Entre la gran cantidad e cúmulos estelares que posee nuestra Galaxia, sean visibles a simple vista o no, merecen destacarse las Pléyades o las Siete Cabras. Este último nombre proviene de que el cúmulo presente ante la visión a ojo libre, a los siete componentes, los más luminosos, aunque en total sobrepasan los 150, que alcanzan los más débiles a un brillo equivalente a la magnitud 10ª.
El Hombre ya conoce a este agrupamiento desde la más remota Antigüedad y se lo nombra en algunos pasajes de la Biblia, siendo el único caso de mención dentro de las Sagradas Escrituras, en lo que agrupaciones estelares se refiere.
Visibles a simple vista en el Hemisferio Sur, en plena época de verano, las Pléyades se ubican dentro de la constelación zodiacal de Tauro o Toro, no lejos de la posición que ocupa su estrella principal, la rojiza Aldebaran, que significa “la que precede a las Pléyades”.
Las Pléyades ante la ciencia moderna
Este grupo estelar, formado por más de 150 componentes, como se dijo, se encuentra a unos 400 años-luz de la Tierra, enclavado en uno de los brazos espirales de la Vía Láctea, uno de los más exteriores.
El estudio visual, espectroscópico y fotográfico, coinciden en señalar que están integradas por estrellas de gran luminosidad y elevada temperatura, clasificadas como estrellas jóvenes.
En efecto, de acuerdo con la evolución estelar y la mecánica celeste, se estima que el grupo se formó en el núcleo de una gran masa de gas de hidrógeno mezclado con polvo cósmico, en épocas relativamente recientes, dado que parecen ser mucho más jóvenes que nuestro propio Sol.
La fotografía astronómica nos muestra aún la presencia del gas hidrógeno original pues las siete estrellas se hallan sumergidas en nebulosidades que se manifiestan ostensiblemente en las placas fotográficas.
La estrella principal conocida como Alcione, merece llevar una de las letras griegas que corresponde a la Constelación, Theta Tauro, siendo éste el único caso en el cual una estrella de cúmulo posee una denominación de este tipo.
La espectroscopia nos señala que las siete estrellas más importantes y visibles a ojo libre, son de la clase espectral A y B, que tienen como cualidad principal la coloración blanco-azulada, alta temperatura, y sobre todo, enorme velocidad de rotación sobre su eje. Esta particularidad hace que la enorme fuerza centrífuga generada, provoque la expulsión de materia de la estrella en su zona ecuatorial, dispersándose luego la misma en el espacio.
Los astrónomos denominan a estas estrellas como “variables eruptivas” y dentro del Grupo de las Pléyades, la conocida como Pleione, es un caso típico de ellos
Esta estrella, en períodos no regulares, arroja parte de su atmósfera al espacio, y como consecuencia de ello, eleva bruscamente su luminosidad. Luego de un tiempo, su luminosidad baja nuevamente a sus niveles originales.
Los científicos creen que la estrella, luego de un tiempo, vuelve a reponer la materia eyectada, manteniéndose así constante el ciclo de erupciones. Hasta el presente no son muchas las estrellas eruptivas que el hombre conoce. Entre ellas podemos citar a Próxima de Centauro, la estrella más cerca de la Tierra y que no es visible a simple vista por su baja luminosidad.
La gran juventud del Cúmulo, como también las características notables de sus integrantes, hace que la Astronomía moderna lo utilice como patrón para el estudio no sólo de los cúmulos estelares de su tipo, sino también para conocer mejor las diversas situaciones que reinan en las estrellas que lleva al final a dilucidar el inquietante y someter latente problema de la evolución estelar.
La Biblia y las Pléyades
“¿Eres tú quien mantiene juntas las Pléyades y separadas las estrellas del Orión? ¿Eres tú quien saca a su hora al Lucero de la mañana? ¿Eres tú quién guía a las estrellas de la Osa Mayor y de la Osa Menor? ¿Conoces tú las leyes que gobiernan al Cielo? ¿Eres tú quien aplica esas Leyes a la Tierra?"
JOB 38:31-33
Los hombres del Antiguo Pueblo de Dios eran sabios observadores del cielo, su conocimiento es superior al hombre medio de hoy. Ellos conocían el cielo, palmo a palmo, porque cobraron conciencia de que era un cielo que el Creador les había dado para que disfrutar de su belleza.
El escritor del libro de Job, que citamos, pone en boca de Dios este reproche a nuestro querido y suficiente amigo Job. Nuestros viejos amigos bíblicos conocían a las estrellas nombre por nombre. El profeta Amós incitando a su pueblo a que busque al Señor que hizo a las Pléyades y a Orión, que convierte la noche en día y el día en noche oscura. Quien hace que Tauro brille tras Capricornio y que se meta después con Arturo. (AMOS 5: 8-9).
Un astronauta que estuvo en la Luna pensó ¿Qué hombre pudo viajar más alto? Sin embargo, a su regreso a la Tierra siendo él un hombre que buscaba en toda circunstancia importante de su vida tratar de comunicarse con el Creador, recibió este mensaje: TU VUELA AUN MÁS ALTO. ¿Volar más alto? Acaso no podía él estar orgulloso de ser uno de los pocos mortales que tuviera el privilegio de realizar5 el vuelo más alto que aún haya podido realizar la raza humana.
Sin embargo, la orden de parte de Dios para él era TU, VUELA AUN MÁS ALTO; y este astronauta ha fundado un movimiento espiritual que va por todo el mundo predicando USTEDES VUELEN MAS ALTO.
Tú, amigo navegante, ¿No será que Tu Creador también a ti te ha estado diciendo en este tiempo que MIRES MAS ALTO?. ¿No será que Dios te tiene reservado revelaciones de las cosas QUE ESTÁN ARRIBA? ¿No será que estás privando al pueblo de Dios te tiene reservado revelaciones de las cosas QUE ESTÁN ARRIBA? ¿No será que estás privando al pueblo de Dios de esas revelaciones que SOLAMENTE A TI, Él te dará porque hace tiempo Él te esta diciendo TU TAMBIÉN MIRA MAS ARRIBA?.
No será, amigo, que es también para ti este casi tres veces milenario mensaje de aquel humilde vocero y mensajero de Dios, profeta Amós: BUSCA AL QUE HACE LAS PLÉYADES. Buscad no al que hace cualquier cosa, sino que buscar al que creó a Las Pléyades.
Estará en tus manos el desentrañarlo si tú también en este tiempo te dispones de tiempo y TU TAMBIÉN MIRAS MAS ARRIBA.
Ezequiel fue otro que miró hacia arriba y entonces dijo
“Yo, el sacerdote Ezequiel, hijo de Buzi, estaba a orillas del río Quebar, en Babilonia, entre los que habían sido llevados al destierro. En esto se abrió el cielo y vi a Dios en Visión. El Señor puso su mano sobre mí. Entonces vi que del Norte venía un viento huracanado y de una gran nube salía un fuego como de relámpagos, en su derredor había un fuerte resplandor. En medio del fuego brillaba algo semejante a metal bruñido y en el centro mismo, había algo parecido a CUATRO SERES CON ASPECTO HUMANO... Los seres iban y venían rápidamente como si fueran relámpagos. Miré aquellos seres y vi que en el suelo, al lado de cada uno de ellos, había una rueda. Las cuatro ruedas eran iguales, y por la manera en que estaban hechas brillaban como topacio. Parecía como si dentro de cada rueda hubiera otra rueda. Podía avanzar en cualquiera de las cuatro direcciones sin tener que volverse. Vi que las cuatro ruedas estaban llenas de aros y que en su alrededor, había como muchos ojos.”
EZEQUIEL l : l-18.
Increíble, pero el profeta Ezequiel parece un moderno ovnílogo narrando un caso actual de contacto, con su lenguaje poético de aquella época. El ingeniero Blumritt de la NASA hizo un dibujo, basado en las expresiones del Profeta y parece un OVNI FOTOGRAFIADO DE LA ACTUALIDAD.
Y en la Biblia también se habla que sobre los ejércitos de la Tierra hay ejércitos de los Cielos, y por sobre todo, carros de fuego, celestiales. Y los ángeles, son seres celestiales que han traspasado la atmósfera, han viajado a través de los planetas y han venido desde donde Dios mismo está. Mensajeros Celestiales es la auténtica traducción de la palabra Ángel y la pregunta que nos hacemos surge sola ¿De donde provienen tales seres y hacia donde se dirigían luego de cumplida su misión?
Los pastores judíos MIRARON HACIA EL CIELO y vieron una multitud de seres celestiales que anunciaban HA NACIDO UN SALVADOR. A TODOS LOS HOMBRES DE BUENA VOLUNTAD: PAZ.
También Jesús enfrentando a los ejércitos romanos les dijo:
Para pensar, para reflexionar para MIRAR HACIA ARRIBA. Y Arriba están LAS PLÉYADES, como la gran incógnita de todos los tiempos. |
For the record, I am not affiliated with any group, or religious organizations, nor have I been so in this life.
These following pieces, to the most pertinent ov historical puzzles, are relevant to the past, current, and future state ov this Earth, whether the established groups, and or religious organizations ov the world exist, or not.
Great puzzle pieces to ponder.
Sourse information is a compilation from past online conversations, and things collected from research.
33 degrees is associated with Mastery in Masonic symbolism. Very much relevant in connection with the 33 vertebrate ov the spinal column as well.
We measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The lunar calendar is said to have 360 days, also a perfect circle.
Found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book, it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio.
Exaltation was/is considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite.
In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.
The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Seven Pillars, Virgin of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.'
'The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuls of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida (lucus, lucy?), then being near the vernal equinox--- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title 'The Great Year of the Pleiades' for the cycle of precession of about 25, 900 years."
Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinoxthe Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line."
What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess?
According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was 'Khuti,' which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious One. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the 'Great Altar Stairs,' by which men climbed heavenward.
Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the center of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves.
Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead center, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier center. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that center is. Some however believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer, Prof.J.H, Maedler belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the "midnight throne" in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs the universe.'
An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. 'Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the center of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annuals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, center. Its meaning, center, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this center, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs.' 6 Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? 'Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God.' Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.
I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades'7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, "O" tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.
At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. There is a clue is in her title, which seems to mean 'of Magdala' - with some possible interpretation as 'place of the dove', 'place of the tower' and 'temple-tower'. In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that 'tower of the flock' in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar. So was Mary Magdalene a direct connection to a secreted Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus/John the Baptist might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades 'the canary' for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light. The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra ( Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.
In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus/John the Baptist were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. 'Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, a form of Jes-us.'
This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lama claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however had travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa. Isa's tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar - which means Great Serpent? The clue I believe is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar, actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar - a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt. 'Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves' Matthew 11:16 'Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve 'from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.'
Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu (Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas, Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Lung Dragons and Quetzlcoatls. There are many traditions, which also state that the Serpents were Extra-terrestrials. ' Some of the Interstellar Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades. [According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these androgynous Serpents are known as the 'sacred seven,' and said to have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades, in order to instill within developing humankind the spark of the individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries mated with the human population and their progeny spread throughout Atlantis.' This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene (Queen?) Alcyone, of Pleiadia, had mated with Poseidon, King of Atlantis and their offspring populated Atlantis.
Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke, 16 Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the Egyptian Mysteries. I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page 54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of the Pleiades. He explains, 'This Masonic emblem, has a direct allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry home beyond the grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons that, of all the 'hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an emblem by our ancient brethren.' The ladder is also made of seven step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, that which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed over the heart of the candidate and sworn to in Masonry. I believe the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council and it lies exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree is 33 degrees - the Grand Master. If you break up the word Mason into two - Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun.
'Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades' archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Pillars ov Hathor (Ha Thor). (Matthew 12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation)
The dead had to speak the names of the Goddess to pass her 'critical' examination and enter paradise.' (Reminiscent ov, "only by the confession ov the name.)
It is interesting to note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One. Maya, was the virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of Maia/Maya/Mary/Mery when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades.
The real name was/is imbued with magical powers and properties; to destroy someone's name was/is to deprive them of all individuality and all power. To perpetuate the name of the father, or mother was a childs earnest duty. According to the Egyptian traditions, one could do nothing better for anyone than to cause his, or her name to live with inscriptions and representations, and nothing worse than to allow his, or her name to perish, to not be named. As in, to speak not the wHolly Name, was considered one ov the wores things that could happen.
Calling a person's name was/is important in performing Egyptian chants and spells. Incantation and chanting are scientifically controlled sound waves, which generate sonar fields, establishing an immediate vibratory identity with the essential principle that underlies any object or form.
Ancient and Baladi Egyptians did/do not have the so called last (sur or family) "name". Each family lineage was/ is defined by its profession/trade. It was/is one's profession/trade name that determines the "family name title name." Generaly family trades were something encoded right into the DNA. Hence the tradition ov Birthrights.
The joint legacy of the serpent and dragon was symbolized by that of the prehistoric crocodile, the most sacred of all creatures, symbolizing circumcision, that was practiced in Egypt thousands ov years before adopted by the Hebrew peoples, after Sarah came back from EShip, and the traditionally identified serpent should not be confused with the cold and venomous image conjured by the English word 'snake'.
The holy crocodile was Draco the mighty dragon of kingship, the pharoah, whence were named the Pen dragons, being the same as King Authors, and Scribes ov the LORD.
Dragon was a word that meant seer. The >wicked< Dragon, or King, had been cast down for having committed high treason against the LORD. Hence, why the ancient inheritance had been passed on to the seed ov Jacob, who became YisRaEl = Yah Isis Amen Ra Elohim.
The Coronation
Here we make a connection that the Mery and David, both meaning beloved, are titles given to the spiritual headship that was known to come from Alcyon, to land eventually in Eship, or Egypt, the Queen & her King, or seer. The Kings that found pleasure in the sight ov the LORD.
The Mery, Mighty Tower, ov the order ov Doves, is the anointer, life giver, and maker ov the David (Proverbs 8:15), Mery, the LORD from Egypt. ( Hosea 12 & 13.)
More puzzle pieces coming soon.
ICR © by Sonyah K. D. GuStafson P. AO
Solomon's given legitimate name was actually Jedidiah. His father's true name is uncertain, since the titular style of David, meaning beloved, has predominated (although never recorded as a personal name before that time). Mesopotamian texts from the palace of Mari refer, however, to the Diividum as might be the" Caesar" (Emperor) or Pharaoh. In reality, Solomon and his successors were all Davids
(Devi's, Diividums.or Messiahs).
ceremony of the King included, among other things, anointing him with the fat of the crocodile. This is the original source of the Hebrew word 'Messiah'. MeSSeH was the word for crocodile in ancient Egypt.
Mry, or Mery, also used as Mary. The origin of this name lays in ancient Egypt, where the word 'mery' means 'the beloved'. The name Mary/Mery is one of the most repeated words in ancient Egyptian texts. It was used as an adjective before names of people, neteru, ... etc. Mery has been described as
"the Mother of princes and rulers" |
This webpage is set up to address the secret of all the star maps and the release of the breakthrough found in the hidden Senmut tomb in Egypt. (Scroll down to go directly to the Senmut star map breakthrough).
Look very closely at the repeating pattern of monuments or artefacts found in the collection of star maps in the links above.
They all show a repeating pattern for the most important area in space with their most important monument or depiction. They seem to be marking an area in space of their so called 'gods' positioned very close to the Pleiades star cluster. (See below). This group here is only the tip of the iceburg so to speak as there are a lot more ancient star maps found all over the world, as listed in detail in the carousel on the home page. They also seem to revere a small target area in space as the proverbial 'x' target that marks the spot. There is only one star that fits in this area during a specific time period. A match only around the period 17000 years ago. It appears to be one tiny nearby Sun-like star that fits in this target position (see video) that was more important than any other star. A star that the ancients said was like our Sun... the place of their 'gods'. It seems we have a conclusive match. If you think this is a coincidence, watch this page for an update because there are target areas for another two Sun-like stars and all three have sacred monuments that correlate with their positions at an ancient epoch. A Solar Trinity so to speak. (See below).
The official catalogue references for the three sun-like stars are listed here. The first star HD283271 is the most important star in most of the star maps referred to as the Star of Ra, the star of Bethlehem and the star of David, the other two feature on only a few of the very detailed star map examples of The Freemason first degree tracingboard, the Mars star map Stonehenge and Tikal.
| |
It was a star very close to the Pleiades star cluster indicated with the different colours as an overlay in the image below, using only a few examples of the star map pattern reproduced from a few of the most important ancient sites. In fact there are a lot more ancient star maps in contention targeting the same important target area but the image below would be hard to follow if we showed all of them.
The image above is astronomical evidence that there are three 'G' class Sun-like stars shown in the positions that advanced computer star atlas programs identify when set around 17000 years ago. Click the three listed star references from the well known online star data base that astronomers use - The SIMBAD Astronomical Database (the purple font references above first image) to confirm their listing and their critically important proper motions to calculate exact correlations at an ancient epoch. Two are listed as G5 stars but the latest TYC star is a G2 Sun-like star... absolutely identical to our Sun! Click the video link at the top of the page as Wayne proves the position and motion of the most important Sun-like star HD283271 .
One needs to take all the clues into account.. Firstly the ancients said it was the place of their 'gods', people that seem to be real flesh and blood star visitors that were also linked to our ancestors. Secondly almost all mark the place on artefacts or murals with a star, and lastly, they speak of the beginings of their civilisation in every case, not the ending of civilisation or at the very least, anything that would be so far in the distant future for them.
In the image below the star maps found all over the world now numbering well above 14 clear examples, all depict the target area in question very close to the Pleiades. This on its own rules out the chance of our Sun being a possible candidate for the answer to the ancients star obsession, especially at a the position shown where new age societies believe where it crosses the Milky Way in 2012. Look closely at the main overlays in the image and compare the target area to the path of the Sun. There is only one star that is in this target position at a very ancient epoch!
Does the mystery Sun-like star that fits in this position revere the solar system of our human ancestors? Are we not alone in the universe after all? Are we all descendant of a gene lineage not of this Earth? Are the pyramids at Giza orientated as a specific alignment? To mimic Orion in the sky as a location pointer to the sacred leg of the bull constellation? And could the leg iconology signify two distinct messages… firstly that it belongs to Taurus the bull, and secondly that its shape acts as a secondary pointer to locate the position of a very nearby Sun-like star? Test your powers of reasoning… the logical solution with all the clues is shown cryptically on this website. It is presented with more detail and very easy to follow in Wayne's book… it explains how all these star maps fit into a much bigger picture explaining who we are and where we come from. |
The belief systems of the ancient civilisations across the globe were in almost all cases, completely off track. Lets now explore their sadly misguided obsession in worshiping either Sun or Sun-like stars as the place where their ‘gods’ came from and the idols associated with the cult. The importance of directing prayer to a single universal Creator was sadly forgotten. This seems to be a human weakness that occurs over and over again through time.
The first primary image with two large depictions of two positions of our Sun (seen above on the Ecliptic) to compare alignment (to see if maybe the star maps show our Sun). The proof is in this image. It shows that the Sun in both positions are too far away from the said target position. It is important to show the path of the Sun, so as to distinguish between the Sun and the Sun-like star the author identifies in the repeating examples of the cosmic pattern making up his star maps. When examining the star maps, one may feel compelled to try and make the Sun fit the star maps as the ‘sacred place’ due to the traditional theory that it is our Sun that is being worshiped. This would be a huge mistake here.
Compare the Sun’s path with the extremely slow moving position of the nearby Sun-like star (the star that the author believes is the ultimate solution to all the ancient star maps is shown in the position here as a small yellow dot where it appears to match the star maps… at a time 17250 years ago).
Here are a number of reasons why the author believes a Sun-like star and not our Sun is in question in these ancient star maps.
- In the Egyptian pyramid star map template where the Sun is at its closest match to the Sun temple position, it is a mismatch by five times the appropriate distance for a correlation.
- When the Sun passes between the bull’s horns of Taurus, near the place where the ecliptic crosses the Milky Way in May, there is a mismatch by as much as seven times the appropriate distance.
- In the sky, it is not possible to see both the Sun and the Pleiades.
- In the case of the Senmut tomb, (bottom image) the red dot in a circle is the same size as the two linking nearby stars (black dots) of the ‘hoof’ of the leg of the bull. Our Sun would therefore be far too big to match the miniscule red dot.
- Given how often the same star map recurs around the world, and given that the ancients’ texts globally all refer to ‘gods’ that come from the stars, such a belief strongly suggests that a star and not the Sun is the solution to the cosmic template that is integral to all these civilisations.
- And last but not least: Why would the ancients be obsessed with something as commonplace and mundane as the daily appearance of the Sun?
As already mentioned, the position of the Sun between the bull’s horns near the crossing place of the Sun and the Milky Way (often seen with the Apis bull in ancient Egypt) poses an obvious mismatch by distance and size when compared to the collective examples of the repeating cosmic pattern of the ancients. This being the case, then why did the ancient Egyptians sometimes portray the ‘solar disc’ between the horns of the celestial bull?
The answer is simple.
In his book, ‘The Hidden Records, author Wayne Herschel debates his interpretation and in summary here are the important factors to consider.
The Pleiades and the Sun-like star (that Wayne believes was significant to the ancients), are found directly behind the horns and neck of the celestial bull of the sky. On a practical level, when carving a statue, a convenient place the solar disc could be incorporated, would be for it to be wedged firmly between the horns. It would seem murals inadvertently emulated this portrayal.
Be that as it may, there is very early evidence at the Temple of Hathor in Dendera of the solar disc being placed correctly in the ‘sacred’ position in the nape of the neck of the celestial bull and not the horns (as in the case of the earliest ancient Egyptian relic… the Narmer tablet discussed in the book). This is exactly where the Pleiades and the Sun-like star are found in the night sky.
Click here... Taurus star map.
Notice how the celestial bull cryptically points to the disc with his ‘sacred’ leg! The Dendera zodiac disc repeats the same them, as does the Senmut tomb mural (see below). And if you were wondering about the crescent… The ultimate question should be… Is the crescent conclusively indicative of a world in partial shadow from its Sun-like star, and not our moon at all? A theory further corroborated by other ancient relics and the Nebra disc ( Click here for Nebra disc).
As a matter of interest, the ancients showed the celestial boat that Ra traversed the cosmos in, as egg or disc shaped. In the book it is also debated that his ship most likely shone like the Sun. It is quite likely that ‘his star’ that he came from was confused with ‘his celestial’ ship (see this website for the Sumerian tablet of a man in disc attached to a Sun-like star), hence resulting in the two very different concepts becoming merged over time.
The Senmut tomb in Egypt breakthrough offers proof that Wayne's interpretation of the Sun Temple obelisk near Abusir is the 'x' that marks the spot - a tiny star very close to the Pleiades. The tomb below repeats the secret...
The Senmut tomb in Deir El Bahri near the Hatshepsut temple holds a secret... the perfect confirmation of the Egyptian pyramid layout secret and the beginnings of Egypt is found here.
The tomb is not open to public and is under lock and key. Scholars do not like to comment on this tomb mural since it seems to contradict their interpretations of the genesis of Egypt. In the top image it appears a little hard to follow so Wayne has reproduced his interpretation of it below it.
In the image directly above Wayne outlines finer detail. To begin with (ref - inserted image at top left). Note how Horus/Sokar represents Orion’s belt showing the way (using a rod in this depiction) to the ‘leg of the bull’ constellation in Taurus, namely the Pleiades. In the astronomical version seen here, the Pleiades have been magnified and repositioned (and are therefore not a precise representation of the stars by the ancient artist). However, it seems artistically reproduced with such simplicity, an age old teaching method of how to find… the place of the ‘gods’.
Consider the size of the red solar disc (red dot in circle radiating beam of light down to Earth). Its size is the same size as the two ‘hoof’ stars of the leg constellation that one must follow to the sacred star. Is this not conclusive reasoning that the red disc cannot possibly be our Sun? Note also the beam of light, or perhaps a cosmic ladder from the red dot down to the Earth. The narrator of the story is also pointing to the star in question. The Senmut tomb is currently locked up and not for viewing by visitors in Egypt. In summary this tomb on its own justifiably challenges everything we thought we knew about the beginnings of Egypt.
The image below is of Orion seen as the Sacred Cross of Constantine, the cosmic pointer to the Sunlike star through 33 degrees of arc, the second image is of the Pleiades as the ancient Egyptians depicted it as the cosmic "leg of the bull" of Taurus.
http://thehiddenrecords.com/gods.htm#new |
Deuteronomio 33:1 Esta es la bendición con la cual bendijo Moisés varón de Dios a los hijos de Israel, antes que muriese. 33:2 Dijo: Jehová vino de Sinaí, Y de Seir les esclareció; Resplandeció desde el monte de Parán, Y vino de entre diez millares de santos, Con la ley de fuego a su mano derecha. 33:3 Aun amó a su pueblo; Todos los consagrados a él estaban en su mano; Por tanto, ellos siguieron en tus pasos, Recibiendo dirección de ti, 33:4 Cuando Moisés nos ordenó una ley, Como heredad a la congregación de Jacob. 33:5 Y fue rey en Jesurún, Cuando se congregaron los jefes del pueblo Con las tribus de Israel. 33:6 Viva Rubén, y no muera; Y no sean pocos sus varones. 33:7 Y esta bendición profirió para Judá. Dijo así: Oye, oh Jehová, la voz de Judá, Y llévalo a su pueblo; Sus manos le basten, Y tú seas su ayuda contra sus enemigos. 33:8 A Leví dijo: Tu Tumim y tu Urim sean para tu varón piadoso, A quien probaste en Masah,Con quien contendiste en las aguas de Meriba, 33:9 Quien dijo de su padre y de su madre: Nunca los he visto;Y no reconoció a sus hermanos, Ni a sus hijos conoció; Pues ellos guardaron tus palabras, Y cumplieron tu pacto. 33:10 Ellos enseñarán tus juicios a Jacob, Y tu ley a Israel; Pondrán el incienso delante de ti, Y el holocausto sobre tu altar. 33:11 Bendice, oh Jehová, lo que hicieren, Y recibe con agrado la obra de sus manos; Hiere los lomos de sus enemigos, Y de los que lo aborrecieren, para que nunca se levanten. 33:12 A Benjamín dijo: El amado de Jehová habitará confiado cerca de él; Lo cubrirá siempre, Y entre sus hombros morará. 33:13 A José dijo: Bendita de Jehová sea tu tierra, Con lo mejor de los cielos, con el rocío, Y con el abismo que está abajo. 33:14 Con los más escogidos frutos del sol, Con el rico producto de la luna, 33:15 Con el fruto más fino de los montes antiguos, Con la abundancia de los collados eternos, 33:16 Y con las mejores dádivas de la tierra y su plenitud; Y la gracia del que habitó en la zarza Venga sobre la cabeza de José, Y sobre la frente de aquel que es príncipe entre sus hermanos. 33:17 Como el primogénito de su toro es su gloria, Y sus astas como astas de búfalo; Con ellas acorneará a los pueblos juntos hasta los fines de la tierra; Ellos son los diez millares de Efraín, Y ellos son los millares de Manasés. 33:18 A Zabulón dijo: Alégrate, Zabulón, cuando salieres; Y tú, Isacar, en tus tiendas. 33:19 Llamarán a los pueblos a su monte; Allí sacrificarán sacrificios de justicia, Por lo cual chuparán la abundancia de los mares, Y los tesoros escondidos de la arena. 33:20 A Gad dijo: Bendito el que hizo ensanchar a Gad; Como león reposa, Y arrebata brazo y testa. 33:21 Escoge lo mejor de la tierra para sí, Porque allí le fue reservada la porción del legislador. Y vino en la delantera del pueblo; Con Israel ejecutó los mandatos y los justos decretos de Jehová. 33:22 A Dan dijo: Dan es cachorro de león Que salta desde Basán. 33:23 A Neftalí dijo: Neftalí, saciado de favores, Y lleno de la bendición de Jehová, Posee el occidente y el sur. 33:24 A Aser dijo: Bendito sobre los hijos sea Aser; Sea el amado de sus hermanos, Y moje en aceite su pie. 33:25 Hierro y bronce serán tus cerrojos, Y como tus días serán tus fuerzas. 33:26 No hay como el Dios de Jesurún, Quien cabalga sobre los cielos para tu ayuda, Y sobre las nubes con su grandeza. 33:27 El eterno Dios es tu refugio, Y acá abajo los brazos eternos; El echó de delante de ti al enemigo,Y dijo: Destruye. 33:28 E Israel habitará confiado, la fuente de Jacob habitará sola En tierra de grano y de vino; También sus cielos destilarán rocío. 33:29 Bienaventurado tú, oh Israel. ¿Quién como tú, Pueblo salvo por Jehová, Escudo de tu socorro, Y espada de tu triunfo? Así que tus enemigos serán humillados, Y tú hollarás sobre sus alturas.
Tauro, el toro también es evidente en el Cántico de Moisés en el Deuteronomio.
Deut. Deut. 33:13-17 33:13-17
13 And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, 14 And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, 15 And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills , 16 And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush : let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. 13 Y á José dijo: Bendita de Jehová sea tu tierra, por los regalos de los cielos, el rocío, y con el abismo que abajo yace, 14 Y para los más escogidos frutos del sol, y por el valioso las cosas planteadas por la luna, 15 Y por la cabeza de los montes antiguos, y por los regalos de los collados eternos, 16 Y por los regalos de la tierra y su plenitud, y por la buena voluntad del que habitó en el monte: que la bendición venga sobre la cabeza de José, y en la parte superior de la cabeza del que se separó de sus hermanos. 17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh. 17 Su gloria es como el primogénito de su toro, y sus cuernos, cuernos de unicornio: Con ellos se empujan a la gente junto a los confines de la tierra: y estos son los diez millares de Efraín, y ellos son los millares de Manasés.
Here in Moses' Song , he uses the same language found in Numbers in the horns of the "reem" or " Unicorn, " as the KJV renders it. Aquí en la canción de Moisés, que él utiliza el mismo lenguaje en números en los cuernos de la "Reem" o "Unicornio", como la RV que presta. It is certainly plain that the popularly imagined unicorn, the mythical beast, is not pictured with more than one horn , but the Bull is. Sin duda, es evidente que el popular imaginado unicornio, el animal mítico, no se representa con más de un cuerno, pero es el toro. These Bull horns are identified as the sons of Joseph in verse 17. Estos cuernos de toro son identificados como los hijos de José, en el versículo 17. The reference in verse 15 to the " chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills," refer directly to the most famous star cluster in the history of astronomy, called the Pleiades . La referencia en el versículo 15 que "las cosas de los montes antiguos, y por los regalos de los collados eternos," se refieren directamente al cúmulo estelar más famoso de la historia de la astronomía, llama a las Pléyades. This star group located in the upper shoulder of Taurus , is one of the signs specifically named in the Book of Job , the Bible's oldest book. Este grupo de estrellas situado en la parte superior del hombro de Tauro, es uno de los signos mencionados concretamente en el Libro de Job, el libro más antiguo de la Biblia.
The Pleiades, the most famous Star cluster in History Las Pléyades, el cúmulo estelar más famoso de la historia
Job 9:7-9 Job 9:7-9
7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. 7 ¿Qué manda al sol, y no sale, y sella las estrellas. 8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. 9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades , and the chambers of the south. 8 ¿Cuál solo extiende los cielos, y holla las olas del mar. 9 ¿Qué hace salir Arcturus, de Orión y las Pléyades, y las cámaras del sur.
This is one of a number of specific references made to the Pleiades in God's Word. Este es uno de una serie de referencias específicas hechas a las Pléyades en la Palabra de Dios. The name Pleiades means the " congregation of the judge." We should also notice in verses 7-8 above that it was God alone Who spread out the heavens, and sealed up the names of the stars, [ Ps. Las Pléyades nombre significa la "congregación de los jueces." También debemos notar en los versículos 7-8 arriba que era Dios quien extendió los cielos, y sellados los nombres de las estrellas, [Ps. 147:4 ]. 147:4]. Verse 7 above plainly states that the Creator is the One in control of the Sun, which is proved in the miracle of the Sun going backwards on the Sundial of Ahaz in Isaiah 38:7-8 . The celestial symbolism of the Bull also appears in the context of the four-corners or heavenly pillars, in the furniture of Israel's Temple, in what is known as the Brasen Sea. El versículo 7 dice claramente por encima de que el Creador es el que tiene el control del Sol, que se demuestra en el milagro del Sol yendo hacia atrás en el reloj de Acaz, Isaías 38:7-8 en. El simbolismo celestial del Toro también aparece en el contexto de las cuatro esquinas o pilares celestial, en el mobiliario del Templo de Israel, en lo que se conoce como el mar de bronce. We find details of this in I Kings 7. Nos encontramos con los detalles de esto en I Reyes 7.
http://try-god.com/view_page.asp?id=114 |
If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees.
Deuteronomio 33:1 Esta es la bendición con la cual bendijo Moisés varón de Dios a los hijos de Israel, antes que muriese. 33:2 Dijo: Jehová vino de Sinaí, Y de Seir les esclareció; Resplandeció desde el monte de Parán, Y vino de entre diez millares de santos, Con la ley de fuego a su mano derecha. 33:3 Aun amó a su pueblo; Todos los consagrados a él estaban en su mano; Por tanto, ellos siguieron en tus pasos, Recibiendo dirección de ti, 33:4 Cuando Moisés nos ordenó una ley, Como heredad a la congregación de Jacob. 33:5 Y fue rey en Jesurún, Cuando se congregaron los jefes del pueblo Con las tribus de Israel. 33:6 Viva Rubén, y no muera; Y no sean pocos sus varones. 33:7 Y esta bendición profirió para Judá. Dijo así: Oye, oh Jehová, la voz de Judá, Y llévalo a su pueblo; Sus manos le basten, Y tú seas su ayuda contra sus enemigos. 33:8 A Leví dijo: Tu Tumim y tu Urim sean para tu varón piadoso, A quien probaste en Masah,Con quien contendiste en las aguas de Meriba, 33:9 Quien dijo de su padre y de su madre: Nunca los he visto;Y no reconoció a sus hermanos, Ni a sus hijos conoció; Pues ellos guardaron tus palabras, Y cumplieron tu pacto. 33:10 Ellos enseñarán tus juicios a Jacob, Y tu ley a Israel; Pondrán el incienso delante de ti, Y el holocausto sobre tu altar. 33:11 Bendice, oh Jehová, lo que hicieren, Y recibe con agrado la obra de sus manos; Hiere los lomos de sus enemigos, Y de los que lo aborrecieren, para que nunca se levanten. 33:12 A Benjamín dijo: El amado de Jehová habitará confiado cerca de él; Lo cubrirá siempre, Y entre sus hombros morará.
33:13 A José dijo: Bendita de Jehová sea tu tierra, Con lo mejor de los cielos, con el rocío, Y con el abismo que está abajo. 33:14 Con los más escogidos frutos del sol, Con el rico producto de la luna, 33:15 Con el fruto más fino de los montes antiguos, Con la abundancia de los collados eternos, 33:16 Y con las mejores dádivas de la tierra y su plenitud; Y la gracia del que habitó en la zarza Venga sobre la cabeza de José, Y sobre la frente de aquel que es príncipe entre sus hermanos. 33:17 Como el primogénito de su toro es su gloria, Y sus astas como astas de búfalo; Con ellas acorneará a los pueblos juntos hasta los fines de la tierra; Ellos son los diez millares de Efraín, Y ellos son los millares de Manasés.
Tenemos LUNA LLENA proxima al 911 en TAURO/PLEYADES
06 de noviembre 2011
07 de noviembre 2011
08 de noviembre 2011
09 de noviembre 2011
10 de noviembre 2011
Luna llena
11 de noviembre 2011
12 de noviembre 2011
13 de noviembre 2011
Misterio del otro 9/11 o nueve de noviembre. Noviembre es noveno mes desde MARZO y ONCEAVO MES DESDE enero. ¿Cual es el misterio detras del otro 911? Noten que tenemos luna llena en TAURO/PLEYADES en este contexto?
Job 9:9: El hizo la Osa, el Orión y las Pléyades,Y los lugares secretos del sur; (¿9/11 O 9 DE NOVIEMBRE?)
Job 38:31: ¿Podrás tú atar los lazos de las Pléyades, O desatarás las ligaduras de Orión?
3. Amós 5:8: buscad al que hace las Pléyades y el Orión, y vuelve las tinieblas en mañana, y hace oscurecer el día como noche; el que llama a las aguas del mar, y las derrama sobre la faz de la tierra; Jehová es su nombre;
The word for “ stars ” in reference to the seven stars held in Jesus' right hand in the Greek is the word " aster " [*G792]. This word is used in reference to both angels and to celestial bodies like the planet Jupiter [ Matt. 2:2, 7, 9 & 10 ]. Matt. 2:2 is especially interesting in this light because here the Magi address the first question of the New Testament; “ Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him.” As we have seen in other sections of our web-site, Jupiter is proven to be the star of the Messiah, and as the King planet, it is significantly mentioned by the Magi as identifying Jesus as the King of the Jews . Another Biblical title of the Messiah which correlates to a celestial identity, is Jesus as the Morning Star , ( Rev. 2:28, 22:16 ). This relates to the planet Venus , significant for its morning and evening star appearances. This title of the Morning Star only occurs one other place in God's Word, ( Isa. 14:12 ), in reference to Lucifer , while still in his first estate. As the first bright and Morning Star, Lucifer was second only to God in authority, but his dominion over the angelic realms was stripped from him when iniquity was found in him at his attempted coup' in heaven. Christ has superseded him as the new Morning Star, and Lucifer's former authority over the archangels Michael and Gabriel was transferred to Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Since Christ Jesus supersedes Lucifer's original ministry as the Bright and Morning Star, the planet Venus symbolizes an angelic and spiritual dominion as the “covenant angel named wonderful,” [ Judges 13:18 ]. This Covenant Angel whose name was not revealed, but kept secret at that point in the Old Testament, because as part of Jesus' future angelic dominion, had the princes of this world, or the operatives of the fallen Satan gotten wind of it, they never would have crucified the Lord of Glory, ( I Cor. 2:8 ). This Hebrew word for “ wonderful ” [*H6382] also appears in the famous prophecy of Christ in Isaiah 9:6, describing him as a wonderful or miraculous Counselor. Those who follow his counsel will partake in the supernatural signs and wonders that are produced from belief in his Words. Even the Scribes and Pharisees called him Rabbi , [ Jn. 6:25 ] so the Scriptures recognize Christ as a Marvelous Teacher, even as the arch-angel Gabriel is when delivering God's messages unto men.
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For those of you who were able to view the introductory flash animation to our Try -God web-site, you have already seen a symbolic representation of what the ...
Mat 2:2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. |
αστηρ aster {as-tare'} probably from the base of 4766; TDNT - 1:503,86; n m AV - star 24; 24 1) a star
Gematria: 609
March 6, 2011 by Humanity Healing Network. Filed under Alcyone, Central Sun, Humanity Healing, humanityhealing, Mount Zion, Pleiades, seven Hathors, Stellar™ Codes, Uncategorized, Video
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ~Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167
In ancient times, the Pleaides were called “The Guardians of the Sky”. They had the mystical task to have the account of Time Keeping. The Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades’ archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Hathors. The Pleiadian Star System was the locus of our cosmic inheritance and the source of the mystical wisdom known by the High Initiates of the Mystery School of Isis.
The influence of the Pleiades is most heightened in May and November every year. This is when Pleiadian consciousness is most accessible to humanity.
Some of the Oriental Scriptures affirm that our connection to the Pleiades is made through sound and vibration. In Alice Bailey writings, it is suggested that perhaps the Pleiades are the source of the atomic life of our Logos, the active intelligent aspect. The Pleiades are believed to be the home of the many Spiritual schools of learning whose influence awakens and transforms the rational mind into becoming a clear vehicle of spirit.
The cluster consists of 7 small stars (Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Asterope and Alcyone) with Alcyone being the central star and known as the star of the weeping sisters.
Alcyone is the Great Group “point at center” for the One Cosmic Hierarchy and the center of the sweep of the circle of the Seven Cosmic Initiates, the Lords of the Seven Great Creative Hierarchies.
Alcyone is a Stellar Being who vibrates her cosmic melody into the frequencies of the Constellation of the Pleiades. Called “The Central One”, Alcyone is both the central and the largest star of the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters; the seven stars which are situated on the shoulder blade of the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. Alcyone is often seen as representing the whole group which is clustered within one degree from each other.
Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. Alcyone is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, center; Cyon sound like Sion/Zion – the heavenly city of God. Alcyone aptitudes are well mentioned on the Psalm 87 and in the Book of Revelations, chapters 21, 23, 25 and 27.
“The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp (…)Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” ~ Revelations 21
In Greek, its name Alcyone or Halcyone means the queen who wards off evil storms. In Greek Mythology, Alcyone was a queen, daughter of King Aeolus, the guardian of the winds, who in grief over the death of her husband Ceyx, threw herself into the sea and was changed into a halcyon through the compassionate action of the God Zeus. The bird was identified with the kingfisher, and believed to have had the power to calm the wind and the waves at the time of the winter solstice when it nested on the sea. Halcyon means tranquil and free from disturbance or care; prosperous; golden: as in “halcyon days”.
Many ancient traditions affirm that Alcyone is the Spiritual Central Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was believed to be the center of the Universe around which our own solar system also revolves.
It is the supreme symbol of Synthesis, consummated light expression and the cosmic Whole. All seven of the Cosmic Paths eventually lead via the Seven Centers to the central Hub of the Great Wheel and all seven strands of the Great intra-cosmic Antahkarana emanate from it.
The Stellar Being of Alcyone bestows intuitional intelligence to seekers at a high level of consciousness and knowledge, helping the seeker to grow to be consciously aware of Divine Knowledge and Wisdom. This is why their etheric, astral and mental bodies must be purified and perfectly attuned before being able to integrate with that spiritual realm. Through these attunements, all the twelve doors that open the Sacred Temple of Most High would be perceived by the seeker. In Alcyone resides the Great Temple of the Central Sun.
“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall with twelve gates and with twelve angels at the gates.” ~Revelations 21:10-12
Alcyone, as science can perceive, would seem to be the “midnight throne” in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs His universe.
For more information about the Stellar Codes™ and the Stellar Code™ Matrix Mastery Program, see the Services section in the pull-down menu above. |
May 20, 2011
I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit
The Mystery runs deeper.The Pleiades at 33 Degrees. Could this be the Descent of the Angel with the key to the bottomless pit
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. (Rev 9:1-3)
A very peculiar statement is found in the Talmud text, aptly titled “Rosh Hashanah” also known as the Feast of Trumpets,This is what it has to say about the Pleiades.
The 'lost' star(s) in Kimah: The Talmud Rosh Hashanah relates that God, angered by mankind's degeneracy, reformed the work of his creation by removing two stars from Kimah and caused the cluster to rise at daybreak, out of season. The biblical flood of Noah was the direct result.
This may be a hint alluding to future events within end of the age prophecy.As in the Days of Noah, and.. In Amos we find one more prophecy about Orion and the Pleiades that does indeed line up with Revelation.
Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth, Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name: That strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong, so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress. They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly. (Amo 5:7-10)
As the Third Angel sounds the third Trump in Revelation,a great star fell from Heaven.
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Rev 8:10-11)
In December of 2006 The Hubble Telescope captured this,
DECEMBER 6, 2000: This ghostly apparition is actually an interstellar cloud caught in the process of destruction by strong radiation from a nearby hot star. This haunting picture, snapped by the Hubble telescope, shows a cloud illuminated by light from the bright star Merope. Located in the Pleiades star cluster, the cloud is called IC 349 or Barnard's Merope Nebula. [7]
Under ideal observing conditions, some hint of nebulosity may be seen around the cluster, and this shows up in long-exposure photographs. It is a reflection nebula, caused by dust reflecting the blue light of the hot, young stars. It was formerly thought that the dust was left over from the formation of the cluster, but at the age of about 100 million years generally accepted for the cluster, almost all the dust originally present would have been dispersed by radiation pressure. Instead, it seems that the cluster is simply passing through a particularly dusty region of the interstellar medium. Studies show that the dust responsible for the nebulosity is not uniformly distributed, but is concentrated mainly in two layers along the line of sight to the cluster. These layers may have been formed by deceleration due to radiation pressure as the dust has moved towards the stars.[16] [6]
Some more mythology on the Pleiades that shows the relation between Orion gives more insight into this.Known as the Seven Sisters.
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. Their parents were Atlas, a Titan who held up the sky, and the oceanid Pleione, the protectress of sailing. After a chance meeting with the hunter Orion, the Pleiades and their mother became the object of his pursuit. Enamoured with the young women he pursued them over the face of the Earth. In pity for their plight, Zeus changed them into a flock of doves, which he set in the heavens. Thus the olympian added the penalty of the absence of his wife and family to the Titan's original punishment of eternally supporting the heavens from the Earth. Only six stars are distinctly visible to the naked eye. The ancient Greeks explained the sudden disappearance of the seventh star in various narratives. According to one, all the Pleiades were consorts to gods, with the exception of Merope. She deserted her sisters in shame, having taken a mortal husband, Sisyphus, the King of Corinth. Another explanation for the 'lost' star related to the myth of the Electra, an ancestress of the royal house of Troy. After the destruction of Troy, the grief stricken Electra abandoned her sisters and was transformed into a comet – everafter to be a sign of impending doom. The Greek legends of the disappearing star are echoed in Jewish [note 2], Hindu and Mongolian folklore: their basis in an actual event seems to be corroborated by astronomical evidence that a clearly visible star in the cluster became extinct towards the end of the second millennium BC. In an alternative myth, the Pleiades were the virgin companions of Artemis, to the ancient Greeks, the goddess of hunting and the Moon. Whilst stalking a hind, the great hunter Orion crept into a sunlit glade, disturbing the innocent play of the sisters. They fled in alarm. His immoderate passions enflamed by their beauty and grace, he pursued them relentlessly, as was fitting for the greatest mortal hunter. In frustration, Artemis pleaded with Zeus to for his intervention. With characteristic olympian sarcasm, he did. As the hunter closed in on his prey, Zeus transformed the sisters into a flock of doves. They flew into the heavens, beyond the reach of their pursuer, but also removed from earthly companionship with the goddess! Artemis, enraged by these twofold masculine affronts, revenged herself on Orion. Apollo, her brother, having been affronted by the mortal hunter's prowess, was persuaded to set a monstrous scorpion to attack Orion. Not to be outdone in this, in another characteristic display of mordant wit, Zeus set the dead hunter in the heavens in a vain pursuit of the Pleiades through the night sky for eternity, with the constellation Scorpio ever chasing after Orion. Even so the Olympian had some compassion for his daughter: the path of the Moon in the heavens passes close to the Pleiades, and thus Artemis – as the goddess of the Moon – had the solace of their frequent reunions. [8]
On December 21st of 2012 a cryptic prophecy could be ready to play out.A Masonic work known as the First Degree Tracing board has a very accurate portrayal of the night sky. Sirius sits at the center,with the sun to the left and the moon with the Pleiades at a 33 Degree angle.As we see “Jacobs Ladder” ascending.Or as a I suspect a gate is opened.The sacred symbol of Nut in Egyptian lore was a ladder.
A sacred symbol of Nut was the ladder, used by Osiris to enter her heavenly skies. This ladder-symbol was called maqet and was placed in tombs to protect the deceased, and to invoke the aid of the deity of the dead. Nut is considered an enigma in the world of mythology because she is direct contrast to most other mythologies, which usually evolve into a sky fatherassociated with an earth mother or Mother Nature.[5]The sky goddess Nut depicted as a cowShe appears in the creation myth of Heliopolis which involves several goddesses who play important roles: Tefnut (Tefenet) is a personification of moisture, who mated with Shu (Air) and then gave birth to Sky as the goddess Nut, who mated with her brother Earth, asGeb. From the union of Geb and Nut came, among others, the most popular of Egyptian goddesses, Isis, the mother of Horus, whose story is central to that of her brother-husband, the resurrection god Osiris. Osiris is killed by his brother Set and scattered over the Earth in 14 pieces which Isis gathers up and puts back together. Osiris then climbs a ladder into his mother Nut for safety and eventually becomes king of the dead
With the markers from this,set in the same place,right at the center of the grid lies Draco.Above the moon lies the Pleiades and within approximate location with this 33 degree arc is Jupiter.
Jupiter was equated with the Egyptian Deity Amun after the Roman conquest of Egypt.Jupiter was also associated with Zeus in the Greek Mythology, Pergamos held a great throne altar to Zeus where Antipas was martyred.In Revelation 12 referred to as the seat of satan.
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. (Rev 2:12-13)
Jupiter (late 1st century AD), with 19th-century reconstructions of drapery, sceptre, eagle, and Victory In ancient Roman religion and myth, Jupiter or Jove was the king of the gods, and the god of sky and thunder. He is the equivalent of Zeus in the Greek pantheon. As the patron deity of ancient Rome, he ruled over laws and social order. He was one of three gods of the Capitoline Triad, along with Juno and Minerva. The most importanttemple of the Roman Republic was dedicated to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus ("Jupiter Best and Greatest").
Epithets of Jupiter [2]
In 70 AD the Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem Hadrian built Aelia Capitolina a temple to Jupiter Capitolinus was built in its place.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Dan 9:27)
Jupiter was given many names. By aspect:
- Jupiter Caelestis ("heavenly")
- Jupiter Elicius ("who calls forth [celestial omens]" or "who is called forth [by incantations]")
- Jupiter Feretrius ("who carries away the spoils of war"; called upon to witness solemn oaths[4] - cf. "by Jove"). The epithet or “numen” is probably connected with ferire, the stroke of ritual as illustrated in foedus ferire, of which the silex, a quartz rock, is evidence in his temple on the Capitoline hill, which is said to have been the first temple in Rome, erected and dedicated by Romulus to commemorate his winning of the spolia opima from Acron, king of the Caeninenses, and to serve as a repository for them. Iuppiter Feretriuswas therefore equivalent to Iuppiter Lapis, the latter used for a specially solemn oath[5]
- Jupiter Fulgurator or Fulgens ("of the lightning")
- Jupiter Lucetius ("of the light")
- Jupiter Optimus Maximus (" the best and greatest")
- Jupiter Pluvius ("sender of rain")
- Jupiter Stator (from stare meaning "standing")
- Jupiter Summanus (sender of nocturnal thunder)
- Jupiter Terminalus or Terminus (defends boundaries).
- Jupiter Tonans ("thunderer")
- Jupiter Victor (led Roman armies to victory)
By synchronisation or geography:
- Jupiter Ammon (Jupiter was equated with the Egyptian deity Amun after the Roman conquest of Egypt)
Amun depicted with a tall feather crown God of creation and the wind Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yamānu[citation needed] (also spelled Amon, Amoun,Amen, and rarely Imen or Yamun, Greek Ἄμμων Ammon, and ἍμμωνHammon[citation needed]), was a god in Egyptian mythology who in the form of Amun-Ra became the focus of the most complex system of theology in Ancient Egypt. Whilst remaining hypostatic, Amun represented the essential and hidden, whilst in Ra he represented revealed divinity. As the creator deity "par excellence", he was the champion of the poor and central to personal piety. Amun was self created, without mother and father, and during the New Kingdom he became the greatest expression oftranscendental deity in Egyptian theology. He was not considered to be immanent within creation nor was creation seen as an extension of himself. Amun-Ra did not physically engender the universe. His position as King of Gods developed to the point of virtual monotheism where other gods became manifestations of him. With Osiris, Amun-Ra is the most widely recorded of the Egyptian gods.[1] He was also widely worshipped in the neighboring regions of Ancient Libya and Nubia. [3]
This planet is associated with Zeus,Ra the seat of Satan and The Temple destruction in 70 AD.One more telling reference is “Lightning and Thunder”
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. (Luk 10:18)
In Norse Mythology the god of lightning and thunder was Thor.Which I plan on adding quite a bit more about at a later time. Directly below this and at 33 degrees above the moon sits the Pleiades.This is one very important number.To begin with Mount Hermon was along the 33rd parallel, the very place the “Watchers” came down. The Phoenicians settled in that region after the Flood. Which were the original Masons of that time. Many of there rites and rituals are twisted versions from the book of Enoch.It would appear they have quite a fascination with these 7 stars.
Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees - 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered? In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika - which we know as The Pleiades and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees - the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star - 33 degrees. [4]
Then further elaborate about the Masonic Pleiades connection,
Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke 16 , Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the Egyptian Mysteries. I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page 54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of the Pleiades. He explains, "This Masonic emblem, has a direct allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry home beyond the grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons that, of all the 'hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an emblem by our ancient brethren." 17 The ladder is also made of seven step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, that which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed over the heart of the candidate for red is sworn to in Masonry. I believe the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council and it lies exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree is 33 degrees - the Grand Master. If you break up the word Mason into two - Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun. It is interesting to note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One. Maya, was the virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of Maia/Maya/Mary when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades. [4]
Then the very important match with the number 7 and the Akkadian “Gate of God” with its connection to the Pyramids of Giza.
Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. 3 "And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinox... the Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line." 4 According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was "Khuti", which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious Ones. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the "Great Altar Stairs", by which men climbed heavenward. [4]
In the chapter about Nimrod I spoke about the original “Gate of God” and how Nimrod and all of the people settled in the Valley of Shinar attempted to literally storm Heaven,set up there gods and dethrone the Most High.There would have to be a lot more than meets the eye here. Some sort of hyper dimensional ancient technology that by all accounts the term “stargate” does not seem so far fetched.Now a missing piece has fallen into place,and these 7 stars are that much more important. In a strange twist of Irony Abydos Egypt,a city associated with the Isis/Osiris cult,thought to possibly house the Tomb of Osiris,which may have been from a much more ancient past,that was found and restored by Seti (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence?) has been found.According to Richard C. Hoagland, is a link to Ancient Physics kept alive through an Ancient Priesthood. Ironically enough this is the name of the Planet in the DoD funded movie "Stargate"
I cannot think this is coincidence by any means,and I suspect an repository of ancient technology has been found here."Gate" Tech, reminiscent of the Tower of Babel?
Abydos (English pronunciation: /əˈbaɪd.ɒs/) is the common English name of one of the most ancient cities of Upper Egypt, and also of the eight Upper Nome of which it was the capital city. It is located about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) west of the Nile at latitude 26° 10' N, near the modern Egyptian towns of el-'Araba el Madfuna and al-Balyana. The city was called Abdjuin the ancient Egyptian language (3bdw or AbDw as technically transcribed from hieroglyphs) meaning "the hill of the symbol or reliquary", a reference to a reliquary in which the sacred head of Osiris was preserved.[10]
Inside of the Temple of Seti a very strange set of Hieroglyphs have been found,that have left many speculating as to what they could be.
Some of the hieroglyphs carved over an arch on the site have been miss-interpreted in esoteric mysticist and "ufological" circles as depicting modern technology.Often described as a helicopter, a battle tank or submarine, and a fighterplane or even a U.F.O.. But this is partly based on widely distributed retouched images that removed key details from the carvings. When examining the original hieroglyphs the provocative images are commonly explained as being the result of erosion, and later adjustments, or re-writing over the original inscriptions that left parts of the older text visible creating the illusion of modern looking machines. [10]
I have often wondered is it possible,that these Pyramids have something to do with an ancient form of Rephaim resurrection technology.To explain further, bringing disembodied spirits of the Giants into the bodies of chimera,half animal half human bodies…raising the gods of old..and an ancient form of hyper dimensional portal,or "stargate tech". Looking over the design of the Pyramids and these alignments over them on 12/21/2012 appears as if this could take place. |
http://www.eyeofsiloam.com/SeaPeoples/SealOfSolomon.html#19In esoteric lore this is known as,”As above so Below” When we compare this with the the First Degree Tracing board and the alignments above Egypt on 12/21/2012. The sun to the Left and Sirius below with the moon on the right,with the Pleiades at 33 degrees with Jupiter above.Over lay the Pyramid with the upside down triangle. these three would form,we have the Masonic Seal of Solomon.In which Orion/Osiris/Apollyon is to the Right of the Bull Taurus (Nut),With Ra / Zeus above the Pleiades and right in the center, Draco.The Dragon.Ophiuchus standing over the galactic rift who in myth was associated with Asclepius.
The mother of Asclepius, Coronis, was a mortal, the daughter of Phlegyas, a king of Thessaly. Coronis was unfaithful to Apollo, and Artemis, Apollo's twin sister, killed her for her unfaithfulness. Coronis was placed upon a funeral pyre. (One version says that Apollo cast her into the fires of his own anger.) As her body started to burn, Apollo felt sorrow for his unborn son and snatched the child Asclepius from his mother's corpse, saving him from death. Apollo then handed Asclepius to the Centaur Chiron who became his tutor and mentor. Chiron taught Asclepius the art of healing. According to Pindar (Pythian Odes), Asclepius also acquired the knowledge of surgery, the use of drugs, love potions and incantations, and according to Apollodorus (the Library), Athena gave Asclepius a magic potion made from the blood of the Gorgon. Legend tells that the blood of the Gorgon has a different effect depending from which side the blood was taken. If taken from the right side of the Gorgon, it has a miraculous effect and is said to be able to bring the dead back to life, but taken from the left side it is a deadly poison. With these gifts Asclepius exceeded the fringes of human knowledge. However, he offended the great god Zeus by accepting money in exchange for raising the dead. (In one version it was the goddess Artemis who implored Asclepius to resurrect Hippolytus, a favourite of hers.) In the eyes of Zeus, Asclepius' action upset the natural order of the universe - a mere mortal helping man evade death. With one swift action, the great Zeus sent down a thunderbolt killing both men. (In some versions Zeus only killed Asclepius [5]
This now becomes an even bigger question,
Will the Pleiades be loosed that day? The Magic Bands of Orion The Bands of Jupiter? The Angel coming down with the key to the bottomless pit, As a Gate is opened? In Egypt? hoards of Locusts coming from the pit, similar to the Exodus?
((This a rough draft,due to a recent find this will be broken down into several parts)) TBC
- http://www.newswithviews.com/Horn/thomas128.htm#_ftn6
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_(mythology)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun
- http://www.kahealani.com/articles/seven_sisters.html#3
- http://www.pantheon.org/articles/a/asclepius.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleiades_(star_cluster)
- http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2000/36/
- http://www.pleiade.org/pleiades_02.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neith
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abydos,_Egypt
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20 May 2011 – A very peculiar statement is found in the Talmud text, aptly titled “Rosh Hashanah ” also known as the Feast of Trumpets,This is what it has to ...
"11:11:11: Activating the Mayan Stargate" Full Moon in the Land of the Maya
EN INGLES TIERRA ES LAND. Vemos que en este termino esta codificada la ALQUIMIA L/ESCUADRA Y LA A/COMPAS.
A es igual a al COMPAS
L es igual a la ESCUADRA
En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta) de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales) y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados). Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos." (Mateo 11: 25-26).
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
"Y esto ruego, que vuestro Amor (agape) abunde aun más y más en Ciencia (gnwsei=gnosis) y en todo Conocimiento, ("epignosis": Conocimiento (Gnosis) Pleno.)" (Filipenses, 1: 9).
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are |
his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
72. Romanos 11:33: ¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la CIENCIA de Dios! ¡Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!
γνωσις gnosis {gno'-sis} from 1097; TDNT - 1:689,119; n f AV - knowledge 28, science 1; 29 1) knowledge signifies in general intelligence, understanding 1a) the general knowledge of Christian religion 1b) the deeper more perfect and enlarged knowledge of this religion, such as belongs to the more advanced 1c) esp. of things lawful and unlawful for Christians 1d) moral wisdom, such as is seen in right living For Synonyms see entry 5826
Gematria: 1263
σοφια sophia {sof-ee'-ah} from 4680; TDNT - 7:465,1056; n f AV - wisdom 51; 51 1) wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters 1a) the wisdom which belongs to men 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and proverbs 1a2) the science and learning 1a3) the act of interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice 1a4) the intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious number or vision 1a5) skill in the management of affairs 1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth 1a7) the knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living 1b) supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God 1b1) to Christ 1b2) the wisdom of God as evinced in forming and executing counsels in the formation and government of the world and the scriptures For Synonyms see entry 5826
Gematria: 781
Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? "Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God." Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.
I found an intriguing article by Ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades 7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, "And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.
At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean "of Magdala" - with some possible interpretation as "place of the dove", "place of the tower" and "temple-tower". 8 In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that "tower of the flock" in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar. 9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades "the cranary" for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light. 10 The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.
In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. "Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis, but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us." 11
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