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Resposta  Missatge 1 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 16/06/2011 15:00

Ishtar is the Babylonian Goddess of Freedom and Liberty, she is also the counterpart of the Goddess Ceres, the Goddess Juno, and the goddess of Syrian origin introduced into Egypt during the 18th Dynasty known as Astarte. She is also known by these titles: "Exalted Light of Heaven", "She Who Begets All", "Guardian of the Law" and "Shepherdess of the Lands". She through the idolatrous and wicked Satanic followers known as Freemasons, entered into the Western Civilization in 1884. Now you may be wondering well I'm in the Western World but I've never heard of her, which I don't disagree with you because many in this Western Civilization have been blinded to the deceptions and ills that plague this society. So where is she, well this Babylonian Goddess known as Ishtar can be found guarding the New York City harbor as well as atop of the US Capitol Building in Washington D.C. where America's lawmakers meet to write their new laws, yes the ancient Goddess Ishtar is America's Statue of Liberty. She also can be found on the grounds or atop of the domes of many statehouses around the USA, and she is also found on the coinage of America as well.


Babylonian Goddess Ishtar

American Statue of Liberty

Roman Goddess Juno

Now the lie told unto the American people concerning the Statue of Liberty is as follows - Standing at the entrance to New York harbor is a 151-foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch on-high. "Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States to commemorate the 100th anniversary of American Independence. Now if your one of the so called black people in America, you should have known this was a another lie spoon fed to you, because when America so called won it's freedom, your ancestors were slaves, so their was no liberty for you. You were not even called Americans, you were niggers, coons, monkeys, savages, blackeys, mud people, and so forth. Now how ignorant have these people made you to celebrate something you had no part of but picking cotton and shucking peas? The Statue of Liberty was not a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States to commemorate the 100th anniversary of American Independence. The truth is, the Statue of Liberty was presented in 1884 as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons to the Masons of America in celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic.

She is holding the Masonic “Torch of Enlightenment”, which is also referred to back in the 1700’s by the Illuminati Masons as the “Flaming Torch of Reason”. Americans have been deceived to believe that she is the symbol of their liberty in what is known as the land of the free and home of the brave. Which that is totally false because if she was the land of the free, and if the brotherhood spoken of by Masons were actually authentic, then America would have never owned slaves in which alot of slave owners were Masonic Masons. The mirror image of the Statue of Liberty stands on an Island in the River Seine in Paris, in which these statues represent the goddess Ishtar, Isis, Inanna, Astarte, and Juno. The ancient civilizations had many ways that they would use statues and objects to give homage and honor unto the Sun. The torch is not the torch of liberty, but instead the torch of the illuminated ones, which is the top secret society controlling the world founded by Adam Weishaupt. The Statue of Liberty is a brotherhood symbol letting the world know that they control America, but the American people are too blind to see it, wakeup!


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Resposta  Missatge 21 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 09/08/2011 18:01



PART XV – The Prophetic Sequence


Introduction by Doug Krieger




“It is unthinkable that God who knows the end from the beginning would pinpoint such small nations as Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia and Syria in the prophetic declaration and completely overlook the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the earth. Too long have we evaded the question. Too long have we summarily grouped our country with the so-called revived Roman Empire. Too long have we persisted in terming the U. S. A. in prophecy as one of the ‘lion's cubs,’ thus giving her but an inferential mention in the shadow of a diminishing Britain.” S. Franklin Logsdon – Sr. Pastor Moody Memorial Church, Chicago – c. 19671


Today’s world is a far cry from the Papacy’s apostate dominance which suffered at the hands of French Revolutionists in the 1790s.  A far cry, indeed, from Pax Britannia -- and light years beyond the Great War and Wilson’s designs to “make the world safe for democracy.”  The geo-political world of colossal antagonists disappeared as Reagan’s words, “Tear down this wall,” were financed by the deficit spending of today’s only Super Power.  Instead of Khrushchev’s, “We’ll bury you” – the bear was driven into hibernation.


Seemingly oblivious to the nature of the Image that arose upon the banks of the Tigris-Euphrates—unaware or unwilling to admit that Western Civilization’s inexorable march toward world political, military, commercial, and even cultural hegemony—evangelical exponents of Bible prophecy find themselves mired in inane eschatology and relegated to the periphery of the world’s greatest debate.  Purposefully, or ignorantly, they diminish Biblical relevance—and shower believers within the Western framework with false perceptions and hope—holding forth the promise of Premillenarian Rapture prior to any final engagement with the “powers of darkness,” and, most assuredly, as Moody’s Memorial Sr. Pastor exclaimed:  The USA is given inferential mention in the context of the great prophetical panoply prior to the Day of the Lord . . . and all this “benign neglect” reinforced, either intentionally or blindly, by today’s American “Patriotic Prophets” who point to her illuminating torch lifted high as the protector of liberty throughout the land and, for that matter, the whole earth.


After scores of books written on this subject of America’s premiere involvement in the last days—by well-meaning futurists, historical interpreters, and those who would dismiss her engagement as purely symbolic—this writer has concluded that the Church’s theology on the conclusion of Scripture’s canon (i.e., the Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah, and other salient Scriptures), awaits a more relevant commentary that refuses to compromise the great Premillenarian insights of the 1800-1900s, while facing the immediate with the living Word of God that will yet speak into our generation with relevance and unmistakable clarity


The Church and Israel, are woven into the “Climax of the Ages” – the Antichrist-Beast, False Prophet, Image of the Beast and their worship shall be confronted by the “saints of the Most High” with overcoming TESTIMONY:  “By the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony” – because they refuse to love themselves unto the death!  The Seven Seals, Trumpets, Bowls and Thunders shall yet descend upon “the face of the whole earth” – but our assessment of their judgments and curses must undergo an agonizing reappraisal by the believing Church, and prophetic Israel—especially in light of that Great City’s ignobility and final manifestation. 


Our understanding and practical engagement in our most recent series—THE PROPHETIC SEQUENCE—will no longer tolerate a “Laodicean indifference,” nor a Eurocentric, theological bias.  Blatant at worst, and benign at best, disregard for the “signs of the times,” and an “eschatological aloofness” which bespeaks more of blind national patriotism and “scriptural isolationism,” rather than humble interaction with the “pure Word of God” in the “midst of a crooked and perverse generation,” confirms Babylon’s grip upon our psyche and the shallowness of our spirituality.  Are the “children of this world” really “wiser than the children of light?”  Do you think it dictatorial or insightful that communist China omits the Revelation of Jesus Christ from their “Three-Self Movement” Bible distribution?  Do the Kings of the East perceive their demise and wish to excise its revelation?  Yet we who freely disseminate and read the Apocalypse ill-recognize the implications it portends nor of Mystery Babylon’s overwhelming dominance at the close of the age!


Unless the theological core of Premillenarian thought undergoes a rigorous course correction, an ill-prepared, earth-bound, heavenly-denying, end-times’ Church, shall have little viable witness to a world careening out of control—facing the encroachment of imperial dictatorship, Antichrist, unceasing wars, famine, death and all within the false delusions of peace and safety . . . taking place in the here and now—right in our own backyard!  Notwithstanding our short-sightedness—there’s much hope, because the God Who spoke the universe into being, has no intention to remain silent at the pivotal point of human history.


The greatest “C.S.I.” (crime scene investigation) of all times confronts us—thank the Lord that there are heroes of the faith, who with candor and relentless pursuit of the truth, refuse to compromise the unadulterated truth of Mystery Babylon’s identity—a supreme disclosure whose whereabouts will bring sufficient evidence to the fore and thereby solve, once and for all, the mystery of Babylon the Great and provide overarching substance to further declarations within The Prophetic Sequence.


Therefore, it is with intelligent pleasure and Biblical illumination that we at The Tribulation Network commend the insights of R. A. Coombes—both his text on America, the Babylon . . . America’s Destiny Foretold In Biblical Prophecy as well as his contemporary web sites: www.americathebabylon.com or www.aoreport.com and, no, there is not full agreement on all things eschatological; however, make no mistake here, “walk we not in the same spirit” is going on with R. A. Coombes – and for that reason we are proud to reckon him as “one of us” in this pursuit for truth.  First, we wish to convey a response that he made that inadvertently solicited our immediate accolade (Jack Hook is currently carrying on a rather lively exchange on a variety of prophetic topics via e-mail) and then several of his expositions and commentary on America, the Babylon from his prophetical text – we encourage you to pursue his other writings and contemporary insights at the aforementioned web sites.  (Note:  Minor editing to enhance R. A. Coombes’ e-mail exchange have been added – used by permission.)





Hello –


I’m not sure to whom I am responding, so forgive the lack of personal greetings.  I felt it incumbent to respond to the questions raised by the e-mail (exchange) about the identity of a future Babylon in prophecy, often times referred to as Mystery Babylon.  This is a subject in which I’ve been conducting extensive research and writing on the issues for nearly twenty years of my thirty-six years of overall Biblical studies.  I have written a two-volume work on the subject, entitled:  America, The Babylon: America’s Destiny Foretold In Biblical Prophecy.


When I started my research, I held to the identity theory taught by my professors from the Moody Bible Institute and Calvary Bible College (Kansas City, MO), namely, that the RCC (the Roman Catholic Church) was the Woman of Revelation 17 and Rome was the identity of the commercial entity of Revelation 18.  Those were the standard theories in the 1970s.


When I began my specialized study on this subject in 1987, you couldn’t drag me to the conclusion that the U.S. was M.B. (Mystery Babylon).  It took five to six years of research before I began to accept otherwise, and not until 1995 was I convinced (after being dragged, screaming and kicking by weight of the textual and empirical data) that America was M.B.  I stubbornly refused to accept the idea that America was M.B. partly out of misguided patriotism and, I suspect also pride, that I’d been duped for years about the true reality of America’s history. I still wish I were wrong, and I still maintain a challenge to anyone to prove me wrong. Many have tried - all have failed and failed miserably, just as I failed in my quest to disprove the notion that America is Babylon of Biblical Prophecy. Having said that . . .




Allow me to respond directly to each point below with my responses to each

point or question; this will make it easier to follow my comments in regards to the questions or points raised.


Everywhere in the Bible where Babylon is mentioned it is located in modern-day Iraq. Why not end-times prophecies?


Actually, in my extensive archaeological research, I found that there is strong evidence that the Babylon of Nimrod was NOT in present-day Iraq,  but rather on the Plain of Shinar (of which there are several by that name in the Middle East) in eastern Turkey - or in Northern Iran. Different archaeologists/researchers believe that they have found the actual site for what was the tower of Babel in either one of those other spots. Each group of theorists makes very strong and interesting cases for their claims. So that, if either of those research groups’ theories are true, then your statement is in error.  (Note:  This is a personal dialogue carried on between Coombes and another respondent in the Jack Hook e-mail exchange; hence, the “personal tone and address.”)


Additionally, modern-day Cairo was once referred to as Babylon, built by Alexander, the Great and the city was still named Babylon in the days of the New Testament.  It is possible, that Peter’s reference to Babylon may well have been that Egyptian city of the same name - which, by the way, did have a small community of Christians. It is also not far from where some of the Gnostic gospels were discovered.


Also, just as there was more than one Plain of Shinar - there are many with that name around the Middle East - one in Egypt along the Nile River, another in the Jordan River valley, plus the ones in Turkey and northern Iran.




Also, the term Chaldea is not so much “a land” or “a nation” but rather its designation alludes to a group of religious mystics who were nomads. These Chaldeans roamed from up in eastern Europe clear down through Turkey, Iran, parts of Syria, as well as what is now Iraq, and clear over into Canaan. They were the ones who carried and kept alive the ancient mystery religions of ancient Sumer - the religions of the goddess Inanna (aka Ishtar) and of the sun god Utu (aka Shamash) as well as of Marok, Marduk, Merodach, Bel or Baal. These were the key religions that the Chaldeans kept alive.


So that the “land of Chaldea” in the Bible might not necessarily be a reference to what is now modern-day Iraq. The Hittite empire was in reality composed of the priestly class, the Khaldi’s - a spelling variant of our Anglicized “Chaldees.”  The Chaldee or Chaldeans in English, were simply a religious group. Anyone from any tribe or nation could become a Chaldean, because it was simply a “priestly” class of people - somewhat like the Levites of Israel, only the Chaldeans were not inbred and they evangelized. All one had to do was become a believer, practitioner. The religion of the goddess Ishtar was their main attraction - a prostitution religion of  “Holy Sex.”


Their religions were THE “mystery” religions of Ishtar, Utu and Baal. In reality they were the forerunners of our modern-day Freemasons—much of the Chaldean dogmas have been preserved and are incorporated into Freemasonry and Cabbalistic practices of today; although, I suspect some of the mystery doctrines may have been lost, forgotten or discarded.  My point is that the Biblical term “land of the Chaldees” or “land of the Chaldeans” in Scripture are not referencing Iraq, but rather the areas where the Chaldean “religions” were practiced.


Why is Babylon not mentioned in the Psalm 83 prophecy or Ezekiel 38-39?  Could it be that the prophecy of Jeremiah 50-51 has been fulfilled?


A couple of points regarding your question about Jeremiah 50, 51 are in order.


First of all, the Jeremiah passages cited, clearly state by the use of Messianic Hebrew idioms, albeit abbreviated idioms, references to the coming of Messiah, indicating that what is described happens at the time of the coming of Messiah—when He comes to conquer the earth and set up the kingdom.  Among these idioms are the KJV terms “Banner,” “Standard” or variations thereof.


Secondly, the descriptions of the destruction in Jeremiah 50 and 51 have never been fulfilled.  The Persian conquest of Babylon was the exact opposite of what Jeremiah 50 and 51 describe. Babylon was taken by the Persians with barely a “shot fired.”  It was never burned to the ground by anyone, including the Persians.


The prophecies indicate that at her fall, no one would continue living in Babylon.  However, after the Persian conquest, the city remained populated, and was Alexander the Great’s capitol for a while.  In the time of Jesus, there were still more Jews living in Babylon than in all of Israel.  Babylon remained a populated city of significant size until about 400 A.D. when it began to dwindle down eventually into a small village until its disappearance in about 1400 A.D. when the last of the water supply sources ran out. The desert sands covered up the city until the 1800s. The bottom-line is that the Jeremiah passages have never been fulfilled.


Everywhere in the OT (Old Testament) where Israel is mentioned it NEVER refers to the church. The church was a mystery yet revealed in Ephesians 3.  God made promises to Abraham in Genesis 12 and He promised in Jeremiah 31 that Israel will NEVER be destroyed or abandoned or God will never forget His covenant with Israel (Psalm 89:34 - My covenant will I not break nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.)  (Likewise . . . If God said Israel He meant Israel. If He said Babylon He meant Babylon, not Rome nor the USA.  It’s only end-time speculation that causes people to try to fit prophecy where it suits them.)


At first glance your logic would seem plausible; yet, it doesn’t quite hold water here when we compare Israel to Babylon.  Zechariah 5 indicates that Babylon moved - or shall we say, the “spirit” of Babylon - the Woman - aka “Ishtar” the chief goddess of Babylon moved.


Some ancient rabbinical commentaries on Zechariah were written about 300 B.C. citing rabbis who were assistants to Zechariah who had stated that the prophet Zechariah had taught them that the Woman of Zechariah 5 was the fallen angelic entity who was the guardian spirit (i.e. angel) of Babylon and that this spirit moved westwards out of ancient Babylon, and would be relocated for the “End of Days” in a place beyond the Nile River and the Great Sea.  By the time of Jesus, rabbinical thinking was that Zechariah’s vision of the Woman pointed to her having moved on to Rome.


In point of fact, the Ishtar religion’s home-base kept moving slowly westward.  The religion’s main base moved from Babylon on to Assyria and into northern Syria in particular where she was known as Ashtoreth/Ashtaroth and also by that same name in Lebanon and Israel.  Later the Ishtar religion was picked up by the Egyptians.  The original native Egyptians called her Ishi or Ishti.


The Greeks found out about her, and referred to her Egyptian version as Isis - because in Greek the spelling ends in a silent s wherein the final s is not pronounced but still retains the s in spelling for grammatical reasons. Also, there is no sh sound in the Greek alphabet.


The Greeks later adopted her religious doctrines from the Assyrians, Phoenicians and Cretes as Astarte.  Here again, there is no sh sound in the Greek alphabet.  The Astarte version virtually contained purer dogmas of the original Ishtar; whereas the Egyptians added subsequent mythologies about her.  Generations later, in Greek culture, her name was changed to Aphrodite; then the Ishtar doctrines were broken up into various goddess names for her individual character traits - one of which was the doctrine of “liberty” or “freedom” – another was “justice” and another was “war.”


The Romans, initially picked up on her dogma via the Greeks and the first one they adopted was the goddess of freedom/liberty - and they called here the Libertas around 600 B.C., but by 400 B.C. they’d adopted her other dogmas and incorporated much of her other mystery doctrines back into a single goddess known as Venus, goddess of love.




Now the early version of Ishtar in Rome - Libertas - becomes extremely critical to the Mystery Babylon prophecies, because the Freemasons picked up on this aspect and used it as a political rallying cry in the mid to late 1700s - just in time for the American Revolution.  American Freemasons, like Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison initially picked up on Libertas and placed her image on early U.S. coinage.


Later, by the 1850s, she became part of the concept for topping off the U.S. Capitol building dome - with a statue of her - initially to be called the Statue of the Goddess of Liberty (aka Libertas, goddess of Rome).  However, Jefferson Davis, (before he became the president of the Confederacy) objected on behalf of slave holders, fearing the name would incite the slaves to rebellion. So it was changed to Goddess of Freedom.  The statue was slightly altered from a Libertas “freedom cap” to a modified “Indian Headdress”; however, it still retained Ishtar’s “star” symbols. In this rendering she was more of a woman warrior, with a sword by her side.


Ishtar was not only a goddess of Love, but also a goddess of war.


The Capitol building itself had been designed and named as The Temple of Libertas or Temple of Liberty - a temple to the Roman (i.e. Babylonian) Goddess of Liberty.  Again, because among the many titles of Ishtar, was her title as goddess of Liberty/Freedom.  She was also the goddess of immigrants.  However, her chief title was the name – “MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS” a term of great holiness in her dogmas.  (Note:  Coombes develops this designation at great length on his websites and texts.)


Notwithstanding, “Mother of the Harlots” deals with issues of salvation and the removal of sins by engaging in sexual intercourse between the temple priestesses and worshippers for the removal of sins.  After their “holy engagements,” an offering of gold or silver coins was placed into the temple collection box.  Hence, the concept of money and prostitution was first invented by the Ishtar religion.  You could say the whole concept was one of

“holy sex” or “salvation by sex.”




Standing guard at the entrance to the U.S. Capitol Building is a statue of the Greek god Mars.  According to the U.S. Library of Congress and the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, the Greeks borrowed the god Mars and the religious dogmas from the Babylonians (Note:  Please see R.A. Coombes’ website for references/citings).   In Babylon he was called by various language dialects:  Mardok, Marduk, Merodach - and in the Aramaic he was Bel; in Hebrew his title was Baal.


In reality Baal stands guard at the U.S. Capitol entrance.  The entire concept of the U.S. Capitol building was borrowed from Rome’s pagan temple dedicated to ALL the gods of Rome - it was called The Pantheon – yet, the Romans borrowed the concept from Babylon.  It was explicitly the desire of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to have this concept in the Capitol’s design; therefore, they rigged the bidding process to make sure this design included this “Babylonian” concept of the “Pantheon of the gods.”


After the Civil War the Statue of Liberty project came into being – again urged on by Freemasons.  The sculptor was a high level Freemason, who designed his statue to be his mind’s eye rendering of the goddess Libertas of Rome.  He even wrote in his diary and journal notes to the effect that she was going to be “in color” and that her “robes” would be scarlet and purple – and she would be bedecked with jewels, akin to what is found in Revelation 17:4; however, upon further consideration (i.e., the elements of weather, etc.) those illustrious features were dropped from the plan; hence, the statue would be the patina of copper. 


Notwithstanding, her seven-spiked crown is a dead-giveaway to her Babylonian connection to Ishtar—for Ishtar was adorned with a crown of seven spikes.  Indeed, one of Ishtar’s “mystery doctrines” was that each spike in her crown reflected the occult enlightenment of her brother, the sun god Utu (or Shamash in the Akkadian dialect of Sumer/Babylon) upon each of the seven hora or continents and the 7 seas of the world.  If you visit a certain U.S. National Park Service webpage on the Statue of Liberty, you will find this application describing the meaning of the “seven spikes of her crown.”



Again, part of the Masonic secret dogma surrounding their worship of Libertas/Ishtar is found in their secret ceremonies at the upper levels—beyond the 33rd degree.  Her pedestal retains another symbol of Ishtar, the star-shaped base.


I’ve only scratched the surface of the empirical evidence here.  My books were originally published in 1998 for Volume 1 and in 2002 for Volume 2.


Since then, a book has come out dealing only with the Masonic and occult secrets of Washington, D.C.  It’s entitled:  The Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital by David Ovason.  This 500+ page text documents to the ‘nth degree—proving that the U.S. Capitol City of D.C. is essentially one big open temple to the goddess Ishtar/Isis/Venus/Libertas, whom Ovason proves to be the “protective goddess” of the nation - thanks to the Founding Fathers’ belief in her via their Masonic, and or Illuminated belief systems.


The entire city is but one big temple to her, full of her occult symbolism including the city being totally aligned astrologically and astronomically to her chief zodiac sign - Virgo - as she is the “perpetual virgin” despite her promiscuity.  


On the spring and fall equinox the main street of D.C., Constitution Avenue, lines up with the U.S. Capitol building precisely to her home star, where she originates from – SiriusVenus was her “on the road” traveling base according to the Sumerians.


On June 21st- the first day of summer - the Washington Monument is in perfect alignment with the sun in order to split the occult enlightenment of the sun-god Utu into one-third each - with a third going to the U.S. Capitol Building to enlighten lawmakers; and another third to the Supreme Court building to enlighten the Judiciary; and, the final third to the White House to enlighten the Executive Branch. 


Resposta  Missatge 22 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 09/08/2011 18:02
All this is in accordance with Freemasonry’s “mystery doctrine” of the sun-god Utu.  Who, by the way, had as his chief temple in Babylonia named “The White House.”  Yes, the sun-god Utu’s temple was called:  The White House.   This temple was the second most popular in all of Babylonia.


I would suggest reading some of my writings that are online for anyone to read at my magazine website - The Alpha-Omega Report.  Likewise, here are some specific links to related articles on this subject


60 Reasons Why Iraq Cannot Be Babylon



Among the reasons I cite, is the fact that much of Iraq is to be part of the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ, as given in the Abrahamic covenant under the Hittite empire which encompassed Babylon and much of Iraq.  The Babylon prophecies state that Babylon will be destroyed, never to be inhabited again; yet, in the Messianic Kingdom, the whole land will prosper and be populated.  Thus, if Iraq were Babylon , we would have a contradiction.


Furthermore, the prophecies state that Babylon will, for awhile, be like an unpopulated desert, (see Isaiah 13); yet, passages in Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18:21 indicate that this future Babylon will become a part of the ocean bed.  Now if that is also the case, then how can it be part of the Messianic Kingdom?


There are two different judgments on Babylon, one by fire, resulting in desert-like conditions.  The second is the sinking below the ocean surface. Revelation 18: 6 indicates a “double judgment” - i.e. “double unto her double . . . double unto her . . . .”




















Idols of America -- including many pics and a chart on the Statue of

Liberty compared to Revelation 17;  also, other pics of the U.S. Capitol Building, Baal on Guard, Statue atop the Dome, etc., with verifying links:



Mystery Babylon: Who Is This Woman of Revelation 17?



Zechariah's Ephah Vision - Complete with Illustrated Graphics:



Why the Roman Catholic Church or Any Other Church Cannot Be Mystery Babylon



Why Rome Cannot Be Mystery Babylon



Statue of Liberty

Description/Traits of the Woman Of

Revelation Chapters 17 & 18

Clothing:  Originally designed with “Purple Robe & Jewels” with gold edging by sculptor but due to budget and wear constraints (elements) was dropped. 

Clothing:  The woman is robed in Revelation 17:4 with a scarlet and purple robe with gold edging and bejeweled.

Golden Cup: modified into natural gas torch.

Golden Cup: with gaseous smell like flatulence.

Cup/Torch Contents: Smelly Natural Gas initially cup contents:  Bdelugma in Greek as in “breaking wind.”

Name: “Mother of Exiles” a term of reverence linked to the immigrants coming to the USA and being saved from a bad future, to a future of life and hope.

Name originally: Goddess Libertas - A Roman goddess of 600 to 400 B.C. later Venus. Romans borrowed her from Babylon - initially just for her Liberty doctrine but later absorbed the other doctrines of Ishtar.  Name: “Mother of Harlots” -- A title of holiness, or sinlessness referring to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar who held that title and who by her mystery doctrines did inhabit the body of a priestess during ritual sexual relations for the removal of sins and spiritual life. Afterwards a coin-offering is given. Ishtar also called the Goddess of Freedom or Liberty and was matron goddess of slaves and immigrants.

Crown of Seven Spikes: To reflect the light of the sun-god Utu a.k.a. Shamesh to each of the seven continents of the world according to the diary of Freemason-sculptor Bartholdi. Bartholdi’s Freemason influence comes from Masonic doctrines that match the Mystery Doctrines of Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, Libertas. This is referred to as the “Crown-Enlightenment” doctrine that was such a key part of the Mystery Doctrines of Ishtar Worship.    


Crown – Revelation 18: 7:  “Sits a Queen” and queens wear a crown. Each of Ishtar's seven-spikes upon her crown were to reflect the enlightenment of the sun-god Utu/Shamash to each of the seven hora (continents) of the world. This is the same Greek word as found in Revelation 17:9. Hora means large land mass as in continents or mountains or deserts but NOT a hill.  The Romans & Greeks never used hora for “Seven Hills of Rome” - they used the term bouno; the correct term for “Seven Hills of Rome. Therefore, Revelation 17:9 cannot refer to Rome...thus, that verse refers to the Ishtar/Libertas -- Statue of Liberty “crown-enlightenment” doctrine.

Goddess of Liberty/Freedom: Goddess Libertas - A Roman goddess (600 to 400 B.C.) later absorbed into Venus.  Borrowed from Babylon; initially just for her “liberty doctrine” but later she absorbed the other doctrines of Ishtar and became Venus, Goddess of Love.  Goddess of Liberty/Freedom: Goddess Ishtar was also called the Goddess of Freedom or Liberty and was matron goddess of slaves and immigrants. Just one of her many “mystery” doctrines.  She was also called “Goddess of Love” and many other titles.

Looks east towards Babylon, Long Island - and much of the entire NYC metro.  Woman is the “mega-city” called “Babylon-the mega” or Babylon the “super.” (i.e., Babylon the Great)

Overlooks the waterway approach to the United Nations building where the leaders of the world come to meet at least once a year.    Woman/City has “supervening authority” around or over (the place or location) where the Kings of the Earth meet.  Revelation 17:18 and also Jeremiah 51:44.

Statue of Liberty & the Jews: Gazes out over the location of the largest concentration of Jewish people in the world. 

The Woman & the Jews: Revelation 18:4 “Come out of her MY PEOPLE.” The Harlot of Babylon hosts one of the largest Jewish populations in the world.






Additional articles by R. A. Coombes which substantiate his thesis of America, the Babylon can be found on his sites – we will simply initiate your reading and transfer you to the full piece via links.  In all, he at least lists 59 reasons why modern Iraq cannot be the Mystery Babylon of the last days – reasons 58 and 59 are hereunder divulged; the additional 57 reasons are found at the end of this article.


Two More Reasons Why by R.A. Coombes, Author of: America, The Babylon Volumes 1 and 2


In America, the Babylon chapter 4 of Volume 2 you will find a chapter entitled: “57 Reasons Why Mystery Babylon Can NOT Be Iraq.” Volume 2 was published in 2002 and since its release, a popular wave of interest has developed in the Christian Prophecy publishing world for the theory that Iraq or more narrowly defined by some, “ancient Babylon” is the Mystery Babylon.



One author has published a book on that subject who is familiar at least with Volume 1 of America, The Babylon, because he criticized it in an earlier book, but oddly enough, he couldn’t refute its claims.  He tried to make the argument that taking the Scriptures literally about Mystery Babylon means that Mystery Babylon’s identity has to be that of ancient Babylon. He admits that Revelation may indeed be using symbolism.  We disagree with his literalness notions.


We think Revelation 17 is literally describing America. We think Revelation is referring to the most extended city on an island, which is the farthest out to sea on the approach to its chief city’s harbor. We refer to the city of Babylon, Long Island. No other location in the world has that name. Is it ironic or prophetic that the first inhabited city to come into view from ocean freighters and cruise ships is Babylon?  Of course, this article isn’t about debating that issue but it is one of the minor yet interesting points.


We mentioned one author and note that other authors out there publishing books or articles in the past two years who apparently are unfamiliar with our books or articles on AO–OR – they’re afraid to respond to it and ignore it, hoping it will go away.


The Volume 2, Chapter 4 article entitled: “57 Reasons” really needs updating because we overlooked one reason. It is arguably the most critically important of all the reasons. It is the most compelling reason of all and it literally kills the debate on the theory regarding Iraq or Babylon as being Mystery Babylon.


There is also another reason why Iraq or ancient Babylon cannot be Mystery Babylon. This last reason is due to developments that have occurred since the publication of Volume 2.


These two reasons actually make the original debate argument add up now to 59 Reasons Why Iraq and Ancient Babylon Can NOT Be Mystery Babylon.  So what are these two reasons and why are they so important? Let’s explore the answer to those questions further.


Reason # 58 - Why Iraq Cannot Be Mystery Babylon














The first reason has to do with other prophetic passages. The promises made to Abraham regarding a Promised Land were for Abraham and his descendants and the lands were far more extensive than ever used by Israel up until this point in time.


Often overlooked by many Bible Prophecy “experts” are the prophecies concerning the future borders of Israel when Jesus Christ returns and establishes new borders for Israel’s Millennial Kingdom that will finally fulfill the promises made to Abraham and his descendants.


Israel’s future borders will be extended eastward to encompass much of what today is called Iraq.  The area will include all of the old Hittite and Chaldean Empire. Joshua 1:4 notes that it will include “ALL” of the land, which means the ancient site of Babylon and all of Babylonia are to be part of the new Messianic Israel. Scholars now believe that the Chaldeans originally were the Hittites. Not only is the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 15:18-20 [and the Hittite empire is mentioned (which included Babylon)] but again in Deuteronomy 1:7 to Moses and again to Joshua in Deuteronomy 11:24.


These Messianic prophecies come into direct conflict with the identity theory, which proposes that Iraq or ancient Babylon is the Mystery Babylon of Bible Prophecy. The conflict arises because the Babylon prophecies indicate that the land of Babylon and all of her cities and lands will remain uninhabited forever.


On the other hand, the millennial kingdom land will be inhabited and prosperous. Clearly, we have a problem in linking the two together. If Mystery Babylon is Iraq and ancient Babylon, then it cannot be part of the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ because it cannot be both occupied and unoccupied at the same time. We have a clear-cut contradiction for which the Bible never contradicts itself. The contradiction is a result of misunderstandings, misapplications and misinterpretations of the scriptural passages.


Were this the only problem, there might be some way of seeing some sort of work-around resolution, theoretically, but in our earlier cited article and chapter there were 57 other reasons listed besides this present one we are discussing and another equally problematic issue we’ll raise next in this article.

Reason #59 Why Iraq Cannot Be Mystery Babylon


The second of these two reasons we’ve mentioned is one that developed as a result of Gulf War 2, otherwise known as “Operation Iraqi Freedom” in which the USA invaded Iraq in March of 2003 and has maintained empirical control over that conquered nation ever since. Of course, America’s reason was benign. It was only in the name of “nation-building” Iraq into a “democracy” and removing a despot who threatened the world. It had nothing to do with the U.S. wanting to get its hands on the oil. Of course, not, but just remember, pigs can fly, too.


In the American campaign that conquered the land of ancient Babylon, U.S. forces used a radioactive material in its artillery and anti-tank ammunition that has now contaminated large swaths of land in Iraq including the land area of and around the ancient archaeological site of Babylon. The radioactivity is due to U.S. Army special ammunition called “depleted uranium” ammo. The contamination is so serious that it will remain a problem and a serious obstacle to rebuilding that nation for years to come.


Because of depleted uranium contamination, as well as the current turmoil and ethnic splintering, it is not practical to expect Iraq or ancient Babylon to be rebuilt into the world’s number one super power or world capital for many generations to come. If we indeed are in the “end-times” it is not feasible for the sudden development from scratch of Iraq becoming a world super-power, militarily or economically. Of course, ancient Babylon would have to move south 300 miles and dig a deep harbor in the Persian Gulf to accommodate the big ocean freighters in order to match the description of Revelation 18:9-19. Of course, Iraq has no deep-water ports to accommodate any large ocean freighter or tanker. Oil tankers have to dock at special pipeline facilities about 20 miles from shore because the shoreline areas are just too shallow to accommodate normal commercial ocean vessels (with the exception of fishing boats).


As it now stands, Iraq is on the verge of splintering into perhaps three different states as we enter the year 2005. Again, ethnically speaking, Iraq and its people are not in a position to rapidly, build an entity that meets the prophetic criteria for a future, Mystery Babylon.


Therefore, we find scriptural contradictions to the theory that Mystery Babylon is Iraq or ancient Babylon. We also find extreme contra-indications that Iraq or ancient Babylon could be built into the defined requirements within a few generations.


We also see no practical way for ancient Babylon to become a deep-water ocean port (as per Revelation 18:11-19) when it is 300 miles from the still-shallow shores of the Persian Gulf. Also, remember that Iraq has no deep-water port facilities. Iraq is primarily, and for all practical purposes, a land-locked nation.


The theory that Iraq or ancient Babylon is the future, Mystery Babylon is just that, a theory that contradicts Scripture and overwhelmingly fails to meet the 59 points of criteria.


For the other 57 points why Iraq cannot be “Mystery Babylon” of the “end of days” – please link to: “57 Reasons Why Iraq Can NOT be Mystery Babylon




Resposta  Missatge 23 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 09/08/2011 19:36

The Statue of Liberty and Freemasonry

g and compass


A Cornucopia of Craftyness...

Statue of Liberty Masonic Plaque

By, Neo


Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty in New York harbour was presented in 1884 as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons to the Masons of America in celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic.

She is holding the Masonic "Torch of Enlightenment". Also referred to back in the 1700's by the Illuminati Masons as the "Flaming Torch of Reason". The Torch represents the "Sun" in the sky.

The Statue of Liberty's official title is, "Liberty Enlightening the World".

The cornerstone of the statue records how it was laid in a Masonic ceremony (see plaque photo above).


Illuminati means to "bare light" one way to symbolize this is by carrying a torch. A torch sits on top of the Statue of Liberty, on top of JFK's grave, and on top of the tunnel where Princess Diana was killed.

Best selling author, Robert Bauval:

"The cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was placed in a solemn ceremony in 1884 organised by the Masonic lodges of New York.

The Statue of Liberty, which was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi and actually built by the French Engineer, Gustave Eiffel (both well-known Freemasons), was not originally a ‘Statue of Liberty’ at all, but first planned by Bartholdi for the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt in 1867.

Bartholdi, like many French Freemasons of his time, was deeply steeped in ‘Egyptian’ rituals, and it has often been said that he conceived the original statue as an effigy of the goddess Isis, and only later converted it to a ‘Statue of Liberty’ for New York harbour when it was rejected for the Suez Canal."

The goddess Isis is known by many names, including Juno.


Roman Godess Juno

Above: Roman Godess Juno 735 B.C. (wife of Zeus)

Below: Interestingly, the goddess Juno made an appearance on a Vatican coin in 1963 (notice her torch) during the period of the alleged Freemason Roncalli's Pontificate, the curiously named John XXIII, architect of the disasterous Vatican II.


goddess Juno

Below: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, the Sculpture of the Statue of Liberty, on a Masonic Card (notice the Masonic compass and square).


Frederic Auguste Bartholdi

From another article by Bauval:

"The 'torch' analogy is very interesting. The original statue of Bartholdi destined first for Port Said at the mouth of the Suez Canal, was also to bear a torch intended to symbolise 'the Orient showing the way'. The 'Grand Orient', of course, is the name of the French Masonic mother lodge, and to which Bartholdi belonged. There is another similar 'torch' that played a strange role in the French Revolution, but of which I will reveal later in my forthcoming book "Talisman". It still is to be seen in the skyline of Paris today.

People today do not realise the power of such symbolism, and how they can be used with devastating effect on the minds of the unsuspecting masses. And this is worrying. The SS Nazi movement made prolific use of all these 'symbol games', and wreeked havoc in the world."

Below: "The Illuminati" Enlightening the World (and keeping the rest of us in the dark) - Pre 9-11 picture, showing WTC towers & Statue of Liberty's Torch.






























Baphomet, the name of the severed head the Knights Templar worshiped, translates into English from Latin as 'Temple of the Father of Peace of all Men' via the reverse anagram Green Language technique known as Anastrophe [David Ovason: Author 'The Notradamus Code' and 'The Secret Zodiac's of Washington DC']. This is what the Temple of the Caananites Capital City of Salem was known as before it was captured by the tribes of Abraham, who renamed it Jerusalem.


Peeling the Occult Onion further we apply the more sophisticated Masonic/Templar/Kabbalist cryptographic method known as the Atbash Cipher to Baphomet and arrive at it's innermost meaning and translation - SOPHIA [David Ovason: Author 'The Notradamus Code' and 'The Secret Zodiac's of Washington DC'].


Sophia is often illustrated with a beard due to her having gone through the Alchemical 'Blackening' Sex Magic Ritual known as the 'Great Work' which transformed her into an immortal, all powerful Hermaphrodite.


Sophia is Astoreth/Lilith/Mari the worship of whom was secretly re-introduced by King Soloman - who Freemasonry says was their first Grand Master - against the expressed wishes of God through Moses. Ashtoreth required human burnt offerings - preferably babies of prominent families - which was performed in the Valley of Hinnom/Gehenna/Hell at the base of Mount Zion/Sion.



ANNONA --- The goddess of the wheat harvest, and the deity over-seeing the grain imports from Africa. Attributes: grain stalks, prow modius, cornucopia.

BRITANNIA --- The personification of the British Province. Antoninus Pius issued a set of bronze coins in Rome to be circulated in Britian.

CERES --- The Hellenistic goddess of grain (Demeter). Depicted on bronze/brass coins to suggest a plentiful food supply to the masses. Attributes: holds grain, torch, and veiled head

CYBELE --- The mother of the gods, Mother earth. Also known as Magna Mater (the Great Mother). Attributes: turreted and veiled head, lions; often riding a lion-drawn cart. Titles: MAGNA MATER, MATER DEI

DIANA, DIANA LVCIFERA --- The Hellenistic goddess of the hunt and the moon goddess (Artemis); also the patroness of children. Attributes: crescent moon, torch, bow and arrow, hunting dog, stag. Titles: LUCIFERA (light-bringer), CONSERVATRIX, VICTRIX.

ISIS --- An Egyptian goddess of the underworld and the wife of Osiris, who represented the birth and death of one year. Attributes: rattle (sistrum), bucket.

IVNO, IVNONIS --- Juno (Hera), the consort of Jupiter, and the patroness of child birth. Attributes: peacock, scepter, patera. Titles: CONSERVATRIX, LVCINA, REGINA

IVNO FELIX --- Happy Juno.

IVNO LVCINA --- Goddess of light.

IVNO REGINA --- Juno the Queen.

IVNONI MARTIALI --- The war like Juno.

LIBER --- The Hellenistic goddess of wine (Bacchus/Dionysios). Attributes: wine cup, thyrsos (a staff ornamented with grape leaves), crown of ivy leaves, panther.

LIBERALITAS --- The personification of generosity, and frequently, an indirect reference to a specific Imperial donative to the urban population. Attributes: tessera, cornucopia.

LIBERTAS --- The personification of liberty. Often used by usurpers claiming to restore the liberty of the Roman Republic. Attributes: pileus (pointed hat), scepter.

LVNA --- An alternative manifestation of the moon goddess, as used by Julia Domna and Gallienus; more appropriately a personification of the moon.


PAX --- The personification of peace. Attributes: olive branch, scepter, cornucopia, caduceus.

SALVS --- The goddess of health and safety. On the basis from an old Italic custom of pleasing the gods by sacrificing a virgin to the sacred snakes. Salus usually appears on a coin after suppression of a coup against the emperor, or when an emperor recovers from an illness. Attributes: sacrificing to snake from patera. The snake is usually rising from the altar or being held in arms.

SEGENTIA --- The Roman goddess of the ripening of wheat, or crops.

VENVS, VENERIS ---The Hellenistic goddess of love and beauty (Aphrodite). She was the patron goddess of Julius Caesar and then the Julian line (Venus Genetrix). (VENERIS is the genative form) Attributes: apple, small figure of Victory. Titles: CAELESTIS (of the skies), FELIX, GENETRIX, VICTRIX.

VICTORIA --- The Hellenistic goddess of Victory (Nike). Frequently appears as an attribute to other deities, such as Roma, Jupiter and Venus. Attributes: wreath, wings.

VVLCAN --- The Hellenistic goddess of iron, fire and wepons (Hephaistos). Attributes: hammer, tongs, anvil.

GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI --- The glory of the new age.























The Virgin is consicrated to Isis, just as Leo is consecrated to her husband Osiris... The sphinx, composed of a Lion and a Virgin, was used as a symbol to designate the overflowing Nile... they put a wheat-ear in the hand of a virgin, to express the idea of the months, perhaps because the sign of Virgin was called by the Orientals, Sounbouleh or Schibbolet, that is to say, epi or wheat ear.

Brother Joseph Jerome de Lalande
Founder Lodge Des Neuf Soers (Nine Sisters), Paris
Astronomie par M. de la Lande, 1731

Gimel, the 13th Path

The High Priestess
The 13th Path

"Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress.. Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior." pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II) 
"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI) 
"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and 'Satan' at one and the same time." page 539 


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 32°
The Secret Doctrine

'The Sign of Virgo'

The Weeping Virgin

'Virgo, the Weeping Virgin'

Masonry still retains among its emblems one of a woman weeping over a broken column, holding in her hand a branch of acacia, myrtle, or tamarisk, while Time, we are told, stands behind her combing out the ringlets of her hair. We need not repeat the vapid and trivial explanation... given, of this representation of Isis, weeping at Byblos, over the column torn from the palace of the King, that contained the body of Osiris, while Horus, the God of Time, pours ambrosia on her hair.

Illustrious Albert Pike 33°
Morals and Dogma, page 379

Sub Rosa

Under the Rose...


Gimel, the 13th Path

The Illuminatrix

'Head 58m'
'The Widow'
'The Black Virgin'
'The Scarlet Woman'
'The Weeping Virgin'
'The Celestial Virgin'
'The Green Man's Bride'
'The Underworld Queen'
'Mystery Babylon' her name...








Resposta  Missatge 24 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 18/08/2011 20:14



PART XV – The Prophetic Sequence


Introduction by Doug Krieger




“It is unthinkable that God who knows the end from the beginning would pinpoint such small nations as Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia and Syria in the prophetic declaration and completely overlook the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the earth. Too long have we evaded the question. Too long have we summarily grouped our country with the so-called revived Roman Empire. Too long have we persisted in terming the U. S. A. in prophecy as one of the ‘lion's cubs,’ thus giving her but an inferential mention in the shadow of a diminishing Britain.” S. Franklin Logsdon – Sr. Pastor Moody Memorial Church, Chicago – c. 19671


Today’s world is a far cry from the Papacy’s apostate dominance which suffered at the hands of French Revolutionists in the 1790s.  A far cry, indeed, from Pax Britannia -- and light years beyond the Great War and Wilson’s designs to “make the world safe for democracy.”  The geo-political world of colossal antagonists disappeared as Reagan’s words, “Tear down this wall,” were financed by the deficit spending of today’s only Super Power.  Instead of Khrushchev’s, “We’ll bury you” – the bear was driven into hibernation.


Seemingly oblivious to the nature of the Image that arose upon the banks of the Tigris-Euphrates—unaware or unwilling to admit that Western Civilization’s inexorable march toward world political, military, commercial, and even cultural hegemony—evangelical exponents of Bible prophecy find themselves mired in inane eschatology and relegated to the periphery of the world’s greatest debate.  Purposefully, or ignorantly, they diminish Biblical relevance—and shower believers within the Western framework with false perceptions and hope—holding forth the promise of Premillenarian Rapture prior to any final engagement with the “powers of darkness,” and, most assuredly, as Moody’s Memorial Sr. Pastor exclaimed:  The USA is given inferential mention in the context of the great prophetical panoply prior to the Day of the Lord . . . and all this “benign neglect” reinforced, either intentionally or blindly, by today’s American “Patriotic Prophets” who point to her illuminating torch lifted high as the protector of liberty throughout the land and, for that matter, the whole earth.


After scores of books written on this subject of America’s premiere involvement in the last days—by well-meaning futurists, historical interpreters, and those who would dismiss her engagement as purely symbolic—this writer has concluded that the Church’s theology on the conclusion of Scripture’s canon (i.e., the Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah, and other salient Scriptures), awaits a more relevant commentary that refuses to compromise the great Premillenarian insights of the 1800-1900s, while facing the immediate with the living Word of God that will yet speak into our generation with relevance and unmistakable clarity


The Church and Israel, are woven into the “Climax of the Ages” – the Antichrist-Beast, False Prophet, Image of the Beast and their worship shall be confronted by the “saints of the Most High” with overcoming TESTIMONY:  “By the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony” – because they refuse to love themselves unto the death!  The Seven Seals, Trumpets, Bowls and Thunders shall yet descend upon “the face of the whole earth” – but our assessment of their judgments and curses must undergo an agonizing reappraisal by the believing Church, and prophetic Israel—especially in light of that Great City’s ignobility and final manifestation. 


Our understanding and practical engagement in our most recent series—THE PROPHETIC SEQUENCE—will no longer tolerate a “Laodicean indifference,” nor a Eurocentric, theological bias.  Blatant at worst, and benign at best, disregard for the “signs of the times,” and an “eschatological aloofness” which bespeaks more of blind national patriotism and “scriptural isolationism,” rather than humble interaction with the “pure Word of God” in the “midst of a crooked and perverse generation,” confirms Babylon’s grip upon our psyche and the shallowness of our spirituality.  Are the “children of this world” really “wiser than the children of light?”  Do you think it dictatorial or insightful that communist China omits the Revelation of Jesus Christ from their “Three-Self Movement” Bible distribution?  Do the Kings of the East perceive their demise and wish to excise its revelation?  Yet we who freely disseminate and read the Apocalypse ill-recognize the implications it portends nor of Mystery Babylon’s overwhelming dominance at the close of the age!


Unless the theological core of Premillenarian thought undergoes a rigorous course correction, an ill-prepared, earth-bound, heavenly-denying, end-times’ Church, shall have little viable witness to a world careening out of control—facing the encroachment of imperial dictatorship, Antichrist, unceasing wars, famine, death and all within the false delusions of peace and safety . . . taking place in the here and now—right in our own backyard!  Notwithstanding our short-sightedness—there’s much hope, because the God Who spoke the universe into being, has no intention to remain silent at the pivotal point of human history.


The greatest “C.S.I.” (crime scene investigation) of all times confronts us—thank the Lord that there are heroes of the faith, who with candor and relentless pursuit of the truth, refuse to compromise the unadulterated truth of Mystery Babylon’s identity—a supreme disclosure whose whereabouts will bring sufficient evidence to the fore and thereby solve, once and for all, the mystery of Babylon the Great and provide overarching substance to further declarations within The Prophetic Sequence.


Therefore, it is with intelligent pleasure and Biblical illumination that we at The Tribulation Network commend the insights of R. A. Coombes—both his text on America, the Babylon . . . America’s Destiny Foretold In Biblical Prophecy as well as his contemporary web sites: www.americathebabylon.com or www.aoreport.com and, no, there is not full agreement on all things eschatological; however, make no mistake here, “walk we not in the same spirit” is going on with R. A. Coombes – and for that reason we are proud to reckon him as “one of us” in this pursuit for truth.  First, we wish to convey a response that he made that inadvertently solicited our immediate accolade (Jack Hook is currently carrying on a rather lively exchange on a variety of prophetic topics via e-mail) and then several of his expositions and commentary on America, the Babylon from his prophetical text – we encourage you to pursue his other writings and contemporary insights at the aforementioned web sites.  (Note:  Minor editing to enhance R. A. Coombes’ e-mail exchange have been added – used by permission.)





Hello –


I’m not sure to whom I am responding, so forgive the lack of personal greetings.  I felt it incumbent to respond to the questions raised by the e-mail (exchange) about the identity of a future Babylon in prophecy, often times referred to as Mystery Babylon.  This is a subject in which I’ve been conducting extensive research and writing on the issues for nearly twenty years of my thirty-six years of overall Biblical studies.  I have written a two-volume work on the subject, entitled:  America, The Babylon: America’s Destiny Foretold In Biblical Prophecy.


When I started my research, I held to the identity theory taught by my professors from the Moody Bible Institute and Calvary Bible College (Kansas City, MO), namely, that the RCC (the Roman Catholic Church) was the Woman of Revelation 17 and Rome was the identity of the commercial entity of Revelation 18.  Those were the standard theories in the 1970s.


When I began my specialized study on this subject in 1987, you couldn’t drag me to the conclusion that the U.S. was M.B. (Mystery Babylon).  It took five to six years of research before I began to accept otherwise, and not until 1995 was I convinced (after being dragged, screaming and kicking by weight of the textual and empirical data) that America was M.B.  I stubbornly refused to accept the idea that America was M.B. partly out of misguided patriotism and, I suspect also pride, that I’d been duped for years about the true reality of America’s history. I still wish I were wrong, and I still maintain a challenge to anyone to prove me wrong. Many have tried - all have failed and failed miserably, just as I failed in my quest to disprove the notion that America is Babylon of Biblical Prophecy. Having said that . . .




Allow me to respond directly to each point below with my responses to each

point or question; this will make it easier to follow my comments in regards to the questions or points raised.


Everywhere in the Bible where Babylon is mentioned it is located in modern-day Iraq. Why not end-times prophecies?


Actually, in my extensive archaeological research, I found that there is strong evidence that the Babylon of Nimrod was NOT in present-day Iraq,  but rather on the Plain of Shinar (of which there are several by that name in the Middle East) in eastern Turkey - or in Northern Iran. Different archaeologists/researchers believe that they have found the actual site for what was the tower of Babel in either one of those other spots. Each group of theorists makes very strong and interesting cases for their claims. So that, if either of those research groups’ theories are true, then your statement is in error.  (Note:  This is a personal dialogue carried on between Coombes and another respondent in the Jack Hook e-mail exchange; hence, the “personal tone and address.”)


Additionally, modern-day Cairo was once referred to as Babylon, built by Alexander, the Great and the city was still named Babylon in the days of the New Testament.  It is possible, that Peter’s reference to Babylon may well have been that Egyptian city of the same name - which, by the way, did have a small community of Christians. It is also not far from where some of the Gnostic gospels were discovered.


Also, just as there was more than one Plain of Shinar - there are many with that name around the Middle East - one in Egypt along the Nile River, another in the Jordan River valley, plus the ones in Turkey and northern Iran.




Also, the term Chaldea is not so much “a land” or “a nation” but rather its designation alludes to a group of religious mystics who were nomads. These Chaldeans roamed from up in eastern Europe clear down through Turkey, Iran, parts of Syria, as well as what is now Iraq, and clear over into Canaan. They were the ones who carried and kept alive the ancient mystery religions of ancient Sumer - the religions of the goddess Inanna (aka Ishtar) and of the sun god Utu (aka Shamash) as well as of Marok, Marduk, Merodach, Bel or Baal. These were the key religions that the Chaldeans kept alive.


So that the “land of Chaldea” in the Bible might not necessarily be a reference to what is now modern-day Iraq. The Hittite empire was in reality composed of the priestly class, the Khaldi’s - a spelling variant of our Anglicized “Chaldees.”  The Chaldee or Chaldeans in English, were simply a religious group. Anyone from any tribe or nation could become a Chaldean, because it was simply a “priestly” class of people - somewhat like the Levites of Israel, only the Chaldeans were not inbred and they evangelized. All one had to do was become a believer, practitioner. The religion of the goddess Ishtar was their main attraction - a prostitution religion of  “Holy Sex.”


Their religions were THE “mystery” religions of Ishtar, Utu and Baal. In reality they were the forerunners of our modern-day Freemasons—much of the Chaldean dogmas have been preserved and are incorporated into Freemasonry and Cabbalistic practices of today; although, I suspect some of the mystery doctrines may have been lost, forgotten or discarded.  My point is that the Biblical term “land of the Chaldees” or “land of the Chaldeans” in Scripture are not referencing Iraq, but rather the areas where the Chaldean “religions” were practiced.


Why is Babylon not mentioned in the Psalm 83 prophecy or Ezekiel 38-39?  Could it be that the prophecy of Jeremiah 50-51 has been fulfilled?


A couple of points regarding your question about Jeremiah 50, 51 are in order.


First of all, the Jeremiah passages cited, clearly state by the use of Messianic Hebrew idioms, albeit abbreviated idioms, references to the coming of Messiah, indicating that what is described happens at the time of the coming of Messiah—when He comes to conquer the earth and set up the kingdom.  Among these idioms are the KJV terms “Banner,” “Standard” or variations thereof.


Secondly, the descriptions of the destruction in Jeremiah 50 and 51 have never been fulfilled.  The Persian conquest of Babylon was the exact opposite of what Jeremiah 50 and 51 describe. Babylon was taken by the Persians with barely a “shot fired.”  It was never burned to the ground by anyone, including the Persians.


The prophecies indicate that at her fall, no one would continue living in Babylon.  However, after the Persian conquest, the city remained populated, and was Alexander the Great’s capitol for a while.  In the time of Jesus, there were still more Jews living in Babylon than in all of Israel.  Babylon remained a populated city of significant size until about 400 A.D. when it began to dwindle down eventually into a small village until its disappearance in about 1400 A.D. when the last of the water supply sources ran out. The desert sands covered up the city until the 1800s. The bottom-line is that the Jeremiah passages have never been fulfilled.


Everywhere in the OT (Old Testament) where Israel is mentioned it NEVER refers to the church. The church was a mystery yet revealed in Ephesians 3.  God made promises to Abraham in Genesis 12 and He promised in Jeremiah 31 that Israel will NEVER be destroyed or abandoned or God will never forget His covenant with Israel (Psalm 89:34 - My covenant will I not break nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.)  (Likewise . . . If God said Israel He meant Israel. If He said Babylon He meant Babylon, not Rome nor the USA.  It’s only end-time speculation that causes people to try to fit prophecy where it suits them.)


At first glance your logic would seem plausible; yet, it doesn’t quite hold water here when we compare Israel to Babylon.  Zechariah 5 indicates that Babylon moved - or shall we say, the “spirit” of Babylon - the Woman - aka “Ishtar” the chief goddess of Babylon moved.

Resposta  Missatge 25 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 18/08/2011 20:15

Some ancient rabbinical commentaries on Zechariah were written about 300 B.C. citing rabbis who were assistants to Zechariah who had stated that the prophet Zechariah had taught them that the Woman of Zechariah 5 was the fallen angelic entity who was the guardian spirit (i.e. angel) of Babylon and that this spirit moved westwards out of ancient Babylon, and would be relocated for the “End of Days” in a place beyond the Nile River and the Great Sea.  By the time of Jesus, rabbinical thinking was that Zechariah’s vision of the Woman pointed to her having moved on to Rome.


In point of fact, the Ishtar religion’s home-base kept moving slowly westward.  The religion’s main base moved from Babylon on to Assyria and into northern Syria in particular where she was known as Ashtoreth/Ashtaroth and also by that same name in Lebanon and Israel.  Later the Ishtar religion was picked up by the Egyptians.  The original native Egyptians called her Ishi or Ishti.


The Greeks found out about her, and referred to her Egyptian version as Isis - because in Greek the spelling ends in a silent s wherein the final s is not pronounced but still retains the s in spelling for grammatical reasons. Also, there is no sh sound in the Greek alphabet.


The Greeks later adopted her religious doctrines from the Assyrians, Phoenicians and Cretes as Astarte.  Here again, there is no sh sound in the Greek alphabet.  The Astarte version virtually contained purer dogmas of the original Ishtar; whereas the Egyptians added subsequent mythologies about her.  Generations later, in Greek culture, her name was changed to Aphrodite; then the Ishtar doctrines were broken up into various goddess names for her individual character traits - one of which was the doctrine of “liberty” or “freedom” – another was “justice” and another was “war.”


The Romans, initially picked up on her dogma via the Greeks and the first one they adopted was the goddess of freedom/liberty - and they called here the Libertas around 600 B.C., but by 400 B.C. they’d adopted her other dogmas and incorporated much of her other mystery doctrines back into a single goddess known as Venus, goddess of love.




Now the early version of Ishtar in Rome - Libertas - becomes extremely critical to the Mystery Babylon prophecies, because the Freemasons picked up on this aspect and used it as a political rallying cry in the mid to late 1700s - just in time for the American Revolution.  American Freemasons, like Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison initially picked up on Libertas and placed her image on early U.S. coinage.


Later, by the 1850s, she became part of the concept for topping off the U.S. Capitol building dome - with a statue of her - initially to be called the Statue of the Goddess of Liberty (aka Libertas, goddess of Rome).  However, Jefferson Davis, (before he became the president of the Confederacy) objected on behalf of slave holders, fearing the name would incite the slaves to rebellion. So it was changed to Goddess of Freedom.  The statue was slightly altered from a Libertas “freedom cap” to a modified “Indian Headdress”; however, it still retained Ishtar’s “star” symbols. In this rendering she was more of a woman warrior, with a sword by her side.


Ishtar was not only a goddess of Love, but also a goddess of war.


The Capitol building itself had been designed and named as The Temple of Libertas or Temple of Liberty - a temple to the Roman (i.e. Babylonian) Goddess of Liberty.  Again, because among the many titles of Ishtar, was her title as goddess of Liberty/Freedom.  She was also the goddess of immigrants.  However, her chief title was the name – “MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS” a term of great holiness in her dogmas.  (Note:  Coombes develops this designation at great length on his websites and texts.)


Notwithstanding, “Mother of the Harlots” deals with issues of salvation and the removal of sins by engaging in sexual intercourse between the temple priestesses and worshippers for the removal of sins.  After their “holy engagements,” an offering of gold or silver coins was placed into the temple collection box.  Hence, the concept of money and prostitution was first invented by the Ishtar religion.  You could say the whole concept was one of

“holy sex” or “salvation by sex.”




Standing guard at the entrance to the U.S. Capitol Building is a statue of the Greek god Mars.  According to the U.S. Library of Congress and the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, the Greeks borrowed the god Mars and the religious dogmas from the Babylonians (Note:  Please see R.A. Coombes’ website for references/citings).   In Babylon he was called by various language dialects:  Mardok, Marduk, Merodach - and in the Aramaic he was Bel; in Hebrew his title was Baal.


In reality Baal stands guard at the U.S. Capitol entrance.  The entire concept of the U.S. Capitol building was borrowed from Rome’s pagan temple dedicated to ALL the gods of Rome - it was called The Pantheon – yet, the Romans borrowed the concept from Babylon.  It was explicitly the desire of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to have this concept in the Capitol’s design; therefore, they rigged the bidding process to make sure this design included this “Babylonian” concept of the “Pantheon of the gods.”


After the Civil War the Statue of Liberty project came into being – again urged on by Freemasons.  The sculptor was a high level Freemason, who designed his statue to be his mind’s eye rendering of the goddess Libertas of Rome.  He even wrote in his diary and journal notes to the effect that she was going to be “in color” and that her “robes” would be scarlet and purple – and she would be bedecked with jewels, akin to what is found in Revelation 17:4; however, upon further consideration (i.e., the elements of weather, etc.) those illustrious features were dropped from the plan; hence, the statue would be the patina of copper. 


Notwithstanding, her seven-spiked crown is a dead-giveaway to her Babylonian connection to Ishtar—for Ishtar was adorned with a crown of seven spikes.  Indeed, one of Ishtar’s “mystery doctrines” was that each spike in her crown reflected the occult enlightenment of her brother, the sun god Utu (or Shamash in the Akkadian dialect of Sumer/Babylon) upon each of the seven hora or continents and the 7 seas of the world.  If you visit a certain U.S. National Park Service webpage on the Statue of Liberty, you will find this application describing the meaning of the “seven spikes of her crown.”



Again, part of the Masonic secret dogma surrounding their worship of Libertas/Ishtar is found in their secret ceremonies at the upper levels—beyond the 33rd degree.  Her pedestal retains another symbol of Ishtar, the star-shaped base.


I’ve only scratched the surface of the empirical evidence here.  My books were originally published in 1998 for Volume 1 and in 2002 for Volume 2.


Since then, a book has come out dealing only with the Masonic and occult secrets of Washington, D.C.  It’s entitled:  The Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital by David Ovason.  This 500+ page text documents to the ‘nth degree—proving that the U.S. Capitol City of D.C. is essentially one big open temple to the goddess Ishtar/Isis/Venus/Libertas, whom Ovason proves to be the “protective goddess” of the nation - thanks to the Founding Fathers’ belief in her via their Masonic, and or Illuminated belief systems.


The entire city is but one big temple to her, full of her occult symbolism including the city being totally aligned astrologically and astronomically to her chief zodiac sign - Virgo - as she is the “perpetual virgin” despite her promiscuity.  


On the spring and fall equinox the main street of D.C., Constitution Avenue, lines up with the U.S. Capitol building precisely to her home star, where she originates from – SiriusVenus was her “on the road” traveling base according to the Sumerians.


On June 21st- the first day of summer - the Washington Monument is in perfect alignment with the sun in order to split the occult enlightenment of the sun-god Utu into one-third each - with a third going to the U.S. Capitol Building to enlighten lawmakers; and another third to the Supreme Court building to enlighten the Judiciary; and, the final third to the White House to enlighten the Executive Branch. 


All this is in accordance with Freemasonry’s “mystery doctrine” of the sun-god Utu.  Who, by the way, had as his chief temple in Babylonia named “The White House.”  Yes, the sun-god Utu’s temple was called:  The White House.   This temple was the second most popular in all of Babylonia.


I would suggest reading some of my writings that are online for anyone to read at my magazine website - The Alpha-Omega Report.  Likewise, here are some specific links to related articles on this subject


60 Reasons Why Iraq Cannot Be Babylon



Among the reasons I cite, is the fact that much of Iraq is to be part of the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ, as given in the Abrahamic covenant under the Hittite empire which encompassed Babylon and much of Iraq.  The Babylon prophecies state that Babylon will be destroyed, never to be inhabited again; yet, in the Messianic Kingdom, the whole land will prosper and be populated.  Thus, if Iraq were Babylon , we would have a contradiction.


Furthermore, the prophecies state that Babylon will, for awhile, be like an unpopulated desert, (see Isaiah 13); yet, passages in Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18:21 indicate that this future Babylon will become a part of the ocean bed.  Now if that is also the case, then how can it be part of the Messianic Kingdom?


There are two different judgments on Babylon, one by fire, resulting in desert-like conditions.  The second is the sinking below the ocean surface. Revelation 18: 6 indicates a “double judgment” - i.e. “double unto her double . . . double unto her . . . .”




















Idols of America -- including many pics and a chart on the Statue of

Liberty compared to Revelation 17;  also, other pics of the U.S. Capitol Building, Baal on Guard, Statue atop the Dome, etc., with verifying links:



Mystery Babylon: Who Is This Woman of Revelation 17?



Zechariah's Ephah Vision - Complete with Illustrated Graphics:



Why the Roman Catholic Church or Any Other Church Cannot Be Mystery Babylon



Why Rome Cannot Be Mystery Babylon



Statue of Liberty

Description/Traits of the Woman Of

Revelation Chapters 17 & 18

Clothing:  Originally designed with “Purple Robe & Jewels” with gold edging by sculptor but due to budget and wear constraints (elements) was dropped. 

Clothing:  The woman is robed in Revelation 17:4 with a scarlet and purple robe with gold edging and bejeweled.

Golden Cup: modified into natural gas torch.

Golden Cup: with gaseous smell like flatulence.

Cup/Torch Contents: Smelly Natural Gas initially cup contents:  Bdelugma in Greek as in “breaking wind.”

Name: “Mother of Exiles” a term of reverence linked to the immigrants coming to the USA and being saved from a bad future, to a future of life and hope.

Name originally: Goddess Libertas - A Roman goddess of 600 to 400 B.C. later Venus. Romans borrowed her from Babylon - initially just for her Liberty doctrine but later absorbed the other doctrines of Ishtar.  Name: “Mother of Harlots” -- A title of holiness, or sinlessness referring to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar who held that title and who by her mystery doctrines did inhabit the body of a priestess during ritual sexual relations for the removal of sins and spiritual life. Afterwards a coin-offering is given. Ishtar also called the Goddess of Freedom or Liberty and was matron goddess of slaves and immigrants.

Crown of Seven Spikes: To reflect the light of the sun-god Utu a.k.a. Shamesh to each of the seven continents of the world according to the diary of Freemason-sculptor Bartholdi. Bartholdi’s Freemason influence comes from Masonic doctrines that match the Mystery Doctrines of Ishtar, Inanna, Aphrodite, Libertas. This is referred to as the “Crown-Enlightenment” doctrine that was such a key part of the Mystery Doctrines of Ishtar Worship.    


Crown – Revelation 18: 7:  “Sits a Queen” and queens wear a crown. Each of Ishtar's seven-spikes upon her crown were to reflect the enlightenment of the sun-god Utu/Shamash to each of the seven hora (continents) of the world. This is the same Greek word as found in Revelation 17:9. Hora means large land mass as in continents or mountains or deserts but NOT a hill.  The Romans & Greeks never used hora for “Seven Hills of Rome” - they used the term bouno; the correct term for “Seven Hills of Rome. Therefore, Revelation 17:9 cannot refer to Rome...thus, that verse refers to the Ishtar/Libertas -- Statue of Liberty “crown-enlightenment” doctrine.

Goddess of Liberty/Freedom: Goddess Libertas - A Roman goddess (600 to 400 B.C.) later absorbed into Venus.  Borrowed from Babylon; initially just for her “liberty doctrine” but later she absorbed the other doctrines of Ishtar and became Venus, Goddess of Love.  Goddess of Liberty/Freedom: Goddess Ishtar was also called the Goddess of Freedom or Liberty and was matron goddess of slaves and immigrants. Just one of her many “mystery” doctrines.  She was also called “Goddess of Love” and many other titles.

Looks east towards Babylon, Long Island - and much of the entire NYC metro.  Woman is the “mega-city” called “Babylon-the mega” or Babylon the “super.” (i.e., Babylon the Great)

Overlooks the waterway approach to the United Nations building where the leaders of the world come to meet at least once a year.    Woman/City has “supervening authority” around or over (the place or location) where the Kings of the Earth meet.  Revelation 17:18 and also Jeremiah 51:44.

Statue of Liberty & the Jews: Gazes out over the location of the largest concentration of Jewish people in the world. 

The Woman & the Jews: Revelation 18:4 “Come out of her MY PEOPLE.” The Harlot of Babylon hosts one of the largest Jewish populations in the world.



Resposta  Missatge 26 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 18/08/2011 20:15




Additional articles by R. A. Coombes which substantiate his thesis of America, the Babylon can be found on his sites – we will simply initiate your reading and transfer you to the full piece via links.  In all, he at least lists 59 reasons why modern Iraq cannot be the Mystery Babylon of the last days – reasons 58 and 59 are hereunder divulged; the additional 57 reasons are found at the end of this article.


Two More Reasons Why by R.A. Coombes, Author of: America, The Babylon Volumes 1 and 2


In America, the Babylon chapter 4 of Volume 2 you will find a chapter entitled: “57 Reasons Why Mystery Babylon Can NOT Be Iraq.” Volume 2 was published in 2002 and since its release, a popular wave of interest has developed in the Christian Prophecy publishing world for the theory that Iraq or more narrowly defined by some, “ancient Babylon” is the Mystery Babylon.



One author has published a book on that subject who is familiar at least with Volume 1 of America, The Babylon, because he criticized it in an earlier book, but oddly enough, he couldn’t refute its claims.  He tried to make the argument that taking the Scriptures literally about Mystery Babylon means that Mystery Babylon’s identity has to be that of ancient Babylon. He admits that Revelation may indeed be using symbolism.  We disagree with his literalness notions.


We think Revelation 17 is literally describing America. We think Revelation is referring to the most extended city on an island, which is the farthest out to sea on the approach to its chief city’s harbor. We refer to the city of Babylon, Long Island. No other location in the world has that name. Is it ironic or prophetic that the first inhabited city to come into view from ocean freighters and cruise ships is Babylon?  Of course, this article isn’t about debating that issue but it is one of the minor yet interesting points.


We mentioned one author and note that other authors out there publishing books or articles in the past two years who apparently are unfamiliar with our books or articles on AO–OR – they’re afraid to respond to it and ignore it, hoping it will go away.


The Volume 2, Chapter 4 article entitled: “57 Reasons” really needs updating because we overlooked one reason. It is arguably the most critically important of all the reasons. It is the most compelling reason of all and it literally kills the debate on the theory regarding Iraq or Babylon as being Mystery Babylon.


There is also another reason why Iraq or ancient Babylon cannot be Mystery Babylon. This last reason is due to developments that have occurred since the publication of Volume 2.


These two reasons actually make the original debate argument add up now to 59 Reasons Why Iraq and Ancient Babylon Can NOT Be Mystery Babylon.  So what are these two reasons and why are they so important? Let’s explore the answer to those questions further.


Reason # 58 - Why Iraq Cannot Be Mystery Babylon














The first reason has to do with other prophetic passages. The promises made to Abraham regarding a Promised Land were for Abraham and his descendants and the lands were far more extensive than ever used by Israel up until this point in time.


Often overlooked by many Bible Prophecy “experts” are the prophecies concerning the future borders of Israel when Jesus Christ returns and establishes new borders for Israel’s Millennial Kingdom that will finally fulfill the promises made to Abraham and his descendants.


Israel’s future borders will be extended eastward to encompass much of what today is called Iraq.  The area will include all of the old Hittite and Chaldean Empire. Joshua 1:4 notes that it will include “ALL” of the land, which means the ancient site of Babylon and all of Babylonia are to be part of the new Messianic Israel. Scholars now believe that the Chaldeans originally were the Hittites. Not only is the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 15:18-20 [and the Hittite empire is mentioned (which included Babylon)] but again in Deuteronomy 1:7 to Moses and again to Joshua in Deuteronomy 11:24.


These Messianic prophecies come into direct conflict with the identity theory, which proposes that Iraq or ancient Babylon is the Mystery Babylon of Bible Prophecy. The conflict arises because the Babylon prophecies indicate that the land of Babylon and all of her cities and lands will remain uninhabited forever.


On the other hand, the millennial kingdom land will be inhabited and prosperous. Clearly, we have a problem in linking the two together. If Mystery Babylon is Iraq and ancient Babylon, then it cannot be part of the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ because it cannot be both occupied and unoccupied at the same time. We have a clear-cut contradiction for which the Bible never contradicts itself. The contradiction is a result of misunderstandings, misapplications and misinterpretations of the scriptural passages.


Were this the only problem, there might be some way of seeing some sort of work-around resolution, theoretically, but in our earlier cited article and chapter there were 57 other reasons listed besides this present one we are discussing and another equally problematic issue we’ll raise next in this article.

Reason #59 Why Iraq Cannot Be Mystery Babylon


The second of these two reasons we’ve mentioned is one that developed as a result of Gulf War 2, otherwise known as “Operation Iraqi Freedom” in which the USA invaded Iraq in March of 2003 and has maintained empirical control over that conquered nation ever since. Of course, America’s reason was benign. It was only in the name of “nation-building” Iraq into a “democracy” and removing a despot who threatened the world. It had nothing to do with the U.S. wanting to get its hands on the oil. Of course, not, but just remember, pigs can fly, too.


In the American campaign that conquered the land of ancient Babylon, U.S. forces used a radioactive material in its artillery and anti-tank ammunition that has now contaminated large swaths of land in Iraq including the land area of and around the ancient archaeological site of Babylon. The radioactivity is due to U.S. Army special ammunition called “depleted uranium” ammo. The contamination is so serious that it will remain a problem and a serious obstacle to rebuilding that nation for years to come.


Because of depleted uranium contamination, as well as the current turmoil and ethnic splintering, it is not practical to expect Iraq or ancient Babylon to be rebuilt into the world’s number one super power or world capital for many generations to come. If we indeed are in the “end-times” it is not feasible for the sudden development from scratch of Iraq becoming a world super-power, militarily or economically. Of course, ancient Babylon would have to move south 300 miles and dig a deep harbor in the Persian Gulf to accommodate the big ocean freighters in order to match the description of Revelation 18:9-19. Of course, Iraq has no deep-water ports to accommodate any large ocean freighter or tanker. Oil tankers have to dock at special pipeline facilities about 20 miles from shore because the shoreline areas are just too shallow to accommodate normal commercial ocean vessels (with the exception of fishing boats).


As it now stands, Iraq is on the verge of splintering into perhaps three different states as we enter the year 2005. Again, ethnically speaking, Iraq and its people are not in a position to rapidly, build an entity that meets the prophetic criteria for a future, Mystery Babylon.


Therefore, we find scriptural contradictions to the theory that Mystery Babylon is Iraq or ancient Babylon. We also find extreme contra-indications that Iraq or ancient Babylon could be built into the defined requirements within a few generations.


We also see no practical way for ancient Babylon to become a deep-water ocean port (as per Revelation 18:11-19) when it is 300 miles from the still-shallow shores of the Persian Gulf. Also, remember that Iraq has no deep-water port facilities. Iraq is primarily, and for all practical purposes, a land-locked nation.


The theory that Iraq or ancient Babylon is the future, Mystery Babylon is just that, a theory that contradicts Scripture and overwhelmingly fails to meet the 59 points of criteria.


For the other 57 points why Iraq cannot be “Mystery Babylon” of the “end of days” – please link to: “57 Reasons Why Iraq Can NOT be Mystery Babylon



Resposta  Missatge 27 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 01/09/2011 03:38
Star Gate


Sign Type


Celestial Position


Living Creature



Fall Equinox





Spring Equinox





Winter Solstice





Summer Solstice



Mazal: akrav (escorpión)

Enseñan nuestros sabios que el escorpión es el miembro más mortífero de la categoría general de criaturas venenosas, cuya figura arquetípica es la serpiente primordial del Edén. La palabra akrav deriva de akev, “talón, como está dicho: “y tu [la serpiente> lo morderás [al hombre> en el talón” (Génesis 3:15). Por eso el akrav simboliza la “mordedura” perfecta de la serpiente en el talón del hombre. En general, el veneno de la serpiente es “caliente”, en cambio el del escorpión es “frío”. El Mashíaj es la única alma que puede vencer, matar y al final revivir a la serpiente primordial (para trasnformarla en bien).

(El alma del Mashíaj y su estado permanentemente conciente, manifiesta la rectificación definitiva del “calor”, “ardiendo” solamente en su amor por Di-s y Israel, y también del “frío”, el frío absoluto a las falsas vanidades de este mundo).

Este es el secrerto de la ecuación numérica: Mashíaj (358) = Najash (358, la serpiente).

Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
Juan 3:14: Y como Moisés levantó la SERPIENTE en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado,
Apocalipsis 12:14: Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la SERPIENTE al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo. (1+2=3:14)


Aquí los signos monetarios toman su lugar en el pentagrama a 0, 90 y 180 grados. Al ser girados las fechas de los crímenes aparecen claramente.

dollar US animé


11/9 O 9/11


Resposta  Missatge 28 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 01/09/2011 03:47

Resposta  Missatge 29 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 01/09/2011 03:48

Resposta  Missatge 30 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 14/09/2011 20:22

7:21 Estas columnas erigió en el pórtico del templo; y cuando hubo alzado la columna del lado derecho, le puso por nombre Jaquín, y alzando la columna del lado izquierdo, llamó su nombre Boaz.
7:22 Y puso en las cabezas de las columnas tallado en forma de lirios, y así se acabó la obra de las columnas. (22/7=3.14-NOTEN LA VIRGEN ENTRE LAS DOS COLUMNAS Y SOBRE UN TRIANGULO PIRAMIDAL. ¿Porque la IGLESIA CATOLICA DECLARO EL DIA 22 DE JULIO O 22/7 EL DIA DE MARIA MAGDALENA? ¿CURAS DE ALTO RANGO MANEJAN CODIGOS DEL GRIAL? Noten, incluso que las dos columnas con la piramide en el centro tiene una forma de w. Si ustedes vieron la pelicula STAR GATE alli se ven las dos columnas de JACHIN Y BOAZ EN CONTEXTO A LA PIRAMIDE. Observen tambien la CUPULA EN LA PARTE TRASERA DEL TEMPLO, adonde estaba el LUGAR SANTISIMO DEL TABERNACULO Y DEL TEMPLO DE SALOMON)

7:24 Y rodeaban aquel mar por debajo de su borde alrededor unas bolas como calabazas, diez en cada codo, que ceñían el mar alrededor en dos filas, las cuales habían sido fundidas cuando el mar fue fundido.
7:25 Y descansaba sobre doce bueyes; tres miraban al norte, tres miraban al occidente, tres miraban al sur, y tres miraban al oriente; sobre estos se apoyaba el mar, y las ancas de ellos estaban hacia la parte de adentro.
7:26 El grueso del mar era de un palmo menor, y el borde era labrado como el borde de un cáliz o de flor de lis; y cabían en él dos mil batos.


Image roll-over


11 Septembre 2001...?

JER - U.S.A.- LEM...


Stargate - Puerta a las estrellas Parte 4

Resposta  Missatge 31 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/05/2012 02:10

Resposta  Missatge 32 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 04/06/2012 15:51

Se trata de uno de los símbolos más difundidos de la cultura de Estados Unidos. Es un regalo que el pueblo de Francia dio a la ciudad de Nueva York en 1886 (a 100 años de la independencia norteamericana).

Fué construída en París y diseñada por Gustave Eiffel, se desmontó y transportó en barco hasta la isla de la Libertad, a orillas del río Hudson, en Nueva York. Mide unos 46 metros y su peso se calcula en 225 toneladas.

Coordenadas: 40 41 23.30N, 74 2 40.14W


Resposta  Missatge 33 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 05/06/2012 17:05
10. Mateo 23:17: ¡INSENSATOS y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el oro, o el templo que santifica al oro?

25:1 Entonces el reino de los cielos será semejante a diez vírgenes que tomando sus lámparas, salieron a recibir al esposo. (La virgen con la lampara simboliza la ILUMINACION, que esta totalmente relacionada con la SENSATEZ. EL AGUILA es el ave que tiene mejor vista e incluso la fiesta de Janukah, era la fiesta con referencia a la menorah o candelabro de 7 luces interrelacionado con las PLEYADES/TAURO/TORO con analogia tambien en la luna creciente y la estrella de 5 puntas. CONCRETAMENTE DETRAS DE LA ILUMINACION ESTA LA CONCEPCION DEL GRIAL. NUEVA YORK, LA CAPITAL DE LA ECONOMIA MUNDIAL, EN CONTEXTO A LA ESTATUA DE LA LIBERTAD ES UNA REFERENCIA ESOTERICA AL ORO REFINADO DE APOCALIPSIS 3:14 EN CONTEXTO A LA ILUMINACION , OSEA EL SANTO GRIAL. EL MENSAJE DEL 911, EN CONTEXTO AL ISLAM, ESTRELLA DE 5 PUNTAS MEDIANTE, TAMBIEN TIENE ESTE MENSAJE)

25:2 Cinco de ellas eran prudentes y cinco insensatas.
25:3 Las insensatas, tomando sus lámparas, no tomaron consigo aceite;
25:4 mas las prudentes tomaron aceite en sus vasijas, juntamente con sus lámparas.
25:5 Y tardándose el esposo, cabecearon todas y se durmieron.
25:6 Y a la medianoche se oyó un clamor: ¡Aquí viene el esposo; salid a recibirle!
25:7 Entonces todas aquellas vírgenes se levantaron, y arreglaron sus lámparas.
25:8 Y las insensatas dijeron a las prudentes: Dadnos de vuestro aceite; porque nuestras lámparas se apagan.
25:9 Mas las prudentes respondieron diciendo: Para que no nos falte a nosotras y a vosotras, id más bien a los que venden, y comprad para vosotras mismas.
25:10 Pero mientras ellas iban a comprar, vino el esposo; y las que estaban preparadas entraron con él a las bodas; y se cerró la puerta. (Tiene fuerte nexo con LA IGLESIA DE LAODICEA EN CONTEXTO A LA ILUMINACION. APOCALIPSIS 3:14. La puerta es una referencia a la ALQUIMIA/ESCALERA DE JACOB/CASA DE DIOS Y PUERTA DEL CIELO/SANTO GRIAL)
25:11 Después vinieron también las otras vírgenes, diciendo: ¡Señor, señor, ábrenos!
25:12 Mas él, respondiendo, dijo: De cierto os digo, que no os conozco.
25:13 Velad, pues, porque no sabéis el día ni la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre ha de venir.

25:14 Porque el reino de los cielos es como un hombre que yéndose lejos, llamó a sus siervos y les entregó sus bienes.
25:15 A uno dio cinco talentos, y a otro dos, y a otro uno, a cada uno conforme a su capacidad; y luego se fue lejos.
25:16 Y el que había recibido cinco talentos fue y negoció con ellos, y ganó otros cinco talentos
25:17 Asimismo el que había recibido dos, ganó también otros dos.
25:18 Pero el que había recibido uno fue y cavó en la tierra, y escondió el dinero de su señor.
25:19 Después de mucho tiempo vino el señor de aquellos siervos, y arregló cuentas con ellos.
25:20 Y llegando el que había recibido cinco talentos, trajo otros cinco talentos, diciendo: Señor, cinco talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros cinco talentos sobre ellos.
25:21 Y su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor.
25:22 Llegando también el que había recibido dos talentos, dijo: Señor, dos talentos me entregaste; aquí tienes, he ganado otros dos talentos sobre ellos.
25:23 Su señor le dijo: Bien, buen siervo y fiel; sobre poco has sido fiel, sobre mucho te pondré; entra en el gozo de tu señor. (La prosperidad y riqueza no es ningun pecado. PARA LA BIBLIA PROSPERIDAD ES SINONIMO DE BENDICION DE DIOS)
25:24 Pero llegando también el que había recibido un talento, dijo: Señor, te conocía que eres hombre duro, que siegas donde no sembraste y recoges donde no esparciste;
25:25 por lo cual tuve miedo, y fui y escondí tu talento en la tierra; aquí tienes lo que es tuyo. (La pobreza tiene origen en la AVARICIA. ESTE ES EL ORIGEN ESOTERICO DEL PORQUE LA RELIGION ESTA ALEJADA DEL GRIAL Y DEMONIZA A LA MUJER)
25:26 Respondiendo su señor, le dijo: Siervo malo y negligente, sabías que siego donde no sembré, y que recojo donde no esparcí.

25:28 Quitadle, pues, el talento, y dadlo al que tiene diez talentos.
25:29 Porque al que tiene, le será dado, y tendrá más; y al que no tiene, aun lo que tiene le será quitado.
25:30 Y al siervo inútil echadle en las tinieblas de afuera; allí será el lloro y el crujir de dientes. (El diente tiene un nexo con la ILUMINACION en el contexto a GENESIS 49:12)
Génesis 49:12: Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus DIENTEs blancos de la leche.
3:1 Oración del profeta Habacuc, sobre Sigionot.
3:2 Oh Jehová, he oído tu palabra, y temí. Oh Jehová, aviva tu obra en medio de los tiempos, En medio de los tiempos hazla conocer; En la ira acuérdate de la misericordia.
3:3 Dios vendrá de Temán, Y el Santo desde el monte de Parán. Selah Su gloria cubrió los cielos, Y la tierra se llenó de su alabanza. (Teman es descendiente de EDOM/ROJO, con fuerte nexo con la tierra Roja PARAGUAYA y PARAN tiene relacion con AGAR, la madre de ISMAEL y el MONTE SINAI adonde fueron dados los 10 mandamientos. Paran tiene un nexo con el rio Parana, Teman con el rojo de la tierra paraguaya con fuerte nexo con MAGDALENA en el contexto a ASUNCION DEL PARAGUAY. La asuncion en el dia numero 227, relacionada con el 22/7=3.14, del año gregoriano. Teman tiene un nexo con la Viuda en el contexto al libro de Job 18. El azul y el rojo estan relacionados aparentemente con los extremos del arco iris, osea el PACTO DE NOE, CON FUERTE NEXO CON EL GRIAL. GENESIS 9, en contexto al VINO y la borrachera de Noe y las tiendas de Set, un obvio nexo con la FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS. Noten incluso la interrelacion con el numero 33 del versiculo en contexto a la PRODUCCION DE VINO. ROSARIO, ARGENTINA esta exactamente en el paralelo 33 al igual que MENDOZA Y VIÑA DEL MAR, PRODUCTORES DE VINO EN LA ARGENTINA. LA MESOPOTAMIA ARGENTINA TIENE RELACION CON LA MESOPOTAMIA ASIATICA ENTRE EL EUFRATES Y EL TIGRIS AL SUR DE ANTIOQUIA ADONDE ESTA UBICADO EL MONTE DE ARARAT adonde esta ubicado el ARCA DE NOE/COLUMBIA, incluso tambien interrelacionado con el VIAJE A LA LUNA. CONCRETAMENTE ASUNCION DEL PARAGUAY, ciudad de 7 colinas, tiene relacion espiritual con LAODICEA, apocalipsis 3:14, tambien ciudad de 7 colinas con interrelacion con las PLEYADES/TAURO/7 IGLESIAS.)
3:4 Y el resplandor fue como la luz; Rayos brillantes salían de su mano, Y allí estaba escondido su poder.
3:5 Delante de su rostro iba mortandad, Y a sus pies salían carbones encendidos.
3:6 Se levantó, y midió la tierra; Miró, e hizo temblar las gentes; Los montes antiguos fueron desmenuzados, Los collados antiguos se humillaron. Sus caminos son eternos.
3:7 He visto las tiendas de Cusán en aflicción; Las tiendas de la tierra de Madián temblaron.
3:8 ¿Te airaste, oh Jehová, contra los ríos? ¿Contra los ríos te airaste? ¿Fue tu ira contra el mar Cuando montaste en tus caballos, Y en tus carros de victoria?
3:9 Se descubrió enteramente tu arco; Los juramentos a las tribus fueron palabra segura. Selah Hendiste la tierra con ríos.
3:10 Te vieron y tuvieron temor los montes; Pasó la inundación de las aguas; El abismo dio su voz, A lo alto alzó sus manos.
3:11 El sol y la luna se pararon en su lugar; A la luz de tus saetas anduvieron, Y al resplandor de tu fulgente lanza.
3:12 Con ira hollaste la tierra, Con furor trillaste las naciones.
3:13 Saliste para socorrer a tu pueblo, Para socorrer a tu ungido. Traspasaste la cabeza de la casa del impío, Descubriendo el cimiento hasta la roca. Selah
3:14 Horadaste con sus propios dardos las cabezas de sus guerreros, Que como tempestad acometieron para dispersarme, Cuyo regocijo era como para devorar al pobre encubiertamente.
3:15 Caminaste en el mar con tus caballos, Sobre la mole de las grandes aguas.
3:16 Oí, y se conmovieron mis entrañas; A la voz temblaron mis labios; Pudrición entró en mis huesos, y dentro de mí me estremecí; Si bien estaré quieto en el día de la angustia, Cuando suba al pueblo el que lo invadirá con sus tropas.
3:17 Aunque la higuera no florezca, Ni en las vides haya frutos, Aunque falte el producto del olivo, Y los labrados no den mantenimiento, Y las ovejas sean quitadas de la majada, Y no haya vacas en los corrales;
3:18 Con todo, yo me alegraré en Jehová, Y me gozaré en el Dios de mi salvación.
3:19 Jehová el Señor es mi fortaleza, El cual hace mis pies como de ciervas, Y en mis alturas me hace andar. Al jefe de los cantores, sobre mis instrumentos de cuerdas.
Job de gran maldad (18:22:1 - 18:22:30)

Entonces intervino Elifaz el temanita y dijo:

—¿Puede el hombre fuerte traer provecho a Dios? ¿Puede el hombre inteligente serle de provecho?

¿Le deleita al Todopoderoso el que tú seas justo? ¿Gana algo con que tú hagas perfectos tus caminos?

¿Es por tu piedad que él te reprende o acude contigo a juicio?

¿Acaso no será grande tu maldad, y sin fin tus iniquidades?

Sin razón, tomabas prenda de tus hermanos, y despojabas de sus ropas a los desnudos.

No dabas de beber agua al cansado, y al hambriento le privabas de pan.

Como un hombre poderoso a quien le pertenece la tierra y un enaltecido que habita en ella,

despedías a las viudas con las manos vacías y quebrantabas los brazos de los huérfanos.



Resposta  Missatge 34 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 08/06/2012 17:34
gate in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 ( g
1232. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti.
49:9 Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.
49:12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche.
(LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR  LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)

Resposta  Missatge 35 de 125 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 16/07/2012 00:01

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