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Resposta  Missatge 1 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 11/01/2012 03:14
Istar con la luz como simbolo de la iluminacion.
Columbia es la paloma de NOE. El nombre Colombia de este pais cruzado por el RIO MARIA MAGDALENA tiene este mensaje.
1. Génesis 49:9: Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
Logo Paramount

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Resposta  Missatge 280 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 12/01/2013 05:10

The mythological figure Prometheus, a titan, created humans and gave them fire. The Olympic flame officially represents this Promethean fire.

"A king has his reign, and then he dies..." - quote from Prometheus

Humans... Martian DNA... or "MDNA" (title of Madonna's new album released this year)...


All this is essentially a continuation of the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, the symbolic communication we witnessed there. Greece is the birthplace/genesis of the Olympic Games. 2004 was the year of the previous Transit of Venus (2004 & 2012). Martian panspermia, Martian pregnancy, Martian birth... The Holy Grail. I should know, I wrote all about it in 2004.



At this point I should remind the reader that I accurately predicted (and I don't use that term lightly) the William-Kate royal engagement almost to the day in 2010 (see Lucifer's Destiny). A full year before that, I had already started projecting what would be happening in 2010-2012. This was back in 2009 when there was no sign of a royal engagement:

Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]

It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]

A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012. [red emphasis added]

Well, here we are in 2012 and things are indeed in motion as far as the British Royal Family per our prognostication.

The Olympic ceremonies are a "mega-ritual," not doubt about that. So many people out there are shouting: "Oh my god, alien invasion! Project Blue Beam! False flag attack!" It's understandable but most are just new at this. I've been at this for more than a decade. I was heavily into this it before 9/11. I can point to the fact that I wrote an article on the 9/11 attacks in October 2001 from a multicontextual perspective that's not so different from what I talk about today... including Mars.

From experience I can say that foresight is not something easily attained. Our reality is not static, it's dynamic. The future is fluid and influenced by what we do, see, and are aware of in the present. The future reacts to our actions and perception so as not to "reward" the unworthy with the gift of foresight. The more purely you align with truth, the more you are "worthy", that is to say, the more you resonate with the future (unrealized possibilities). Most "conspiracy theorists" don't have this quality in them which requires a great sense of balance, lots of self-examination and ego-control. That's why 99.999% of the time they can't foresee anything correctly. Their uncontrolled ego magnet screws up the truth compass. If you can't start from a place of no assumptions and no preconceived worldview, you won't get far. If you go "I'm a Christian" or "I'm an atheist", or "I'm looking for conspiracies by the NWO, the stinking Illuminati!" for instance, you're immediately done right there before you even start, a dead-ender. Talk about self-sabotage. It's so easy to contaminate our reality/future vision with our conscious and subconscious preconceptions. So, while listening to folks like Alex Jone might initially help you deprogram yourself from the mainstream unquestioning mindset, constantly listening to the endless stream of their version of "I hate my parents, they ruined my life, bahhhh!" day in and day out, well, now that's just another worldview programming, another religion, yes, "mind control." It's very unhealthy. You need to stay balanced so as not to get stuck in a fixed line of thinking. That just makes you a robot.

Back to "King William 2012"... Here we are in 2012, just days away from the London Olympics, and "signs" such as the Aurora mass shooting keep pointing to the same storyline, the focus more on royal pregnancy than coronation per se though that's exactly what we see  depicted in the London Olympic logo (as I interpreted it back in 2007):

- Prince William turns
30 (= XXX) in 2012
- 2012 Olympics = Games of the
XXX Olympiad


"Coronation" of course has its celestial counterpart in corona, meaning "crown". Corona is the plasma atmosphere around the Sun (or other celestial body) that you can see during a total eclipse.

Though technically not identical, a "solar atmosphere" is conceptually interchangeable with "solar wind"... which in turn encodes the name of the British Royal Family, "Windsor".

It is also the "atmosphere/wind" of the Sun, in the form of solar flares and CMEs bombarding the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, that produces auroras.

In this context, a "coronation ritual" can take place celestially via "solar wind" and auroras around the earth, in effect crowning the entire planet or all of us. Martian king... Martian race... here on earth. And we are apparently about to get an opportunity to have a "total recall" of our forgotten ("Martian") genesis, how we began.

The entire period of the London Olympics is "radioactive." But I'm going to go ahead and say that I see the latter part of August as a window for big things. Anchor dates ~August 24 and 29.



Just scratching the surface but that's it for now.


Resposta  Missatge 281 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 12/01/2013 05:45
Atlantean Terror

Atmospheric Destruction
at the Gate
of Atlantis

August 11, 2006

by Goro

Aug 10: UK terror 'plot to blow up planes' foiled



  • Terror plot to blow up multiple planes in flight

  • Targeted planes: trans-Atlantic flights from UK to US

  • Plan foiled on August 10th


In the context of the Super Torch Ritual/Damage Plan 'Communication', this situation would have much to do with our 'US Golden Transit Line' which is presently in its 'Timeline C' phase. The 'clock' is now counting down to around the beginning of September, coinciding with the space shuttle Atlantis STS-115 mission.



But most relevant here is the fact that US-Golden Transit Timeline C-2, a secondary parallel timeline emerging out of Timeline C at the 'Genesis crossroads', had pinpointed around August 10, i.e. now, which seems to have been 'acknowledged' yesterday...



That's basically the context in which I'm viewing the UK plane terror plot situation along with other recent world events such as the Philippine volcano, Castro/Cuba, etc. And you see above that the same 'Tower Axis'/Timeline C-2 line continues toward Edwards AFB where Discovery STS-121 landed last year on August 9th, corresponding on the timeline to 8/31-9/04 which will see the space shuttle mission Atlantis STS-115 as well as SMART-1 crashing into the Moon. My view has been that these two windows (plus one more around August 23) are 'designed' to interact and express a destructive 'Atlantean' storyline. Atlantis STS-115 may well be in for a rough ride if not utter destruction and/or it might be expressed down here on earth in some way ('as above, so below').


Atlantean Transit Strike:


'Transit Strike' is a key theme closely tracked here since last year - the train bombings of London July 7/21 and Madrid's 3/11 have been two prime 'Transit Strike' events. The pattern engendered the 'US Golden Transit Timelines' and had recently turned heavily toward the idea of 'Atlantis'.

The mythological figure Atlas who is interchangeable with Atlantis and the Atlantean pillar(s) separating heaven and earth (Atlas mountains, 'Pillars of Hercules'/Gibraltar, etc.) is analogous to the atmosphere in between those two realms. Atlas thus personifies the air dimension or 'air plane'.


'Airplane' explosions in 'midair' above the 'Atlantic' Ocean - i.e. the terror plan foiled yesterday - would therefore imply the destruction/Flood of Atlantis, a key theme this summer already expressed through various recent world events since July.

The motif seems to be crescendoing toward Atlantis STS-115 or the time window represented by the space shuttle. Another important factor here is NASA's Genesis probe which crashed landed back in 2004 on September 8th. It was a major 'Ground Zero' event inseparable from the Damage Plan scheme. I won't go into it here but it's been steadily gaining momentum again and it doesn't seem like coincidence at all that the return of Atlantis STS-115 from space will closely, if not exactly, coincide with the Genesis crash anniversary (assuming the current mission schedule will hold.) It's quite telling that September 8 will be exactly '911' days from March 11, '04 or the Madrid 'Transit Strike' day. And didn't the film 'World Trade Center' open just hours before the news broke about the plane terror plot... on the anniversary of the Discovery STS-121 landing at Edwards AFB? And weren't the World Trade Center twin towers the New World version of the Pillars of Hercules, i.e. the 'Atlantean pillars'? ...That were destroyed?




August 10th was the 222nd day of the year, '222' being very much part of the 'Damage Plan 2 Communication' which was made clear back in February...


Turin is aligned with the Paris 'Tower Axis' (Champ de Mars/Eiffel Tower) which is also precisely aligned with Edwards AFB...

If you recall, the Turn Olympics opening ceremony on February 10th began with a metalsmith striking an anvil:


This was a major 'sign' or a 'sine' in that 'anvil' means 'folded' as if in allusion to 'sine' - one of the trigonometric functions - which similarly denotes 'fold'. (Sine is normally written 'sin', relatable to the archetypal 'Sin => Judgment' sequence heavily incorporated into the Damage Plan scheme.)



Geometrically the red line above represents sine. For Turin, the sin line equals ~4512 km, which happens to precisely match the distance between Turin and Iran's 2/22/05 deadly quake epicenter (a '222' date).


Sure enough, this was to be answered by a major destruction event in Iraq, that of a sacred golden dome...

- The golden dome of al Askariya mosque destroyed
- Mosque Attack Pushes Iraq Toward Civil War

A similar event took place in Iraq yesterday. The news juxtaposition was very suggestive:


The '222' Golden Dome bombing in turn implied a 'Golden Dome Alignment'.


It's a very telling alignment indeed, especially with the current conflicts involving Israel at this time. Iran is obviously a big part of what's going on and what's ahead... The Dome of the Rock is a key component of the STR/DP 'Communication' and has been so for many months now. It's particularly notable for heavily interacting with Deep Impact.


Deep Impact:

Deep Impact - the NASA version - was/is a space probe that successfully struck Comet Tempel 1 with an impactor last summer on Independence Day (a 'torch day', July 4th). Independence Day this year saw the launch of the space shuttle Discovery STS-121.


Amazingly STS-121 was also designed to interact - even more unquestionably - with the Dome of the Rock (among other things). First, there is the telling contextual fact that the STS-121 mission (July 4-17) coincided with the start of the Israel-Lebanon war or the first spark of the modern 'Trojan War'. But the big 'secret code', revealed here for the first time 'aboveground', is this:

[Dome of the Rock]

[Dome of the Rock floor plan]


Shocked? Well, a real 'shock'... or 'deep impact' may be still ahead, judging from this 'Deep Impact Clock' first discussed months ago...



'Deep Impact Time Zero' is still months away, but note that 6-6-06 or 'Beast Day' was the halfway point of the countdown which was magically pinpointed by the orbital positions of Deep Impact and Mars. Beast Day also coincided with an 'Orange Alignment', the long-running 'minute hand' of the Super Torch Ritual. (Orange Alignment = Sun, Mercury, and Venus lining up.)

The next Orange Alignment is coming up around August 22 and it marks a special window around August 23. The date/window has already sort of gone 'mainstream' the other day...

August 8: Iran Hints at Aug. 22 Doomsday for Israel
August 8: Does Iran have something in store?

So now I'll have to emphasize the fact that I was there before this (after all it's highlighted by an Orange Alignment, and practically no one was talking about that date/window back then). For example, here is what I wrote on Aug. 2:

I'm now projecting this to be an important date (Aug. 23 +/- 1 day). It's indeed one of those 'shifted' cross-quarter day - i.e. shifted from the traditional/astronomical Lughnasadh early-August CQ window. And it's a major 'anchor point' - quite literally as you'll see soon. While it's not yet clear how this one will interact with the nearby 'Atlantean/Genesis crossroads' window around early September, they most likely will. [...]

Much more on all this coming up soon. It's pretty 'nuclear' but... that's a storyline and it can easily stay that way.

The basic time structure here is that ~August 7, ~August 23, and around beginning of September are very much interconnected and very 'Atlantean' in nature... and also quite 'nuclear'. (Because of the mainstream attention it has attracted, the ~8/23 window will now probably produce something more twisted/coded and subtler in nature than would have otherwise.) The destruction of Atlantis is a major theme along with the 'Trojan War/Golden Apple', Transit Strike, volcano, Moon crash, etc. and it's worth noting that the 'Golden Apple' - which in the form of the 'Apple of Discord' caused the Trojan War - is exactly what the the term for 'orange' comes from in various languages.

There is much more but that's the general underground context for this period.


Resposta  Missatge 282 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 15/01/2013 20:46

El mundo está loco, loco, loco

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Escena de El mundo está loco, loco, loco.
It´s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Título El mundo está loco, loco, loco
Ficha técnica
Dirección Stanley Kramer
Producción Stanley Kramer
Guion William Rose
Tania Rose
Música Ernest Gold
Sonido Walter Elliot
Fotografía Ernest Laszlo
Montaje Gene Fowler Jr.
Robert C. Jones
Frederic Knudtson
Protagonistas Spencer Tracy
Milton Berle
Sid Caesar
Edie Adams
Ethel Merman
Jonathan Winters
Mickey Rooney
Buddy Hackett
Phil Silvers
Dorothy Provine
Dick Shawn
Jim Backus
William Demarest
Jimmy Durante
Peter Falk
Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson
Paul Ford
Barrie Chase
Ver todos los créditos (IMDb)
Datos y cifras
País(es) Estados Unidos
Año 1963
Género Acción, aventuras, comedia, policiaco
Duración 154 minutos - 192 minutos (versión original) - 174 minutos (versión restaurada)
Productora Casey Productions
Distribución United Artists
Presupuesto Us$9 400 000 (estimado)
Recaudación Us$46 332 858 (Estados Unidos, a enero de 2005)- Us$60 000,000 (mundial, a diciembre de 1970)
Ficha en IMDb
Ficha en FilmAffinity

El mundo está loco, loco, loco es una película estadounidense de 1963, dirigida por Stanley Kramer.



[editar] Argumento

En una interminable autopista del desierto, ocho automovilistas -entre ellos dos camioneros- y sus respectivas parejas, que van de vacaciones a distintos rumbos y con sus propios problemas, presencian una carrera alocada de un automovilista, quien finalmente sobrepasa las contenciones y se despeña en su automóvil. Dicha situación cambiará sus planes y sus vidas.

El accidente automovilístico deja como sobreviviente a un desconocido que alcanza a ser asistido por los automovilistas y este deja entrever en sus balbuceos, antes de fallecer, la existencia de un jugoso botín producto de un robo bancario en Santa Rosita, California. Cada uno de ellos entiende el mensaje del difunto, y tras duras negociaciones deciden cada uno ir por su cuenta por el dinero.

Cada uno de ellos emprende una endiablada, desenfrenada y desesperada carrera por llegar al lugar y hacerse con el botín, intentando en lo posible atajar al otro, produciéndose así cómicas situaciones y gags.

[editar] Reparto

[editar] Cameos

[editar] Premios y nominaciones

  • Premio Oscar 1964 : a los mejores efectos y efectos de sonido (Walter Elliot)
  • Premio Laurel de Oro 1964 : A la mejor canción (Ernest Gold y Mack David).


  • 4 premios Oscar 1964 : a la mejor fotografía, el mejor montaje, a la mejor música y al mejor sonido.
  • 2 premios Globo de Oro 1965 : a la mejor película y al mejor actor de comedia (Jonathan Winters)
  • Premio Edgard 1965 : al mejor guion
  • Premio Eddie 1964 : al mejor montaje

[editar] Anécdotas del rodaje

  • Muchas de las localizaciones de "Santa Rosita" fueron filmadas en Long Beach (California, Estados Unidos).
  • Fue la primera película rodada con lentes anamórficas.
  • Peter Falk improvisó muchas de sus frases en la escena del taxi.
  • Los actores tuvieron en sus manos dos densos guiones; uno para las frases y otro para las escenas de acción.
  • La escena en la que "Melville" golpea el soplete con el martillo, necesitó de 86 tomas.
  • Sólo una de las cuatro palmeras que formaban la "Gran W" existe en la actualidad. Están pensando replantar las otras tres que faltan.
  • Ethel Merman, una famosa cantante de Broadway realiza el papel de la urticante suegra en el film, un papel en un género que no era habitual para ella y cuyo desempeño fue notable en el film.

[editar] En la cultura popular

  • En un capítulo de Los Simpson, Homer the Vigilante, aparece un ladrón que se hace llamar "El Ladrón Felino", que después de cometer robos por toda la ciudad es capturado por Homer. "El Ladrón Felino", desde prisión, informa al pueblo que escondió un enorme tesoro con todos sus robos debajo de una gran "T", dicha noticia moviliza a los habitantes de Springfield para encontrarlo. Toda la escena con la gente intentado llegar lo más rápido posible al lugar es una parodia de la película, incluso se ve a Barney, Patty y Selma volando en un avión, el cual se estrella en un letrero, tirando trozos cuando lo atraviesa. La escena del hombre ahogándose en el río también pertenece a la película.

Cuando encuentran la gran T de fondo se ve la Gran W formada por palmeras.


Resposta  Missatge 283 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/01/2013 15:11

Indiana Jones: Lost Ark of the Covenant 'traced to Ethiopia'

German archaeologists have claimed to have found one of the fabled resting places of the Ark of the Covenant, the chest holding the Ten Commandments which gave the ancient Israelites their power.


The University of Hamburg say its researchers have found the remains of the 10th century BC palace of the Queen of Sheba in Axum, Ethiopia, and an altar which at one time reputedly held the precious treasure.

Archaeologist Helmut Ziegert, who is leading the dig said: “From the dating, its position and the details that we have found, I am sure that this is the palace.”

Ethiopian legends holds that the Ark was taken to the palace of the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon, the king of the Jews, after they fell in love.

After the Queen’s death her son, Menelek, rebuilt the palace and dedicated it to the cult of Sirius, but kept the Ark in its resting place there.

The team said evidence at the site included Sirius symbols, the debris of sacrifices and the alignment of sacred buildings to the rising-point of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.

“The results we have suggest that a Cult of Sothis developed in Ethiopia with the arrival of Judaism and the Ark of the Covenant and continued until 600 AD,” the university said. Sothis is the ancient Greek name for Sirius.

The German research, which began in 1999, is aimed at documenting the origins of the Ethiopian state and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

The hunt for the Ark, which featured in the Indiana Jones film Raiders of the Lost Ark, has become almost as legendary as the artefact itself.

The 1981 film has the artefact recovered by the Nazis from a resting place in the “Well of Souls” in Tanis, Egypt – not to be confused with the Well of Souls on Temple Mount, Jerusalem.

The Nazi treasure hunters are later killed when the Ark is opened.

The Old Testament recounts that Moses, on leading the Israelites from Egypt, received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.

These Commandments, written on stone tablets, were later placed in a chest made from acacia wood, plated with gold and topped with two golden angels. This was the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark was then kept in the Temple of Solomon Jerusalem for centuries, according to the Old Testament.

After Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians in the 6th century BC, the Bible and it entered the realm of legend.

Ethiopian tradition claims that the Ark was moved to Axum from Jerusalem in 10th century BC.

A sect in Ethiopia maintains that the Ark is kept at the church of St Mary of Zion, but the site is defended by monks and only one guardian is allowed to see it, making the claim impossible to verify.

Resposta  Missatge 284 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/01/2013 03:34
"Maya" is today Mexico and the name "Mexico" via Mextli refers to a "god of war" which in Roman mythology is Mars. "Mexico" via Mexihco means "Place at the Center of the Moon" implying "in the womb  of Diana". Or, "In-Diana"... i.e. Indiana.

Between January's GRAIL/Phobos-Grunt and March's John Carter (of Mars)/Mars close encounter, we had a bigger "ritual" in the form of the Super Bowl featuring Madonna at halftime (February 5)... in Indiana.


If you knew the hidden context, you could see that Madonna was being a "Princess of Mars".

[Scene in John Carter]

["Princess of Mars"]


All about the Rise of the Martian Queen/King/Prince.

I can already hear the grumblings: "Why should the royals be so special as to be considered extraterrestrial?" "Are we expected to worship them as gods?" "This is bullshit, I refuse to accept their disgusting elitism!"

Relax. It's a story. A movie. You're being fed information in coded form. It's not being force-fed. Only you can prevent yourself from broadening your knowledge and understanding.

Symbols help us think. A "king" or "queen" as a leader represent the people. The nature of the people is ideally reflected in the one on the throne. Where the leader goes, the people go. As the leader, so the people. In concept at least.

So the suggested extraterrestrial, "Martian" nature of the royal Grail/Babylon bloodline, particularly the upcoming royal baby, would also apply in some way to the rest of mankind. The story of us. Our Genesis. That's where Prometheus comes in, another massively hyped movie released this year at the time of the Venus Transit early June. All about mankind's extraterrestrial origin.

The mythological figure Prometheus, a titan, created humans and gave them fire. The Olympic flame officially represents this Promethean fire.

"A king has his reign, and then he dies..." - quote from Prometheus

Humans... Martian DNA... or "MDNA" (title of Madonna's new album released this year)...


All this is essentially a continuation of the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, the symbolic communication we witnessed there. Greece is the birthplace/genesis of the Olympic Games. 2004 was the year of the previous Transit of Venus (2004 & 2012). Martian panspermia, Martian pregnancy, Martian birth... The Holy Grail. I should know, I wrote all about it in 2004.



At this point I should remind the reader that I accurately predicted (and I don't use that term lightly) the William-Kate royal engagement almost to the day in 2010 (see Lucifer's Destiny). A full year before that, I had already started projecting what would be happening in 2010-2012. This was back in 2009 when there was no sign of a royal engagement:

Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]

It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]

A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012. [red emphasis added]

Well, here we are in 2012 and things are indeed in motion as far as the British Royal Family per our prognostication.

The Olympic ceremonies are a "mega-ritual," not doubt about that. So many people out there are shouting: "Oh my god, alien invasion! Project Blue Beam! False flag attack!" It's understandable but most are just new at this. I've been at this for more than a decade. I was heavily into this it before 9/11. I can point to the fact that I wrote an article on the 9/11 attacks in October 2001 from a multicontextual perspective that's not so different from what I talk about today... including Mars.

From experience I can say that foresight is not something easily attained. Our reality is not static, it's dynamic. The future is fluid and influenced by what we do, see, and are aware of in the present. The future reacts to our actions and perception so as not to "reward" the unworthy with the gift of foresight. The more purely you align with truth, the more you are "worthy", that is to say, the more you resonate with the future (unrealized possibilities). Most "conspiracy theorists" don't have this quality in them which requires a great sense of balance, lots of self-examination and ego-control. That's why 99.999% of the time they can't foresee anything correctly. Their uncontrolled ego magnet screws up the truth compass. If you can't start from a place of no assumptions and no preconceived worldview, you won't get far. If you go "I'm a Christian" or "I'm an atheist", or "I'm looking for conspiracies by the NWO, the stinking Illuminati!" for instance, you're immediately done right there before you even start, a dead-ender. Talk about self-sabotage. It's so easy to contaminate our reality/future vision with our conscious and subconscious preconceptions. So, while listening to folks like Alex Jone might initially help you deprogram yourself from the mainstream unquestioning mindset, constantly listening to the endless stream of their version of "I hate my parents, they ruined my life, bahhhh!" day in and day out, well, now that's just another worldview programming, another religion, yes, "mind control." It's very unhealthy. You need to stay balanced so as not to get stuck in a fixed line of thinking. That just makes you a robot.

Back to "King William 2012"... Here we are in 2012, just days away from the London Olympics, and "signs" such as the Aurora mass shooting keep pointing to the same storyline, the focus more on royal pregnancy than coronation per se though that's exactly what we see  depicted in the London Olympic logo (as I interpreted it back in 2007):

- Prince William turns
30 (= XXX) in 2012
- 2012 Olympics = Games of the
XXX Olympiad


"Coronation" of course has its celestial counterpart in corona, meaning "crown". Corona is the plasma atmosphere around the Sun (or other celestial body) that you can see during a total eclipse.

Though technically not identical, a "solar atmosphere" is conceptually interchangeable with "solar wind"... which in turn encodes the name of the British Royal Family, "Windsor".

It is also the "atmosphere/wind" of the Sun, in the form of solar flares and CMEs bombarding the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, that produces auroras.

In this context, a "coronation ritual" can take place celestially via "solar wind" and auroras around the earth, in effect crowning the entire planet or all of us. Martian king... Martian race... here on earth. And we are apparently about to get an opportunity to have a "total recall" of our forgotten ("Martian") genesis, how we began.

The entire period of the London Olympics is "radioactive." But I'm going to go ahead and say that I see the latter part of August as a window for big things. Anchor dates ~August 24 and 29.




Just scratching the surface but that's it for now.

Resposta  Missatge 285 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/01/2013 03:36
Aurora Code 2012
Aurora Massacre & Rise of Martians

by Goro (goroadachi.com & supertorchritual.com) 
July 21, 2012

Mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado
 July 20, 2012


Jul 20 Batman US cinema shooting: 12 dead in Colorado

Multicontextual Interpretation

As Above, So Below (Aurora):

First and foremost, it was right there in front of us... Aurora's deep impact coinciding with a aurora outbreak in the sky energized by a recent X-class solar flare, as if reflected in a mirror. Aurora above, Aurora below...

As Above, So Below (Torch-Bearer):

"Aurora" is Latin for "dawn" as in "Bringer of Dawn" i.e. one of the names given to the Morning Star (Venus/Lucifer). Venus is a Morning Star this summer, reaching its brightest point around mid-July, heavily interacting with the space shuttle Enterprise which just went on public display at Manhattan's Intrepid museum mere hours before the Aurora massacre.

The Morning Star is Lucifer who is a "light/torch bearer". On the day of Aurora's mass shooting, a Olympic torch bearer arrived in London, making quite scene.

2008 Solar Minimum & Beijing Olympics:

The Aurora massacre occurred at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, a sequel to The Dark Knight released back in 2008 at the trough of the 11-year solar cycle, called "Solar Minimum". We are currently entering "Solar Maximum" projected to peak around 2013 (shifted from the original projection of 2012).

2008 was the year of the previous Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China where the main motif was a fiery or auroral "Lucky Cloud" foreshadowing the "Mayan" Solar Maximum and next Summer Olympics.

Project Babylon:

A "Tower of Babel" - officially called "Memory Tower" - was erected during Beijing's closing ceremony on August 24, 2008. Per traditional symbolism, the Babylonian "gate of the gods" unites heaven and earth.

Five days later, a film starring Vin Diesel called Babylon A.D. was released in theaters.

Originally titled (novel) "Babylon Babies", the story revolves around a mysterious girl with supernatural powers named... Aurora.

Her big secret is that she's been technologically modified to become a "virgin" mother who miraculously gives birth to messianic twins. This is eventually revealed to be a fake miracle planned and orchestrated by a power-hungry religious group to boost membership.

August 29 - Babylon A.D. release date - adds to the pregnancy/birth theme as it is the birthday of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, associated with the Milky Way/Nile and the flood ("water breaking") and considered a herald of imminent birth.

In 2005, August 29 was the exact date of New Orleans' "water breaking" impact moment when Hurricane Katrina made landfall there... right at the midpoint of a Galactic-Mayan timeline directly involving the year 2012.

"Katrina" means "Catherine" as in Catherine "Kate" Middleton, i.e. the UK princess whose pregnancy/childbirth we've been long projecting for the Mayan window of 2012-2013 on our sites (Etemenanki/STRUG).

August 29 is also Judgment Day in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The series is all about an inter-temporal battle over the pregnancy, birth and survival of a "messianic" figure, John Connor, the son of Sarah whose name means "princess".


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles October 20, '08 episode
"The Tower Is Tall But The Fall Is Short"

Catherine Weaver (in charge of Project 'Babylon'):
"I'm building something..."

In the most recent installment in the Terminator film series (Terminator Salvation) the messianic protagonist John Connor is played by actor Christian Bale, who back in 2008 also became... Batman ("Bruce Wayne"). Christian Bale is Batman in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). The Aurora shooter reportedly claimed he was The Joker, Batman's nemesis.

Martian Grail King Rises:

"Terminator" is also an astronomical term referring to the dividing line between light/day and shadow/night on the surface of a celestial body. The only "terminator" we can see in everyday life is that of the Moon (i.e. the phases of the Moon) which is Diana (Moon goddess). Kate Middleton married Princess Diana's first son, Prince William, a messianic figure in the mold of the Once and Future King ("Arthur"), whose first child she should be pregnant with soon if not already.


Resposta  Missatge 286 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 19/01/2013 05:12

Resposta  Missatge 287 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 22/01/2013 17:17
The most obvious starting point when looking for 'imagery' of this type has to be 'The Friday 13th' franchise...which started out in 1980...that series has firmly put the concept into the group mind.

                                The appropriately named part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan.

Have a look see at this video clip from the intro that I came across at youtube...makes interesting viewing...if you get my drift?

They even had a 'Kane' (Kane/Caine/Tubal etc) playing Jason...'Hodder' relating to bricks and building?

A Horror, Inc. Production...of 'Paramount' (K2 11-11) importance...literally! K the 11th letter of the alphabet and 2 a sum of 1+1 giving 11-11. And all should be aware of Crowley's work in respet of 'cabalism/qabala/kabbala etc.

In fact the mountain K2 and Crowley have an intimate relationship...he and a companion were the first to attempt a climb in 1902.

Paramount with its K2 reference? and the fallen 22 (11+11) stars that ring the peak...is that fallen stars or are they angels/demons (think the biblical fall)...in the city of Los Angeles or Lost Angels/Demons? The 'magick'of Hollywood (or Holly-Wood that 'wands' are sometimes traditionally made from, these same wands being just a euphemism for the 'penis' of the 'sex magick' sorcerer.)

A land of steel & concrete...trapped by dark waters! There is no escape!!! You can't get the adrenaline pumping without the 'TERROR' good people...I love this town!!!

    Kinda goes nicely with this (cough, cough)...thanks to Chris Knowles...now they're cooking!!!

                     Along with intro shot from Pushing Tin...with the allusion to 'a lie/a li'

Resposta  Missatge 288 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 23/01/2013 21:01

Justin Timberlake et le signe 666

Index de Justin Timberlake pointant sur le 666...

Au cas où le spectateur n'aurait pas compris ce qu'il fallait décoder!

Un sexe pointant vers un orifice? non!


Justin Timberlake et le signe 666

Et toujours Justin Timberlake et le signe 666...

Se reporter à la Galerie dédiée


Resposta  Missatge 289 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 26/01/2013 23:47


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Thor en la batalla contra los gigantes, de Mårten Eskil Winge, 1872.

Thor es el dios del trueno en la mitología nórdica y germánica. Su papel es complejo ya que tenía influencia en áreas muy diferentes, tales como el clima, las cosechas, la protección, la consagración, la justicia, las Lidias, los viajes y las batallas.[1]

Era el dios más venerado de las tribus germánicas al menos desde los primeros registros escritos hasta los últimos bastiones del paganismo germánico en la época vikinga tardía. La mayoría de los mitos germánicos lo mencionan o se centran en sus hazañas y en los relatos de las Eddas cumple el papel de protector del Midgard, el mundo de los hombres.[2]

Su arma es el martillo de guerra arrojadizo, llamado Mjolnir, del cual se hicieron réplicas en miniatura como amuleto que luego se convirtió en un símbolo desafiante de los paganos nórdicos durante la cristianización de Escandinavia.[3]

Durante y una vez que el proceso de cristianización fue completado, la figura de Thor fue demonizada por la creciente influencia de misioneros cristianos. Después de que el cristianismo se cimentara, restos de su fe se conservaron de forma clandestina principalmente en áreas rurales,[4] sobreviviendo así hasta tiempos modernos en el folclore germano y más recientemente reconstruido bajo diversas formas en el neopaganismo germánico.




Resposta  Missatge 290 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/02/2013 01:42
Anu era el nombre de un dios en la mitología mesopotámica y mitología sumeria, descrito como el «dios del cielo». Fue posteriormente asimilado por el dios Assur (asirio-babilónico), y el dios Marduk (kasita-babilónico).1
Los sumerios lo llamaban An (para acadios y babilonios Anu). De hecho, An significa precisamente ‘cielo’ en sumerio
Su templo de Uruk se llamaba E-an-na (‘casa del cielo’

Quien es Susy ?


Sus en Egipcio quiere decir barco - ane-ana es anu-bis el chacal por segunda vez.
Por lo tanto la cancion habla del barco de Anubis el chacal que dejara sangre en la pista con el suelo masonico y el espiral como protagonistas principales.

Anubis en su barca pasando el puente de la Piscina - el cruce - la cruz

Anubis y la rueda del Zodiaco en Lindum - London la piscina de las transformaciones

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Aeropuerto refugio de Denver

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Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 08-abr-2012 a las 05:31

Resposta  Missatge 291 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/02/2013 02:43
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..Indigo .. hierro-8-tauro-venus-..mensaje por descifrar'?
gabi ..se ve que esperas buenas vibraciones de el msje.).(

ami me parece un msaje productivo aunque pueda ser cataclismico..por la -oposición en las sombras que no pueda ser dominada
Edito.:[ quote Indigo]

El sol negro cierra con el solsticio en el heptagrama, digamos que el pentagrama anuncia el nacimiento y el heptagrama la muerte, la hoz de la luna es el codigo de la muerte.

8 - la estrella de las primeras Diosas, encripta el hipercubo en su forma octogonal digamos que en la era dorada, la forma de templo de Salomon, quiere decir cuando llegaron los Dioses -gigantes- Angeles caidos, los cuales regresaran en el proximo ciclo.
Como era simbolo de la Diosa puede ser usado tambien para representar a Venus.

prestar atención a ese sim-bolo de la muerte en forma de la hoz de la luna servirá de algo?...por supuesto que las pistas parecen coincidir ,, sólo queda determinar el simbolo de la media luna de la muerte en los -antiguos registros y relacionarlo con las leyendas o realidades sobre catástrofes tipo -sol negro- ,, porque lo que está claro es que el msaje está -escrito" milenios hace y por eso mismo -acertar como los mayas pudieran hacerlo aunque sólo sea en una fracción, es digno de admiración pues en este caso Indigo nos transmite su conocimiento simbólico, siempre contrastable con los datos históricos y de la ´ltima actualidad.S2 de nuevo para indigo..

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Cruz a 60 grados con respecto al norte 90

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Puerta de hierro Madrid, refiere a la actual y ultima era de hierro.
La forma de la autopista es una version geometrica de la vesica pisicis en forma de lagrima o gota, la misma que vemos bajo la cruz celta del Rey Arturo.
En los bordes del cuadro del Rey Arturo esta la S, el cambio de espiral que vemos en la forma del Hospital puerta de hierro.
Tambien en el cuadro vemos el sello con el triple espiral del centro de la galaxia.
8 el hipercubo, el pulpo, codigo, Octo-pussy de James Bond, pussy refiere tanto al gato como a la vagina y esto una vez que empezamos a desenredar la madeja podemos entender que no es casual.
Venus - del Latin Venire - us- nosotros, o sea viene hacia nosotros en su ciclo pentagonal, representa al interaccion pentagonal entre los dos cubos del hipercubo, la estrella de la manzana que es una imagen del microcosmos, nuestros 5 dedos en cada mano son una imagen de esta realidad geometrica, la simetria es producto de la interaccion de los espirales 9 y 6, el ciclope con un ojo es un monstruo singular, hijo de Urano y Gea, Urano es el planeta 7 esta inclinado a 60 grados en su eje, como dicen los textos esotericos es el espejo de la singularidad del centro de la galaxia.

Manos Diosa Kali
Tigre y elefante
007 - Cordenadas del centro de la galaxia - 7 aries al 11 sistema solar.
Piña a rombos en la mano simbolo de singularidad por excelencia, en otra mano el cuchillo simil Diosa Kali.
Fuego y explosion, el triangulo en dedos abajo, etc.

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Hospital puerta de Hierro - estrella cinco puntas y las 7 hermanas

Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 02-abr-2012 a las 17:03

Resposta  Missatge 292 de 534 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/02/2013 03:21

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/02/2013 03:49

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/02/2013 03:55

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