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Message 1 of 265 on the subject |
El verdadero PENTECOSTES es el 29 del cuarto mes hebreo (29 de thamus) y justamente el mismo esta diseñado en funcion al SOLSTICIO DE VERANO (PLENITUD SOLAR) y practicamente en PLENITUD LUNAR (luna nueva en luna llena). Es simbolo del MATRIMONIO ENTRE EL SOL (JESUCRISTO) Y LA LUNA (EL CUERPO DE CRISTO/MARIA MAGDALENA). JUAN 20 es en este contexto, desgraciadamente, ocultado por la IGLESIA PATRIARCAL. Segun la PRECESION DE LOS EQUINOCCIOS al comienzo de la ERA DE ACUARIO ORION, osea el HIJO DEL HOMBRE, cae el 21 de junio en el SOLSTICIO. Osea que no es solo STONEHENGE esta diseñado en FUNCION AL SOLSTICIO. Desgraciadamente se ha demonizado al paganismo sin ver que tambien en los mismos hay un mensaje con fuerte relacion biblica. ESE CRISTIANISMO SECTARIO TIENE QUE TENER UN FIN porque el EVANGELIO DE CRISTO ES UNIVERSAL. PYR significa fuego con fuerte nexo con PENTECOSTES.
The Egyptian name for the pyramids is 'Khuti' - 'The lights'. Davidson (2) believed that this name originated from the semetic equivelant which was 'Urim' - 'The lights'. In Phrygian and Greek, the root 'Ur' - 'light', became successively 'Pur' and 'Pyr' (fire), and 'Pyra' (Plural), for 'Beacon fires'. In Chaldee and Hebrew, he adds, 'Middin' = 'Measures'. Hence the Chaldee-Hebrew name is - 'Purim-middin'
552. Mateo 3:11: Yo a la verdad os bautizo en AGUA para arrepentimiento; pero el que viene tras mí, cuyo calzado yo no soy digno de llevar, es más poderoso que yo; él os bautizará en Espíritu Santo y fuego.
πυρ pur {poor} a root word; TDNT - 6:928,975; n n AV - fire 73, fiery 1; 74 1) fire
Gematria: 580
Hechos 2:1 Cuando llegó el día de Pentecostés, estaban todos unánimes juntos. 2:2 Y de repente vino del cielo un estruendo como de un viento recio que soplaba, el cual llenó toda la casa donde estaban sentados;
395. Hechos 2:3: y se les aparecieron lenguas repartidas, como de FUEGO, asentándose sobre cada uno de ellos.
396. Hechos 2:19: Y daré prodigios arriba en el cielo, Y señales abajo en la tierra, Sangre y FUEGO y vapor de humo;
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Message 71 of 265 on the subject |
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Message 72 of 265 on the subject |
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Message 73 of 265 on the subject |
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These crosses are encoded in artefacts by means of the 4 and 8 pointed crosses that represent the Earth Cross (cross of the Zodiac) and the Galactic Cross ...
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It's important to understand that the 8 pointed crosses in these artefacts are ... that are embedded into their belief system by means of the Maya Creation Myths. ... they encode; is the 8 pointed cross (Earth Cross and Galactic Cross) that rotates and .... But there are also glyphs that represent 4 pointed and 8 pointed crosses.
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1 publicación - 1 autor - 1 Sep. 2010
These crosses are encoded in artefacts by means of the 4 and 8 pointed crosses that represent the Earth Cross (cross of the Zodiac) and the ...
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Wayne Herschel believes the ancient sites and artifacts encode a star, whereas ... main differences between the theories of Mr. Herschel and those proposed here by the authors. ... Herschel's star maps point to a 'mystery star' by means of absolute ... The four and eight-pointed crosses are symbols that have not only been ...
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Message 74 of 265 on the subject |
Dendera Temple of Hathor
The temple of Dendera is dedicated to the goddess Hathor. Hathor means ‘house of Horus’ and she was the personification of the Milky Way. In the Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony, Hathor was said to be the wife of Ra and Horus was their son. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris and she too was thought to be the mother of Horus. Horus was immaculately conceived from the virgin mother Isis.
Hathor and Isis were later assimilated into Isis-Hathor since they are believed to be one and the same deity in the Egyptian pantheon. Isis and Hathor are both depicted with cow-horns with a solar disk in between the horns.
Left: Hathor with the Sun in between the horns holding the Ankh Centre: Hathor as the cow, notice the 8 pointed cross on her Menat necklace! Right: Isis breastfeeding her son Horus
The celestial counterpart of Isis in the sky is the star Sirius, while Osiris celestial counterpart is Orion. While scholars generally agree that Isis with the horns must be associated with Canis Major the constellation containing Sirius, I suggest that she should be associated with Taurus as will demonstrate.
First of all could the Holy Trinity, Osiris, Horus and Hathor-Isis with the Sun between the horns and the association of Hathor with the Milky Way have something to do with the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way?
Holy Trinity from left to right: Osiris, Horus on the pillar and Isis. Horus on the pillar represents the Sun on the Milky Way!
Below is the sky-chart of the summer solstice Great Celestial Conjunction (Galactic Alignment) of 1998. Notice how the Sun resides in between the horns of Taurus! Sirius, Orion, Taurus (Aldebaran) and the Pleiades are in line and form Osiris’s backbone! (The Pleiades are part of the constellation Taurus). The Pleiades show the way to the Sun on the Milky Way as we have demonstrated in our article ‘Stonehenge Summer Solstice Galactic Alignment’ and ‘2012 Freemasons Revelations’.
The importance of the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way is expressed in several Egyptian texts such as in the Pyramid texts: ‘May you ferry over by means of the Great Bull’ and ‘The Bull of the Sky has bent down his horn that he may pass over thereby’. In the Coffin texts we find the expression: ‘O Horn, ferry across Him who is in his shrine’. I suggest that these texts hint at the precession of the Sun; it’s Horus who needs a ferry across the Milky Way river near the Gemini-Taurus nexus. Have a look at the next picture and see what the symbolism of Isis-Hathor represents.
Hathor-Isis represents the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way near the Gemini-Taurus nexus.
There is another crossing of the Milky Way near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus where Horus requires a ferry to cross the Milky Way in the precession cycle. In the papyrus Khensumes the God Nun appears with outstretched arms and holds aloft the solar bark of the Heavens. The ship is made of two cosmic serpents (representing the ecliptic). In the Egyptian creation myths Nun is the female deity of the waters of chaos, the primeval waters.
Left: Nun holding the solar bark with the scarab beetle Right: Scarab beetle 22nd Dynasty reign of Sheshong II
The boat Nun is lifting is occupied by 8 deities including the scarab deity Khepera. In the Egyptian mythology the scarab beetle (dung beetle) Khepera pushed the rolling Sun along the ecliptic with his hind legs, just like the scarab beetle rolls his dung ball around all day. From the dung ball of the scarab beetle the eggs of the beetle are hatched and therefore the dung ball can not only be associated with the Sun but with birth as well. Khepera was a minor solar deity in the Egyptian pantheon but he was associated with rebirth and resurrection, as such he may represent the rebirth of the Sun on the Galactic Cross. The fact that the scarab beetle pushes the dung ball (Sun) with his hind legs backwards suggests that he should be associated with precession. While the Sun moves through the zodiac in a tropical year in one direction, the precession of the equinox Sun along the ecliptic moves in the opposite direction! The scarab beetle pushing the Sun backwards along the ecliptic is expressing exactly this aspect of precession.
In the artefact of Sheshong we see the scarab beetle flanked by two cobras that emerge from the Shen (O| ring). The cobras suggest the ecliptic while the Shen suggest the crossings of the ecliptic and Milky Way. Tutankhamun’s cartouche contained a scarab beetle with the Sun inside the Shen glyph, which most likely expresses the idea of the Sun on the ecliptic-Milky Way crossing.
The scarab beetle, the scorpion and the crab all have hard shells and are very similar in appearance. The scarab beetle may also have been used as the sign of Scorpio. The scarab beetle rolling the Sun on the ecliptic may express the idea of the Sun precessing through the Galactic Equator near the Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus. Notice that there is a cross (Tau Cross) in the shell of the scarab beetle that was also depicted in Egyptian Hieroglyphs. The scarab beetle as a symbol expresses perfectly the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near Scorpio. In the picture below the sky chart of the winter solstice of 1998 is depicted.
Scarab representing the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way near Sagittarius-Scorpio nexus.
In the artefact depicted below, the two symbols that represent the two zodiac signs that correspond with the crossings of ecliptic and Milky Way are placed in barques and combined in one artefact. The barque expresses the fact that we are dealing with a crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way since this is the place where the precessing Sun passes the great river in the sky, the Milky Way. Above we see the winged solar disk with two serpents representing the ecliptic.
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Message 75 of 265 on the subject |
Chartres Cathedral
One of the earliest Gothic cathedrals that were built in France is Chartres Cathedral. Chartres Cathedral was built in between 1194 and 1220 and the initiator to the rapid construction of the gigantic masterpiece of architecture was the local bishop Renauld. A community of less than 10.000 people managed to build and finance the construction of the cathedral.
Allegedly the Knights Templar aided in both the finance and construction of the cathedral and it may explain the enormous splendour and sacred geometry that went into the design of this church. Many books have been written about the cathedral and its enigmas. But most amazingly this cathedral may also hide a secret about the ‘End of Times’.
First of all the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice Sun. The main axis of the cathedral is oriented 47° towards the north-east and therefore perfectly aligns with the summer solstice axis. On the summer solstice the Sun falls through a window called ‘Saint Appollinaire’ depicting the Greek Sun God Apollo straight on an iron nail set in stone on the floor of the cathedral.
Summer solstice Sun Chartres Cathedral
The cathedral also contains a zodiac, very inappropriate for a church since astrology is all evil pagan belief according to Christians. The zodiac seems to be telling something very important since it’s not an ordinary zodiac.
Zodiac Chartres Cathedral, the zodiac contains two circles that intersects and form the Vesica Pisces.
The zodiac contains two circles that intersect and form a Vesica Pisces. A Vesica Pisces is a very ancient symbol but was later adopted by Christians to symbolize Christ. Christians nowadays used them often as bumper stickers on their cars. Vesica Pisces means bladder of the fish. The symbol when displayed vertical is also associated with birth since the shape represents the female birth canal and in ancient times was associated with the vagina of the female goddess. In Christian art we find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces.
Vesica Pisces
Symbol of Christianity
Vesica Pisces, symbol of the fish and birth
Christianity of course is the new religion of our current age, the Age of Pisces. When we study the Vesica Pisces in the zodiac at Chartres we discover something very interesting. The intersection of the Vesica Pisces aligns with the Pisces-Virgo axis in the zodiac. It is telling us that the Vesica Pisces must be associated with the Age of Pisces and it is suggesting an association with birth. It could be symbolizing the birth of Christ at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, but that of course is hardly a secret. It’s no coincidence that Jesus was born from a virgin mother since Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs of the zodiac. They are connected by the symbol of birth the Vesica Pisces in the Chartres Zodiac! Since Jesus his birth date is no big secret, the Chartres zodiac is most likely symbolizing another birth in the Age of Pisces, a birth that’s very important.
There’s one very important astronomical birth happening in the Age of Pisces around era-2012 and that’s the rebirth of the Sun in the precessional cycle on the Galactic Cross. It means the beginning of a new precession cycle. Could it be that the Chartres Zodiac is meant to encode this event, a Great Celestial Conjunction?
In the years 1978-2017 on the equinoxes the 5° Pisces - 5° Virgo axis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross while on the solstices the 5° Gemini - 5° Sagittarius axis (sidereal zodiac) aligns with the Galactic Cross. We find these axes symbolically in the Chartres Zodiac and they are determined by the Vesica Pisces!
Chartres Zodiac. The axis of the Vesica Pisces coincides with one of the axis that forms the Galactic Cross at the current Great Celestial Conjunction era-2012!
If the Zodiac Cross encodes the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that occurs in between 1978-2017 than we should at least also find clues of the importance of the summer solstice in the same zodiac. The white cross above by itself doesn’t mean anything.
If we replace the signs of the Zodiac by the cardinal directions such that Taurus is replaced by the North, Scorpio by the South and Leo and Aquarius by West and East respectively, we discover some new things. The Sun is now depicted in the right position in the upper right corner that corresponds with the North East, the direction of the summer solstice sunrise. In addition in the south West region of the Zodiac we find a marker that could represent a marker for the summer solstice axis! Also keep in mind that the cathedral is aligned to the summer solstice sun itself!
Notice there is a line that connects the Sun to the centre of the zodiac. This line is connecting the Sun with the birthplace of the Sun that is inside the Vesica Pisces (the female birth canal) and on the Galactic cross! The Vesica Pisces in this case therefore suggests the birth of the Sun at the summer solstice.
There is only one event in the Age of Pisces that qualifies for this cosmic event and that‘s the summer solstice Galactic Alignment in era-2012!
The Zodiac also encodes the summer solstice. The summer solstice Sun is depicted in the North East (sunrise). There’s an additional marker in the South West region of the Zodiac that aligns with the Vesica Pisces axis. It’s depicted enlarged in the bottom left corner of the picture.
The Chartres zodiac is not the only way the Knights Templar encoded the importance of the summer solstice Galactic Alignment. There is a very important additional clue that fits in perfectly and uses the very same symbol, the Vesica Pisces.
Chartres Cathedral is known for the veneration of the Black Madonna. The Black Madonna is placed in a nave with the shape of a Vesica Pisces. The Black Madonna has little to do with Christianity since she represents the pagan Egyptian goddess Isis! In here arms she’s not holding Jesus but her immaculate conceived son, the ‘Sun of God’ Horus!
Left: Black Madonna at Chartres Right the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ amidst 8 pointed crosses
Notice that the virgin mother is placed on top of a pillar (Milky Way). The origin of the custom to place the virgin mother Mary on the pillar stems from the legend of ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’. The legend relates to the appearance of the virgin mother to the apostle James in the early days of Christianity on top of a column or pillar carried by angles. ‘Our Lady on the Pillar’ can be found in several Catholic Churches around the world (Zaragoza Spain for instance) but here in Chartres we find a ‘pagan’ version of it because the Knights Templar wanted to convey a message about the origin of the legend and what it really means.
In a Masonic ‘Tracing Board’ (see picture below) we find a depiction of Mary’s Immaculate Conception by the Holy Ghost. She is placed inside a Vesica Pisces near a pillar while the All Seeing Eye (eye of Horus) is watching over her. The Vesica Pisces is placed in between the two Masonic pillars while smoke arises along the pillar from the burning of inscent. The pillars are Masonic symbols for the Milky Way! For an in dept explanation of the pillar-Milky Way association we refer to the article ‘Freemasons revelations’. In this article I decoded the Galactic Alignments that were encoded in the Tracing Board by the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the descendants of the Knights Templar.
The Tracing Board and the ‘Lady of the Pillar’ at Chartres are both expressing the very same thing. The immaculate conception of Horus near the pillars of the Tracing board and Horus in the arms of the virgin mother Isis on top of the pillar (Milky Way) at Chartres both occur inside the Vesica Pisces and they represent the birth of the Sun on the Milky Way!
Notice that the Vesica Pisces at Chartres is adorned with seven red lamps (the top lamp is not visible in the picture), they represent the Pleiades, the Sun is close to the Pleiades at the summer solstice era-2012. The Pleiades also occur in the Tracing Board of the Scottish Rite freemasons and is associated with the summer solstice Galactic Alignment (see picture below).
Laurence Gardner writes in his book ‘Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark ‘, that the Knights Templar took the Ark of the Covenant that they retrieved from Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem to Chartres Cathedral and buried it underneath the enigmatic labyrinth. Well if the Ark of the Covenant is not an artefact but arcane knowledge as I have reasoned in my article ‘Freemasons revelations’ than it seems that this secret may indeed be ‘buried’ at Chartres as the summer solstice Galactic Alignment that has been encoded at Chartres.
Left: Tracing board encoding both summer and winter solstice galactic alignment, the seven stars on the right represent the Pleiades. Right: Tracing board with the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary stands near the pillar and resides inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. Above her is the All Seeing Eye (mimicking the eye of Horus). The Tracing board symbolizes the birth of Sun God Horus on the Milky Way.
In Christian art we find examples where Christ is depicted inside the vertical Vesica Pisces. In the German Codex Bruchsal for example Christ even appears inside the Vesica Pisces along with the four signs of the Zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo! (Scorpio is replaced by the Eagle, they are dual signs). See picture below!
Jesus inside the Vesica Pisces (Codex Bruchsal) with the four signs of the Galactic Cross, top left (Aquarius), top right (Scorpio alias the Eagle), bottom right (Taurus), bottom left (Leo). In the centre another example is given. On the right a Greek version of cosmos is depicted with the Vesica Pisces, the four Cherubim and the serpent biting its own tail (representing the ecliptic)
Also in Chartres Cathedral in the centre of the West Royal Portal just above the entrance Jesus is depicted inside a Vesica Pisces. He’s flanked by the four cherubim around the Vesica Pisces. The four beasts of the Apocalypse mentioned in Revelations of John can also be equated with the four main apostles of the four canonical books of the bible, the beast with the human face can be equated with Matthew (Aquarius), the lion with Mark (Leo), the ox with Luke (Taurus) and the eagle with John (Scorpio).
Chartres West Royal Portal
Now the Chartres zodiac is very important for it shows us that the Knights Templar understood that the ‘New Age’ or the ‘End of Times’ would occur when the Earth Cross aligned with the Galactic Cross in the Age of Pisces and not as is commonly believed at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
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Message 76 of 265 on the subject |
Ark of the Covenant
The Knights Templar on their crusades to Jerusalem discovered something in the Temple of Jerusalem that after their return to France made them very wealthy and powerful. The secrets they discovered remain a mystery, whether it was an artefact, knowledge or a real treasure has let to wild speculations. The Temple of Jerusalem was first built by Solomon in 957 BC. The temple replaced the Tabernacle of Moses. The Tabernacle is believed to be Moses his tent but the Hebrew word for tabernacle Mishkan actually means place of Devine dwelling and might refer to a celestial place rather than a tent that Moses used during the Exodus from Egypt.
It is assumed that the Knights Templar recovered the Ark of the Covenant that contained the Ten Commandments which Moses received from God on Mount Sinai. The Ten Commandments were stored in the Ark and were later transferred to their resting place in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Ark of the Covenant was built after Gods instructions given in the book Exodus chapter 25.
Ark of the Covenant
Exodus 25:8-9 8And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. 9According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.
The ark was built after the pattern of the tabernacle, the tabernacle was most likely not Moses his tent but a celestial place, the dwelling place of God.
Exodus 25:12-15 12And thou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, and put them in the four corners thereof; and two rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other side of it. 13And thou shalt make staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold. 14 And thou shalt put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them. 15The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.
Could the four rings stand for the four Galactic Alignments, remember the Egyptian Ankh symbol. The Ankh consists of a ring on a pole. Are the rings and pole of the Ark of the Covenant metaphors for the Sun on the Galactic Equator? The rings were put on the four corners of the Ark, the four ends of the Galactic Cross? The Sun resides on the Galactic Equator during a precession cycle on two opposite solstices (2 rings, one pole) and two opposite equinoxes (2 rings, one pole).
Exodus 25:17-20 17And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof. 18And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. 19And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof. 20And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.
God wants Moses to make a seat on top of the Ark of the Covenant flanked by two winged Cherubims! The two Cherubims are placed facing each other, just like the signs of Galactic Cross that equate with the Galactic Equator, Taurus and Scorpio (Eagle) face each other. The Cherubims were given the wings of the Eagle (Scorpio).
Exodus 25:22
22And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.
And that’s where God will reside seated on the Ark in between the Cherubims. Did the Knights Templar somehow understand that the Ark of the Covenant may be representing the Great Celestial Conjunctions? Was this their Holy Grail?
Fore more links between the biblical story of the Exodus of Moses and the association with the Great Celestial Conjunctions, I refer to my article ‘Freemasons Revelations’. In the article I explained that Moses his meeting on Mount Sinai encodes a Galactic Alignment, Moses represents the summer solstice Sun and Mount Sinai represents the Milky Way! The association of Moses with the summer solstice Sun originates from the Scottish Rite Freemasons themselves!
Exodus 25:37
37And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.
Do the seven lamps refer to the seven stars of the Pleiades? Remember the seven lamps above the Black Madonna at Chartres Cathedral. The Ark of the Covenant was built after God’s command to represent the pattern that Moses was shown on the mount:
Exodus 25:40
40And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.
Was this pattern perhaps the pattern of the 8 pointed cross?
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Message 77 of 265 on the subject |
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Message 78 of 265 on the subject |
59. Hechos 2:30: Pero siendo profeta, y sabiendo que con juramento Dios le había jurado que de su descendencia, en cuanto a la carne, levantaría al CRISTO para que se sentase en su trono,
60. Hechos 2:31: viéndolo antes, habló de la resurrección de CRISTO, que su alma no fue dejada en el Hades, ni su carne vio corrupción.
61. Hechos 2:36: Sepa, pues, ciertísimamente toda la casa de Israel, que a este Jesús a quien vosotros crucificasteis, Dios le ha hecho Señor y CRISTO.
62. Hechos 2:38: Pedro les dijo: Arrepentíos, y bautícese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesu CRISTO para perdón de los pecados; y recibiréis el don del Espíritu Santo.
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Message 79 of 265 on the subject |
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Message 80 of 265 on the subject |
Just some thoughts there are three pyramids at the Louvre one large one and two smaller three pyramids of Giza Giza pyramids superimposed over the three stars of Orion's Belt the Giant with the club in the stars Orion correlation theory The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, by the ancient Egyptians. The Sphinx is a representation of the constellation Leo the pattern of stars that is "frozen" on the ground at Giza in the form of the three pyramids and the Sphinx represents the disposition of the constellations of Orion and Leo as they looked at the moment of sunrise on the spring equinox during the astronomical "Age of Leo" (i.e., the epoch in which the Sun was "housed" by Leo on the spring equinox.) Like all precessional ages this was a 2,160-year period. It is generally calculated to have fallen between the Gregorian calendar dates of 10,970 and 8810 BC. (op. cit., p.189)The Last day of Cancer is 7/22 and the first day of Leo is 7/22 7/22 is the feast day of Mary Magdalene A date of 10,500 BC is chosen because they maintain this is the only time in the precession of the equinoxes when the astrological age was Leo and when that constellation rose directly east of the Sphinx at the vernal equinox. They also suggest that in this epoch the angles between the three stars of Orion’s Belt and the horizon was an “exact match” to the angles between the three main Giza pyramids This time period also coincides with the American psychic Edgar Cayce’s “dating” of Atlantis from Ben Hammotts site the fringe around Magdalene is yellow triangles or pyramid like shapes the mountain in the background has a look of a pyramid the cloud in the background has a sphinx like appearance "At the Cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last". there are two women at the cross seen both named Mary and both possibly Mothers the M stands for Mother and Mary A document, possibly written by Ermengaud of Béziers, undated and anonymous and attached to his Treatise against Heretics, makes a similar statement. The 13th-century Cistercian monk and chronicler Peter of Vaux de Cernay claimed it was part of Catharist belief that the earthly Jesus Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene, described as his concubine Also they [the Cathars] teach in their secret meetings that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Christ. She was the Samaritan woman to whom He said, "Call thy husband." She was the woman taken into adultery, whom Christ set free lest the Jews stone her, and she was with Him in three places, in the temple, at the well, and in the garden. After the Resurrection, He appeared first to her. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Magdalenethe church of Magdalene is located in Cathar country perhaps this was the most dangerous secret the Cathars
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Message 81 of 265 on the subject |
Peter Dawkins This midsummer period, 20-24 June 2012, is of exceptional importance for the world. It forms the midpoint or middle pillar of the Royal Arch Gateway to the Golden Age, the side pillars ('Great Pillars') http://www.peterdawkins.com/http://watch.pair.com/cancer-antichrist.htmlPeter Dawkins is a recognized authority on the Baconian-Rosicrucian philosophies and Ancient Wisdom teachings. He is the author of the Francis Bacon Research Trust Journal Series, Studies in Ancient Wisdom, whose purpose is "to give insight into the complete initiatory path that all the great Religions or Wisdom Traditions have taught from time immemorial, as being the Way, the Truth and the Life." (889:12) Volume 5 of Dawkins' series, Arcadia: The Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, reveals to the 'initiated' the esoteric meaning of the 'Great Bear' and 'Little Bear'. Dawkins promotes the same twaddle as Bullinger and Kennedy about the Bear really being a Sheepfold; however, because he is writing to esotericists, Dawkins discloses its deeper significance—that the Sheepfold is the "heavenly place of enlightenment" to which the initiates of mankind (sheep) are led, presumably by the adepts and masters who are their "shepherds". "Associated in esoteric knowledge with this role of high kingship is the symbol of the North Pole Star - the 'crown of the world - and the circumpolar constellations. Of these, the Lesser and the Greater Bear are the most important: the former providing the present North Pole Star. The 'Bear' is a veil to the real name, which means 'Dove', or 'Sheepfold', or 'Chariot'. As the Chariot, it is Arthur's vehicle of manifestation, as also the fiery chariot on which Elijah ascended to heaven. Hence Arthur is known as 'the Bear'. As the Sheepfold, it is the heavenly place of peace and enlightenment that Jesus spoke of, to which the 'sheep' (i.e. initiates) of mankind are led, and from which the 'shepherds' (i.e. the adepts and masters) come from. As the Dove, it is known as the vehicle of the Holy Spirit, by means of which that Spirit descends to the earth and governs its kingdom. It is signified by the royal crown of a High King (i.e. a crown with arches) - a halo of light which descends upon a truly worthy and anointed (i.e. illuminated) soul, bestowing full knowledge of Truth. The Great Bear is known as the mother of the Little Bear, which is her son. The Rampant Bear and Ragged Staff emblem...depicts just this - the Bear constellation tied to the Pole of the earth's axis, and dancing around it. ET IN ARCADIA EGO "Et in Arcadia Ego" inscribed on the arch between the two bears is an esoteric reference to Arcadia, the Greek city where Danaus and his fifty daughters introduced the worship of the mother goddess. Arcadia represents the Rosicrucian's envisioned Paradise on earth. "Arcadia was one of the primary mystery names given to the state of the world in a Golden Age, and the whole Arcadian imagery and allegory is that of a Utopia or Paradise on earth that might be achieved. The world is on the threshold of that achievement now, according to the way the evolutionary cycles of divine law work. Jesus Christ and the Buddha prepared us for it in an outstanding way; Francis Bacon...and the Rosicrucian Brotherhood have inaugurated it. All have used Arcadian imagery, the meaning of which pierces deep, right to the heart of all mysteries." - 889:15 According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, a sacred river flows from Arcadia to the underworld. This underground stream, Alpheus, represents a demonic bloodline to which the the Plantard bloodline belongs. "Arcadia...is frequently denoted by a fountain or a tombstone, both of which are associated with an underground stream. This stream is usually equated with the river Alpheus—the central river in the actual geographical Arcadia in Greece, which flows underground and is said to surface again at the Fountain of Arethusa in Sicily. From the remotest antiquity to Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan' the river Alpheus has been deemed sacred. Its very name derives from the same root as the Greek word alpha, meaning 'first' or 'source.'... "...the underground stream...might connote an unacknowledged and thus 'subterranean' bloodline... "...the Plantard family--lineal descendants of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty. In 1548, the 'Prieuré documents' state, Jean des Plantard had married Marie de Saint-Clair--thus forging another link between his family and that of the Saint-Clair/Gisors... "...the specific phrase in Poussin's painting—'Et in Arcadia Ego'...appeared in an earlier painting by Poussin, in which the tomb is surmounted by a skull and does not constitute an edifice of its own, but is embedded in the side of a cliff. In the foreground of this painting a bearded water deity reposes in an attitude of brooding moroseness—the river god Alpheus, lord of the underground stream..." - 31:139-140;177,180-2 As an aside, the occult uses rivers and other fresh water sources as sacred sites for their vampire rituals. Apposite to their sin, God will turn fresh water sites into blood during the Tribulation period: And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood... For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. - Rev. 16:4, 6 In William Taylor Coleridge's famous poem, Kubla Khan, the sacred river Alph descends to the underworld. In a portion of this poem, reprinted below, the god of the underworld, Typhon, is pictured as an erupting volcano, another sacred site of occultists. The imagery is phallic: Kubla Khan In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea... So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree; And here were forests ancient as the hills, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover! A savage place! as holy and enchanted As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted By woman wailing for her demon-lover! And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething, As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing, A mighty fountain momently was forced: Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail, Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail: And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever It flung up momently the sacred river... - 781 In Greek Mythology, Typhon was the volcano demon which spewed fiery rocks at the sky: "TYPHOEUS was a monstrous immortal giant who was defeated and imprisoned beneath Mount Aitna by Zeus. This volcano-daimon hurled red-hot rocks at the sky and...boiled forth great storms of fire... Aitna (Mt Etna), where the rock is alight and kettles of fire boil up the hot flare of Typhaon’s bed." –Dionysiaca 13.319 - 867
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Message 82 of 265 on the subject |
The Grail, the Great Pyramid and the Upright Axis
The Great Pyramid acts as a sundial for the Solstices, and is a perfect marker for the two Equinoxes, because at these times of the year it does not cast a shadow . . . as if everything is reduced to zero. After discovering an ancient code that appears to be associated with the obliquity of the earth’s axis, I am ‘inclined’ (pardon the pun) to ask, did the earth tilt from its upright position long ago? (See article 23.5 degrees) It’s a question that we cannot yet answer and a question that many would refrain from asking, but nevertheless there are many that believed this and still believe it today.
If the earth did tilt from an upright position, then it’s easy to see ‘how’ and ‘why’ man conceptualised these ideas, stories, myths and all the symbolism associated with the ‘alpha-omega’ and these two crucial points in the cycle, and why they were deemed important. The alpha-omega, as represented by both these two points in the cycle, also represents the ‘Golden Age’ of the upright axis – an age when everything was aligned with the Creator – the source-center of creation, or so it was believed.
With the tilt it was believed that man fell into these cycles and therefore he tasted “death” – in that death was a necessary part of the cycle – it being the negative half or phase of the cycle. Time began and man then had to toil the earth to sustain himself in a world that periodically died during the winter season. Man then began to note the correspondences this “death phase" made in regard to the opposites that he recognised in all phenomena – which he believed was the result of his own ‘dual perception’ of the world – again, the result of “the fall”. It was believed that this duality in consciousness is the cause of all conflict; that this ‘divide’ limits man’s intelligence whereby, in general he cannot always see beyond and above his present condition. We can also see that this division in consciousness results in an “us” and “them” mentality that can easily be taken advantage of and exploited, and that in general the populace can easily be manipulated by ‘an elite’ that understands these processes and strives to always remain above this duality. Such a group would use Machiavellian techniques based on the same esoteric principles as outlined and would implement them in terms of creating a problem which leads to a ‘thesis’ and ‘antithesis’ situation and then providing a solution that really suits their own agendas – synthesis. However this knowledge and wisdom, which is symbolised by the Grail, are for everyone to discover for themselves and comprise the teachings attributed to the ‘resurrection god’ who appears at the right time to deliver this knowledge – hence the connection the Grail has with the Passion of Jesus Christ – one of many in the long line of Christed Ones or Anointed Ones - one of these being the ancient Egyptian god Osiris. [3]
We also discover that the spinal column of this “god” actually symbolised the earth’s axis and vice-versa, and that the purpose of his appearance and his teachings was that with his own rebirth and resurrection, the earth too would also be resurrected to its natural upright position. I would emphasise that we are dealing with ancient beliefs here. Here's an apt quote:
‘When Osiris was enclosed in the trunk of a tamarisk tree, which was later cut down and used as a pillar in the palace of the King of Byblos, he metaphorically became as one with the Tree of Life. Osiris became the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve; he became the World Pillar, the link between the terrestrial and celestial worlds. He held the heavens in his outstretched arms, and he soaked up the word of God from the waters of the Netherworld’. [4]
The tilt of the earth as symbolised by the cross being carried by Jesus, reflects the same imbalance in consciousness and vice-versa. The upright cross of crucifixion by which Jesus ascends to heaven, is itself a metaphor for uprightness, stability and spiritual communion with the Creator and one’s own ascension. It was believed that man cannot heal the duality and division in consciousness as a result of “the fall” and that he cannot escape these cycles unless he becomes fully conscious OF and AT that crucial point in the cycle (the point in the cycle where he is usually unconscious) by first asking questions about it . . .
We would note that Perceval ("pierce-the-veil" . . . the veil that lies between opposites and also "perceive-all") was supposed to have asked questions about the Grail and in doing so the Fisher King would be healed and the kingdom restored.
The Grail, the Great Pyramid and Orion
Lastly, and in relation with the precessional cycle, the Grail as the cup or chalice, also signifies the star constellation of Orion, which is associated with the archetypal shamanic 'resurrection god' - the ONE who has experienced enlightenment. In ancient Egypt this shaman-adept-god-hero, was Osiris and Horus - whom the life and death of the Christian Jesus was based on.
Figure 7: The constellation of Orion (the torso of the archetypal resurrection god) superimposed over the famous Tassilo chalice - said by some to be the Holy Grail. As we can see, Orion (Osiris) is missing his head and legs. The head is signified by the 'communion disk' of wafer brought by the dove (phoenix, bennu bird) and the 'communion host' or 'disk' really represents the thalamus at the center of the head/brain, and this is also represented by the benben stone or pyramidion which caps the Great Pyramid - now missing. See the engraved image of the crossed communion disk in figure 9 below which is above the head and also capping the pyramid.
The Grail appearing twice in the story, points to the special times in the year when Orion crosses the Giza Meridian during the two days of the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes (this is one of the meanings of the Crucifixion Cross) and also its position on the Giza Meridian during the Alpha-Omega point and Halfway point in the Precessional Cycle. Giza was planned and built as a precessional clock, to chart the precessional cycle and other cycles, and the constellation of Orion, and especially the star Al-Nitak - in Orion's right side - was used as a marker for precession. The clue to this is given in the Gospel of John, where Jesus (who represents the resurrection god) is pierced in the right side by Longinus as he hangs from the cross. This detail in John's Gospel is also an allusion to the southern shaft that exits the south wall of the King's Chamber within the Great Pyramid and which once aligned with the star Al-Nitak - again in the right side of Orion - and in the year 2368 BC. The significance of the number 2368 is also an encoded clue to this alignment, as the name Jesus Christ (IhsouV CristoV) in Gematria, is 2368. Jesus = 888. Christ = 1480. 888 + 1480 = 2368.
Figure 8: A: The Crucifixion of Jesus – the spear of the Roman soldier, Longinus piercing his right side.
B: Constellation of Orion (Orionis) crossing the south sky. We are shown how the southern shaft of the King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid was once aligned with the Star Al-Nitak, according to Robert Bauval’s theory. As we can see, the spear that pierces Christ’s right side, as described in the Gospel of John, may be an encoded reference to this shaft or alignment – therefore indicating the importance of the Great Pyramid and what it may contain. Robert Bauvals theory is that the layout pattern of all three pyramids mirror the three belt stars of Orion and will only align properly with these three stars as they would have been over 12,500 years ago. (The star Sirius is in front of Orion’s extended right foot.)
See figure 9 below. Note the traditional image of the Grail cup above the head-shaped cut-out in the wall which contains the familiar 'crossed disc'. This disk symbolises the 'bread wafer' or 'communion host' which is dipped in a vessel containing red wine (symbolising Christ's blood) and given to the Catholic congregation in the traditional Mass or Eucharist. In esoteric and religious art, this disk is often depicted being carried by the dove (based on the Phoenix) to the Grail Castle (Great Pyramid) every Easter associated with the Spring Equinox.
Figure 9: Mysterious carvings around the head and torso-shaped piscina in the Knight's Templar' church at Garway, Herefordshire, England. Note the pyramid inside the vessel or cup above the head and capped by a crossed 'communion wafer' representing the thalamus and also the body/soul of the 'resurrected one's' predecessor now reborn again. It was believed that the thalamus at the center of the brain is the "egg" - or 'divine spark' (soul) that is passed over from one life to the next and contains the memories of one's former lives. Knowledge of this process and the crucial point in the 'cycle of life and death', which one captures via Kundalini enlightenment, also constitute as the Holy Grail.
The dove is based on the myth of the Phoenix, and in the Phoenix story the Phoenix brings an egg containing the body of its dead predecessor which it places on top of the altar - an obelisk or pillar in the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis - the 'City of the Sun'. This is interesting because the bread or wafer brought by the Dove every Easter to the Grail Castle, symbolises the body of Christ. This "egg" brought by the Phoenix also doubles as the Benben pyramidion capstone which caps the obelisks and pyramids and is associated with the Bennu bird - the original bird on which the Phoenix is based. We would do well to note that the capstone of the Great Pyramid, which is missing, is believed to be the 'Head Stone of the Corner' mentioned in the Bible, and is believed to represent the body of Jesus Christ. In cross-referencing all these elements we find that everything points to Egypt as being the original source of the Jesus and Grail stories - and rather the location of Giza which is said to be at the centre of the earth's landmasses, between east and west, and represents the alpha-omega as the earth rotates on its axis.
The Bennu itself is based on the 'Ba' bird - being the human soul - a gift of the creator god Atum, and so each of us has this divine spark within us, 'symbolised by the Benben capstone', which reincarnates - hence the 'resurrection' or 'rebirth' aspect presented in these myths and stories of the Bennu, the Phoenix, Osiris, Christ and the Grail. Again, the "egg", the benben, and the communion host, are brought at the crucial point in the annual cycle, (Dove, communion host) and the precessional cycle (Phoenix, "egg"). All this would mean that the altar, column or obelisk and later the pyramid, has been replaced by the 'Grail Castle' in the stories of the Grail, first written in the 12th century AD. Again, in the photo above, the cup appears to be resting on a serpent or perhaps an ancient Egyptian Barque or Ark - boat. We also see a fish and a serpent on either side of the head. But we are also given a clue as to what the Grail is really associated with in the image of the pyramid inside the Grail-cup - the crossed-disk positioned at the apex or capstone. Furthermore these are above the head and in the same position as the bindu point in Hindu and Tantric illustrations of the chakra system.
This is further evidence that the Grail is originally associated with the pyramid of Giza - the archetype for the 'Grail Castle' - and that the pyramids themselves are associated with the 'Kundalini enlightenment experience' - being the real Grail - as experienced by the 'resurrection god' who exemplifies this experience and is represented by the constellation of Orion - the marker for precession, with the cycle of precession itself being a consequence of the earth's tilted axis.
4. The Merovingian Dynasty: Satanic Bloodline of the Antichrist & False Prophet. Part IV The Bloodline from Hell. See: http://watch.pair.com/plantard-crest.html
3. See: http://jesusastrotheology.netfirms.com/precession_equinox_jesus_story.htm
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Message 83 of 265 on the subject |
The Pyramid Code
Part 1. The Great Pyramid and the Sun-Earth-Moon System
Taken from The Real Stargate
Copyright © G Osborn. 2003. All Rights Reserved.
Between the years 1936 and 1951, the esoteric initiate, philosopher and mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz, lived in Egypt, and while there he made an intense study of the Temple of Luxor at Thebes.
His knowledge of esoteric disciplines and his skill in mathematics – which he applied to the often painstaking and meticulous measuring of the temple site – brought him to the conclusion that the temple’s design incorporated the knowledge and location of the endocrine glands, the Hindu Chakras and the Chinese acupuncture points. This conclusion, together with the astronomical alignments he had observed, revealed that the temple was a symbol of the universe in human form.
He argued that the science employed in the design and construction of the temple was so far in advance of what can be explained by the slow, step-by-step, acquisition of knowledge, that the symbolic statements hidden in its design could only have been the legacy of some highly advanced culture that existed far back in antiquity.
Most important to my own discoveries and theories about the Great Pyramid of Giza – which I would emphasise, had come to me long before I had known of de Lubicz’ work – is his theory that the Triple Sanctuary in the Temple of Luxor corresponds to the skull and its "three" endocrine glands. He wrote that these three glands also represented the Triad adopted by virtually every major religion around the world.
The Triad – and its symbol (a simple triangle) was also adopted by the Sufi mystic Gurdjieff, and has now become familiar to us via his own system in which he referred to its hidden principle as the ‘Law of Three.’
The esoteric meaning of the Triad is really quite simple to understand.
In terms of opposites, the two base points of the Triad are Positive (male) and Negative (female.) The apex is Neutral – being the point of fusion where both the positive and negative energies become cancelled out as one pure energy.
The Triad also has its expression in the Sacred Mount – which as we will see, is represented in the building of the Great Pyramid. As one climbs the seven-levelled mount – which is really a metaphor for spinal column; its seven chakras and the ascending-and inclining frequencies of one’s consciousness – one will experience the two opposite sides of one’s nature – expressed in the Triad – coming closer together – converging and becoming One at the apex.
In terms of the brain, the ancients recognised the Triad as formed by the Pineal (male,) the Pituitary (female,) and the Thalamus and Massa Intermedia – the Neuter or ‘Neutral Point.’
The Thalamus represents the apex of one’s divided energies where both become one. Curiously the Thalamus is the central part of the brain and receives and organises all sensory information – as if acting like a "gateway" or ‘valve’ by regulating the amount of energy/information that one is sensing, perceiving and experiencing. The Massa Intermedia, which is right smack-bang in the centre of the brain, is where the two hemispheres of the brain are joined together – again showing that the centre of the Thalamus represents the point where the opposites are joined together as One.
Again, a fusion experience at this centre of the brain – experienced as the enlightenment associated with what the Hindus call a ‘Kundalini Awakening’ - means that the individual receives all energy/information at once. In essence, one’s consciousness has drawn everything back into it and has again become like the ‘proto-atom’ that seeded the universe via the "big bang" – all energy-information superimposed at once. One knows and understands everything at once and in a fraction of time which also seems like an eternity. Though it sounds too fantastic to be true, this describes the experience exactly.
Such a fusion experience can alter and drastically change the pattern of the individual’s consciousness and so in effect, after the experience one has become "reborn" – resurrected – in the sense that the individual understands a lot more about oneself and the nature of reality than did previously.
There are two aspects to Alchemy: 1,) the transformation of matter – as say from base matter to the higher elements such as gold. And 2,) the ‘Great Work,’ which is the ‘work on oneself’ by trying to induce the Kundalini through the fusion of one’s opposite energies. This fusion between the male and female opposites is known as the ‘Chemical Wedding’ of the King and Queen. The word ‘chemical’ is an obvious reference to the chemical secretions of the glands.
This fusion also has its correspondence in sexual coitus – which is mystically expressed via the Tantric tradition. The sexual rituals practiced by those who work with the darker side of the occult, is a corruption of these Tantric principles.
Our ancestors understood that man’s consciousness actually creates the patterns of the surrounding reality via a process similar to the procreative process – meaning that our consciousness is going through the same fission (division) and fusion process every instant.
However, it was also understood that we are usually unconscious at the point of fusion – which is happening every fraction of second – which is why the patterns we experience everyday tend to repeat themselves in never-ending cycles. Being unconscious at the crucial point in the process means that we only ever know division, and this division accounts for our ‘dual perception’ of the world and the dualities we experience in everyday situations.
For the Egyptians, the male and female opposites were expressed through their pantheon of gods and goddesses – the last Triad being the god Osiris (male principle) and the goddess Isis (female principle.) The Neuter resulting from their sexual fusion was Horus – their son – who is really Osiris reborn . . . resurrected.
Again these gods also personify the glands as well as the thalamus in the brain. Osiris representing the pineal gland; Isis representing the pituitary gland, and Horus representing the Thalamus centre of the brain – which to the ancients was the Third Eye. The popular "new-age" notion that the pineal gland represents the Third Eye is inaccurate. The Third Eye opens only when ‘conscious’ fusion takes place between the opposites. In terms of the brain these opposites are the essences relating to both the pineal and the pituitary glands.
I have discovered that these principles were designed into the Great Pyramid of Giza and are part of a hidden code which hasn’t seen the light of day for thousands of years – possibly not since the time it was constructed.
How did I come to understand the above?
Well, in 1993 I actually experienced the same Kundalini phenomenon; the same enlightening experience – which I say inspired those who designed and built the Great Pyramid.
Now, in trying to get my work published, various agents and people in the literary world have advised me to write about my insights and discoveries only and drop any mention of my own experiences or the part they play in it, or it would reduce my reading audience considerably and no-one would take me seriously.
In this article I have decided to ‘drop’ this advice and go with my instinct to get this part of my life across to people, because I want it known that my insights and my discovery of an undeniable "fact" about the Great Pyramid – (which I am about to divulge in this series of articles) – was the result of the same experience which had inspired our ancestors to build it in the first place. This "fact" will give credibility to my own experiences and the nature of the Kundalini phenomenon in general. In light of this ‘fact,’ then like it or not, people will have to take me and these kinds of experiences seriously, because with all their academic qualifications and scholarly credentials, the Egyptologists and even the alternative "new-age" researchers have overlooked this fact about the Great Pyramid.
I was born April 6th 1957. Paul was born five years later on January 9th 1962. We were both brought-up in a working-class family living in Peckham south-east London – both of us only ever had a comprehensive school education. Due to our so-called "common" background we were both fairly ignorant about a lot of things. My brother especially, was skeptical about the paranormal and had no interest in mystical or metaphysical subjects.
On June 7, 1991 Paul experienced something he called the "energy phenomenon." Paul’s life was never the same afterwards. This "awakening" experience changed him as well as those around him.
Paul said that he felt the vibrations of a "powerful energy" concentrated along his spine which had coursed its way up and down the full length of his body. He then felt the oscillations of this energy gain in frequency ending suddenly with a "bright white, explosive flash" in the centre of the head.
My own encounter with this ‘energy phenomenon’ happened some two years later in November 1993 and was very similar to my brother’s core-experience.
After some in-depth investigation which spanned the vast field of paranormal and mystical phenomena, we both discovered that the phenomenon we had experienced was related to what some people called a "Kundalini Awakening" . . .
Again, Kundalini’ is an ancient Sanskrit term given to a rare experience associated with ‘illumination’ or ‘enlightenment.’ Although it is virtually unknown here in the West, Kundalini has been responsible for man’s religious impulses throughout history.
In the East, skilled Yogis can spend a lifetime trying to reach the enlightenment associated with a ‘Kundalini Awakening’ via the disciplined practice of Yoga – most of them never reaching their goal. However, I discovered that this experience is now happening to more and more people in the West and spontaneously – without any prior knowledge or instruction.
During the climax of this experience it was as if my consciousness had journeyed back to the seed-point of existence – i.e., the ‘proto-atom’ that seeded the universe in the "big-bang." My head felt like it had "exploded" in a shower of sparks; pure light energy which seemed to radiate throughout the universe. In that split-second I seemed to understand everything at once. Everything had become more simplified in its meaning; and all being contained, superimposed and ‘fused’ within a ‘centrepoint.’
I suppose that having this knowledge come to me all at once, was a primary experience to maybe ‘shock’ the mind from its "sleep" – i.e., its focus on superficial concerns. Immediately afterwards, what I had perceived in an instant began to fade – evading any kind of ‘permanent grasp’ being attempted by my conscious-self or ego: the only purpose of the experience being that it "jolted" and shocked the ego into acknowledging some tremendous power that existed beyond itself.
It would seem that what I had seen all at once in that experience then came to me much more slowly over the years. It was as if I had captured a glimpse of what I would come to understand in the future. I then began thinking about this experience and realised that experience of the ‘Kundalini’ is one’s experience of having captured the ‘Eternal Now’ or ‘Present’ where all the energy and information pertaining to the universe – both past and future – seems to collapse together at one point – being the centre of one’s consciousness. I discovered that this centre is connected to, and is the same as the ‘Collective Centre’ – identified with the ‘Source of Creation.’
As a result of my own experiences, I began to write down the insights that were coming to me everyday. I followed up the notes I made with some in-depth research, and discovered that a lot of what I had come to had already been preserved in the esoteric literature pertaining to the various mystery schools. To my amazement I also found that I had made some new connections and discoveries and could apply my insights to many different disciplines of established knowledge – recognising the very thing that seemed to connect the main principles relating to each of these different disciplines – together.
I then began looking at our reality more closely and found that the ‘Eternal Now’ is in everything within us and around us – but that we are ‘unconscious’ of it . . . ‘It’ occupying a ‘blind spot’ in our consciousness. I then began to understand that all our esoteric knowledge stems from a time when our ancestors understood all this from the knowledge gathered by the shaman who had experienced the Kundalini phenomenon, and so sought to develop a ‘system of knowledge’ based on their desire to capture the ‘Eternal Now’ in the cycles and consciously. I have gone deeply into this system of knowledge in my own work and have outlined the techniques used.
Anyway, it was during November 1997 that I received one of the most important insights connected with the Kundalini experience I had in 1993. It was early morning and I was in the kitchen having just filled the kettle to make a cup of coffee. I remember standing with my arms folded leaning back on the work surface waiting for the water to boil. I was thinking about the Triad symbol as it was something I had been working on recently.
For a few seconds my mind was void and then it occurred to me; suddenly and "out of the blue" that The Great Pyramid of Giza – although obviously pyramid in shape – is a gigantic representation of the human skull.
Again, consistent with Eastern traditions, this insight of mine was based on the ancient esoteric understanding of the power centres within the brain and as I said, knowledge about these centres only became familiar to me after that extraordinary experience in 1993 that changed my life.
It was after looking at the illustrations found in a book about Alchemy (Figure 1) that insights into the purpose and function of the Great Pyramid came to me. This was strange because the mystery surrounding the Great Pyramid was not something I intended to research – the last thing I wanted was for my work to join the queue of "crank" theories. My thoughts were that these insights would suffice as an interesting ‘sideline’ to the subjects I was already researching in relation to my own experiences. I then put these insights about the Great Pyramid aside and continued to concentrate on other areas of my research.
Throughout the next five years my research would keep bringing me back to the Great Pyramid and the Giza complex – and finally in the last few months of 2002, I decided to look more deeply into it, and began drawing up the Great Pyramid to scale so that I could examine it more closely in regard to my earlier insights about the glands in the brain.
My discoveries I will outline in part two of this series of articles because although the chamber/gland theory came to me first, it forms the second part of the code. For now we will concentrate on the first part of the code which came to me around Christmas 2002, through an amazing synchronicity which resulted in my having to correct a mistake I made as to the measurements of the Great Pyramid. In correcting this mistake the following discovery jumped out at me.
As you will see, this discovery is not a theory but a ‘fact’ that many people have overlooked – even those who have done in-depth research into the Great Pyramid over the past 100 years or so.
The First Part of the Code
The first diagram shows the Earth Moon system as it is positioned on the Sun’s Ecliptic Plane. All the planets orbit the Sun on or near the Sun’s ecliptic plane.
2. The Sun-Earth-Moon Dynamic
Now let’s take the above diagram and mirror it, and then turn it right by 90 degrees, so as to show how it would look from the Sun’s perspective as it rises in the East. We will also show the Great Pyramid’s location on the Earth.
3. The Earth-Moon system from the Perspective of the Sun
as it rises in the East
Please note that the Moon’s size and position is not to scale. I would ask the reader to consult the inserted picture in diagram 1 to view the relative size and distance of the Earth and Moon.
Ok, now let’s superimpose this diagram over the cross-sectioned plan of the Great Pyramid to see what we get.
4. The Great Pyramid and the Sun-Earth-Moon Dynamic Superimposed
As we can see the two diagrams fit perfectly and this reveals a fact about the Great Pyramid that we have all overlooked until now.
The way the pyramid fits the Sun-Earth-Moon dynamic cannot really be refuted and is as "clear as day." I am perplexed that no-one has stumbled onto this. I have searched the Internet, and have looked through some well-researched books on the subject and can find nothing that compares to this hidden design – which means that no-one – as far as I know – is actually aware of this about the Great Pyramid – i.e., that the Ecliptic Plane, the Earth’s Equator and Polar Axis intersect the King's Chamber, and that when both the cross-sectioned diagram of the Great Pyramid and the Earth-Moon system are superimposed, then the location of the Great Pyramid on the Earth – shown as 30 degrees from the Equator – IS POINTING UP AT THE APEX!
What you are looking at is the ‘Key’ to the hidden code contained in the Great Pyramid, which I am about to reveal. If true, then what this code is pointing to is going to be breath-taking in its consequences. I’m afraid this will turn everything on its head and will upset a lot of people who still maintain that the Great Pyramid was a tomb.
Maybe I am presuming too much at this stage, but I would say that the way the Great Pyramid lines up with the Earth-Moon system is a fact that cannot be disputed by Egyptologists, scholars or academics.
I would emphasise that the Great Pyramid was not designed to be a tomb – and I now have proof of this in this superimposed picture. This does not rule out the possibility that it may have been used as a tomb many years later.
I say that the Great Pyramid contains a code and stands as some kind of monumental almanac to a lost civilisation.
The Great Pyramid sits on the 6.5 degree line from the Ecliptic Plane, which begins from the centre of the King’s Chamber and goes through the centre of the apex.
The 5 degree line which shows the Moon’s orbital incline to the Ecliptic, also begins from the centre of the King’s Chamber and ‘clips’ the south edge of the old capstone which is said to have always been absent from the structure. If so, then this gives a reading of 28.5 degrees – i.e., 23.5 degrees from the Equator, plus 5 degrees, equals 28.5 degrees. The Great Pyramid sits on the 30th parallel – being almost 30 degrees north from the Equator. The Moon is at its most northerly position during the Summer Solstice, being 28.5 degrees, and at its most southerly position during the Winter Solstice – again 28.5 degrees.
What the Great Pyramid is telling us is that there may have been a time when the poles were upright and a year was 360 days – which is where we get our 360 degree circle. If so then the Moon’s orbit may have been on the Ecliptic giving a 30 day month – a time when every month began with a Solar Eclipse and ended with a Lunar Eclipse. This time may have been the "Golden Age" when everything was centred and in perfect equillibrium.
However, now the Moon averages a 28.5 day month – being the number of days it takes to go through its phases as it goes around the zodiac.
Perhaps this is why the capstone has always been missing; by being absent the south edge of the old capstone acted as the apex point – giving the measurement of 28.5 degrees – i.e., 28.5 days to a month.
The real meaning in this first part of the code is that the King's Chamber represents the core-centre of the Earth' – and for more reasons than one, as the King’s Chamber acts as a reference point for another location on the Earth.
But if the King’s Chamber was meant to represent the core-centre of the Earth, then what purpose does the Queen’s Chamber serve? Of course one could say that the position of the Queen’s Chamber serves to help align the Equatorial Plane – which it does . . . but it also serves another purpose as we will see in Part Two.
Gary Osborn
Continues in Part Two.
Emblem 2 from Barchusen, Elementa chemiae, Leiden, 1718.
Diagram by Gary Osborn. Copyright © G Osborn. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Diagram by Gary Osborn. Copyright © G Osborn. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Diagram by Gary Osborn. Copyright © G Osborn. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
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