Juan 21:1 Después de esto, Jesús se manifestó otra vez a sus discípulos junto al mar de Tiberias; y se manifestó de esta manera: 21:2 Estaban juntos Simón Pedro, Tomás llamado el Dídimo, Natanael el de Caná de Galilea, los hijos de Zebedeo, y otros dos de sus discípulos.
21:3 Simón Pedro les dijo: Voy a pescar. Ellos le dijeron: Vamos nosotros también contigo. Fueron, y entraron en una barca; y aquella noche no pescaron nada. 21:4 Cuando ya iba amaneciendo, se presentó Jesús en la playa; mas los discípulos no sabían que era Jesús. 21:5 Y les dijo: Hijitos, ¿tenéis algo de comer? Le respondieron: No. 21:6 El les dijo: Echad la red a la derecha de la barca, y hallaréis. Entonces la echaron, y ya no la podían sacar, por la gran cantidad de peces. 21:7 Entonces aquel discípulo a quien Jesús amaba dijo a Pedro: ¡Es el Señor! Simón Pedro, cuando oyó que era el Señor, se ciñó la ropa (porque se había despojado de ella), y se echó al mar. (Vemos otro nexo PEDRO CON EL DISCIPULO AMADO. ES OBVIA LA RELACION PEDRO CON MARCOS, DISCIPULO AMADO, EN FUNCION A 1 DE PEDRO 5:13) 21:8 Y los otros discípulos vinieron con la barca, arrastrando la red de peces, pues no distaban de tierra sino como doscientos codos. 21:9 Al descender a tierra, vieron brasas puestas, y un pez encima de ellas, y pan. 21:10 Jesús les dijo: Traed de los peces que acabáis de pescar. 21:11 Subió Simón Pedro, y sacó la red a tierra, llena de grandes peces, ciento cincuenta y tres; y aun siendo tantos, la red no se rompió.
2. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en FILADELFIA: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la llave de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
21:12 Les dijo Jesús: Venid, comed. Y ninguno de los discípulos se atrevía a preguntarle: ¿Tú, quién eres? sabiendo que era el Señor. 21:13 Vino, pues, Jesús, y tomó el pan y les dio, y asimismo del pescado. 21:14 Esta era ya la tercera vez que Jesús se manifestaba a sus discípulos, después de haber resucitado de los muertos. 21:15 Cuando hubieron comido, Jesús dijo a Simón Pedro: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿me amas más que éstos? Le respondió: Sí, Señor; tú sabes que te amo. El le dijo: Apacienta mis corderos. (Vemos un nexo esoterico del discipulo amado con el cordero/oveja/raquel en el contexto a PEDRO. Recordemos que RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA. LA CLAVE DE LA RELACION PEDRO CON MARCOS ESTA EN FUNCION A BENJAMIN, PERRO, LOBO, CHACAL, CAN MAYOR Y SIRIO. Aqui tambien tenemos una relacion con GENESIS 22 EN EL CONTEXTO A ISAAC, AMADO Y ABRAHAM. INSISTO, ISAAC, ES EL HIJO AMADO DE ABRAHAM. AQUI ESTA LA CLAVE. SI-MON/MOON/LUNA/RAQUEL/ BETZABE / MARIA MAGDALENA. MONKEY /MONA LISA / LLAVE DEL MONO.)
2. Y dijo: Toma ahora tu hijo, tu único, Isaac, a quien amas, y vete a tierra de Moriah, y ofrécelo allí en holocausto sobre uno de los montes que yo te diré.
16. y dijo: Por mí mismo he jurado, dice Jehová, que por cuanto has hecho esto, y no me has rehusado tu hijo, tu único hijo;
17. de cierto te bendeciré, y multiplicaré tu descendencia como las estrellas del cielo y como la arena que está a la orilla del mar; y tu descendencia poseerá las puertas de sus enemigos. (PUERTA/ORION/SEÑAL DE JONAS. ORION ESTA CERCA DE SIRIO. LO QUE TODAVIA NO LOGRO RACIONALIZAR DEL PORQUE DICHA RELACION. Indudablemente aqui hay un puente con GENESIS 3:22,24 cuando fue bloqueado el ACCESO AL ARBOL DE LA VIDA POR EL ANGEL AL ESTE. JUSTAMENTE LA ESTRELLA DEL ORIENTE ES ORION Y TIENE FUERTE RELACION CON RAQUEL, COMO POR EJEMPLO EN MATEO 2. EL ARBOL DE LA VIDA, OBVIAMENTE ES EL LINAJE, OSEA EL ARBOL GENEALOGICO.)
21:16 Volvió a decirle la segunda vez: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿me amas? Pedro le respondió: Sí, Señor; tú sabes que te amo. Le dijo: Pastorea mis ovejas. (Vuelve el nexo con RAQUEL/PASTORA DE OVEJAS Y BENJAMIN. Recordemos que CRISTO tambien es HIJO DE JOSE, que era HIJO DE RAQUEL. JOSE TUVO FUERTE RELACION CON EGIPTO. Tambien hay una relacion con BETZABE, la MADRE DE SALOMON que es relacionada con la OVEJA. Notamos que SI-MON tiene relacion la LLAVE DE SOL-O-MON. LA CLAVE MON/MOON/LUNA/RAQUEL/ MARIA LA MAGDALENA NOS DA EL GANCHO PEDRO CON MARIA MAGDALENA. Recordemos incluso que SIMEON y LEVI fueron los que defendieron a DINA, LA SEPTIMA HIJA DE JACOB, cuando fue violada y ambos estan relacionados con el TORO/SANGRE DE CRISTO segun GENESIS 49.)
. Génesis 29:9: Mientras él aún hablaba con ellos, Raquel vino con el rebaño de su padre, porque ella era la PASTORA.
9. Génesis 29:2: Y miró, y vio un pozo en el campo; y he aquí tres rebaños de OVEJAs que yacían cerca de él, porque de aquel pozo abrevaban los ganados; y había una gran piedra sobre la boca del pozo.
10. Génesis 29:3: Y juntaban allí todos los rebaños; y revolvían la piedra de la boca del pozo, y abrevaban las OVEJAs, y volvían la piedra sobre la boca del pozo a su lugar.
11. Génesis 29:6: Y él les dijo: ¿Está bien? Y ellos dijeron: Bien, y he aquí Raquel su hija viene con las OVEJAs.
21:17 Le dijo la tercera vez: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿me amas? Pedro se entristeció de que le dijese la tercera vez: ¿Me amas? y le respondió: Señor, tú lo sabes todo; tú sabes que te amo. Jesús le dijo: Apacienta mis ovejas. 21:18 De cierto, de cierto te digo: Cuando eras más joven, te ceñías, e ibas a donde querías; mas cuando ya seas viejo, extenderás tus manos, y te ceñirá otro, y te llevará a donde no quieras. 21:19 Esto dijo, dando a entender con qué muerte había de glorificar a Dios. Y dicho esto, añadió: Sígueme. 21:20 Volviéndose Pedro, vio que les seguía el discípulo a quien amaba Jesús, el mismo que en la cena se había recostado al lado de él, y le había dicho: Señor, ¿quién es el que te ha de entregar? 21:21 Cuando Pedro le vio, dijo a Jesús: Señor, ¿y qué de éste? 21:22 Jesús le dijo: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga, ¿qué a ti? Sígueme tú. 21:23 Este dicho se extendió entonces entre los hermanos, que aquel discípulo no moriría. Pero Jesús no le dijo que no moriría, sino: Si quiero que él quede hasta que yo venga, ¿qué a ti? 21:24 Este es el discípulo que da testimonio de estas cosas, y escribió estas cosas; y sabemos que su testimonio es verdadero. 21:25 Y hay también otras muchas cosas que hizo Jesús, las cuales si se escribieran una por una, pienso que ni aun en el mundo cabrían los libros que se habrían de escribir. Amén.
9. Génesis 5:1: Este es el libro de las generaciones de Adán. El día en que creó Dios al hombre, a semejanza de Dios lo hizo. (La mujer tambien pertenece al GENERO HOMBRE)
Se da curiosamente la relacion 3/11 y tambien 7/11. ¿PORQUE LA RELACION GIZE CON EL 11/SEPTIEMBRE=11/7 y con el 3/11? Segun un comentarista en INTERNET, INDIGO MEROVINGIO EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE ES LA ESCALERA DE JACOB. ¿PERO EN QUE BASA EL DICHA PREMISA? Sabemos que el 11 de Septiembre es el AÑO NUEVO COPTO, un CALENDARIO DE ORIGEN ANCESTRAL que se usa en la IGLESIA COPTA, con SEDE DE EGIPTO CUYO PATRIARCA ES JUAN MARCOS. Sabemos por la historia que el mismo predico en ETIOPIA. ¿PERO PORQUE ASTRONOMICAMENTE EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE ESTA RELACIONADO CON LA ESCALERA DE JACOB? Si consideramos la relacion entre el CALENDARIO GREGORIANO (7/11 ,9/11 Y 11/11) que son los dias 311, 313 y 315 del mismo en el contexto a que en el CALENDARIO COPTO, insisto, en el contexto a que el 11 de septiembre es el primer dia del mismo, llegamos a la asombrosa interrelacion de que el (18/7, 20/7 y 22/7 (DIA DE MARIA LA MAGDALENA SEGUN LA IGLESIA CATOLICA) tambien son el 311, 313 y 315. Noten que la LLEGADA A LA LUNA ESTA EN LA CLAVE, EN EL CONTEXTO A QUE LA MISMA FUE JUSTAMENTE UN 20 DE JULIO. ¿CUAL ES EL MISTERIO DETRAS DE DICHA INTERRELACION?
LA CLAVE ES QUE EL RADIO PROMEDIO DE LA TIERRA ES 3960 Y EL DE LA LUNA ES 1080. Si sumamos ambas cifras tenemos el numero 5040. En ese contexto tenemos un diametro de 10080 que si lo multiplicamos POR EL PI, para saber la longitud de la circunferencia tenemos:
(10 080 * 22) / 7 = 31680
Jesus Christ is not only a solar deity, but he incorporates the most important rule of the sacred geometry used by astronomers to measure and by architects to build: The Pythagorean Theorem.
In his name the gnostics in Alexandria encoded the sacred Pythagorean triangle: 3, 4, 5. The name Jesus Christ is the riddle. Jesus and Christ are two of the three sides of a right triangle, and to solve the riddle you must find the third word, the lost word, that represents gematrically the third side of the triangle.
The solution is a phun in itself: a greek word that means "you have known", and that put together with the name of Jesus Christ, give this answer: "You have known Jesus Christ".
The word "εγνωκατε" is used repeatedly in 1 John 2, and is the very verb that give the name to the famous alexandrian sect: the Gnostics, from ginosko (ghin-oce'-ko), knowing
It all starts with the gematric values of the greek alphabet:
The gematria of Jesus is 888 and the Gematria of Christ is 1480. With those two numbers, applying the pythagorean theorem, you find the third number: 1184, that correspond gematrically to a very specific word: "εγνωκατε", that Jesus uses when he is referring to the act of knowing god:
The ratio between 888 (Jesus) and 1480 (Christ) is 5:3, or 1.666... This number is a recurrent number in the old testament:
The greek Gnostics were not the first to associate the pythagorean theorem to solar god and goddess. The Egyptians, who were well aware of the pythagorean theorem centuries before, associated Osiris, Isis and Horus to the sides of the pythagorean triangle. This is why the holy trinity (the triangle) is a concept so ancient and widespread:
ome recurring greek words of the Gnostic sect and of the Pythagoreans, like "Eureka!" or "Noesis!" hide the sacred pythagorean triple 3-4-5 too:
The Egyptian Pyramids represent the same secret knowledge we found in Jesus Christ, being built according to the 3-4-5 pythagorean triple:
In some tombs in Egypt we found the very 3-4-5 triangle depicted with two of their sides represented by a serpent, the phython, a symbol of hidden knowledge:
Notice that the height of the triangle (the height of the pyramid, hidden in the center, like the axis) is often associated with a female figure, like Isis or Miriam. The throne of Isis is sometimes depicted with a rectangular box similar to the geometrical figure employed in the proof of the pythagorean theorem:
The very name of God in the Bible is nothing but a gematric riddle for 3-4-5:
Dimensions of the Giza pyramid The original dimensions of the three major Egyptian pyramids Great, Mycerinus and Chephren at Giza, are difficult to determine exactly. However they are sufficiently accurate to reveal two important mathematical constants pi and phi, as well as other information. In this study slight adjustment of dimensions is sometimes inevitable, and incur only negligible errors.
Imperial and Metric Units. 1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 metre 1 yard = 3 feet 1 rod = 5.5 yards 1 inch = 2.54 cm 5 miles = approx. 8 kilometres 1 mile = 5280 feet = 63360 inches
Units of linear measurement.
The MILE was the distance covered in 1000 paces by Roman soldiers.
In medieval times it varied and was approximately 5000 feet.
In 1592 Parliament changed it to 5280 feet.
Stonehenge 2500BC- prof. Alexander Thom in1960s established megalithic yard or 2.72 feet - The ratio Moon/Earth is 27272... - implies that ancient Britons knowledgeable.
Ancient Mayan city of Teotihuacano - pyramid of the Sun & Moon, Avenue of the Dead - 250BC to 500AD - engineer Hugh Marleston found that ancient Maya had used 1.059 metre or 3.47 feet as the basic unit (347, the "Number of Nature").
Evaluation of ancient sites lead me to believe that at least 4000 years ago, the modern day British mile of 5280 feet was known, because I have found that a UNIT of measurement of 10 RODS seems to have been used, indicated by a factor of THIRTY-TWO. 1 rod = 5.5 yards
32 rods = 176 yards = 1/10 mile = 528 feet
10 rods = one tenth mile ( 176 yards or 528 feet ).
The factor 32 is evident at Saith Maen, Wales, where megalithic builders used
the 10 rods ( 55 yards ) unit.
click to read Saith Maen standing stones in Wales belong to a system of standing stones and circles, which convey an ancient knowledge of geometry, metrology and Nature's Numbers.
This significant value 5.5 is incorporated in the Great Pyramid:
The ratio of the Great pyramid's height : base ( 484 : 760 )
closely approximates to 7 : 11, shown below.
The vertical line bisects the base
into 5.5 each side
Information, additional to pi and phi, only manifests when British Imperial Units of linear measure is used. Implying that Egyptian architects thousands of years ago were familiar with miles, feet ( and cubits ).
The Giza Great pyramid is uncapped; it rises to a flat plateau at about 454 feet. Its dimensions : Flinders & Petrie ( 1886 ) base 768 feet, height 481.33 feet Churchward Ramsey ( 1910 ) 763.81 feet x 486.25 feet Howard Vyse ( 1830s ) 763.78 feet x 486.22 feet Prof. Kris Thijs ( 1990 ) 755.55 feet x 481 feet Michael Joyce ( 1990s ) 760 feet x 484 feet
Cubit The cubit is an ancient unit suggested in many encyclopedia to be 17 - 22 inches, the length between elbow and tip of middle finger.
198 198 has two factors which have a correspondence with time and space: 198 = 8.25 x 24 8.25 feet = half rod ( 99 inches ) 24 hours = 1 day
The Great pyramid
Many are familiar with the fact that each pair of dimensions ( 1886 onwards in any units of linear measurement ) demonstrate two mathematical constants: 1- (2 x base length) divided by height = 3.1415 or pi, symbol p used in circular & spherical geometry. 2- ( height divided by half base ) = 1.62 ( approximates to 1.618 ), symbol f measure of growth & derived from the Fibonacci series. 3- The slant angle of the face of the pyramid approximates to 51.85 degrees or 51 degrees 51 minutes.
But there is more: Consider the complete pyramid:
Numerals of significance manifest when lengths are expressed in British Imperial units, where 5280 feet = 1 mile :
1- base AB = 760 feet divided by 5280 = 0.143939 mile ( adjusted 760.32 feet gives 0.144 mile or ( 12 x 12 ) / 10 x 10 ).
2- AO calculates to 537.4 feet or 0.10178 mile ( 0.1018234 mile = [ (720 x square root 2 )/10 x 10 ].
3- AP calculates to 723.36644 feet ( 723.36 feet = 0.137 mile ).
4- Height OP, 484 feet = 1100/12 mile.
5- Its volume is 1/3 x 0.144 x 0.144 x 1100/12 = 0.6336 ( 63 & its reflection 36 ) Also 63360 inches = 1 mile.
These answers contain the divine numbers 10, 11 & 12 ( Creator, Earth & Sun ) as well as the solar factor 720 and ' light ' number 137. 720 x 11 = 7920 miles, Earth diameter. 720 x 1200 = 864,000, Sun diameter.
The Solar Factor in Imperial & Metric Units The solar factor 72(0) will convert mile linear measurements in atoms and solar system into simple divine numbers.
72 miles = 115872.768 metres
What a revelation, for the metric value contains the divine numbers of Earth ( 11 ) and Mars ( 58 ) as well as the solar factor 72… and another number 768.
768 = 24 x 32. 24 hours = 1 day. 32 rods = one tenth of a mile.
I have demonstrated how a '10 rod ' unit seems to have been used by stone age architects in the megalithic site involving Saith Maen standing stones in Wales.
click to read.
The number 137, like 037, denotes white ( Sun ) light - '1' white light or '0' apparently nothing comprised of '3' primary in its '7' spectral rays.
'137' also happens to be the fine constant in physics…. ( the constant a = hc/e-2 equals 137, where h= Planck's constant, e = math constant 2.718 and c = speed of light ).
For more on 72 - the solar factor, click
Whilst in feet: 1- 2 x AO, the length of the diagonal of the base = 1074.8 ( 1074 ) feet. 2- the diagonal of the plateau, 46.8 ( actual 47 ) feet of the uncapped pyramid = to 2 x 33.1 feet.
Coincidental or not: 1074 is the atomic diameter ( as a divine number ) of hydrogen. An atom can be considered as an independent single unit, like the base diagonal is a single 1074 unit. 331 is hydrogen's covalent 'diameter'.
A covalent atom is usually joined to at least another, like the plateau diagonal which consists of 2 'units' of 33.1.
There is a shrinkage of 743 { reflection of 347 ( carbon & Earth to Moon divine distance ) } when two hydrogen atoms combine to become one molecule. Weirdly Newton discovered light properties in 1704 (' anagram' of 1074 ).
There are indications in the Great Pyramid that ancient Egyptian scholars were familiar with the Divine Numbers of Creation, in addition to the mathematical constants pi and phi.
The ratio of the Great pyramid's height : base ( 484 : 760 ) closely approximates to 7 : 11, shown below.
Thus its base, ELEVEN x 69.0909 ( equals 760 ) obviously situated on the Earth, reveals an 'ELEVEN', the divine number of planet Earth, as well as number 69.1.
What is astounding is that 69.1 miles, a factor incorporated in the pyramid's base of 760 feet ( 11 x 69.0909 ) is the length of 1 degree of longitude ( or Equator ).
Or 360 ( degrees in a circle ) x 69.09009.. will yield 24872.72 miles, the circumference of the Earth.
Here we see THREE facts about the Earth incorporated in the Great pyramid: 1- its divine number 11. 2- The length of 1 degree of longitude, in MILES! ( British Imperial unit of measurement used over 4000 years ago. ) 3- The diameter of the Earth can easily be calculated from ( 360 x 69.1 ) divided by pi or 11 x 720 ( Earth divine number x solar factor ).
10 rods is one tenth of a mile ( a unit of measurement I have established in use at least 4000 years ago ).
This tenth factor is noticeable between the 471 feet height of Chephren and 47.1 feet lengths of the sides of the square plateau on the Great pyramid.
Both lengths contain the digits 4 7 1 ( a correspondence with light ).
The base of Mycerinus is one half the length of Chephren's.
If we divide 47.1 feet, ( one tenth the height of Chephren or the length of the Great pyramid's plateau ), by pi, the result is 15 ( feet ).
Now 15 x 528 equals 7920 ( feet ). Or 15 equals ( 7920 divided by 528 ).
Now this beggars investigation because of the numbers 528 and 7920, since 1- 7920 miles is Earth's diameter. 2- 5280 feet equals one mile. 3- What is the significance of 15 ?
The circumference of a circle, diameter 15, calculates to 47.1 (2389 ), the length of the Plateau or one tenth of Chephren's height.
The factor 10 is obvious here like it is in Chephren & Great pyramids. Dimensions 226 & 227 and 710 & 711 also demonstrate a 'factor' of 1.
15 x Earth number 11 = 165 165 x 32 = 5280 ( feet = 1 mile ). ( 32 rods = one tenth mile )
Several authors write about a 15 degree rotation at ancient sites.
A similar diagram is shown alongside for planet Mars, when 87/11 x 528 = 4176 ( miles diameter of Mars ).
Some significant numbers appear here
There are also implications about the 'DESCENDING of 7 into Earth ( 11 )' and 'ASCENDING of 7 from Earth ( 11 )'. click hereto read.
The diagram shows a set of other
similar triangles, based on the cross section of pyramids, in accordance with the height & base dimensions of the Great pyramid.
Mars, 58, is associated with 37 ( primary rays of white light & spectral rays ) and 47 ( subsidiary & spectral rays ).
The cap of the Great pyramid depicts 47, 30 and 38.
Earth diameter, 7920 miles, in association with the distance between Earth & Mars, 50.4 million miles.
74 is associated with its reflected number 47 ( the subsidiary rays of white light & spectral rays ).
The Hexagon The interlocking of two Mars & two 74/47 'pyramids' forms an irregular hexagon as shown below: or
(Moon or Sun & Mars) & Mirror Image Number 358 depicting 'a primary 3', 'human consciousness 5' and 'the Messiah number 8' can be obtained by the combination of the divine numbers of Moon or fadic Sun and Mars.
Below you can see that the meaning of number 358 in Hebrew gematria is in conflict!
However the fadic value of 358 (or 853) is SEVEN. (3 + 5 + 8 = 16; then 1 + 6 = 7).
If we imagine that the Afterlife plane of existence Mars and ours Earth, is separated by an invisible "mirror" or its equivalent, then any message passed into the material world, such as 358 would arrive in our plane in reverse as 853.
When 853 and 358 are expressed as quarters ( involving FOUR ), the results are and 3412/4 and 1432/4 . The numerators, 1432 and 3412, each contain the first FOUR digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, of our counting system.
What is the significance of the number FOUR? It is the number of subsidiary rays in white light. ( I believe it is also the ' soul ' number in animal &human. The perfect ' heavenly ' soul is 7 or 1, like white light ).
Coincidental or not, when the sum of the two forms of light, 37 & 47, are multiplied by six ( sides of a hexagon ) the result is 504. Recall 5040 has special factors ( 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 or 7x8x9x10 = 5040 ).
And when the sum of Mars' 58 and light's 74 are multiplied by 6, the result is 792. 7920 miles is Earth's diameter.
Factor TEN is evident needed to scale 504 & 792.
The Pentagon When two Mars 58/37 and one light 74/47 are interlocked a pentagon can be constructed as shown. ( I have omitted calculations ).
The number 18 appears in the green triangle as well as 41.
The perimeter of the pentagon is 272 ( 16 x 17 ). For the isosceles triangle ABC of sides 41, 47, 47, it is 132 ( 12 x 13 ).
The height, perpendicular distance to its 41 base is 22.7.
Now consider the rectangular part of the above diagram :
A 74/47 triangle is drawn within, forming a trapezium which contains Mars & Earth numbers 58 & 11, light 37 and number 60. Their sum ( 58 + 37 + 11 + 60 ) is 166.
Now the sum of the two light numbers 37 & 47 and planets 58 ( Mars ) & 11 ( Earth ) is 153.
Number 153 is a special one because it is the sum of the first 17 consecutive numbers of our counting system:
The Giza pyramid group/trio The cross sectional diagrams show dimensions in 'feet'.
Mars/Earth triangles
The 'projection' of '47' from Mars becomes '7' and a 'lost' 4 when it reaches Earth. Later it returns to Mars as '17' as '37' for permanence or '47' for regeneration.
Numbers 7, 17, 37, 47 and 34 relate to light structure, where here 3 plus 4 indeed makes 7. And spirit.
Light can also be denoted by 31 and its reflection 13 comprise the number 3113. 3113 = ELEVEN x 283, whilst 1331 = ELEVEN x ELEVEN x ELEVEN ( Earth number ).
click to go to index.
Created August 2006
The fact that these three pyramids are awash with simple mathematical relationships, confirms an intimate alliance.
The dimensions of Mycerinus is based on the mathematical constant pi, like the Great pyramid, because ( 2 x base ) divided by height equals pi.
Pyramids similar to the Great pyramid have a height to base ratio of 7 to 11.
There is a mathematical relationship between Mycerinus and Chephren whereby 710 ( Chephren ) divided by pi equals 226 ( the height of Mycerinus ).
Even 710 is so very closely associated with '711', the combination of height ( 7 ) and base values ( 11 ) for pyramids similar to the Great one. Both 711 and 227 are indicative of pi ( 22 / 7 ).
The Great pyramid is incomplete or uncapped, since it does not rise fully to a normal pointed apex ( at about 484 feet ). Instead it stops 30 feet lower at a square plateau, which measures about 47.1 by 47.1 feet.
The cap closely approximates to 47 base x 30 vertical height x 38 feet slant height. These dimensions convert to 0.0089 ( 0.0089015 ), 0.00568 ( 0.0056818 ) and 0.0072 ( 0.007196 ) mile.
Numbers 89, 72 and 568, ignoring the decimal points.
Notice the solar factor, 72, and its reiteration in 89, for 8 x 9 =72. The number 568 factorises into 71 x 8 ( LIGHT and MESSIAH ), whilst its reflection, 865 equals 173 x 5 ( LIGHT and '5' )
This is also equal to the number of fish that Jesus caught : in the Bible, verse 11 of chapter 21 involves the disciples netting 153 fish; "and dragged the net to land, full of big fish, a hundred & fifty-three of them..". This occurs when Jesus "materialises" himself to his disciples, demonstrating Life-after-death. 153 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +........................+ 17 153 = 9 x 17
The number 17 is obviously implicated here.
17 is a special number involving "light", its fadic value 8, the "Jesus number" and "perfection/purification 7".
Number 17 was assigned to the ancient Mayan god C'Haban ( "he who transforms from human to a god when he shakes off the ash clinging to him from the material world" ).
In our diagram, the sum 166 = 153 + 13
13 ( TRINITY ) like 17 relates to light.
We could say that the 74/47 triangle depicts time as well as light because its perimeter 47 + 47 + 74 is 168. 168 = 7 x 24. 7 depicts light and 1 week; 24 hours is 1 day.
Mycerinus, Chephren and Cheops ( Great ) are a most significant trio of pyramids built circa 2500 BC, in the Giza region of Egypt.
Its perimeter is ( 2 x 58 ) + ( 4 x 41 ) = 280 or 2 x 140. The length of the base of a blue triangle, of which there are four is 41; ( its height is 42 ). Angles are 76 & 104 degrees. The number FOUR is prominent.
The number 41 is contained in the hexagon formed by the interlocking of 74/47 and 58/37 triangles.
It relates to the four subsidiary rays in white light.
The following picture using the three major Giza pyramids can be constructed. Notice that: 1- ' 471 ' is contained in both the vertical and horizontal. 2- There is also a factor of 10, ( 471 = 10 x 47.1 ). 3- it is possible to site exactly FOUR Mycerinus pyramids on the upturned base of the Chephren one.
The hexagon is built using cross sections of pyramids of Mars ( 58 ) and the Great pyramid cap ( 47 )
The ( white ) triangle needed to complete the hexagon has a base length of 18, whilst its height is 37 ( the height of Mars' ). A prominent number here is EIGHT ( the Messiah number ) whilst 37 depicts LIGHT .
Again FOUR is evident ( four pyramid caps linked to Mars ).
The diameter contains the Earth divine number 11. 87 equals 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 or 3 to power 4 ( 3 & 4 are numbers which relate to spectrum ).
174 is the reflection of number 471, present in Chephren & Great pyramids.
Even 174/7 is a reflection of 471/1, since 1 & 7 have an equivalence in light….
White light is comprised of 7 spectral rays.
4 Mycerinus pyramids would fit exactly on the upturned base of Chephren. 4 x a Mycerinus height 227 feet = 908. 908 divided by pi = 289.
AND!! 289 = 17 x 17 ( LIGHT ! )
Indications are that Earth & Mars are intimately connected.
The original Knights Templar knew about the relationship…. Click to read
Triangular sections of the pyramids, 484 by 760 and 7 by 11 are said to be
SIMILAR because 484/760 equals 7/11.
Now 7 x 24 x pi = 527.788 ( 528 ! ) 7 days = 1 week. 24 hours = 1 day.
Cleverly hidden here is combination of space & time values:
' circular time = linear space '.
15 is the relationship between 7920, the mile-diameter of the Earth, and 528, one tenth of Imperial mile in feet
Earth's diameter is 11 x the solar factor 720 making 7920 miles. The pentagon also contains the solar factor since its angles are 72 & 108.
We have seen that 11 cubits = 198 inches, and that 720, the solar factor 720 enables us to calculate Earth's diameter.
The result of 198 x 720 is 142,560 or more notably 144,000 minus 1440, because 1440 minutes equal 24 hours = 1 day. 144,000 minutes = 100 days.
It seems that 198 ( length ) has some correlation with ( time ) 99 days ( 100 minus 1 ), reiterated by the 99 ( inches ) revealed above.
Significant is the fact that the Earth diameter 7920 ( space ) divided by 1440 ( time ) equals 5.5.
In conclusion it seems that 11 and 55 are space and time values for Earth.
198 and 99 will correspond with some other object ( unknown at present ). Or else the use of these units demonstrates existence as space and time objects.
99 days approximates very closely to 0.271 year or ( 27 x 10.037 ) divided by 10, where 37 depicts light and 10 is Creator number.
27 and 37 have a remarkable relationship: 37 divided by 27 equals 1.37 037 037…. 137 037 is similar to 10 037
137 like 10 is the 'basis' of Creation.
For much much more on 137 - the Fundamental number of Nature or Creation. click here to visit.
Carbon's divine number is 694 or 2 x 347. Wow!! 347, like 137, is another depiction of light structure. Not only that, but 347 is also divine distance between Earth and its orbiting Moon.
137 can also be found in the Great pyramid.
The 1953 edition of Pears Encyclopedia gives 1 cubit equals 18 inches.
The Sun and its planets have divine numbers, ( explained shortly ), which relate to their diameters ( in miles ) can be calculated: Sun = 12, Moon = 3, Earth = 11.
A correlation also exists between these divine values and Imperial linear units: 22 yards ( 4 rods ) = 66 feet = 792 inches.
Conversion: 22 x ( 3 )Moon = 66 x ( 12 ) Sun = 792 inches. 792 ( miles ) x ( 10 ) another divine number = 7920 miles ( diameter of Earth ). It seems that linear units of measurement, at some time, were based on the Earth diameter and solar divine numbers.
Earth divine 11 ( in cubits ) = 11 x 18 = 198 inches. 198 inches divided by Sun ( 12 ) = 16.5 feet. 16.5 feet divided by Moon ( 3 ) = 5.5 yards ( one rod )….. we arrive at 5.5, which is HALF of 11.
Earth in fact has two divine numbers corresponding to it as an object in space and time: s-11 and t-55 or just 11 & 55.
The ancient sites around the world are very precisely positioned on a global coordinate system (grid) in relation to the position of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The positions of the sites are given in the geometry of their construction. A very ancient system of numbers was used in the system. The Code system is quite like the cartographic system still used today . . . which was probably handed down to us from very ancient times. In both the old and new reckoning systems, the earth is divided into 360 degrees around the equator for longitude coordinates, and latitude coordinates are reckoned at 90 degrees, from the equator to either Pole. Each degree is further divided into 60 "minutes," and each minute is divided into 60 "seconds." Thus, by giving the degrees, minutes, and seconds of East or West longitude and same for the North or South latitude, we can "locate" any point on the earth, similar to the way we give two street addresses to locate a place in our cities and towns. The big difference between the two systems is that today we use Greenwich, England as the starting point (zero degrees), or "Prime Meridian," for the longitude coordinates, whereas the ancients used the Great Pyramid of Giza. DELIVERED THROUGH THE PYRAMID CODEX IN NEARLY THE EXACT METHODOLOGY THEY USED IN KEYING THE EARTH'S EQUATORIAL CIRCUMFERENCE TO THE CUBE ROOT OF DOUBLE-PI when they built the Great Pyramid at Giza are the same ones preserved in eastern metrology and western calendrical computing; square roots and tangents - all keyed to the terrestrial speed of light. "Someone back there had it all; maps of enviable accuracy, a complete knowledge of every inch of our planet, a thorough understanding of mathematics and, yes, even calculators and computers we take for granted today - because without such tools, they could never have put it all together. Why do I say that? Because the U.S. Geological Survey advises me that they have the only computer in the United States which is programmed to calculate accurate distances between widely separated points anywhere on the planet - which means - that before the ancients could have marked out the pyramid grid system, they required a computer of the same caliber!!" Carl Munck The great accuracy of The Code holds true only with the latest satellite mapping coordinates. Carl says the plates of the earth have shifted a bit since some of the sites were built. Since, "The Code" shows accuracy within yards, the question is, "How did the ancients know how to do this." He thinks it is like a time-capsule, because it could have never been figured it out until now. Many years ago, the ancient sites were not located at the same coordinates where we find them today; so, whoever devised "The Code" must have known where the sites would be located in the future.
from: 153 Music, Stonehenge and The Great Pyramid by James Furia
D# = 152.89924 cycles per second, the augmented 4th from its root "A." This interval was outlawed a few hundred years ago. Divide by pi = the radius of the inner circle of Stonehenge. Multiplied by pi = height of the Great Pyramid. Also, this note is extremely close to the number 153, an ancient Pythagorean story problem that "The Code" has solved. Found in The Bible, John Chap 21, Jesus returns from the dead and mentions this highly significant number to some of the apostles. What was discovered recently is that the entrance to the Great Pyramid is at the 17th course (level) 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153 17 X 9 (total pyramids at the Giza complex) = 153 204 (total courses of stone on the Great Pyramid) / 1.3333333(a 4th in music intervals) = 153 360 feet up the Great Pyramid is the 153rd course The length of the grand gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 153 feet 153 + 513 = 666 6 x 6 x 6 = 216(new standard) 315 + 351 = 666 2160 miles is the diameter of the moon 135 + 531 = 666 (not the devil but astronomy) 1 and 5 and 3 are the degrees in a scale used to make a chord
The Great Ballcourt at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan (above) is 545 feet long and 225 feet wide, with walls on each side 30 feet high and 120 feet apart. Theoretically, the structure should have had poor acoustics, but as every visitor to Chichen knows, it possesses amazing acoustic properties. It has no vault, no continuity between the walls and is totally open to the sky. Each end has a raised temple area. A whisper from one end can be heard clearly at the other end 500 feet away and through the length and breadth of the court. Sound waves are unaffected by wind direction or time of day or night.
from: The Message of the Sphinx, by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval (pages 37, 38):
"Also 'almost impossible', since the mathematical value opi (3.14) is not supposed to have been calculated by any civilization until the Greeks stumbled upon it in the third century BC, is the fact the designed height of the Great Pyramid - 481.3949 feet - bears the same relationship to its base perimeter (3023.16 feet) as does the circumference of any circle to its radius. Equally 'impossible' - at any rate for a people like the ancient Egyptians who are supposed to have known nothing about the true shape and size of our planet - is the relationship, in a scale of 1 : 43,200, that exists between the dimensions of the Pyramid and the dimensions of the earth. Setting aside for the moment the question of whether we are dealing with coincidence here, it is a simple fact, verifiable on any pocket calculator, that if you take the monument's original height (481.3949 feet) and multiply it by 43,200 you get a quotient of 3938.685 miles. This is an underestimate by just 11 miles of the true figure for the polar radius of the earth (3949 miles) worked out by the best modern methods. Likewise, if you take the monument's perimeter at the base (3023.16 feet) and multiply this figure by 43,200 then you get 24,734.94 miles - a result that is within 170 miles of the true equatorial circumference of the earth (24,902 miles). Moreover, although 170 miles sounds quite a lot, it amounts, in relation to the earth's total circumference, to a minus-error of only three quarters of a single per cent."
Other points in the matrix Egypt's El Kula Pyramid (at 36), its Bent Pyramid of Seneferu (180), the Druid Mound in Massachusetts (180), the earthen ideogram ("Fort") at Newark Ohio (2160), the Temple of the Atlantes at Tula in Mexico (2880), Giza's Sphinx (5400), Georgia's Kolomoki Mound* (7200), Ohio's Seip Mound (8640), Mississipi's Emerald Mound and the Red Pyramid of Seneferu at Dahshur (10,800), the ideogram at Franklin Ohio (16,200), the Great Triangle drawn on the Plains of Nazca in Peru (17,280), Germany's Go-Low Earthcircle near Bonn (27,000), the "EYE" on the mile-long "FACE" at Poverty Point, Louisiana (32,400), the Oregon Vortex (48,600), MANOS, another drawing on Nazca's Plains, Peru (64,800), North Bimini's Shark Mound and the Pyramid of the Magicians at Uxmal (129,600) - ALL OF WHICH ARE DIVISIBLE BY 360! *Kolomoki Mounds State Historic Park (photo left) is an important archaeological site as well as a scenic recreational area. The seven earthen mounds within the park were built between 350 AD and 750 AD by prehistoric Woodland Period Native American cultures identified by archaeologists as Swift Creek (Kolomoki) and Weeden Island Indian cultures. The mounds include what may be Georgia's oldest great temple mound, two burial mounds and four other ceremonial mounds. The pyramids of the ancient world were left to serve as "time capsules" of knowledge, not merely the funerary monuments that history thinks them to be. (We have never found the remains of any ancient monarch in ANY of Egypt's pyramids.) These architects knew the world every bit as well as we do, but the language they used to explain it encompassed no writing. Instead they used the common language of the universe, the writing of Creation itself: Mathematics. Then, in order to express it in recognizable terms, maps were employed. One might easily ask, if knowledge was conveyed by pyramids, why hasn't archaeology or Egyptology found and reported it? Because archaeology doesn't look for knowledge and never has. Its representatives have all been preconditioned to the idea that anything prior to the Phoenician times was strictly Stone Age. Nothing back there but ignorance, hence, these disciplines content themselves with the gathering of ancient personal objects for our many museums. As the ancients were stupid, why waste time looking for anything higher? Even worse, they don't know the "language" of the pyramids: math, maps and form. The only questions they ask of pyramids is who built them, when and how. Primitive concepts applied to ancient genius. They should have asked why they are WHERE they are, and built the way they were. But, it has never occurred to them. Contrary to popular belief, we do not live in a New World. We live in a very ancient codified world, a global encyclopedia every page of which is represented by an ancient pyramid, mound, effigy, stone and earthworks.
No one knows for sure who built the Great Pyramid, but several theories have been ... The 153 steps in the pyramid match the 153 fishes gathered in John 21: 11, ...
The Great Pyramid measurements dimensions and symbolism. ... [11:153] Radius of the Earth: The curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly ...
11/1/2010 - There have been many theories about the 153 fishes caught in the net mentioned in the ... 360 feet up the Great Pyramid is the 153 rd course.
20/6/2011 - The number 153 appears elsewhere as well. The length of the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid of Egypt is 153 feet; the square root of 153 is ...
Secret Numbers in Egyptian Great Pyramid - Units of Measurement and pi, phi, ... Number 153 is a special one because it is the sum of the first 17 consecutive ...
References about number 153 can be found in the New Testament, where in the net Simon Peter drew from the Sea of Tiberias held 153 fishes. Some of the interesting properties of number 153 published in [1] are:
Curious properties of number 153:
It is the smallest number which can be expressed as the sum of cubes of its digits:
153 = 13 + 53 + 33
It is equal to the sum of factorials of number from 1 to 5:
153 = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5!
The sum of digits of 153 is a perfect square:
1 + 5 + 3 = 9 = 32
The sum of aliquot divisors of 153 is also a perfect square:
1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 = 81 = 92
Aliquot divisors of a number are all the divisors of that number excluding the number itself but including 1. It is seen that the sum of aliquot divisors of 153 is the square of the sum of the digits of 153.
On adding the number 153 to its reverse,504 is obtained, whose square is the smallest square which can be expressed as the product of two different non-square numbers which are reverse of one another:
153 + 351 = 504
5042 = 288 x 882
It can be expressed as the sum of all integers from 1 to 17. In other words, 153 is the 17th triangular number. Since reverse of 153, i.e. 351 is also a triangular number, 153 can be termed as a reversible triangular number.
Number 153 is also a Harshad number(also called Niven number), i.e. it is divisible by the sum of its own digits:
153 / (1 + 5 + 3) = 17
Since reverse of 153, i.e. 351 is also a Harshad number(or Niven Number), 153 can be termed as a reversible Harshad number(or reversible Niven Number).
It can be expressed as the product of two numbers formed from its own digits:
153 = 3 * 51
Note that the digits used in multipliers are same as in product.
The number 135, which is formed by rearranging the digits of 153, can be expressed as:
135 = 11 + 32 + 53
The sum of all divisors of 153 is 234.
1 + 3 + 9 + 17 + 51 + 153 = 234
The product of aliquot divisors of 153 is 23409:
1 * 3 * 9 * 17 * 51 = 23409
Note that the product of aliquot divisors of 153 contain the sum of all divisors of 153 juxtaposed:
23409 = 234:09
234 = Sum of all divisors of 153
09 = Square root of the sum of aliquot divisors of 153.
When the cubes of the digits of any number, that is, a multiple of 3 are added, and then this process is repeated, the final result is 153, where the process ends because 153 = 13 + 53 + 33
For example: Take the number 108
13 + 03 + 83 = 513 and 53 + 13 + 33 = 153
So, the number 108 reaches 153 in two cycles and it can be represented as
A detailed study of all numbers up to 105reveals that all numbers which are multiple of 3 and are less than 105 reach 153 (after the repeated process of summing the cubes of digits is done) in maximum 14 cycles. However, maximum 13 cycles is required for all numbers, which are multiple of 3 and are less than 10,000.
The smallest number, which requires 13 cycles to reach 153, is 177, i.e.,
Table 1 indicates the smallest numbers, which reach 153 in cycles from 1 to 14.
No. of cycles
Smallest number
It may be noted that the smallest number to reach 153 in 15 cycles will be more than 1019. Can you find it?
Some New Observations on number 153:
The smallest number to reach 153 in 16 cycles will be more than 1061042524005486968, so not advisable to try it. But you can certainly try to find the smallest number reaching 153 in 15 cycles and check your answer by clicking here.
10 + 51 + 32 = 1 * 5 * 3
If p(x) represents the number of primes up to x, then the following holds good:
p (153) = p (15) * 3!
For a beautiful fascinating observation in reciprocal of 153 by Patrick De Geest, click here.
10 + 51 + 32 = 15
11 + 52 + 33 = 53
153153 is the smallest odd abundant number ending in 3.(added on 31-12-2001)
153153, 351351, 513513 are all odd abundant numbers.(added on 31-12-2001)
One of our books of sacred writings is titled The Hidden Words. It is a collection of short meditations, divided into two sections. The first section contains 71 items that were revealed in Arabic; the second section of 82 items was revealed in Persian (Farsi). I think you see my point already..... 71 + 82 = 153. I have often told my fellow believers about this connection between math and our Faith's literature. They are always quite impressed, to say the least.(Sent by Terry Trotter by email dt 25th Dec, 2001)
Let us say 153 increasingly from left to right:
1, 15, 153
We find that 115153 is prime?(Sent by G.L.Honaker,Jr. by email dt 3rd Feb, 2002)
The square root of 153 (i.e. 12.369) is the amount of full moons in one year. (Sent by James Furia by email dt 16th June, 2009)
The length of the grand gallery inside the Great Pyramid is 153 feet. (Sent by James Furia by email dt 16th June, 2009)
Binary presentation i.e. 10011001 and hexadecimal presentation i.e. 99 of 153 are palindromes. (Sent by Lauri.Kukko@ilkka-yhtyma.fi by email dt 29th May, 2010)
Within the Great Pyramid, from the King's Chamber floor up to the summit platform there are 153 courses of masonry (From the Pyramidology Book #1 by Adam Rutherford). (Sent by Joe Biddy by email dt 1st October, 2010)
(11 + 55 + 33) mod 1000 = 153(Sent by M Sihabudin, from Indonesia)
If you add the highest and lowest number from these six 135 + 531 153 + 513 315 + 351 you will get 666 - an important number in the book of revelation.(Sent by Bjorn Jonasson from Sweden by email dated 01 Jul 2011)
153 is the smallest number k, such k4could be split into two primes in two different ways: 1534 = 547981281 and 547981281 can be split into : 5479 , 81281 and 5 , 47981281 (Sent by Claudio Meller by email dated 26 May, 2012)
There are 153 days in any five consecutive months not containing February.
cos513 = cos(360+153) = cos153 (Sent by LEONIDAS PATSURAKOS by email dated 6 Sept, 2013)
If you find any new and interesting observation about 153, please email me.
En el templo mortuorio de Micerinos hay bloques de 200 toneladas. En el techo de la cámara del Rey de la Gran Pirámide las hay de 50 toneladas. La media de los bloques de la Gran Pirámide es de 2,5 toneladas, habiendo bloques de 20 a 30 toneladas. Todos estos bloques están unidos sin cemento.
Los constructores adosaban los bloques unos a otros sin dejar separación entre ellos . Ni siquiera una junta de afeitar penetra entre las juntas.
Veamos unos cálculos:
Si tan milagrosos obreros hubieran colocado cada día, trabajando a destajo, 10 bloques ingentes, cosa realmente portentosa, habrían necesitado aproximadamente 250.000 días, o sea 664 años para darle a la pirámide su forma, o sea para darles una forma geométrica a los 2,5 millones de bloques. Y esto sin olvidar que la obra se debió a la inspiración de un faraón caprichoso de ningún modo pudo ver terminado el monumento,¡puesto que nadie puede vivir 664 años!.
¿Quién puede creer, además, que la finalidad de tan enormes monumentos no tuvieran otra finalidad que albergar la momia de un rey megalómano? ¿Acaso todos los símbolos matemáticos y astronómicos, incluso admitiendo levísimos errores, pueden atribuirse a la casualidad?
Interior de la pirámide de Kefrén.
Desde su entrada comienza un pasillo descendente, varios metros mas abajo se vuelve horizontal, para posteriormente subir hasta la cámara del sarcófago. Y es en este lugar donde los arquitectos de la pirámide decidieron colocar una exclusa para obstruir el pasaje. Una roca de granito de 3 toneladas de peso. Si los bloques eran elevados por rampas a base de fuerza muscular ¿Cómo pudo ser elevado ese bloque a la oquedad para que posteriormente bajara y obstruyera el pasillo, en un espacio donde no caben más de 6 personas?
Petrie dedujo a raíz de esta prueba y de otras mas asombrosas que los antiguos egipcios debieron de poseer máquinas muy eficientes.
Estatua de Kefren de diorita
Otra prueba inapelable de tecnología avanzada es la estatua de Kefren construida de una pieza en Diorita. La diorita no puede ser ni siquiera perforada hoy día con una taladradora eléctrica con una broca de dureza 11. Según los egiptólogos fueron hechas por herramientas de cobre, que fueron las que supuestamente se utilizaron en la época de las pirámides. Una herramienta de cobre no le podría hacer ni un rasguño a un bloque de la dureza de la diorita. Los arqueólogos confunden la ausencia de pruebas con la inexistencia de tecnología.
Fig 5. Estatua de Kefrén
El sarcófago de Keops
En el que se ha venido a llamar sarcófago de Keops de la Gran Pirámide (aunque los egiptólogos no encontraron ningún resto humano), los desniveles de la superficie serradas son del orden de mm. El serruchado del sarcófago de Keops debe considerarse como una obra maestra en la materia.
Fig 6. Sarcófago de Keops
En un pasaje de Aristóteles, al comienzo de su metafísica dice: “las matemáticas fueron inventadas en Egipto, porque la casta de los sacerdotes, en dicho país, disfrutaba de un gran solaz”.
Lyndon LaRouche describió hace poco a la Grecia clásica como la “hija de Egipto”. Los grandes personajes del siglo 6 a.C. – Solón, Tales y Pitágoras- eran, en efecto, los hijos de Egipto, pues todos y cada uno de ellos viajó a Egipto y estudió con los sacerdotes astrónomos y geómetras egipcios. A través de ellos, y de otros, Egipto transmitió una ciencia; un método para conocer el universo que alcanzó su cumbre actual en los trabajos de Carl Gauss, Bernhard Riemann y Lyndon LaRouche. No obstante, los historiadores modernos de la ciencia han rechazado de forma universal el papel de Egipto en relación a la ciencia, la astronomía y las matemáticas, como muestran los siguientes ejemplos:
“Al ver el conjunto de las matemáticas egipcias, uno no puede escapar al sentimiento de decepción por el nivel matemático general… Las matemáticas babilónicas… aportaron una base para las matemáticas griegas… No necesitamos establecer una hipótesis sobre una matemática superior egipcia perdida”. - B.L. Van der Waerdan; Science Awakening (Noordhoff, 1954).
Tampoco encontraremos en los escritos antiguos disponibles muchas pruebas literarias del papel de Egipto en esas esferas. Sólo se han descubierto unos cuantos papiros con escritos matemáticos científicos, la mayoría de la época del Imperio medio de Egipto (2000 – 1800 a.c.), y ninguno de la gran era de las pirámides del Imperio antiguo. De Pitágoras, la figura central en esta transmisión de ideas, no queda ningún escrito, ni tampoco de ningún otro pitagórico de su generación. Pero si miras con tus sentidos y con tu intelecto, las pruebas son abundantes.
Desde el siglo XIX se descubrieron las relaciones de la gran pirámide con los números pi (П= 3,1416…) y phi (φ=1,618…),
La base de la Gran Pirámide es un cuadrado de 23o metros de lado (b= 230,
r=h=146, 347).
Fig 7 . Cuadratura del círculo
El perímetro de la base de la Gran Pirámide es el mismo que el de la circunferencia dada, tomando como radio la altura de ésta, o, lo que es lo mismo, dividiendo el perímetro de la base de la Gran Pirámide por el doble de la altura obtenemos el número Pi.
El perímetro total de la base de la Gran Pirámide p= 23o x 4= 920 metros
Perímetro de la circunferencia 2Пr= 2x(3,1416)x(146,347)= 919,20 metros
Si dividimos el perímetro por dos veces la altura=
(920m / 2h)= 3,1432= П.
Fig 8. Cubatura de la esfera
La Gran Pirámide no sólo determina la cuadratura del círculo, sino que también determina la “cubatura” de la esfera. Algo extraordinario, aunque arqueólogos y matemáticos se empeñen en decir obcecadamente que “en la pirámide no hay ningún asunto de números”.
Imaginemos un cubo, la longitud de cuya arista sea de 2 unidades. Dicho cubo puede dividirse en 6 pirámides cuya altura h sería de 1 unidad, como se muestra en la figura 16. Si adoptamos un sistema de medida tal que la longitud de un lado de la Gran Pirámide fuese de 2 unidades, entonces la altura h no sería igual a 1 unidad, sino a la raiz cuadrada de PHI unidades. Ello indica que la altura de la Gran Pirámide fue elegida para representar la geometría dinámica; ahora bien, por otra parte la forma de pirámide implica directamente la geometría estática. El suelo de la cámara del Rey tiene forma de Rectángulo Aúreo perfecto, por lo que suministra toda la información necesaria para construir la serie Fibonacci y la espiral logarítmica. Dicha espiral logarítmica es una función de PHI y, por tanto, una de las figuras fundamentales de la geometría dinámica. En la figura a continuación se muestra la construcción de la espiral logarítmica.
Fig 10. Espiral logarítmica
Fig 11. Concha nautilus con espiral logarítmica
Fig 12. Galaxias en espiral logarítmica
Los procesos de la vida y la muerte son comunes en todo el Universo. Considero el nacimiento como una transición de la geometría estática a la dinámica e, inversamente, la muerte como el paso de la geometría dinámica a la estática. Una esfera perfecta como nuestro Sol, muere agotando su radiación hasta convertirse de nuevo en un cubo estático. El Sol fue creado al enfocarse la energía de las caras del cubo estático convergiendo sobre el punto central del mismo. Esta idea es contraria a la noción moderna de Sumidero Negro, pues la existencia de tal punto singular implica que pudiese existir una masa de alta densidad que no se dilatase hasta volver al estado gaseoso. Conviene subrayar aquí que aún no ha sido posible observar ningún agujero negro; según mi hipótesis, tal cosa no existe y por tanto no será descubierta jamás. La noción del Agujero Negro es consecuencia de un fallo en los postulados de la moderna física geométrica. La masa de una estrella, al crearse(por proyección o radiación electromagnética) partiendo de la geometría estática, debe retornar integramente a ella (por gravedad). La forma de la Gran Pirámide expresa la concentración de la materia desde un estado gaseoso (base de la pirámide) hasta el estado sólido (cúspide de la pirámide) por un proceso de <>. Ello implica la necesidad de una fuerza causante de esa concentración, fuerza que podría ser análoga a la capacidad de concentrarse en un punto que caracteriza a la <>.
La física moderna intenta demostrar que toda física deriva de la geometría pura. No estoy de acuerdo con este concepto, pues considero que la geometría es sólo la <> del espacio, y que la <> se aloja en esa estructura. El fenómeno de la resonancia discreta, presente en toda la física atómica, parece ser una consecuencia de la acción de las ondas lumínicas sobre la geometría del espacio. Debería ser posible describir el movimiento de la luz por medio de la geometría dinámica, y las cavidades dentro de las cuales se produce la resonancia de la luz, por medio de la geometría estática.
De una parte, el hecho de que la Gran Pirámide fuese eregida de modo que implicase << la cuadratura del círculo>> o bien la <>, para mi significa que los antiguos intentaban decirnos que la forma estática puede transformarse en forma dinámica. Así pues la pirámide se asimila fácilmente a un cono, y análogamente el cubo puede asimilarse a una esfera.
El cono es una representación perfecta de la concentración dinámica de la energía. Esto implica que la forma cónica guarda alguna relación aún no precisada con la Creación. Por otra parte, la espiral logarítmica da una sensación de <> hacia fuera. Por tanto, supongo que está relacionada con la transición del estado geométrico dinámico al estado geométrico estático.
Otro aspecto interesante puede ponerse de manifiesto al considerar el volumen de la Gran Pirámide, siempre en un sistema de medida tal que el lado de la pirámide sea igual a 2 unidades. Un cubo cuya arista mida 2 unidades tendra un Volumen de 8 unidades cúbicas. Vamos a suponer que cada unidad cúbica contiene 8 unidades de energía; podemos decir entonces que el cubo cuyo volumen es de 8 unidades cúbicas contiene 8 unidades de energía. El volumen de la Gran Pirámide de Egipto, tomado 6 veces, contiene 8 veces la raiz cuadrada de PHI unidades de volumen; por tanto puede representar 8 veces la raíz cuadrada de PHI unidades de energía. Esto representa que la pirámide representa más energía de la necesaría para sostener el cubo asociado; como ello implica un remanente de energía contenida en dicho cubo, supondremos que se trata de energía lumínica.
Por el principio de Newton sabemos que a cada acción le corresponde una reacción de magnitud igual y de signo opuesto. Dicho en otros términos, en presencia de una carga positiva debe estar implícitamente presente una carga negativa, aunque no esté presente físicamente. Por tanto, mi hipótesis es que implícitamente existen una o varias antipirámides en presencia de la Gran Pirámide. Dada su asimetría, la Pirámide admite 2 direcciones de proyección imaginaria: una en sentido de la cúspide, que consideramos representa la creación material, y otra hacia la base, que para nosotros representará la destrucción. La pirámide anti-destrucción tiene la base común con la pirámide real y se sitúa bajo tierra. La pirámide anti-construcción tiene la cúspide común con la real y se sitúa verticalmente sobre ésta. La acción conjunta de las pirámides de destrucción y anti-destrucción da lugar a la dilatación y muerte de lo creado. La destrucción y la construcción actúan cíclicamente en interacción.
Fig 13. Pirámide y antipirámide
Fig 14. Pirámide y antipirámide del Museo del Louvre.
Otra teoría interesante es la Teoría Cronológica de Nikolai Zozyrev sobre la Gran Pirámide de Egipto. La piedra angular de dicha teoría del tiempo es la asimetría, y está se halla representada en la Gran Pirámide por el número PHI. La espiral logarítmica es una estructura asimétrica. Cuando un sistema se encuentra en equilibrio perfecto, no es posible que aparezca en el seno del mismo ninguna acción. En la naturaleza una de las finalidades primarias de la asimetría es crear las condiciones necesarias para que se produzca el movimiento. De acuerdo con Kozyrev, el tiempo tiene la propiedad de disminuir la entropía de un sistema; no obstante, la acción del tiempo sobre un sistema es tan tenue que no puede detectarse dentro de los órdenes de magnitud que nos son familiares en física. Cuando la acción del tiempo sobre un sistema resulta sensible, los científicos la atribuyen a una anomalía del sistema. En la Gran Pirámide de Egipto, la acción del flujo del tiempo resulta amplificada por la forma de la pirámide, haciéndola capaz de conservar la materia orgánica. Flujo de tiempo y bioplasma no son sino términos distintos utilizados para describir la misma fuerza misteriosa que es responsable de la creación y subsistencia de todos los sistemas materiales. Según Kozyrev, el bioplasma tiene la propiedad de aumentar la energía de un sistema, pero no puede modificar el momento del mismo.< <>.
A partir de estas consideraciones, entendemos que el tiempo es sencillamente el aspecto geométrico del bioplasma, expresado en términos de geometría estática; mientras la concentración (intensificación de energía) es su aspecto dinámico, expresado a través de la geometría dinámica. La acción recíproca entre las geometrías dinámica y estática suscita los procesos de decadencia y muerte, al mismo tiempo que los de construcción y vida. En la figura 23 ilustramos el ciclo Vida-Muerte. Los planos estáticos contienen las causas de la Creación, mientras el punto focal materializa los efectos de la Creación. En otras palabras, todas las causas del Universo están implícitas en la geometría estática, mientras que todos los efectos se fundan en la geometría dinámica.
Es preciso que la ciencia moderna interprete la energía responsable de la Creación del Universo, a fin de resolver los problemas que aquélla tiene pendientes y que no admiten otra solución. Por ejemplo, no puede existir una Teoría del Campo Unificado del Universo si no se comprende aún la naturaleza del bioplasma. Un estudio completo y detallado de la Gran Pirámide por científicos que tengan bien presente la noción de bioplasma podría arrojar algo de luz sobre nuestra ignorancia presente.
So let's back to the SUN, which is always symbolic of the Son … Jesus as he is the Light Giver. For similarly and in conjunction, the Sun is 864,000 miles in ...
Ground-based telescopes show that the five-minute oscillations of the Sun are composed of superposed oscillation .... The diameter of the Sun is 864,000 miles.
What confirmation do you have that the Sun's diameter is 864,000 miles? There are many sites that purport the Sun's diameter in different measures ranging ...
The sun is a big star. At about 864,000 miles (1.4 million kilometers) wide, it could hold 109 planet Earths across its surface. If the sun were a hollow ball, more ...
Actual figures Round numbers Model figures Dist. from Sun to Earth 93,000,000 mi. Diam. of Sun 864,000 mi. Diam. of Earth 7,963 mi. Diam. of Moon 2,160 mi.
The following is courtesy of my friend, the brilliant Trudy Graham, with a very few editorial changes/additions by moi:
The metric system, which originated in France, became mandatory in 1795, was temporarily suspended by Napoleon in 1812, then reinstated by force in 1840. As pointed out by most advocates, it is a system that is useful due to the ease of calculating in a Base Ten/ decimal perspective and in a laboratory. That said, it is a system that relates to absolutely nothing in nature or in man. The number Six, Base Twelve, - and its inch, foot, and yard - does.
Here are a few reasons the numbers 6 and 12 are integral to our space and time.
SIX is the perfect number in that it is both the sum and the product of its factors - excluding itself: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6
SIX in Greek is the word signifying Cosmic Order
12 12
(6+6) x (6+6) x 6000 = 864,000 = Diameter of the Sun (miles)
6 x 6 x 60 = 2,160 = Diameter of the Moon
(6+6) x 660 = 7,920 = Diameter of the Earth
7,920" = 1 furlong (or 660')
7,920' = 1/2 league or 1.1/2 nautical miles
(1 nautical mile = 1 minute of latitude)
(and yes - Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues is the equivalent of 60,000 miles)
6 x 60 x 660 = 237,600 = Distance between Earth & Moon
66,600 mph = Earth's speed around the Sun
60 minutes = 1 hour
60 seconds = 1 minute
864,000 = seconds in a day
864,000 = a Hindu Yuga division
8,640,000,000 = 1 Day and 1 Night of Brahma
864 = the number of New Jerusalem in
derivative Christian sacred geometry
etc. etc. etc. with the 12 hides / 1,440 acres ... etc
And here's an interesting bit on comparative numbers:
31,680 feet = 6 miles
31,680 furlongs = Earth's radius
31,680 miles = Earth's square
316.80 feet = circumference of the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge
The pertinent number of Sumeria - 12,960,000 - has a square root of 3600 whose square root is 60 (the yin yang sum of equal and opposite degrees in 12 circle segments ...)... and includes the 500 Great Years of 25,920 solar years each, composed of 12 Platonic months of 2160 yrs each ( Chinese lunar calendar is based on 60 year cycles, 5 elements, 12 types) ... and so much more. (And all of the compound numbers cited in this bit reduce to 18 to 9 ... considered the trinity of trinities.)
The inter-relatedness of all things to all things is key - and it is numbers ... the harmonics of the spheres ... that knit elements together, communicated allegorically in religious texts (though the allegory is often what is retained and the message lost … with the various sects and "-isms" posturing/ fighting over words and doctrines and power - and missing meaning).
We seem to discover and rediscover, sometimes with, but often without, understanding of that which already exists. But then - "the eye sees what the eye brings means of seeing" ... you can only start to understand what you have begun to know.
Following Sumeria, the oldest calendar is from Egypt - starting in 4236 BC (because of Ra's influence, who came to be called the "sun god", Egypt went solar) (now year 6243); followed by the Jewish calendar (lunar) which began in Nipur in September of 3761 BC (now year 5768); the complex Mayan calendar (solar and lunar) starting in either 3372 or 3114 BC (and ending 12/22/ 2012 - supposedly the conclusion of the 5 cycles of man); the new Chinese calendar (lunar)- retained from 2637 BC (now year 4705); and the Julian calendar (solar) in which it is now year 2007.
Hopefully some of this will give you pause for thought --- beyond the established orthodoxies --- which Einstein referred to as but "a collection of prejudices fed to us with a porridge spoon before our 18th year".
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night:
For the Earth was already created on the third Day (Genesis 1: 9-13), whereas Jesus created the Sun, Moon and Stars on the fourth Day (SEE Jesus is the Creator and Six Days of Creation). Don€™t believe Genesis and its timeline, go back and study the first hyperlink given, or study biology, chemistry, history or any true science and all truths point to Creation not evolution, not luck and chance but Law and Order and REASON and HARMONY of all things together. Tired of hearing this scientific principle ... tough, run and hide your mind in the sand if you can€™t bear these mathematical truths and scientific truths. (SEE Evolution is a LIE )
So let€™s back to the SUN, which is always symbolic of the Son €¦ Jesus as he is the Light Giver. For similarly and in conjunction, the Sun is 864,000 miles in diameter and 93,000,000 miles away from us HERE on EARTH. Yet there it is again, did you see it €¦.. 864,000 miles in diameter is a multiple of 216, the divine number of cubes in a triple hexagon, or that cube of life we originally were talking about. The sun€™s diameter of 864,000 miles is (216 x 2) 432 times the diameter of the Moon's diameter of 2,160 miles. Right ? Right !! And amazingly, the Sun's distance of 93,000,000 miles from the Earth add its radius of 432,000 miles means it has also been placed 432 times the Moon's distance of 216,000 miles away from the Earth. 93,430,000/ 216,000 = 432 ...
You may not like to hear it again, but is this by coincidence or by design. For it is these very 216, 432 templates of distances and diameters which makes another one of the Lord€™s signs in the sky possible€¦. ECLIPSES of the MOON and SUN. Why is this possible because the Moon and the Sun are exactly the same size when viewed from the Earth. Therefore meaning the Moon going in front of the Sun during daylight hours means the Moons circumference exactly covers the Sun€™s circumference, so that we HERE only see the Sun€™s corolla. (Consider 100 PHI's in the Sky )
So when the Lord said, The Sun rules the day and the Moon the Night, there is much more an equality in His statement than we might have expected. For the Moon is not to be feared, but is simply the ruling light of the Lord€™s night. (Consider http: //www.geocities.com/davidjayjordan/Moon.html ) The Moon being shaped perfectly to reflect the Lord€™s Light of His Sun/Son. And it is for this reason, that the Hebrews were instructed by the Lord to use the phases of the Moon as their guideline in scheduling the harmonic Holy Days of the Lord. These being the festivals and holy-days that the Lord required His people to celebrate, in thanksgiving to Him as their Creator and Giver of Life. (SEE Woman's Birth's Co-relation with Holy Day Prophecy Timelines ) (And do realise that a woman's hormonal monthly cycles are effected by the MOON)
And so, don€™t be surprised to find out that the Moon€™s number is 216. Not by random selection and assignment but because of distances and diameters and even TIME itself. (Consider again Moon, Time and 216 )
For how many minutes are there in a day ? 24 x 60 = 1440. And then how many seconds are there in a day ? Well there would be 60 times as much, 24 x 60 x 60 = 864,000 seconds. Consequently in a half day, or half night at the equinox, there are 432,000 seconds of day in the Sun and then 432,000 seconds of night in the Moon. 432 being the common ratio, and it becoming more obvious, that the heavenly Body ruling our night being much more than a mere moon that branched off from a planet in an evolutionary spiral. NO, the Lord put the Moon there, to rule the night, and be a sign as it is in the perfect position at a ratio of 432, a perfect diameter in ratio of 432, and having equal time in the night sky at a ratio of 432.
Or as this website at .... which states Arithmetic Relating to the Number 432 In his many years of mythological studieds Joseph Campbell continually came across the number 432 in various catagories and forms {432,000, etc.}. This number was seen in different cultures throughout history, the only relationship being an innate commonality within the mind. Campbell explained this phenomenon as a 'collective' archetype, an inherent aspect within the human psyche, as well as nature as a whole. The following is a composition of various aspects and forms the number 432 takes, and the effects it has in our everyday lives. (End of excerpt)
Still don't believe that 432, and its octave below or half.. 216 has any divine significance. Well let's take the Lord's Temple called New Jerusalem which will come down to Earth after the Millinium. It being a PHI PYRAMID, stated to be a 1500 mile square at its base.
And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
But HERE in angelic terms or in heavenly measure, the units are in cubits, one cubit equaling 18inches...tip of finger to elbow, and spans which are half that distance..9 inches. Why, again simply because it is an intergrative spiritual measure which keeps reminding its used that the Lord created man, and that in His divine image and ratios called PHI. (Please take some time and now study PHI or the Golden Ratio to connect up the Universe with your body Study Golden Section, Phi Pyramids and your Body) And what was the other measure in, the angel carried a reed that was a FURLONG. But we know that a furlong was and is 660 feet long or 660 x 12 inches/foot meaning it is 7920 inches long. Does that ring any bells to you as you connect up the Solar System ? If not maybe it will soon.
As again, when we change 12,000 furlongs into feet it becomes 7,920,000 '.Ahhh, so this 792 number, might be a number you have come across before in your geographic studies. Right ? For the mean diameter of the Earth is 7,920 miles. If getting interested in how these numbers all combine together with the Earth, connect up with the Da Vinci and His Vitrius man in a squared circle, sacred geometry and then onto exact frequencies of 432....
Compared with the billions of other stars in the universe, the sun is unremarkable. But for Earth and the other planets that revolve around it, the sun is a powerful center of attention. It holds the solar system together; pours life-giving light, heat, and energy on Earth; and generates space weather.
The sun is a big star. At about 864,000 miles (1.4 million kilometers) wide, it could hold 109 planet Earths across its surface. If the sun were a hollow ball, more than a million Earths could stuff inside it. But the sun isn't hollow. It's filled with scorching hot gases that account for more than 99.8 percent of the total mass in the solar system. How hot? The temperature is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,500 degrees Celsius) on the surface and more than 28 million degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 million Celsius) at the core.
Deep in the sun's core, nuclear fusion reactions convert hydrogen to helium, which generates energy. Particles of light called photons carry this energy through the sun's spherical shell, called the radiative zone, to the top layer of the solar interior, the convection zone. There, boiling motions of gases (like in a lava lamp) transfer the energy to the surface. This journey takes more than a million years.
The sun's surface, or atmosphere, is divided into three regions: the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the solar corona. The photosphere is the visible surface of the sun and the lowest layer of the atmosphere. Just above the photosphere are the chromosphere and the corona, which also emit visible light but are only seen during a solar eclipse, when the moon passes between the Earth and sun.
Solar Wind and Flares
In addition to light, the sun radiates heat and a steady stream of charged particles known as the solar wind. The wind blows about 280 miles (450 kilometers) a second throughout the solar system. Every so often, a patch of particles will burst from the sun in a solar flare, which can disrupt satellite communications and knock out power on Earth. Flares usually stem from the activity of sunspots, cool regions of the photosphere related to a shifting magnetic field inside the sun.
Like many energy sources, the sun is not forever. It is already about 4.5 billion years old and has used up nearly half of the hydrogen in its core. The sun will continue to burn through the hydrogen for another five billion years or so, and then helium will become its primary fuel. The sun will expand to about a hundred times its current size, swallowing Earth and other planets. It will burn as a red giant for another billion years and then collapse into a white dwarf about the size of planet Earth.