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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 13/12/2011 22:28
El verdadero PENTECOSTES es el 29 del cuarto mes hebreo (29 de thamus) y justamente el mismo esta diseñado en funcion al SOLSTICIO DE VERANO (PLENITUD SOLAR) y practicamente en PLENITUD LUNAR (luna nueva en luna llena). Es simbolo del MATRIMONIO ENTRE EL SOL (JESUCRISTO) Y LA LUNA (EL CUERPO DE CRISTO/MARIA MAGDALENA). JUAN 20 es en este contexto, desgraciadamente, ocultado por la IGLESIA PATRIARCAL. Segun la PRECESION DE LOS EQUINOCCIOS al comienzo de la ERA DE ACUARIO ORION, osea el HIJO DEL HOMBRE, cae el 21 de junio en el SOLSTICIO. Osea que no es solo STONEHENGE esta diseñado en FUNCION AL SOLSTICIO. Desgraciadamente se ha demonizado al paganismo sin ver que tambien en los mismos hay un mensaje con fuerte relacion biblica. ESE CRISTIANISMO SECTARIO TIENE QUE TENER UN FIN porque el EVANGELIO DE CRISTO ES UNIVERSAL. PYR significa fuego con fuerte nexo con PENTECOSTES.
The Egyptian name for the pyramids is 'Khuti' - 'The lights'. Davidson (2) believed that this name originated from the semetic equivelant which was 'Urim' - 'The lights'. In Phrygian and Greek, the root 'Ur' - 'light', became successively 'Pur' and 'Pyr' (fire), and 'Pyra' (Plural), for 'Beacon fires'. In Chaldee and Hebrew, he adds, 'Middin' = 'Measures'. Hence the Chaldee-Hebrew name is - 'Purim-middin'
552. Mateo 3:11: Yo a la verdad os bautizo en AGUA para arrepentimiento; pero el que viene tras mí, cuyo calzado yo no soy digno de llevar, es más poderoso que yo; él os bautizará en Espíritu Santo y fuego.
Verse # = 23204   |   Words = 31   |   Letters = 148
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Greek Strong's # Value
I εγω 808
indeed μεν 95
baptize βαπτιζω 1200
you υμας 641
with εν 55
water υδωρ 1304
unto εις 215
repentance: μετανοια 477
but δε 9
he that cometh ερχομαι 826
after οπισω 1160
me μου 510
is εστι 515
mightier than ισχυρος 1580
I, μου 510
whose ος 270
shoes υποδημα 603
I am ειμι 65
not ου 470
worthy ικανος 351
to bear: βασταζω 1311
he αυτος 971
shall baptize βαπτιζω 1200
you υμας 641
with εν 55
the Holy αγιος 284
Ghost, πνευμα 576
and και 31
[with] fire: πυρ 580

πυρ pur {poor} a root word; TDNT - 6:928,975; n n AV - fire 73, fiery 1; 74 1) fire

Gematria: 580

2:1 Cuando llegó el día de Pentecostés, estaban todos unánimes juntos.
2:2 Y de repente vino del cielo un estruendo como de un viento recio que soplaba, el cual llenó toda la casa donde estaban sentados;
395. Hechos 2:3: y se les aparecieron lenguas repartidas, como de FUEGO, asentándose sobre cada uno de ellos.

396. Hechos 2:19: Y daré prodigios arriba en el cielo,
Y señales abajo en la tierra,
Sangre y FUEGO y vapor de humo;

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Respuesta  Mensaje 86 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/08/2012 17:15

Así lo veríamos desde la Tierra: el Sol y la Luna en fase nueva están encima de Orión y concretamente en el meridiano celeste de la estrella Betelgeuse. Detrás de nosotros (del planeta Tierra), el Centro de la Galaxia.



- DÍA 20: Venus, por debajo del plano de la órbita de la Tierra, pasa entre el Sol y Plutón. Alineación Venus/Plutón.

- DÍA 21-22: Solsticio. Orión, el Humano Cósmico, porta la luz.

Desde el hemisferio norte de la Tierra. 12 horas del mediodía del Solsticio del 21 de junio. El Sol sobre Orión. stellarium.org

- DÍA 25: Mercurio pasa entre el Sol y Saturno. Alineación Mercurio/Saturno.

- DÍA 27: Mercurio pasa entre el Sol y Marte. Alineación Mercurio/Marte.

- DÍA 29: Venus realiza su segunda curva de su movimiento de zig zag ante la constelación de Tauro junto a la estrella Aldebarán. Júpiter entre Venus y las Pléyades (ver el momento de inicio del movimiento).


Respuesta  Mensaje 87 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/08/2012 21:35

On the dollar bill, the great seal of the United States of America displays 12 levels of pyramid from the 1776 foundation level. A perfect 33% of an hour has 19 minutes and 47 seconds (.33 X 60 = 19.8, .8 x 60 = 47). Accordingly, each level of pyramid represents a generation of 19.47 years.

12 x 19.47 = 233.64 years

If you use May 1st, 1776 as the start date of the countdown; you begin to see temporal destiny unfold before your eyes…
In 1776, there were 31 days in January, 29 days in February, 31 days in March and 30 days in April. The sum of days for these months is 121, making May 1st the 122nd day of 1776.

5/1/1776 = day 122

122 / 365 = 0.33 = 33% of 1776

May 1st, 1776 was chosen for more than one reason as a founding date. So now we may calculate the exact end date for the capstone to crown the pyramid…


1776.33 + 233.64 = 2009.97

0.97 X 365 = 354.05 day of 2009

365 – 354 = 11 days before the end of 12/31/09

The 233.64 year countdown from 1776.33 (May 1st or 33%) completes the day of December 20th of 2009!!

Therefore I present you with the Omega Point of the Great Seal Countdown: The Winter Solstice of this year!!

That’s right- 12/21/2009

Exactly 3 years to the day of the ominous and fateful 12/21/2012 -which we also know is a Winter Solstice.

A 3-year period?

It seems 12/21 of this year will be a fateful day, but what does it hold in store for the world?!

I submit to you that this day may be reserved for a King’s Coronation…

Respuesta  Mensaje 88 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/08/2012 04:51
navelegante Enviado: 21/08/2012 00:35
Ok. La "Puerta del Hombre" sería la constelación de Orión (que tiene la forma esquemática de una figura humana) y la fecha es el 20 de junio (solsticio). 

Y la "Puerta de Dios" sería el centro de la Galaxia (el Dios Hunab-ku de los Maya) que desde la Tierra se ve entre Sagitario, Ofiuco y Escorpio (cuya estrella más brillante es Antares) y el Sol pasa por encima cada 19 de junio.

Y en esta vista más amplia vemos las dos "puertas" a la vez.
Eje galáctico entre el Centro galáctico y Betelegeuse: en medio, el Sol, y la Tierra el 19 de diciembre

Respuesta  Mensaje 89 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/08/2012 17:36


Profundizando más en el tema, aparecen personajes nuevos como la luna y los arquetipos femeninos.

En las leyendas, mitología y cuentos populares se establece un paralelismo entre el ciclo de las estaciones, la luna y las energías que experimenta la mujer en el ciclo menstrual:

Luna Roja - Miranda Gray Fases Luna

Luna Creciente: LA DONCELLA
Representa el aspecto enérgico y dinámico: la luz y claridad de la luna creciente
Se le asocia al color blanco
Es la fase PRE-OVULATORIA: desde el fin del sangrado hasta el comienzo de la ovulación
Energías llenas de diversión y entusiasmo de la mujer dinámica y radiante, confiada, firme, ambiciosa, sociable y capaz de afrontar los desafíos de la vida mundana
Mujer centrada en si misma y con gran poder de concentración con el que puede prosperar en el trabajo
Momento idóneo para encarar nuevos proyectos
Luna Llena: LA MADRE
Símbolo de la fertilidad y la nutrición: refleja la intensa luz de la luna llena
Color rojo
Es la fase de la OVULACIÓN:
Es la expresión interna y externa del amor: mujer protectora, capaz de asumir responsabilidades, alimentar y dar sustento
Se pierde el interés por la propia persona y te centras en los demás seres
Desafortunadamente nuestra sociedad ha degradado y desprestigiado las cualidades arquetípicas que caracterizan a la madre (cuidado, entrega, …). Nuestro sistema económico, explotador al máximo, no asocia la inteligencia, fortaleza y sabiduría con la maternidad, sino con la energía de la doncella: FUERA DE CASA.
Y así nos va: ¡una sociedad des-madrada¡. Hablaremos de eso en un futuro artículo de crianza, que será demoledor.
Luna Menguante: LA HECHICERA
Color azul
Fase PRE-MENSTRUAL: desde la ovulación hasta la menstruación
Representa el descenso hacia el aspecto interior de la naturaleza femenina: misterio, magia, pasión, poder femenino, magnetismo y atracción.
Aumento de la sexualidad, creatividad, conciencia, intuición y ensoñación.
Es una creatividad tremenda y desenfrenada
Luna Nueva: LA BRUJA
Color negro: la oscuridad de la luna nueva o menguante
Representa la sabiduría y la estabilidad: los poderes del mundo interior: se retiran las energías del mundo terrenal para centrar su conciencia en el mundo espiritual.
Es la fase de introspección: de dormir y soñar y frenar el ritmo de vida
El ciclo de la luna blanca

Se podría hablar largo y tendido de los arquetipos femeninos pero este documento sólo pretende demostrar que:

Las mujeres somos cíclicas como la vida y la Tierra, y no lineales como nos han hecho creer y desear ser.

Respuesta  Mensaje 90 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/08/2012 17:01
ROYAL ARCH 1111.JPG [ 124.18 KiB | Viewed 565 times ]

Respuesta  Mensaje 91 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/08/2012 14:38

Tres Marías

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

El término Tres Marías, a veces utilizado en la forma Santas Marías o Tres Santas Marías puede referirse a:

  • su madre la Virgen María;
  • María Magdalena; es la compañera de Jesucristo, la que representa el "arrepentimiento", La Ley y los profetas, el Antiguo Testamento.
  • María de Betania, a veces identificada con la anterior,[1] pero más usualmente identificada como la hermana menor de Lázaro de Betania y Marta de Betania (véase también Marta y María); es la compañera del Señor, que representa el "amor", ella lo escoge, el Nuevo Testamento.
  • María Salomé, que acompañó a Jesucristo durante la crucifixión. Fue mujer de Zebedeo y madre de los apóstoles Santiago el Mayor y Juan.
  • María de Cleofás o Cleofé, que sería mujer de Cleofás (identificable con Tadeo o Alfeo) y hermana de la María madre de Jesucristo. A veces se la identifica con María Salomé, ya que también es citada en la escena de la crucifixión, pero en distinto evangelio.
  • María (madre de Santiago y José) y , que en algunas interpretaciones de los textos evangélicos se identifica con la misma María madre de Jesucristo, que habría tenido otros hijos. La interpretación católica más usual rechaza esa posibilidad, sugiriendo que puede ser cualquier otra María, por ejemplo, la María de Cleofás.[2] Esta identificación conllevaría la de uno de sus hijos con Santiago el Menor (o Santiago el de Alfeo), tal como se explicita en el Evangelio de Marcos.[3] La identidad del otro hijo, José, es menos clara; aunque ese nombre (también muy común) era llevado por José de Arimatea (cuyo papel en la crucifixión y entierro de Cristo es destacadísima) y por José de Nazaret (o San José, el esposo de la María madre de Jesucristo).

Había allí muchas mujeres que miraban de lejos: eran las mismas que habían seguido a Jesús desde Galilea para servirlo.

Entre ellas estaban María Magdalena, María —la madre de Santiago y de José— y la madre de los hijos de Zebedeo.

Mateo 27, 55-56[4]

Junto a la cruz de Jesús, estaba su madre y la hermana de su madre, María, mujer de Cleofás, y María Magdalena.

Juan 19, 25[5]
  • Las Tres Marías es el nombre convencional de dos temas evangélicos muy desarrollados en la cultura y el arte:
  • el del grupo de mujeres que presencian la Crucifixión de Cristo (habitualmente como escena secundaria del tema principal, pero en ocasiones convertido en motivo destacado (por la posición, tamaño o tratamiento elegido por el artista);
  • la mujer o grupo de mujeres que van a visitar el Santo Sepulcro, lo hallan vacío (Sepulcro Vacío -en:Empty tomb-) y se encuentran con Jesús Resucitado, siendo por tanto los primeros testigos de la Resurrección de Cristo (véase en la wikipedia en inglés en:Resurrection of Jesus y en:Resurrection appearances of Jesus). Según el Evangelio de Juan no fue un grupo, sino únicamente la Magdalena, pero según los Evangelios de Lucas, Marcos y Mateo eran María Magdalena, María, la madre de Santiago, y Salomé o María Magdalena, Juana y María, la madre de Santiago, y las demás mujeres que las acompañaban o María Magdalena y la otra María. También según uno de los evangelios apócrifos (el de Pedro) eran varias mujeres.[6]
  • Topónimos:
  • Varias localidades:
  • Suele aplicarse la expresión tres marías a un grupo de tres amigas, para destacar el carácter del grupo, con efecto similar a otras expresiones como vaya tres patas para un banco.

Respuesta  Mensaje 92 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/08/2012 19:46
Just some thoughts

there are three pyramids at the Louvre
one large one and two smaller

three pyramids of Giza

Giza pyramids superimposed over the three stars of Orion's Belt

the Giant with the club in the stars
Orion correlation theory
The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians.
The Sphinx is a representation of the constellation Leo
the pattern of stars that is "frozen" on the ground at Giza in the form of the three pyramids and the Sphinx represents the disposition of the constellations of Orion and Leo as they looked at the moment of sunrise on the spring equinox during the astronomical "Age of Leo" (i.e., the epoch in which the Sun was "housed" by Leo on the spring equinox.) Like all precessional ages this was a 2,160-year period. It is generally calculated to have fallen between the Gregorian calendar dates of 10,970 and 8810 BC. (op. cit., p.189)

The Last day of Cancer is 7/22 and the first day of Leo is 7/22
7/22 is the feast day of Mary Magdalene

A date of 10,500 BC is chosen because they maintain this is the only time in the precession of the equinoxes when the astrological age was Leo and when that constellation rose directly east of the Sphinx at the vernal equinox. They also suggest that in this epoch the angles between the three stars of Orion’s Belt and the horizon was an “exact match” to the angles between the three main Giza pyramids
This time period also coincides with the American psychic Edgar Cayce’s “dating” of Atlantis


from Ben Hammotts site

the fringe around Magdalene is yellow triangles or pyramid like shapes
the mountain in the background has a look of a pyramid


the cloud in the background has a sphinx like appearance

"At the Cross her station keeping,
stood the mournful Mother weeping,
close to Jesus to the last".

there are two women at the cross seen both named Mary
and both possibly Mothers


the M stands for Mother and Mary

A document, possibly written by Ermengaud of Béziers, undated and anonymous and attached to his Treatise against Heretics, makes a similar statement.

The 13th-century Cistercian monk and chronicler Peter of Vaux de Cernay claimed it was part of Catharist belief that the earthly Jesus Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, described as his concubine

Also they [the Cathars] teach in their secret meetings that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Christ. She was the Samaritan woman to whom He said, "Call thy husband." She was the woman taken into adultery, whom Christ set free lest the Jews stone her, and she was with Him in three places, in the temple, at the well, and in the garden. After the Resurrection, He appeared first to her.


the church of Magdalene is located in Cathar country
perhaps this was the most dangerous secret the Cathars

Everything is Connected and there are no

Respuesta  Mensaje 93 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/08/2012 15:23

This again explains why "Fish symbology" which runs so characteristically through the entire Gospel story (miracles of the fishes, call of fishermen, fishers of men, etc.) and why Christ's disciples were largely fishermen. The Sun had entered the Constellation of Pisces and it was time for a new "interpretation" of God and His "Karst" and we have it in the Christ of Christianity and its emphasis upon Christ's followers being{short description of image} fishermen and "fishers of men". It is written that the Christ performed the miracles with fishes and sent his apostles out after his death under the leadership of St. Peter with the injunction to be fishers of men. It is for this reason that the mitre (hat) which the Pope wears is the mouth of the fish.

Now, according to Astronomy mankind is currently transiting into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of the water-carrier, the sign of universality, for water is a universal symbol. It is recorded for us in the New Testament that prior to his death Christ sent his disciples out to find the "water-bearer" who led them to an upper room where the communion service was instituted. All this was in the text is the recognition by{short description of image} the Christ (personified as the Sun) of the coming New Age which would succeed his dispensation and into which we are at this time entering. Leonardo da Vinci's great picture of the communion in the upper room is the great symbol of the Aquarian age, for we shall sit down together under the loving direction of Christ (the vehicle and agent (Logos) of Revelation of God to mankind) when brotherhood will be established and men will be banded together in the bonds of divine relationship. The old barriers between man and man and nation and nation will, during the next 2,160 years slowly disappear. Ironically this picture was known by the Ancients to have astrological connections as it represented again the Sun and the Zodiac "personified". Take a close look at the picture and how it has been divided by modern scholarship who is aware of its Astronomical Symbolism: 4 groupings of 3 disciples corresponding to the 2 Equinoxes and 2 Solstices, each containing groups of 3 reflective of the months in each time period separating the Equinoxes and Solstices.

Answer for yourself: Is this another coincidence?

These "Spiritual concepts" have been with mankind since the beginning of time and this explains why in the worlds' religions we find unbelievable "common themes" and "overlap" of these "Celestial beliefs" at the heart of these various religions. And we should since mankind all sees the same things in the Sky and God's Heaven.

Understanding the above then we should know that regardless of attempts to make Mithraism the plagiarist of Christianity, the fact will remain that Mithraism originated long before Christianity and was well established decades before Christianity had any significant influence. If Christian apologists will not yield to the well-attested assertion that Christianity "borrowed" from Mithraism in specific, they simply cannot deny that both copied from Paganism in general, from one or more of the numerous religions, cults and mysteries of the pre-Christian world. Hence, the effect is the same: Christianity took its "godman" and religious beliefs and religious tenets attached to him from prior Nations and their understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes as it was later "personified" and "allegorized"!


Respuesta  Mensaje 94 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 00:07


Hebrew For "The House Of Truth"

Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.




We ended the last article looking at the correlations between the "Jesus Story" in the New Testament and the path of the Sun through the Zodiac, in particular the constellation Taurus as it parallels the depiction of the "Jesus Story" taken chronologically throughout the New Testaments' depiction of Jesus Christ. We have traced the "Jesus Story" not only through the Heavens as it parallels the path of the Sun through the Zodiac when "personified" and "allegorized" but have seen the genius of the Creator to inscribe upon the Heavens above His will for mankind and their "Spiritual Evolution". We have traced the Sun through the previous Houses of the Zodiac and when "personified" and with the aid of "anthropomorphic" language we have seen how the "Evolution of the Soul in matter" has been told through the "myths" and "legends" of sungods. The irony of this whole thing is that the "Jesus Story" is the story of the birth, life, growth, and death of the Soul in this physical realm we call "life". This "Jesus Story" is a "plan-o-gram" for mankind to follow and emulate as were many of the prior "sungod" stories as well. We have seen beginning with Capricorn that man was born into this physical world with the necessity of a "2nd birth" which is symbolized as we move to the House of Aquarius where we find the symbolic immersion into a "watery womb" or a "watery tomb" in baptism where as Judaism teaches man receives the "Soul that comes down from Heaven" and is "born again". We saw that this imagery of being "born again in water" is accompanied with "repentance" as seen in the immersion of John the Baptist and his "baptism of repentance". We saw that the language of John is very important as he lays out the desired growth of man's Soul; for it must increase as the power of his flesh decreases. We immediately move from this even in our spiritual growth to a full-blown war with our soul as we must fight the "darkness" within seen in the allegory of "Jesus' Temptation" with the Devil. This is but a picture of the Sun and its eternal battle with "darkness" again symbolized in the "Jesus Story" in Jesus' temptation where the "spirit" and "flesh" battle continuously. The Soul is intended to increase in strength over our flesh as we live out our lives and continually reflect more of the light of God daily as does the Sun in it new ascending path in the Heavens. We saw as we moved to Pisces that as we grow "spiritually" we must feed ourselves "the bread that comes down from Heaven" before we can feed others and become "fishers of men". Thus the symbolism of Pisces which stresses again the need for this bread due to the "intersection" in Heaven of these "two fish" or "2 natures in man; spiritual and fleshly". As we live a life of repentance unto good works we accomplish such a goal when fed the true "manna" of God. We then followed God's Sun into the Constellation of Aries where we first met up with the idea of "sacrifice" in relationship to the Lamb of God. We learned from this that God was teaching us that we are to become "living sacrifices", holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service while at the same time we are not conformed to this world continue to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in order that we might prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:1-2...KJV). We next found ourselves at the Spring Equinox were we learned that this is a special time with God and man which speaks God's Harmony and peace to all Creation. We also learned that this is the Harvest time when the Earth brings forth her fruit. We made note of the need for our fruit in our lives that comes through good works and obedience to the Commandments of God were according to Judaism we find and receive our atonement. As living sacrifices according to the Hebrew Scriptures we accomplish our own atonement. As we moved with the Sun into the Constellation of Taurus we saw the repeated emphasis upon "sacrifice" and continued fruitfulness on a large scale; a scale large enough to reach the world with this true message of maturation of man's Soul. We camped a little while here as we contrasted the Houses of Aries and Taurus for parallels between them and the unbelievable similarities between the "personified Sun" as "Mithra" and as "Jesus" in the New Testament. We move must move on with the Sun as it never sleeps and move with it into the House of Gemini and learn the next "Spiritual Lesson" that God has for us as we learn of the maturation of the Divine within matter; ie., our Souls.

Now we{short description of image} continue to go more deeply as we trace the Sun in its path through the Zodiac as it leaves Taurus and enters the constellation of Gemini. We by now are familiar with the astronomical concept that the Sun goes on a journey through the Zodiac during the 12 months of the year. We have been following this journey of the Sun and we have seen how uncannily the path of the Sun through the Zodiac matches up with the chronological depiction of "Jesus" and the journey that Jesus takes during his life and ministry as depicted by the writers of the New Testament. We have seen that according to the writers of the Synoptic Gospels that Jesus' ministry is said to last a year. We have also seen that the Sun completes its circuit of the Zodiac in a year. This is not a coincidence. We now look at the constellation Gemini to see the continuing struggle of the Sun against the darkness and note the parallels to the depiction of Jesus and his ministry as recorded in the New Testament.

The constellation of Gemini has been seen as twin figures by cultures throughout the world, back into prehistory. The 'Two Stars', referring to its very bright suns, which the Greeks recognized as Castor and Polydeuces, were named for the younger and elder forms of the god Horus by the Egyptians. To the Romans they were Hercules and Apollo. Often perceived as twin boys, the lore sustains that they were placed in the night sky by Jove to honor and exemplify the fidelity of their brotherly love. In other instances they were seen as a sister and brother or two angels, then within later Christian traditions, as Adam and Eve.

Stories of hero twins are also related throughout the world. For the Greeks their was Castor and Polydeuces, also known as the Dioscuri, or Heavenly Twins. They were the children of Zeus and Leda, queen of Sparta (yes...you may call them: 'sons of the swan.'), thus also the brothers to the infamous Helen, late of Troy. The exploits of these twins are many, and all heroic. In their youth they sailed with Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece. To the Romans, who knew them as Castor and Pollux, the twins were invoked on the field of battle to assure victory. For centuries beyond they were held as guardians to sailors on extended or risky voyages.


We have not up to this time spent a lot of time with the Summer Solstice but our time has come as we find the Sun struggling to rise to the zenith of its path across the Heavens where it will eventually reach the apex of its path which is the Summer Solstice. Let us not forget the Sun, since raised from the dead at the Winter solstice has been ascending in the Sky on its way to its zenith. Associated with this path of the Sun across the Sky is the constellation Gemini. The constellation Gemini is traditionally depicted as two men (the twins). The two brightest stars in Gemini, Castor and Pollux (north of the bright star Procyon in Canis Minor), are two of the brightest stars in the sky and were identified by the Greeks with two children, in most accounts the twin sons of Zeus and Leda. As indicated by the "twins of Gemini" this is a time of increasing or doubling as the Sun reaches onward to its zenith. This path of the Sun to its zenith in the Sky ends on the Summer solstice when days are the longest and nights the shortest. It is at this time that the Sun is at the peak of its strength. In the northern hemisphere the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year (near June 22) when the Sun is farthest north. The Summer solstice is the longest day of the year, respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year. It is the time of the greatest light. The dates of maximum tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the Summer solstice and Winter solstice, and the dates of zero tilt to the Vernal equinox and Autumnal equinox. People around the world have observed spiritual and religious seasonal days of celebration during the month of June. Most have been religious holy days which are linked in some way to the Summer solstice. On this day, typically Jun 21, the daytime hours are at a maximum in the Northern hemisphere, and night time is at a minimum. It is officially the first day of summer.

Let us not forget that the seasons of the year are caused by the 23.5º tilt of the earth's axis. Because the earth is rotating like a top or gyroscope, the North Pole points in a fixed direction continuously -- towards a point in space near the North Star. But the earth is also revolving around the Sun. During half of the year, the southern hemisphere is more exposed to the Sun than is the northern hemisphere. During the rest of the year, the reverse is true. {short description of image}At noontime in the Northern Hemisphere the Sun appears high in the sky during summertime, and low during winter. As mentioned above the time of the year when the Sun reaches its maximum elevation occurs on the Summer solstice -- the day with the greatest number of daylight hours. On the Summer Solstice, which occurs on June 21, the Sun is at its highest path through the sky and the day is the longest. Because the day is so long the Sun does not rise exactly in the east, but rises to the north of east and sets to the north of west allowing it to be in the sky for a longer period of time. After the Summer solstice the Sun follows a lower and lower path through the sky each day until it reaches the point where it is in the sky for exactly 12 hours again. This is the Fall or Autumn Equinox. Just like the Spring Equinox, the Sun will rise exactly east and set exactly west on this day and everyone in the world will experience a 12 hour day. After the Fall Equinox the Sun will continue to follow a lower and lower path through the sky and the days will grow shorter and shorter until it reaches its lowest path and then we are back at the Winter Solstice where we started.

The Summer solstice typically occurs on, or within a day or two of, Jun. 21 which is the first day of summer. The lowest elevation occurs about Dec. 21 and is the Winter solstice which is the first day of winter, when the night time hours reach their maximum. We get the word "Solstice", from the Latin for "Sun stands still", in astronomy, either of the two points on the ecliptic that lie midway between the equinoxes (separated from them by an angular distance of 90°). For several days before and after each solstice the Sun appears to stand still in the sky, i.e., its noontime elevation does not seem to change from day to day. At the solstices the sun's apparent position on the celestial sphere reaches its greatest distance above or below the celestial equator, about 23 1/2° of arc. At the time of Summer solstice, about June 22, the Sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of Cancer.

Now that the technical information is out of the way we now focus on the fact that in pre-historic times, Summer was a joyous time of the year for those Ancient people who lived in the northern latitudes. The snow had disappeared; the ground had thawed out; warm temperatures had returned; flowers were blooming; leaves had returned to the deciduous trees. Some herbs could be harvested, for medicinal and other uses. Food was easier to find. This is the time of the first harvest, which usually consisted of the herbs planted during the Vernal Equinox. Other crops had already been planted and would be harvested in the months to come. Although many months of warm/hot weather remained before the fall, they noticed that the days were beginning to shorten, so that the return of the cold season was inevitable. Midsummer has been one of the important solar events throughout the evolution of humankind. It was an indicator that the year was about to begin waning, thus winter would be again returning. Although not all the ancients were as precise in the calculations from an astronomical point, you can be sure that they were keenly aware of the Sun's progression, and did most assuredly know when Solstice was upon them, as the Sun appeared to stand still in its northern progression.

The ancients knew that life came from the Sun, it was life giving, life supporting, without it life would be lost. The Sun was viewed as the Ancient's "Savior" of sorts. The journey of the Sun impacted life at every level in the course of time, only relatively recently with the advances of electricity, greenhouses, transportation networks, has human reliance on the passage of the Sun been lessened. Even with this dependence lessening, in this technological age, necessity of the Sun and its path is crucial to our existence, however it is not as apparent today to many. Midsummer is the time when the Sun reaches the peak of its power, the earth is green and holds the promise of a bountiful harvest.


We say in the previous article that Jesus, in the form of the personified Sun, passed through Taurus and in so doing likewise passed across the Milky Way which is that starry band of millions of stars that lies like a lake across the sky. We saw that at this point in the "Jesus Story" Jesus crosses "the lake" and we as expected found the allegorical story of Jesus walking on water.

Answer for yourself: What happens as the Sun moves past Taurus and the Milky Way?{short description of image}

On the star map provided I want the reader to look to the bottom right and locate the "Hyades" which is part of the Constellation of Taurus. If you draw a diagonal line ascending from bottom right to upper left you come to another Constellation named Gemini. This path between the "Hyades" in Taurus and ascending to Gemini is called the "Ecliptic" and this is the path of the Sun as it moves through the Zodiac in the Heavens. In our study it is important to note as seen in the reference above Sun crossing the "water" or "milky way" in the Heavens which is later retold in the "personified Jesus Story" as Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee and walking on water. After the Sun crosses the Milky Way it moves into the constellation Gemini called "the twins" Castor and Pollox (the two bright stars in Gemini are named Castor and Pollux).

Answer for yourself: What do we find Jesus doing in the gospels right after crossing the lake? We find an account of Jesus healing the sick but how many? How many people is Jesus healing? He is only healing "two".

If our premise holds we should expect to find Jesus associated with "two" (Castor and Pollox) people and that is exactly what we find. In the "Jesus Story", after crossing the lake (which we saw was Jesus as the personified Sun crossing the Milky Way), Jesus heals two demon possessed men.

Matt 8:28-34 28 And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. 29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? 30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. 31 So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. 32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. 33 And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. 34 And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Does the New Testament mention Castor and Pollux? It sure does

Answer for yourself: Is this just a coincidence that Jesus meets two men that need to be healed or is this again symbolic for the constellation Gemini as the Sun moves through the Zodiac?

Acts 28:11 11 And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux. (KJV)

We made mention earlier of the connection of the Harvest with this time of the year around Summer when the Sun enters Gemini. This is a time of increase or doubling as the Sun continually rises in the Sky to its Zenith and its peak of strength. This is especially so noting the connection of Shavuot, or Pentecost, with the sign of Gemini. In Matt. 12:1 we find Jesus and his disciples going through the fields full of grain plucking the heads of grain to eat. As you can see the seasons are advancing.

Matt 12:1 1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. (KJV)

We find in the "Jesus Story" the masterful strength portrayed by Jesus in his teachings where he pronounces that like the Sun his strength is without limit and beyond contest:

Matt 12:8 8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day. (KJV)

No one can challenge Jesus and win or try to usurp his power for none can win for we find Jesus in all his glory and majesty in his ministry portrayed at this time which is keeping in symbolism of the Sun moving to its Zenith where its light is at its greatest. This great power of the "personified Sun" in the allegory of the "Jesus Story" is seen in Jesus ability to control the "darkness of the physical realm" as witnessed in the many accounts of the miracles of Jesus over "demons" in the New Testament. Let us not forget what we previously learned about the "Devil" being "personified darkness".

Matt 12:22 22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.

Matt 12:23-24 23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Is Jesus being challenged by these evil Pharisees accurate to Jewish theology and Jewish history? No not really as we show in other articles where Jesus was likewise supposedly challenged by the Pharisees for healing on the Sabbath and eating of the Sabbath. Jewish law allows for both healing on the Sabbath as well as plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath when one's life is endangered and we find Jesus in the text fleeing from Herod Antipas. This action would be perfectly permissible by Jewish Law but the writers of the New Testament had to show the opposition to Jesus and did so by misrepresenting the Pharisees. This dualism between light and darkness and it constant and eternal struggle is pictured in these false representations of the Pharisees.






We mentioned previously that at the Solstices, both the Winter and the Summer Solstices, the earth's tilt reaches it maximum and begins to retrograde and along with this it appear that the Earth has remained motionless or "dead" once again in 3 years. In keeping with the parallel of the personification of the Sun and the life and evolution of the life and ministry of Jesus in the New Testament we should expect to find at this particular time in the ministry of Jesus some reference to "death for 3 days".

Answer for yourself: Do we find such a reference in sequence to the events in the life of this Jesus as found in the Gospel account of a death for 3 days? We sure do!

Matt 12:38-40 38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (KJV)

Here we find, in sequential order in the Gospels mind you, Jesus' reference to the Summer Solstice and the 3 days of death of Jonas where he is in the belly of the big fish. This teaching of Jesus occurs when the Sun is in Gemini which is the time of the Summer Soltice. This death of Jonas is likened by Jesus to his own coming death at the next Solstice which is 6 months away, the Winter Solstice, were like Jonas he will remain dead for 3 days like the Sun is dead for 3 days before being resurrected again.

Answer for yourself: Is this just a lucky coincidence that when the Sun remains "dead" in the Heavens and Sky for 3 days, at the Summer and Winter Solstice, we find Jonas dead for 3 days and later Jesus dead 3 days?

We find associated with this event the challenge of those bad Pharisees that seem to be constantly challenging Jesus in the "Jesus Story" just like the Sun is constantly challenged by the darkness continually in its rise to its zenith of strength at the Summer solstice in Gemini.

John 3:19-21 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. (KJV)


Respuesta  Mensaje 95 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/09/2012 01:04

Jesus, as the personified Sun, conquers the evil of the religious leaders of Israel. This shows his greater strength over his adversaries just like the Sun shows its maximum strength in rising to its zenith in the Sky at the Summer solstice. But we are not finished yet.

Answer for yourself: Are there more contests of strength over darkness that are associated with this sabbath account in the New Testament? Yes there is.

Jesus, as the personified Sun, again shows his unbeatable power over demons as he cures a man with withered hand in Matt.12:9-14.

Matt 12:9-14 9 And when he was departed thence, he went into their synagogue: 10 And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him. 11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? 12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days. 13 Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other. 14 Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. (KJV)

Again we have a Sabbath account where to those not familiar with Judaism it appears that healing on the Sabbath is a crime. Not so. The only deeds prohibited on the Sabbath as types of "work" not allowed are those categories of work associated with the building of the Temple and "healing the sick" is not one of them. Again we have the tragic misrepresentation of Judaism as a harsh religion when it is not but at the same time the Pharisees are made to appear evil when they were not.

Answer for yourself: What lies behind these unhistorical accounts?

More to the point we find the eternal struggle of light versus darkness in this depiction just like we find in the path of the Sun in its rise to its zenith at the Summer solstice. Notice we are moving through the Gospels in chronological sequence in the life and ministry of Jesus just like the Sun in move in sequence in its path through the Heavens and not surprisingly the "Jesus Story" is in step with the Sun's increasing and ascending path through the Sky.

Next we see this eternal struggle in the next account of healing a man who is blind and mute in Matt. 12:22.

Matt 12:22 22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. (KJV)

Answer for yourself: Again I ask you is this a coincidence that Jesus, as the light of the world, cures a man blind who epitomizes the great power of darkness in the world? Again as I see it having studied Comparative Religion now for over ten years and before us in the Gospel accounts of the "Jesus Story" is the age old battle of the Sun against the darkness whom we call the "darkness-evil", "dark-evil", "d-evil", the "devil".

But we are not finished yet.

As the Sun approaches Gemini and enters into the sign of Gemini we experience a time of increasing or doubling as the Sun reaches its zenith in the Sky. The Sun's path through the constellation of Gemini ends on the Summer solstice when days are the longest and nights the shortest. The Sun is at the peak of its strength.

At its zenith, the Sun straddles over its descent into darkness. The Pharisees are made to call him the prince of demons.

Matt 12:24 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. (KJV)

In the gospel of John the first time we meet Thomas he is identified as "the Twin," (in Greek Didymos) and this is repeated in John 21:2. This "name" for Thomas is not recorded in the other three New Testament gospels, and the fourth gospel does not explain whose "twin" Thomas is. But in the Syrian Church, there is no doubt that Thomas is the "twin" of Jesus.

This astounding belief comes from the gospel of Thomas, which begins: "These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded." Some Syrian manuscript versions of John 14:22 identify the disciple Judas (the Judas who isn't Judas Iscariot) as "Judas Thomas," and in the Syrian Christian tradition the apostle Thomas and "Didymos Judas Thomas" or "Judas Thomas" are understood to be the same person.

Answer for yourself: Were you aware that Ancient legends suggest that St. Thomas the Doubter was Jesus twin brother? How is this connected to the "Jesus Story"?

Well let us begin taking notice that the name Thomas Didymos means "twin" in two different languages. That means it was so important to some people that he's called that twice, just to make sure we know. Interesting, right? I think so.

Answer for yourself: Are you aware that one of Jesus' disciples was named the same name as an astrological sign? Are you aware that one of Jesus' disciples was names after the constellation Gemini? Coincidence, you say? Maybe so, maybe no. Let's jump into the myth surrounding the zodiac sign of Gemini and see what we can find and then you decided if this is but coincidence.

Answer for yourself: Can you guess what you get when you translate "didymai" (plural form of didymos) into Latin! You get "Gemini"!

Answer for yourself: Don't you think it rather strange that we have an Ancient Church tradition that connects Jesus and Gemini? Could this be more evidence that links the "Jesus Story" with the Sun passing through the Zodiac?

In classical Greek mythology, the stars in the constellation of Gemini were named Castor and Pollux, known collectively as the "Dioscuri" or "Sons of Zeus." Although Leda was mother to both, the twins had different fathers. Pollux was the son of the chief Olympian God, Zeus, who had changed himself into a swan in order pursue the lovely Leda. Thus, Pollux was immortal. Castor was not immortal therefore being the son of Leda's husband, Tyndareus, King of Sparta, he was destined to die. So now we have a pair of twins, one who is divinely conceived and one who is born of an earthly father. This is very interesting and should make you wonder at what is coming next. To me, this already triggers all kinds of Christology that is associated with the "Jesus Story" but lets not jump the gun here and get back to Gemini.

This dual structure of the hero reappears in the archetypal motif of the Twin Brothers, one mortal, the other immortal, the most obvious instance being the Greek myth of the Dioscuri [Castor and Pollux]. Their mother, in the same night, conceived the immortal son in the embrace of Zeus and the mortal son in the embrace of her husband Tyndarus. Again, Herakles [Hercules] was begotten by Zeus, and his twin brother by Amphitryon. We are also told that the mother of Theseus was impregnated in the same night by Poseidon and King Aegeus... (Erich Neumann, The Origins and History of Consciousness, p. 136).

Answer for yourself: Did you notice we have the same story again but this time about Hercules? Is there some kind of pattern forming here? It sure would seem so. Apparently, this idea of twins - one divine, one earthly - shows up around the world in almost every nation "under the Sun".

Answer for yourself: Did you know that one of these twins is sacrificed in order to ensure a better world and this idea comes up again and again from nation to nation as well?

Answer for yourself: Is it possible then that Jesus and his twin, Thomas Didymos, are yet another example of this ancient mythological theme? I think it's not only possible, but extremely likely.

Answer for yourself: Is it but coincidence that we find that Jesus was the son conceived in Mary by God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, and this would make Thomas, the earthly son, conceived by Joseph (paralleled to Castor and Pollux)?

Answer for yourself: So what have we seen? We saw that the Sun is moving Northward in the sky to its zenith at the Summer solstice where its power and might is the maximum and likewise we see the strength of Jesus exhibited in his tackling the whole of the Jewish religious establishment over issues like healing on the Sabbath and plucking and eating grain on the Sabbath which likewise shows his power and authority over darkness of the Pharisees. But we are coming to a turning point in the ministry of Jesus; whereas his ministry has been largely successful up to now we will find that once Jesus, as the personified Sun, lips over the zenith a the Summer Solstice it is literally all downhill for Jesus from then on as his ministry is in decline exactly like the Sun it the Sky as both move toward their ultimate death.

But we are not finished.

Now me move on to Jesus' transfiguration at the Summer Solstice. One night, during dinner with his disciples, Jesus foretells of his suffering (that he will be betrayed by one of them), death, and resurrection. {short description of image}To prove this is all true and voluntary, Jesus then leads three of his disciples to a very high mountain (symbolically halfway between Heaven and Earth), where he undergoes the Transfiguration from Jesus to the Christ figure, the true Son of God. He then comes down from the mountain and begins his priestly ministry (Mat. 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, Luke 9:28-36).

Matt 17:1-13 1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the Sun, and his raiment was white as the light. 3 And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. 4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. 6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. 7 And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. 8 And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. 9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. 10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come? 11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. 12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. 13 Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist. (KJV)

In the "Jesus Story" we find Jesus transfigured on a mountain in front of his disciples, Peter, James and John. Note the parallel to the story that Jesus goes to a high mountain top and shines brightly, just as the Sun is high in the sky and shines warmly and brightly during the Summer months.

Answer for yourself: Are you aware that several other savior-gods were likewise transfigured on mountain tops? We can begin at the beginning with Osiris as usual. G. Massey explains in his The Historical Jesus or the Mythical Christ, on page 78, the mythical meaning of the transfiguration. Massey relates that the scene on the Mount of Transfiguration is obviously derived from the ascent of Osiris into the mount of the moon. The sixth day was celebrated as that of the change and transformation of the solar god into the lunar orb, when he re-entered on that day as the regenerator of its light. With this we may compare the statement made by Matthew, that "after six days Jesus" went "up into a high mountain apart; and he was transfigured," "and his face did shine as the Sun, and his garments became white as the light."

 In Egypt the year began soon after the Summer Solstice, when the Sun descended from its midsummer height, lost its force, and lessened in its size. This by now we should know from our studies. This represented Osiris, who was born of the Virgin Mother as the child Horus, the diminished infantile Sun of Autumn; the suffering, wounded, bleeding Messiah, as he was represented. Osiris, killed by his brother Set, himself personified Darkness, descended into hell, or hades, where he was transformed into the virile Horus, and rose again as the Sun of the resurrection at Easter.

Massey goes on to explain that after such glory exhibited by the Sun at the Winter solstice we even see in the above passage the hint of the decline of the Sun who has just reached its triumph in the Sky as Jesus, as the personified form of the Sun, forecasts his inevitable death at the soon coming Winter solstice.

Taken "literally" then we miss the hidden truths of the "Inner Mysteries" intended only for the initiates into the "mystery" behind the "Jesus Story". We grew up as Christians and followers of "the Christ" in the Outer Mysteries of Christianity taking everything we read "literally"; never realizing that the Ancients had a hidden meaning in the Inner Mysteries reserved for only the few who desired such higher truths from God.

Answer for yourself: Does any of this sound familiar to you? Could the "Jesus Story" be the original "Osiris Story" and we not know it? And are both nothing more than personifications of the Sun and its path through the Zodiac and the stars?

So we move on to the next article in this series as we follow the Sun in its path in the Heavens out of Gemini into Cancer and see if our pattern of the life and ministry of Jesus in the "Jesus Story" can follow the path of the Sun through the Zodiac as it reaches its Zenith and we should expect soon to see Jesus' transfiguration and we will as we read that his "face shined like the Sun".

Let us continue with the next article in this series.

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all our Websites. Included with the CD is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through following the in-depth studies. There is an order in which these numerous websites should be "studied" in order to maximize your learning and spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you may obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's fifteen websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.

In our CD of all our websites contained on one disk we provide a "study plan" for the student and give detailed instructions as how to study these websites "in order" to facilitate one's study. Please inquire for the CD for such thorough study will take you some time if you ever hope of cracking the "Jesus Puzzle" and coming to the answer of the question: "Who do men say I am?" Hidden in this study is the manner by which you, a Christian, can come to the point in your life where the true power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life can be found and experience, where you can "say" to the mountains in your life "be gone" and they really flee. Just ask my wife who raised the Christ to life in her life, in a few short months, to reverse a disease process in her body and is alive today when medical science said otherwise. A mistaken literal and historical understanding of the sacred Scriptures "killeth," but a "mystical" and "metaphysical" understanding of the true indwelling Christ in you, as the real St. Paul teaches, raises you from the dead in this Earthly life and gives you the power and demonstration of the Power of God in your life. No tricks here, but just truth, truth kept from us by less than truthful group of men that changed the original understanding of the Ancient Wisdom to keep humanity ignorant and in fear, thus selfishly controlling them when they no longer had enough swords to do so. Don't let this ignorance of the truth continue in your life. It is time to experience the resurrection of Christ from the dead in you NOW!


  • Bet Emet Ministries
  • Rev. Craig Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div.
  • 902 Cardigan
  • Garland, Texas 75040
  • Home: 972-496-4238
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Respuesta  Mensaje 96 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/09/2012 19:03

Respuesta  Mensaje 97 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2012 03:06

by Lorraine Day, M.D.


The three main feast days of Israel are each associated with a different harvest.  The barley ripens first around the time of Passover; the wheat ripens next around the time of Pentecost; and the grapes ripen last in the fall around the time of Tabernacles.

These three crops depict three classes of people.  The barley represents the overcomers; the wheat represents the rest of the believers; and the grapes represent the unbelievers.

The Barley Wave-Sheaf Offering

The wave-sheaf offering shortly after Passover was the firstfruits of the ripened barley that the priest offered to God in the early Spring.  It was always waved “on the morrow OF (NOT “after”) the Sabbath” at Passover (Lev 23:10-14).  This day is sometimes called the Feast of Firstfruits.  The Ascension of Jesus “on the morrow OF the Sabbath” is symbolized by the wave-sheaf offering. 

Seventh-day Sabbaths, AND Feast Day “Sabbaths” such as Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles, began at sundown the evening before.  Jesus was crucified on Friday.  He died at 3:00 P.M. and His body was taken down off the Cross and placed into the tomb BEFORE sundown.  Sundown was the beginning of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, The Lord’s Day (Mark 2:28).

The “morrow OF the Sabbath” was the continuation of the Sabbath (that began on Friday night at sundown) meant the actual full day of the Seventh-day Sabbath, what we now term Saturday. 

The women came to the tomb on the morning OF the Sabbath (sabbaton – Sabbath - Saturday) and the tomb was already empty!  (See literal translation of these resurrection texts in “Was Jesus Really Resurrected on Sunday?” at www.goodnewsaboutgod.com)  Jesus had already been resurrected.  He then appeared to Mary Magdalene in the area of the Garden Tomb on Sabbath (Saturday) morning, just before He was to ascend to His Father.  For Jesus told Mary Magdalene, “Do not detain Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father.” (John 20:17)

Barley was the first crop to ripen in the Spring in Canaan and Egypt.  In fact, the Hebrew month of Abib (“green ears”) has direct reference to the ripening of barley in that month.

The 7th plague was that of hail, which destroyed the barley and flax, but not the wheat and rye.  (This took place just prior to the Passover, which was the 10th plague.)  We read about the effects of the hail upon the barley in Egypt in Exodus 9:31,32.

And the flax and the barley were smitten, for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was boiled.  But the wheat and rye were not smitten; for they were not grown up.

Overcomers are referred to as “Barley”

The three feasts of Israel, Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles represent the three stages of salvation from justification to sanctification to glorification.

They also appear to reveal the nature and scope of the resurrections from the dead.  “Each crop represents a different class of people.  The barley, which ripens first, represents the overcomers of the first resurrection; the wheat, which ripens at Pentecost, represents the rest of the believers in general; and the grapes, which are trodden down at the end of the growing season, represent the unbelievers who are judged according to their works.”  The Barley Overcomers, by Stephen Jones, pg 10.

The Value of Barley

The first Scripture relevant to any study of barley is Leviticus 27:16.  It reads,

            “. . . an homer of barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver.”

This is the value of barley in the eyes of God.  Fifty is the number of Pentecost and Jubilee.  Pentecost was to be celebrated on the 50th day; Jubilee in the 50th year.  Both are revelations of the outpouring of the Spirit of God.  Pentecost is the time when the earnest of the Spirit was poured out (Eph 1:14; 2 Cor 1:22 and 5:5).  The Jubilee signifies a greater outpouring, that is, the fullness of the Spirit. 

Thus, while Pentecost is a down payment of a Jubilee, or the promise of a Jubilee, both are depicted by the number 50.  The barley is valued at 50 shekels of silver, and this associates the barley with the outpouring of the Spirit, both in its earnest and its fullness.

This is consistent with the revelation of the overcomers who attain to the firsts resurrection; or, if they are alive at the end of the age, their “change” (transfiguration) without dying.  It is also consistent with the revelation of the “unleavened bread” at Passover and the flax (white linen – of righteousness) ripening at the same time, which is used in the priestly garments.  All of these details point to the fact that the barley company is raised first among God’s creatures.  James 1:18 says,

Of His own will begat He us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures (“creation”).

In the book of Revelation, we are told of the 144,000 who sing a new song before the throne of God.  In Rev. 14:4, these are called “the Firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb”.  Firstfruits imply that a greater harvest is yet to come.”  Ibid. pg 11

Gideon; the Cake of Barley

Israel had been forced to pay tribute to the Midianites for 7 years.  When Israel finally repented and cried out to God for deliverance, God commissioned Gideon as a judge, or deliverer, to save Israel.  (Judges 6:8-10)

When Gideon finally mustered his army of 300 against the host of the Midianites, he wanted confirmation that this was not just his own carnal plan.  After all, the situation seemed hopeless.  So God told him to spy out the enemy camp to receive his confirmation.  Judges 7:13,13 says,

And when Gideon was come, behold, there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along.

And his fellow answered and said, this is nothing else save the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; for into his hand hath God delivered Midian and all the host.

Thus, Gideon and his army represent the barley company, the overcomers who will inherit the promise of God at the end of this present age.  The manner in which Gideon’s army defeated the enemy tells us how the overcomers of today will receive the promise.

Each of the men in Gideon’s army was given a trumpet and a torch inside an earthen jar, or pitcher.  With little oxygen in the jar, the torches could only glow.  At the signal, they blew their trumpets and broke the jars, holding up the torches in the air, causing them to burst into flames.

The trumpet signifies the first resurrection of the dead at the Feast of Trumpets.  The torches within the pitchers signify the presence of God in our bodies, which are the earthen vessels.  At the appointed time, after blowing the trumpet for the first resurrection, these bodies of death will be broken, and the glory of God will burst into view, even as Jesus was transfigured before His disciples.

When Paul was expounding upon the transfiguration of Moses (2 Cor 3 & 4), he made reference to this battle of Gideon by saying in 2 Cor 4:6,7:

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Elisha Overcomes Death with Barley

Barley is a hardy plant that can withstand drought and extreme heat and cold.  So when the Scriptures talk of grain or meal in time of drought, it generally refers to barley, for wheat cannot grow under such severe conditions.  In this way barley is a very good symbol of the overcomer, who will flourish in “times of drought” in between revivals when the Spirit of God does not appear to be moving.

In contrast, the wheat company languishes when God seems to hide His face for a time.  Like Israel under Moses, they tested God by saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” (Ex 17:7)  They do not understand that our faith is not tested while God is moving miraculously, but in those times when He is silent.  Thus, in the time of drought, the wheat dies.

There was a drought in the days of Elisha that teaches us more about the spiritual principles of barley.  2 Kings 4:38-41 says,

And Elisha came again to Gilgal; and there was a dearth (drought) in the land; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him; and he said unto his servant, Set on the great pot and seethe pottage for the sons of the prophets.

And one went out into the field to gather herbs and found a wild vine and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full and came and shred them into the pot of pottage; for they knew them not.

So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out and said, O thou man of God, there is DEATH in the pot.  And they could not eat thereof.

But He said, Then bring MEAL.  And he (Elisha) cast it into the pot, and he said, Pour out for the people that they may eat.  And he cast it into the pot, and he said, Pour out for the people that they may eat.  And there was no harm in the pot.

Since this event occurred in a time of drought, the “meal” which they used was no doubt BARLEY.  (Wheat cannot withstand drought.)  And so the barley was used to overcome death.  It pictures resurrection of the dead.

Jesus Feeds the Multitude with Barley

In John, Chapter 6, Jesus fed the multitude with “five barley loaves and two small fishes.”  (John 6:9)

Vs 12  When they were filled, He said unto His disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost!

Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves that remained over and above them that had eaten.

The overcomers will inherit the first resurrection.  But first, they are the barley bread in Jesus’ hands that must be broken to feed the multitude.  It is not time to be victorious yet.  It is the time to die.  It is not yet time to enjoy a good reputation among the brethren, but to be made “of no reputation”  (Phil 2:7), following the path Jesus trod. 

The barley call is not only a call to righteousness, but to brokenness.  It is not a call, as yet, to victory, but to the despair of death.  It is not a call to the throne, but to the dungeon and the wilderness.  And when all self-righteousness is gone, when all impatience has run its course, then is death conquered by Life!


© Lorraine Day, M.D. 2006. All Rights Reserved.
This document cannot be reproduced in any form
except for downloading for personal use.


Respuesta  Mensaje 98 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/09/2012 19:50



"Porque todas las veces que comiereis este pan, y bebieres esta copa, la muerte del Señor anunciais hasta el venga." (1 Corintios 11:26)


El Santo Grial es otra reliquia conservada en España, concretamente en la catedral de Valencia. Es una antiquisima copa de ágata con la que, supuestamente, Jesucristo celebro la primera eucaristia en la que fue ultima cena.

Observen alli a la GRAN RAMERA BABILONIA LA GRANDE CON EL SANTO GRIAL. Vamos a apocalipsis 17:4

Y la mujer estaba vestida de purpura y de escarlata, y dorada con oro, y adornada de piedras preciosas y de perlas, teniendo un caliz de oro en su mano lleno de abominaciones y de la suciedad de su fornicacion;
Tenemos otro nexo de la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU con el 911. Entre la Independencia de EEUU, el 4 de Julio, hasta el 31 de diciembre tenemos 180 dias. Entre el 31 de diciembre y el 15/3 (San Longino) tenemos 74 (anagrama de 47) dias e insisto entre el 15/3 hasta el 4/7 tenemos 111=37X3 dias. Lo curioso es que si consideramos los dias entre el 4/7 y el 15/3 incluido tenemos 254 dias. SE REPITE EL PATRON 911 en el contexto a que desde el 1/1 hasta el 11/9 tambien tenemos 254 dias y desde este ultimo hasta el 31/12 tambien tenemos 111 dias. CONCRETAMENTE HAY UN NEXO MATEMATICO ENTRE EL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE Y EL 15 DE MARZO (DIA DE SAN LONGINO). Si consideramos la cantidad de dias entre ambos tenemos 180 dias EXACTOS. ESTA TODO CALCULADO. YHWH MANEJA TODO Y LAS MATEMATICAS LO DEMUESTRAN. ¿QUIEREN CIENCIA? AQUI ESTA. LO MONSTRUOSO ES QUE ENTRE EL 4/7 Y EL 11/9 TENEMOS 69 DIAS. IMPRESIONANTE NEXO KAVALISTICO CON LA CONSTELACION DE CANCER (69=6+9=15 QUE EN SU EQUIVALENTE BINARIO EQUIVALE AL 1111. EN EL CONTEXTO A QUE 11=3 (DECIMAL) TENEMOS OTRO NEXO MATEMATICO ENTRE EL 1111 CON EL NUMERO 33 EN EL CONTEXTO A CANCER.


Jachin and Boaz construction from the rhombic dodecahedron state of the hypercube

6 + 9 = 15 = 1111 binary - the cubes of the hipercube crash in the pyra-midd-le through the s-piral-led axis.
Pira stands for Latin fire.

Mark 15.33 - Mark the Lion symbol of Judea

And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

15 = 1111
3 = binary 11 - 33 = 1111



"11:11:11: Activating the Mayan Stargate"
Full Moon in the Land of the Maya


Respuesta  Mensaje 99 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/09/2012 02:03
BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/09/2012 21:58


phi in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 ( p
ophir in Simple Gematria Equals: 66 ( o
HECHOS 12:12/1+2:1+1/33
55. Mateo 23:14: ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las VIUDAs, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación.


56. Marcos 12:40: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones. Estos recibirán mayor condenación.
65. Lucas 20:47: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones; éstos recibirán mayor condenación.
¿"Devoran la casas de las viudas" no es una alusion a que devoran la casa/linaje de la viuda? ¿Porque Jesucristo incluso relaciona la viuda con JUAN MARCOS en Hechos 12:12?
1. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre MARCOS, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;
Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de OPHIR.


Respuesta  Mensaje 100 de 265 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/09/2012 18:11
Tranquilos, que nadie se asuste... no vamos a sufrir una invasión de demonios del averno (al menos eso espero ;-) ). Me he permitido la licencia de usar ese titular por un motivo concreto. Hoy, 21 de junio, es la fecha en el hemisferio norte (en el sur ocurre al contrario) del solsticio de verano. Arranca oficialmente la estación más calurosa del año y hoy el día tiene más horas de luz que ningún otro.

Como ya comentamos en el blog en su momento, los antiguos romanos contaban entre su nutrido panteón de dioses con la figura de Jano (Janus en latín), el dios de los solsticios. Era también el dios de las puertas, de todos los inicios y de los finales. Poseía una rica iconografía –de la que algún día hablaremos más a fondo–, en la que lo más destacado era su representación con dos rostros, cada uno de ellos mirando en direcciones opuestas. De ahí que se le denomine también como Jano bifronte.

En lo que respecta a la temática de este blog, lo que más nos interesa de él es que los collegia fabrorum (las cofradías de constructores romanos) le rindieron una devoción especial, siendo su patrón.

Como decía más arriba, se consideraba a Jano el dios de los solsticios, las «puertas solsticiales» o «puertas del cielo». Así, el solsticio de verano era llamado janua inferni, la "puerta del infierno" o de los hombres, y el solsticio de invierno, janua coeli, la "puerta de los dioses". Además de patrón de los constructores, Jano era para los romanos el dios de la iniciación a los misterios. Era la «puerta», no sólo solsticial, sino también iniciática.


Esta devoción se transmitió a los canteros medievales y pasó a la iconografía y la religión cristiana bajo el culto a los dos «san Juan»: el Bautista, que tiene su festividad el 24 de junio (solsticio de verano), y el Evangelista, que tiene su festividad el 27 de diciembre (solsticio de invierno). Hay casos muy significativos en este sentido, en los que esta pervivencia es evidente. Jean Hani, profesor emérito en la Universidad de Amiens, menciona un notable ejemplo en la basílica francesa de Saint-Remi, en Reims: «En una vidriera aparece un único san Juan, que engloba en una sola figura al Precursor y al Evangelista, fusión subrayada por la presencia, sobre la cabeza, de dos girasoles (los dos solsticios) dirigidos en sentido opuesto: una especie de Jano cristiano, en suma».

No es el único caso. Otro día hablaremos de la presencia de zodiacos en iglesias y catedrales medievales. Hoy es suficiente con comentar que junto a algunos de estos zodiacos, generalmente esculpidos en las fachadas de los templos, y a ambos lados de Cristo, aparecen en ocasiones los "dos Juanes". Están marcando, de este modo, las fechas de los solsticios. ¿Qué simboliza esto? Como bien explica de nuevo Hani:

Del mismo modo que ellos ‘abren’ los dos períodos de la historia marcados por las dos venidas del Salvador, igualmente, en el plano cósmico, ‘abren’ las dos fases del ciclo anual, símbolo reducido del ciclo universal del tiempo y la historia; y en esta función, han reemplazado, desdoblándolo por así decirlo, al Jano bifronte, del que los Collegia fabrorum, antepasados de los constructores de catedrales, celebraban la fiesta en los dos solsticios.

Además, la división en la janua inferni y la janua coeli aparece también en algunas representaciones medievales del Juicio Final, en las que se divide la escena en dos partes: por un lado, los condenados que van al infierno –descienden, igual que el Sol a partir del solsticio de verano, o janua inferni– y, por otro, aquellos que se salvan –ascienden, al igual que el Sol tras el solsticio de invierno, o janua coeli.

En los templos medievales las representaciones de Jano son bastante habituales –además de los casos mencionados–, sobre todo en los zodiacos. Os pongo las imágenes de varios ejemplos. La primera corresponde a una representación del dios existente en la catedral de Amiens, en una serie de los trabajos de los meses. La segunda y la tercera proceden de la catedral de Chartres, también en Francia. En ésta última imagen Jano –aunque no se aprecia en la fotografía– está rodeado de símbolos del zodiaco.




Por supuesto, y como algunos de vosotros ya habréis adivinado, este culto a Jano, y más tarde a los «dos san Juan» en las logias medievales, se conserva en la masonería actual, pues tanto las fiestas solsticiales como los dos «Juanes» tienen gran importancia.·.

Eso es todo. ¡Feliz solsticio! y ¡Feliz noche de San Juan el sábado! (ojito con las hogueras) ;-)

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