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From beaches to bridges, Apple has plenty of possible California-themed names for next OS X
By AppleInsider Staff Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 09:59 am PT (12:59 pm ET)
With Apple's next-generation Mac operating system expected to be unveiled at the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference in June, AppleInsider looks at possible names the company might choose for its follow-up to the OS X versions dubbed Yosemite and Mavericks.
What's in a name? In the case of Apple's OS X, for years it was represented by big cats, ranging from Leopard to Lion.
But as Apple began to dig deep into the feline family tree with names like Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion, it switched to famous California locations, starting with the release of OS X 10.9 Mavericks two years ago. That name refers to the legendary surfing spot located in Northern California.
Apple's 2014 follow-up was dubbed Yosemite, a nod to the iconic U.S. National Park that calls the Golden State home.
With WWDC set to kick off on June 8, Apple has already said it plans to show "the future" of both OS X and iOS at the event. That means we'll probably get to see OS X 10.11, along with the choice of a new California landmark.
Some of California's most famous spots seem unlikely to make the cut for an OS X release. For example, Alcatraz and its role as a maximum security federal prison would not be suitable for a consumer electronics product lineup that aims to be friendly and approachable.
Alcatraz Island, via Wikipedia.
Similarly, the name San Andreas, in reference to the earthquake-prone fault line that runs through California, would likely give the impression of a crash-prone, unreliable operating system. And Death Valley, while beautiful, has not only a morbid name but an association with barren, dry lands.
In the realm of actually viable names, Apple may already have tipped its hand last year: The company has already filed for trademarks on names referring to a well-known city or geographic figure in California. They are:
- OS X Sequoia
- OS X Mojave
- OS X Sonoma
- OS X Ventura
Sequoia National Park, via Wikipedia.
The registrations, and names already used, suggest that virtually any feature, city or location in California is considered fair game for future OS X branding. With that in mind, here are some other options that Apple could choose:
- OS X Cupertino: Perhaps the most obvious choice for Apple is its home city, where the company's headquarters is located, and where its Campus 2 "spaceship" facility is rapidly approaching completion.
The Golden Gate Bridge, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Golden Gate: San Francisco's world-famous Golden Gate Bridge would make an excellent name for an OS X release, evoking thoughts of an impressive architectural feat, as well as an iconic design.
The Hollywood sign, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Hollywood: Located within Los Angeles, the glitz and glamour of the home of the motion picture industry would be appropriate for a big and flashy update to OS X.
Vineyards in Napa Valley, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Napa: California's Napa Valley is one of the premier wine regions in the world, and the name immediately conjures up images of high-class and good taste —two traits Apple would undoubtedly love to associate with a new Mac operating system release.
Ski slopes near Lake Tahoe, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Tahoe: This name is particularly interesting because of an iOS connection: Codenames for Apple's iOS have been based on ski resorts, and both iOS 1.02 Heavenly and iOS 3.0 Kirkwood are named after resorts located near California's Lake Tahoe.
Redwood National Forest, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Redwood: The tall trees of California's Redwood National Park stand strong and beautiful, which could symbolize the lasting power of Apple's robust OS X framework.
Long Beach, Calif., via Wikipedia.
- OS X Long Beach (or Hermosa, or Venice, Malibu, or Pebble): Synonymous with sun, fun and style, California's Long Beach would imply a "cool" factor for OS X. Other famous beaches could also be OS X candidates, such as the origins of skateboarding in Hermosa Beach, the tourist-friendly sands of Venice Beach or Malibu, or the stunning PGA golf course at Pebble Beach.
The Big Sur coast, via Wikipedia.
- OS X Big Sur: One of the most scenic driving routes on Earth, California's Big Sur is filled with dramatic visuals along the coast of the Pacific Ocean that, if nothing else, would make for gorgeous default wallpaper in a new OS X release.
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Message 5 de 34 de ce thème |

Statue of Liberty
The height of the Statue of Liberty is 111′-1″ from bottom of foot to top of head. The 7 rays on the crown and the 11 points of the base star echo the proportions of the Great Pyramid’s 7:11 height to base proportion. The superb book Talisman by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval convincingly shows this goddess is actually the Egyptian Isis.
Image courtesy Elcobbola under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Montségur is in the Ariege, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, not far from Lavelanet, due South from Mirepoix.
Montségur lies at 42°52'35" N, 1°49'51" E on a pog (a volcanic pluton) at an altitude of 1,207 meters. The castle is owned by the Commune of Montségur. There is an entrance fee, which also covers entry to a museum in the nearby town.
Guided Tours Cathar Castle Tours
Mairie: mairie.montsegur@wanadoo.fr Tel: 05 61 0110 27
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aerial view of Montségur
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Message 6 de 34 de ce thème |
Sabemos que Vesica Piscis esta en funcion al a los 153 peces de Juan 21:11.
 Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11 153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
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Message 7 de 34 de ce thème |
Posted on Apr 28, 2019

On March 19, 2109 The Galaxy reported that China was close to launching its “artificial sun” promising a future of ‘limitless clean energy –a Chinese “Green New Deal”. Unlike nuclear fission, fusion emits no greenhouse gases and carries less risk of accidents or the theft of atomic material.
Sometimes called an “artificial sun” for the sheer heat and power it produces, China’s doughnut-shaped Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) that juts out on a spit of land into a lake in eastern Anhui province, has notched up a succession of firsts, reports AFP. Officials announced that the machine which will hold the ‘artificial sun’, called the HL-2M Tokamak, could be built this year using nuclear fusion in which hydrogen from sea water and readily available lithium is heated to more than 150 million°C.
The current Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor in Hefei has created temperatures as hot as the interior of the sun. In November, it became the first facility in the world to generate 100 million degrees Celsius (212 million Fahrenheit)—six times as hot as the sun’s core. These mind-boggling temperatures are crucial to achieving sustainable nuclear fusion reactions, which promise an inexhaustible energy source.
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“The artificial sun’s plasma is mainly composed of electrons and ions and the country’s existing Tokamak devices have achieved an electron temperature of over 100 million degrees C in its core plasma, and an ion temperature of 50 million C, and it is the ion that generates energy in the device,” said Dr Duan Xuru, an official at the China National Nuclear Corporation, according to China’s Global Times.
HL-2M Tokamak is expected to increase the electricity intensity from one mega amperes to three mega amperes, an important step to achieve nuclear fusion, a spokesperson surnamed Liu with the press office of the Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP), affiliated with China National Nuclear Corporation, told the Global Times.
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For instance, the deuterium (also known as heavy hydrogen) extracted from one liter of seawater releases the energy equivalent of burning 300 liters of gasoline in a complete fusion reaction, Liu said.
The “artificial sun” aims to release nuclear fusion in the same way as the sun by using deuterium and tritium (radioactive hydrogen-3), and finally generate electricity. It is clean energy that will not generate waste, which makes it ideal for people to use in the future, Liu said.
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Message 8 de 34 de ce thème |
Albert Einstein (en alemán [ˈalbɛɐ̯t ˈaɪnʃtaɪn]; Ulm, Imperio alemán, 14 de marzo de ... En 1915 presentó la teoría de la relatividad general, en la que reformuló por completo el concepto de gravedad. ...... Einstein, Albert (1905e) [manuscrito recibido 27 de septiembre 1905], «Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem ... |
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13 jun. 2007
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... en el pensamiento económico de la Escuela Española de Economía ... Angel Fernandez gran trabajo sobre La ...
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Surgimiento de las ideas de la Escuela Austriaca de Economía. Influencias en ... Escuela de Salamanca, de ...
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Message 11 de 34 de ce thème |
Saint Mary Magdalene in Venice
 A closer look 
 the Apple
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Message 12 de 34 de ce thème |
Albert Einstein (en alemán [ˈalbɛɐ̯t ˈaɪnʃtaɪn]; Ulm, Imperio alemán, 14 de marzo de ... En 1915 presentó la teoría de la relatividad general, en la que reformuló por completo el concepto de gravedad. ...... Einstein, Albert (1905e) [manuscrito recibido 27 de septiembre 1905], «Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem ...
rpp.pe › Lima
27 sep. 2015 - ... primera vez su Teoría de la Relatividad Especial, también llamada restringida; y en 1960, muere el ... 27 de septiembre del 2015 - 12:01 AM ...
Albert Einstein publica la teoría general de la relatividad ... De la teoría especial de la relatividad se deduce su famosa ecuación E=mc2, ... 27-09-1905 D.C..
7 ene. 2014 - En 1905 Einstein publicó su teoría de la relatividad especial, que ...... Einstein presentó a los editores de Annalen el 27 de septiembre del ...
MATT 16:18 is an in your face glyph for the golden mean ratio 1.618
(“MATT” is pun of “MATTER”)
Golden Mean ratio of 1.618
The Golden Mean and the Equilateral Triangle in a Circle; THE CRUCIAL FACT IS THE MIDPOINT OF THE TRIANGLE SIDE
Star Tetrahedron, formed by the MIDPOINTS OF THE CENTRAL EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE (the blue and rose colored lines indicate these midpoint halves)
Saint Mary Magdalene in Venice
 A closer look 
 the Apple
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https://lapalabradelbeni.com.bo/municipal/santa-maria-magdalena-dio-muestras-de-hospitalidad/ |
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