ONE who has experienced enlightenment. In ancient Egypt this shaman-adept-god-hero, was Osiris and Horus - whom the life and death of the Christian Jesus was based on.


Figure 7: The constellation of Orion (the torso of the  archetypal resurrection god) superimposed over the famous Tassilo chalice - said by some to be the Holy Grail. As we can see, Orion (Osiris) is missing his head and legs. The head is signified by the 'communion disk' of wafer brought by the dove (phoenix, bennu bird) and the 'communion host' or 'disk' really represents the thalamus at the center of the head/brain, and this is also represented by the benben stone or pyramidion which caps the Great Pyramid - now missing. See the engraved image of the crossed communion disk in figure 9 below which is above the head and also capping the pyramid.

The Grail appearing twice in the story, points to the special times in the year when Orion crosses the Giza Meridian during the two days of the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes (this is one of the meanings of the Crucifixion Cross) and also its position on the Giza Meridian during the Alpha-Omega point and Halfway point in the Precessional Cycle. Giza was planned and built as a precessional clock, to chart the precessional cycle and other cycles, and the constellation of Orion, and especially the star Al-Nitak - in Orion's right side - was used as a marker for precession. The clue to this is given in the Gospel of John, where Jesus (who represents the resurrection god) is pierced in the right side by Longinus as he hangs from the cross. This detail in John's Gospel is also an allusion to the southern shaft that exits the south wall of the King's Chamber within the Great Pyramid and which once aligned with the star Al-Nitak - again in the right side of Orion - and in the year 2368 BC. The significance of the number 2368 is also an encoded clue to this alignment, as the name Jesus Christ (IhsouV CristoV) in Gematria, is 2368. Jesus = 888. Christ = 1480. 888 + 1480 = 2368.


                                                                A                                                                                                                      B

Figure 8: A: The Crucifixion of Jesus – the spear of the Roman soldier, Longinus piercing his right side.
B: Constellation of Orion (Orionis) crossing the south sky. We are shown how the southern shaft of the King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid was once aligned with the Star Al-Nitak, according to Robert Bauval’s theory. As we can see, the spear that pierces Christ’s right side, as described in the Gospel of John, may be an encoded reference to this shaft or alignment – therefore indicating the importance of the Great Pyramid and what it may contain. Robert Bauvals theory is that the layout pattern of all three pyramids mirror the three belt stars of Orion and will only align properly with these three stars as they would have been over 12,500 years ago. (The star Sirius is in front of Orion’s extended right foot.)

See figure 9 below. Note the traditional image of the Grail cup above the head-shaped cut-out in the wall which contains the familiar 'crossed disc'. This disk symbolises the 'bread wafer' or 'communion host' which is dipped in a vessel containing red wine (symbolising Christ's blood) and given to the Catholic congregation in the traditional Mass or Eucharist. In esoteric and religious art, this disk is often depicted being carried by the dove (based on the Phoenix) to the Grail Castle (Great Pyramid) every Easter associated with the Spring Equinox. 


Figure 9: Mysterious carvings around the head and torso-shaped piscina in the Knight's Templar' church at Garway, Herefordshire, England. Note the pyramid inside the vessel or cup above the head and capped by a crossed 'communion wafer' representing the thalamus and also the body/soul of the 'resurrected one's' predecessor now reborn again. It was believed that the thalamus at the center of the brain is the "egg" - or 'divine spark' (soul) that is passed over from one life to the next and contains the memories of one's former lives. Knowledge of this process and the crucial point in the 'cycle of life and death', which one captures via Kundalini enlightenment, also constitute as the Holy Grail. 
The dove is based on the myth of the Phoenix, and in the Phoenix story the Phoenix brings an egg containing the body of its dead predecessor which it places on top of the altar - an obelisk or pillar in the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis - the 'City of the Sun'.  This is interesting because the bread or wafer brought by the Dove every Easter to the Grail Castle, symbolises the body of Christ. This "egg" brought by the Phoenix also doubles as the Benben pyramidion capstone which caps the obelisks and pyramids and is associated with the Bennu bird - the original bird on which the Phoenix is based. We would do well to note that the capstone of the Great Pyramid, which is missing, is believed to be the 'Head Stone of the Corner' mentioned in the Bible, and is believed to represent the body of Jesus Christ. In cross-referencing all these elements we find that everything points to Egypt as being the original source of the Jesus and Grail stories - and rather the location of Giza which is said to be at the centre of the earth's landmasses, between east and west, and represents the alpha-omega as the earth rotates on its axis.

The Bennu itself is based on the 'Ba' bird - being the human soul - a gift of the creator god Atum, and so each of us has this divine spark within us, 'symbolised by the Benben capstone', which reincarnates - hence the 'resurrection' or 'rebirth' aspect presented in these myths and stories of the Bennu, the Phoenix, Osiris, Christ and the Grail.  Again, the "egg", the benben, and the communion host, are brought at the crucial point in the annual cycle, (Dove, communion host) and the precessional cycle (Phoenix, "egg"). All this would mean that the altar, column or obelisk and later the pyramid, has been replaced by the 'Grail Castle' in the stories of the Grail, first written in the 12th century AD.
Again, in the photo above, the cup appears to be resting on a serpent or perhaps an ancient Egyptian Barque or Ark - boat. We also see a fish and a serpent on either side of the head.
But we are also given a clue as to what the Grail is really associated with in the image of the pyramid inside the Grail-cup - the crossed-disk positioned at the apex or capstone. Furthermore these are above the head and in the same position as the bindu point in Hindu and Tantric illustrations of the chakra system.

This is further evidence that the Grail is originally associated with the pyramid of Giza - the archetype for the 'Grail Castle' - and that the pyramids themselves are associated with the 'Kundalini enlightenment experience' - being the real Grail - as experienced by the 'resurrection god' who exemplifies this experience and is represented by the constellation of Orion - the marker for precession, with the cycle of precession itself being a consequence of the earth's tilted axis.




Respuesta  Mensaje 73 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/09/2011 01:40

pi (p)


Another odd thing about 153 is this:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153

and related to that:

Prime numbers through number 17 would be: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13,17. (a prime is a number what you only can divide to itself and 1). 17 is the SEVENTH prime number.

      The vesica piscis as a function of 153.



The number 432 is also an important one. There are people who like to see that the A tone on a musical keyboard is re-defined as 432 instead of 440 Hz. (Hz is the number of cycles per second). See

By the way, there are 43,200 seconds in our time measurement of 12 hours.
Als, 60 x 432 is 25.920, the presumed periods of years for 1 < target="_blank" href="moveEarth.htm">precession cycle of the earth.


Topherethis page you will find another odd calculation: if you take numbers dividable by 3, like 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27...etcetera, you will find when you cube (n * n * n) each digit and add the results, and if nessecary repeat that, you finally gain 153 in all cases. Lets take for example the number 27:"the friends of pi"

Respuesta  Mensaje 74 de 254 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/09/2011 04:19


This research reviews the application of mathematics by the ancient Egyptians in the construction of pyramids. This research focuses on two issues. The first issue involves the mathematical principles that, of necessity, were applied in the construction of the pyramids. The second issue concerns the contention by some people that alien civilizations from outer space were the source of mathematical knowledge required for the construction of the pyramids in Egypt, as the Egyptians of that era had not developed the knowledge of mathematics required for such an undertaking.

A pyramid is a polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose sides are triangles having a common vertex. The pyramids at Giza outside of Cairo are illustrated below in Exhibit 1.

The base of Great Pyramid at Giza is approximately 227 meters square, accurate to within 20 centimeters on each side. The original height of the pyramid, 150 meters, approximates 140 meters today because of the disintegration or removal of part of the top. The four sides of the pyramid are aligned to the four cardinal points, with its least accurate side, the east, diverging by only 5'30" from true north-south.

The base of the Great Pyramid covers an area of 13.1 acres. The sides of the pyramid slope at an average angle of 51'55".

The accuracy in the construction of the pyramids in ancient Eg

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