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The Freemasonic symbology of the architecture in Washington, D.C. is replete with occult concepts and references. The Square and Compass is aligned horizontally to revere the direction in which the Sun as well as the 'Sun behind the Sun' - the Star of Set, or Sirius which is also included in the layout as the White House is not only at the left side of the Compass, but it is at the bottom of the averse pentagram aligned with the North.
The Star Sirius is a binary star, and the lesser star - Sirius B - is depicted as the smaller star to the bottom left; 'The Pentagon'. Even the hieroglyph of Sirius contains the predominant elements of the architecture;
the Obelisk (Washington Monument), the 5 pointed star, and the Dome (The Capital Building).
What's more is not only is the White House 13 blocks south the Masonic Temple, an inverted cross is formed by the lower line of the pentagram which is also 13 blocks.
A Glimmer
Of Light
From the Eye
Tabular evidence of a monument in harmony with the universe
NOTE: This book by a former Physics Professor contains one of the most fascinating mathematical analysis of the Great Pyramid that I have ever read. It is loaded with charts and tables and Professor Turbeville displays a grasp of mathematics that is unique. His correlations are very creative and insightful. I highly recommend this book and I guarantee you will find it challenging, stimulating, and enjoyable.
John DeSalvo, Ph.D., Director Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association
If anyone should ask how I managed to conceive the idea and why I decided to develop the tables presented in this treatise, I’m not certain I‘ll be able to give them a reasonable and acceptable answer. This is an attempt.
I’ve always considered myself a creative and intuitive person who enjoys the symmetry and beauty of the world around me. A trip to a boatyard or marina to gaze at the sleek hulls of sailing vessels gives me quiet pleasure. The solution to a difficult math problem may sometimes come to me in an intuitive flash and always seems beautiful. In the last few years I have become increasingly aware of what are called synchronistic events in my life, where coincidental happenings no longer seem merely coincidental but often have real personal meaning or affect the activity I may be involved in. It was in this light that I found myself creating, or quite possibly recreating, these extremely interesting tables that seemed to come to me from out of antiquity and have provided me with a real sense of discovery. Number summations and symmetrical combinations discovered in the tables amazingly represent many of the exact measurements made at the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Other numbers that continually reoccur in the tables represent physical earth measurements of such things as size, density, angular velocity and rotational energy, or harmonics thereof. It seems impossible to imagine that all of these factual numbers were placed here by mere coincidence, when a knowledge of higher mathematics seems essential for their presence, so many so that the reader may be tempted to join in the search for other numerical connections to the distant past. This is my hope and indeed may be the reason for this revelation.
I did not intend this to be a treatise on the synchronistic events that may have led me to this fascinating discovery and these events will only be discussed or mentioned as side notes at those points in this work where I feel it necessary for the reader to be shown how I might have been given a nudge in a fruitful direction by some synchronistic event. This is done in order to minimize any aura of mysticism that might be cast over these tables, for truly they are nothing more than an additive sequence of numbers and combinations thereof that may be found in all of nature.
The Great Pyramid - Khufu
The mystery that surrounds the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is legendary, and the differences between truth and legend become less certain as we travel back through the mist of time. It is the most studied and written about monument on the face of the Earth, and it is not my intention to add more verbiage to the vast collection of literature already available on the subject.
It is my intention, however, to show that the tables developed and presented here were inspired by the mathematical symmetry found in nature and for some mysterious reason contain the most precise measurements ever made of the major dimensions of the Great Pyramid Khufu. Only after I began to probe the symmetry and mirror image properties of the tables did I begin to wonder; "Might similar tables have existed before the Great Pyramid was built? Do they contain data or guidelines that might have been used by ancient artisans and architects?"
Using the precise width and height measurements recorded by William Petrie, an English surveyor of the late nineteenth century as a reference, 1 440 royal cubits for the base width, 280 royal cubits for the height, and in addition, using his determination of the royal cubit of 20.63 inches, which is now an accepted standard for the Great Pyramid, a base width of 756.4 feet and height of 481.4 feet can be calculated.
There seems to be no direct evidence in the tables of any number that is sufficiently close to the height in feet shown above to be acceptable; however, there are an excess of dimensional numbers from which the height can be calculated. These external numbers can be physically measured on the pyramid, whereas the height is a number that must be calculated. There is no way to make a direct internal measurement of the height. The base line width 756 feet, the half width 378 feet, the apothem length 612 feet (a measure from the apex down the pyramid face to the half-width point) and the corner edge line 720 feet can all be found in the tables.*
If the total sum of the numbers of Table-1 (1188) is divided by 189, an ancient irrational value once used for two Pi (2p ) is obtained. i.e. 1188 / 189 = 44/7 = 2p .
This irrational value of Pi (p ) = 22/7 is in error by only 0.04 % and is used throughout this entire treatise as it seems to be the value in use when the pyramid was built.
In the earlier discussion on Khufu – A Model of the Earth, we discussed the fact that 360° had historically been known to contain 21600 arc minutes and that a minute of arc on the Earth’s surface was equal to one nautical mile. If we assume that the total sum of Table-2 (6048)* is Khufu’s inherent value for the number of feet in a nautical mile, and use that number, which we will now call a Khufu mile, to calculate the distance around the Earth at the equator, we obtain a distance of precisely 21600 Khufu miles.
i.e. The Earth’s equatorial circumference is equal to Khufu’s perimeter (in feet), times the scale factor, divided by the number of feet per Khufu mile.
(4 • 756 ft) • (43200) / (6048 ft./ kfu.mile) = 21600 kfu.mile.
There have been eighteen copyrighted tables developed thusfar, which are the subjects of this treatise and the author has elected not to display them with these excerpts.
If you would like to read about the Author or reviews of the book, you may visit the WebPages provided by the publisher at:
If you would like to contact the Author - Joseph Turbeville, his E-mail address is:
"autographed copies available from the author" - A Glimmer of Light From the Eye of a Giant:Tabular Evidence of a Monument in Harmony with the Universe.
$14.95 US Dollars (plus $2.50 postage and handling inside the USA -- $3.75 outside the USA) Send check or money order to Joseph Turbeville -- PO Box 614 -- Hayesville NC 28904.
Please provide name of the person to whom it is to be autographed, and a proper mailing address.
Al igual que vimos el pasado día con el arquitecto español, dan un repaso a los increibles conocimientos matemáticos que tenían los constructores originales de las pirámides…
24-05-12 La Vanguardia entrevista al arquitecto español Miquel Pérez-Sánchez: "La pirámide de Keops conmemora el diluvio universal"…Avanzadísimas matemáticas se esconden en las medidas de la pirámide!!
También nos explican porque los constructores de las pirámides eligieron una medida tan aparentemente irregular que era el "codo"… 0,5235 metros…
Y el porque utilizaron esa extraña medida es tan sencillo, cómo dividir el diámetro de una circunferencia de 1 metro, pi entre 6…3,1416 / 6 = 0,5236…
O también…
![Nueva imagen (29)](https://planetagea.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/nueva-imagen-29.jpg?w=500&h=216)
Y todo medido en METROS!!!
Y la altura?? Sencillo, basandonos en geometría…
![Nueva imagen (14)](https://planetagea.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/nueva-imagen-14.png?w=500&h=250)
Pero no nos olvidemos que la altura de la pirámide es de 147 metros…
y la distancia al Sol en el perihelio es poco más de 147 millones de kilómetros
Es decir, calcularon la base para que la altura fuera esa…y cómo sabían la distancia que había al sol en sistema métrico??
Pero que dicen los matemáticos sobre la probabilidad de que fuese todo una casualidad ?…de que no conociesen ni el metro ni Pi, ni Phi?…PRACTICAMENTE NULA!!!!
ESTO ES CIENCIA, y durante años hemos sido catalogados como pseudocientíficos…Manda narices!
![Nueva imagen (20)](https://planetagea.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/nueva-imagen-20.jpg?w=500&h=268)
Y otro tema que ya alguno se estará preguntando…cómo conocían el metro si está basado en una medición de la CIRCUNFERENCIA DE LA TIERRA????????
METRO = la diezmillonésima parte de la distancia que separa el polo de la línea del ecuador terrestre
y esto fue definido oficialmente por primera vez en 1791..
je je…Cómo????
Que sabían que la TIERRA ERA REDONDA??? y no sólo eso, sino que conocían sus medidas????
Je je…me lo estoy pasando BOMBA!!!!
Conocimientos que han pasado desapercibidos para la GRAN MAYORÍA, salvo para la MASONERÍA…sociedades secretas…cuyos integrantes construían templos, catedrales, etc, y ya utilizaban también con anterioridad a 1793 la medida del metro……cuando en esas épocas la gran pirámide estaba todavía enterrada en la arena…de nuevo..jeje!
Y sentaos que con lo siguiente os podéis caer de espaldas!!!
Y aquí no acaba la cosa…
G-D=4/7 O 7/4 (INDEP. DE EEUU)
Éxodo 20:8-11 8 Acuérdate del sabado para santificarlo. 9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra; 10 mas el séptimo día es reposo para Jehová tu Dios; no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas. 11Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, el mar, y todas las cosas que en ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día; por tanto, Jehová bendijo el día de reposo y lo santificó. (RV)
15=6+9 (69 CANCER)=1111
1111 EQUIVALE A 33
Sun -15 - mon-key
Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
perhelion in Simple Gematria Equals: 102 |
( |
16 |
5 |
18 |
8 |
5 |
12 |
9 |
15 |
14 |
) |
aphelion in Simple Gematria Equals: 80 |
( |
1 |
16 |
8 |
5 |
12 |
9 |
15 |
14 |
) |
lion in Simple Gematria Equals: 50 |
( |
12 |
9 |
15 |
14 |
) |
guau in Simple Gematria Equals: 50 |
( |
7 |
21 |
1 |
21 |
) |
I'm not sure what the Ark of the Covenant is? but here is King Tuts's Ark ![Image](http://emp.byui.edu/SATTERFIELDB/Tabernacle/TutsArk.jpg)
Cirio Pascual
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Se llama Cirio Pascual a la vela que se consagra y enciende en la Vigilia Pascual en la liturgia católica de la noche del Sábado Santo; y es signo de Cristo resucitado, y su luz.
El cirio es renovado precisamente en esta ceremonia, sustituyéndose el del año anterior. Su tamaño puede variar, aunque ha de ser mayor que el de resto de velas del templo. Suele tener pintada una cruz en uno de sus lados.
El cirio se encendía con el fuego ultra caliente nuevo y también servía para la bendición de las fuentes bautismales. Otros atribuyen el origen del cirio pascual a las columnas de cera que Constantino mandaba encender la noche de Pascua y algunos, a la costumbre que había de escribir en un cirio bendito todas las fiestas movibles que dependían de la Pascua. Más adelante, estas fiestas se escribían en una tira de papel o pergamino que se fija en el cirio como se practica todavía en algunas catedrales. La sagrada Congregación de Ritos decretó en 19 de mayo de 1607 que se encendiese el cirio pascual los tres días solemnes de Pascua, sábado in albis y todos los otros domingos hasta la Ascensión.[1] La liturgia actual señala que el cirio pascual se enciende durante todas las ceremonias del tiempo de Pascua, es decir, desde la Vigilia Pascual hasta el domingo de Pentecostés, pasados cincuenta días (ocho semanas). 12315
Ritual de bendición y encendido[editar]
Diácono cantando el pregón pascual ante un cirio pascual
El actual misal de Juan Pablo II, tercera edición "típica" de 2002, señala de este modo la bendición del cirio y su encendido:
Con las luces de la Iglesia apagadas, en un lugar, fuera de la Iglesia se reune el pueblo alrededor de una hoguera encendida. Llega el sacerdote con los ministros ayudantes: uno de ellos lleva el Cirio Pascual. El sacerdote comienza la misa como de costumbre y hace una pequeña explicación, como indica el misal. Luego bendice el fuego diciendo:
Oh Dios, que por medio de tu Hijo has dado a tus fieles el fuego de tu luz, santifica (y hace la señal de la cruz sobre el fuego) este fuego, y concédenos que la celebración de estas fiestas de Pascua enciendan en nosotros deseos tan santos que podamos llegar con corazón limpio a las fiestas de la eterna luz. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.
Luego, según la tradición o costumbre se marcan unas señales en el Cirio: una cruz, las letras "Alfa" y "Omega" y las cifras del año en los ángulos de la cruz, mientras el sacerdote dice:
- Cristo ayer y hoy ; se traza la raya vertical
- Principio y fin; se traza la línea horizontal
- Alfa; se traza la letra alfa sobre la línea vertical
- Y Omega; se traza la letra omega abajo de la línea vertical
- Suyo es el tiempo; se traza el primer número del año en curso, el el ángulo superior izquierdo de la cruz
- Y la eternidad; se traza el segundo número del año en el ángulo superior derecho
- A él la gloria y el poder; se traza el tercer número del año en el ángulo inferior izquierdo
- Por los siglos de los siglos. Amen; se traza el cuarto número del año en el ángulo inferior derecho
(Aunque en muchos trazados artísticos, esta forma a veces cambia).
A continuación se incrustan cinco granos de incienso en forma de cruz (primero el palo vertical, luego el horizontal), mientras se dice:
- Por sus llagas
- santas y gloriosas
- nos proteja
- y nos guarde
- Jesucristo nuestro señor. Amén
Entonces se enciende el cirio con el fuego nuevo diciendo:
Tránsito de Venus: Alineación planetaria estrella luciferina de cinco puntas
El 5 de junio a las 23:00 Venus en todo su esplendor sorprendió a todos los espectadores con su singular belleza, aunque a decir verdad, el evento visual trae consigo repercusiones a nivel no físico bastante trascendentales. Venus era muy importante para los mayas, tanto así que en sus movimientos basaron su calendario, esto hace que astrólogos, ocultistas y nueva era centren en Venus sus energías. Pero qué es lo que hace a Venus tan importante y trascendental para la humanidad? qué se esconde tras esos tránsitos de este planeta tan enigmático que hizo que hasta los propios mayas basaran en él su calendario en lugar de basarse en el sol que es en el astro que está basado nuestro calendario gregoriano? qué relación guarda Venus con el Nuevo Orden Mundial y los planes de la élite Illuminati? Simple "casualidad" que la crucifixión de Jesucristo haya sido realizada junto a otras dos personas más durante un tránsito de Venus en el monte de la calavera? y que posterior a este hecho tan trágico se inaugurara un templo al dios Baal en Baalbek? "Casualidad" que igualmente hayan "coincidido" con alineaciones con Venus o con el tránsito de Venus estos otros importantes hechos?
- La instauración del I, II y III Reich (Hitler)
- La instauración del calendario reptiliano gregoriano en 1582
- La erupción del volcán Vesubio en 1979
- El congreso ecuménico de Nicea y el nacimiento de la iglesia "universal" (Católica) en el año 325
- En 1526 Magallanes "demuestra" que la tierra no es plana
- La llegada del asesino en serie a Centro América, Hernán Cortés
- En 1630 se "confirman" las hipótesis de Galileo Galilei que dieron una nueva visión del mundo
- En 1760 coincidió con una gran actividad militar en Europa y América
- En el siglo 19 coincidió con la invención del teléfono
- Las apariciones de la "virgen" de Fátima en 1917
- El mega ritual satánico del 9/11 las torres gemelas
- El terremoto de Haití en el 2010
- El accidente de los 33 mineros en la mina San José de Chile en el 2010
- La beatificación del "venerable santo" papa ecuménico luciferino Juan Pablo II en la fiesta a Beltane
- La muerte de Bin Laden en la fiesta a Beltane dios de la "luz"
- El mega tsunami del 2004 que dejó miles y miles de muertos y damnificados
- El tsunami de Japón del 3/11/11
- El sacrificio ritual del número 2 de Alqaeda el 5 de junio del 2012 a manos de un avión "no tripulado"
- La Eurocopa
Este evento es de gran importancia para esoteristas y ocultistas, ya que lo denominan como el "retorno de Cristo", dado que durante ese tránsito energéticamente es aprovechado por la élite para diversos fines como pudimos ver en algunos ejemplos que menciono sobre momentos coincidentes durante este movimiento astronómico y energético.
Desde la antigüedad siempre se asoció a Venus con Lucifer, la estrella de la mañana, la diosa Isis, la reina del Cielo. En Oriente a Venus se le llama Sukra que significa resplandeciente, un dios que "conduce" un vehículo tirado por caballos, señor de los asuras o demonios.
Ver Libro de Segunda de Reyes Capítulo 2 Versículo1 y 11 y mi anterior entrada sobre el dios del antiguo testamento para ver en qué se movilizaba!!!!!
Según la doctrina esotérica, la tierra está subordinada a Venus, a Lucifer, su Regente, y se enseña además que en ese planeta hay vida, más no física como la nuestra sino espiritual, donde hay maestros y seres dispuestos a "ayudarnos" a evolucionar.
Astronómicamente se le denomina a la tierra y a Venus, planetas gemelos, dadas las similares condiciones de ambos astros como tamaño, densidad, gravedad, composición química, una de las diferencias está en su presión atmósferica la cual es 90 veces mayor a la de la tierra, y su superficie, la de Venus, es literalmente "infernal", cubierta de azufre. Tal como describen que es el infierno, el hogar de Lucifer alias Satanás.
Entre 1970 y 1980 la Unión Soviética a través de sondas rusas, capturó en el planeta infernal, imágenes de objetos que tenían entre 10 y 50 centímetros de longitud que se movilizaban y luego desaparecían, según la revista Astronomicheskiy Vestnik. Entre esas imágenes están las de discos volantes y escorpiones
Cada vez que se registra un hecho potencialmente energético, muchas cosas suelen suceder a nivel electromagnético, talvez se abren portales, incluso podemos evidenciar según imágenes del sol de la NASA objetos volantes alrededor del sol mientras sucedía esta impactante y profética alineación, mera "casualidad"?????
Wayne Herschel, an author in the field of archaeo-astronomy launched his book internationally in 2002, and believes he has found the forgotton 'forbidden' secret behind Egypt's enigmatic Sphinx.
It was a secret that was hidden over the ages due to it revealing the sacred and equality of all human races... a secret that would hardly sit well with countries obsessed in plundering foreign nations for their treasures and to enslave their people.
Existing theories to date suggest that the side profile of the Sphinx represents the stars of Leo. However they do not explain convincingly why its architects would have chosen this constellation for its template. Wayne Herschel, an explorer of ancient civilisations for the last 17 years, proposes an entirely new theory. In his book, 'The Hidden Records', he sets out to prove that the Sphinx is the key to unlocking the secret behind a grand unified '50 pyramid' star map.
In 1995 author R. Bauval suggested that the three pyramids at Giza represented the three stars of Orion's 'belt'. However because his theory did not find a way to incorporate the entire field of pyramids, let alone the Sphinx, academics had difficulty accepting it.
In 2003 Wayne Herschel published his cosmic interpretation of the Sphinx which helped him interpret the pyramids in a completely new way. He discovered that the angle at which the Sphinx intersects the collective three Giza pyramids on the ground, is virtually identical to the angle at which the brightest star of Leo, aligns with the collective row of stars that form Orion's 'belt'. (See the image below).
Here are the critical clues in reasoning the theory. The Sphinx appears to have its stare fixed on the rising stars each night (not just the rising Sun). Then at a very unique moment in the night sky, the Sphinx watches its mirror image of itself rising in a perfectly upright stance as Leo.
It is here where the Sphinx is literally crying out:
"All the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent a ring of adjoining constellations around the Earth, and the secret of the star map begins here at my feet with Leo."
But there is more to the secret of the Sphinx merely telling us that all the pyramids reproduce a string of constellations. It is also the key to deciphering the pyramid mystery itself. It is showing the observer where to begin in cracking the mystery of the star map, urging one to follow the three star alignment direction of Orion's 'belt' as a 'cosmic signpost' to what seems to be the ultimate star.
Herschel's idea that the whole pyramid field in Lower Egypt represents stars was inspired by one of the oldest known prophecies. The mystic Hermes Trismegistus. claimed:
"Egypt is an image of the heavens… the 'whole' cosmos dwells here.
"Herschel subsequently conducted an experiment to prove all the pyramids in Lower Egypt represent stars. He overlaid a transparency of the stars onto a map of the pyramids. The result was breathtaking. All the brightest stars within the known constellations were represented in one complete 360 degree ring along side the Milky Way (which is also a ring around the Earth). All the brightest stars had all the pyramid counterparts on the ground. The star map started with the brightest star in the night sky Sirius... logical to start with one could say... and it has one star that is different to all the other 49 bright stars in the complete star map. It has this unique star set at the exact centre of the pyramid field... is this the 'x' that marks the spot? Logic again would suggest!
However, there were some important stars for which pyramids were apparently missing. In Giza for example, Herschel found four potential, as yet unrecognised pyramid ruins on an antique early map that would conclude a previously incomplete Orion interpretation at Giza.
For the full story on this 'New Orion interpretation' and the comparison to Robert Bauval's original Orion interpretation... Click here.
One finding would lead to another. Not only were his new correlations 'mirror images', but the pyramids were virtually divided into two separate layout scales on each side of the area of Abusir, thus providing another clue. It seems the Solar Temple obelisk was intentionally placed exactly at the epicentre of the pyramid field. What could this mean?
The giant obelisk was most likely the only ever gold capped monument. Perhaps to highlight that it was more important than any other. At last the meaning of the star map becomes clear.
Do we have the proverbial 'x' that marks the spot?
Does it provide the reason that would have prompted the ancients to design their star map using giant structures in the first place? One thing is certain, the star seems to be of paramount importance as the place in the heavens that the three Orion 'belt' stars align with.
The ancient Egyptians revered a Sun... but it was not our OUR Sun! Astronomers can confirm that the Solar Temple obelisk is the only monument in the entire pyramid field to emulate a 'Sun-like' star (Ref HD 283271 'G' spectrum) and it is relatively nearby.
Here is the full measurement of the Sun-like star The correlation only occurred at its most precise position 17 250 years ago, perhaps documenting the dawning of humanity. All the other pyramids match bright stars that are nothing like our Sun. Herschel suggests the 'Sun' Temple was named after a 'Sun'-like star and has nothing to do with our Sun at all.
Both halves of the star map (the two large images) are shown here as well as a zoom in on the Saqqara area with its real 'fly over' image. There are two independent layout scales on each side of the Sun Temple 'x' that marks the spot, located at the exact centre of the pyramid field. it is as if the ancients are saying as they do in all their ancient murals ... "look at the centre of the murals to see that which is most important. They did it with the Zodiac disc at Dendera.. they did it in the Senmut tomb... they did it in every important depiction involving the secrets of their star gods! The author is convinced that the reason for the pyramid star map was to isolate the 'star of the gods'. He believes it presents a whole new theory of who we are and where we come from.
To add fuel to the fire, Herschel believes that he has found evidence of a repeating geometric blueprint of the human form within other ancient pyramid and megalithic star map representations found across the globe.
The geometric blueprint is unique only to the human form and is identical to the original geometric man codex documented by a Roman engineer and writer, Marcus Vitruvius, who lived 25 years before the birth of Christ.
Leonardo Da Vinci has acceded to fame for his Vitruvian man, however few realise he reproduced it from an ancient manuscript. Da Vinci did not show the raised arms as you see here, but chose to reposition the arms where the square touches the circle.
He may have chosen to depict his version like he did to avoid the same fate that the German scholar, Agrippa (who lived at the same time as Da Vinci), faced for duplicating Vitruvius' work as seen in the image above. Agrippa died a horrific death. He was burned at the stake.
Without digressing too much, it is worth considering a few very important 'what if' scenarios.
One would naturally expect that if the star maps are true then why doesn't the Christ story mention it?
If what was encapsulated in the representation of the human form by Agrippa and Da Vinci had relevance to these star maps, why did Christ make no mention of this? It is indeed a very sensitive question and is currently open to debate on the author's website. There are many sources of early translations of the gospels that include references to the star associated with Christ's birth and other stars, such as Orion and the Pleiades. There is also a lot more being debated than this.
For starters, the meaning of 'Sang-real' has been rumoured to mean 'sacred lineage'.
What if the Holy Grail is real and contains an inscribed record of who we are and where we come? For arguments sake let us assume that it does. What if the ultimate secret was given to Judas by Christ (as the Judas codex seems to suggest) on a beautiful metal plate that was uniquely inscribed? (Wayne Herschel has a strong feeling that in Renaissance art this metal plate is shown symbolically behind Christ's head). If one refers to the recently discovered Judas gospel, one could even conclude that there is a chance Judas may have been captured by the Roman authorities with this artefact that was to become known as the grail in his possession. An artefact that had inscribed on it detail of humanity's lineage. for more, click the Grail link on the home page carousel.
If this hypothetical scenario does indeed prove to be true, then one would have to ask whether the Roman authorities murdered him to cover up the existence of this amazing artefact, and more specifically its contents.
Perhaps we are approaching a new renaissance age in which humankind will begin to question its true origins? It seems likely now that Vitruvius was not the first person to portray the human form in this unique way.
In his book, 'The Hidden Records', Herschel goes to great lengths in detailing the snowball effect of his story. He claims confidently that the geometry of the human blueprint is a code that fits accurately into the layout at Giza, as well as that of Stonehenge, and last but not least in the layout of the most controversial place of all. In the layout of what are perceived to be pyramids in an area researchers call 'Cydonia'.
In later years it appears this geometry of the 'human code' was also encrypted in the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci and of his contemporary, Nicolas Poussin.
It may sound completely fabricated and fictional having such a vast collection of coincidences here, but in light of the importance of the claims, the author has made his fundamental research freely available for all to see. The human codex research, Renaissance paintings and star map images are now available at thehiddenrecords.com website.
In summary, the author believes that by encrypting the human form in ancient pyramid star maps in this unique way (a code that later made its reappearance in the paintings of the Renaissance era) the ancients appear to show us that the human lineage is 'divine' so to speak and from above.
Coincidently the recent Judas gospel codex discovery makes another earth shattering claim, the significance of which seems to have eluded most observers. Christ beckons Judas to look at the night sky and says to him:
"Follow the star above… it is also your star".
If the star maps are truly genuine, surely someone with a mission as unique as that of Christ would have wanted to pass on to humanity this extraordinary piece of knowledge, even if it was not ready for his time. He probably would want it to be revealed in the future at a time when it was safer to debate such a 'provocative' version of humankind's genesis.
In time, the star maps and human code theory may well challenge the mystery of the 'missing link', which academics on evolution are still grappling with to this very day. Perhaps human beings evolved elsewhere in our vast universe, replacing Neanderthal after arriving here on Earth.
The author has taken his Egyptian star chart template and has tested it on Stonehenge in the UK, Angkor in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala and on a nearby planet rumoured to have pyramid ruins. The results delineated on the internet and in great detail in his book speak for themselves.
So… at the end of the day, what does all this new material offer humanity?
A clear message is decipherable in three of the most conclusive cases of the star maps. They all appear to display the unique human blueprint geometry code. A pictographic story can be interpreted in relation to the star pattern.
Herschel believes its meaning is paramount in uniting all of humanity as one if the star map 'message' is true. Once we step back and review the original sources of great teachings from those that came from above, the truth emerges. It speaks clearly of the place of Creation of the universe, which has been told to humanity in many different lands, and sadly it has 'evolved' in every case, into very disparate interpretations that we call 'religion'.
The original sources of sacred texts must be given priority for true meaning. It is here where we have the chance of uniting humanity in one truth and understanding of a gentle Creator of the universe who has given us the gift of life. Our confusion about what we believe is fast manifesting itself in an ugly religious war that is playing out right now. Is it a coincidence that for the first time ever missiles are landing at a historical site near the northern boarder of Israel known as the valley of Meggiddo? It is here that prophecy has written where we will fight our last war.
If there is just a hint of truth in Wayne Herschel's collection of ancient star maps and his theory on the human blueprint, it should be reason enough for scholars to test it.
And if there is one crucial question that still remains unanswered it has to be: Who is the cosmic message intended for?
Why on earth is the grand secret represented with such massive constructions and pointing skywards?
Why can it only be deciphered completely, when it is viewed from a satellite?
Compare Egypt to Stonehenge ... then Tikal then Mars .
A forgotten symbol on the Dendera zodiac disc unlocks the secret of the position of the stars in the ancient night sky... ALL SCHOLARS GOT IT WRONG! And so did the authors that followed 1920's scholars errors on the meaning of some simple fundamental symbols meaning...
http://www.thehiddenrecords.com/sphinx.htm |
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