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Message 1 de 108 de ce thème |
1. Génesis 8:22: Mientras la tierra permanezca, no CESARán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche.
2. Éxodo 5:4: Entonces el rey de Egipto les dijo: Moisés y Aarón, ¿por qué hacéis CESAR al pueblo de su trabajo? Volved a vuestras tareas.
3. Éxodo 5:5: Dijo también Faraón: He aquí el pueblo de la tierra es ahora mucho, y vosotros les hacéis CESAR de sus tareas.
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Message 4 de 108 de ce thème |
 Regards Nic I noticed a crop circle with a similar pattern its the Metatron Cube and the Hebrew Star of David  The Metatron's Cube part of this crop circle design has 18 cubes or 19 were the central one shown. the ratio 18:19 is that between the synodic periods of Saturn and Jupiter measured in units of three weeks or 21 days. This was not noted in Sacred Number because, by chapter 10, Metatron was one of the last elements tying up the root-three geometrical theme and the book was concluding with the City of New Jerusalem cube measuring 12,000 (feet) on each side.
An alternative view is the New Jerusalem pattern of John Michel, based upon canonical measures that divide by twelve around the perimeter, a perimeter that is then "squared" rather than a cube. Thus this crop circle strangely portrays two views of New Jerusalem, the canonical and the Metatronic. Were this the case then the precedent is that of a duality, a light and dark side, an outer and inner face of the same phenomenon. Rene Guenon especially remarks upon this in this book Lord of the World chapter 3 called Shekinah and Metatron in which he says
Although Mikaël is identified with Metatron, he represents only one aspect. Beside the luminous face, there is a dark face represented by Samaël, also known as Sarhaolam— in fact, it is this latter aspect, and it only, which symbolizes in a lower sense the 'spirit of the world', or the Princeps hujus mundi referred to in the Gospels. Samaël's relationship with Metatron, as the latter's shadow, so to say, justifies the use of the same title in a twofold sense as well as making it clear why the 'number of the beast', the apocalytic 666, is also a solar number.' To quote Saint Hippolytus in conclusion: 'The Messiah and the Anti-Christ both have the lion for their emblem', another solar symbol. The same remarks may be applied to the serpent and to many other symbols. From a Kabbalistic viewpoint, we have here the two opposite faces of Metatron; we need not go into the theories we might formulate on this double meaning of symbols, only noting that the confusion between the luminous and the dark aspects is what properly constitutes 'Satanism'. It is precisely this confusion that allows some, unintentionally and through simple ignorance (an excuse, not a justification), to believe that an infernal significance is to be found in the title 'Lord of the World'. [Let us further point out that the `Globe of the World', insignia of imperial power of universal monarchy, is frequently placed in the hand of Christ, which shows that he is the emblem of spiritual authority as well as of temporal power.]
Coombe Springs Press edition, 1983
Interestingly, the number 666 is also of astronomical significance. many years ago I looked at the motion of the Moon's orbit (apogee) viz the nodes of that orbit. I will make another entry on this but the two meet every six years and hence in 6 + 6 + 6 years = 18 years, the conditions are the same regarding the distance of the Moon and its nodes that generate eclipses. It so happens that this almost exactly matches the Saros period of 18.03 years which is why that period is the most reliable rule: "if there was an eclipse at such a moment, then 18 years hence, a similar one will almost certainly occur". The Saros is 19 eclipse years long (18:19 again) and there are 223 lunar months also in the same period.
In this way the design of the planetary environment seen from Earth contains key numbers that are quite small and are very significantly "chosen" to operate together. As I point out in Matrix of Creation, these numbers are a unique configuration within the field of number itself and form a "master class" in the behaviour of number itself, a theme that continues in Sacred Number. This led to the tradition of the Demiurge or craftsman god, called Smith.
AuthorRichard Heath | Comments Off | Share ArticleShare Article in Categorygeometry & geomancy
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Message 5 de 108 de ce thème |
The compass and square, the cornucopia, the triple tau, the cube, the hexagram, the winged-hourglass with scythe, and the 'Called from Labor' image: 
- The compass and square looks suspiciously like the Seal of Saturn.
- Cornucopia: "The cornucopia became the attribute of several Greek and Roman deities, particularly those associated with the harvest..." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornucopia
"In Athens, on the twelfth day of the Attic month of Hekatombaion, a festival called Kronia was held in honour of Cronus to celebrate the harvest, suggesting that, as a result of his association with the virtuous Golden Age, Cronus continued to preside as a patron of harvest. Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronus
- Hexagram: "The six-pointed star is commonly used both as a talisman and for conjuring spirits and spiritual forces in divers forms occult magic. In the book The History and Practice of Magic, Vol. 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn and it is also referred to as the Seal of Solomon. Details are given in this book on how to make these symbols and the materials to use." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagram
- The triple tau: "The Tau or Tav means “cross,” and is the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is numbered 300 in the Greek and 400 in the Hebrew numerical alphabet. The tau corresponds astrologically with the planet Saturn and the concept of finality. The mark was associated with the absolution of sin and may have been the original “mark of Cain” of the Old Testament." - http://symboldictionary.net/?p=2047
"Tav (Saturn) - Center or Holy of Holies." - Kevin Townley, The Cube of Space: Container of Creation, p. 20.
"[The Triple Tau] signifies also T. H., Templum Hierosolym, the Temple of Jerusalem, and when used as the Royal Arch symbol, some jurisdictions teach that the wearer acknowledges himself a servant of God." - http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/symbolism/triple_tau.html
"TEMPLUM HIEROSOLYMAE: Latin for the Temple of Jerusalem. It is supposed by some to be a phrase concealed under the monogram of the Triple Tau, which see. - Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry" - - http://www.masonicdictionary.com/templum.html

- The cube: "It takes 9 months for the gestation of a human fetus. It takes 9 years and 9 months for Saturn to complete 1/3 of its journey around the heavens. On the Tree of Life, the 9th sphere is the sphere of the Moon and is called "The Foundation." The Magic Square of Saturn is the foundation of the manifested universe and, hence, the Cube." - Kevin Townley, The Cube of Space: Container of Creation, pg. 49.
"...the twelve signs of the zodiac. These twelve signs are the twelve lines that define the boundaries of the cube. "The six faces are bounded by six of the seven sacred planets known to the ancients. The seventh planet, Saturn, rests at the center. All of these barriers or boundaries are set up so the Divine Mind can experience itself in a fixed form for as long as it chooses to." - pg. 8.
"If the sphere of Saturn is the form-giver, then the Cube, which is a vessel, must contain Saturn's innate quality. Alchemically Binah, the sphere of Saturn, is the principle of salt, and salt is the symbol for the Cube." - pg. 50.
- The winged hourglass with scythe: "Saturn (referred to by the Greeks as Cronus or Kronos) was the Roman Deity of Time and an ancient Italian Corn God known as the Sower. Male ruler of the Roman Gods prior to Jupiter, Saturn's weapon was a scythe or sickle." - http://www.novareinna.com/festive/oft.html
"The position of Saturn's festival in the Roman calendar led to his association with concepts of time, especially the temporal transition of the New Year. In the Greek tradition, Cronus was often conflated with Chronus, "Time," and his devouring of his children taken as an allegory for the passing of generations. The sickle or scythe of Father Time is a remnant of the agricultural implement of Cronus-Saturn, and his aged appearance represents the waning of the old year with the birth of the new, in antiquity sometimes embodied by Aion. In late antiquity, Saturn is syncretized with a number of deities, and begins to be depicted as winged, as is Kairos, "Timing, Right Time"." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_%28mythology%29
- Called from Labor: The man in the image has all the characteristics of Saturn/Cronos, and he is accompanied by the virgin goddess and the broken pillar. These are Kundalini and Tree of Life references. The goddess is the base chakra and Saturn is the crown chakra. When they unite, higher consciousness is reached, and the third eye is awakened. The woman is mourning the broken middle pillar and the resulting fall of man.
 Saturn Cutting off Cupid’s Wings with a Scythe (1802) by Ivan Akimov
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Message 6 de 108 de ce thème |
En funcion a la PARABOLA DEL RICO Y DE LAZARO, la cual el RICO simboliza a LA JERUSALEM DE ABAJO (Galatas 4) y el POBRE, osea LAZARO, a la JERUSALEM DE ARRIBA, osea a la NOVIA. Podemos decir en este contexto que la resurreccion de LAZARO ES UN ANTITIPO DE LA BODA DE CANA. NOTEN QUE AMBAS SON EN UN SEPTIMO DIA. EN CANA NUESTRO SEÑOR EN CONTEXTO A MARIA SU MADRE (que tambien puede ser una referencia a MARIA SU ESPOSA, EN CONTEXTO A QUE le llama MUJER Y OBVIAMENTE EN CONTEXTO AL UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA-GALATAS 3 Y 4) y en EN LA RESURRECCION DE LAZARO TAMBIEN APARECE MARIA donde aparece en contexto a la CASA, dandonos un puente espiritual con la VIUDA DE HECHOS 12:12, EN TRES OPORTUNIDADES.
1781. Juan 11:20: Entonces Marta, cuando oyó que Jesús venía, salió a encontrarle; pero María se quedó en CASA.
1782. Juan 11:31: Entonces los judíos que estaban en CASA con ella y la consolaban, cuando vieron que María se había levantado de prisa y había salido, la siguieron, diciendo: Va al sepulcro a llorar allí.
1812. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a CASA de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
1783. Juan 12:3: Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de nardo puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la CASA se llenó del olor del perfume.
La resurrección de Lázaro en Juan (Yojanán) 11 tuvo lugar después de seis días.
- Lázaro está enfermo por dos días (Juan 11:1-6).
- Lázaro está muerto cuatro días (Juan 11:14, 39).
- Yeshúa/Jesús resucita a Lázaro después de estos seis días (Juan 11:40-44).
Una vez más, esto es un cuadro/anteproyecto dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que después de 6.000 años (al final del Olam Hazé), habrá la resurrección de los muertos. Este último período de 1.000 años es el "día final" (Salmo 90:4; 2ª Pedro 3:8), del plan de 7.000 años del Di-s de Israel. Marta, la hermana de Lázaro, habló al Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús afirmando que ella sabía que la resurrección de los muertos tendría lugar en el "último día." En Juan 11:21-27 está escrito:
"Y Marta dijo a Jesús: Señor, si hubieses estado aquí, mi hermano no habría muerto. Mas también sé ahora que todo lo que pidas a Dios, Dios te lo dará. Jesús le dijo: Tu hermano resucitará. Marta le dijo: Yo sé que resucitará en la resurrección, en el día último. Le dijo Jesús: Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; el que cree en mí, aunque esté muerto, vivirá. Y todo aquel que vive y cree en mí, no morirá eternamente. ¿Crees esto? Le dijo: Sí, Señor; yo he creído que tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, que has venido al mundo."
En el libro de Juan (Yojanán), comenzando en Juan 1:19 hasta Juan 2:1 reseñaremos acontecimientos que sucedieron durante siete días de tiempo.
- Juan 1:19 = Día Primero
- Juan 1:29 = Día Segundo
- Juan 1:35 = Día Tercero
- Juan 1:43 = Día Cuarto
Después del cuarto día, el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús marcha a Galilea. Galilea es la palabra 1551 de Strong en el Diccionario hebreo. La palabra Galilea en hebreo significa "un círculo." Un círculo es sinónimo del cielo. Estos cuatro días son un cuadro/anteproyecto espiritual dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús vendría a la tierra, después de haber estado en el cielo/círculo (Olam Habá) 4.000 años desde la creación de Adán en el Huerto del Edén (Gan Edén).
- Juan 2:1 describe una boda en Caná de Galilea en el tercer día. Este tercer día (después de los cuatro días previos) es el séptimo día. En este día, hay una boda.
Esto es un cuadro/anteproyecto dado a nosotros por el Di-s de Israel de que después de los 6.000 años de tiempo (el final del Olam Hazé), Él entrará en la plenitud del matrimonio con Su pueblo, cuando el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús gobernará y reinará con Su Novia durante la Edad Mesiánica (Atid Lavó). En el pensamiento tradicional judío (casa de Judá), la Fiesta de las Trompetas (Rosh HaShaná) es el día de la plenitud del matrimonio del Di-s de Israel con Su pueblo.
Juan 11:1 Estaba entonces enfermo uno llamado Lázaro, de Betania, la aldea de María y de Marta su hermana. 11:2 (María, cuyo hermano Lázaro estaba enfermo, fue la que ungió al Señor con perfume, y le enjugó los pies con sus cabellos.) (ES LA MARIA QUE LO UNGE A CRISTO EN BETANIA SEGUN JUAN 12) 11:3 Enviaron, pues, las hermanas para decir a Jesús: Señor, he aquí el que amas está enfermo. 11:4 Oyéndolo Jesús, dijo: Esta enfermedad no es para muerte, sino para la gloria de Dios, para que el Hijo de Dios sea glorificado por ella. 11:5 Y amaba Jesús a Marta, a su hermana y a Lázaro. 11:6 Cuando oyó, pues, que estaba enfermo, se quedó dos días más en el lugar donde estaba. 11:7 Luego, después de esto, dijo a los discípulos: Vamos a Judea otra vez. 11:8 Le dijeron los discípulos: Rabí, ahora procuraban los judíos apedrearte, ¿y otra vez vas allá? 11:9 Respondió Jesús: ¿No tiene el día doce horas? El que anda de día, no tropieza, porque ve la luz de este mundo;
11:10 pero el que anda de noche, tropieza, porque no hay luz en él. 11:11 Dicho esto, les dijo después: Nuestro amigo Lázaro duerme; mas voy para despertarle. 11:12 Dijeron entonces sus discípulos: Señor, si duerme, sanará. 11:13 Pero Jesús decía esto de la muerte de Lázaro; y ellos pensaron que hablaba del reposar del sueño. 11:14 Entonces Jesús les dijo claramente: Lázaro ha muerto; 11:15 y me alegro por vosotros, de no haber estado allí, para que creáis; mas vamos a él. 11:16 Dijo entonces Tomás, llamado Dídimo, a sus condiscípulos: Vamos también nosotros, para que muramos con él. 11:17 Vino, pues, Jesús, y halló que hacía ya cuatro días que Lázaro estaba en el sepulcro. 11:18 Betania estaba cerca de Jerusalén, como a quince estadios; 11:19 y muchos de los judíos habían venido a Marta y a María, para consolarlas por su hermano. 11:20 Entonces Marta, cuando oyó que Jesús venía, salió a encontrarle; pero María se quedó en casa. 11:21 Y Marta dijo a Jesús: Señor, si hubieses estado aquí, mi hermano no habría muerto. 11:22 Mas también sé ahora que todo lo que pidas a Dios, Dios te lo dará. 11:23 Jesús le dijo: Tu hermano resucitará. 11:24 Marta le dijo: Yo sé que resucitará en la resurrección, en el día postrero. 11:25 Le dijo Jesús: Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; el que cree en mí, aunque esté muerto, vivirá. 11:26 Y todo aquel que vive y cree en mí, no morirá eternamente. ¿Crees esto? 11:27 Le dijo: Sí, Señor; yo he creído que tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios, que has venido al mundo. 11:28 Habiendo dicho esto, fue y llamó a María su hermana, diciéndole en secreto: El Maestro está aquí y te llama. 11:29 Ella, cuando lo oyó, se levantó de prisa y vino a él. 11:30 Jesús todavía no había entrado en la aldea, sino que estaba en el lugar donde Marta le había encontrado. 11:31 Entonces los judíos que estaban en casa con ella y la consolaban, cuando vieron que María se había levantado de prisa y había salido, la siguieron, diciendo: Va al sepulcro a llorar allí. (El llanto de MARIA NO ES SIMBOLO O UN ANTITIPO AL LLANTO DE RAQUEL? Noten que aparece la CASA dandonos un nexo CON LA VIUDA DE HECHOS 12:12) 11:32 María, cuando llegó a donde estaba Jesús, al verle, se postró a sus pies, diciéndole: Señor, si hubieses estado aquí, no habría muerto mi hermano. 11:33 Jesús entonces, al verla llorando, y a los judíos que la acompañaban, también llorando, se estremeció en espíritu y se conmovió, (Observen el llanto en relacion a los judios) 11:34 y dijo: ¿Dónde le pusisteis? Le dijeron: Señor, ven y ve. 11:35 Jesús lloró. 11:36 Dijeron entonces los judíos: Mirad cómo le amaba. (Vuelve a aparecer que NUESTRO SEÑOR AMABA A LAZARO dandole un puente espiritual CON EL REY DAVID/AMADO. ¿LAZARO ES UN TIPO DEL SANTO GRIAL TENIENDO EN CUENTA QUE SU RESURRECCION ES EN UN SEPTIMO DIA/TERCER DIA EN CONTEXTO A LAS BODAS DE CANA TAMBIEN EN UN SEPTIMO DIA? OBSERVEN QUE EN CONTEXTO A LA RESURRECCION DE LAZARO APARECE NUESTRO SEÑOR Y MARIA) 11:37 Y algunos de ellos dijeron: ¿No podía éste, que abrió los ojos al ciego, haber hecho también que Lázaro no muriera? 11:38 Jesús, profundamente conmovido otra vez, vino al sepulcro. Era una cueva, y tenía una piedra puesta encima. 11:39 Dijo Jesús: Quitad la piedra. Marta, la hermana del que había muerto, le dijo: Señor, hiede ya, porque es de cuatro días. 11:40 Jesús le dijo: ¿No te he dicho que si crees, verás la gloria de Dios? 11:41 Entonces quitaron la piedra de donde había sido puesto el muerto. Y Jesús, alzando los ojos a lo alto, dijo: Padre, gracias te doy por haberme oído. 11:42 Yo sabía que siempre me oyes; pero lo dije por causa de la multitud que está alrededor, para que crean que tú me has enviado. 11:43 Y habiendo dicho esto, clamó a gran voz: ¡Lázaro, ven fuera! 11:44 Y el que había muerto salió, atadas las manos y los pies con vendas, y el rostro envuelto en un sudario. Jesús les dijo: Desatadle, y dejadle ir. 11:45 Entonces muchos de los judíos que habían venido para acompañar a María, y vieron lo que hizo Jesús, creyeron en él. 11:46 Pero algunos de ellos fueron a los fariseos y les dijeron lo que Jesús había hecho.

Las iglesias son ya creyentes en Jesús como Mesías. Así, Jesús no podía estar recordando a las iglesias a través de Su ángeles que Él es el Mesías. Entonces, ¿Por qué Jesús envía a Su ángel para dar testimonio a las IGLESIAS y NO a los incrédulos de que ÉL es la raíz y linaje de DAVID? Una vez más, Jesús quiere que Su IGLESIA se identifique con David cuando ellos se identifican con Jesús, ¿POR QUÉ?
David en hebreo significa, "Amado.". Es la palabra de Strong 1732. Amada es un término para la Novia de Dios. El Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón es un cántico poético entre Dios y Su Novia. En el Cantar de los Cantares 6:3 está escrito: "Yo soy de mi amado, y mi amado es mío... "
Por lo tanto, David es un tipo de la Novia de Dios. Consecuentemente, la Novia de Cristo DEBE identificarse con David, aun cuando Jesús nos dice que Él tiene la llave de David y es la raíz y linaje de David.
El versículo que sigue en el libro de Revelación siguiendo las palabras de Jesús que ha enviado Su ángel para dar testimonio a Sus iglesias de que Él es la raíz y linaje de David, es Revelación 22:17, según está escrito: "Y el Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: Ven…"
¿Quién es el ‘discípulo amado’? לַעְזָר מִבֵּית חֲנַנְיָה הַתַּלְמִיד הַאָהוּב {Lazar miBet Jananyah hatalmid haahuv}Para comenzar lo primero que hay que saber es que al final del libro se encuentra la CLAVE para saber quien es el autor:“…[Iehoshua> le dijo [a Kefa>: ‘Sígueme’. Kefa volviéndose vio que [les> seguía el talmid a quien Iehoshua amaba… Entonces Kefa al verlo dijo a Iehoshua: ¿y este qué?” Iehoshua le dijo: Si yo quiero que él se quede hasta que yo venga, ¿a ti, que?... Este es el talmid que da edut [testimonio> de estas cosas y el que escribió esto, y sabemos que su testimonio es verdadero” (Edut Lazar 21.19b-24).Lazar es una variante de Elazar, y es el nombre de este discípulo. La variante se debe a que existía la costumbre de abreviar algunos nombres, así como Bar Ba (בָּא בַּר) en lugar de Bar Abá (אַבָּא בַּר), también Lazar (לַעְזָר gentilizado a Lazaros) en lugar de El'azar (אֶלְעָזָר) (ver por ejemplo en el Talmud Irushalmi Rosh Hashanah 4.8, Megilah 3.7 y Bikurim 3.3).En todo el libro solo hay una persona de quien se dice tres veces “a quien Iehoshua amaba”: “Esta enfermo cierto Lazar de Bet Jananyah, la aldea de Miriam y de su hermana Martha. Miriam, cuyo hermano Lazar estaba enfermo, fue la que ungió al Adon con perfume y le secó los pies con sus cabellos. Las hermanas entonces mandaron a decir a Iahoshua: Adon, mira el que tú amas está enfermo… Iehoshua amaba a Marta, a su hermana y a Lazar… Iehoshua lloró. Decían entonces los de Judea: ¡Miren cómo lo amaba!”. (Edut Lazar 11.1-3; 35-36-REDACTADO FALSAMENTE en Las Biblias DEL MAL LLAMADO NUEVO TESTAMENTO Como Juan ).La muerte de Lazar: Lazar glorificó primero con su muerte a Elohim.Cuando llegó el mensaje a Iehoshua de que “el que amas está enfermo”, Iehoshua dijo: “Esta enfermedad no es para muerte, sino para la gloria de Elohim…” (11.4). Cuando Iehoshua alude a la muerte de Shim’on Kefa, el autor escribe: “Esto dijo [Iehoshua> dando a entender con que clase de muerte glorificaría a Elohim” (21.19).Es Lazar el discípulo que reside en Bet Jananyah, en Iehudah/Judea, al cual Iehoshua le pide que tome cuidado de su madre en su ausencia; esto debido a que es muy probable que sus hermanos, los otros hijos de Miriam, residentes en Galil no se habían enterado de lo que le sucedía a Iehoshua en Iehudah. Pero lo más notorio es que Iehoshua elige entre todos los discípulos, solo a Lazar para que quede a cargo de su madre.SE DA QUENTA LA MANIPULACION DE ESCRITORES DEL MAL LLAMADO NUEVO TESTAMENTO
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Message 7 de 108 de ce thème |
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Message 8 de 108 de ce thème |
 You can see the Four fixed points the eagle lion water man and bull angels We find them in Ezekiel and in Revelations there are 13 spheres Enoch lived for 365 years before he became the Metraton.....365 = a year In the Southern Jourisdiction of the Scottish Rites the Thirteenth Degree relates to what is called the Royal Arch of Enoch (as in an arch supported by two columns). In this Enoch legend he is instructed to excavate nine chambers featuring nine arches and to hide a white cube bearing a golden triangle inscribed with the name of God. Instead of dealing with the soul's journey alone (as Metatron's Cube appears to) this legend deals with the history of the World/Universe. In Enoch's myth, the cube represents materiality in general (Shekinah), and the golden traingle represents the divine spark inherent in everything. (see Alchemy, Hasidism etc.) The lowest of the nine arcs (ark, arch) in this scheme is the earth. This is the Shekinah story again.Manley Hall suggests that the nine worlds image relates to the nine stages of the Nordic initiation, the chambers where the rites were performed and the nine divisions of their cosmological template. Albert Pike suggests the same thing of the Enoch legend, that it pointed to a rite with nine stages that was performed literally underground, the form of which was related mathematically to their astronomical template. The logic goes like this: We'll form a club based on the nine planetary spheres, there with will be nine degrees to represent the phases of the souls journey. These numbers and ideas will inform our architecture and ceremonies. Underground chambers symbolize the womb, and nine of them would represent the human gestation period, nine months. The legend is an astronomy learning tool fashioned around the story of human reproduction.http://dcsymbols.com/journey/treebook3.htm great article The Great Seal of the US stars above the eagle has a pattern of the Seal of Solomon arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star. The Number thirteen is the arrows and circles(olives) on the leaves
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Message 9 de 108 de ce thème |
Nine Worlds / Nine Months
If we add a sphere for the stars at the top and one for the earth at the bottom of the hexagram we get a figure similar to Manley P. Hall's Nine Worlds image below. Hall recommends that this is the form of the Norse Tree of Life, Yggdrasil. Since in the Norse cosmology the earth is at the center and the sun, as the soul's goal, is at the top, this is a geocentric image, but the basic form is the same as the hexagram image above.
Metatron's Cube
As you can see there are four markers for the cardinal directions which along with the first nine circles figure to us a 3D Cartesian coordinate grid and the six directions in space , what we call the 'cube of space', or Metatron's Cube (below) which should now be seen in a new light as 13 celestial spheres. If the earth is not the center as in the nine worlds image we need new points as direction markers. And we find them in Ezekiel. A man, a lion, ox and an eagle. And Rev 4 lion calf man eagle which is Aq Leo Taurus and Scorpio. the fixed signs in the zodiac. In the context of the solar system, these represent the four corners.
Ezekiel's story about wheels within wheels may just turn out to be an astronomical metaphor illustrated by Metatron's Cube. The sun is located correctly at the center. The new corners are the fixed zodiac signs. Six new spheres have been added to the original hexagram image for a total of thirteen. Metatron's Cube is a heliocentric version of the Nine World's image above.
We read in the Bible that Enoch was the sixth patriarch after Adam and that he lived 365 years (the number of days in a solar year on earth) before he was transported to heaven. Kabbalistic legend tells us that he was transmuted into Archangel Metatron, as in Metatron's Cube. That is, Enoch is the 7th Patriarch (as in 7 spheres) and is associated with the sun; and Metatron's Cube is Enoch's Cube.
In the Southern Jourisdiction of the Scottish Rites the Thirteenth Degree relates to what is called the Royal Arch of Enoch (as in an arch supported by two columns). In this Enoch legend he is instructed to excavate nine chambers featuring nine arches and to hide a white cube bearing a golden triangle inscribed with the name of God. Instead of dealing with the soul's journey alone (as Metatron's Cube appears to) this legend deals with the history of the World/Universe. In Enoch's myth, the cube represents materiality in general (Shekinah), and the golden traingle represents the divine spark inherent in everything. (see Alchemy, Hasidism etc.) The lowest of the nine arcs (ark, arch) in this scheme is the earth. This is the Shekinah story again.
Manley Hall suggests that the nine worlds image relates to the nine stages of the Nordic initiation, the chambers where the rites were performed and the nine divisions of their cosmological template. Albert Pike suggests the same thing of the Enoch legend, that it pointed to a rite with nine stages that was performed literally underground, the form of which was related mathematically to their astronomical template. The logic goes like this: We'll form a club based on the nine planetary spheres, there with will be nine degrees to represent the phases of the souls journey. These numbers and ideas will inform our architecture and ceremonies. Underground chambers symbolize the womb, and nine of them would represent the human gestation period, nine months. The legend is an astronomy learning tool fashioned around the story of human reproduction.
The US Great Seal
If you look at the configuration of stars above the eagles head on the back of the One Dollar bill, you will see that the central stars are aligned differently than the inner ring of circles in Metatron's Cube. In the cube five circles each are aligned along three axes that cross the center point. In the seal the stars align along lines that connect every other outer point, four on each line. Lines in this configuration never cross the center point. This makes a better representation of a cubic city with 12 gates than the Metatron's Cube arrangement does. The cube features the hexagon and the seal the hexagram (st. of david).
There are 13 layers of stones on the pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle, and nine feathers in the eagle's tail. Overlapping equal circles centered on the same line (vesica pisces) help locate the corners of inscribed triangles and hexagrams. Three overlapping equal circles mark the diameter of a circle 4r or 2d wide, twice the size of the inner circle, as well as the diameters of four 1r wide circles. In the image on the right above we match the small circle at the top of the figure with the circle around the stars above the eagle.
The model for the seal configuration is twin tetractys of ten points each. (The Pythagoreans named the number 10 tetractys because it was the sum of the first four numbers.) The 13 symbolism in the seal could bear looking at again in light of this finding. 13 can be understood as the sun and 12 zodiac signs, 13 lunar months a year, or nine celestial spheres and the four directions as in Metatron's Cube.
The DC map
Looking at the DC map you can see that the pentagram seems to form an isoceles triangle with New Hampshire Ave as the left side. 16th Street provides the center line for that triangle that centers on the WH. Penn Ave runs from NW to SE, from Georgetown to the WH the CB and the East Branch of the Potomac. NYA crosses at the WH as well making the three axes which form the diagonals of the large rectangle in the cube. N St marks the top side of this rect. in the map.
The five points on 16th St are the top of the triangle, Scott Circle, the WH, the Wash Mmt, and the Jeff Mml. The points on Penn Ave are Georgetown, Washington Cr, The WH, the Nat Archives Bldg., and the Capitol. Nick Mann claims that the DC planners didn't use a hexagonal form for the map, when in fact they used it for both the map and the Great Seal design. They used a hexagon and the pentagon in the map.
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Message 10 de 108 de ce thème |
Transliteration: Nazara or Nazaret or Nazareth Phonetic Spelling: (nad-zar-eth') Short Definition: Nazareth Definition: Nazareth, a city of Galilee, where Jesus ...
Strong's #3478: Nazareth (pronounced nad-zar-eth'). or Nazaret nad-zar-et'; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine:--Nazareth.
14 Ago 2012 ... Infantil; Juvenil; Radio - Podcast; »Otros Idiomas. Catalán; Inglés; Italiano. Una exposición que recuerda cómo un zar ruso salvó .
Nazareth (nad-zar-eth'). or Nazaret nad-zar-et'; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine Nazareth.
3478 Nazareth nad-zar-eth'. or Nazaret nad-zar-et'; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine:-Nazareth.
3478 Nazareth nad-zar-eth'. or Nazaret nad-zar-et'; of uncertain derivation; Nazareth or Nazaret, a place in Palestine:-Nazareth.
Hotel Posada Jesus de Nazaret, Puebla de Zaragoza: Confirmación instantánea, mejor precio garantizado, fotos, reseñas, mapas e información del hotel.
zar la estructura fundamental de su mensaje histórico, aunque en ocasiones ello nos obligará a entrar en el terreno de las hipótesis. El Reino de los Cielos El ...
Dwelling suggests that Nazareth was an out-of-the-way hamlet ... Nazareth nad- zar-eth' or Nazaret nad-zar-et'; of uncertain derivation; ...
Lu 4:29 The modern Nazareth belongs to the better class of eastern villages. .... NAZARETH pronounced nad-zar-et and possible means "the guarded one.
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Message 11 de 108 de ce thème |
24 * 74 = 1776
HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
24 * 36 = 864
24 * 33 = 792
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Message 12 de 108 de ce thème |
How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? Did you start reading on page 1?
I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors?
2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering
Bab-Ilu the Gate of God
Note both images have 4 axis. xyz and t
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
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Message 13 de 108 de ce thème |
The cube of 13 (2197) has an intimate relationship with the cube of 12 (1728), as seen in the kings chambers cubic volume.
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The volume of the chamber is 19,510,260 cubic british inches. If we consider a simple cube that would occupy such volume, we find that this cube would have 269.2 b.i. for a side which equals 13 royal cubits. It seems that the symbolism of number 13 was very much intended. It was chosen as a basic cube from which the chamber is shaped, and it is the height of the chamber expressed in simple cubits of six palms.
Such a principle of having a specific number of modules (calculii) for a side of a cube remained present in Pythagorean tradition. They called such cubes as metacubes, and even the word resembles a cube: Gk. METAKYBOS = 888. Additional message is conveyed by means of numbers that hidden or visible calculii represent. In the cube of 13 there are 469 visible calculi and 1,728 (12 x 12 x 12) invisible calculii.
http://www.aiwaz.net/great-pyramid-king-chamber/a21 |
We can see evidence of this is the Torah, here is some relating gematria.
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One more reason for me pointing this out about the section of the Torah about creation NOT containing the letter Samech is because it contains exactly 469 words (Genesis 1:1-2:3), and today - the 18th of Shevat which is the anniversary of my Semicha - is the 469th day from when I began my blog. Hence, I have given my 60th Gematriot class via this blogspot at the end of 469 days from when I began my classes, which correspond to the 469 words of the account of the first week of the world's existence that leaves out the letter Samech that is the Gematria of 60.
There are a few tidbits that I would like to bring here regarding Samech as it relates to marriage. First, as there are 469 words in the account of the first week of creation - the first seven days, so too is the word Chatuna/wedding the Gematria of 469, and it is customary for a first time bridegroom or bride to have Sheva Berachot - a weeklong celebration of their marriage with friends at which the Sheva Berachot/Seven Blessings that are recited at the wedding are also recited at these celebrations.
Second, as illustrated in the wedding ceremony, the bride circles the bridegroom under the wedding canopy - seven times, and it is the letter Samech of the 22 letters of the Aleph Beit that resembles a circle, and in turn, the bridegroom gives the bride - a ring that is completely round.
http://gematriot.blogspot.com/2010/02/60-worthy-of-title.html |
Twelve relating to the zodiacal signs the sun passes through. Thirteen relating to the phases of the moon. What marriage could they be referring to?
Does four 69 ring any bells?
12 x 12 x 12 = 1728, 1 + 7 + 2 + 8 = 18 (Sun) Diameter of the Sun = 864000 Miles, 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 1728 + 153 (vesica pisces) = 1881 (GP grand gallery floor length in inches) 18 mirrors 81 (lo shu tones) 18 x 81 = 1458 !!
13 x 13 x 13 = 2197, 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 = 19 (Moon's Saros Cycle / 223 synodic months matching 19 eclipse years) Metonic cycle is 19 x 99 cycles = 1881 years 19 (EVE) mirrors 91 (gematria of Amen) 19 x 91 = 1729 (1729 + 152 = 1881!!) Gematria of the phrase עד היום הזה "until this day" = 152 (8 × 19) The gematria of Mary = 152
The difference between 2197 and 1728 is 469, the four ELements & 69 runs under the base 60 system.
37 x 18 = 666 while 37 x 19 = 703, both very important numbers. The difference of 666 and 703 is 37 !!
Plato has 37 Guardians for his utopian city, 18 are from the parent city and 19 are new arrivals. Those two numbers are held very dearly to all religions, maybe because of the dual relation to 137  _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
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Message 14 de 108 de ce thème |
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Message 15 de 108 de ce thème |
 Originally posted by Maya432
I would say you were on a good path… and now that you have this 432 information, hopefully it will aid in your search…mabey help clarify some of it….
And perhaps you may want to investigate how my path following the KEY 528 and its accompanying message, is connected to your path called 432?
Read on, you will be glad you did.
How do I connect the above image showing that those 3 distinct rings are connected to the KEY 528 and the Riddle of the Sphinx and the numbers 432? Please note that the 3 rings above each contain a grouping of 4 numbers.
i.e. 1, 4, 7 and 10 2, 5, 8 and 11 3, 6, 9 and 12
Now where have we seen that highlighted sequence of numbers before I ponder? 2, 5, 8 and 11?
Surprise Surprise We find them marking the 4 points on the compass rose. Spelling the name of YHVH using Hebrew glyphs. We find them reading 4 books because they represent the 4 Gospels.
2 >>> Luke is Taurus 5 >>> Mark is Leo 8 >>> John is Scorpio the Eagle 11 >> Matthew is Aquarius and the age we are entering.
And later as we progress down the rabbit hole Alice we will do as Pythagoras suggested and work with only 9 numbers.
1, 4, 7 2, 5, 8 3, 6, 9
And these 9 numbers are coincidently the 3 sequences of numbers as laid out on the keypad of your CELLphone…or your computer keyboard where these sequences are inverted…like in a mirror.:up:
Maya432 betcha haven’t seen these connections that I am about to present. Betcha. In honor of your forum name. 432 = Riddle of the Sphinx
So how do I connect the above cross…the numbers 4321 to the enigmatic Riddle of the Sphinx which was a riddle not only detailing the cycle of a person’s life BUT the bigger picture reveals it was also a riddle regarding the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Above is Aleister Crowley’s interpretation of the Greek Zodiacal Cross.
Kepler’s documenting of the Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions occuring every 800 years. Precession of the Equinoxes = 25920 years. 25920/800 = 32.4
324 and the significance of this anagram of 432 becomes clear later.
(32 and 23 are a clue to the enantiodromia or is it in fact a enantiodrama that is taking place?)
So how do I connect the above images to the Riddle of the Sphinx? Well the first thing we need to do is convert the 12 astrological signs >>> numbers. Trust me…I provide a powerful KEY to unlocking the biblical babel. No false claims here. I provide the goods to connecting the following…
The Riddle of the Sphinx = Precession CYCLE = Greek Zodiacal Cross = Solomon’s Knot = Endless Knot = Celtic Knot = Swastika = PERU = KEY to Universal Movement = the Babylonian Gate of God = DNA = The Golden Age
In other words Maya432 I can describe how the Universe is structured by using the KEYpad of a cellphone.
And why not, why shouldn’t I be able too?
May I remind the reader if you can find the Universe in a grain of sand, or a blade of grass, guaranteed you will find it in a CELLphone. Please when you find some time, use your CELLphone to call genome home? Okay?
There is a message waiting for you, to be picked up. But you do need a code to access it.
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/07/06/key-528-cellphone-is-an-archetype-of-universal-structure/ |
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