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CALENDARIO HEBREO-SHABBAT LUNAR: ¿Rosh Jodesh es en luna llena o creciente?
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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 04/06/2011 04:38




The Shabbat rest days are counted from the Chodesh (Full/New Moon) - [ Traducir esta página >


The Quest for the Scriptural, Observable, Hebrew Calendar - [ Traducir esta página >

Our patriarchal Hebrew fathers used the Hebrew Calendar from ETERNAL and not the civil calendar of pagan Egypt or Babylon. Consider the period from Noah and ...
www.uhcg.org/Cal-Fl-Moon/cal-article.html - En caché - Similares



66:22, it is understood that the day of Chodesh cannot be in the weekly cycle, but in the monthly cycle to show that the lunar Shabbat observance is true. ...
www.bayithamashiyach.com/Shabbat.html - En caché - Similares

LUNAS LLENAS 2010-2011
Full Moon Events 2010-2011


Ezequiel 8
16 Me condujo luego al atrio interior de la Casa de Yahveh. Y he aquí que a la entrada del santuario de Yahveh, entre el vestíbulo y el altar, había unos veinticinco hombres que, vuelta la espalda al santuario de Yahveh y la cara a oriente, se postraban en dirección a oriente hacia el sol. (El calendario gregoriano o el calendario de Hillel II con sus sabados de saturno consideran luna nueva en luna creciente o en conjunción que nace al occidente y no al oriente. El verdadero shabbat esta regulado por las fases lunares con ROSH HASHANAH el primero de NISSAN o primero del primer mes y "LUNA NUEVA" en luna llena. Estudie el verdadero calendario bíblico en este foro.)
2 Crónicas 29
1 Ezequías tenía veinticinco años cuando comenzó a reinar y reinó veintinueve años en Jerusalén. Su madre se llamaba Abía, hija de Zacarías.
2 Hizo lo recto a los ojos de Yahveh, enteramente como David su padre.
3 En el año primero de su reinado, el primer mes, abrió las puertas de la Casa de Yahveh y las reparó.
4 Hizo venir a los sacerdotes y levitas, los reunió en la plaza oriental,
5 y les dijo: "¡Escuchadme, levitas! Santificaos ahora y santificad la Casa de Yahveh, el Dios de vuestros padres; y sacad fuera del santuario la inmundicia.
6 Porque nuestros padres han sido infieles haciendo lo malo a los ojos de Yahveh, nuestro Dios; le han abandonado, y apartando sus rostros de la Morada de Yahveh, le han vuelto la espalda. (Expresión biblica clara con referencia a que los judios actualmente al ver la luna nueva en luna creciente y no la luna llena que nace al oriente le dan la espalda a IEVE)
17 Comenzaron la consagración el día primero del primer mes, y el día octavo del mes llegaron al Vestíbulo de Yahveh; pasaron ocho días consagrando la Casa de Yahveh y el día dieciséis del mes primero habían acabado. (Verdadero ROSH HASHANA O año nuevo LUNISOLAR EN NISSAN y no en el primero del séptimo mes o Tishri como el actual calendario de Hillel II del rabinismo)

Jeremias 31
35 Así dice Yahveh, el que da el sol para alumbrar el día, y gobierna la luna y las estrellas para alumbrar la noche, el que agita el mar y hace bramar sus olas, cuyo nombre es Yahveh Sebaot.
36 Si fallaren estas normas en mi presencia - oráculo de Yahveh - también la prole de Israel dejaría de ser una nación en mi presencia a perpetuidad.
37 Así dice Yahveh:Si fueren medidos los cielos por arriba, y sondeadas las bases de la tierra por abajo, entonces también yo renegaría de todo el linaje de Israel por todo cuanto hicieron - oráculo de Yahveh -.
33 y me volvieron la espalda, que no la cara. Yo les adoctriné asiduamente, mas ellos no quisieron aprender la lección,(Impresionante nexo con EZEQUIEL 8 confirmando SU NEXO LUNAR)
Isaías 1
1 Visión que Isaías, hijo de Amós, vio tocante a Judá y Jerusalén en tiempo de Ozías, Jotam, Ajaz y Ezequías, reyes de Judá.
2 Oíd, cielos, escucha, tierra, que habla Yahveh; "Hijos crié y saqué adelante, y ellos se rebelaron contra mí. (Comparen con Genesis 1:1 "En el principio fueron creados los cielos y la tierra")
3 Conoce el buey a su dueño, y el asno el pesebre de su amo.Israel no conoce, mi pueblo no discierne."
4 ¡Ay, gente pecadora, pueblo tarado de culpa. semilla de malvados, hijos de perdición!Han dejado a Yahveh, han despreciado al Santo de Israel, se han vuelto de espaldas.
5 ¿En dónde golpearos ya, si seguís contumaces?La cabeza toda está enferma, toda entraña doliente.
6 De la planta del pie a la cabeza no hay en él cosa sana: golpes, magulladuras y heridas frescas, ni cerradas, ni vendadas, ni ablandadas con aceite.
7 Vuestra tierra es desolación, vuestras ciudades, hogueras de fuego; vuestro suelo delante de vosotros extranjeros se lo comen, y es una desolación como devastación de extranjeros.
8 Ha quedado la hija de Sión como cobertizo en viña, como albergue en pepinar, como ciudad sitiada.
9 De no habernos dejado Yahveh Sebaot un residuo minúsculo, como Sodoma seríamos, a Gomorra nos pareceríamos.
10 Oíd una palabra de Yahveh, regidores de Sodoma.Escuchad una instrucción de nuestro Dios, pueblo de Gomorra.
11 "¿A mí qué, tanto sacrificio vuestro? - dice Yahveh -.Harto estoy de holocaustos de carneros y de sebo de cebones; y sangre de novillos y machos cabríos no me agrada,
12 cuando venís a presentaros ante mí. ¿Quién ha solicitado de vosotros esa pateadura de mis atrios?
13 No sigáis trayendo oblación vana: el humo del incienso me resulta detestable.Novilunio, sábado, convocatoria: no tolero falsedad y solemnidad.
14 Vuestros novilunios y solemnidades aborrece mi alma: me han resultado un gravamen que me cuesta llevar. (Fijense que aqui dice "vuestros novilunios y solemnidades" y no "mis novilunios y solemnidades". Es obvio que aqui cuando dice "vuestros" se trata de nueva lunas, sabados y fiestas que no estan de acuerdo con la tanaj o el verdadero calendario de Dios que es el lunar)
26 Pero después, indóciles, se rebelaron contra ti, arrojaron tu Ley a sus espaldas, mataron a los profetas que les conjuraban a convertirse a ti; (grandes desprecios te hicieron).

Fijense que siempre aparece "a sus espaldas". ¿sabe porque?

Ezequiel 46
1 Así dice el Señor Yahveh: El pórtico del atrio interior que mira a oriente estará cerrado los seis días laborables. El sábado se le abrirá, así como el día del novilunio;(solo en luna llena se puede verificar el novilunio al oriente)

Las fases de la Luna
Al igual que todos los planetas, la Luna no emite luz propia. La luz que vemos en ella es la que refleja el Sol en su superficie. El hemisferio lunar que mira hacia el Sol está iluminado, mientras la otra mitad permanece a oscuras.

El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:

Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.

Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.

Lean Hebreos 12

18 No os habéis acercado a una realidad sensible: = fuego ardiente, oscuridad, tinieblas, huracán, =
19 = sonido de trompeta = y = a un ruido de palabras = tal, que suplicaron los que lo oyeron no se les hablara más. (El primero del primer mes o el primero de Nissan tambien es una fiesta adonde se toca las Trompetas o la Fiesta de la purificación del santuario. Leer Exodo 40, Ezequiel 45:17, 2 Cronicas 29, Esdras 7, Salmos 81:3,etc,etc)
20 Es que no podían soportar esta orden: = El que toque el monte, aunque sea un animal, será lapidado. =
21 Tan terrible era el espectáculo, que el mismo Moisés dijo: = Espantado estoy = y temblando.
22 Vosotros, en cambio, os habéis acercado al monte Sión, a la ciudad de Dios vivo, la Jerusalén celestial, y a miríadas de ángeles, reunión solemne (El monte Sión tiene fuerte connotación con el reino de Dios mediante Cristo. Fijense que tambien aparecen los angeles. Sabemos que por Genesis 1:1 en el primer día del primer mes tambien fueron creados los angeles o TEMPLO DE DIOS)

23 y asamblea de los primogénitos inscritos en los cielos, y a Dios, juez universal, y a los espíritus de los justos llegados ya a su consumación,
24 y a Jesús, mediador de una nueva Alianza, y a la aspersión purificadora de una sangre que habla mejor que la de Abel.
25 Guardaos de rechazar al que os habla; pues si los que rechazaron al que promulgaba los oráculos desde la tierra no escaparon al castigo, mucho menos nosotros, si volvemos la espalda al que nos habla desde el cielo. (Fijense que en el nuevo Testamento Pablo nos dice que "volvemos la espalda". Ya hemos visto que esta expresión, según el antiguo Testamento, tiene connotación con el cambio de la Luna Nueva de Luna llena a Luna Creciente por los judios. Repito, la luna creciente nace en occidente y en cambio la luna llena nace en Oriente al igual que el sol. Por eso los judios al guardar la LUNA NUEVA EN LUNA CRECIENTE LES ESTAN DANDO LA ESPALDA A IEVE. Observen que esto esta en un contexto al MONTE SION Y A LOS ANGELES, osea que todo el contexto DE HEBREOS 12 APOYA ESTA PREMISA)




AÑO LUNAR 2011-2012



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Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 04:47
"If I shut up the heavens and there is no rain; if I command the locusts to ravage the land; or if I let loose pestilence against My people, when My people, who bear My name, humble themselves, pray, and seek My favor and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear in My heavenly abode and forgive their sins and heal their land."      II Chronicles 7:13-14
Biblical Hebrew Calendar



The Quest for the Scriptural,
Observable, Hebrew Calendar

by Charles J. Voss


The calendar that hangs on the walls in our offices or homes is probally the standard calendard that is used worldwide which is the Gregorian Calendar. It is named after the Catholic Pope, Gregory XIII of the 16th century.   But, have you ever wondered about the calendar that our CREATOR intended when He told Moses: “This month shall your beginnings of months, to you” or in other words you can consider today to be the first day of the first month of the year.

The purpose of this section, on the web site, is to address that very important mandate by presenting facts to the Scriptural Observable Hebrew Calendar. Our CREATOR gave the Hebrew calendar to Moses so that the Israelites could keep their Festival Day Appointments with Him. The Gregorian Calendar that we use on a daily basis is certainly not the calendar our CREATOR commanded the children of Israel to keep. Therefore, anyone today, desiring to observe the commanded days of Leviticus 23 would most certainly not be keeping the correct days by following the calendar that we have been used to keeping all of our lives. The Hebrew Scripture (Tanakh or Old Testament) gives clues concerning the calendar our CREATOR gave to Moses. The clues are easily found through a simple study.

The first reference below is the "Observation Biblical Hebrew Calendar" article. This article is not a rehash of the history of the Jewish calendar nor the perceived problems associated with it. Neither is it a tedious astronomy lesson complete with complicated charts and terminology that baffles the mind. Among the dozens of various papers written about the calendar issue in recent months one can find an ample amount of such material.

The confusion over the calendar issue is universal and the calendar issue is now bubbling to the surface in many groups that raises the question: "Which is THE TRUE CALENDAR?" Is it important that we observe the true calendar? Which calendar has been Commanded by our CREATOR? the Gregorian Calendar (the standard civil calendar in use today), the Jewish Calendar, some form of the Jewish Calendar, the Jubilee Calendar, or is it the Calendar that was given to Moses for the Hebrews?

The "Observation Biblical Hebrew Calendar" article explains in laymans terms the calendar that is described in the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament or Tanakh). The calendar that the SOVEREIGN gave to Moses for the Children of Israel to use through their generations.

Given enough time man corrupts everything that our SOVEREIGN CREATOR has established whether it is the Sabbath, the Commandments, or the Calendar. Therefore, if a calendar other than the commanded Calendar is used we would most certainly be keeping the wrong Festival Days. The true Hebrew Calendar revealed in the Hebrew Scripture is not recognized by 'Christian' or Jewish religions and it is even ridiculed by them. Read the following pages to see the true foundation for the Scriptural Observational Hebrew Calendar.

Do not take any man's word about a fundamental issue of Hebrew Scripture. Check it out for yourself. Read all the Scriptures in context in your own Scriptures as we cannot quote the full context here. Never take Scriptures out of context without reading the full text and praying about what you read.


Observational Scriptural Full Moon Hebrew
Calendar and Calendar Sheets

The Fourntenth Year of United Hebrew Congregations.
The Gregorian Year of 2011/2012
The World's year 6011.
Observation Biblical Hebrew Calendar Article

Data for Calendar Determination Updated




    Includes Explanation for determing Calendar Sheets using
    Data for Full Moon And Sunset for Jerusalem

Observation Biblical Hebrew Calendar for the First 6 Months of 2011-2012.

Observation Biblical Hebrew Calendar for the Last 6 Months of 2012-2012.


[ Hope of Israel index page >

To begin a Quest for the Ancient of Days click on the "Begin Quest" button below.



Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 04:47
"If I shut up the heavens and there is no rain; if I command the locusts to ravage the land; or if I let loose pestilence against My people, when My people, who bear My name, humble themselves, pray, and seek My favor and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear in My heavenly abode and forgive their sins and heal their land."      II Chronicles 7:13-14
Moon Biblical Hebrew Calendar



Note: Scriptures are quoted in blue



The New Full Moon

The new moon is another way that ETERNAL choses
as a means of separating those who will obedient to Him.

by Charles J. Voss


Observing the new Full Moon is another way that ETERNAL has chosen to separate those unto Himself who are obedient to Him. Many of us who came from the heathenry pagan world around us, our first separation from the world was to keep the Sabbath. At the start of our separation, we kept the Sabbath somewhat hesitantly, but now, we keep it as a treasured haven of peace with the CREATOR of the Universes.

Keeping the Sabbath makes us different, but we are not alone. There are Jewish folk, Adventists, and people from the various ex-Armstrong groups all seemingly doing the same thing--keeping the Sabbath. From that level of obedience, ETERNAL moves us to another level of separation--keeping the Scriptural Calendar. If you accept the very clear evidence that ETERNAL spells out in the Hebrew Scriptures Old Testament or Tanakh, you will know when the new Full Moon is and when the feasts and festivals are. However, only a very few people will see and understand the importance of keeping HIS feasts and HIS festivals at HIS appointed times.

I am sure we all understand that the people of Israel had a lunar calendar. The movement of the moon in the sky indicated the months and years. In that wonderful time before clocks and appointment diaries, the people of Israel knew when the most important events of their year were to take place. The Torah has clearly spelled out the beginning of the New Year. The New Year begins on the first Full Moon after the barley sprouts and is green in Israel. The feasts and the fast are all determined by the Full Moon.

The Full Moon rises in the east. Why do you think, in Ezekiel’s prophecy of the Third Temple (Ezekiel 46:1-12), the East Gate of the Temple will be opened on the day of the New Moon? The answer is because then we can watch through the Temple gate and see the Full Moon rise!

It is possible to tell in advance which day the New Full Moon will occur, so that we can prepare our celebrations (1 Samuel 20:5-26). Those who look for a non-moon (dark of the moon) or a pagan crescent sliver of light in the sky only know after the event that it happened.

Unfortunately, when the Jews fell into the error of looking for the sliver of light in the sky, people no longer understood how to determine the occurrence of the Full Moons and consequently the new year and feasts. By observing the sliver of light in the sky it required a committee to decide when the new month began, thus, setting themselves up as the authority. Today, rabbis are looked to as the authority on the new moon instead of ETERNAL. Even though, all through time, revelation of ETERNAL’s Will has been made clear and precise in the Tanakh and He has never authorized a mediator to alter His Word. Those who refuse to follow ETERNAL’s Way have fallen into a heathenry pagan life-style that does not conform to ETERNAL’s Instructions. We are required to listen to ETERNAL and to obey ETERNAL. Rebellion to His Word and Will is SIN.

Listen to what ETERNAL states...
Isaiah 1:14. “...My soul detests your New Moons and your appointed times; they have become a burden upon Me; I am weary of bearing them?

Moon It is because the first day of their month is not established by the Full Moon; therefore, they are not keeping His Appointed Times. Furthermore, if any of us are not using ETERNAL’s new Full Moons to set His Appointed Times, then it is a burden to Him and He is weary of bearing it. Do you think that a person who takes ETERNAL’s Rules and twists them to conform to their own way is pleasing Him? Obviously, the answer is “NO!” ETERNAL does not accept “a near miss” as being good enough. It does not please Him if we keep the feast but miss the appointed day by a few weeks or even just a few days.

It is not acceptable to the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE for us to have our own calendar, our own dates, and our own festivals. You read that already! He detests OUR New Moons and OUR appointed times. ETERNAL expects our love, worship, and obedience. He will absolutely not accept anything less!

Gideon and the Crescent Symbol

The story of Gideon illustrates the danger of the crescent moon fallacy. This is not a minor difference of opinion about the moon between consenting adults. This is no small thing! The decision to keep the correct New Moon is about choosing to be obedient to the ETERNAL CREATOR or sinking into heathen-paganism! (Judges 8:21-28)

The Midianites wore gold crescent moon symbols. Gideon took those symbols and melted them down to make an ephod of gold turning those pagan symbols into a symbol on the outer garment of the High Priest. Even using the gold of the crescent moon idols to make an ephod became a snare to Gideon because all Israel played the harlot with it. This shows that ETERNAL not only detests using the crescent moon to determine dates He also detests these pagan symbols even if they are made into a righteous symbol.

The New Full Moon

The New Full Moon, the luminary that dominates the night sky (Genesis 1:14–19), is the sign ETERNAL uses to show us HIS Times. It is a sign of separation. Like Gideon, we who obey and are separated, will be few in numbers. We too will tell people who fear ETERNAL to be separate and to go back to the One they came from. We will be open to the guidance of ETERNAL and with HIS help we will prevail. In addition, we will not bend the knee to worship b-al by observing the non-moon (dark of the moon) or the pagan crescent moon.

People who use the non-moon or the crescent moon as a symbol or as a means of calculating the days of the ETERNAL are in error. They continue today in the fatalistic steps of the ancient Midianites by integrating the crescent moon into their lives and a modern innovation of using a non-moon is equally as bad.

Those of us who love and obey ETERNAL will make His Ways our priority. We will prove all things for ourselves, determine precisely what the Scriptures say, and then conform to HIS Way.

Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 04:48
Wake Up Call Newsletter #227
“The Observable, Scriptural, Hebrew Calendar”
by Charles J. Voss

Dear Brethren,

February 19th is the first day of the year for the 2011-2012 Observable Hebrew Calendar.  Before the Observable Hebrew Calendar can be calculated according to Scripture, the green barley sprouts have to be sighted in the region near Jerusalem, Israel.   If you look at the calendar sheets you will see that this year everything will be early and that means that next year will have an extra month.

We do not know when the barley has sprouted around Jerusalem until that information becomes available to us.  We depend upon a sighting to be able to get the Observable Hebrew Calendar out to you.  Because of the little time between the sighting of the green barley and the amount of time it takes to put out the information, we are always in a time crunch to get the calendar printed and mailed to you.

For those who are seeking truth, the Hebrew Calendar is very important.  We at United Hebrew Congregations do not have a hidden agenda of our own.  However, our agenda is to search for the truth in Scripture and Scripture alone.  We do not get our information from religions, tradition, from any other calendars, or from the words of human experts.  To the best of our ability, we seek truth as the CREATOR has set forth in Scripture and that is the information we use.

Sometimes ETERNAL puts information in Scripture that we must Quest for.  If He made all information readily visible then we would not have to search Scripture to glean truth.

What I have leaned through the years is that what we see in this world is not truth.  Truth is only revealed in Scripture.  Heylel (Lucifer) has turned everything upside down and backwards.  What seems like truth is not truth because Heylel (the Deceiver) has concealed truth.  That is what she does.  If you use our teachings in your Quest for truth then you will know that we encourage every one to go to the Scriptures and find out for yourself if what we teach is truth.

We at United Hebrew Congregations take our position of teaching very seriously.  Therefore, to remind you of an ancient method for determining the calendar is an awesome responsibility.  What we present to you is the result of years of prayerful seeking and studying.  What the CREATOR says matters!  We cannot take what religions say about the calendar because the CREATOR says He hates the New Crescent Moon festivals and appointed feasts (holidays).

Isaiah 1:14 (NIV). Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts My soul hates.  They have become a burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to seek out what pleases the CREATOR.  If it is important to Him, thus it is important to us because we seek to please Him and Him alone.  That is why we put forth the effort of working up a new calendar called the Observable Hebrew Calendar.  There IS a way to please ETERNAL and that is by doing things HIS Way and that is what we are trying to do with all our hearts.

We have articles on our website at <www.uhcg.org/Cal-Fl-Moon/calendar.html> that will explain what we have learned about how to determine the CREATOR’s New Year.  If you do not have access to the Internet and want a hard copy to study, let us know and we will send it to you.

Determining the Scriptural New Year is very simple as all of His Ways are.  He does not hide His truth or make anything complicated.  Even a small child can understand His Ways and please Him.  All it takes is a willing and humble heart.

Most people do not realize it but the CREATOR has established His Calendar so that it is always in harmony with nature.  It absolutely is devoid of any astrology and any influence of the equinoxes that come from those who look to the sun as the all wise source of knowledge.  Therefore, we submit our findings to you for this Scriptural New Year.

The first day of the Observable Hebrew Calendar New Year will begin at sunset on Friday, February 18th.  Following are the Festival dates for the thirteenth year of the Observable Hebrew Calendar and in the Gregorian year of 2011-2012 are as follows:

Remember that the Festival dates begin at sunset and end at sunset the following day.  The first day of the year and the day of the Night of Protection are not Sabbaths unless they happen to fall on a Sabbath.


The Night of Protection begins at sunset on Thursday, March 3.

The First Day of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Saturday, March 4.

The Last Day of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Wednesday, March 9.

The Second Night of Protection begins at sunset on Friday, April 1.
(For anyone who missed keeping the Night of Protection please refers to Numbers 9:9-12).

The Feast of Weeks begins at sunset on the Sabbath, April 23.

The Feast of Trumpets begins at sunset on the Sabbath, August 13.

The Day of Atonement begins at sunset on Monday, August 22.

The Feast of Booths begins at sunset on the Sabbath, August 27.

The Last Great Day begins at sunset on the Sabbath, September 3.

We realize that the idea of a different kind of calendar to most is difficult to understand because we have never been exposed to the CREATOR’s instructions concerning a yearly calendar.  So, let me explain.
The determination of the New Year is the first full moon after the barley sprouts and turns green in the proximity of Jerusalem.  The barley turns green right after it sprouts.  After the head ripens, the stalk and head turn a beautiful golden color.  Therefore, two factors determine all of our calculations for the Observable Hebrew Calendar that begins in the spring.
1. When the barley turns green after sprouting.
2. The first full moon after the barley turns green.
Those two factors are the only things that determine the Scriptural New Year.  Like I said, “Even a small child can learn His Ways and please Him”  and that is our goal–to please the CREATOR.
The time information we use comes from the US Naval Astronomical Observatory and is stated in Universal Time, which is based on the time in Greenwich, England.  According to Universal Time, the world is divided into artificial one-hour time zones around the earth.  However, the actual true time of any location is based on its latitude and longitude, thus time changes gradually as you move east or west.
We use the true time in Jerusalem at the Temple location based on the formula as described in detail on page six in this Hope of Israel which is the basis for our calendar. If you know of anyone who would like to recieve a calendar or other materials, please send us their names and addresses and we will be glad to mail it to them.  In addition, please feel free to give them our URL at <http://www.uhcg.org>.
May ETERNAL grant you peace, protection, and understanding.
Your Hebrew brother,

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 05:46

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 05:47

Why The Dark Moon (commonly called the new moon) and The Crescent Moon Cannot Be Used To Keep YAH’s Feast Days

On January 5, 2011, in Sabbath, by Milton Carnes

This video is courtesy of A&E “The History Channel” via Youtube. All rights reserved. Kingdom-Info is not associated with nor do we receive any funding or support from A&E. A&E is not associated with Kingdom-Info in anyway. Our views are not the views of A&E. A&E views are not Kingdom-Info views. This video is for training purposes only while explaining the phases of the moon.

Moon Facts:

People in different hemispheres see the moon in a slightly different way. In the Southern Hemisphere, people see the moon ‘upside down’ so the side which is shining (sunlit) seems the opposite from the Northern Hemisphere.





The moon takes about 27 days (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds) to go all the way around the earth and return to its starting position.

A lunar month is the time the moon takes to pass through a complete cycle of its phases and is measured from New Moon to New Moon. A lunar month is about 29.5 days (29 days, 12 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds). Some lunar months will have 29 days and some 30 days.


Why is a lunar month (29.5 days) longer than the number of days it takes the moon to orbit the earth (27.3)?


While the Moon is orbiting the earth, the earth is constantly moving because it is orbiting the sun. The moon therefore travels slightly more than 360° to get from one New Moon to the next. Thus the lunar month is longer.

The moon rises and sets at specific times, according to its phase.

The New Moon (Dark Moon) rises and sets at approximately the same time as the sun. The Dark Moon (the one you cannot see) occurs when the moon and the sun are on the same side of Earth. The moon is between the sun and the earth and therefore lost in the glare of the sun. We see the side that is not lit, so the moon appears dark to us. This is why you cannot see the dark moon at night.

Waxing Crescent Moon or Evening Sliver

The Waxing Crescent Moon can always be seen soon after sunset low in the West. Although it rises in the east a little after sunrise, you can’t see it because it is too close to the sun during the day. When the sun sets, and the sky begins to darken, the moon pops into view in the western sky. This Crescent Moon disappears as soon as the western sky becomes dark.

The best time to see a Waxing Crescent Moon is on the second and third day after the Dark Moon (commonly called the New Moon) when the crescent is fatter and brighter, and further from the sun. The Crescent Moon can be seen at times on the first day after the Dark Moon.

Full Moon

The Full Moon looks the same no matter where on earth you live. Therefore, all of Yah’s people scattered all around the world will be able to observe the same time that Yah intended.

The Full Moon is when the earth is between the sun and the moon. The Full Moon rises after sunset as the sky becomes dark and sets a little bit before sunrise as the night ends. A Full Moon is the only moon phase that shines the whole night through. The Full Moon definitely rules the night. If you don’t believe any of this, take the time to observe how the moon operates in nature.

Before we begin, we must determine what constitutes a day. Many Sabbath-Keepers have come to the conclusion that the phrase “the evening and the morning” determines the beginning of a new day from sunset to sunset. When does the day begin? Watch this quick 14 minute video:



This video is courtesy of Worlds Last Chance. Kingdom-Info is not associated
with nor do we support the teachings of WLC and E.G. White of The Seventh Day Adventist.
The purpose of this video is to illustrate a biblical teaching ONLY.

Does the month according to The Most High start with the Dark Moon (commonly called the New Moon), the Sliver or Crescent Moon, The Stars or the Full Moon?




Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 05:48

Let the scriptures speak!



1 And YHWH spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying,


2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

What was The Most High talking about? The Dark Moon? The first sighting of the Crescent Moon? The Full Moon? Or was he talking about the stars in determining the beginning of the month?

Sandwiched in between day 3 and day 4 is the key to understanding the beginning of the month.

Genesis 1:13-19

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

14 And Elohim said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And Elohim made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also. The words [he made] were added by the translators but is not found in the original text.




Genesis 1:16 should have been translated as … And Elohim made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.


Remember this: Two (2) Lights! The Greater Light (The Sun) to rule the day and The Lesser Light (The Moon) to rule the night and the stars. YAH is specific and not vague!

How do we know this?

Psalm 136:8-9 (King James Version)

8 The sun to rule by day:

9 The moon and stars to rule by night:

Psalm 104:19 (King James Version)

19 He appointed the moon for seasons [Strong #4150 = "Mo'ed" =Appointed Times] : the sun knoweth his going down.

Automatically, the above verses validate with clarity Genesis 1:16. The stars and the moon must rule the night and not the stars only. You cannot take the moon out of the equation when determining the appointed seasons.

Before we go any further, it is important that we define some words.


New Month

Chodesh [New Month] comes from the root word chadash, pronounced khä·dash’, which means to be new, renew, repair. Does the moon start the renewal process from the Dark Moon, the Crescent Moon, or the Full Moon?

When YAH created the two great lights, what was the phase of the moon when he created it? When is the light of the moon GREAT?

According to Genesis 1:16, The phase of the moon could not have been the dark moon because it cannot be seen at night. We know that it could not have been the crescent moon because it can only be seen at sunset but disappears at night. Nor could it be any other phase of the moon because the moon would not be at its greatest.

The only choice is the FULL MOON!. The moon rebuilds, renew, and repair itself from the phase of its greatness and fullness which was the phase first created YAH!



The word “moon” comes from the Hebrew word “yareach” and means, “to be yellow.” The word “yareach” is also translated “month,” as is “chodesh”.

Exodus 2:2 So the woman conceived and bore a son. And when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she hid him three months [yareachs].

1 King 6:37-38 In the fourth year the foundation of the house of ETERNAL was laid, in the month [yareach] of Ziv. And in the eleventh year, in the month [yareach] of Bul, which is the eighth month [chodesh], the house was finished in all its details and according to all its plans. So he was seven years in building it.




Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 05:49



The words Mo’ed and Chag/Khag both can carry the meaning “feast” but they are actually two different words and we’ll see the difference when interpreting the scriptures in determining “The New Month”.


The Most High appointed the first month to be ABIB (Exodus 13:4) to be the beginning of months. The name was changed to Nisan while the Israelites were in Babylonian captivity.


Exodus 12:1-2 (KJV) And The Most High spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This MONTH shall be unto you the beginning of MONTHS: it shall be the FIRST MONTH of the year to you.” Notice that there is no reference as to what phase the moon was in when The Most High told this to Moses.

The Clues

The Hebrew word “Abib” means “young, green barley, green ears” This word is used to describe the spring when barley is young and the fields appear green.



Exodus 34:18 The Feast of Unleavened Bread you shall keep. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, in the appointed time of the month of Abib; for in the month of Abib you came out from Egypt.

The First Clue:

The beginning of months must begin in the month ABIB. This happens in the spring. Therefore, January cannot be the beginning of the year in the eyes of The Creator. We don’t do Passover in January! Also, nowhere in scripture does it tell us to observe the Vernal Equinox in determining the first month of the year.

So, what other clues do we have available to us to discover the truth about the New Month?

The Second Clue:

Numbers 10:10 Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a memorial for you before your Elohim: I am YHWH your Elohim.

A trumpet was to be blown at the beginning of months. The Hebrew for ‘beginning’ in this verse is ‘roshe’ which is usually translated ‘head’ or ‘top.’



What is the top/head of the month? We have been told that the top of the month starts from the Dark Moon or the Crescent Moon.

Question #1: If the moon (the lesser light) rules the night, then how can the Dark Moon (commonly called the New Moon) be the head, top, chief, or summit of the night if it cannot be seen at night?



Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 05:50

Question #2: If the moon (the lesser light) rules the night, then how can the first visible Crescent Moon be the head, top, chief, or summit of the night if it cannot be seen at night? Remember the Crescent Moon can be seen at sunset and disappears at nightfall. Sunset ends the day and it does not start the day.

Wouldn’t it make more sense that the Full Moon is the ‘top’ or ‘head’ as it rules the complete night?

The Third Clue:


[Hebrew word: ‘keceh’ meaning full moon]




Psalm 81:3 KJV. Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed [‘keceh’], on our solemn feast day.

Psalm 81:3 NKJV. Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, at the Full Moon [‘keceh’], on our solemn feast day.”

Psalm 81:3-4 NEB. Blow the horn for the new month, for the Full Moon {‘keceh’} on the day of our pilgrim-feast.

Psalm 81:3 Tanakh. Blow the horn on the New Moon, on the Full Moon for our feast day.

If we read this verse “as is” from the original Hebrew, then the New Moon and the Full Moon are the same moon. There is no “and” in the Hebrew to imply these are separate events. When things are stated without a connector in Hebrew, the implication is that they are equivalent. Psalms 81:3 is the scriptural basis for those of us who begin new months when the moon is full.

Let’s look at the Hebrew Interlinear Bible for more clarity:


Another example for Mo’ed & Chag/Khag:

Lev 23:1 And YHWH spake unto Moses, saying,

Lev 23:2 Speak unto the children of Israel , and say unto them, [Concerning] the feasts [Strong #4150 = Mo'ed/Appointed Times] of YHWH, which ye shall proclaim [to be] holy convocations [even] these [are] my feasts [Strong #4150 = "Mo'ed" = Appointed Times].

Lev 23:3 Six days shall work be done : but the seventh day [is] the sabbath of rest , an holy convocation ye shall do no work [therein]: it [is] the sabbath of YHWH in all your dwellings .

Lev 23:4 These [are] the feasts [Strong #4150 = "Mo'ed" =Appointed Times] of YHWH, [even] holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons [Strong #4150 = "Mo'ed" = Appointed Times].

Lev 23:5 In the fourteenth [day] of the first month at even [is] YHWH’S Passover.

Lev 23:6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month [is] the feast [Strong #2282 = "Chag/Khag" = Festival or Celebration] of unleavened bread unto YHWH: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread .

IThe New Moon is the Full Moon

The Dark Moon does not rule the night because you cannot see it at night. The Crescent Moon does not rule the night because it can only be seen at sunset, which is part of the day. As soon as night falls, the Crescent Moon disappears. Therefore, it cannot rule the night.

The Dark Moon or the Crescent Moon, as the sign for the first day of the month, cannot be found in The Bible.

Charles Voss stated, “The belief that the Full Moon is the moon that begins the new month is by far the least popular concept for a New Moon. There is almost universal disagreement and animosity with the concept of the Full Moon being the New Moon. Yet, ironically, this viewpoint is the only viewpoint with support from the Hebrew Scriptures.”

Psalm 81:3 plainly states that the New Moon and the Full Moon are the same. Please notice the verse again:

Psalm 81:3 (Interlinear Bible). Blow in the new moon, the ram’s horn, at the Full Moon on day our feast.”

The KJV uses the English word “appointed” which comes from the Hebrew word “kece.” Its only meaning is “Full Moon”. The Hebrew root word for “kece” is “kacah” and means to cover over or clothe (in light). “Kece” is only used in one other place in the Bible.

NKJV Proverbs 7:18-20:
Come, let us take our fill of love until morning; Let us delight ourselves with love. For my husband is not at home; He has gone on a long journey; he has taken a bag of money with him, and will come home on the appointed [kece] day.

KJV Proverbs 7:20:
He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed [kece].

The Tanakh gives two different translations from different versions:

Tanakh 1985 – Proverbs 7:20 He took his bag of money with him and will return only at mid-month [kece].

Tanakh 1917/1955 – Proverbs 7:20 He hath taken the bag of money with him; he will come home at the FULL MOON [kece].

The New English Bible Proverbs 7:20:
He has taken a bag of silver with him; until the moon is full [kece], he will not be home.

NIV Proverbs 7:20:
He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till FULL MOON [kece].”

NRSVProverbs 7:20:
He took a bag of money with him; he will not come home until FULL MOON [kece].”

The New World Translation Proverbs 7:20
A bag of money he has taken in his hand. On the day of the FULL MOON [kece] he will come to his house.

The American Standard Bible
Proverbs 7:20 He has taken a bag of money with him: he will come at the FULL MOON [kece].

The New Revised American Standard Bible
Proverbs 7:20 He has taken a bag of money with him. At FULL MOON [kece] he will come home.

Proverbs 7:20: He has taken a bag of money with him; he will not be home till the FULL MOON [kece] feast.




Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2011 05:50


1 Samuel 20 (King James Version)


5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, to morrow is the new moon (new month or new month day), and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.

The translators decided to use the word “new moon” instead of new month or new month day. When David said tomorrow is the new moon, it had to have been during the day portion of a 24 hour period because he makes reference to “tomorrow” which would be the next day or next light. The new moon which is the full moon would have been seen that night because the moon is the lesser light and it rules the night. Genesis 1:16 and Psalms 136:7-9.



We will see why “new month” or “new moon day” would have been a better translation later. 1 Samuel 20:5 tells us that tomorrow is the next day.

18 Then Jonathan said to David, To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.

19 And when thou hast stayed three days, then thou shalt go down quickly, and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself when the business was in hand, and shalt remain by the stone Ezel. Three days concluded at even on the third day as stated in verse 5

20 And I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof, as though I shot at a mark.

21 And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee, take them; then come thou: for there is peace to thee, and no hurt; as YAH liveth.

22 But if I say thus unto the young man, Behold, the arrows are beyond thee; go thy way: for YAH hath sent thee away.

23 And as touching the matter which thou and I have spoken of, behold, YAH be between thee and me for ever.

24 So David hid himself in the field: and when the new moon (new moon day or new month) was come, the king sat him down to eat meat.

25 And the king sat upon his seat, as at other times, even upon a seat by the wall: and Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul’s side, and David’s place was empty.

26 Nevertheless Saul spake not any thing that day: for he thought, Something hath befallen him, he is not clean; surely he is not clean. Saul didn’t speak that day. The Hebrew word for day comes from a root word meaning “the heat of the day”.

27 And it came to pass on the morrow, which was the second day of the month, that David’s place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor to day? Notice that the translators used the word “month” here but they did not use new moon as in verse 5.

28 And Jonathan answered Saul, David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem:

29 And he said, Let me go, I pray thee; for our family hath a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he hath commanded me to be there: and now, if I have found favour in thine eyes, let me get away, I pray thee, and see my brethren. Therefore he cometh not unto the king’s table.

30 Then Saul’s anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion, and unto the confusion of thy mother’s nakedness?

31 For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.

32 And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? what hath he done?

33 And Saul cast a javelin at him to smite him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David.

34 So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did eat no meat the second day of the month: for he was grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.

35 And it came to pass in the morning (the morning started the day which was the third day), that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed (the third day) with David, and a little lad with him. Remember that David said that he would hide until the 3rd day at even, but Jonathan came in the morning on the third day.

36 And he said unto his lad, Run, find out now the arrows which I shoot. And as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.

37 And when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, Is not the arrow beyond thee?

38 And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make speed, haste, stay not. And Jonathan’s lad gathered up the arrows, and came to his master.

39 But the lad knew not any thing: only Jonathan and David knew the matter.

40 And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry them to the city.

41 And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

42 And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and thee, and between my seed and thy seed for ever. And he arose and departed: and Jonathan went into the city.

New Moon should have been translated New Month Day. Tomorrow is the next day or light and not the night. Jonathan went at the appointed time to meet David on the third day in the morning. Pay attention to the sequence. David knew that tomorrow was the next day and the new moon day. The moon must rule the night as stated in Psalms 136:7-9 and Genesis 1:14-16. The three days started with the new moon day and ended at the third day at even but Jonathan came in the morning of the third day.

Lastly, this is a simple study very easy to understand if we pay attention to the words of YAH that are validated by nature.

Isaiah 1:4 Your New Moons and your appointed feasts MY SOUL HATES; they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them. Amos 8:21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I do not savor your sacred assemblies.

Why? Because the people are keeping Yah’s Appointed Times on the wrong days!

If you have not already done so, please read “The Sabbath: When Does The Day Begin” Click Here


Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/06/2011 15:43

Mateo 27:45 Y desde la hora de sexta fueron tinieblas sobre toda la tierra hasta la hora de nona.

De la sexta a la novena hora, era de las doce del mediodía a las 3 de la tarde.

De estas tinieblas quedó constancia escrita, como un hecho verídico, por Talo, el historiador, que vivió durante esta época y escribió acerca de los acontecimientos relacionados con el Imperio Romano del primer siglo. Julio el Africano en el año 221 E.C., que tuvo acceso a los escritos de Talo (aunque en la actualidad no tenemos los escritos de Talo) intenta achacarlo a un eclipse solar. El Africano afirma que esto no pudo ser un eclipse debido a que la crucifixión tuvo lugar en Pesaj, que siempre se celebra durante la luna llena, por lo que es imposible que se produzca un eclipse solar. (The search for Messiah por Mark Eastman, M.D. and Chuck Smith, co-published by The Word for Today, Costa Mesa, CA; Joy Publishing-revised,. Fountain Valley, CA, co. 1996. pg. 246,247.)

Mateo 27:46 Y cerca de la hora de nona, Jesús exclamó con grande voz, diciendo: Eli, Eli, ¿lama sabachtani? Esto es: Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?

Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2011 19:37

Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2011 19:38

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 14:36
Chodesh, Moon/Month

      How The Moon Receives Its Light

      The Moon is about one 400th the size of the Sun, but at full Moon,  when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon, the circumference of a full Moon appears to be the same size as the Sun. Enoch compared the two lights as they appear from  Earth: “These are the two great luminaries: their circumferences of both alike, in the circumference of the Sun there are seven portions of light which are added to it more than the Moon.” (Enoch 78:3-4).   The Sun, seven times brighter, it is confirmation that Enoch was comparing the Sun to a full Moon.

   The following illustration shows the Moon at its conjunction position when it is between the Earth and the Sun.

      The two great luminaries having  equal appearing circumferences, with one having seven times more light, can only be the Sun and a full Moon, which occurs one time in the center of a lunation (month) between conjunctions. Therefore a lunation is divided into portions. Enoch described the divisions like this:

    “And on that night (Full Moon night) it is dark in its fourteen portions (less than full light), that is, in each half (two weeks before and after); but it rises (in the east) on that day (full Moon) with one seventh portion (of Sun’s light) precisely, and its progress declines (waning Moon) from the rising of the Sun.” (Enoch 72:9).

   Therefore, the full Moon is a central event, and on that day, when the Moon is full at midnight, on the opposite side of the Earth, the Sun  is shining.  It perfectly matches the woman of Revelation, Chapter 12.  She is positioned between the full Moon and the Sun.  She is clothed with the Sun as the Moon is under her feet, with the Stars of her crown representing the twelve houses of the Sun.

           A Symbolic Calendar

      "And there appeared a great won- der in Heaven; a woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and upon her head a  crown of twelve Stars:"

(Rev. 12:1).

       It is powerful evidence that the full Moon is  the New Moon.  Read the account as Enoch confirms the full Moon as the New Moon: “On the first day she is called the New Moon, for on that day the light rises upon her.  She becomes full Moon exactly on the day when the Sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the Moon shines the whole night through till the Sun rises over against her and the Moon is seen over   against the Sun." (Enoch 78:12-13).

      "When the Sun sets in the west as the Moon rises in the east, it is the exact day that the Moon receives all her light following the days of waxing phases." Enoch gives us the added information:  “She accomplishes her waning in the first period of time.” (Enoch 78:15).  The waning phases follow the full Moon, which he called the first period.  Thus, Enoch adversely named the full Moon as the beginning of the month. The day of the full Moon is the New  Moon, permanent and fixed in full view for all to see.                       

                        Building a New Moon
   Scripture designates a Moon as a rebuilding process by the language used. For example: “This month (Heb. Chodesh) shall be unto you the beginning of months (Heb. Chodesh): it shall be the first month (Heb. Chodesh) of the year to you.” (Ex. 12:2).










      Month Heb. Chodesh, - (S2320) – “from (S2318), to be new, rebuild, renew, by implication, a month”.

    Scripture uses the same Hebrew word for both 'Moon’ and ‘month’. Therefore, the New Moon must be a new month, because ‘Chodesh’ gives us the definition of a New Moon and a new month.

     The Hebrew word 'Chodesh' is from the verb ‘chadas’ (S2318) meaning to be new or rebuild.  Rebuilding is exactly what each lunation does after the decline of the waning phases.  The Moon’s light diminishes to conjunction and rebuilds to a full Moon again in the waxing phases.  Thus, the rebuild/renew is necessary because it follows the declining days in the waning Moon phases and dark days of conjunction.

    Rebuilding of the Moon, or the observable days of renewing, cannot begin until after its conjunction with the Sun. Chodesh (rebuilding) begins the day after the dark moon days, but it is not the New Moon, rather it is the beginning of a process toward a New Moon.  Renewing, by definition, implies that it is a follow on process, but follow on to what?  The Moon must renew because the waning Moon phases returned the observable Moon to a dark  Moon at conjunction, making renewal rebuild (Chodesh) necessary.

                                  Lunar Months
      The angel Uriel presented wisdom to Enoch that most men are unable to discern: “Uriel likewise showed me another regulation,  when light is poured into the Moon, how it is poured into it from the Sun.” (Enoch 77:12).

     The wisdom that Enoch learned from Uriel is where all the calendars of Babylon miss the mark, including the modern calendar we use daily.  The Sun leads the Moon ahead of its daily orbit around the Earth and determines where the Moon rises and sets on the eastern and western horizons.

    Enoch described the significant variables that have an effect on an observable calendar: “On stated months the Moon has twenty nine  days (of light). It also has a period of twenty eight days (of light).” (Enoch 77:10-11).  The 29 day months have 28 days when the visible Moon is reflecting its light as seen from Earth. However, a month also utilize dark Moon days to complete its lunations.  Enoch explained how this occurs as the Sun allocates its light to the Moon in six Time Portals or Gates starting with the Full Moon:

      “Where the light comes to the Moon, there again it decreases, (Waning Moon) until all its light is extinguished, (Dark  Moon) and the days of the Moon pass away. Then its orb  remains solitary without light. (During conjunction) During three months it effects in thirty days each month its period; and three more months it affects it in twenty nine days each. These are the times in which effects decrease in its first period, and in its first gate, namely in one hundred seventy-seven days.” (Enoch 77:17-19).

       The 177 days represent a lunar half year or six months starting in the first Gate. (177 x 2 = 354-day lunar year).  Three months are 29 day months and three more months are 30 day months.  The Time Portals that Enoch called Gates are then counted in reverse order to complete the 364/354-day Solar/Lunar year.

       Thus, Enoch’s Sun powered calendar reveals that there are six 29 day months and six 30 day months in a Lunar Year, while the Solar year has eight 30 day months and four 31 day months or 364 days.  Taking notice that the ancients did not count the Day of Atonement, Enoch's Solar/Lunar calendar has a ten day variance at 364/354.  We will show how Enoch provides a intercalation formula to reconcile the difference in a separate article.

                           Lunation Variables 
      The Moon follows the path of the Sun in a precisely time sequence as it orbits the Earth, and they spin together, orbiting the  Sun along the Ecliptic Plane.  The Ecliptic Plane is commonly  called 'Zodiac', but the Scriptural Hebrew name is Mazzaroth meaning 'Many Lights'. (Cf. Job 38:31).  There are interrelated sequential events that regularly occur, but are seldom mentioned as possible calendar points of interest. These sequences are strong evidence that the Creator’s solar powered calendar has rules that cannot be changed or overridden. The rules frequently relate to the number seven, or multiples of that number.

    The only non-variable in a monthly lunation is the conjunction Moon on the 15th day of the month after the Full Moon.  The Moon's light from the Sun begins with the first crescent after the 15th day dark Moon.  On some months there are two dark Moons with one also on the 14th day.  However, only the conjunction Moon on the 15th day is a non-variable.  The Sun creates the lunation variables and uses them to allocate its light to the Moon.

      Each monthly lunation is configured by the Sun.  Some of the months have 14 days of waning light before one dark day of conjunction. Others have thirteen days of waxing light after two dark days on the 14th and 15th after a Full Moon.  Except for conjunction, all Moon phases are variables but, the months all move through the cycle the same way, from darkness to light, then a decline back to the dark Moon.

    You may have heard the expression “Once in a blue moon”.  A 'blue moon' is an added full moon during a lunation that occurs every two or three years.  At this writing, astronomers forecast that a 'blue moon' will occur next on December 31, 2009. Other blue moons will occur in the future, which are fully documented on astronomical websites.

    The repetitive variable phenomenon also occurs at the quarter Moons and at conjunction with an added dark moon day.   However, these variations do not change the 29 or 30 day lunations.  All months begin with a full moonrise at sunset and end on the next new Full Moon.

     The day after the Sun sets as the Moon rises, it is New Moon day.  The day after conjunction as the Moon sets with the Sun, is the beginning of the waxing phases rebuilding (Chodesh) to a new Full  Moon. All lunar months begin and end in the same manner.  That, dear reader, is precision time-keeping by our Creator's timepiece in the heavens above.


        Copyright © 2008-2009 Emet Zerayah

       Email: emetzerayah@gmail.com


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Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 14:54
             A Solar Powered New Moon

   “This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you” (Ex. 12:2).

   Our Creator has set an exact starting point for His calendar by giving the beginning month of a new year. We can safely assume then, that the new year is preceded by the last month of the old year, can we not?  Since a month is made up of days, we can also assume that the beginning month has a beginning day, or the first day of the month.  Since there is a first day of the month, there must also be a last day, with all months beginning and ending with a first and last day.

   The prophet Enoch gives us more of the details on how to recognize the beginning of a month:

   “On the first day she is called the New Moon, for on that day the light rises upon her. She becomes full Moon exactly on the day when the Sun sets in the west, and from the east she rises at night, and the Moon shines the whole night through till the Sun rises over against her and the Moon is seen over against the Sun. (Enoch 78:12-13).

   According to Enoch, when the Sun sets in the west as the Moon rises in the east, it is the exact day that the Moon receives all her light following the days of waxing phases. Enoch gives us the added information: “She accomplishes her waning in the first period of time.” (Enoch 78:15). The waning phases follow the full Moon, which he called the first period.  Thus, he retro-named the full Moon as the beginning of the month.

   He also said on the following day, as the Sun rises in the east, and the Moon sets on the western horizon, it is the first full day of a Full Moon.  If he is right, the Full Moon  day signals the beginning of a month and applies to all months, permanent and fixed in full view for all to see.

   However, let us test Enoch's statement to see if it is supported by Canon Scripture, especially in the Old Testament (Heb. Tanach) and in the Torah commonly called the Law.  If it is supported in Scripture, we can then be more comfortable with using the Book of Enoch for exploring calendar issues.

                         The Popular New Moon Systems
   First, let us examine the most frequent system of lunation that is used by congregations around the world for establishing New Moon days, Sabbaths and Set Apart Feasts.

   A new Moon/month, beginning after conjunction, is believed to be a confirmed first day at the visible crescent at Sunset.  It is the most prevalent of systems in use. However, it has serious problems because that Crescent Moon is already at least twelve hours after conjunction. Since the Moon rises in the east just as the Sun does, the crescent Moon after Sunset is astronomically incorrect. It does not fit a precise monthly appearance.

   Most calendars depict the new Moon as a black dot, which represents a ‘covered or dark Moon; for the Moon is invisible at conjunction. Thus, the command to “observe” is technically impossible at conjunction, and would require some kind of calculation. If conjunction is the new Moon, there would have to be a way to determine when it occurs.

   A conjunction new Moon or a crescent new Moon in the evening sky are problems without a precise solution, but the Scriptures describe another path that is perfect in every way.

                           Building a New Moon/Month
   Scripture designates a Moon as a rebuilding process by the language used in this example: “This month (Heb. Chodesh) shall be unto you the beginning of months (Heb. Chodesh): it shall be the first month (Heb. Chodesh) of the year to you.” (Ex. 12:2).

Month, Heb. Chodesh, - 2320 – “from 2318, to be new, rebuild, renew, by implication, a month.”

   Scripture uses the same Hebrew word for both 'Moon’ and ‘month’. Therefore, the New Moon must be a new month, because ‘Chodesh’ gives us the definition of a New Moon and a new month.

   The Hebrew word Chodesh is from the verb ‘chadas’ (2318) meaning to be new or rebuild.  Rebuilding is exactly what each lunation does after the decline of the waning phases. The Moon’s light diminishes down to conjunction and rebuilds after conjunction to a full Moon again in the waxing phases. Thus, the rebuild/renew is necessary because it follows the declining days in the waning Moon phases and dark days at the conjunction phase.

    Rebuilding of the Moon, or the observable days of renewing, cannot begin until after its conjunction midpoint with the Sun. Chodesh (rebuilding) begins at conjunction, but it is not the renewed Moon, rather it is the beginning of a process of rebuilding a Full Moon.  Renewing, by definition, implies that it is a follow on process, but follow on to what?  Answer: The Moon must renew because the waning Moon phases returned the observable Moon to a dark Moon at conjunction, making renewal (Chodesh) necessary.

   The Moon begins to receive its light from the Sun on the first morning after conjunction. On that morning, a thin sliver of light appears on the eastern horizon and the Moon is receiving its light from the Sun’s glow below the horizon. The two luminaries then arc above the Earth moving to the western horizon where they set in the evening sky.  This is the crescent Moon that is popularly called the new Moon by many congregations around the world.

   The crescent Moon, which sets with the Sun, begins to build its light each subsequent day for 13 more days.  The increasing light is evidence that the Moon is building (Heb. Chodesh) toward the full Moon until the Moon reflects 14 portions of light from the Sun, known to be Chodesh, or the renewed Full Moon.

                              The Test From Scripture
   “Speak unto the children of Yisrael, saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a Set Apart convocation.” (Lev. 23:24).

   The first thing to notice is that this verse from the Torah is about the first day of a month, and being a first day, it begins a new month, does it not?  If it is a new month, and the first day of the month, then it must also be a New month, does is it not? “He made the Moon for seasons; the Sun hath known his place of entrance.” (Ps. 104:19).

   This first day is a feast day, but it is not a weekly Sabbath day; for the seventh day is not in view here.  The first day of a month and the seventh day of a week cannot occur at the same time, for it would be a violation of the Fourth Commandment.

   According to the Fourth Commandment, the Sabbath is preceded by six work days: “Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of Yahuweh thy Elohim.” (Ex. 20:9-10).   Since the Sabbath is preceded by six work days, the first day of the month must precede the work days, because it is also said to be a day of rest, but the first day of the month is not a Sabbath.

   However, the first day of the month is a commanded day of rest: The Hebrew word for ‘Sabbath’ in Leviticus 23:24 is Strong’s 7677, Shabbathown, from 7676 (Sabbath); a Sabbatism or special holiday of rest. The New Moon and month at the Feast of Trumpets is a commanded day of rest, on the “first day of the month”, but in addition to the regular weekly Sabbath.

   “Blow at new Moon (Chodesh) a ram’s horn (shofar), at full Moon (keseh), at day (yom), pilgrim feast (Chag).(Ps. 81:3, YLT).  The Feast of Trumpets is the first full day of a full Moon, (Chodesh) which is said to be “the first day of the month”. (Cf. Lev. 23:24). 

                                  The Visible Evidence
   Can one discern when a New Full Moon is approaching?  Oh, yes, indeed you can! The New Moon is the day after the rebuilt Full Moon (Chodesh) first appears.  Yah has provided a way that you can be certain the New Moon is approaching.  You see, the Full Moon (Chodesh) always rises in the east as the Sun is setting in the west (Plus or minus a few minutes).  The glow of the rising Moon on the eastern horizon, at the same time as the radiant light of the setting Sun is on the western horizon.

   The glowing horizon lights is the way David was able to say to Jonathan “Behold, tomorrow is the New Moon” (1 Sam. 20:5).  He was viewing the Creator's method of revealing His commanded New Moon; the radiant union of lights on opposite horizons.  There is yet another bonus of information that is revealed by this solar powered phenomenon.

    When the Full Moon rises on the eastern horizon on the 28th day, the following 29th day, always a Sabbath, is the last day of the month.  However, if the Full Moon occurs on the 29th day, it signals that there will be a second New Moon, or a 30th day.

    On the 29th day the Moon was rising as the Sun was setting, and David knew that there would be a second day of feasting.  Day 30 and the following Day 1 of the new month are back to back New Moon days. That is why he requested that Jonathan come into the field to shoot the arrows on the third day, the day following the New Moon celebrations. (Cf. 1 Sam. 20:5-42).

   The Hebrew text in 1 Samuel 20:27 literally means ‘the 2nd day of the New Moon’, not the 2nd day of the month as in most English translations. A Literal Translation renders it like this: “on the second morrow of the New Moon,” (1st Sam. 20:27, YLT).

   The extended thirty day months are a major key to a true observable calendar that was lost when men turned to Babylon for their calendar with the Sabbath day named 'Saturn-day' after the pagan god. Pay attention Messianic and Christian congregations. A calendar based on a crescent or dark Moon will never fit the fully lighted New Moon calendar that David knew so well.

                                        The Apostolic Day
   The following Scriptures show very clearly that apostolic believers started their day at sunrise:

   “Now late on the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher.” (Mt. 28:1).

   If it is late on the Sabbath day at dawn, then the Sabbath must have started at the previous sunrise on a sunrise to sunrise day.

   “And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.”  (Mk. 16:2). 

   How could it be early if the day started at sunset or midnight? If it were a sunset beginning day, then the day would have been more than half over and it would not have been early on the first day of the week.  The day was beginning at sunrise.

   “Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the sepulcher, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.” (Lk. 24:1).

   Luke said it was early in the morning of the first day of the week, then the Sabbath must have ended a few minutes before. Obviously, Luke considered that it was a sunrise to sunrise day.

   “The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher.” (Jn. 20:1).

   John said it was early on the first day of the week before sunup. Therefore, the seventh day was ending as the first day was beginning.  It was a sunrise to sunrise day.

   We opened this investigation with Enoch's description of the Full Moon as a sign in the heavens above.  Canon Scripture fully vindicates and confirms that Enoch's rendition of the heavenly lights is our Creator's true solar powered calendar.  If the seventh month begins with a full New Moon, then so does every other month start with a full New Moon.

   The New Moon day starts in the morning after the Chodesh (renewed) full Moon of the evening before.  If the New Moon day starts at sunrise, then all days begin at sunrise. The sunrise to sunrise day is confirmed by all four Gospel writers of the apostolic era.

   If the reader has questions or comments, this writer will respond to further inquiry sent to emetzerayah@gmail.com .  Other calendar issues, and more proof of a full New Moon are covered with in-depth communicative articles posted elsewhere on this  website.

Emet ZeraYah


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Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/07/2011 15:01
 That Day At Calvary

                       The Eclipse On Preparation Day

      “Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.” (Mt. 27:45).

     The symbolism of darkness before light is nowhere better illustrated than those three hours of darkness that veiled the scene of Yahushua Messiah’s sacrifice.  Not only was the veil of the Temple torn from top to bottom marking the end of animal sacrifice, but the Sun itself hid its face from the terrible suffering that was occurring at Golgotha.  The greater light that rules the day was darkened by the lesser light that rules the night.

     From Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia: “A total eclipse occurs when the Sun is completely obscured by the Moon. The intensely bright disk of the Sun is replaced by the dark outline of the Moon, and the much fainter corona is visible. During any one eclipse, totality is visible only from at most a narrow track on the surface of the Earth.”

     A solar eclipse event is caused by the Moon's orbit about the Earth, as it is positioned between the Sun and Earth on the day of the dark Moon at its conjunction phase.  The conjunction phase is fixed and always occurs on the fifteenth day after the New Full Moon.  Several times a year, the dark Moon also appears on the fourteenth day.  The fourteenth day of the first month is also Preparation Day of Passover. (Cf. Lev. 23:5).

     The Moon blocks the Sun's light as viewed from the Earth in a narrow track on the Earth’s surface. An eclipse can only happen as the Earth and Moon travel across the Ecliptic Plane (Lat. Zodiacus, Heb. Mazzaroth) (Cf Job 38:31). with the Moon between the Earth and the Sun at its conjunction phase with the Sun.

     All natural solar eclipses last only a few minutes at any one location, but the eclipse at Calvary that day was not a normal event. The Earth and Moon stopped their journey across the Ecliptic Plane for three hours. Such an event is described by the prophet Amos: “And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Sovereign Yahuweh, that I will cause the Sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day:” (Amos 8:9).

     A solar eclipse can occur only on one or two days during a lunation, and that is on the fifteenth day and/or fourteenth when there are two dark moon days together. Therefore, Yahushua died during a solar eclipse on Preparation Day on the fourteenth day of the first month.  This exactly fulfills the Torah requirement for the slaughter of the Passover Lamb: “And it hath become a charge to you, until the fourteenth day of this month, and the whole assembly of the company of Yisrael have slaughtered it between the evenings;” (Ex. 12:6, YLT).

     Do you see the full significance of the time of Yahushua’s death?  Not only does His appointed time of death during an eclipse disprove all of the false calendars that place the New Moon following conjunction, it also proves conclusively that Yahushua’s memorial dinner with His disciples was not a Passover Seder. How could it be?  The memorial dinner was conducted in the evening hours of the thirteenth, which was the day before His death, not in the evening of the day when the lambs were slaughtered!

      Even Yahushua’s beloved disciple John verified that the meal was celebrated before the Passover:

     “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Yahushua knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him;” (Jn. 13:1-2).

     Before, Gr. pro a primary preposition; "fore", i.e. in front of, prior (figuratively, superior) to:--above, ago, before, or ever. In the comparative, it retains the same significations.

     The scribes and translators of Scripture have deceived us with altered manuscripts and false translation to conceal the true facts of Scripture. The truth is Yahushua did in fact say that He would not eat the Passover.   The deception is found in words that have been added to the earliest manuscripts of the following Scripture:

     “And he said unto them, with desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of Yahuweh.” (Lk. 22:15-16).

     The words ‘any more’ have been added to the oldest Greek manuscripts i.e., Vatican Manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Alexandrinus. For example, the English translation of the Vatican Manuscript text omits the added words:

     “And he said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I say to you, I will not eat of it, till it shall be fulfilled in the Kingdom of G-d.” (Lk. 22: 15-16, Vat. Ms).

A literal translation renders the above Scripture like this:

     “And he said unto them, `With desire I did desire to eat this Passover with you before my suffering, for I say to you, that no more may I eat of it till it may be fulfilled in the reign of G-d.” (Lk.22:15-16, YLT).

     Yahushua Messiah was sacrificed on the Preparation Day for the evening Passover when the lambs were slaughtered in preparation for the meal: “And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Yisrael shall kill it in the evening.” (Ex. 12:6).

     “And it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!”  (Jn. 19:14).

      Our King was sacrificed when the brilliance of the Sun was covered by the darkened Moon on one of the only days in a month an eclipse can occur.  On that first month, it was the fourteenth day when the lambs were slaughtered at Passover: “The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the stake on the Sabbath day,” (Jn. 19:16).

     To fulfill and completely satisfy prophecy, and to be our Passover Lamb of protection, Yahushua’s sacrifice had to be on the same day the lambs were slaughtered.   Praise Yah, He paid the price for our redemption on that day of darkness as the Moon covered the Sun.



                              Copyright © 2008-2009 Emet Zerayah
                                Email: emetzerayah@gmail.com



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