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CALENDARIO HEBREO-SHABBAT LUNAR: ¿Rosh Jodesh es en luna llena o creciente?
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 04/06/2011 04:38




The Shabbat rest days are counted from the Chodesh (Full/New Moon) - [ Traducir esta página >


The Quest for the Scriptural, Observable, Hebrew Calendar - [ Traducir esta página >

Our patriarchal Hebrew fathers used the Hebrew Calendar from ETERNAL and not the civil calendar of pagan Egypt or Babylon. Consider the period from Noah and ...
www.uhcg.org/Cal-Fl-Moon/cal-article.html - En caché - Similares



66:22, it is understood that the day of Chodesh cannot be in the weekly cycle, but in the monthly cycle to show that the lunar Shabbat observance is true. ...
www.bayithamashiyach.com/Shabbat.html - En caché - Similares

LUNAS LLENAS 2010-2011
Full Moon Events 2010-2011


Ezequiel 8
16 Me condujo luego al atrio interior de la Casa de Yahveh. Y he aquí que a la entrada del santuario de Yahveh, entre el vestíbulo y el altar, había unos veinticinco hombres que, vuelta la espalda al santuario de Yahveh y la cara a oriente, se postraban en dirección a oriente hacia el sol. (El calendario gregoriano o el calendario de Hillel II con sus sabados de saturno consideran luna nueva en luna creciente o en conjunción que nace al occidente y no al oriente. El verdadero shabbat esta regulado por las fases lunares con ROSH HASHANAH el primero de NISSAN o primero del primer mes y "LUNA NUEVA" en luna llena. Estudie el verdadero calendario bíblico en este foro.)
2 Crónicas 29
1 Ezequías tenía veinticinco años cuando comenzó a reinar y reinó veintinueve años en Jerusalén. Su madre se llamaba Abía, hija de Zacarías.
2 Hizo lo recto a los ojos de Yahveh, enteramente como David su padre.
3 En el año primero de su reinado, el primer mes, abrió las puertas de la Casa de Yahveh y las reparó.
4 Hizo venir a los sacerdotes y levitas, los reunió en la plaza oriental,
5 y les dijo: "¡Escuchadme, levitas! Santificaos ahora y santificad la Casa de Yahveh, el Dios de vuestros padres; y sacad fuera del santuario la inmundicia.
6 Porque nuestros padres han sido infieles haciendo lo malo a los ojos de Yahveh, nuestro Dios; le han abandonado, y apartando sus rostros de la Morada de Yahveh, le han vuelto la espalda. (Expresión biblica clara con referencia a que los judios actualmente al ver la luna nueva en luna creciente y no la luna llena que nace al oriente le dan la espalda a IEVE)
17 Comenzaron la consagración el día primero del primer mes, y el día octavo del mes llegaron al Vestíbulo de Yahveh; pasaron ocho días consagrando la Casa de Yahveh y el día dieciséis del mes primero habían acabado. (Verdadero ROSH HASHANA O año nuevo LUNISOLAR EN NISSAN y no en el primero del séptimo mes o Tishri como el actual calendario de Hillel II del rabinismo)

Jeremias 31
35 Así dice Yahveh, el que da el sol para alumbrar el día, y gobierna la luna y las estrellas para alumbrar la noche, el que agita el mar y hace bramar sus olas, cuyo nombre es Yahveh Sebaot.
36 Si fallaren estas normas en mi presencia - oráculo de Yahveh - también la prole de Israel dejaría de ser una nación en mi presencia a perpetuidad.
37 Así dice Yahveh:Si fueren medidos los cielos por arriba, y sondeadas las bases de la tierra por abajo, entonces también yo renegaría de todo el linaje de Israel por todo cuanto hicieron - oráculo de Yahveh -.
33 y me volvieron la espalda, que no la cara. Yo les adoctriné asiduamente, mas ellos no quisieron aprender la lección,(Impresionante nexo con EZEQUIEL 8 confirmando SU NEXO LUNAR)
Isaías 1
1 Visión que Isaías, hijo de Amós, vio tocante a Judá y Jerusalén en tiempo de Ozías, Jotam, Ajaz y Ezequías, reyes de Judá.
2 Oíd, cielos, escucha, tierra, que habla Yahveh; "Hijos crié y saqué adelante, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí. (Comparen con Genesis 1:1 "En el principio fueron creados los cielos y la tierra")
3 Conoce el buey a su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de su amo.Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no discierne."
4 ¡Ay, gente pecadora, pueblo tarado de culpa. semilla de malvados, hijos de perdición!Han dejado a Yahveh, han despreciado al Santo de Israel, se han vuelto de espaldas.
5 ¿En dónde golpearos ya, si seguís contumaces?La cabeza toda está enferma, toda entraña doliente.
6 De la planta del pie a la cabeza no hay en él cosa sana: golpes, magulladuras y heridas frescas, ni cerradas, ni vendadas, ni ablandadas con aceite.
7 Vuestra tierra es desolación, vuestras ciudades, hogueras de fuego; vuestro suelo delante de vosotros extranjeros se lo comen, y es una desolación como devastación de extranjeros.
8 Ha quedado la hija de Sión como cobertizo en viña, como albergue en pepinar, como ciudad sitiada.
9 De no habernos dejado Yahveh Sebaot un residuo minúsculo, como Sodoma seríamos, a Gomorra nos pareceríamos.
10 Oíd una palabra de Yahveh, regidores de Sodoma.Escuchad una instrucción de nuestro Dios, pueblo de Gomorra.
11 "¿A mí qué, tanto sacrificio vuestro? - dice Yahveh -.Harto estoy de holocaustos de carneros y de sebo de cebones; y sangre de novillos y machos cabríos no me agrada,
12 cuando venís a presentaros ante mí. ¿Quién ha solicitado de vosotros esa pateadura de mis atrios?
13 No sigáis trayendo oblación vana: el humo del incienso me resulta detestable.Novilunio, sábado, convocatoria: no tolero falsedad y solemnidad.
14 Vuestros novilunios y solemnidades aborrece mi alma: me han resultado un gravamen que me cuesta llevar. (Fijense que aqui dice "vuestros novilunios y solemnidades" y no "mis novilunios y solemnidades". Es obvio que aqui cuando dice "vuestros" se trata de nueva lunas, sabados y fiestas que no estan de acuerdo con la tanaj o el verdadero calendario de Dios que es el lunar)
26 Pero después, indóciles, se rebelaron contra ti, arrojaron tu Ley a sus espaldas, mataron a los profetas que les conjuraban a convertirse a ti; (grandes desprecios te hicieron).

Fijense que siempre aparece "a sus espaldas". ¿sabe porque?

Ezequiel 46
1 Así dice el Señor Yahveh: El pórtico del atrio interior que mira a oriente estará cerrado los seis días laborables. El sábado se le abrirá, así como el día del novilunio;(solo en luna llena se puede verificar el novilunio al oriente)

Las fases de la Luna
Al igual que todos los planetas, la Luna no emite luz propia. La luz que vemos en ella es la que refleja el Sol en su superficie. El hemisferio lunar que mira hacia el Sol está iluminado, mientras la otra mitad permanece a oscuras.

El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:

Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.

Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.

Lean Hebreos 12

18 No os habéis acercado a una realidad sensible: = fuego ardiente, oscuridad, tinieblas, huracán, =
19 = sonido de trompeta = y = a un ruido de palabras = tal, que suplicaron los que lo oyeron no se les hablara más. (El primero del primer mes o el primero de Nissan tambien es una fiesta adonde se toca las Trompetas o la Fiesta de la purificación del santuario. Leer Exodo 40, Ezequiel 45:17, 2 Cronicas 29, Esdras 7, Salmos 81:3,etc,etc)
20 Es que no podían soportar esta orden: = El que toque el monte, aunque sea un animal, será lapidado. =
21 Tan terrible era el espectáculo, que el mismo Moisés dijo: = Espantado estoy = y temblando.
22 Vosotros, en cambio, os habéis acercado al monte Sión, a la ciudad de Dios vivo, la Jerusalén celestial, y a miríadas de ángeles, reunión solemne (El monte Sión tiene fuerte connotación con el reino de Dios mediante Cristo. Fijense que tambien aparecen los angeles. Sabemos que por Genesis 1:1 en el primer día del primer mes tambien fueron creados los angeles o TEMPLO DE DIOS)

23 y asamblea de los primogénitos inscritos en los cielos, y a Dios, juez universal, y a los espíritus de los justos llegados ya a su consumación,
24 y a Jesús, mediador de una nueva Alianza, y a la aspersión purificadora de una sangre que habla mejor que la de Abel.
25 Guardaos de rechazar al que os habla; pues si los que rechazaron al que promulgaba los oráculos desde la tierra no escaparon al castigo, mucho menos nosotros, si volvemos la espalda al que nos habla desde el cielo. (Fijense que en el nuevo Testamento Pablo nos dice que "volvemos la espalda". Ya hemos visto que esta expresión, según el antiguo Testamento, tiene connotación con el cambio de la Luna Nueva de Luna llena a Luna Creciente por los judios. Repito, la luna creciente nace en occidente y en cambio la luna llena nace en Oriente al igual que el sol. Por eso los judios al guardar la LUNA NUEVA EN LUNA CRECIENTE LES ESTAN DANDO LA ESPALDA A IEVE. Observen que esto esta en un contexto al MONTE SION Y A LOS ANGELES, osea que todo el contexto DE HEBREOS 12 APOYA ESTA PREMISA)




AÑO LUNAR 2011-2012



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Resposta  Mensagem 25 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 15:04
 David's Second New Moon

                             Second New Moon on the 30th Day 

    To familiarize yourself with the scenario, read 1 Sam. 20:5-42 before following along in this article.

     The thirty day months each have a second New Moon day.  It was on the 29th day of one of these months that David said to Jonathan: "Tomorrow is the New Moon." (1 Sam. 20:5).

     On the day before a New Moon, the Moon rises on the eastern horizon at about the same time as the Sun sets in the west.  So, it was on the 29th day of the month that David was alerted to an approaching New Moon.   David knew that    the month was not yet  ending because that evening on the 29th day the sunset  preceded the moonrise by more than an hour.  That meant that there would be a second New Moon in an extended 30 day month, not a 29 day month.

    On the 30th day the Moon was rising as the Sun was setting, and David knew that there would be a second day of feasting. Day 30 and the following Day 1 of the new month are back to back New Moon days. That is why he requested that Jonathan come into the field to shoot the arrows on the third day, the day following the second New Moon celebration.

    The Hebrew text in 1 Samuel 20:27 literally means ‘the 2nd day of the New Moon’, not the 2nd day of the month as in most English translations.  A Literal Translation renders it like this: “on the second morrow of the New Moon,” (1st Sam. 20:27, YLT).

    The extended months are the key to a true observable calendar that was lost when men turned to Babylon for their calendar with the Sabbath day named 'Saturn-day' after the pagan god.  Pay attention Messianic and Christian congre- gations. A calendar  based on a crescent or dark Moon will never fit the fully lighted  New Moon calendar that David knew so well.








                            Copyright © 2008-2009 Emet Zerayah

                              Email: emetzerayah@gmail.com


Resposta  Mensagem 26 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 15:06
 The Beginning Month

                            Abib, When Growth Begins

    All of Yahuweh's Set Apart Feasts are based on the correct identification of the first day of the year and the first day of the month Abib. “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” (Ex. 12:2). 

     Yisrael's departure from Egypt in the first month is associated with agricultural crops as an identifying marker from Scripture: "And the flax and barley have been smitten, for the barley is budding, and the flax is forming flowers, and the wheat and rye have not been smitten, for they are late." (Ex. 9:31-32).  The barley was destroyed because it was in the advanced stage of budding or heading, which follows its tender young green stage.  In other words the destroyed crop was ready for harvest 

    Scripture Identifies the first month and the beginning of the year with appearance of early crops.  “Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover unto Yahuweh thy Elohim: for in the month of Abib Yahuweh thy Elohim brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.” (Deut. 16:1).

    The word 'Abib' means young, tender, verdant green shoots of grain, so that an entire field would appear green.  In this beginning stage of growth, it is not ready for harvesting, but it does serve to confirm that the season of growth has begun.  The Vernal (spring) Equinox marks the end of winter and the beginning of the agricultural year. It is the season for crops to spring forth from the earth, and the turn of the year that occurs at the end of the 12th month, or sometimes in the thirteenth month, if one occurs.

    However, if we attempt to identify the New Moon nearest the Equinox (before or after), we may fail because the lunar months alternate between 29 or 30 day months.  However, the prophet Enoch removes the uncertainty by identifying the first solar month with the Spring Equinox as a 30 day month.  He wrote: “At that period the night becomes shortened.  It is nine parts.  And the night is equal with the day.” (Enoch 71:25).    “At that time it appears, and becomes to you the beginning of the month.  Thirty days it is with the Sun in the gate from which the Sun goes forth.” (Enoch 72:5).

    So, the Spring Equinox (night equal with day) establishes the season for the beginning of a month as well as the beginning of a year, and the green ears of barley (Abib) confirms that the month of beginning has arrived It is clear that we must wait until the Spring Equinox is established, and only then select the first Full Moon that rises after, at the end of the waxing phases, indicating that tomorrow is Chodesh, the rebuilt New Moon and the beginning of the month.

      Remember, both of the words moon and month come from the Hebrew word 'Chodesh' and Abib is the stage before barley is ready to harvest.  Therefore, by reasonable deduction,  one is able to see that Abib confirms that the growing season has begun after the Vernal Equinox, and only then, can one look for the first New Moon that also begins the year.

                           Calendar Application

    It is the spring Equinox event that ends winter and signals warmer weather for the hemisphere the Sun is entering. The first New Moon after the Equinox is the first month of the year, which is also the commanded beginning of the year: “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. (Ex. 12:2).

    Please notice that Yahuweh’s Set Apart Calendar begins with the exact time that is established by the created lights of the fourth day of creation. This is astronomy, not astrology. These lights apply to the entire planet, so that anyone on planet Earth can know and follow His calendar. Every Sabbath, every appointed time or Set Apart Day, has its beginning in this first month; for the year is measured from this beginning month. Our Creator has given us the only effective means there is for a unified keeping of His Set Apart Days.

    Here’s how it was applied in Temple worship: The Temple was oriented so the portico entrance faced the east. The congregation was facing west toward the interior of the Temple, avoiding the possibility of anyone worshiping the rising Sun. The priest’s first function was to call the Feasts and New Moons as they were receiving the worshipers at the Temple portico. The priests were indeed facing the eastern horizon at the morning and evening sacrifices for a good reason. They could observe the Sun and Moon as they rise on the eastern horizon in the morning and evening oblations.

    By reviewing the useful purposes of the creation lights, it is easy to see how important an observable calendar is to a believer determined to follow in submissive obedience to Yah’s great plan. There is no substitute for the principle of submissive obedience to our Creator's plan for His people.

    This first month is the month that crops spring forth from the Earth and barley in Yisrael is in its young, tender stage before harvest. But without any knowledge of the barley crop in Yisrael, people everywhere can know His calendar. The lights of Heaven were given for that very purpose: “And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” (Gen. 1:14



                                Copyright © 2008-2009 Emet Zerayah
                                   Email: emetzerayah@gmail.com



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Resposta  Mensagem 27 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 15:09
      A Solar Powered New Moon

   “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you” (Ex. 12:2).

   Our Creator has set an exact starting point for His calendar by giving the beginning month of a new year. We can safely assume then, that the new year is preceded by the last month of the old year, can we not?  Since a month is made up of days, we can also assume that the beginning month has a beginning day, or the first day of the month.  Since there is a first day of the month, there must also be a last day, with all months beginning and ending with a first and last day.

   The prophet Enoch gives us more of the details on how to recognize the beginning of a month:

   “On the first day she is called the New Moon, for on that day the light rises upon her. She becomes full Moon exactly on the day when the Sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the Moon shines the whole night through till the Sun rises over against her and the Moon is seen over against the Sun. (Enoch 78:12-13).

   According to Enoch, when the Sun sets in the west as the Moon rises in the east, it is the exact day that the Moon receives all her light following the days of waxing phases. Enoch gives us the added information: “She accomplishes her waning in the first period of time.” (Enoch 78:15). The waning phases follow the full Moon, which he called the first period.  Thus, he retro-named the full Moon as the beginning of the month.

   He also said on the following day, as the Sun rises in the east, and the Moon sets on the western horizon, it is the first full day of a Full Moon.  If he is right, the Full Moon  day signals the beginning of a month and applies to all months, permanent and fixed in full view for all to see.

   However, let us test Enoch's statement to see if it is supported by Canon Scripture, especially in the Old Testament (Heb. Tanach) and in the Torah commonly called the Law.  If it is supported in Scripture, we can then be more comfortable with using the Book of Enoch for exploring calendar issues.

                         The Popular New Moon Systems
   First, let us examine the most frequent system of lunation that is used by congregations around the world for establishing New Moon days, Sabbaths and Set Apart Feasts.

   A new Moon/month, beginning after conjunction, is believed to be a confirmed first day at the visible crescent at Sunset.  It is the most prevalent of systems in use. However, it has serious problems because that Crescent Moon is already at least twelve hours after conjunction. Since the Moon rises in the east just as the Sun does, the crescent Moon after Sunset is astronomically incorrect. It does not fit a precise monthly appearance.

   Most calendars depict the new Moon as a black dot, which represents a ‘covered or dark Moon; for the Moon is invisible at conjunction. Thus, the command to “observe” is technically impossible at conjunction, and would require some kind of calculation. If conjunction is the new Moon, there would have to be a way to determine when it occurs.

   A conjunction new Moon or a crescent new Moon in the evening sky are problems without a precise solution, but the Scriptures describe another path that is perfect in every way.

                           Building a New Moon/Month
   Scripture designates a Moon as a rebuilding process by the language used in this example: “This month (Heb. Chodesh) shall be unto you the beginning of months (Heb. Chodesh): it shall be the first month (Heb. Chodesh) of the year to you.” (Ex. 12:2).

Month, Heb. Chodesh, - 2320 – “from 2318, to be new, rebuild, renew, by implication, a month.”

   Scripture uses the same Hebrew word for both 'Moon’ and ‘month’. Therefore, the New Moon must be a new month, because ‘Chodesh’ gives us the definition of a New Moon and a new month.

   The Hebrew word Chodesh is from the verb ‘chadas’ (2318) meaning to be new or rebuild.  Rebuilding is exactly what each lunation does after the decline of the waning phases. The Moon’s light diminishes down to conjunction and rebuilds after conjunction to a full Moon again in the waxing phases. Thus, the rebuild/renew is necessary because it follows the declining days in the waning Moon phases and dark days at the conjunction phase.

    Rebuilding of the Moon, or the observable days of renewing, cannot begin until after its conjunction midpoint with the Sun. Chodesh (rebuilding) begins at conjunction, but it is not the renewed Moon, rather it is the beginning of a process of rebuilding a Full Moon.  Renewing, by definition, implies that it is a follow on process, but follow on to what?  Answer: The Moon must renew because the waning Moon phases returned the observable Moon to a dark Moon at conjunction, making renewal (Chodesh) necessary.

   The Moon begins to receive its light from the Sun on the first morning after conjunction. On that morning, a thin sliver of light appears on the eastern horizon and the Moon is receiving its light from the Sun’s glow below the horizon. The two luminaries then arc above the Earth moving to the western horizon where they set in the evening sky.  This is the crescent Moon that is popularly called the new Moon by many congregations around the world.

   The crescent Moon, which sets with the Sun, begins to build its light each subsequent day for 13 more days.  The increasing light is evidence that the Moon is building (Heb. Chodesh) toward the full Moon until the Moon reflects 14 portions of light from the Sun, known to be Chodesh, or the renewed Full Moon.

                              The Test From Scripture
   “Speak unto the children of Yisrael, saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a Set Apart convocation.” (Lev. 23:24).

   The first thing to notice is that this verse from the Torah is about the first day of a month, and being a first day, it begins a new month, does it not?  If it is a new month, and the first day of the month, then it must also be a New month, does is it not? “He made the Moon for seasons; the Sun hath known his place of entrance.” (Ps. 104:19).

   This first day is a feast day, but it is not a weekly Sabbath day; for the seventh day is not in view here.  The first day of a month and the seventh day of a week cannot occur at the same time, for it would be a violation of the Fourth Commandment.

   According to the Fourth Commandment, the Sabbath is preceded by six work days: “Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuweh thy Elohim.” (Ex. 20:9-10).   Since the Sabbath is preceded by six work days, the first day of the month must precede the work days, because it is also said to be a day of rest, but the first day of the month is not a Sabbath.

   However, the first day of the month is a commanded day of rest: The Hebrew word for ‘Sabbath’ in Leviticus 23:24 is Strong’s 7677, Shabbathown, from 7676 (Sabbath); a Sabbatism or special holiday of rest. The New Moon and month at the Feast of Trumpets is a commanded day of rest, on the “first day of the month”, but in addition to the regular weekly Sabbath.

   “Blow at new Moon (Chodesh) a ram’s horn (shofar), at full Moon (keseh), at day (yom), pilgrim feast (Chag).(Ps. 81:3, YLT).  The Feast of Trumpets is the first full day of a full Moon, (Chodesh) which is said to be “the first day of the month”. (Cf. Lev. 23:24). 

                                  The Visible Evidence
   Can one discern when a New Full Moon is approaching?  Oh, yes, indeed you can! The New Moon is the day after the rebuilt Full Moon (Chodesh) first appears.  Yah has provided a way that you can be certain the New Moon is approaching.  You see, the Full Moon (Chodesh) always rises in the east as the Sun is setting in the west (Plus or minus a few minutes).  The glow of the rising Moon on the eastern horizon, at the same time as the radiant light of the setting Sun is on the western horizon.

   The glowing horizon lights is the way David was able to say to Jonathan “Behold, tomorrow is the New Moon” (1 Sam. 20:5).  He was viewing the Creator's method of revealing His commanded New Moon; the radiant union of lights on opposite horizons.  There is yet another bonus of information that is revealed by this solar powered phenomenon.

    When the Full Moon rises on the eastern horizon on the 28th day, the following 29th day, always a Sabbath, is the last day of the month.  However, if the Full Moon occurs on the 29th day, it signals that there will be a second New Moon, or a 30th day.

    On the 29th day the Moon was rising as the Sun was setting, and David knew that there would be a second day of feasting.  Day 30 and the following Day 1 of the new month are back to back New Moon days. That is why he requested that Jonathan come into the field to shoot the arrows on the third day, the day following the New Moon celebrations. (Cf. 1 Sam. 20:5-42).

   The Hebrew text in 1 Samuel 20:27 literally means ‘the 2nd day of the New Moon’, not the 2nd day of the month as in most English translations. A Literal Translation renders it like this: “on the second morrow of the New Moon,” (1st Sam. 20:27, YLT).

   The extended thirty day months are a major key to a true observable calendar that was lost when men turned to Babylon for their calendar with the Sabbath day named 'Saturn-day' after the pagan god. Pay attention Messianic and Christian congregations. A calendar based on a crescent or dark Moon will never fit the fully lighted New Moon calendar that David knew so well.

                                        The Apostolic Day
   The following Scriptures show very clearly that apostolic believers started their day at sunrise:

   “Now late on the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.” (Mt. 28:1).

   If it is late on the Sabbath day at dawn, then the Sabbath must have started at the previous sunrise on a sunrise to sunrise day.

   “And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.”  (Mk. 16:2). 

   How could it be early if the day started at sunset or midnight? If it were a sunset beginning day, then the day would have been more than half over and it would not have been early on the first day of the week.  The day was beginning at sunrise.

   “Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the sepulcher, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.” (Lk. 24:1).

   Luke said it was early in the morning of the first day of the week, then the Sabbath must have ended a few minutes before. Obviously, Luke considered that it was a sunrise to sunrise day.

   “The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher.” (Jn. 20:1).

   John said it was early on the first day of the week before sunup. Therefore, the seventh day was ending as the first day was beginning.  It was a sunrise to sunrise day.

   We opened this investigation with Enoch's description of the Full Moon as a sign in the heavens above.  Canon Scripture fully vindicates and confirms that Enoch's rendition of the heavenly lights is our Creator's true solar powered calendar.  If the seventh month begins with a full New Moon, then so does every other month start with a full New Moon.

   The New Moon day starts in the morning after the Chodesh (renewed) full Moon of the evening before.  If the New Moon day starts at sunrise, then all days begin at sunrise. The sunrise to sunrise day is confirmed by all four Gospel writers of the apostolic era.

   If the reader has questions or comments, this writer will respond to further inquiry sent to emetzerayah@gmail.com .  Other calendar issues, and more proof of a full New Moon are covered with in-depth communicative articles posted elsewhere on this  website.

Emet ZeraYah


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Resposta  Mensagem 28 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 15:36
Capítulo 78

1 [Los nombres del sol son los siguientes: el primero es Oranyes y el segundo Tomás;

2 y la luna tiene cuatro nombres: el primero es Asonya, el segundo Ebela, el tercero Benase y el cuarto Era'el.]

3 Estas son las dos grandes luminarias, su circunferencia es como la circunferencia del cielo y la talla de sus dos circunferencias es similar.

4 Dentro de la circunferencia del sol hay siete partes de luz que le son añadidas de más con respecto a la luna y con completa mesura le es transferida a ella hasta la séptima parte extraída al sol.

5 Ellas se ponen y entran por las puertas del occidente, hacen su viraje por el norte y vuelven por las puertas del oriente sobre la faz del cielo.

6 Cuando la luna se levanta, la mitad de un séptimo de su luz brilla en los cielos para aparecer sobre la tierra y se completa de día en día, hasta el día catorce cuando toda su luz está completa.

7 Su luz crece por quinceavos y se completa de día en día hasta el día quince, en el cual toda su luz está completa, según el signo de los años. La luna crece y realiza sus fases de a medios séptimos.

8 En su fase menguante la luna disminuye su luz: el primer día un catorceavo; el segundo, un treceavo; el tercero, un doceavo; el cuarto, un onceavo; el quinto, un décimo; el sexto, un noveno; el séptimo, un octavo; el octavo, un sétimo; el noveno, un sexto; el décimo, un quinto; el undécimo, un cuarto; el duodécimo, un tercio; el treceavo, un medio; el catorceavo la mitad de un séptimo; hasta que el quinceavo desaparece todo remanente de luz.

9 En ciertos meses tiene veintinueve días y otras veces veintiocho días.

10 Y Uriel me enseñó otro cálculo, habiéndome mostrado cuando la luz es transferida a la luna y sobre cual lado se la transfiere el sol.

11 Durante toda la fase creciente de la luna, se transfiere su luz frente al sol durante catorce días hasta que se ilumina toda y su luz es completa en el cielo.

12 El primer día es llamada luna nueva, porque desde ese día su luz crece.

13 Llega a ser luna llena exactamente en el momento en que el sol se oculta por el occidente y ella asciende desde el oriente por la noche y la luna brilla durante toda la noche, hasta que el sol nace frente a ella y la luna es observada frente al sol.

14 Por el lado por que la luz de la luna llega, por ahí decrece de nuevo, hasta que toda su luz desaparece, los días del mes se completan y su circunferencia está vacía, sin luz.

15 Por tres meses ella sale de treinta días y en su tiempo ella sale por tres meses de veintinueve días cada uno, en los cuales ella cumple su menguante en el primer período de tiempo y en el primer portal, por cinto setenta y siete días.

16 En el tiempo de su nacimiento ella aparece por tres meses de treinta días cada uno y por tres meses aparece veintinueve días cada uno.

17 En la noche ella aparece por veinte días cada mes.


Resposta  Mensagem 29 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2011 04:34


Compare estas graficas con el movimiento de la luna.

El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:

  • Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
  • Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
  • Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
  • Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.



Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.



Las cosas nunca suceden sin una mano que las mueva, y en este caso la mano es evidente. Las monedas de los países que fueron agredidos son la clave para la solución de este enigma. Al girarlas toman su ubicación en el pentagrama y anuncian además las fechas de los atentados, pero es solo el comienzo. Todas las investigaciones anteriores han llegado hasta aquí, esta sin embargo comienza en este punto.

Aquí los signos monetarios toman su lugar en el pentagrama a 0, 90 y 180 grados. Al ser girados las fechas de los crímenes aparecen claramente.

Resposta  Mensagem 30 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/07/2011 04:41
Ezequiel 8
16 Me condujo luego al atrio interior de la Casa de Yahveh. Y he aquí que a la entrada del santuario de Yahveh, entre el vestíbulo y el altar, había unos veinticinco hombres que, vuelta la espalda al santuario de Yahveh y la cara a oriente, se postraban en dirección a oriente hacia el sol. (El calendario gregoriano o el calendario de Hillel II con sus sabados de saturno consideran luna nueva en luna creciente o en conjunción que nace al occidente y no al oriente. El verdadero shabbat esta regulado por las fases lunares con ROSH HASHANAH el primero de NISSAN o primero del primer mes y "LUNA NUEVA" en luna llena. Estudie el verdadero calendario bíblico en este foro.)
2 Crónicas 29
1 Ezequías tenía veinticinco años cuando comenzó a reinar y reinó veintinueve años en Jerusalén. Su madre se llamaba Abía, hija de Zacarías.
2 Hizo lo recto a los ojos de Yahveh, enteramente como David su padre.
3 En el año primero de su reinado, el primer mes, abrió las puertas de la Casa de Yahveh y las reparó.
4 Hizo venir a los sacerdotes y levitas, los reunió en la plaza oriental,
5 y les dijo: "¡Escuchadme, levitas! Santificaos ahora y santificad la Casa de Yahveh, el Dios de vuestros padres; y sacad fuera del santuario la inmundicia.
6 Porque nuestros padres han sido infieles haciendo lo malo a los ojos de Yahveh, nuestro Dios; le han abandonado, y apartando sus rostros de la Morada de Yahveh, le han vuelto la espalda.
(Expresión biblica clara con referencia a que los judios actualmente al ver la luna nueva en luna creciente y no la luna llena que nace al oriente le dan la espalda a IEVE)
17 Comenzaron la consagración el día primero del primer mes, y el día octavo del mes llegaron al Vestíbulo de Yahveh; pasaron ocho días consagrando la Casa de Yahveh y el día dieciséis del mes primero habían acabado. (Verdadero ROSH HASHANA O año nuevo LUNISOLAR EN NISSAN y no en el primero del séptimo mes o Tishri como el actual calendario de Hillel II del rabinismo)
Jeremias 31
35 Así dice Yahveh, el que da el sol para alumbrar el día, y gobierna la luna y las estrellas para alumbrar la noche, el que agita el mar y hace bramar sus olas, cuyo nombre es Yahveh Sebaot.
Si fallaren estas normas en mi presencia - oráculo de Yahveh - también la prole de Israel dejaría de ser una nación en mi presencia a perpetuidad.
37 Así dice Yahveh:Si fueren medidos los cielos por arriba, y sondeadas las bases de la tierra por abajo, entonces también yo renegaría de todo el linaje de Israel por todo cuanto hicieron - oráculo de Yahveh -.

33 y me volvieron la espalda, que no la cara. Yo les adoctriné asiduamente, mas ellos no quisieron aprender la lección,(Impresionante nexo con EZEQUIEL 8 confirmando SU NEXO LUNAR)
Isaías 1
1 Visión que Isaías, hijo de Amós, vio tocante a Judá y Jerusalén en tiempo de Ozías, Jotam, Ajaz y Ezequías, reyes de Judá.
2 Oíd, cielos, escucha, tierra, que habla Yahveh; "Hijos crié y saqué adelante, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí.
(Comparen con Genesis 1:1 "En el principio fueron creados los cielos y la tierra")
3 Conoce el buey a su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de su amo.Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no discierne."
4 ¡Ay, gente pecadora, pueblo tarado de culpa. semilla de malvados, hijos de perdición!Han dejado a Yahveh, han despreciado al Santo de Israel, se han vuelto de espaldas.
5 ¿En dónde golpearos ya, si seguís contumaces?La cabeza toda está enferma, toda entraña doliente.
6 De la planta del pie a la cabeza no hay en él cosa sana: golpes, magulladuras y heridas frescas, ni cerradas, ni vendadas, ni ablandadas con aceite.
7 Vuestra tierra es desolación, vuestras ciudades, hogueras de fuego; vuestro suelo delante de vosotros extranjeros se lo comen, y es una desolación como devastación de extranjeros.
8 Ha quedado la hija de Sión como cobertizo en viña, como albergue en pepinar, como ciudad sitiada.
9 De no habernos dejado Yahveh Sebaot un residuo minúsculo, como Sodoma seríamos, a Gomorra nos pareceríamos.
10 Oíd una palabra de Yahveh, regidores de Sodoma.Escuchad una instrucción de nuestro Dios, pueblo de Gomorra.
11 "¿A mí qué, tanto sacrificio vuestro? - dice Yahveh -.Harto estoy de holocaustos de carneros y de sebo de cebones; y sangre de novillos y machos cabríos no me agrada,
12 cuando venís a presentaros ante mí. ¿Quién ha solicitado de vosotros esa pateadura de mis atrios?
13 No sigáis trayendo oblación vana: el humo del incienso me resulta detestable.Novilunio, sábado, convocatoria: no tolero falsedad y solemnidad.
14 Vuestros novilunios y solemnidades aborrece mi alma: me han resultado un gravamen que me cuesta llevar. (Fijense que aqui dice "vuestros novilunios y solemnidades" y no "mis novilunios y solemnidades". Es obvio que aqui cuando dice "vuestros" se trata de nueva lunas, sabados y fiestas que no estan de acuerdo con la tanaj o el verdadero calendario de Dios que es el lunar)
26 Pero después, indóciles, se rebelaron contra ti, arrojaron tu Ley a sus espaldas, mataron a los profetas que les conjuraban a convertirse a ti; (grandes desprecios te hicieron).


Fijense que siempre aparece "a sus espaldas". ¿sabe porque?

Ezequiel 46
1 Así dice el Señor Yahveh: El pórtico del atrio interior que mira a oriente estará cerrado los seis días laborables. El sábado se le abrirá, así como el día del novilunio;(solo en luna llena se puede verificar el novilunio al oriente)



Las fases de la Luna

Al igual que todos los planetas, la Luna no emite luz propia. La luz que vemos en ella es la que refleja el Sol en su superficie. El hemisferio lunar que mira hacia el Sol está iluminado, mientras la otra mitad permanece a oscuras.

El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:

  • Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
  • Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
  • Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
  • Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.


Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.

Lean Hebreos 12

18 No os habéis acercado a una realidad sensible: = fuego ardiente, oscuridad, tinieblas, huracán, =
19 = sonido de trompeta = y = a un ruido de palabras = tal, que suplicaron los que lo oyeron no se les hablara más.
(El primero del primer mes o el primero de Nissan tambien es una fiesta adonde se toca las Trompetas o la Fiesta de la purificación del santuario. Leer Exodo 40, Ezequiel 45:17, 2 Cronicas 29, Esdras 7, Salmos 81:3,etc,etc)
20 Es que no podían soportar esta orden: = El que toque el monte, aunque sea un animal, será lapidado. =
21 Tan terrible era el espectáculo, que el mismo Moisés dijo: = Espantado estoy = y temblando.
22 Vosotros, en cambio, os habéis acercado al monte Sión, a la ciudad de Dios vivo, la Jerusalén celestial, y a miríadas de ángeles, reunión solemne  (El monte Sión tiene fuerte connotación con el reino de Dios mediante Cristo. Fijense que tambien aparecen los angeles. Sabemos que por Genesis 1:1 en el primer día del primer mes tambien fueron creados los angeles o TEMPLO DE DIOS)

23 y asamblea de los primogénitos inscritos en los cielos, y a Dios, juez universal, y a los espíritus de los justos llegados ya a su consumación,
24 y a Jesús, mediador de una nueva Alianza, y a la aspersión purificadora de una sangre que habla mejor que la de Abel.
25 Guardaos de rechazar al que os habla; pues si los que rechazaron al que promulgaba los oráculos desde la tierra no escaparon al castigo, mucho menos nosotros, si volvemos la espalda al que nos habla desde el cielo.
(Fijense que en el nuevo Testamento Pablo nos dice que "volvemos la espalda". Ya hemos visto que esta expresión, según el antiguo Testamento, tiene connotación con el cambio de la Luna Nueva de Luna llena a Luna Creciente por los judios. Repito, la luna creciente nace en occidente y en cambio la luna llena nace en Oriente al igual que el sol. Por eso los judios al guardar la LUNA NUEVA EN LUNA CRECIENTE LES ESTAN DANDO LA ESPALDA A IEVE. Observen que esto esta en un contexto al MONTE SION Y A LOS ANGELES, osea que todo el contexto DE HEBREOS 12 APOYA ESTA PREMISA)

Resposta  Mensagem 31 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/08/2011 10:23

Resposta  Mensagem 32 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2011 04:25

Mateo 6:33: Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su JUSTICIA, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.


25 Por tanto os digo: No os afanéis por vuestra vida, qué habéis de comer o qué habéis de beber; ni por vuestro cuerpo, qué habéis de vestir. ¿No es la vida más que el alimento, y el cuerpo más que el vestido? 26 Mirad las aves del cielo, que no siembran, ni siegan, ni recogen en graneros; y vuestro Padre celestial las alimenta. ¿No valéis vosotros mucho más que ellas? 27 ¿Y quién de vosotros podrá, por mucho que se afane, añadir a su estatura un codo? 28 Y por el vestido, ¿por quéos afanáis? Considerad los lirios del campo, cómo crecen: no trabajan ni hilan;

29 pero os digo, que ni aun Salomón con toda su gloria se vistió así como uno de ellos. 30 Y si la hierba del campo que hoy es, y mañana se echa en el horno, Dios la viste así, ¿no hará mucho más a vosotros, hombres de poca fe? 31 No os afanéis, pues, diciendo: ¿Qué comeremos, o qué beberemos, o qué vestiremos? 32 Porque los gentiles buscan todas estas cosas; pero vuestro Padre celestial sabe que tenéis necesidad de todas estas cosas. 33 Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.

Resposta  Mensagem 33 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/09/2011 17:27

Full Moon Listings



All times GMT (UST), adjust accordingly

2001 January 9 20:26 Tuesday
2001 February 8 07:13 Thursday
2001 March 9 17:24 Friday
2001 April 8 03:24 Sunday
2001 May 7 13:55 Monday
2001 June 6 01:41 Wednesday
2001 July 5 15:06 Thursday
2001 August 4 05:57 Saturday
2001 September 2 21:44 Sunday
2001 November 1 05:42 Thursday
2001 November 30 20:50 Friday
2001 December 30 10:42 Sunday
2002 January 28 22:52 Monday
2002 February 27 09:18 Wednesday
2002 March 28 18:27 Thursday
2002 April 27 03:03 Saturday
2002 May 26 11:54 Sunday
2002 June 24 21:45 Monday
2002 July 24 09:08 Wednesday
2002 August 22 22:30 Thursday
2002 September 21 14:00 Saturday
2002 Oct 21 07:21 Monday



23:26 También habló Jehová a Moisés, diciendo: 
23:27 A los diez días de este mes séptimo será el día de expiación;Levitico 16. 29-34 tendréis santa convocación, y afligiréis vuestras almas, y ofreceréis ofrenda encendida a Jehová. 
23:28 Ningún trabajo haréis en este día; porque es día de expiación, para reconciliaros delante de Jehová vuestro Dios. 
23:29 Porque toda persona que no se afligiere en este mismo día, será cortada de su pueblo. 
23:30 Y cualquiera persona que hiciere trabajo alguno en este día, yo destruiré a la tal persona de entre su pueblo. 
23:31 Ningún trabajo haréis; estatuto perpetuo es por vuestras generaciones en dondequiera que habitéis. 
23:32 Día de reposo será a vosotros, y afligiréis vuestras almas, comenzando a los nueve días del mes en la tarde; de tarde a tarde guardaréis vuestro reposo



Capítulo 29 

29:1 En el séptimo mes, el primero del mes, tendréis santa convocación; ninguna obra de siervos haréis; os será día de sonar las trompetas. 
29:2 Y ofreceréis holocausto en olor grato a Jehová, un becerro de la vacada, un carnero, siete corderos de un año sin defecto; 
29:3 y la ofrenda de ellos, de flor de harina amasada con aceite, tres décimas de efa  con cada becerro, dos décimas con cada carnero, 
29:4 y con cada uno de los siete corderos, una décima; 
29:5 y un macho cabrío por expiación, para reconciliaros, 
29:6 además del holocausto del mes y su ofrenda, y el holocausto continuo y su ofrenda, y sus libaciones conforme a su ley, como ofrenda encendida a Jehová en olor grato. 
29:7 En el diez de este mes séptimo tendréis santa convocación, y afligiréis vuestras almas;Levitico 16. 29-34 ninguna obra haréis; (297 ES LA GEMATRIA DE "MARIA MAGDALENA")
29:8 y ofreceréis en holocausto a Jehová en olor grato, un becerro de la vacada, un carnero, y siete corderos de un año; serán sin defecto. 
29:9 Y sus ofrendas, flor de harina amasada con aceite, tres décimas de efa  con cada becerro, dos décimas con cada carnero, 
29:10 y con cada uno de los siete corderos, una décima; 
29:11 y un macho cabrío por expiación; además de la ofrenda de las expiaciones por el pecado, y del holocausto continuo y de sus ofrendas y de sus libaciones. 


of Ophir. אופיר 297
Mary Μαρια 152
Magdalene. Μαγδαληνη 145
152 MAS 145 ES IGUAL A 297
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 i9 l 12 k 11 y 25 0 w 23 a1 y 25 )
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( q 17 u 21 e5 e5 n 14 0 m 13 a1 r 18 y 25  
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( h8 e5 b2 r 18 e5 w 23 0 c3 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 d4 a1 r 18
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 a1 r 18 y 25 0 m 13 a1 g7 d4 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 e5  

Resposta  Mensagem 34 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2011 15:14
The Quest for the Scriptural,
Observable, Hebrew Calendar

by Charles J. Voss

The calendar that hangs on the walls in our offices or homes is probally the standard calendard that is used worldwide which is the Gregorian Calendar. It is named after the Catholic Pope, Gregory XIII of the 16th century. Have you ever wondered about the calendar that our CREATOR intended when He told Moses: “This month shall your beginnings of months, to you” or in other words you can consider today to be the first day of the first month of the year.

Given enough time, man corrupts everything that our CREATOR has established whether it is the Sabbath, the Commandments, or the Calendar. Today, anyone who desires to observe the commanded days of Leviticus 23 would most certainly be keeping the wrong days. The true Hebrew Calendar revealed in The Hebrew Scriptures (OT) is not recognized by the Jewish or ‘Christian’ [1]



a) A period of seven days. b) A seven-day-calendar period starting with Sunday and continuing through Saturday. [13]

A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon’s phases – or about 30 days or 4 weeks. [14]

Year: A year is the time it takes for the earth to make one revolution around the sun which is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46.069 seconds.

The time when the sun crosses the equator makes night and day of equal length in all parts of the earth. In the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal equinox occurs on or about March 21 and the autumnal equinox occurs on or about September 22. [15] Spring [for the Gregorian Calendar] starts at the spring equinox on March 20 or 21. On that day, there are 12 hours of daylight all over the world because the sun is directly over the equator. During spring, the sun moves farther north and the length of the day increases. As the earth’s angle of insolation [tilt of the earth] increases, the weather becomes warmer in the Northern Hemisphere. Autumn or fall begins at the autumnal equinox on September 22 or 23. Daylight is back to 12 hours, and the sun is again over the equator. The decreasing insolation angle of the earth brings cooling of the weather in the Northern Hemisphere.”[16]

religions and it is even ridiculed by them.


[12] To count time by nights means you have to start counting at sunset.

The place to begin the Quest for the Scriptural Calendar is by asking the question: “What is a calendar?” A calendar is:
The accepted means of ordering the year by the designation of days, months, and so on. Every culture has its calendar, and all are based on the motions of heavenly bodies. Some, such as the Hebrew Calendar, are defined by the phases of the moon and are called lunar calendars. [2]

An Observational versus a Calculated Calendar

There are three types of calendars:
  1.   Observational calendar
  2.   Calculated (reckoned) calendar
  3.   Combination calendar
An observational calendar is based on things that humans can observe such as the stages of the moon and the growth of barley plants. Thus, “an observational calendar is unpredictable in advance for the length of the year or month.

In contrast, a calculated calendar is based purely on mathematical calculations, astronomical calculations, and astrological locations of the heavenly bodies in the sky. It is predictable many years in advance.

A combination calendar is a type of calculated calendar in which the Festival Days are inserted into it by using the phases of the moon and is similar to a purely calculated calendar because it is also predictable years in advance. However, it is not an observational calendar because the change of seasons is based on the equinox and not the growth of barley plants.

The Types of Jewish Calendars

The Jewish Encyclopedia[4] states:
    The history of the Jewish calendar may be divided into three periods--the Scriptural, the Talmudic, and the post-Talmudic. The first [revealed & observable] rested purely on the OBSERVATION of the sun and the moon, the second [Talmudic] on OBSERVATION AND RECKONING, and the third [post-Talmudic, used today] entirely on RECKONING.

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, over the eons of history there were two Jewish calendars: the Talmudic and the post-Talmudic calendars. However, the observational Scriptural Calendar mentioned above was given to Moses for the full House of Israel for all Hebrews. It is an Israelite or Hebrew Calendar and is not Jewish in origin or akin to their calendars in any fashion.

The article in The Jewish Encyclopedia

[5] also includes information on the Babylonian Calendar and shows the antiquity of its origin:
    The Babylonian calendars are preserved in the inscriptions [cuneiform tablets that were discovered], and in both, each month has 30 days as far as can be learnt. ...The Babylonian years were soli-lunar: that is to say, the year of 12 months containing 354 days by intercalation, as occasion required, a thirteenth month.

The Babylonian Empire referred to here, is the ancient civilization dating back to Nimrod and Semiramis after the flood. The calendar used in ancient Babylon

[6] had many similarities to the calendar used in Egypt at the time of Moses. With that thought in mind, notice the statement Josephus makes in dating the flood:

Notice the two significant factors of Josephus statement:
First, he said,

“Moses appointed that Nisan ...should be the first month for their festivals... so that this month began all the solemnities that they observed to the honor of G-d.”


“preserved the original order of the months as to the selling and buying, and other ordinary affairs,” thus they continued to also use the civil calendar they had used in Egypt!”

However, ETERNAL gave Moses the Observational Hebrew Calendar. Therefore, we see that Moses and the children of Israel USED TWO CALENDARS: a purely observational calendar from The Mighty One and a purely calculated one from the Egyptian civil calendar. Interestingly, the practice of using both a religious and a civil calendar originated with Moses.

To simplify the usage of various calendar names, we will refer to the Scriptural, Observational Hebrew Calendar that ETERNAL gave Moses as simply the Hebrew Calendar.

Origin of Gregorian Calendar

Josephus states that the second month of the ancient civil calendar was called Marchesuan in Hebrew. Does that remind you of March in today’s Gregorian [9] civil calendar? Josephus also tells us this Egyptian calendar was the same calendar the Greek Macedonians were still using during his day (37 CE [10] to 100 CE). Since our present day Gregorian calendar is patterned after the Greek calendar that was the Egyptian calendar of antiquity, the civil calendar we use today is very similar to the civil calendar of ancient pagan Egypt.

The Jewish Encyclopedia states that the (pre-captivity) Talmudic calendar rested on “observation and reckoning.” This early Talmudic calendar was probably a combination of the observational Hebrew calendar and the Egyptian civil calendar. It was created by forcing the Scriptural, lunar calendar into the framework of the Egyptian solar calendar. Therefore, the Talmudic Jewish calendar was not and is not the Hebrew calendar given to Moses.

The post-Talmudic (the Jewish calendar of today) and the Gregorian calendar use a crescent moon and a dark moon, respectively, as the new moon. Therefore, the Egyptian calendar they sprang from must have also considered the new moon to be a crescent moon or dark moon.

Since the Scriptural Hebrew Calendar is based strictly on observation, the length of the months and years cannot be predicted in advance of the barley being in the green. It is easy to see why human reasoning would want to eliminate the unpredictability of this, yet correct, calendar. It is unpredictable in that forthcoming dates cannot be determined over a year in advance. Thus, the Jews combined the observational calendar with a calendar derived by astrological reckoning. This action makes the Festival Days predictable. However, this places them on the wrong days because they are based on a solar rather than a lunar Full Moon calendar.

This combined calendar was not the one our CREATOR revealed to Moses. The combination of the two different-type calendars obscures the true time of the Festival Days and causes the people who keep it to go astray. Notice the next two Scriptures:


Isaiah 1:4. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts MY SOUL HATES; they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.

Amos 8:21. I hate, I despise your feast days, and I do not savor your sacred assemblies.

My former Sabbath-keeping church taught that the only reason ETERNAL despised the feasts Israel kept was because of the attitude of the people. However, by using the wrong calendar, they were, and still are, observing the Festival Days on the wrong days? Their leaders having knowledge of the difference and deliberately keeping them on the wrong days definitely stems from an attitude problem. This would make the present Festival Days “their feast days” and not ETERNAL’s Festival Days. In the next Scripture, notice that our SOVEREIGN set the time and seasons (dates of His Festival Days):


Genesis 1:14. Then the CREATOR said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.”

ETERNAL’s main purpose in disclosing His calendar was to enable His worshippers to identify and keep their spiritual appointments with Him as He set them! When He refashioned the surface of the earth, ETERNAL set in motion a means for His people to determine the days that He chose as His Set-apart Days. The lights in the firmament were to be used to determine those sacred days. The moon still has its intended purpose of helping us determine the beginning of months and our CREATOR’s Sacred Days.


Actually, ETERNAL appointed through Moses the first month to be ABIB (Exodus 13:4). [8] The Jews changed the name to Nisan while in Babylonian captivity. When Josephus uses the word Nisan, he is using the Babylonian name for the first month as used in the Jewish post-Talmudic calendar which uses the names of Babylonian g-ds for all the months.

Secondly, Josephus stated Moses

This calamity [flood] happened in the six hundredth year of Noah’s government (age), in the second month, called by the Macedonians Dius but by the Hebrews Marchesuan: for so did they order their year in Egypt. However, Moses appointed that Nisan, which is the same with Xanthicus, should be the first of the month for their festivals, because he brought them out of Egypt in that month. So that this month began all the solemnities that they observed to the honor of G-d although he preserved the original order of the months as to the selling and buying, and other ordinary affairs.” [7]


Before jumping into the Scriptural evidence of the alendar, we must first establish a foundation of terminology that we will use.

English Gregorian Calendar Glossary

Although the words may be spelled the same in the Scriptural Hebrew calendar as in the Gregorian calendar, many of the meanings are quite different.

Day: The most fundamental unit of time is the twenty-four-hour day and it is arbitrarily divided into hours, minutes, and seconds. In the Gregorian calendar, this twenty-four period is reckoned from midnight to midnight. However, in medieval England time was counted by nights.



Resposta  Mensagem 35 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2011 15:15

Hebrew Calendar Glossary

Although the words may be spelled the same in the Scriptural Hebrew Calendar as in the Gregorian Calendar, many of the meanings are quite different.

Day: The most fundamental unit of time is the day which is the length of time it takes the earth to make one complete rotation on its axis.
Genesis 1: 5. “The Mighty One called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.”

The word “day,” depending on its use in a sentence, can refer to 12 hours of daylight or to a 24-hour day beginning at sunset (evening). A 24-hour day consists of a dark portion and a light portion. Do you know what the natural marker is to indicate the beginning of the twenty-four-hour day? This answer is “sunset.” [17]

In the Hebrew Calendar, a day begins at sunset and ends at the following sunset as shown by the way ETERNAL instructed the 1) Day of Atonement to be kept and 2) the time the lamb is killed for the Night of Protection: [18]

  1. Leviticus 23:32. It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls; on the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your Sabbath.
  2. Deuteronomy 16:6. But at the place where ETERNAL CREATOR chooses to make His name abide, there you shall sacrifice the Passover at twilight at the going down of the sun, at the time you came out of Egypt.”

The English words “twilight, [19] (smaller) even, and evening” come from the Hebrew word [20] “`ereb” and means “dusk, through the idea of covering with a texture, thus to grow dusky at sundown.”

The next verse clinches the argument that the evening is the going down of the sun:
Joshua 10:26-27. And afterward Joshua struck them [the enemy kings] and killed them, and hanged them on five trees; ...until evening. So it was at the time of the going down of the sun that Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees.

And there you have it! The Mighty One said: “evening is the going down of the sun, ” and that is just as plain as day (pardon the pun).

Week: The English word “week” comes from the Hebrew word [21] “shabuwa” and means, “a complete group of seven days.” The week is seven days in length and owes its unalterable uniformity to the fact that it is neither an aliquot part of the lunar month nor of the year. The seven days that our CREATOR worked to refashion the earth are referred to as the “creation week” because it is a group of seven days [22] as the next verses explains:
Genesis 1:31-2:3. Then CREATOR saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day CREATOR ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then CREATOR blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which CREATOR had created and made.

In the Hebrew calendar, the days of the week are numbered but are not named. The exception is that the CREATOR calls the seventh day Shabbot or the Sabbath.

The seven-day week is not based on any celestial movement at all but was established by the Mighty One of Israel in the Garden of Eden. First, He defined a day as a block of time beginning each evening. He established the beginning and ending of a day at evening so that a day includes a period of darkness and a period of light. We thus see that a day encompasses the time from evening to evening noting that the day also includes the morning. He also established a week consisting of a period of seven days of which the first six days are workdays. The Seventh Day, which the CREATOR calls the Sabbath, is set-apart as a day of rest and a day to worship our loving SOVEREIGN. Because the Mighty One purified the Seventh Day and rested on it, He set the example for us to remember to do so as well.

Month: The English word “month” comes from the Hebrew word “chodesh.” It refers to the moon and means, “to be new, to rebuild, or renew: by implication a month.” A month is the time it takes the moon to make one complete revolution around the earth which is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.841 seconds. Thus, an observational calendar month will vary from 29 to 30 days and usually alternates from one to the other. The first month of the Hebrew calendar is the month of Abib. The English word “Abib” comes from the Hebrew word [23] “`abiyb” and means “the moon of the green barley.” The Hebrew word [24] “chodesh” means “new moon.” The reason is that ETERNAL wants every month to start with “a new moon.” So, it is allowable to translate Exodus 12:2 into English in two possible ways: first is quoted from the KJV which is identical to the JPS translation of the referenced verse, and second is quoted from the AV and it shows the actual meaning of the Hebrew..

  1. Exodus 12:1-2. (KJV) And ETERNAL spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, "This MONTH shall be unto you the beginning of MONTHS: it shall be the FIRST MONTH of the year to you."


  2. Exodus 12:2. (AV) This NEW MOON shall be unto you the beginning of NEW MOONS (or months): it shall be the FIRST NEW MOON of the year to you.
To sum that up: a month is only a month BECAUSE it starts on the New Moon, but the new Full Moon is the beginning of the month

Year: The English word “year” comes from the Hebrew word [25] “shaneh,” which is a year (as a revolution of time). A year is the time it takes for the earth to make one revolution around the sun which is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46.069 seconds. A year of the Hebrew Calendar can have either 12 or 13 months.

Turn of the Year: This is the Scriptural phrase for the passing of both equinoxes for a given year. (The NKJV says “the year’s end.”) The Hebrew words are “shaneh and tequwphah.” To get an overall feel for the Festival Days in light of the grain harvests, note this next passage:
Exodus 34:22-23. And you shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.

The Tanakh[26] uses the words, “turn of the year.” In English “year’s end” and “turn of the year” come from two Hebrew words; “shaneh”[27] means “the course (or the changing) of the season” and “tequwphah”[28] means “after the courses of a year.” Taken together they mean, “the turn of the year.” The seasons change at the equinoxes. An equinox is not visible per se, but it can be observed after it has passed. “The largest Full Moon of the year [The Harvest Moon] is the first Full Moon after the autumn equinox. The smallest Full Moon of the year is the first Full Moon after the spring equinox.”[29]

Note however, that the first day of the year is determined by the Full Moon in combination with the GREENNESS OF THE BARLEY AND IS NOT based upon the equinox or any season.

Set Times and Seasons

Set Times and Seasons are generally taken to mean the seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter; but specifically it is the Scriptural phrase for the beginning of days, years, and Feast Festivals. The Hebrew word for that is “mow’ed.” Beginning in Genesis, set times and seasons are used to separate darkness from daylight. The sun and moon both work together to determine days and seasons. We will begin with the following scripture:
Genesis 1:14 Tanakh. Then CREATOR said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs [‘owth] for the set times [mow’ed] – the days and the years; and they shall serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth,’ and it was so.”

The English word “signs” comes from the Hebrew word [30] “‘owth” (oth) and means “to come or assent in the sense of appearing; a signal as a flag, or beacon.”

The English words “set times” come from the Hebrew word [31] “mow’ed” which comes from two root words #H2 and #H3259. Number #H2 is “ab” (Chaldean ab) corresponding to #H1 “`ab” which is a primary word; Father. #H3259 is “ya´ad” (yaw-ad´) which is a primary root; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); to summon (to trial), to engage (for marriage).”

Mow´ed has several has several meanings:

  1. a) A fixed time or an appointment as in: “A Festival Day is a fixed appointment with ETERNAL.”
    b) A space of time as in: “We are summoned, as to a court, to keep the specified times with the Mighty One.”
  2. An assembly or congregation with emphasis on a meeting for an appointed time with the SOVEREIGN of the cosmos. The moon was appointed to determine the Festival Days as the next scriptures show:
    Psalm 104:19. He [the Father] appointed the moon for seasons [mow’ed]; the sun knows its going down.

    Leviticus 23:4. These are the feasts of ETERNAL, holy [set apart] convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times [mow’ed].

    Leviticus 23:4 (KJV).  These are the feasts of ETERNAL, holy [set apart] convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons [mow’ed].


The Hebrew word “mow’ed” is translated in the Tanakh as “set time,” in the KJV as “seasons,” and in the NKJV as “appointed times.” All renderings come from the same Hebrew word “mow´ed.” Note that none of the meanings of “mow´ed” even indicate a phase of the moon much less indicate which phase it is.
The question will arise as to which phase of the moon is the “Father concerned with” as compared to the other phases? The word also means a set time, assembly location, or a troop as in the next examples:

  1. Genesis 18:14. Is anything too hard for ETERNAL? At the appointed time [mow’ed] I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
  2. Leviticus 8:3. ...and gather all the congregation [mow’ed] together at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.
  3. Chronicles 8:12-13. Then Solomon offered burnt offerings to ETERNAL; ...for the Sabbaths, the New Moons, and the three appointed [mow’ed] yearly feasts; the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles.

The “set times” or “seasons” are primarily the Festival Days. Of the 240 times that “mow’ed” is used in Scripture, the vast majority of times it is translated as “congregation” referring to Israel.

Moon: The English word “moon” comes from the Hebrew word [32] “yareach” and means “a lunation, or moon i.e. month.”

The moon goes through a change from a Full Moon to adark moon and then back to a Full Moon. The total shining surface of a FullMoon decreases until the surface is black and has become a dark moon or anon-moon. The shining surface increases back to the total area shining again asthe Full Moon. This cycle takes approximately 29 1/2 days. The decreasingportion of the cycle is called “waning,” and the increasing portionis called “waxing.” The illustration of Figure Onedemonstrates the cycle of the moon in March 1999 gives a perfect example ofthis by having two Full Moons in onemonth.[33]


Fig 1. --   Waning and Waxing Moon --   The Full New Moon appears on the first day of the month. Notice how the moon wanes and grows dark until the 16th, the time of the old dark moon. Then the moon begins its slow journey back to a New Full Moon, which appears again in full face on the 31st going through a complete cycle of approximately 29 and 1/2 days. On the Scriptural, Observational, Hebrew Calendar the 3lst of March would actually be the first day of the second month.


The English word “moon” in the above Scripture comes from the Hebrew word “yareach” which means “TO BE YELLOW.”[34]

The real debate around which the calendar issue revolves is the various opinions regarding which phase of the moon actually begins the New Month. Without this vital starting point, one cannot accurately know with any certainty when the Festival Days will occur.

New Month: This is the Scriptural phrase for the first day of the new month. Note: there is no reference to which phase the moon is the first day of the month. The Hebrew word used is “chodesh.” Notice the wordings in the following two scriptures:
Exodus 19:1. In the third month [#H2320 chodesh], when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai.

1 Samuel 20:5. And David said to Jonathan,“Indeed tomorrow is the New Moon [#H2320 chodesh], and I should not fail to sit with the king to eat. But let me go, that I may hide in the field until the third day at evening.”

Both of these English words, “month” and “new moon” come from the single Hebrew word[35] “chodesh,” which means: “a lunar month beginning at the new moon.” Notice there is no mention of which phase of the moon occurs at the beginning of the month. Also, neither Strong’s nor Gesenius’ indicate which phase of the moon begins the new month: “chodesh: the new moon; by implication a month, new rebuilt moon.”

As stated previously, we all have grown up using the Gregorian calendar which IS BASED ON THE EGYPTIAN CALENDAR of antiquity. The pagan Egyptians used the crescent or dark of the moon to be the new moon. Just look at any calendar today and the dark of the moon is called the new moon. Is that what The Mighty One says the New Moon is?

We MUST look to the Hebrew Scriptures to determine which phase of the moon is really the new moon. We MUST see what our CREATOR says and base our understanding on that information.

Remember that ETERNAL’s main purpose indisclosing His Scriptural Hebrew calendar was to enable His worshippers to identify and keep their spiritual appointments with Him on the SET DAYS OF HISCHOOSING. If ETERNAL gave specific days for worship, then He must also have given a means for determining those days.



So when Does a New Month Begin?


































Resposta  Mensagem 36 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2011 15:28

Resposta  Mensagem 37 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2011 15:29
Tiempos y estaciones Set Times and Seasons are generally taken to mean the seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter; but specifically it is the Scriptural phrase for the beginning of days, years, and Feast Festivals. Tiempos y estaciones del año son por lo general se entiende las estaciones de primavera, verano, otoño e invierno, pero en concreto es la frase bíblica para el comienzo de días, años, y los Festivales Fiesta. The Hebrew word for that is “mow'ed.” Beginning in Genesis, set times and seasons are used to separate darkness from daylight. La palabra hebrea para que se "mow'ed." A partir de Génesis, tiempos y las estaciones se utilizan para separar las tinieblas de la luz del día. The sun and moon both work together to determine days and seasons. El sol y la luna ambos trabajan juntos para determinar los días y las estaciones. We will begin with the following scripture: Vamos a comenzar con la siguiente escritura:
Genesis 1:14 Tanakh. Then CREATOR said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs ['owth] for the set times [mow'ed] – the days and the years; and they shall serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth,' and it was so.” . Génesis 1:14 Entonces Tanakh Creador dijo, "Haya lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para separar el día de la noche, sino que se sirven como señales ['owth] para los tiempos de ajuste [mow'ed] - el día y la años, y que servirá como lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para brillar sobre la tierra, y fue así ".

The English word “signs” comes from the Hebrew word [30] “'owth” (oth) and means “to come or assent in the sense of appearing; a signal as a flag, or beacon.” La palabra Inglés "signos" viene de la palabra hebrea [30] "'owth" (OTH) y significa "venir o asentimiento, en el sentido de aparecer;. una señal como una bandera, o un faro"

The English words “set times” come from the Hebrew word [31] “mow'ed” which comes from two root words #H2 and #H3259. Las palabras en Inglés "los tiempos del sistema" viene de la palabra hebrea [31] "mow'ed", que viene de dos palabras root # # H2 y H3259. Number #H2 is “ab” (Chaldean ab) corresponding to #H1 “`ab” which is a primary word; Father. Número # H2 es "ab" (caldeos ab) correspondiente a # H1 "` ab ", que es una palabra primordial, el Padre. #H3259 is “ya´ad” (yaw-ad´) which is a primary root; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); to summon (to trial), to engage (for marriage).” # H3259 es "ya'ad" (guiñada-anuncio '), que es una raíz principal, para fijarse en (por acuerdo o por nombramiento), para convocar (a juicio), se comprometen a (el matrimonio) ".

Mow´ed has several has several meanings: Mow'ed tiene varios tiene varios significados:

  1. a) A fixed time or an appointment as in: “A Festival Day is a fixed appointment with ETERNAL.” a) Una hora fija o una cita, como en: "un día de fiesta es una cita fija con ETERNA."
    b) A space of time as in: “We are summoned, as to a court, to keep the specified times with the Mighty One.” b) Un espacio de tiempo, como en: "Estamos llamados, como a un tribunal, para que el tiempo especificado con el Poderoso".
  2. An assembly or congregation with emphasis on a meeting for an appointed time with the SOVEREIGN of the cosmos. Una asamblea o congregación, con énfasis en una reunión por un tiempo con el soberano del cosmos. The moon was appointed to determine the Festival Days as the next scriptures show: La luna fue designado para determinar los días festivos como las escrituras siguiente muestra:
    Psalm 104:19. He [the Father] appointed the moon for seasons [mow'ed]; the sun knows its going down. Salmo 104:19 Él [el Padre] nombrado luna para los tiempos [mow'ed];. El sol conoce su ocaso.

    Leviticus 23:4. These are the feasts of ETERNAL, holy [set apart] convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times [mow'ed]. Levítico 23:4. Éstas son las fiestas del Eterno, santo [aparte] convocatorias que proclamará a su tiempo señalado [mow'ed].

    Leviticus 23:4 (KJV). Levítico 23:4 (RV).  These are the feasts of ETERNAL, holy [set apart] convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons [mow'ed]. Estas son las fiestas del Eterno, santo [aparte] convocatorias, las cuales proclamaréis a su tiempo [mow'ed].


The Hebrew word “mow'ed” is translated in the Tanakh as “set time,” in the KJV as “seasons,” and in the NKJV as “appointed times.” All renderings come from the same Hebrew word “mow´ed.” Note that none of the meanings of “mow´ed” even indicate a phase of the moon much less indicate which phase it is. La palabra hebrea "mow'ed" se traduce en el Tanaj como "tiempo" en la KJV como "estaciones", y en la RV como "los tiempos señalados." Todas las versiones vienen de la misma palabra hebrea "mow'ed. "Tenga en cuenta que ninguno de los significados de" mow'ed "aún indican una fase de la luna y mucho menos indicar en qué fase está.
The question will arise as to which phase of the moon is the “Father concerned with” as compared to the other phases? Se planteará la cuestión en cuanto a qué fase de la luna es el "padre preocupado por" en comparación con las otras fases? The word also means a set time, assembly location, or a troop as in the next examples: La palabra también significa un tiempo determinado, la ubicación de montaje, o una tropa como en los ejemplos siguientes:

  1. Genesis 18:14. Is anything too hard for ETERNAL? Génesis 18:14. ¿Hay algo demasiado difícil para ETERNA? At the appointed time [mow'ed] I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. A la hora señalada [mow'ed] me volveré a vosotros, de acuerdo con el momento de la vida, Sara tendrá un hijo.
  2. Leviticus 8:3. ...and gather all the congregation [mow'ed] together at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. Levítico 08:03. ... Y reunir toda la congregación [mow'ed] junto a la puerta del tabernáculo de reunión.
  3. Chronicles 8:12-13. Then Solomon offered burnt offerings to ETERNAL; ...for the Sabbaths, the New Moons, and the three appointed [mow'ed] yearly feasts; the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Crónicas 8:12-13 Entonces ofreció Salomón holocaustos a lo eterno;. ... De los Sábados, las Lunas Nuevas y las tres fiestas solemnes [mow'ed] al año, la Fiesta de los Panes sin Levadura, la Fiesta de las Semanas, y la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos.

The “set times” or “seasons” are primarily the Festival Days. "Los tiempos establecidos" o "estaciones" son sobre todo los días del festival. Of the 240 times that “mow'ed” is used in Scripture, the vast majority of times it is translated as “congregation” referring to Israel. De las 240 veces que "mow'ed" se usa en la Escritura, la gran mayoría de las veces se traduce como "congregación", refiriéndose a Israel.

Moon: The English word “moon” comes from the Hebrew word [32] “yareach” and means “a lunation, or moon ie month.” Luna: La palabra Inglés "luna" viene de la palabra hebrea [32] "yareach" y significa "una lunación o mes lunar, es decir."

The moon goes through a change from a Full Moon to adark moon and then back to a Full Moon. La Luna pasa por un cambio de una luna llena a luna adark y luego de regreso a la Luna Llena. The total shining surface of a FullMoon decreases until the surface is black and has become a dark moon or anon-moon. La superficie total de una brillante luna llena disminuye hasta que la superficie es de color negro y se ha convertido en una luna oscura o anon luna. The shining surface increases back to the total area shining again asthe Full Moon. La brillante superficie aumenta de nuevo a la superficie total de luna llena brillando de nuevo asthe. This cycle takes approximately 29 1/2 days. Este ciclo dura aproximadamente 29 1 / 2 días. The decreasingportion of the cycle is called “waning,” and the increasing portionis called “waxing.” The illustration of Figure One demonstrates the cycle of the moon in March 1999 gives a perfect example ofthis by having two Full Moons in onemonth. [33] El decreasingportion del ciclo se llama "menguante", y el aumento de portionis llamada "cera". La ilustración de la figura se demuestra el ciclo de la luna 03 1999 da un ejemplo perfecto ofthis por tener dos lunas llenas en un mes. [33]


Fig 1. Fig. 1. -- Waning and Waxing Moon -- The Full New Moon appears on the first day of the month. Notice how the moon wanes and grows dark until the 16th, the time of the old dark moon. Then the moon begins its slow journey back to a New Full Moon, which appears again in full face on the 31st going through a complete cycle of approximately 29 and 1/2 days. On the Scriptural, Observational, Hebrew Calendar the 3lst of March would actually be the first day of the second month.


The English word “moon” in the above Scripture comes from the Hebrew word “yareach” which means “ TO BE YELLOW .” [34]

The real debate around which the calendar issue revolves is the various opinions regarding which phase of the moon actually begins the New Month. Without this vital starting point, one cannot accurately know with any certainty when the Festival Days will occur.

New Month: This is the Scriptural phrase for the first day of the new month. Note: there is no reference to which phase the moon is the first day of the month. The Hebrew word used is “chodesh.” Notice the wordings in the following two scriptures:
Exodus 19:1. In the third month [#H2320 chodesh], when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai.

1 Samuel 20:5. And David said to Jonathan,“Indeed tomorrow is the New Moon [#H2320 chodesh], and I should not fail to sit with the king to eat. 1 Samuel 20:05. Y David respondió a Jonatán: "He aquí que mañana será nueva luna [# H2320 jodesh], y yo no acostumbro sentarme con el rey para comer. But let me go, that I may hide in the field until the third day at evening.” Pero me dejó ir, que me esconda en el campo hasta la tarde del tercer día. "

Both of these English words, “month” and “new moon” come from the single Hebrew word [35] “chodesh,” which means: “a lunar month beginning at the new moon.” Notice there is no mention of which phase of the moon occurs at the beginning of the month. Ambas palabras en Inglés, "mes" y "Luna Nueva" proceden de la sola palabra hebrea [35] "Jodesh", que significa: ". uno a partir del mes lunar en la luna nueva" Note que no hay mención de que la fase de la luna se produce al comienzo del mes. Also, neither Strong’s nor Gesenius' indicate which phase of the moon begins the new month: “chodesh: the new moon; by implication a month, new rebuilt moon.” Además, no es ni fuerte "Gesenius indicar qué fase de la luna comienza el nuevo mes:" jodesh: la luna nueva, por implicación, un mes, el nuevo reconstruido la luna. "

As stated previously, we all have grown up using the Gregorian calendar which IS BASED ON THE EGYPTIAN CALENDAR of antiquity. Como se mencionó anteriormente, todos han crecido utilizando el calendario gregoriano que se basa en el calendario egipcio de la antigüedad. The pagan Egyptians used the crescent or dark of the moon to be the new moon. Los egipcios paganos utilizar la media luna o la oscuridad de la luna a la luna nueva. Just look at any calendar today and the dark of the moon is called the new moon. Basta con mirar a cualquier calendario de hoy y la oscuridad de la luna se llama la luna nueva. Is that what The Mighty One says the New Moon is? Es que lo que el Poderoso dice que la Luna Nueva es?

We MUST look to the Hebrew Scriptures to determine which phase of the moon is really the new moon. Debemos mirar a las Escrituras hebreas para determinar en qué fase de la luna es en realidad la luna nueva. We MUST see what our CREATOR says and base our understanding on that information. Tenemos que ver lo que nuestro Creador dice y la base de nuestra comprensión de esa información.

Remember that ETERNAL's main purpose indisclosing His Scriptural Hebrew calendar was to enable His worshippers to identify and keep their spiritual appointments with Him on the SET DAYS OF HISCHOOSING. Recuerde que el propósito principal de Eternal indisclosing Su calendario hebreo bíblico era permitir a sus fieles para identificar y mantener sus citas espiritual con El en los días CONJUNTO DE HISCHOOSING. If ETERNAL gave specific days for worship, then He must also have given a means for determining those days. Si Eterno dio días específicos para la adoración, entonces él también tiene que haber dado un medio para determinar los días.




















Resposta  Mensagem 38 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2011 15:31
Por eso, cuando hace un mes nuevo comienzo? This section is quoted from “Biblical Calendar Basics” by Norm Edwards. En esta sección se cita de "Fundamentos de calendario bíblico" por la Norma Edwards.

“Every one agrees that a month should begin on a New Moon. "Todo el mundo está de acuerdo en que un mes se agregará en Luna Nueva. However, when is the new moon? Jewish TRADITION as well as Islamic tradition says the month begins when the first crescent after the dark moon appears in the sky. Sin embargo, cuando es la luna nueva? Tradición judía, así como la tradición islámica dice que el mes comienza cuando el primer creciente después de la luna oscura aparece en el cielo. Others say the new month should begin as soon as you cannot see the moon. Otros dicen que el nuevo mes debe comenzar tan pronto como usted no puede ver la luna. Still others have said the crescent moon is an object of pagan worship and the month should start at the calculated period when the moon is dark. Y otros han dicho que la luna es un objeto de culto pagano y el mes debería comenzar en el período calculado cuando la luna está oscura. Finally, some believe the month should start with the Full Moon. Por último, algunos creen que el mes debe comenzar con la luna llena.

“There is no Scriptural command saying, “You shall start your month this way.” So, what indicators do we have for us to uncover the truth? "No hay un comando Escritura diciendo:" Usted se iniciará el mes de esta manera. "Entonces, ¿qué indicadores tenemos para nosotros para descubrir la verdad? Numbers 10:10 tells us: Números 10:10 nos dice:
“Numbers 10:10. Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a memorial for you before your Gd: I am the L-rd your Gd. . "Números 10:10 Y en el día de vuestra alegría, en vuestras solemnidades, y en el comienzo de vuestros meses, tocaréis las trompetas sobre vuestros holocaustos y sobre los sacrificios de vuestras ofrendas de paz, y que será un en memoria de que antes de su Dios: Yo soy el Señor tu Dios.

“This shows that a trumpet was to be blown at 'the beginning of months.' "Esto demuestra que una trompeta iba a ser quemado en el 'principio de los meses." The Hebrew for 'beginning' in this verse is' roshe' which is usually translated 'head' or'top.' What is the top of the month? La palabra hebrea para "principio" en este versículo es "roshe", que se suele traducir "cabeza" or'top. "¿Cuál es la parte superior de cada mes? WE HAVE BEEN CONDITIONED TO THINK [that the top of the month] is when the moon begins to first show-- we say that the moon “waxes” or “wanes” (grows biggerthen smaller). On the other hand, would it not also make sense to say that the full [moon] is the 'top' or 'head' because that is when the moon is the largest? It all depends on what you are used to and what you want to believe. HEMOS sido condicionados para pensar [que la parte superior del mes] es cuando la luna comienza a mostrar primero - nos dicen que la luna "ceras" o "se desvanece" (crece biggerthen más pequeños) Por otro lado, ¿no es así. También tiene sentido decir que la totalidad de [la luna] es el 'top' o 'cabeza', ya que es cuando la luna es más grande? Todo depende de lo que están acostumbrados y lo que queremos creer.

LUNA Psalm 81 so plainly states the Full Moon is the New Moon. El Salmo 81 dice claramente que la Luna llena es la Luna Nueva.


“Psalm 81:3 addresses the subject directly , but its exact meaning is in dispute. "Salmo 81:3 aborda el tema directamente, pero su significado exacto es objeto de controversia. “The KJV completely dodges the issue of the New Moon being the Full Moon as follows: "La KJV esquiva por completo la cuestión de la Luna Nueva es la Luna Llena de la siguiente manera:
Psalm 81:3 KJV. Blow up the trumpet in the newmoon, in the time appointed ['keceh'], on our solemn feast day. Salmo 81:3 KJV. Tocad la trompeta en el newmoon, en la hora señalada ['keceh'], el día de nuestra fiesta solemne.

“The NKJV is much more accurate here: "La NVI es mucho más preciso aquí:
Psalm 81:3 NKJV . Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon , at the Full Moon ['keceh'], on our solemn feast day.” Salmo 81:3 NVI. Toquen la trompeta en el momento de la Luna Nueva, en la Luna Llena ['keceh'], que es nuestra fiesta solemne. "

[The New English Bible [36] [La Nueva Biblia Inglés [36] correctly states: señala correctamente:
Psalm 81:3-4 NEB. Blow the horn for the new month , for the Full Moon {'keceh'} on the day of our pilgrim-feast. Salmo 81:3-4 NEB. Sopla el cuerno para el nuevo mes, para la luna llena {'keceh'} en el día de nuestra peregrinación fiesta. This is a law for Israel, an ordinance from the Mighty One of Jacob.] Esta es una ley para Israel, una ordenanza del Fuerte de Jacob.]

“The Hebrew word 'keceh' definitely means 'Full Moon' [37] as translated above. "'Keceh" La palabra hebrea que definitivamente significa "Full Moon" [37] por encima de lo traducido. The Tanakh (1985 Jewish translation) says: El Tanaj (1985 traducción judía) dice:
Psalm 81:3 Tanakh. Blow the horn on the New Moon, on the Full Moon for our feast day. Salmo 81:3 Tanakh. Sopla el cuerno en la Luna Nueva, en la Luna Llena de nuestra fiesta.

If we read this verse literally ,* it is saying that the New Moon and the Full Moon are the same moon. [38] There is no “and” in the Hebrew to imply these are separate events. "Si se lee este versículo literalmente, * es decir que la Luna Nueva y la Luna Llena es la misma luna. [38] No hay "y" en el hebreo para entender estos son eventos separados. When things are stated without a connector in Hebrew, the implication is that they are equivalent. Cuando las cosas se presentan sin un conector en hebreo, la implicación es que son equivalentes. Hence, we see the Scriptural basis for those who begin new months when the moon is full. Por lo tanto, podemos ver la base bíblica para los que empiezan mes nuevo, cuando la luna está llena.
* Ed Note : How else other than literally, pray tell, do you read Scripture? * Nota del Editor: ¿De qué otra que no sea literalmente, dígame por favor, que leen las Escrituras? What it says is what it says. Lo que dice es lo que dice. I think ETERNAL is smart enough to inspire what it means. Creo que eterno es lo suficientemente inteligente como para inspirar a lo que significa.

“Our first human reaction to this might be, “that's impossible!” The Full Moon occurs at the 15th of the month, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and of Unleavened Bread. "Nuestra primera reacción humana a este podría ser," eso es imposible! "La Luna Llena se produce en el 15 del mes, el primer día de la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos y los panes sin levadura. But the question is this: “DO WE FOLLOW WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAY, OR DO WE FOLLOW JEWISH TRADITION? Pero la pregunta es la siguiente: "DO seguimos lo que dice la Escritura, o debemos seguir la tradición judía? [39] " [39]


The author closes that part of his article with a very pertinent question that is the absolute crux of the entire calendar problem : “DO WE FOLLOW WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAY, OR DO WE FOLLOW JEWISH TRADITION?” To follow any human tradition is to nullify Scripture by using man's tradition and obeying some man or men rather that the SOVEREIGN, the ETERNAL CREATOR of the cosmos and that is a total abomination to Him. El autor cierra esa parte de su artículo con una pregunta muy pertinente que es el eje absoluto del problema calendario completo: "¿QUE HACEMOS CON TODO LO dice la Escritura, o debemos seguir la tradición judía" Para seguir las tradiciones de los hombres es anular la Escritura mediante el uso de la tradición del hombre y la obediencia a algún hombre o los hombres en lugar de que el soberano, el Creador eterno del cosmos y que es una abominación total a él. In addition, it does not matter which man or group of men you follow. Además, no importa que el hombre o grupo de hombres que siguen. It could be the Pope, the Rabbis, or some preacher and if they tell you different than plain Scriptural statements that is a big, big sin. Podría ser el Papa, los rabinos, o predicador algunos y si te dicen distinto plano las declaraciones bíblicas de que es un pecado grande, grande.

In regards to a simular situation, Winston Churchill once said, “Once in everyone's life they will stumble over the truth, but most will get up brush themselves off and hurry on their way.” The author of the above section has done just that. En lo que respecta a una situación simular, Winston Churchill dijo una vez: "Una vez en la vida de todos ellos se tropieza con la verdad, pero la mayoría se levantará se cepille y la prisa en su camino." El autor de la sección anterior se ha hecho precisamente eso. He fully and correctly explains Psalms 81:3 in stating that the Full Moon is the first day of the month; then in the remaining portion of his article, he covers the “traditional” explanation and ends it with this statement: “Do not criticize anyone else's calendar.” However, Questing for ETERNAL's truth is not criticizing anyone unless they refuse to believe what the Hebrew Scriptures plainly state. Él plena y correctamente Salmos 81:3 explica al afirmar que la Luna Llena es el primer día del mes, y luego en la parte restante de su artículo, que cubre el "tradicional" de explicación y termina con esta declaración: "No critiques cualquier otra persona natural. "Sin embargo, Questing la verdad eterna no es criticar a nadie, a menos que se niegan a creer lo que las Escrituras Hebreas claramente el estado.

For the Fall Feast Days ETERNAL set the Harvest Moon as the brightest Full Moon of the year. Para las Jornadas de Otoño fiesta eterna establecer el Harvest Moon como el más brillante Luna llena del año. In the Hebrew calendar, it occurs at the first of the month. Only an all-wise Creator would think to put the big Harvest Moon as the first moon of the fall harvest. This would give the farmers extra light after sunset to garner all the crops before the Fall Festival Days begin. En el calendario hebreo, que se produce en el primer día del mes. Sólo un Creador inteligente se le ocurriría poner la luna de la cosecha grande como la primera luna de la cosecha de otoño. Esto daría a los agricultores más luz después de la puesta a reunir todos los cultivos antes de las Jornadas de Otoño Festival de comenzar. If the full Moon occurred in the middle of the month, the harvest would be over and extra moonlight would not be of any help during the harvest. Si la Luna llena se produjo en la mitad del mes, la cosecha sería más claro de luna y de más no sería de ninguna ayuda durante la cosecha. Have you seen a Harvest Moon? The bright yellow, big full Harvest Moon is a sign for all creation that the CREATOR is in charge of time and seasons! ¿Has visto una luna de la cosecha? La brillante Luna amarilla, gran cosecha total es un signo para toda la creación que el Creador está a cargo del tiempo y las estaciones!

The Full Moon La Luna Llena

“The Full Moon when it is visible as a fully illuminated disk or the period of the month when such a moon occurs.” [40] The visible Full Moon occurs at a specific time when the moon is rising [41] in the east as the sun is setting, or has just set, in the west. It is at this precise point that the moon is “fullest.” At this point, the moon is truly full even-though it has already looked full for a couple of days and will continue to look full for a couple more days. Notice in the illustration of Figure 2 and in the two verses below that both the sun and moon are used together to determine the new moon:
Luna llena
Fig. Fig. 2 - The visible Full Moon occurs the specific time that the moon is rising in the east and the sun is setting in the west. It is at this point that the moon is "truly full," even though it has already looked full for a couple of days and will continue to look full for a couple of more days.


Genesis 1:14. Then CREATOR said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons , and for days and years.”

Psalm 104:19 (NEB). Thou hast made the moon to measure the year and taught the sun where to set.

Significance of Abib Significado de Abib

While the Jews were in Babylonian captivity, they adopted the calendar used by their captors – a calendar derived from the ancient calendar of pagan Egypt. This meant that the new moon was the crescent moon and was now calculated with mathematical formulas based on astrology. The names of the months have also been changed from the names/numbers given by ETERNAL to the names of Babylonian pagan g-ds. For example, they changed the name of the first month from Abib to “Nisan.” By making this change, they lost the key to the true beginning of the year as revealed to Moses by our CREATOR.

Remember the English word “Abib” means “young, verdant, green barley?” This word is used to describe a time of year in the spring when barley is young green and verdant, so that the field appears green. Notice the instructions ETERNAL gave to Moses:
Exodus 34:18. The Feast of Unleavened Bread you shall keep. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, in the appointed time of the month of Abib; for in the month of Abib you came out from Egypt.

Using the true meaning of the Hebrew words, this verse should translate something like this: Usando el verdadero significado de las palabras en hebreo, este versículo debería traducirse algo como esto:
Exodus 34:18. You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Éxodo 34:18. Se deberá observar la Fiesta de los Panes sin Levadura. You shall observe the days of unleavened bread by eating unleavened bread for seven days. Que deberán observar los días de panes sin levadura, por comer pan sin levadura durante siete días. You will do this at the (mow'ed) appointed time as I have Commanded you in the (chodesh) new moon which is the Full Moon that begins at Abib. This is the month the barley is young, green, verdant, and has just appeared as (or just like) when you came out from Egypt.

These instructions to Moses are not complicated at all. A small child can observe when the barley is green. That same child can then tell you when a setting sun in the west accompanies the next Full Moon in the east. He could then count fourteen days until the Night of Protection (Passover).

If a small child can determine the beginning of the year by observing the barley plants and the moon and sunset, why do we, in the twenty-first century, need complicated mathematical formulas? Our CREATOR gave us all that we need to determine the beginning of the month and the beginning of the year. He gave us the sun, the moon, the young barley plants, our eyes, and a logical mind.

Mankind monkeying with the calendar is the reason the whole calendar system is now so convoluted, when in fact, ETERNAL has designed a perfectly simple, accurate system. Notice the following verse:
Exodus 12:1-2. Now ETERNAL spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month shall be your beginning of months ; it shall be the first month of the year to you.

The determination of the Full New Moon, the first day of the year, and of each month is crucial for accurately observing all of the Festival Days as required by ETERNAL. If the beginning of the year were observed on the wrong day, then all of the Festival Days that follow would also be observed on the wrong days and would give cause for ETERNAL to state: “I hate your Feast Days.”

The actual time event of the Full Moon occurs the moment the center of the moon intersects a straight line through the centers of the sun and the earth. At this instant, the moon is new and at its fullest and this moment in time is called the Full Moon event. Thus, the moon begins a new journey around the earth which will take exactly 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.841 seconds for the next specific Full Moon even

























Resposta  Mensagem 39 de 99 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/09/2011 15:35

Calculating a Full Moon Sighting in Jerusalem [42]

At the instant of a Full Moon event (see Figure 2 above), a Full Moon will be visible somewhere on earth but not in locations that are experiencing daylight. For example, if it were daylight in Jerusalem at the exact time of the Full Moon event, the Full Moon would not be visible there until sunset.

If a person were in Jerusalem, they could observe which day the Full Moon occurred. They would see the Full Moon rise in the east as the sun sets in the west or observe it shortly after sunset. Thus, they would make an actual visual Full-Moon sighting. Nevertheless, what if you were not in Jerusalem to actually see the Full Moon, could you determine when it occurred? The answer is: “yes you could.”

Since the Gregorian calendar begins at midnight and the observational Hebrew calendar begins at sunset and Full Moon events are given in Gregorian time, a determination must be made to determine which day of the Hebrew calendar the brightest Full Moon event would be visible on.

Now it is possible to calculate the time of the Full Moon visual sighting in Jerusalem without actually being there. The calculation is done using statistics from one of the astronomy observatories. All that is needed is the time of the Full Moon event, the time of sunset in Jerusalem for the day of the event, and the time of sunset for the day following the event. The calculations required are quite simple:

First: Determine the midpoint in time between the sunset of the day of the Full Moon event and sunset of the following day. For example, if the sunset is at 6:03 pm on the day of the Full Moon event and at 6:04 pm on the following day, then the midpoint would be at 6:03:30 rounded to 6:04 am of the morning of the Full Moon event.

Second: Compare the time of the Full Moon event with the calculated midpoint. En segundo lugar: Compare el tiempo del evento de Luna Llena con el punto medio calculado. If the Full Moon event happened before the midpoint, the fullest appearing moon will be seen in Jerusalem on the evening of the Full Moon event. Si el caso de la Luna Llena ocurrió antes del punto medio, la luna más completa que aparece se verá en Jerusalén en la noche del evento de Luna Llena. If the Full Moon event happened after the midpoint, the fullest appearing moon will be seen in Jerusalem after the next sunset on the evening following the Full Moon event. Si el caso de la Luna Llena ocurrió después de que el punto medio, la luna más completa que aparece se verá en Jerusalén después de la próxima puesta de sol en la tarde después del evento de Luna Llena.

For example: The time of the Full Moon event on May 23, 2005 was at 10:39 pm Sunset in Jerusalem for May 23, 2005 was at 6:55 pm and on the 24th was at 6:55 pm Midway between the two sunsets was 6:55 am on May 24. Por ejemplo: La hora de la cita de Luna Llena el 23 de mayo de 2005, fue en 22:39 Puesta de sol en Jerusalén 23 de mayo 2005 fue a las 6:55 pm y el 24 fue a las 6:55 pm Midway entre los dos puestas de sol fue 6:55 am el 24 de mayo. Since the Full Moon event occurred at 10:39 pm which is before the midpoint on May 23rd – then the fullest appearing moon sighting in Jerusalem would be after sunset on May 23rd which would begin the first day of the 5th month. Desde el caso de la Luna Llena se produjo a las 10:39 pm, que es antes de que el punto medio el 23 de mayo - a continuación, la visualización de la luna más completa que aparece en Jerusalén sería la puesta del sol el 23 de mayo que se iniciará el día primero del mes quinto.

In a different example, since the Full Moon event occurred at 7:15 am on February 24 which is after the midpoint on February 24th, then the date of the fullest appearing moon sighting which would occur was after sunset on the February 24th. En un ejemplo diferente, ya que el caso de la Luna Llena se produjo a las 7:15 am el 24 de febrero, que es después de la mitad el 24 de febrero, después de la fecha de la vista de la luna apareciendo máximo que podría ocurrir es después de la puesta en el 24 de febrero.

The Hebrews of Old Los hebreos de la antigüedad

Our patriarchal Hebrew fathers used the Hebrew Calendar from ETERNAL and not the civil calendar of pagan Egypt or Babylon. Consider the period from Noah and Shem until the death of Joseph in Egypt. Shem, Eber, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would have used the same calendar our CREATOR had to re-give to Moses in his time. The sons of Jacob would have also used the Hebrew calendar in Egypt. Then, following the death of Joseph, the children of Israel strayed into the customs of the Egyptians round about them – not having a Hebrew leader to keep them focused on ETERNAL and His Way. They eventually adopted both the pagan religion of Egypt along with their pagan calendar. Ask yourself this question. Hágase esta pregunta. Why would ETERNAL have to re-give Moses a calendar for the children of Israel if they were still using the right one?

You might be wondering, which calendar the Hebrew Patriarchs used?. There are many examples, but only one is given below:
Genesis 7:11. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life , in the SECOND MONTH, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF THE MONTH , on that day [43] all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

In the Hebrew calendar, the months and years are numbered, but the year is given as the year of some person's life. If a month is named, it is one of the four known Hebrew names: Abib, the first month (Exodus 13:4); Zif, the second month (1 Kings 6:1); Ethanim, the seventh month (1 Kings 8:2); and Bul, the eight month (1 Kings 6:38). The original Hebrew names for the other months are apparently unknown.

Although a number generally refers to a month, there are two systems of referring to months in The Hebrew Scriptures . The original system uses Hebrew names or numbers and the second uses Babylonian names acquired when the Jews were in captivity in Babylon as in the following verse:
Esther 7:13. And the letters were sent by couriers into all the King's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar , and to plunder their possessions.

Speaking generally, the Babylonian names for the months are used only in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. The use of Babylonian names for the months in the Talmudic Calendar is part of the proof THAT IT IS NOT the Scriptural Hebrew calendar given to Moses.

Big Yellow Moon

As previously noted, the word “moon” comes from the Hebrew word “yareach” and means, “to be yellow.” The word “yareach” is also translated “month,” as is “chodesh” which is the moon that determines the first of the month.
Exodus 2:2. So the woman conceived and bore a son. And when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she hid him three months [yareachs].

LUNA 1 King 6:37-38. In the fourth year the foundation of the house of ETERNAL was laid, in the month [yareach] of Ziv. And in the eleventh year, in the month [yareach] of Bul, which is the eighth month [chodesh], the house was finished in all its details and according to all its plans. So he was seven years in building it.

The next verse is the beginning of the Mighty One's Commandment concerning The Night of Protection [44] (Passover):
Exodus 12:2-3. This month [chodesh] shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: “On the tenth day of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household.”

The Night of Protection month is called the month of Abib:
Deuteronomy 16:1. Observe the month [chodesh] of Abib , and keep the (Night to be Protected) to ETERNAL CREATOR for in the month of Abib ETERNAL CREATOR brought you out of Egypt by night.

The English word “observe” comes from the Hebrew word [45] “shamar” and means “to protect, to take heed, mark, and to watch.” Its meaning has the essence of watching and waiting for something. In fact, this word is translated “watch” in the following verse:
Psalm 130:6. My soul waits for ETERNAL, more than those who watch [shamar] for the morning; Yes, more than those who watch [shamar] for the morning.

The English word “Abib” comes from the Hebrew word “#H24 and means “to be tender, green.” Notice the word used in Job eighteen:
Job 18:12 (KJV) . Whilst it is yet in his greenness (#H3 Hebreo , and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb.

Both #H3 ('eb Hebreo ) and #H23 (`abiyb Hebreo ) come from an unused root word Hebreo and means “greenness, verdure of an herb.” So, ETERNAL is literally saying:
Psalm 130:6. Watch for the big yellow new moon following the fresh, young green barley and keep/do the Night of Protection to ETERNAL your SOVEREIGN.

Therefore, the first month of ETERNAL's year is the month in which one may find fresh, young barley plants. Thus, by simple observation, ETERNAL's people could have kept up with the seasons according to His Word. They did not need astronomical calculations or astrology to keep His Word. Why? ¿Por qué? Because He had given signs to His people that His new year had begun when they would see the new big yellow moon that follows the growing green barley.

Because both of these events have to occur in sequence, (green barley then the Full Moon) to signal the beginning of a new year, this could mean that some years contained an extra month. This could happen after the twelfth moon if the barley would not be in the green stage because it was too early in the spring. In those years, a thirteen-month [46] would be added.


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