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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 22/09/2013 17:00
21:1 Después de esto, Jesús se manifestó otra vez a sus discípulos junto al mar de Tiberias; y se manifestó de esta manera:
21:2 Estaban juntos Simón Pedro, Tomás llamado el Dídimo, Natanael el de Caná de Galilea, los hijos de Zebedeo, y otros dos de sus discípulos.
21:3 Simón Pedro les dijo: Voy a pescar. Ellos le dijeron: Vamos nosotros también contigo. Fueron, y entraron en una barca; y aquella noche no pescaron nada.
21:4 Cuando ya iba amaneciendo, se presentó Jesús en la playa; mas los discípulos no sabían que era Jesús.
21:5 Y les dijo: Hijitos, ¿tenéis algo de comer? Le respondieron: No.
21:6 El les dijo: Echad la red a la derecha de la barca, y hallaréis. Entonces la echaron, y ya no la podían sacar, por la gran cantidad de peces.
21:7 Entonces aquel discípulo a quien Jesús amaba dijo a Pedro: ¡Es el Señor! Simón Pedro, cuando oyó que era el Señor, se ciñó la ropa (porque se había despojado de ella), y se echó al mar. (Vemos otro nexo PEDRO CON EL DISCIPULO AMADO. ES OBVIA LA RELACION PEDRO CON MARCOS, DISCIPULO AMADO, EN FUNCION A 1 DE PEDRO 5:13)
21:8 Y los otros discípulos vinieron con la barca, arrastrando la red de peces, pues no distaban de tierra sino como doscientos codos.
21:9 Al descender a tierra, vieron brasas puestas, y un pez encima de ellas, y pan.
21:10 Jesús les dijo: Traed de los peces que acabáis de pescar.
21:11 Subió Simón Pedro, y sacó la red a tierra, llena de grandes peces, ciento cincuenta y tres; y aun siendo tantos, la red no se rompió.
2. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en FILADELFIA: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la llave de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:

21:12 Les dijo Jesús: Venid, comed. Y ninguno de los discípulos se atrevía a preguntarle: ¿Tú, quién eres? sabiendo que era el Señor.
21:13 Vino, pues, Jesús, y tomó el pan y les dio, y asimismo del pescado.
21:14 Esta era ya la tercera vez que Jesús se manifestaba a sus discípulos, después de haber resucitado de los muertos.
21:15 Cuando hubieron comido, Jesús dijo a Simón Pedro: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿me amas más que éstos? Le respondió: Sí, Señor; tú sabes que te amo. El le dijo: Apacienta mis corderos. (Vemos un nexo esoterico del discipulo amado con el cordero/oveja/raquel en el contexto a PEDRO. Recordemos que RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA. LA CLAVE DE LA RELACION PEDRO CON MARCOS ESTA EN FUNCION A BENJAMIN, PERRO, LOBO, CHACAL, CAN MAYOR Y SIRIO. Aqui tambien tenemos una relacion con GENESIS 22 EN EL CONTEXTO A ISAAC, AMADO Y ABRAHAM. INSISTO, ISAAC, ES EL HIJO AMADO DE ABRAHAM. AQUI ESTA LA CLAVE. SI-MON/MOON/LUNA/RAQUEL/ BETZABE / MARIA MAGDALENA. MONKEY /MONA LISA / LLAVE DEL MONO.)
2. Y dijo: Toma ahora tu hijo, tu único, Isaac, a quien amas, y vete a tierra de Moriah, y ofrécelo allí en holocausto sobre uno de los montes que yo te diré.
16. y dijo: Por mí mismo he jurado, dice Jehová, que por cuanto has hecho esto, y no me has rehusado tu hijo, tu único hijo;
17. de cierto te bendeciré, y multiplicaré tu descendencia como las estrellas del cielo y como la arena que está a la orilla del mar; y tu descendencia poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos. (PUERTA/ORION/SEÑAL DE JONAS. ORION ESTA CERCA DE SIRIO. LO QUE TODAVIA NO LOGRO RACIONALIZAR DEL PORQUE DICHA RELACION. Indudablemente aqui hay un puente con GENESIS 3:22,24 cuando fue bloqueado el ACCESO AL ARBOL DE LA VIDA POR EL ANGEL AL ESTE. JUSTAMENTE LA ESTRELLA DEL ORIENTE ES ORION Y TIENE FUERTE RELACION CON RAQUEL, COMO POR EJEMPLO EN MATEO 2. EL ARBOL DE LA VIDA, OBVIAMENTE ES EL LINAJE, OSEA EL ARBOL GENEALOGICO.)

21:16 Volvió a decirle la segunda vez: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿me amas? Pedro le respondió: Sí, Señor; tú sabes que te amo. Le dijo: Pastorea mis ovejas. (Vuelve el nexo con RAQUEL/PASTORA DE OVEJAS Y BENJAMIN. Recordemos que CRISTO tambien es HIJO DE JOSE, que era HIJO DE RAQUEL. JOSE TUVO FUERTE RELACION CON EGIPTO. Tambien hay una relacion con BETZABE, la MADRE DE SALOMON que es relacionada con la OVEJA. Notamos que SI-MON tiene relacion la LLAVE DE SOL-O-MON. LA CLAVE MON/MOON/LUNA/RAQUEL/ MARIA LA MAGDALENA NOS DA EL GANCHO PEDRO CON MARIA MAGDALENA. Recordemos incluso que SIMEON y LEVI fueron los que defendieron a DINA, LA SEPTIMA HIJA DE JACOB, cuando fue violada y ambos estan relacionados con el TORO/SANGRE DE CRISTO segun GENESIS 49.)
 . Génesis 29:9: Mientras él aún hablaba con ellos, Raquel vino con el rebaño de su padre, porque ella era la PASTORA.
9. Génesis 29:2: Y miró, y vio un pozo en el campo; y he aquí tres rebaños de OVEJAs que yacían cerca de él, porque de aquel pozo abrevaban los ganados; y había una gran piedra sobre la boca del pozo.
10. Génesis 29:3: Y juntaban allí todos los rebaños; y revolvían la piedra de la boca del pozo, y abrevaban las OVEJAs, y volvían la piedra sobre la boca del pozo a su lugar.
11. Génesis 29:6: Y él les dijo: ¿Está bien? Y ellos dijeron: Bien, y he aquí Raquel su hija viene con las OVEJAs.

21:17 Le dijo la tercera vez: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿me amas? Pedro se entristeció de que le dijese la tercera vez: ¿Me amas? y le respondió: Señor, tú lo sabes todo; tú sabes que te amo. Jesús le dijo: Apacienta mis ovejas.
21:18 De cierto, de cierto te digo: Cuando eras más joven, te ceñías, e ibas a donde querías; mas cuando ya seas viejo, extenderás tus manos, y te ceñirá otro, y te llevará a donde no quieras.
21:19 Esto dijo, dando a entender con qué muerte había de glorificar a Dios. Y dicho esto, añadió: Sígueme.
21:20 Volviéndose Pedro, vio que les seguía el discípulo a quien amaba Jesús, el mismo que en la cena se había recostado al lado de él, y le había dicho: Señor, ¿quién es el que te ha de entregar?
21:21 Cuando Pedro le vio, dijo a Jesús: Señor, ¿y qué de éste?
21:22 Jesús le dijo: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga, ¿qué a ti? Sígueme tú.
21:23 Este dicho se extendió entonces entre los hermanos, que aquel discípulo no moriría. Pero Jesús no le dijo que no moriría, sino: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga, ¿qué a ti?
21:24 Este es el discípulo que da testimonio de estas cosas, y escribió estas cosas; y sabemos que su testimonio es verdadero.
21:25 Y hay también otras muchas cosas que hizo Jesús, las cuales si se escribieran una por una, pienso que ni aun en el mundo cabrían los libros que se habrían de escribir. Amén.
9. Génesis 5:1: Este es el libro de las generaciones de Adán. El día en que creó Dios al hombre, a semejanza de Dios lo hizo. (La mujer tambien pertenece al GENERO HOMBRE)
Se da curiosamente la relacion 3/11 y tambien 7/11. ¿PORQUE LA RELACION GIZE CON EL 11/SEPTIEMBRE=11/7 y con el 3/11? Segun un comentarista en INTERNET, INDIGO MEROVINGIO EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE ES LA ESCALERA DE JACOB. ¿PERO EN QUE BASA EL DICHA PREMISA? Sabemos que el 11 de Septiembre es el AÑO NUEVO COPTO, un CALENDARIO DE ORIGEN ANCESTRAL que se usa en la IGLESIA COPTA, con SEDE DE EGIPTO CUYO PATRIARCA ES JUAN MARCOS. Sabemos por la historia que el mismo predico en ETIOPIA. ¿PERO PORQUE ASTRONOMICAMENTE EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE ESTA RELACIONADO CON LA ESCALERA DE JACOB? Si consideramos la relacion entre el CALENDARIO GREGORIANO (7/11 ,9/11 Y 11/11) que son los dias 311, 313 y 315 del mismo en el contexto a que en el CALENDARIO COPTO, insisto, en el contexto a que el 11 de septiembre es el primer dia del mismo, llegamos a la asombrosa interrelacion de que el (18/7, 20/7 y 22/7 (DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA SEGUN LA IGLESIA CATOLICA) tambien son el 311, 313 y 315. Noten que la LLEGADA A LA LUNA ESTA EN LA CLAVE, EN EL CONTEXTO A QUE LA MISMA FUE JUSTAMENTE UN 20 DE JULIO. ¿CUAL ES EL MISTERIO DETRAS DE DICHA INTERRELACION?
LA CLAVE ES QUE EL RADIO PROMEDIO DE LA TIERRA ES 3960 Y EL DE LA LUNA ES 1080. Si sumamos ambas cifras tenemos el numero 5040. En ese contexto tenemos un diametro de 10080 que si lo multiplicamos POR EL PI, para saber la longitud de la circunferencia tenemos:
(10 080 * 22) / 7 = 31680

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Respuesta  Mensaje 117 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 01:06

The Sun

In the videos I identify 864 as the number of the Sun because the Sun has a diameter of 864,000 miles. But there are many other interesting things resonating with 864.


The Earth

One Earth rotation lasts 86,400 seconds. 24 x 60 x 60 = 86,400.


Stonehenge to Silbury Hill in the UK

John Michell and Robin’s Heath’s important book The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth contains the following fact: the distance from the center of Stonehenge to the base of Silbury Hill is 864,000 feet. Both SH and Silbury were made about 5000 years ago. How was it that people apparently knew the size of the Sun in miles and used the English foot to encode this numerology on the ground? I suggest you listen to my Red Ice interview to find out how this can be explained.

SH Silbury

Place de la Concorde in Paris France

Place de la Concorde is the largest square in Paris having an area of 86,400 square meters. The guillotine at the center was later replaced by the obelisk from the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. A Ferris Wheel shows up at the edge of the square there from time to time (shown in the satellite image below) to spook us with its all seeing Eye of Sauron and obvious Illuminati symbolism (compare with the London Eye).


One Canada Square in London UK

One Canada Square (aka the Canary Wharf Building) was originally designed to be 864 feet high but was reduced to 770 feet because the London City Airport is too close. Check out its pyramid roof. The square shaft with a pyramid on top is the form of the ancient Egyptian Benben of the Temple of the Phoenix in Heliopolis which was the precursor for later tapered obelisks.

419px 1CanadaSquare

(Above picture courtesy of MattD Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 license)

The architect of 1 Canada Square (aka the Canary Wharf Tower) is Cesar Pelli. Here’s what he had to say about it on opening day (26 Aug 91):

“According to Lao Tse, the reality of a hollow object is in the void and not in the walls that define it. He was speaking, of course, of spiritual realities. These are the realities also of the Canary Wharf Tower. The power of the void is increased and… with its supporting structure creates a portal to the sky … a door to the infinite.”

Pelli seemed to be waxing poetic about the talismanic power of the structure, was he not?

Does anyone know the significance of 26 Aug 91? I’d like to know.

On the wikipedia page for this building, it says there are 108,000 deliveries made to the loading bay each year. Shyeah. 108 is the number of the Moon. The lunar radius is 1080 miles. The element silver which has always been associated with the moon has an atomic weight of 108g/mol. But I digress.

The floor area of 1 Canada is 111,000 m2 which encodes the repetitive ones that Rik Clay talked so convincingly about. One Canada is now the second tallest building in the UK because it has been eclipsed by The Shard which is currently under construction. Perhaps not surprisingly The Shard has a matching floor area of 111,000 m2 This is an illuminati / masonic / archonic trigger number if you will.

Fountain Place (designed by I.M. Pei) and the Trammel Crow building in Dallas Texas also have floor areas measuring 111,000 m2. I’ll talk a lot more about Daleth, ahem, Dallas in another post.

One Canada Square was featured in the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter movie. The clip is rather dark but there is a moment when lightning brightens everything up (shown below). The lightning seems to hit the place where the United Grand Lodge of England is located (governing body of Freemasonry in the UK). Rowling provocatively says the thestrals that the kids are riding are only visible to those who have seen death.

Order of Phoenix2

(Fair use screen cap of Order of the Phoenix movie)

Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco USA

The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco is 864 feet high if you count its pyramidion and mast.


The building is quoted as being 853′ high, some 11 feet less than the magic number. There are those pesky repeating ones again. Masonic Center in San Francisco’s address is 1111 California Street. The Great Pyramid is 1/11th of a mile in height and its pyramidion that Herodotus mentioned which was made of electrum (alloy of gold and silver) measured 1-1/11 feet in height according to the metrology of Richard Heath in Sacred Number. Again I digress.


Full Frame Sensors

The 35mm camera was the most popular film camera ever used. Today the size of the 35mm negative is echoed in what is called the full frame CCD or CMOS sensor which has an area of – wait for it – 864 mm2. This is the sensor against which all others are measured. Full frame sensors are only available on the most expensive pro DSLRs currently.

428px SensorSizes

5:12 Rectangles

I have a lot to say about pythagorean triangles in my videos. In particular I have found many references to 5:12:13 triangles and 5:12 rectangles (that’s 2 of the triangles put together) in Stonehenge and the whole region surrounding it, in Washington DC, Paris, and Jerusalem. Someone who listened to my first Red Ice interview contacted me with a major discovery he made in regards to the 5:12 proportion. Brace yourself…


A rectangle measuring 5 feet by 12 feet has an area of 8640 square inches. This is something I can work with. I’m never going to be able to build an 864 foot solar Osiris talisman on a geodetic hot spot, but I think I can manage making a few raised garden beds measuring exactly 5 by 12 feet. And where I live in Canada (above 50 degrees North) can really use more resonance with the Sun.

Do the Math

864 is a multiple of 108. In fact here are some additional multiples that are very interesting:

  • 108 (interior angles of pentagon measure 108 degrees each)
  • 216 (= 6x6x6 =  33 + 43 + 53)
  • 432 (Kali Yuga = 432,000 years)
  • 864 (Dwapara Yuga = 864,000 years )
  • 1728 (number of the cube, = 12x12x12, also Satya Yuga of 1,728,000 years)
  • 3456 (number of Egyptian royal miles in polar radius of Earth)
  • 25920 (Earth’s precessional period)

All of the above are referred to as precessional numbers because they are factors of 25,920 years.

Please contact me if you find any more 864s, I’d love to hear from you.

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


Respuesta  Mensaje 118 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 01:59


There is a harmony between us and the universe.


 We measure that harmony when we consider human breath.

It takes an average of 4 seconds to inhale and exhale.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day.

 21,600  BREATHS

An average of 4 seconds per breath would amount to 21,600 breaths a day.

Dr. Gary Tollard of Goddard Space Labs says we can only see 10% of the universe.


Look what happens when we apply the 10% to the universe and us.


There are 86,400 seconds in a day. The diameter of the Sun is 864,000 miles  10%


We breathe an average of 21,600 times a day. The diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles  10%

The distance between the earth and moon is 216,000 miles

10% of 216,000 = 21,600. The number of breaths we take each day.



A Zodiacal year, (the time the sun spends in one sign) is 2,160 years.

10% of our number of breaths each day.

Respuesta  Mensaje 119 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:14

Secrets of the Platonic Solids Revealed

Will Barrett

The Platonic Solids:

As portrayed in Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum


five Platonic solids
The Pythagoreans believed that the Universe and everything in it was constructed using the Platonic solids.  Most modern people would think this notion is just plain silly, and they would be wrong. As it turns out on small scale many molecules are the shapes of the Platonic Solids. On a large scale the Universe itself appears to be constructed using the Platonic Solids. This paper titled Scale Unification by Physicist, Nassim Harramein covers this in detail. The work of Dr. Robert J. Moon of the University of Chicago has demonstrated that even individual atoms contain the geometry of the Platonic Solids.  What does this all mean? I think we all know the answer on a deep inner level.  I believe it means that our universe is a fractal matrix that is scaler from the infinitely large to the infinitely small.

I have know about the Platonic Solids and Sacred Geometry for several years, and  I am still learning about them. Along the way I have had many epiphanys and ah ha monents. One of these monents occurred while watching a video of a presentation by Randall Carlson called
 Fractal Geology and Ice-Age Catastrophe. In the presentation he shows a relationship between the total of the angles on the outside of the Platonic Solids and Precessional numbers.  I took this a few steps further by expresssing the angles in arc minutes and arc second, and then for some unknown reason, I decided to add from 1 to the number of degrees of angles in each Platonic Solid. Then I did the same thing with factors of ten of the same numbes.  You would think, this would result in unassociated numbers, which is not the case. The following are the results.
Tetrahedron = Fire, Add the angles in the four surfaces and get 720 Degrees. 720 is 2 circles, which make the Vesica Piscis. Add 1-72, 1-720, 1-7200, 1-72000 and get 2628, 25960, 25923600, 2592036000. Continue to infinity and the first 5 numbers remain 25920. As it turns out 25920 is the number of years in Precession or what Plato called the Great year. There are also 25920 parts to the day in the Hebrew Calendar System.  Multiply by the special Masonic number 33.3333333333 x 25920 = 864000, is the diameter of the Sun in Miles. Remove one zero and get 86400 the number of seconds in a day. 72000 is the speed our solar system is moving in Km per hour. It take 72 years for Precession to change by 1 degree. 72 is the number of the names of God and the number of faces of God. There are 72 degrees between each of the point of a pentagram. There are 72 Fallen angels in the Bible or did it really mean to say angles.
Octahedron = Air, Add the angles of the eight sides and get 1440 Degrees.  144 is a very significant number. There are 1440 minutes in a day(60 x 24 = 1440), there are 144000 to be saved in revelations, There are 12 hours on the face of a clock and 12 signs of the Zodiac. 12 squared = 144. 144 is a Fibonacchi number and therefore has a relationship the PHI(The Golden Ratio). There are 144000 days in a Mayan calendar cycle of a Baktun.  If we add 1-144, 1-1440, 1-14400, we get 10440, 1037520, 103687200. It so happens in a Pathagoean Triangle with 2 sides being 72, if we apply the Pathagoean Theorem (72 x 72) + (72 x 72) = 10368 or the hypotenuse squared.   It is interesting that 9 x 103687200= 9331848/360= 25921.8.  This is significant because the Mayan, Egyptian, and Babylonian calendars had a 360 day year, so 9331848 is the number of days in the Great year of Precession. 9331848 x 10 is a close approximation to the average distance of the Sun from the Earth. 10368 is 2/5 of the Precessional Cycle.
Cube = Earth. It is interesting to note that in the Book of Revelations in the Bible discribes the New Jerusalem as being a cube.  Following the same procedure above.  Total surface angles = 2160.  2160 is the number of years in a Zodiac Age.  2160 is the diameter of the Moon in miles. 216 Feet is height of the wall for New Jerusalem described in the book of revelations.  6 x 6 x 6 = 216. Total 1-36 = 666. 2160 is 1/12 of the Great Year, just as we have 12 hours on the face of a clock and twelve signs of the Zodiac. Add 1-2160, 1-21600 and get 2333880 and 233290800 x4 = 9331632, again we get the number of days in the Great year or rather 2332908 is 1/4 of the Great year in Days.
Icosahedron Total Number of angle in surface is 3600.  Add 1:36, 1:360, 1:3,600, 1:36,000 and get 666, 6498, 6481800, 648018000.  6480 is 1/4 of 25920. there are 64 glyphs to the Iching, there are 64 codons of DNA in the Human Gnome. 64 is a Binary number used in computing. It was not that long ago that we had computers with memory of 64, 128, 256, 512 megabites.  and finally there are 6480 degrees of the total angles of the surface of the Dodecahedron.

Dodecahedron = Aether(Universe) The Dodeca is the Mother of the all the other platonic solids. Metatron who was also Enoch is said to have constructed Metatron's Cube from his soul. It is called a cube becase it resembles a hyper-cube.  Metatron's cube can be derived from the flower of life and is a nesting of all of the platonic solids inside of a Dodecahedron.

There are 6480 degrees in the surface of the Dodeca. There are 64800 Sq Arc Degrees in the surface of a sphere.  As we said before, this is 1/4 of the precessional number 25920.  This is tied to the Mayan Calendar system in a rather odd way.  The Mayan's had several Calendars.  One of the Calendars had years of 360 days.  December 21, 2012 marks the end of a 13 Baktun cycle.  A Baktun is 400 years of 360 days so 13 x 400 = 5200 years x 5 = a total Precessional cycle of 26000 years(of 360 days each).  That is a total of 65 Baktuns. Now divide 6480/6500 = .996923077 x 26000 = 25920  so it is that the ratio of 64.8 to 65 is the same as 25920 to 26000.  so 4 x 6480 = 25920 =  648/650 x 26000.
Since the Dodeca is the king daddy lets divde the total of the other platonic solids by 6480
720/6480 = .1111111111, 1440/6480 = .22222222222222, 2160/6480 = .333333333333333, 3600/6480 = .555555555555 and 6480/6480 = 1
Now let's look at the degrees of angles in the platonic solids in terms of arc seconds and arc minutes.

Degrees        Arc Minutes       Arc Seconds
720                  43200              2592000   Sun Radius, Precession
1440                86400              5184000   Sun Diameter, 1/5 Precession or 13 Baktun
2160                129600            7776000   1/2 precession, 777 is number of God
3600                216000            12960000 Zodiac age, Diameter of moon, 1/2 precession
6480                388800            23328000 # of days in 1/24 precession,Number of days in 1/4 precession

3600 is # of Arc Sec in # 1, 7200 is # of arc seconds in the # 2, 14400 is number of Arc Sec in 4, 21600 is the number of Arc Seconds in 6, and 64800 is the number of arc secs in 18.  1 x 2 x 4 x 6 x 18 = 864.  Again 864 is the base number for the diameter of the sun.

If we square our number we get;

720     518400       5184 is 1/4 Precession
1440   2073600     20726 = 4 x 5184 or 4/5 of precession, this was beginning of current 13 Baktun Cycle
2160   4665600     divide by 360 = 12960 or half of precession
3600   12960000  12960 is half of precession
6480   41990400  divide by 360 x 8 = 933120 1/10 days of precession
The fractallity of these number is a beautiful thing.  It is amazing to me that in these number we find the origin of our own clock and calendar, how we have mapped the Earth and the Sky, the speed of our solar system through space, the diameter of the Sun and Moon and there is much much more. 

The numbers of the Platonic Solids were and are considered Sacred. Althought it is not secret if you are seeking to understand. In ancient time Numbers and Letters were expressed in the same way.  That is to say letters were numbers. Believe it or not these systems still exist in our modern Alphabets and is known as Gematria.  In western language A-Z = 1-26  Remember above, we found the base numbers for the platonic solids in 1, 2, 4, 6 an 18 or A, B, D, F, and V.  Our modern grading system seems to resemble A, B, D, F except what about C. As it turns out 3 in arc seconds is the # 10800, and 1080 is half of a zodiac age and is the radius of the Moon, so C fits the sequence.

Other interesting number are 26, which is Z or the Omega in Greek. It is the end of the Alphabet and 26000 Years is the end and beginning of the Precessional Cycle.  26 expressed in arc seconds is 93600.  It is no coincidence that 9360000 is the actual number of days in the precessional cycle according to the Mayan Calendar System. 400 x 65 = 26000 years of 360 days, thus 360 x 26000 = 9360000. Now to get the Mayan Precessional period in our years 9360000/365.2422 = 25626.83 years.  The use of the # 400 by the Mayans is interesting because, the diameter of the Sun is 400 times that of the Moon. 2160 x 400 = 864000.

Now Consider 24 or X expressed in arc secs is 86400 or the number of Seconds in a 24 hour day.  864000 is also diameter of the Sun. 22 is V in arc seconds is 79200. Take away one Zero and get 7920 or the Diameter of the Earth. In "The Davinci Code" by Dan Brown I learned that V is male and the inverted V is Female. It is interesting that we find the stamp of male domination tied to Mother Earth, Gaea, and Goddess Sophia. So in 6 or F we find Diameter of the Moon of 2160, and 24 or X we find the Sun 864000 and V The Earths diameter of 7920.  In old prints one might See SVN meaning SUN.  It is no mistake.  It is the Sun moving about the V(Earth). Of course the Sun does not move about the Earth, but this was the belief 400 years ago.

It seems to me that there is structured order in the Universe, indicating that there must be some kind of higher intellegence at work.  I am sure that I am equally pissing-off Atheist and Religious persons. Sorry, I am just calling it like I see it.  So with in this Fractal matrix of reality, we find ourselves like fish in a fishbowl. Unfortunately we are poisoning the water in the bowl and the clock is ticking.  We need more of the little fishys to wake up. The age of the Pisces Fishys is over and the Age of Aquarius is dawning. We all need to change our minds or rather shift our consciousness away from the self and the ego towards a unified Humanity.  Metanoia is the original Greek word used in the Bible said to Mean "Repentance". In Psychology it means "the process of experiencing a psychotic "break down" and subsequent, positive psychological re-building or "healing".  This is what needs to happen to humanity as a whole.  The numbers that are found in the Platonic Solids, show us a direct numerical relationship between Precession, time, the Earth, Moon and Sun.  If you take the time to study these things, you will be stuck with awe. You will understand that your life does have a purpose, that reality is planned.  You may even have a psychotic break and realize everything you believed was true is false.  Your mind will change, and you will awaken.

Respuesta  Mensaje 120 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:18

3 is the Triad. It is body, mind and spirit. The number 6 signifies the union of Spirit and Matter. The symbol of the Hexagram represents this union. 

Star of David.svg            

Hexagram, Seal of Solomon, Star of David


Factors of 3 and 6 and their powers of 10  are a fundamental elements to the fractal interactive multidimensional matrix we call reality. Of course PI and PHI are also tied in to 3 and 6.  PI is 3.1415 and PHI, 1.618 is the inverse of .618034. 


"All is number". It hard for us to grasp, but all of our reality is a matrix and a program. All is mind. If you you think we are becoming Transhuman, think again, we already are. http://www.my-big-toe.com/


If we square 6 we get 36, the basis of a circle/cycle.

Below are factors of 6 an 36. The numbers are tied to many things from planets measurements, calendars, the platonic solids, cymatic frequencies, clocks, longitude and latitude, astronomical positioning of stars, etc..  I am only listing a few of the connections.  Some of my other postings show many more of these connections.

2 x 36   = 72,  

3 x 36 = 108,  1080 is1/24 zodiac, radius moon, part to heb hr

4 x 36 = 144, Fibonacci #, 144000 is year in Baktun, 

5x 36  = 180

6 x 36 = 216, 6x6x6, 2160 is 1/12 zodiac

12 x 36= 432, 432000 is radius of Sun.

18 x 36 = 648, 6480 is 1/4 precession, angles in dodecahedron

22 x 36 = 792, 7920 is diameter of earth

24 x 36 = 864, 864000 is diameter of sun

26 x 36 = 936, 93600000 is Appox 1 AU,days in precession


If we cube 6 we get 216. 216 is the base number of an Zodiac Age. The the book of Revelations the New City of Jerusalem is a cube. The wall of the city is 144 cubits or 216 Feet. Both 144 and 216 are tied to precession/the zodiac. A Mayan Baktun is 144000 day of 400 years. 65 x 400 = 26000. 2160 years is 1/12 of the Zodiac and of 25920 year precession. The city is 12000 Furlongs cubed. The city is said to be pure gold. AU stands for both Astronomical Unit and Gold. Gold is the symbol of the Sun. The sun is light. If we cube 12000 furlongs we get 1.728 to the 12th. 1728000 is 2 times the diameter of the sun in miles.  17280 is the diameter of the Moon in Furlongs. 2160 is the Diameter of the Moon in miles. 1728 cubic inches is 1 cubic foot.


6x6=36, add all numbers from 1-36 =666, 666 is the number of the beast. The carbon atom has 6 Electrons, 6 neutrons and six protons. Carbon is Tetrahedral in it's bonding structure. A Tetrahedron is made up of 4 equilateral triangles. Each side has 3 angles of 60 degrees each.


12x36= 432. Using cymatics the Frequency of 432 Hertz creates equilateral triangles, which are integral to the Flower of Life and the Platonic Solids.

Here are the different frequencies.

"When A is tuned to 432 Hz the frequencies of the other A’s shift to 27 Hz, 54, 108, 216, 864, 1728 in other octaves.

D becomes 576 Hz which becomes 9 Hz, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 1152 in other octaves.

E becomes 324 Hz which becomes 81 Hz, 162, 648, 1296 in other octaves. etc etc."



This is a good site to get the basics of cymatics. 



Visible geometric arrangement of fine                     Hexagon, 6 Triangles in vibrating sand.

particles within vibrating droplet of water. (Jenny)




Note the star tetrahedron in the center of the above image.  Can you doubt that vibration, energy and matter are tied together.


When I saw the above numbers, I instantly recognized the numbers relative to time, precession and the platonic solids.


Below are hertz in basic notes in different octaves that create cymatic triangles.

27, 54, 108, 216,432, 864, 1728

9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576 1152

81, 162, 324, 648, 1296 


Now let’s compare the above triangle creating cymatic frequencies with the platonic solids and the above factors of 6 and 36..



Tetrahedron has 4 sides with 180 degrees of angle per side making 720 Degrees total. Note the 18 and 72 above


Octahedron has 8 sides with 180 degrees of angle per side making 1440 Degrees total. Note the 18 and 144 above.


Cube has 6 sides with 360 degrees of angle per side making 2160 Degrees total. Note the 36 and 216 above.


Icosahedron  has 20 sides with 180 degrees of angle per side making 3600 Degrees total. Note the 18 and 36 above.


Dodecahedron  has 12 sides with 108 degrees per angle and 540 degrees of angle per side making  6480 Degrees total. Note the 108, 54 and 648 above


Are you beginning to see a relationship, between frequency and form?


Let’s compare.

Cymatic Frequency Numbers             

27, 54108216,432864, 1728

9, 183672144, 288, 576 1152

81, 162, 324, 648, 1296 


Degrees of angle in sides and total in Platonic Solids

108180, 2160, 360,540, 720, 1440, 3600, 6480


Now let’s look at time.  There are 3600 seconds in and hour,1440 minutes in a day 86400 seconds in a day, 2160 years in a zodiac age, 144000 days in a Mayan Baktun, 1080 parts to a Hebrew calendar hour. 1/2 of a Platonic Year is 12960 years, ¼ = 6480 years(the zodiac is divided into 4 parts), 1/3 = 8640 years.


Let’s consider Astronomy for a moment.  Diameter of Sun is 864000 miles, Radius is 432000. Diameter of Moon is 2160 miles, radius is 1080. The Earth is orbiting the Sun at a speed of 108,000 Kilometers per hour or 2592000 in a 24 Hour Day. D of Sun 864000 * 108 = 93312000, the distance of the Sun from the Earth. 93312000/360 days(many ancient calendars) = 259200, the number of years in precession * 10. The Solar System is moving through the Milky Way Galaxy at 72000 KM per Hour or 1728000 per day. Precession moves by 1 degree every 72 years. 72 x 360 degrees = 25920. A side note here is that in the Emerald Tablet of Thoth, the Moon is the Mother and the Sun is the Father. May be what it really means is that reality is constructed with frequencies related to the Sun and Moon measurements.


So it seems that the the the universe truly is constructed using factor of 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36 etc.  All is number.


Respuesta  Mensaje 121 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:23
Ivan Panin's "Proof".
(15-12-2013 01:09 AM)Bucky Ball Wrote:  Order arises in this universe without any intervention.
Choas Theory has proven it, (so yeah, this idiot is "dubunked")
Every scientist knows this.
The Fibonacci sequence arises also with no intervention everywhere in the universe,
No gods needed, no conspiracies, no "codes" no bullshit.

i know for a fact that YOU didnt even read my initial post, let alone watch those videos...you just flew over it, even IF you would read it carefully i highly doubt you are intelligent enough to comprehend whats right in front of your face...i understand that you guys live in the mind set of a debunker but its not debunkable...

the flower of life reflects the 9 code
fibonacci sequence reflects the 9 code
the precession of the equinox aka the great year cycle reflects the 9 code
(25,920 (=9) year cycle broken up into 2160 (=9) years per constellation.)

the constellations move through the background of the rising east with movement of just 1 degree every 72 years (=9).

The earth's tilt = 23,4 (=9)

mins and secs in a day, week, month, year all reduce to 9

a woman is pregnant for 9 months displaying the 9 code

diameter of moon = 2160 miles (=9)
diameter of sun = 864000 miles (=9) which is related to the seconds in a day as well.
the real speed of light adds up to 9 = 186,624 = 9

there were originally 144000 (=9) casing stones on the great pyramid of giza.

In the year 2034 (=9) there's a total solar eclipse that passes over egypt.

the mayan long count calendar is reflects 144000 days (=9)

144 (=9) is also related to the concept of light and sound...

Half a day consists of 12 hours or 720 minutes or 43,200 seconds. A well-conditioned human has a heart which beats once per second, 60/minute, 3600 beats per hour and 86,400 beats per day. The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles (2 x 432). The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (4320 / 2). 432 = Consecration and also the square root of the classical speed of light, 186624 miles per second. Light travels around the earth 7.4 times in one second adds up to 11. Also, 12 x 360 = 4320. Divide 4320 by 2 to get the diameter of the moon (2,160 miles). If you multiply 432,000 by 2 to get the diameter of the sun (864,000 miles). If you square 432 to get the speed of light (186,624 miles per second). 60 x 360 = 21600 the number of Nautical Miles on the polar circumference of Earth which means that one Nautical Mile equals exactly one 'minute' of earth latitude.

The first four digits of PI π = 3.141=9. We use the first 4 since you need four 90 degree turns to get a circle of 360 degrees.

the sacred 345 triangle worshipped by the egyptians reflects the 9 code..

the pythagorean tuning is A-432

each triangle of a tetrahedron adds up to 9...

the number of the beast 666 adds up to 9

Beatles - Revolution 9, countless other bands who used song names like "engine number 9" because they are insiders too, hiding this stuff in plain sight you idiots...

they all knew and this is hidden knowledge, make fun of it all you want, there's so much more evidence out there its mind blowing, i just gave u a little glimpse...

all you can do is call it coincidence but that makes you a fool...real question is how many so called coincidences have to happen until u start thinking more deeply? i suggest you keep your head deep in the sand like always and pretend certain evidence is not there..

countless ancient texts refer to the 9 code...its universal but hidden from the fool

i could go and on, this was just a little glimpse and you wanna call that coincidence?


you guys are seriously braindead...its not even funny anymore....theres no help for you whatsoever...this stuff is above your head dude...just let it go, and go on with your silly meaningless life

Edit: Prime quadruplets make up the very reality we exist in, any real scientist will tell you that but what they do not know yet is that the hidden center numbers in the the centers of prime quadruplets add up to either 3,6 or 9

I know tesla's secret:

"If you only knew the magnificance of the 3,6 & 9 then you would have a key to the universe"

It's the very magnetic vortex energy telsa was talking about, it can also be used to levitate massive stones, thats the secret of the ancient pyramid builders btw, they knew about it, even the pyramid of giza reflects the 9 code. Coral Castle was built the same way, Ed Leedskalnin claimed to know the secrets of the ancient pyramid builders and he left clues all over coral castle...the same clues can be found coded in the Norman Hall (Grand Masonic Lodge) in philadelphia. The secrets of magnetism are coded into the artwork. There are independent scientists that were able to crack this code up to 75%...

you guys have no idea...

"The human being is handycapped with coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists" - J.Edgar Hoover (Founder FBI)

you guys forgot how to think for yourselfs...braindead sheeples...all u guys know is what you have been told, you always ask for evidence but never seek it out for yourselfs...you are in a mode of stagnation...btw in occult circles we call ppl like you "numb in mind" braindead zombies following the braindead herd...no individual thought...you are a follower...not a seeker

Edit 2: Even your screen resolutions are based on the 369 matrix:

144p = 9
240p = 6
360p = 9
480p = 3
720p = 9
1080p = 9

why do you think that is? LOL LOL LOL


you guys are no match for my knowledge...all you can do is call it BS without providing any counter evidence

FACEPALM & CHECKMATE atheists.....lol

go ahead and make a fool of yourself trying to debunk reality...lol

Respuesta  Mensaje 122 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:27
Vanity of Vanities
  Following the book of Proverbs is Solomon's second book of wisdom, Ecclesiastes. It contains a total of 222 verses; the same as the number of verses in the Bible which include the word "wisdom". In the Hebrew bible, the first word of  Ecclesiastes 1:1 is דברי (The words). It's gematria value is 216. Verse 1:2 includes the key theme of the book, variously translated as :                                    

                                     "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; 
all is vanity."  KJV

                    "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."  NIV

                          "Futility of futilities!" - said Koheles - "Futility of futilities! All is futile!"    Stone Edition Chumash

 In the original Hebrew, "Vanity of vanities … all is vanity" is written as הבל הבלים … הכל הבל (Hebel Hebelim…Hekel Hebel) which has a gematria value of 216. These words are repeated in verse 12:8, which is the 216th verse of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Clearly the number 216 requires further investigation.


Mathematics of 216

 The number 216 is itself a cubic number, and also both the product of two cubes and the sum of three cubes (of a Pythagorean triple). So:
  • 216 = 6³  (6*6*6)
  • 216 = 2³ x 3³
  • 216 = 3³ + 4³ + 5³
3³ + 4³ + 5³ = 216
216 multiplication magic square
216 is the smallest magic product of a 3 by 3 multiplicative magic square.

 Plato's Number

 In Plato's Republic, when discussing how the Guardians should organize a breeding program for the citizens, Socrates says:
     "Though the rulers you have trained for your city are wise, reason and perception will not always enable them to hit on the right              and wrong times for breeding; some time they will miss them, and then children will be begotten amiss."
 Fortunately, says Socrates, it can all be worked out by mathematics:
     "For the number of the human creature is the first in which root and square multiplications (comprising three dimensions and four     limits) of basic numbers which make like and unlike, and which increase and decrease, produce a final result in completely                  commensurate terms."

This seemingly indecipherable text can be better understood when it is realized that in Plato's day there was no word for "cubed", and that 216 is  the first (smallest) cube which is the sum of three cubes. Most scholars agree that the number referred to is 216.
 In the Bible, the number of a man is 666. Given that Plato's Republic was written 400 years before the Revelation of St. John, it has been hypothesized  that 216 was the originally intended number of a man. Read the original article "The Number of the Beast"  here. Indeed, some versions of the Bible have the number as 616, which is a hybrid between the two.
  • Revelation 666 : "For it is the number of a man..."
  • Plato 6*6*6 : "For the number of the human creature is…"
Number of The Beast 216 cartoon
Cartoon courtesy of New Scientist. 12 Aug 1989
That 216 is a "human number” can be appreciated when the following facts are considered:

  • 216 days = 7 months (minimum human gestation period)
  • normal gestation period = 276 days = 3³ + 4³ + 5³ + (3 x 4 x 5)

The New Jerusalem

In the twenty-first chapter of the Book of Revelation, St. John describes his vision of the new Jerusalem which will descend from heaven at the end of the age.

                  "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no
                   more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride
                   adorned for her husband."
Rev 21:1-2

St. John states the dimensions: new Jerusalem is also a cube!

                  "And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve                             thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal." Rev 21:16

The number 12, being the number of the tribes of Israel, and the number of Christ's apostles also figured prominently in John's vision.     

                "And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are                     the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:" Rev 21:12

                "And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names  of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." Rev 21:14

  • 12,000 x 12,000 furlongs = 144,000,000 furlongs²
  • Total surface area of New Jerusalem = 144,000,000 x 6 = 864,000,000 furlongs²
  • Diameter of the sun = 864,000 miles

Another familiar number (remembering the 144,000 from Rev. 17:4 and 14:1) also figures in the description.

                  "And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man,
                    that is, of the angel." Rev 21:17

A cubit is 18 inches or 1.5 feet. These numbers provide a wealth of information:

  • 144 cubits = 216 feet = 6 x 6 x 6
  • 144,000 / 216 = 666.666…
  • the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter at an impact speed of 216,000 km/hr
  • 216,000 km/hr = 37 miles/sec = speed of Earth's orbit around the Sun x 2
  • 216,000 = 144,000 x 1.5
  • the first 144 digits of pi (after the decimal point) sum to 666
  • 144,000 / 12 = 12,000
  • 12,000³ / 216 = 8,000,000,000 (8 billion, a remarkably round number in anybody's language.)

The world population has grown exponentially since the Black Death plague of 1348-50, which killed between 75 and 200 million people. At the end of 2011, the world population was 7 billion people. Estimates from the United States Census Bureau are that the population will reach 8 billion in the year 2027.

Current world population (estimated): .

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world population numbers

Alpha and Omega

Also in the Book of Revelation, we have this from Chapter 21:6 (216, get it):

                    “And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him
                      that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.”   Rev 21:6

As we have seen from the gematria of  verses 3:19 and 9:10 in the Book of Proverbs, 216 is the perimeter of the Alpha and Omega sections of the Wisdom Star. The Genesis triangle also has a perimeter of the same 216.
Israel Proverbs star gematria alpha and omega

The Alpha and Omega segments of the Wisdom Star. 1332 x 3 = 3996, the gematria value of Proverbs 3:19 and 9:10. The perimeter of each Alpha Ω segment is 216, the same as the perimeter of the Genesis 1:1 triangle. The gematria value of Alpha Ω is 1332 in the form it appears in the Greek New Testament. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last".  Rev 22:13

The 72 Names of God

The account of the parting of the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 14:19-21 has long been a source of wonder concerning the number 216. In the original Hebrew, each of these verses contain 72 letters, giving a total of 216. In Kabbalistic tradition, it is said that if the letters of these three verses are written one above the other (the first from right to left, the second from left to right, and the third from right to left) there are 72 columns of three letter names of God. Written in that way, the verses appear as follows:

The seventy-two names are divided into four columns of eighteen names each. Each of the four columns represents one of the four letters of the Tetragrammaton. The names are known collectively as Shemhamphorasch. These 216 letters were the theme of the 1989 movie Pi, directed by Darren Aronofsky. Asked in an interview about the number 216, Aronofsky replied  "It's true. All the cabal stuff in the film is completely 100% real. Totally non-fictional. I studied with a lot of leading cabal scholars in the world. And they shared with me a lot of their secrets. Everything you see on the screen is completely 100%, totally, fully, completely real."

The letters of the Tetragrammaton as they appear in the 216 letters provide an intriguing numerical study. The details are outlined in the following table:
Tetragrammaton letter count Exodus 216
Letter count from Exodus 14:19-21
The sum total gives a gematria value of 320 + 155 + 120 + 155 = 750. The other numbers applicable to this exercise are familiar gematria values:

            2368 - Jesus Christ
            1332 - Alpha Ω
            888   - Jesus
            666   - The number of a man
Revelation 20:1-5 relates to the prophecy of the 1,000 year reign of Christ in person, also called the Millennium.

                    "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a
                      thousand years,"  Rev 20:2

  • 750 x 888 / 666 = 1,000

There has been a good deal of speculation regarding America in Bible prophesy, beginning with the early colonists. In 1857, Methodist minister Fountain Pitts delivered a daylong sermon on the subject in the U.S. Capitol. See here for a transcript. Much of the speculation focuses on the year of America's independence - 1776.

  • 750  x 2368 / 1000 = 1776
  • 1332 / 750 x 1000 = 1776


Respuesta  Mensaje 123 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:31
The Golden Ratio
"It is impossible to explain honestly the beauties of the laws of nature in a way that people can feel, without their having some deep understanding of mathematics. I am sorry, but this seems to be the case."  Richard Feynman

 The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, can be seen in nature, geometry, art, architecture, music and many other areas. This irrational number, called phi and represented by the Greek symbol φ can be derived from the numbers of man:

  • sine (666˚) = cosine (216˚)
  • -sine (666˚) - cosine (216˚) = 1.618 =  φ

For a brilliant interactive demonstration of how this number works in nature, click here for the Maths is Fun website.
golden ratio formula
golden ratio formula
The dimensions of the New Jerusalem can also be used to determine the golden ratio. Remembering the dimensions of 12,000 furlongs - length, breadth and height all equal. And the walls of 144 cubits. So:

  • cosine (12+12+12)˚ - cosine (144˚) = φ
The fact that 144 cubits equals 216 feet is interesting, as:
  • cosine (216˚) = cosine (144˚)
  • -cosine (216˚) - cosine (144˚) = φ

These two numbers also have a connection with the previous section on the passage from Exodus and the 72 names of God:

  • 216 - 144 = 72
Salvador Dalí explicitly used the golden ratio in his masterpiece "The Sacrament of the Last Supper". The dimensions of the canvas are a golden rectangle. A huge dodecahedron, in perspective so that its edges appear in golden ratio to one another, is suspended above and behind Jesus and dominates the composition.

 Number 108, or 216 ÷ 2, is also aligned with the golden ratio. A chord of a circle, with an angle of 108º, is in golden proportion to the radius of the circle. In the diagram, the chord length AB is in golden proportion to the radius AC or CB.
  • 2 sin (108˚/2) = φ

 The relationship between Earth and its two great lights is also centered on 108.
  • Sun diameter / Earth diameter ≈ 108  (actually 109.16)
  • Speed of Earth's orbit around the Sun = 108,000 km/hr
  • average distance between the Sun and Earth ≈ 108 times Sun's diameter  (actually 107.5)
  • average distance between the moon and Earth ≈ 108 times moon's diameter (actually 110.5)
  • Sun's diameter ≈ 108 x 8000 miles  (actually 108.1 x 8000)
  • moon's diameter ≈ 108 x 20 miles  (actually 107.9 x 20)
  • Earth's volume = 108 x 10¹⁰ km³  (actually 108.321 x 10¹⁰)

A chord AB with an angle of 108º is in golden proportion to the circle's radius.
The distances are averages. Actually, because planetary orbits are elliptical, these distances vary. For example, the distance between the Earth and the Sun varies from 105.7 (perihelion) and 109.3 (aphelion) times the Sun's diameter.
It is because the sun is about 400 times bigger, but 400 times further away than the moon, that they appear to be the same size to our eyes.
Try this experiment. Cut out a circle of 1 inch diameter (or use an American quarter) and ask a friend to hold it up against the moon. Now back away until the disk just covers the moon (total eclipse). Measure the distance between your eyes and the disk. Answer? 108 inches. The same is true of the sun, but don't hurt your eyes. Of course this may vary marginally as the moon's orbit varies somewhat. To appreciate how much difference this makes, check out these photographs taken at the moon's apogee (closest distance to the Earth) and perigree (furthest).
Two photographs of the moon taken near perigree and apogee.
The Precession of the equinoxes

 We are all familiar with the Earth's orbit around the sun (once per year) and it's axial rotation (once per day), but there is another Earth motion that is less well known. The axial precession (aka precession of the equinoxes) is caused by the Earth wobbling on it's axis (much like a toy top), due primarily to the effect of gravity of the sun and the moon, and to a much lesser extent the larger planets. In the illustration on the right, the white arrows indicate the axial rotation, whilst the white circle represents the axial precession. The eastward rotation is completed once per day, but the retrograde  movement of the axial precession is only observable by patient observation, as one cycle takes 25,920 years to complete. This means that if the position of the stars were observed at the same time each year (eg at the vernal equinox) their position in the sky would appear 50 arc seconds westward per year, or 1° every 72 years. This explains why a sidereal year is equivalent to 1.000038 solar years. It takes an extra 20 minutes per year for the Earth to travel those 50 extra arc seconds to return to the same fixed stars. So a yearly observation at the equinox would see a full cycle of the twelve constellations of  the zodiac every 25,920 years. Each constellation "age" is therefore 2,160 years, and we are presently in the age of Pisces.
Illustrations courtesy of Wikipedia.
  • 25,920 / 12 = 2160 years per astrological age
  • moon diameter = 2160 miles
  • Earth's core radius = 2160 miles
  • Earth circumference = 21600 nautical miles
  • speed of light = 25920 million km/day
  • speed of Earth's orbit around the sun = 2592000 km/day
  • 25,920 x 33.333 = 864,000 = diameter of the sun (miles)
  • 864,000 = 4000 x 216
  • 864,000 = 6000 x 144
  • 1 day = 1440 minutes
  • 1 day = 86400 seconds

 * Calculations based on approx value of the speed of light (300,000 km/sec). Exact value is 299,792,458 m/sec, giving an accuracy of 99.93%.

Path taken by the point of vernal equinox along the ecliptic over the past 6000 years. From an astronomical perspective, the sun at the March equinox passed from being in the constellation Aries to the constellation Pisces in 68 B.C.

  • By traveling for one day at the speed of light, the Earth would be circumnavigated 648,000 times.
  • 648,000 = 3000 x 216
 Scientists have recently discovered the importance of the axial precession to the oceanic ecosystem and global climate, in particular the nitrogen cycle in the equatorial Atlantic ocean. Read more here. Another recent scientific discovery is that the Earth’s inner core, made up of solid iron, ‘superrotates’ in an eastward direction – meaning it spins faster than the rest of the planet – while the outer core, comprising mainly molten iron, spins westwards at a slower pace. The dynamics of the Earth's core is the source of our planet's magnetic field.

Talk of cycles, circles and the zodiac creates an interesting diversion. Consider a system of English gematria, whereby the letters A- Z are numbered 1 - 26.
Now observe the value of pi, correct to seven decimal places:
Using the gematria chart, this number can be represented alphabetically as either CADAEIBF, CADAEIZ, CADOIBF, CADOIZ, CNAEIBF, CNAEIZ, CNOAEIBF or CNOAEZ. Only one of these letter combinations can be re-arranged to form an English word. CADOIZ is an anagram of ZODIAC. So zodiac is the only word in the English language whose anagram gives pi, correct to seven decimal places!  Go figure the odds. Start with the fact that there are around 250,000 words in the English language, or that the odds of obtaining these eight numbers using a random number generator are 99,999,999/1.

 432 And The Music of the spheres

“There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.”   Pythagoras
Sound and music consist of vibrations, the more vibrations per second, the higher the pitch. The unit for this is Hertz, abbreviated Hz. For music, the standard tuning pitch is presently set to A=440Hz. Many enlightened musicians and sound therapists propose an alternative tuning pitch of A=432Hz. They argue that the lower pitch resonates more pleasantly, is kinder on the human voice and is more in tune with nature and the music of the spheres. You can read a well balanced appraisal of the "battle of the pitches" here.

To listen to your favorite music in A=432Hz and compare the difference, download Audacity, a free, open source music editing program (21.2 Mb), and follow these instructions. Regardless of which pitch you prefer, 432 is undeniably an interesting gematria number.
  • 432 = 2 x 216
  • 432 = 3 x 144
  • 432² - 342 = speed of light (miles/sec) 99.998% accuracy, to within 0.397 miles!
  • The energy per unit area from sunlight reaching the Earth at the top of the atmosphere is, on average, 342 Watts per square meter
  • 432 + 234 = 666  (Rev 13:18  - 13 x 18 = 234)
  • 432 x 2000 = diameter of the sun (miles)
  • 432 x 5 = diameter of the moon (miles)
  • 432 x 250 = speed of Earth's orbit around the sun (km/hr)
The power of music. This piano piece by Handel uses just the eight notes of the diatonic scale descending.

Euler's totient function

Euler's totient function is of major interest in number theory. For example, its use enabled mathematicians to build a code which is almost impossible to break, even though the key is made public. The totient function, also known as the Phi function or φ(n), is the number of positive integers not exceeding n that have no common divisors with n (other than the common divisor 1). For example, φ(12) = 4, since the four numbers 1, 5, 7, and 11 do not share a common divisor with 12. An online totient function calculator is here.
  • φ(432) = 144
  • φ(888) = 288
  • φ(666) = 216
  • 888 / 666 = 288 / 216
  • 432 = the sum of totient function for the first 37 integers
  • φ(1332) = 432
  • φ(888) x φ(666) ÷ 144 = 432

 This mathematical function also has implications for numbers discussed elsewhere on this website:
  • φ(216) = φ(111)
  • φ((1776) = φ(1480)
  • φ(3700) = 1440
  • φ(37) = φ(108)
  • φ(1998) = φ(703)
  • φ(296) = 144
Euler's phi (or totient) function of a positive integer n is the number of integers in {1,2,3,...,n} which are relatively prime to n.

The 703 triangle and the 541 Israel star are both 37 rows deep, with a perimeter of 108. The area of the 37:108 triangle is 1998.
Genesis 1:1 -- φ(1998) = φ(703)

 Given that we are presently in the astrological age of Pisces, recall the story of Jesus and the 153 fish from John 21:1-11

  • φ(888) = 288
  • φ(288) = φ(153)
  • 153 + 135 + 315 + 351 + 513 + 531 = 1998  (In the beginning God created the heaven)
  • 432 + 423 + 324 + 342 + 243 + 234 = 1998 
  • 153 + 432 = 585
  • φ(585) = 288

Number 144 and it's anagrams also display interesting properties:
  • 144 + 414 + 441 = 999
  • 1998 = 2 x 999
  • φ(999) = φ(1998)

Respuesta  Mensaje 124 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:41

PLANETNEWS broadcast... From Mary

Facts About the Great Pyramids

31,680 Feet 1/2 Mile
3,168 Gematria Greek "Lord Jesus Christ
3,168 Gematria Hebrew The names of the Twelve Patriarchs (Jacob‚s sons) combined
3,168 Inches Perimeter Combine the Holy & Most Holy Rooms /Solomon's Temple
31,680 Feet Perimeter The Millennial City (Ezekiel‚s Vision)
316,800 Inches Perimeter New Jerusalem's cities of refuge
31,680,000 Feet Perimeter New Jerusalem
316.8 Feet Mean circumference The Sarsen Circle /Stonehenge
316.8 Feet Perimeter square drawn on Bluestone Circle /Stonehenge
316.8 Yards Circumference inner face of Inner Bank /Stoneheng
3,168 Inches one side of a square with the same perimeter as outer face of Inner Bank /Stonehenge
3,168 Inches Long side of Station Stone Rectangle /Stonehenge
3,168 Megalithic Miles Perimeter Square drawn on the Moon
31,680 Furlongs Radius The Earth
31,680 Miles Perimeter Square drawn on the Earth
316,800 Megalithic Miles Diameter The Sun
8640 Acres In six sides of the New Jerusalem /Rev.21:16
86,400 Seconds In a Day
864 Great Cubits In two sides of the Great Pyramid at rock level
0.00864 Megalithic Miles Circumference Bluestone Horseshoe /Stonehenge
86,400 Feet from Stonehenge to Silbury Hil
8640 Furlongs Radius The Moon
8,640 Mile Perimeter Square drawn on the Moon
864,000 Miles Diameter The Sun

Silbury Hill by the way is an ancient man-made hill. Beneath all the dirt on the hill lies a pyramid-like structure dating about the same time as Stonehenge.

- The Prophecies Of The Great Pyramid
Nancie Belle


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:44


Section IV, Part 15

By Doug Krieger



Imagine, millions of visitors and scores of archaeologists, soothsayers, Druids, witches, concert fans, astrologers, astronomers and wishful thinkers have tripped around Stonehenge but no one has ever seen the GREAT PYRAMID OF STONEHENGE!  Yes, sightings of crop circles and UFO’s abound – but who’s seen the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge?

Many have conjectured and in their own way proven that there must be some connection between Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Some have used the Egyptian Royal Cubit (in doing so).  Others have seen in the Egyptian unit – the “aroura” (1 aroura = 10,000 or 100 x 100 Egyptian Royal Cubits) – a “quarter-aroura” wherein the diameter of such a quarter unit of measure would be equal to 1163 inches and that such a diameter would equal to the Sarsen Circle interior diameter of 97 Imperial feet or approximately 1162.8 inches (Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid – Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, Dr. John DeSalvo).



That’s a “nice try” – however, Dr. John DeSalvo is using a standard of measurement which is Egyptian in its origin and that is precisely NOT what was used in the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza, nor Stonehenge; consequently, the interior diameter measurement, as we pointed out in our first article is not 97 feet in diameter but 100.8 feet with an exterior diameter of the Sarsen Circle being that of 108 feet (accounting for the thickness of the stones on either side).

What was used by the ancients was the Sacred Cubit of 25.20” which is the standard of measurement used on the Great Pyramid of Giza and replicated at Stonehenge – and that is what we are going to demonstrate in this section of our research.  The 25.20” or 2.1 Imperial Feet, Sacred Cubit, was used at the Great Pyramid of Giza – this is acknowledged by all archaeologists as a STEP PYRAMID and its origin is unknown but most definitely NOT designed by the Egyptians nor their Royal Egyptian Cubit of 20.6” to 20.8” in length or 1.717 feet or 1.72 feet.

The Sacred Cubit’s measurement was used – plain and simple – and the 756’ base edge measurement made by Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie of 756 Imperial Feet (the most accepted base measurement of the Great Pyramid of Giza) can be divided by 25.20” or 2.1’ to arrive at 360 Sacred Cubits with its elevation at 480.9 inches / 2.1’ = 229 Sacred Cubits.  The ratio of 1.57 is decisively maintained (i.e., 11:7 = 1.57) in that 360/229 = 1.57. 

It will be this ratio which shall be magnified to its uttermost at the GREAT PYRAMID OF STONEHENGE and thereby amplify the Sacred Cubit’s demonstrative effect upon the Great Pyramid of Giza as an “Altar unto the LORD at the border (lit. “Giza’) of Egypt” in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy:

“In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border (Giza or Gizah)…And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt, for they will cry to the LORD because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them…Then the LORD will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day and will make sacrifice and offering; yes, they will make a vow to the LORD and perform it.  And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will strike and heal it, they will return to the LORD, and He will be entreated by them and heal them” (Isaiah 19:19-22).

This wondrous prophecy has only in part been fulfilled (there abides such a monument at the border of Egypt as the Great Pyramid of Giza) – but on that day it shall become an Altar to the LORD and the Egyptians once afflicted shall be healed in such a glorious manner.

I am not here to contest the fulfillment of this prophecy but to appeal to the geometric fact that the Sacred Cubit is and was the measuring instrument which built the Great Pyramid of Giza and has prepared her for this ultimate occasion!

Decoding Giza’s Pyramid is an incredible challenge – legions of researchers have tried – however, without the Sacred Cubit’s fascination, its perplexities will persist and have so persisted until this day.  Now, allow me this grace to declare:  360 Sacred Cubits + 229 Sacred Cubits = 589 Sacred Cubits (S.C.) * 2.1’ = 1,236.9 Imperial Feet = 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 21 leading us to believe that “21” or the Sacred Cubit itself (“2.1 feet” or “21”) plays a dominant role in her measurement.

Furthermore:  360 less 229 = 131 S.C. * 2.1’ = 275.1’ * 12” = 3,301.2” = “9” (i.e., 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 9) and this “9” is highly representative of the Sun of Righteousness – the first number being that of “1” and the final or last “number” being that of “9” or “the First and the Last” – “the Beginning and the End” – “which is, and was and is to come – the Almighty.”

Indeed:  5 * 8 * 9 (589 S.C. or 360 + 229 = 589) = 360 representative of the 360° in a circle which is used throughout both the Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge…this is the Eternal God without Beginning or Ending.  And, the “131” is as well, for 1 * 3 * 1 = “3” which is the Eternal God – the Triune but One True God with the triangle the first of all objects having an enclosure or completion.

Also:  360 * 229 = 82,440 which, again, is the “18” of the New Jerusalem as in 8 + 2 + 4 + 4 = “18” (for the New Jerusalem total 12-edged perimeter is 18,000 miles as in 12,000 stadia/furlongs * 660’ = 7,920,000 Linear Feet / 5,280’ (one mile) = 1,500 miles * 12 Edges of a Cube = 18,000 miles – Revelation 21:16).

But it is the “21” (i.e., 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 21 – i.e., the base edge/height combined in S.C. @ 589/2.1 = 1,236.9 feet) which immediately fascinates.  For if the Great Pyramid of Giza is truly a masterpiece of divine perfection – as a SIGN – as a MONUMENT to the LORD at Egypt’s Giza (border) – then it must bear the “21” platform specificity of that found – as we have discovered – at both the Peruvian Sun-Star-Cross wherein its “divine platform” is based upon 21 x 21 or 441 squares in which within the 21 x 21 squares of 26.4’ by 26.4’ are found an area of 12 x 12 (or 144 such square blocks) containing the Peruvian Sun-Star itself and then by adding its adjacent Cross the platform is logically expanded to the extension of its cross to contain an area that is 21 by 21 or 441 such small squares – each 26.4’ by 26.4’).

Likewise, Teotihuacan’s Sacred District perimeter is comprised of 21,120 Linear Feet or 4 square miles (5,280’ * 4 = 21,120 feet).

As we decipher the mystery that is the Great Pyramid of Giza – the Divine Standard of Measurement which measured Belshazzar at his final feast with handwriting upon the wall in Daniel 5 comes into view whereby:

“MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN…This is the interpretation of each word.  MENE:  God has numbered (precisely – a MENE is 1,000 shekels – therefore, 2,000 shekels as in MENA, MENA) your kingdom, and finished it; TEKEL: (a tekel is 20 shekels). You have been weighed in the balance, and found wanting; UPHARSIN or Peres – equal to one-half a Mene or 500 as in a “half”:  Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians” – i.e., 1,000 + 1,000 + 20 + 500 = 2,520 (Daniel 5:25-28).

The divine measurement – for 360° in one rotation (day) of the Earth * 7 days (one week) = 2,520°. 

Therefore, let us apply the Sacred Cubit’s overwhelming credibility to the base of Giza’s Great Pyramid by using the “21 Divine Platform” to so configure her:

It’s base is 756 Imperial Feet / 21 (sections in any four directions and therefore 21 * 21 = 441 such sections will be so generated upon her base) = 36 Feet (per base edge of one of her 441 such mini-blocks constituting her entire base – i.e., 756’/21 = 36’).  In so doing we have created a small block that is 36’ by 36’ by 36’ by 36’ or 36 Feet * 36 Feet = 1,296 square feet; whereas, 441 such measured blocks would be equal to:  441 * 1,296 square feet = 571,536 sq. feet.  As a “proof” of this measurement we will simply multiply her sides of 756 Feet * 756 Feet (since she is a four-square object – or her half-octahedron base is a square wherein all sides being equal in measurement) = 571,536 sq. feet. 

Most certainly, then, we have 441 blocks of 36’ x 36’ x 36’ x 36’.  Each of these blocks is a reflection of the New Jerusalem in that 36’ * 4 (edges of this little base) = 144’ which is the “Wall of the New Jerusalem” (Rev. 21:17).

We are abundantly clear that 12 * 12 = 144 and that the side of the New Jerusalem can be so measured from Revelation 21:16 in that its length, height and breadth are all “equal” to 12,000 furlongs – by dropping the zeroes we arrive at 12,000 * 12,000 so, as the beloved Dr. John Michell has so abundantly shown us, simplifies our efforts – therefore, 12 * 12 (one side of the six-sided cube of the New Jerusalem) = 144 (or, long-handed 12,000 * 12,000 furlong/stadia = 144,000,000 sq. stadia/furlongs).

Yes – we can absolutely say that the 441 blocks at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza replicate the very Wall of the New Jerusalem’s 144 cubits.  And, may I boldly substantiate that finding by this configuration:

144 “Cubits” or 144 * 2.1 Feet (the Sacred Cubit) = 302.4 Feet or 324 – which is the base perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza in feet in that 756’ * 4 = 3,024 Feet – splendid indeed for 324 = 324 and both are equal in digit sum to “9” Who is the Sun of Righteousness – the NINTH RAY and/or the Sun (the NINTH) in the midst of the eight planets of the Solar System or 8 + 1 = 9 or 9 * 9 = 81 and 8 + 1 = 9.

Therefore:  36’ * 12 = 432 Linear Feet per each of the 441 blocks of the foundation base of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  This “432” is the fractal/resemblance of the radius of the Sun – our Sun of Righteousness – SUCH A SIGN!  For the Sun’s Radius is 432,000 miles and its diameter is 864,000 miles which is the ultimate six-sided object of each and every one of the 441 blocks at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza in that 12 * 12 = 144 * 6 sides = 864 which is the fractal/resemblance of the entire six-sided New Jerusalem and each and every one of the 441 blocks comprising the foundation of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Astounding – 441 blocks of these 144’s (interesting, isn’t it that 441 is the reverse of 144 – but it most definitely is – coming and going – this is the Wall of the New Jerusalem and the foundation upon which Divine Measurement occurs…which we shall soon see at Stonehenge’s Great Pyramid).

Can we expand the “Wall of the New Jerusalem” upon these little blocks which comprise Giza’s “foundation stones?” – Absolutely!  And, how’s that?


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:45

Taking one of the 441 blocks at 36’ * 12 (edges) = 432 Linear Feet (i.e., the fractal/resemblance of the radius of the Sun at 432,000 miles) – 12 Edges of these little 441 blocks * 441 (such foundation stones) = 190,512 Linear Feet = 1 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 2 = “18” which is the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement * 12” = 2,286,144 Linear Inches = “27” or 2 + 2 + 8 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 27 and this “27” is the Christian Sacred Canon revelation of the Messiah’s in 27 texts. 

The 12 x 12 x 12 measurement of the New Jerusalem and likewise of Giza’s 441 foundation stones/blocks can be extrapolated in this fashion: 

Each block is equal to 12 * 12 = 144 * 6 (faces/sides of a mini-cube) = 864 (fractal/resemblance of the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 miles); therefore, 864 (one of the 441 such cubes/foundation stones) * 441 = 381,024 which is both “18” (i.e., 3 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 18 = New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement) and the number sets of 3….81….24 wherein “3” is the Triune God; 81 is 8 + 1 = “9” or the Sun of Righteousness (Please Note:  The “81 Holes” of the Peruvian Sun Star); and “24” is the number of Divine Governance as in the “24 Elders” of the New Jerusalem.)

Bringing Giza’s measurements into their fullness and ipso facto to that of the New Jerusalem – we simply take its 756 Foot-base measurement / 2.1’ (Sacred Cubit) = 360 S.C. * 360 S.C. (to derive its square cubit area) = 129,600 Sq. S.C. * 6 sides of a cubed GPG = 777,600 Sq. S.C. = “27” or 7 + 7 + 7 + 6 = “27” and in this “777” = “21” + “6” or “man” (Number “6”) upon the Divine Platform (i.e., “21”) expresses the fullness of the New Jerusalem in that the New Jerusalem is a “Bride, adorned for her husband” – WE ARE THE NEW JERUSALEM and this is the Divine Plan of the Almighty!

This calculation can also be seen by simply multiplying 360 * 360 (one side of the tiny blocks) = 1,296 sq. cubits * 6 faces/sides of a cube = 7,776 sq. cubits (dropping off all zeroes).

The perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza is the expression of the Wall of the New Jerusalem in that 360 S.C. (or 756’ / 2.1’ = 360 S.C.) * 4 (base edges or four-square) = 1,440 S.C. or 144 or “144 cubits” = the Wall of the New Jerusalem.  Likewise, if the GPG were cubed as a 12-edged cube, using the Sacred Cubit, we would have 1,440 S.C. * 3 (to obtain 12 edges of a cube) = 4,320 S.C. which is the “432” as a fractal/resemblance of the radius of the sun at 432,000 miles.

In that the DIAGONAL formed via the Sacred Cubit under girding the Great Pyramid of Giza is 360 S.C. by 360 S.C. – that diagonal in Sacred Cubits is 509 S.C. * 2 (Crisscrossed) = 1,018 S.C. (Please Note:  the 1 or “18” expression declares that the face is perfectly in tune with the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement).  And – 1,018 S.C. * 6 such diagonal crisscrossed sides = 6,108 or both “15” (as in the Edge of the New Jerusalem in that it is 1,500 miles as in 6 + 1 + 8 = 15) and is likewise man (“6”) destined to be the New Jerusalem (“18”) – it’s just that obvious and simple!

There is some fascination in that by eliminating zero we arrive at:

36 * 12 (12 edges of the cubed GPG) = 432 (the sun’s fractal radius) +

618 (the sum of the GPG’s S.C. crisscrossed six-sided cube) – therefore:  432 + 618 = 1,050 or “15” which is, again, the Wall of the New Jerusalem at 1,500 miles or 15…for at any “side” you view the New Jerusalem she is at once the “144” or her edge of “15” – both being the Edge and Wall of the New Jerusalem.

I will not go into detail regarding the GPG as an octahedron (for that she most definitely is) or her interior glories – and they are altogether wondrous.  These interior and esoteric measurements utterly substantiated the pervasivein our discovery we determined that the elevation of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 480.9 Imperial Inches; use of the in our discovery we determined that the elevation of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 480.9 Imperial Feet; Sacred Cubit at every turn – and, isn’t it about time that the Sacred Cubit of divine measurement be righteously acknowledge as the supreme standard of measurement in total collaboration and expression through the Imperial Mile which is THE human expression of measurement bequeathed to humankind?

Folks – EVERY MILE YOU DRIVE, WALK or RUN – you cannot escape the Sacred Cubit – especially, if you live in America because they are the most stubborn adherents to the mile in full rejection of the metric system and that hideous falsehood known as the kilometer!  J

Now – let us turn to the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge and how the Sacred Cubit not only plays a dominant role in her formation – but excels beyond our imagination to that effect.


Imagine – living in London and literally seeing the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge from that distance (Central London is 90 miles from Stonehenge).  You could easily see her – for her size is over 5 times greater than the Great Pyramid of Giza and Giza’s “casing stones” glimmered with brilliance and could be seen from Jerusalem – and she was but 480.9 Feet in Elevation/Height.

From our previous discussions we have determined a most fascinating configuration wherein the base of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge is as is her base edge measurement.  That base edge measurement we found to be 3,969 Imperial Feet – which 3,969’ is the diameter of her circle and the measurement of each of her four-square base sides.

This calculation was ascertained/derived from determining her radius by adding together two separate measurements:

(1) 1,800 Feet – Known as the AVENUE – Leading up to Aubrey Circle

(2) 184.5 Feet – the Radius of Aubrey Circle as determined by Sir Flinders Petrie and substantiated by scores of metrologists

(3) 1,800’ + 184.5’ = 1,984.5’ = the Radius of the “Great Stonehenge Circle”

(4) Therefore:  The diameter of the Great Stonehenge Circle is:  1,984.5’ * 2 = 3,969 Linear Feet which is likewise found on all four sides of her newly-created four-square base platform – preparing the way for her view from London!


The question becomes:  If 3,969 Feet is her base edge – how many Sacred Cubits have we here?  The Answer:  3,969’ / 2.1’ (Sacred Cubit) = 1,890 S.C. (no remainders – a perfect “whole number”).  The first number (3969) is equal to “27” (i.e., 3 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 27) or the full revelation of Messiah in the 27 texts of Sacred Canon (i.e., New Testament) and the second number expressed in S.C. is equal to the “18” (1 + 8 + 9 = 18) of the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement or “18” and “9” as in the New Jerusalem (18) and the Sun of Righteousness in her midst (9).

Now we must find her elevation – for “BEAUTIFUL IN ELEVATION IS MT. ZION – THE JOY OF THE WHOLE EARTH!”

If the Giza Pyramid ratio is 11:7 or 1.57 (i.e., 11/7 = 1.57), and in our discovery we determined that the elevation of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 480.9 Imperial Inches; however, her elevation is altogether contested by scores as in….

From the chart below (unfortunately, in meters but also in Imperial Feet) we can see that a goodly number of metrologists have given a wide-variety of measurements of the GPG’s height (including pyramidion) – all within a certain range but most interesting is the plethora of measurements:

Bibliographic Entry

(w/surrounding text)


Johnson, Charles William. The Great Pyramid: Measurements, Earth Matrix, 2003.

"Its height once rose to 146.59 m or 487 ft."

146.59 m

PyramidChamber's Encyclopedia Volume 6, 1884 (gizapyramid.com rare book archives).

"Its height was 480 feet and 9 inches, and its base 764 feet square; in other words, it was higher than St. Paul's Cathedral, on an area the size of Lincoln's Inn Field."

145.45 m

Pyramids (Egypt)Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia, 2003.

"When newly completed, the Great Pyramid rose 146.7 m (481.4 ft)--nearly 50 stories high.""

146.7 m

Measurements of the Great Pyramid, Rostau.

"Height 481.102 ft (146.64 m), now approximately 450.131 ft (137.2)"

146.64 m
(when built)

137.2 m

Ashmawy, Alaa K. The Seven Wonders: The Great Pyramid of Giza, University of South Florida, 2000.

"When it was built, the Great pyramid was 145.75 m (481 ft) high. Over the years, it lost 10 m (30 ft) off its top."

147.75 m

The range is somewhere between 480.9 Feet to 487 Feet – of interest to me is the fact that the measurement of 480.9 Feet is spot on, whereas the base-edged measurement of 764 (matched with the 480.9’) is considerably off to the tune of some 8 feet (it should be 756’ – Chamber’s Encyclopedia). 

When viewing the range of measurements taken for its base, the configurations are all over the map (and there are many more).  Petrie’s measurements are in the 755’ to 756’ range and those of the brilliant Mark Lehner, who has done some outstanding work on the GPG as the Director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, in a work entitled, The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries (Thames and Hudson, 1997).  Let us examine the measurements offered in this scholarly work in light of the numbers of the ancient reckoning system that we have been studying in the Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork series.

“The base length of the Great Pyramid is calculated as 230.33 meters or 756 feet, according to professor Lehner, and its height once rose to 146.59 meters or 481 feet (Ibid., page 108). [To be precise:  146.59 m. = 480.938’ / 2.1 S.C. = 229 S.C. – likewise matching our 480.9’ height rounding off to the nearest tenth of a decimal].  The angle of inclination or slope of its faces are 51° 50' 40" (or 51.844, again according to that same author). Much debate has revolved around employing measurements in the metric system or the English system; or, whether one should employ the numbers of the ancient cubit or, even some other unit of measurement. According to our reasoning, it does not matter which particular system of measurement is chosen for the discussion, given the fact that the geometrical outlay of the Great Pyramid allows for accommodating any system of measurement. This obtains from a comprehension of the mathematics of the ancient reckoning system and the very nature of geometry itself involving angles of inclination and the trigonometric table.”  (Earth Matrix – Science in Ancient Art Work, Extract No. 28, The Great Pyramid Extracts, by Charles William Johnson).

I would take umbrage with Mr. Johnson insofar as the Great Pyramid allowing for accommodating any system of measurement.  Only the Sacred Cubit from whence the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza derives her most dynamic ramifications is most suitable to reflect the dimensions of Paradise, ergo the ultimate “Altar to the LORD at the border (Gizeh) of Egypt.”  Unless I’m missing something here – and I don’t mean to be trite – however, where can one secure this:

GPG’s base edge:  756’/2.1 (Sacred Cubit) = 360 S.C. * 4 (4 base edges – i.e., four-square measurement or base perimeter) = 1,440 S.C. or the “144 Cubits (Revelation 21:17)” Wall of the New Jerusalem.  And, 144 * 3 (cubing the upper portion of the octahedron (for it is half an octahedron) = 432 S.C. (the fractal/resemblance of the radius of the Sun) and doubling this figure as in 432 S.C. * 2 = 864 S.C. (to account for the entire octahedron – upper and lower portions of the eight-sided GPG octahedron) gives us the dimensions of the diameter of our Sun at 864,000 miles or 864 = 864 (based only on the dimensions of the Sacred Cubit).  

MUCH more can be ascertained by the use of the Sacred Cubit throughout the entire GPG – outside and inside (e.g., height of the GPG is Sacred Cubits is 480.9’/2.1’ = 229 S.C. or 2 * 2 = 4 * 9 = 36 which in turn matches the “36” S.C. base edge of the GPG or 756’/2.1’ = 360 S.C. or “36” = “36” – i.e., the base edge of the GPG and its elevation echo the dimensions of paradise and 3 * 6 = 18 (base edge factors comport to the prime dimension of the New Jerusalem 18,000 miles (12 edges of a cubed NJ) and two sets of “18” (base edge + height) = “36” as the composite expression of the Eternal God Whose desire is but one:  The New Jerusalem (18) as in 3 * 6 = 18.  None of these calculations would be permissible without the dynamic of the Sacred Cubit upon the Great Pyramid of Giza…and likewise with the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge!

The 480.9 Feet measurement, however, taken by Dr. Mark Lehner is spot on the mark, as well as his 756 feet base GPG edge.  This gives us a clear understanding of the potency of the Sacred Cubit’s precision. Also, this gives us an angle of inclination of PRECISELY (if we are to take the 480.9 Feet or 229 Sacred Cubit elevation to its precise angle of inclination) to be:  360/229 (Sacred Cubits) = 51.831 or “18” (as in 5 + 1 + 8 + 3 + 1 = 18) which accords to the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement (again); furthermore in converting the decimal of 51.831/2 to degrees we arrive at:  51°49’51” (51 degrees 49 minutes and 51 seconds)…a somewhat astonishing set of numbers in that “51” is the number of Sacred Text in Hebrew and Christian Canon (24 Hebrew and 27 Christian) and “49” is the number exclusive for the “Work of the Spirit” as found in Zechariah 4 in reference to the 49 conduits to the 7 lamps (i.e., 7 conduits per lamp or 7 * 7 = 49 wherein it states:  “Not by might, nor by power but by My spirit says the LORD of Hosts” – for the rebuilding of the Second Temple was within a 49-year time frame up through to its dedication).

Furthermore, by rounding up to the nearest one-hundredth, the 51.831 / 2 = 25.920 which is a perfect fractal/resemblance of the Great Precessional’s 25,920 years or 2592 = 2592 – so is the angle of inclination of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge!  And, 2 + 5 + 9 + 2 = 18 = the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement.  Even so, the Great Pyramid of Giza’s angle of inclination is substantiated at 51.844444° and will have, in rounding to the nearest one-hundredth the same 25.920 or 2592.

Therefore, in viewing the “spiritual proportions” we must conclude that under the jurisdiction of the Sacred Cubit’s sway, the Great Pyramid of Giza’s inclination angles express the full revelation in Sacred Text and that such is the work of the Spirit of God Almighty.  This is neither a shock nor an academic embarrassment – this is the God’s honest truth!

Coordinates of Stonehenge

It is somewhat remarkable that the Latitude (North/South from Equator) and Longitude (East/West from Greenwich Mean Meridian) are, in a word when it comes to the Dimensions of Paradise, ASTONISHING!  Likewise, the GPG’s angle of inclination and its match with these coordinates. We find the following coordinates altogether remarkable:

Latitude:  51.1789° N or 51°10’44

Note:  51.18° (rounded to nearest one-hundredth)

Note:  51…144

Note:  51…18

Longitude:  1.8264° W or 1°49’35”

Note:  1 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 4 = “21

The above Stonehenge Coordinates offer us remarkable conjectures in that the 51°10’44” clearly demonstrate a latitude north of the equator being akin to the “51” texts of Sacred Canon (24 Hebrew and 27 Christian = 51) and clearly demonstrates the “144” cubit Wall of the New Jerusalem.  Even when rounding “up” to the nearest one-hundredth, the latitude takes on the prime characteristic of the New Jerusalem wherein 51.18° or “18” and together 5 + 1 + 1 + 8 = “15” = the Edge of the New Jerusalem. 

The longitude of 1 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 4 (i.e., 1.8264°) gives us the platform or Sacred Cubit number set of “21.”

When we combine the number sets of the latitude and the longitude we realize the following:

51 + 18 + 21 = 90 = “9” = the Sun of Righteousness


51 + 144 + 21 = 216

Fractal of:

2160 Miles – Diameter of the Moon

21,600 Nautical Miles – Circumference of the Nautical Earth

216 = The Name of God

2,160 Years = 1/12th of the Great Precessional’s 25,920 Years

Respuesta  Mensaje 127 de 221 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:46

Coordinates of Stonehenge, Giza and Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

If you wish to go out on a limb and discover the distances in miles from Stonehenge to Giza; from Stonehenge to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun; and from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun to the Great Pyramid of Giza – upon its Necropolis – then this is altogether unbelievable!

First – the accepted GPS coordinates of all three:

Stonehenge:  51.18 N, 1.83 W

Giza Pyramids:  30 N, 31.13 E

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun:  43.98 N, 18.18 E

Second – the distance in Imperial Miles using GPS Visualizer (Calculate the great circle distance between two points):

Stonehenge to Giza:  2,235 Miles

Stonehenge to Giza:  11,800,800 Feet

Stonehenge to Giza:  141,609,600 Inches

Stonehenge to Bosnia Pyramid of the Sun:  1055 Miles (to nearest whole mile)

Stonehenge to Bosnia Pyramid of the Sun:  5,570,400 Feet

Stonehenge to Bosnia Pyramid of the Sun:  66,844,800 Inches

Bosnia Pyramid of the Sun to Giza Necropolis:  1,200 Miles

Bosnia Pyramid of the Sun to Giza Necropolis:  6,336,000 Feet

Bosnia Pyramid of the Sun to Giza Necropolis:  76,032,000 Inches

Triangulation Perimeter of Stonehenge-Giza-Bosnia-Stonehenge:  4,490 Miles

Triangulation Perimeter in Feet:  23,707,200 Feet

Triangulation Perimeter in Inches:  284,486,400 Inches


Based upon the preciseness of the GPS coordinates given for Stonehenge, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Giza, some amazing configurations are duly noted – in particular, the distances in feet are the most spectacular:

Stonehenge to Giza:  11,800,800 Feet

Two Sets of “18” are clearly seen – also, 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 = “18

The 18 of the New Jerusalem (Coming and Going) are in View

18 + 18 = 36 = the Eternal God or 360° of a Circle without Beginning or Ending

Stonehenge to Bosnia:  5,570,400 Feet

Digit Sum of 5 + 5 + 7 + 4 = “21” = The Divine Platform Number Set and

Reflection of the “2.1’” of the Sacred Cubit – likewise

11,800,800’ + 5,570,400’ = 17,371,200’ = “21” Digit Sum

Triangulation in Total Feet:  23,707,200 Feet = “21” Digit Sum

Bosnia to Giza:  6,336,000 Feet

Digit Sum of “18” New Jerusalem – Viewed as 6…33…6

6…6   Two Thieves on the Cross and the Son of Man in the Midst “33”

Digit Sum Integration

Stonehenge to Giza in Feet – Digit Sum of “18

Stonehenge to Bosnia in Feet – Digit Sum of “21

Bosnia to Giza in Feet – Digit sum of “18

18 * 21 * 18 = 6,804 / 2.1 Sacred Cubit = 324

Fractal of the Base Perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza at 3,024’ or 324 = 324


284,486,400 Inches = Digit Sum of “36

7,902,400 Roman Quick Time Paces (i.e., Imperial Yards of 36”)

792” is the Fractal Resemblance of the Edge of the New Jerusalem – i.e., 7,920,000’

Also:  Expresses the Divine Governance:  “24

These coordinates and subsequent distances are in and of themselves fascinating to view – whether we can accord major Sacred Geometric discoveries from them is most definitely seen in the Latitude/Longitude found at Stonehenge and Bosnia; likewise, the peculiar distances between Bosnia and Giza (especially the foot measurements); and, the measurement in feet from Stonehenge to Giza, as well, is stunning in the two sets of “18.” 

These distances in feet to Giza from both Stonehenge and Bosnia are noteworthy.  Stonehenge, in particular, and its distance to Giza on a “round-trip” basis – i.e., 2,235 Miles * 2 = 4,470 Miles * 5,280 = 23,601,600 Feet – not only giving us a digit sum of “18” but viewed as “216” and “36” wherein the “216” is a fractal of the diameter of the Moon’s 2,160 Miles and the Nautical Earth’s Circumference in Nautical Miles at 21,600 Nautical Miles and, of course, the Name of God at 216.  Also, “36” as the Eternal God as in 360° of a Circle without Beginning or Ending.

One of the more remarkable configurations are the coordinates of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun wherein we find 43.98 N (or 24), 18.18 E (or 36, using “18” + “18” = 36) or digit sums of 24 * 36 = 864 which “864” is a fractal/resemblance of the Sun’s diameter of 864,000 Miles – therefore, is the Pyramid of the Sun in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids so aptly named. 

Likewise, considerations of the distance between these sites of antiquity and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem are of immense interest considering the fact that the distance between Giza and the Temple Mount is 273 Imperial Miles or 273 Miles * 5,280’ = 1,441,440’ or two sets of “144” connoting the two sets of 144,000 found in the Revelation (Rev. 7 and Rev. 14) which we affirm to mean both Israel (Rev. 7) and the Church (Rev. 14); however, this is impossible unless the Son of Man, as the Sun of Righteousness, can perform such a fete…therefore, 1,441,440’/2.1’ (Sacred Cubit) = 6,864 S.C. or “6” and “864” wherein “6” here is the Son of Man and the “864” is the Sun of Righteousness in that “864” is the fractal/resemblance of the Sun’s Diameter of 864,000 miles – Ref.:  “And in the midst of the seven Lampstands One like the Son of Man…His countenance was like the Sun shining in its strength.”

The resounding “18” associated with Stonehenge wherein both 51.18 N (“18” clearly seen, along with “51” wherein “51” are the total sum of Sacred Texts (24 Hebrew and 27 Christian) constituting the Jewish-Christian Scriptures (excluding the inter-testamental texts of the Apocrypha) and 1.83 W or “18” and “3” wherein “18” is clearly seen again and then the 5 + 1 + 1 + 8 = “15” and 1 + 8 + 3 = “12” wherein these become factors producing: 15 * 12 = “180” which fully displays the “18” of the New Jerusalem.

The sum of the Latitude and Longitude coordinates does present fascinating possibilities relative to the New Jerusalem and the Altar to the LORD at the border of Egypt (a.k.a. the Great Pyramid of Giza) wherein:

Stonehenge:  51.18 N, 1.83 W = 15 * 12 = 180 (“18” = New Jerusalem)

Giza Pyramids:  30 N, 31.13 E = 3 * 8 = 24 (“24” = Divine Governance)

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun:  43.98 N, 18.18 E = 21 * 36 = 756 (GPG 756’ Base)

Stonehenge w/ Giza:  180 * 24 = 4,320 = “432” = Radius of the Sun (432,000 Mi.)

Stonehenge w/Bosnia:  180 * 756 = 136,080 or “18” and “36

18” = the New Jerusalem and “36” = the Eternal God

Further Comparisons of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge & the GPG

Now – with this as a backdrop – we return to the elevation of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge.  We have determined that her base-line measurement is 3,969 Feet as a result of her 1,800-Foot Avenue on either side (of Aubrey’s Circle) for a total of 3,600 Feet + her Aubrey Circle Diameter (as measured by Sir Flinders Petrie) of 369 Feet (i.e., 184.5’ * 2 = 369 Feet – includes the Sarsen Circle stones); therefore, adding these two precise measurements together we determined that the “Great Stonehenge Circle” – and, therefore, diameter – is 3,969 Linear Feet and that her base edges if the ‘squaring of the circle” were accomplished would likewise be 3,969 Feet in all four directions (i.e., base perimeter of 3,969’ * 4 = 15,876’ / 2.1’ (Sacred Cubit) = 7,560 S.C. and this is precisely the fractal/resemblance of the very base edge of the GPG at 756’ – therefore, the immediate association of the “Great Pyramid of Stonehenge” with that of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

But before we ascend her elevation we compare her extended measurements to that of her counterpart:  The Great Pyramid of Giza…

Indeed, as so revealed:  756’ base of the GPG * 4 = 3,024 Feet and * 4 (in the cubing of her proportions and bending it toward the cube of the New Jerusalem) we find her summation at 756’ * 12 (edges of a cube) to be:  9,072 Feet * 12” = 108,864 Imperial Inches which is “18” and “864” or the New Jerusalem’s Standard of Measurement “18” and the diameter of the Sun’s fractal of “864” to match the 864,000 miles of the sun’s diameter; wherein together the 18 + 864 = “27” (i.e., 1 + 8 = 9; and 8 + 6 + 4 = 18; therefore, 9 + 18 = “27”) giving this most majestic of monuments the Messianic testimony she deserves for the “27” is the full revelation of Him in Sacred Christian Canon. 


Matching the GPG, the massive boundaries of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge:  3,969’ * 12” = 47,628” and 3,969’ * 4 = 15,876 Feet * 3 (cubing her immensity) = 47,628 Feet and converting her under the banner of the Sacred Cubit we discover:  3,969’/2.1’ = 1,890 S.C. * 4 = 7,560 S.C. (the very base edge of the Great Pyramid of Giza or 756 = 756) and 7,560 S.C. * 3 (cubing the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge and conforming her to the New Jerusalem) = 22,680 S.C. (which digit sums to “18” and the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement).

Now we compare…

Base edges:  360 S.C. (GPG) vs. 1,890 S.C. (Stonehenge)…both subtracting and adding we find:  360 + 1890 = 2250 = “9” (digit sum) or 1,890 – 360 = 1,530 = “9” and is the great divisor or Pi as in the “153” fish caught in the net by Jesus and the disciples in John 21 and whereas 480.9’/153 = 3.14313725 = the Pi of the Great Pyramid of Giza combined with the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge and their base edge difference of 1,530 S.C. or 153.  (Note:  The ancients were altogether familiar with the “153” used in Pi having derived it from Archimedes; however, 153 * Pi – 3.14285714 (22/7) = 480.857143 or 480. 9 (rounding to the nearest tenth) – which totally validates my thesis that the elevation of the GPG is in conformity to both the Sacred Cubit of 25.20” (i.e., 480.9’/25.20” = 229 S.C.) and to that of ancient Pi – which Pi was known of those who built the GPG in the first place!)  Or we could now say that the Pi of the Sacred Cubit of Giza is 3.14313725 having derived it there from by dividing 480.9 feet by 153 or 480.9’/153 = 3.14313725.

Their (i.e., the Sacred Cubit base of the GPG and GPS – Great Pyramid of Stonehenge) multiplication as factors:  360 S.C. * 1,890 S.C. = 680,400 or “684” and this product + 180 (the “18” of the New Jerusalem) brings us to the Sun of Righteousness or 684 + 180 = 864 which is the sun’s diameter in miles or 864,000 miles.

Their quotient via division is 1,890 S.C. / 360 S.C. = 5.25 (remember this figure)….

Now the four-square distinctions in Sacred Cubits:  1,440 GPG (i.e., 360 S.C. * 4 = 1,440 S.C.) vs. 7,560 (i.e., 1,890 S.C. * 4 = 7,560 S.C.) Stonehenge – here we immediately recognize that the “7560” so represented in the four-square base perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge is the famous “756” base edge of the Great Pyramid of Giza in feet – but only under the exposure of the Sacred Cubit can we ascertain these associations.  Here we have 144 and 756 and both cry out for the Sun of Righteousness in that 144 + 756 = 900 or “9” which is the very number of the 8 + 1 or the Sun at the Center of the 8-planet solar system or the Ninth Ray Who shall arise with healing in His wings on the Great Day of God according to Malachi 4:1-2 – the final chapter of the Hebrew Sacred Canon.

And if we subtract, we will discover the “9” again for 756 – 144 = 612 = “9” (6 + 1 + 2 = 9) and all along the way there is the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement for 612 S.C. = 612 S.C. * 2.1’ = 1,285.2 Feet or 1 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 2 = “18” or 900 S.C. * 2.1’ = 1,890 Feet which is “18” and, as well, the very edge of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge herself. 

Now we come to the 12-edged conformity to the cube of the New Jerusalem….

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:46

The Great Pyramid of Giza cubed (i.e., 12 edges) in Sacred Cubits is 9072’ / 2.1’ = 4,320 S.C. (the sun’s radius of 432) – the GPG’s cubed twelve-edged linear perimeter.  Stonehenge we have 1,890 S.C. * 12-edged cube = 22,680 S.C. vs. the 4,320 S.C. of the GPG.

Where is the Messiah in all this?  Here He is:  22,680 S.C. + 4,320 S.C. = 27,000 S.C. and this clearly defined “27” is the triumph of the Deliverer Who shall come out of Zion – shall arise with healing in His wings on that Great Day of God – but He was “cut off” but not for Himself (Daniel 9:26) but for the New Jerusalem in that 27,000 S.C. * 2.1’ = 56,700 Feet or 5 + 6 + 7 = “18” which is the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement – He laid down His Life for her, His New Jerusalem – the Bride of Messiah.


Or – 22,680 S.C. less 4,320 S.C. = 18,360 S.C. which is both “18” and “36” and if added in this manner (18 + 36) total “54” or the 5040 – Plato’s Optimal Number of Societal Harmony through the “9” – Sun of Righteousness – in that 5 + 4 = 9.   And, most assuredly 1 + 8 + 3 + 6 = “18” as the Standard Measurement of the New Jerusalem.  Can the Sun of Righteousness shine forth if the Sacred Cubits of these 12-edged “structures” are turned into products by multiplying 2268 * 432?  Yes – for 2268 * 432 = 979,776 and herein is the greatest number for the world’s future peace and prosperity for all in that 9 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 7 + 6 = “45” and this is the greatest blessing of all generations in that Daniel 12:12 shall be fulfilled during the 45-days of His Coming in glory after the tragic and despicable reign of the Beast and subsequent judgment of 30 days unto the 1,290 days of desolation (30 days past the 1,260 days)…and the consummation of these Sacred Cubits brought together under the inspiration of the Sacred Cubit provides a stunning configuration in that 979,776 Sacred Cubits * 2.1’ (Sacred Cubit) is equal to 2,057,529.6 Feet = a digit sum of “36” which is the 360° of the circle without Beginning or Ending connoting the Eternal God. 

Finally, and again, the 22,680 S.C. of the twelve-edged Great Pyramid of Stonehenge divided by the 4,320 S.C. of the twelve-edged Great Pyramid of Giza equals 5.25 which is “12” and adheres to the duodecimal system of measurement and advises us that our Great Pyramid of Stonehenge is 5.25 times larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza – though their volumes are immensely different wherein the GPG’s volume is 91,600,000 cu. ft. and that of the esoteric GPS is 13,200,000,000 cu. ft. – which simply means that their relationship is altogether inspired in that 13,200,000,000 cu. ft./91,600,000 cu. ft. = 144 times greater in volume is the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge (lit. 144.1 so rounded up to nearest whole number or 144x’s) than that of the Great Pyramid of Giza…of course, this is all happenstance thanks to the brilliance of folks like Richard Dawkins who knows full-well that the aliens are coming back to check up on their masterpiece:  humankind!

Likewise, the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s volume of 13,200,000,000 cubic feet clearly can be seen as one quarter of an Imperial Mile which is 1,320 feet (i.e., 5,280’/4 = 1,320’) and “inadvertently” mirrors the Sumerian foot of 13.2 Inches or 1.1 feet which would, in turn, constitute 1,200 Sumerian Feet (i.e., 1,320’/1.1’ = 1,200 Sumerian Feet).

I would insert here at this juncture that the comparisons of the Giza Necropolis – whose base edge and consequent perimeter is the very perimeter of the four-square base of the GPG herself at 3,024 feet – has some remarkable comparisons with that of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge…if you would, the “Great Necropolis Pyramid at Giza” vs. the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge.

This “esoteric contrast” simply demonstrates the absolute dynamic of the “two pyramid complexes” (again, if you would indulge me). 

In that the Giza Necropolis (includes all three of the major pyramids – Great Pyramid of Giza (so-called Cheops or Khufu); the Khafre Pyramid (or Chephren); and the smallest of the three, Menkaure (or Mycerinus)) would give us 3,024’ * 4 = 12,096’ or 5,760 S.C. (i.e., 12,096’/2.1’ = 5,760 S.C.) and that its cube (12 edges) would give us 36,288’ (or 12,096’ * 3 = 36,288’) which is in inches the base edge in inches (as a fractal) of the Great Pyramid of Giza or 756’ * 4 = 3,024’ * 12” = 36,288”). 


Likewise, 5,760 S.C. (the four-square base of the esoteric Great Necropolis Pyramid of Giza) * 3 (12 edges/cubed) = 17,280 S.C.  (Please, duly note, the 17,280 is a fractal/resemblance of the “cube” in that 12 * 12 * 12 = 1,728 cubic measurements and, therefore 1728 = 1728.)  Again, only the Sacred Cubit can produce such mathematic wonderment!

Now, as we take the Sacred Cubit’s dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge and integrate them with the “Great Necropolis Pyramid of Giza or GNPG” we must multiply the 1,890 S.C. base edge of the GPS * 4 (to secure her four-square base again) = 7,560 S.C. – and this is compared to the GNPG’s 5,760 S.C. four-square base.  The difference between the four-square measurements is astonishing and perhaps a bit disconcerting to skeptics in that the following is strikingly observed:

7,560 S.C. (GPS) minus 5,760 S.C. (GNPG) = 1,800 S.C. = “18” = the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement

We’re they designed so that even their differences purposefully reflect the dimensions of paradise?  How is it that 1,800 S.C. resembles the 18,000 mile 12-edged perimeter of the New Jerusalem?

Furthermore, by adding the two together, dropping zero, we find the following:

756 + 576 = 1,332 = 1 * 3 * 3 * 2 = 18 = the New Jerusalem

Naturally, this is all coincidental.

When both “structures” are cubed (i.e., 12 edges of the GNPG and 12 edges of the GPS using the Sacred Cubit) we discover the following:

12 * 1,890 S.C. (GPS base edge) = 22,680 S.C.

12 * 1,440 S.C. (GNPG base edge) = 17,280 S.C.

22,680 S.C. minus 17,280 S.C. = 5,400 S.C. = the 5040

5040 = Plato’s Optimal Number for Societal Harmony only through the Sun of Righteousness in that 5 + 4 = “9” = Sun of Righteousness

I find these “integrated difference” to be remarkable and stunningly amazing when “the measure of a man, that of an angel” is subjected to the discourse (Revelation 21:17).  On the one hand it is a “human measurement” (that of a man), but on the other hand it is “other worldly” – i.e., angelic – “that of an angel.”  For, quite frankly, it bears a “heavenly message” that is, though it is upon the Earth (expressed in human terms), sent from the Heavens (i.e., “spiritual”) and must be understood in this capacity:

“These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.  For ‘who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?’  But we have the mind of Christ” (I Corinthians 2:13-15).


We are persuaded that the height of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge is predicated upon both the dynamic of the Sacred Cubit, as well as proportional assistance from the Great Pyramid of Giza’s elevation of 480.9 Feet or 229 Sacred Cubits (i.e., 480.9’/2.1’ = 229 S.C.) ….

Therefore, our proportions in both feet and Sacred Cubits are as follows:

The GPG’s 756’/480.9’ or 360 S.C./229 S.C. – both giving us a ratio of 1:57 as in 11/7 = 1.57.  With regards to the proportional measurements affecting the 3,969’ expressed in 1,890 S.C. – i.e., the base of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge – we can  use a simple mathematical proportional equation to determine in proximity the elevation or height of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge….

Therefore in Sacred Cubits:

360:229 vs. 1890:x – solve for “x” … 432,810 / 360x (even in this there is an abundance of discovery for 432 is the sun’s radius and 81 is clearly the Sun of Righteousness or the 8 + 1 = “9” divided by the 360x or the Eternal God =

x = 432,810 / 360 =

x = 1,202.25 S.C. or the 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 12 or the 1,200 Sacred Cubits…

In feet we discover…756:480.9 vs. 3969:x = 1,908,692.1 (i.e., 480.9 * 3969 = 1,908,692 = 756x = x = 2,524.725’ or rounded to the nearest whole number = 2,520’

Here we have made a decisive decision in that the proximities are altogether too close – therefore our final determination for the elevation of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge, while still resolutely maintaining her 1.57 ratio, is clearly:

In Sacred Cubits:  1,200 S.C. (height) and in feet = 1,200 S.C. * 2.1’ = 2,520 Feet      (the very measurement of the Sacred Cubit as a fractal/resemblance of 252).

As proof we find:  360/229 (GPG) = 1.572 or the “15” of the Wall of the New Jerusalem; and Stonehenge:  1,890/1,200 = 1.575 (a perfect “18” in that 1 + 5 + 7 + 5 = 18 as a reflection of the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement).  The 15 + 18 =

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:47

33” and this is no accident for the “33” is the very age wherein Messiah was “cut off” but not for Himself.

And in feet:  756’/480.9’ (GPG) = 1.572 or the “15” (i.e., 1 + 5 + 7 + 2 = 15) of the Wall of the New Jerusalem; and Stonehenge:  3,969’/2,520’ = 1.575 (a perfect “18” in that 1 + 5 + 7 + 5 = 18 as a reflection of the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement). 

In all cases the 11:7 ratio is rigidly maintained with stunning results from both the GPG and the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge.


Here a decided phenomenon takes place in that with the GPG having a 1070’ diagonal as a result of her 756’ x 756’ base measurement is, when crisscrossed, equal to 2,140’ (i.e., 1070’ * 2 = 2,140’) * 6 faces of a cube = 12,840 Linear Feet (“15” digit sum or 1 + 2 + 8 + 4 = 15) or in Sacred Cubits – 12,840’ / 2.1’ = 6,114.3 S.C. (likewise “15” – and both reflect the edge measurement of the New Jerusalem as a fractal of 1,500 miles or 15 = 15).

The Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s diagonal is based on her 3,969’ four-square edge = 5,613 feet or 2673 Sacred Cubits.  Crisscrossed we have 5,613’ * 2 = 11,226 Feet or “12” with her six faces/sides = 67,356 Linear Feet or “27” – again, the Messiah Revealed and in Sacred Cubits the diagonal of 2,673 S.C. * 2 = 5,346 S.C. (or the “18” of the New Jerusalem) * 6 faces/sides = 32,076 (also “18” of the New Jerusalem). 

If we compare the GPG (the pyramid only, not the Giza Necropolis) and the Stonehenge GP diagonals we see their total six-sided crisscrossed measurements are 12,840’ (GPG) + 67,356’ (GPS) = 80,196’ which digit sums to “24” (i.e., 8 + 1 + 9 + 6 = 24) expressing the Divine Governance of the New Jerusalem (her “24” Elders) – whereas in Sacred Cubits we witness the six-faces of a cubed GPG @ 6,114 S.C. rounded to the nearest whole number) vs. 32,076 S.C. of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge – added together equal a most unique number:  3816 or 38,160 S.C. – this is the Eternal God of “36” – if you would – embracing His New Jerusalem “18” and all sum to “18” – the New Jerusalem herself!

If we take the combined total of 38,160 S.C. (both GPG and GPS crisscrossed on all six faces of a cube) * 25.20” = 961,632 Inches or a digit sum of “27” – Messiah Revealed.  Another incredible configuration displaying the Great Precessional of the Mazzaroth or the so-called Zodiac – which we affirm is both the history of Israel and the Church as presented by Tim Warner’s well-done exposure of the same in his text on the Mystery of the Mazzaroth taken from Job 38:32.

That figure is as follows:  32,076 S.C. (Diagonals of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge – 6 faces of her cube) less 6,114 S.C. (Diagonals of the Great Pyramid of Giza – 6 faces of her cube) = 25,962 S.C. and this is so close to the 25,920 years of the Great Precessional that it is somewhat astonishing – for the first one:  25,962 S.C. is “24” and the latter, 25,920 is “18” (digit sums) and providing us a rather remarkable discovery:

24 * 18 = 432

432 is the Radius of the Sun


Connotes the Sun of Righteousness -

the "9" for 4 + 3 + 2 = 9

In acres the 756’ x 756’ of the GPG is ultimately rounded to 13 acres – whereas the 3,969’ x 3,969’ = 362 acres (one face/side only) and together this “platform” is a remarkable configuration wherein 13 acres + 362 acres = 375 acres.  

This number set of “375” digit sums to the Wall of the New Jerusalem wherein 3 + 7 + 5 = 15 and if these acres were cubed would equal to 2,250 (i.e., 6 * 375 acres = 2,250 acres) or a digit sum of “9” (2 + 2 + 5 = 9) as a reflection of the Sun of Righteousness; or if we took the “15” * 6 = “90” which is the “9” of the Sun of Righteousness.

The “cubic capacity” for both Pyramids is likewise impressive in that in Sacred Cubits – dropping zero:

360 S.C. * 360 S.C. * 360 S.C. (GPG) = 46,656 S.C. (digit sum of “27” Messiah Revealed)

1890 S.C. * 1890 S.C. * 1890 S.C. (Great Pyramid of Stonehenge) = 6,751,269 S.C. (digit sum of “36” the Eternal God)

The final and overwhelming attestation that the Great Pyramid of Giza when interacting with the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge so constructed is this:  27 (GPG) * 36 (Stonehenge) = 972 or the 9072’ 12-edged perimeter in feet of the GPG cubed.


We have discussed the 21 x 21 block base foundation of the Great Pyramid of Giza in that 756’ / 21 = 36’ and that some 441 of these blocks (i.e., 36’ * 21 = 756’ or 21 * 21 = 441 blocks of 36’ x 36’ x 36’ x 36’ for a total of 36’ * 4 = 144’; therefore, there would be 441 such “144’s” or two sets of nine as in 441 * 144 = 63,504 Linear Feet or “63” + “54” or 9 (6 + 3 = 9)+ 9 (5 + 4 = 9) = 18

Returning to the platform of 21 x 21 at the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge we find that 3,969’ / 21 = 189’ (remember that this “21” can also be considered as the 2.1’ or “21” of the Sacred Cubit’s measurement); therefore, 189’ x 189’ x 189’ x 189’ is the “mini-block” and that there are some 441 of these blocks with a linear four-square measurement akin to the “144” (found on the 21 x 21 GPG wherein 36’ (i.e., 756’/21 = 36’) * 4 = 144’ per 441 mini blocks) – such linear measurement of the GPS’s 441 blocks – to be:  189’ * 4 = 756’ which is precisely the base edge of the Great Pyramid of Giza herself!

When calculating each and every linear base measurement of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s platform of 441 such blocks we find:  756’ (four-square base mini-block of the GPS) * 441 = 333,396 Linear Feet which is a digit sum of “27” juxtaposed to a digit sum based on the GPG’s 63,504’ (i.e., 144’ * 441 = 63,504’) of “18.”  When 27 * 18 are factored together, their product is:  486 or “18” (4 + 8 + 6 = 18) again of the New Jerusalem; also, 486 * 2 = 972 which, again, is the 972 (as in 9,072 Feet) of the 12-edged cubed GPG (756’ * 12 edges = 9,072’). 

If these calculations are placed under the influence of the Sacred Cubit – then we find that 333,396’ (GPs) / 2.1’ = 158,760 S.C. vs. 63,504’ / 2.1’ = 30,240 S.C. (which is a reflection of the 3024 or the 324 base perimeter of the GPG or 756’ * 4 = 3024’).  When these two Sacred Cubit sums are combined a remarkable interaction takes place wherein the 441 base perimeters of the GPG’s 30,240 S.C. + the 441 base perimeters of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s 158,760 S.C. = 189,000 S.C. or clearly “18” (1 + 8 + 9 = 18) or “18” and “9” which reflect both the New Jerusalem (18) and the very Sun of Righteousness (9).  What a foundation these two combined express – but only through their platforms via the Sacred Cubit!

Furthermore, this “189” (i.e., 189,000 S.C.) – a combination of all the 441 + 441 or the 882 mini-blocks of both the GPG platform and the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s platform if cubed – i.e., amplified as a “super reflection” of the New Jerusalem it would appear as 189 * 6 = 1,134 or a digit sum of clearly “9” as in 1 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 9 as the very Sun of Righteousness.


If, however, each and every one of the mini-blocks of 441 on the GPG and Stonehenge platforms were cubed – then we would discover the following in Sacred Cubits:

GPG:  36 * 4 = 144 * 3 = 432 * 441 = 190,512 or “18” (digit sum) in Sacred Cubits.

GPS:  189 * 4 = 756 * 3 = 2,268 * 441 = 1,000,188 or “18” (digit sum) in Sacred Cubits.  In point of glaring fact we have “1…18…8” or “18” embraced by “18” – a fairly astonishing reflection of the New Jerusalem.

Combined we find:  190,512 S.C. + 1,000,188 S.C. = 1,190,700 or, again the “18” of the New Jerusalem (as in 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 = 18) – most remarkable.  If all zeroes are removed we find: 

19512 + 1188 = 20,700 or clearly the “27” of Messianic Revelation as shown in Christian Sacred Canon or taken as “digit sums” we would have 1 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 8 = 36 and, finally, 27 * 36 = 972 or the entire 12-edged perimeter of the GPG of 9,072’.


Comparing the GPG and the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s (GPS) Other Measurements …

Naturally, we have created the GPS at her base, while the GPG structure (aside from synchronizing her height in Sacred Cubits to match her base Sacred Cubit measurement of 360 S.C. to be 229 S.C. while maintaining the GPG’s 1:57 ratio or 11:7).  The Great Pyramid of Stonehenge “artificial circle” or sphere whose diameter is that of its base edge which is 3,969 feet or 1,890 S.C. – whereas the GPG’s is 756 feet or 360 S.C.


Therefore, in order to determine each of their circumferences we must use Pi * their diameters.  In the GPG we discover that 756’ * 3.14285714 = 2,376 Feet (which is also “18” (2 + 3 + 7 + 6 = 18) and a reflection of the New Jerusalem) and in S.C. we find 360 S.C. * 3.14285714 = 1,131.42857 (Pi) S.C. or rounding to the nearest whole number is 1,131 S.C. – this is the circumference of the GPG Great Circle in both feet (2,376 Feet) and in Sacred Cubits (1,131 S.C.).

For the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge we find her circumference by multiplying her diameter of 3,969’ * 3.14285714 = 12,474 Feet (which is also “18” and a reflection of the New Jerusalem).

In S.C.’s we find 1,890 S.C. * 3.14285714 = 5,940 S.C. or “9” in the midst of “54” demonstrating Plato’s Optimal Number for Societal Harmony surrounding the Sun of Righteousness in “her midst” – for the Lamb is upon the Throne in the midst of the New Jerusalem.

I find these circumferences fascinating for a variety of reasons – again, they broadcast their associations via the precision of their measurement in both feet and in Sacred Cubit, for the two are wholly compatible and complement one another. 

In sum – the chart below gives us an overview:

(Note:  Digit sums per measurement in parenthesis.)


Comparing the Circles of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the

“Great Pyramid of Stonehenge”


Using: Pi as

3.142857 * d

Base Edge or Diameter – Feet

Base Edge or Diameter in Sacred Cubits

Circumference in Feet

Circumference in Sacred Cubits

GPG 756’ (18) 360 S.C. (9) 2,376’ (18) 1,131 S.C. (6)
GPS 3,969’ (27) 1,890 S.C. (18) 12,474’ (18) 5.940 S.C. (18)…and “9” within “54
 Addition 4,725’ (18)… “72” within “45 2,250 S.C. (9) 14,850’ (18) 7,071 S.C. (15)
Subtraction 3,213 (9)… “21” within “33 1,530 S.C. (15) 10,098’ (18) 4,809 S.C. (21)
Multiplication 3,000,564’ (18) 680,400 S.C. (18) 29,638,224’ (36) or two sets of “18 6,718,140 S.C. (27)
Division 5.25 GPS (12) greater than GPG 5.25 GPS greater than GPG 5.25 5.25
Numeric Legend


6 = The Number of a Man–Humanity       9 = The Sun of Righteousness or 8 + 1 = 9     12 = Duodecimal System of Measurement    15 = Wall of the New Jerusalem            18 = The New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement  21 = Divine Platform            27 = Messiah Revealed in 27 Sacred Text of Christian Canon            33 = Age of Messiah when “cut off”        45 = Arising of the Sun of Righteousness – 2nd Coming of Messiah       54 = Plato’s Optimal No. 5040 for Societal Harmony                      72 = The Name of God                         

The precision of the “esoteric” GPS is exceedingly precise without the fractions or decimals – which, again, accentuates the 480.9 fractured elevation – although the Sacred Cubit’s integration into the 480.9’ as 229 S.C. is very impressive and, I believe, puts to rest the precise elevation of the original GPG while giving us a clue as to its 21 x 21 platform in that the GPG’s height of 4 + 8 + 9 = 21

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:48

Again the volume of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge is “144” times greater than that of the Great Pyramid of Giza – to have achieved this incredible figure wherein the measurements of such an esoteric pyramid are secured from Sir Flinders Petrie’s original 184.5’ radius dimension of Aubrey Circle and the 1,800-foot Avenue leading into Aubrey’s circle across Wiltshire’s meadows and then doubling this radius to 3,969 feet (i.e., 1,800’ + 184.5’ = 1,984.5’ * 2 = 3,969’) is simply overwhelming – for it gave us the 2,520-foot height (of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge) and all the secondary comparisons in perfection of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge.

Angle of Inclination or Slope

The 51°49’51” (51 degrees, 49 minutes, 51 seconds) of the angle of inclination or slope using the Sacred Cubit’s discovery of the 480.9 feet height of the GPG (i.e., 360/229 (Sacred Cubits) = 51.831 = 51°49’51” juxtaposed to Prof. Mark Lehner’s 756’ base edge and 146.59 m. = 480.938’ elevation or 51°50’ 40” (or 51.844) (notwithstanding the fact that 360/229 = 1.5720524 (Sacred Cubit ratio) works in both cases – i.e., the 229 S.C. elevation of 480.9 or 480.984 is commendable regardless in that 480.984 / 2.1 = 229.04 and “rounds down” to 229 Sacred Cubits…whereas the precise 480.9 feet of the height of the GPG brings its elevation totally in line with the Sacred Cubit’s 2.1 and the whole-numbered Sacred Cubit of 229. 

Prof. Lehner’s measurement of 480.938’ commits the GPG ratio to:  756’/480.938’ = 51.844 or 51°50’40” – whereas the 480.9’ elevation – while continuing the base edge at 756’/480.9’ = 51.832 or 831 = 51°49’51”.  

A case can be made for both measurements and their precision; however, the preciseness of the Sacred Cubit’s measurement of 480.9’ / 2.1’ (S.C.) = 229 S.C. vs. 480.938’ / 2.1’ = 229.018095 fractionalizes the Sacred Cubit; however, that said, there truly is something to be said with the 229.018095 in that it digit sums to “36” and is a fine example of the “circle” dynamic taking place upon the GPG. 

This brings us to the inclination angle of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge: 

With an elevation of some 2,520 Feet or 1,200 Sacred Cubits and a base edge measurement of 3,969 Feet or 1,890 Sacred Cubits the inclination angle of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge is as follows in this chart:

Inclination Angle/Other Pyramid Measurement Comparison Chart – GPG vs. GPS

Pyramid Base in Feet/Sacred Cubits (S.C.) Pyramid Height in Feet/S.C. Decimal Degrees, Minutes, Seconds 11/7 Ratios or 1.57142857 Slant Height in Feet or S.C. Slant Edge in Feet or S.C. Volume to the sixth decimal
GPG 756’ or 360 S.C. 480.9’ or 229 S.C. 51.831 (18) 51°49’55” or 51° and 49.8600000000 (27) 1.572052401 (27) 342.4’ 163.05 S.C. (15) 291.3’ (15) 138.7 S.C. 91,617,200
GPS 3,969’ or 1,890 S.C. 2,520’ or 1,200 S.C. 51.779 or 51.78 (21) 51°46’44” or 51°  and 46.7400000000 minutes  (21 1.575 (18) 3207.6’  (18)   1,527.43 S.C. 3771.9’ (27) 1,796.1 S.C. (24) 13,232,500,000

The inclination angles of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge are within the parameters of the inclination angles of the Great Pyramid of Giza – being only slightly different; however, in the GPS if we take the 51° and “sum” her minutes and seconds as one number set of 46 minutes and 44 seconds they will sum to “90” or “9” which is indicative of the Sun of Righteousness after having been revealed by the “51” texts of Sacred Canon in both the Hebrew/Jewish (24) and Christian Sacred Canon (27) or 24 + 27 = 51.


Whereas the 51° of the GPG is followed by 49 minutes and 51 seconds or “100” in sum (perfection – i.e., 49 + 51 = 100) or, as we have already pointed out:  The Work of the Spirit of God is signified by the number “49” and this number in minutes in the GPG is “surrounded” on either side by “51” in degrees and “51” in seconds, displaying the revelation and/or illumination of the GPG can only be revealed and seen by Sacred Canon under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

What is abundantly clear, however, is the awesome capabilities of the Sacred Cubit in the midst of both pyramids.  I find that combining their “slant heights” (seen in the midst of the triangulation on each of their four sides (not the edges but the elevation measured from the peak of the pyramid to the midst of any of its outer four sides)) we have the following:

Slant Heights, Edges & Volume of the GPG and GPS

GPG – 1,369.6’ (four slant heights in feet) + GPS – 12,830.4’ (four slant heights in feet) = 14,200 feet / 2.1 S.C. (rounding to the nearest whole number) = 6,762 S.C. – how fascinating, in that the 1 + 4 + 2 = “7” one of the major numbers (the other being 12) of the New Jerusalem and the Creator’s Perfect Rest (Seventh Day) from His creating labors.  This is matched with 6,762 S.C. wherein 6 + 7 + 6 + 2 = “21” demonstrating the Divine Plan and Purpose of the Almighty in His Creation – therefore, “7” and “21” are altogether and decidedly compatible with one another in the Divine creation/scheme of things.

Combining the GPG and GPS “slant edges” (4 on each pyramid) we have in the GPG a total of 1,165.2’ or some 554.8 S.C. – whereas in the GPS we have 15,087.6’ in slant edges or some 7,184.4 Sacred Cubits.  When these are combined we find that the GPG in feet – 1,165.2’ added to that of the GPS slant edges in feet – 15,087.6’ sums to:  16,252.8’ or a digit sum of “24” connoting the Almighty’s Divine Governance “through” the 24 Elders of the New Jerusalem:  viz., via Israel and the Church wherein the 12 Patriarchs and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb constitute the 24 Elders.

In Sacred Cubits the GPG/GPS combined slant edges sum to:  554.8 S.C. (GPG) + 7,184.4 S.C. (GPS) = 7,738.9 S.C. = 34 or 3 + 4 = 7 and bespeaks of the Creator’s Perfect Number and Work.

Their total “calculator volume” found in both pyramids when taken to the “sixth decimal placement” as found in our chart above:

91,617,200 (GPG) + 13,232,500,000 (GPS) = 13,324,117,200 units, giving us a digit sum combined in the volumes of these immense structures – PERHAPS THE LARGEST EVER CONCEIVED UPON THE EARTH (most definitely in that the GPG alone is still considered the largest single voluminous structure on the face of the earth – man-made) sums to “24” as in 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 2 = 24.  This astonishing discovery when combining the FULLNESS of both the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge by going to the SIXTH (man’s number) decimal placement allows us to demonstrate that man will one day have the means whereby the Almighty shall govern His New Jerusalem – Israel and the Church are the 24 Elders of the New Jerusalem in that they are the only proper nouns mentioned by designation in the New Jerusalem as the 12 Gates bear the NAMES of the 12 Tribes of Israel (i.e., the 12 Patriarchs of Israel) and her Foundations bear the NAMES of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb (i.e., the Church).  They are the fullness of His governance – and these two astounding monuments attest to that reality.


Again, allow me to rehearse the fact that the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge’s volume is 144 times greater than that of the Great Pyramid of Giza, demonstrating the inter-relationship between the two objects – they most definitely were designed with each other in mind – though what you see at Stonehenge is “deceptively small” compared to the Great Pyramid of Giza however, once one extrapolates the Avenues on either side of Aubrey Circle/Stonehenge – then, and only then, does the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge expands her colossal dimensions 144 times beyond that of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Yes, we are altogether aware of “crunching numbers” and “making numbers do anything you jolly well please with them.”  However, the overwhelming confirmations derived from these dimensions in the creation of the Great Pyramid of Stonehenge and extrapolating them under the unique transformation of the Sacred Cubit bearing down on the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza are so incredibly extraordinary – given the metrologies committed to our trust by many a dedicated and gifted archaeologist and metrologist, that we are without excuse in confirming their original intent was to leave an indomitable SIGN upon Earth, the land, for us all throughout the generations but in particular and especially at the close of the present dispensation/age to discern and thereby proclaim their Divine Merit.


Stonehenge is an absolute marvel in this respect – as we continue our study we will discover her subtle and overt declarations of the Plan and Purpose of the Creator.  This will be made abundantly clear to us all – thank God that men of great care and forethought understood the significance of this most awe-inspiring site of antiquity…and, although they did not know why … and though many of their conjectures were incorrect … they kept trying and were altogether true to the measurements left to us as pieces of a vast puzzle for our ultimate edification and manipulation under the anointing of the Holy Spirit Who equipped them for the task so long ago.

Through the work of Dr. Anthony Johnson we have absolute confidence that the HOW was performed by simple but profound geometric and mathematical attire – no hole, nor circle was miscellaneous – all counted for something – something vastly eternal in the purposes of the Almighty declaring His plan.  The WHEN is not all that important other than the fact that Stonehenge’s approximate dates of design and building were equivalent to those of the GPG and/or familiarity with what was going on at Giza.  This was abundantly obvious to these peoples – in and around and between 2500 BC to 2000 BC (though some predate these dates by many thousands of years).  It is simply not necessary to extend their dates beyond these years and now, most definitely Stonehenge appears confirmed through the most up-to-date testing that her creation approximates the aforementioned dates; whereas, the Great Pyramid of Giza MAY extend beyond the year 2500 BC – although most give credence to the approximations around 2600 to 2500 BC with Stonehenge now accorded the dates between 3000 to 2500 BC.

As we move on into the interior of Stonehenge and her concentric overtures seen in the circular nature of her chalk bank/ditch (Aubrey Circle); multiple concentric potholes bearing profound geometric significance and, above all, her stones – we are and will be continuously reminded that virtually everything that is Stonehenge is a truly astounding SIGN and DEMONSTRATION of the Divine Plan and Purpose of the Ages. 

Those who participated in her design were both brilliant and surely anointed by the Spirit of God to construct such a monument to His Eternal Greatness and Messianic designs for humankind.  Stonehenge is truly the reflection of the New Jerusalem and is one of the most remarkable gifts given by the ancients who obviously were intimately in touch with the Ancient of Days – driven, as they were, to leave us at this most critical time in human history, the ultimate END GAME – the Divine Design of the Ages…we have much ground to cover but, already, Stonehenge has given us her signal that she is a vast and glorious Octahedron of immense size and beauty … matching her counterpart – from the River Avon to the River Nile – Oh, the depth of the wisdom of Almighty God Whose quest for the Dimensions of Paradise to be His Beloved Bride are graven in the Stones of Stonehenge – surely they cry out for the arising of the Sun of Righteousness…Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord – Hosanna!

Doug Krieger



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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/01/2014 03:50

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