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Message 1 of 198 on the subject |
Movimiento circular
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
En cinemática, el movimiento circular (también llamado movimiento circunferencial) es el que se basa en un eje de giro y radio constante, por lo cual la trayectoria es una circunferencia. Si además, la velocidad de giro es constante (giro ondulatorio), se produce el movimiento circular uniforme, que es un caso particular de movimiento circular, con radio y centro fijos y velocidad angular constante.
En el movimiento circular hay que tener en cuenta algunos conceptos que serían básicos para la descripción cinemática y dinámica del mismo:
- Eje de giro: es la línea recta alrededor de la cual se realiza la rotación, este eje puede permanecer fijo o variar con el tiempo pero para cada instante concreto es el eje de la rotación (considerando en este caso una variación infinitesimal o diferencial de tiempo). El eje de giro define un punto llamado centro de giro de la trayectoria descrita (O).
- Arco: partiendo de un centro fijo o eje de giro fijo, es el espacio recorrido en la trayectoria circular o arco de radio unitario con el que se mide el desplazamiento angular. Su unidad es el radián (espacio recorrido dividido entre el radio de la trayectoria seguida, división de longitud entre longitud, adimensional por tanto).
- Velocidad angular: es la variación del desplazamiento angular por unidad de tiempo (omega minúscula, ).
- Aceleración angular: es la variación de la velocidad angular por unidad de tiempo (alfa minúscula, ).
En dinámica de los movimientos curvilíneos, circulares y/o giratorios se tienen en cuenta además las siguientes magnitudes:
- Momento angular (L): es la magnitud que en el movimiento rectilíneo equivale al momento lineal o cantidad de movimiento pero aplicada al movimiento curvilíneo, circular y/o giratorio (producto vectorial de la cantidad de movimiento por el vector posición, desde el centro de giro al punto donde se encuentra la masa puntual).
- Momento de inercia (I): es una cualidad de los cuerpos que depende de su forma y de la distribución de su masa y que resulta de multiplicar una porción concreta de la masa por la distancia que la separa al eje de giro.
- Momento de fuerza (M): o par motor es la fuerza aplicada por la distancia al eje de giro (es el equivalente a la fuerza agente del movimiento que cambia el estado de un movimiento rectilíneo).
Paralelismo entre el movimiento rectilíneo y el movimiento circular[editar]
A pesar de las diferencias evidentes en su trayectoria, hay ciertas similitudes entre el movimiento rectilíneo y el circular que deben mencionarse y que resaltan las similitudes y equivalencias de conceptos y un paralelismo en las magnitudes utilizadas para describirlos. Dado un eje de giro y la posición de una partícula puntual en movimiento circular o giratorio, para una variación de tiempo Δt o un instante dt, dado, se tiene:
Arco descrito o desplazamiento angular[editar]
Arco angular o desplazamiento angular es el arco de la circunferencia recorrido por la masa puntual en su trayectoria circular, medido en radianes y representado con la letras griegas (phi) o (theta). Este arco es el desplazamiento efectuado en el movimiento circular y se obtiene mediante la posición angular ( ó ) en la que se encuentra en un momento determinado el móvil y al que se le asocia un ángulo determinado en radianes. Así el arco angular o desplazamiento angular se determinará por la variación de la posición angular entre dos momentos final e inicial concretos (dos posiciones distintas):
Siendo ó el arco angular o desplazamiento angular dado en radianes.
Si se le llama al espacio recorrido a lo largo de la trayectoria curvilínea de la circunferencia de radio se tiene que es el producto del radio de la trayectoria circular por la variación de la posición angular (desplazamiento angular):
En ocasiones se denomina al espacio recorrido (del inglés "space"). Nótese que al multiplicar el radio por el ángulo en radianes, al ser estos últimos adimensionales (arco entre radio), el resultado es el espacio recorrido en unidades de longitud elegidas para expresar el radio.
Velocidad angular y velocidad tangencial[editar]
- Velocidad angular es la variación del arco angular o posición angular respecto al tiempo. Es representada con la letra (omega minúscula) y viene definida como:
Siendo la segunda ecuación la de la velocidad angular instantánea (derivada de la posición angular con respecto del tiempo).
- Velocidad tangencial de la partícula es la velocidad del objeto en un instante de tiempo (magnitud vectorial con módulo, dirección y sentido determinados en ese instante estudiado). Puede calcularse a partir de la velocidad angular. Si es el módulo la velocidad tangencial a lo largo de la trayectoria circular de radio R, se tiene que:
Aceleración angular y tangencial[editar]
La aceleración angular es la variación de la velocidad angular por unidad de tiempo y se representa con la letra: y se la calcula:
Si at es la aceleración tangencial, a lo largo de la circunferencia de radio R, se tiene que:
Período y frecuencia[editar]
El período indica el tiempo que tarda un móvil en dar una vuelta a la circunferencia que recorre. Se define como:
La frecuencia es la inversa del periodo, es decir, las vueltas que da un móvil por unidad de tiempo. Se mide en hercios o s-1
Aceleración y fuerza centrípeta[editar]
Mecánica clásica[editar]
La aceleración centrípeta, también llamada normal o radial, afecta a un móvil siempre que éste realiza un movimiento circular, ya sea uniforme o acelerado. Se define como:
La fuerza centrípeta es la fuerza que produce en la partícula la aceleración centrípeta. Dada la masa del móvil, y basándose en la segunda ley de Newton () se puede calcular la fuerza centrípeta a la que está sometido el móvil mediante la siguiente relación:
Mecánica relativista[editar]
En mecánica clásica la aceleración y la fuerza en un movimiento circular siempre son vectores paralelos, debido a la forma concreta que toma la segunda ley de Newton. Sin embargo, en relatividad especial la aceleración y la fuerza en un movimiento circular no son vectores paralelos a menos que se trate de un movimiento circular uniforme. Si el ángulo formado por la velocidad en un momento dado es entonces el ángulo formado por la fuerza y la aceleración es:
Para el movimiento rectilineo se tiene que y por tanto y para el movimiento circular uniforme se tiene y por tanto también . En el resto de casos . Para velocidades muy pequeñas y ángulos expresados en radianes se tiene:
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Message 19 of 198 on the subject |
El símbolo matemático del infinito nació en el sigo XVII. Parece un ocho tumbado pero en realidad corresponde a una figura matemática llamada lemiscata de Bernouilli. Antes, sin embargo la idea del infinito se representaba con un circulo. La serpiente que se muerde la cola data del 1600 AC y representa un ciclo eterno. En latín, de hecho, caelum significa tanto ¿círculo¿ como ¿eternidad¿ y da la idea de un camino que no tiene ni principio ni final, como el infinito.
Los orígenes del símbolo de infinito son inciertos. Dado que la forma se asemeja a la curva lemniscata (del latín lemniscus, es decir cinta), se ha sugerido que representa un lazo cerrado. Se ha querido ver también una Banda de Möbius en su forma, aunque el símbolo se usó durante cientos de años antes de que August Möbius descubriera la banda que lleva su nombre.
También se cree posible que la forma provenga de otros símbolos alquímicos o religiosos, como por ejemplo ciertas representaciones de la serpiente Ouroboros.
En la literatura matemática, John Wallis es el primero en usar el símbolo para representar al infinito en su tratado De sectionibus conicus de 1655.
La representación del concepto "infinito", tiene una relación formal con el sentido del orden de las letras en el alfabeto griego. Los griegos, según parece, asignaron el primer lugar en su alfabeto a α (alfa) por ser precisamente el lugar que "Dios" merecía en su cosmogonía. De ahí que - según algún maestro de literatura de buena voluntad - todas las palabras griegas cuya letra inicial era esa tenían, de un modo u otro, relación con lo divino.
Parece ser que fue en el año 1694 cuando Jakob Bernoulli describió dicha curva. La definición de la misma se asemeja en cierto sentido a la de la elipse:
- Elipse: conjunto de puntos que cumplen que la suma de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.
- Lemniscata: conjuntos de puntos que cumplen que el producto de las distancias a dos puntos dados, denominados focos, es constante.
La ecuación implícita de la lemniscata es:
El parámetro es el que determina qué lemniscata tenemos, ya que los focos están a distancia y ese producto de distancias constante es exactamente .
Artículo de ACATOS (enlace) ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre infinito y eterno?
Según la RAE:
Infinito: Que no tiene ni puede tener fin ni término.
Eterno: Que no tiene principio ni fin.
Entonces, la diferencia es que el infinito puede tener un principio, al contrario que lo eterno, que no tiene. Digamos que el infinito es un subconjunto de lo eterno.
¿Por qué relacionamos el concepto de infinito con las distancias y el concepto de eterno con el tiempo?
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Message 20 of 198 on the subject |
Sinusoidal Waveforms
Generation of Sinusoidal Waveforms
In our tutorials about Electromagnetism, we saw how an electric current flowing through a conductor can be used to generate a magnetic field around itself, and also if a single wire conductor is moved or rotated within a stationary magnetic field, an “EMF”, (Electro-Motive Force) will be induced within the conductor due to this movement.
From this tutorial we learnt that a relationship exists between Electricity and Magnetism giving us, as Michael Faraday discovered the effect of “Electromagnetic Induction” and it is this basic principal that electrical machines and generators use to generate a Sinusoidal Waveform for our mains supply.
In the Electromagnetic Induction, tutorial we said that when a single wire conductor moves through a permanent magnetic field thereby cutting its lines of flux, an EMF is induced in it.
However, if the conductor moves in parallel with the magnetic field in the case of points A and B, no lines of flux are cut and no EMF is induced into the conductor, but if the conductor moves at right angles to the magnetic field as in the case of points C and D, the maximum amount of magnetic flux is cut producing the maximum amount of induced EMF.
Also, as the conductor cuts the magnetic field at different angles between points A and C, 0 and 90o the amount of induced EMF will lie somewhere between this zero and maximum value. Then the amount of emf induced within a conductor depends on the angle between the conductor and the magnetic flux as well as the strength of the magnetic field.
An AC generator uses the principal of Faraday’s electromagnetic induction to convert a mechanical energy such as rotation, into electrical energy, a Sinusoidal Waveform. A simple generator consists of a pair of permanent magnets producing a fixed magnetic field between a north and a south pole. Inside this magnetic field is a single rectangular loop of wire that can be rotated around a fixed axis allowing it to cut the magnetic flux at various angles as shown below.
Basic Single Coil AC Generator
As the coil rotates anticlockwise around the central axis which is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the wire loop cuts the lines of magnetic force set up between the north and south poles at different angles as the loop rotates. The amount of induced EMF in the loop at any instant of time is proportional to the angle of rotation of the wire loop.
As this wire loop rotates, electrons in the wire flow in one direction around the loop. Now when the wire loop has rotated past the 180o point and moves across the magnetic lines of force in the opposite direction, the electrons in the wire loop change and flow in the opposite direction. Then the direction of the electron movement determines the polarity of the induced voltage.
So we can see that when the loop or coil physically rotates one complete revolution, or 360o, one full sinusoidal waveform is produced with one cycle of the waveform being produced for each revolution of the coil. As the coil rotates within the magnetic field, the electrical connections are made to the coil by means of carbon brushes and slip-rings which are used to transfer the electrical current induced in the coil.
The amount of EMF induced into a coil cutting the magnetic lines of force is determined by the following three factors.
- • Speed – the speed at which the coil rotates inside the magnetic field.
- • Strength – the strength of the magnetic field.
- • Length – the length of the coil or conductor passing through the magnetic field.
We know that the frequency of a supply is the number of times a cycle appears in one second and that frequency is measured in Hertz. As one cycle of induced emf is produced each full revolution of the coil through a magnetic field comprising of a north and south pole as shown above, if the coil rotates at a constant speed a constant number of cycles will be produced per second giving a constant frequency. So by increasing the speed of rotation of the coil the frequency will also be increased. Therefore, frequency is proportional to the speed of rotation, ( ƒ ∝ Ν ) where Ν = r.p.m.
Also, our simple single coil generator above only has two poles, one north and one south pole, giving just one pair of poles. If we add more magnetic poles to the generator above so that it now has four poles in total, two north and two south, then for each revolution of the coil two cycles will be produced for the same rotational speed. Therefore, frequency is proportional to the number of pairs of magnetic poles, ( ƒ ∝ P ) of the generator where P = is the number of “pairs of poles”.
Then from these two facts we can say that the frequency output from an AC generator is:
Where: Ν is the speed of rotation in r.p.m. P is the number of “pairs of poles” and 60 converts it into seconds.
Instantaneous Voltage
The EMF induced in the coil at any instant of time depends upon the rate or speed at which the coil cuts the lines of magnetic flux between the poles and this is dependant upon the angle of rotation, Theta ( θ ) of the generating device. Because an AC waveform is constantly changing its value or amplitude, the waveform at any instant in time will have a different value from its next instant in time.
For example, the value at 1ms will be different to the value at 1.2ms and so on. These values are known generally as the Instantaneous Values, or Vi Then the instantaneous value of the waveform and also its direction will vary according to the position of the coil within the magnetic field as shown below.
Displacement of a Coil within a Magnetic Field
The instantaneous values of a sinusoidal waveform is given as the “Instantaneous value = Maximum value x sin θ ” and this is generalized by the formula.
Where, Vmax is the maximum voltage induced in the coil and θ = ωt, is the angle of coil rotation.
If we know the maximum or peak value of the waveform, by using the formula above the instantaneous values at various points along the waveform can be calculated. By plotting these values out onto graph paper, a sinusoidal waveform shape can be constructed.
In order to keep things simple we will plot the instantaneous values for the sinusoidal waveform at every 45o of rotation giving us 8 points to plot. Again, to keep it simple we will assume a maximum voltage, VMAX value of 100V. Plotting the instantaneous values at shorter intervals, for example at every 30o (12 points) or 10o (36 points) for example would result in a more accurate sinusoidal waveform construction.
Sinusoidal Waveform Construction
Coil Angle ( θ ) |
0 |
45 |
90 |
135 |
180 |
225 |
270 |
315 |
360 |
e = Vmax.sinθ |
0 |
70.71 |
100 |
70.71 |
0 |
-70.71 |
-100 |
-70.71 |
-0 |
The points on the sinusoidal waveform are obtained by projecting across from the various positions of rotation between 0o and 360o to the ordinate of the waveform that corresponds to the angle, θ and when the wire loop or coil rotates one complete revolution, or 360o, one full waveform is produced.
From the plot of the sinusoidal waveform we can see that when θ is equal to 0o, 180o or 360o, the generated EMF is zero as the coil cuts the minimum amount of lines of flux. But when θ is equal to 90o and 270o the generated EMF is at its maximum value as the maximum amount of flux is cut.
Therefore a sinusoidal waveform has a positive peak at 90o and a negative peak at 270o. Positions B, D, F and H generate a value of EMF corresponding to the formula e = Vmax.sinθ.
Then the waveform shape produced by our simple single loop generator is commonly referred to as a Sine Wave as it is said to be sinusoidal in its shape. This type of waveform is called a sine wave because it is based on the trigonometric sine function used in mathematics, ( x(t) = Amax.sinθ ).
When dealing with sine waves in the time domain and especially current related sine waves the unit of measurement used along the horizontal axis of the waveform can be either time, degrees or radians. In electrical engineering it is more common to use the Radian as the angular measurement of the angle along the horizontal axis rather than degrees. For example, ω = 100 rad/s, or 500 rad/s.
The Radian, (rad) is defined mathematically as a quadrant of a circle where the distance subtended on the circumference equals the radius (r) of the circle. Since the circumference of a circle is equal to 2π x radius, there must be 2π radians around a 360o circle, so 1 radian = 360o/2π = 57.3o. In electrical engineering the use of radians is very common so it is important to remember the following formula.
Definition of a Radian
Using radians as the unit of measurement for a sinusoidal waveform would give 2π radians for one full cycle of 360o. Then half a sinusoidal waveform must be equal to 1π radians or just π (pi). Then knowing that pi, π is equal to 3.142 or 22÷7, the relationship between degrees and radians for a sinusoidal waveform is given as.
Relationship between Degrees and Radians
Applying these two equations to various points along the waveform gives us.
The conversion between degrees and radians for the more common equivalents used in sinusoidal analysis are given in the following table.
Relationship between Degrees and Radians
Degrees |
Radians |
Degrees |
Radians |
Degrees |
Radians |
0o |
0 |
135o |
270o |
30o |
150o |
300o |
45o |
180o |
π |
315o |
60o |
210o |
330o |
90o |
225o |
360o |
2π |
120o |
240o |
The velocity at which the generator rotates around its central axis determines the frequency of the sinusoidal waveform. As the frequency of the waveform is given as ƒ Hz or cycles per second, the waveform has angular frequency, ω, (Greek letter omega), in radians per second. Then the angular velocity of a sinusoidal waveform is given as.
Angular Velocity of a Sinusoidal Waveform
and in the United Kingdom, the angular velocity or frequency of the mains supply is given as:
in the USA as their mains supply frequency is 60Hz it is therefore: 377 rad/s
So we now know that the velocity at which the generator rotates around its central axis determines the frequency of the sinusoidal waveform and which can also be called its angular velocity, ω. But we should by now also know that the time required to complete one revolution is equal to the periodic time, (T) of the sinusoidal waveform.
As frequency is inversely proportional to its time period, ƒ = 1/T we can therefore substitute the frequency quantity in the above equation for the equivalent periodic time quantity and substituting gives us.
The above equation states that for a smaller periodic time of the sinusoidal waveform, the greater must be the angular velocity of the waveform. Likewise in the equation above for the frequency quantity, the higher the frequency the higher the angular velocity.
Sinusoidal Waveform Example No1
A sinusoidal waveform is defined as: Vm = 169.8 sin(377t) volts. Calculate the RMS voltage of the waveform, its frequency and the instantaneous value of the voltage after a time of 6ms.
We know from above that the general expression given for a sinusoidal waveform is:
Then comparing this to our given expression for a sinusoidal waveform above of Vm = 169.8 sin(377t) will give us the peak voltage value of 169.8 volts for the waveform.
The waveforms RMS voltage is calculated as:
The angular velocity (ω) is given as 377 rad/s. Then 2πƒ = 377. So the frequency of the waveform is calculated as:
The instantaneous voltage Vi value after a time of 6mS is given as:
Note that the phase angle at time t = 6mS is given in radians. We could quite easily convert this to degrees if we wanted to and use this value instead to calculate the instantaneous voltage value. The angle in degrees will therefore be given as:
Sinusoidal Waveform
Then the generalised format used for analysing and calculating the various values of a Sinusoidal Waveform is as follows:
A Sinusoidal Waveform
In the next tutorial about Phase Difference we will look at the relationship between two sinusoidal waveforms that are of the same frequency but pass through the horizontal zero axis at different time intervals.
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Message 14 of 14 on the subject |
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Message 21 of 198 on the subject |
LOINS = LIONS another reference to the Sphinx.
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Message 22 of 198 on the subject |
Péndulo simple
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El péndulo simple (también llamado péndulo matemático o péndulo ideal) es un sistema idealizado constituido por una partícula de masa m que está suspendida de un punto fijo o mediante un hilo inextensible y sin peso. Naturalmente es imposible la realización práctica de un péndulo simple, pero si es accesible a la teoría.
El péndulo simple o matemático se denomina así en contraposición a los péndulos reales, compuestos o físicos, únicos que pueden construirse.
Ecuación del movimiento[editar]
Péndulo simple. Esquema de fuerzas..
Método de Newton[editar]
Consideremos un péndulo simple, como el representado en la Figura. Si desplazamos la partícula desde la posición de equilibrio hasta que el hilo forme un ángulo Θ con la vertical, y luego la abandonamos partiendo del reposo, el péndulo oscilará en un plano vertical bajo la acción de la gravedad. Las oscilaciones tendrán lugar entre las posiciones extremas Θ y -Θ, simétricas respecto a la vertical, a lo largo de un arco de circunferencia cuyo radio es la longitud, , del hilo. El movimiento es periódico, pero no podemos asegurar que sea armónico.
Para determinar la naturaleza de las oscilaciones deberemos escribir la ecuación del movimiento de la partícula.
La partícula se mueve sobre un arco de circunferencia bajo la acción de dos fuerzas: su propio peso (mg) y la tensión del hilo (N), siendo la fuerza motriz la componente tangencial del peso. Aplicando la segunda ley de Newton obtenemos:
siendo at, la aceleración tangencial y donde hemos incluido el signo negativo para manifestar que la fuerza tangencial tiene siempre sentido opuesto al desplazamiento (fuerza recuperadora).
Al tratarse de un movimiento circular, podemos poner
siendo la aceleración angular, de modo que la ec. dif. del movimiento es:
Esta ec. dif. no corresponde a un movimiento armónico simple (m.a.s.) debido a la presencia de la función seno, de modo que podemos asegurar que el movimiento del péndulo simple no es armónico simple, en general.
Método de Lagrange[editar]
El lagrangiano del sistema es
donde es la elongación angular (ángulo que forma el hilo con la vertical) y es la longitud del hilo. Aplicando las ecuaciones de Lagrange se sigue
y obtenemos la ecuación del movimiento es
de modo que la masa no interviene en el movimiento de un péndulo.
Pequeñas oscilaciones[editar]
Péndulo simple en movimiento armónico simple con oscilaciones pequeñas.
Para pequeñas oscilaciones, la función que representa la elongación angular con el tiempo, , es casi sinusoidal; para mayores amplitudes la oscilación ya no es sinusoidal. La figura muestra un movimiento de gran amplitud (negro), junto a un movimiento de pequeña amplitud (gris).
Si consideramos tan sólo oscilaciones de pequeña amplitud, de modo que el ángulo θ sea siempre suficientemente pequeño, entonces el valor del senθ será muy próximo al valor de θ expresado en radianes (senθ ≈ θ, para θ suficientemente pequeño), como podemos apreciar en la Tabla I, y la ec. dif. del movimiento se reduce a
que es idéntica a la ec. dif. correspondiente al m.a.s., refiriéndose ahora al movimiento angular en lugar de al movimiento rectilíneo, cuya solución es:
siendo ω la frecuencia angular de las oscilaciones, a partir de la cual determinamos el período de las mismas:
Las magnitudes y son dos constantes "arbitrarias" (determinadas por las condiciones iniciales) correspondientes a la amplitud angular y a la fase inicial del movimiento. Ambas tienen dimensiones de ángulo plano.
Comparación entre el valor de un ángulo (rad) y su seno.
Θ(º) | Θ(rad) | senΘ | dif. % | Θ(º) | Θ(rad) | senΘ | dif. % |
0 |
0,00000 |
0,00000 |
0,00 |
15 |
0,26180 |
0,25882 |
1,15 |
2 |
0,03491 |
0,03490 |
0,02 |
20 |
0,34907 |
0,34202 |
2,06 |
5 |
0,08727 |
0,08716 |
0,13 |
25 |
0,43633 |
0,42262 |
3,25 |
10 |
0,17453 |
0,17365 |
0,51 |
30 |
0,52360 |
0,50000 |
4,72 |
Obsérvese que el periodo del péndulo simple es independiente de la masa de la partícula suspendida y, también, de la amplitud de las oscilaciones, siempre que éstas sean suficientemente pequeñas como para que la aproximación senθ ≈ θ sea aceptable. Esta última propiedad, conocida como isocronismo de las pequeñas oscilaciones, fue descubierta por Galileo (1564-1642), hacia el año 1581, en la catedral de Pisa:
"Un día en que asistía, algo distraído sin duda, a una ceremonia religiosa, fijó su mirada en una lámpara de bronce, obra maestra de Benvenuto Cellini, que, suspendida de una larga cuerda, oscilaba con lentitud ante el altar. Quizás, con los ojos fijos en aquel metrónomo improvisado, unió su voz a la de los celebrantes; la lámpara se detuvo poco a poco y, atento Galileo a sus últimos movimientos, observó que marcaba siempre el mismo compás"
J. Bertrand: Galileo y sus trabajos
Esta última circunstancia fue la que más atrajo la atención de Galileo; a pesar de que la amplitud de las oscilaciones se iba reduciendo, permanecía sensiblemente constante la duración de las mismas. Galileo repitió muchas veces el experimento y acabó por descubrir la relación existente entre dicha duración y la longitud de la cuerda que soportaba al peso oscilante. Más adelante, hacia el año 1673, Christian Huygens encontró la expresión del periodo correspondiente a las oscilaciones de pequeña amplitud, basando su demostración en las leyes de caída de los graves, según las había enunciado Galileo.
Puesto que las pequeñas oscilaciones del péndulo son isócronas, resulta útil para la medida del tiempo (vide relojes de péndulo).
Oscilaciones de mayor amplitud[editar]
La integración de la ecuación del movimiento, sin la aproximación de pequeñas oscilaciones, es considerablemente más complicada e involucra integrales elípticas de primera especie, por lo que omitimos el desarrollo que llevaría a la siguiente solución:
Dependencia del período del péndulo con la amplitud angular de las oscilaciones. Para pequeñas oscilaciones, el cociente T/ T0 tiende a la unidad 1; pero tiende a infinito para ángulos cercanos a 180º.
donde es la amplitud angular. Así pues, el periodo es función de la amplitud de las oscilaciones.
En la Figura hemos representado gráficamente la variación de T (en unidades de T0) en función de θ, tomando un número creciente de términos en la expresión anterior. Se observará que el periodo T difiere significativamente del correspondiente a las oscilaciones de pequeña amplitud (T0) cuando θ > 20º. Para valores de θ suficientemente pequeños, la serie converge muy rápidamente; en esas condiciones será suficiente tomar tan sólo el primer término correctivo e, incluso, sustituir sen θ/2 por θ/2, de modo que tendremos
donde θ se expresará en radianes. Esta aproximación resulta apropiada en gran parte de las situaciones que encontramos en la práctica; de hecho, la corrección que introduce el término θ2/16 representa menos de 0.2% para amplitudes inferiores a 10°.
Para oscilaciones de pequeña amplitud, las expresiones anteriores se reducen a
Instrumento gravimétrico[editar]
El péndulo simple se utilizó en las primeras determinaciones precisas de la aceleración producida por la gravedad, debido a que tanto el periodo de las oscilaciones como la longitud de la cuerda pueden determinarse con facilidad. Podemos expresar g en función de T y de :
Ejemplo: Un péndulo simple se usa para medir la aceleración de la gravedad, usando T=2π√(1/g , el periodo T medido fue de (1.24±0.02) s. Y la longitud de (0.381±0.002) m. ¿Cuál es el valor resultante de g con 50% de incertidumbre absoluta y relativa?
T^2 = 4 π^2 l / g
g = 4 π^2 l / T^2
g = 4 π^2 0.381 / (1.24)^2 = 15.641 / 1.5376 = 9.7821 m/s^2
∆g = (∆l/l +2 ∆T/T) g
∆g = [(0.002/0.381) + 2 (0.02/1.24)] 9.7821 = 0.36 m/s^2
g = 9.78±0.36 m/s^2
Véase también[editar] |
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Message 23 of 198 on the subject |
| Péndulo simple. 250 × 193 - 9k - jpg | Para pequeñas oscilaciones 250 × 225 - 10k - png | período del péndulo con la 300 × 269 - 12k - jpg | Péndulo simple o 200 × 309 - 7k - jpg | 'Péndulo simple' 278 × 269 - 4k - png |
elasticidadmas.wikispa... Ecuación del movimiento 532 × 411 - 52k - jpg | El péndulo describe una 256 × 265 - 3k - gif |
es.movimientoperiodico... PENDULO SIMPLE 420 × 326 - 11k | oscilación de un péndulo 200 × 234 - 6k - gif | posiciones del péndulo: 265 × 215 - 3k - gif | Péndulo Físico 385 × 323 - 6k - png | Un péndulo simple se puede 532 × 411 - 52k - jpeg | Figura 2. 200 × 200 - 5k - jpg | Péndulo físico. 257 × 269 - 19k - jpg | 'Péndulo Electrostático' 402 × 281 - 6k - png | 1: péndulo simple[editar] 250 × 220 - 19k - png |
fisicagalileogalilei.b... Debido a su acercamiento 330 × 325 - 5k - png | péndulo simple 309 × 422 - 18k - png |
fafisica114.wikispaces... pendulo.jpg 240 × 224 - 13k - jpg | de un péndulo. 154 × 213 - 6k - png |
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Message 24 of 198 on the subject |
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Message 25 of 198 on the subject |
About 2 weeks ago we started hearing rumors that strange microwave transmissions were being detected. Eventually it was discovered that these transmission were coming from about 100 feet below the ice about 15 miles from the station. An expedition was sent to that location to investigate the area. What they found were not only microwave transmissions, but also radioactive activity as well as a tremendous amount of heat originating below the ice which was melting the ice.
This is when it all got really strange. Within days a team was sent from the US with heavy earth moving equipment. It was all classified and only a few members of the station are privy to was going on. That team and their equipment was sent to the location probably to dig up whatever was under the ice. About 4 hours after their team and equipment went to the site they all came back. There were 18 of them and 7 of them had to be treated by our doctors for some sort of radiation poisoning.
What is more disturbing is the look on the faces of those team members as well as the look on the faces of the few guys at the station that are in the know when they returned. They all look like they saw a ghost. Totally scared and acting erratic.
Now this are is totally off limits to us an is being guarded by the US military. Rumor is another team from the US is coming to resume the investigation from the Army Corp of Engineers.
The discussion of whatever may or may not be under Antarctica begins at approx. the 30 second mark in this video
Superman, or Saturn Man, Notice the Snake Symbol/Sine Wave
The Cube of Saturn, our 3D prison matrix, is related to ice, as in ice cubes. Everywhere shitheads are doing the "Ice Bucket Challenge" ritual, dumping ICE CUBES over their heads in baptism to Saturn.
Here's Rapper (That's a Wrap) ICE CUBE...
The Jews should come up with Country Rap, or, Crap!!!!
Quantum mechanics is Kabballah. The Twin Towers are Time and Space, the gateway to 'Heaven'.
Notice the Muslims worship Kaballah, sorry, Allah? They march around a Saturn Cube called a Kaballah, sorry again, Kaba.... at their MOST HOLY SITE reenacting the counter clockwise cloudstorm on Saturns hexagram. Just a coincidence.
Storm on Saturn and Hypercube Worship.
Cern is actually performing RITUAL MAGICK.
Jesuits - started by a Spanish Illuminati Jew
CERN logo = 666
The symbol of knowledge throughout the ancient world was the snake, or serpent. This is not symbolic of the disinfo "Reptilians" but a symbol of TIME. The snake eats its tail, the program repeats.
A snakes movements even approximate a sine wave. Take the sine wave and turn it sideways... voila...time is money!
Red and Blue. The SINe Wave and COSIN wave. If you do not have good credit (gone into slavery to the Jews) you need a COSIN wave, or CO SIGNER.
The Inter NET or World Wide WEB was developed by CERN. We should have conCERN and disCERN what the PsychoPedoGoofs and their followers (fall lower) are doing.
When you type a domain address ( a dress) you type www. W is the 23rd letter of the Alpha Bet. 2 x 3 = 6. WWW is 666.
You plug into the ETHERNET. The Ether is where the dead and spirits reside. The cathode ray tube was developed by Thomas Crookesto communicate to the Spirit Realm. Crookes was a member of the Theosophical Society and The Golden Dawn. Tell EL Vision was the result, the most powerful hypnotic tool devised, completely run the the Satanic Kikes. All the logos of the Tel EL communication companies are using Saturnian symbols and language. Telus, Bell Apple
Firefox. Fire engulfs the World. FOX is 666 numerologically. FOX NEWS anyone?
Named after Bill Gates' penis, Micro soft employs the 4 cycles of life contained in the cube prison. Green is infancy, yellow is youth, blue is adulthood and red is old age. We are being exhorted to "THINK GREEN" because we are "IN THE RED" - to harness our psychic energies (and pocketbooks) to reboot their Satanic system. It seems the EL ite must manually reboot the system as the days of SATAN are few.
The Compass and Square of Freemasonry (crypto Jews) is the Hexagram. The X at the top is also a symbol of Saturn.
X BOX 360. 3 + 6 = 9.It is signalling the reboot of the Saturn Mainframe - going 'Green" heralding the New Golden Age, in other words all the same crap all over again.
Saturn Sigil and Harvester. Cross and SIN wave.
Game (GAY MEN) Cube
The Cube opened...
The INTER NET (to inter, imprison in a net) is connected to Saturn via the Moon. The Moon is a hollow sphere probably gyroscopically powered.
Here are some quick facts that anyone can go over to explain how we know that the moon is a giant ARTIFICIAL body:
1. The moon rotates at the same speed as it orbits earth which is why we see the same side of it all the time 2. The moon is positioned perfectly so that it perfectly eclipses the sun
3. The moon’s orbit around earth is almost perfectly circular and not elliptical as would be normal for most orbits
4. The moon rang like a bell when the spacecraft landed on it (a sign it is mostly hollow)
5. All craters (except for the really small ones) go down to the same depth regardless of diameter, a sign that some impenetrable artificial surface exists below the moon dust
The Moon's diameter is 3500km
The Sun has a diameter of 1,4oo,000km
1400000 divided by 3500 = 400
So the Diameter of the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon,
The distance of the Moon to the Earth is 375000 km
The distance of the Sun to the Earth is 150,000,000 km
150 million divided by 375000 = 400
So the Sun is 400 times further away from the Moon so they appear to be the same size and have TOTAL ECLIPSES.
The Moon rotates at a rate to the Earth that we only see the one side.
Just a coincidence. Saturn is the Mainframe Computer, the Lord of the Rings.. The Crystals (not ice) that form the Rings create TIME as they spin. Remember, God is TIMELESS and ETERNAL. Although the MATRIX movies are loaded with Masonic mumbo jumbo programming, they must "Save Zion", they might just be more real than we imagine. What if our reality really is a pre programmed virtual world? It seems that the Zions must reset the Matrix, and fast, or we may wake out our slumber and ruin the program.
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Message 26 of 198 on the subject |
The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse
Please Be Sure to Read Part 1
Please Be Sure To Read Part 2
CERN, the LHC that is working to find new “particles” and open portals will reach full power on March 23, 2015. According to a lead scientist, CERN has been harvesting energy during the shutdown and will be twice as powerful as it was the first time it was turned on. CERN is “breaking a new energy domain.” The more energy the fully renovated machine has, the deeper scientists can dig into dark matter.
What are they searching for?
There are multiple projects and objectives with CERN, but they all come back to one goal. They want to recreate the big bang. According to Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN, “I want to find the first light in the dark universe.” How exactly are they planning on doing this? According to them, finding the light involves extensive probing and research of dark matter. To simplify, they are bending space and time to open portals.
Max Planck, German theoretical physicist who originated the quantum theory stated, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this source the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
CERN – The Hive Mind
By this quote we can conclude that the Higgs Boson, which holds matter together, is actually consciousness. In the field of Quantum Physics it is known that the actual substance of the universe is consciousness, not matter. Consciousness is defined as, “the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.” What CERN is trying to activate is the hive mind, a state of collective consciousness that would tie us to technology and supercomputers. This is the false awakening. The only true awakening is in Christ.
For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” – Ephesians 5:14
What is the science behind it?
CERN uses Quantum Physics which seeks to understand the properties of solids, atoms, nuclei, sub nuclear particles and light. This field of science is tied to the esoteric teachings of the Qabalah.
Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Quantum Physics has found through various experiments that sound is the basis of form and shape. By using different frequencies humans are able to manipulate matter. We can make music visible using cymatics. Also frequencies effect our minds by manipulating our emotions. Scientists believe DNA emits and takes in frequencies and these are what cause emotion.
So if consciousness is the substance of the universe and the intelligent mind is the “matrix of all matter”, then by changing frequencies you can change consciousness. CERN is using this scientific data to activate a collective consciousness and hive mind, thus collecting more energy. As consciousness changes, perception changes. Changing consciousness on a large scale would cause the world to change.
While the power elite try to keep us in the frequency of fear in order to further dominate the planet, God promises us that perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).
The Solar Conundrum
It is prophesied in the Bible that there will be signs in the heavens during the end times. Coming up are quite a few important astrological events to remember. Earths alignments with Saturn, the sun and the moon open windows of opportunity for ritual magic. The dates below are occult holidays as well.
On March 20, 2015 there is a full solar eclipse that will be seen over Europe. Not only that, but also it is also the spring equinox.
“March 20 could be the most intense day this year. The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness….” (Kate Beddow).
It is during this time that CERN will be ramping up. Why at this time? As stated above March 20th will be a day that will open portals to “higher consciousness.” Remember that CERN is using consciousness in their experiments to try to create a collective conscience and bring in the New World Order. On this day the spiritual realm will become more active and many negative entities can feed off of those who haven’t yet found Christ.
In a total solar eclipse the sun goes dark for a short time. This will not happen again until 2034. Many may not see the meaning behind this event but it indeed is very rare and has a dark representation.
In the words of Manly P. Hall, “In the majority of cases, the religions of antiquity agree that the material visible sun was a reflector rather than a source of power. The sun was sometimes represented as a shield carried on the arm of the Sun God, as for example, Frey, the Scandinavian Solar Deity. This sun reflected the light of the invisible spiritual sun, which was the true source of life, light, and truth. The physical nature of the universe is receptive; it is a realm of effects. The invisible causes of these effects belong to the spiritual world. Hence, the spiritual world is the sphere of causation; the material world is the sphere of effects.”
Many teachings from ancient times tell about a hidden sun or a black sun. This black sun is actually Saturn which represents Satan. As the sun is darkened by the moon, the alignment is made, a key in a lock is turned opening a gateway into the abyss.
April 4, 2015 there will be a total lunar eclipse. The sun, Earth and moon will be aligned. This is part of the four blood moons. This occurs the day before Easter which is an occult sacrifice day celebrating the death of Christ. Because many of the occultists believe that Satan is god, the death of Jesus Christ is a time of celebration. During this ritual they reenact the crucifixion.
May 22, 2015; It is no coincidence that CERN is expecting its first particle collisions around the time that Saturn aligns with the Earth and sun. When Saturn is at opposition it is at its brightest and largest in the sky. With Saturn being the black sun, this is another day to pay attention to. CERN is operating in line with these events.
June 21, 2015 is the summer solstice when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. The new age movement sees the solstice as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. This is another day of ritual magic often called Midsummers Eve. On the same leyline as CERN is Stonehenge, Tallaght Hill of the Fair Gods, and The Great Sphinx of Giza. These three ancient sites correspond with the summer solstice sunrise. The Great Sphinx faces the sunrise. The sun pours through an ancient passageway at Stonehenge and onto the center alter. At Tallaght Hill the solstice sun is reflects off of Lin Oir or “golden ponds”.
Below you can see the ley line that passes through CERN. The points on the map are “sacred sites”.
Please check out the article we wrote about CERN leylines. This article will show how the occultists are using ancient sites during ritual events on these specific dates to open the abyss.
CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse, the truth behind ley lines is next!
To be continued…
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Message 27 of 198 on the subject |
The great cycle/year platonic cubing the sphere
The higher self Wrote: (12-21-2013 01:41 AM)
Area 51 x 511 is 26061 +/-1 26000 63 in binary 111111 or 11:11 (two dots another 11) five Platonic solids one sphere.
26 capital letters 26 small letters 0-9 (10 numbers) 1 space
A sine wave has five points to complete the cycle in a circle to produce a yin yang symbol.
In one hemisphere and into the next then out the center. Rinse, wash, repeat
the self existant one Registered User User ID: 207112 12-21-2013 03:02 AM Posts: 1,122
The great cycle/year platonic cubing the sphere
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Message 28 of 198 on the subject |
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Message 29 of 198 on the subject |
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Message 30 of 198 on the subject |
This post is filled with connections to the KEY 528. Time to connect the mystic Jakob Bohme, and his 'visions' directly to the Vatican. Below is diagram of his called the Signatura Rerum.Quite famous piece of work in certain 'circles'. Please understand the modern day Kabbalist references this man's work...And Jakob's work can be traced back to Hermetic alchemy. And Hermetic alchemy is traced back to the engimas called Thoth/Hermes/Mercury. These two images are discussing exactly the same thing. And they are both oriented to make the best comparisons. Personally I did not expect to find what I did... It is far too easy to prove that these two archetypes are intimately connected and pointing us to a specific moment in time. Please observe the 12 statues and the 4 lamp posts, these are the obvious connections, but for the moment, let's move on. Then when we further compare those images to these next two. Then you realize the common denominator are the 4 axis of symmetry. And the 4 axis of symmetry means we have an eight-pointed star. The Star of Venus. Maybe Goz can tell us all he knows about Venus? Buddhist depiction of 8-pointed star. There are many many ways our most ancient ancestors depicted the 8-pointed Star of Venus but what interests me more is how a modern man, quite small in statue, only 5' tall, a diminutive man driven by a lost love, who apparently was able to duplicate feats only performed by the ancients... move massive blocks of stone by himself.The Empirical physicists, the men who wish to be King, still have NOT figured out, how this uneducated man created the Coral Castle. Here is how Ed Leedskalnin depicted the 8-pointed Star of Venus, and please note, both depictions, the ancient and modern of the Star of Venus is a clue to working some real magic... IMHO 345 345 345 Those three numbers represent the right angle triangle and this next image represents why we need 345. Because 345 is connected intimately to the double helix. Whether it is man or the grand architect...THEY must use right triangles...understand build empires using light/EM. Now imagine the forces that can move those blocks here on earth, being the same forces that resurrect themselves in 2012. The Lorentz factor (a.k.a. the butterfly effect) is all about 345 and the right triangle. Our DNA builds using 345. Can you see the wings of the butterfly in the above two photos? Can you see the two S figures? Thus can you see the SS, the Spiritus Sanctus know also as the Holy Spirit? A shifting...morphing Electro-magnetic Field...IS the Holy Spirit/Holy Grail...I can feel it.And VENUS was her name and she looks hot in REDAnd the goddess looks hot ... Hell YES ... count me, err us both in. 2bee continued of course namaste golem / Raphael
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
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Message 31 of 198 on the subject |
The Lesson of the Lights by Malcolm McEwen,thesongoftheuniverseThe Sri Chakra of Sharda (circa 800AD) depicting Shakti in creation and showing the three circles of the creation (Space, Time and the Universe), the central core of the Singularity (God) and the four gates (the four laws of physics) surrounded by 43 triangles (the steps to completion) The quantum plumb diagram of atomic nuclei showing the three colour charges, the flavours as spatial placement, the gluons as bi-coloured rectangles and the integer spin visualised as the route a quark must move through to traverse the nuclei and return to it’s original position; represented here as two rotations, one inside the other. @ Ralph I am trying to plow through that site as well. Some of the info on that site resonates and some of it is quite confusing. I guess they all hold bits and pieces of Truth, Stephen M Phillips, Tony Smith, Wing Y. Pon aka (holon 137), D G Leahy and this Spanish dude amongst many others whom are all holding some of the beads of the Sacred Rosary, although none hold the Rosary It self. I gueSS its our job to select and match so that WE can finally become ONE with the sacred Rosary and decipher all 108 beads. WE are getting closer of course to hold poSSe52ion of it. Namaste, Mo
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Message 32 of 198 on the subject |
Is your cup half full or half empty now? I just had a thought...followed by the truth chill...which means I am getting warmer. Let me present what I believe to be...3 representations of the SUN bending the fabric of SpaceTime.1st image on the left has the SUN represented by the 6 pointed Star of David/hexagram/hexagon in the center of the Freemason Tracing Board.And it is no coincidence that the 6x6 magic square is also associated with the SUN.2nd image in the center is Einstein's explanation. 3rd image is my addendum to ALL of the above...the "what goes up, must come down" theory of gravity... (what kind of rotations/flips/tricks can ganesh do...well it all depends on the escape velocity, the height attained?) Apparently EINSTEIN forgot to apply the fundamental action/reaction law.For every action there is a reaction...That Elephant or Sun bending SPACETIME fabric could be the result of a pulsation similar to how a speaker pulsates..or or or the magic we see in CYMATICS.What if the membrane covering the black hole called the event horizon is similar to a trampoline? And the mass of sun bends SPACETIME in a similar manner to a trampoline? And what if we should prepare for what Einstein forgot to incorporate into his theory. REACTION force... Spring is coiled? What if? Just a needed addendum to the theory of relativity...and other blah blah blah. SO GRAVITY is somehow connected to SOUND waves? namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein |
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Message 33 of 198 on the subject |
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
De izquierda a derecha: Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Thomas Edison, Aristoteles, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins y Charles Darwin.
Do you notice the symbolic 8 rays within the circle? Symbolic of the star Sirius.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
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Message 68 of 75 on the subject |
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Message 69 of 75 on the subject |
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Message 71 of 75 on the subject |
fleur de lis= escorpion= octavo signo zodiacal
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Message 72 of 75 on the subject |
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Message 73 of 75 on the subject |
cubo=19= 235 ciclos lunares= saturno
19 años=235 ciclos lunares
las matematicas son exactas para el todopoderoso
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Message 74 of 75 on the subject |
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