White Sands Launch Complex 33
Launch Complex 33 is where the Nazis brought over after WW2 under Project Paperclip inaugurated America’s space program. Note: there is only one launch complex in the vicinity.
![LaunchComplex33.jpg LaunchComplex33](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/LaunchComplex33.jpg)
Launch Complex 33 was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1985. This is where captured V-2 rockets were launched under the leadership of Dr. Werner von Braun.
![V-2.jpg V 2](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/V-2.jpg)
I have always been amazed at how quickly these “scientists” went from being war criminals responsible for the deaths of so many people in London who should have been tried and hung for crimes against humanity to the heros of the American space program.
![572px-London_V2_Frissell2.jpg 572px London V2 Frissell2](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/572px-London_V2_Frissell2.jpg)
It’s shocking how short the public’s attention span is. Dark Mission, the book by Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara is a real eye opener to the secret history of NASA in how it is run by a cabal of Nazis, Masons, and Magicians (those in Crowley’s Order of the Golden Dawn).
![Wernher_von_Braun_crop.jpg Wernher von Braun crop](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Wernher_von_Braun_crop.jpg)
Sturmbannführer Werner von Braun received the National Medal of Science in 1975. His stance looks like the mirror of this famous gesture (as above so below):
![505px-Hitler_1928_crop.jpg 505px Hitler 1928 crop](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/505px-Hitler_1928_crop.jpg)
Note the all seeing eye within the triangle in background. Everything with Hitler was symbolic.
It’s fascinating to me that Werner von Braun went to Antarctica in 66-67 on NASA’s dime. It reminds me of the Nazi’s Neuschwabenland in Antarctica where they discovered warm freshwater lakes…
![LogoNeu.jpg LogoNeu](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/LogoNeu.jpg)
…and Operation Highjump, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program (46-47). Highjump was a United States Navy operation organized by Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr. which included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. The “primary mission” of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. The secondary mission may have been to track down the fleeing Nazis who may have made it to the hollow earth where they met with Innerterrestrials.
![Sennet1946.jpg Sennet1946](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Sennet1946.jpg)
Some say Highjump was “a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs, or Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes.”
“As Werner Von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine – the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex – would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today) to the ultimate trump card: A Hoaxed Threat From Space.” Steven M. Greer MD, Director, The Disclosure Project. See here for more info.
Whatever the case von Braun was into some heavy duty stuff. Here he is with Walt Disney.
![473px-Walt_Disney_and_Dr._Wernher_von_Braun_-_GPN-2000-000060.jpg 473px Walt Disney and Dr Wernher von Braun GPN 2000 000060](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/473px-Walt_Disney_and_Dr._Wernher_von_Braun_-_GPN-2000-000060.jpg)
Disney and von Braun made a series together called Man in Space in 1954. This series made the former Sturmbannführer a family friendly figure, selling the idea of space travel to the public.
Richard Hoagland has pointed out that in one scene in “Man in Space” they show an alien base on the far side of the Moon which they say in the film is located “at 33 degrees…”
Disneyland Club 33
The Magic Kingdom has a mysterious private organization called Club 33. Perhaps it is no wonder because Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree freemason, although he died just before Club 33 was opened.
Officially maintained as a secret feature of the theme park, the entrance of the club is located next to the Blue Bayou Restaurant at “33 Royal Street” with the entrance recognizable by an ornate address plate with the number 33 engraved on it. When riding Pirates of the Caribbean, just as the ride departs, the Blue Bayou restaurant is visible, but the balconies above it are actually a part of Club 33…To enter Club 33, a guest must press a buzzer on an intercom concealed by a hidden panel in the doorway. A receptionist will ask for their name over the intercom and, if access is granted, open the door to a small, ornate lobby.
![DL_Club33.png DL Club33](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/DL_Club33.png)
(Fair use logo of Club 33)
As of 2010, there is a 14 year wait list for membership and it is closed to new additions. It only allows 487 members. Members pay an initiation fee of $27,500 (if they are a corporation) or $10,450 (for individuals). On top of that, they pay annual fees of about $6,100 or $3,275, respectively.
NASA Runway 33
The single runway at Kennedy Space Center in Florida is called Runway 33. It has a heading of 330 degrees that matches the angle of the coastline at Cape Canaveral. Perhaps they chose this spot because of the 330 degree bearing of the coast?
![Runway33.jpg Runway33](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Runway33.jpg)
This is where the space shuttle has landed many times. Its immediately adjacent to the two launch complexes where all Apollo and Space Shuttle mission left Earth.
![Spaceshuttle.jpg Spaceshuttle](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Spaceshuttle.jpg)
Here’s a letter from Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin wrote on NASA letterhead sent to the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33° regarding the Scottish Rite Flag he supposedly carried to the moon.
![AldrinLetter.jpg AldrinLetter](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/AldrinLetter.jpg)
Spaceport America
Spaceport America is a $200,000,000 taxpayer funded project in the middle of nowhere, close to Truth or Consequences NM. Spaceport America is located right on the dot at 33°0′ N.
![800px-Geodetic_Control_Point_Spaceport_America.JPG 800px Geodetic Control Point Spaceport America](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/800px-Geodetic_Control_Point_Spaceport_America.jpg)
Maybe that’s what this is all about: GEODETIC CONTROL.
Virgin Galactic is Spaceport America’s “anchor tenant” having signed a 20 year lease at $1,000,000 per year. This is where Richard Bransons space planes will takeoff and land after giving some of the world’s richest people short flights in space. Here’s a picture of White Knight 2 carrying Space Ship 2. Do you see the all seeing eye logo on SS-2? Who do you suppose the virgin is? Hint: she’s Egyptian.
![SS-2.jpg SS 2](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/SS-2.jpg)
(Image courtesy Jeff Foust under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license)
Escape velocity is just beyond Mach 33 (just beyond 11.1km/s). You must be going 34 times the speed of sound (Mach 34) or 11.2 km/s to escape from Earth’s gravitational pull and leave the planet. This picture was taken by Apollo 17 after it had reached escape velocity. It transformed the way we see our planet and ourselves. We’re all together on spaceship Earth.
![Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17.jpg Earth seen from Apollo 17](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17.jpg)
Image NASA
The 33rd Degree
The House of the Temple is the headquarters of Scottish Freemasonry in the United States. The 33 columns which are 33′ high support a 13 step Egyptian unfinished pyramid just like the one on the dollar bill. The 33 members of the Supreme Council confer the highest 33rd degree on select brothers who have already attained the 32nd degree.
![HOT.jpg HOT](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/HOT.jpg)
Money of the Empire
There are 32 feathers on one wing and 33 feathers on the other wing of the reverse of the great seal of the united states.
![GreatSeal.jpg GreatSeal](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/GreatSeal.jpg)
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The address of the Fed in NYC is 33 Liberty Street.
33 Liberty Street reportedly holds 25% of the world’s existing gold bullion ($335 billion as of April 2011), making it the largest known treasury in the world. However the Fed cannot be audited (find out why) so there’s no telling how much if any gold is actually there.
![33Liberty.jpg 33Liberty](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/33Liberty.jpg)
(Image courtesy Gryffindor under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license)
The Postal Service and the Library of Congress
The Library of Congress commemorative 33 cent stamp was issued by the USPS on the Library’s bicentennial on 24 April 2000. Coincidentally on that same day in 2005 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was inaugurated as Pope Benedict XVI.
![Library of Congress commemorative 33 cent stamp 33 cent stamp](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/33stamp.jpg)
Image source
Dr. Mark Gray has uncovered amazing things about the Library of Congress. For example there are 33 “Ethnological Heads” carved into the exterior of the building.
![33 busts on the Library of Congress 33 cent stamp](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/33busts.jpg)
Image from rare book Egypt on the Potomic by Anthony T. Browder
The United Nations
The UN Flag and emblem divides the Earth into 33 sectors.
![UNFlag33.jpg UNFlag33](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/UNFlag33.jpg)
The City of London is surrounded by 32 boroughs, making 33 jurisdictions.
![London.jpg London](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/London.jpg)
The London Eye
This 444′ wheel has 32 cars which officially represent the boroughs surrounding the City of London. With Masonic compasses holding up an all seeing eye I can’t imagine a more potent “secret in plain sight”. Please wake up people! It’s not just a ” tourist attraction”. The London Eye is operated at a huge financial loss for a reason. Look out for ferris wheels, obelisks, and cenotaphs.
![LondonEye550.jpg LondonEye550](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/LondonEye550.jpg)
(Image credit Mike Peel under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5 license)
The Grand Arch in Paris
The Grand Arch is nearly a perfect cube, measuring 108m x 110m x 112m on each edge. Adding horizontally we get 1+0+8=9, 11+0=11, and 1+12=13. And 9+11+13=33. I discuss its deeper hypercubic meaning in my Paris Part 3 video.
![GrandeArche.jpg Jesus](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/GrandeArche.jpg)
The Homeric Hymns
The Homeric Hymns are a collection of 33 anonymous Ancient Greek hymns celebrating individual gods. The oldest of the hymns were written in the seventh century BC…This still places the older Homeric Hymns among the oldest monuments of Greek literature. -Source
My thanks to Martin for pointing this connection out. The ancients understood the significance of 33.
![GreekTemple.jpg GreekTemple](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/GreekTemple.jpg)
The Ziggurat
The “Ziggurat” as it is known (recalling Babylonian architecture, see Magic of Hollywood) is the name of the Chet Holifield Federal Building in Laguna Niguel California (see 2013).
The Ziggurat is located at 33°33′ North latitude.
Its two anchor tenants are the Department of Homeland Security and the IRS. This building was designed by William Pereira who also designed the Transamerica Pyramid (see 864).
![Chet_Holifield_Federal_Building.jpg Chet Holifield Federal Building](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Chet_Holifield_Federal_Building.jpg)
Phoenix, Arizona
A patent for the city was issued in 1874 by President Ulysses S. Grant, and in 1881 it was incorporated as the City of Phoenix (see Phoenixes).
“After the USA civil war, once General and then President Ulysses S. Grant, a 33rd degree Freemason, wanted to move the Capital of the USA to Phoenix, Arizona” -Source
Phoenix Arizona sprawls over 33°N. The Phoenix metropolitan area is called the Valley of the Sun. Heliopolis means City of the Sun.
![800px-Phoenix1885-AerialMap_HiRes.jpg 800px Phoenix1885 AerialMap HiRes](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/800px-Phoenix1885-AerialMap_HiRes.jpg)
Children of Dan
By about 1200 BCE, the children of Dan ended up settling in the far north of modern Israel under the shadow of Mt. Hermon. Mt. Hermon is located 33° north of the equator and 33° east of the Paris prime meridian. See my post Children of Dan for more on this.
![MtHermon.jpg MtHermon](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/MtHermon.jpg)
Jesus and King David
Jesus is said to have been crucified at age 33. King David (father of Sol-Amun) ruled for 33 years.
Jacob had thirty-three sons and daughters.
![Jesus.jpg Jesus](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Jesus.jpg)
The Kabbalah
The Tree of Life from Jewish mysticism encodes 33:
![Tree33.jpg Tree33](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Tree33.jpg)
The Foundation Stone
The foundation stone inside the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is an omphalos or world center point.
![Dome_of_the_Rock_Jerusalem.jpg Dome of the Rock Jerusalem](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Dome_of_the_Rock_Jerusalem.jpg)
Image courtesy Victorgrigas under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
The distance from the Foundation Stone (FS) to the sea is exactly 33 miles.
![DOR-Med.jpg DOR Med](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/DOR-Med1.jpg)
I drew a series of lines (actually sections of great circles) from the foundation stone (FS) using degrees as the unit of measure. A mean degree of latitude is 111,111 meters.
The distance from the FS to the Cherhill Obelisk is 33.0 degrees.
I have discovered much more relating to the Cherhill obelisk in Finding the Center.
![Cherhill.jpg Cherhill](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Cherhill.jpg)
The distance from the FS to Glastonbury Tor is 33.3 degrees.
![Glastonbury.jpg Glastonbury](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Glastonbury.jpg)
See my post Foundation Stone for more info.
In my opinion it is important to realize that Nazis, NASA, Disney, Freemasons, the US government, the Federal Reserve, Billionaires, Judeo-Christianity, the United Nations and other entities that are trying to control the world do not own 33.
33 is a number that belongs to everyone.
Perhaps the reason all the aforementioned parties ritualistically use 33 is because they understand what it is all about. 33 is part of us, and part of the architecture of the universe. They hijack this sacred knowledge and use it in plain sight in order to control and manipulate.
The Human Spine
There are 33 vertebrae in the spinal column if you count the fused bones in the lower spine individually.
![174px-Gray_111_-_Vertebral_column.png 174px Gray 111 Vertebral column](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/174px-Gray_111_-_Vertebral_column.png)
Our Relationship with the Earth
The Earth vibrates at 7.83 Hz due to lightning discharges and this is called the Schumann resonance. The human scale resonates at 33 harmonics or 32 overtones above this frequency. This is the range where our ears hear and where we make music.
A 1 inch square column of air as tall as the atmosphere (about 50 miles) weighs 14.7 pounds. This unit is referred to as 1 Atmosphere of pressure, or 1 ATM. At 33 feet below sea level, that same force (1 ATM) is exerted for the 1 inch square column. Every additional 33 feet below sea level, the pressure increases by an additional 1 ATM.
![Schumann.jpg Schumann](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Schumann.jpg)
The Sun
The Sun’s core apparently spins once every 33 days and scientists have just figured this out at Stanford University. Read about it here.
The Sun’s mass is 333,000 times the mass of Earth.
![Sun550.jpg Sun550](http://www.secretsinplainsight.com/wp-content/uploads/Sun550.jpg)
Our Relationship with the Universe
Planck’s Constant is 1.616252×10−33 cm. That’s 33 orders of magnitude smaller than your thumbnail.
The Planck length (the smallest theoretical structure in the universe) is one of the three most important physical constants, the other two being Einstein’s speed of light and Newton’s gravitational constant.
Please contact me if you find another 33.
©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.
1. Génesis 4:1: Conoció Adán a su mujer Eva, la cual concibió y dio a luz a Caín, y dijo: Por voluntad de Jehová he adquirido varón.
2. Génesis 4:17: Y conoció Caín a su mujer, la cual concibió y dio a luz a Enoc; y edificó una ciudad, y llamó el nombre de la ciudad del nombre de su hijo, Enoc.
3. Génesis 4:25: Y conoció de nuevo Adán a su mujer, la cual dio a luz un hijo, y llamó su nombre Set: Porque Dios (dijo ella) me ha sustituido otro hijo en lugar de Abel, a quien mató Caín.
43. Mateo 7:16: Por sus FRUTOS los conoceréis. ¿Acaso se recogen uvas de los espinos, o higos de los abrojos?
44. Mateo 7:17: Así, todo buen árbol da buenos FRUTOS, pero el árbol malo da FRUTOS malos.
45. Mateo 7:18: No puede el buen árbol dar malos FRUTOS, ni el árbol malo dar FRUTOS buenos.
![ANIMATION THREE SUN-LIKE STARS NEAR PLEIADES FOUND BY FOLLOWING ORION'S BELT](http://www.thehiddenrecords.com/images/orion_2008.gif)
En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta) de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales) y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados). Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos." (Mateo 11: 25-26). (El cielo y la tierra, es la alquimia, osea la ESCALERA DE JACOB. La cuadratura del circulo es el patron matematico de la alquimia y esta basado, insisto, en el numero de oro. Justamente Salomon es un tipo del GRIAL.)
This shows Mercury's Inferior Conjunctions with Earth which make a triangle.
Now here are Mercury's Superior Conjunctions with Earth that make an inverted triangle.
Here is what we get when both of these synodic periods are added together. The star of David.
EN INGLES TIERRA ES LAND. Vemos que en este termino esta codificada la ALQUIMIA L/ESCUADRA Y LA A/COMPAS.
A es igual a al COMPAS
L es igual a la ESCUADRA
En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta) de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales) y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados). Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos." (Mateo 11: 25-26).
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
"Y esto ruego, que vuestro Amor (agape) abunde aun más y más en Ciencia (gnwsei=gnosis) y en todo Conocimiento, ("epignosis": Conocimiento (Gnosis) Pleno.)" (Filipenses, 1: 9).
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are |
his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
72. Romanos 11:33: ¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la CIENCIA de Dios! ¡Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!
γνωσις gnosis {gno'-sis} from 1097; TDNT - 1:689,119; n f AV - knowledge 28, science 1; 29 1) knowledge signifies in general intelligence, understanding 1a) the general knowledge of Christian religion 1b) the deeper more perfect and enlarged knowledge of this religion, such as belongs to the more advanced 1c) esp. of things lawful and unlawful for Christians 1d) moral wisdom, such as is seen in right living For Synonyms see entry 5826
Gematria: 1263
σοφια sophia {sof-ee'-ah} from 4680; TDNT - 7:465,1056; n f AV - wisdom 51; 51 1) wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters 1a) the wisdom which belongs to men 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and proverbs 1a2) the science and learning 1a3) the act of interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice 1a4) the intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious number or vision 1a5) skill in the management of affairs 1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth 1a7) the knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living 1b) supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God 1b1) to Christ 1b2) the wisdom of God as evinced in forming and executing counsels in the formation and government of the world and the scriptures For Synonyms see entry 5826
Gematria: 781
Does Cyon not sound like Sion/Zion - the heavenly city of God? "Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God." Psalm 87. The Hebrews believed it to be the City of David- the City of the Lord- the City of Foundation.
I found an intriguing article by Ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades 7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, "And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.
At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean "of Magdala" - with some possible interpretation as "place of the dove", "place of the tower" and "temple-tower". 8 In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that "tower of the flock" in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar. 9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades "the cranary" for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light. 10 The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and according to David Icke, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy - another Pleiadian connection.
In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess - the creatress from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I believe she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. "Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis, but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us." 11
5. Génesis 3:13: Entonces Jehová Dios dijo a la mujer: ¿Qué es lo que has hecho? Y dijo la mujer: La SERPIENTE me engañó, y comí.
6. Génesis 3:14: Y Jehová Dios dijo a la SERPIENTE: Por cuanto esto hiciste, maldita serás entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo; sobre tu pecho andarás, y polvo comerás todos los días de tu vida.
7. Génesis 49:17: Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete. (ESTE ES EL NEXO O EL "AGUJERO DE GUSANO" CON LA TRANSFIGURACION DE CRISTO, EN CESAREA DE FILIPO, PARALELO 33 Y MERIDIANO 33 DE PARIS, EN LA EX TRIBU DE DAN)
1. Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
38. Juan 3:14: Y como Moisés levantó la SERPIENTE en el desierto, así es necesario que el Hijo del Hombre sea levantado,
3. Salmos 22:12: Me han rodeado muchos TOROS; Fuertes TOROS de Basán me han cercado. Impresionante la conjuncion entre DEUTERONOMIO 33:22 y salmos 22:12, con referencia al CACHORRO DE LEON como MARCO CON BASAN, que tenia fuerte relacion CON LOS TOROS. EL MISMO VATICANO ESTA DISEÑADO CON ESTE PATRON, OSEA LAS 7 COLINAS, SON UNA REFERENCIA A LA CONSTELACION DE TAURO / TORO / PLEYADES. AQUI ESTA LA CLAVE BIBLICA CON REFERENCIA A LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO".
14. Y como Moisés levantó la serpiente en el desierto, así tiene que ser levantado el Hijo del hombre,
15. para que todo el que crea tenga por él vida eterna.
16. Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo el que crea en él no perezca, sino que tenga vida eterna.
17. Porque Dios no ha enviado a su Hijo al mundo para juzgar al mundo, sino para que el mundo se salve por él. (JUZGAR /JUICIO / DAN (HEBREO. JESUCRISTO ESTA RELACIONANDO EN REFERENCIA A GENESIS 49:17, A LA SERPIENTE EN ESTE MARCO)
18. El que creee en él, no es juzgado; pero el que no cree, ya está juzgado, porque no ha creído en el Nombre del Hijo único de Dios. (JUICIO / (DAN / DENARIO / DIANA / DAN BROWN (CODIGO DA VINCI)) - TODO COMO NEXO CON LA SERPIENTE, OSEA EL MISMO SIGNO $. NUESTRO SEÑOR HACE REFERENCIA AL SANTO GRIAL)
19. Y el juicio está en que vino la luz al mundo, y los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz, porque sus obras eran malas. (EL MUNDO CODICIOSO DE DOLARES, NO LOGRA DISCERNIR EL MAYOR SECRETO DE LA HISTORIA, EN SU MAYOR IDOLO, OSEA EL DIOS DINERO. PARADOJA DE UN MUNDO HIPOCRITA QUE HABLA DE LOS POBRES, PERO POR EL PODER)
20. Pues todo el que obra el mal aborrece la luz y no va a la luz, para que no sean censuradas sus obras.
21. Pero el que obra la verdad, va a la luz, para que quede de manifiesto que sus obras están hechas según Dios.» (SOLO CRISTO ES LIBERTAD PORQUE PREDICO UN DIOS DE AMOR. TODO LO DEMAS ES PURA EGOLATRIA E IDOLATRIA)
714. Mateo 23:17: ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el ORO, o el templo que santifica al ORO?
Y dijo Dios: Sea la LUZ; y fue la LUZ.
2. Génesis 1:4: Y vio Dios que la LUZ era buena; y separó Dios la LUZ de las tinieblas.
Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.
32. Génesis 30:6: Dijo entonces Raquel: Me juzgó Dios, y también oyó mi voz, y me dio un hijo. Por tanto llamó su nombre DAN.
Mejor respuesta: La Física Cuántica es la parte de la física que estudia los procesos microscópicos. La Física Cuántica comenzó con el desarrollo de una teoría revolucionaria (aunque al principio no fue tomada en serio ni por su autor) desarrollada por el gran físico y matemático Max Planck; esta teoría pretendía explicar el espectro de radiaciones de un cuerpo negro y resolver así el problema de la Catástrofe ultravioleta (teoría clásica de la radiación), Max Planck hizo dos hipótesis transcendentales:
La radiación en un cuerpo negro depende de la frecuencia de las ondas. La energía está discretizada en unas cantidades mínimas a las que llamó cuantos (quantum).
Mediante estos razonamientos llegó Planck a su famosa fórmula E=h·f Esta fórmula es debida a Planck y no a Einstein, el cual la utilizó más tarde para explicar el efecto fotoeléctrico diciendo que cada fotón incidente tenía una energía E=h·f
El gran avance de la físca cuántica logró explicar muchos hechos inexplicables mediante la teoría clásica; conocidos son la teoría ondulatoria de Schrödinger o el Principio de Incertidumbre de Heisenberg.
La dualidad onda-partícula:
A partir de las investigaciones de Einstein y de Max Planck, se destruye la opsición tradicional entre materia y energía, puesto que ambas pueden ser interpretadas y estudiadas atrubuyendoles naturaleza corpuscular y ondulatoria.
Tradicionalmente se considera que la materia era discontinua y de naturaleza corpuscular (formada por partículas indivisibles o átomos); la energía, en cambio, se consideraba continua y de naturaleza ondulatoria. Contrariamente, según la física cuántica, tanto la materia como la energía se comportan como partículas y como ondas, hecho profundamente paradojal, ya que las propiedades corpusculares y ondulatorias son incompatibles.
En 1900, Max Planck descubrió que la energía no se emite de manera continua, si no en “paquetes” o cuantos, de naturaleza discontinua. Poco después, Einstein identificaba los cuantos de la luz , a los que denominó fotones. Por otro lado, Louis de Broglie propuso que no solo los fotones, sino también los electrones se comportan como partículas y como ondas. Experimentos posteriores demostraron que, de hecho, todas las partículas materiales presentan un comportamiento ondulatorio.
En este punto, la ciencia abría un inesperado problema filosófico que solamente se acrecentó aún más: entonces, ¿Cómo es la realidad? Max Born respondía así: “La descrición corpuscular y la ondulatoria deben considerarse solamente como modos complementarios de imaginar un único proceso objectivo, pues está más allá de nuestro poder probar que sean realmente corpusculos o ondas”. De este modo, se cuestionaba, nuestra capacidad para acceder a la auténtica realidad. De hecho, tiempo después se custionaría incluso su existencia:
En consonancia con esta dualidad de la realidad, en el seno de la física cuántica se elaboraron dos teorías alternativas, pero equivalentes:
–Mecánica matricial de Werner Heisenberg: Esta formulación prefiere la interpretación de los procesos físicos, como procesos continuos de naturaleza corpuscular, ya que así son nuestras observaciones y el conocimiento que podemos tener de ellas.
–Mecánica ondulatoria de Schrödinger: Esta formulación prefiera la interpretación de los procesos físicos continuos y, por eso, destaca el comportamiento ondulatorio de la materia.
Estas teorías estaban basadas en el principio de incertidumbre, e de ellas se desprendían algunas consecuencias que resultaron desalentadoras, no sólo desde la perspecitva de la física clásica, sino mismo para científicos como Einstein que se resistían a aceptar implicaciones filosóficas sobre la realidad que generaba la nueva física.
Principio de incertidumbre:
La mecánica cuántica no puede establecer, simultaneamente y con precisión, la posición y la velocidad de una particula como el electrón. Una de las causas de esta imposibilidad es la inevitable interrelación entre el observador y el objeto observado, ya que no puede haber observación sin intervención del observador. Dicho de otro modo, toda medición implica una interacción entre el observador y el objeto observado, que altera las condiciones de este último. Esto ocurre en todos los casos: por ejemplo, al medir la temperatura del agua de una bañera, introducimos un termómetro que altera precisamente la temperatura que tratamos de medir. Este hecho, que en procesos cotidianos es imperceptible e irrelevante, se convierte en problemático cuando hablamos de fenómenos subatómicos, puesto que cualquier alteración, por mínima que sea, resulta significativa y determinante. Así, por ejemplo, para conocer exactamente la posición de un electrón, debemos iluminarlo con un fotón de luz, que al chocar con el modificará de manera imprevisible su velocidad.
La superposición cuántica:
Una de las consecuencias más sorprendentes de la mecánica cuántica se derivan de las ecuaciones de Schrödinger, que llegan a predecir que dos realidades diferentes y opuestas pueden llegar a superponerse simultaneamente. La teoría predice que, por ejemplo, si tomamos un naipe y lo colocamos sobre una mesa verticalmente y en equilibrio, la carta caerá simultaneamente de los dos lados. ¿Por qué razón en la vida cotidiana nunca observamos esta clase de superposiciones? La mayoría de los físicos considera que es el propio observador quién decide la observacioón en un sentido o en otro. Por lo tanto, en la realidad se dan los dos estados superpuestos, es decir, la realidad se encuentra indeterminada, pues se encuentra en todos los estados posibles al mismo tiempo, hasta que nuestra observación la obloga a determinarse y adoptar un estado o otro. El propio Schrödinger fue uno de los primeros en darse cuenta de las sorprendentes consecuencias de su teoría, tal y como se pone de manifiesto en la paradoja conocida como El gato de Schrödinger.
![el gato de Schrödinger](https://descubrirlafisica.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/el-gato-de-schrc3b6dinger.png?w=530)
-Implicaciones filosóficas:
Algunas implicaciones del modelo actual son las siguientes:
- Imposibilidad de separación sujeto-objeto: Según el principio de incertidumbre, para observar algo, hay que interaccionar con eso. Cuando el observado es de un tamaño suficientemente pequeño, esa interacción condiciona el resultado del experimento. Por lo tanto, la física cuántica llega a hablar de la creencia (procedente de la herencia griega) de que el mundo es una realidad objetiva que el ser humano puede llegar a conocer.
- Indeterminismo y ruptura de la casualidad: Desde la mecánica cuántica solamente se pueden establecer leyes estatísticas que no predicen con exactitud el resultado de una observación, sino que tan solo calculan sus probabilidades. Un ejemplo de este indetreminismo es la la radiación o la desintegración atómica que se produce espontáneamente y sin que haya una causa que la determine. Este hecho viola el principio de casualidad, según el cual todo fenómeno natural debe tener una causa exterior que lo produzca. Para algunos científicos, esta indeterminación o sería un rasgo de nuestras leyes para describir la realidad, sino una característica inherente a la realidad misma, que permanece indeterminada mientras no haya una observación que la obligue a decidir en un sentido o en otro.
- Alejamiento respecto al sentido común: La teoría de la relatividad y la física cuántica se distancian de nuestras intuiciones y percepciones habituales, por lo que resultan poco comprensibles para los que no son expertos. Contribuye a eso el hecho de que las nuevas teorías se apliquen, básicamente, en ámbitos cotidianos: en el macrocósmico y en los subatómico. Y es que, en el ámbito de la escala humana en el que nos movemos, siguen siendo válidas las leyes de la física clásica.
The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse
Please Be Sure to Read Part 1
Please Be Sure To Read Part 2
CERN, the LHC that is working to find new “particles” and open portals will reach full power on March 23, 2015. According to a lead scientist, CERN has been harvesting energy during the shutdown and will be twice as powerful as it was the first time it was turned on. CERN is “breaking a new energy domain.” The more energy the fully renovated machine has, the deeper scientists can dig into dark matter.
What are they searching for?
There are multiple projects and objectives with CERN, but they all come back to one goal. They want to recreate the big bang. According to Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN, “I want to find the first light in the dark universe.” How exactly are they planning on doing this? According to them, finding the light involves extensive probing and research of dark matter. To simplify, they are bending space and time to open portals.
Max Planck, German theoretical physicist who originated the quantum theory stated, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this source the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
CERN – The Hive Mind
By this quote we can conclude that the Higgs Boson, which holds matter together, is actually consciousness. In the field of Quantum Physics it is known that the actual substance of the universe is consciousness, not matter. Consciousness is defined as, “the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.” What CERN is trying to activate is the hive mind, a state of collective consciousness that would tie us to technology and supercomputers. This is the false awakening. The only true awakening is in Christ.
For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” – Ephesians 5:14
What is the science behind it?
CERN uses Quantum Physics which seeks to understand the properties of solids, atoms, nuclei, sub nuclear particles and light. This field of science is tied to the esoteric teachings of the Qabalah.
Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Quantum Physics has found through various experiments that sound is the basis of form and shape. By using different frequencies humans are able to manipulate matter. We can make music visible using cymatics. Also frequencies effect our minds by manipulating our emotions. Scientists believe DNA emits and takes in frequencies and these are what cause emotion.
![The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse Matrix-and-Internet CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse](https://freedomfighterreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Matrix-and-Internet-300x169.jpg)
So if consciousness is the substance of the universe and the intelligent mind is the “matrix of all matter”, then by changing frequencies you can change consciousness. CERN is using this scientific data to activate a collective consciousness and hive mind, thus collecting more energy. As consciousness changes, perception changes. Changing consciousness on a large scale would cause the world to change.
While the power elite try to keep us in the frequency of fear in order to further dominate the planet, God promises us that perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).
The Solar Conundrum
It is prophesied in the Bible that there will be signs in the heavens during the end times. Coming up are quite a few important astrological events to remember. Earths alignments with Saturn, the sun and the moon open windows of opportunity for ritual magic. The dates below are occult holidays as well.
On March 20, 2015 there is a full solar eclipse that will be seen over Europe. Not only that, but also it is also the spring equinox.
“March 20 could be the most intense day this year. The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness….” (Kate Beddow).
It is during this time that CERN will be ramping up. Why at this time? As stated above March 20th will be a day that will open portals to “higher consciousness.” Remember that CERN is using consciousness in their experiments to try to create a collective conscience and bring in the New World Order. On this day the spiritual realm will become more active and many negative entities can feed off of those who haven’t yet found Christ.
In a total solar eclipse the sun goes dark for a short time. This will not happen again until 2034. Many may not see the meaning behind this event but it indeed is very rare and has a dark representation.
In the words of Manly P. Hall, “In the majority of cases, the religions of antiquity agree that the material visible sun was a reflector rather than a source of power. The sun was sometimes represented as a shield carried on the arm of the Sun God, as for example, Frey, the Scandinavian Solar Deity. This sun reflected the light of the invisible spiritual sun, which was the true source of life, light, and truth. The physical nature of the universe is receptive; it is a realm of effects. The invisible causes of these effects belong to the spiritual world. Hence, the spiritual world is the sphere of causation; the material world is the sphere of effects.”
Many teachings from ancient times tell about a hidden sun or a black sun. This black sun is actually Saturn which represents Satan. As the sun is darkened by the moon, the alignment is made, a key in a lock is turned opening a gateway into the abyss.
April 4, 2015 there will be a total lunar eclipse. The sun, Earth and moon will be aligned. This is part of the four blood moons. This occurs the day before Easter which is an occult sacrifice day celebrating the death of Christ. Because many of the occultists believe that Satan is god, the death of Jesus Christ is a time of celebration. During this ritual they reenact the crucifixion.
![The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse blood-moon-tetrad-2014-2015_by-helena-lehman CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse](https://freedomfighterreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/blood-moon-tetrad-2014-2015_by-helena-lehman-300x176.jpg)
May 22, 2015; It is no coincidence that CERN is expecting its first particle collisions around the time that Saturn aligns with the Earth and sun. When Saturn is at opposition it is at its brightest and largest in the sky. With Saturn being the black sun, this is another day to pay attention to. CERN is operating in line with these events.
![The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse view-saturn-opposition_340 CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse](https://freedomfighterreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/view-saturn-opposition_340-300x146.jpg)
June 21, 2015 is the summer solstice when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. The new age movement sees the solstice as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. This is another day of ritual magic often called Midsummers Eve. On the same leyline as CERN is Stonehenge, Tallaght Hill of the Fair Gods, and The Great Sphinx of Giza. These three ancient sites correspond with the summer solstice sunrise. The Great Sphinx faces the sunrise. The sun pours through an ancient passageway at Stonehenge and onto the center alter. At Tallaght Hill the solstice sun is reflects off of Lin Oir or “golden ponds”.
Below you can see the ley line that passes through CERN. The points on the map are “sacred sites”.
![The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse leyline CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse](https://freedomfighterreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/leyline-300x232.png) ![The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse Ley-Lines-1-World-View CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse](https://freedomfighterreports.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Ley-Lines-1-World-View-300x167.jpg)
Please check out the article we wrote about CERN leylines. This article will show how the occultists are using ancient sites during ritual events on these specific dates to open the abyss.
CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse, the truth behind ley lines is next!
To be continued…
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…" -Albert Einstein
So can 137 act as mediator between science and rEL1gion?
So the auspicious patterns I chanced upon, the sacred geometry based on golden laws, having 12,000 years of good luck as my guide lead me to a common denominator eventually.
Literally and figuratively, that common denominator is I37.
Q/ If I37 is the common denominator, what is the numerator?
A/ ONE would be the numerator that we place over the multitude.
Thus 1/137 and 137/1 are reciprocals of each other.
1/I37 is in fact a dimensionless constant defined by physics that we can place as an idea between two spectral lines, that could be seen as pillars.
Shall we investigate the apparent profound coincidences re: 137 that at the end of our investigation can only lead to ONE conclusion if the seeker of truth is looking for evidence of that special ONE.
the ONE conclusion I have arrived at about the ONE, something I have always known but had to find out for myself is that coincidences are EVIDENCE of the ONE design.
Q/ What is this thread about?
There are two answers.
Answer #2 You will find many pages of coincidences that suggest an underlying DESIGN is in place. IMHO there is NO such thing as coincidences in a 'unified' world. If you believe in ONE god, then ALL coincidences are in fact EVIDENCE of that unity.
This thread is about a CODE and a number that Richard Feynman suggested all good theoretical physicists "worry about".
137 is that number. It is also a number we could write on the wailing wall in Jerusalem because the esoteric numerical value of the word QaBaLaH is 137.
WHAT IF we read 322 from right to left?
i.e. 322 = 223 = 22/3 = 7 1/3 = 713 = 137 = an anagram tELegram for the 21st century
or 322 aka 223 could in fact be a reference to the Saros cycle.
great info on 137 >>> http://mrob.com/pub/num/n-b137_035.html#fn_9
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There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e - the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to 0.08542455. (My physicist friends won't recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly! ” —Richard P. Feynman (1985). QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. Princeton University Press. p. 129. ISBN 0691083886 |
other quotes by physicists re 137:
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The mystery about α is actually a double mystery. The first mystery — the origin of its numerical value α ≈ 1/137 has been recognized and discussed for decades. The second mystery — the range of its domain — is generally unrecognized. —Malcolm H. Mac Gregor, M.H. MacGregor (2007). The Power of Alpha. World Scientific. p. 69. ISBN 9789812569615 |
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If alpha [the fine structure constant] were bigger than it really is, we should not be able to distinguish matter from ether [the vacuum, nothingness], and our task to disentangle the natural laws would be hopelessly difficult. The fact however that alpha has just its value 1/137 is certainly no chance but itself a law of nature.It is clear that the explanation of this number must be the central problem of natural philosophy. —Max Born, A.I. Miller (2009). Deciphering the Cosmic Number: The Strange Friendship of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. W.W. Norton & Co. p. 253. ISBN 9780393065329 |
So when will the philosopher king/queen we all await, step forward? King Richard F. is dead, who shall be the ONE to step forward? Will it be mILEs Mathis?
The image on the left is of a SYMBOL found on a tablet that was lost, as part of the CONTROVERSIAL Niven Tablets that went missing in transit sometime during the 1920s-30s. Why would these tablets have been controversial? I wonder why? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Niven
Funny how the NIVEN Tablets went missing and the NAZI swastika rose from the ashes of Aryan nonsense at the same TIME? For proof Hitler did NOT design the swastika as he claimed but stole the design from the Teutonic Knights who had sworn an allegiance to the Vatican since the days of the Crusades, go here: http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/09/16/%E2%80%9C%E2%80%A6a-noble-theory-of-everything-must-include-the-swastika%E2%80%9D/
(note Niven has the 1379-6 code in his date of death, another of the narratives within the narrative that has been revealed....just more evidence of the underlying unity that gets recorded in ways we have yet to comprehend.... Died June(6) 2, 1937)
The above 'swastika symbol' was referred to as the KEY of Universal Movement by the ancestors of the Meso americans, the Aztec.
How do we connect it to the unsolved Maya Code 1379 along with the reasons why Hitler and Co. used this 12,000+ year old symbol we can trace back to the old testament god YHVH?
What kind of TRUTH is revealed when we start comparing 'theories of everything' new and old??
Update August 6, 2011 please note the 1379 is a recent focus. for many reasons I will explain in later posts. it cannot be ignored...1379 is a direct link between the 4 Evangelists, the Maya, the Kabbalah and the I Ching.
This text is taken from the above book....
Please read the above text. Note the reference to the numbers 7 9 13
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Less-prevalent or poorly understood cycles, combinations and calendar progressions were also tracked. An 819-day Count is attested in a few inscriptions. Repeating sets of 9-day (see below "Nine lords of the night")[9] and 13-day intervals associated with different groups of deities, animals, and other significant concepts are also known. |
7 x 9 x 13 = 819 days
INFO on the importance of the 819 day count: >>> http://www.mesoweb.com/publications/Thompson/Thompson1950-Chapter9.pdf
But simply here is what the numbers 1379 refer to:
13 = Underworld 7 = Earth 9 = Heaven
Can we find a *significant* reference to 819 and the numbers 137 in Mesopotamia not just Mesoamerica? YES a really significant one in fact:
Now here is a Maya hole to dive into, I really mean that, careful how deep you go.... 3^2·7·13 great chart >>> http://www.pauahtun.org/Calendar/carlson_table.html
it mentions a Year Drift Cycle = 11·137 scroll down the chart posted at the link above and you will see that the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, dominate Maya Math/Calendrics
So where does the MAYA CODE 1379 show up in the LATER HEAVEN bagua of the I Ching?
In the Orient this arrangement was called the Lo Shu LATER HEAVEN magic square In the Occident this arrangement was called the 3x3 magic square of Saturn Now do you see the same four numbers 1379 being used to form a cross around the center #5?
this is the end of update now follow the coincidences I recovered PRIOR to the above info and direction given me, if you want to find the design?
Why do religious folks always call the esoteric coincidences 'coincidences' IF they happen to FALL outside the accepted literal imposed NARRATIVE? Why?
If a god exists then these coincidences are IN FACT evidence of an underlying unity.
Are they coincidences if they fall outside the accepted NARRATIVE that each tribe clings to as divine story telling?
So are my recoveries coincidence or design?
ROTAS/SATOR Square is a RIGHT BRAIN mnemonic (algorithm) for an ancient vortex theory that centered around the SWASTIKA.
Swastika and spirals are defined by movement. Life is defined by movement...if you stop moving, if you are not rotated occassionally you will get bed sores, fester, and die.
THUS the ROTAS/SATOR Square can help SOLVE current 'String Theory'?
so I now know what I need to do?
Contact Ed Witten why Ed?
Ed built on Roger Penrose Twistor Theory, RP started it and EW picked it up later and added the word String. Twistor String Theory.
Ed Wittens birthday carries the CODE that I have been following through SPACE/TIME.
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Edward Witten (born August 26, 1951) is an American theoretical physicist with a focus on mathematical physics. He is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. He is a leading researcher in superstring theory, supersymmetric quantum field theories and other areas of mathematical physics. Edward Witten is regarded by many of his peers as one of the greatest living physicists.[1] He currently is the only physicist to have received the highest honor in mathematics, the Fields Medal. |
8 26 1951
11 2 5 8 and a 69* So why Ed?
TRUTH is TRUTH is TRUTH is TRUTH...rears its ugly head again? How are THEY going to VEIL it this time?
Ed's theory, the notation/LANGUAGE that Ed used is a perfect fit for the SATOR/ROTAS square. All of the same letters are used? http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/rotassator-square-is-a-right-brain-mnemonic-for-an-ancient-vortex-theory-that-centered-around-the-swastika/
2000 years later? hmm
clearly we are being 'lead'. wow
p.s. *69 that would be my astrological sign, Cancer (the freemason KEYstone)
Is this the sign I should contact Ed? Maybe it is time me, along with the Tau cross, contacted ED? Do we have a date with TED?
TENET = lasting covenant
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The Word of God makes it quite clear that Sabbath observance was a special sign between God and Israel: “The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested” (Exodus 31:16–17). |
31:16–17 = 137611 _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Last edited by Raphael on Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:04 pm; edited 57 times in total
LET ME PRESENT the THREE GODS or THREE CONSTANTS that scientists use to define the FINE STRUCTURE CONSTANT, which can be written as 0.00729 or 1/137 or simply abbreviated to the enigmatic dimensionless 137
What are the TRINITY or 3 CONSTANTS that make up the FINE STRUCTURE DIMENSIONLESS CONSTANT '137' referred to simply as ALPHA?
Allow me to use ALPHA = 137 = SUPERMAN as an analogy.
1st GOD/CONSTANT is the SPEED OF LIGHT which we sign with 'c' So what is faster than a speeding bullet? Could Superman travel as fast as the SPEED of LIGHT? Faster in one film actually, he was able to REVERSE TIME, remember how he saved his LOVE Lois Lane? Love Lois Lane = 777
2nd GOD/CONSTANT is PLANCK's CONSTANT which is recognized as the 'h'-bar or with a stroke What can LEAP over two tall buildings called the twin towers in a single quantum indiscreet LEAP? The SPECTRAL LINES are the twin towers, re: the Planck Constant
3rd GOD/CONSTANT is the Charge of Electron written as 'e^2' What is stronger than a LOCOMOTIVE? The ELECTRON charge squared over an infinite distance?
To summarize the fine structure constant is involved in ELECTRON COUPLING, and the ability of electrons to EMIT or ABSORB photons/phonons in order to MOVE up or DOWN energy levels.
DUH here i$ MORE de$ign ... the $ign of the Chri$tian Fi$h = ALPHA = 137
BTW a rELIgious person who denies science could refer to this Red/Blue/Yellow SUPERMAN GOD as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. What if?
It all adds up to the NEVER ENDING STORY that has lasted 13.7 billion years.
13.7 = 137 = ELI = my GOD?
Is it OBVIOUS? Not really? Not my problem really.
JESUS = SUPERMAN = 137 placed between the TWO THIEVES , shall we nickname those two thieves that keep us off the middle path (jesus) Yin and Yang?
Y not? JESUS is a ROYAL PURPLE because purple is a mix of RED (positive) and BLUE (negative).
Duh could it be that simple? DUH behind all the complexity when you get down to it....it comes down to 'polarity' represented by THREE PILLARS and NOT the propaganda called duality.
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"ELI ELI lama sabachthani"
"MY GOD, MY GOD, why has Thou forsaken me? -Jesus
MY GOD = ELI = I37 as an underlying IDEA portrayed as both numbers or letters that give rise to shape and form, obviously.
my GOD = ELI = I37 and tapping into the EM fIELd representing all of our dreams and nightmares?
SO THE TRUTH HAS BEEN LAID OUT RATHER SIMPLY? Micheal Persinger claims we can be unified in 10 minutes using the EM fIELd as mediator between 6+ billion people.
But the same old problem still exists, how to get 6+ billion sheeple on the same page, this continues to plague the IGNORANT, the PROFANE, the MUNDANE, and the VULGAR who do not realize that IGNORANCE is also a plague that haunts us, it is a hunger for the TRUTH that starts on the inside and eats away at you.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
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