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Hoy es Viernes santo se come el pescado - equinoccio de primavera en Piscis actual era en la que todavia estamos y en la cual se forma la vesica psicis de la singularidad en el hipercubo.
Arquímedes - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Arquímedes demostró que el área del segmento parabólico de la figura superior es igual a 4/3 de la del triángulo inscrito de la figura inferior. En su obra sobre La cuadratura de la Parábola, Arquímedes probó que el área definida por una parábola y una línea recta equivalía exactamente a 4/3 el área del correspondiente triángulo inscrito, tal y como se puede observar en la figura de la derecha. Para obtener ese resultado, desarrolló una serie geométrica infinita con una razón común de 1/4:
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Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11 153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia Por ello Pi-c-is, o sea Pi es C que es la letra numero 3 Arqu-i-medes es un codigo Arco - 9 - medio TT es Pi que es a su vez el codigo del Arco de Arquimedes de la boveda celeste. Habiamos tambien revisado que TT es la doble T usada en las palabras codigo en Ingles, butt, butter, button, butterfly, bottom.
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Aqui tenemos los espirales de New Grange formando el rombo, de origen desconocido por lo menos oficialmente.
El tiempo y la nuestra realidad fluyen normalmente dentro del equilibrio cosmico binario dual, o sea positivo y negativo como hemos visto en los diagramas del hipercubo, menos cuando se forma la vesica piscis que comprende el rombo, es el momento de la regeneracion de la misma a traves del choque de los espirales 9 y 6, por lo tanto existe una tercera realidad a la dualidad positivo negativo, a esta se la designa como la singularidad o sea el codigo del mono - mon 1- mon-day primer dia, de donde todo parte, el ojo de gato en el centro de la galaxia con sus 7 dias /vidas fractales de la sem-ana o la semilla de anu.
Lo mismo pasa a nivel microcosmico o sea a nivel atomico, el coral esta compuesto basicamente por calcita que tiene tejido rombico, por lo tanto es diamagnetica o sea repele los dos polos positivo y negativo, por ello desaparecen los aviones y los barcos sobre la barrera coralina del triangulo de las bermudas bajo algunas condiciones cosmicas que favorecen el electromagnetismo singular, el codigo del dibujo animado Coral-line.
Corrígeme pliz ![Embarrassment](http://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/images/smilies/8.gif) -Entonces el area del rombo que se inscribe en la vesica piscis es 4/3 el area del cruce de los arcos (círculos de Villarceau). -A su vez también era utilizada como la señal del pez con que se ocultaban los cristianos. -Es el tejido rómbico que simboliza el azufre. Azufre gaseoso del centro de la galaxia ojo de gato. (cristalización ortorrómbico también he visto en las gemas) -Es el tiempo del no-tiempo que dicen los manuscritos Mayas? -El toro de donde parte la sección vesica-piscis es la forma del Universo? o es la representación de los ciclos? ¿Cúal es la conexión toroide-rombododecaedro-vesica-piscis?-¿rombo-dodecahedro que es la representación en planta 2D del hipercubo en el momento actual que vivimos? o es una plano genérico?Tiene algo que ver Torus con Horus, supongo
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![](http://www.elblogalternativo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/thrive-toroide.png) Casualidad o no?
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![](http://i53.tinypic.com/241a4if.jpg) Salud
Última edición por Gabi; 08-abr-2012 a las 04:49
Iniciado por Gabi ![Ver Mensaje Ver Mensaje](http://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/images/vuel/buttons/viewpost.gif)
Corrígeme pliz ![Embarrassment](http://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/images/smilies/8.gif)
-Entonces el area del rombo que se inscribe en la vesica piscis es 4/3 el area del cruce de los arcos (círculos de Villarceau). -A su vez también era utilizada como la señal del pez con que se ocultaban los cristianos. -Es el tejido rómbico que simboliza el azufre. Azufre gaseoso del centro de la galaxia ojo de gato. (cristalización ortorrómbico también he visto en las gemas) -Es el tiempo del no-tiempo que dicen los manuscritos Mayas? -El toro de donde parte la sección vesica-piscis es la forma del Universo? o es la representación de los ciclos?
¿Cúal es la conexión toroide-rombododecaedro-vesica-piscis?
-¿rombo-dodecahedro que es la representación en planta 2D del hipercubo en el momento actual que vivimos? o es una plano genérico?
Tiene algo que ver Torus con Horus, supongo
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Casualidad o no?
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No se que entiendo la relacion 4/3, con que arco ? con que fin dicha relacion ? La relacion de la vesica piscis es 256/153, lo mismo el rombo que esta comprendido en ella.
Aunque esta todo conectado, vamos a no mezclar la actividad gaseosa en el centro de la galaxia con el movimiento del hipercubo sobre su eje en espiral que es lo que en definitiva forma la vesica piscis en la forma del Toro geometrico de la galaxia, no el Universo.
Todo esto ya lo explique varias veces desde diferentes angulos, te recomiendo revises mis posts anteriores, si es a lo que se referian lo Mayas, seguramente. La relacion del Toro al hipercubo es la misma que la del circulo al cuadrado y la vesica piscis al rombo, digamos que a traves del cubismo es mas facil interpretar la realidad pero el Toro es la verdadera forma geometrica de la galaxia, tiene 4 dimensiones por lo tanto su forma varia en el tiempo, si la vesica piscis se forma al finalizar un ciclo de tiempo, cuando el espiral o la serpiente se come la cola, para dar comienzo a otro a traves de la regeneracion explosiva en el centro de la galaxia la cual invierte los cubos dando lugar a un nuevo ciclo de tiempo.
El pan de cristo, la levadura y la fermentacion, el murecillo, el roscon, etc, todo fue explicado, no quiero repetir siempre lo mismo. Los tioles mercaptores, codigo del mercurio, y los enlaces S-S, gases combustibles en el centro de la galaxia que se activaran el fuego cosmico al chocar los cubos del hipercubo en el 9-6 del rombo dodecahedro. Torus es la definicion del Toro en Ingles, seguramente se inspiraron en Horus, el Cristo Egipcio, pero la clave del nombre es el toro Egipcio Apis - Venus en los cuernos del Tauro, o sea Isis.
![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5a/Uccello_mazzocchio2.jpg/200px-Uccello_mazzocchio2.jpg) Paolo Uccello antes del descubrimiento de America ya nos indicaba la forma de Toro
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![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TbkIC-eqFNM/S-dcxUMxaCI/AAAAAAAAFjQ/L9xa8HC6xwY/s1600/Dali_Crucifixion_hypercube.jpg) Arte
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Torta del Rey o roscon de Reyes
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![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZLWl7HS7oWs/TaEAF-pZLWI/AAAAAAAABbY/zIoVOmaSXa4/s1600/temple+mount+2.jpg) El templo de Salomon o Sol-o-mon que esta inspirado en esto-
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![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Xof5EJguVa4/TizpNaarLnI/AAAAAAAAB30/NTiElgsm7Pw/s1600/tesseract+1.jpg) La molecula de azufre octogonal utilizada en alquimia y las tantas Iglesias Romanicas y Templarias que hemos visto.
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![](http://sulfur.nigc.ir/sulfur_content/media/image/2010/12/589_orig.JPG) Como se arreglan las moleculas de S8 rombico ? ![](http://rlv.zcache.com/red_aquarius_horoscope_symbol_mousepad-p144880471679631808envq7_400.jpg)
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![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Gb4NmAd9gS8/TImOPJDenuI/AAAAAAAABYA/QufwGnRSnsA/s1600/octagon07.jpg) Jardines del Taj Mahal
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![](http://www.greatindianwealth.com/articles/TAJMAHAL_images/TajMahal-002Octawell.jpg) Aljibe octogonal en el Taj Mahal- agua - Acuario ![](http://www.taj-mahal.net/common/MMImages/screen1.jpg) Tumba Taj Majal En fin los indicios estan alli para el que los busque, solo restaba atar los cabos. Por ejemplo con la granada del Cristo de Da Vinci, vamos a buscar la forma de la granada y resulta que sus semillas forman un rombododecaedro, se llama granada por analogia del cristal de granate que tambien tiene esa forma, continuando con las analogias tenemos la granada explosiva por que es en esta forma que la galaxia explota. Buscando formas del hipercubo encontramos el rombododecaedro, por lo cual tenemos el indicio de que esta forma es especial. Descomponemos esta figura en dos cubos, y asignamos las coordenadas binarias y tenemos el diagrama, vemos que el 6 y el 9 que son espirales geometricos coinciden en un punto medio lo cual indica un claro choque o rebote ya que hay contacto. Nos falta entonces interpretar el eje w sobre el cual se mueven los cubos, que es el espiral que se come la cola, me llevo unos meses descifrarlo, pero el codigo esta por todos lados como hemos visto. Superponemos la figura al Zodiaco y tenemos un mapeo, ademas en base a su construccion podemos descifrar el siginificado de la gran Piramide, el obelisco, que surgen de los ciclos pentagonales y heptagonales. Atando cabos, vamos armando el puzzle, sin mas misterios. The Six Cornered SnowflakeEn el copo de nieve de seis ángulos Ensayo de Kepler, "En el copo de nieve de seis ángulos", es considerado como el primer trabajo que analiza y describe la estructura de los cristales.
Última edición por IndigoMerovingio; 14-abr-2012 a las 04:31
360/15=24 |
Iniciado por Gabi ![Ver Mensaje Ver Mensaje](http://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/images/vuel/buttons/viewpost.gif)
Corrígeme pliz ![Embarrassment](http://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/images/smilies/8.gif)
-Entonces el area del rombo que se inscribe en la vesica piscis es 4/3 el area del cruce de los arcos (círculos de Villarceau). -A su vez también era utilizada como la señal del pez con que se ocultaban los cristianos. -Es el tejido rómbico que simboliza el azufre. Azufre gaseoso del centro de la galaxia ojo de gato. (cristalización ortorrómbico también he visto en las gemas) -Es el tiempo del no-tiempo que dicen los manuscritos Mayas? -El toro de donde parte la sección vesica-piscis es la forma del Universo? o es la representación de los ciclos?
¿Cúal es la conexión toroide-rombododecaedro-vesica-piscis?
-¿rombo-dodecahedro que es la representación en planta 2D del hipercubo en el momento actual que vivimos? o es una plano genérico?
Tiene algo que ver Torus con Horus, supongo
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Casualidad o no?
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No se que entiendo la relacion 4/3, con que arco ? con que fin dicha relacion ? La relacion de la vesica piscis es 256/153, lo mismo el rombo que esta comprendido en ella.
Aunque esta todo conectado, vamos a no mezclar la actividad gaseosa en el centro de la galaxia con el movimiento del hipercubo sobre su eje en espiral que es lo que en definitiva forma la vesica piscis en la forma del Toro geometrico de la galaxia, no el Universo.
Todo esto ya lo explique varias veces desde diferentes angulos, te recomiendo revises mis posts anteriores, si es a lo que se referian lo Mayas, seguramente. La relacion del Toro al hipercubo es la misma que la del circulo al cuadrado y la vesica piscis al rombo, digamos que a traves del cubismo es mas facil interpretar la realidad pero el Toro es la verdadera forma geometrica de la galaxia, tiene 4 dimensiones por lo tanto su forma varia en el tiempo, si la vesica piscis se forma al finalizar un ciclo de tiempo, cuando el espiral o la serpiente se come la cola, para dar comienzo a otro a traves de la regeneracion explosiva en el centro de la galaxia la cual invierte los cubos dando lugar a un nuevo ciclo de tiempo.
El pan de cristo, la levadura y la fermentacion, el murecillo, el roscon, etc, todo fue explicado, no quiero repetir siempre lo mismo. Los tioles mercaptores, codigo del mercurio, y los enlaces S-S, gases combustibles en el centro de la galaxia que se activaran el fuego cosmico al chocar los cubos del hipercubo en el 9-6 del rombo dodecahedro. Torus es la definicion del Toro en Ingles, seguramente se inspiraron en Horus, el Cristo Egipcio, pero la clave del nombre es el toro Egipcio Apis - Venus en los cuernos del Tauro, o sea Isis.
Indeed Sheila. When the details were published in Nature magazine some years back, with significant changes to the old Derek De Solla Price model, I made my own 3D model interpretation of it. I don't say it is exactly like the original, but in the numbers of cogs, their teeth and function it is correct. The original is an extraordinary piece of engineering. It was another 1,000 years before we started seeing cogs like this in clocks. Apart from the sun and moon, Michael Wright was able to build and prove that the other known planets were probably in there too; Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, The empty space is there but the mechanisms missing. My model does not show these. The Metonic cycle is the top spiral on the back, first picture below. After five revolutions the indicator had to be reset by hand. The lower spiral was eclipse prediction. On the front is the sun and the moon complete with its phases over 1 solar year. ![Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5346257/antikythera/-antikythera-10.jpg) ![Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5346257/antikythera/-antikythera-04.jpg) ![Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5346257/antikythera/diagram.jpg) I'll point out the spiral in the Metonic Cycle the symbol carved in stone at New Grange
The Triple Spiral for Land Sea and Sky The triple spiral or triskele is a Celtic and pre-Celtic symbol found on a number of Irish Megalithic and Neolithic sites, most notably inside the Newgrange passage tomb, on the entrance stone, and on some of the curbstones surrounding the mound.
I saw the spiral symbol on the Cahokia Mound Indians pottery found in their burial chambers
just a coincidence
The Black Hole and you don't want to be in the path
then there is a wormhole
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
dream-prophecy.blogspo...But, as stated before, ∞ = 0. 200 × 241 - 9k - png
The time taken by Venus to seemingly orbit the Earth (i.e. a Venus synod) is currently 584 days, so that 5 Venus synods are equivalent to 8 ‘practical’ earth-years (of 365 days). Venus has a sidereal orbital period of 225 days, and 13 of these periods equal 8 practical earth-years. In both cases, the numbers composing these ratios are consecutive Fibonacci numbers, and therefore give approximations to the golden section: 8/5 = 1.6, and 13/8 = 1.625. Venus rotates extremely slowly on its axis: its day lasts 243 earth-days, or 2/3 of an earth-year (the same ratio as a musical fifth). Every time Venus and earth ‘kiss’, Venus does so with the same face looking at earth. Over the 8 years of the 5 kisses, Venus will have spun on its own axis 12 times in 13 of its years.
Thus, in 8 years Venus has 5 inferior conjunctions (when it lies between earth and sun) and 5 superior conjunctions (when it lies on the opposite side of the sun). Plotting either of these sets of 5 conjunctions in relation to the zodiac produces a five-pointed star or pentagram, the segments of the constituent lines being related according to the golden section. There is a slight irregularity, for the pentagram is not completely closed, there being a difference of two days at the top. This irregularity generates a further cycle, as it means that the pentagram will rotate through the whole zodiac in a period of about 1200 years. It is interesting to note that the pentagram was associated with the Babylonian goddess Ishtar-Venus, and that depictions of Venus as a five-pointed star have also been found at Teotihuacan in Mexico. In theosophy, Venus is said to be closely connected with our higher mind (manas), the fifth principle of the septenary human constitution.
Fig. 9.2 Teotihuacan: stellar symbol of Venus dispensing its influence downwards towards the earth.
Fig. 9.3 The Venus pentagram.
According to theosophy, the key numbers to the solar system lie in a combination of the year of Saturn and the year of Jupiter, expressed in earth-years (Purucker, 1973, pp. 3-15). About 12 earth-years (11.86) make 1 year of Jupiter, and about 30 earth-years (29.46) make 1 year of Saturn: 12 x 30 = 360, the number of degrees in a circle and the number of days in an ideal earth-year. (Theosophy says that an earth-year oscillates above and below 360 days over very long periods of time.)
The whole process of evolution can be summed up as a descent of divine consciousness-centres or monads into matter, and their subsequent re-ascent to spirit, enriched by the experience gained on their aeons-long evolutionary journey. This process can be symbolized by two interlaced triangles, known as Solomon’s seal or the sign of Vishnu, the upward-pointing triangle representing spirit, and the downward-pointing triangle representing matter. Significantly, as Saturn and Jupiter revolve around the sun, they mark out two interlaced triangles around us every 60 years! The upward triangle is formed by their conjunctions and the downward triangle by their oppositions. Once again, there is a slight irregularity: after 60 years the conjunction does not take place at exactly the same point; there is a gap of 8 degrees, so that the interlaced triangles slowly rotate through the entire zodiac in a period of 2640 years. There are 432 of these 60-year Jupiter/Saturn cycles in a precessional cycle of 25,920 years.
Fig. 9.4 Conjunctions and oppositions of Jupiter and Saturn.
The sun is the heart and brain of the solar kingdom and the regular sunspot cycle is akin to a solar heartbeat. The sunspot cycle has a major impact on earth, especially terrestrial magnetism and the climate. Over the past 250 years its length has varied irregularly between 9 and 14 years, averaging 11.05 years. Sunspots peak shortly after Jupiter passes the point in its orbit closest to the sun. (The ‘ideal’ sunspot cycle is said in theosophy to be 12 years, so there would be one such cycle for each year of Jupiter.) The sunspot maximum does not occur exactly in the middle of the sunspot cycle. The ascending part of the cycle has a mean length of 4.3 years – very close to the figure of 4.22 years that would divide the 11.05-year cycle exactly according to the golden section.*
*Theodor Landscheidt, ‘Solar activity: a dominant factor in climate dynamics’, www.john-daly.com/solar/solar.htm.
And the best explanation I can find of what those two snakes/serpents means is found here ... taken from the same book.
So let us go to the image on page 124 as the text above suggests. We find an image with accompanying text. ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/ALCHEMYARABICfromSeniorsDeChemiaM-L.jpg) http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2038 |
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![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/RodinCoilARIVERRUNSTHROUGHIT600px.jpg) I shared this image with Lee Burton...I had conversed with him over at Graham Hancock forum. And I wrote about it on this forum:
Raphael _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
![Image](http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/Wiz-OZ/BlackGate-PHI-666.jpg) Can we connect ALL of the above re:BLACK DOOR to phi and pi and Jehovah? Well I found the passage I have been looking for ... SEEK and ye shall find is my *NEW* motto. Found in an 1811 publication. Reprinted in 1986. I paid $3.99 for this gem...you can get some of it for free thanks to me, helping to point it out to you, the seeker. A must read ![Idea :idea:](http://2012forum.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_idea.gif) brilliant. http://books.google.ca/books?id=7nNhOcN ... =2#PPA2,M1READ what is says about IAO and Jehovah and Pi and Phi. Why do I like this book?
In this work it is found the author has adopted the opinion that the Sacred Writers wrote chiefly, if not entirely, allegorical compositions. He recollects that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians; and he expected to find traces of that wisdom in his works. The learned among the ancient Egyptians were pure theists. They were deeply skilled in the sciences; but they carefully concealed their mysterious learning under innumerable symbols and allegories. May we not look for the same things in the writings which are ascribed to the Jewish lawgiver? This is what Drummond has done in this book.
re: A dissertation re: the 49th Chapter of Genesis.
Sir W. Drummond, “Œdipus Judaicus,” plate 15) in the form of a square, with the signs ..... 51 [plate of ToL from Oedipus Ægyptiacus occupies all p. ...... However, the popularity of Iao did not last very long, and it is now many ...... All Saints' day occurs in the 49th week and the 338th day of the year. ...
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... room-1258/IAO = Knights Templar Magic Square and Jehovah and the Mattang and Magnetism? YES YES YES YES http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... room-1258/I do believe I have a most interesting book coming together. One of the best tying together the loose ends into nice little knotzies. Truth or Fiction? EWE and mi, we all get to decide and participate in the END. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=9901&start=30
liveD wrote:
Back again First Bruce Cathie's harmonic grid outlined with Raphs Lsd coral castle ![Image](http://i402.photobucket.com/albums/pp106/Lee-Burton/Old%20solf/cathieharmoniccoral.jpg)
![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELquatrefoilnolight.jpg) ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Octahedron.gif) ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/CLiungmanquatrefoilTimothyLearyL-1.jpg) What does this look like lee? re: LSD, DMT, Solomon's Knot, auspicious lucky 4 Leaf Clovers, and BC* harmonics ... and now I want to bring Nassim into the game too?These fellas (Rodin, Nassim, Bruce, Fintan) are all quite clever. So I will simply adopt what seems to fit, using my archetypal templates, and discard or file the rest? The above image I took has been on my mind for some time now...and then when I heard Nassim mention that we reside (our galaxy) in a BLACK HOLE, I said "OF COURSE I knew that Nassim, and I have pictures to prove it!!!" The above picture is one of them, taken from just above the event horizon...looking down into a BLACK HOLE!! a simulation ![Image](http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/2277/octaveswastikaandflywhe.jpg) After seeing this image on Jeremy's (Code144) site I got an idea...which lead me the above image of the 4 Leaf Clover...This was quite some time ago...I was waiting for an 'expert' like NaSSim to step forward and make such a silly claim, placing us inside a black hole? So Jeremy placing the pyramid over the FLYWHEEL of Fortune ![Laughing :lol:](http://2012forum.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif) got me into a playful mood. ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELPyramidBlackHole.jpg) ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELpyramidinsideglass.jpg) ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELquatrefoilnolight.jpg) ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELquatrefoilbacklight.jpg) backLIGHT OFF >>>>>>>>>> (backlight/hidden sun) ON? So in following the pictures above it becomes clear ... I thought to myself...what if I WEDGED my pyramid (our galaxy) inside the BLACK Hole (a plastic beer glass) and turned the light in the base ON, what would I observe? (it was a gimmick beer glass bought at a neighbors garage sale for .25) I was surprised to see LSD. Lucky 4 mi, I thought. But I was not done yet playing or asking questions. Would it work for a FLAT UNIVERSE...a SPINNING FLAT universe? ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/250px-Milky_Way_Spiral_Armsvg.png) ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELflatworldglass.jpg) Then my line of questioning, asked "ARE WE STUCK in the VORTEX, are we holding up the line"? Hmm "what happens if we rotate the FLAT SPINNING MILKY Oy Vey galaxy perpendicular to its SPIN?" ( flat universe indicated by black arrow) ![Image](http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/2263/4agesmodelswastikaflatw.jpg) So I thought this could be a fine analogy for how a reversal or flip in polarity could be perceived explained within a black hole...and please note...I had to clip one of the corners of the square...in order to get the galaxy to spin freely. ![Image](http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Symbols/4AGESMODELswastikaflatworldglassrot.jpg) ![Image](http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/7952/4agesmodelswastflatworl.jpg) ![Image](http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/2263/4agesmodelswastikaflatw.jpg) A Black Hole Nassim? I think our universe has expanded too much...we are stuck in the ewetube, the cattle chute (electron flow) is plugged? Maybe our galaxy is tilted...similar to the third image on the right? ![Image](http://www.goldenmean.info/margi/grailheartspin.gif) ![Image](http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/2263/4agesmodelswastikaflatw.jpg) ![Image](http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/2263/4agesmodelswastikaflatw.jpg) Two swastikas, one rotating clockwise and the other counter or anti-clockwise. And on the other side of the flat universe coin, the swastika would appear to be rotating in the opposite direction? YES Please note the green swirling swastika shapes/shadows that are cast onto the sides of the glass, reflections caused only by the ambient light coming through the sides of the beer glass. Very similar to the third image below on the right that we find in Rome. ...or something like that? ![Image](http://www.goldenmean.info/predictions/grailani3.gif) namaste Raphael
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10907&start=60
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The Great Serpent Mound
Serpent Mound is a prehistoric effigy mound located in Adams County, Ohio --
Like certain sites in the Yucatan, the area was formed by a meteorite impact millions of years ago.
In a portion of his book, The Mystery of the Serpent Mound: In Search of the Alphabet of the Gods, Ross Hamilton pointed out that the geometry of the effigy -- incredibly -- demonstrates the Pythagorean Theorem. The ancient theorem states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse (long side) of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of those of the other two other sides. The formula can be written --
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Interestingly, Pythagoras was named after the great Python serpent at Delphi by the Oracle.
The Oracle at Delphi (note the Python serpent)
Ross did not mention it, but it is also interesting that the 153 Fish in the Net story, in pre-Christian times, was associated with Apollo's Oracle at Delphi. This is part of the related Greek Gematria --
Delphi 619 + Omphalos 911 = 1530
According to Ross, the triangle indicated in Serpent Mound is based on the 6-8-10 triangle --
6^2 + 8^2 = 10^2 36 + 64 = 100
The numbers are associated with Roman figures, and their Magic Squares. The numbers 6 and 36 (6 x 6) are related to the Sun. The numbers 8 and 64 (8 x 8) are related to Mercury. The numbers 10 and 100 (10 x 10) are related to the Earth.
The actual measurements of Serpent Mound are 34 times the numbers in the basic formula --
204^2 + 272^2 = 340^2
The same numbers added give -- 204 + 272 + 340 = 816. The number 816, divided by 34 is 136, which is related to the Magic Square of Jupiter, a 4 x 4 gird, where the 16 numbers add to 136. Each row, column and diagonal adding to 34. The numbers are also associated with the Tree of Life --
The Sun on the above list is related to Helios. I believe it could also be related to Apollo, who was considered a sun god, or the Sun behind the sun.
The number 34 is, of course, twice 17, and, remember, the numbers 1 through 17 add to 153.
The number 272 is a harmonic of the Megalithic Yard of 2.72 feet. This numbers is thought by some to be related to the mathematical constant 'e' -- the base of the natural system of logarithms, 2.718282.
The same type of numbers appeared in the Milk Hill Mega Glyph crop circle formation of 2001 --
It appeared around August 13, 2001, a few weeks prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The formation was composed of 409 circles. Significantly, it is patterned after the Seed of Life, in a form related to ancient sun symbols. Each of the six segments had 13 major circles and 55 smaller circles. The total circles in each segment are multiples of 17 -
Mega Glyph Numbers
Large circles
Small circles
Total Circles
Divided by 17
Add the central 72 foot circle to 408 to arrive at the total of 409.
Note that the numbers from the Serpent Mound triangle appear in the table -- 204, 272, and 340. The total of all the circles except the center circle amount to 408, which is half 816.
Norma Smith decoded the 409 circles of the Milk Hill Mega Glyph as relating to the English alphanumerics of the seven colors of the spectrum as --
Chakra 1
Chakra 2
Chakra 3
Chakra 4
Chakra 5
Chakra 6
Chakra 7
4 petals
6 petals
10 petals
12 petals
16 petals
2 petals
50 + 972
These are also the colors associated with the seven chakras, in the order of chakra one through chakra seven, from left to right. "Green = 49" is the fourth-Heart chakra. This is figured as A=1, B=2, etc. The * is placed beside the 972 to note that the number is not accepted by everyone. Perhaps the most common number given for the seventh chakra is 1000 petals. The 972 figure is given here, based on the information in our 1997 article:
Crop Circle Formations As Chakras
In 2004, the chakra message seemed to be confirmed when the "Chakra System "Crop Circle Formation appeared --
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