Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de NARDO puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
1232. Salmos 128:3:Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa; Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti. 49:9Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará? 49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
¿PORQUE MARIA MAGDALENA UNGE LOS PIES DE JESUS EN 49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto. 49:12Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche. (LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)
1. Cantares 1:12: Mientras el rey estaba en su reclinatorio, Mi NARDO dio su olor.
2. Cantares 4:13: Tus renuevos son paraíso de granados, con frutos suaves, De flores de alheña y NARDOs;
3. Cantares 4:14:NARDO y azafrán, caña aromática y canela, Con todos los árboles de incienso; Mirra y áloes, con todas las principales especias aromáticas.
4. Marcos 14:3: Pero estando él en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, y sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de NARDO puro de mucho precio; y quebrando el vaso de alabastro, se lo derramó sobre su cabeza.
Mateo 2:1 Cuando Jesús nació en Belén de Judea en días del rey Herodes, vinieron del oriente a Jerusalén unos magos, (ORION EN EL CONTEXTO A TABERNACULOS) 2:2 diciendo: ¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos, que ha nacido? Porque su estrella hemos visto en el oriente, y venimos a adorarle. 2:3 Oyendo esto, el rey Herodes se turbó, y toda Jerusalén con él. (HERODES ERA EDOMITA, osea, que aqui hay un nexo CON PETRA/LUNA CRECIENTE/EDOM) 2:4 Y convocados todos los principales sacerdotes, y los escribas del pueblo, les preguntó dónde había de nacer el Cristo. 2:5 Ellos le dijeron: En Belén de Judea; porque así está escrito por el profeta: 2:6 Y tú, Belén, de la tierra de Judá, No eres la más pequeña entre los príncipes de Judá; Porque de ti saldrá un guiador, Que apacentará a mi pueblo Israel. (ISIS/RA/ELOHIM- HAY UN NEXO CON LA LUNA CRECIENTE EN CONTEXTO AL SOL NACIENTE/RA) 2:7 Entonces Herodes, llamando en secreto a los magos, indagó de ellos diligentemente el tiempo de la aparición de la estrella; 2:8 y enviándolos a Belén, dijo: Id allá y averiguad con diligencia acerca del niño; y cuando le halléis, hacédmelo saber, para que yo también vaya y le adore. 2:9 Ellos, habiendo oído al rey, se fueron; y he aquí la estrella que habían visto en el oriente iba delante de ellos, hasta que llegando, se detuvo sobre donde estaba el niño. 2:10 Y al ver la estrella, se regocijaron con muy grande gozo. (REGOCIJO ES SINONIMO DE LA FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS) 2:11 Y al entrar en la casa, vieron al niño con su madre María, y postrándose, lo adoraron; y abriendo sus tesoros, le ofrecieron presentes: oro, incienso y mirra. 2:12 Pero siendo avisados por revelación en sueños que no volviesen a Herodes, regresaron a su tierra por otro camino. 2:13 Después que partieron ellos, he aquí un ángel del Señor apareció en sueños a José y dijo: Levántate y toma al niño y a su madre, y huye a Egipto, y permanece allá hasta que yo te diga; porque acontecerá que Herodes buscará al niño para matarlo. 2:14 Y él, despertando, tomó de noche al niño y a su madre, y se fue a Egipto, 2:15 y estuvo allá hasta la muerte de Herodes; para que se cumpliese lo que dijo el Señor por medio del profeta, cuando dijo: De Egipto llamé a mi Hijo. 2:16 Herodes entonces, cuando se vio burlado por los magos, se enojó mucho, y mandó matar a todos los niños menores de dos años que había en Belén y en todos sus alrededores, conforme al tiempo que había inquirido de los magos. 2:17 Entonces se cumplió lo que fue dicho por el profeta Jeremías, cuando dijo: 2:18 Voz fue oída en Ramá, Grande lamentación, lloro y gemido; Raquel que llora a sus hijos, Y no quiso ser consolada, porque perecieron. 2:19 Pero después de muerto Herodes, he aquí un ángel del Señor apareció en sueños a José en Egipto, 2:20 diciendo: Levántate, toma al niño y a su madre, y vete a tierra de Israel, porque han muerto los que procuraban la muerte del niño. 2:21 Entonces él se levantó, y tomó al niño y a su madre, y vino a tierra de Israel. 2:22 Pero oyendo que Arquelao reinaba en Judea en lugar de Herodes su padre, tuvo temor de ir allá; pero avisado por revelación en sueños, se fue a la región de Galilea, 2:23 y vino y habitó en la ciudad que se llama Nazaret, para que se cumpliese lo que fue dicho por los profetas, que habría de ser llamado nazareno.
The color Black is for Isis Mourning Red is also her color
Lady in Red, Lady of the Red Apparel, and Black-robed Isis So the Black and Red inner four stones go with the Isis theme She is Mistress of all the element Queen of the Winds Queen of the Earth Queen of the Rivers Lady of the Flame
The Greco-Roman festival of Ploiaphesia, also called Isidis Navigum, the Festival of the Ship of Isis, celebrates Isis as sea goddess and as the goddess of navigation
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
Two brass pillars named Boaz and Jachin stood in the porch of the Temple. (1 Kings 7:15; 7:21; 2 Kings 11:14; 23:3). Boaz stood on the left (the north) and Jachin on the right (the south). The Bible records their measurements as 27 feet (8.2 m) high and 6 feet (1.8 m) wide (18 by 12 cubits) with a hollow of 4 fingers thick. (Jeremiah 52:21–22). Their 8-foot (2.4 m) high brass capitals were each decorated with rows of 200 carved brass pomegranates, wreathed with seven chains and topped with lilies. (1 Kings 7:13–22, 41–42; 2 Chronicles 4:13) According to most translations of 1 Kings 7:13–22, these two pillars were cast of brass, though some believe the original Hebrew word used to describe their material, "nehosheth", is actually either bronze or copper, because the Hebrews were unfamiliar with zinc which, along with copper, is required to create brass.[12][13]
The two pillars had their parallel not only at Tyre but at Byblus, Paphos, and Telloh (see, however, De Sarzec, "Découvertes en Chaldée," pp. 62–64). In Egypt the obelisks expressed the same idea. Those were phallic emblems, being survivals of the primitive Hamito-Semitic "maẓẓebah". Jachin and Boaz were really isolated columns, as Schick has shown, and not, as some have supposed, a part of the ornamentation of the building. Their tops were crowned with ornamentation as if they were lamps; and W. R. Smith supposed that they may have been used as fire-altars. This assumes that they contained cressets for burning the fat.[9]
Zinc the philosopher's stone, the galvanic natural organic battery of life that for sure Hebrews knew.
Why pork was forbidden for the Hebrews ? because of it's high zinc content
Jachin and Boaz construction from the rhombic dodecahedron state of the hypercube
6 + 9 = 15 = 1111 binary - the cubes of the hipercube crash in the pyra-midd-le through the s-piral-led axis. Pira stands for Latin fire.
Mark 15.33 - Mark the Lion symbol of Judea
And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
15 = 1111 3 = binary 11 - 33 = 1111
6 June 2012 Venus sun transit over the bull Taurus horns, the birth of the sun Christ study. Constructed over the rhombic dodecahedron hexagonal beehive Da Vinci pomegranate key the pentagram, heptagram and the Enneagram or Nona-gram. Component of 7 and 5 is the Galactic equator at 60 degrees mangnetic string component the Uranus seventh planet axis mon-key and also confirmed by Voyager actual 60 degrees magnetic component striking the solar system. Mercury first planet mon-key and messenger of the Gods will be on the galactic equator.
Number 7 Gate of man mon-key on our actual Gemini ecliptic position, below the same over Sagitarius with the Gate of the Gods. The great pyramid 51,42 angle matching with the heptagram singularity 1-7 mon-key vesica Pi-scis TT arch of Arch-i-medes. The obelisk goes down up to grown 0 with it's 69 feet of Cleopatras needle. The nonagram touches all the inside yellow ring points, the third ring of fire of the Lord together with its two Twin Gemini towers Jachin and Boaz constructed on other diagram. So 9 is re-nova-tion, death and regeneration concept, the grandmother in Italy is the Nonna. 7 Pleiades, 7 Hyades sons of Atlas galactic center mon-key same as Praesepe counterpart symmetry in Cancer, the 777 codex. S- EVEN being S the changing spiral 6 to 9 when tides of the seven seas get even http://andrewgough.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3596&start=375
Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.(49:17 EQUIVALE A 13:8-AQUI ESTA CODIFICADA LA CAIDA DE LOS TEMPLARIOS Y LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU)
Lucas 18:1 También les refirió Jesús una parábola sobre la necesidad de orar siempre, y no desmayar, 18:2 diciendo: Había en una ciudad un juez, que ni temía a Dios, ni respetaba a hombre. 18:3 Había también en aquella ciudad una viuda, la cual venía a él, diciendo: Hazme justicia de mi adversario. 18:4 Y él no quiso por algún tiempo; pero después de esto dijo dentro de sí: Aunque ni temo a Dios, ni tengo respeto a hombre, 18:5 sin embargo, porque esta viuda me es molesta, le haré justicia, no sea que viniendo de continuo, me agote la paciencia. 18:6 Y dijo el Señor: Oíd lo que dijo el juez injusto. 18:7 ¿Y acaso Dios no hará justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Se tardará en responderles? 18:8 Os digo que pronto les hará justicia. Pero cuando venga el Hijo del Hombre, ¿hallará fe en la tierra?
55. Mateo 23:14: ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las VIUDAs, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación.
56. Marcos 12:40: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones. Estos recibirán mayor condenación.
65. Lucas 20:47: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones; éstos recibirán mayor condenación.
¿"Devoran la casas de las viudas" no es una alusion a que devoran la casa/linaje de la viuda? ¿Porque Jesucristo incluso relaciona la viuda con JUAN MARCOS en Hechos 12:12?
1. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre MARCOS, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.
2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
Éxodo 20:17: No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la MUJER de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.
Los revisionistas históricos ponen en duda ahora la fecha del 12 de octubre de 1492. Dicen que fue un día después. Colón además estafó a un marinero: Aquí los datos
En los últimos años el descubrimiento de América por parte de Cristóbal Colón es puesto bajo la lupa de los revisionistas históricos mucho más que cualquier otro hecho reciente de la humanidad y desde ese lugar comienza a surgir muchas dudas sobre la versión oficial.
A la polémica sobre si debe festejarse el descubrimiento del nuevo mundo o condenarse la conquista salvaje de los europeos sobre América, se suma ahora datos que revelan como la política y las obsecuencias también jugaron un rol fundamental hace cinco siglos atrás.
Ya nadie pone en duda que el afán de llegar a otras tierras era puramente comercial y de apropiación de nuevas rutas para mayor poder económico, y en ese aspecto el italiano Colón era un experto negociante con sed de llenarse los bolsillos de ganancias.
En ese marco, Colón estaba “casado” con los reyes Católicos que avalaron su aventura, y por eso señores, es hora de decir la verdad: no hubo entrega de joyas y dinero por parte de la reina Isabel para ello, sino un castigo ejemplar para un pueblo de la España reconquistada a los moros.
La ciudad de Palos –desde donde partió Colón— debió pagar toda la preparación del viaje con impuestos y expropiaciones en castigo por la ayuda que, según los nobles reyes, estos ciudadanos había otorgado a lo musulmanes durante la ocupación, además de ser socios de contrabando y piratería en contra de la corona.
Así, Colón luego de entablar una sociedad con los hermanos Pinzón, partieron en agosto de 1492, y ante los nervios creados en la expedición por no llegar a tierra en el tiempo determinado, el capítán de la expedición, una semana antes de descubrir el nuevo mundo, puso en juego una recompensa de 10 mil maravedíes para el primer hombre que avistará continente.
Eso fue lo que vio por primera vez desde el carajo de la carabela La Pinta, el sevillano de Triana, Juan Rodríguez Bermejo, cuando se vio la costa de la actual isla de Bahamas, y festejó su suerte y nueva adquisición económica.
Colón –fiel a su estilo tramposo- nunca se lo pagó al alegar que él desde la Santa Mmaría había visto primero la línea de tierra en el horizonte y como no era su rol anunciarlo solo se alistó para la llegada. Una vil mentira.
Esto sucedió en el amanecer del sábado 13 de octubre de 1492, según destacan los revisionistas, y por el número fatídico de mala suerte, y por ser el 12 de octubre el día de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, patrona de los reyes católicos y viernes, jornada de la pasión de Cristo, el datos de ese día le cerraron mejor al genovés que así buscó complacer a sus mentores.
Con mentiras y falsedades Colón llegó a ese nuevo mundo sin saber que lo había descubierto y convencido que su imagen del mundo era como suponía: “la tierra es de forma de una teta de mujer”.
En ese marco, solo atinó a razonar que los habitantes de esas tierras eran hospitalarios y dóciles, aunque con una cultura muy arraigada, que por supuesto el conquistador nunca entendió.
Sin embargo Colón no era tan duro como se intenta contar en ete relato, y para reparar el engaño al marinero de Triana lo dejó elegir primero a una de las nativas para acostarse con él. Colón lo hizo después, pero esa ya es otra historia porque al parecer el generó el primer contagio de sífilis en el continente nuevo. Lindo para justificar un feriado y un homenaje ¿no?.
Como hemos visto en un mensaje anterior el verdadero dia de la llegada de Colon a America fue el 13 de Octubre y no el 12 como se lo toma tradicionalmente. Las tres naves que vienen desde el ESTE (TRES MARIAS/ORION), justamente simbolizan a LA ESTRELLA DEL ORIENTE DE MATEO 2, osea ORION. Este hecho tiene una analogia a Mateo 2 en el contexto a los magos cuando lo visitan a Nuestro Señor cuando era niño. ESTRELLA/STAR-ORIENTE/EAST
Si leemos ese capitulo vamos a observar que en ese contexto aparece Raquel.
47. Mateo 2:18: Voz fue oída en Ramá, Grande lamentación, lloro y gemido; RAQUEL que llora a sus hijos, Y no quiso ser consolada, porque perecieron.
Raquel tiene interrelacion con BETH-LEHEM (CASA DE PAN) EN GENESIS 35, en el contexto al nacimiento de Benjamin, cuando ella muere y es enterrada alli. Beth-Lehem en el zodiaco se trata de la constelacion de Virgo (aproximadamente desde el 20 de Agosto al 20 de septiembre). No es casualidad que DAN BROWN, presento su ultimo libro "THE LAST SYMBOL", EL 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE (VIRGO), en contexto a Washington D.C , ubicado en el estado de COLUMBIA (PALOMA DE NOE) que tiene interrelacion con la PALOMA DE NOE ubicada en el ZODIACO.
Ahora lo que es curioso es que el CUANDO SE REALIZO LA REFORMA DEL CALENDARIO JULIANO AL GREGORIANO, que fue el 4 de Octubre de 1582 se salteo el dia numero 13, ya que en ese cambio se paso de un jueves 4 de Octubre a un Viernes 15 de Octubre (salteando 10 dias) para volver a adaptar el calendario a la PASCUA, en el contexto a la misma QUE FUE EN NISEA (AÑO 300 D.C). Ustedes noten que dicha reforma fue a los 90 años del descubrimiento de America. Como se explico en un mensaje previo el 15 de septiembre ORION aparece en el ESTE a la medianoche (en contexto a la parabola de las 10 virgenes/Columbia). Si ustedes han visto el ICONO DE HOLLYWOOD "COLUMBIA PICTURES" habran observado que la misma pisa una PI-RAMIDE (NEXO CON EL NUMERO PI) EN EL CONTEXTO A LA ILUMINACION Y AL ARCO IRIS (PACTO DE NOE). LA PI-RAMIDE QUE PISA COLUMBIA/ISTAR (PELIROJA), no es casualidad, tiene nexo con los 227 dias que hay desde el 1 de enero hasta el 15 de Agosto y desde el 1 de Marzo hasta el 13 de Octubre (Ultima aparicion de la "virgen de fatima"). Noten que en el antiguo calendario MARZO ERA EL PRIMER MES Y OBVIAMENTE OCTUBRE EL OCTAVO. Hay algo curioso porque desde el 13 de Octubre hasta el 15 de Agosto tambien tenemos 306 dias=2x153 (tambien interrelacionados con NOE). OSEA QUE EN EL ICONO DE HOLLYWOOD ESTA CODIFICADO EL DESCUBRIMIENTO DE AMERICA EN CONEXTO A ORION (TRES CARABELAS/TRES MARIAS)
Rennes Chateau: Mary Magdalene the one Jesus loved the most
by Carolyn Shield
Mary Magdalene plays a major role this past week in the Easter story of Jesus's Resurrection. She is the first one that Jesus appears to after he rises from the dead. He doesn't appear to Peter, John, James his brother, or even his mother. He appears to the one who he loves the most Mary Magdalene. She followed him through his journeys and supported his cause financially. She is at the Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection. Pope John Paul II has called her the "Apostle to the Apostles". She is named fourteen times in the bible more than most of the apostles. Magdalene is mentioned more than Mother Mary in the bible. Jesus cured her of a serious illness and as a result saved her life. Her bravery is outstanding when compared with Saint Peter. It is Saint Augustine who said "it was the Holy Spirit who made Magdalene the Apostle of the Apostles." We are lucky to have the Gospel of Mary Magdalene which she tells the Apostles secret teachings Jesus taught her. Jesus teaches a woman and then this woman teaches his Apostles. It is another terrific part of the story. No more Magdalene carries the false label of the prostitute but not an equal to the Apostles. Many can debate if she is seated next to Jesus in Da Vinci's Last Supper. It is her actions that speak for themselves. She has earned the right to be seated with the Apostles.
At Rennes Chateau in France Mary Magdalene carries a cross and holds a urn. On the cross she bears is a five pointed star. The five pointed star is the symbol of Venus. Titian has a painting called Venus with Mirror. The two cherubs are there holding her mirror.
Hit the link to see the Rennes Chateau image of Mary Magdalene carrying the cross below her feet are two cherubs. In the mirror the eye of the goddess Venus is older and more wrinkled. She will be crowned by roses which have thorns. In the mirror do we see the all seeing eye of the goddess peering back at her. The Egyptian all seeing eye of the goddess Wedjet known as green one and the Greeks called it "risen one".
Titian Pieta is his last painting. In the painting we see Mary Magdalene with two cherubs one above and the other below. A woman carrying the cross crowned with rose crown of thorns. She was a Cumaen Sibyl who predicted the coming of the savior.
It is interesting that the cherubs under Magdalene at Rennes Chateau are pointing down and one wonders if there is a crypt under the church. The cherubs are seen in many paintings dealing with the burial of Christ. Bourdon, Poussin, Titian, and others have placed the cherubs with Magdalene and the other women at Jesus grave. These women who came to Jesus's grave possibly had children. The cherubs in the paintings maybe a symbol representing the children of the Holy Family or children of Jerusalem. Luke 23:28-31 says
"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us'; and to the hills, 'Cover us'. For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
It doesn't surprise me that Venus the goddess of Love whose symbol is the five pointed star would be connected to Mary Magdalene. It could be the reason for the symbol on the tree cross that she carries. Venus symbol has a cross in it for its astrological symbol. It is connected to the Ankh. The key of life to the Egyptians connected to Isis and eternal life.
Venus retrogrades every 584 days (19 months) making five retrograde points around the Sun. After eight years, Venus forms a five-pointed star in the sky. Ishtar and Astarte carry the jar of life and so Mary Magdalene carries her jar . Mark 14:3 talks about the woman with the alabaster jar. The jar the Egyptians used for the funeral rites. It seems the symbolic connections with Magdalene and Venus makes sense. She loved Jesus with such passion and he loved her by showing his resurrected self first to her. It is all about the power of love and that is what Venus and Isis is all about.
At the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is a wooden panel which depicts the life of Christ. A panel depicts the Wedding of Cana. Three people have halos one is Jesus another is a woman who sits next to Jesus. . Is she Mother Mary or possibly Magdalene?One wonders who the fellow next to Jesus who has a halo too? Is he Jesus brother? Is he the bride's father? Is he the bride's groom? The lady next to him does not have a halo and she is darker skinned than the others. She does wear a gold crown and her hair is not covered. I'm interested to hear what other people think of this interpretation of the Wedding of Cana especially the saint next to Jesus. The French had a oral tradition which said Mary Magdalene came to France by boat with other saints. She brought with her the dark servant girl Sara the Egyptian. Napoleon made the Paris coats of arms the five pointed star and the ship who brought Isis to the city called Paris. It is interesting the similar story of Isis and Magdalene coming by boat to France. Napoleon created the Arch de Triumph as a symbol of Isis and her star Sirius. Isis was devoted and loved Osiris very much. I could see how Magdalene and the story of Isis could be similar. What do you think?
Pentagonal se refiere al Ciclo formado por 5 ciclos sinódicos.
Venus y la Tierra danzan en sincronía matemática y geométrica en el salón del Espacio, al son de la sutilísima vibración de la música de las esferas, pues esferas son. El milenario mito de la llamada "Música de las Esferas" es mito mientras no se comprende qué es o a qué se refiere. Es como si una persona no reconociera que los instrumentos musicales suenan y por eso concluye que la "música de los instrumentos" es mito. Sólo le basta escuchar, sentir, vibrar y comprender. Nosotros estamos en una de esas esferas: el Planeta Tierra, aunque si pensamos un poco comprenderemos que es normal que sea posible que no conozcamos la maravilla en la que estamos inmersos ni que participemos activamente en ella, como aquel espectador que está de gratis en un maravilloso concierto y él mismo es un instrumento y se queda dormido, pero no porque la música sea aburrida sino porque no sabe que está ahí.
Cada 8 años, que son 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus, ambos planetas se encuentran 5 veces en sus puntos más cercanos, al mismo lado del Sol, 5 puntos que son equidistantes y que forman los 5 vértices de una estrella de 5 puntas. Puedes pulsar sobre la imagen para ver la animación.
Si continúas observando podrás comprobar cómo Venus y la Tierra continúan trazando la figura pentagonal, aunque ya no desde el mismo punto que la anterior. De hecho, comienzan una nueva 2,33 días antes que la anterior. La actual la comenzaron el 8 de junio de 2004 y termina el 6 de junio de 2012. Esto significa que esa estrella de 5 puntas gira también alrededor del Sol hasta dar una vuelta en 1.252 años: un Ciclo mayor compuesto por 156 subciclos Pentagonales (1.252 órbitas de la Tierra y 2.035 de Venus). Así es como los planetas crean los Ciclos Cósmicos. 1.252 años son 457.457 días, que es prácticamente 676 x 676 ó 26x26x26x26 ó (13+13)x(13+13)x(13+13)x(13+13) días.
Aquí puedes verlo de otra manera comenzando desde el 8 de junio de 2004 (cuando se produjo un tránsito de Venus) hasta el 6 de junio de 2012 en que se produce otro tránsito. Puedes hacer click sobre la escena repetidamente.
Los números 5, 8 y 13 son números consecutivos de la serie Fibonacci en la que cada número dividido por su anterior tiende al valor del número Phi, el que marca la llamada "proporción divina" de ciertos elementos de la Naturaleza, por no decir muchos o todos, y entre los cuales están las propias piezas que componen el esqueleto de nuestros cuerpos: los huesos. En la vigésima división de la serie Fibonacci, entre los números 6.765 y 4.181, se obtiene un valor de phi afinado hasta el sexto decimal: 1'6180339. También se puede ver que los números de la serie Fibonacci 6.765 y 4.181 como días terrestres convertidos a Tzolkins son 26 y 16 Tzolkin, y mientras el año de la Tierra (365 días) es 1,62 veces más largo que el de Venus (225 días), siendo 1,62 el redondeo de 1,618 que es el valor de Phi, en el ciclo sinódico Venus da 2'6 órbitas y la Tierra da 1'6 (fracciones de 26 y 16). Y por fin, reproduciendo los tres números de la serie Fibonacci 5, 8 y 13 en el ciclo pentagonal resulta que 5 es el número de encuentros entre La Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus.
Viendo desde el planeta Tierra, desde el meridiano del mediodía, sin que gire el planeta (pero sí trasladándose) y acelerando mucho el movimiento de los astros hasta que en 20 segundos transcurrieran 8 años, podríamos ver a Venus realizar 5 movimientos retrógrados cada 8 años, 2 en forma de lazo, 1 en zig zag (cruzando la eclíptica) y otros 2 de nuevo en forma de lazo (casi simétricos a los dos primeros). Los trazos en forma de lazo los realiza por encima o debajo de la eclíptica según ande circulando por el nodo superior o inferior de su órbita (inclinada respecto a la de la Tierra). Empleando una expresión metafórica, son las Curvas de Venus.
También podemos verlas como las letras gráficas del lenguaje venusiano. Tales trazos derivan gradualmente en el cielo terrestre cada 8 años en sentido contrario al del Sol ante el fondo fijo de las estrellas y las constelaciones, de modo que desde hace unos 100 años, el movimiento en zig zag de Venus ha venido ocurriendo sobre la constelación de Orión.
El 13 es número basico en el Ciclo Pentagonal, pues es el número de órbitas de Venus, de modo que en 13 Ciclos Pentagonales Venus da 169 órbitas (13x13). Este ciclo de 13 ciclos Pentagonales es 37.960 días durante los que Venus realiza 65 ciclos sinódicos (o alineamientos con la Tierra) y en los que también intervienen 146 ciclos del Tzolkin 146 e incluso 104 del Haab (103,96 años de 365,2422 años). Vemos que el el 65 y el 104 son múltiplos del 13.
13 Pentagonales = 13 x 2920 días = 37.960 días
65 ciclos sinódicos = 65 x 584 días = 37.960 días
104 Haabs = 104 x 365 días = 37.960 días
146 Tzolkines = 146 x 260 días = 37.960 días
A su vez este ciclo de 37.960 días ó 13 Ciclos Pentagonales es una unidad de otros ciclos mayores.
Pentagonal se refiere al Ciclo formado por 5 ciclos sinódicos. ... Cada 8 años, que son 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus, ambos planetas se encuentran 5 ...
19 May 2011 – En un ciclo de 243 años del Tránsito de Venus , hay dos pares espaciados de 121,5 ± 8 años de diferencia. El último tránsito de Venus (par) ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdff50p45ks24 Feb. 2012 - 4 min. - Subido por navelegante Recreación de la dinámica y geometría entre los planetas Tierra/Gea/Gaia y Venus durante 8 años en los que ...
8 Abr 1996 – Venus es, aparte del Sol y la Luna, el objeto mas brillante y notorio del ... sinódicos de este planeta corresponden casi exactamente a 8 años...
Este periodo se conocía como el ciclo Sothis en el Antiguo Egipto. ... Una aproximación casi tan cercana será en el año 2101, cuando Venus alcanzará ..... una precesión de unos 2 días cada 8 años, la coincidencia de ambos en el punto de ...
Este período corresponde a los 152 períodos orbitales de Venus. El patrón de 105,5; 8; 121,5 y 8 años no es el único posible para un ciclo de 243 años, debido ...
La estrella de cinco puntas de Venus fue conocida por los antiguos asirios. ... de cinco ciclos de observación, han transcurrido ocho años (5 x 1.6 año = 8 años), ...
25 Ago 2011 – Es el Ciclo Octogonal de Venus. Eso significa que desde la Tierra, en los últimos 112 años cada 8 años (14 ciclos octogonales), habríamos ...
6 Oct 2011 – el ciclo pleyadiano de venus. Hace unos 100 años, desde la Tierra, cada 8 años (cada octenio) a comienzos de abril, se podía ver al planeta ...
Anuncio relacionado con venus CICLO DE 8 AÑOS¿Por qué este anuncio?Se mostró este anuncio debido a tus términos de búsqueda actuales.
1. 1 Reyes 7:21: Estas columnas erigió en el pórtico del templo; y cuando hubo alzado la columna del lado derecho, le puso por nombre Jaquín, y alzando la columna del lado izquierdo, llamó su nombre BOAZ.
2. 2 Crónicas 3:17: Y colocó las columnas delante del templo, una a la mano derecha, y otra a la izquierda; y a la de la mano derecha llamó Jaquín, y a la de la izquierda, BOAZ.
Neither antiquity nor any other sect of the present day has imagined a more atrocious and blasphemous absurdity than that of eating God. It is a most revolting dogma, insulting to the Supreme Being, the height of madness and folly. - Frederick the Great
The Jewish prohibition against eating blood needs no introduction. The verse below says it succinctly and Leviticus 17 is devoted to it. The Eucharist is a major break from Judaism.
26Moreover you shall eat no blood whatever, whether of fowl or of animal, in any of your dwellings. 27Whoever eats any blood, that person shall be cut off from his people." (Lev. 7:26-27)
Paul's Eucharist provides background about how Paul was the first to introduce the Eucharist from another religion, Mithraism. As explained in Gospel Zodiac, Jesus spoke those immemorial words when the sun is in the house of Scorpio, October 24-November 22. Abraham's covenant with Yahweh came during the Age of Taurus. This covenant occurs at the end of the Age of Aries or more likely at the beginning of the Age of Pisces.
The ceremony
26Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is my body." 27And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; 28for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29I tell you I shall not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22-26; Luke 11:23-25; John 6:53-58; 1 Cor. 11:23-26)
I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh." (John 6:51)
The answer to the riddle of the Eucharist is in the above picture.
The sun's rays enter the wheat. The wheat is converted into bread. Thus the sun's life giving properties are contained in the bread - food and heat.
There are familiar names for morning sunrise: daybreak and crack of dawn. Thus, one receives life by breaking the bread and eating it.
During the colder months of the year when the sun is low on the horizon, atmospheric conditions produce those beautiful red sunrises and sunsets. The red symbolizes wine and blood. "Covenant" is a pun for cover.
In Matthew 2:1-10, when Jesus turns water into wine, that's an allegorical representation of the sun's reflection on water.
Blessed Sacrament of the Altar
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, another term for Eucharist is "Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
The expression "Blessed Sacrament of the Altar", introduced by Augustine, is at the present day almost entirely restricted to catechetical and popular treatises.
The Daily Catholic says the Eucharist is also called the Bread of Heaven. And it is called the Sacrament of the Altar because it is consecrated on an altar.
The Holy Eucharist is also called the Bread of Heaven, and the Bread of angels,--this because in it God Himself comes down from Heaven to be our food, thus making us like unto the angels.
It is called the Sacrament of the Altar, because it is consecrated and reserved upon an altar. It is offered up on the altar in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
On the lower left corner is the constellation Ara the Altar. In Greek myth, the Olympians need an altar upon which to swear their allegiance to Jupiter and perform other mutual vows, so Ara was built-adorned with stars and filled with burning incense. The smoke coming from this altar was represented in the night sky by the soft whiteness of the Milky Way.
Cup of Salvation
When we think of craters, we normally think of holes in the ground. But according to Webster, the word has another definition: "in ancient Greece or Rome, a kind of large bowl or jar shaped like an amphora (a tall jar with a narrow neck and base and two handles, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans)" The Greek translation for cup in Matthew 26:26 is poterion, means "drinking vessel."
Now we turn our attention to the picture below. During the fall equinox, the sun descends across the equator into Libra, the scales of justice. There is a constellation called Crater the Bowl which looks like a stemmed shaped goblet. On the day after the equinox, at twelve noon, the picture shows its open side aimed towards the sun and looks to be standing on the ground.
Wine season starts when the sun crosses below the equator. The broken bread symbolizes the northern and southern hemispheres as the sun breaks across from one to the other. This is the time when red sunsets symbolize the sun's bleeding. The cup is there to catch the blood.
Date: 9/24/0001 12:00 PM from Jerusalem.
The picture above gives meaning to the verses below.
The covenant is the coming of the sun to the point of the autumn equinox.
1"I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I look upon a virgin? 2What would be my portion from God above, and my heritage from the Almighty on high? (Job 31:1-2)
The hand of the Lord is of course in the heavens.
8For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, with foaming wine, well mixed; and he will pour a draught from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs. (Psalm 75:8)
The sun bleeds the day after it crosses the equator.
12So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. (Heb. 13:12) -
Holy Grail
As might be guessed from the picture above, the constellation Crater the Bowl is the famous Holy Grail. The Catholic Encyclopedia tells us that the chalice of the Eucharist is etymologically related to crater.
Water into wine
Referring to the above picture, when the sun is in Virgo, Mary says to Jesus, "They have no wine." Jesus responds, "My hour has not yet come," which means that the time for wine making is in September, not August (Virgo is in August). The six stone jars symbolize the six summer months when men must be content to drink water. The time for turning water into wine is not until the latter part of September.
3When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." 4And Jesus said to her, "O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come." 5His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." 6Now six stone jars were standing there, for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7Jesus said to them, "Fill the jars with water."And they filled them up to the brim. 8He said to them,"Now draw some out, and take it to the steward of the feast."So they took it. 9When the steward of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward of the feast called the bridegroom (John 2:3-9)
Vengeance = Vine-geance
25And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall execute vengeance for the covenant; and if you gather within your cities I will send pestilence among you, and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy. (Lev. 26:25)
41if I whet my glittering sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance on my adversaries, and will requite those who hate me. 42I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh- with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the long-haired heads of the enemy.' (Deut. 32:41)
1O LORD, thou God of vengeance, thou God of vengeance, shine forth! (Psalm 94:1)
8For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion. (Isaiah 34:8)
10That day is the day of the Lord GOD of hosts, a day of vengeance, to avenge himself on his foes. The sword shall devour and be sated, and drink its fill of their blood. For the Lord GOD of hosts holds a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates. (Jer. 46:10)
16You will be sated with contempt instead of glory. Drink, yourself, and stagger! The cup in the LORD'S right hand will come around to you, and shame will come upon your glory! (Hab. 2:16)
22for these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written. 23Alas for those who are with child [Virgo] and for those who give suck in those days! For great distress shall be upon the earth and wrath upon this people; (Luke 21:22-23)
1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you. (John 15:1-3)
The parable of the Tenants
A householder planted a vineyard, built a wine press and leased it to tenants. When wine season came, he sent slaves to collect his wine. They got beaten, killed or stoned. When he sent his son, they killed him too. When the owner comes what will he do to those tenants?
33"Hear another parable. There was a householder who planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country. 34When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit; 35and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. 36Again he sent other servants, more than the first; and they did the same to them. 37Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.' 38But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, 'This is the heir; come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.' 39And they took him and cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. 40When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?" ((Matt. 21:33-40)
His disciples thought he would put those wretches to a miserable death and lease the vineyard to other tenants. Answered Jesus, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it.
41They said to him, "He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons." 42Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures: 'The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes'? 43Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it." (Matt. 21:41-43)
Cup of Wrath
15Thus the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: "Take from my hand this cup of the wine of wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. (Psalm 116:13)
Cup of Staggering
22Thus says your Lord, the LORD, your God who pleads the cause of his people: "Behold, I have taken from your hand the cup of staggering; the bowl of my wrath you shall drink no more; (Isaiah 51:22)
Cup of Consolation
7No one shall break bread for the mourner, to comfort him for the dead; nor shall any one give him the cup of consolation to drink for his father or his mother (Jer. 16:7)
Cup of Reeling
2"Lo, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the peoples round about; it will be against Judah also in the siege against Jerusalem. (Zech. 12:2)
It is up to the Father to decide who shall drink from Jesus' cup.
22But Jesus answered, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" They said to him, "We are able." 23He said to them, "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." (Matt. 20:22-23)
Scribes and Pharisees cleans the outside of the cup.
25"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of extortion and rapacity. 26You blind Pharisee! first cleanse the inside of the cup and of the plate, that the outside also may be clean. (Matt. 23:25-26)
Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?
11Jesus said to Peter, "Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?" (John 18:11)
Cup of Anger
10he also shall drink the wine of God's wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of his anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. (Rev. 14:10)
Cup of fury
19The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered great Babylon, to make her drain the cup of the fury of his wrath. (Rev. 16:19)
Cup of abominations
4The woman [Virgo] was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and bedecked with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication; (Rev. 17:4)
Thus, Polaris will not always be the Pole Star or North Star. The Earth's rotation axis happens to be pointing almost exactly at Polaris now, but in 12,960 years the precession of the rotation axis will mean that the bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra will be approximately at the North Celestial Pole, while in 25,920 more years Polaris will once again be the Pole Star.
Figure 4.
Astrologers call the 25,920 year cycle a Great Year and divide it into twelve Ages according to the constellations. When the sun enters the spring equinox, the constellation in the background determines the zodiacal Age. Figure 5 shows the sun entering the Age of Pisces at 6 BCE. 2160 years before, the sun was in the Age of Aries. 2160 years after Pisces, about 2012 CE, Aquarius will be in the background and it will be the Age of Aquarius. Because of the direction of precession, the Great Year cycle progresses in the reverse direction of the solar cycle.
Figure 5.
To summarize, the Age of Aries was marked in the Old Testament by the Passover lamb.
21Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. (Ex. 12:21)
The Age of Pisces began when the sun entered Pisces at the spring equinox (Figure 5).
18As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19And he said to them,"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (Matt. 4:18-19)
So when Jesus told his disciples he will be with them until the age, he meant the Age of Pisces. His time is almost over. There will be no end of the world, only the end of an Age.
20teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20 NIV)
Take a tour of the Garden of Eden and see the stars of the Bible and where they fit in the Zodiac.
I recently received an email asking if I thought the recent conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, together with the crescent Moon and the Pleiades (perhaps better known as the "seven sisters") on the feast of the Annunciation on 25th March held any significance. I remember reading an interesting blog article on this subject which Spirit Daily linked to around the time of this event, but hadn't really given it much thought until I was asked about it (hence the lateness of this post in relation to event in question). The full article can be found on Daniel O'Connor's blog here, and I'll quote some of the relevant content below:
On March 25, 2012, millions of Christians (Catholic and Orthodox) will celebrate the “Annunciation” – which commemorates the conception of Jesus. This March 25, there will be a neat astronomical arrangement in the sky, that seems to mesh nicely. See the description below:
The sky will be spectacular in the west after sunset on March 25, 2012, with the waxing crescent moon and the planet Jupiter very close to each other in the evening twilight sky. Plus Venus is nearby – the sky’s brightest planet. You’ll see Jupiter and the moon below Venus in the west after sunset. The famous Pleiades star cluster is above Venus.
For centuries Mary has been referred to as the “Morning Star”, the popular name of the Planet Venus. In this configuration, the Morning Star appears with the moon at her feet. The Pleiades (from “peleiades” the Greek word for doves) overshadows the Morning Star. Jupiter, the “King Planet” approaches the configuration. The symbolism is striking. This is a interesting arrangement for the mystery of the Annunciation which heralds Christ’s coming through Mary.
We should first note that while the practise of astrology (attempting to discern future events through an elaborate system of occult interpretation) is condemned by the Church, the Bible clearly teaches that important events are often heralded by symbolic astronomical and geophysical phenomena. For example the birth of Christ was accompanied by the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. And during his eschatological discourse on Mount Olivet, Jesus explicitly states that great signs would appear in the heavens before His Second Coming:
There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.(Luke 21:11)
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”(Luke 21:25-28)
This is followed by Peter's eschatological sermon during the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost:
And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.(Acts 2:19-20)
The Book of Revelation also foretold that the unbinding of Satan's chains "for a little while" (which I argue corresponds to the "100" years given to Satan in the Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII) would be signified by a star fallen to earth:
Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. (Rev 20:1-3)
And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth... (Rev 9:1-3)
And the sounding of the third trumpet in Rev 8 was predicted to be accompanied by the sign of a great star falling from heaven "blazing like a torch" (which I equate with the last appearance of Halley's Comet and its timing in relation to the Chernobyl disaster in the post Chernobyl, Wormwood, and the Hrushiv Apparitions).
Perhaps most importantly, the opening of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation was foretold to be accompanied by a combination of an earthquake, a total solar eclipse, a total lunar eclipse and a major meteor shower (which in the post Signs in the Sky, I point out all occurred at the turn of the millennium centred on modern Turkey - the location of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which the Apocalypse identifies as "the throne of Satan" in Rev 2:13). As I argue in Unveiling the Apocalypse, the eschatological astronomical phenomena described at the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6, is once again recapitulated in Rev 12. The Woman Adorned with the Sun with the Moon at her feet represents a total solar eclipse - which corresponds to the Sun turning "black as sackcloth" in Rev 6:12. The Moon at the Woman's feet represents the Dragon intent on devouring her Child, and the red colour of the Dragon represents the reddish hue typical of a total lunar eclipse, which in turn corresponds to the Moon becoming blood-red at the opening of the sixth seal. And the Dragon sweeping a third of the stars from the sky in Rev 12:4, directly refers to the stars falling from the sky in Rev 6:13 (which is also recapitulated again at the sounding of the fourth trumpet in Rev 8:12, when a third of the Sun, Moon and stars are struck). The twelve stars around the Woman's head are traditionally associated with the Twelve Apostles; but they also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, as is shown by the allusion of this verse to Joseph's dream in Gen 37:
Then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said, “Behold, I have dreamed another dream. Behold, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”(Gen 37:9)
The eleven stars symbolise the sons of Jacob who make up the tribes of Israel, with the tribe of Joseph being divided between his two sons - Mannaseh and Ephraim, bringing the number up to twelve. So the twelve stars around the Woman's head in Rev 12 is a further allusion to the opening of the sixth seal, which includes the sealing of the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7.
The manifold similarities between the opening of the sixth seal in Rev 6 and the sealing of the saints in Rev 7, held in juxtaposition with the unfolding of the Divine Drama of Rev 12 and marking of the inhabitants of the earth with the mark of the Beast in Rev 13, further confirms that the bestowing of the saints with the Seal of God is an antithetical parallelism to those who are marked with the number of the Beast. Chapters 6 and 7 of the Apocalypse are therefore directly connected with chapters 12-13, and forms a theological diptych which deliberately contrasts these portions of the Book of Revelation.
Since they both describe the same events, the astronomical signs at the opening of the sixth seal thus herald the eschatological casting of Satan to earth described in Rev 12 (which must be distinguished from his primordial fall from grace), and the subsequent rise of the Beast from the sea to mark the inhabitants of the earth in Rev 13 should be considered to be a direct inversion of the sealing of the saints in Rev 7 - events which logically would coincide at the same moment in real-time.
Now that we have determined that astrology should be clearly distinguished from the Bible's admonition to regard certain astronomical signs as portentous of contemporary and future world events, we can safely discuss whether the particular planetary conjunction on the 25th March may be imbued with any religious significance. Since it took place on the feast of the Annunciation, it would follow that any particular event this may signify would only be revealed nine months later - the gestation period of an unborn child. So we could safely assert that we would know exactly if it does indeed herald any future event during the Christmas period - close to the rather ominous date of 21st December 2012. We will only know that it was truly a sign if anything of historical or religious importance occurs around this time period. As exactly to what event it could herald can only be guessed at. We can be almost certain that it is not the Second Coming of Christ, since the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that this pivotal moment in salvation history is delayed until the future conversion of the Jews - an event which is synonymous with the Second Pentecost and the preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth:
"The glorious Messiah's coming is suspended at every moment of history until his recognition by "all Israel", for "a hardening has come upon part of Israel" in their "unbelief" toward Jesus. St. Peter says to the Jews of Jerusalem after Pentecost: "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for establishing all that God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from of old." St. Paul echoes him: "For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?" The "full inclusion" of the Jews in the Messiah's salvation, in the wake of "the full number of the Gentiles", will enable the People of God to achieve "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ", in which "God may be all in all". (CCC 674 See full text here)
We have clearly not reached the stage of the conversion of the Jews at the Second Pentecost just yet, but there are other prophesied events that it may concern. The promised religious revival to take place at the Second Pentecost is almost certainly the next major prophesied event that is to take place - at least according to any provisional schedule which may be determined from analysing the eschatological events foretold in Scripture. So could it herald the coming of the Second Pentecost itself? This event seems to be intimately related to the prophecies of the ministry of the Two Witnesses and the martyrdom of a future pontiff. And in turn these events also appear to be connected to the "great sign" promised in various prophecies, including those of St. Fautina and Our Lady of Akita. Therefore any of these events are the most likely prophetic occurrences yet to unfold at the highly significant schedule relating to the date of 21st December 2012. Yet foremostly it has to be admitted that the most likely explanation is that this particular date bears no significance at all to the date of the end-time (especially not to Christianity), and that like every other prophesied date purporting to pinpoint the end of the world, it will come to nought. We can only be left guessing until nearer the time. Either way, it is extremely unwise to tie ourselves to an exact date - especially when we know that the coming of the Lord will be as a "thief in the night" (Rev 16:15), and that we should always be prepared for the arrival of the Groom. Attempting to to preempt this crescendo of salvation history through the process of logic is all but impossible. We can only conclude with the same prayer as the apostle himself and subject ourselves to the immanent glory of Christ - Maranatha! "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20).