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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 08/06/2011 16:20
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.




Phi in the Bible


Although perhaps not immediately obvious, phi and the golden section also appear in the Bible.  Also see the Theology page.

The Ark of the Covenant is a Golden Rectangle


Ark of the Covenant

In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with the Israelites, the Ten Commandments, saying,

"Have them make a chest of acacia wood-
two and a half cubits long,
a cubit and a half wide,
and a cubit and a half high."

The ratio of 2.5 to 1.5 is 1.666..., which is as close to phi (1.618 ...) as you can come with such simple numbers and is certainly not visibly different to the eye.  The Ark of the Covenant is thus constructed using the Golden Section, or Divine Proportion.  This ratio is also the same as 5 to 3, numbers from the Fibonacci series.

In Exodus 27:1-2, we find that the altar God commands Moses to build is based on a variation of the same 5 by 3 theme:

"Build an altar of acacia wood, three cubits high; it is to be square, five cubits long and five cubits wide."


Note:  A cubit is the measure of the forearm below the elbow.

Altar of Exodus 27

Noah's Ark uses a Golden Rectangle


In Genesis 6:15, God commands Noah to build an ark saying,

"And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits."

Thus the end of the ark, at 50 by 30 cubits, is also in the ratio of 5 to 3, or 1.666..., again a close approximation of phi not visibly different to the naked eye.  Noah's ark was built in the same proportion as ten arks of the covenant placed side by side.

Noah's Ark

The Number 666 is related to Phi


The relationship of phi and 666

Revelation 13:18 says the following:

"This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man's number. His number is 666."

This beast, regarded by some as the Anti-Christ described by John, is thus related to the number 666, one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.

Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666º, you get -0.80901699, which is one-half of negative phi, or perhaps what one might call the "anti-phi."  You can also get -0.80901699 by taking the cosine of 216º, and 216 is 6 x 6 x 6.

The trigonometric relationship of sine 666º to phi is based on an isosceles triangle with a base of phi and sides of 1.  When this triangle is enclosed in a circle with a radius of 1, we see that the lower line, which has an angle of 306º on the first rotation and 666º on the second rotation, has a sine equal to one-half negative phi.

In this we see the unity of phi divided into positive and negative, analogous perhaps to light and darkness or good and evil.  Could this "sine" be a "sign" as well?

In addition, 666 degrees is 54 degrees short of the complete second circle and when dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66... The other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees and 36 divided by 54 is .666.

Phi appears throughout creation, and in every physical proportion of the human body.  In that sense it is the number of mankind, as the mysterious passage of Revelation perhaps reveals.

Also see the Theology page.

The colors of the Tabernacle are based on a phi relationship

The PhiBar program produces the colors that the Bible says God gave to Moses for the construction of the Tabernacle.

As it says in Exodus 26:1, "Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman."

Set the primary color of the PhiBar program to blue, the secondary color of the PhiBar to purple and it reveals the Phi color to be scarlet.

This reference to the combination blue, purple and scarlet in the construction of the tabernacle appears 24 times in Exodus 25 through 39, describing the colors to be used in the curtains, waistbands, breastpieces, sashes and garments.

See the Color page for additional information.

Insights on the Ark of the Covenant and 666 contributed by Robert Bartlett.

Insights on the Altar in Exodus 27 contributed by Sir Hemlock.

Insights on the Tabernacle colors contributed by J.D. Ahmanson.


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Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2011 05:06

Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2011 05:09



Philosophy can be defined as: “ 1 the use of reason and argument in seeking knowledge and  truth of reality, esp. of the causes and nature of things and of the principles governing existence, the material universe, perception of physical phenomena, and human behavior. 2 a a particular system or set of beliefs reached by this. b a personal rule of life. 3 advanced learning in general (doctor of philosophy). 4 serenity; calmness; conduct governed by a particular philosophy. [philosophia wisdom (as PHILO-, sophos wise)]” [1]

It is noteworthy that “philo-” is a combining form “denoting a liking for what is specified,” such that “philosophy” becomes the love of wisdom.  This is very distinct from seeking truth and knowledge.  Wisdom far exceeds both knowledge and truth.  It is the use of such tools, “experience and knowledge together with the power of applying them critically or practically.”  Wisdom is perception, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicuity, perspicacity, and prudence.  (As in The Tao of Pooh.)  It could even be thought of as enlightenment.

In addition to wisdom, “sophy” (from Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom) can be thought of as “the study, knowledge, and wisdom of...”.  If we further break down “philo” to “phi” and “lo” -- and “lo” means “the amazing sight” (as in “lo and behold”), then philosophy also means, “the study, knowledge, and wisdom of the amazing sight of... phi.”  Meanwhile, phi is the Greek letter which is used to denote the Golden Mean, a ratio or number which equals 0.618033987... (or 1.618033987... -- the two numbers being interchangeable).

Philosophy as per our first set of definitions (which covers really a lot of ground), and even as a love of wisdom (in its highest connotations), can simultaneously be thought of as the study, knowledge, and wisdom of a numerical ratio!  This latter fact is evidence of the vast importance of Sacred Mathematics as an integral part of philosophy.

Now, which would you rather study?  All the machinations and bewildering thoughts of mentally rearranged minds like Nietsche (who advocated the concept of the Superman, an idea which Nazi Germany took to an extreme), Peanuts (as in The Gospel According to...), Decartes (“I think, therefore I am”), Bush (“I don’t think, therefore I am President”), Spinoza, and so forth and so on?  Or would you prefer the logic, purity, and inherent predictability of mathematics, a field without the bias of interpretation?

Whichever you choose, it is wise (i.e. the use of wisdom, perspicacity, etceteras) to remember that when Rene Decartes, the French philosopher, died, the funeral bier on which his body was taken to the cemetery was pushed by a horse, instead of being drawn in the traditional way.  This was the first example of “putting Decartes before de horse.”  Now, dis is philosophy!

Xenophobia is often thought of as ‘fear of strangers’, but is more likely, “an abnormal or morbid fear or aversion” (phobia) of anything “strange, foreign, or stranger” (xeno)  Xenophobia is thus contrary to philosophy, wherein wisdom requires a xenocuriosity.  Which is the basis for this extended website -- in case you were wondering.

But consider the case of strangers in our midst.  Evan Hodkins has noted that “Philoxenia is the Greek word for hospitality.  The literal meaning is ‘love of strangers’.”  But enlarge this concept of stranger to include any strange or foreign event.  Even then, “A stranger is different from both enemy and friend.  The stranger is an emissary from the unknown, the placeholder of surprise, the instrument of Divine interruption, the speaker of stunning revelations.  Foreigners come to us from beyond the borders and boundaries of our insularity and deliver new perspectives.” [2]

“When relationships of destiny insinuate themselves, we call it b’shert in Hebrew, kismet in Arabic.”  It’s the orchestration of apparent chance encounters, where we suddenly find in an event or another person the delights of an “ancient belonging.”

Thus true philosophy can be viewed as the strange, the unknown, the foreign, all being things to be welcomed.  Even adversities.  For they bring their own form of gifts, and with an increasing wisdom, an ever expanding love of wisdom, our philosophy will always find an honored place in our home for all such emissaries from beyond.

At the same time, it must be remembered that a society which honors philosophers and does not honor plumbers will have neither philosophies nor plumbing which hold water.


Sacred Geometry         Golden Mean         The Golden Spiral

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Geometry of Alphabets         The Great Pyramids

Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2011 05:33
of Ophir. אופיר 297
Mary Μαρια 152
Magdalene. Μαγδαληνη 145
152 MAS 145 ES IGUAL A 297

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2011 05:41
JUAN 19:25

Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/07/2011 02:07


 La Catedral  de Chartres de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora, esta dedicado el culto a la Virgen Negra.

En la catedral se encuentra un laberinto, el cual mide 13 metros de diámetro, comprendiendo un circuito de 11 vueltas el mismo que lleva al centro sobre la cripta de la Virgen Negra, se puede apreciar en medio del laberinto la  forma  como de una flor de seis pétalos.

.La catedral fue erigida donde antes se encontraba un dolmen de origen celta,   como conocemos los pueblos primitivos vivían en conexión con la naturaleza utilizaban sus conocimientos ancestrales para construir sus lugares de culto en sitios de concentración de energías telúricas.

La devoción a la Virgen negra tiene su principio en la creencia de los pueblos primigenios de venerar a la madre tierra, la mama pacha, la dadora de vida, de fertilidad, de fecundidad, una divinidad femenina, la diosa madre, la tierra madre.

Agricultores  primitivos observaron que la estrella Spica la principal de la constelación de Virgo desaparecía en el horizonte el 15 de agosto, fecha que coincidía con la recogida de la cosecha de trigo seco y maduro, Spica volvía aparecer el 8 de septiembre coincidiendo con el momento de la siembra, así es como se asocio el ciclo agrícola a la  estrella Spica.

Con el paso del tiempo  los cristianos adoptan las fechas de los cultos paganos pero a través de su simbolismo, así  la festividad de la Asunción de la Virgen se celebra el 15 de agosto y su nacimiento  el 8 de septiembre.

En todas las religiones en las que se venera a una Diosa-Tierra, siempre aparece indisolublemente asociado con ello un culto solar. Tanto entre los egipcios, como los incas, los griegos o los celtas, no hay Diosa-Tierra sin Dios-Sol, su complemento indispensable.

 Venus Willendorf

Para los egipcios era la estrella Sirio asociada a Isis, que después de seis meses reaparecía fulgurante en el horizonte,  tiempo que coincidía con la llegada de las abundantes aguas al Nilo, tiempo de fertilidad, de riqueza. La diosa Isis simbolizaba a las tierras de Egipto.


Isis amamantando a Horus


A la Madre tierra se le han dado muchos nombres: Venus, Ishtar, Isis, Hathor, Lacksmi, Cibeles en Asia menos, Tanit para los cartagineses, Astarte para los fenicios, Demeter, Ceres, entre otras.

En España se rinde culto a numerosísimas  vírgenes negras, entre ellas la Virgen de Atocha, la de Guadalupe en Extremadura, la de Montserrat en Cataluña, la Virgen de Regla en Cádiz.


Virgen Montserrat

La Basílica  de la Virgen de Guadalupe en Mexico se encuentra  en el Cerro Tepeyac,  un antiguo lugar  de culto de los pueblos indigenas dedicado a la Diosa Tierra,   a la que llamaban Coatlicue.

 Virgen Guadalupe Mexico

Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/07/2011 02:09

Cibeles: Culto pagano del R. Madrid

en 4/22/2011 03:06:00 AM

España es una especie de Babilonia contemporánea en la que sus ciudadanos inducidos al ateísmo, rinden sin saberlo –ni que carajo les importa- culto al mismísimo demonio

Una vez más el R. Madrid ha celebrado uno de sus triunfos en la plaza de la Cibeles, desde que en 1986 se celebrasen los 4 goles de en el mundial de México. La Cibeles es una Diosa pagana que data de la antigua Babilonia, concretamente de Semiramis la reina de la antigua Asiria.

imageEl Madrid ofrece sus triunfos a Dioses paganos y satánicos, las cosas como son… 

Babilonia hoy en España

No es que me parezca mal la celebración del R. Madrid, que como buen madridista me parece estupendo, pero todo buen aficionado ha de saber que el título se lo está ofreciendo a Satanás. Fue curiosa la celebración de ayer, en la tierra del culto taurino a Baal que es España, en plena cuaresma pagana, se celebró la copa del Rey reina de la mítica Asiria, Semiramis.

imageCibeles representada en la mitología sobre un carro que simboliza la superioridad de la madre Naturaleza, a la que incluso se subordinan los poderosos leones que tiran del carro

Semiramis puede ser rastreada en varias culturas, como la Diosa que sufre ó la diosa madre y pierde a su marido, y este se reencarna en el Dios sol, volviendo a la vida como su hijo: Isis-Osiris, Afrodita-Adonis, Inanna-Dumuzi, Isthar-Tammuz, Deméter-Perséfone, Anat-Baal, Cibeles-Atis. Las tradiciones del cercano y medio Oriente exaltaban a la Gran Madre como fuente de la vida y la originadora de las artes domésticas como la agricultura y economía domestica.

El Pastor David L. Brown dijo: 
“En Egipto, Semiramis fue llamada Isis y su hijo es Osiris. En Asiria fue Istar y Bacus. En Asia fue Cibeles y Deoius. En la antigua Grecia fue Afrodita y Eros, y en la antigua Roma, fue Venus y Cupido. Los nombres y lugares de la adoración de la madre y el hijo varían de un país a otro a lo largo de los tiempos” .

Cibeles, la virgen María o la constelación de Virgo

El ritual de adoración al hijo de Cibeles, Atis, nacido de una almendra se celebraba durante el equinoccio de primavera, que formaba parte del culto de primavera a la diosa Cibeles. Atis nació de una almendra (vulva de Cybeles). El ritual de la madre virgen y el niño representan el signo de virgo del zodíaco, por eso los templarios se interesaban por los santuarios matriarcales y los introdujeron en el catolicismo, siendo cultos paganos.

imageLa Diosa madre representa a la constelación de Virgo 

Isis,  Ceres, Cibeles, Deméter, Hécate y la Kali hindú, como Kundalini, son vírgenes negras, oscuras, subterráneas, que representan en el simbolismo hermético la tierra primitiva.

Hoy en día el culto a Cibeles, constelación de Virgo, estrella Spica, perduran confundidas en la Madre de Cristo, la Virgen María. Los días de la diosa Madre eran el 15 de agosto y el 8 de septiembre, ocaso y orto helíaco respectivamente, de la estrella Spica. En el catolicismo la Asunción de la Virgen María se celebra el 15 de agosto y su nacimiento el 8 de septiembre. Esta coincidencia no puede ser fruto del azar.

Los fenicios y el culto a Cibeles

El culto a Cibeles se preserva en España gracias a la supervivencia de los ritos púnicos, fenicios y Griegos que sobrevivieron a la conquista Romana. Cibeles y Atis fueron introducidos a partir del siglo II y III d.C. En sus santuarios se celebraban bautismos sangrientos que incluían el sacrificio de un toro o un carnero, sacrificios que aún se practican en España a día de hoy mediante la tauromaquia.

imageLa Biblia advierte sobre el culto a Asera, Astarot o Astarte, también Cibeles. Más que entregarle una copa deberíamos destruir la estatua a pedradas

Ventura Rodríguez era Masón ilustrado

image Ventura Rodríguez participó en un proyecto de reconstrucción de la Catedral del Burgo de Osma

En la España del primer tercio de XIX fueron masones Argüelles, Mendizábal, Riego, Ventura Rodríguez, Jovellanos, Ceballos Castaños, Porlier, etc… Pues como vemos no es casualidad que Ventura Rodríguez fuera el encargado de diseñar la fuente de la Cibeles, Apolo y Neptuno.


image España es una especie de Babilonia contemporánea en la que sus ciudadanos inducidos al ateísmo, rinden sin saberlo –ni que carajo les importa- culto al mismísimo demonio a través de ritos no solo católicos, sino paganos como el Carnaval (Carne a Baal), la Cuaresma o la celebración de equipos de fútbol como el Madrid a Cibeles o del Atlético de Madrid a Neptuno (Baco, Dionisios, Adonis, Hu, Shiva, Brahma, Odin Fohí, Nimrod…), ambas plazas diseñadas por Ventura Rodríguez, el mismo arquitecto masón.

Esta obscura época de ateos tiene sus días contados pues la inminente nueva religión babilónica está por llegar pronto y en menos de un siglo ya no volverán a haber ateos sobre la faz de la tierra, -como tampoco había ateos dos siglos atrás-, sino adoradores del diablo y adoradores de Dios. No en vano los adoradores del Diablo ya existen por multitudes, aunque no lo sepan.

Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/07/2011 02:10

Sacred Geometry




Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition.

It is considered foundational to building sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using "divine" proportions. Alternatively, sacred geometry based arts may be ephemeral, such as visualization, sand painting and medicine wheels.

Sacred geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system of religious symbols and structures involving space, time and form. According to this view the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred. By connecting with these, a believer contemplates the Great Mysteries, and the Great Design. By studying the nature of these patterns, forms and relationships and their connections, insight may be gained into the mysteries - the laws and lore of the Universe.




The discovery of the relationship of geometry and mathematics to music within the Classical Period is attributed to Pythagoras, who found that a string stopped halfway along its length produced an octave, while a ratio of 3/2 produced a fifth interval and 4/3 produced a fourth. Pythagoreans believed that this gave music powers of healing, as it could "harmonize" the out-of-balance body, and this belief has been revived in modern times. Hans Jenny, a physician who pioneered the study of geometric figures formed by wave interactions and named that study cymatics, is often cited in this context. However, Dr. Jenny did not make healing claims for his work.

Even though Hans Jenny did pioneer cymatics in modern times, the study of geometric relationships to wave interaction (sound) obviously has much older roots (Pythagoras). A work that shows ancient peoples understanding of sacred geometry can be found in Scotland. In the Rosslyn Chapel, Thomas J. Mitchell, and his son, my friend Stuart Mitchell, have has found what he calls "frozen music". Apparently, there are 213 cubes with different symbols that are believed to have musical significance. After 27 years of study and research, Mitchell has found the correct pitches and tonality that matches each symbol on each cube, revealing harmonic and melodic progressions. He has fully discovered the "frozen music", which he has named the Rosslyn Motet, and is set to have it performed in the chapel on May 18, 2007, and June 1, 2007.




At least as late as Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), a belief in the geometric underpinnings of the cosmos persisted among scientists. Kepler explored the ratios of the planetary orbits, at first in two dimensions (having spotted that the ratio of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn approximate to the in-circle and out-circle of an equilateral triangle). When this did not give him a neat enough outcome, he tried using the Platonic solids. In fact, planetary orbits can be related using two-dimensional geometric figures, but the figures do not occur in a particularly neat order. Even in his own lifetime (with less accurate data than we now possess) Kepler could see that the fit of the Platonic solids was imperfect. However, other geometric configurations are possible.



Natural Forms

Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry (for sound reasons of resource optimization). For example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are seen by believers in sacred geometry to be further proof of the cosmic significance of geometric forms. But some scientists see such phenomena as the logical outcome of natural principles.



Art and Architecture

The golden ratio, geometric ratios, and geometric figures were often employed in the design of Egyptian, ancient Indian, Greek and Roman architecture. Medieval European cathedrals also incorporated symbolic geometry. Indian and Himalayan spiritual communities often constructed temples and fortifications on design plans of mandala and yantra. For examples of sacred geometry in art and architecture refer:



M.C. Escher Art

Charles Gilchrist's Art

Sacred Geometry of Crop Circles


Geometry of the Great Pyramid

Sacred Geometry - Library of Halexandria



Contemporary Usage

A contemporary usage of the term sacred geometry describes New Age and occult assertions of a mathematical order to the intrinsic nature of the universe. Scientists see the same geometric and mathematical patterns as arising directly from natural principles. Some of the most prevalent traditional geometric forms ascribed to sacred geometry include the sine wave, the sphere, the vesica pisces, the 5 platonic solids, the torus (donut), the tesseract (4-dimensional cube), and the merkaba (2 oppositely oriented and interpenetrating tetrahedrons), and the golden spiral/ratio. Some believers of sacred geometry also see patterns in crop circles and in ancient architecture.


Golden Spiral

Blocks - Grids

The golden ratio, also known as the god ratio, golden proportion, golden mean, golden section, golden number, divine proportion or sectio divina, is an irrational number, approximately 1.618 033 988 749 894 848, that possesses many interesting properties. Shapes proportioned according to the golden ratio have long been considered aesthetically pleasing in Western cultures, and the golden ratio is still used frequently in art and design, suggesting a natural balance between symmetry and asymmetry. The ancient Pythagoreans, who defined numbers as expressions of ratios (and not as units as is common today), believed that reality is numerical and that the golden ratio expressed an underlying truth about existence.



In the News ...

Golden Ratio Discovered in the Quantum World   Epoch Times - January 20, 2010

Researcher explains mystery of golden ratio   PhysOrg - December 21, 2009

"It" is the golden ratio, a geometric proportion that has been theorized to be the most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and has been the root of countless mysteries over the centuries. Now, a Duke University engineer has found it to be a compelling springboard to unify vision, thought and movement under a single law of nature's design.



Sacred Geometry

by Ellie Crystal

Our reality is a geometric consciousness hologram. It is a science experiement in linear time to experience, journal, film, and record emotions. The term "sacred geometry" is often used by archaeologists, anthropologists, geometricians, and metaphysicians to encompass the religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around this geometry in various cultures during the course of the human biogenetic experiment.


12 Spiraling Cones Around 1 - Creation

Sacred Geometry is abbreviated SG referencing Stargate, the Wheel of Time or Karma through which we experience and evolve. We are soul sparks of light having a physical experience, our consciousness spiral down through the patterns of the golden ratio the about to reverse the spiral (spin) and return to source consciousness and light. To understand reality is to focus on the patterns that have repeated throughout time, as if on a higher octave with each programmed experience for the souls.

Science and science fiction are merging in the twenty first century when all becomes clear and the nature of reality, as based on a sacred geometric design, is explained and understood. It's really not that complicated.



Christ grid
Flower of life Merkaba
Christ Grid
The Flower of Life
The Merkaba

Spiritual Jewelry

By the Artist - David Weitzman














Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/08/2011 00:44
16 MAS 8 MAS 9 = 33
Antiguo Testamento
 Génesis 50
 Éxodo 40
 Levítico 27
 Números 36
 Deuteronomio 34
 Josué 24
 Jueces 21
 Rut 4
 Primera de Samuel 31
 Segunda de Samuel 24
 Primera de Reyes 22
 Segunda de Reyes 25
 Primera de Crónicas 29
 Segunda de Crónicas 36
 Esdras 10
 Nehemías 13
 Ester 10
 Job 42
 Salmos 150
 Proverbios 31
 Eclesiastés 12
 Cantares 8
 Isaías 66
 Jeremías 52
 Lamentaciones 5
 Ezequiel 48
 Daniel 12
 Oseas 14
 Joel 3
 Amos 9
 Abdías 1
 Jonás 4
 Miqueas 7
 Nahúm 3
 Habacuc 3
 Sofonías 3
 Hageo 2
 Zacarías 14
 Malaquías 4
H MAS I =17
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de OPHIR.

Si tienes MS Word, escribe en mayúsculas Q33 NY (el número de vuelo de uno de los aviones que chocó con las Torres). Luego, cambia el tamaño de letra a 26 y cambia el tipo de letra a Wingdings. 
En caso de que no lo hayas intentado, cuando tú tipeas "Q33 NY" y lo conviertes a Wingdings, obtienes = 

A mi nunca me llegó este mail, no se si a alguno de ustedes si. 
Rebuscado o no, "Q33NY" no es el número de vuelo de ninguno de los aviones secuestrados el 11 de septiembre. Los números reales eran AA11, AA77, UA93, y UA175. Buen intento. 

  1. Q33 NY‏ - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH871wVLRso30 s - 17 Nov 2006 - Subido por TheYugoslavian1
    sorry for such a bad vid...but am I the only one who finds this freaky?

    Microsoft Conspiracy - 9/11 (Q33 NY)‏ - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=45IkJiexol837 s - 1 Jun 2008 - Subido por dinomario10
    For everyone who says that star is the star of David. this skeleton is just a few bones, these twin towers are just 2 papers(documents) and ...

    Misterio Q33 NY Torres Gemelas‏ - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=goVTi_hMbi84 min - 7 Sep 2009 - Subido por GTACarl1980
    Standard YouTube License. 5 likes, 5 dislikes; Michael Jackson ... o simbol do aviaõ significa o q33 NY as 2 folhas as torres o ...

    Loren'Co - Q33NY‏ - YouTube

     - [ Traducir esta página ]
    youtu.be/watch?v=QpoEIBj8OfM&feature=related - En caché
    3 Apr 2011 – Réalisé par nos soins, sans trop en prendre d'ailleurs ;-) Juste pour rire...ou pas.

    Q33 NY

    Formato de archivo: Microsoft Word
    Torres Gemelas, Misterio, (da mucho miedo). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQmCy61Qv44. Q33 NY. Q33 NY.

Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/08/2011 17:27

Juan Capítulo 8


 y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos. 2 Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba. 3 Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio, (El evangelio de Juan es el evangelio mas feminista)

4 le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio. 5 Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices? 6 Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo. 7 Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté libre sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella. 8 E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra. 9 Pero ellos, al oír esto, acusados por su conciencia, salían uno a uno, comenzando desde los más viejos hasta los postreros; y quedó solo Jesús, y la mujer que estaba en medio. 10 Enderezándose Jesús, y no viendo a nadie sino a la mujer, le dijo: Mujer, ¿dónde están los que te acusaban? ¿Ninguno te condenó? 11 Ella dijo: Ninguno, Señor. Entonces Jesús le dijo: Ni yo te condeno; vete, y no peques más. (Cuando dice "libre" es una REFERENCIA OBVIA A GALATAS 4:26, OSEA LA JERUSALEM QUE ES LIBRE. Este hecho tambien es una referencia a la IGLESIA PATRIARCAL QUE LUEGO LE TIRO PIEDRAS A "MARIA MAGDALENA" ALEGANDO DE ELLA QUE ERA UNA RAMERA)


 Otra vez Jesús les habló, diciendo: Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue, no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.

symbols of freemasonry statue of liberty07 Symbols of Freemasonry   Statue of Liberty

symbols of freemasonry statue of liberty08 Symbols of Freemasonry   Statue of Liberty

13 Entonces los fariseos le dijeron: Tú das testimonio acerca de ti mismo; tu testimonio no es verdadero. 14 Respondió Jesús y les dijo: Aunque yo doy testimonio acerca de mí mismo, mi testimonio es verdadero, porque sé de dónde he venido y a dónde voy; pero vosotros no sabéis de dónde vengo, ni a dónde voy. 15 Vosotros juzgáis según la carne; yo no juzgo a nadie. 16 Y si yo juzgo, mi juicio es verdadero; porque no soy yo solo, sino yo y el que me envió, el Padre. 17 Y en vuestra ley está escrito que el testimonio de dos hombres es verdadero. 18 Yo soy el que doy testimonio de mí mismo, y el Padre que me envió da testimonio de mí. 19 Ellos le dijeron: ¿Dónde está tu Padre? Respondió Jesús: Ni a mí me conocéis, ni a mi Padre; si a mí me conocieseis, también a mi Padre conoceríais. 20 Estas palabras habló Jesús en el lugar de las ofrendas, enseñando en el templo; y nadie le prendió, porque aún no había llegado su hora.


 Otra vez les dijo Jesús: Yo me voy, y me buscaréis, pero en vuestro pecado moriréis; a donde yo voy, vosotros no podéis venir. 22 Decían entonces los judíos: ¿Acaso se matará a sí mismo, que dice: A donde yo voy, vosotros no podéis venir? 23 Y les dijo: Vosotros sois de abajo, yo soy de arriba; vosotros sois de este mundo, yo no soy de este mundo. 24 Por eso os dije que moriréis en vuestros pecados; porque si no creéis que yo soy, en vuestros pecados moriréis. 25 Entonces le dijeron: ¿Tú quién eres? Entonces Jesús les dijo: Lo que desde el principio os he dicho. 26 Muchas cosas tengo que decir y juzgar de vosotros; pero el que me envió es verdadero; y yo, lo que he oído de él, esto hablo al mundo. 27 Pero no entendieron que les hablaba del Padre. 28 Les dijo, pues, Jesús: Cuando hayáis levantado al Hijo del Hombre, entonces conoceréis que yo soy, y que nada hago por mí mismo, sino que según me enseñó el Padre, así hablo. (Una referencia a JUAN 3:14, OSEA LA SERPIENTE DE BRONCE/NUMERO PI)

29 Porque el que me envió, conmigo está; no me ha dejado solo el Padre, porque yo hago siempre lo que le agrada. 30 Hablando él estas cosas, muchos creyeron en él.


 Dijo entonces Jesús a los judíos que habían creído en él: Si vosotros permaneciereis en mi palabra, seréis verdaderamente mis discípulos; 32 y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres. 33 Le respondieron: Linaje de Abraham somos, y jamás hemos sido esclavos de nadie. ¿Cómo dices tú: Seréis libres? (Noten la fuerte interrelacion con ABRAHAM del LIBRO DE GALATAS)

34 Jesús les respondió: De cierto, de cierto os digo, que todo aquel que hace pecado, esclavo es del pecado. 35 Y el esclavo no queda en la casa para siempre; el hijo sí queda para siempre. 36 Así que, si el Hijo os libertare, seréis verdaderamente libres. 37 Sé que sois descendientes de Abraham; pero procuráis matarme, porque mi palabra no halla cabida en vosotros. 38 Yo hablo lo que he visto cerca del Padre; y vosotros hacéis lo que habéis oído cerca de vuestro padre.


 Respondieron y le dijeron: Nuestro padre es Abraham. Jesús les dijo: Si fueseis hijos de Abraham, las obras de Abraham haríais. (Cristo es HIJO DE ABRAHAM EN CONTEXTO A LA GENEALOGIA DE MATEO EN SU PRIMER CAPITULO y obviamente a su nacimiento)

40 Pero ahora procuráis matarme a mí, hombre que os he hablado la verdad, la cual he oído de Dios; no hizo esto Abraham. 41 Vosotros hacéis las obras de vuestro padre. Entonces le dijeron: Nosotros no somos nacidos de fornicación; un padre tenemos, que es Dios. 42 Jesús entonces les dijo: Si vuestro padre fuese Dios, ciertamente me amaríais; porque yo de Dios he salido, y he venido; pues no he venido de mí mismo, sino que él me envió. 43 ¿Por qué no entendéis mi lenguaje? Porque no podéis escuchar mi palabra. 44 Vosotros sois de vuestro padre el diablo, y los deseos de vuestro padre queréis hacer. El ha sido homicida desde el principio, y no ha permanecido en la verdad, porque no hay verdad en él. Cuando habla mentira, de suyo habla; porque es mentiroso, y padre de mentira. 45 Y a mí, porque digo la verdad, no me creéis. 46 ¿Quién de vosotros me redarguye de pecado? Pues si digo la verdad, ¿por qué vosotros no me creéis? 47 El que es de Dios, las palabras de Dios oye; por esto no las oís vosotros, porque no sois de Dios.


 Respondieron entonces los judíos, y le dijeron: ¿No decimos bien nosotros, que tú eres samaritano, y que tienes demonio? 49 Respondió Jesús: Yo no tengo demonio, antes honro a mi Padre; y vosotros me deshonráis. 50 Pero yo no busco mi gloria; hay quien la busca, y juzga. 51 De cierto, de cierto os digo, que el que guarda mi palabra, nunca verá muerte. 52 Entonces los judíos le dijeron: Ahora conocemos que tienes demonio. Abraham murió, y los profetas; y tú dices: El que guarda mi palabra, nunca sufrirá muerte. 53 ¿Eres tú acaso mayor que nuestro padre Abraham, el cual murió? ¡Y los profetas murieron! ¿Quién te haces a ti mismo? 54 Respondió Jesús: Si yo me glorifico a mí mismo, mi gloria nada es; mi Padre es el que me glorifica, el que vosotros decís que es vuestro Dios. (La gloria tiene un fuerte NEXO SABATICO Y CON LA NOVIA-EFESIOS 5 "IGLESIA GLORIFICADA" O EXODO 24)

55 Pero vosotros no le conocéis; mas yo le conozco, y si dijere que no le conozco, sería mentiroso como vosotros; pero le conozco, y guardo su palabra. 56 Abraham vuestro padre se gozó de que había de ver mi día; y lo vio, y se gozó. 57 Entonces le dijeron los judíos: Aún no tienes cincuenta años, ¿y has visto a Abraham? 58 Jesús les dijo: De cierto, de cierto os digo: Antes que Abraham fuese, yo soy. (8:58 O 8/13 TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON LA CAIDA DE LOS TEMPLARIOS Y CON LOS EEUU.)
59 Tomaron entonces piedras para arrojárselas; pero Jesús se escondió y salió del templo; y atravesando por en medio de ellos, se fue. (Fijense que en contexto a la primera parte de este capitulo Jesus esta tomando el mismo lugar que la ramera que querian tirarle piedras. EL MENSAJE DE CRISTO TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON MARIA MAGDALENA YA QUE ES COMO QUE AL DECIR NUESTRO SEÑOR "YO SOY" EN CONTEXTO A EXODO 3:14 (NUMERO PI) ES UN MENSAJE CON FUERTE CONNOTACION CON LA MISMA. AUNQUE USTED NO LO CREA AQUI TAMBIEN TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON LA PIRAMIDE, LA SERPIENTE Y EL AGUILA OSEA DAN/MARIA MAGDALENA) 
Los templarios fueron destruidos el 13 de octubre de 1307. Lo increible es que en EL AÑO DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU ESTA CODIFICADO DICHA CAIDA.
1 MAS 7=8
7 MAS 6=13
La reforma del papa gregorio del actual calendario le extrajo 10 dias, si mal no recuerdo en 1592, que paso desde el jueves 4 de octubre hasta el 15 de octubre, justamente en CONTEXTO AL 13 DE OCTUBRE CAIDA DE LOS TEMPLARIOS. ¿PORQUE LOS MASONES QUE INDEPENDIZARON LOS EEUU LO HISIERON EL 4 DE JULIO GREGORIANO Y NO 24 DE JUNIO GREGORIANO? EL 4 DE JULIO GREGORIANO EQUIVALE A 24 DE JUNIO JULIANO.

Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/08/2011 17:51
2. Hebreos 11:10: porque esperaba la ciudad que tiene fundamentos, cuyo ARQUITECTO y constructor es Dios.

Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2011 07:45


Geometry of the Great Pyramid

DIMENSIONS of Great Pyramid

by morphvs

The following article is Copyright © 2001-2003 aiwaz.net_institute
All rights reserved. No part of this website, including text and images, may be reproduced or copied 
in any form or by any means without the express prior written permission of aiwaz.net_institute. 
Presented with permission.

If the calculations concerning the royal cubit are correct the main dimensions of the pyramid should also prove that. The approximate dimensions of the pyramid are calculated by Petrie according to the remains of the sockets in the ground for the casing stones whose remains are still at the top of the pyramid, and the angle 51° 52' ± 2' of the slopes. The base of 9069 inches is approximately 440 royal cubits (the difference is 9 inches which is not a remarkable difference if we consider the whole dimension and consider that the employed data represent only an estimation of the real values) whereas the calculated height, 5776 inches, is precisely 280 royal cubits. The relation 440:280 can be reduced to 11:7, which gives an approximation of the half value of Pi.

Squaring the Circle

Squaring the Circle

The circle and the square are
united through the circumference:

area of square: 440x440=193600
area of circle:28x28x22/7=246400
sum: 440000

The engagement of Pi value in the main dimensions suggests also a very accurate angle of 51° 52' ± 2' of the slopes which expresses the value of Pi. Another coincidence is the relation between the height of the pyramid's triangle in relation to a half of the side of the pyramid, since it appears to be the Golden Section, or the specific ratio ruling this set of proportions, F = (sqr(5)+1)/2 = 1.618 = 356:220. This ratio, 356:220 = 89:55 is also contained in the first of Fibonacci Series:

1  2  3  5  8  13  21  34  55  89  144 ...


A single composition contains two apparently contradicting irrational numbers P and F, without disrupting each other. This appears to be completely opposed to the classical architectural canon which postulates that in 'good' composition no two different geometrical systems of proportions may be mixed in order to maintain the purity of design. 
But analysis of other architectural and artistic forms suggested that the greatest masters skillfully juggled the proportional canons without losing the coherent system, for they knew that these systems can be interconnected if the path that links them is found. That is obvious In the case of the Great Pyramid where two different principles are interweaved without interference ruling different angles of the composition, which is most importantly a most simple one, namely 11:7, a most simple ratio obviously signifying such infinite mysteries as the value of P and most 'natural' value of F. In spite of common miss-understanding of architectural composition, the most mysterious and praised compositions are very simple but not devoid of anthropomorphic appeal, since everything is made out of human proportions, just like Vitruvius describing the rations of the human body, very simple and very clean. The numbers 7 and in 11 are successive factors in the second of Fibonacci progressions that approximate geometry of the pentagram:

1   3   4   7   11   18   29   47   76   123   ...

The summary of the selected main mean dimensions is:

b. inch
royal cub.

The Great Pyramid

The main source of all kinds of delusions and speculations about our mythical past for the western man comes of course from Plato. With the myth of Atlantis he planted the necessary seed of mythical Eden, a culture of high intelligence that lived before the known history. If Plato received any wisdom from the ancient Egypt it could perhaps be traced in the canon of numbers that is so latently present throughout his work, but never on the surface. This canon seems to appear in the descriptions of his fantastic cities where everything is most carefully calculated and proportioned. The topic of Plato's Laws is the description of the ideal state called Magnesia which is entirely composed out of the mysterious number 5,040.

The distance* when Earth is closest to Sun (perihelion) is 147x106 km, which is translated into royal cubits 280x109, hinting at the height of the Great pyramid, 
280 royal cubits.

The above article comes from  aiwaz.net_institute - Great Pyramid and Giza plateau 
and is Copyright © 2001-2003 aiwaz.net_institute. All rights reserved. 
No part of this article, including text and images, may be reproduced or copied in any form 
or by any means without the express prior written permission of aiwaz.net_institute. Reprinted with permission.

* Related links: Astronomic & Cosmographic Data, Nasa site with planetary data

Do not miss this web site: aiwaz.net_institute - Great Pyramid and Giza plateau 
Find out more amazing facts about the GREAT PYRAMID: Position of King's Chamber, Queen's Chamber, Subterranean Chamber; SECOND PYRAMID: Dimensions of Pyramid, Great Chamber, Coffer, Lower Chamber; THIRD PYRAMID: Dimensions of Pyramid, Chambers,MATHESIS of Giza Plateau.

The Golden Ratio & Squaring the Circle in the Great Pyramid

A straight line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, 
as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less.

The extreme and mean ratio is also known as the golden ratio. 

If the smaller part = 1, and larger part = G, the golden ratio requires that 
G is equal approximately 1.6180

Does the Great Pyramid contain the Golden Ratio?

Assuming that the height of the GP = 146.515 m, and base = 230.363 m, and using simple math 
we find that half of the base is 115.182 m and the "slant height"  is 186.369 m

Dividing the "slant height" (186.369m) by "half base" (115.182m) gives = 1.6180, which is practically equal to the golden ration! 

The earth/moon relationship is the only one in our solar system that contains this unique golden section ratio that "squares the circle". Along with this is the phenomenon that the moon and the sun appear to be the same size, most clearly noticed during an eclipse. This too is true only from earth's vantage point…No other planet/moon relationship in our solar system can make this claim. 

Although the problem of squaring the circle was proven mathematically impossible in the 19th century (as pi, being irrational, cannot be exactly measured), the Earth, the moon, and the Great Pyramid, are all coming about as close as you can get to the solution!
If the base of the Great Pyramid is equated with the diameter of the earth, then the radius of the moon can be generated by subtracting the radius of the earth from the height of the pyramid (see the picture below).

Click here to view larger picture.

Also the square (in orange), with the side equal to the radius of the Earth, and the circle (in blue), 
with radius equal to the radius of the Earth plus the radius of the moon, are very nearly equal in perimeters:

Orange Square Perimeter = 2+2+2+2=8
Blue Circle Circumference = 2*pi*1.273=8

Earth, Radius, Mean = 6,370,973.27862 m *
Moon, Radius, Mean = 1,738,000 m.*
Moon Radius divided by Earth Radius = 0.2728 *

* Source: Astronomic and Cosmographic Data

Let's re-phrase the above arguments **

In the diagram above, the big triangle is the same proportion and angle of the Great Pyramid, with its base angles at 51 degrees 51 minutes. If you bisect this triangle and assign a value of 1 to each base, then the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) equals phi (1.618..) and the perpendicular side equals the square root of phi. And that’s not all. A circle is drawn with it’s centre and diameter the same as the base of the large triangle. This represents the circumference of the earth. A square is then drawn to touch the outside of the earth circle. A second circle is then drawn around the first one, with its circumference equal to the perimeter of the square. (The squaring of the circle.) This new circle will actually pass exactly through the apex of the pyramid. And now the “wow”: A circle drawn with its centre at the apex of the pyramid and its radius just long enough to touch the earth circle, will have the circumference of the moon! Neat, huh! And the small triangle formed by the moon and the earth square will be a perfect 345 triangle (which doesn’t seem to mean much.)

** Source: http://geometry.wholesomebalance.com/Sacred_Geometry_2.html#Phi

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Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2011 02:47


En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo:
Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra,
que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta)
de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales)
y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados).
Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos."
(Mateo 11: 25-26).

26 Sí, Padre, porque asíte agradó. 27 Todas las cosas me fueron entregadas por mi Padre; y nadie conoce al Hijo, sino el Padre, ni al Padre conoce alguno, sino el Hijo, y aquel a quien el Hijo lo quiera revelar. 28 Venid a mí todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, y yo os haré descansar. 29 Llevad mi yugo sobre vosotros, y aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón; y hallaréis descanso para vuestras almas; 30 porque mi yugo es fácil, y ligera mi carga.

Las iglesias son ya creyentes en Jesús como Mesías. Así, Jesús no podía estar recordando a las iglesias a través de Su ángeles que Él es el Mesías. Entonces, ¿Por qué Jesús envía a Su ángel para dar testimonio a las IGLESIAS y NO a los incrédulos de que ÉL es la raíz y linaje de DAVID? Una vez más, Jesús quiere que Su IGLESIA se identifique con David cuando ellos se identifican con Jesús, ¿POR QUÉ?

David en hebreo significa, "Amado.". Es la palabra de Strong 1732. Amada es un término para la Novia de Dios. El Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón es un cántico poético entre Dios y Su Novia. En el Cantar de los Cantares 6:3 está escrito: "Yo soy de mi amado, y mi amado es mío... "

Por lo tanto, David es un tipo de la Novia de Dios. Consecuentemente, la Novia de Cristo DEBE identificarse con David, aun cuando Jesús nos dice que Él tiene la llave de David y es la raíz y linaje de David.

El versículo que sigue en el libro de Revelación siguiendo las palabras de Jesús que ha enviado Su ángel para dar testimonio a Sus iglesias de que Él es la raíz y linaje de David, es Revelación 22:17, según está escrito: "Y el Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: Ven…"




David fue un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios. En Hechos 13:22 está escrito:

"Quitado éste, les levantó por rey a David de quien dio también testimonio diciendo: He hallado a David hijo de Isaí, varón conforme a mi corazón, quien hará todo lo que yo quiero."

¿Por qué era David un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios? La respuesta se encuentra en el Salmo 119. ¡La razón por la que David era un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios es porque David AMABA la Torá de Dios! Examinemos el Salmo 119 para comprender esta verdad.



El Salmo 119 fue escrito por David. Tiene 176 versículos. Están las veintidós letras del alfabeto hebreo. Es un salmo poético que pasa por todo el alfabeto hebreo en unidades de ocho versículos cada una. Veintidós veces ocho, hacen 176.

El alfabeto hebreo empieza por la letra, Alef, y termina con la letra, Tav. En Revelación 22:13, Jesús dijo estas palabras según está escrito:

"Yo soy el Alfa y Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último."

El Alfa y Omega son la primera y última letras del alfabeto griego. La manera en que esto se diría en hebreo es "Yo soy Alef y Tav."

En Génesis 1:1 está escrito: "En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra." Si examina este versículo en hebreo, encontrará que la cuarta palabra hebrea es, Alef, Tav."

Por lo tanto, en hebreo, Génesis 1:1 dice, "En el principio (Be-reshit), Dios (Elohim) creó (bará), (Alef, Tav)…" De aquí podemos comprender que Jesús es ciertamente el Alef y el Tav, el principio y el fin.

En cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Como Jesús es el Alef y Tav, el principio y el fin, entonces todo el Salmo 119 está escrito acerca de Jesús. ¡¡De esto podemos comprender que Jesús es la Torá viviente!!

Hay tres cosas principales que resaltan en el Salmo 119. Son las siguientes:

  1. La lengua hebrea
  2. La Torá de Dios
  3. El número ocho

En el Salmo 119, se resalta la lengua hebrea, porque pasa por todo el alfabeto, letra por letra. Se resalta la Torá de Dios porque en cada versículo del Salmo 119, David alaba a Dios por Su Torá. Se resalta el número ocho porque el Salmo 119 pasa por todo el alfabeto hebreo en unidades de ocho versículos.



Cada versículo del Salmo 119:1-8, empieza por la primera letra de la lengua hebrea, la Alef. Cada versículo en el Salmo 119:9-16, empieza por la segunda letra de la lengua hebrea, la Bet. Cada versículo en el Salmo 119:17-24, empieza por la tercera letra del alfabeto hebreo, la Guímel. Este modelo se repite por todo el alfabeto hebreo hasta el final del Salmo. Por lo tanto, el Salmo 119 resalta la lengua hebrea, la Torá y el número ocho.



¿Por qué se resalta el número ocho en el Salmo 119? Siete es el número de Dios para la perfección y plenitud. Los siete días de la creación representan 7000 años de tiempo. En el Salmo 90:4 está escrito:

"Porque mil años delante de tus ojos son como el día de ayer, que pasó, y como una de las vigilias de la noche."

En 2ª Pedro 3:8 está escrito:

"Mas, oh amados

(un término para la Novia de Dios), no ignoréis esto: que para con el Señor un día es como mil años, y mil años como un día."

Por lo tanto, los siete días de la creación son un cuadro espiritual de siete mil años de tiempo. El séptimo día de la creación, el Shabat, es un cuadro espiritual de la Edad Mesiánica del Milenio.

En Levítico 23, Dios dio a su pueblo siete fiestas. Son la Pascua, los Panes sin Levadura, los primeros Frutos, Pentecostés, las Trompetas, la Expiación y los Tabernáculos. Una vez más, el siete es el número bíblico para la perfección y la plenitud. Estas siete fiestas son importantes porque revelan el plan profético de Dios. Las cuatro primeras fiestas nos revelan sobre la primera venida de Jesús. Las tres últimas lo hacen sobre la segunda venida de Jesús. Todas estas fiestas nos enseñan sobre nuestra relación personal con Dios. Para más información sobre las fiestas bíblicas, lea mi libro, "Las Siete Fiestas del Mesías." Se puede comprar escribiendo a Hebraic Heritage Ministries International (Ministerios de la Herencia Hebrea Internacional). Al final del libro se informa cómo conseguirlo.

La séptima fiesta es la de los Tabernáculos. La fiesta de los Tabernáculos debe celebrarse durante siete días. En Levítico 23:33-34 está escrito:

"Y habló el Señor a Moisés diciendo: Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: A los quince días de este mes séptimo será la fiesta solemne de los tabernáculos al Señor por siete días."

La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos no es sólo la séptima fiesta sino que tiene lugar en el séptimo mes, y debe celebrarse por siete días. En esto, Dios está resaltando la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos y el número siete. La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es profética de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica. Al final de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica termina el cuadro profético de los siete días de la creación y el día séptimo de las siete fiestas. Por lo tanto, a la conclusión de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica, el plan profético de Dios para la raza humana se completará y se entrará en la eternidad.

Dios dio una pista profética de la eternidad cuando él dio instrucciones referente a la celebración de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos. En Levítico 23:33-34, 36 está escrito:

"Y habló el Señor a Moisés, diciendo: Habla a los hijos de Israel y diles: A los quince días de este mes séptimo será la fiesta solemne de los tabernáculos al Señor …Siete días ofreceréis ofrenda encendida al Señor; el octavo día tendréis santa convocación, y ofreceréis ofrenda encendida al Señor; es fiesta solemne…"

La Fiesta de los Tabernáculos es una fiesta de siete días para Dios. Se celebra según el Calendario Judío del 15-21 de Tishrí. El octavo día, el 22 de Tishrí, es conocido en hebreo como "Sheminí Atséret" que significa, "La octava conclusión." El día siguiente de "Sheminí Atséret" es el 23 de Tishrí, que es conocido en hebreo como "Simjat Torá" que significa, "El regocijo de la Torá."

Por lo tanto, después de la conclusión del tiempo, según está representado por la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos, que es la séptima fiesta, en el séptimo mes, y celebrada por siete días, y es un cuadro espiritual de los 1000 años de la Edad Mesiánica, tenemos "Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá," que representa la eternidad.

Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá se celebran conjuntamente y está vista por el pueblo judío como un solo día que se extiende sobre dos días físicos del calendario. Por lo tanto, el octavo día que Dios adjuntó a los siete días de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos fue hecho por Dios para representar el tiempo que sigue a la conclusión de la fiesta de los Tabernáculos o eternidad. Porque Sheminí Atséret (la octava conclusión) está asociada a Simjat Torá (el regocijo de la Torá) y esto representa la eternidad, podemos comprender que durante la eternidad, todos los creyentes estarán en el cielo regocijándose en la Torá de Dios. Por lo tanto, el número ocho representa los nuevos cielos y la nueva tierra ( Revelación 21:1-3 ) y la eternidad.

La eternidad se resalta en las fiestas bíblicas de Dios por el día octavo que sigue a los siete días a la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos, Sheminí Atséret y Simjat Torá. Simjat Torá es conocida en hebreo como el "Regocijo de la Torá."

Por lo tanto, el número ocho en el Salmo 119 resalta la eternidad. La eternidad es vislumbrada por todos los creyentes que estarán en el cielo y se regocijarán en la Torá de Dios, así como David se regocijó y alabó la Torá de Dios en cada versículo del Salmo 119.


El salmo 119 tiene 176 versiculos. Teniendo en cuenta que la independencia de EEUU fue el 4 de julio de 1776, este ultimo numero tiene un fuerte nexo kabalistico con el salmo mas largo de la tora.
26 Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre.

Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2011 15:46

Apocalipsis Capítulo 21


 Vi un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva; porque el primer cielo y la primera tierra pasaron, y el mar ya no existía más. 2 Y yo Juan vi la santa ciudad, la nueva Jerusalén, descender del cielo, de Dios, dispuesta como una esposa ataviada para su marido. 3 Y oí una gran voz del cielo que decía: He aquí el tabernáculo de Dios con los hombres, y él morará con ellos; y ellos serán su pueblo, y Dios mismo estará con ellos como su Dios. 4 Enjugará Dios toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos; y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más llanto, ni clamor, ni dolor; porque las primeras cosas pasaron.

5 Y el que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: He aquí, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas. Y me dijo: Escribe; porque estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas. 6 Y me dijo: Hecho está. Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el principio y el fin. Al que tuviere sed, yo le daré gratuitamente de la fuente del agua de la vida. (Aqui se esta haciendo REFERANCIA AL SALMO 119 QUE COMIENZAN Y FINALIZAN CON LAS LETRAS HEBREAS. AQUI ESTA EXPRESADO CON LAS GRIEGAS POR SU OBVIA ESCRITURA EN DICHO IDIOMA. EL AGUA DE LA VIDA TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON EL UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA Y OSHANAH RABBAH)



7 El que venciere heredará todas las cosas, y yo seré su Dios, y él será mi hijo.
8 Pero los cobardes e incrédulos, los abominables y homicidas, los fornicarios y hechiceros, los idólatras y todos los mentirosos tendrán su parte en el lago que arde con fuego y azufre, que es la muerte segunda.


 Vino entonces a mí uno de los siete ángeles que tenían las siete copas llenas de las siete plagas postreras, y habló conmigo, diciendo: Ven acá, yo te mostraré la desposada, la esposa del Cordero. 10 Y me llevó en el Espíritu a un monte grande y alto, y me mostró la gran ciudad santa de Jerusalén, que descendía del cielo, de Dios, 11 teniendo la gloria de Dios. Y su fulgor era semejante al de una piedra preciosísima, como piedra de jaspe, diáfana como el cristal. (La gloria tiene un fuerte nexo sabatico segun EXODO 24)

12 Tenía un muro grande y alto con doce puertas; y en las puertas, doce ángeles, y nombres inscritos, que son los de las doce tribus de los hijos de Israel; 13 al oriente tres puertas; al norte tres puertas; al sur tres puertas; al occidente tres puertas. 14 Y el muro de la ciudad tenía doce cimientos, y sobre ellos los doce nombres de los doce apóstoles del Cordero.

15 El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus puertas y su muro. 16 La ciudad se halla establecida en cuadro, y su longitud es igual a su anchura; y él midió la ciudad con la caña, doce mil estadios; la longitud, la altura y la anchura de ella son iguales. (Efectivamente la GRAN PIRAMIDE ES LA CUBICACION DE UNA ESFERA)

17 Y midió su muro, ciento cuarenta y cuatro codos, de medida de hombre, la cual es de ángel. 18 El material de su muro era de jaspe; pero la ciudad era de oro puro, semejante al vidrio limpio; 19 y los cimientos del muro de la ciudad estaban adornados con toda piedra preciosa. El primer cimiento era jaspe; el segundo, zafiro; el tercero, ágata; el cuarto, esmeralda; 20 el quinto, ónice; el sexto, cornalina; el séptimo, crisólito; el octavo, berilo; el noveno, topacio; el décimo, crisopraso; el undécimo, jacinto; el duodécimo, amatista. 21 Las doce puertas eran doce perlas; cada una de las puertas era una perla. Y la calle de la ciudad era de oro puro, transparente como vidrio.

22 Y no vi en ella templo; porque el Señor Dios Todopoderoso es el templo de ella, y el Cordero. 23 La ciudad no tiene necesidad de sol ni de luna que brillen en ella; porque la gloria de Dios la ilumina, y el Cordero es su lumbrera. 24 Y las naciones que hubieren sido salvas andarán a la luz de ella; y los reyes de la tierra traerán su gloria y honor a ella. 25 Sus puertas nunca serán cerradas de día, pues allí no habrá noche. 26 Y llevarán la gloria y la honra de las naciones a ella. 27 No entrará en ella ninguna cosa inmunda, o que hace abominación y mentira, sino solamente los que están inscritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero.

Vamos con las medidas de la Gran Pirámide. Pongamos que aproximadamente la base mide 230,30 metros, que la altura original era de 146,6 y la apotema de sus caras (la línea que recorre todo el centro de la cara) es de 186,3. Pues bien, si simplificamos estas medidas y consideramos que la base mide 2, la altura mediría 1,272 y la apotema sería 1,618. Es decir, un triángulo que tenga como base 2, como altura 1,272 y como los lados 1,618, tendría las mismas proporciones que la Gran Pirámide en su corte transversal. La altura divide a ese triángulo en dos triángulos rectángulos menores que tendrían como base 1, como altura 1,272 y como hipotenusa 1,618.

O sea, que la Gran Pirámide está edificada teniendo como armazón a un triángulo rectángulo que tiene como base la unidad de medida, como altura la raíz del número Fi (1,618). Por lo que queda demostrado que el número Fi está incorporado a la Gran Pirámide sin distorsionar ninguna medida. Por si acaso hubiera dudas, la secante del ángulo de 51 grados y 51 minutos (ángulo de inclinación de la Gran Pirámide) es 1,618 (Fi) y por ende el coseno de 51 grados y 51 minutos es el inverso de Fi (0,618).

Las medidas de la Gran Pirámide resuelven la cuadratura de la circunferencia. Demostración: La circunferencia que tiene como radio la altura de la pirámide tiene la misma longitud que la base cuadrada de la Gran Pirámide.

Radio = 146,6 x 2Pi = 921
Lado de Base = 230,30 x 4 = 921

Lo cual implica que si dividimos la base de la pirámide por el doble de la altura obtenemos el número Pi.

Las medidas de la Gran Pirámide resuelven la cuadratura del círculo. Demostración: un rectángulo formado por la base de la Gran Pirámide y su altura tiene la misma superficie que un semicírculo que tenga como radio la altura de la pirámide.

Superficie del semicírculo = Pi x radio2 /2 = 33.758
Superficie del rectángulo = 230,3 x 146,6 = 33.761

Las medidas de la Gran Pirámide resuelven la cubicación de la esfera. Demostración: según la geometría, la mitad de un círculo plano es también matemática y rigurosamente igual en área a la superficie esférica de un cuadrante de 90 grados. O sea, que un rectángulo cuya altura y base sean las de la pirámide tiene la misma superficie que un cuadrante esférico cuya altura sea la de la pirámide y su arco la base de la Gran Pirámide.

Superficie del cuadrante esférico = arco x radio = 230,3 x 146,6 = 33.761
Superficie del rectángulo = 230,3 x 146,6 = 33.761.

Otra demostración: la superficie del prisma generado tomando la base y la altura de las caras de la Gran Pirámide (una caja donde se pudiera meter la Gran Pirámide) tiene la misma superficie que la semiesfera generada tomando como radio la altura de la Gran Pirámide.

Base x altura 230,3 x 146,6 x 4 caras = 135.047
Superficie de la semiesfera = 4 x Pi R2 / 2 = 4 x Pi x 146,6 x 146,6 /2 = 135.035.

Ahora nos enfrentamos a un problema con dos posibles soluciones:

1. Los constructores de la Gran Pirámide adquirieron en tiempos de Keops el conocimiento de los números Pi y Fi e inmediatamente después se olvidó en Egipto tal conocimiento, en una absoluta pérdida de memoria sin parangón conocido en la historia de la ciencia.

2. Los egipcios, que desconocían estas proporciones, no pudieron construir ni siquiera el boceto arquitectónico de la Gran Pirámide. Pero esa es otra historia.

Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2011 16:12
By Samuel R. Windsor








An earthquake May 15, 1948, caused a mud flow on the slopes of the mountain southeast of Dogubayezit, Turkey. This quake ruined a farmer's hay field and exposed a formation in the shape of a ship at an elevation of 6,300 feet above sea level. Photographed frequently, it has been only since March of 1985, that real measurement has occurred.

Measurements were made of the arrangement of iron locations detected in the formation using subsurface radar units, metal detectors, frequency generators, transits and tape measures. The dirt outline, itself, wasn't measured. The depth could not be measured with the available equipment. A pattern did emersge to the designer's choices of those principle dimensions that could be determined. While a depth could not be measured one can be logically assumed consistent with the emergent pattern.

A calculation procedure consistent with the discovered pattern can be used to estimate a depth of vessel. Indirect Support for the result is found in the Genesis and Sumerian accounts of "the flood". Direct support is found in the prominence of the golden ratio in the measurements made of the formation. This article is a sequel to the stability analysis in the previous treati titled, Noah's Ark, 24,000 deadweight tons, C & AH, Volume XIV, Part 1, January 1992.

The conclusions from the stability analysis are included here with the lofting (full size drafting) technique used for the analysis. Evidence is offered to show it was also probably the technique actually used by the builders of the Ark. The modern lofting procedure is that used for "balanced foil shapes" in NACA (National Aeronautical Civil Administration) curves. See "Theory of Wing Sections" by Ira H. Abbott and Albert E. Von Doenhoff, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, N.Y. The procedure produces a striking similarity to the dimensions of the arrangement of the steel masses in the formation. The similarity is so striking, in fact, as to cast into absurdity any notion that chance or "natural causes" are involved in the shape of the formation.

Some marine terms used in this paper will be defined here or the first time each is used. The BOW is the front end of the vessel and is shown to the right in the figures. The STERN is the rear or aft end of the vessel, shown to the left. The BEAM is the width of the vessel at its widest point. The average width is the deck area divided by the length. "LOFTING" a vessel is "drawing it" full sized, on the flat ground, i.e., surveying the layout for trueness to the intended shape.

LIGHT SHIP displacement of a vessel is the weight of water displaced by the immersed portion of the floating vessel without cargo or passengers. FULLY LADEN refers to water displaced by the immersed portion of the vessel, filled to capacity. (This vessel was probably never filled to capacity".) DEPTH is the vertical distance from the lowest point of the ship's bottom to the deck surface. DRAFT is the vertical distance from the lowest point of the bottom to the water surface. FREEBOARD is the vertical distance from the surface of the water to the vessel's weather deck (the difference between depth and draft). MIDSHIP is the longitudinal center of the vessel.

The shape used for the vessel below the water line is that of Thor Heyerdahl's reed boat, Ra I and Ra II. This results in a block coefficient a bit over .5 and is a reasonable assumption. The BLOCK COEFFICIENT of a vessel is the actual volume of the underwater part of the vessel divided by the least volume of the rectangular prism drawn around the underwater part. The protection against rough seas is assumed to have been the water tight integrity of the superstructure up to the opening in the top, center of the roof.

The plan view geometry of the artifact on Mount Cudi (pronounced "Judy"), seven miles SE of Dogubayazit Turkey was measured by David Fasold in 1985 and independently verified by John Baumgardner of Los Alamos Laboratories later that same year. Both were convinced of the validity of their "find". However, in the heat of controversy and after expenditure of vast sums of money, both have backed off from their original enthusiasm. Neither has obtained any additional information since their original work beyond "opinions" of experts who did not examine the site nor analyze the data taken by Fasold and Baumgardner.

Your author, in a group of ten, lead by Fasold, did personally verify some of the measurements in June, 1990. No deviation from the dimensions published by Fasold were found; not even as much as an inch. The Fasold determined dimensions being verified by "spot check", were faired into curved lines by your author using an "AutoCad, Release 10" computer program.

Curved lines were fitted among the measured data points. The curve was fitted to only one side, starboard (right side as you look forward) then mirrored. One part of the forward, port side of the vessel has been apparently crushed by a rock. The lines of iron locations compressed neatly around the rock just forward of the aft end of the "moon pool"; a term explained later in this article. The artifact's position and the shapes of the deformed lines suggest the vessel slid down the mountain, rotating counterclockwise about 240 degrees and swinging its port bow hard into the rock formation. It is still held in place by that formation.

A slightly different and more round bow shape results from fitting a single curve, simultaneously to both sides of the vessel. The curve fitting was to the actual measured dimensions and not to any presupposed original shape. Damage to the port bow required the forward measurements be taken only from centerline to starboard. All other dimensions were verified port and starboard.) This paper is concerned with:

    1. The raw data of the measured vessel dimensions,
    2. Records in ancient literature, and
    3. The fact that both the unit of measure and the golden ratio are common to this artifact and the Great Pyramid of Giza.
    4. The prominence of the golden ratio in the Solar System and the probability that the Ark was built to avoid tidal (both ocean and magma) effects by a body deviating from the otherwise "normal pattern". This article doesn't attempt to prove this was true. The assumption is that the ancients' believed it was true.
The upper left corner of Figure 1 shows an exact scale drawing of the dimensions of the artifact measured by David Fasold and described in his book, "The Ark of Noah" Wynwood Press, New York, NY, 1988.

The dimensions were all measured by the following procedure: Both a metal detector and a frequency generator were used to locate the discrete positions of iron masses (most are spaced about 21 inches apart in lines, both longitudinal and transverse). Stakes were driven at the loci of the iron and surveyor's ribbon was laid on the ground over the stakes. The distances between ribbon centerlines were measured where transverse lines intersected longitudinal lines.

There are approximately 5400 discrete iron masses. While four are quite large, perhaps 4 feet in diameter, the majority are small. Only iron based metal locations were used for this measuring activity. For those who have yet to read Fasold's book, he reports 85% pure manganese nodules are also found in the artifact. The maximum purity of natural manganese nodules is 25%! Manganese of greater purity can be obtained only by electrolysis.

Except for your author in 1990, none of the people measuring the dimensions of the vessel have ship design experience. Had there been any attempt to "fudge" the readings in a dishonest desire to produce "correct" dimensions for ship design, the examiners would not have known in what direction to bias their readings. These people were simply being very careful to accurately report their findings. All independent measurement activity has verified Fasold's original values within 1/10 of one percent. Discovering the principles used to design the ship can be confidently achieved because of the integrity the investigators exercised.

The fact the sharp ended stern is uphill from the rounded bow by about 98 feet eliminates the possibility of the shape being formed on this mountain by water flow. The hydrology of formation by water flow can be easily demonstrated with a garden hose and sand box. The round end always faces into the flow and the flow leaves at the sharp end. This feature should not be ignored by geologists eager to convince the public the artifact is naturally formed.

The details of the Ark such as the presence of dirt and clay deposits in "log appearing shapes, complete with circular grain similar to petrifaction; locations of column pressure plates (large flat stones), etc. are not a part of this article. They demand explanation from detractors but do not contribute to the geometry analysis offered here.

Figure 1 shows the calculated ship characteristics relating to the actual dimensions of the artifact and assume the geometry developed in this article.

    1. The depth = the beam divided by the square of phi. It also = the beam minus the average width of the deck area. (This is explained later in this article.)
    2. Displacement calculations account for the roundness of the hull by taking the length at the loaded draft waterline as two feet shorter and the beam one and three quarters feet narrower than the deck edge dimensions. This correction wasn't used in the lofting analysis of the geometry. It was for stability and displacement.
    3. The section shape is assumed to approximate the section used by later reed rafts in Peru and North Africa.
Figure 2. shows the proportions of the principle dimensions. The alignment of the shape of the measured artifact is shown overlaying the theoretically ideal or "designed" shape. When the Ark was first built it almost certainly conformed more closely to this theoretical shape than to the deteriorated dimensions of today's artifact. The reader will note that the differences in actual and theoretical dimensions are slight.

Even with the differences, the actual curves and locations of major dimensions and the beam/moon pool center are consistent with the theoretical. This is true both in dimension and in proportion. Your author is nearly certain that the original design was created by the modern method used here! Other lofting and curve fitting methods do not produce this conformity. "Chance" is as good an explanation for this formation as it is for an Orangutan being able to assemble an operating Battle ship from spare parts.

The deckhouse is assumed to conform to the Sumerian "quonset hut" style house. Mr. Robert Dipple of Florence, Kentucky, has built a scale model at 1" = 30'. He had to solve some geometry problems and did so using the ancient Sumerian quonset hut style deck house. I believe his deck house configuration more probable than Fasold's gabled ended deck house. The proposed "above deck" configuration in this paper has been modified accordingly.

The Epic of Gilgamesh has Utnapishtim telling Gilgamesh that he (Utnapishtim) made the ark's deck one IKU in area. He elaborates to say that this IKU was 120 by 120 [Great Babylonian or 21"] cubits in shape. The area in square inches then would have been 6,350,400. (The success of a square configuration would be no greater than that of a narrow rectangle, 300 by 50 [Egyptian or 20.6"] cubits. The area in square inches of the Genesis account would be 6,365,400. I.e., Either shape would have been destroyed in the high velocity water of the tidal flood.) Both referred to the area of the deck and not to its shape.

The great cubit of Sumer was 21 inches long and an IKU therefore contained 44,100 square feet of area. This area is identical to the modern English acre. The words are similar. Both the word and the size of the English acre seems to come directly to us from ancient (ante-diluvian) Sumer and Chaldea. (Noah was from Shurupuk in Chaldea) The length of the Ark was measured twice by Fasold to be 515 feet or 6180 inches. Baumgardner measured it once to be 6186". A designation of 300 cubits in length suggests the recorder employed the Egyptian cubit, 20.6 inches long. As these things go, the Egyptian cubit might have been 20.62". In any case, there is only .1% difference among the measurements.

An Italian adventurer named Leonardo Fibonacci first brought Arabic numerals to Europe in the thirteenth century. Fibonacci is credited with discovering the "golden ratio" and with one of the techniques for deriving it. This golden ratio, 1.6180..., is a number significant to nature in that it portrays the manner in which many things grow. It is an "irrational" number, however, in that it has no exact value. Neither is there a pattern of repeating digits, regardless of the number of decimal places developed. The spirals of conch shells and tornadoes and the leafing out of a branch are examples. There is one more example that is probably the reason the number was nearly deified by the ancients.

The ancients claimed "Jove" (Jupiter or Zeus Pater) called the tune for all of the planets. Bode attempted to identify a pattern for the planets and their orbits around the Sun but failed. The correct model couldn't be employed by Bode without Chaos Mathematics and that study is only a couple of decades old. My persuasion is that the presence of Jupiter and Saturn and their outsized massiveness determines Solar System stability (or lack of it). The most stable configuration will be one in which precise repeated position of all of the bodies is denied.

The simplest such relationship is one where the orbit periods vary in multiples of an irrational number. Further, the best irrational number will be the smallest of those available that still separates all of the bodies far enough apart to minimize the direct effect of their interacting gravities.

The natural log base, e, (2.7182818...) is such a number but it is slightly larger than the square of phi (2.618033989...). The next lower "naturally popular" irrational number is phi (1.618033989...). (The square roots of both 5 and 7 are candidates but do not appear independently in nature.) The majority of the visible solar system seems to be organized in accordance to phi squared. Mercury's period approximates Saturn's divided by phi to the tenth power. (10750 days divided by the product 1.6180x1.6180x1.6180x1.6180..for nine multiplication’s.)

Venus' period approximates Saturn's divided by phi to the eighth power. The asteroid belt average approximates Saturn's period divided by phi to the fourth power. Jupiter's period approximates Saturn's period divided by phi to the second power. Uranus' period approximates Saturn's period multiplied by phi to the second power and Neptune and Pluto are equally either side of an orbit corresponding to Saturn's multiplied by phi to the fourth power. The period of any planet beyond Pluto is likely to be a few points off from Saturn's multiplied by phi to the sixth power.

Note the omission of Mars and Earth from this list. We have only one "slot" available for them. It is Saturn's period divided by Phi to the sixth power. The slot has a period approximating 610 days. However, there are two candidate planets vying for this position, not one! Earth's period approximates Saturn's divided by phi to the seventh power. Mar's period doesn't land within 10% of any phi multiple of Saturn's.

Mars was said to be the errant offspring of Jupiter. Friedman's article "Gravity's Revenge" page 54 in the 1990, May issue of Discover Magazine is worth reviewing. It is about Gerald Sussman's work showing the solar system to be an "unstable system". Sussman's Solar System model specifically notes the errant body to be Mars! Lets hope that if either Earth or Mars is ejected from the system, Mars receives the honor of an extended space voyage. Another example of "discrete placement" relative to phi squared is the little hydrogen atom. Hold the angular momentum of the electron constant and measure the energy of the electron in its various discrete energy levels. Subtracting the energy of the electron in level A from that in level B, then dividing that energy difference by the difference of the energy values corresponding to

levels C and B renders phi squared (2.618). Similarly (D-C)/(C-B) = phi squared, etc. In a fractal universe, it may be said "as in heaven, so below". (This is not a new comment on reality.)

Divide any length straight line into two segments so that the length of the larger part divided by the smaller equals the whole line divided by the larger part. If we call the two line segment lengths a and b, then a/b = (a+b)/a. Algebra scholars will conclude the golden ratio is one half the quantity of one plus the square root of five.

Phi = 1/2 of (1 + square root of 5)

The golden ratio may also be found by creating a particular series of numbers. Select any two numbers (The "Fibonacci series" usually starts with 0 and 1 but you can, if you want, start with 682 and 3). add them together to make the third. The fourth is the third added to the second, etc. After you have created about ten numbers in this manner, divide your last number by the next to the last. In the series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ..., 13/8 = 1.625; 21/13 = 1.615384615; 34/21 = 1.619047..

The value usually used, rounded to 8 decimal places is 1.61803399. Rounded off to four significant places, the number is 1.6180. The reciprocal (1/n) of the number (phi) is .6180... This is equal to the number (1.6180...-1). Similarly, the square of phi (n2 or 1.6180 x 1.6180) equals 1 plus 1.6180 or 2.6180. (The reader is encouraged to play with this number a bit to really understand it. This isn't a good spot to skip on to a more interesting paragraph.)

Ancient people were intrigued by this number, 1.6180... or phi, by 3.141593..., or pi, and perhaps by the natural log base, 2.7182818... or "e". I suspect the "divinity" of phi and of the number 5 are related to ancient astral observations. They faulted Mars for not fitting the pattern. They seem to have been proved partly correct both by what needed to be done and by who needed to do it (Jupiter).

Looked at from a mythological perspective, Noah wanted to escape the deluge caused by the one planet (other than Earth) not conforming to the pattern. Noah could have felt his best chance was to build a ship with as much phi in it as possible. This assumes Noah more superstitious than history describes. From an Engineering perspective, Noah could have wanted to minimize resonance and amplitude of vibration throughout the vessel. Making the ratios of the principal dimensions conform to the least energetic, irrational number offers the best guarantee. Again, it is hard to argue with success!

While Fibonacci is credited with the "discovery" of the golden ratio, the number has long been known to appear in at least one other place on earth as a monument to ancient technology. This unique number can be obtained by dividing the area of the surfaces of the Great Pyramid of Giza by the area of the pyramid's base. (The perimeter of that monument, when divided by its height gives the value of 2 times pi. There is a slight discrepancy between the values of pi and phi produced by assuming all surfaces are "flat planes". This discrepancy was eliminated by the builders when they dished the surfaces slightly to increase the surface area.)

Figure 2 summarizes the relationships of those measurements and of the depth mentioned in Genesis. The major transverse chord (maximum beam) is located at the center of the moon pool. The expression "moon pool" is chosen because the vertical hole through the vessel reminds us of the vertical hole in an off shore drill rig vessel. The Ark's moon pool provided forced air ventilation via the roof opening (wave action), access for handling anchor stones, access for dumping garbage and manure, and provided a "softening" of the buoyancy amidships. This last was crucial to maintenance of the structural integrity of the vessel in heavy seas. Without it, the hogging and sagging stresses could have demolished the vessel.

The distance from this major chord to the stern of the vessel is 3819 inches.

[1] 6180 / 3819 = 1.618

The distance to the bow, therefore is the difference or 2361 inches.

[2] 6180 / 2361 = 1.618 x 1.618 (& is 1 + 1.618)

The beam was established by multiplying the desired deck area by 1.6180 then dividing that by the length of the vessel. This describes the smallest rectangle into which the boat shape will fit. Ea's (Yahweh's?) requirement was that the area be 44,100 square feet (from the Epic of Gilgamesh). The Genesis account is nearly the same area. It differed mostly in that they used a cubit of 20.6" as compared to the great cubit of 21" and asked for the area by stating one of the principle dimensions. Because the shape of the Ark was developed from a "camber" curve and ellipse (shown in Figure 2), the area inside the deck "circumference" exceeds the 44,100 square feet by exactly 5289.67 square feet. The designers therefore assigned this as the required area to be taken out by putting a rectangular hole through the raft. The Moon pool dimensions approximate this area difference. Note that this is a spectacular "coincidence" detractors would ask us to swallow as chance.

Their design then requires the moon pool area be 761,713 square inches. The total area inside of the "deck edge outline" was 7,112,113 square inches. The area of the deck is then the desired 6,350,400 square inches. This area, multiplied by 1.61803399 is the area of the circumscribed rectangle or 10,275,163 square inches. The rectangle width (and maximum beam of the vessel) is this larger area (10,275,163) divided by the desired length of 6180 inches. This was how Noah decided how wide to build

his vessel. The width of the rectangle is 1663 inches, 79.17 great Babylonian cubits, 80.73 Egyptian Cubits or 138 1/2 feet!

[3] (1662.65 x 6180) / (44,100 x 144in^2/ft^2) = 1.6180

This validates the lofting method. The camber circle and ellipse is a required method to produce a hydrodynamic shape that has exactly one acre of real deck space while still including a functioning moon pool; and, be 6180 inches long. (10,000 / phi or 10,000 x [phi - 1]).

[4] 10,000 x (1.6180 - 1) = 6180

Noah was nothing, if not consistent. He went on to determine the length of the moon pool by making it equal to the vessel's length divided by (L / 1 + 1.6180). The width (323 inches) was simply the required area divided by its length. The computer faired lines showed the measured 138 feet to not have been taken at the widest point. The measurement was made at the intersection of iron readings forward of the place the computer identified as the most probable widest point. The fitted curve shows the maximum beam occurs behind this measured point and not at it.

No one in 1985 had tumbled to the principles controlling the location of the maximum beam. There being no transverse line of iron masses located there, the maximum beam wasn't directly measured. Your author was similarly ignorant of the need to measure the beam at this point in 1990. (Your author didn't tumble to the pattern in the artifact or of planet period until August 19, 1991. One wonders how much more there is that we are not seeing.) Note, however, that the curve for the deck edge developed by the camber curve fits the actual dimensions only if the major chord occurs at the center of the moon pool.

Genesis records the depth to be 30 cubits. 1663 divided by the square of phi (2.6180), produces 635 inches, 30.24 great Babylonian cubits or 30.82 Egyptian cubits.

[5] 1663 / 635 approximates 1.6180 x 1.6180

The length of 6180 inches is 294.28 great Babylonian cubits and 300 Egyptian cubits. If the molded area of the deck is 6350400 square inches, this, divided by the length gives an average width of 1027.57 inches, 48.93 great Babylonian cubits or 49.88 Egyptian cubits. Genesis lists the width as 50 cubits. It appears the average width is intended and not the maximum beam. This is consistent with the concept that expressions of area in that earlier age was typically "X" cubits by "Y" cubits. It may be that they had no word for area, for volume, etc.

Given the variety of lengths the ancients called a cubit, it appears that both the Sumerian and Genesis accounts are "true". Only the length of the cubit differs slightly. The fact the phi ratio shows up in units of measure only in inches, it also appears that it was the inch and not the cubit that served as the actual construction dimensioning unit. The cubit appears to be a unit of measure employed by later examiners. However, the iron indications were approximately one cubit apart throughout the artifact. The clincher on this assumption of depth (recognizing Noah's penchant for symmetry) is that when the average width is added to the calculated depth, the sum equals the maximum beam!


Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 258 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/08/2011 16:13

The lines of a vessel are lofted (drawn or laid out) using calculated offsets and curve fitting techniques. OFFSETS are simply the shape of the hull in a coordinate system. The numbers are distances of points along the deck edge from vessel centerline and from the bow. Today, we would loft these lines as follows:

    1. Draw a circle at the point of maximum chord (beam) and divide one quadrant of the circle into equal angles (eight, in this example).
    2. Divide the distance aft along the centerline into the same number of equal spaces (8)
    3. Draw lines parallel to the center line, aft from the intersections of the angle lines with the circle the angle lines "divide".
    4. Draw lines athwartship from the centerline space markers. (This is "up and down" on the paper, sideways across the vessel.) Fit a smooth curve to the intersecting points of these longitudinal and transverse construction lines.
The technique is most often applied to shaping a weather deck in cross section for modern ships. This is called "determining its camber" and is intended to promote water runoff. The phrase given to the process is "developing a curve from a camber circle". Occasionally, the process is used to shape a rudder cross section with the rudder stock to be located at the center of the camber circle.

This process isn't used today to shape the [plan view] deck edge in steel ships. Modern vessels have decks larger and of slightly different shape than the hull at the waterline. I.e., the bow plate is usually flared to deflect water from a crashing sea. The reed rafts of the Egyptians and Peruvians had "vertical sides" down from the deck to the water. Developing the shape of the deck with a camber circle is more applicable to the reed raft construction geometry than it is to either wood or steel ship geometry. The use of an ellipse drawing technique to shape the water breaking forward structure of a modern ship is similarly limited to rudders, nozzles, straight sided (vertically) vessels and "bulbous bows" on steel ships.

Figure 2 shows the curved shape drawn using the measured dimensions from "The Ark of Noah" overlaid by a shape developed using the above "modern" procedure. The differences between the nine transverse dimensions and the percentage of width for each are:

Measured transverse: developed transverse %
420 inches (aft) 380.97 -9.3
756 " 696.272 -7.9
923.5* "  907.35 -1.7
1032 "  1040.326 + .807
1196.5* " 1226.28 +2.4
1440 " 1447.49 + .52
1608 " 1550.28 -3.59
1656 (fwd) 1600.41 -3.36
1485 " 1383.85 -6.81


* These dimensions were "faired" by the computer, not recorded from direct measurement. They were faired without regard to any relationship to phi (or to any other imposed "pattern").

The departure of the dimensioned and faired curve from the lofted lines is primarily an "increase" in width. This is reasonable, considering that the sides of a vessel tend to "splay out" when grounded and decomposing.

The vessel characteristics that result from the actual dimensions vary only slightly from those relating to the theoretical shape. These characteristics were enumerated in a previous article published in January of 1992, Catastrophism and Ancient History. They are:

    • Light ship draft 25.75', Deep load draft, max.; 45.08'.
    • Light ship displacement; 23,596 long tons (2240 LB/ton).
    • Total displacement at maximum load; 48,219 LT.
    • Beam (at waterplane); 136.83' (At the waterline).
    • Depth; 51'.
    • Length; 513' (At the waterline).
    • Block Coefficient with capacity load; .534
    • Distance Keel to Light ship center of gravity; 52.5'.
    • Distance Keel to Deep load ship CG; 64.55'.
    • Distance Keel to Light ship center of buoyancy; 17.608'.
    • Distance Keel to deep load ship CB; 26.46'.
    • Light ship GM (distance between cg and metacenter); 56.9'.
    • Ship loaded to capacity GM; 3.17'.

Stability assumptions were:

    1. The depth = the beam divided by the square of phi.
    2. To account for the roundness of the hill, the length at the loaded draft waterline was taken as two feet shorter and the beam one and three quarters feet narrower
    3. than the deck edge dimensions. This deviation is to maintain a conservative stance and wasn't used in the lofting analysis.
    4. The section shape approximated the section used by later reed rafts in Peru and North Africa.

There is another monument from antiquity in which the inch appears prominently as the unit of measure. It is the Great Pyramid of Egypt. This artifact shows both the golden ratio, phi, and the number, pi.

There is a protrusion called the "boss" located in a side wall of the grand gallery of the Great Pyramid. The gallery is the passage down toward the "king's chamber. This "boss" is a half round protrusion of granite "on edge", five inches high, 2 1/2 inches in radius and 1.001 inches thick. (Smyth, in his dissertation on the subject a century ago, explains even that .001" difference. The boss is closer to the English inch as the inch existed before 1700 C.E.)

The sides of the boss are polished flat and are co-planar. The boss' only function seems to have been to record the unit of measure to which the pyramid was constructed. We now suspect it was to record the unit of measure as a "standard" for a much larger society. See "The Great Pyramid" by Piazzi Smyth, Bell Publishing Company, New York, 1990 edition, Pages 209, 290...

An incident is worth noting here. Smyth was castigated a bit for claiming the height of the Pyramid (5832.96 inches), multiplied by 1,000,000,000 was deliberately equal to the Earth's mean orbit radius and the inch being "exactly" 1/500,000,000 the polar diameter of Earth. When the distance to the Sun was accurately determined to be 93,000,000 miles, Smyth's 92,094,000 miles was too great a miss.

Consideration by Smyth's detractors should have been given to the implications of Pepy's Huge Diary and ancient calendars showing the pyramid was constructed at a time the Earth's orbit period was 360 days and not 365 1/4 days. The mean radius associated with the shorter year is 92,096,000 miles! The Etruscan and Roman ten month year had 36 days each, there are 360 "day statues" north of Tokyo, The Mayas had 72, five day weeks, etc. All had to be changed after the eighth century, B.C.E. to incorporate five extra days.

The association of the technologies (Sumerian, Chaldean and Egyptian) with modern English units of measure raises the obvious question, how did the inch and the acre come to England from Ante-diluvian Sumer and Egypt? similarly, why England and not other, closer countries? Did residents of England survive the world catastrophe, after being related to the ancient culture? Or, did people survive the catastrophe elsewhere and migrate to England shortly thereafter? However the inch got to England, it had to be physically taken there deliberately. Not many citizens of our world run around with a sample of the exact inch on their persons!

Other papers and books propose the mechanism and relationships among the change in year length, the flood, the use of large stones to resist floods, etc. See "Catastrophism and the Old Testament" (The Mars-Earth Conflicts) by Donald Wesley Patten, Pacific Meridian Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington, 1988. Also available is The "Recent Organization of the Solar System" by Patten and Windsor. Those interested in future orbit changes (and the obvious implication regarding past orbit changes) might read Freedman’s previously mentioned "Gravity's Revenge."

We now can step beyond our temerity and clearly itemize what is being said in this paper.

    1. The inch and not the cubit was the standard of measure used in the design and lofting of the vessel. The "length" unit of measure in the ante-diluvian world was the inch (at least in ship and pyramid building). The "cubit" was a later and/or additional unit and varied a bit among cultures. Accounts of the Ark, written after the flood, even though a long time ago, described the Ark in their respective cubits, but without a decimal system. The builders used the inch. There is even an ancient decimal system implied here. This is particularly interesting because the Egyptians used a base 60 system and had no zero.

      One can begin to appreciate the fervor and dedication of scientists in all disciplines to claiming this particular artifact "cannot be Noah's Ark". With the exhibition of such advanced technology, the opposition of much of the world's religious community is understandable.

    2. Both the inch and the acre came to modern England from ancient Chaldea, Sumer and Egypt. These units traveled through the veil of time, both in concept and precise size, virtually unchanged (at least until the last three centuries). These may, in fact, have come to the British Isles before the flood. If arriving later, some immediate survivors of that catastrophe must have emigrated to Britain in order to pass on their units of measure. They must also have "carried with them" a "standard inch".
    3. The cultures that fashioned both the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Ark of Noah (Utnapishtim, Nu, etc.) had a common technology, at least regarding units of measure, a fascination with the golden ratio and the ability to construct complex shapes with great precision.
    4. The ancient people maintained a standard measure somewhere, much as our modern scientists did for years in the Archives of Paris, France. A reasonable supposition is that the stone record in the great pyramid standardized the inch for a much wider area than just Egypt. When your author began his career, the definition of a meter was "the distance between two scribed marks on a platinum-iridium bar located in the Archives of Paris France and maintained at 20 degrees Celsius." The inch was defined as .0254 times that distance. The meter has since been redefined as "1,650,763.73 times the wavelength of the orange light emitted when a gas consisting of the pure krypton isotope of mass number 86 is excited in a electrical discharge". The modern inch, therefore is 41,929.39874 times that particular wavelength.
    5. Divine inspiration had to do only with those generalities listed in the scriptures, i.e., size and function. The technology for how to comply with the inspired requirements was widespread and pre-existed the construction both of the pyramid and of the Ark.
    6. After Noah and the flood, people examined the Ark very carefully. Its deck length, many transverse dimensions and its depth were measured. The deck area was then carefully computed and recorded variously as "an IKU", "120 by 120 cubits" and "300 by 50 cubits". This follows from the fact the deck area comes down to us in two different sets of numbers. Genesis' 300 by 50 cubits (Egyptian of 20.6" each) and Gilgamesh's 120 by 120 cubits (Great Babylonian of 21" each). The Gilgamesh account of the deck area is verified using the great cubit of Babylon. The Genesis account is verified in giving actual length and actual average width, using a cubit 2% smaller than the great cubit of Babylon but providing an area within .24% of the Gilgamesh account.
    7. Both the Ark and the Great Pyramid of Giza were built before the flood of Noah.
    8. Pi (3.141593...), Phi (1.618033989...) and perhaps "e" were known to the architect(s) of the Ark and of the Pyramid of Giza. Also, it isn't just that the golden ratio was known as an "interesting number". The real world physics of things shaped around this number were also known; perhaps to a greater extent than is practiced today. The requirement that all visible planets have to fit into certain narrow bands, defined as functions of the square of phi, bounded by Saturn's and Jupiter's periods was known and revered by them.
    9. The lofting (patterned lay out procedure) of ship's curves, using the "camber" circle to produce "parabolic-like" lines for smooth, vibration damped water flow wasn't "first" developed in modern times by the National Aeronautical and Civil Administration. The NACA 0024 balanced foil shown on page 327 of Abbott and Doenhoff's book nearly perfectly portrays the Ark's shape if the foil camber circle's center is moved from .3 times the length aft of the bow to .382 times the length, aft; and the offsets are increased by 15.9%. The procedure is ante-diluvian in original use.
    10. The lofting technique of forming an ellipse is similarly ancient. (There is evidence at the Henges in England and in the ancient Western hemisphere observatories in the Andes, that ancient people employed ellipses for showing celestial relationships in their monuments. The Ark and the epic of Gilgamesh make it evident that they also knew how to calculate the area of the ellipse; a process requiring pi. Area = pi x a x b where a and b are the semi axes of the ellipse.

      (Some wistful geologists argue that the Turkish site is "natural" and that ancients measured it and invented the story. This presupposes the level of technology extant thousands of years ago included the ability to accurately measure ellipses, developed curves, and calculate areas in several different units of measure. Like finding an anatomically modern skeleton in undisturbed earth beneath precambien granite, it only changes the way in which accepted views of the past err. Cremo and Thompson include a record of such a find in their publication "The Hidden History of Man" and their out of print book, "Forbidden Archaeology".)

    11. The design of the Ark was successful. The shape provided maneuverability, stability, low structural stress, good sea keeping characteristics, forced air ventilation (wave action in the moon pool), overboard discharge without side scuppers (holes in the sides, or freeing ports, with swinging plates), etc. It employed iron in its construction but avoided long electrical conductors from roof to sea.

      The basic ark material was non-conducting, much like a modern mine sweeper. With 200 mph winds and 100 mph current, this had to be an important feature. Frying in a lightening strike isn't being "saved from the flood". The World suspended between the tips of a bull's horns, the references to "the sword of the Lord", etc. all suggest people saw a heavenly image similar to the one they would see from Jupiter as Io passes overhead; and for the same electromagnetic reason.

    12. The structural integrity of the Ark was sound. This is evidenced by the conformity of the artifact after 4500 years to the originally lofted lines.
    13. The artifact southeast of Dogubayazit Turkey is not a "natural formation" nor is it a "monastery" of unusual shape. It is not a "yacht of medieval construction. It is the silted replacement of reeds and woods and the decomposed coating and fittings of a grounded raft built by a very advanced culture. The culture had a technology exceeded only in the last few centuries by our own. (Even this statement may be overly Arrogant! Your author is not at all sure how generally known is the planet period relationships. There is not a known reference to the pattern. Neither is there a reference in vibration theory to the beneficial effect of designing so that resonance is suppressed by employing dimensions ratioed to irrational numbers and to "least energetic frequencies".) Your author considers this in mechanical and structural design but the practice isn't generally discussed outside of pure physics and possibly, Electronics Engineering.
    14. The Ark survived a tidal flood that devastated and destroyed nearly all other traces of that advanced technological culture. According to Plato, The flood damage was so great, it left us with the, perhaps misinformed notion that we are the first "advanced" culture on earth.

Would heat sensitive photography show silt patterns in the skeleton arrangement of a ship?

Do the common units of measure suggest a common technology and help explain the Ancient Britons' ability to quarry and move large stones? Does the presence of the large stones in the English henges imply the Britons' experienced and expected high velocity water from tidal floods, where no doubt the Atlantic Ocean was the source?

Were the henges built to resist these catastrophes? Does the distance between the Sumerian construction site of the Ark and its present location testify to the water velocities with which ancient peoples contested when they used such large stones? Can mountains have been built at the rate of a centimeter per century if they rose up to trap the Ark in a lake of seawater, drained several months after the flood? Does recent exploratory work concerning the age of the salt crust and silt layer in the bottom of the Black Sea verify the same flood that carried the Ark into Eastern Turkey?

How much evidence of catastrophe does Science need to seriously question uniformitarian theory? Isn't it time for a serious examination of the history of man that includes all of the evidence?

The artifact is located 700 miles from the Persian Gulf and 2000 miles from the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean is the only source of water that could supply an "unearthly" tide sweeping the Ark to Dogubayazit. To raise the Himalayan range, the flood had to have been approximately 3,000 feet deep at Sumer. It rushed overland, with the land rising under it into Turkey. The cause was a gravity added to that of the Moon and the Sun. This subject is treated elsewhere and is the more significant story.

Regardless of the variety of beliefs about its cargo and the crew size, this is Nuh'un Gemisi. It is the raft of Utnapishtim. It is the Ark of Noah.





Figure 2

























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