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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 07/07/2011 14:39
Entre la gran cantidad e cúmulos estelares que posee nuestra Galaxia, sean visibles a simple vista o no, merecen destacarse las Pléyades o las Siete Cabras. Este último nombre proviene de que el cúmulo presente ante la visión a ojo libre, a los siete componentes, los más luminosos, aunque en total sobrepasan los 150, que alcanzan los más débiles a un brillo equivalente a la magnitud 10ª.

El Hombre ya conoce a este agrupamiento desde la más remota Antigüedad y se lo nombra en algunos pasajes de la Biblia, siendo el único caso de mención dentro de las Sagradas Escrituras, en lo que agrupaciones estelares se refiere.

Visibles a simple vista en el Hemisferio Sur, en plena época de verano, las Pléyades se ubican dentro de la constelación zodiacal de Tauro o Toro, no lejos de la posición que ocupa su estrella principal, la rojiza Aldebaran, que significa “la que precede a las Pléyades”.

Las Pléyades ante la ciencia moderna

Este grupo estelar, formado por más de 150 componentes, como se dijo, se encuentra a unos 400 años-luz de la Tierra, enclavado en uno de los brazos espirales de la Vía Láctea, uno de los más exteriores.

El estudio visual, espectroscópico y fotográfico, coinciden en señalar que están integradas por estrellas de gran luminosidad y elevada temperatura, clasificadas como estrellas jóvenes.

En efecto, de acuerdo con la evolución estelar y la mecánica celeste, se estima que el grupo se formó en el núcleo de una gran masa de gas de hidrógeno mezclado con polvo cósmico, en épocas relativamente recientes, dado que parecen ser mucho más jóvenes que nuestro propio Sol.

La fotografía astronómica nos muestra aún la presencia del gas hidrógeno original pues las siete estrellas se hallan sumergidas en nebulosidades que se manifiestan ostensiblemente en las placas fotográficas.

La estrella principal conocida como Alcione, merece llevar una de las letras griegas que corresponde a la Constelación, Theta Tauro, siendo éste el único caso en el cual una estrella de cúmulo posee una denominación de este tipo.

La espectroscopia nos señala que las siete estrellas más importantes y visibles a ojo libre, son de la clase espectral A y B, que tienen como cualidad principal la coloración blanco-azulada, alta temperatura, y sobre todo, enorme velocidad de rotación sobre su eje. Esta particularidad hace que la enorme fuerza centrífuga generada, provoque la expulsión de materia de la estrella en su zona ecuatorial, dispersándose luego la misma en el espacio.

Los astrónomos denominan a estas estrellas como “variables eruptivas” y dentro del Grupo de las Pléyades, la conocida como Pleione, es un caso típico de ellos


Esta estrella, en períodos no regulares, arroja parte de su atmósfera al espacio, y como consecuencia de ello, eleva bruscamente su luminosidad. Luego de un tiempo, su luminosidad baja nuevamente a sus niveles originales.

Los científicos creen que la estrella, luego de un tiempo, vuelve a reponer la materia eyectada, manteniéndose así constante el ciclo de erupciones. Hasta el presente no son muchas las estrellas eruptivas que el hombre conoce. Entre ellas podemos citar a Próxima de Centauro, la estrella más cerca de la Tierra y que no es visible a simple vista por su baja luminosidad.

La gran juventud del Cúmulo, como también las características notables de sus integrantes, hace que la Astronomía moderna lo utilice como patrón para el estudio no sólo de los cúmulos estelares de su tipo, sino también para conocer mejor las diversas situaciones que reinan en las estrellas que lleva al final a dilucidar el inquietante y someter latente problema de la evolución estelar.

La Biblia y las Pléyades

“¿Eres tú quien mantiene juntas las Pléyades y separadas las estrellas del Orión? ¿Eres tú quien saca a su hora al Lucero de la mañana? ¿Eres tú quién guía a las estrellas de la Osa Mayor y de la Osa Menor? ¿Conoces tú las leyes que gobiernan al Cielo? ¿Eres tú quien aplica esas Leyes a la Tierra?"

JOB 38:31-33

Los hombres del Antiguo Pueblo de Dios eran sabios observadores del cielo, su conocimiento es superior al hombre medio de hoy. Ellos conocían el cielo, palmo a palmo, porque cobraron conciencia de que era un cielo que el Creador les había dado para que disfrutar de su belleza.

El escritor del libro de Job, que citamos, pone en boca de Dios este reproche a nuestro querido y suficiente amigo Job. Nuestros viejos amigos bíblicos conocían a las estrellas nombre por nombre. El profeta Amós incitando a su pueblo a que busque al Señor que hizo a las Pléyades y a Orión, que convierte la noche en día y el día en noche oscura. Quien hace que Tauro brille tras Capricornio y que se meta después con Arturo. (AMOS 5: 8-9).

Un astronauta que estuvo en la Luna pensó ¿Qué hombre pudo viajar más alto? Sin embargo, a su regreso a la Tierra siendo él un hombre que buscaba en toda circunstancia importante de su vida tratar de comunicarse con el Creador, recibió este mensaje: TU VUELA AUN MÁS ALTO. ¿Volar más alto? Acaso no podía él estar orgulloso de ser uno de los pocos mortales que tuviera el privilegio de realizar5 el vuelo más alto que aún haya podido realizar la raza humana.

Sin embargo, la orden de parte de Dios para él era TU, VUELA AUN MÁS ALTO; y este astronauta ha fundado un movimiento espiritual que va por todo el mundo predicando USTEDES VUELEN MAS ALTO.

Tú, amigo navegante, ¿No será que Tu Creador también a ti te ha estado diciendo en este tiempo que MIRES MAS ALTO?. ¿No será que Dios te tiene reservado revelaciones de las cosas QUE ESTÁN ARRIBA? ¿No será que estás privando al pueblo de Dios te tiene reservado revelaciones de las cosas QUE ESTÁN ARRIBA? ¿No será que estás privando al pueblo de Dios de esas revelaciones que SOLAMENTE A TI, Él te dará porque hace tiempo Él te esta diciendo TU TAMBIÉN MIRA MAS ARRIBA?.

No será, amigo, que es también para ti este casi tres veces milenario mensaje de aquel humilde vocero y mensajero de Dios, profeta Amós: BUSCA AL QUE HACE LAS PLÉYADES. Buscad no al que hace cualquier cosa, sino que buscar al que creó a Las Pléyades.

Estará en tus manos el desentrañarlo si tú también en este tiempo te dispones de tiempo y TU TAMBIÉN MIRAS MAS ARRIBA.

Ezequiel fue otro que miró hacia arriba y entonces dijo

“Yo, el sacerdote Ezequiel, hijo de Buzi, estaba a orillas del río Quebar, en Babilonia, entre los que habían sido llevados al destierro. En esto se abrió el cielo y vi a Dios en Visión. El Señor puso su mano sobre mí. Entonces vi que del Norte venía un viento huracanado y de una gran nube salía un fuego como de relámpagos, en su derredor había un fuerte resplandor. En medio del fuego brillaba algo semejante a metal bruñido y en el centro mismo, había algo parecido a CUATRO SERES CON ASPECTO HUMANO... Los seres iban y venían rápidamente como si fueran relámpagos. Miré aquellos seres y vi que en el suelo, al lado de cada uno de ellos, había una rueda. Las cuatro ruedas eran iguales, y por la manera en que estaban hechas brillaban como topacio. Parecía como si dentro de cada rueda hubiera otra rueda. Podía avanzar en cualquiera de las cuatro direcciones sin tener que volverse. Vi que las cuatro ruedas estaban llenas de aros y que en su alrededor, había como muchos ojos.”

EZEQUIEL l : l-18.

Increíble, pero el profeta Ezequiel parece un moderno ovnílogo narrando un caso actual de contacto, con su lenguaje poético de aquella época. El ingeniero Blumritt de la NASA hizo un dibujo, basado en las expresiones del Profeta y parece un OVNI FOTOGRAFIADO DE LA ACTUALIDAD.

Y en la Biblia también se habla que sobre los ejércitos de la Tierra hay ejércitos de los Cielos, y por sobre todo, carros de fuego, celestiales. Y los ángeles, son seres celestiales que han traspasado la atmósfera, han viajado a través de los planetas y han venido desde donde Dios mismo está. Mensajeros Celestiales es la auténtica traducción de la palabra Ángel y la pregunta que nos hacemos surge sola ¿De donde provienen tales seres y hacia donde se dirigían luego de cumplida su misión?

Los pastores judíos MIRARON HACIA EL CIELO y vieron una multitud de seres celestiales que anunciaban HA NACIDO UN SALVADOR. A TODOS LOS HOMBRES DE BUENA VOLUNTAD: PAZ.

También Jesús enfrentando a los ejércitos romanos les dijo:


Para pensar, para reflexionar para MIRAR HACIA ARRIBA. Y Arriba están LAS PLÉYADES, como la gran incógnita de todos los tiempos.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 70 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/07/2012 06:12

Respuesta  Mensaje 71 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/07/2012 20:46
This home health administrator also described herself as the "mother" of a race of good aliens (the Pleiadians) and hybrids here on Earth who are here to defend humans from lizard people (Reptiles). According to alien root race theory, the lizard people are members of a reptilian race that originated in the circumpolar constellation of Draco, latin for Dragon. Ancient artifacts like the reptoid like figure below, dated 5,000 - 4,000 BC from Iraq (yep) may be evidence of their appearance on the earth. Modern conspiracy proponents like David Icke describe these beings as existing in the 4th dimension and being able to inhabit human bodies that have a special DNA or bloodline. Through this possession they keep the human race enslaved through political, economic, and religious manipulation.

On the day of the missile incident the Scorpio Moon was in the nakshatra of Jyeshtha whose associated deity is Indra, the "dragon slayer." I was amused at the symbolic coincidence. But could this cosmic synchronicity be revealing a deeper meaning to this incident? Did the Pleiadians really disarm a missile in their attempt to stop a reptilian agenda?

Perhaps we will find out this weekend as the Full Moon occurs 180 degrees from its position on November 8, 2010 fully illuminated in Krittika, the nakshatra associated with the group of stars called the Pleiades.

The Pleiades is a small cluster of seven visible stars in the constellation of Taurus 400-500 light years from Earth. There are 250-500 stars within the cluster, although only nine have been named.

Most ancient cultures and cosmology describe seven stars. The main star of the cluster is Alcyone, along with Maia, Electra, Merope, Taygete, Celaeno, and Sterope -- daughters of Aphrodite. In Greek the word pleiades means "dove." The leader of these doves, Alcyone, was said to bring good weather for the planting season alluding to the rising of the Pleiades in the spring.

More than any other star system, the Pleiades has captured the attention of both ancient and modern civilizations. For example Suburu is the Japanese name for the Pleiades and the Japanese automaker Subaru even depicts the stars in its logo. From 1985-91 it sold models to Asian markets called Alcyone, Vortex, and more recently Stella.

To ancient the Egyptians the seven stars were seven goddesses whom the dead had to encounter and by whom they had to be judged. Circa 2100 BC the Pleiades were visible through the south passageway of The Great pyramid Cheops on the first day of spring, at precisely midnight. In the ancient city of Dendera,the Temple of Hathor which was build during the Age of Taurus (the 1st century BC) was dedicated to the goddess of love and the stars of Hathor: the Pleiades. A zodiac in the Temple places the Pleiades as the center from which it was believed that our solar system revolved over 25,000 years.

Across the Atlantic, the Mesoamericans also created calendars that show a Great Year cycle in which our solar system rotates around Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades. The Maya used three calendars, and the Tzolk'in, is based on this 26,000 year cycle of the Pleiades constellation.

A more unexpected connection to the Pleiades may be found in the megalithic structures of Neolithic Ireland. Ancient Celts used the acronychal rising of the Pleiades around the first of November to mark their month of mourning for dead friends. The Pleiades cluster not only marks the fall cross quarter on November 1st, Samhain on the Celtic calendar, but also the spring cross quarter on May 1st, called Beltane. Thus the stars rose on May Day, the Feast of Life and set on November Eve, the Feast of Death. Moreover the legendary Tuatha de Danaan, the matriarchal society that brought the megalithic culture to Ireland are described as arriving on May Day, May 1st, in "cloud ships" or from the "sky." Could these legendary faeries be early Pleiadian visitors?

[It is an intriguing coincidence that Colleen Thomas, whose name indicates she may be of Irish descent, is a matriarchal spokesperson for the Pleidians. My dear friend Wizard Azanon also channels information from the Pleidians. He too is of Irish descent with his natal Ketu, the South Node, indicator of past life and spiritual influences in Krittika! I will ask him to contact his inter-dimensional sources on Alcyone to see if the Pleiadians are indeed related to the Tuatha de Danaan and post the results at a later time.]

According to the Book of Invasions of the Mythological Cycle the Tuatha de Danaan are beings with supernatural powers and wits. The Tuatha de Danaan could go back and forth in time and between worlds. They could manipulate the weather and changing their appearance at will. Eventually the Tuatha de Danaan decided to live in an other dimension of space and time called Tir na nOg, Land of Eternal Youth. Tir na nOg was connected with our mortal world by the famous Irish portal and passage tombs like those at Newgrange which are astronomically aligned with the solstices.

Another Neolithic carving in Ireland that date circa 3,000 BC may be a depiction of the Pleiades. Kerbstone 51 is located on the eastern side of the great kerb around the cairn of Dowth. It portrays what appear to be stylized suns with rays shooting out from the center, and with the whole surrounded by a circle. There are seven of these 'suns' in total, six of which are contained within circles. Irish mythology about Dowth speaks of a bull and seven cows, and scholars believe the site has some connection with the constellation of Taurus, the Bull, and thus with the Pleiades.

Ancient practices of aligning or marking structures with Pleiadian references has made its way to the modern world through groups like the Freemasons. Although the precise origins of Freemasonry may be lost in history, its members are joined together by shared ideals of both a moral and metaphysical nature. Freemasonry is an esoteric art, in that certain aspects of its internal work are not overtly revealed to the public, but rather expressed through allegory and symbols in both art and architecture. Some people something think that almost all the Founding Fathers were Freemasons. Certainly George Washington was, and as his famous Masonic apron reveals, he and his fellow Masons understood the ancient power and astronomical marker of the Pleiades and Sirius. Notice the illustration of the seven stars associated with the Pleiades in the image below (and the symbol that resembles a UFO).

Masonic Tracing boards are painted or printed illustrations depicting the various emblems and symbols of Freemasonry. They were used as teaching aids during the lectures that follow each of the three Masonic Degrees, when an experienced member explains the various concepts of Freemasonry to new members. Here the seven stars of the Pleiades are illustrated on the right next to a stairway emanating from a bright Star believed to be Sirius. Notice the Angels, or extraterrestrial beings, descending the ladder to the Masonic Lodge ready to reveal the secrets of the universe to the initiates. Many traditions suggest that Sirius is the home of a portal or wormhole through which these enlightened beings travel to Earth from other star systems.

This esoteric belief finds expression in modern architecture designed by the Freemasons. Wayne Herschel has brilliantly exposed the Masonic symbolism in the design of Washington, DC and its monuments. Most significant is the Washington Monument designed after an ancient Egyptian obelisk. In his research on the Key of Solomon, only partially reveal to the public by Dan Brown in The Lost Symbol, Herschel goes further and systematically reveals the profound stellar alignment, which includes Sirius and the Pleiades, with the Washington National Monuments. This energetic punctuation mark points to an esoteric energy source that is timed with the birth date of the United States, July 4th. How does the astronomical alignment of these stars with a national obelisk acting as a tuning fork effect our nation? Does it draw energy or create some sort of portal through which beings from other dimensions may descend?

Respuesta  Mensaje 72 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2012 15:05

A Heavenly Annuniciation?


I recently received an email asking if I thought the recent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, together with the crescent Moon and the Pleiades (perhaps better known as the "seven sisters") on the feast of the Annunciation on 25th March held any significance. I remember reading an interesting blog article on this subject which Spirit Daily linked to around the time of this event, but hadn't really given it much thought until I was asked about it (hence the lateness of this post in relation to event in question). The full article can be found on Daniel O'Connor's blog here, and I'll quote some of the relevant content below:

On March 25, 2012, millions of Christians (Catholic and Orthodox) will celebrate the “Annunciation” – which commemorates the conception of Jesus. This March 25, there will be a neat astronomical arrangement in the sky, that seems to mesh nicely. See the description below:
The sky will be spectacular in the west after sunset on March 25, 2012, with the waxing crescent moon and the planet Jupiter very close to each other in the evening twilight sky. Plus Venus is nearby – the sky’s brightest planet. You’ll see Jupiter and the moon below Venus in the west after sunset. The famous Pleiades star cluster is above Venus.
For centuries Mary has been referred to as the “Morning Star”, the popular name of the Planet Venus. In this configuration, the Morning Star appears with the moon at her feet. The Pleiades (from “peleiades” the Greek word for doves) overshadows the Morning Star. Jupiter, the “King Planet” approaches the configuration. The symbolism is striking. This is a interesting arrangement for the mystery of the Annunciation which heralds Christ’s coming through Mary.

We should first note that while the practise of astrology (attempting to discern future events through an elaborate system of occult interpretation) is condemned by the Church, the Bible clearly teaches that important events are often heralded by symbolic astronomical and geophysical phenomena. For example the birth of Christ was accompanied by the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. And during his eschatological discourse on Mount Olivet, Jesus explicitly states that great signs would appear in the heavens before His Second Coming:

There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.(Luke 21:11)

 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”(Luke 21:25-28)

This is followed by Peter's eschatological sermon during the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost:

And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.(Acts 2:19-20)

The Book of Revelation also foretold that the unbinding of Satan's chains "for a little while" (which I argue corresponds to the "100" years given to Satan in the Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII) would be signified by a star fallen to earth:

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.
(Rev 20:1-3)

And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth...
(Rev 9:1-3)

(See the earlier post Tunguska, Pope Leo XIII, and the Opening of the Abyss, where I equate this "fallen star" to the Tunguska event of 1908)

And the sounding of the third trumpet in Rev 8 was predicted to be accompanied by the sign of a great star falling from heaven "blazing like a torch" (which I equate with the last appearance of Halley's Comet and its timing in relation to the Chernobyl disaster in the post Chernobyl, Wormwood, and the Hrushiv Apparitions).

Perhaps most importantly, the opening of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation was foretold to be accompanied by a combination of an earthquake, a total solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a major meteor shower (which in the post Signs in the Sky, I point out all occurred at the turn of the millennium centred on modern Turkey - the location of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which the Apocalypse identifies as "the throne of Satan" in Rev 2:13).
As I argue in Unveiling the Apocalypse, the eschatological astronomical phenomena described at the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6, is once again recapitulated in Rev 12. The Woman Adorned with the Sun with the Moon at her feet represents a total solar eclipse - which corresponds to the Sun turning "black as sackcloth" in Rev 6:12. The Moon at the Woman's feet represents the Dragon intent on devouring her Child, and the red colour of the Dragon represents the reddish hue typical of a total lunar eclipse, which in turn corresponds to the Moon becoming blood-red at the opening of the sixth seal. And the Dragon sweeping a third of the stars from the sky in Rev 12:4, directly refers to the stars falling from the sky in Rev 6:13 (which is also recapitulated again at the sounding of the fourth trumpet in Rev 8:12, when a third of the Sun, Moon and stars are struck).
The twelve stars around the Woman's head are traditionally associated with the Twelve Apostles; but they also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, as is shown by the allusion of this verse to Joseph's dream in Gen 37:

Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”(Gen 37:9)

The eleven stars symbolise the sons of Jacob who make up the tribes of Israel, with the tribe of Joseph being divided between his two sons - Mannaseh and Ephraim, bringing the number up to twelve.
So the twelve stars around the Woman's head in Rev 12 is a further allusion to the opening of the sixth seal, which includes the sealing of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7.

The manifold similarities between the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6 and the sealing of the saints in Rev 7, held in juxtaposition with the unfolding of the Divine Drama of Rev 12 and marking of the inhabitants of the earth with the mark of the Beast in Rev 13, further confirms that the bestowing of the saints with the Seal of God is an antithetical parallelism to those who are marked with the number of the Beast. Chapters 6 and 7 of the Apocalypse are therefore directly connected with chapters 12-13, and forms a theological diptych which deliberately contrasts these portions of the Book of Revelation.

Since they both describe the same events, the astronomical signs at the opening of the sixth seal thus herald the eschatological casting of Satan to earth described in Rev 12 (which must be distinguished from his primordial fall from grace), and the subsequent rise of the Beast from the sea to mark the inhabitants of the earth in Rev 13 should be considered to be a direct inversion of the sealing of the saints in Rev 7 - events which logically would coincide at the same moment in real-time.

Now that we have determined that astrology should be clearly distinguished from the Bible's admonition to regard certain astronomical signs as portentous of contemporary and future world events, we can safely discuss whether the particular planetary conjunction on the 25th March may be imbued with any religious significance.
Since it took place on the feast of the Annunciation, it would follow that any particular event this may signify would only be revealed nine months later - the gestation period of an unborn child. So we could safely assert that we would know exactly if it does indeed herald any future event during the Christmas period - close to the rather ominous date of 21st December 2012. We will only know that it was truly a sign if anything of historical or religious importance occurs around this time period.
As exactly to what event it could herald can only be guessed at. We can be almost certain that it is not the Second Coming of Christ, since the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this pivotal moment in salvation history is delayed until the future conversion of the Jews - an event which is synonymous with the Second Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth:

"The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel", for "a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old." St. Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of "the full number of the Gentiles", will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ", in which "God may be all in all".
(CCC 674 See full text here)

We have clearly not reached the stage of the conversion of the Jews at the Second Pentecost just yet, but there are other prophesied events that it may concern. The promised religious revival to take place at the Second Pentecost is almost certainly the next major prophesied event that is to take place - at least according to any provisional schedule which may be determined from analysing the eschatological events foretold in Scripture.
So could it herald the coming of the Second Pentecost itself? This event seems to be intimately related to the prophecies of the ministry of the Two Witnesses and the martyrdom of a future pontiff. And in turn these events also appear to be connected to the "great sign" promised in various prophecies, including those of St. Fautina and Our Lady of Akita. Therefore any of these events are the most likely prophetic occurrences yet to unfold at the highly significant schedule relating to the date of 21st December 2012.
Yet foremostly it has to be admitted that the most likely explanation is that this particular date bears no significance at all to the date of the end-time (especially not to Christianity), and that like every other prophesied date purporting to pinpoint the end of the world, it will come to nought. We can only be left guessing until nearer the time. Either way, it is extremely unwise to tie ourselves to an exact date - especially when we know that the coming of the Lord will be as a "thief in the night" (Rev 16:15), and that we should always be prepared for the arrival of the Groom. Attempting to to preempt this crescendo of salvation history through the process of logic is all but impossible.
We can only conclude with the same prayer as the apostle himself and subject ourselves to the immanent glory of Christ  - Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20).

Respuesta  Mensaje 73 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/08/2012 19:13

Sidereal Astrology & Earth's Precessional Cross

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This ring shows where the boundaries of the actual constellations cross the ecliptic. The constellation Virgo encompasses the largest length of the ecliptic ( about ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 74 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/08/2012 03:05

So that's Atlantis (shuttle/ISS/Dawn) and the Sun (Ikaros) together whispering 'Solar Atlantis' again on May 20.

Why May 20? Because that's precisely when the Sun glides past the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus every year. And Pleiades is widely thought to derive its name from a word meaning 'to sail', making the stars 'sailing ones'. Juxtaposed with the Sun on May 20... 'solar sail'!

This was also a 'Solar Atlantis' ritual. How? Simple. The Pleiades in Greek mythology were the seven daughters of Atlas ('Atlantides') or the first king of Atlantis! (The name 'Atlantis' can mean 'daughter of Atlas'.)

What? Want more? No problem...

Ikaros fully deployed its solar sail on June 11 coinciding with the start of the World Cup in South Africa. The World Cup, as discussed before, is 'Atlas Cup'. Definitely an Atlantean sporting event, underscored by Spain ultimately winning the trophy a month later during a total solar eclipse, geographically alluding to the 'Pillars of Hercules' inseparable from the legend of Atlantis per Plato.

[World Cup trophy (left) & Atlas statue (right)]

Spain (winner) = 'Pillar of Hercules' = Strait of Gibraltar
(Plato: Atlantis situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules)

It was also right around June 11 that there were big headlines about a young sailor Abby Sunderland getting lost at sea while sailing around the world! Atlantis, Atlantis, Atlantis...

Jun 10 Teenage girl sailor 'in trouble' in Indian Ocean
Jun 11 Abby Sunderland, Teen Sailor, Found Safe at Sea
Jun 12 US teenage sailor Abby Sunderland rescued


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/08/2012 23:22
9 - 11

9 clockwise 11 the Sun transit on Venus 6-6 -2012 middle of the Arch-i-medes

1 Kings 11 >>

Solomon’s Wives

1King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molecha the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done.

7On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8 He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.


Image of the bronze Sea holded by twelve Bulls , according to the Biblical account were created by Hiram Abiff, the Alchemy master.

Bronze - tin alloy - Zinc alchemical key
The sea inside the Gaussian Bell/Bull of Chaos
Sea contains salt which is an electrolite and also Magnesium - Magnum Opus

Respuesta  Mensaje 76 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/08/2012 04:13
Amos 5:8 ("He who made the Pleiades and Orion")

the line goes through Orions Belt to the Pleiades


So Sauniere was a star gazer...

roscoe wrote:
Sauniere's Greenhouse/chapel in the Presbytery?
Check out the roof panels. Not merely randomly placed stars but an actual respresentation of the night sky.

The stars over head in the glass house
the castle in chess is above a Bishop and Knight in Value

Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 77 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 14:53


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




In order to deal satisfactory with this very important Constellation and its relationship to the "Jesus Story" it will require more than one article.

Our study of the Constellation of Taurus and its relationship to the "Jesus Story" will be more involved than prior studies and it will necessitate two articles in order to adequately deal with the "Jesus Story" and its relationship to the Constellation of Taurus and the Precession of the Equinoxes.

Let me begin by saying that the language of the Bible and the New Testament has a way "at times" of leading unsuspecting readers into thinking it was recording human "historical events" when, in reality, it was referring originally to the "patterns of the stars and the path of the Sun in the Sky" which was to be understood and interpreted by the readers of antiquity in the form of an "allegory" which contained at its very core the very essence of God's "Divine Truths". Often the same or similar "stories" that we read in our Bibles today and which we interpret often as "historical-literal" today can be shown to not be understood in antiquity as "historical-literal" but rather as "allegories" that expressed God's metaphysical truths. The readers of today by being separated from the time of the origin of many stories in the Bible and their "original meanings" and being separated by a minimum of of 2,000 years or more from the "ancient" understanding of the stories that today make up our "Jesus Story" today find themselves, upon serious study of the the Bible, having lived most of their lives unequipped and lacking the necessary knowledge and "gnosis" to read these Ancient documents and interpret them correctly. Thus we find in our studies that for years when reading the Bible and the "Jesus Story" we didn't have a clue as to what we are reading and assumed incorrectly that these religious documents of yesterday were to be interpreted "historically" and "literally"; never for one second ever thinking that what we are reading are Ancient concepts of the Divine told through the medium of personification and anthropomorphism through the various lives of the personages on the pages of our Bibles. Reading the "Jesus Story" as if "literal-historical" could not be further from the real truth that lies behind the "Jesus Story" as these studies from Bet Emet Ministries are showing the reader.

If you have read the first 5 articles in this series then this "Allegorical Understanding" of the "Jesus Story" should be becoming very clear to you now as the evidence for an "Allegorical Interpretation" of the "Jesus Story" keeps mounting and in so doing proves at the same time to you that "Astrotheology" is at the very heart and core of the entire "Jesus Story". Surely as each piece of information and fact is accumulated, sifted, and properly analyzed it become very hard if not impossible to say that this mass of evidence being presented to you, that shows the very core of the "Jesus Story" has an "Astrotheological" basis, is a random "coincidence". At the bottom of all of these puzzle pieces contained in the "Jesus Story" is a "Divine allegory" as shown in these articles and this knowledge has been hidden and kept from the vast majority of Christians down through history as well as today due to Rome and the writing of their "Second New Testament".

If you have studied our other sites, for example the Egypt-Christian website, then you have seen for yourself that the Bible’s allegorical language reflects man's superstitious fear of darkness and the struggle between darkness and light and it is this constant tension between "light" and "darkness" which makes for this dualism which is symbolized in various ways throughout the Bible and in the lives of many of its characters including Jesus. This website and this article as well as the prior ones on this website and this series serves as a further introduction to our study of the Bible and the Astrotheology which lines it pages.

In prior articles up to now we have connected the Sun and its path through the Heavens and Sky with the progression of the "Jesus Story" from Jesus' birth to the early years of his supposed life and ministry as seen in his immersion and early ministry where we observed various miracles. We now pick up the "Jesus Story" as the Sun moves from the Constellation of Pisces into the House of Taurus.

We need to understand some things about the Constellation of Taurus before we start.

In the face of Taurus, there is a V-shaped group of stars called the Hyades. The ancients knew this cluster as the "rainy stars," because their rising heralded the beginning of autumn and the onset of the rainy season. In Taurus the better-known group of "maidens" is the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, a small but very {short description of image}noticeable cluster of stars on the bull’s shoulder. They were called the "sailing stars," for early Greek seamen would set sail only when they were visible. On a clear night a person can resolve six individual stars, and thousands of years ago it was likely that seven were visible. The constellation of Taurus, The bull, has the same meaning in every language which is a great beast, a bull or ox, with his head lowered and his horns pointed forward. He is untameable and irresistible, charging forth--rampaging, raging, head down and so to bring destruction to all who are in his way. Thus Taurus is seen as a symbol of the coming destruction of the wicked and likened to "the Christ/Karst" in his judgment.

Taurus is one of the elder signs in the Zodiac and is chocked full of "Theological Nuggets" as we shall see and in so doing we will get a much clearer and better understanding of the Old and New Testaments and the "religious dogmas and rituals" that fill is pages because the Constellation of Taurus ruled the Vernal Equinox in Egypt's great Pyramid Age and its effects were felt well into the Age of Aries. The transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries was very difficult and we need look nowhere else to see this except the Exodus which was precipitated by this "war of the Ages". We will see as we study that many, if not most, of our cherished "religious dogmas" and "religious beliefs" found in Egypt, Israel and Biblical Judaism in the Old Testament and which will be later absorbed into Christianity and the "Jesus Story" come originally from the Ancient's observations of the Sun passing through the Zodiac and in particular the Constellations of Taurus and Aries. Our focus in this article is the Constellation of Taurus as well as its unique relationship to the Constellation of Aries which follows Taurus according to the Precession of the Equinoxes. It is paramount to our studies that the reader understand thoroughly the Astrotheological concept of the Precession of the Equinoxes before continuing to study this article so click the link right now before you continue your study.

Behind these religious "rituals" that accompany the "religious dogmas and doctrines" of which we read in the Bible like the "new birth", being born again, repentance, immersion, good works, the immortality of the Soul, the resurrection of the dead, etc., are the observation of the Sun as it passes through the 12 Houses of the Zodiac and it is from this intense scrutiny of the Sun in is path through the Zodiac that Ancient mankind came to understand that God was speaking to all mankind from His throne in Heaven through the repeated "Cycles" and "Patterns" of the movements of orbs in His Heaven (Sky). They understood that God was speaking to mankind and they "heard" God through their observations of the "ordered patterns" and "ordered cycles" in the Sky and Heaven. When studied out we find that behind these "religious beliefs" and "dogmas" we hold today are a host of "eternal truths" regarding mankind and his Soul that originated by the Ancients and their observations of the movements of the orbs of Heaven. This means that the Bible or the "Word of God" was first written on the blackboard of the Sky before man rewrote in on paper.

Let me give you a great example. For example we can begin with the Hebrew Scriptures and move toward the New Testament and in so doing follow the "religious concepts" behind the stories we read. In The Book of Exodus (and in the film "The Ten Commandments") there is an account of Moses coming down from the mountain with the tablets containing the Ten Commandments and discovering that his people had made a "golden calf" and were worshipping "falsely" as the text infers. The texts reveals that Moses becomes very mad almost instantly at what he sees concerning this "calf". The text does not tell us why but mentions something very important that goes often overlooked. Let us see if you the reader catches it in the following verse.

Exod 32:4 4 And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 32:5 5 And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the LORD. (KJV)

Even as a youngster when reading this passage I always had a problem because regardless of what "symbol" they used for God in their own understanding of the Creator ("neteru", bulls, rams, etc.) the object of their "worship" was not the bull in the text but "the LORD". But Moses was irate and Aaron it appears was not. Obviously something is missing in our understanding of these verses. I was missing something that would remain hidden for years until long after Seminary when my studies advanced to Egypt and Astronomy. And then it came together for me in my studies when I began to study Egypt for hidden in this verse is the astronomical phenomena of the Precession of the Equinox. The study of Astronomy will do more for your Biblical interpretation than can ever be imagined and until you do it for yourself you will never see what I mean. When you do however the "puzzle pieces" in the "Jesus Story" quickly come together.

Now a very important question Aries that must be answered.

Answer for yourself: Had using the motif of a "calf" or "bull" always been understood as a "false worship" and "idolatry" by mankind down through history or had something changed that the text appears silent concerning when reading that Moses is irate at the "golden calf" and Aaron seems not?

Answer for yourself: Could it be that the writers of the Old Testament, the custodians of Judaism, make it{short description of image} appear that "bull symbolism" is now a "false worship" when it had not been in the past? Did the writers of the Old Testament in preparing a place for the new emerging nation of Israel from Egypt with its "religious" emphasis upon "lambs/rams" and not "bulls" be hiding something in not explaining why such symbolism which was once accepted in the proper worship of God was NOW not "acceptable"? Why had the "lamb/ram" replaced the bull?

We know for certain that Moses grew up in Pharaoh's house and was familiar with Taurus symbolism that had been in vogue for over 2,160 years; ever since the beginning of the Age of Taurus. But now such "bull" symbolism was considered idolatrous and sinful. Let us never forget that Aaron made a golden image of a male calf in order that the people might worship the "Lord" (not the calf) under this form and under this symbolism. Take note again that the people did not worship a "bull" or a "calf" but God, the LORD (YHVH), Whom was represented by such a symbol as the "bull" of Taurus.

Answer for yourself: Why did Ancient nations like Egypt and Canaan use a "bull" for the symbol of God? Why not use a "cricket" or "a parrot" or another animal or creature? Why select a "bull" and was there any connection with the time frame in Bible that this "sign" was used and then later not used? Now we really down to the "nitty gritty" of this issue and it implications for the later "Jesus Story" when we get to the study of the Constellation of Taurus and the Constellation of Aries which follows it according to the Precession of the Equinox.

The Age or time in which these events in Egypt concerning the Exodus transpired was in the time period called the Age of Taurus where the Constellation of Taurus ruled the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years. In fact it was the time of the "changing of the Age" from Taurus to Aries when these historical events concerning the Exodus actually happened. The feast held in connection with this worship mentioned in the text was a "festival to the LORD" (32:5).

Exod 32:5 5 And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the LORD. (KJV)

Strong's Concordance tells us:

3068 Yehovah (yeh-ho-vaw'); from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: KJV-- Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.

Amazing what the writers of the Old Testament fail to tell the readers is that the concept of God as "YHVH" finds its origin in Egypt and not Israel so what we have here is a "festival" to the same God of Israel but only the name is "changed" for this same God. You see God reveals Himself to mankind continually and with each new Age and with each new revelation of God to man God was believed to have a "new name" that expressed this new understanding of God among men.

What you just read is terribly important. Hidden in the same Old Testament Scriptures is the fact that this "Appointed Time" connected to the "festival to the Lord" was referring to the Vernal Equinox and the "Passover" season in which we find that Moses led the "mixed-multitude" into the desert to worship God (called the festival to the LORD) and this event is just before the Exodus in the Biblical text. So we see that the Exodus is connected to the Vernal Equinox and according to what we have already learned according to the symbolism of the Vernal Equinox then the reader should understand and recognize that this is truly is a "new beginning" for not only mankind in general but for these followers of Moses and "the Aten". In this instance we see such a "new beginning" and a "new life" typified in the creation of a "new people"; the people of Israel who were followers of "the Aten" and who later "reinterpret" God with the more familiar name of YHVH. Just following this Exodus at the Vernal Equinox we find the following verse:

Exod 12:1-3 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: (KJV)

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 14:56
Exod 32:4 4 And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 32:5 5 And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow is a feast to the LORD. (KJV)

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 14:58

It is the time for "new beginnings" which again we see stressed at the Spring/Vernal Equinox. Astronomically speaking we are speaking of a "celestial pass-over" where the Sun rises or moves into the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere in relationship to the Earth's equator. Thus is was called the "pass-over" (the movement of the Sun from the southern hemisphere [Winter Solstice] into the northern hemisphere [Spring/Vernal Equinox] at which time man received the "salvation of the Lord".

Answer for yourself: What was this "salvation of the Lord" to which I refer?

It was the fulfillment of God's promise witnessed at the Winter Solstice that Gods' Sun, the catalyst of Spring which renewed life upon the Earth, would be realized "literally" at the Vernal Equinox with the re-awakening of Mother Earth in the Spring. We are speaking about not only the "rebirth" of the Sun and its beneficent effects upon the Earth but the consequences of such a Celestial event as seen in the re-awakening of Mother Earth in the Spring at the "pass-over". Remember with me if you will that this same Sun had died "symbolically" previously at the Winter Solstice as it fell prey to the pangs of Winter.

But there is even more to this story and event than meets the eyes in the texts.

These events in Exodus occurred not only at the "pass--over" of the Sun at the Vernal Equinox but at the end of the Age of Taurus and the beginning of the Age of Aries. As you study Astronomy you see that there is always an "overlap" of Ages as one Age makes way for the other. We are in the period of transition of the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries in these Biblical texts we read surrounding the Exodus and the establishment of Israel as a sovereign nation. Historically speaking it is important to understand that there was at this time tension between supporters of Amun in the Age of Taurus and the supporters of Aten in the Age of Aries and this tension would later manifest itself in the Exodus led by Akhenaten/Moses where the followers of Aten left Egypt to establish their one nation "under Aten" ("under God" who was later called YHVH) by these same people.

Answer for yourself: Have you ever read in your studies that at the time Moses led the children of Israel from Egypt, that the zodiac constellation Taurus the bull was leaving the Vernal Equinox in the Heavens and the constellation Aries the ram was in ascension? Well this is the hidden truth behind what we read and explains all the "bull" and "ram" symbolism we find in the Bible from cover to cover.

Answer for yourself: God, in the understanding of Akhenaten/Moses and Israel following the Exodus had instituted a new covenant at Mount Sinai where the sacrifice of rams and lambs substituted for sins as had the sacrifice of bulls previously. This again is very, very important because of its connection with the Precession of the Equinox and the replacement of the Constellation of Taurus (bull symbolism) with the Constellation of Aries (lamb/ram symbolism) as seen in religious observances with Moses and Israel.

Yet, when Moses was on Mount Sinai getting the 10 commandments, the people, the "mixed multitude" of Hebrews and Egyptians, having been previously conditioned to focus upon "bull symbolism" due to the ascendancy of Taurus at the Vernal Equinox for over 2000 years in Egypt reverted back to their prior worship of God and created a golden calf in their worship of "the LORD". The golden calf was nothing more than a symbol which recognized the zodiacal sign of Taurus which had ascendancy at the Vernal Equinox for the last 2000 or so years. Moses, in step with the changing of the Age, was irate that his people, who had come out of Egypt under the sign of the "New Age", the sign of the "lamb/ram" of Aries had so quickly reverted to the old worship of God.

Isa 43:18-19 18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?...(KJV)

It appeared to Moses that his "new people of God" preferred the old ways and the old message of God and not the "new message of God" given to them in their "new birth" as a nation.

The symbolism of Taurus ran deep in Egypt for over 2000 years and we must realize that this "bull symbolism" was a marker of sorts for Egypt's worship of God during the magnificent time of their greatest Pyramid building (4700 B.C.E. - 2500 B.C.E.). Included in this Age of Aries in Egypt was its Pyramid Age in the Old Kingdom. You could easily say it is hard to teach an "old dog new tricks" especially when these "tricks" were so glorious in Egypt's worship of God for thousands of years. We still see in the Old Testament, long after the time of the Exodus, the residual effect of the Precession of the Equinox in regard to Taurus and Aries with the offspring of Egypt, Israel itself, when examining the division of the kingdom of Northern and Southern Israel where Jeroboam set up two golden calves in his kingdom, one at Bethel and one at Dan (1 Kings 12:28-29). This is why many "bulls" are seen in the Old Testament. The bulls of Baal and others are consistently seen in the Old Testament following the Exodus due to this strong "Taurus symbolism". It all has to do with the transition of the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries (with bull symbolism in worship of God being replaced with lamb/ram symbolism in the worship of God). As we might expect many "bull" figurines have been found in the Early Israelite (Iron) period (c. 1200-1000 B.C.) and this is because of the influence of the Age of Taurus and its symbolic understanding of God for some 2000 or so years. I devote a more comprehensive understanding of the civil and religious war in Egypt over this split between Taurus and Aries and their important influences in Egyptian and later Judaism and even Christianity in our "Egyptian-Christian" website for those interested. It is a must study when you get the time if you want the "truth" behind the "Jesus Story" we have today.

I don't want to chase a rabbit now but I will make leave you with one short question which we will address in later articles in this series for it is of major importance for our "Jesus Story".

Answer for yourself: How much do you know of Mithraism? Well it again is all about the "killing of a bull" and making room for the "lamb in the Heavens", or should I say "the Lamb of God" in the Heavens. This "Lamb of God" comes from the symbolism of the Constellation of Aries which takes the place of Taurus at the Vernal Equinox for the next 2,160 years or so. It does not take a rocket scientist to make the connection to the New Testament Jesus as "the Lamb of god" but we will get to that later. Let me say in putting this "rabbit" to bed for now that Mithraism was the greatest challenge and competitor to Christianity during the beginning of the Age of Pisces (think fish and the beginning of Christianity and its reinterpretation of "the Christ/Karast). This again shows the very important symbolism of the Constellation of Taurus and its residual influences on mankind for thousands of years long after the Age of Taurus had ended and the Age of Aries had began and even later the Age of Pisces.

So let us not forget that a calf is a young "bull", and the bull as we now know was the symbolic figure for the Constellation of Taurus that ruled the Vernal Equinox for some 2000 years. But even more it is the symbol for the later religion of Mithraism which flourished in "The Age of Taurus" as well as later. The bull is the astrological symbol for Taurus, and the Age of Taurus and its "bull symbolism" was followed by the Age of Aries and its "lamb/ram symbolism" but for that to happen the Constellation of Taurus had to "move" from the Vernal Equinox. Allegorically speaking Mithra was the "bull slayer"; thus making room for the ascendancy of the Constellation of Aries (lamb/ram) at the Vernal Equinox. But as well we see Mithraism (bull symbolism) followed Judaism because of the overlap of symbolisms of the Ages.

This is not a coincidence but rather an evolution of man's understanding of God and His message to mankind. Thus history and archeology will teach us that the bull, a symbol of strength and fertility, figures prominently in the mythology of nearly all early civilizations, from Sumer to India to northern Europe in a particular time period with mankind and that time period again was the Age of Taurus.

Now interestingly Taurus is only the forepart of the bull; it appears to grow right out of Aries, the lamb.

Answer for yourself: What should this mean to us? This means that the bull is changing into the ram/lamb. Of course we should expect this since these Constellations are adjacent in the Sky along the ecliptic (the path of the movement of the Zodiac and the planets as they appear to move through the Sky). I call this "path" the "highway in the Sky". In Capricorn, where we began the study of the "Jesus Story" we saw the half goat or "sea goat" which is a half fish, moving through the "water of Aquarius" only to give birth to Fish symbolism (the Sun moving through Capricorn into Aquarius into Pisces) and corresponding in the "Jesus Story" the character of personified Sun in the form of "Jesus" moving from the manger of Capricorn (sea-goat) to John the Baptist (water) and immediately following we see the "fisherman" symbolism in the early ministry of Jesus. We picked up next with the "Lamb of God" symbolism in the New Testament only to move into the "sacrificial symbolism of Taurus" and this again follows exactly in chronological sequence in following the "Jesus Story" through the New Testament. Behind all of this I hope you see is the "personification of the Sun" told in anthropomorphic language (in the form of a man) as he, symbolized by the Sun, moves through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus. The "Jesus Story" so far follows in the New Testament with the proper symbolisms as applied to "Jesus" exactly along and parallel to the stories and symbolisms of each House of the Zodiac as the Sun passes through them. This again is not a coincidence but a parallel to the allegories of the Sun passing through the Zodiac having begun in the House of Capricorn at the Winter Solstice.

From an ordinary point of view, the affairs and issues of these opposing signs are diametrically opposite to each other—they are in conflict with each other. They each represent the antithesis of the other—two sides of the coin, each valid in its own right, but incomplete without the other side. The nature of these opposites of the zodiac reflects the very nature of reality itself—we only need to look out into the world for a moment to see opposing views, conflict and seeming contradictions in the world. Every viewpoint has its advocates and antagonists. The opposite constellation from Taurus is Scorpius (6 months later) which is called "the Scorpion", a symbol and picture of "Satan". This "Scorpion" engages in striking the left foot of Ophiuchus (The Serpent Holder) and being crushed with his right foot.

Answer for yourself: Does this sound familiar?

Gen 3:15 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (KJV)

This symbolism from the Constellations is told as a "Messianic Prophecy" in Genesis and applied to Jesus by New Testament Christians and amazingly it all came from the Stars and the Constellation; in particular the relationship of Scorpio to Taurus. Behind this all is the "sacrificial motif" connected to Taurus that we will see very dramatically when we get to Mithraism but understand right now in the displacing of the "bull of Taurus" in the Sky with the "lamb of Aries" the bull has to die to make way for "the lamb". Thus the "sacrifice" of the "bull of Taurus" and the "overlapping" sacrificial motif of the lamb which we see in the transition from Egyptian religion to Judaism and the beginning of Christianity (remember the Age of Pisces only began some 200 or so years before the time allotted for the "Jesus Story" is not an accident. Again this "sacrificial symbolism" is applied to God and His Christ/Karast down through history finally culminating with the "Jesus Story". The Ancients believed that when Christ (as Taurus) rises in His judgment, then Satan (Scorpius) that old serpent, the dragon, the devil -- will disappear into the bottomless pit. This reads like the New Testament to me.

Answer for yourself: Since our "Jesus Story" moves from Capricorn to Aquarius to Pisces to Aries and to Taurus then what is meant by my saying that Taurus yields to Aries? It appear backwards. It appears to be the reverse of the familiar order of the astrological Signs of the Zodiac. Why is this? Do I have it wrong? No.

This is because the{short description of image} Earth happens to "wobble" or precess in a way which moves its axis of rotation in a very, very slow circle that makes the constellations appear to drift in the opposite direction relative to the Earth.

This is why the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament move opposite to the movement of the Constellation in the Sky but yet when reading the "Jesus Story" and making the necessary correlations to the path of the Sun through the Zodiac we yet follow the Sun through these Constellations "in order" although they seem backwards. This why understanding Astronomy and the Precession of the Equinox and how the Heavens move is so important if we are ever to understand the "Jesus Story" for what it really is.

In determining the astronomical Ages, we again see the "wandering stars" being used, as the Bible says in Genesis 1:14, "for seasons". In this case, the "season" is a lot longer than the four climate-changing seasons caused by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. This time for each Constellation to rule the Vernal Equinox is also a "season" of sorts but a time of 2,160 years which is caused by the much slower precession of the Earth about its axis. If you study ancient history, you will in time come to notice that there arechanges in the "world view" of mankind when an Age begins, such as the growth of Christianity when the Age of Pisces began, and the growth of Judaism when the Age of Aries began and the Age of Taurus in which Egyptian religion and Mithraism flourished. Each Age has a different understanding of God and His Christ/Karast and His unique message to mankind.

An astronomical Age of about 2,100 years (2,160) is the time it takes for the Earth's axis to move one-twelfth of the way around in this circular motion (30 degrees), and the effect of this motion is called "the Precession of the Equinoxes". It can be marked by the Sign the Sun appears in at the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring. In our century, it is the constellation of Pisces which rises with the Sun at the Vernal Equinox, which means we are still in the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is still a century or so in the future for us.

Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 14:59

An astronomical Age of about 2,100 years (2,160) is the time it takes for the Earth's axis to move one-twelfth of the way around in this circular motion (30 degrees), and the effect of this motion is called "the Precession of the Equinoxes". It can be marked by the Sign the Sun appears in at the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring. In our century, it is the constellation of Pisces which rises with the Sun at the Vernal Equinox, which means we are still in the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is still a century or so in the future for us.

{short description of image}In earlier ages the Vernal Equinox was located within the realm of the bull (the Sun in Taurus at the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years), roughly during 4,000 B.C.E. and this explains all the Egyptian "bull symbolism" as seen on the left. But after 2,160 years the bull, symbol for the Constellation of Taurus was replaced by the lamb, symbol for the Constellation of Aries, due to the Precession of the Equinox{short description of image} and this explains all the "bull symbolism" connected with the Age of Taurus and all the "lamb symbolism" connected with the Age of Aries. This explains the Exodus and the struggle within Egypt over God and the symbolisms used for Him in His worship and the division among the Egyptians themselves as to how to worship God and all of this "tension" comes to a head with Akhenaten/Moses in the 18th Dynasty and is the very cause of the Exodus. It is amazing when you discover who Moses really is and why he led a "religious" war in Egypt that culminated in the Exodus and was responsible for the creation of a "new Egypt", called Israel which was founded upon a new understanding of God which was connected to the Constellation of Aries and no longer "Taurus" centered.

Next as we have already seen the Constellation of Pisces took supremacy of the Vernal Equinox following Aries and because of this we find all the "Fish symbolism" in the New Testament as discussed in a prior article.  

Answer for yourself: What should we learn from this?

That our religious symbolism and typology as well as our religious rituals and religious dogmas and doctrines and many religious beliefs are highly influenced by the Cosmos, the Sky, and the Heavens and what we believe and often do and how we worship God today comes from primarily from the observations of the Ancients of the Heavens. Behind our religious symbols lie the Constellations of the Cosmos and their interrelationships with the Sun and its path through them (the Zodiac)!

Answer for yourself: But there is a major problem? And what is that?

Rome came along in the first 5 centuries C.E. and forcibly "reinterpreted" these Ancient understandings of God and persecuted not only the Jews but Gnostic Christians/Chrestians as well and in so doing Rome changed and "reinterpreted" many of the intended meanings of these original religious ideas and understandings of God that had existed almost unchanged since the beginning of recorded time. So as you are seeing the Constellation that ruled the Vernal Equinox was not only important but for 2,160 years but highly influenced man's thinking about God and the worship of God and the rituals associated with such worship of the Creator.

We just finished the "pass-over" in Aries and we now have move to Taurus. So we have also moved beyond the Spring of the year (the Passover) if you are keeping up. As the commencement of harvest was integral to ancient cultures, the year began with Taurus for many nations. The widely asked question about why Astrology begins with Aries, and not with the first month of the year, finds its answer in this tradition of the year's first harvest being connected with Aries. Remember that darkness was the greatest threat to mankind and with renewed light since the Winter Solstice the earth was both re-awakened and warmed and this was the catalyst for the harvests to come for both mankind and animals. The food chain so necessary for all life and man understood this and celebrated the Sun being "born again" whereby it also awakened Mother Earth and the Earth was again renewed. Man understood this as being "saved" by God and His Sun!

Answer for yourself: What will happen with this idea when it also later is "personified" and submitted to anthropomorphism? Well man is now saved not only by God and His Sun but by God's "Son". Read that closely.

But again what was once understood as but an allegory will later be "literalized" by Rome and these prior metaphysical concepts of God and His Cosmos and His salvation given to mankind will become obscured almost beyond recognition by the pens of Roman scribes and monks as they "literalize" the whole thing in the New Testament.

But this understanding of Taurus was not limited to Egypt or Israel. To the Greeks, Taurus is associated with Zeus and his transformation into a snowy "white bull". This he did as a means to abduct Europa, whom he lusted for. Thus, the Minotaur of Crete, result of this union of God and mortal, is also recognized as being associated with the second sign of the zodiac. By these few examples we learn that many cultures across the world observed the constellation of Taurus at the Vernal Equinox and perceived it as a bull or similar animal. The Egyptians gave great significance to the Sky cluster in both religion and astrology; the great starry bull of the Nile. Halfway around the globe, small tribes living along the Amazon river in South America, called this section of the night sky: Tapüra Rayoaba, the Jaw of the Ox. It is certainly a hard constellation to miss! As one of the densest groupings, there are, by varying accounts, between 120 and 190 stars within it, visible to the naked eye.

In the Mediterranean region, the Sun's entry into Taurus was celebrated as the Feast of Maya. We know it as "May Day", the first of the month. The Sun was often represented by a white bull with a golden disc{short description of image} between his horns. This image was followed by a procession of virgins, exemplifying the fruitfulness of nature which goes hand in hand with the idea of the awakening of Mother Nature following the Winter Solstice. This association of Taurus with the beginning of Spring, can be traced as far back as ancient Babylon. The Babylonians looked on the bull as the symbol of their greatest gods. The bull was a sacred animal in Phoenicia and Syria. Among the Semitic Canaanites the bull was the symbol of Baal. It appears that the bull was in some way connected with the reproductive processes of plants and animals and with the Sun. It symbolized strength, vigor and endurance which was in keeping with the Earth's new birth following the Winter Solstice. In Egypt, Taurus held an even greater importance, as it was believed that humanity was created while the Sun was passing through its borders.

Through Rome and their efforts, like centuries of Christian book burning like the destruction of the famous library in Alexandria, Egypt, mankind lost much of its accumulated knowledge of the Ancient truths and understandings of God handed down since the beginning of time. In trying to defend itself against attacks of its opponents who blamed Christianity for reinventing the mystery religions, Christianity of that time decided to remove all evidence of its plagiarism and burned the Alexandrian Library to the ground. If not burned then it would be easy to just go to the library and see these original "celestial concepts" allegorized down through time as told through the "sungods" which again was never to be understood as if "literal". But more than that there existed a "metaphysical deeper understanding" of these Celestial events where mankind understood that God was speaking to them from Heaven and that these movements of these orbs or Heaven was also teaching them about the "maturation of the Divine Soul within matter or the flesh of all mankind. Again this understanding of God and His message to mankind about these Divine realities was almost destroyed out of existence and only in our century has archeology and historian been able to reconstruct this Ancient Wisdom which challenges the Roman understanding of history and religion to its very core.

The final destruction of the library was carried out circa 390 C.E. by the early Christians. The Christian theology of the time disapproved of inquiry into worldly matters, and so such "pagan learning' like astronomy and astrology was prohibited. Yet astronomical and astrological knowledge had been preserved by the Ancients who valued its message and saw in it the true voice of God. Theophilos, Bishop of Alexandria, reputedly fanatically anti-pagan, ordered the Serapeum's (library) destruction. We are blessed today not only for the finds of archeology (the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Library, etc.) that is piecing this knowledge back together for us but we are blessed that centuries of Christian book burning cannot erase the stars and their message above our heads. No man can forge God's blackboard in the Sky and in the Heavens. When we study to recover these "keys of interpretation" then we can restore the true message of the Creator to us once again. Luckily for mankind Rome could not burn the Heavens to hide their plagiarism.

By looking at the Gospels through the eyes of an astronomer and astrologer, we can understand why the "Jesus Story" and the Gospels follow the same story outline of prior "sungods" since all of these stories came originally from the observations of the Sky and Heavens. As we are seeing and will continue to see as our studies progress the tale of Jesus takes place in the Heavens and Sky above within one Zodiac year. Amazingly breaking down the Gospels according to each of the twelve Zodiac constellations we can track Jesus as the "personified Sun" through references to each motif that the constellations correspond to as understood down through recorded history. As we study this "Jesus Story" we will see that astrological timetables are enumerated into twelve ages based on a great cycle spanning almost 25,920 years where each Age lasts 2,160 years (each House of the Zodiac that ruled the Vernal Equinox). Also we have seen and are learning that during each of these ages of 2,160 years a particular Constellation rose on the Vernal/Spring Equinox each year and as it slowly moved into the Vernal Equinox it would also slowly move out of this same celestial position of this Equinox over the next 2,160 years when it would be replaced by the next constellation that followed it in the circle of the Zodiac.

Until recently, the Greek Hipparchus, was given the credit for discovering the Precession of the Equinoxes. This 25,920 cycle is the foundation for the 12 Ages of the Zodiac which by modern measurement puts each age as 2,160 years long. The precession causes the fixed stars to rise and set against the earth’s solar years so that at the first day of spring, which is the Spring Equinox, will one time be centered in the Constellation of Aries but some 2,160 years later be centered at the Spring Equinox in the Constellation of Pisces as it does now. In contrast, the Egyptians started their year at the Summer Solstice when the constellation Orion rose with the Sun to mark the beginning of the flooding of the Nile but this was because of Egypt's unique seasons since they experience no winter or fall to speak of being a desert climate. But no longer does Hipparchus get such credit due to the archeological discoveries made in Egypt. With more insightful study of ancient myths and Egyptian temples, texts and myths, it now appears that the Egyptians priests knew and measured the precession back to the old kingdom and there are hints that this knowledge went back to the Age of Gemini which ended somewhere near 6,140 BC. Schwaller de Lubicz showed that the Zodiac of Dendera in the Temple of Hathor (around 100 BC) was actually a time clock measurement{short description of image} that marked the Precession of the Equinoxes from the Age of Pisces back to the Age of Taurus which started in 4380 B.C.E. by his calculations. Schwaller estimated the Age of Pisces to begin near 60 B.C.E. which is just prior to depiction of the birth of Jesus in the New Testament and the Age of Aquarius to begin at or around 2100 AD. Dr. Giorgio de Santillana, historian and author of Hamlet’s Mill, traced all the ancient myths and legends around the world to show they had a foundation in the description of the Precession. Jane B. Sellers then extended Santillana’s concept in The Death of the Gods in Ancient Egypt by analyzing Egyptian myth to show the consistent reference to the precession of the stars in their religious beliefs in the Osiris- Horus myths.

Answer for yourself: And why is this important for a "thinking believer" today? These observations of the natural and physical Sky and Heavens along with the path of the Sun in relationship to the Constellations and Zodiac were interpreted "Spiritually" by the Ancient Priests of Egypt and later and it is these "truths" seen in the Heavens that were understood as God "speaking to mankind" of "Spiritual Realities". "These Divine Truths" were captured for all Eternity in the mode of myths and legends and it these same religious myths that were at the very center of their theology and ours as well today. Sadly Rome has done a to blur or destroy the original meanings but with the aid of archeology today and good scholarly books that are not found in your corner Christian book store you can learn the truth that Rome almost obliterated almost 1,700 years ago. It is these "Spiritual Truths" seen on God's blackboard of the Sky that empowered the pharaohs, and determined their death beliefs and practices and which yet shape ours today. From such observations we get the understanding of "Spiritual Concepts" like Eternal Life, the "new birth", the battle of light and darkness in man's Soul, immersion, spiritual growth, repentance, living lives in obedience and in harmony unto God's Laws of the Cosmos and His Commandments, fruitfulness, good works, etc. And to think all this did not come from a book but from the Spiritual Gnostic Masters of antiquity and their observations of the Sky and God's Heaven and the movement of the orbs within it.

Christians have been waiting for Jesus immediate return for 2,000 years little knowing that God's Christ makes an appearance in one form or another to introduce each Age and has done so for thousands of years. Thus this explains the variety of symbolisms associated with the symbolic representations of God and His "Karast/Christ" down through the Ages.

Answer for yourself: Do you sense the importance of what you are studying? Is it just possible that the return of the Sun to the Vernal Equinox at the beginning of this new Age of Aquarius will be what has been misunderstood for so long spanning almost 2000 years; namely, the "Second Coming of the Sun/Son" or the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" (personified as the Sun) as counted from the Age of Pisces?

Answer for yourself: Do you understand? The "Christian Christ" began with the introduction of the Age of Pisces and will return in another form or manifestation with the next Age according to the Precession of the Equinoxes. This "Jesus Christ" will be manifested anew at the Age of Aquarius with God's new message for mankind at this important time in mankind's evolution.

As Horus was the "Karast" of Egyptian Religion so Jesus was the "Christ" of Christianity.

Luke gives hope that God's Christ will return in the Age of Aquarius and now I hope this is beginning to add up to the perceptive reader. But our focus is in Taurus for this study so we much regress before going on.

We saw in the prior articles some pretty amazing things regarding Pisces and Aries that we never dreamed could be true. We saw that unknown to us that Christianity is full of astrological and astronomical concepts which has slipped our attention or recognition. It only makes you wonder how much more astronomical and astrological concepts lay hidden in our Christian dogmas and doctrines concerning "the Christ". This knowledge should make any "thinking believer" intent on studying at least Biblical Judaism to see how far Roman Gentile Christianity has deviated from the religious dogmas and doctrines held by its mother's faith concerning the Jewish Messiah and atonement. We have these articles and other such information available on our websites for those wishing to have the answers to those and similar questions that need to be sought out in order that they no longer be led astray by the antisemitism and errors of Roman Christianity as it developed over the early centuries of the emerging Christian Gentile Church.

So now we move on as does the Sun in its path through the Heavens and if our premise is correct and the pattern holds true then should fully expect that we should be able to follow the "Jesus Story" as we have before as we move through the other Houses of the Zodiac. For the next "Sign" or "House" of the Zodiac, Taurus, it would benefit us greatly to understand a little astronomy to see the picture clearly as it unfolds before us. We need to understand thoroughly the "Precession of the Equinoxes" and how this related to the moving of the constellations of the Zodiac and how they had been understood by the Ancients before we can understand the link to the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament and its connection to the Zodiac.

Let us continue our study in the following article.

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites. Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!


  • Bet Emet Ministries
  • Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
  • 902 Cardigan
  • Garland, Texas 75040
  • Home: 972-496-4238
  • Cell: 972-480-7690
  • E-Mail: bennoah1@verizon.net

Respuesta  Mensaje 81 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 15:04


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.





Well it is hoped we learned a lot from the prior article dealing with the Precession of the Equinox as the Constellation of Aries replaced the Constellation of Taurus at the beginning of the Age of Aries. This was a momentous time for all mankind as God was speaking from Heaven to all His creation and it would behoove us to understand what He is saying to mankind at this time. Correspondingly the Sun is inching daily higher in the Sky as it moves toward the Zenith and the Summer Solstice. Along with this rise of the Sun in the Sky came days filled with more daylight, warmth, heat, and its influence upon Mother Nature. The Harvest was on the way and with it mankind's continued salvation from God in a "natural sense". Behind these Celestial events was always a "natural" influence upon the forces of Nature as well as the Earth but as well hidden behind this natural manifestation of God's salvation for mankind was a "Spiritual" or "Metaphysical Message" from God of "Divine Realities" and a "Spiritual Intent" for mankind. This "Spiritual Reality" was understood by the Ancients as concerning the very presence of God within all matter; in particular God in man's flesh as they understood that man was created in the Image of God seen in the Heavens as well as in Nature. We saw in the article on the path of the Sun through the Constellation of Pisces that the Ancients' understood the Descent of the Soul into matter and got this understanding from the "cross" in the Heavens made by the intersection of the two fish of Pisces. So again we see the Egyptian axiom "So Above, So Beneath" at work here. Said even more simply through the medium of "myth" and "legend" mankind captured these "Spiritual Realities" and God's "Spiritual Message" to them in the myths and allegories of their "sungods" as seen in the myths of Osiris, Horus, Isis, Set, Dionysus, Attis, Chrisna, Mithra, and even Jesus.

Answer for yourself: How did the Ancients understand their "sungod" stories and myths and did it reveal the hidden realities of God to them? Well you have the opportunity to understand them correctly right at your finger tips; for it is only a click away. Let me say it will take your breath away; especially in light of what Christianity has taught about all other religions of history being "pagan" and "heathen". Do yourself a favor, bless yourself, andlearn the truth about how the Ancients undersood and interpreted these spiritual myths of their "personified sungods" like those of Osiris, Horus, Dionysus, Mithra, etc. It is not what you have been taught from a Christian perspective, let me assure you of that.

The above, as backdrop for where we are going, lauches us into our new study where we pick up on the unique Spiritual realities that involve the Precession of the Equinox; in particular the Constellations of Taurus and Aries.

In antiquity it just so happened that the Spiritual Masters of yesterday noticed that it was in the month of April and May that the Sun passes through the constellation Taurus. Knowing this then let us see what we can find out about this special "Appointed Time" with God in order to learn correctly about what God wanted to teach mankind by moving the Sun through Taurus. For this to happen we need to draw upon a deeper understanding of both Taurus and Aries. Let us continue our study with a short summary and review.

The Earth's rotation axis is not fixed in space. Like a rotating toy top, the direction of the rotation axis executes a slow precession with period of 26,000 years for the entire ecliptic of our planetary bodies to travel around our Sun, a trip of 360 degrees. Each one of the 12 signs of the zodiac takes about 2,100 years for our Sun in our solar system to pass through them totally. Every 72 years we actually move backward 1 degree. After 2,160 years or so we move out of one Age and into another Age (the Sun through one Constellation at the Vernal Equinox into another Constellation for the next 2,160 years). That means Gemini is followed by Taurus after 2,160 years only to be followed by Aries 2,160 years later which is then followed by Pisces 2,160 years later which is again followed by Aquarius again 2,160 years. Each of these constellation ruled the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years before they were replaced by the following constellation as the Heavens turned slowly. The presence of each of these constellations had dramatic affects upon Ancient man and his understanding of the Cosmos and the Creator behind it. We need look no further than Egypt for such proof as we shall see momentarily.{short description of image}

Astronomers tell us that the planet Earth itself wobbles as it turns and that the "spin" of our planet is not perfect as depicted in the image above at the beginning of the articles. As the earth spins on its axis, the earth is not stable. Like the center peg of a toy top, the axis of the spinning earth slowly wobbles in a circle, tracing out the surface of a double cone in space. As the earth's axis slowly shifts its orientation in space, it traces out the surface of a double cone in space. Because of the axial wandering, the points where the celestial equator (the projection of the earth's equator onto the celestial sphere) intersects the ecliptic (the apparent path made by the Sun against the background of "fixed stars") move also, shifting clockwise around the ecliptic as seen by the northern hemisphere. This "intersection" of the plane from the Earth's equator and the plane of the path of the Sun against the background of "fixed stars" called the ecliptic forms a "CROSS" in the Heavens. More on that later but you most likely know what is coming since the idea of a "cross" brings to mind a "crucifixion".

Answer for yourself: And what is this crucifixion? Well the "First Crucifixion" of the Sun and the "personified Sun as 'the Son of the Sun'" take place in the Heavens and not on Earth! More on this later when we get to Mithra!

It literally takes 25,920 years for the points of the intersection or this "Cross in the Heavens" to move all the way around the ecliptic. This motion of the earth's axis is called Precession, and it is, I believe, a major component of the causes long ago that led to the creation of Christianity as it has other great religions of antiquity. What we find when we study Comparative Religions without the benefit of bringing to such a study adequate knowledge of Astronomy and Astrology is a jumbled ball of endless facts and parallels of various "personifications" of the orbs of Heaven. But if we do such a study of Comparative Religions with a prior knowledge of Astronomy and Astrology then we magically see that behind almost all of the world's great religions lies the "personification of the Sun" and associated "allegories" of the path of the Sun through the Zodiac and it is these "allegories" of the path of these Heavenly orbs that frames the lives of the "sungods".

If you did not catch the meaning of the prior statement then understand that the "religious doctrines and dogmas" of these major world religions like those found in ancient Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, Judaism and even Christianity come from the movement of the Sun in relationship to the Constellations of the Zodiac over this 25,920 year period of time. Another name for this period of time is "The Great Cycle of the Sun, the Platonic Year" which is the same as saying the "Precession of the Equinoxes". Both are cited to be a time consisting of 25,920 years.

What we find in studying these myths and allegories taken from Astrology and Astronomy as told by the Ancients is that central to most if not all is a "central character" which is the object of the "personification" and "anthropomorphic" language used in these myths and allegories. This character was known in the beginning as the "Karast" in Egypt and associated with Horus and it only begins there for every Aryian nation "under the Sun" (forgive the pun) will have their own understanding of this Precession of the Equinox and will develop their own "unique Character" that is identified with that peculiar people. Not only that each nation will "interpret", or should I say "reinterpret" this "Message from God from His Heavens" through the evolution of their people and their nation. No greater example can be found than Israel and Judaism following their Exodus from Egypt in the time of the Hebrew Pharaohs and the 18th Dynasty.

This "allegorical character" which is the "personified Sun", with many names and identities down through history ,evolves as the Sun passes through the sequential "Houses of the Zodiac" and along with this we find the establishment of various "religious beliefs" associated with this character as he moves through the Heavens as the "personified Sun". The Ancients understood the Egyptian axion: So Above So Beneath!

Answer for yourself: Can you remember the examples up to now that we have studied? Well let me refresh your memory.

  • The Sun In Capricorn: We saw the Winter Solstice spoke of "life from the dead" as seen in the path of the Sun in the sky whereby mankind understood that Eternal Life was a gift from God. Man knew that although he might die he will live again for God was teaching him this from the path of the Sun and the Precession of the Equinox. We also saw the need for a "new birth" following our natural birth; a "spiritual birth" if you would. Man must be "born again" Also we saw the eternal tension and war for mastery between "light" and "darkness"; not only on a natural level as observed in the Sky at the Solstices and Equinoxes but all of Heaven speaks of this "war" in the Heavens but in reality it is but a teaching tool for all mankind to show his need for God and God's new birth.
  • The Sun in Aquarius: We saw from the path of the Sun that for this new birth to be accomplished that man had to died to his old self and practice repentance and obedience to the Laws of God's Cosmos. This was symbolized by going to the water and being immersed into a "watery womb" or "watery tomb" whereby man was "born again" allegorically speaking and awakened anew to the Spiritual reality that lives within him. This is Gnosticism at its very best. Eph 5:14 14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. (KJV) This is the "new birth" necessary for all mankind. Thus his "new man" following his "new birth" must "increase" as his "old carnal self" must "decrease".
  • The Sun in Pisces: We saw that from the intersection of these two fish in the Sky that God was speaking to man that within him lives the very Spirit of God for truly man is the Temple of the Holy Spirit of God. Col 1:26-27 26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV) The "feeding miracles of Jesus" teaches us that we must be "fed from the bread of Heaven" not just the bread of the field for both our natural and spiritual man needs to be feed for God's ultimate life to be experienced in this life. But hidden in these "fish stories" is the idea of Heaven and Earth's bounty and Harvests where the fruits of Heaven and Mother Earth come to sustain and nourish mankind...both naturally and spiritually. In Pisces we also saw the "cross" that showed us the intersection of the Divine into matter, the Descent of the Soul into matter and into mankind. We truly are the Temple of the Holy spirit created for "good works".
  • The Sun in Aries: We saw so far that the Christ is in all of us since being the Temple of the Holy Spirit. That being so then the Ancients understood as the Sun entered Aries that this "Christ" in us was the "Lamb of God", the "Aries of God", which gives his life as a sacrifice for others in order that they might have life and life abundantly. This only emphasizes mankind's creation being for the manifestation of "good works" where we pour out our lives for the good of others as the Sun, symbolic for God, pours out its energy that man may have life and life abundantly. Such "good works" maintains and restores the harmony of God in Heaven as well as on earth: "So Above, So Below". Spiritually speaking man, when fed the Bread of Heaven, should experience a Spiritual awakenings and produce "fruitfulness" in the Spirit and this is assured by his obedience to the Laws and Commandments of God where when obeyed produce "good works" that produce both natural and spiritual fruit as well as "harmony" in the world.
  • The Sun in Taurus: We saw that as the Lamb of God in Aries is to die to self and live unto others as God's ambassador in this world the same applies to the Bull of God and his sacrifice as well.

Answer for yourself: And what is so very amazing about these above religious beliefs? Each one of these "religious doctrines" and "dogmas" are absolutely true since God spoke these from Heaven and they are taken from the Ancient Spiritual Masters as they studied the path of the Sun through the Zodiac.

And equally important in my opinion that Biblical Judaism today has preserved them down through history in their purest state.

These religious beliefs and doctrines above were understood as the will of God for mankind because God speaking and revealing them from Heaven. Men may forge books and have done so abundantly but no one can forge the path of the Sun and the movement of the Constellation in Heaven or the Sun's effects upon Mother Nature. God's Laws regarding cycles and patters both "above" and "below" are fixed and eternal. That is the beauty of it.

Answer for yourself: What should this information mean to me? It means simply that at on time on this planet man knew and understood the simplest and most correct understanding of God and His message to all mankind which was long before the forgery of religious texts and religious agendas began to surface after the Exodus and the rise of the nation of Israel in their subsequent separation from these earlier beliefs and understandings of God.

It should also mean that God has ONLY ONE MESSAGE and there is absolutely no room for any "competition" from others who deceitfully say "God told me this or that" and his message deviate from what God has spoken from Heaven for thousands and thousands of years. There is no room for "another gospel".

These allegories from the study of the personified "godman", which again came from the observation of the path of the Sun through God's Heaven, only were vehicles to bring these Divine and Heavenly principles and dogmas to Earth where mankind could better understand them and implement them as well as be blessed by them and correspondingly bless others in their lives. That is not to say that the "different" understanding of God by Moses/Akenaten was wrong, for example, only that it was a different perspective on God than others held at the time and properly understood it really only complemented the earlier understanding of God that had existed from the beginning of time even to the present day of Moses. Names for God were changed down through history as man received an enlarged revelation of the Creator but again this is not a real problem for that has been done since the beginning of time. The real problem comes when these "allegories" and "personified stories" of these characters are made "historical-literal" which was done with the "Jesus Story" by Rome and then the world "damned" by Rome if you don't believe what their forged New Testament says.

As you might have guessed this same "personified character" of these prior "Spiritual Myths" become the "Literalized Jesus" of Rome's New Testament and replacement religion. The "Karst" of Egypt over time became the "Christ" or "Jesus" of Rome's new religion. Now instead of "allegories" teaching Divine Truths from God's blackboard in the Sky we have the "literalization of these allegories" and this "personified character" become a "real person" which we are told by Rome is worthy of our worship. In case you did not know this is a sin; namely, the sin of idolatry and blasphemy according to the Laws of Moses.

Time for more Astronomy. This "Christ", or "Jesus", was not born of a real virgin; rather, it was the product of an unstably rotating earth. If the earth's axis did not precess, the Christ or the "personified character" would never have been invented. Christianity as we know it would not exist had it not been for the tilt of the earth when rotating. Let me further explain.

As the earth's axis slowly shifts its orientation in space, it traces out the surface of a double cone in space as shown in the picture above. Because of the axial wandering, the points where the Celestial Equator (the projection of the earth's equator onto the celestial sphere) intersects the Ecliptic (the apparent path made by the Sun against the background of "fixed stars") move also, shifting clockwise around the ecliptic as seen by the northern hemisphere. It takes 25,800 or so years for the points of the intersection to move all the way around the ecliptic. These points or this "X" makes a "Cross" in the Heavens where God's Sun, the personified Christ, is crucified in the Heavens before the foundation of the world!

Answer for yourself: Could it be that the crucifixion of Christ have been an astronomical phenomena and only later "literalized" on the pages of the New Testament?

Answer for yourself: Was the "first crucifixion" of Christ in the Sky and in the Heavens and not on earth?

This is a great study but be prepared for the shock of your lives.

Answer for yourself: Why is this "backward motion" of the Zodiac as it is seen from earth important for out study? Simply because the Ancients, like the earliest Egyptians and Babylonians, understood the Heavens are moving and that one "House of the Zodiac" would move from its dominant position every 2,160 years or so. That explains why in the age of Egypt we find a "Taurus-centric religion" since Taurus was the Zodiac sign for the age in which Egypt found themselves in the glory of their Pyramid Age as they observed the Cosmos and the stellar movements above and reproduced what they saw in the Heavens on the ground. One only has to look at the Giza Plateau and the sacred geometry associated with the 3 pyramids to see what I mean.

Over the span of this 2,160 years the Egyptian priests noticed that Taurus was very slowly moving in the Heavens and was being replaced by the next constellation next to it in the Zodiac; namely Aries (ram/lamb). A quick look at the accompanying pictures demonstrates the influence of Astronomy upon the early Ancient Egyptians and their religion as we see the prominence of the Sun disk as well as the horns of a Bull (symbol for Taurus) in the depiction of Isis; in this case a symbol for the ruling constellation Taurus at the Vernal Equinox. This influence would last over 2,160 years and even later and would influence Egyptian religion and its Priesthoods to its very core. Later after Taurus has been replaced at the Vernal Equinox by Aries, the Ram, we see the struggle for change in the emphasis of Egyptian Religion in the {short description of image}depiction of Amen with the ram horns. Amen's name means "The Hidden One." He was a local Theban god from earliest times, and was viewed (along with his consort Amenet) as a primordial{short description of image} creation-deity by the priests of Hermopolis.

Answer for yourself: Could this difference in interpretation of God and the Constellations which the Sun had traveled over two Ages, over 4,300 or so years be the reason why Egypt was resistant to change their prior understanding of God and could this have been one of the major reasons for for the Exodus? It sure was.

Here before us is proof positive of the influence of the Constellations upon the religion of Ancient mankind and we should expect no less when coming to Christianity which will be heavily influenced not only by Egypt but by the Sun and the stars as we have seen and will continue to see.

Now let us look at these myths and legends of the Ancients and their "sungods" closely to see 4,500 years of theology and as we do then let us look to see if we can find hidden "Sacred Theology" expressed beneath our "Jesus Story". And when we find parallels to the prior sungods then let us not jump to conclusions when we find that they often read exactly like the "Jesus Story" of today. Now you understand exactly what I mean and since now understanding this then the next time you see a picture of an Egyptian "god" or "goddess" (neteru) or read about them or read some Christian calling Egyptian religion "pagan" then know that behind these depictions are not real gods or goddesses as some form of perverted polytheism assumed erroneously by the critic of Egyptian religion but an Ancient understanding of God and His image and attributes as well as His unadulterated message to mankind as revealed to these Ancient Egyptians long ago which they expressed in the only picture of God they had...the Heavens and Sky above.

Answer for yourself: Who was responsible for the moving of the Heavens? It was God of course, the Creator, and he was given a rather strange name in this regard, namely, the "Kosmokrater" (mover-of the Heavens).

Prior to the Jewish dispensation when Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt the Sun was moving out of the sign of Taurus and into the sign of Aries. The Egyptians and the Priests noticed over hundreds and even a couple of thousand years that the Sun had been and was passing through the sign of the Bull (Taurus) and beginning to enter into the sign of the Ram (Aries). Later, and because of this Precession of the Equinox, we see that Egypt and other nations would later develop a whole "ram/theology" or "shepherd theology" due to the ascendancy of Aries over Taurus at the Vernal Equinox and this is seen perfectly in the work and religion of Moses/Akhenaten and the Hebrew-Jewish follower of Moses in Egypt. It was these followers of Moses/Akhenaten in Egypt who were originally followers of the Aten that ascribed to the change in symbolism for God as connected to the changing of the Age from Taurus to Aries. Both Akhenaten/Moses and his Hebrew followers (shepherds) both recognized the ascendancy of the Constellation of Aries over Taurus which had been ruling the Vernal Equinox for the last 2,160 years. Egypt had been practicing a "Bull-symbolic" religion for over 2000 years and many among their Egyptian Priesthoods, like the Priests of Amun-Ra, did not want to change the "symbolism" for God which has been used for some 2,000 years or the "emphasis" of the Age where God has manifested Himself in a unique way for over 2,000 years. Therefore this explains why the Patriarchs did not wish to notify the Egyptian Pharaoh and others that they were "shepherds" (Aries centered believers).

Respuesta  Mensaje 82 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 15:05

Answer for yourself: What should "shepherds" bring to our minds?

It should make us think of sheep or the "lamb/ram" associated with the the Constellation Aries which was replacing Taurus at the Vernal Equinox in the time when these events in the Old Testament transpired.

Gen 46:31-34 31 And Joseph said unto his brethren, and unto his father's house, I will go up, and shew Pharaoh, and say unto him, My brethren, and my father's house, which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me; 32 And the men are shepherds, for their trade hath been to feed cattle; and they have brought their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have. 33 And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh shall call you, and shall say, What is your occupation? 34 That ye shall say, Thy servants' trade hath been about cattle from our youth even until now, both we, and also our fathers: that ye may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians. (KJV)

We should not expect from reading the text of the Hebrew Scriptures that Egypt did not like sheep or lamb-chops but rather the symbolism of "shepherds" in the text had a hidden religious meaning connected to the Stars and the Heavens; in particular the Sun entering into the House of Aries at the Vernal Equinox.

Answer for yourself: Is it possible that these Hebrew followers of Moses and the Aten had already adopted the notion of Aries having replaced Taurus at the Vernal Equinox before they ever came to Egypt? Does this explain why history and tradition says Abraham was an astrologer-astronomer? It would appear so. Don't forget that other nations outside Egypt were able to see this Precession of the Equinox as well. That of course goes for Mesopotamia which is also know for their Astronomical knowledge and this is where the Old Testament tells us Abraham made his home. An old Arabic tradition maintains that Abraham had in his possession certain sacred writings of Adam, Seth and Enoch containing laws and promises from the Almighty as well as predictions of many events. Arab writers say Abraham taught that astronomy and other sciences came down from Enoch. Thus Enoch, the righteous Priest-King and Great Teacher, passed into history as a personification of the Ancient Secret Tradition.

Answer for yourself: Is this the hidden meaning we read of in the Hebrew Scriptures when we read that Jacob's family was afraid to tell the Pharaoh that they were "shepherds" which meant that their worship of God was "lamb/ram" centered as connected to the Constellation of Aries and not Taurus or "bull centered" or focused in their worship of God?

Answer for yourself: What should that teach us? It should teach us that the Hebrews, at this early time in their evolution as a "special people" already had a solar-religion at that time! As I have said before almost all of today's religions are "solar based" in one way or the other.

Now you can now see why the newly emerging people of Israel, recognizing that a Ram/lamb-centered religion was to replace a Bull-centered religion, would have a lamb-centered worship of God and not a bull-centered worship of God as had the Egyptians in the prior Age of Taurus.

So we have learned that the identification of an "Age" with an astrological sign is based on the Zodiacal position of the Sun during the Vernal Equinox of that age, as generally viewed in the Mediterranean region of the Northern Hemisphere. Before 2000 B.C., Taurus the Bull was prominent at the Spring Equinox, culminating with Scorpio at the Autumn Equinox as we mentioned before. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, every 2,160 years (approximately) this position advances to the next Zodiacal division and over time the Ancients captured these truths in their art work.

Answer for yourself: What do we learn from the iconography of Mithraism that helps us in our study of this material?

Well I don't desire at this time to get into Mithraism in detail but will reserve that right for the last article in this series. But a few things can be said now to give the reader an idea of what lays hidden behind the "Mithra Story".

The depiction of Mithra killing the bull of Taurus represents God, the Great Kosmokrator, the "Mover of{short description of image} Heaven", symbolically killing the Constellation of Taurus (the bull) which again teaches us of the Cosmic Principle of the Precession of the Equinoxes which causes the Heavens to appear to move in the Sky and repositions each sign of the Zodiac at the Vernal Equinox every 2,160 years.

Now we are equipped to better understand that the sin of the children of Israel in the wilderness which so aroused the anger of Moses when he descended from the mount of the Lord and found them falling down before the golden calf (symbolic of the prior Age of Taurus which was passing away and which was yielding to the "lamb" of the Age of Aries). To Akhenaten/Moses many of his followers had reverted to a past and obsolete religion (Taurus-centered) which they should have left behind (since the Sun was now passing from the sign of Taurus into the sign of Aries in Egypt's 18th dynasty).

Isa 43:19 19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?...(KJV)

Looking at Moses and his legacy we now understand how the Jewish dispensation itself was governed by the sign of Aries, the Ram, through which the Sun was passing for the next 2,000 or so years.

Answer for yourself: What should this teach us?

We should expect a "Ram/lamb" centered religion in Israel and we find exactly that all the way through the nation's history because Israel and "Judaism" was birthed at the beginning of the Age of Aries.

Answer for yourself: Where in Judaism do we find this "Aries" symbolism connected to the Precession of the Equinox and the Constellation of Aries? Well we need look no further than the Jewish idea of the "scapegoat" and we will momentarily.

Answer for yourself: When did the Age of Aries began?

The Age of Aries began around 2,500 B.C.E. and lasted until around 300 B.C.E. Let us not forget that this Age of Aries followed the Age of Taurus which lasted from around 4,700 B.C.E. to 2,500 B.C.E.

Now it helps to try to sort out all the Biblical history we can and factor in the Change of the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries and the role this major change in Heaven played on the various Bible stories that have come down to us through history as well as the various "religious beliefs and doctrines" that accompany such stories down through history. This is very important not only because of the Bible stories we read but the "Biblical Doctrines" an "Biblical Religious Beliefs" that arose during this time period and this Age of Aries. Finding the true origin of these "religious beliefs" helps us tell the "truth" from "fiction" and this is so important in light of the forgery of so many "religious texts" that have come down to us from later Christianity. We can find out today which of these "conflicting" religious beliefs between Judaism and Christianity are true and which are false by determining which of them originated from Heaven and the movement of the Sun through the sign of Taurus and later Aries and which did not (THINK)!

Answer for yourself: Where do we find the "Taurus" symbolism in Israel? We don't for Israel did not become a nation during the Age of Taurus but was only associated with this "bull" symbolism during the time they lived in Egypt. If we recall the nation of Israel was told to hide from the Pharaoh the idea that they were "shepherds" when they first entered Egypt thus signifying in "code" that they were already familiar with the Precession of the Equinox before ever entering Egypt when the nation came down with Jacob upon Joseph's request. This is seen in their caution not to be recognized as "shepherds" which is a "code word" in the Bible that points to the Celestial aspects surrounding highly volatile religious beliefs that will later fuel the Exodus in the 18th Dynasty of the "Hebrew Pharaohs".

Answer for yourself: Where do we find the "Aries" symbolism in Israel? We find symbolism of the change of the Age from Taurus to Aries in Israel in the appearance of the scapegoat in Jewish history (Yom Kippur, sacrifices, lambs offered in sin offerings, etc.).

But even before Moses we find that we have the Bible story of the "ram" caught in the thicket and all this was due to the influence of the passing of the Sun through the sign of the Bull and into the sign of the Ram, etc. Let us not forget that Abraham was born around 2000 B.C.E. which is again a time period in the Age of Aries so we should expect that it would be a "ram" and not "bull" caught in the thicket. This should also{short description of image} bring to mind the ancient traditions concerning Abraham and his knowledge of astronomy. Jews have been involved in astronomy from the very beginning of their history. Indeed, it was God Himself who called on Abraham to "Look towards heaven, and count the stars, if thou be able to count them." Then God promised Abraham that his seed would be as numerous as those stars.

More to the point what we find in this regard to Aries is that the "Ram-lamb" images of the Old Testament refer to the changing of the Zodiac due to the Precession of the Equinoxes and this celestial event influenced religions like Judaism and religious belief systems of other religions as well since it was God's Heaven and He was moving it around (Kosmokrator...which is later to be personified in the form of Mithra). A whole lot of religion can be created in 2, 160 years.

Answer for yourself: How should this knowledge impact us?

Our task is to understand this celestial event and any "Spiritual Message" that lays behind it that was the cause of later "religious beliefs" like those we see in Judaism and Christianity and understand them in their "earliest" and purest forms.

Heb 6:1-3 1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this will we do, if God permit. (KJV)

First of all notice that the above mentions the "doctrine of Christ" and not Jesus. Let us not forget that we are speaking in this verse of "religious beliefs" that find their origin among mankind thousands and thousands of years before any believed in a "historical Jesus" of the first century. I hope you are beginning to see that from the Heavens and the observation of the movement of the Sun through the Zodiac and associated Constellations that ancient mankind understood God was speaking from Heaven to all His creation His message to all mankind what was required from them to inherit "spiritual salvation." The study of astronomy, on a deeper "Spiritual level" will prove to us that the very religious doctrines mentioned above in Hebrew 6 plus others all came from man's observations of God moving His Heaven.

Think about that for a minute!

Some influence, emanating from the sign of the Bull and the sign of the Ram produced the symbology which conditioned the religious life of the people of those eras and this explains why we have the "bull" symbolism both in Egypt and Canaan; Egypt had their Apis bulls and Canaan their "Baals" as well as why later we have "lamb/ram" symbolism in Judaism.

Let us progress in our thinking. This "religious symbolism" reflecting the Sun in various Constellations becomes still more apparent when the Sun moved out of Aries into the next Constellation, the sign of Pisces the Fishes. We should later expect when the Age of Pisces replaces the Age of Aries that we would have again a change in "religious symbolisms" due to the change of the Age and the unique symbolisms that were representative of each Age which was associated with a "particular Constellation". Again this "religious symbolism" as applied to man's understanding of God changed every 2,160 years and along with that was man's understanding of God and His revelation and message. The "path" intended for mankind's salvation was being written and elaborated upon by God in the blackboard in the Sky.

As a different Constellation would rule the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years we find a different emphasis upon various "religious ideas" And that is what we find with the emergence of Christianity as well which arose in the Age of Pisces with its "fish symbolism" that surrounds Pisces' own unique "personified character" of the New Age; that being "Jesus Christ". All we have here is a new symbol for the "Karast/Christ" but we have had that since the beginning of time with the original "Karast" as seen with Horus of Egypt. The comparisons of Horus, the Egyptian Karast, with Jesus, the Christian Christ are staggering when you see them; only the "symbolism" has been changed but the concepts behind these "symbols" are basically the same. Think for a second and know that this "Horus symbolism" came from the Heavens.

Answer for yourself: What does this say for the unbelievable parallels with the "Jesus Story"?

This again explains why "Fish symbology" which runs so characteristically through the entire Gospel story (miracles of the fishes, call of fishermen, fishers of men, etc.) and why Christ's disciples were largely fishermen. The Sun had entered the Constellation of Pisces and it was time for a new "interpretation" of God and His "Karst" and we have it in the Christ of Christianity and its emphasis upon Christ's followers being{short description of image} fishermen and "fishers of men". It is written that the Christ performed the miracles with fishes and sent his apostles out after his death under the leadership of St. Peter with the injunction to be fishers of men. It is for this reason that the mitre (hat) which the Pope wears is the mouth of the fish.

Now, according to Astronomy mankind is currently transiting into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the water-carrier, the sign of universality, for water is a universal symbol. It is recorded for us in the New Testament that prior to his death Christ sent his disciples out to find the "water-bearer" who led them to an upper room where the communion service was instituted. All this was in the text is the recognition by{short description of image} the Christ (personified as the Sun) of the coming New Age which would succeed his dispensation and into which we are at this time entering. Leonardo da Vinci's great picture of the communion in the upper room is the great symbol of the Aquarian age, for we shall sit down together under the loving direction of Christ (the vehicle and agent (Logos) of Revelation of God to mankind) when brotherhood will be established and men will be banded together in the bonds of divine relationship. The old barriers between man and man and nation and nation will, during the next 2,160 years slowly disappear. Ironically this picture was known by the Ancients to have astrological connections as it represented again the Sun and the Zodiac "personified". Take a close look at the picture and how it has been divided by modern scholarship who is aware of its Astronomical Symbolism: 4 groupings of 3 disciples corresponding to the 2 Equinoxes and 2 Solstices, each containing groups of 3 reflective of the months in each time period separating the Equinoxes and Solstices.

Answer for yourself: Is this another coincidence?

These "Spiritual concepts" have been with mankind since the beginning of time and this explains why in the worlds' religions we find unbelievable "common themes" and "overlap" of these "Celestial beliefs" at the heart of these various religions. And we should since mankind all sees the same things in the Sky and God's Heaven.

Understanding the above then we should know that regardless of attempts to make Mithraism the plagiarist of Christianity, the fact will remain that Mithraism originated long before Christianity and was well established decades before Christianity had any significant influence. If Christian apologists will not yield to the well-attested assertion that Christianity "borrowed" from Mithraism in specific, they simply cannot deny that both copied from Paganism in general, from one or more of the numerous religions, cults and mysteries of the pre-Christian world. Hence, the effect is the same: Christianity took its "godman" and religious beliefs and religious tenets attached to him from prior Nations and their understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes as it was later "personified" and "allegorized"!

Answer for yourself: So why again is this important to know? The Ancients understood that the Creator was responsible for His Heavens and the orbs within them and was equally responsible for their movements. In these movements of the orbs of Heaven the Ancients saw and heard a message from God and interpreted what they saw "allegorically" and understood this as the very voice of God to them as He wrote upon the blackboard of the Sky principles and concepts that had an undercurrent or "Spiritual Nature" for mankind. These we already saw are called the "Doctrine of Christ". As man witnessed and pondered these movements in the Heavens and the Zodiac over time they developed myths and legends of "personified characters", or sungods, that captured these deeper Spiritual Truths that they came to understand from the movement of God's Sun and stars in the Heavens. In time they came to make parallels to these same Eternal and Divine Concepts in the Heavens with the same concepts that operated in Mother Nature around them as well. God was speaking from Heaven the same message that Ancient mankind came to hear around them in Mother Nature: So Above, So Below! It is for us to understand this "message" today if we ever hope to separate out the truth of God's message to mankind from the blurred echoes shouting from man's competing and conflicting religions today.

I guess it is time for a quick review.

Answer for yourself: And what is God teaching from Heaven again as seen from the observation of the path of the Sun through the Zodiac along with the ordered "cycles" and "patterns" in Heaven which were later handed down through the myths and legends of the "sungods" like Osiris, Horus, Dionysus, Mithra, Attis, and yes, even Jesus?

From Capricorn we learn that God is teaching through the Winter Solstice that all mankind the necessity of a "2nd birth" or a "new birth", a 2nd birth that is symbolized by immersion in water accompanied with repentance which is the fruit of the eternal tension between "light" and "darkness" and their fight for mastery over all existence. As the Sun rises from the greatest darkness at the Winter Solstice so is the Soul of man to rise daily in Spiritual light throughout our lives whereby we reflect the light of God and His image which is symbolized by the moon which has no light in it but that which is reflected from the light of God (the symbolic Sun). From Aquarius we realize that this "new birth" is realized through the mikvah where as the Rabbis teach man "receives the Soul that comes down from Heaven". This is symbolic language for the "Descent of the Soul" into matter where the Divine becomes flesh and tabernacles within mankind as the zenith of His creation. Being "born again" we are to "increase" and out birth nature "decrease" which is the message of Aquarius and this is effected through the doctrine of repentance unto good works. We learn that for this to happen in our lives our "Inner Man" must be nourished as is our "natural man" and this requires we eat the "Bread of God", the "Word that comes down from Heaven". We learn from Pisces that within mankind are "two natures" as we find in the "two fish" and making an intersection in the Sky we likewise come to see that within us these "natures" merge and dominance is dependant upon which we feed. Thus the symbolism in the "feeding miracles" of the Christ where all mankind, both Jews and non-Jews, are to be fed this "Bread" from Heaven symbolized in the miracle. Until we feed ourselves we will not be able to "feed others" and realize our potential and goal to be "fishers of men" whereby we share freely with them the real Message of God. From Aries we learn as the Sun moves higher and higher toward God that we all are to be the "Lamb of God" and become "living sacrifices". This, exampled at the Spring Equinox, is realized at the Vernal Equinox whereby we celebrate the "new birth" and let our lives be examples of the harmony manifested in Aries whereby through our good works and fruitfulness we manifest to all humanity that we have realized within us "life from the dead" for truly this is the harvest of God. It is through our good works in obedience to the Laws and Commandments of God which frame our Covenant with God that we achieve the purpose of being a living sacrifice; namely, atonement for our sins which is the purpose of realizing in our lives that we become the "lamb of God". Judaism, unlike Christianity, teaches that man can make himself acceptable to God through repentance and good works thereby effecting atonement for his sins. Unlike today it originally was at this time of the year, both physically and spiritually, that atonement was once connected with the "Passover" at the Vernal Equinox. Through the later efforts of Ezekiel this theme of "atonement" would be separated from the historical event of thekilling of the Egyptian Messiah who was killed and hung on a tree at the eve of the Passover in Egypt around 1,350 B.C.E. (the Pharaoh Tutankamun, the son of Moses) to the fall of the year as we find today at Yom Kippur but as I said that was not always the case.

It is my personal belief as an "ex-Pastor" of the Christian faith that it is the responsibility of all enlightened Children of God to reach all mankind with the true message of God as we become fishers of men, live a life of order that reflects "Ma'at" or the Divine Order in Heaven and the Cosmos as well as Mother Nature. This Divine Order is achieved through obedience to the Laws of God as taught in Egypt in the "42 Negative Confessions" and which later the Jewish religion calls their Torah. Within these laws we find the Covenant of God with the non-Jew and the 66 Laws of Noah which frame his Covenant with God.

This is the message that God has consistently spoken to mankind from Heaven since the creation of the Universe. Man is to reflect this Cosmic Order of Heaven by following and implementing the same Divine Patterns and Cycles that operate "Above" and bring them into being "Below". So Above, So Below!

Answer for yourself: And how is this done? It is accomplished by man submitting to and emulating these Divine Patters "Above" and manifesting them "Below" in this world through submission to God's Laws and Commadments, living out these Laws through the doing of good works and deeds, whereby our actions literally bring Heaven down to Earth: So Above, So Below!

Now let us go on discussing the associated Doctrine of Christ concerning "sacrifice". As mentioned above central to the message of God in both Aries and Taurus is the theme of "sacrifice". Let me explain and in doing so we need a little more Astronomy.

Answer for yourself: Where did this sacrifice originally take place which was a "pattern" for mankind? Could it have been in Space and in God's Heaven and can we find the very first "crucifixion" taking place in Heaven and not on earth as we have assumed? Now here comes the astronomy.

Viewed from the earth, the universe of stars seemed to the ancients to be attached to the great "celestial sphere" which had the earth as its center. The "celestial equator" is the projection of the earth's equator upon the inside of the sphere. The circle of the ecliptic is the path which the Sun appears to follow against the background of "fixed stars." The intersection of the "celestial{short description of image} equator" and the plane of the "ecliptic" forms a "X" or a "Cross in the Heavens" as projected upon the Celestial Sphere. This "Cross in the Heavens" is a mark in the Heavens which the Sun just so happens to move over twice a day; at the Vernal Equinox and the Autumn Equinox. Of course it is at the Vernal Equinox when the "Earth awakens from the dead of Winter" that is most prominent for the Sun was believed to be "on the Cross" at this time and in awakening the Earth once again from her death at the Winter Solstice the Sun "died on the Cross" as it "poured out His live for mankind" so that might be "saved" and have "life abundantly". Surely this sounds familiar, especially if you are a Christian.

The Zodiac is a belt of Sky, extending 9 degrees above and below the ecliptic, which can be divided into twelve zones of equal size, each characterized by the presence of a particularly prominent constellation. The moon and visible planets all appear to move within the confines of the zodiacal belt. The Zodiac is the band of 12 constellations that lie on the ecliptic. The mythological origins of the zodiac constellations and the glyphs that represent them hark back to the beginnings of human culture. They might have first been grouped together as the constellations through which the Sun and Moon appeared to move. For this reason they were originally called houses or Lunar Mansions. The {short description of image}equinoctial points are two places where the Earth's equator intersects the ecliptic, at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees. The first sign of the Zodiac is, by definition, the constellation that appears behind the Sun on the March or Vernal equinox. Two thousand years ago this constellation was Aries and it was designated the First House of the Zodiac. Now as you can see in a Planisphere the Equinox falls at the end of Pisces or beginning of Aquarius. This is the reason why the dates of the signs of the Zodiac no longer correspond to constellations of that name. But understand the religious dogmas and doctrines created thousands of years ago from man's scrutiny of the Cosmos corresponding to the Sun and the Zodiac in the Ages of Taurus, Aries, and Pisces are with us today (selah) and are the backbone of major world religions as well today.

Around 128 B.C.E., Hipparchus of Rhodes discovered that the position of the Equinoxes was not constant but honestly that was known as far back at Ancient Egypt. He determined that the Vernal (spring) Equinox had once been in the constellation Taurus but had, by his day, moved ("precessed") almost all the way through the constellation of Aries. At the beginning of the Christian era, the Vernal Equinox moved into Pisces.

Respuesta  Mensaje 83 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 15:05

Answer for yourself: What should we have realized from this above statement? That in every Age there has been a new revelation and message for God and each Age expressed this new and evolving message from God as a "new religion" of sorts. For example in the Age of Taurus we find the great Egyptian religion which was followed in the Age of Aries with the religion of Judaism and which again was followed in the Age of Pisces by the religion of Christianity.

Answer for yourself: Is this a coincidence?

Each new Age has a new revelation of God or should I say a "new religion". We can only wonder at the new religion that will surface with the Age of Aquarius when it arrives.

Because the earth wobbles as it spins on its axis, the north and south poles of its axis do not always point to{short description of image} the same spots on the celestial sphere. As a consequence, the equinoctial points become displaced with respect to the so-called fixed stars - including the stars forming the twelve zodiacal constellations. When Hipparchus discovered that the Vernal Equinox had been displaced from Taurus into Aries, he or some of his disciples felt that they had detected the labor of a hitherto unknown god (even he knew the Creator was moving the Heavens and it was His doing). Many Greeks felt that each natural phenomenon or physical force was actually the working of a particular god (neteru). For Astrological reasons, this new god was identified with the ancient Persian god Mithra. The mystery religion known as Mithraism thus was born. Mithra was installed as a Time-Lord or chronocrat, the god who would rule over the Age or Aeon of Aries after Taurus. Notice if you will the picture of Mithra moving the Zodiac as seen in the wheel around Mithra above.

By the time Hipparchus and his Stoic colleagues understood that the Vernal Equinox had moved from Taurus into Aries, the Equinox was almost out of Aries as well. Very soon it would move into Pisces, and a new Time-Lord would be needed.

Now what is said next is very, very important.

Just as movement of the equinox out of Taurus had been symbolized as the sacrifice of a bull, so too, the movement out the equinox out of Aries would come to be {short description of image}symbolized by the sacrifice of a lamb. Sacrifice would be a theme shared by both the Age or Taurus and the Age of Aries.

Answer for yourself: What should this teach us? It should teach us that central to the Age of Taurus and the Age of Aries as connected to their "religious doctrines" is the idea of "sacrifice"; in particular "sacrifice for sin" and that is what we find.

Answer for yourself: Did this sacrifice of some mythological or allegorical "godman" which was never real actually bring "atonement" to man for his sins? Of course not so we are missing something here that lays hidden in the motif of "sacrifice for sins".

Answer for yourself: What is "this sacrifice" that makes atonement for sin?

We spoke above and in an earlier article of a "living sacrifice" and we found out that this "Heavenly Idea" was understood to apply not to just one person who was believed to be the "only Christ" but to every man, woman, and child born of flesh in God's Cosmos in which "God's Christ" resides.

Col 1:26-27 26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV)

Gal 4:19 19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, (KJV)

Contrary to the misinterpretation in the Age of Pisces of this "Heavenly Doctrine" where this "Christ" is the possession of only one supposed person we find this religious doctrine accurately understood in both the Age of Taurus and the Age of Aries and expressed accurately by both Egyptian religion and Judaism since the beginning of recorded time as it is applied to ever Child of God. God lives within every man, woman, and child as "the Christ" and this has been the understanding of the "Descent of the Soul" into matter since the beginning of time. It is when we come to Roman Christianity that we lose the truth behind this Heavenly Idea of each person being a "living sacrifice" who is able to procure his own atonement of sin. Judaism has taught this and yet teaches this for the last 3,500 years and Egypt since the beginning of recorded history.

Roman Christianity in the Age of Pisces reinterpreted this "living sacrifice" and does so erroneously on purpose rejecting the prior understanding and revelation given by God to all mankind from His Heaven for over thousands and thousands of years where all mankind are to be "living sacrifices" unto God and their fellow man whereby the "Above" is manifested "Below" through the actions and obedience of mankind to God's Laws and Commandments. This is God's atonement and man's way to make himself acceptable to God. This explains why Egypt taught the 42 negative confessions and Moses the 613 Laws of God and why the Tanakh is very clear on how man is gain atonement from his sin. Rome changes this prior "religious belief" with their reinterpretation of "the Christ" as a single historical person when in fact this religious concept had been understood as an indwelling principle of the Divine within all matter for thousands of years before Rome. Instead of "the Christ" being in all people "asleep" waiting to be "awakened" with the 2nd birth Rome rolls the whole concept in to supposedly one historical person in time-line of their choosing; again the product of their "reinterpretation" of "the Christ" of Pisces.

Eph 5:14 14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. (KJV)

This idea of a "living sacrifice" just so happened to affect one' atonement for his sin. It is again this theme of the "sacrifice" of the bull of Taurus and the lamb of Aries that spoke to man that likewise they are to be a "sacrifice" unto God as well. So Above, So Below!

Answer for yourself: Is this just another coincidence and we not know it? If you think it is I challenge you to follow in order the Sun through the Zodiac and the "religious doctrines" that emerge in order as the Sun moves through the consecutive Houses of the Zodiac and tell me that this is not in step perfectly with the "birth" of the Soul in mankind and its evolutionary development and maturation and maturity in mankind.

Answer for yourself: Have you ever read the articles from Bet Emet Ministries dealing with God's true atonement and how atonement actually worked in Judaism?

If not the let me say that you have to for until you do you will not understand how atonement was actually procured and the true role of "blood" in the atonement process but also how one man cannot effect atonement for anyone other than himself according to Judaism and the Laws of Moses. As a Christian I had been completely misled concerning atonement and never knew it correctly because of my New Testament had misrepresented it through the life of the New Testament Jesus but that all changed when I began a serious study of Judaism for almost 5 years and it was then I learned what the Jewish people and Rabbis have known all along; namely, that the depiction of the death of one man for a world full of sin is impossible according to the religious doctrines of Judaism which by the way gave us the texts in the Old Testament that teach atonement in the first place. Once you see how Rome has altered this Biblical Doctrine in the New Testament then you can see how no one person, even some Jesus who supposedly lived 2,000 years ago, could not have been an atonement for anyone other than himself and his own personal sins. Ironically however when correctly understood one can learn from the message of "the Christ" in the New Testament how to achieve true Biblical atonement but that comes with such studies as the ones we are doing now.

Now let us move on as we finish this article. The first symbol of the new-age religion, the religion reigning in the age of Pisces, significantly, would be the fish. If you recall we found a "cross" associated with the intersection of the two fish of Pisces and the Anciens understood that this was symbolic of the intersection of "spirit" and "matter", the two natures in the human kind. True as it is this is but a "minor" cross for the cross that plays a major role in all later "theology" is the intersection of the "celestial equator" and the "plane of the ecliptic".

The cross, apparently, was originally the Greek letter chi (X) which reminds us of the intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic at an acute angle. This will later again be personified as "the cross of the Zodiac which will give rise to the later theology of the 'Sun on the Cross'" as the Sun sets on this "cross" or "intersection of the ecliptic and equator" which forms a CROSS! This is later called the "cross of the Zodiac". It is not surprising that in the oldest epitaphs and inscriptions it is actually two fish that were used to symbolize the New-Age cult - making the symbol of Christianity identical to the astrological symbol for Pisces, in obedience to the fact that Pisces is plural: the fishes.

Answer for yourself: So what have we seen? We have spent a rather long time on Precession of the Equinoxes as it relates to Aries and Taurus and other signs of the Zodiac to explain their importance in theology of world religions. But more to the point of this article on how the "Jesus Story" is nothing more than the personification of the Sun as it passes through the constellations of the Zodiac we must remember that the Sun passes through Taurus, the Bull, April 20-May 20 on its way to enter the House of Gemini. But before our "personified Jesus" can get to the next House of the Zodiac some things have to happen.

As the Sun move through the Zodiac then we should expect to find following next in the New Testament texts and the "Jesus Story" the calling of Jesus "12" disciples and their defining of their mission. We saw this in the House of Pisces earlier when Jesus was to make his 12 followers "fishers of men".

Matt 4:18-23 called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. 21 And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. 22 And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. 23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. (KJV)

With this information and becoming familiar with the typology used in the "Jesus Story" as the "personified Sun" then we should expect that as the Sun is rising in the Sky to new heights in its ascent to the Summer Solstice that our Jesus should ascend to a similar height himself and we are not disappointed for we find the Jesus teaching this "Message from God" from on high as well in the famous "Sermon on the Mount" upon a high mountain. Notice this occurs right after the "calling of the 12" fishers of men.

Answer for yourself: What do we see here? The Sun keeps inching itself northward in the Sky from House to House in the Zodiac. From the calling of the 12 disciples, symbolic for the 12 Houses of the Zodiac, we find Jesus being his "preaching" and "feeding" the flock and we saw this in the "feeding miracles". Next we followed the "personified Jesus" into the Houses of Aries and Taurus where we found the theme of "sacrifice"; the theme of being a "living sacrifice" for atonement for sin. Such "spiritual concepts" are masterfully portrayed the the Sermon on the Mount following the calling of the 12.

Matt 5:1-2 1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,... (KJV)

Notice that we follow the text of the New Testament as well as the path of the Sun. Following the calling of the fishermen we move to the mountain in the Sky for the continued message of God and the preaching of God's Christ to men.

Men pass, mountains remain. Little wonder, why mountains are a sign of solidity and stability. They tower over us, touching the sky, sometimes through clouds ... they convey a sense of mystery. In fact, philosophers say that the mountain is the point where heaven and earth meet. Mountains, therefore, are considered holy in many faiths. They are believed to be the abode of gods, even a place where one can find salvation. Christian literature reveals the symbolic role of mountains. In the Old Testament, God was depicted as God of the mountains. Mountains also provided the backdrop to many key events in the unfolding story of the Bible. From the days of the flood to the days of the prophets, the mountains continued to be important points of spiritual contact or revelation. It was also on Sinai — the holy mountain where Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-law Jethro — that Moses received his call from God in the burning bush to deliver his people from the cruelty of their Egyptian masters. Sinai was also the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

Mountains were also places for testing spiritual strength. One of the temptations of Jesus reported in the Bible is that the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in all their greatness, saying: "All this I will give you if you kneel down and worship me".

The Sun waits for no man and continues its trek through the Houses of the Zodiac. In doing so on its way to the House of Gemini the Sun passes across the Milky Way which is that starry band that lies like a {short description of image}lake across the night Sky, between the Constellations of Taurus and Gemini (around May 21-June 4). In ancient Egypt, the Milky Way was called "the Nile in the Heaven". For them it was a river of stars in Heaven. At that time, if you looked in the south from somewhere near a pyramid, the Milky Way looked as if it had been connected to the Nile. The Milky Way has been likened to a river all over the world. It has been called "the River in the Heaven", "the Ganges in the Heaven," and "the Silver River". Modern scholars have noticed in readings of ancient{short description of image} texts--both Egyptian and non-Egyptian--that the Milky Way is often referred to as the great celestial waterway . . . a river in the sky. So we again in our symbolism of the path of the Sun through the Zodiac find the traveling "personified Sun" crossing not only 12 Houses of the Zodiac as it ascends to the "Mount in the Sky" but that the Sun in its path through the Zodiac will soon cross a large body of "water" in the Sky upon leaving the Constellation of Taurus as it moves into the House of Gemini. This "river" in the Sky of course is invisible in the daylight. Now we again turn to the "Jesus Story" to see more parallels.

According to our symbolism and according to the position of the Constellation of Taurus in the Heavens then we can now expect and do find that Jesus now moves again to a great body of water in the progression of his ministry in keeping with the typology of the "Nile in the Sky". You see the Milky way, that great river and body of water in the Sky lies behind the Constellation of Taurus and Gemini (the adjoining House next to Taurus).

Matt 8:18-24 18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side (sea of Galilee). 19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. 20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. 21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. (KJV)

In keeping with the typology we find the Sun personified as "Jesus" now crossing a large body of water and we find this exactly in the chronological study of the "Jesus Story". Jesus is made to cross the sea of Galilee. In April the Sun passed through Taurus and in early May the Sun passes across the Milky Way which is that starry band of stars that lies like a lake across the night sky. At this time in the "Jesus Story" we have the allegorical story of Jesus quieting the storm and the water as he "crosses" to the other side of the sea (Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 8:23-27; Luke 8:22-25; John 6:16-24).

Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 159 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 15:06

Matt 8:23-28 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! 28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. (KJV)

Mark 4:35-39 35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. 36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. 37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Is it a coincidence that Jesus "crosses the sea" as the Sun crosses the sea in the Sky, the Milky Way, which is the backdrop to both the House of Taurus and Gemini, the next House which the Sun must enter in its path through the Zodiac?

Again early in the ministry of Jesus the Gospel of Mark gives the same account but differently in some regards as we shall see.

Mark 6:43-48 43 And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. 44 And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men. 45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while he sent away the people. 46 And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. 47 And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. 48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. (KJV)

{short description of image}Notice if you will that right after the "feeding miracles of Pisces" we find the crossing of the Sea of Galilee once again but told differently in this Gospel. But what I direct your attention toward is that Jesus, as the personified Sun is made to be "walking on the water". If you look at the Sun the rays of the Sun appear to be on top of the water and this is where we get the notion that the Sun walks upon the water. It is a small step from the Sun, allegorically walking upon the water to Jesus, as the "personified Sun" walking on the water. To hide the notion that the Jesus of the "Jesus Story" is the "personified Sun" later Gospel writers will omit that Jesus is "walking on the water" and place him in the boat. Thus not all the Gospel accounts mention Jesus "walking on water" for some have Jesus in the boat.

Matt 8:18 18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side. (KJV)

Matt 8:23-27 23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! (KJV)

After the Sun crosses the Milky Way and moves out of the Constellation of Taurus it moves into the constellation Gemini, the twins of Castor and Pollus. Think with me for a second if you will. It always bothered me why Jesus, the assumed Messiah, would "walk on water" when he stresses in the Gospel of John that he has not come to seek his own glory but reveal the glory of his Father God. But yet we find him doing some cheap circus trick as walking on water which brings only him glory and not the Creator. This is a huge paradox that is troubling until you come to find out the the "Jesus Story" is astronomical and never occurred on earth.

Again this is but an allegory for the path of the Sun in the Heavens as it crossed the Milky Way known as the Nile in Heaven or the Silver River in Heaven with its band of millions of stars. It is not a coincidence that after choosing 12 disciples as "fishers or men" that the personified Christ should move to a lake and that is exactly what we find recorded in the New Testament. We find in the "Jesus Story" that Jesus crosses "the lake" as does the Sun in the Sky as it moves from Taurus into Gemini.

But the similarities do not stop here. We have seen the Sun move to the water in Aquarius in the form of John the Baptist, and the later symbolism of fish for Pisces and Jesus' selection of the 12 to be "fishers of men". We then noticed that in the Spring it is time for the lambs to be born in Aries and the flocks increase as does Jesus' followers from 2 to 12. With the rains of Spring come the abundance of crops and the need for a harvest. Jesus will say:

Matt 9:37-38 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. (KJV)

Notice please again that we are moving chronologically through the New Testament texts "in order" as the Sun follows in order its path through the Heavens and the Sky.

Answer for yourself: Can this be some cosmic coincidence or it the "Jesus Story" the personification of the Sun through the 12 Houses of the Zodiac?

It is the time of the year that the fields need plowing and tilling before the harvest can be gathered.

Answer for yourself: What should this make us think of? The domestication of animals like the ox or bull! Again we have "Taurus" symbolism for it is impossible to feed yourself let along others and be "fishers of men" without the strength and energy of a large animal like the ox or bull to help you produce the "food" necessary (both physically and spiritually).

The Ancients used bulls to till and plow the fields so the analogy applies to Jesus' disciples being his labors and his "bulls" so to speak. After choosing his 12 disciples (symbolic of the 12 constellations in the Zodiac) in Matthew 10, Jesus sends them forth with his message of "salvation".

Matt 10:1 1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: What happens next? Strange that such good news should get a warning of persecution (Matthew 10:16-23) and resistance but it does.

Matt 10:16-23 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; 18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. 20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. 21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. 22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved. 23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Who would not want to be "saved"?

This strange "opposition" to the light shared by Jesus and his 12 is again but another allegory of the struggle of light overtaking the darkness of the night as the Sun endeavors to reach its zenith in the Sky and bring maximum light to mankind as understood by the Ancients as man's salvation. If you study the message of the preaching of Jesus in the New Testament he taught Judaism and repentance which was already the message of Judaism. He did not teach later Roman Christian doctrine which would have been a problem to the Jews then as it is today so again this indicates that something lies behind this account we miss. It is an allegory of the tension and conflict between "light" and "darkness" endured by the Sun as it climbs in the Sky to its Zenith.

But there is another passage we must look at now.

Matt 10:34 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: How are we to understand Jesus' saying in the Gospels that this supposed "prince of peace" has only come to bring a sword?

Again we find the allegory of the Cosmic dualism of the struggle of darkness versus light depicted in the Sun's struggle to reach the Summer Solstice where the Harvest can come and man receive his "salvation" from God in the earth. This struggle of the Sun climbing the Sky toward the Summer Solstice is depicted again through the imagery of a sword.

Answer for yourself: What are we to make of the later statement attributed to Jesus when he asks "who is wise? This is a rather ironic reference to the dichotomy that exists between the "inner and outer mysteries" of the "Jesus Story". One one level the lay people are given a "literalized" account of the "Jesus Story" but the initiates into the inner mysteries receive the truth hidden from the masses. One of the aspects of the mysteries we can glean is that their rites and myths were presented first on a 'superficial' level, which the mind of the initiate could supposedly grasp more easily: a viewing of sacred objects, or a tale like that of Jesus Christ being crucified and descending to the lower world to fight the "dark-evil" or the "devil". Such things, with minimal explanation, were presented as the Outer Mysteries to beginning initiates. Later, if the initiate progressed further, such things would be perceived and explained according to the secret, mystical meanings, allegories for deeper truths which the rites and myths only symbolized. These constituted the Inner Mysteries. The essence of Gnosticism, too, was the penetration to that deeper meaning, and the knowledge (gnosis) it bestowed on the believer, a knowledge about the nature of the self and the world which made salvation possible.

The Sun is on his way to the Summer Solstice where its light is maximized and brings the salvation needed to mankind. This will come on June 22 when the Sun enters the next constellation. There is much work to be done and Sun's struggle to regain mastery over the darkness has been hard as it has fought darkness and climbed northward in the Sky and the Sun needs his rest. We find that in keeping with our Bull-symbolism Jesus is made to say:

Matt 11:28-30 28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: To what extent did Paul preach the equivalent of Outer and Inner Mysteries? Gnosticism always focused on scripture (principally Genesis) as the allegorical embodiment of a higher truth. Even Philo (a mystic certainly, though not a Gnostic by any meaningful definition of the term) interpreted the Jewish scriptures as an allegory for a Platonic world view and a mystical understanding of and attainment to God. This insight Philo and others before him claimed had ultimately proceeded from Moses! Here there is always a strong dichotomy between what scripture says or seems to say, and what it is actually saying in regard to true reality. But that strong a dichotomy in Paul is not so evident. Despite what he says (1 Corinthians 2:11-3:3) about those who think or have capacities on a 'sarkic' (flesh) level and those more 'pneumatic' (spiritual) people who are possessed of the Holy Spirit, this may refer only to a graded level of capacity for understanding (which is to say, willingness to accept Paul's own doctrines), and not to two different levels of teaching on Paul's part, as though he tells of Christ one way to beginners or those of more limited intellect, and in a quite different way to his more Spirit-enabled listeners. Besides, the dichotomy in full-blown Gnosticism is based on the 'scriptural' tale of Jesus in the Gospels: presented as a seeming historical tale on the simpler level (the Outer Mysteries) and as merely allegorical on the higher level (the Inner Mysteries). But Paul didn't know the Gospel tale. That only appeared after him in the Gospel of Mark (which the authors acknowledge), and thus he hadn't those two layers of material and meaning to present in his preaching. It is more than interesting that second century Gnostics like Valentinus and Marcion claimed Paul as their teacher and that he did teach their full-blown Gnostic doctrines. Certain aspects of Paul might better be styled "proto-Gnostic." The bottom line to all of this is that Paul and his 7 authentic epistles never taught a "historical and fleshly Jesus Christ" but rather an "allegorical Christ Jesus" as found in the personification of Divine Principles as I am sharing here. Only later with the Roman forgery of much our current Pauline epistles are words put into Paul's mouth that support a "fleshly Jesus Christ". Paul's Christ was the "Christ within" which was the "Cosmic Christ" as the Divine expression of God in man.

Answer for yourself: So what have we seen in this article? Well a whole lot. We saw that the Sun passes into the constellation of Taurus at the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years. Therefore the Age of Taurus, as you would now expect, became very important for mankind's theology during those years; especially as it is connected with the idea of "sacrifice" as was the House of Aries before it. Taurus played a key part in the development of much of the world's theology during those 2,160 years as mankind it seems had consciously advanced in areas of Astronomy and Astrology around the globe. We now understand better why Aaron made the rebellious people a "golden calf" when they had left Egypt since this was shortly after the changing of the Equinox to Aries from Taurus. The word translated "calf" in the narrative refers more specifically to a young bull. Thus the choice may well have related to the practice of bull symbolism in the worship of God, which was prevalent in ancient Egypt and Canaan. Fearsomely strong, notoriously quick-tempered, bulls were revered throughout much of the ancient world as symbols of strength and fertility. The bull appears in the art and sacred texts of Syria, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. Early records from Memphis, in Egypt, reveal that the Egyptians worshiped a live bull known as Apis as symbolic of God. The animal was thought to be a manifestation of the city's patron deity, Ptah, creator of the universe. Apis became identified with Osiris, legendary god of the Sun and of immortality and later was "reinvented" in the "Jesus Story" as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Egypt's goldsmiths turned out finely wrought effigies of Apis-Osiris and of his wife, Isis, represented by the head of a cow. When an Apis bull died at Memphis, its body was mummified. It was entombed in splendor during a period of mourning that lasted 70 days. In later centuries, the Apis bull became more closely linked with Osiris, so that after the conquest of Alexander the Great, Osiris-Apis was transformed into Serapis. In this new Hellenistic form, the ancient Egyptian bull-god became a prominent deity. In Mesopotamia, bulls were long venerated as symbols of majestic strength and potency. Savage wild bulls, called aurochs, once roamed the region, some weighing up to 3000 pounds, and colossal stone images of these beasts were set up to guard the entrances to the temples and palaces of Babylonia. In later years, the Assyrians adopted the bull-god as their guardian, often adding wings and a human face. When the Israelites reached the Promised Land in the 13th century B.C., the bull cult was already ancient there. Canaanite temples were sometimes built with images of bronze bulls in their foundations. It was perhaps for this reason that the Israelites in moments of doubt were tempted by bull cults. Behind all of this though let us not loose sight that these bulls were symbolic of the "Invisible God" of the Cosmos who was being worshiped!

But more importantly we also saw that key teachings attributed to and about Jesus in the "Jesus Story" amazingly follow in chronological sequence along with Sun's passage in the Sky into next sign of the Zodiac (from Aries to Taurus). As we should expect Jesus in the "Jesus Story", as the personified Sun, which is now in Taurus to be connected with "bull symbolism" we find exactly that. We saw that allegory and symbolism connected with the Sun and its struggle to climb into the Sky and opposition to such a rise to prominence also depicted in allegorical form in the continuing story of "Jesus Christ" as he travels through Israel as the opposition to Jesus from others steadily mounts daily. Parallel to this is the rise of the Sun from House to House in the Zodiac as well as the pages of our New Testaments reveal but in allegorical terms in the "Jesus Story". Darkness is approach the Sun and will take control of the seasons once again at the soon coming Winter Solstice. This "allegory" has lost its meaning to us today since being taught by our spiritual fathers to interpret the "Jesus Story" in a literal fashion instead of understanding it allegorically as the path of the Sun through the Heavens which is God's message of the metaphysical development and maturation of he Soul within mankind.

Now we pick up our study to continue tracing the passage of the Sun through the Zodiac and noting parallels to the life of Jesus Christ as depicted in the New Testament as the "Jesus Story" move now from Taurus into the Sign of Gemini.

Now let us continue in the next and final article in the Aries-Taurus series.

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites. Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!


  • Bet Emet Ministries
  • Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
  • 902 Cardigan
  • Garland, Texas 75040
  • Home: 972-496-4238
  • Cell: 972-480-7690
  • E-Mail: bennoah1@verizon.net

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