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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 14/07/2011 00:39

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Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/09/2011 03:24
Secrets Of The Lost Symbol - Part 1

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/09/2011 16:33
compas maçonnique

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2011 13:59
Fiesta de la exaltación de la Santa Cruz (14 de septiembre)

  Lectura orante: invocación inicial - leemos - meditamos - oramos

  Meditación ante el Crucificado de San Damián




[volver a página anterior]


Lecturas: Nm 21,4b-9; Sal 77,1-2.34-38; Flp 2,6-11; Jn 3, 13-17



«Tanto amó Dios al mundo que le dio a su Hijo Único»





Señor Jesús,

que en tu cruz nos entregaste tu Espíritu

para que los creyentes no viviéramos huérfanos de ti,

derrámalo de nuevo, hoy,

para que acojamos el amor sin límites

que nos ofreces

en tu Evangelio de salvación.




1. Leemos



San Juan (3, 13-17) 


En aquel tiempo, dijo Jesús a Nicodemo:

- 13 Nadie ha subido al cielo, sino el que bajó del cielo, el Hijo del Hombre.

        14 Lo mismo que Moisés elevó la serpiente en el desierto, así tiene que ser elevado el Hijo del Hombre, 15 para que todo el que cree en él tenga vida eterna.

        16 Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que entregó a su Hijo único, para que no perezca ninguno de los que creen en él, sino que tengan vida eterna.

        17 Porque Dios no mandó su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para que el mundo se salve por él.



Orientaciones para le lectura 



a) El origen de esta fiesta litúrgica y su eucología

b) El texto de Juan



a) El origen de esta fiesta litúrgica y su eucología



La fiesta de la exaltación de la Santa Cruz se remonta a la primera mitad del s.IV. Según la "Crónica de Alejandría", Elena redescubrió la cruz del Señor el 14 de septiembre del año 320. El 13 de septiembre del 335, tuvo lugar la consagración de las basílicas de la "Anástasis" (resurrección) y del "Martirium" (de la Cruz), sobre el Gólgota. El 14 de septiembre del mismo año se expuso solemnemente a la veneración de los fieles la cruz del Señor redescubierta. Sobre estos hechos se apoya la conmemoración anual, cuya celebración es atestiguada por Constantinopla en el s.V y por Roma a finales del VII.


        Las iglesias que poseían una reliquia de la cruz (Jerusalén, Roma y Constantinopla) la mostraban a los fieles en un acto solemne que se llamaba "exaltación", el 14 de septiembre. De ahí deriva el nombre de la fiesta.


        Respecto a las oraciones de la actual conmemoración litúrgica, queremos resaltar dos: la oración colecta y el prefacio.

        La oración colecta expresa el tema del misterio que celebramos: el deseo del Padre de salvar a todos los hombres por medio de su Hijo. El prefacio, por su parte, contrapone el árbol del paraíso (portador de muerte) al de la cruz (generador de vida), y subraya la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado y el mal:


«En verdad es justo y necesario,

es nuestro deber y salvación

darte gracias, siembre y en todo lugar,

Señor, Padre Santo, 

Dios todopoderoso y eterno.

Porque has puesto la salvación del género humano

en el árbol de la cruz,

para que donde tuvo origen la muerte,

de allí resurgiera la vida,

y el que venció en un árbol,

fuera en un árbol vencido,

por Cristo, nuestro Señor...»



[volver a sumario]



b) El texto de Juan



El evangelio de este domingo es un fragmento del diálogo entre Jesús y el fariseo Nicodemo, que encontramos en Jn 3,1-21,


        En primer lugar, os invito a leer atentamente, no sólo la lectura evangélica sino también la primera y la segunda lecturas, que ensanchan y profundizan el mensaje del evangelio.


        En las tres lecturas subyacen dos adverbios que nos ofrecen un especial marco de comprensión: estos adverbios son "arriba" y "abajo".


        La primera lectura, del libro de los Números (21,4b-9), nos sitúa junto al pueblo de Israel en el camino hacia la tierra prometida. El pueblo, que tiene hambre y sed en el desierto, murmura contra Dios y contra Moisés. La murmuración es su gran pecado, pues expresa la desconfianza en el amor y el poder de Dios para cumplir lo que ha prometido: sacarles de la esclavitud y llevarles a una tierra fecunda, que mana leche y miel.

        Entonces le sobreviene al pueblo un castigo: serpientes venenosas provocan la muerte de muchos. El pueblo reconoce su pecado y pide a Moisés que interceda ante Dios por ellos. Dios les da la curación a través de un signo: una serpiente de bronce elevada sobre un mástil, a la que todos los mordidos debían mirar para vivir.


        El evangelista Juan vio en esta serpiente alzada una figura de Cristo levantado en la Cruz y Resucitado (recordemos que el verbo "levantar" es sinónimo de "resucitar"; cf. Mc 5,41; Lc 7,14; Ef 5,14).


        Fijémonos en el dinamismo de vida de Jesús: Él es "el que bajó del cielo" (Jn 3,3), "se despojó de su rango, y tomó la condición de esclavo, pasando por uno de tantos. Y así, actuando como un hombre cualquiera se rebajó hasta someterse incluso a la muerte, y una muerte de cruz" (Flp 2,7-8).


        En la concepción de Juan, Jesús preexiste en la intimidad del Padre (Jn 1,18) y es igual a Él, uno con Él y Dios como Él. Del seno del Padre baja y se hace carne, por amor a nosotros, para darnos la vida abundante (cf. Jn 10,10). 

        La cruz es, en esa historia de amor, el mayor abajamiento y despojamiento del Hijo (kénosis) y su mayor exaltación, pues es ahí donde nos mostró que su amor no tenía límites y que ni siquiera el miedo a la muerte podía hacerle retroceder en su compromiso por la salvación de todos.

        Esa humillación de morir en cruz, como un maldito, siendo el Hijo amado del Padre, fue el comienzo de su glorificación, pues el Padre mismo lo "levantó" de entre los muertos y lo resucitó como primicia de nuestra propia resurrección.


        La fiesta de la exaltación de la cruz no significa que el cristianismo sea una exaltación del sufrimiento, del dolor o del sacrificio por el sacrificio. Si así fuera, el Dios que pide esto de nosotros sería un Dios sádico que no merecería nuestro amor. Lo que exaltamos en esta fiesta no es la cruz (un instrumento más de tortura y ejecución como el cadalso o la silla eléctrica). Lo que exaltamos es el amor incondicional de un Dios que compartió nuestra condición humana y se comprometió con la realización del Reino hasta el final. Exaltamos al Crucificado que, habiendo amado a los suyos, los amó hasta el extremo (cf. Jn 13,1). Y exaltamos al Dios que, como Abrahán, entregó a su Hijo Único, a su amado, para que todos tengamos vida en su nombre (cf. Jn 3,16; cf. Gn 22,2).





Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/09/2011 14:03

viernes 12 de septiembre de 2008

Fiesta de la Exaltación de la Santa Cruz

P. Benjamín García Soriano

"Lo mismo que Moisés elevó la serpiente en el desierto, así tiene que ser elevado el Hijo del Hombre, para que todo el que cree en El tenga vida eterna" (Jn.3,14-21)


Estas palabras se las dice Jesús a Nicodemo en el transcurso de un diálogo personal. Jesús se aplica a sí mismo el símbolo de la serpiente, basado en un episodio del Exodo en el que los israelitas en el desierto eran acosados por una plaga de serpientes , que mordían y hacían morir a muchos con su veneno, entonces, Moisés, por indicación de Dios, hace una serpiente de bronce y la coloca en un poste a la vista de todos y les dice que el que sea mordido, que mire con fe a la serpiente de bronce y quedará curado... No en sentido mágico, sino gracias a la fe en Dios...

Jesús retoma esta vieja historia y se la aplica a sí mismo: “lo mismo que Moisés elevó la serpiente en el desierto, así tiene que ser elevado el hijo del hombre, para que todo el que cree en Él tenga vida eterna”.


Jesús elevado en la cruz es esa serpiente; es decir, El, Jesús en la cruz es la Presencia salvadora de Dios para todo el mundo. Todo el que se adhiera a El, aceptando el don de su Amor, obtendrá la vida definitiva...Necesitamos levantar nuestra mirada a Jesús clavado en el madero de la Cruz, como expresión del Amor infinito de Dios hacia todos nosotros.

Este signo del “Hijo del Hombre elevado”, es la expresión del amor de Dios a la Humanidad y está alzado para que el mundo entero pueda verlo. Jesús es el Don de Dios a la Humanidad.


Por eso, en el Evangelio de hoy, se nos invita a alzar nuestra mirada, no a la serpiente de bronce, sino al mismo Jesús Crucificado y Resucitado, que ofrece la vida plena a todos... El es la expresión del amor de Dios al mundo; en su rostro crucificado sólo hay amor y ternura...


¿Somos conscientes hoy de que el veneno de las serpientes, no se ha terminado? Andamos mordidos por muchas serpientes: mordidos por la violencia, por la competitividad, por las injusticias, por el consumo desmedido, por la insolidaridad en que vivimos; mordidos también por la falta de fe y por el vacío y la perdida del sentido de la vida.

Todo el que se sienta mordido por cualquier serpiente, puede levantar su mirada a Jesús y obtener la Vida. Y a continuación el Evangelio nos ofrece la explicación última de esta invitación:

Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que entregó a su único Hijo para no perezca ninguno de los que creen en El, sino que tengan Vida Eterna”.

Es penoso percibir que los creyentes de hoy no seamos capaces de descubrir y experimentar nuestra fe como Fuente de Vida auténtica y que nos contentemos con sobrevivir. No estamos convencidos interiormente de que creer en Jesús es tener Vida Eterna, es decir, comenzar a vivir ya desde ahora una vida plena y definitiva.


Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la exaltación de la Santa Cruz. Esta fiesta se remonta al siglo IV y conmemora la consagración de una Basílica que se construyó en Jerusalén sobre un lugar en donde se creía que Jesús había muerto y había sido sepultado. Es una fiesta para profundizar en el sentido de la Cruz, signo de la fe cristiana, pero ¿qué sentido puede tener celebrar la fiesta de “la exaltación de la cruz” en una sociedad que busca ávidamente el confort, la comodidad y el máximo de bienestar? Más de uno se preguntará ¿cómo es posible seguir todavía hoy “celebrando la Cruz de Cristo?”.


Sin embargo, cuando los cristianos celebramos la Cruz de Jesús no ensalzamos el sufrimiento, ni la muerte, sino el amor y la solidaridad de Dios que ha querido compartir nuestra vida y nuestra muerte hasta el final.


Celebrar la fiesta de la Exaltación de la Santa Cruz significa tomar conciencia en nuestra vida del amor infinito de Dios hacia nosotros. Todo ser humano tiene sed de este amor, sin el cual no es más que un experimento absurdo, por más transformaciones del mundo que se lleve a cabo. Hoy, más que nunca, precisamos el consuelo de Aquel que nos ha amado hasta el extremo. El, Jesús crucificado, es el verdadero consuelo, más allá de toda palabrería.


Que ante este Amor de Dios que se nos revela en la cruz de Jesús podamos dejar hoy nuestros miedos y nuestras lamentaciones y abrirnos a su confianza... Que, vueltos a Él, le digamos que nos cure de todas las serpientes que nos acosan y envenenan nuestra vida.


Nuestra oración hoy puede ser: Señor, Tú has venido al mundo para abrirnos un camino de amor y de comunión para todos los seres humanos. En este día, nos volvemos a Ti, única esperanza y única libertad, única alegría que nadie nos puede quitar.





Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/09/2011 17:00

Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/09/2011 17:38
the blazing star

Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/09/2011 18:15

Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/10/2011 17:20
La estrella de Belén:
Una escena organizada por astrólogos
por Patrice Guinard, Doctor en Letras

-- traducción Alhena Casanova --

"Habiendo nacido Jesús en Belén de Judea, en el tiempo del rey Herodes, he aquí que unos magos venidos de Oriente llegaron a Jerusalén y preguntaron: "Donde esta el rey de los Judíos que acaba de nacer? Hemos visto elevarse su estrella y hemos venido a rendirle homenaje" (Mateo, 2.1-2)

    El texto del Evangelio de Mateo habría sido redactado hacia el año 90 D.C., es decir cinco años después del de Lucas, 25 años después del de Marcos, y cerca de un siglo después del nacimiento de Cristo: sus mas antiguos fragmentos conocidos son incluso posteriores a un siglo.

     Únicamente este texto incorpora el párrafo sobre la estrella. Según la exposición de Lucas, un ángel anuncia el nacimiento de Jesús a un grupo de pastores. Qué podemos creer de la exposición de Mateo, que figura también en el Evangelio apócrifo de Juan? Se sabe que un astro mencionado en una visión de Balaam (Números, 24.17) fue interpretado como indicador del nacimiento de un mesías. Las primeras preguntas que surgen conciernen a la formulación del texto: Quiénes son esos magos? De dónde vienen? Qué edad tenia el niño en el momento de su llegada? Cuál es la naturaleza del astro? Cuál es su posición celeste?

     No creo que el texto de Mateo sea una leyenda sin fundamento real, con una mención astronómica destinada a convencer a los ciudadanos del imperio romano mediante representaciones que les fueran familiares. Esta construcción artificial no hubiera tenido ninguna chance de éxito. Por el contrario ha de verse en el texto una representación creíble, destinada en principio a los Judíos o a algunas franjas de este pueblo, y referida a imágenes y valores que estaban presentes en su espíritu. Pero cuáles eran estos?

     Los magos, que no se convertirán en reyes sino mucho mas tarde en la imaginación popular, eran hombres de conocimiento, sabios: los traductores acuerdan incluso en nombrarlos como astrólogos. Vienen ellos de Oriente, o simplemente del este de Jerusalén? Se ha evocado a los Caldeos, en razón de sus conocimientos astronómicos, y a los Persas en razón de la naturaleza mesiánica de algunos escritos del Zoroastrismo. Se ha evocado también a exiliados pertenecientes a la diáspora judía.

    Según el texto, el niño recién habría nacido: esto puede significar que él precisamente acaba de nacer, y que en consecuencia los astrólogos visitantes no vienen de muy lejos, o que él ha nacido hace algunas semanas o incluso algunos meses, tiempo suficiente para un viaje, digamos, desde Babilonia. Estos "magos" debieron estar muy determinados para recorrer unos 1500 kilómetros a fin de rendir homenaje a un recién nacido destinado a un porvenir real. El hecho astronómico debió ser de una importancia considerable. Sin embargo, no se halla en las tabletas babilónicas ningún rastro de este particular hecho , ni huella en ninguna época, de una conjunción o fenómeno astronómico que revistiera tal importancia, ni, lo que es peor, algún interés, entre los presagios que se han conservado, en cuanto al destino de la región de Amurru, la región del oeste en la topología babilónica. La cuestión crucial es la siguiente: Qué interés hubieran tenido esos astrólogos y astrónomos caldeos en cuanto a los destinos del pueblo judío? En cambio si estos sabios hubieran sido judíos, miembros de la diáspora, y en contacto con sabios autóctonos, subsiste aun la cuestión de la distancia temporal entre el nacimiento del niño y su llegada a Jerusalén.

     Qué realidad encubre el astro del futuro rey de los Judíos? Se han propuesto decenas de hipótesis, entre ellas : Venus (la cual, cualquiera sea su situación, no es una manifestación astronómica particularmente rara), el cometa Halley (que fue visible únicamente en el año 12 A.C.), una conjunción planetaria (se han propuesto numerosas variantes), una ocultación planetaria, entre ellas la de Júpiter por la Luna los días 20 de marzo y 17 de abril del año 6 A.C., hipótesis del astrónomo Michael Molnar [1], actualmente de moda entre los especialistas, ya que esta fecha corresponde a aquélla, aproximativa y calculada , del nacimiento del Cristo, luego de haberse corregido el descuento incorporado por Dionysius Exiguus a fin de establecer la fecha de la Navidad en el año 525 D.C.

      Diversos autores han formulado criticas a esta hipótesis (entre ellos los astrónomos Seymour y Kidger) : las ocultaciones de Júpiter por la Luna son bastante comunes, las mencionadas para el año 6 fueron prácticamente invisibles, aun en el caso de que teóricamente, hubieran podido ser calculadas, aunque es bastante improbable que los conocimientos astronómicos de la época lo permitieran..[2]

     Cuál es la situación del astro en el momento del nacimiento y en el momento de la llegada de los astrólogos al lugar? "Hemos visto elevarse su estrella" - declaran, lo cual significa o bien que ya no esta allí, o que aun podría encontrarse allí?

La conjunción del año 7

    Kepler, quien pensaba que la estrella de los Magos era una estrella nueva, es decir una nova, similar a aquélla que él había observado en 1604. [3], hace notar la coincidencia de su aparición con la conjunción Júpiter-Saturno del año 7 A.C. en modo similar a la del año 1604 D.C., relacionando la primera con el nacimiento del cristianismo y la concepción de Cristo, y la segunda con la Reforma. En forma más general Kepler indica que el gran ciclo de los 3 planetas más lentos (el equivalente del ciclo Plutón-Neptuno-Urano de los astrólogos modernos) parecía marcar las grandes fases de la historia, especialmente la bíblica.[4]

     La hipótesis del nacimiento de Cristo durante el verano del año 7 A.C. parece la mas probable. Ha sido propuesta inicialmente por el astrólogo John Addey quien da la fecha del 22 de agosto 7 A.C., por la tarde, para la elevación helíaca de la conjunción Júpiter-Saturno.[5] Otro astrólogo, el alemán Walter Koch, propone el tema hipotético del nacimiento de Cristo para el 14 septiembre 7 A.C. a la caída del sol. [6]

     Konradin Ferrari d'Occhieppo, astrónomo de la universidad de Wien, da un nacimiento para el 15 de septiembre 7 A.C. por la tarde.[7] Según el astrónomo David Hughes, esta fecha seria astronómicamente la mejor fundamentada : los monjes zoroastrianos habrían decidido que el nuevo mesías nacería el 15 de septiembre 7 A.C. por la tarde (hacia las 17h45), al tiempo de la elevación helíaca de la conjunción Júpiter-Saturno.[8] Recientemente, Percy Seymour ha sostenido esta hipótesis del 15 de septiembre 7 A.C. alrededor de las 18 horas.[9]













Carta natal Jesucristo


      Aun si durante el año 7 A.C., en razón de sus latitudes, Júpiter y Saturno hubieran estado en conjunción en varias ocasiones, en el mejor caso a 1 grado de orbe, la triple conjunción de los tres planetas mas lentos conocidos por los astrónomos de la época (Marte, Júpiter, Saturno) tuvo lugar por primera vez luego de 850 años en la constelación o el signo de Piscis, y el Cristo habría nacido bajo la oposición del Sol en Virgo a la conjunción Júpiter-Saturno en su elevación. Esta hipótesis da explicación a las palabras de los magos a Herodes: "Hemos visto su astro elevándose" lo que permitiría suponer que este "astro" no ha desaparecido aun y que podría ser observado nuevamente, y explica también el enigma de la metáfora de la inmaculada concepción (el texto del Evangelio "nacido de una virgen" se interpretaría como "nacido en el signo de la Virgen"), la asimilación del acontecimiento astronómico a la venida de un Mesías, rey de los Judíos (elevación de un planeta real, benéfico, en conjunción con Saturno, el planeta de los Judíos), el símbolo de Piscis que habría sido conservado como signo de identificación y de reconocimiento entre las primeras comunidades cristianas.

     La hipótesis no responde a dos grandes preguntas: por qué precisamente esta conjunción? Y especialmente (pregunta que no ha sido planteada hasta ahora) : por qué estos magos, monjes zoroastrianos según David Hughes, se habrían interesado en un hecho que a priori no les concernía?

     El astrónomo Mark Kidger, quien no cita ni a d'Occhieppo, ni a Seymour, menciona 64 conjunciones Júpiter-Saturno ocurridas durante el primer milenio precedente al nacimiento de Cristo, y siete conjunciones triples (con Marte) entre ellas la de los años 146-145 A.C. en Cáncer con un orbe de 10 minutos de grado. Dicho de otro modo, solo 140 años antes del acontecimiento del año 7, hubo una conjunción más espectacular aun pues tuvo mayor precisión, lo cual bien hubiera podido atraer también la atención de los astrólogos atentos. Como lo señala Kidger : "Si el único factor a tomar en cuenta fuera la conjunción, los magos, viendo esta conjunción triple y espectacular [la del año 145 A.C.] hubieran debido llegar a Jerusalén 139 años antes!" [10]

     El hecho de que la conjunción del año 7 se sitúe en Piscis no me parece un argumento convincente : después de todo ni Manilius ni Doroteo asocian Palestina o el pueblo judío con Piscis, y Ptolomeo coloca a Judea bajo el signo de Aries. Y qué corografía no contradice a otra! [11]

     Cuando leí, hace ya una decena de años, la obra de David Hughes, quedé persuadido de que él estaba en lo cierto. Similar reacción tuvo Seymour: "David Hughes estuvo de acuerdo con d'Occhieppo, y yo también lo estoy" [12] Sin embargo, la elección del 15 de septiembre por ser el único día de la oposición "exacta" (sin tener en cuenta la latitud) de Júpiter al Sol, nunca me ha convencido. Por qué no tomar el día de la oposición del Sol a Saturno, o mejor aun aquel de su oposición al centro de la conjunción? El astrólogo alemán Walter Koch ha sido uno de los primeros en proponer una fecha probable en este contexto, la del 14 de septiembre. Yo mismo pensaba que el 16 de septiembre era mas conveniente, en razón del papel que cumple la Luna en la configuración, es decir su posición en doble cuadratura a la famosa oposición (según las efemérides de que dispongo).

     Cualquiera sea la fecha considerada, anterior o posterior al 15 de septiembre, ella debe dar solución a las preguntas antes mencionadas, es decir : De dónde habrían venido estos astrólogos, y cuáles pudieron ser sus motivaciones para encarar semejante viaje y venir a rendir homenaje a un niño judío? Por qué lo hicieron en esta fecha del año 7? Por qué no lo hicieron, dado el caso, 140 años antes ya que esta conjunción no sería tan excepcional como parecen creer sus defensores?

     Mi hipótesis es como sigue : esta conjunción no es la única teoría puesta en juego para determinar la fecha del nacimiento del Mesías, sino que existe otra teoría concomitante, otro hecho de naturaleza astronómica o astrológica, el cual, junto con el primero, hace de este nacimiento el hecho excepcional esperado. Un indicador, aun si es plausible y convincente, no deja de ser una presunción ; la unión de varios indicadores, sin relación entre sí pero concordantes, puede devenir en certeza.



Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/10/2011 17:37
Septiembre -7 (8AC)
        1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Autor:Paolo Bonavoglia

El calendario funciona a partir del 1 Enero del -4712 (4713 A. C.) que es el día 0 del calendario juliano.
Al pasar del calendario juliano al gregoriano desaparecieron los días desde el 5 al 14 de octubre de 1582.
Para los años anteriores al -45 (46 A. C.) año en el que Julio Cesar introdujo el calendario juliano, la fecha se expresa según un calendario juliano retroactivo y no según el calendario de Numa entonces vigente. Para el periodo entre -45 (46 A.C.) y 8 D.C. se intentó cambiar el nombre y la longitud de los meses y el error en los años bisiestos que computaban.

Eventos astronómicos
Luna nueva Jueves 1 Septiembre -7 (8AC) 19.22'
Cuarto creciente Jueves 8 Septiembre -7 (8AC) 13.19'
Luna llena Vienes 16 Septiembre -7 (8AC) 15.8'
Cuarto menguante Sàbado 24 Septiembre -7 (8AC) 13.32'
Eclipse ningún eclipse de sol
ningún eclipse de luna

La hora está en T.U. o sea tiempo universal del meridiano de Greenwich; las fases de la luna son aproximadamente con error máximo de 2m; pero en el eclipse de sol la señalización de la zona visible es solamente indicativa.

Significado de las Lunaciones

Luna Nueva

Al reunirse sl Sol y la Luna marcan el inicio de un nuevo ciclo, esta parte del ciclo resulta favorable para cualquier cambio que queramos hacer o planear nuevos proyectos. El organismo esta mejor dispuesto a una desintoxicación o una nueva dieta médica.
También hay mayor serenidad para eliminar lo que hay en exceso o lograr mayor autocontrol.
Se recomienda comenzar a trabajar a partir del día siguiente o del primer cuarto creciente en que la fuerza es más efectiva.

Recomendación: Dejar un vicio, como fumar o el alcohol. Formular un deseo para los sentimiemtos o el cuerpo. Planificar un proyecto. Expresar nuestras ideas. Iniciar una dieta.

Luna Llena

La Luna, ahora, está en oposición al Sol, por lo que la Luna y el Sol tiran cada uno en una dirección opuesta a la del otro.
Esta tensión también se hace sentir en los organismos, y en particular sobre los que contienen fluidos. Hay una mayor retención de liquidos en los cuerpos.
Las mareas biológicas repercuten en el sitema nervioso animal, las emociones son más exaltadas.
También la razón y los sentimientos están distanciados. Los trastornos psicosomáticos se hacen más acusados en esta ápoca.

Recomendación: Cuidado si somos propensos a los arrebatos. Tratar de aplazar decisiones importantes. Usar el humor como terapia ante los imprevistos. No iniciar dietas de adelgazamiento.

Cuarto Creciente

A medida que la luna crece también lo hacen los organismos. La Luna da más energía y predisposición a actuar, también hay mayor receptividad de asimilación como de las personas a escuchar.

Recomendación: Cortarse el pelo si queremos que crezca rápido. Elaborar ungüentos o esencias a base de flores y frutos. Mejora la asimilación de vitaminas y/o minerales.

Cuarto Menguante

La Luna decrece en luz y en tamaño, comienza a depurar todo lo que no le sirve preparandose para la renovación. Los organismos están predispuestos a eliminar y purificarse.

Recomendación: Cortarse el pelo si queremos que crezca con fuerza, pero lo hará más lentamente. Hacer dietas purificadoras, como limpieza de cutis. Beber más agua, el cuerpo suda más y se autodepura mejor.

Luna Azul

Cada tres años, aproximadamente, se produce un fenómeno curioso al que se le ha denominado 'la Luna Azul'. Este fenómeno consiste en que en un mismo mes hay dos Lunas Llenas. Las últimas Lunas Azules se produjeron en enero de 1999, y en abril del 2001. La Luna Azul en el 2004 se produjo en julio. En el 2007 se produjo en junio. Las siguientes serán en Diciembre 2009 y Agosto 2012.

Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/10/2011 19:46

Freemasons- Key of Solomon

One of the biggest mysteries in the world of the Freemason's is the Key of Solomon. What is it? Where did it come from? How does it affect us as a people?

For the the first time this riddle will be explained!

The web site http://www.keyofsolomon.net/ gives the details of what this parchment is about but here is where you get the complete story of why this key was made!

We go back to the beginning, the creation of Adam in 4026 BCE
Imagine not knowing the day you were born! This was the biggest mystery concerning Adam, the first man.  Living in the Garden of Eden, he didn't care about it because he never was suppose to die.

(Genesis 2:7-9) 7 And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul. 8 Further, Jehovah God planted a garden in E′den, toward the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 Thus Jehovah God made to grow out of the ground every tree desirable to one’s sight and good for food and also the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.

 (Genesis 2:16-17) 16 And Jehovah God also laid this command upon the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. 17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die. . .
If Adam obeyed this command he would never die. But sadly this did not happened...
(Genesis 3:8-24) 8 Later they heard the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife went into hiding from the face of Jehovah God in between the trees of the garden. 9 And Jehovah God kept calling to the man and saying to him: “Where are you?” 10 Finally he said: “Your voice I heard in the garden, but I was afraid because I was naked and so I hid myself.” 11 At that he said: “Who told you that you were naked? From the tree from which I commanded you not to eat have you eaten?” 12 And the man went on to say: “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me [fruit] from the tree and so I ate.” 13 With that Jehovah God said to the woman: “What is this you have done?” To this the woman replied: “The serpent—it deceived me and so I ate.” 14 And Jehovah God proceeded to say to the serpent: “Because you have done this thing, you are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild beasts of the field. Upon your belly you will go and dust is what you will eat all the days of your life. 15 And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.” 16 To the woman he said: “I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring forth children, and your craving will be for your husband, and he will dominate you.” 17 And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” 20 After this Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living. 21 And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and to clothe them. 22 And Jehovah God went on to say: “Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,—” 23 With that Jehovah God put him out of the garden of E′den to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken. 24 And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of E′den the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life.

As mankind grew, his sons and daughter would ask him the day he born but he didn't know...

The Bible didn't give us an exact date of this, but an event that occurred in 2490 BCE that will explain it all and it has been kept secret by the Freemason's ever since... until now.

In the book of Genesis chapter six gives us the story...
  (Genesis 6:1-7) 6 Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. 3 After that Jehovah said: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” 4 The Neph′i‧lim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the [true] God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame. 5 Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. 6 And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart. 7 So Jehovah said: “I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens, because I do regret that I have made them. . .

The Angels who left their place in heaven came to the Earth and showed man how to reconize the day of Adam's birth. This started the pagan use of astrology, and birthdays. But what was the day of Adam's birth?
Here is a clue...
According to the ancient Biblical reckoning, the year ran from autumn to autumn. This was particularly suited to an agricultural life, the year beginning with plowing and sowing, toward the first part of our month of October, and ending with the gathering in of the harvest. Noah counted the year as beginning in the autumn. He recorded the Deluge as beginning “in the second month,” which would correspond to the latter half of October and the first half of November. (Gen. 7:11, footnote) To this day, many peoples of the earth still start their new year in the autumn. At the time of the Exodus from Egypt, in 1513 B.C.E., Jehovah decreed that Abib (Nisan) should become “the start of the months” for the Jews, so that they now had a sacred year, running from spring to spring. (Ex. 12:2) However, Jews in our day observe a secular, or civil, year beginning in the autumn, Tishri being the first month. *** si p. 281 par. 19 Study Number 2—Time and the Holy Scriptures ***

Now if we count from Adam's creation to Noah we'll find this:
 4026BCE Adam to Seth (Genesis 5:3) 3 And Adam lived on for a hundred and thirty years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth. . .
3896BCE (Genesis 5:6) 6 And Seth lived on for a hundred and five years. Then he became father to E′nosh. . .
3791BCE (Genesis 5:9) 9 And E′nosh lived on for ninety years. Then he became father to Ke′nan. . 
3701BCE (Genesis 5:12) 12 And Ke′nan lived on for seventy years. Then he became father to Ma‧hal′a‧lel. .
 3631BCE (Genesis 5:15) 15 And Ma‧hal′a‧lel lived on for sixty-five years. Then he became father to Ja′red. .
3566BCE (Genesis 5:18) 18 And Ja′red lived on for a hundred and sixty-two years. Then he became father to E′noch. . .
3404BCE (Genesis 5:21) 21 And E′noch lived on for sixty-five years. Then he became father to Me‧thu′se‧lah.
3339BCE (Genesis 5:25) 25 And Me‧thu′se‧lah lived on for a hundred and eighty-seven years. Then he became father to La′mech.
3152BCE (Genesis 5:28-29) 28 And La′mech lived on for a hundred and eighty-two years. Then he became father to a son. 29 And he proceeded to call his name Noah,. . .2970 BCE
Angels come to Earth 2490 BCE
(Genesis 5:32) 32 And Noah got to be five hundred years old. After that Noah became father to Shem, Ham and Ja′pheth. 2470 BCE

The figures shown for the pre-Flood period are those found in the Masoretic text, on which modern translations of the Hebrew Scriptures are based. These figures differ from those found in the Greek Septuagint, but the evidence for accuracy clearly favors the Masoretic text.

Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (Genesis, p. 272, ftn) says: “The internal evidence is shown to be decidedly in favor of the Hebrew from its proportional consistency. The numbers in the LXX evidently follow a plan to which they have been conformed. This does not appear in the Hebrew, and it is greatly in favor of its being an authentic genealogical record. . . . On physiological grounds, too, the Hebrew is to be preferred; since the length of the life does not at all require so late a manhood as those numbers [in the Septuagint] would seem to intimate. . . . the added 100 years, in each case, by the Septuagint, shows a design to bring them to some nearer proportional standard, grounded on some supposed physiological notion. . . . To all this must be added the fact that the Hebrew has the best claim to be regarded as the original text, from the well-known scrupulous, and even superstitious, care with which it has been textually preserved.”—Translated and edited by P. Schaff, 1976.

While modern historians would extend the period of human habitation on the earth much farther back than 4026 B.C.E., the facts are decidedly against the position they maintain. The thousands of years of “prehistory” they argue for are dependent on speculation, as can be seen from this statement by prominent scientist P. E. Klopsteg, who stated: “Come, now, if you will, on a speculative excursion into prehistory. Assume the era in which the species sapiens emerged from the genus Homo . . . hasten across the millenniums for which present information depends for the most part on conjecture and interpretation to the era of the first inscribed records, from which some facts may be gleaned.” (Italics ours.)—Science, December 30, 1960, p. 1914.

The period of the post-Flood era begins with the year 2369 B.C.E. Whereas some would assign certain pictographic writings to the period 3300 to 2800 B.C.E. (New Discoveries in Babylonia About Genesis, by P. J. Wiseman, 1949, p. 36), these are not actually dated documents and their supposed age is based only on archaeological conjecture.

While appeal is sometimes made to datings based on the radiocarbon (C-14) technique, this method of dating has definite limitations. Science magazine of December 11, 1959, p. 1630, reported: “What bids to become a classical example of ‘C14 irresponsibility’ is the 6000-year spread of 11 determinations for Jarmo . . . , a prehistoric village in northeastern Iraq, which, on the basis of all archeological evidence, was not occupied for more than 500 consecutive years.” There is thus no solid or provable evidence to favor an earlier date than 2369 B.C.E. for the start of the post-Flood human society. (Insight on the Scriptures by WTB&TS)
*** it-1 pp. 459-460 Chronology ***

Now what would be the most memorable moment up to this time that the Angels would remember? It would be the creation of Man, a human, the first of its kind! That date would be easily understood by looking at the stars at that time.
The Angels showed man that that date was SEPTEMBER 15!
This day has been revered by the Freemasons ever since.
But how could they remember it down thru history?

So the story goes:
The Angels showed them how to use the stars! They gave them a way to find the Pleiades Constellation on September 15! This key is found in many Freemason Tracing Boards.

This tracing board clearly shows Pleiades in the upper right hand corner. The 33 steps represents 33 units of cosmic measure from the rising Orion belt towards the Sun like star. To find it you must look towards the Sun-rising or east. But the key is the Obelisk! It stands inside a symbol of Ra marking the ground, "as above so below!
Today this key is found in Washington D.C., the Vatican. Stonehenge, Giza Egypt, and other places.
Now knowing when their calender began, Noah put it to good use:
(Genesis 7:11-12) 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And the downpour upon the earth went on for forty days and forty nights.

(Genesis 8:2-5) . . .. 3 And the waters began receding from off the earth, progressively receding; and at the end of a hundred and fifty days the waters were lacking. 4 And in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ar′a‧rat. 5 And the waters kept on progressively lessening until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first of the month, the tops of the mountains appeared.

(Genesis 8:13-14) 13 Now in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, it came about that the waters had drained from off the earth; and Noah proceeded to remove the covering of the ark and to look, and here the surface of the ground had drained dry. 14 And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth had dried off.

So why was it so important to learn the exact date of Adam's creation?
Up to that time they knew how to count time but they didn't know when it began. To have a starting point gave them a whole new view of who they were, and without it our calendars would not be as accurate as it is today. Could records be kept if no one knew what their exact day of birth was?
Our whole life in today's world is tied to our birthday.

What was the response by ancient man over this new knowledge?

They were treated the Angels like Kings and they  ruled the world for 120 years. When they had relations with the daughters of men, they bore the Nephilim who may have grown to 36 feet tall!
Truly the world becameruined in the sight of God. So on November 3, 2370 BCE, the Flood occoured and the Angels left the planet and could never materialize again. Where are they now?
(2 Peter 2:4-5) 4 Certainly if God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them into Tar′ta‧rus, delivered them to pits of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment; 5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people;

The Freemasons has taken this date and has kept it secret from man. Their history books speak nothing about Adam, or even of the Flood. The Angels became the Annunaki and became legend.
After 1350 years though, Solomon was born. He became the wisest man in his time. Mankind's ability to read the stars have wained. The image above clearly has seven stars that look similar to the Pleiades cluster. If viewing the image above as a window looking out at the horizon, it would place the viewer or initiate (standing in the position of West) looking at the sky above the horizon in the direction of East.

The image of the tracing board portrays a night sky because the seven stars can be seen, as well as the star with a ladder coming down from it referred to in Freemasonry as the “Blazing Star”. There are openings in what looks like mist that appear to accommodate three important heavenly objects. Many have thought the two top most heavenly objects represent the Sun and the Moon as they pass this area of the night sky near the Pleiades on the ecliptic. But a much more conclusive solution is now at hand.

The three heavenly objects are similar looking to one another and all look like Suns. They are obviously special in a very mysterious way.
Hiram Abif showed him, as he learned of this celestrial event on September 15.
This parchment written by King Solomon shows on the two left the star chart which shows the stars on the eastern horizon at midnight on September 15. This is how the sky looked at Adam's creation.
But it also shows the sky for another far major event... the birth of JESUS CHRIST!
Yes Jesus was born on September 15! Here is the account:
(Luke 2:1-20) 2 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Au‧gus′tus for all the inhabited earth to be registered; 2 (this first registration took place when Qui‧rin′i‧us was governor of Syria;) 3 and all people went traveling to be registered, each one to his own city. 4 Of course, Joseph also went up from Gal′i‧lee, out of the city of Naz′a‧reth, into Ju‧de′a, to David’s city, which is called Beth′le‧hem, because of his being a member of the house and family of David, 5 to get registered with Mary, who had been given him in marriage as promised, at present heavy with child. 6 While they were there, the days came to the full for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her son, the firstborn, and she bound him with cloth bands and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the lodging room. 8 There were also in that same country shepherds living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. 9 And suddenly Jehovah’s angel stood by them, and Jehovah’s glory gleamed around them, and they became very fearful. 10 But the angel said to them: “Have no fear, for, look! I am declaring to YOU good news of a great joy that all the people will have, 11 because there was born to YOU today a Savior, who is Christ [the] Lord, in David’s city. 12 And this is a sign for YOU: YOU will find an infant bound in cloth bands and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there came to be with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying: 14 “Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill.” 15 So when the angels had departed from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another: “Let us by all means go clear to Beth′le‧hem and see this thing that has taken place, which Jehovah has made known to us.” 16 And they went with haste and found Mary as well as Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. 17 When they saw it, they made known the saying that had been spoken to them concerning this young child. 18 And all that heard marveled over the things told them by the shepherds, 19 but Mary began to preserve all these sayings, drawing conclusions in her heart. 20 Then the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all the things they heard and saw, just as these had been told them.
Would sheperds be outdoors in the winter? Bethlehem is 2500 feet above sea level. No,
the same celestrial sky in the eastern horizon was seen on this very important day! This has been documented in many Freemason cities.
Here the Vatican faces east
On the ground is the eye of Ra. The Obelisk sits in the middle. If you look up from here on September 15 you find Orion belt and go 33 cosmic units to find Pleiades.
Why kept a secret?
KNOWLEDGE! Freemason's and the Global Elites want to keep mankind in the dark about who we are, where we're from. The Vatican burned people who possesed a Bible! Now we see why. Knowing about Satan and his demons who rule the world is closely guarded secret, especially since they bow to their will.
They know that this manipulation of the highest source! Those demons know the truth but instead try to fool everyone that they're aliens! Every cilvilation in world history has been fooled....
Except Jehovah's Witnesses! No we  worship of Grand creator Jehovah and follow the example of Jesus Christ our King. We know man was created on September 15, 4026 BCE....

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/10/2011 20:37
Otra version llaves de salomon

Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2011 01:21

The Muslim Empire and the land of gold: Freemasons- Key of Solomon

700trillion.blogspot.com/.../freemasons-key-of-s...En caché - Traducir esta página
12 Jan 2010 – The Angels showed them how to use the stars! They gave them a way to find the Pleiades Constellation on September 15! This key is found in ...

Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2011 01:32

Chapter 10

A Sign of God Birthing the Apostolic


This brief study will show that God not only gave a sign in the heavens (the stars) as a witness to His Son Jesus' birth 2000 years ago, but that He is also giving a sign in the heavens (the stars) to our generation who is witnessing another birth: The birth of Jesus restoring modern day apostles to His Church government. When His government is fully established in His people, the spotless Bride of Christ will arise in the power of the Holy Spirit to finish the ministry of Jesus in the earth (see Isaiah 60). The Bride of Christ arising and shining is the beginning of Jesus' return to rule and reign the earth during this new millennium.

There is a difference between astronomy and astrology. Astronomy, which is good, is the study of God's creation in the stars, and "declares the glory of God." Astrology (horoscopes and fortune telling from your "sign"), which is forbidden in the Scriptures, is the perversion of the true study of the stars. Below are some quotes pertaining to astronomy in the Scriptures:

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.

Psalms 19:1-6 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth forth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Amos 5:8 and Job 9:9 mention names of constellations such as Orion, Arcturus (the Bear -The Big Dipper), Pleiades (a seven star grouping). Job 38:31-33 mentions the "Mazzaroth" which is the 12 constellations of the Zodiac (Zodiac means stages of the sun's path through the heavens in 12 months).

Jewish tradition, preserved by Josephus, suggests that Bible astronomy was invented by Adam, Seth and Enoch. For nearly 2,500 years the revelation of God's redemptive plan for mankind was written in the naming of the stars and their grouping in the 12 signs of the Zodiac; each one having 3 other deacons (constellations) associated with it for a total of 48 constellations. The heavens therefore preserved the truth until the written Scriptures could be given to Moses. Some excellent resources on this subject include: "The Gospel in the Stars" by Joseph A. Seiss; "A Voice Crying in the Heavens" by Robert Scott Wadsworth; and "The Witness of the Stars" by E.W. Bullinger... Robert Wadsworth writes, "I have checked the next 2,000 years and there is nothing that comes close to the portrayal that the heavens display from 1996 to 2000."8

First we will look at the sign that was in the heavens when Jesus was born, then we will see how it compares to the sign that is now occurring in the heavens:


The Sign of Jesus' Birth

Thanks to projectors, like Chicago's "Adler Planetarium," and computer technology, like the program "Dance of the Planets," we can chart the movements of the heavenly bodies to see what they looked like 2,000 years ago at the birth of Christ.

Matthew 2:1 "After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men (magi) from the East came to Jerusalem, saying "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him."

The wise men (magi) were probably Zoroastrian priests who lived hundreds of miles from Jerusalem in Mesopotamia (Iraq) and were skilled astronomers studying the heavens from atop of ziggurats. A "star" to the magi could mean almost any light in the sky, whether star, planet, comet or nova. The tower of Babel having "its top with the heavens (meaning signs of the zodiac)" (Gen. 11:4) was probably a ziggurat used for star gazing. Since the magi were familiar with the Hebrew religion, they interpreted rare celestial events as omens.

The celestial events detailed below told the wise men that the prophesied Jewish Messiah and king was being born. These astronomical statistics have been printed in several well known publications including Guideposts Magazine.9

Each number below is shown in the following celestial map:

1) August 12, 3 BC - They saw the two planets Jupiter and Venus rise in conjunction. (A conjunction is when celestial bodies line up so closely that they appear to us as a single super bright light.) Jupiter signified kingship or Messiah and Venus meant birth and motherhood. This occurred in the constellation of Leo, which is the symbol of the Hebrew tribe Judah. Since the magi were studied in the Hebrew Scriptures, they probably knew from Genesis 49:10 that the Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah.

2) September 3 BC - They saw Jupiter rise in conjunction with Regulus. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo - a symbol of rulership.

3) February 2 BC - a Second time they saw Jupiter rise in conjunction with Regulus.

4) May 2 BC - a Third time they saw Jupiter rise in conjunction with Regulus.

5) June 2 BC - a Second time they saw Jupiter and Venus rise in conjunction. Again, Jupiter referred to kingship or the Messiah and Venus meant birth and motherhood.

6) September 2 BC - a Third time they saw Jupiter and Venus rise in conjunction. This occurred again in the constellation of Leo, which again is the symbol of the Hebrew tribe Judah from which Jesus came.

7 & 8) August/September 3BC & December 2 BC - On these two occasions, Jupiter was located directly in the womb area of the constellation of Virgo the virgin. Jupiter's Hebrew name is "Sedeq" which throughout the period of Jesus and the first apostles was a term used for the Messiah.

The graphic below shows the location references to the numbers above.

The Jews understood the principle that whenever God moves in a major way He would give a "sign" in the heavens. This is why they asked Jesus to show them a sign to prove he was the Messiah (Matt. 16:1). The heavens in the past several years have been lighting up like never before heralding the soon return of Messiah Yahoshua (Jesus). One particular sign that has been occurring each year from 1996 through 1999 during every Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah - The Jewish New Year) is Virgo the Virgin giving birth to the moon. The moon is located in the womb of the constellation Virgo. Revelation 12:1-17 compares this sign with the birthing of God's "man-child."


The Sign of the Revelation 12:1-17 Birth


September 15, 1996

September 11, or 12, 1999 depending on time zone

The October 2, 1997 and September 21, 1998 Feast of Trumpets Signs are not shown above, but they did take place and the graphics look very similar to the 1996 and 1999 events pictured here. All of these original graphics and astronomical statistics were taken from the website of astronomer and Jewish believer Greg Killian.10

Revelation 12:1-5 "A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman (constellation Virgo) clothed with the sun (just below the horizon), with the moon (male-child) under her feet and a crown of twelve stars (constellation Bernice) on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon (constellation Draco) with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child (moon), who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne."

The moon represents the "male Child" (Rev. 12) in this rare astronomical event. Virgo the Virgin (Bethula) is giving "birth" to the moon every year from 1996 to 1999, and it just happens to be occurring every year on the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hoshanah or the Feast of Trumpets), which is very rare indeed. By the year 2000, the moon is far beneath her legs (birthed). This positioning of the moon within Virgo (happening four years in a row on the same Hebrew date) has never occurred before, and will never occur again for another 26,000 years, due to the precession of the equinoxes!

The sun is just below the horizon such that Virgo (Bethulah) is "clothed with the sun" as the Scripture mentions. The sun must be below the horizon in order to have any possibility of seeing this "sign." The moon is "new" and after "birth" the moon will move directly to the feet of Virgo (Bethula) within 24 hours. Over Virgo's head is the constellation known as "Coma Bernice's hair". This is the "crown of twelve stars" in verse 1. Higher and above her legs we will find "Draco the Dragon" poised to devour Virgo's child.

The above pictures do not show Draco the Dragon because it would make the picture curved and hard to relate to. If you had a larger picture you would see that Draco is poised above the woman, waiting to snatch the man-child. The moon is poised in the "birth canal" of the virgin who is lying down with her feet in the air. The word "Bethulah" is in the location where her head should be. The constellation of Coma Bernice is the crown of twelve stars above the virgin's head.

This sign, as depicted above, is how it looks from Jerusalem. Notice that the Sun is below the horizon so that this sign can be seen. This sign would not be visible if the sun were to be above the horizon. Because the sun is below the horizon, the constellation is literally "clothed with the sun" as Revelation 12 says!

Isaiah 66 (partially quoted below) seems to be the closest match in all of the Scriptures to the Birth in Revelation 12. I think that it is more than a coincidence that Isaiah 66 just happens to be in the weekly Torah reading during the week of September 11th 1999 which is read by all orthodox Jews specifically when the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh) falls on the Sabbath; as it does when this sign occurs on the Feast of Trumpets (September 11 & 12 1999). The Lord obviously chose the readings so that His people would be informed before He takes any action. Isaiah 66:5-9 says -

"Hear the word of the LORD, you who tremble at his word: "Your brothers who hate you, and exclude you because of my name, have said, 'Let the LORD be glorified, that we may see your joy!' Yet they will be put to shame. Hear that uproar from the city, hear that noise from the temple! It is the sound of the LORD repaying his enemies all they deserve. Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God."


Connection to Modern Day Apostles

So what is the connection between this sign and God restoring modern day apostles? During the same four years that the heavens were birthing a male-child, God was calling forth His apostles from all over the world and commissioning them to take their rightful place in His government that He is establishing on the earth. During the years 1996-2000 there were seven (7) different red moon eclipses over Jerusalem which all happened on Jewish Holidays!10

Joel 2:30-32 confirms the significance of this: "I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood BEFORE the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved."

From 1996-2000 as the "Virgo birthing the moon" sign occurred, God was connecting many of His called apostles to begin taking their role in His Bride Body church. Jesus is the Head of His church, and He is therefore able to gather His apostles in each region of the globe whenever and wherever He desires. On September 11th of 1999 when the final "Virgo birthing the moon" sign stood in the heavens, it was a token of what was being carried out on the earth within God's Bride Body Church. The current Church (woman) was giving birth to the Lord's apostolic government (manchild) who will rule and reign over the earth with Him. I think it is more than coincidence that on this day (Sept. 11th 1999), my wife Linda gave birth to our second son Stephen as a token to me personally that God was indeed speaking through these heavenly signs which I had been studying at the time.

About 8 months later, on May 17th 2000, another sign occurred in the heavens which was so similar to the sign at the time of Jesus' birth that NASA called it "A Christmas Star"11 and compared it to the "star" reported in the book of Matthew. Also around this time, a major aligning of the planets occurred in heaven on May 5th 2000.12 Although this line up of the planets was hidden by the sun, another major line up of planets occurred two years later that was visible on Pentecost May 18th 2002.13 On this Pentecost day in 2002, my wife just happened to give birth to our third son Seth, May 18th 2002, which is the date that I had written two years prior would be significant because I knew the planets were "aligning" visibly again on the Feast of Pentecost. The Lord was speaking to me again that He has surely been birthing something of great significance in the earth concerning the aligning of His apostolic government. Although this government is currently unseen to the eyes of men, when God moves it will eventually affect everyone just like the birth of Jesus did.

Jesus is being birthed through His Bride Body in a most powerful way, which can be compared to His first birth in Nazareth 2000 years ago. Only this time it will be "Christ in us" His Bride Body who will do the "greater works" of Jesus in the earth as He promised in John 14:12 - "Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." These modern day apostles are like generals in the Lord's underground army, except that these generals do not need to have recognition and status like worldly generals. Their identities can only be seen in the Spirit and it is usually best that they remain hidden and obscure from the authorities and structures of men. However, when the Lord's manchild reaches maturity, several decades from now, everyone will be able to witness God's government.


Other Confirmations of this Birth

1) Paula M. Cavu - Brisbane Australia -Daystar Ministry
I met Mr. Cavu a few months after I first published this article in May of 2000. Paula and his interent discussion list at Daystar had been talking about God's coming "manchild" for many years prior to these signs happening. Below is one particular quote in their discussion:

Spiritual experience to warn about the enemy's plan to kill the child of God's resurrection power, received by Paula M. Cavu on 20th April 1997 -- The meaning of this spiritual experience is obviously related to the revelation and identification, in the new additions to this web site, of the child of God's resurrection power that is being birthed from The Church in the 1990s. This further advanced my perception that "the man child" that is being purged or refined from God's judgment upon Christendom, represents a major and historical intervention of God in the affairs of The Church and humanity.

The Bible records two such major and historical times when God birthed into the world the man child of His intervention into the affairs of men. The first was Moses. Moses was God's man child who was birthed into the world to be the mediator of His Old Testament Covenant. The powers of the kingdom of darkness were aware of this divine purpose of The Creator and they set out to kill every man child or boy child that was born of the children of Israel.

At the birth of Jesus Christ, the powers of darkness were again aware of Heaven's divine purpose. Accordingly they again set out to kill the man child or boy child of God's New Testament Covenant. Concerning killing the two "man child" of God's covenants with humanity, the powers of darkness failed and God's purposes in the lives of Moses and His Son Jesus Christ were fulfilled.

In the same way "the man child of God's resurrection power," which is being birthed from The Church in the 1990s, will overcome the desperate attempts of "the god of this world" to kill it. In agreement with the resurrection purpose of God, the man child of the 1990's will be resurrected "up unto God, and to His throne." May the prophets of the 1990's declare God's purpose in due season and give direction, motivation and purpose for the people of God!

Rev 12:1-5 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

The role in the 1990’s of the Internet and E-mail is for global communication between God's called out and chosen people.14

2) Bob Schlenker - Sign of the Conception for this birth?
In 1991, nine years before this "birthing" there was another very rare celestial sign that took place in the stars which can be compared to the "conception" for this birth. It was again, very similar to the celestial sign which occurred at the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago. I was not personally aware of this sign until 2003, but a brother named Bob Schlenker was shown this significant heavenly sign back in 1991 and wrote the details on his Open Scroll website.15

3) Stephen Paul Jablonowski - Birth of a Manchild Poem
My son Stephen Paul was born on the same day this Revelation 12 Sign appeared in the heavens on the Jewish New Year (Sept. 11th 1999 - Feast of Trumpets). This confirmation is only one of many that the Holy Spirit gave me to know that this "Revelation 12 Sign" is really a sign from the Lord and not just an interesting coincidence. The poem that I wrote on the day of Stephen's birth, September 11th 1999, is written in the next chapter. Below is Stephen Paul's birth announcement from Huntsville Hospital's "BabyFace" website:

Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 311 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2011 01:45

WAYNE HERSCHEL opening presentation on the Hidden Records and Forbidden Records- Ancient Alien Secret - BC- AD from Megalithomania 2011 SA

Wayne Herschel is a Zimbabwean born archaeo-astronomer and a pioneering astro-archaeologist. These transcriptions have been reconstructed from writings on Wayne's websites keyofsolomon.net oneism.org and hiddenrecords.com, and from his book Hidden Records :


Wayne shows a slide of a Neanderthal:

“I wouldn't call this chappie human because he is far from human. That is an ancient Neanderthal face. Up until maybe 200 000 or 100 000 years ago this is the creature of this planet. Our planet is the planet of the apes for a very long time, until just recently, a blink of an eye, suddenly we are everywhere, replaced by modern humans of all races on every continent, suddenly. The evolutionary gradient is very consistent from the end of the Neanderthal period."

Wayne shows slides of skulls

“If you look at these skulls and the difference in hundreds of thousands of years, (there are) very slight changes. And that's where we are now ."

Wayne points to a modern human skull

“If you compare hominids to human bones there is a very large difference. Modern humans, Cro-Magnon man, have this very frail very porous femur and every hominid had a very dense bone and a lot thicker. You can see the thickness of the ancient bone there as compared to now. Every animal in the animal kingdom seems to have a well-adapted structural condition for our bodies to live in our planet. Our porous bones suggest we might have had a different beginning."

Wayne shows the slides of the Australopithecus.

“We can see various hominids of the earliest skulls and at the end of the hominids, the Neanderthals. You can see a slight resemblance even with those two being from different sides of the spectrum. And here is us, Cro-Magnon man suddenly appearing. Compare the skull of the chimpanzee to the Australopithecus. You can see a close resemblance to the modern ape, but the modern human looks really different. Humans have approximately a 30% less bone density & 30% less muscle connectivity to our bones.

“From the beginnings of humanity there are two prime occurrences. Our ancestors appear to have arrived here replacing the last Earth Hominid… the Neanderthal, around the time of a cataclysmic flood event. Modern humans suddenly appeared on all continents shortly after Neanderthal became extinct around 17000 years ago.

“WHO ARE THE gods ?"

Wayne shows the slides of the ELONGATED SKULL

“The picture on the left is a skull that is elongated. This skull has one litre extra volume of skull. To give birth to a kid that size you would have to have pretty wide hips."

Wayne shows an ancient image and points out the wide hips

“This is a male, very unusual creatures, and interestingly he carries this wide hip syndrome.

“We found skeletal remains of a new born baby with the exact same skeletal proportions of that skull. One thing that points to it being a really real species, most of the skulls have no teeth. They had gum disease and their teeth just died out with their power and reign. They were treated as gods in the beginning."

“The missing link is a scientific fact. There is a huge gap between hominids and humans. There is no genetic link between Neanderthal and Human genus."

From Oneism.org: "The blueprint code of all life seems interfered with here on Earth as the change in evolution from Ape to Man appears to ‘quantum leap'. A replacement event seems more plausible here, from a visitation… an arrival of our direct ancestors more than anything else and not the direct hand of God."

"What is the secret of the human origin genome?"

Wayne shows the slides of CHERUBIM

“Cherubim is a childlike entity and is not human. Each of the four cherubim had four faces: the first was the face of the cherub, the second was a human face, the third was the face of a lion, and the fourth was the face of an eagle.

From Oneism.org: “The Cherubim watch over the Tree of Life and all life in the universe. Hence ‘life' is the correct interpretation of the sign of the Ankh in Egyptology. The shape of the Cherubim's head matches that of the glyph. In much the same way, it is also how the fertility gods throughout Africa are represented, as shown here. Traditional accounts of fairies, gremlins, leprechauns, gnomes, elves, trolls, demons, the list is endless… all seem to describe the Cherubim. All of humanity here on Earth appears to be descendant of Angelic beings.

“Eloheim is translated to mean "Elo" – People, "Heim" - The Heavens.

“The Hebrew spoken word to "bring forth" is the same word used to describe "to create".

“The Genesis text (can thus) read: “Those who came from the heavens 'brought forth' human beings in their likeness and in their image as life to give birth on Earth.

“(Another example is) Ezekiels flying wheel from the Bible. Each was a wheel within a wheel.

From Chariots of the Gods by Erik Von Daeniken : “The Bible is full of dramatic accounts like the ascension of Elijah. It is a story of unparalleled fantasy unless of course the storyteller was eye witness to an unprecedented event. A fiery chariot born by flaming horses came from heaven to take Elijah away.

“In the book of books many artists have recreated the story of Ezekiel the prophet. ‘In the 30 th year in the fourth month on the fifth day of the month, the heavens were opened. As I looked behold a stormy wind came out of the North and a great cloud with whiteness round about it and fire flashing forth continuously and in the midst of the fire as it were, gleaming bronze and from the midst of it came the likeness of living creatures and this was their appearance. They had the form of man but each of them had four faces and each had four wings. As for the likeness of their faces: Each had the face of the man in front, a lion on the right and ox on the left and an eagle at the back.' Would Ezekiel have been describing the landing of visitors from space in very different terms? ‘Now as I looked I saw a wheel upon the earth besides the living creatures. One for each of them. It was like the gleaming of a crysalite. A construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. When they went they went in any of the four directions without turning as they went. The four wheels had rims and they had spokes. And their rims were full of eyes round about.' Were these the engines of a space ship? ‘And when they went I heard the sound of their wings like the thunder of the almighty. The sound of tumult like the sound of a Holst.' The prophet had witnessed a dazzling site. How closely it resembles the launching of a multi staged rocket. “

“I honestly believe it was an invasion and we are the descendants of people who came here that had very advanced beginnings and something wiped the slate clean and brought us back to hunters and gatherers. I believe the flood did that.

From Hidden Records: “A cataclysmic event in the solar system causes a flood on earth roughly 10 000 years ago : This would be the beginning of Dynastic Egypt. The era where all recorded traditional Egyptian history begins… a history in which the gods only existed as a distant memory… …It is plausible that they may have revisited and conveyed their knowledge…”

"Erich Von Däniken theorised the concept of ‘ancient astronauts.”

Wayne presents images of ancient stone carvings:

"A Mayan artefact (believed to be found in Bolivia). A backpack adjoins a fully enclosed helmet that is part of a pressure suit.

"A Mayan artefact found new La Venta in Mexico reveres a ‘harvest mountain lord' who holds a device resembling a palm computer. His attire is complete with large base ‘helmet', headphones and communications microphone.

Wayne shows further images of ancient stone carvings

“And look at this one here it looks like he has a microphone and some weird apparatus like in hospital to breath oxygen: something that connects him to his life and why would he want to do that? Same with this one, carved with a breathing mask and no protection on the body. (Could be used for) harmful bacteria."

“That's how they find them - covered in soil, they are very ancient."

“We are looking at the origin of the bird headed gods."

From Hidden Records: "This being has been documented in many civilizations spread across the globe. I am convinced all of these cultures experienced the same visitation event. He seemed to bring forth similar teachings and was apparently able to fly… In Egypt, Central America, Cambodia and Irag there is the Hawk masked god…"

“The Sumerian civilization, the Persian empire said their gods were bird headed. They did the same as the Egyptians.

* * *

Starting in Egypt: Lets look at our story, modern humans. Akhenaten built 1800 offering tables out of concrete. He spoke of a disk that came down and he supplied all the offering to the god of the disk that shined like a sun.

“There is (another image of) the ship of Ra, it shows the dung beetle that carries the sun in tradition.

From 1heartpaganism the author writes : “The apparent ‘self-creation' of the scarab beetle resembled that of the Egyptian Sun God Ra, who created himself out of nothing. The ancient Egyptians believed that the Sun God Ra renewed the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to renew it, again, the next day…

“The secret of the sun, being it leaves the ground of the sphinx, the hall of records, through the back of the sphinx."

“(Here is) another depiction of the sun being important underneath the records of ‘our sun that sat down from the heavens'."

From Hidden Records: “(Ra) was the highest occupant – the ‘high commander' so to speak of the celestial ship, He is depicted as a ram headed deity…

“Ra sat down (from the heavens) and here is the blown up story. (It is about) the interaction of heaven and earth with god and the first earth human."

Wayne shows the image of a 3000 year-old vignette from the Djedkhonsuiefankh funerary papyrus on display in the Cairo Museum. It shows exactly how Ra's ship appeared to the earliest scribes who created the papyrus.

“Here is the ship of Ra, it is a disk with a dome, has three legs and radiates multi coloured light. That is not a normal ship, that doesn't look anything like stunned bark. I think it is more than a boat, I think it is a celestial ship, a real folk phenomenon that existed in ancient times. This ancient tradition from Papyrus seems to suggest Ra's first arrival here in this world he could have landed on the back of that Sphinx.

Let us look at the legend of the strange anomaly at the back of the Sphinx. There are two depictions of a ship that landed on the back of a Sphinx. Interestingly about the Sphinx he has a completely flat back, a helicopter could land quite easily on the back of that. Ra landed on the back of the Sphinx in a ship. Why would he want to land on an elevated area surrounded by water? 10 000 years ago there were obviously lions and crocodiles and that would have been a safe place to get started."

“This funny anomaly on the back of the sphinx, you see that funny picture on the top? That is a ceremonial fan, almost like a flag from that ceremony where the king is paraded. Two people walking with this depiction of what looks like a half sun shining. I wonder what the origin of that is?

“There is a picture of that original fan. It had a long stem for the person to hold it. These are the bright colourful feathers cut to a pointed edge. Cutting to a pointed edge does not make it an effective fan, they made it pointed perhaps to signify radiating light coming from the ship of Ra.

“There is a tablet that talks of the ceremony. They have got a model of the sphinx with the ceremony on the back of the sphinx.

“This is an invitation or a little clue as to what is under the sphinx."

Wayne shows a cross-section of the Sphinx.

“Notice the two vents of the Sphinx.

“If you had to look at the ancients' obsession with sacred objects they want to show both sides of the sphinx and that is a very clever way of doing it; showing the back part of the Sphinx and the two elevations left and right: so the whole sphinx is included in a sacred picture. The sphinx might have been a lion's head.

“What is the Sphinx looking at? That is the view of the sphinx!

“He is looking at the sun rising in the East and he is looking at the stars. Leo is the Sphinx, it is looking across the Nile river. And look at the shape of Leo, it is the shape of the side of the Sphinx. The angle is only 1 degree out in the sky, 34 point something. It is quite likely that the sphinx is telling us to look at all the pyramids.

“The sphinx is also watching the birth of that star in Ra. The sphinx is speaking its secret, it is telling us to interpret the pyramids as stars. Let's do that.

From Hidden Records: “All pyramid cultures were inspired by some extraordinary knowledge from those that came from above."

“The Solar Trinity - Father, Mother and Son is an interpretation of 3 solar deities."

Wayne shows slides of the Lost temples of Babylon

“Lost temples of Babylon fit in the triangulation of 3 Ziggurats. The triangle pointing down is a general symbol for a monument of the 3 stars pointing up."

Wayne shows the star of David

“(The) sacred feminine is pointing down, and the pyramid pointing up. The 7 celestial lights merged to form the star of David. (It is the) heavens meeting the earth.

From keyofsolomon.net: “As above in the heavens, so below on the ground. The triangle pointing downwards seems to represent what is sacred in the heavens. The triangle on the ground with its apex facing the heavens possibly symbolises sacred places on Earth. Or as some new theorists believe, the triangle could be symbolising the secret meaning for the shape of the pyramid itself. One has to ask if this is perhaps another way of suggesting pyramids represent something sacred in the heavens: Stars?"

“In an early map, quite amazingly, the original lay out of the Giza plateau that the first researchers were able to document, there are some very interesting anomalies on the plateau that don't exist anymore. Huge piles of rubble. They were still building Cairo after this.

“Look at the patterns of the pyramids. There are plenty of sarcophagi. There are over 2 other very large pyramids and we have a very bright sequence of magnitude.

“Looking at a satellite image you can see how the pyramids have been butchered in time. This huge big bloodshed, the white lime stone they have taken monuments apart to build ancient Egyptian temples themselves. That's all that is left of that missing pyramid cluster. These pyramids have been butchered, big holes here, they were trying to look for gold, looking for tombs."

Wayne shows the slides of the PYRAMIDS

“The pyramids have two things they depict. One is the layout of the stars, I completely support Robert Bauval's theory.

“The second thing is something important that happened inside that was spiritual. Maybe an induced out of body experience that traversed the heavens."

“If you take a picture of the pyramids and have it re-rendered to take out everything that is younger than 2000 years."

“That is now pre-2000 years ago, that is what the whole plateau would look like. Look at the top left corner. There is another causeway that goes to nowhere; I believe that is a ruin and I will show you why. The sphinx is right there. I am going to follow Robert Bauval's theory that those three pyramids represent Orion's belt. Measure the angle and the angle is z. Now if the sphinx represents Leo in the sky, what does Leo look like and what is the orientation between these two big and one small pyramid? They represent the two big stars and the one small star and exist in the right way to find Leo.

“There is a different pyramid ruin. You see if we put the star picture over it I think there is another one in the sand. If you draw lines through them they all cross in one very important point and that shows there is a geometric lay out."

Wayne does all these illustrations on the slide presentation

“In this picture I have made Orion's belt three times bigger to fit. It is pretty amazing. They do kind of cross all around that area. There are 50 pyramids in lower Egypt and I believe they show the whole 360 degree trip around the night sky. The most important one is the middle of the star map. There is the ground zero.

“The pattern is - we have a large pyramid, a small pyramid, a large pyramid and compare the two."

Wayne traces out on the image with the stylus

“I have been looking for pyramids by following magnitude and guess what? You just have to follow these stars to 5 ancient monuments."

From Hidden Records: “Equally baffling was why the two largest and brightest stars forming the perimeter of Orion, namely Rigal and Betelgeuse initially seemed to have no pyramid correlations at all… Two massive ruins are precise mathematical portrayals of the two stars positions."

“The Sphinx is thought to be the oldest monument. I want to question that because I thought there was another one."

He shows the slide of the OBELISK OF RA

“This is the oldest monument in ancient Egypt. It is the obelisk of Ra, where the sun takes off. It is probably about a 100 feet tall with a little gold cap. (It is part of a) huge cluster near Abusir. Abusir coincides with the Pleiades."

From Hidden Records: "The Pleiades is located in Taurus. The obelisk shaped pyramid is referred to as the Sun Temple of Ra."

“Looking at the area of Abusir where the obelisk was built. This would not have been built in the desert. I am pretty sure it was a very basic climate with ample rain and a decent place to live. The obelisk ‘sun temple' does not have a visible star correlation."

From Hidden Records: “The obelisk shaped pyramid in its function as part of a star map… this pyramid suggests … the star origin … of the Place of Ra….

Wayne shows the famous papyrus of the DUAT and the Sky Goddess NUIT ‘arched protectively over the Earth.'

From keyofsolomon.net: “The Papyrus below is one of the oldest papyrus texts on display in the Cairo Museum

“Looking at the way the pictograph works: A pictograph tells a story for those who can't read. Nuit is touching one horizon and then the other. (This is) the personification of the heavens of all the stars and the female goddess that gives birth to the stars. Nuit is touching the leg of the bull and has an utterance of a sun star secret that comes from the womb. It speaks of the birth of the Ra star from the womb. There is the womb triumphed down on heavens and following the pentagon where the toes touch the ground we have the leg of the bull constellation.

“If I could solve the leg of the bull constellation…? This is a big thing I am challenging. This whole worshipping of the sun of Ra in ancient civilizations, I challenge. I believe there is another sun, a sunlight star in the heavens associated with this constellation of Pleiades. It is the beginning of mythology. Star of Ra is the place of Human ancestors.

From Hidden Records: “A high magnification amateur photograph of the Pleiades showed me that there is nothing in place now where I expected to find the Sun Pyramid of Ra. But, what about thousands of years ago? Could this area once have contained a star the ancients revered … ? Could Ra's Sun Pyramid be suggesting … another Sun … another Sun like solar system … making it conducive to Life

Wayne shows an x ray photograph of the SUNLIGHT STAR in the Pleiades

“Interesting if you do an x ray photograph of the Great Plains, there is a huge source of radiation from that star in the diagram so I believe that there was a bright star there. And as we look through the Pleiades through a telescope, that is the sunlight star there that tiny dot about 200 light years away. About 17 500 years ago it lands in that circle.

“If you look closely at the stars, the star maps have very important monuments. This is a very important part of the sky. There is the Pleiades: You find there are two sunlight stars, this one here and this one there. And if you run back in time about 17 thousand years you have a second anomaly here and it comes into contention. We find another sunlight star.

“Looking at it from above and I think that is the Pleiades constellation and I will tell you why. There is a very close similarity and there is the x that marks the spot. That is one of the sunlight stars.

“The little blue stars you see at the top are the Pleiades and Orion on the left are the two star formations that seem to be most common in history.

“Orion's belt, the brightest star, Sirius, following the stars you get to Taurus the celestial bull, patron of ancient civilizations and the Pleiades down here, an important star. The leg formation can be used as a pointer. It looks like a celestial leg of the bull."

Wayne points out on the star map

“There are 33 degrees of ark measurement from ‘that piece of Orion to there'."

From Hidden Records : “The initial and prime location pointer to finding Pleiades cluster in the night sky is via Orions belt."

“Orion is the sacred cross of the church. Orion is personified as a bird headed God. Orion 3 belt stars in a row show the way to Bethlehem's star, they key of Solomon's star. 3 kings, three stars of Orion follow from the east to find the star associated with the birth of the story of Bethlehem: The Christ star the birthplace of Humanity. All humanity came from the Bethlehem star system.

"Constantine had an intervention with angels that told him about the cross in the sky."

From www.keyofsolomon.net: “The ‘double' cross in the heavens that Constantine saw is no doubt the sacred cross of the stars of Orion showing the way, as one follows the alignment of the three star in a row cosmic sign post, to the place of our celestial ancestors, the Bethlehem ‘genesis star'.” ‘This unites all humanity as one sacred bloodline'. … Voynich manuscript depicts the sacred cross... It has a cluster of seven stars and a little line as if signifying a path of travel to the Sun star very near to the Pleiades … ”

“Orion has 3 stars and Pleiades 7 stars. (These are) cosmic signposts. (This relates to) human origins and the pillar of discovery of our solar system.

“Number 3571 is very ancient sacred number. 3 stars of Orion through the 5 of Taurus to the 7 of Pleiades to the one of the sun star.

* Regarding contact with the Pleiades Wayne makes reference to Billy Meier Pleiades eagle, man, ox and lion ufo link. Meier was instructed to transcribe his conversations with various extra-terrestrials, some of which have been published in the German language. These books are referred to as the Contact Notes or Contact Reports.

* * *

“Scroll seals are found all over the Sumerian empire. You can't really date them, they use these seals carved out of stone and show the orientation of what they see as sacred. There are about eighty of them

“The shining one (an important star), the planet of gods (a crescent), the flying disk, the Pleiades (Seven celestial bodies): are the four (motifs that) keep appearing (in the Sumerian scroll seals)."

Wayne points out the motif of the Seven stars of Pleiades

“They all refer to these as the Pleiades, they show very neatly the stars in detail.

"(Engraved on the scroll seals) there are the ‘disked wings of flight'.

From Hidden Records: “You may recognise it as the very same phenomenon the ancient Egyptians recorded. Is it a coincidence or were both these cultures inspired by the same celestial visitation? A characteristic of the scroll sea is: “The celestial disk in a dual portrayal theme incorporating both flying craft and planet.

Wayne presents images of the Sumerian scroll seals.

“(Here is a) man, inside this area, the disk of light, the winged disk. The man is dressed up like a Roman and it looks like he is holding up some other apparatus."

From Hidden Records : “A Sumerian clay tablet from the Berlin Museum shows ‘a man portrayed as standing in the celestial disk'. ‘His outfit is reminiscent of today's space suits. He is holding a control lever and manoeuvring his ship."

Wayne points out scroll seal images

“This particular one looks like a hunter, hunting the bull, as Orion. There is something weird about that."

Wayne points out the crescent.

“I challenge the crescent here I don't think it is the moon. I think it is probably a planet bathing in the light of the star.

“Different parts of the world have the crescent as well, they have the signature crescent.

From Hidden Records: “The Crescent is a planet shown in partial crescent. The crescent world in the partial shadow of the sun."

* * *

“Pleiades is the leg of the bull. The leg of the bull had seven stars in its make-up. It was part of the celestial bull and we can prove that the leg of the bull is the Pleiades simply by looking at the zodiac signs.

"The Egyptian diagram of the zodiac wheel found on the ceiling at the temple of Hathor in Dendera.

“Looking at the most important zodiac, going back way, 2500 years ago, the main star is the middle. It has a birth scenario a genesis scenario of Mahindra giving birth to the gods in this weird leg of the bull and he is holding a knife. There is Cancer, Leo is the lion, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces, they are all there, Taurus was the leg of the bull, and there it is touching Scorpio.

“When a pentagram touches a part it is actually linking the story.

“But let's look closely at the hippo. Hippo from the womb of Mahindra is holding a knife and has cut the leg of the bull, the leg of Taurus, it has set it astray in the heavens, a mythological story of the beginning of the gods. (This is) the birth of these gods.

“There is a bald headed god with Isis and a star, and a bull... There is an utterance that actually speaks of Isis. To find her sun, the sun star. It is showing the way to something."

Wayne traces over the image with his stylus

“Following this leg to ground zero: Look at the orientation of this leg. That is the right orientation to measure the stars."

From Oneism.org: “This is exactly where the Pleiades and the Sun-like star are found in the night sky."

“I am proposing that it is not our sun it is that sun, the Ra symbol. It is the sunlight star and it shows a tiny dot with a circle around it. The circle is Orion showing the way to the bull. And there is the star with a beam of light coming down from it. The narrator is telling the story of how to find the star of Ra, I believe the place of human ancestors."

From Hidden Records: Tomb Senmut at Deir el Bahri ceiling mural shows : “The leg of the bull was the focal point of a scene depicting … all the gods. It points to a mystery star. The mystery star had been deliberately incorporated in the image as an anomaly with a red ring around it. This star was an actual solar system … god Ra originated from it.

From Hidden Records : Seti 1 Tomb mural : "The largest star of the entire mural is found exactly in the centre of the ceiling in the nape of the bulls neck."

Wayne shows the drawings from the CAVES OF FRANCE

“Now we go across the sea to France and there is a cave, with a bull in the sky. The first modern human wings. The bull has killed a man. There is a man with a very strange shaped head. A bird head? The male anatomy is shown very prominently. Look at that! There is Taurus, there is Orion. The male symbol for Orion is not a belt but part of their anatomy. There on the other side of the cave is the bull and the markings that are Pleiades, Orion. And that is what we are looking at Orion, the bull, Pleiades.

“The ancients measured the stars as they were born on the horizon. There is a pattern forming and I think it was the Pleiades. That is the pattern, two sunlight stars the Pleiades has entrusted."

“Now, what I have drawn is a copy of these stars. And we need to incorporate important monuments into these positions."

Wayne shows the slides of the Aztec pyramids (Teotihuacan)

“Now we are looking at probably the largest pyramid empire in the world, the Maya, the Olmec the Aztec. They filled that area from deep in South America right up to Mexico, that is a lot of pyramids.

These monuments were built so massive that they can only be deciphered from space. This message was not intended for us. Their grid message is facing the heavens.

Wayne traces this pattern across a variety of other star maps represented on earth such as. STONEHENGE:

“Looking at the UK, what does the UK have that fits into pyramid civilizations? Stonehenge is pretty hard to look at it if you are walking around it. It looks like a whole bunch of stones in chaos. And when you look at it from above, this is the horse shoe shape of the bull and two circles around it - making it a giant symbol visible from the sky. Winterbourne stone barrows point to the Pleiades. Seven hills of Ben is a star map.

“I found this place called Dod Law (near Doddington). It is quite far from Stonehenge a hundred km's. It seems to carry the legend of Stonehenge.

From Hidden Records: "Image of the enhanced detail extracted from a stone carving found at Dod Law."

“In this picture, I believe that is Stonehenge and a causeway. There are two wings of stone and a causeway. Here is the cross of Stonehenge, mark that area on the ground. That is Stonehenge a massive sacred area that is full of barrows. Look at the pattern isn't that a symbol of the Pleiades?

“We have gone to Stonehenge and we have looked across the valley to see if there are any other important symbols. That is across the valley from Stonehenge.

“Stonehenge by the way has two anomalies in the outer ring. There were actually four round barrows. And our star, the ancient star of God! Stonehenge is pointing to starlight Sun Ra.

"Da Vinci (Vitruvian) man can be depicted in these monuments as well.

From Hidden Records : “The human form has been encapsulated deliberately in the design plan of one of humankind's most ancient sites."

“Stonehenge matches the Solomon key.

“The secrets of the star maps are in the beginnings of the ancient secret society. Kabbalah brought the pattern of the secret of the stars forward. The key of Solomon is associated with witchcraft. The Star of Solomon and the cross is Solomon's key.

He shows a photo of the layout of the monuments on Mars

“There is a face monument there and a huge pyramid there. Zoom in, looking closely at the anomalies, we have the triangulation, we have three in a row down here, this is a large anomaly, something has happened there to cause the cosmic dust. The geometry is absolutely perfect.

“One could be a face, a human form. That would be the x marks the spot. And it is on Mars and nobody wants to believe it.

“If you think of Mars's face, it, (the point of exact star alignment), lands right on the middle of the all-seeing eye and that is my conclusion for the weird thing on the forehead. It lands on the forehead because that is where it's supposed to land on. All the sun gods in ancient cultures carry something on the forehead. Piece on the forehead is merely the pineal gland."

Wayne makes reference to Arthur C Clarke

“Looking at Egypt it is remarkably similar. I believe that is what it once looked like, the statue of Zeus and it had an open mouth. Some people say that is the face of God."

“Pentagon Mars both North pointer."

“This is what happened two days ago, I was reading from the Masonic Bible, it was reading Jacobs story and Jacobs story was a ladder that came down from heaven telling you about the most important place in the heavens."

Eastern bank of Jordan 5 o clock uwa.edu.au; Wayne shows the image of Monument at Deir Alla, the face in Israel.

“And this face monument within the walls of Israel, this monument according to archaeology is over 10 000 years ago. It is an interesting story, these monuments were built so massive you can only see them from space.

This is the Freemason tracing board. Jacobs ladders is coming down from one of the stars. The Christ symbol is tied in with this star. Map of Vatican depicted as freemason document. We are going to see this in the Christ story, King Solomon's ancient texts, ancient secret society, freemasons, the lay out of the Vatican, Washington dc."


From the www.keyofsolomon.net : “… Jacobs ladder represents the 33 steps or degrees in Freemasonry which coincidently is the same degree measurement by astronomers from the rising sacred cross of Orion's belt, which is coincidently also the same measure in the Testament of Solomon text of 33 units of cosmic measure to an important star."


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2011 01:46
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    'And when they went I heard the sound of their wings like the thunder of the almighty. .... “He is looking at the sun rising in the East and he is looking at the stars. .... “There are 33 degrees of ark measurement from 'that piece of Orion to there'." .... Testament of Solomon text of 33 units of cosmic measure to an important star." ...

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