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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 03/08/2012 03:29

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Respuesta  Mensaje 75 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 04:24


The end time prophecy of the second coming of the Messiah is revealed in the 13th chapter of Matthew.

Many preachers have predicted the end time but never use the right understanding of Scripture. I will use the Messiah’ own words to show when the end is.
In this prophetic parable of the sower, the Messiah told his disciples that the harvest would be at the end of the age and according to History, they were in the 1st degree or at the beginning of the age of Aries at that time. Each constellation has 30 degrees and each degree is 72 solar years, a total of 2160 solar years per constellation. We are near the end of the age of Aries and near the second coming!

Going through the 13th chapter of Mathew, we read,

Mt 13:3 "And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying,
Behold, a sower went forth to sow;…"

Mt 13:9 "
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Mt 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
Mt 13:11 He answered and said unto them,
it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given."

One of the mysteries of the kingdom is, when does it begin?

Mt 13:13 "Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
Mt 13:14
And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

Mt 13:15
For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." It is the wicked that does not understand.

Mt 13:16
"But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.
Mt 13:17
For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them…." Daniel was one of the many prophets and righteous men that tried to get him to tell him but was told it was sealed UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END, Daniel 12:6 -

Da 12:6
"And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
Da 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
Da 12:8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?
Da 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
Da 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Da 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Da 12:12
Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
Da 12:13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days."
Continueing on with Matthew,

Mt 13:23 "But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Mt 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying,
The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

Mt 13:25
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Mt 13:26
But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

Mt 13:27
So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

Mt 13:28
He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

Mt 13:29
But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

Mt 13:30
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. …
" Mt 13:34 "All these things spake the Messiah unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:
Mt 13:35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
Mt 13:36 Then the Messiah sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
Mt 13:37 He answered and said unto them,
He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

Mt 13:38
The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

Mt 13:39
The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
Mt 13:40
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of “this world”. i.e. This age, not world, which was Aries. Also verse 40 is not part of the parable, but a profound statement pinpointing the second coming!
Mt 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, (at the end of the age of Aries,) and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
Mt 13:42
And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Mt 13:43
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."

Mt 13:47
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

Mt 13:48
Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

Mt 13:49
So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, Mt 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

i.e. this will happen at the end of the age of Aries. Also verse 49 is not a part of the prophetic parable, but a statement!

Aries is the age of Grace and when it ends, Pisces, which is the two fishes, one swimming upstream toward the water/spirit that is being poured out in the last days and the other headed downstream, going with the flow of the world. I believe the separating of the two fish in Pisces represents the judgment that comes after the grace age of Aries. Continuing on,

Mt 13:51 the Messiah saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, master..." Mt 13:53 And it came to pass, that when the Messiah had finished these parables, he departed thence... in other words they understood the prophetic parable and that it was about 2000 years in the future.

Mt 13:54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them
the parables in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? …"

Mt 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Messiah said unto them,
A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. These parables were prophetic parables from the Chief Prophet.

Mt 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. This could be understood as, their unbelief hindered them from receiving, or he did not perform many mighty works because of their unbelief of the parables he preached to them.

Here are some ancient authors, around the time period, that confirm they were at the beginning of Aries. Some held to the view that the first of Aries and the day of the equinoxwere equivalent. Columella writes that he is not ignorant of Hipparchus's computation, which teaches that the solstices and the equinoxes do not happen in the 8th, but in the 1st parts of the signs. So Columella is aware that Hipparchus (the B.C. astronomer that actually discovered what is known as the precession of the equinoxes) believed that the solstices and equinoxes happened in the 1st part of the zodiac signs rather than the 8th. On page 600 of a book titled, "A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy" Volume 2, author Otto Neugebauer explains that not only Hipparchus (140 B.C.) but also a follower of Hipparchus named Ptolemy (around 150 A.D.) dated the vernal equinox as the first degree of Aries. Side note, when the equinox is in the first degree of Aries, the Sun will transits Aries for 30 days, but after 72 solar years, the equinox will be 1° less in Aries after entering the 30th degree of Pisces and then the Sun will transit Pisces for one day and Aries for 29 days. After 72 more solar years, the Sun will be in the 29th degree of Pisces and will translate it for two days and then transit Aries for 28 days. This will continue until the equinox moves up to the first degree of Pisces or Borders the 30th degree of Aquarius and the first degree of Aries and then it will transit Pisces for 30 days. the stars are moving counterclockwise. Continuing on,
Another work by a Greek astronomer named Geminos (who lived from 90 - 35 B.C.) wrote about this on page 114-117 of his work titled, "An Introduction to Phenomena.
" In this writing he stated that “the spring equinox happens in the 1st degree of Aries ratherthan the 8th degree.” This is saying that Aries began at the beginning of the March 20 equinox. So Geminos agrees with Hipparchus and Ptolemy that the spring equinox is in the first degree of Aries, SOME BELIEVE THE 8th degree of Aries.
There are about 30 days roughly assigned to each sign of the zodiac. In other words Aries lasts 30 days, But counting from the balanced or equal light and darkness equinox you have a full 30 day window and all 30 degrees of Aries, to keep the feast, not just the last few degrees! From the March 20 equinox in the 8th degree of Aries leaves only 22 days of Aries left! When you count 15 days from the March 20th equinox, leaves only seven days of Aries in which to catch a full moon!

It is mathematically impossible for Philo and Josephus to have kept the feast at the March 20 equinox, counting the first new moon after the March 20 equinox and the historical evidence shows the feast was observed when the Sun was in Aries, which would be equivalent to our March 20/April 20!

The Roman poet Ovid, writing in the 1st century A.D. tracks for us what day the sign of Aries was over with on the Julian calendar. In his Book 4 under the heading April 20th he states that the sun leaves the Ram Aries. So Aries lasted for 30 days and the sun left Aries according to Ovid on April 20 this means that the sun entered Aries on March 22. It appears from this that Ovid dated Aries to begin around March 22nd. This is not far away from when Columella dated Aries to begin on the Julian Calendar, March 17th. All of this information about the stars in relation to the Scriptural year leads us in the direction of recognizing the end of March to the end of April as the first moon/month of the year. And the time that the feast were to be observed, which causes Aries to have been MARCH/APRIL, NOT APRIL/MAY.

The following from the Webster's 1828 Dictionary shows they were in the 1st degrees of Aries. " PRECES'SION, n. L. proecessus, proecedo, to go before.1. Literally, the act of going before, but in this sense rarely or never used.2. In astronomy, the precession of the equinox, is an annual motion of the equinox, or point when the ecliptic intersects the equator, to the westward, amounting to 50 l/2". This precession was discovered by Hipparchus, a century and a half before the christian era, though it is alleged that the astronomers of India had discovered it long before. At that time, the point of the autumnal equinox was about six degrees to the eastward of the star called spica virginis. In 1750, that is, about nineteen hundred years after, this point was observed to be about 20 deg. 21' westward of that star. Hence it appears that the equinoctial points will make an entire revolution in about 25,745 years."  Side note, I see a slight discrepancy in the numbers but according to what I have seen, from the historical evidence, the equinox is about to enter Aquarius and in the Sun will transit Pisces for 30 days and no longer touch Aries and that will be the end of the age that the Messiah spoke of in Matthew 13:40. HARVEST TIME! When you do the math, counting from 140 BC, when Hipparchus says the equinox was in the first degree of Aries , the end time appears to be about eight years from now, somewhere around 2020. Audio at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/iphone/playback.html?cn=94-43-28-63&cid=conferences/-17-65-6784-17-65-67-17-65-675460-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67120106-17-65-67-17-65-678-17-65-67101.mp3



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Respuesta  Mensaje 76 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:39

Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"
Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.

At a time in the Middle Paleolithic period, 50,000-40,000 B.C., humanity was apparently well on its way to developing the methods for systematic stellar observation that would eventually lead to scientific astronomy. Gerald Massey, one of the first Egyptologists in modern times to realize that with the final eclipse of the incredibly old Land of Kam (ancient Egypt), that the world lost the "gnosis" and hidden deeper truths of the Divine, believed that such systematic stargazing was no younger than 52,000 years and may have been as old as 75,000 years. Certainly, the priests of Old Kam, Ancient Egypt, as represented by the historian Manetho (c. 250 B.C.), allowed for 36,725 years of continuous history tied to the celestial cycle known as the Great Year or Precession of the Equinoxes. In the second volume of Ancient Egypt, Massey devotes an entire chapter to this phenomenon and with good reason. Only by understanding the Great Year is it possible to fathom Nile Valley history from remote times. Let me go on record that the same thing can be said about the "Jesus Story" as you will see beyond any doubt if you have the courage to study the following articles.

The Precession of the Equinoxes, i.e., the Great Year, is determined by the earth's axial tilt of 23 1/2 degrees which causes the magnetic north pole to "wobble" in a slow circle around the north pole of the ecliptic True or Vertical North as the earth spins and revolves around the sun. This means the position of the equinoxes moves slightly every year against the background of stars located in the band of sky defined on earth by the Tropic of Cancer at 23 1/2 degrees north (of the equator) and the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 1/2 degrees south (of the equator). Because of this motion, the equinoxes slip backward twenty minutes each year in a circular fashion, taking 25,920 years to come back to their original position.

This phenomenon may have been detected as far back as 40,000 years ago, (possibly more), certainly no later than 13,000 years ago. The ancient stargazers of inner Africa divided this imaginary celestial circle into twelve arcs. Within each arc, they installed a constellation designed out of certain star patterns, and imbued each constellation with a name, story and symbol. Each of these twelve constellations became the Sign that thematically defined the span of 2,160 years, marking the time it took the equinoxes to transit backward through each arc. The 2,160-year subperiod is, therefore, the time span of an "age", of which there are twelve, in each Great Year, determined by this precession of the equinoxes. Since most of these signs were given animal forms, the later Greeks called this celestial band the "Zodiac," from the word zoion, meaning "animal." These signs were, (tracing backward from the opening of the Kamite year), the Lion (Atum), the Scarab (Khepera), the Twins (Set and Horus), the Bull (Ptah/Osiris), the Ram (Amen), the Fishes (In-tiu), the Water-Bringer (Menat the Nurse, then Hapi the Nile), the Goat (Mendes), the Archer (Set or Shu), the Scorpion (Serqet), the Scales (Maat) and the Virgin Mother (Neith or Isis).

As the spring equinox passed through a zodiacal sign, an age was inaugurated that was seen to symbolically, mythically and psychically dominate life on earth during a period of 2,160 years. Egyptian dynastic history began in the Age of the Bull (c. 4200 B.C.), making bull symbolism and the bull deities, Ptah and Osiris, the overriding symbols of that age. With the movement of the spring equinox into the Sign of the Ram (c. 2200 B.C.), the Ram-deity, Amen, and his city, Wast (Thebes), came to dominate the cultural life of Kemit. This was the age when the Hebrew people emerged on the stage of history and, as the Old Testament shows us, "ram," "lamb," and "shepherd" imagery permeated their symbolic life. With the movement of the spring equinox into the Age of the Fishes or Pisces (c. 68 B.C.), we find the people of the lower Nile Valley converting to the religion of the Piscean Age, Christianity, within the next two centuries.

There was yet another Great Year, tied to the first by the same movement of the magnetic pole, e.g., the polar Great Year with its consequent precession of the pole stars. This was also a (retrograde) circle around True North of 26,000 years encompassing seven circumpolar constellations. In this instance, we find that the polar star itself changes every 3,700 years, as the circumpolar constellations make their slow, circular, retrograde movement around True North. A little before 5300 B.C., the pole star, Aipha-Draconis, was in the constellation Draco the Dragon from whence derives the myth of the dragon that surrounds the tree carrying the golden apples or the golden fleece.

Around 1600 B.C., Aipha-Draconis moved from the (magnetic) polar position to be replaced by Ursa Minor, and the current north star, Polaris, is in that constellation. But in the ancient Egyptian planisphere, Ursa Minor was called the "Jackal," or "Dog," so that the current north pole star is really in the constellation of the Jackal. This is why Anubis became so important in the Kamite funerary ritual, why the coyote became so important in Native American cosmo-mythology, why the Pale Fox is so central to the Dogon world-system, indeed, why the dog proverbially became "man's best friend."

The last half of the second volume of Ancient Egypt was devoted to the Kamite sources of Christianity. Massey demonstrated the manner in which New Testament Christianity evolved directly out of the Osirian mysteries. Indeed, in its formative phases, Christianity was essentially Egyptian, and the people of Egypt were the first to convert en masse to Christianity because they saw it as the continuation of their own 10,000-year religious tradition. Osiris, in his resurrected form, was the mummified karast, sometimes keres, (i.e. he who was "anointed" and swathed in linen to be preserved and restored.) The term, kristos, is Greek and appears in Alexandria around 280 B.C., apparently derived from karast. As we know, kristos is the root of Christ the anointed son of God, as Osiris was the anointed divine man, both being the avatars of resurrection.

Even the birth of Christ on December 25th identifies him with the Egyptian deity, Horus, who is Osiris reborn, and is cosmically the sun beginning its ecliptic ascent toward its zenith at the summer solstice, June 23rd. Thus, it can be said that the sun was "born" from the depths or the "cave" of the winter solstice at 1:30 a.m. on the morning of December 25th. The resurrection of the Christ at the equinox, i.e. Easter, after the crucifixion derives from the intersecting or "crossification" of the ecliptic path of the sun with the celestial equator that defines the moment of the spring equinox. After this "crossification," the duration and power of the sun increases, so it is "reborn."

Answer for yourself: Was there ever a historical Jesus Christ? It is not easy to say. There is not a shred of legitimate historical evidence anywhere that the Jesus Story originated as the biography of a man named Jesus, and quite a lot of evidence that it did not. The basic plot of the Jesus Story, including the motif of a crucified savior, already existed in many other religions long prior to the alleged time of Jesus. What we do find if we study into these areas is that the "Jesus Story" is actually an allegory for what would naturally be the oldest and most important story humans would notice and write down, that of the annual passage of the seasons of the year as the Sun travels through the 12 Houses of the Zodiac.

This is a hard thing to hear let alone read; that is until you do the study to see the truth.

There are those who do find a "historical Jesus" however but not the one in the time frame depicted by the New Testament. To them this "Jesus" seems to have been a trained Essene initiate, who lived most of his life in Egypt's western desert, and was markedly influenced by the Egyptian mystery tradition. According to Talmudic sources, his surname was Pandera, meaning "panther," so that he was known as Joshua, son of the Panther. This may be a clue to his association with the Egyptian priesthood. In Egypt, as throughout Africa, the badge of priesthood was the panther skin. Esoterically, the priests were all panthers, the panther representing the sun-by-night; thus, Jesus by being, "the son of the Panther," according to the Talmudists, may well have been a "son" of the Egyptian priesthood (Massey, Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World).

Only serious study into these areas will reveal the "keys" necessary to find the ultimate truth behind the "Jesus Story".

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites. Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.
In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!

Bet Emet Ministries
Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
902 Cardigan
Garland, Texas 75040
Home: 972-496-4238
Cell: 972-480-7690
E-Mail: bennoah1@verizon.net


Respuesta  Mensaje 77 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 05:44
muy buena pagina

Respuesta  Mensaje 78 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 16:53

Respuesta  Mensaje 79 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 00:02


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




We ended the last article looking at the correlations between the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament and the path of the Sun through the Zodiac, in particular the constellation Taurus as it parallels the depiction of the "Jesus Story" taken chronologically throughout the New Testaments' depiction of Jesus Christ. We have traced the "Jesus Story" not only through the Heavens as it parallels the path of the Sun through the Zodiac when "personified" and "allegorized" but have seen the genius of the Creator to inscribe upon the Heavens above His will for mankind and their "Spiritual Evolution". We have traced the Sun through the previous Houses of the Zodiac and when "personified" and with the aid of "anthropomorphic" language we have seen how the "Evolution of the Soul in matter" has been told through the "myths" and "legends" of sungods. The irony of this whole thing is that the "Jesus Story" is the story of the birth, life, growth, and death of the Soul in this physical realm we call "life". This "Jesus Story" is a "plan-o-gram" for mankind to follow and emulate as were many of the prior "sungod" stories as well. We have seen beginning with Capricorn that man was born into this physical world with the necessity of a "2nd birth" which is symbolized as we move to the House of Aquarius where we find the symbolic immersion into a "watery womb" or a "watery tomb" in baptism where as Judaism teaches man receives the "Soul that comes down from Heaven" and is "born again". We saw that this imagery of being "born again in water" is accompanied with "repentance" as seen in the immersion of John the Baptist and his "baptism of repentance". We saw that the language of John is very important as he lays out the desired growth of man's Soul; for it must increase as the power of his flesh decreases. We immediately move from this even in our spiritual growth to a full-blown war with our soul as we must fight the "darkness" within seen in the allegory of "Jesus' Temptation" with the Devil. This is but a picture of the Sun and its eternal battle with "darkness" again symbolized in the "Jesus Story" in Jesus' temptation where the "spirit" and "flesh" battle continuously. The Soul is intended to increase in strength over our flesh as we live out our lives and continually reflect more of the light of God daily as does the Sun in it new ascending path in the Heavens. We saw as we moved to Pisces that as we grow "spiritually" we must feed ourselves "the bread that comes down from Heaven" before we can feed others and become "fishers of men". Thus the symbolism of Pisces which stresses again the need for this bread due to the "intersection" in Heaven of these "two fish" or "2 natures in man; spiritual and fleshly". As we live a life of repentance unto good works we accomplish such a goal when fed the true "manna" of God. We then followed God's Sun into the Constellation of Aries where we first met up with the idea of "sacrifice" in relationship to the Lamb of God. We learned from this that God was teaching us that we are to become "living sacrifices", holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service while at the same time we are not conformed to this world continue to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in order that we might prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:1-2...KJV). We next found ourselves at the Spring Equinox were we learned that this is a special time with God and man which speaks God's Harmony and peace to all Creation. We also learned that this is the Harvest time when the Earth brings forth her fruit. We made note of the need for our fruit in our lives that comes through good works and obedience to the Commandments of God were according to Judaism we find and receive our atonement. As living sacrifices according to the Hebrew Scriptures we accomplish our own atonement. As we moved with the Sun into the Constellation of Taurus we saw the repeated emphasis upon "sacrifice" and continued fruitfulness on a large scale; a scale large enough to reach the world with this true message of maturation of man's Soul. We camped a little while here as we contrasted the Houses of Aries and Taurus for parallels between them and the unbelievable similarities between the "personified Sun" as "Mithra" and as "Jesus" in the New Testament. We move must move on with the Sun as it never sleeps and move with it into the House of Gemini and learn the next "Spiritual Lesson" that God has for us as we learn of the maturation of the Divine within matter; ie., our Souls.

Now we{short description of image} continue to go more deeply as we trace the Sun in its path through the Zodiac as it leaves Taurus and enters the constellation of Gemini. We by now are familiar with the astronomical concept that the Sun goes on a journey through the Zodiac during the 12 months of the year. We have been following this journey of the Sun and we have seen how uncannily the path of the Sun through the Zodiac matches up with the chronological depiction of "Jesus" and the journey that Jesus takes during his life and ministry as depicted by the writers of the New Testament. We have seen that according to the writers of the Synoptic Gospels that Jesus' ministry is said to last a year. We have also seen that the Sun completes its circuit of the Zodiac in a year. This is not a coincidence. We now look at the constellation Gemini to see the continuing struggle of the Sun against the darkness and note the parallels to the depiction of Jesus and his ministry as recorded in the New Testament.

The constellation of Gemini has been seen as twin figures by cultures throughout the world, back into prehistory. The 'Two Stars', referring to its very bright suns, which the Greeks recognized as Castor and Polydeuces, were named for the younger and elder forms of the god Horus by the Egyptians. To the Romans they were Hercules and Apollo. Often perceived as twin boys, the lore sustains that they were placed in the night sky by Jove to honor and exemplify the fidelity of their brotherly love. In other instances they were seen as a sister and brother or two angels, then within later Christian traditions, as Adam and Eve.

Stories of hero twins are also related throughout the world. For the Greeks their was Castor and Polydeuces, also known as the Dioscuri, or Heavenly Twins. They were the children of Zeus and Leda, queen of Sparta (yes...you may call them: 'sons of the swan.'), thus also the brothers to the infamous Helen, late of Troy. The exploits of these twins are many, and all heroic. In their youth they sailed with Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece. To the Romans, who knew them as Castor and Pollux, the twins were invoked on the field of battle to assure victory. For centuries beyond they were held as guardians to sailors on extended or risky voyages.


We have not up to this time spent a lot of time with the Summer Solstice but our time has come as we find the Sun struggling to rise to the zenith of its path across the Heavens where it will eventually reach the apex of its path which is the Summer Solstice. Let us not forget the Sun, since raised from the dead at the Winter solstice has been ascending in the Sky on its way to its zenith. Associated with this path of the Sun across the Sky is the constellation Gemini. The constellation Gemini is traditionally depicted as two men (the twins). The two brightest stars in Gemini, Castor and Pollux (north of the bright star Procyon in Canis Minor), are two of the brightest stars in the sky and were identified by the Greeks with two children, in most accounts the twin sons of Zeus and Leda. As indicated by the "twins of Gemini" this is a time of increasing or doubling as the Sun reaches onward to its zenith. This path of the Sun to its zenith in the Sky ends on the Summer solstice when days are the longest and nights the shortest. It is at this time that the Sun is at the peak of its strength. In the northern hemisphere the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year (near June 22) when the Sun is farthest north. The Summer solstice is the longest day of the year, respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year. It is the time of the greatest light. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the Summer solstice and Winter solstice, and the dates of zero tilt to the Vernal equinox and Autumnal equinox. People around the world have observed spiritual and religious seasonal days of celebration during the month of June. Most have been religious holy days which are linked in some way to the Summer solstice. On this day, typically Jun 21, the daytime hours are at a maximum in the Northern hemisphere, and night time is at a minimum. It is officially the first day of summer.

Let us not forget that the seasons of the year are caused by the 23.5º tilt of the earth's axis. Because the earth is rotating like a top or gyroscope, the North Pole points in a fixed direction continuously -- towards a point in space near the North Star. But the earth is also revolving around the Sun. During half of the year, the southern hemisphere is more exposed to the Sun than is the northern hemisphere. During the rest of the year, the reverse is true. {short description of image}At noontime in the Northern Hemisphere the Sun appears high in the sky during summertime, and low during winter. As mentioned above the time of the year when the Sun reaches its maximum elevation occurs on the Summer solstice -- the day with the greatest number of daylight hours. On the Summer Solstice, which occurs on June 21, the Sun is at its highest path through the sky and the day is the longest. Because the day is so long the Sun does not rise exactly in the east, but rises to the north of east and sets to the north of west allowing it to be in the sky for a longer period of time. After the Summer solstice the Sun follows a lower and lower path through the sky each day until it reaches the point where it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours again. This is the Fall or Autumn Equinox. Just like the Spring Equinox, the Sun will rise exactly east and set exactly west on this day and everyone in the world will experience a 12 hour day. After the Fall Equinox the Sun will continue to follow a lower and lower path through the sky and the days will grow shorter and shorter until it reaches its lowest path and then we are back at the Winter Solstice where we started.

The Summer solstice typically occurs on, or within a day or two of, Jun. 21 which is the first day of summer. The lowest elevation occurs about Dec. 21 and is the Winter solstice which is the first day of winter, when the night time hours reach their maximum. We get the word "Solstice", from the Latin for "Sun stands still", in astronomy, either of the two points on the ecliptic that lie midway between the equinoxes (separated from them by an angular distance of 90°). For several days before and after each solstice the Sun appears to stand still in the sky, i.e., its noontime elevation does not seem to change from day to day. At the solstices the sun's apparent position on the celestial sphere reaches its greatest distance above or below the celestial equator, about 23 1/2° of arc. At the time of Summer solstice, about June 22, the Sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of Cancer.

Now that the technical information is out of the way we now focus on the fact that in pre-historic times, Summer was a joyous time of the year for those Ancient people who lived in the northern latitudes. The snow had disappeared; the ground had thawed out; warm temperatures had returned; flowers were blooming; leaves had returned to the deciduous trees. Some herbs could be harvested, for medicinal and other uses. Food was easier to find. This is the time of the first harvest, which usually consisted of the herbs planted during the Vernal Equinox. Other crops had already been planted and would be harvested in the months to come. Although many months of warm/hot weather remained before the fall, they noticed that the days were beginning to shorten, so that the return of the cold season was inevitable. Midsummer has been one of the important solar events throughout the evolution of humankind. It was an indicator that the year was about to begin waning, thus winter would be again returning. Although not all the ancients were as precise in the calculations from an astronomical point, you can be sure that they were keenly aware of the Sun's progression, and did most assuredly know when Solstice was upon them, as the Sun appeared to stand still in its northern progression.

The ancients knew that life came from the Sun, it was life giving, life supporting, without it life would be lost. The Sun was viewed as the Ancient's "Savior" of sorts. The journey of the Sun impacted life at every level in the course of time, only relatively recently with the advances of electricity, greenhouses, transportation networks, has human reliance on the passage of the Sun been lessened. Even with this dependence lessening, in this technological age, necessity of the Sun and its path is crucial to our existence, however it is not as apparent today to many. Midsummer is the time when the Sun reaches the peak of its power, the earth is green and holds the promise of a bountiful harvest.


We say in the previous article that Jesus, in the form of the personified Sun, passed through Taurus and in so doing likewise passed across the Milky Way which is that starry band of millions of stars that lies like a lake across the sky. We saw that at this point in the "Jesus Story" Jesus crosses "the lake" and we as expected found the allegorical story of Jesus walking on water.

Answer for yourself: What happens as the Sun moves past Taurus and the Milky Way?{short description of image}

On the star map provided I want the reader to look to the bottom right and locate the "Hyades" which is part of the Constellation of Taurus. If you draw a diagonal line ascending from bottom right to upper left you come to another Constellation named Gemini. This path between the "Hyades" in Taurus and ascending to Gemini is called the "Ecliptic" and this is the path of the Sun as it moves through the Zodiac in the Heavens. In our study it is important to note as seen in the reference above Sun crossing the "water" or "milky way" in the Heavens which is later retold in the "personified Jesus Story" as Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee and walking on water. After the Sun crosses the Milky Way it moves into the constellation Gemini called "the twins" Castor and Pollox (the two bright stars in Gemini are named Castor and Pollux).

Answer for yourself: What do we find Jesus doing in the gospels right after crossing the lake? We find an account of Jesus healing the sick but how many? How many people is Jesus healing? He is only healing "two".

If our premise holds we should expect to find Jesus associated with "two" (Castor and Pollox) people and that is exactly what we find. In the "Jesus Story", after crossing the lake (which we saw was Jesus as the personified Sun crossing the Milky Way), Jesus heals two demon possessed men.

Matt 8:28-34 28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. 29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? 30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. 31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. 32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. 33 And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. 34 And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Does the New Testament mention Castor and Pollux? It sure does

Answer for yourself: Is this just a coincidence that Jesus meets two men that need to be healed or is this again symbolic for the constellation Gemini as the Sun moves through the Zodiac?

Acts 28:11 11 And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. (KJV)

We made mention earlier of the connection of the Harvest with this time of the year around Summer when the Sun enters Gemini. This is a time of increase or doubling as the Sun continually rises in the Sky to its Zenith and its peak of strength. This is especially so noting the connection of Shavuot, or Pentecost, with the sign of Gemini. In Matt. 12:1 we find Jesus and his disciples going through the fields full of grain plucking the heads of grain to eat. As you can see the seasons are advancing.

Matt 12:1 1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. (KJV)

We find in the "Jesus Story" the masterful strength portrayed by Jesus in his teachings where he pronounces that like the Sun his strength is without limit and beyond contest:

Matt 12:8 8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day. (KJV)

No one can challenge Jesus and win or try to usurp his power for none can win for we find Jesus in all his glory and majesty in his ministry portrayed at this time which is keeping in symbolism of the Sun moving to its Zenith where its light is at its greatest. This great power of the "personified Sun" in the allegory of the "Jesus Story" is seen in Jesus ability to control the "darkness of the physical realm" as witnessed in the many accounts of the miracles of Jesus over "demons" in the New Testament. Let us not forget what we previously learned about the "Devil" being "personified darkness".

Matt 12:22 22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.

Matt 12:23-24 23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Is Jesus being challenged by these evil Pharisees accurate to Jewish theology and Jewish history? No not really as we show in other articles where Jesus was likewise supposedly challenged by the Pharisees for healing on the Sabbath and eating of the Sabbath. Jewish law allows for both healing on the Sabbath as well as plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath when one's life is endangered and we find Jesus in the text fleeing from Herod Antipas. This action would be perfectly permissible by Jewish Law but the writers of the New Testament had to show the opposition to Jesus and did so by misrepresenting the Pharisees. This dualism between light and darkness and it constant and eternal struggle is pictured in these false representations of the Pharisees.






We mentioned previously that at the Solstices, both the Winter and the Summer Solstices, the earth's tilt reaches it maximum and begins to retrograde and along with this it appear that the Earth has remained motionless or "dead" once again in 3 years. In keeping with the parallel of the personification of the Sun and the life and evolution of the life and ministry of Jesus in the New Testament we should expect to find at this particular time in the ministry of Jesus some reference to "death for 3 days".

Answer for yourself: Do we find such a reference in sequence to the events in the life of this Jesus as found in the Gospel account of a death for 3 days? We sure do!

Matt 12:38-40 38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (KJV)

Here we find, in sequential order in the Gospels mind you, Jesus' reference to the Summer Solstice and the 3 days of death of Jonas where he is in the belly of the big fish. This teaching of Jesus occurs when the Sun is in Gemini which is the time of the Summer Soltice. This death of Jonas is likened by Jesus to his own coming death at the next Solstice which is 6 months away, the Winter Solstice, were like Jonas he will remain dead for 3 days like the Sun is dead for 3 days before being resurrected again.

Answer for yourself: Is this just a lucky coincidence that when the Sun remains "dead" in the Heavens and Sky for 3 days, at the Summer and Winter Solstice, we find Jonas dead for 3 days and later Jesus dead 3 days?

We find associated with this event the challenge of those bad Pharisees that seem to be constantly challenging Jesus in the "Jesus Story" just like the Sun is constantly challenged by the darkness continually in its rise to its zenith of strength at the Summer solstice in Gemini.

John 3:19-21 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. (KJV)


Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 01:20


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




We ended the last article looking at the correlations between the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament and the path of the Sun through the Zodiac, in particular the constellation Gemini as it parallels the depiction of the "Jesus Story" taken chronologically throughout the New Testaments' depiction of Jesus Christ. Now we continue to go more deeply. The association of Cancer with water dates back to the shadowy dawn of astrology. The image of the crab is Babylonian in origin. In Egypt, this sign was represented by two turtles, and sometimes as an obscure water creature, known as Allul. The later placement of the crab within the zodiac is related to a minor chapter in Greek mythology, within the Twelve Labors of Herakles. The first labor of Herakles' (Hercules to the Romans), had been to kill the Lion of Nemea, (See Leo). Next in line was the fearsome, many-headed Hydra, a great sea monster, living in the marshes of Lerna. Hera, the goddess who sent Herekles to these tasks, often encouraged his failure. During his battle with Hydra, Hera commanded a nearby crab to attack Herekles and draw his attention away. Without question, the little creature took a claw-hold of a conspicuous toe. This act cost the crab its life, for Hercules abruptly crushed him. Impressed by its loyalty and courage, Hera placed the crab's image in the night sky. The Hydra had been a favorite to Hera, and was equally honored by the goddess. Not far from Cancer in the sky, lies the vast, chaotic constellation named for the great beast. Cancer itself, is not a brilliant constellation. However, at its heart is a lovely star cluster, sometimes known in astronomy as the Beehive. The name derives from the appearance of a swarm of stars in a dance of activity.

We saw in the previous article that in ancient times that the Ancient astronomers and Priests noticed that in the northern hemisphere the Sun reached its most northerly point in the sky as it rose each year through the constellation Gemini on its way to the constellation Cancer. We saw that the Sun reaches this point about June 21st, and this day is known as the summer Solstice. On the summer Solstice, the Sun appears overhead at latitude 23.5o north on Earth. This latitude is called the Tropic of Cancer. It retains this name today even though because of a wobble of the Earth called precession, the Sun now lies in the neighboring constellation of Gemini at the summer Solstice.

But after the Sun reaches its zenith in the Heavens there is only one place to go and that is backwards as its retraces it path toward the soon coming Winter Solstice as darkness beings to slowly overtake the Sun on a daily basis. The Sun has crossed a major divide; darkness starts to increase. In June the Sun passes through Cancer (June 21- July 22). The starting date is June 21, the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year when the Sun is at its highest ascension. After this day the Sun goes go backwards, beginning it's descent southward, as the days get shorter and shorter and darkness once again begins its assault upon the light of the Sun.


Appropriately the Ancients assigned a "crab" for the symbol or sign of the constellation Cancer. The reason is obvious once we understand this backward movement of the Sun at this time of the year. Shore-inhabiting and various names all signifying Crab, Crayfish or Lobster have been used for the constellation Cancer. A tortoise, scarab, and crab all move with an awkward, scuttling motion. This application possibly derives from{short description of image} the fact that the Sun's northward motion slows and appears hesitant for 3 days around the time of the Summer Solstice - before it begins to move backwards with a crablike movement southward again. For quite a while the Sun seemed to hesitate at its Solstice height before descending again to its lower Autumn and Winter heights; this hesitation in the movement of the Sun was likened to "death" as we say earlier in the story of Jonah. This hesitancy (Solstice...the Sun remain still for 3 days) can be seen in the peculiar movements of the living crab. Anyone who has watched a crab on the beach must have noticed its peculiar sideways walk, its sudden forward movements, and its occasional circles - as though it cannot make up its mind where to go. A crab walk in a zigzag path, sideways and backwards at the same time in a kind of a backsliding movement thus mimicking exactly what the Ancients saw in the movement and path of the Sun following the Summer Solstice. The idea that this dimmest part of the zodiac represents a crab might have to do with the fact that the Sun turned southward in its path and movement when it reached that part of the heavens and when the Sun reached its zenith in the sky at the Summer Solstice. An ancient writer tells us that Chaldeans associated this region with a crab because these creatures walk sideways, then backwards, like the Sun appears to move as it reaches the Summer Solstice and turns southward. Possibly related to this, ancient Egyptians called this part of the sky the Scarab, in reference to their concept that an invisible celestial scarab beetle which was believed to push the Sun across the Heavens. Cancer has usually been seen as a hard-shelled animal. We don't know how long Cancer has been called a crab, but it seems to have been a tortoise in both Babylonia and in early Egypt around 4000 BC. Two thousand years later it is identified in Egyptian records as a scarab beetle, Scarabaeus, an emblem of immortality.

When the fixed stars of Cancer marked the position of the Sun at the June Summer Solstice, and according to Chaldaean, Platonist and Mesopotamians philosophy, this key position in the Sky marked the gateway for the descent of souls into incarnation, the "Gate of Men" through which souls descended from heaven into human bodies. [Richard Hinchley Allen, Starnames, Their Lore and Meaning, 1889, a reference book on the history of the stars and constellations for astronomers, Dover Publications 1963, p. 107). It was held that the souls of men, when released from corporeity, ascended to heaven through the stars of Capricorn, whence it was called the "Gate of the Gods"; their road of descent, in order to be reborn was through the "Gate of Cancer". It is also interesting to note that somehow Cancer, then marking the northern gate of the Sun, became known to Chaldean and Platonist philosophers as the "Gate of Men," through which, they said, souls of people came down from heaven to enter human bodies. To the Ancient Japanese, who regarded the grouping as a "lump of souls," the Beehive Cluster, in Cancer, was a truly terrifying sight.

The least bright constellation of the Zodiac, the constellation Cancer marked for the Ancients the beginning of the Solstice of Summer (and so the Capricorn was the beginning of the Solstice of Winter) during the times of the creation of the Bible and this explains why such symbolism is reflected in the stories of the Bible; in particular for our study the "Jesus Story"! The zodiacal sign of Cancer (which the Sun enters on midsummers day) was, at one time represented by the Ancients as two donkeys feeding at a manger.


In keeping with our study of the evolving life of Jesus as depicted chronologically in the New Testament in parallel with the path of the Sun though the Zodiac. The more we study the more we continue to see more interesting "parallels" concerning the life of Jesus as depicted chronologically in the New Testament as taken from the path of the Sun (personified as Jesus) through the Zodiac. We now follow the Sun through the Zodiac as it travels from Gemini to Cancer.

We left off with Matthew chapter twelve in our prior study of the Sun moving through Gemini and we noticed that the stories of Jesus and his disciples going through the grain fields plucking heads of grain to eat which is presented as a problem which really is not in Judaism as well as the opposition to healing on the Sabbath which again according to Judaism was never a problem. Hostility toward him has already been manifested (Matthew 8:10; 9:3, 10-13, 34), but here it becomes more intense but this is to be expected as the Sun moves to the Summer Solstice for right on the other side "darkness" awaits to overtake the Sun and his power. We mentioned that such unhistorical narratives were but literary ploys to create this increasing "tension" between the opposing Cosmic forces of "light" vs "darkness". We have at its best here the battles with personified darkness depicted in the healings of the man with a withered hand on the sabbath as well as the healing of the blind and mute man (Matt. 12:9-22). This opposition to light in the allegory of Pharisee opposition can be summed up:

Matt 12:14 14 Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. (KJV)

Astronomically and allegorically speaking "darkness" lies in wait to apprehend the Sun and take it to its ultimate death as the Winter Solstice. Again is must be said that if one studies Judaism he is hard pressed to see that these accounts were actual stories in a historical setting; rather, one comes to see these as but "literalizations" of the constant struggle between "light and darkness".

Following the text in chronological sequence we should come to some form of "division" or "separation" since the Sun in its path is now dividing the Sky in half. Following the New Testament narrative we find as we expected the Jesus speaking of "division" at this point in the text in keeping with the path of the Sun.

Answer for yourself: What could this reference to "division" mean?

Matt 12:25-37 25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Answer for yourself: Jesus is talking about "dividing" a house. Did we not see in another article that Jesus had mentioned that in His Fathers's house is "many mansions" and that this referred to the 12 signs of the Zodiac?

As noted before, the year was divided into 12 equal parts, or months. And to each month was appointed a heavenly symbol or astrological "Sign." Each of the 12 monthly signs was called a "House" of the heavenly Zodiac.

John 14:2 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (KJV)

The signs of the zodiac have been called at times the "houses of the Sun," and also they are considered as the day or night "mansions" of the planets. Religiously minded astrologers, indeed, refer to the zodiacal signs as the "many mansions" in the Father's house, of which Jesus speaks in the Gospels.

Answer for yourself: Is it a coincidence that at this point in the path of the Sun, personified as Jesus, that we should expect to find something either in the sayings of Jesus or in his life having to do with "division" since the Sun just reached its apex of ascension and begins its southward trek back down the Sky? What we see is that at the Summer Solstice the increase of light and the victory over the foe of darkness has reached its maximum point and the Sun begins to travel backwards now as if dividing the Sky in half. Such is the division I speak. And this is exactly what we find.

The Summer Solstice falls at the precise moment when the Sun's power is at its zenith. It is the time of year when the noon Sun appears to be farthest north from the celestial equator. "Solstice" is Latin for "Sun stands still" (sol "Sun" and sistere "to stand"). Summer Solstice is so named because to the naked eye the Sun appears stationary in its northern and southern progression. The Sun is directly over the tropic of Cancer at the Summer Solstice. From the moment of Summer Solstice, the Sun immediately begins to wane. The journey into the harvest season has begun. Midsummer has been one of the important solar events throughout the evolution of humankind. It was an indicator that the year was about to begin waning, thus Winter would be again returning. Although not all the ancients were as precise in the calculations from an astronomical point, you can be sure that they were keenly aware of the sun's progression, and did most assuredly know when Solstice was upon them, as the Sun appeared to stand still in its northern progression.

But that is not all.

Answer for yourself: What should we expect to find at the Summer Solstice? The word Solstice comes from the Latin term "solstitium," which translates into English as "Sun standing still." As mentioned it is at the Summer Solstice that we should expect to see the Sun standing still for three days around Solstice, as the Sun rises and sets in nearly identical places before continuing its backward movement southward in the Sky on its way to the Winter Solstice and that is exactly what we see. We have seen in prior studies that the Ancients thought the Sun had died for 3 days at the Winter Solstice due to its cessation of movement in its path in the Heavens but now as well we see that in the teachings of Matthew we find the mention of this "3 day" period as well as connected to a teaching coming from Jesus.

Answer for yourself: Where do we find Jesus teachings this reference to this 3 days in the path of the Sun as correlated to the depiction of his life chronologically in the Gospels?

We find it in Matthew again in Jesus' teaching of Jonah being in the belly of the great fish for 3 days.

Matt 12:40 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Does this 3 day reference to Jonah at the Summer Solstice as mentioned by Jesus correspond astronomically to the 3 day reference to Jesus being in the tomb of earth for 3 days at the Winter Solstice? Yes.

Answer for yourself: What is the Astronomical link? There are periods of 3 days with both the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice when the Sun appears "to stand still" which was interpreted by the Ancients as "death" and this is applies both to Jonah, in the middle of the Gospel story as in the middle of the year, and to Jesus as well at the end of the Gospel or should I say at the end of the "Jesus Story" at the Winter Solstice. To any "thinking believer" it is hard to deny what we see here especially when we consider the unique timing in the gospels for these solar events to occur and the teachings the appear concerning Jesus as these times as well.

Answer for yourself? Why should we have expected to find Jesus teaching about Jonah (since he could not use his death for an example since he had not died yet)? Well you see Jonah appears to be dead for 3 days in the belly of the whale only to be presented alive after 3 days exactly as does the Sun at the Summer Solstice.

Answer for yourself: What do we see hidden in the story of Jonah in the belly of the fish for 3 days? We see that Jonah's message to the non-Jewish world was a message from God of "repentance" connected with "salvation".


Respuesta  Mensaje 81 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2012 21:20


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




The Winters Solstice is also know as Yule, Christmas, and Saturnalia and it occurs in mid-December. It is a celebration of the new Solar year and the beginning of Winter. The Goddess manifest as the Great Mother and the God as the Sun Child. The God also appears as Santa Claus and the Old Man Winter. The Colors associated with it are Red, Green, and White. This is a festival of inner renewal.

Today, many people in Western-based cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots. Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the "Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice.

Most of the customs, lore, symbols, and rituals associated with "Christmas" actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. While Christian mythology is interwoven with contemporary observances of this holiday time, its Pagan nature is still strong and apparent.

Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for thousands of years. This start of the solar year is a celebration of Light and the rebirth of the Sun. In old Europe, it was known as Yule, from the Norse, Jul, meaning wheel.

Today, many people in Western-based cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots.

Answer for yourself: Do you know why this day and period of time of the year was held sacred? Simply because this is Astro-theology at its best. This is the time of the Winter Solstice. People have celebrated the middle of winter for centuries. Winter Solstice is the longest night of winter, after which each of the days grow progressively longer until the Summer Solstice. Many cultures celebrated this sign of winter's waning and traditions of the Solstice have continued into today's other Winter Festivals. The importance of agriculture in early societies made the seasons very important to their celebrations. Spring and Summer were times of new life and Fall was the time of the Harvest. Winter, cold and dark, was a time of little sunlight. The sun's light weakened towards Winter, and people feared that it might disappear completely. In order to honor the sun, people celebrated. If they honored the sun, they felt it would return quickly and completely. Music, bonfires, and feasts were used to honor the sun back to its full strength. The importance of the lights of Hanukkah and Christmas could be said to have Solstice origins. The ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia, beginning December 17th. Saturnalia honored the god of agriculture, Saturn. This was a time of feasting, gift-giving, and visiting. Evergreen trees were covered with fruit and other decorations, and candles were popular gifts. Elements of Saturnalia can be seen in Winter Solstice and other Winter celebrations today.

But more to the point the Ancients noticed in very ancient times that during the solstice period, the sun which was travelling south into the cold of winter and would descend until it reached a point where it would stop. In {short description of image}the winter the days are short and the Sun in low in the sky. The Winter Solstice is the day when the Sun is the lowest in the southern sky. During the short winter days the Sun does not rise exactly in the east, but instead rises just south of east and it sets south of west. Each day after the winter solstice, which occurs on December 21st, the Sun's path becomes a little higher in the southern sky after having remained motionless in the sky for 3 days. The Sun also begins to rise closer to the east and set closer to the west until we reach the day when it rises exactly east and sets exactly west. This day is called the equinox. In fact this is what the word 'solstice' means, 'sun standing still.' This most southerly position of the sun is marked on all globes, as the tropic of Capricorn, for it is in that sign that this event takes place. Notice if you will that the Sun seems to sinking lower into the horizon as winter approaches and the days possess less daylight and heat. That means less photosynthesis and less harvests and food supplies diminishing. Ancient man feared the darkness for it was personified death to him. In the absence of light from the Sun then man was vulnerable to bad and evil things happening to him. In fact we get the term "the devil" from this concept as the Ancients connected the ideas of "evil" and "darkness" together. To the Ancients the dark was "evil" and they called it the "dark-evil" or the "d-evil" or the "devil". I hope you see this. Darkness brought the threat of attack from enemies he could not see, the capture of his women and family by invaders, the threat of attach by predator animals or poisonous snakes let alone the absence of light and heat that promised food for tomorrows. In such conditions as the Sun, the provider of light, security, safety, heat, and photosynthesis and the abundance of food stuffs was the Savior of the Ancients. So when we speak of the Winter Solstice it is rather easy knowing this that as the Sun sank deeper into the southern horizon on a daily basis and with less light every day to the point that the path of the Sun had moved further down the sky to where it had remained motionless for 3 days at the Winter Solstice then the ancients considered that the sun had actually died. In fact, the great orb, would remain standing still for three days neither moving north or south. Then, it was noticed, that on the third day, the sun would begin moving northward again.

Answer for yourself: Can you now see and understand why it was always said that the sun, the light of the world, would die for three days and then on the third day rise again?

Answer for yourself: Are you aware that this was known thousands of years before Christianity came on the scene?

We must never forget that the primary, motivating factor that inspired early man to worship God, was his fear and dread of the potential fierceness of his environment. His (primitive man) major impetus for worshipping and sacrificing to the Sun God was to assure that the Sun God would continue protecting mankind from the ravages of the dreaded winter.

So for primitive man, the inception of winter, Dec. 22, was the worst day of every year for him. This day, Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival. This day, Dec. 22, is referred to by astronomers as the Winter Solstice. This word, Solstice, according to Webster's Dictionary means "to stand still, pause, a turning point." Primitive man even believed the Sun had died as he could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days and and these 3 days were days having the shortest daylight of the year. This day, Dec. 22, the start of winter, was the harbinger of his potential perdition.

On Dec. 22 of each year, the Sun reached its Winter Solstice, the lowest point of the trajectory (angle of rays) of the entire year as depicted in the picture above. After Dec. 22 (the turning point), the Sun again rises northward, which is a sign that summer shall come again! God's salvation in the Sun was on its way to mankind!

Even though Dec. 22 marks the beginning of winter and the weather turns progressively worst from that point (Dec. 22) until the spring (March 21), all is not lost. Because the fact that the angle of the Sun's rays projecting on the earth, was moving progressively northward told early man that the warmth and comfort of the summer Sun would eventually prevail. His faith was renewed that he and his family would be "saved" by God who controlled the movement of the Sun and the Stars. God was speaking to the Ancients from Heaven through the movement of the Sun and the Stars and this was man's first salvation message.

But there was a period of doubt, for early primitive civilization. Primitive man did not understand our universe and solar system as we do today. We, today, know exactly what causes the four seasons of the year. But early man did not; at least not for awhile until we come to Egypt. He did not possess knowledge of our Solar System, the axis of the earth, its rotation and revolving around the Sun. He did not understand that these forces operated by a Natural, Providential Law, that would stay its course, no matter what. Early man only understood the result, not the cause. Because of this he would "reason" such events as best he could and these resulting "myths" would be handed down among mankind until Science would advance to replace such foolishness. The problem is that such foolishness would be later personified into acts of each nation's heroes and later "literalized" by Rome as they lifted this from the realm of allegory and in so doing was ascribed to Jesus by the Sun-worshipping Romans who had control over the New Testament.

Now you can better understand that each year, early society awaited the approach of Dec. 22, with foreboding. Dec. 22, the day of the Winter Solstice (definition is to stand still) was a day of reckoning for them. Because it seemed to them, as they observed and tracked the North to South movement of the Sun, that on this day Dec. 22, the sun entered its grave. The North to South progression of the Sun can be likened to a swinging pendulum. You know that when a pendulum reaches its solstice (the point where it swings back - its turning point), that for a slight imperceptible moment, it actually stands still. But in terms of our vast solar system, the point of solstice is not imperceptible. It lasts for days, three days to be exact. For three days, after the sun reaches its solstice, it appears to stand still. This period of pause, between the Suns descent and Ascent, wrought paralyzing dread and fear into the hearts and minds of the early pre-Christians. Over time, they established rituals and traditions concerning this period (Dec. 22 to Dec. 25). They passed the word through oral tradition, and eventually, after their societies established writing, wrote it down, concerning their Sun God: the sun shall lay in a grave (point of solstice) for 3 days. But after 3 days the sun shall rise, be resurrected, (according to Webster’s Dictionary, the word resurrect is linked to the word resurge, which means "To Rise Again", to revive), and ascend toward heaven, (progressively ascend northward to the position of the summer Sun).

Answer for yourself: Can you begin to see that when the Sun and its path through the Heavens was later personified and then later "literalized" by Rome that out comes the "Jesus Story"?

1 Cor 15:14 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Risen? As in Sun or the personified form of the Sun as the "Son of the Sun"?

And when the sun completes its ascent upward toward the point of its summer solstice, it will comfort us and bless us with warm weather and long days and will save us (be a savior) from the ravages of winter. So, this, that I have explained to you here, is the ORIGINAL, authentic, true CONCEPT of the resurrection. As the revelation of God would grow among Mankind, men could see how the God of the Universe has spoken such to them in the Cosmos. Egypt understood it best: God was speaking to them of His true salvation message through the path of the Sun which followed Universal and Cosmic Laws: birth, life, death, and rebirth. God was speaking to mankind through the movement of the Heavens that all live must follow the Divine Order and Laws of God and when done then harmony is produced and the ultimate salvation of mankind is realized through his birth, life, death, and rebirth as seen the God's Heavens above, God's Nature around them as well as the internal workings of the body which follow these same Laws of God.

When the pre-Christians spoke and wrote of the resurrection of the Sun; they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the SOLAR SUN. That would come later. We see the the culminating of it in the teachings of Jesus and Judaism.

Now understand I believe in the resurrection of the dead as well as "the Christ" but as a Divine Concept within all mankind. That is what Paul and his authentic 7 epistles taught:

Col 1:27 27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: (KJV)

What you, the reader must be sharp enough to see, is that many "untruths" have been mixed with "truths" in the life of Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament and "cast out the leaven."

But, when the Gentile Church broke from their Jewish Roots the Gentile priesthood began to associated with the inherited traditions about Jesus their older "religious traditions" of the Sun-gods. Long ago their Gentile ancestors had changed the Sun to Son. The priesthood told the pagans that the SON (Christ) was born on Dec. 25, just like their SUN. They told them that the Son had been dead in a grave for three days and then was resurrected (revived) and ascended to heaven (upward) just like their Sun.

Answer for yourself: Looking at the astronomy and astrology down through recorded history let alone a comparison of comparative religions this seems rather unlikely. The religious texts we inherited from Rome are definitely questionable. Yet this is totally a matter of faith for you, the reader.


Emperor Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the "Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations. Shortly thereafter, in 273, the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman solar feast day was Christianized. January 6, celebrated as Epiphany in Christendom and linked with the visit of the Magi, was originally an Egyptian date for the Winter Solstice. If you have ever studied the Jewish Roots of Christianity you can easily see that Yeshua was conceived at Hanukkah (the Festival of Lights...light to the world) and was born at the High Holy Days (9 months later). This is why Bet Emet exists in hopes we can sanctify ourselves before our LORD and one day meet Him with truth and lives lived in this truth accordingly!

Most of the customs, lore, symbols, and rituals associated with "Christmas" actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. In closing "Pagan" does not always mean "evil or bad." But to attribute celestial events to Jesus, the assumed Messiah of many, and teach them as literal truth is not truthful!

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites. Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!


  • Bet Emet Ministries
  • Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
  • 902 Cardigan
  • Garland, Texas 75040
  • Home: 972-496-4238
  • Cell: 972-480-7690
  • E-Mail: bennoah1@verizon.net

Respuesta  Mensaje 82 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2012 21:29

the rebirth of the sun from the dead...the winter solstice

christianityasamysteryreligion.com/wintersoltice....En caché - Traducir esta página
Answer for yourself: Do you know why this day and period of time of the year was held sacred? Simply because this is Astro-theology at its best. This is the time ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 83 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/09/2012 18:05
Tranquilos, que nadie se asuste... no vamos a sufrir una invasión de demonios del averno (al menos eso espero ;-) ). Me he permitido la licencia de usar ese titular por un motivo concreto. Hoy, 21 de junio, es la fecha en el hemisferio norte (en el sur ocurre al contrario) del solsticio de verano. Arranca oficialmente la estación más calurosa del año y hoy el día tiene más horas de luz que ningún otro.

Como ya comentamos en el blog en su momento, los antiguos romanos contaban entre su nutrido panteón de dioses con la figura de Jano (Janus en latín), el dios de los solsticios. Era también el dios de las puertas, de todos los inicios y de los finales. Poseía una rica iconografía –de la que algún día hablaremos más a fondo–, en la que lo más destacado era su representación con dos rostros, cada uno de ellos mirando en direcciones opuestas. De ahí que se le denomine también como Jano bifronte.

En lo que respecta a la temática de este blog, lo que más nos interesa de él es que los collegia fabrorum (las cofradías de constructores romanos) le rindieron una devoción especial, siendo su patrón.

Como decía más arriba, se consideraba a Jano el dios de los solsticios, las «puertas solsticiales» o «puertas del cielo». Así, el solsticio de verano era llamado janua inferni, la "puerta del infierno" o de los hombres, y el solsticio de invierno, janua coeli, la "puerta de los dioses". Además de patrón de los constructores, Jano era para los romanos el dios de la iniciación a los misterios. Era la «puerta», no sólo solsticial, sino también iniciática.


Esta devoción se transmitió a los canteros medievales y pasó a la iconografía y la religión cristiana bajo el culto a los dos «san Juan»: el Bautista, que tiene su festividad el 24 de junio (solsticio de verano), y el Evangelista, que tiene su festividad el 27 de diciembre (solsticio de invierno). Hay casos muy significativos en este sentido, en los que esta pervivencia es evidente. Jean Hani, profesor emérito en la Universidad de Amiens, menciona un notable ejemplo en la basílica francesa de Saint-Remi, en Reims: «En una vidriera aparece un único san Juan, que engloba en una sola figura al Precursor y al Evangelista, fusión subrayada por la presencia, sobre la cabeza, de dos girasoles (los dos solsticios) dirigidos en sentido opuesto: una especie de Jano cristiano, en suma».

No es el único caso. Otro día hablaremos de la presencia de zodiacos en iglesias y catedrales medievales. Hoy es suficiente con comentar que junto a algunos de estos zodiacos, generalmente esculpidos en las fachadas de los templos, y a ambos lados de Cristo, aparecen en ocasiones los "dos Juanes". Están marcando, de este modo, las fechas de los solsticios. ¿Qué simboliza esto? Como bien explica de nuevo Hani:

Del mismo modo que ellos ‘abren’ los dos períodos de la historia marcados por las dos venidas del Salvador, igualmente, en el plano cósmico, ‘abren’ las dos fases del ciclo anual, símbolo reducido del ciclo universal del tiempo y la historia; y en esta función, han reemplazado, desdoblándolo por así decirlo, al Jano bifronte, del que los Collegia fabrorum, antepasados de los constructores de catedrales, celebraban la fiesta en los dos solsticios.

Además, la división en la janua inferni y la janua coeli aparece también en algunas representaciones medievales del Juicio Final, en las que se divide la escena en dos partes: por un lado, los condenados que van al infierno –descienden, igual que el Sol a partir del solsticio de verano, o janua inferni– y, por otro, aquellos que se salvan –ascienden, al igual que el Sol tras el solsticio de invierno, o janua coeli.

En los templos medievales las representaciones de Jano son bastante habituales –además de los casos mencionados–, sobre todo en los zodiacos. Os pongo las imágenes de varios ejemplos. La primera corresponde a una representación del dios existente en la catedral de Amiens, en una serie de los trabajos de los meses. La segunda y la tercera proceden de la catedral de Chartres, también en Francia. En ésta última imagen Jano –aunque no se aprecia en la fotografía– está rodeado de símbolos del zodiaco.




Por supuesto, y como algunos de vosotros ya habréis adivinado, este culto a Jano, y más tarde a los «dos san Juan» en las logias medievales, se conserva en la masonería actual, pues tanto las fiestas solsticiales como los dos «Juanes» tienen gran importancia.·.

Eso es todo. ¡Feliz solsticio! y ¡Feliz noche de San Juan el sábado! (ojito con las hogueras) ;-)

Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/09/2012 18:52
El 24 de Junio (Solsticio de Verano) se celebra el dia de San Juan Bautista que proviene del Latin Janua que significa ... o puerta. Janua Inferi.

Janua Inferi y Janua coeli son las puertas a los lugares superiores e inferiores.

El 27 de Diciembre dia de San Juan el Evangelista (Solsticio de Invierno), Janua coeli. Estos solsticios son los puntos en que el Sol al haber arribado a su culminacion en su curso ascendente y descendente, pasa de los signos zodiacales superiores a los inferiores y hace su regreso a la posicion anterior.

Janus con su doble cara y sus llaves nos indica, segun la tradicion romana, su asignacion de abrir los lugares superiores e inferiores, o sea, darle comienzo y finalidad al ano.


Pedro P. Dollar:.

Respuesta  Mensaje 85 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/09/2012 18:56


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Mensaje por Admin el Mar Jun 22, 2010 10:17 am

A LA G:. D:. G:. A:. D:. U:.
Libertad * Igualdad * Fraternidad


A todos los Hermanos, a cada uno según su grado y condición.:

Solsticio, derivado del latín solstitium, sol (el astro) y stitum (detención). La detención del sol que marca el tiempo en que este se halla más lejos del Ecuador y en que parece quedarse varado en los mares del universo unos días. El solsticio de verano se produce entre los días 21 y 22 de junio en el Hemisferio Norte cuando la distancia angular del Sol al Ecuador celeste es máxima. .Con el, el misterio de los cielos, la magnitud de los espacios cósmicos que nunca dejan de ser fuente de curiosidad para los hombres, toma cuerno en un día que no es como los demás. Un día donde la naturaleza, el hombre y las estrellas se disponen a celebrar una fiesta cargada de gran poder y magia. Es momento de fecundidad, de cosechas, de gracias por los dones recibidos y de acopios para pasar el otoño y el invierno.

También sabemos que en la tradición hindú, la fase ascendente se pone en relación con el deva-yna, y la fase descendente con el pitr- yna; por consiguiente, en el Zodíaco el signo de Cáncer, correspondiente al solsticio de verano, es la “puerta de los hombres”, que da acceso alpitr- yna, y el signo de Capricornio, correspondiente al solsticio de invierno, es la “puerta de los dioses “, que da acceso al deva-yána.

Los antecedentes en la celebración solsticial cabria hallarlos entre otros, en la celebración celta del Beltaine, o del bello fuego, o también fuego de Bel, ceremonia realizada en honor del Dios Belenos. Era el momento propicio en que los druidas purificaban el ganado y hacían plegarias por un año fructífero.

Los griegos dedicaban esta festividad al Dios Apolo y los romanos a la Diosa de la guerra Minerva y en todos los casos el fuego y las hogueras eran la herramienta central y simbólica.

Al otro lado del Mar Ártabro los festivales primordiales incaicos estaban en relación a los solsticios siendo majestuosa la celebración del Inti-Raymo o fiesta del Sol que el 24 de junio tenia lugar en la impresionante explanada de Sacsahuman en las cercanías del Cuzco imperial, recinto inaccesible y enigmático.

El cristianismo en su esfuerzo por hacer suyas las numerosas fuerzas que tienen su manifestación en esta fecha solar mágica optó por dedicarla a San Juan. San Juan Bautista es el autentico príncipe del santoral cristiano. Es el único santo del que se celebra su nacimiento y no la muerte.

Así nos lo advierte S. Agustín, afirmando que fue santificado en el vientre de su madre y vino al mundo sin culpa. Hijo de ancianos acerdote, Zacarías, casado con una mujer tan santa como estéril al nacer curó a su padre de una mudez que se había abatido como castigo por su poca diligencia en acreditar el anuncio del Ángel Gabriel cuando le avisó del estado de gravidez de su esposa. Al menos así es como nos lo narra Lucas en su Evangelio.

Juan es nacido el portavoz de la Redención. Por ello su festividad el 24 de junio es y se la asimila a una fiesta solar. De luz y de fuego. San Juan necesariamente encarna sobre si la liturgia del solsticio de verano porque para los cristicos era que hacer imposible erradicar de la práctica tradicional los más antiguos ritos de la Humanidad escenificados en la mas grande de todas las fiestas, las ancestrales celebraciones solares.

Concurren en favor de Juan su perfil juvenil y el atractivo ambiguo del personaje. Un hermoso ejemplar andrógino bellamente representado por Leonardo da Vinci en el siglo XVI.. En el estamos ante un Sol menor que abre camino al Sol mayor, Cristo. También nuevamente ante la dualidad, en ambos personajes se contraponen la muerte y la resurrección.

Juan con rebelde gallardía juvenil se muestra firme en su misión ante el rey Herodes preparando el camino de su Señor. Es una voz que dama en el desierto y que no calla. No calla ante la opresión y no gira el rostro ante los abusos de poder aunque no le afectasen personalmente.

Con desobediencia lozana, casi con inconsciencia púber, tanto insiste que, como suele suceder con los díscolos legitimados por la razón, su cabeza terminará sobre una bandeja de plata, en este caso como ofrenda obscena a una sensual y libidinosa bailarina, Salomé. Al menos es lo que nos refiere Flavio Josefo. A partir de ahí, ya mártir, el nombre de Juan se utiliza por el mundo cristiano impuesto con la fuerza positiva del mismo sol, con la viveza del fuego y la fecundidad de una virtud invencible.

En la Edad Media el ya entonces San Juan de los cristianos fue adoptado como Santo Patrón de los Collegia Fabrorum de artesanos y luego de los constructores, masones operativos desde donde paso su patronazgo a la masonería especulativa desde su mismo surgimiento a principios del Siglo XVIII.

Hay una corriente de estudiosos de la Masonería que asocia la fiesta solsticial masónica con San Juan el Limosnero, Gran Maestro de los Caballeros de San Juan de Jerusalén, Orden creada en el siglo XIII.

Juan el Limosnero, el patrón mas amado y venerado de los Templarios era patriarca de Antioquía . Juan de Antioquia, no duda en tiempos de fervor y cruzadas, en abandonar su posición de privilegio para dirigirse en el 550 a Jerusalén. Allí, en las andas y arenosas tierras bíblicas, se prodigó en socorrer a los peregrinos, creo una fraternidad para curar a los cristianos enfermos y heridos, ayudó económicamente a los que viajaban a Tierra Santa y combatían a los moros, o a los visitaban el Santo Sepulcro. La Iglesia Católica lo canonizó bajo el nombre de Juan el Limosnero o Juan de Jerusalén. De alguna forma se le considera el precursor de la Cruz Roja Internacional. También se afirma que el puesto de Hermano Hospitalario, que es regular en los cuadros logiales de nuestra Orden tanto en sus símbolos como en sus funciones son reminiscencias de este personaje.

Para los griegos los solsticios eran sinónimo de puertas siendo el solsticio de verano la puerta de los hombres. Etimológicamente la palabra Juan se relaciona con el vocablo latino Janua cuya traducción es puerta y del que se deriva januarius, enero, o iniciación. Sin salir de este contexto cabe subrayar que el significado de puerta lo tiene también la letra griega Delta que tiene forma de triangulo y que la era la que utilizaban los antiguos en las puertas de acceso a los templos iniciáticos.. Los cristianos sustituyeron el Janua o Janus etrusco y su equivalente Saturno de los frigios y los griegos con San Juan, nombre que en una de sus acepciones se interpreta como la gracia o el don de Dios. Dentro de la amplia onomástica cristiana de juanes es el Bautista el que representa al solsticio de verano.

Jano como personaje mitológico asoma inicialmente en la mitología hindú primitiva. Como dios de la naturaleza era guía de las almas y como a Osiris se le llama Sol teniendo bajo su custodia las puertas de Oriente y Occidente. Janus para los romanos era el dios que presidía el ingreso del Sol en los hemisferios celestes. El Dios de la iniciación a los misterios y al mismo tiempo el dios de las corporaciones de artesanos. Carácter a la vez iniciático y operativo.

Desde siempre la Francmasonería ha asimilado a Janus dentro de su estructura simbólica y derivado de elloe stá la importancia que el pueblo masónico concede a las fiestas solsticiales.
En el caso de la del verano, dedicada al Reconocimiento. Diversos autores masónicos hacen referencia a que la utilización del termino Logia de San Juan se remonta al tiempo de las cruzadas cuando los caballeros masones se unieron a sus similares de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalén más conocidos como templarios y que e ngesto de solidaridad a los principios de estos aceptaron como propio a su patrón. Por sincronía todas las Logias de las corporaciones de constructores pasaron a llamarse Logias de San Juan.

Comúnmente se asume como patronos de la masonería universal conocida como simbólica o azul a Juan Bautista y a Juan Evangelista en los que se representa las dos fiestas solsticiales emanadas de la antigüedad, el primero de la del verano y de la del invierno, el segundo.

La tradición masónica las ha hecho celebraciones obligatorias y se auspicia como reconocimiento de su impronta ceremonial, el momento adecuado para llevar a cabo Asamblea General en Grandes Logias y Tenida Magna y Solemne en Logias regulares. Asimismo es preceptivo en el solsticio de verano la elección de Grandes Maestros, Venerables y Dignatarios.

Jano, dios bifronte, arcano, esotérico y enigmático. Fija una de sus caras en la tradición del pasado y la otro indica el rumbo hacia el devenir. Es una exhortación permanente a quien lo observa y lo comprende a asumir con dignidad y valor su tarea presente, aprovechando la experiencia de lo acaecido para anticiparse al destino. Es quizás esa cualidad visionaria encerrada en la alegoría de Jano el origen y resumen temporal y espacial de la Masonería desde una perspectiva iniciática.

De ella se nutre la Orden en lo profundo de su ser, en su esencia real y es a la vez el arma más poderosa conque se dota para garantizar su teleología inmanente.

El sol es por si solo un símbolo masónico de suma importancia. La Logia en esencia es una simbolización del Universo con un territorio enmarcado por piso terrenal y su techo celestial. El Venerable Maestro ilumina simbólicamente el Taller con su sabiduría cual el Sol que comienza su esplendor desde el Oriente. El Primer Vigilante simboliza al Sol en el ocaso al Occidente y el Segundo Vigilante simboliza el sol al Mediodía en la escala del tránsito. El medio natural de acción de un masón es la naturaleza y los fenómenos naturales son obligada fuente de estudio e inspiración. ¿Por ello, como ser ajenos al fenómeno del recorrido elíptico del Astro rey e ignorar la coincidencia de que sus puntos mas lejanos y distantes del Ecuador marcan cambios naturales de dos estaciones opuestas, verano e invierno?.

Jano nuevamente, la dualidad, símbolos también de la contradicción, lo bipolar representados estos conceptos opuestos en el piso cuadriculado delTaller, de la Logia, el blanco y el negro.
Preveer y preparar el porvenir, basando el trabajo presente en la experiencia y el conocimiento del pasado ha sido siempre la privilegiada tarea de la francmasonería. Una tarea empeñada en el cumplimiento de unos deberes y obligaciones que por su propia naturaleza no tienen principio ni fin, renovándose siempre en una noche mágica de solsticio de verano la apertura de esas puertaS invisibles del otro lado del espejo que nos instruyen al conocimiento del futuro y a las dimensiones prodigiosas de la realidad.

Queridos hermanos que el transito solsticial ilumine vuestros corazones con la llama de la pureza y el amor y alumbre en vuestras mentes la razón y la verdad en vuestras vidas.


Respuesta  Mensaje 86 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/09/2012 19:27

In a roundabout way the 'angels' were drawing our attention to the 'bloodline of the Holy Grail' storyline and tying that to Princess Diana and her bloodline/offspring. Presumably because certain things are about to be set into motion that will involve the British Royal Family through which Cupid's arrow will point at something more profound. Something cosmic.

Michael Jackson is an arrow, Moon is an arrow, Bigfoot is an arrow, crop circles are an arrow, Diana is an arrow, Et in Arcadia ego is an arrow, the Monolith is an arrow, Jupiter is an arrow... it goes on like time itself, marching forward slowly but surely toward the heart of the matter which is truth in the tomb, where we all end up one way or another. The great mystery...

...of the phoenix.

Death and Rebirth

I guess it's almost time...

Let the Games begin. 

Respuesta  Mensaje 87 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/09/2012 19:59
Nov 04: I should mention that we are currently passing through a series of notable "Mayan phi points" (golden ratio) stemming from late 2009-early 2010.

Those involve two deadly quakes - Haiti and Chile - both of which unmistakably pentagrammic thus alluding to the Golden Ratio fractally expressed in the geometry of the pentagram.

Haiti-Chile-align-penta.gif (92741 bytes)    pentagonal-quake-overlays-2.gif (104305 bytes)

Because Haiti & Chile were also designed to align and work together, its possible that key event(s) around November 6-7 will end up resonating with what's coming up around November 24 or Thanksgiving/Turkey Day. Or, since the latter is already resonating with the quake disaster in "Turkey" (Oct 23/Norway phi point), there may potentially be another such event or some other form of "echo" around ~Nov 7. Quite speculative, but worth monitoring.

There is of course a larger context and Comet Elenin/Lucifer's remarkable "punch line" is yet to be revealed... but that's for another time.


Oct 28:

Oct 28 Royal shake-up: Girls given equal rights to throne

This is all about the baby of William & Kate...

Right on Time

...per ELENIN: Lucifer's Comet (Sep 27):

...My expectation in this area [i.e. Royal pregnancy/birth & Birthquake] is that a set of interconnected world events of the ~August-October 2011 time frame will be seen to have foreshadowed momentous, "Mayan rebirth" events coming up in 2012.

Based on Elenin's "time map," around mid-October 2011 could be considered a primary window for the first "shock wave" or an "official preview" of what's to come next season (possibly Kate's pregnancy announcement)... which should be very interesting to watch. [...] (red emphasis added)



Oct 16:

[For more on Comet Elenin pentagram see ELENIN: Lucifer's Comet]

Oct 15 Occupy protests spread around the world
Oct 16 "Doomsday" comet swings by Earth
Oct 16 Calif. Governor Declares Oct. 16 'Steve Jobs Day'
Oct 16 Thousands attend MLK memorial dedication
Oct 16 Indy 500 winner Wheldon dies in 15-car crash



Oct 05:

Apple impact = pentagram/Venus impact = Elenin impact

[For more on Comet Elenin pentagram see ELENIN: Lucifer's Comet]

Thank you Steve. Mankind will miss you greatly.
Rest in peace.


Respuesta  Mensaje 88 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/09/2012 20:16

7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day

July 7, 2007
by Goro (goroadachi.com)

What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all about Solar Resurrection... again.

  • 2007 is solar minimum - the quietest point of the 11-yaer sunspot cycle.

  • July 7 is aphelion - the farthest point of the earth from the Sun in 2007.

So the Sun is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07, signifying a moment of transition from life to death and back to life. It's Resurrection in the 'Valley of the Sun', like the nickname of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix.

The Sun also 'dies' on the winter solstice when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. In 2006 it was commemorated by the space shuttle Discovery STS-116 landing in Florida, the 'Sunshine State' (12/22/06).

From a galactic perspective, the Sun crossed the Galactic Equator on the winter solstice and the Galactic Meridian on December 8-9, exactly when Discovery STS-116 was launched.

    - Dec 09 - Discovery STS-116 launch: The Sun crossing the Galactic Meridian
    - Dec 22 - Discovery STS-116 landing: The Sun crossing the Galactic Equator

[image by Gary Palmer via spaceweather.com]

The Galactic solstice-Sun alignment is closely associated with the end date of the Mayan calendar, winter solstice 2012, when Sunspot Cycle 24 is projected to peak. The Galactic Meridian alignment coincided with the release of Mel Gibson's 'Apolcalypto', all about the end of the Mayan civilization.

The Sun was strangely active as well...


The Sun would cross the Galactic Meridian again on June 7-8 on the opposite side of the sky/ecliptic.

It coincided with the Venus Transit (= 'Grail/Messianic conception') in 2004 and the launch of Atlantis STS-117 this year.

Atlantis returned only a day after the summer solstice, when the Sun 'died' for the Southern Hemisphere.

It was another death/life Resurrection moment - acknowledged or foreshadowed by the shuttles' solstice axis expressing 'coming out of the egg' (back to life) via the STS-116 mission patch and such.

And it was Prince William, a 'Once and Future King' (Arthur) figure, 'reborn' on his summer-solstice birthday. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB to highlight Paris, where his mother Princess Diana died in 1997. Edwards is aligned with the 'Tower Axis' (Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars) extended from Paris.

On the 'Tower Axis' is also found the crash site of NASA's Genesis (9/8/04). It went to the Sun and came back with solar wind samples. The crash therefore signifies the Sun hitting the bottom, again expressing the phoenix death/resurrection theme.

The astronomical/astrological symbol of the Sun looks like this:

It also signifies the 'Monad' - known to the Greek philosophers as 'The First', 'The Seed', 'The Essence', 'The Builder', and 'The Foundation'. Or in other words... Genesis.

Within weeks of the Genesis crash, U2 released the first single 'Vertigo' off their new album 'How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'. 'Vertigo' is the name of the company which provided the helicopters that were supposed to catch Genesis midair (see picture above). One of those helicopters was also named 'Vertigo'.

The connection is reinforced by the lyrics of 'Vertigo' alluding to the progressive rock/pop band 'Genesis'. Their last big hit was 'I can't Dance' from their 1991 album 'We Can't Dance' which is referenced in the second verse of 'Vertigo':

The night is full of holes
Those bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll
They know that they can't dance

At least they know

Update: Genesis, reunited and touring this year, was the first band to perform in London's Live Earth concert.


Furthermore, the 'Vertigo' video shows U2 in the desert like NASA's Genesis, performing on a Sun/Monad symbol.

'Vertigo' was also heavily used by Apple to promote the iPod...


...showing the same Sun/Genesis symbol (the 'click wheel').

Apple's new product iPhone - widely considered the most highly anticipated consumer electronics device in history - was just released on June 29, '07, the same day as the car bomb event in London recalling the 7/7 bombings there two years ago, seemingly setting the stage for Live Earth 7/7/07... And what do we see in the Live Earth logo? The same solar symbol!

Live Earth certainly knows where it is in time (aphelion, etc.) and is the latest manifestation of the the 'Solar Resurrection' theme.

Now, whereas we see the blue sky in the Life Earth solar symbol, we see the solar symbol in the blue sky on the cover of Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing'.

The song was a major part of the enigmatic final scene of The Sopranos (HBO) that got everybody talking.

6/11: Debate rages over ‘Sopranos’ existential ending
6/13: Tony Soprano is dead theory gains credence

Unbeknownst to most, the episode was mostly about Solar Resurrection. So for example on Journey's 'Escape' album cover - the album of 'Don't Stop Believing' - we find the scarab beetle coming out of a sphere/egg:


Scarab in Ancient Egypt:

  • The image of the scarab, conveying ideas of transformation, renewal, and resurrection, is ubiquitous in ancient Egyptian religious and funerary art.
  • The scarab was linked to Khepri ("he who has come into being"), the god of the rising sun.
  • The ancients believed that the dung beetle was only male in gender, and reproduced by depositing semen into a dung ball.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that Khepri renewed the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to renew it, again, the next day.

The final scene of The Sopranos was also literally a 'Last Supper', evoking death and resurrection... and the Grail. This is just the tip of the iceberg but you get the idea.

The same Sun/Genesis symbol is also in the Tour de France logo:

The race starts on 7/7/07 and in London - the city of Diana, Prince William, and the 7/7 bombings two years ago. The race will conclude in Paris, another 'Diana city', aligned with Genesis' crash site and Edwards AFB (Atlantis landing).

The 'Tower Axis' or the Champ de Mars (green) is highlighted by the Eiffel Tower. It's the 'Tower of France' or, since 'tour' means 'tower' in French, 'Tour de France'.

The 'Tower of France' is also Mary Magdalene - the lady of the Grail. 'Magdalene' means 'tower' and she is said to have gone to France after the Crucifixion, carrying the 'Grail' with her. The Grail is a form of the phoenix. (This also interacts with the Stuart/Grail bloodline of Diana discussed before.)

On the official Tour de France website I even found (now gone/hidden) a 'Live Earth'... being cooked by the Sun - alluding to global warming.

It was coded as well... Like this, for example:

(London and Washington are both Live Earth concert sites.)

In any case, a 'Deep Impact sequence' should follow 7/7/7... Good times...


*          *          *


July 20  'Sunshine' released; all about... Resurrection of a dying Sun!




© 2006 goroadachi.com


Respuesta  Mensaje 89 de 164 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/09/2012 22:46

Birth in the District of Columbia

www.eyeofsiloam.com/DaVinciCode/GizaUSA/index.html - En caché
18 May 2006 ... Socrates was rightfully put to death because he initiated a form of science that ...
The consequence of his sheep following him out into the desert was that Western
Civilization became lost in a flood of words and books, even though Thales and
Socrates were illiterate to the point that they never wrote a word.

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