The Bible text Revelation 15:3 is a verse that clearly illustrates the ancient cultural war within Christianity between Gnosticism and Orthodoxy. The text tells us that seven angels held harps given to them by God. They sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb: “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the Ages.” (New International Version 1984)
Some readers would find this text surprising, not just for the cosmic symbolism of seven angels celebrating God as King of Ages, but also because many translations do not contain this final word ‘Ages’ but replace “King of the Ages” with “King of the Nations” or “King of the Saints”. Indeed the current NIV has fallen into line with this alternate reading, changing its 1984 text and using “King of the Nations”, relegating “Ages” to a footnote which states “Some manuscripts ages”. But the extraordinary thing about this question is that ‘Ages’ is the original text, and it appears that ‘Nations’ and ‘Saints’ are later changes introduced by Church Fathers to reflect emerging orthodox dogma.
This small textual difference points to an immense political conflict within ancient Christian interpretation. My hypothesis is that an original Gnosticism saw God and Christ as revealed in the natural cosmos. By this view, the description of God as ‘king of the ages’ refers to the observed movement of the heavens measured in the slow precession of the equinox through the twelve signs of the zodiac over the course of the Great Year, forming a perpetual cycle of twelve Ages or Aeons. However, in the early church a usurping political orthodoxy suppressed the original natural vision that had linked God to the perceived structure of time, in favour of the supernatural Christian doctrine that separates spirit from nature. So, the dogmatists replaced the natural term ‘ages’, respecting the cosmic immensity and eternity of God, with the anthropocentric terms ‘nations’ or ‘saints’, emphasising their much more limited historical and political vision.
To justify this reading of Ages as the most likely original text, we can look to the discussion of this verse at a website promoting the inerrancy of the King James Version of the Bible. analyses the claims for the different readings. It notes that the Textus Receptus, the source for the King James Bible, shows Latin Church Father support for the reading of “King of Saints”. From this fundamentalist viewpoint “King of saints” and “King of the nations” are seen as “fitting titles for God in the context of Revelation 15:3”, with “King of the nations” found in CEV, ESV, HCSB, NASB, NIV 2011, NLT, TNIV.” The various translations can be compared at
Despite the common use of ‘saints’ and ‘nations’, the first very good reason why “Ages” has support is that it is the original text. As the supporters of the KJV acknowledge, “the problem, however, is that the oldest manuscripts have “King of the ages”. The two earliest extant manuscripts of Revelation 15:3 are Papyrus 47 (250 AD) and Codex Sinaiticus (350 AD), both of which have “King of the Ages”. The earliest manuscript for “King of the nations” is Codex Alexandrinus from 400 AD. This is an example where modern textual critics do not always follow the earliest manuscripts for any given passage if that early reading does not support their views. … King of the ages is a very ancient reading.”
As noted, ‘ages’ predates ‘nations’ by 150 years in the extant records, but does not support the views of ‘modern textual critics’.
The KJV inerrantists present the feeble argument that “ages” (αιωνων) and “saints” (αγιων) look very similar, and ages is a simple mistake in the earliest documents, despite the supposedly inspired status of the text. They add the letter gamma (γ) to aion to produce the KJV reading, removing a key Gnostic idea. These supporters of the KJV are explicit about their support for the altered text as a political move: “As for why scribes may have changed “King of the ages” to “King of the nations” … the meaning of “King of the Aeons” … may have given uncomfortable Gnostic undertones.”
What are these “uncomfortable Gnostic undertones”? Basically, it is that the Bible contains a theology grounded in accurate observation of nature, with the idea that events on earth are reflections of the observed cycles of the heavens. Contrary to the view of dogmatic supporters of KJV inerrancy, Gnostic ideas pervade the book of Revelations, and the Gospels. Suppression of this one mention of Ages does not remove the Gnostic cosmology from the canon. The idea of Ages promotes a natural cosmology, readily observable in ancient times, that explains the real framework of the Biblical understanding of time and space based on accurate long term observation of the precession of the equinox.
For example, the holy city described in Revelation 21 is totally Gnostic, with its twelve jewels representing the twelve Aeons of the Ages of the Zodiac, listed in reverse as per precession by old Babylonian tradition. The river of life in Rev 22 is the Milky Way galaxy, while the tree of life growing on both sides of the river, with its twelve fruits, one for each month, is the zodiac. The handing of ‘power, seat and authority’ from the dragon to the leopard-bear-lion in Rev 13 is an allegorical description of the precession of the North Celestial Pole over historical time. King of the Ages in Rev 15 fits perfectly with these Gnostic cosmic themes.
We see therefore that “Ages” was replaced by Latin scribes in ancient times to serve their secular theological agenda of promoting the miraculous and mysterious power of the church, favouring an alienated transcendental vision which required the church as the intermediary between community and God. The church was in conflict with Gnostics who promoted a natural theology, and saw discussion of aeons as a key marker for the debate over orthodoxy. Even though 1 Timothy had used the phrase King of the Ages, it sat uncomfortably with Orthodox views of canonical dogma.
This textual change raises the question of the extent to which such censorship was successful more broadly. How many ancient texts were originally far more natural and cosmic in intent like this one, only to be altered to make them acceptable to the supernatural doctrines of orthodoxy?
The fundamentalists say that King of the Ages does not fit the context. But consider the line “They sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb.” A Gnostic reading of the myth of Moses and the ‘song of the Lamb’ can readily support the idea of God as King of the Ages.
There is support for this argument from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, where verses 10:2-3 state that the Israelites “were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.” Paul’s idea of the pre-existence of Christ as a ‘spiritual rock’ in the time of the Exodus opens the spiritual idea of a mythical eternal Christ as the content of the song of Moses. The description in Numbers 21 of the snake on the pole, cited in John 3:14 as the model for the cross and basis of eternal life, provides further support for the Mosaic Gnostic idea of the cross as a cosmic symbol. For a Gnostic cosmic reading, this idea of the snake can readily be linked to the vision of the centrality of the north celestial pole concealed in Rev 13, and the idea of the four corners of heaven as marking the points of the cross and the four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 and Rev 4:6. And the seven angels who sang the song of Moses and the Lamb make good sense as referring to the sun and moon and five visible planets.
Church father Clement of Alexandria helped to explain the use of such natural symbols in scripture, saying: “All who have treated of divine matters have always hid the principle of things and have delivered the truth enigmatically, by signs and symbols, allegories and metaphors.”
The analysis therefore suggests that discussion of the song of Moses in Revelation is allegory for cosmic wisdom.
So too the ‘song of the Lamb’. Ancient astrology, well known to spiritual seers including the authors of Revelation, observed that the spring point, the position in the sky of the sun at the March equinox, moved out of its old position in the constellation Aries the Ram into the constellation of Pisces the Fishes at the time of Christ. Astronomical software shows that the precise date when the equinox crossed the first fish of Pisces was 21 AD, providing a marker for the New Age, the turning point at the beginning and end of time, at the purported time of the ministry of Christ. This date, and the decades around it, was a unique time when the constellations of the sky matched the seasons of the earth precisely, so that earth was in tune with the heavens, on earth as in heaven.
It is entirely fitting in Gnostic terms that this moment of cosmic attunement gave rise to the myth of the incarnation of the anointed saviour Jesus Christ. In terms of natural reason, the pre-existent logos described by Paul as appearing to Moses and the prophets indicated the time before the alignment of the seasons and the stars, while the moment of alignment indicates the descent of God from heaven to earth, mythologized as the incarnation of Christ.
The ‘song of the lamb’ described in Revelation can therefore be interpreted as both the beginning of each new year in the sign of Aries the Ram, and also the end of the previous age and Great Year in the Age of Aries. Jesus Christ as beginning and end, alpha and omega, is therefore a cosmic symbol who can be understood as the song of Moses and the lamb, pointing to the unity of father and son as king of the ages, within an entirely natural theology.
When Gnosticism actually ceased to be a threat to orthodoxy is a very good question. On the surface you may be right that by the late fourth century Gnosticism was vanquished. However, if Gnosticism was the real origin of the Christ myth, and many people were aware of this suppressed fact, but hid their knowledge due to Christian tyranny, then the underground River Alph (which surfaced again with Coleridge) of Gnostic mysticism persisted as a voice of esoteric conscience which still had to be suppressed. It is analogous to how Trotskyism remained a bogey for Stalinist paranoia long after Trotsky was dead. The hydra has many heads.
Nigel: “Revelation was hardly established as a canonical text in the time when Gnosticism was an issue.”
Again, we have an extremely partial view of ancient culture around these topics, much of which was conveyed through secret mystery teachings. The process of writing Revelation could well have involved assumed knowledge of Gnostic ideas having very ancient provenance, going back to sources in Egypt, Babylon and further east. If the early Gnostics were either committed to solely oral transmission of teachings (cf The Apocalypse of Adam “the words they have kept of the God of the aeons were not committed to the book, nor were they written”), or if their writings were systematically hunted down and burnt, then we are likely now to have only distorted evidence about exactly when `Gnosticism was an issue’.
Nigel: “So no-one would have read “ruler of the emanations” and had a spack attack; “king of the ages” would have been read “eternal King”.”
Possibly, but if the successful suppression of overt Gnosticism still faced the need for sporadic mopping-up operations to deal with hidden defiance, then this spark of dissent in Rev 15:3 could have been seen as worth snuffing out. You can’t be too careful if you are paranoid. The authors of the Sinaiticus website are a bit ‘spacky’ in translating Aionon as Saints.
Nigel: “Orthodoxy asserted transcendence and immanence, so an assertion of transcendence was no threat to it.”
In my previous comment I was thinking of the rather complex idea of natural transcendence, as distinct from the absurd orthodox idea of supernatural transcendence. Natural transcendence looks to the pleromatic stability of the infinite eternal reality surrounding the visible world of the here and now. By contrast, supernatural transcendence invents imaginary entities. Supernatural ideas crept into later Gnosticism as a form of corruption seeping through from the pervasive orthodoxy. If the original enlightened framework was a vision of natural reality, then the available Gnostic texts, like the extant orthodox texts, should be assessed as a fragmentary reflection and distorted memory of this high wisdom.
Orthodox immanence only works by reference to a complementary entified transcendent being, who is beyond nature but displays finite unity and intentionality. This contradictory paradox of the finite infinite being helps reveal the absurdity of orthodoxy. Entities are finite, and the idea of God as an infinite entity is a contradiction in terms. The Gnostic sense of how the whole is revealed in the part is far more realistic and complex than the literal incarnation doctrine at the centre of the orthodox view of immanence.
Nigel: “But if “king of the ages” was so disagreeable, why wasn’t 1 Tim 1:17 fixed as well? “Now to the *basileus ton aionon*, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory etc…”"
There are many Bible texts with natural cosmic references for which the “fix” was not applied. These things have an element of accident. Just one scribe finding “Ages” offensive in Rev 15 would have been enough to open up the contrasting tradition by deftly adding the gamma. Perhaps Timothy lacked the surrounding Gnostic imagery of Revelation that the scribes thought needed a bit of toning down. Perhaps they wanted to protect the text by compromising the language to make it less vulnerable to fanatical bigots who wanted Revelation out of the canon.
Nigel: “And if we’re working in Latin, why not say that “king of the saeculum” — the age and things of this world as distinct from the transcendent — connotes immanence?”
Good point, which opens up the ambiguity within the meaning of immanence. From a modern panentheist orthodoxy, the whole universe is immanent, present as material reality of general revelation, while God remains fully immanent only in the special revelation of Christ. My understanding is that from an ancient viewpoint, the sublunary world of historical change on earth was the locus of immanence, while the unchanging celestial spheres of the superlunary universe were transcendent. The transcendent does not have to be immaterial. The saeculum, commonly a human lifetime, is one thirtieth of a zodiac age of 2148 years, a period which serves as a bridge from time to eternity.
As I see it, the debate between Gnosticism and Orthodoxy turns significantly on the comprehensibility of transcendence. The original Gnosticism that I am postulating as the source doctrine for Christianity, a real Quelle, says that transcendence is in principle comprehensible, visible in the slow shift of the heavens. This was unacceptable to the essentially magical and supernatural outlook of pious orthodoxy, who insisted that transcendence could not be comprehended in any natural observation, no matter how vast.
This question of the nature of transcendence and immanence feeds into the contrast between King of Ages and King of Nations in Rev 15. The Gnostic idea of Ages supports an immense but still finite vision of God, stretching across thousands of years and the vastness of the visible stars. The Orthodox idea of Nations starts from the essential paradox of piety that an infinite God displays finite care. This paradox is not one of those word tricks like `the last shall be first’, but rather a genuine logical breaker for the coherence of Christian dogma. King of Nations requires the assertion that nature is not as seen by science, because it postulates a personal God for whom there is no evidence, whereas the Gnostic reading of King of Ages is compatible with a scientific understanding of God revealed in nature, deus sive natura.
And this may be very much relevant to the 'twin date' of Oct. 25/26 - i.e. November 8/9. (See previous updates for explanation.) First, let me remind you that Bush ...
Well, take another look at the alien crop glyph. Does it not show only the right side of the face lit by light? The correspondence is unmistakable. This effect is even evident in the alien logo from the 'Watcher website' shown earlier...Can you say 'prophetic'?
Ah, but there is more. :)
So far we've analyzed two sets of dates, the March 20/March 7 paring and the August 27/August 14 paring. Now let us move on to another pair... October 25/26 and November 8/9. In the previous updates I explained in depth why these two dates are to be considered 'Mars days'. And, yes, they are separated by 13/14 days - making them calendarically equatable dates.
The significance of Oct. 25/26 derives from a combination of several things. First, there will be a Sun-Moon-Earth alignment (i.e. New Moon) on Oct. 25, meaning there will be a total 'blackout' of the Moon in the night sky. Second, the Sun-Moon conjunction will occur exactly at the spot where the Moon was positioned on March 20 and where the Earth was on March 7 (as seen from the Moon). This alone is enough to make Oct. 25/26 a 'Mars day'. Third, the causeway of the Great Sphinx (identifiable with Mars), angled approximately 14 degrees (or 13.5 deg.) south of due east, will align with the sunrise of Oct. 25/26. Fourth, on the same day (Oct. 25/26), Mars rises at the same point on the Giza horizon as the Sun. Fifth, Mars rising on the eastern horizon on Oct. 25, perfectly aligned with the Sphinx causeway, will coincide with the 2-hour window of the Sun-Moon conjunction which in turn will be occurring at the March-20 position of the Moon.
And here are a couple of additional coincidences I just discovered. When viewed from the general area of NYC, i.e. the 'Babylon city' that experienced the 9/11 attacks and the 8/14 blackout, the Sun-Moon alignment of Oct. 25 (a 'Moon blackout') will take place exactly when the Sun and the Moon are seen rising at the horizon! Not only that, the Moon's rising point will be ~14 degrees south of due east - i.e. the exact angle of the Sphinx causeway!
There is no question that October 25/26 is a 'Mars day'. If you're not yet convinced, this should do it: On Oct. 25, there will be a conference held at the Univ. of Wisconsin called 'God, Man, and E.T.' which will deal with religious implications of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. The lecturers will include Richard Hoagland and David E. Flynn from the 'Watcher website', i.e. the website of the 'alien logo'!
Okay, now, moving 13/14 days forward from Oct. 25/26... bringing us to November 8/9. Like Oct. 25, there will be a 'blackout' event of the Moon on this date. This time not a New Moon, but a total lunar eclipse. In addition, there will be a very rare astrological configuration on Nov. 8/9, dubbed the 'Harmonic Concordance', that will coincide with the lunar eclipse. It's a perfect hexagonal form depicting the 'Star of David' - the star shown on Israel's flag.
In Endgame V, I discussed how the Star of David can be viewed as the two-dimensional representation of two interlocking circumscribed tetrahedrons - the geometric configuration from which derives the 'hyperdimensional number, 19.5°, i.e. the key number encoded into the layout of the 'monuments of Mars' in the Cydonia region according to Hoagland. This 19.5° angle is now widely considered the 'message of Cydonia'.
It could be said that the Star of David, or the interlocking tetrahedrons, represents a 'stargate/Babylon configuration'. And the date producing this astrological arrangement, Nov. 8/9, is quite clearly another 'Mars day'.
I might as well mention too that the Star of David symbolizes the Holy Grail, or 'Blood Royal', signifying the union of Jesus and Mary (Magdalene) or God and Goddess (masculine and feminine). The triangle pointing upward represents manhood and the one pointing downward represents womanhood. I believe many people are now aware of this symbolism thanks to The Da Vinci Code, the hugely popular book this year (still the #2 best-selling book at
What is not yet widely known, however, is that the 'Face on Mars', as well as the Sphinx, embodies the same theme. I presented this view in Endgame III written back in Nov. 2002. Endgame III even revealed how the 'Face' - actually a combination of the body of Virgo/virgin and the head of Leo/lion - was... mimicked by the Shroud of Turin, the sacred cloth on which is shown a shadowy image of a man widely thought to be Jesus himself. I even discussed the plausible idea that the Shroud was actually made by Leonardo Da Vinci and the image is that of his. Yes, Da Vinci as in The Da Vinci Code. [...]
And this may be very much relevant to the 'twin date' of Oct. 25/26 - i.e. November 8/9. (See previous updates for explanation.) First, let me remind you that Bush ...
Fourth, on the same day (Oct. 25/26), Mars rises at the same point on the Giza horizon as the Sun. Fifth ... There is no question that October 25/26 is a 'Mars day' .
It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938, and ... In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage and ... that is interrupted by news flashes about strange explosions on Mars.
... patterns gave us various secondary windows to watch - such as Oct. 25/26, Nov. ... 'August 6' is, after all, the day of the great star Sirius' heliacal rising (as seen from ... It's almost as if Mars is saying 'hello' to us in anticipation of mankind's ...
This ring shows where the boundaries of the actual constellations cross the ecliptic. The constellation Virgo encompasses the largest length of the ecliptic ( about ...
The shift of the Winter Solstice 2011 occurs 5:30 am Dec 22.
This is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and from here is where the Solar force will get longer and stronger. This identifies the rebirth of the Sun’s presence coming back into our psycho-somatic reality.
This phase is identified as a shift in the subconscious Spirit unto those who welcome and prepared themselves for the energy known as the gate of god. This serves as a relief for those of us who have been going thru tribulations in the lower natured season now known as the Fall. The Fall of the Spirit Nature is detrimental to those people who have been working on themselves thruout the yearly initiations, but the energy also defines the Spirit as it forces the Spiritual Being’s development to stand out to be seen for what it is… is it on the higher level incline or is it on the lower level which means a great decline and attempt to pull on the higher spiritually-inclined ones.
It is shifting a little different this year tho. Before it was constant initiations that helped the spiritually persevering individual ability to reach a certain level of enlightenment, but this year is a great shift universally so.
The Winter Solstice is a special time for me, where I do a specific ritual that yields great results in the transition of the seasons, but in this one, it is the transition of the Age of Darkness. I can say the only way to fully comprehend this shift is thru the perspective of an Archangel… What is the perspective of an Archangel? The Archangel is the angelic Being who is responsible and hovers over the dimensional angles to bring thru the shift upon the spirits, whether in Nature or in humanity. Its also the perspective of the Shaman Priest {more later} who knows the degrees of the shifts that the earth makes in her yearly cycles in transitioning new births… in this case, the Mother Earth has been labouring for some time now and is ready to give birth as the perspective of the New Ages that “happen.”
This understanding can be explained, but it is actually activated unto the individual who is called or paying attention with compassion enough to feel the Spirit, respect and realize what is happening in the phase of this Birth. This is far more deeper than the farmers almanac, who studies nature only to bear their own fruits, this is an advancement of Spiritual knowledge in understanding the tradition of the Ages.
I’ll explain, then discuss the Solstice chart.
Today is the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of Summer in the Southern. There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and making decisions about how we are responsible for the energy that is coming upon us in 2012. Many try their best not to claim responsibility for their Spiritual energy and try to go thru another year of ignorance with no acknowledging accounts of transgression… do you know where they got that phrase “have you been naughty or nice?” Me either, but this is the same alignment and it has a lot more to do with Life and your personal transition than some material things under a dead pine tree.
Now, from the farmers perspective, this is the time of year up North where we have reaped the harvest of what we've done and not done, seeds planted, nurtured to bear fruits. Okay, so what happened around this time last year? Hmm do you remember? Or is it gone in the subconscious? Were you complaining about the material things you didn’t get? Where you down and depressed because you were alone or arguing? Did you have any sort of ceremony that had to do with planting seeds ifor fruition? Oh that’s right, you were saving that time for the New Years Eve party where people get completely intoxicated and try to squeeze all their fun in a couple of hours with blind hopes of positivity—how sad. Sorry people, we or you need to get back in the tradition of spiritual power, not the crazy ceremonies that involve certain times activating death phases.
For those who know, this is the Gate of the Gods, where the Spiritual hierarchal powers actually descend unto those who have been preparing their vessels for the higher vibratory frequencies of light. These energies have been weening their way upon people who actually respect their path of enlightenment and specifically worked on their light-centers- commercially known as chakras- to receive the light-works upon them. Now, what does this mean for the masses who haven’t? it mean a whole lot of chaos and confusion… yeah, many think oh it won’t happen to me, but it has already begun, and the Divine Plan is in Full Effect.
2011 was a year of Measure, this particular Archangel has been deployed to slay the enept spirit who continue in their attempts to exploit, abuse and manipulate the Path-finders who are persistent to prosper on their journey. You have become a measuring stick and also an impotus for the Light-Workers. In the astral realms, you’ve most likely already been slayed by the Archangel Samael… now, “As above, so Below” will be the example as your own spirit which is dead has turned on you and works not as your angel, but as an angel of death, hovering over you, as you set up your own demise by making a grave mistake and fucking with the wrong ones when you thought it would please your own ego trip and scenario. You probably thought there would be no repercussions because it hasn’t been that way for a while now… this was a year of redemption and for those who didn’t get the memo, they were just initiated into scenarios that show who you really are; a selfish asshole.
Have you had certain individuals come to your doorstep who offered you help and assistence, but out of your greed, and envy you caused comtempt, welcomed them in your home with ulterior motives to use them and exploit this person? This was an opportunity for "Redemption" and with your ill-will you got rid of them to assume way of life you were used to living instead of being compatable, loving and caring, you chose the other route: your ego made the decisions for you, therefore your were measured and failed. This has been happening all over the planet, and now those angels who were seen as people to expoit, and manipulate were personal witnesses and measuring sticks for serving your justice. The Ones on their spiritual path have willingly made the sacrifices of materialism in full dedication to the spiritual way and message of truth in practicing wealth and wisdom. So they may have come upon those who had a little space in their home for an opportunity to see things a little differently, but chose to remain a stubborn asshole, so be it.
Otherwise a great time for those perseverers who have been anticipatingthis shift for some time now!
With these obvious shifts in our consciousness that has hieghtened awareness and receptiveness, one can figure out how we claim the spiritual power in 2012 in this material world. In the Southern latitudes, they've finished their "Spring planting," going into Summer and will see their labors come to fulfillment over the next cucle {90 days}. Whether North or South, you will keep following through on the emergent archetypes you've already begun to live. Since this is the time to embrace personal power in some public way. You are who you are now, regardless of where you live, what follows is only what we’ve created for our spiritual self and all can expect to experience over the next phase {13 weeks}.
As mentioned, the charts for the Summer and Winter Solstices provide guideposts for what will follow in the 90 days after those points in time, just as charts for the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox each show what will follow in the period after those points in time.
I've written extensively about the various aspects and positions in the article Ophiuchus: Serpent Master in November 2011 and 2010. So reference that for a more extensive look at the astrological understanding that factors in right now.
The things in those articles that are still active in this Solstice chart are the various septile series irrational patterns generated by Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and since it’s happening right now, most of the planetary positions are the same as what I mentioned in that article. All signs are definitely affected, so please reference that article, since it’s happening right now!
These series patterns revealed multiple “destiny producing” aspects involving the zones of subconscious {non-rational} decision making. These are "fork in the road" energies that seemed to be general chaos and craziness, but the important factors remain, it was a time that supposed to be about Love and openness. In this Solstice involves the Moon in Scorpio making a strong square alignment with Mars, Venus, Uranus, and a close square to Neptune, and a very close triseptile to Jupiter. To explain: The aggressive behavioral patterns of Mars revealed where the Heart is in Venus, therefore the spiritual potency of Uranus and Spiritual Flow of Neptune revealed and measured where one's true desires are in Jupiter. The alignment makes for a grand series of “destiny producing zones,” involving the venomous potion of Scorpio, into the higher realms of Capricorn, causing the flow of the masses in Pisces, and the bold egos in Taurus to expose the nature between the divine and humanity thru Gemini, and therefore, the royal heritage in Leo was set, measured and judged in Libra. So there you have it.
You can bet the coming year is going to be heavy in so many ways that it’s safe to say we’re all going to have a wild ride! The masses are going into great turmoil basically by the karma and causes that they've allowed to overrule their destiny. You thought 2011 was a potent year! As all planets and all signs are involved, it’s definately going to be a year none of us will forget for a long time!!
Other forming aspects of note are those showing future patterns; these are "separating aspects" that show things past thru Mercury's communication and Mars agressive behaviors moving forward into the spiritual flow of Neptune that shows where the people of great hearts dedicated thru pure love in Venus will be set in time as avatars thru Saturn. Basically, the people who have worked on themselves are going to have a spiritual flow that draws them closer in unity separate from the social masses in society. While the agressive behaviors of Mars will bring the spiritual flow in Neptune, to reveal the desires of those who have chosen their path {Jupiter}.
Saturn aligned with Neptune shows that the time of spiritual flow in powers has aligned on the lowest levels {Saturn is 1st chakra}. The wide but impending evolutionary powers of Uranus are aligned with the purging refinement qualities in Pluto. Of definite importance are that Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune create a novile series of active points. These are “spiritual sensitive” zones that exclusively involve “realization points” in degrees of the Fire signs, Earth signs, and the Air signs. With the planets involved, it brings an element of things going into or coming out of gestation, due to spiritual factors, to everything related to or ruled by these planets will bring a spiritualizing energy to the extreme irrationality coming down the next 90 days. If you have planets in any of the element spans just listed, welcome to where Destiny intersects with Realization.
We find ourselves in the midst of brightening influences, showing the potential to realize that “our community” is sustaining us, and we no longer have to feel isolated or cut off from the Life that is all around us. Here can experience “the oneness of all existence,” which can bring us the “realization of belonging to a greater whole.” Here we find “enduring rewards” when we accept Life as being fundamentally friendly, and encouragement resulting from our courage in pressing forward on our pilgrimage from darkness to light. Here we find a potential confirmed. The keyword is responsibility, and we are told when positive it indicates “a complete spiritual fellowship with human kind.”
This implies that the ruler of the Light/Life of the next 90 days is telling us to relax into feeling connected with others, overcoming the isolation we’ve been placed in, and preparing for a form of philosophical completion with those who have endured the tribulations with us spiritually and physically. This can show us how many things that have needed repair and/or reconstruction over the past year either were consequences of past actions and inactions, or how we need to construct a sense of connection with others to repair an element of our individuality that may have been damaged by past actions and inactions of others.
Until the obvious pattern takes full control, things will definitely be out of balance for a couple of days, even weeks, so find the counterweight in each circumstance, and be open to new discoveries, new cares, and new ways of creativity, self expression, that will help us be better lover, carers and open us up to play and have fun more.
We’ll lead from our experience, so pay attention to details as you cultivate practical inner guidance when your curiosity leads you into restless places.
The center (blue) ring in the above illustration is the sidereal zodiak. The signs of the sidereal zodiak align with their corresponding constellations and their stars. The zodiak does not move. It is referenced to the fixed stars in the heavens, or to the fixed and primary galactic equatorial axis in the ecliptic (the horizontal line). This axis is created by the intersection of the ecliptic plane and the galactic plane. The two nodes of this axis in the ecliptic are the “Galactic Equatorial Node” in Sagittarius, and the Gemini. They are also called the “Gate of God” and the “Gate of Man.”
The outer (violet) ring reveals the thirteen ecliptical constellations (not signs). This ring shows where the boundaries of the actual constellations cross the ecliptic. The constellation Virgo encompasses the largest length of the ecliptic (about 44°). The constellation Scorpio dips south of the ecliptic plane with only the Scorpion’s head lying upon the ecliptic–encompassing only about 6° of the ecliptic. Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, stands upon the Scorpion and crosses the ecliptic–thus creating the thirteenth ecliptical constellation (not sign).
The inner (green ring) is the tropical zodiak (at 2000 A.D.) The tropical zodiak moves around the ecliptic with respect to the fixed stars--with respect to the sidereal zodiak and to the constellations. It moves because 0° tropical Aries is referenced to the moving Vernal Point. The Vernal Point moves around the ecliptic at a rate of about 1° every 72 years (once around the ecliptic in Earth's ~25,000-year precessional cycle) due to Earth's precession. The tropical zodiak and its signs are not reference to the stars or actual constellations, the tropical signs are referenced to Earth's seasons (the Vernal Point is where the Sun resides in the ecliptic on the spring equinox, as experienced in the northern hemisphere). The signs of the tropical zodiak are currently miss-aligned with the true sidereal signs (and the energies of the actual stars and constellations) by ~25°, and they are drifting further and further apart due to Earth's precession.
Aldebaran, Eye of the Bull, and Antares, Heart of the Scorpion, mark the center of their respective sidereal signs: 15° sidereal Taurus and 15° sidereal Scorpio. The Babylonians referenced the sidereal zodiak by these stars. Aldebaran, Antares, Regulus (Heart of the Lion), and Fomalhaut are called the Four Royal Architects or Archangels, giving structure and order to the Heavens. Regulus is Chief or King of the Four Royals. It is the only one of the four lying exactly on the ecliptic plane. Residing at 5° sidereal Leo, Regulus is also the only one aspecting the Galactic Equatorial axis. Regulus, or “the Rex” means the Law Giver–a clue to its astrological influence as the Heart of the Lion.
The Galactic Axis of Earth's Precessional Cross
Just as Earth is tilted with repspect to its orbit around the sun, so too is our solar system tilled with repspect to the the plane of our galaxy. The ecliptic plane is tilted about 60° to our galaxy's equatorial plane. This creates another intersecting line, one which remains stationary (relative to Earth's precessional period). This axis is called the galactic equatorial axis and it is the fixed axis of Earth's Precessional Cross. The primary reference point of this axis is the galactic equatorial node (GEN), which resides at 5° sidereal Sagittarius. This node is called the "Gate of God." Its opposite point, the anti-GEN, resides at 5° sidereal Gemini and it is called the "Gate of Man."
Earth's Precessional Cycle and the Formation of the Precessional Cross
An exciting addition to the Lunar Planner WEB site. For the first time ever: See 3-D high resolution MP4 movies of the entire precessional cycle with written commentary explaining the cycle. See exactly how the Precessional Cross forms and changes throughout the ~25,000 year precessional cycle. Offering not only standard movies, but also stereo movies (stereography), providing unprecedented depth perception of the Sacred Geometry of Global Change.
Estimated Download Time 1M DSL / Cable - 3 min 12 sec
Viewing Notes:
MPEG-4 (MP4) is the latest international multimedia standard, delivering professional-quality video over a wide range of bandwidths. MP4 movies require Quicktime Version 6 or greater, or an equivalent MP4 reader. To download Quicktime for MAC or PC, or to upgrade your current version, please go to
The smaller versions of the movie (300 pixel and 400 pixel) are offered for those who have a narrow internet bandwith (slower transmission speed). Unless you have a broad bandwith (high speed) internet access, the movies may take a while to download--but well worth the wait if you have the time. Thus, the smaller sized movies may be preferable for a quicker download. The larger movies offer the clearest and most dramatic presentation of the Precessional Cycle of the Holy Cross but take more time to download. The largest movies may be hardware demanding for some computers as well, which may result in slow or jerky play.
Stereo Movies
Stereo Movies offer the ultimate in a 3-D viewing experience. The standard movies, although wonderful to view, simulate a 3-D experience by projecting a 3-D image onto a 2-D plane, thereby offering the illusion of a 3-D perspective. Stereo movies are created from two slightly different images, therefore offering the illusion of depth as well. This makes viewing the Precessional Cross cycle quite phenomenal--as can be seen in the sample stereo picture offered below. There is one requirement: the viewer must perform a trick with their eyes--that is, to look cross-eyed at two images to create the third stereo image.
To see the stereo image, after you download one of the stereo movies, look at a point in space between you and your computer screen and just in front of your face, thus crossing your eyes until a third image comes into focus. As you proceed, your eyes will eventually lock onto the new image while ignoring the two images in your peripheral vision. You can frame the stereo image with your hands to remove the two side images if they are distracting.
Tip: It may be easier to first bring the stereo image into focus with the movie paused. Place your cursor over the play button so you do not have to look for it after you focus on your image. When you have your stereo image in view, and your eyes are locked on to it, click play.
Another technique: While sitting at a comfortable distance from your computer screen, place your finger about two inches from your face and focus upon it. Remove your finger but keep your focus at the same place in space. You could then see the third stereo image.
Another trick that will not only help you to cross your eyes naturally, but will also get rid of the distracting peripheral images, is to cut a 2" x 2" square hole in the middle of a (preferably black matte) piece of cardboard. Hold the cardboard filter in between your eyes and your computer screen. Place the cardboard filter at a distance from your eyes such that you see only one image with each eye through the square hole. Open one eye at a time to make sure you see only the left image with your right eye and only the right image with your left eye. Then with both eyes open, look through the hole, but focus at a point near the plane of the cardboard until you see the stereo image.
Try this sample stereo picture first before you download a stereo movie. If you can successfully adjust your focus to see this still stereo image, you should be able to do the same with the stereo movie.
Learn about Earth's precession of the equinoxes and the three planes of consciousness that create Earth's Precessional Cross. Learn about the moving vernal axis and the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic that create the cross and why the erect cross occurs NOW in Earth's ~25,000 precessional cycle.
Earth's Precessional Cycle, also called "The Great World Cycle," reveals an evolutionary process unfolding WITHIN human consciousness that is driven by Earth's precession.
Earth's precessional Cycle: The Timepiece govering the Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul Emergence from 12,000 Years of Temporal Darkness. Re-Unification of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Ramifications in our lives.
The Healing Crisis naturally occuring as we make passage through the erect cross portal Learn about the Healing Crisis, E-motion, how to embrace it, and about the environments we live in that either support us or debilitate us through this important time.
The Time is NOW ! Although observational measure indicates the exact cross occurs around July 6, 1988, this event occurs in spiraling vortices of evolutionary time and stretches into Earth's calendrical time over many decades. I am often asked what I think about the Mayan Calendar 2012 date and Earth's Precessional Cross. See "Earth's Precessional Cross-Mayan Calendar Correspondence" in this section.
See 3-D high resolution movies of the entire precessional cycle with written commentary explaining Earth's Precessional Cross. See how the cross forms and changes throughout the ~25,000 year precessional cycle. Offering not only standard movies, but also stereo movies (stereography), providing unprecedented depth perception of the Sacred Geometry of Global Change.
A special thanks to Marius Giurgi for this wonderful contribution.
Related Educational Material about the Greater Heavens & associated Art-Sciences
Our Next Solar Cycle is underway and is expected to peak in June 2013. Since the longer "Solar Grand Maximum" cycle is over and we will be entering a "Solar Grand Minimum" over the decades ahead, we should start to see a decrease in solar cycle intensity; as well as the start of a global cooling--contrary to the global warming scare popularized in the media. Current observations of solar cycle 24 seem to confirm this.
Mental, emotional & physical effects of Solar Flares and the Sun Spot Cycle--A Renaissance in Consciousness.
Learn about Earth's Precession of the Equinoxes; the relationship between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs; the astrological ages, the intercession of the Earth's Precessional Cross; measurement of the precessional rate (which is NOT a constant), and introducing the Galactic Ayanamsa: Reckoning of the sidereal zodiak to the galactic equatorial axis--based on the sacred geometry of astrophysical spheres nesting within spheres (Earth's precessional orientation in the solar system and our solar system's current location and orientation in the galaxy), rather than merely on star locations as seen from Earth.
Earth's ~25000-year polar precessional circle inscribed in the heavens, also called the polar arc, is naturally divided into seven evolutionary epochs called the Heptanomis--also referred to as the seven heavens and the seven days of creation.
Getting to know the heavens: This is a sky map of the heavens that shows the stars, constellations, and the sidereal signs. Visually learn how the stars and constellations interrelate and blend to create each sidereal sign. This is a wonderful tool for the novice or seasoned astrologer, for the astronomer, for the casual sky watcher, or simply for those who wish to know more of the Greater Heavens under which we live. The Sky Chart is also a wonderful reference for the material presented in each month's Lunar Planner.
Did you ever wonder where the planets and asteroids were in the heavens when you were born? This made to order chart of the sidereal heavens shows their actual location at the time of YOUR birth. Visually learn which stars conjoin your natal planets; and see where they reside in the constellations and sidereal signs. Learn about your Horizon Plane, Meridian, and Prime Vertical, how these great circles create your Personal (Natal Cross), and how it nests upon Earth's Precessional Cross--all creating your personal sacred geometry. This is your personal astronomy from which an astrology chart is derived. These great circles create your Ascendant, Descendant, Mid-heaven, Anti-Mid-heaven, Zenith, Nadir, East Point, and Vertex. Your Personalized Star Chart reveals exactly where these great circles and points lie in the heavens, and which stars and constellations they align with. This chart will provide insight into your greater self for years to come--and it prints as a beautiful high-resolution poster. You can also learn about the Great Circles and Personal Points in the Star Chart via this link.
Learn about the quality of individual numbers and how they unfold in consciousness. We are a division of the Whole of All That Is--a part of, not separate from. From this wholeness, or nothingness--Zero--a spark ignites a flame--"One" is born.
The complex astrophysical parameters of a planet are that which creates its astrological characteristic (psychophysiological resonance). Learn about light, color, and sound; how light is measured; and about Planetary Harmonics--how planets are composed of many frequencies that resonate in color, sound and brain wave rhythms. Earth's astrophysical parameters are shown translated to their corresponding brain wave frequencies, audio frequencies, and light (color) wavelengths. Includes a new updated section explained the often miss-understood "Schuman Resonances." For musicians, light-sound healers and researchers: learn how to tune a musical scale to the Venus Resonance.
Designed for the Attunement, Transformation, and the Evolution of Consciousness
Get Attuned: A planet does not merely resonate to one frequency, as is sometimes thought, it is a complex rotating dynamic system composed of many astrophysical parameters that together create a planet's unique "harmonic signature."
The entire composition created by all of the individual planetary harmonic signatures, as well as the cycles they create with each other, establishes the musical symphony of our solar system, the harmonic environment in which life on Earth evolves. Thus we are not separate from these harmonic resonances, our biological and neurological systems function in attunement to this astrophysical symphony. Each planetary harmonic signature thus resonates with its corresponding neurological aspect of our selves--our entire mental, emotional and physical composition--the science behind the astrology.
Each 15-minute audio meditation is meticulously designed to incorporate a planet's harmonic signature in a way that brings the listener through a profound inner journey. Get in touch with and resolve issues you may have surrounding a specific planetary quality, strength and harmonize that planetary quality within self and in your life.
The Lunar Planner is an empowering tool for personal attunement and personal growth. Live experientially aware - in mastery of your cycles of inner change.
The Astronomical-Astrology of the New Millennium.
Download and print each New Moon Theme, each month's Lunar Calendar, and detailed instructions on how to live in attunement to the lunar cycles. Each month's Lunar Calendar and the Instructions are free to all visitors.
Updated just prior to each NEW MOON Please Note: The Lunar Planner WEB page has its own Table of Contents
Living in attunement to the eight lunar phases is one of the most effective ways to synchronize our personal awareness with the accelerating evolutionary transition upon us. It teaches us to participate in present time--in the here and now--which frees us from the limiting bounds of the bio-logistical process of the mind. It supports a transition into a harmonious way of living where we access our intuitive knowing and participate in conscious harmony with our experiential cycles of growth, making our spiritual awakening a graceful dance in the unfolding spiral of life.
The Cycle of the Earth's Precessional Cross
The Construction of Earth's Precessional Cross
The ecliptic plane, commonly referred to as the "Ecliptic of the Sun," is created by Earth's annual orbit around the Sun. Experientially verified by sky watchers throughout the ages, the ecliptic plane or "Solar Ring of Power" is the most significant plane in the Heavens used to map the relationship of astronomical events and their effects on Earth. This plane is a primary energy field for Earth - where occurs equinoxes, solstices, solar and lunar eclipses, and all other planetary and stellar alignments that we demonstrably experience in everyday life. The ecliptic plane is the mediating plane between Earth's equatorial plane and our galaxy's equatorial plane. The ecliptic plane, or solar plane, is the plane of the soul, where as Earth's equatorial plane is that of the incarnate personality. The ecliptic plane provides the stage upon which Earth's Precessional Cross occurs.
Just as Earth nests within our solar system, so too does our solar system nest safely within the care of our galaxy. The ecliptic plane lies at a unique angle in our galaxy, tilted and nesting within our galactic plane. The galactic plane is the disc of our whirling galaxy. The galactic plane provides the greater evolutionary context for the incarnating soul participating on Earth's experiential plane.
These three intersecting astrophysical planes, the galactic plane, the ecliptic plane, and the Earth's equatorial plane, all tilted at unique angles to one another, create the geometric orientation of the two intersecting lines or cross members of Earth's Precessional Cross. Due to Earth's precession of the equinoxes, one cross member (the vernal axis) rotates around the ecliptic ring while the other cross member (the galactic equatorial axis) remains stationary--creating the ~25,000 year "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross." The timing of this cyclic movement determines when the moving cross member is perpendicular to the stationary one, thus creating the perfect or erect cross. There are two erect crosses occurring in the cycle, both create primary transition points in the cycle and in our evolutionary unfoldment. One cross occurred about 12,000 years ago, the other is the astrophysical event occurring NOW (~2000 AD). The following illustration shows the movement of the vernal axis with respect to the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic ring over the last couple thousand years--the erection of the current cross.
Spheres of Consciousness
There are three equatorial planes of three rotating astronomical spherical systems responsible for Earth's Precessional Cross. The “Celestial Equator” (which is Earth's equatorial plane projected into space), spins around and is perpendicular to Earth's pole. Similarly, the “ecliptic plane,” and the “galactic plane” are also perpendicular to their respective poles. Thus one spherical system (along with their poles and equatorial planes) nests within another system. The Earth’s spherical system nests within the solar (ecliptical) system, and the solar system nests within the galactic spherical system. When we recognize these are spherical aspects of one unified cosmic order (intelligence), and that harmonic resonance occurs through the geometric relationship of these spherical systems, we can come to understand how the ever-changing geometric relationship of these spherical systems reveals an evolutionary process occurring in this greater intelligence or consciousness to which we belong.
As Earth's plane reorients itself with respect to the galactic plane during the precessional cycle, so to is Earth's pole reorienting its angular relationship to the galactic plane. Observing the angular orientation of Earth's pole with respect the the galactic plane provides key insight in to the nature of Earth's Precessional Cycle and that of the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul" collective on Earth.
Currently, Earth's pole lies over the same ecliptical longitude as the "Gate of Man" (the anti-GEN at 5° sidereal Gemini), which is one of the two nodes of the galactic equatorial axis. Note that the ecliptical longitude of the polar axis is always 90° in ecliptic longitude to the equatorial nodes (vernal axis). Thus, when Earth's North Celestial Pole (NCP) resides at 5° sidereal Gemini, the Vernal Point resides at 5° sidereal Pisces.
If we continue another 90° in the precessional cycle, Earth's NCP moves to 5° sidereal Pisces and the Vernal Point moves to 5° sidereal Sagittarius. Several key things occur at this precessional position. Earth's polar axis lies nearly parallel with the galactic plane. This is significant because Earth's polar axis is submersed in or imbued with the light of the galactic plane. In addition, Earth's vernal axis becomes one with the galactic equatorial axis in the ecliptic plane; and the Vernal Point nests upon the Gate of God (at 5°sidereal Sag), the primary galactic equatorial node (which is also closest to Galactic Center). Thus, this is the most unified and illumined position for Earth's pole and Earth’s magnetic field in the precessional cycle. Earth backbone is at one with the galactic plane (galactic consciousness). It is for this reason that I consider this to be the alpha-omega point (the starting point) in the precessional cycle--with the NCP lying at its Primordial Origin, the primary fiducial in Earth’s “Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul.”
From here, as we continue in the precessional cycle, Earth's pole lifts itself from its slumber in the plane of galactic light and the vernal axis begins its separation from the galactic equatorial axis--and cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross begins.
As we move another 90° in the precessional cycle, Earth's polar axis aligns with the galactic equatorial axis, with Earth's NCP aligning with the GEN (Gate of God at 5° sidereal Sag), and with the vernal point at 5° sidereal Virgo. Here, the vernal axis lies perpendicular to the galactic equatorial axis creating the "first" erect (90°) cross in Earth's Precessional Cycle. Note also that Earth's polar axis begins to lean away from the galactic plane of light (marking "The Fall" from Unified Awareness), and which begins a 180° (~12,000-year) period of temporal darkness. Thus, "The "Fall" occurred about 12000 years ago.
As we move another 90° in the cycle, as the NCP moves to 5° sidereal Virgo, Earth's polar axis tilts furthest away from the plane of galactic light--the furthest point of separation from Source / unified awareness.
The cross members (vernal axis and galactic equatorial axis) reverse and collapse at this point, with the vernal point on the Gate of Man. Here we are a the midpoint in the 180° period of temporal darkness, which started at the first (90°) cross and which ends at the second (270°) cross.
This occurred about 6000 years ago (circa 4000 BC).
Moving another 90°, we return to the spherical geometry occurring now in precessional cycle, with Earth's pole lying over the "Gate of Man" (the anti-GEN) and the vernal point at the 5°sidereal Pisces, creating the "second" (270°) erect cross in Earth's Precessional Cycle. Notice also that at this point, Earth's pole beings to lean back toward the plane of galactic light--beginning our re-illumination in consciousness--our return to the galactic field of unified awareness.
Thus we are now leaving the last 12,000-year period of temporal darkness and entering a period of re-unification, where we begin to awaken to galactic or unified awareness.
See the Star Chart of the Heavens to see the galactic equator, ecliptic, celestial equator, their poles and the Primordial Origin as they reside against the stars in the heavens.
The revelation of Earth's Precessional Cross transcends the past and the future, uniting the esoteric teachings of ancient secret religious orders and the quantum science of today's world. Why this cycle, and the erect cross occurring now within it, is of such importance to us all, is found in the quantum principle that matter, energy and consciousness are aspects of One Unified Creative Intelligence. Cosmic energy is, in fact, "Evolutionary Intelligence" that is responsible for the unfoldment of this Universal Consciousness of which we are intimate parts. Subtle cosmic energy translates from one astronomical system to another through geometric resonance occurring in interacting spherical rotational systems. For this reason, and for additional reasons elucidated in this work, it becomes clear that the Earth's Precessional Cross is catalyst for a tremendous acceleration of change on Earth.
As we delve into a deeper exploration of the entire Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross, we come to see how primary geophysical events are governed by specific transition points, or phase changes, occurring in this Great World Cycle. The Great Flood is but one example. The Great Flood is said to have occurred around the last, but reversed, precessional cross, circa 12,000 years ago. In this exploration we can see how this cycle defines the tides of human experience--those that destroy civilizations, as well as those that create cultural renaissance and rebirthings in consciousness. The more we examine this dynamic astrophysical geometry, the easier it becomes to acknowledge it is the underlying timepiece governing our Earthian experience. The phase transitions occurring within the Great World Cycle create an intelligently ordered progression of evolutionary unfoldment in consciousness--an evolutionary spiral supporting the maturing and spiritual fulfillment of incarnating souls. This evolutionary spiral occurs in the relationship of the astrophysical and gravitational vectors that determine our temporal experience as durative and evolving souls participating in the spiritual unfoldment of Divine Intelligence.
The precessional orientation of Earth's polar axis with respect to the galactic plane reveals exactly where we are in this unfolding spiral in consciousness. It defines the timing of this cycle. The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross now marks a primary phase transition in this embracing precessional cycle. This specific cross creates a paradigm shift in Earth's natural evolutionary unfoldment of consciousness. As Earth's pole now re-orients back toward the galactic plane, and the precessional cross becomes active, it marks the time where we return from 12,000 years of temporal darkness, from our experience in duality consciousness, from the separation of the fallen feminine and masculine principles, to a re-unification in consciousness--where emerges the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles on Earth; and where we can now demonstrate the Divine Union of the feminine and masculine, both within our selves, and in our relations with each other and with all of life. This transition has just begun, ~2000 A.D., and our return journey into unified awareness begins. The time leading into this 270° transition point in the cycle creates an "inner need to change," and the time immediately afterward is one of "initiating change."
Nested within a geometry of rotating astrophysical spheres of Cosmic Intelligence, Earth's precessional cycle governs the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul"--a natural cycle that directs the spiritual unfoldment of Earth's entire soul collective. This occurs in the underlying fabric of matter, energy, and consciousness, catalyzing an unprecedented change in souls' incarnate experience.
Approximately twelve thousand years ago, at the previous erect cross, (and at the time of the Biblical Flood) the pole of the Earth in local space began to tilt away from the Galactic Plane--away from our source of illuminating light. At that time we began a 12,000-year period of temporal darkness--apparently separate from the unified galactic awareness. For the duration of this time, humanity experienced a tormenting shear within the masculine and feminine principle--without the embracing awareness of the illuminating plane of galactic light that naturally underlies these two entwining facets of our perceptual world.
Now, with all souls having experienced both sides of duality's paradox, a reunification in consciousness begins where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles re-establish their natural harmony. This can only occur now as Earth's pole geometrically reorients (tilts) back toward the illuminating light of our majestic whirling galaxy due to the Earth's precessional cycle--as human consciousness reorients back into the Unified Field of Divine Love.
A question I am sometimes asked is: If this magnificent transition is occurring and the world is evolving spiritually, why is our world in such turmoil - it looks as if we are going backward? This is a natural occurrence. Why? In advanced healing work we learn about a process called a "Healing Crisis" (Dr. B. Jensen; Dr. JW Ray; et. al.). As we increase the vibrational resonance of the body, that is, cleanse it and supply its required nutrients (as one step), we create a refined vibrational environment within self, basically cleaning up and harmonizing our "biological terrain." In doing so, a more functional neurological resonance occurs. At this time, that which is of a lesser resonance surfaces to consciousness as our organs of weakness begin to throw off lower-order patterns (the mental, emotional, and physical patterns stored in our cellular makeup). During this healing process, our organs of weakness become acute as if in major turmoil before relaxing into their new and more refined state of vibrational function. It can appear as if something is very wrong if we are not aware of this natural phenomena. Often time, people are taught to suppress this natural healing process (something synthetic drugs do) which creates more chronic degenerative conditions. Knowing how to induce and support a healing crisis allows us to move through it harmoniously and arrive to a refined state of health, function and vitality. This very same intensification of conflict , a "healing crisis," is occurring in our world as we make passage through the Earth's Precessional Cross portal. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to embrace and harmoniously move through a healing crisis and make the personal metamorphosis. Instead many become lost in it, only to make the drama worse.
As we begin to experience the dissolution of separateness and estrangement between personality-egoic-level self and our Divine (undivided) soul-level-Godself, so too does the mental, emotional and physical patterning, that we, as incarnating souls, as a world, have incurred throughout the entire 12,000-year temporal period, surface within our consciousness in an intensified and perhaps dramatic "healing crisis." This provides each of us with the challenge to heal and clear all that we have carried for lifetimes of having been on one side of the fence or the other. As this shift dislodges and dissolves the conflicts of consciousness crystallized within self, we are forced through many contortions and paradoxes that often leave us consumed in our inner turmoil and its surface turbulence. In this process, some will willingly relinquish the inner conflicts of the past surfacing from cellular memory and embrace a new awareness, while others will become tormentingly lost in the dramatics of the healing crisis, playing out their inner conflicts to the bitter end, but ultimately we are all on the same road Home.
The easiest way to facilitate this process is to unconditionally accept, without judgment, all that we experience in our lives and all that we feel surfacing within ourselves moment-by-moment. Simply speaking, this is the principle of Unconditional Love--the acceptance of all conditions. Easier said than done? There are many tools to aid us in this process. Daily meditation and other techniques of clearing the emotional body on a regular basis can aid us tremendously. Ultimately, these tools teach us how to surrender into the Zero-Point of LOVE. As we pass through the Earth's Precessional Cross portal, we either remain entrapped in FEAR--dramatizing in our lives the mental-emotional monsters within ourselves, and the resultant "need to control" the world around us, or we surrender into LOVE by choosing unconditional acceptance of all that we have been and of all that we currently experience no matter how dramatic it is. Ultimately, unconditional LOVE is a moment-by-moment CHOICE.
Embracing the barrage of emotions surging during the healing crisis in unconditional acceptance is the easiest way to release the crystallized patterns carried in the cellular structure and to have the resultant revelations in consciousness that the impouring light is offering--to be willing to feel without need to re-act.
Wholistic ways of living can facilitate this transition as well, from the types of food we eat to the environments we live in. Staying centered, grounded, and connected to the Earth is essential to harmoniously integrate the phenomenal influx of cosmic energy that is catalyzing the spiritual awakening of human consciousness. By attuning ourselves to Earth's natural resonances and cycles, we attune ourselves to our durative, everlasting selves--to that which transcends the surface turbulence of our rapidly changing lives.
Remember, living in a pure and unadulterated environment free of entraining electromagnetic frequencies, attuned to Earth, the lunar rhythms, and to the other natural astronomical cycles of life, is essential for our health, well being and evolutionary fulfilment. (See also Planetary Harmonics & Biological Resonaces)
Radio frequency Antennas & Towers Across the U.S. Map used with permission: Michael R. Meuser
This map visually demonstrates the spatial magnitude of the wireless RF interference that we live in.
The main U.S. electrical power Grid (distribution network)
Synthetic drugs, clothes, and environments constructed of non-organic materials and disproportionate geometries also have a negative effect that suppress our emotions and our ability to breath with the unfolding cycles of life and which maintains the crystallized patterns we hold in our cellular makeup. When we are not willing to experience, we feel physical pain (which is an emotion). When we suppress pain (or any other emotion)--in any variety of ways--we push ourselves down-scale vibrationally--down the emotional scale (from enthusiasm, into pain, anger, fear, grief, apathy, unconsciousness, and degenerative death). When we are willing to embrace emotion in unconditional acceptance, we move upward through the emotional scale (unconsciousness, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain, to enthusiasm). When we are willing to feel (unconditionally embrace) one emotion, we move up to the next until the underlying pain (resistance to past experience) that we hold surfaces. When we are willing to embrace the pain, the pattern releases, the pain dissolves, and cellular and molecular recoding occurs. This is how to move through a Healing Crisis. When this recoding occurs we can draw (create) new experience based on the new subtle-energy patterns we radiate from our cellular makeup. If we do not clear the pattern by moving through the entire healing crisis, by getting to the suppressed pain, we continue to draw experience reflecting the pattern we are holding. Once we learn this process of unconditional self-love, we can live it moment-by-moment, thus integrating experience from a place of personal empowerment rather than continuing to build a psychic battery of suppressed trauma.
As stated, many people have been taught to suppress emotion or to project it outward (in blame) on others or on life's experience rather than to embrace it and own it as their own. Once the body learns the reverse process, the way to move through a healing crisis properly, it becomes a natural way of life. The healing crisis can occur rapidly or over a longer period depending on our personal cycles. Antiquated patterns overlaid upon patterns are emerging at an increasing rate during this phenomenal evolutionary transition. Learning to allow the movement of energy within self through the process of unconditional acceptance (Love) is the way to the place within the heart that most of us seek. To go to a place of Love is to choose Love. To choose Love is to tip the scales so our dreams become real.
E-motion (pain) is the resistance to the motion (the movement) of experience through our bodies. To become a light body is to release our resistance to the experience of life. When we have no more resistance, we super-conduct consciousness and illuminate. To illuminate is to embrace the totality that we already are.
TIMING OF Earth's Precessional Cross
The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross transcends, supersedes and embraces all other planetary cycles occurring for all of humanity. No one on Earth is exempt from this evolutionary opportunity. The many year period building up to the current erect cross, brought an "Inner Recognition of the Need to Initiate Change." Now (at the turn of the millennium), as we are squeezed through this portal into the next phase of Earth's evolutionary cycle, we "Commence Radical Change." This change could only begin now, and is one that will continue to take form over many years ahead. But now, with conscious deliberation, a choice must be made: to either relinquish a lesser mode of participation willingly and move to a new vibrational modality of experience, or acquiesce to ramifications of denial and be tilled with the soil in a cataclysmic turning.
Earth's Precessional Cross provides opportunity to shift into unified co-participation as One World, honoring the uniqueness of our diversity beyond the judgments and conflicts of duality, and to graduate from our isolated and quarantined Earthian experience into galactic awareness and extraterrestrial majesty.
Despite my emphasis that Earth's Precessional Cross is occurring NOW and this evolutionary transition is about living in the present, I am often asked exactly when the transition actually occurs. However, I believe that to answer this question in terms of Earth time is merely academic. We like to think in terms of things occurring at a fixed point in time and space, as if we are moving in a simple circle where we return to some point (in space) at some specific time as if we are hands on a clock. Instead we might consider that our fixed point of attention is spiraling through a fast field or continuum of space-time with many factors involved that are also changing, and most likely in ways we may not be aware of.
So When Exactly? 1998
In simple terms, the Precessional Cross is a mappable astrophysical transition occurring when the vernal point is exactly perpendicular to the galactic equatorial node (GEN) (the Gate of God). This exact square "appears" to occur in 1998 ( ~July *). The December solstices occurring around the time of the exact cross cause the solstice sun (which is exactly square the vernal point) to lie upon the galactic equatorial node.
* Attempting to define this event to an exact time, month or day, perhaps even in a specific year, is merely academic for several reasons. One is that the galactic plane is not merly a thin line like one woud draw on paper. This line is merely drawn as a frame of reference. It does not mean there is some actual shift in mass, quantum flux, or any other energetic shift as we cross this line. The plane of our galaxy is not a thin line, it is a thick and complex band of billions of stars and energy. There are more reasons below.
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 1985 22:08:05 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 11' Solstice Sun Dec 22, 1990 03:07:23 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 06' Solstice Sun Dec 21, 1997 20:07:34 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 01' Solstice Sun Dec 22, 1998 01:57:00 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 00' Solstice Sun Dec 22, 1999 07:44:20 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 01' Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2000 13:37:57 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 02' Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2005 18:35:22 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 06' Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2012 11:11:58 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 12' Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2020 10:02:43 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 18'
Data: Carina Astronomical Software
The 1998 Solstice Sun in the galactic plane
The December Solstice Sun lies exactly on the Gate of God (the galactic equatorial node) when the vernal axis is exactly perpendicular to the galactic equatorial axis.
In addition to the potentially many unknown factors involved that make reducing this event to an exact moment hours, is of little value. Many years pass while this alignment moves just a fraction of a degree as shown in the table above. Thus our experience of this transition is stretched over many years in Earth time. The precessional rate is currently about 1° / 72 years.
Consider also that this event occurs in a spiraling vortex of evolutionary time, and the translation of this event stretches and expresses through a series of interweaving astronomical cycles--cycles that articulate this precessional moment. Thus, we are not waiting for some calendarical event to occur, we are in this evolutionary portal moment-by-moment--NOW. The choices we make moment-to-moment in our daily lives determine the nature of our passage--whether it is one of tragedy or one of harmony.
Although it seems we are still, physically not moving, (like when we are sitting in a chair for example), we are actually rapidly moving, rotating around Earth's pole. A location on the surface of the Earth at the Equator is whipping around the Earth at approximately 1000 miles per hour. This speed is a function of the circumference of the circle, thus changing with Earth's latitude--one of the reasons time seems to be different depending on latitude at which we live.
In addition, Earth is rotating around the Sun, another larger circumference, moving at about 108,000 km/hr (67,000 miles per hour). And as Earth is speeding around our Sun, the Sun is also moving through space, (called a star's proper motion) estimated to be moving at about 720,000 km/hr. Thus, although it appears we may returning to some fixed point in our yearly cycle, this is not true because as Earth rotates around the sun, the sun has moved at a tremendous rate to an entirely new location in space--into entirely new interstellar environment. Since one cycle rides upon another cycle, each cycle is actually a spiral not a circle--an evolutionary spiral in an ever-changing but unified field of consciousness.
This spiraling effect is especially true regarding our very long precessional cycle. Thus we are faced with translating an event, one occurring in an entirely different plane of reference--in a far vaster or more transcendent spiral occurring in consciousness, into Earth time (based on Earth's rotation). In doing so we make the assumption that this much broader transition precipitates in some Earthian moment. Does it? Academically yes, experientially no. To translate this precessional event into Earth time is a simplification and a relative statement, merely a Mercurial attempt that makes it possible to talk about it.
There are many other factors to consider that we are aware of as well that may alter our experience of this "moment." For example, Earth is not merely a solid ball spinning in space. It is a complex gyroscopic system, with an outer spinning shell floating upon a core spinning at a different rate. There is also more than one pole, the rotational pole and the magnetic pole, shifted upon one another. We are measuring this transition from a mere visual observation based upon the vernal point's location from Earth, as if it were a simple sphere--again a simplification.
Waiting for something to occur that is outside of self, whether it is a future date, like the Gregorian 2000 A.D. transition, or like the Mayan calendar 2012 prediction, or any event, like the return of Jesus, the arrival of extraterrestrials, or some global transition, like the end of the world or a golden age of light, I believe, is to totally miss the message that Earth's Precessional Cross offers and the opportunity it provides. This opportunity is our personal metamorphosis in consciousness, a process occurring in the NOW, moment-by-moment. This is what we are doing here as evolving souls on Earth, an underlying commonality for us all, independent on how we see or articulate major evolutionary transitions, or their cause.
Our personal metamorphosis happens from the inside out, not from the outside in, just as physical healing occurs. To invert the externalized mind set (arguing belief structures), where we say, "when things change outside of my self than I will change" is to mature into an internal awareness where we take personal responsibility for our spiritual growth and evolutionary experience. Here we realize we co-create our reality--from the inside out, moment-by-moment. In this internal awareness, we no longer place blame for our misfortune on others or on events occurring in our lives, nor do we wait on blessings to come to pass, for something outside of self to save us. Here we unconditionally embrace our experience, breathe it, integrate it, digest it, and re-express our creative wisdom gained from our integrated experience from a place of inner peace, stillness, and love. This step into the NOW is our opportunity. It is to take responsibility for our evolutionary unfoldment, our spiritual awakening, the return of Christ Consciousness, Galactic Awareness, Soul-level Awareness, Unified Field Perception, or whatever one wishes to call it.
As conveyed above, we are at the 270° point in Earth's precessional cycle, This harmonic transition point in our evolutionary cycle, the erect cross occurring now, has a similar characteristic as the last quarter moon in the lunar cycle. It is the "turning" that creates an "inner need to initiate change." In the agricultural cycle, this is where we plow under the crops and prepare new ground. Here we relinquish the stage setting we participate upon, to step from the facades and masks we hide behind, and look at and reveal our true selves, and embrace our commonality, our essence, our primordial spiritual origin. It is the resistance to this relinquishment and need to change that humanity currently fights. Fighting against this natural evolutionary transition is that which creates our current turmoil on Earth. Relinquishment of the false barriers, the externalized beliefs (manifest as political, religious, and financial structures) that perpetuate separation an subsequent anarchy is essential for us to make harmonious passage through this evolutionary portal. However, to assume this is going to occur in an instant or that all people will by some miracle acquiesce is, in my opinion, naiveté. More likely, many will continue to defend their separatist beliefs to a conflictual crisis point. As always the inner creates the outer and in this case our inner conflicts express as the conflicts in our external lives, even for those who do not realize this natural law. There will be some people who embrace their experience and resolve their inner conflicts moment-by-moment and create a harmonious change in the world, and there will be those who continue to defend their separatist beliefs / inner conflicts and dramatize them as discord in the world--the epitome of separation. The choice, as always, is ours.
"...if you realize that the eventual human goal is to transcend the world of relativity to play in a realm of freedom, then plodding along attached to a theory is unfortunate. When the individual is able to enter a world in which the two aspects of yin and yang return to their original unity, the mission of these two symbols comes to an end." ~Masanobu Fukuoka
Another question I am often asked is: Does Earth's Precessional Cross and Mayan Calendar 2012 date correspond? The erect cross, which creates a principle harmonic transition between the earth (human level consciousness) and our galactic plane (galactic level of consciousness), which centers "around" 1998 AD, and which I suggest is one primary indicator of a major "turning" in our evolution of consciousness, is very close to the time in which we enter the "galactic underworld" / "galactic creation cycle" of the Mayan calendar (1999) as presented by Carl Johan Calleman. Is this specific correspondence happen-chance, or truly synchronistic, I do not know. It is simply an observation. The work of John Major Jenkins (recomended) reveals the December solstice of 2012 to be the end date of the Mayan Calendar. Keep in mind that the rate of precession is such that there is but a mere 0.166...° orb from 2000 to 2012, the latter date considered the pivotal transition point of the Mayan Calendar. To put this into perspective, if Earth's precession occurred in one Earth day, 12 years would be equivalent to 45 seconds. So in practical terms rather than academic terms, the 2012 Mayan calendar date is a few breaths away from the actual precessional cross; and I re-emphasize the many unknown factors about how the precessional cross propagates into the Earth's complex gyroscopic system as presented above.
NOTE: There seems to be miss-information circulating that references my work on the mapping of Earth's Precessional Cross, along with the subsequent solstice sun occurring on the galactic equatorial node (GEN) Gate of God, which occurs at the time of the cross (as I present above), saying that these events occur in 2012. This is incorrect, and I do not endorse such statements. It is quite common and unfortunate that people tend to gather fragments of information without all of the facts and amalgamate them into one mumbled story.
ASTRONOMICAL EARTHGRID SPACETIME MAPPING The Earthgrid Activation Sequence & Illumination of the DNA
Evolutionary Intelligence translates into Earth's energy grid catalyzing a natural and progressive unfoldment of human consciousness through a dynamic geometry created by Earth's daily rotation in the spherical geometry responsible for Earth's Precessional Cross. "Astronomical Earthgrid Spacetime Mapping" reveals the Earthgrid not as a static geometry of energy lines, portals, sacred sites, or places of power, but as a dynamic, interactive system that awakens over time, in a "Earthgrid Activation Sequence."
The geographic and geometric mapping of the Earthgrid alone reveals only the spatial aspect of Earth's energy grid. Earth's dynamic motion in the spherical, geometric astronomy of Earth's Precessional Cross reveals the time aspect. Harmonic corridors or "Earthgrid Activation Windows" open daily for any specific location at specific times defined by the geometric relationship of a location with the astronomical geometry of Earth's Precessional Cross. As the Earth rotates within this astronomical geometry, the Astronomical-Earthgrid symbiosis makes specific locations on the Earthgrid active at specific times. Astronomical Earthgrid Spacetime Mapping reveals when and where, on the Earth, primary windows or dimensional portals open in the "Earthgrid Activation Sequence."
Earth is spherical receiver / transmitter. Earth's core receives cosmic originating "Evolutionary Intelligent Instruction" through the "Earthgrid Activation Sequence." Earth re-radiates this intelligence, translating it into radially distributed gravitational waves--long waves that emanate from Earth's core outward toward the surface. The cosmic information is encoded within these extremely low frequencies that express from Earth's Core--why our need to stay grounded.
The human spinal column is a tuned antenna that resonates to and receives Earth's gravitational emanations. These vibrations culminate in the cranial structure that reflects them to the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The pineal gland is a "neuroendocrine transducer" that converts Earth's gravo-magnetic signals into chemical hormonal responses that control, via the Hypothalamus, the pituitary gland. The pituitary is the master control center of the brain that governs the rest of the neurological system. This information expresses into the cellular structure of individual--essentially into the molecular matrix of the cell in a "DNA Illumination Sequence" that is responsible for our evolutionary awakening. The pituitary is the administrative seat controlling cellular memory, and hence, the remembrance / emergence of our true selves.
DNA ILLUMINATION Unified Field Perception
The DNA is a double-banded molecular helix (a spiraling ladder) comprised of a hydrogen-bonded, phosphodiester (light-bearing) lattice (circuitry) that literally translates cosmic intelligence into human expression. The DNA is the "Urn of the Soul"--the vessel through which soul expresses. The coding of the incarnating soul overlays upon the genome (human coding) held in the molecular matrix of the DNA, giving soul a palpable form of expression.
Ideally, I propose, the DNA molecule is intended to superconduct consciousness in a way that illuminates the genetic urn, much like a light bulb that illuminates when electricity passes through its filament. When the bulb is on, we see light radiating from the bulb, when it is off, we see only the unillumined filament (circuitry) within the bulb--and are left in darkness. Our current view of the DNA molecule is of its un-illumined, double-banded, skeletal structure--of just the circuitry.
In the non-illumined genetic state, our DNA conducts consciousness but minimally, with consciousness bouncing in a reflective nature, trickling through the genetic lattice. This impeded flow of consciousness results in the bio-logical mode of reason, resulting only in the ability to compare opposites, mirror-image perspectives within our own perception--in essence, to be able only to reason our way through life. This is why we perceive a dualistic world of shadow and solid form--the reflection of the expression of our own consciousness. This is also why our human patterning dominates and aberates the expression of our true soul essence, as we frustratingly struggle to express our full potential that, despite our yearning to be somehow more that we are, seems endlessly held in check. This is also why we degenerate and prematurely die.
When the pole of the Earth tilted away from the plane of galactic light, circa 12,000 years ago, at the first, 90° precessional cross, incarnate souls began to experience the fall from light. At that time, the DNA helix dimmed, ceasing to pass Soul Essence Light, resulting in 12,000 years of temporal darkness. The 270° precessional cross occurring now, circa 2000 A.D., marks the return from temporal darkness into the divine half of the cycle, where the re-unification of consciousness begins.
At this time in Earth's precessional cycle, as Earth's pole re-orients back toward the plane of galactic light, the Earthgrid Activation Sequence begins to shatter the crystallized shadows within our cellular makeup that were created by our past, un-integrated, incarnational experience. The relinquishment of this tension (resistance to experience) held in our cellular matrix allows a relaxation and reorientation to occur in the light-bearing circuitry of the DNA (in the atomic moment of hydrogen). The DNA in turn begins to superconduct consciousness. An eventual avalanche of consciousness through the genetic urn literally illuminates the skeletal lattice of the DNA into one, radiant, unified spiral of light. As this occurs, our bio-logical modality of comparison (judgment) ceases, and we begin to participate from "Unified Field Awareness." In this new, bio-illumined mode of awareness, we see beyond the conflicts that were inherent in the un-illumined, dualistic, bio-logical mode of the DNA--beyond the shadow cast upon our mortal eyes. We become unified with the truth of our Goodness / Godliness as Illumined Beings fully aware in the wisdom of our Divinity (undivided nature).
Thus, the illumination and re-awakening of human consciousness occurs in a time-locked process synchronized with Earth's precessional cycle. The "Astronomical Earthgrid Activation Sequence" and the "DNA Illumination Sequence" comprise one entwined spacetime sequence of evolutionary unfoldment. Earth's Precessional Cycle governs the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul"--the evolutionary process of the entire soul collective on Earth.
Unimpeded reception and integration of Evolutionary Intelligence is essential for the harmonious awakening of human consciousness--for the fulfillment of our evolutionary destiny. Living in attunement to Earth and her natural astronomical cycles is so important because we integrate our Greater Cosmic Intelligence as it re-expresses from the core of Mother Earth. This is why living in conscious attunement to the Lunar Cycles and other astronomical cycles as taught in the Lunar Planner is of such value. It is one of many things that we can do to ensure a harmonious transition throughout this unprecedented evolutionary portal occurring in the cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross.
The evolutionary process of human consciousness is inseparable from the Astronomical Earthgrid Activation Sequence described above--it is one interactive, intelligently ordered, evolutionary system. I stress this point throughout this work and the need for the attunement of human consciousness with the Earth. Living in this atunement is to have respect for our selves and for the Earth; and by doing so we significantly contribute to the establishment of a Love-based Earthgrid resonance--one supportive to a harmonious evolutionary transition. In fact, it is our global responsibility, as stewards of the Earth, to tip the scales to create an overall grid-resonance of LOVE--rather than allowing one of FEAR to perpetuate.
When we honor that human consciousness is a resonant shell around the Earth that contributes significantly to the overall harmony of the Earthgrid, it becomes easy to acknowledge our conscious state to also determine whether the Earthgrid harmoniously integrates the influxes of cosmic energy when activation windows open. Thus, we have an intimate role in determining the nature and extent of seismic activity--as well as all cataclysmic "acts of God." If we are discordant with the natural resonances of the Earth and her cycles, and are resistant to integrate the very energy resonances supportive to our own evolutionary unfoldment and fulfillment, we essentially are attempting to isolate ourselves from life itself. As we do, we atrophy, crystallize and eventually, we seismically shatter in crisis.
To establish a Love-based Earthgrid resonance is to surrender resistance to experience, and to surrender judgment of ourselves for our all of our human experience. To unconditionally accept our humanness while we simultaneously act to better our human condition is a form of communion, an act of Love that creates a condition of geophysical and cultural stability, and an Earthgrid resonance that supports a harmonious infusion of Evolutionary Intelligence into the Earth and into ourselves. Acting from this place of equipoise with conscious deliberation makes possible safe passage through this precessional portal; it makes possible our graduation as a spiritually awakened world into galactic awareness and extraterrestrial co-participation.
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Nick Anthony Fiorenza
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