introduced my client, Tupper Saussy, to one of New York's most unshockable publishing executives. As Tupper articulately sum- marized Rulers of Evil for him, ...
Rulers of Evil, by Tupper Saussy File size (13M). Document viewed 6303 times since March 2011. Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 4:20 am. Adobe Reader is required ...
12/03/2008 - Tupper Saussy was the writer of several books, including Rulers of Evil, the most telling ... Here is the entirety of the work on PDF. ... Rulers of Evil synopsis - At the end of 2006 shortly before his death, Tupper made a request ...
13/01/2011 - Tupper Saussy Rulers of Evil - Free ebook download as Text file (.txt), PDF File (. pdf) or read book online for free.
01/07/2011 - 1 publicación - 1 autor
Anyone read this book? Comments? I've just started it. pdf: PAC • Rulers of Evil, by Tupper Saussy online: Tupper Saussy Rulers of Evil.
"You need to get the book RULERS OF EVIL by Tupper Saussy. This guy has done his homework. The point I'm making is this guy has done extraordinary work ...
Frederick Tupper Saussy III (July 3, 1936 – March 16, 2007) was an American .... under the title Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies.
Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies (HarperCollins) [F. Tupper Saussy, Peter Fleming, Pat Shannan] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super ...
21/11/2009 - 1 publicación - 1 autor
This is F. Tupper Saussy's mindblowing book Rulers of Evil - Useful ... )(1999).pdf |13582558|C102ACDB4B04493C694678E84479B941|/
15/09/2007 - Comments? I've just started it. pdf: PAC • Rulers of Evil, by Tupper Saussy online: Tupper Saussy Rulers of Evil. Get more discussion results.
EL MISMO DISEÑO DE WASHINGTON D.C ESTA EN EL MARCO AL DISEÑO DEL MISMO VATICANO (APOCALIPSIS 17:9)Sky Watching in Washington, D.C. - An Astronomer Looks at the Washington DC Map
If you are in DC the first week of May, you can go to the west side of the Capitol Building at sunset and looked toward the White House to see the sun. The image above shows the sun setting May the first, 20 degrees north of due west in DC. This event is the flip side of the story told by David Ovason about the sun setting over Penn Avenue in August, which you can see in the image below. Here you can see that the sun also sets there in May. Now, re-read his book where he talks about Pennsylvania Ave having been aligned to one sunset on one day.
If you are in DC the second week of November, you can stand on the west side of the CB to watch the sunset near the Jefferson Memorial to the left of the Wash Mmt. If you were there in February, the sun will be setting in the same place again after having made its southerly most pass in December. David Ovason never mentions that Maryland and Penn Aves are symmetrical to one another.
Penn Ave is NOT aligned to one sunset, but to two of them, just as Maryland Ave is!!
From page 339 Secret Architecture, "Both L'Enfant and Ellicott would have insisted that only one day (which is to say, one particular sunset) would mark precisely the orientation between the Capitol and the President's House." Parentheses are his.
I remind Serious Students that these dates, early Feb, May, Aug and November correspond to what are known as the 'cross-quarter' days - the days half-way between the solstices and the equinoxes. In the northern hemisphere the cold peaks statistically on about Feb 6th, while the heat of the summer peak about Aug 6th. The mid-points are in May and November.
Students of astrology should note that the solstice and equinoxes happen on the cusp (beginning) of the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The cross-quarter days occur at 15 degrees of the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, 45+ days after the equinoxes and the solstices. If you know your zodiac symbolism you will recognize these four as relating to the four creatures which were depicted in Ezekiel and Revelation as - a bull, a lion, a man and an eagle. Here is a standard Royal Arch image used by Masons that bears the same creatures.
If you were to watch the sunset for a year from the west side of the Capitol, you would see the sun set in front of you in March and September, it would set on Penn Ave in May, it would set 31 degrees north of due west in late June, and on PA again in August - as Ovason points out.
Next you would see the sun set over Maryland Ave in November, it will set 31 degrees south of due west in Dec and over MA again in Feb. Instead of being oriented to one sunset on one day, the city appears to have been oriented to four sunsets on four days, as seen by Penn and Maryland Aves. The city is not aligned to the solstices but to the cross-quarter days; the fixed zodiac signs, not the cardinal ones.
Some of you may have seen David Icke's demonstration where he uses the image above from Charles Westrbrook's book to prove the DC streets were aligned to the solstices. Please note, first of all, that those three sets of lines are not all parallel, yet they are all labeled as a solstice alignment. (I have added the numbers on the right.)
If you study the solar arc, you will find that while the sun moves to 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator at the solstices, as seen from the equator, that arc widens as you move north or south on the globe. At the latitude of DC, the total solar arc is 62 degrees, 31 north and south. That is, the sun is located 31 degrees north of due east on June 21 in DC.
Since the sun moves 71% of the arc between the equinox and solstice in half that time (45 days), The cross quarter day sunrises and sets happen at 31 x .71, or 22 degrees from due east-west in DC. That matches the alignment of Penn and Maryland Aves.
Take a look at the DVD named "Riddles in Stone" at about 17:00, where they are discussing the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. When you look at the earth's orbit around the sun, you will see that on July 4th, the earth is at its far point from the sun, and it is in such a position that the sun aligns with Sirius. That means that the sun is in front of Sirius, so that you can't see it.
In the DVD, it points to the cornerstone ceremony for the Washington Monument, noting that the sun aligned with Sirius then. They fail to point out that the ceremony took place on July 4th, and that the sun aligns with Sirius then every year. Next they present an image of DC looking east -
They proclaim that on the day of the cornerstone ceremony for the monument, you would have been able to see Sirius rising in the east, and hovering over the Capitol Building as seen above. You now know that you can not see Sirius July 4th, since the sun lies directly in front of it then!! What you would have seen would have been the sun only. Sirius does not emerge from behind the sun until August, the time that David Ovason writes so much about.
Note also that in the DVD it is suggested that the pyramid was 'aligned' to Sirius; that is was built so that the light of Sirius would travel down one of the air shafts and fall on an initiate located in the Queen's Chamber. Have a look at a drawing of the Queen's Chamber and the shafts, and you can see that it is impossible for that to happen, as the southern shaft has a bend in it.
I was quoting from Andrew's article ...so the title was Baron and he was great grandson of the founder of the PhiladelphesCharles Pierre-Paul, Marquis of Savalette Langes (1745-1797) was the keeper of the royal treasure of Louis XVI and personality of French Freemasonry, also a member of the Bavarian Illuminati . http://translate.google.com/translate?h ... CD8Q7gEwAQwhich included among others the Vicomte de Tavannes, Antoine Court de Gobelin , Baudard Claude Saint-James , president of Hericourt, and Prince Charles of Hesse-Rotenburg Rheinfels- , he founded the lodge "Philalethes" in Paris in 1773 , which, in 1787 , was formed in a back-room wishing fight against the monarchy. This back-room was grafted or twin lodge "Friends together", which brought together high office of the French monarchy . The Martinism was the foundation of this new rite. This lodge welcomed personalities such as Cagliostro , Mesmer , and Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin . He also chaired the Paris Masonic conference which met in 1785 and 1787 . Johann Joachim Christoph Bode visited them in 1787, it would have led to the creation of a French branch of the Bavarian Illuminati, the Philadelphians , after recruitment Savalette Tassin de Langes and the pond, the second chief of Battalion of the Filles-Saint-Thomas .it was the French branch of the Bavarian Illuminati....Am I to believe they were against the King Alfred must have been really smart to be selected to Tutor his childrena Jesuit to boot teaching the children ....If he was a Legitimiste and a Roman Catholicwhy would a Jesuit be searching his papers?...By the brief Dominus ac Redemptor (21 July 1773) Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Society of Jesus.By the mid-18th century, the Society had acquired a reputation in Europe for political maneuvering and economic exploitation. The Jesuits were regarded by their opponents as greedy plotters, prone to meddle in state affairs through their close ties with influential members of the royal court in order to further the special interests of their order and the Papacy.Ignatius founded the society after being wounded in battle and experiencing a religious conversion. He composed the Spiritual Exercises to help others follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. In 1534, Ignatius and six other young men, including St. Francis Xavier and Bl. Pierre Favre, gathered and professed vows of poverty, chastity, and later obedience, including a special vow of obedience to the Pope. Rule 13 of Ignatius' Rules for Thinking with the Church said: "That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformity [...], if [the Church] shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black well the Vow of chastity was suspect with Alfred ....rumours were he had affairs ....he was supposed to be a follower of the Pope Madonna della strada Our Lady of the Wayanother picture of herhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... hegesu.jpgShe has an unusual star or comet on her cloakQueen of Heavenhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressio ... y_of_Jesushttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JesuitOn 15 August 1534, Ignatius of Loyola (born Íñigo López de Loyola), a Spaniard of Basque origin, and six other students at the University of Paris[12]—Francisco Xavier from Navarre (modern Spain), Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laínez, Nicolás Bobadilla from Spain, Peter Faber from Savoy, and Simão Rodrigues from Portugal—met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre.[13] Saint Pierre
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