Cuando miramos hacia arriba por las noches y nos encontramos con las familiares constelaciones de verano, es que ha llegado Enero. Al caer la oscuridad comienzan a distinguirse primero las estrellas de el Can Mayor con la brillante Sirio, luego de Tauro y Orión, con las 3 Marías y las 3 Chepas; y hacia el sur: la Cruz del Sur y sus eternas compañeras, Alfa y Rigel del Centauro.
Este conjunto de estrellas brillantes están en la dirección del plano del disco de nuestra Vía Láctea. En esta época del año, durante las noches le damos la espalda al núcleo de la Vía Láctea y si miramos hacia el norte del cielo vemos el Brazo de Perseo, que nos rodea y termina en esa constelación, que se ubica al norte de Tauro. Si miramos hacia el sur del cielo y arriba, observamos un sector más brillante de la Vía Láctea, con nebulosas brillantes, es el lomo del Brazo de Carina-Sagitario, del que alcanzamos a ver sólo una parte.
En medio de la Constelación de Orión, tenemos la fabulosa Nébula de Orión (el objeto central de las 3 Chepas, que parece una estrella débil pero en realidad es una gigantesca nebulosa donde están naciendo cientos de estrellas en este momento). La Nébula de Orión está a 1.500 años luz de nosotros y sus estrellas más brillantes se formaron hace 300.000 años.
En Tauro, que hunde sus cuernos en la franja de la Vía Láctea, tenemos dos cúmulos abiertos de estrellas, las Híades y la Pleyades. Las Híades es un grupo de estrellas muy débiles que parecen rodear a la rojiza Aldebarán, formando un triángulo donde Aldebarán es su vértice más brillante. Este cúmulo, formado hace unos 300 millones de años, está en la etapa de dispersión, y se ubica a unos 150 años luz de nosotros. Aldebarán no forma parte del grupo y está a sólo 68 años luz de la Tierra.
Cerca de allí, encontramos otro hermoso cumulo estelar, las Pléyades, las 7 Hermanas o las 7 Que Brillan, como las conocen en los campos chilenos, es un pequeño asterismo (miniconstelación). Están al norte de Aldebarán y es un cúmulo de unas 250 estrellas recién formadas, hace sólo "50 millones de años", estrellas niñas para los parámetros astronómicos, y aun permanecen juntas, pensemos que el Sol tiene unos 4.800 millones de años de existencia. Están a 415 años luz de distancia. Los japoneses las conocen como las Subaru.
Es así como en un mismo sector del cielo, entre Tauro y Orión, tenemos toda la secuencia de cómo se forman las estrellas: Nacen en nébulas de gas y polvo como podemos ver en la Nébula de Orión, luego de formadas comienzan a dispersarse por las vecindades y con sus potentes vientos estelares despejan los gases de la nube donde nacieron, como lo hacen las Pléyades y finalmente se dispersan alejándose unas de otras como las estrellas de las Híades.
Tauro es cruzado por la Eclíptica, la franja del cielo donde se mueven los planetas, la Luna y (aparentemente) el Sol y está flanqueado por al Oeste por Aries y al Este por Géminis, todas son constelaciones zodiacales.
Si nos quedamos despiertos hasta más tarde, en estas noches veraniegas alcanzaremos a disfrutar además del sector del cielos que veremos al comienzo de las noches de Febrero, donde el cielo es dominado por la gigantesca constelación de Leo.
Las estrellas más brillantes del cielo son Sirio y Canopus, que forman una línea que conduce cerca del Polo Sur Celeste. A la medianoche están separadas por 36 grados y 20 minutos.
Sirio es la estrella más brillante del Can Mayor y Canopus la más brillante de la constelación de la Popa, que formaba parte de la antigua constelación del Argonavis, la nave mitológica usada por los héroes griegos para buscar el Vellocino de Oro.
Imagen: Sirio A, la estrella perro, y su pequeña compañera Sirio B, una estrella enana blanca, vistas por el Telescopio Espacial Hubble de la NASA. Las líneas cruzadas son efectos causados por el sistela de soporte del espejo secundario del telescopio espacial.
Sirio lleva el nombre del perro de Orión, el mitológico cazador.
Cuadro: Alejandría, la Jerusalem egipcia
Anteriormente a los romanos, 300 años antes del nacimiento de Jesús, Alejandro Magno murió sin descendencia, por lo que su imperio se dividió entre sus generales, siendo Ptolomeo el que quedó a cargo del país de las pirámides. Con ello se creó un sincretismo entre los antiguos dioses egipcios y los helénicos. Toth pasó a ser Hermes, y su famoso libro dio origen a la famosa Tabla Esmeralda, e Imhotep, dios de la medicina, fue asimilado con Asclepios. Surgieron nuevos dioses como el adorado Serapis, dios artificial creado a partir del dios egipcio Asar-Hapis (Osiris-Apis), que pasó a ser el esposo de Isis, cuyo culto se desarrolló por todo el Mediterráneo. La adoración a Isis llevó consigo la celebración del nacimiento de Horus, conocido como Harpócrates por los griegos e identificado on ÇApolo y el Sol Invictus por los romanos.
San Marcos
Tras la muerte de Cleopatra (30 a.C.), quien fue una alta sacerdotisa de Isis, Egipto se convirtió en una provincia romana. Alejandría, capital cultural de Egipto, reunía una gran cantidad de filósofos griegos, romanos y judíos escapados de Judea, que fueron desarrollando un culto común en la creencia de que la inmortalidad se conseguía gracias a la iniciación de un “Hijo de Dios muerto y resucitado”, en donde la muerte y el renacimiento era simbolizado por el nacimiento de Horus. El Adonis fenicio, el Attis frigio, el Osiris Egipcio, el Serapis alejandrino todos ellos fueron hijos de dios. Los romanos habían importado de Egipto el culto de Mitra, “Hijo de Dios muerto y resucitado”, cuyo cumpleaños se celebraba el 25 de diciembre.
Con este escenario de creencias hace aparición en Alejandría el cristianismo. La fecha del nacimiento de Mitra fue adoptada por los primeros cristianos como fecha del nacimiento de Jesús, hecho asociado a la señal en el cielo que marcaba una estrella de oriente. Pese que el apóstol que evangelizó Egipto fue Marcos, padre de la iglesia copta, es el evangelio de Mateo el único que nos habla del viaje realizado por la Sagrada Familia a Egipto. Los expertos aseguran que dicho evangelio fue escrito en Alejandría entre los años 40 y 80 d.C. por personas que no podían mantenerse ausentes de los acontecimientos astronómicos que se celebraban desde los antiguos egipcios. Por aquellas fechas en la noche del 25 de diciembre se podía ver ascender por el horizonte las tres estrellas del cinturón de Orión, los tres “reyes” que antecedían la salida de la estrella de oriente, Sirio, que si antiguamente simbolizaba a Isis de la que nació Horus, se transformo en época cristiana en la Madona que daba luz al niño Jesús. Las tres estrellas se convirtieron en la tradición en los Reyes Magos de Oriente.
Por el efecto de la precesión de los equinoccios, la estrella Sirio permanece 72 días al año bajo el horizonte, por lo que no se puede ver. Después de este periodo la estrella vuelve a verse, momento en que se conmemoraba en el Antiguo Egipto el año nuevo. La simbología era la del nacimiento del Horus divino desde el vientre de su madre Isis, representada por dicha estrella. El acontecimiento astronómico varía 8,5 días cada 1000 años. Actualmente el orto helíaco de Sirio se produce el día 5 de agosto, mientras que época de Jesús el hecho se producía el 19 de julio. Es por ello por lo que cuando los romanos cambiaron su calendario lunar a otro solar, de la mano del astrónomo alejandrino Sosígenes, se nombró al mes de salida de la estrella de Sirio con el nombre de Julio César, en ese nuevo calendario “juliano” que no era otra cosa que la continuidad que tuvieron los egipcios durante 3300 años a la hora de medir el tiempo.
Fortaleza Babilonia, Iglesia
El misterio del nacimiento de Horus, nacido de la virgen Isis, tenía por tanto continuidad en la liturgia cristiana, ideas tradicionalmente aceptadas que favorecieron la expansión del cristianismo en tierras egipcias. Un concepto de muerte y resurrección que ha llegado hasta nuestros días ya que, por azares del destino o por causalidades misteriosas, en la pasada noche del 31 de diciembre del año 1.999, cuando todo el mundo se preparaba para la festividad de la entrada del tercer milenio, Sirio marcaba su culminación en el meridiano. Si el helicóptero hubiera colocado (cosa que al final no ocurrió) el piramidión dorado sobre la cúspide truncada de la Gran Pirámide, se podría haber visto mirando desde la cara norte del monumento a Sirio colocado sobre la cúspide, alineado correctamente con el canal sur de ventilación de la cámara de la Reina. Es seguro que muchas sociedades secretas, que muchos estudiosos de los cultos isíacos, considerasen ese momento como el que anunciara la segunda venida de Horus, o de Jesucristo.
Resulta curioso que el único de los discípulos que visitó Egipto fuese Marcos, cuando el único que en los evangelios habla de Egipto fuese Mateo. La tradición oculta esotérica, recogida en sectores de librepensadores, afirma que si por un lado Mateo configuraba las normas de la Iglesia Marcos ofrecía un cristianismo que fue acogido por las corrientes gnósticas.
Hasta el nacimiento del cristianismo todos los adeptos a las diferentes liturgias debían pasar por una iniciación más o menos extensa. El cristianismo rompió esa tradición ya que para pertenecer al grupo sólo se debía profesar la creencia como acto de fe. Fue entonces cuando se produjo la ruptura entre los que, como los antiguos egipcios, el conocimiento era el camino hacia la iluminación, y los que dejaban en manos de la incipiente Iglesia su “salvación”. Una diferenciación que, a lo largo del tiempo, se convirtió en verdaderas persecuciones de los poderosos contra los sectarios y produjo el oscurantismo religioso y científico cuyos flecos han llegado hasta nuestros días pese a los esfuerzos realizados durante el Renacimiento.

En Alejandría se gestó, o pudo gestarse el pensamiento que ha predominado los últimos dos milenios. Los sabios que moraban en sus casas tuvieron la capacidad de combinar el hábito por la meditación con el desarrollo de la cosa pública, algo que iba en contra de unos poderes a los que no interesaba que el pueblo tuviera un acceso a la divinidad distinto al que propocionaba sus arcas. Y cuando en marzo del año 415 los cristianos enardecidos por el patriarca de Alejandría asesinaron a Hipatia no sólo acabaron con la mujer más notable de la Antigüedad, sino que obligaron a los herederos de la filosofía griega, a los seguidores de Horus, a refugiar su culto a ojos profanos. En Belén nació Jesús, en Alejandría volvió a nacer, como lo había hecho varias veces a lo largo de los tiempos.
A big hi to everyone, i'm new! The Julian Calendar started on 1st January 0045 BC. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote "The works and Days" and listed days on which it is best to pursue various activities, such as harvesting grapes and defined them according to the rising of a particular star:- "When Orion and Sirius shall have reached mid-heaven, then oh Perses, gather your grapes and bring them home". Pliny the ancient Roman historian had something interesting to say about Julius Caesar, which is as follows:-" There were three main schools, the Chaldeans, the Egyptians and the Greeks, and to these a fourth was added in our country by Julius Caesar during his dictatorship, who with the assistance of the learned astronomer, Sosigenes, brought the separate years back into conformity with the course of the Sun!" Obviously Pliny was talking about the events starting the Julian Calendar, but more interestingly, did he mean that Caesar had started a new mystery school? If he did mean that he had, was it an Isis cult? Sosigenes was Cleopatra's astronomer and had spent his time studying in the Great Library at Alexandria, sadly burned down in later centuries. He had a good grasp of astronomy, as the Julian calender was only out of true by 11 minutes in a year, not bad for over 2,000 years ago, considering until quartz watches we were unlikely to own a watch that was accurate to 11 minutes in a year! Without going into the politics of the meeting of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, which all the learned members know, lets pick out a few points in a general way! 1) Cleopatra was extremely political and saw having babies with important Romans could see her children on the throne of Rome, she had Caesarion with Julius Caesar, and had three more with Mark Antony.....She threw the dice and lost! 2)It seems that Julius Caesar was interested in the god kings that he had vanquished in his military career, he was especially interested in Cleopatra! The Senate suspected that he wanted to be a god king, which obviously they would find dangerous, in fact it is one of the main reasons that he was assassinated, and his association with Cleopatra! 3)The Greek ploemaic rulers had seen that the Egyptian calander was nearly exact in around 238 BC, and had tried to add a leap day every four years, however the secretive priests of Thoth and the Egyptian populance didn't want their sacred calendar messed with, so it was put on hold till Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt. 4)The Egyptian New Year was governed by the Sothic Cycle, didn;t have a leap day every four years, thus had a wandering year, so the first of Thoth, being new year only occured with the heliacal rising of the Isis star, Sirius, once in 1460 years, however if a new calendar was introduced, i would expect it to start with an alignment between Sirius and the Sun, involving Egyptian beliefs! 5)Julius Caesar chose 1st January as New Year, probably as since 0153 BC Roman consuls had taken office on that date, however Sosigenes was Cleopatra's astronomer, therefore tuned to her beliefs! The Roman calendar was hopeless, due to some extent to political tinkering, and it was difficult to know where January 1st fell in it, indeed Sosigenes had to make 0046 BC a massive year as it had 445 days in it! Therefore he could have tinkered with this slightly to get an alignment in Egypt, to promote Egyptian beliefs.....whether Julius Caesar knew what Sosigenes was doing, i cannot say! 6)Both Cleopatra and Sosigenes were GREEK, the last pharoah was very involved with the Egyptian religion, she often dressed as Isis and was thought of as Isis on Earth by her subjects, she was clever as she spoke nine lanquages! 7)Midnight wasn't used that early as the start of the day as it was difficult to measure by water clock, Romans and Egyptians used sunrise, Babylonians and Greeks used Sunset as the start of the day......Indeed Israel uses sunset even today! 8)As Cleopatra was Greek perhaps she used Sunset to start the Julian calendar, to leave an alignment to the Isis cults, so we wouldn't be looking at sunrise on 1st January 0045 BC, we would be looking for the location in Egypt that Sosigenes picked to view the stars from at Sunset on 31st December 0046 BC. 9)The three main locations in Egypt at that time were Alexandria, Memphis and the ancient capital, Thebes now called Luxor which is 25*N41' 32*E39'. There is only one place where the Isis Star Sirius has any connection during this date in history, being Thebes/Luxor, the ancient capital of Egypt, near the sacred temples of Karnak and not far from the Valley of the Kings......have a look on your astronomy programme! Exactly at 17:19pm on 31st December 0046 BC, the sun set at the location of Thebes, as it set, Sirius the Isis star was rising in the East along the horizon! I have no idea if Julius Caesar knew this, the calendar he brought back to Rome was set to sunrise, so this alignment was secret, joining Egyptian and Greek mythology at the start of the day valued by the Greeks. Any comments? Web-link to Greek start of day, please scroll down:- www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek_weights_and_measures http://www.stonepages.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2551-did-cleopatra-trick-julius-caesar/ |
Sirius and the Solar Calendar |
March 7 |
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Egypt is a very dry, desert place that gets very little rain. Throughout history, only along the River Nile has there been enough water to allow farmers to grow crops. Egyptian farmers have always dug irrigation ditches from the Nile to water their fields. During the hottest days of Summer, the water level in the Nile would begin to run low. But each Summer, the Nile would flood, overflowing its banks, bringing water and nutrient-rich soil to save the crops.
The Annual Flood of the Nile was the most important event of the year for the Ancient Egyptians. In a land without rain, Egypt's very survival depended on the flood, for without it the crops would fail and the people would starve. In 400 B.C. the Greek historian Herodotus wrote:
When they (the Egyptians) learned that all Greece is watered by rain and not, as Egypt is, by the flooding of rivers, they remarked that the day would come when the Greeks would be sadly disappointed and starve - in other words, if God sees fit to send no rain but afflicts us with a drought, we shall all die from famine because we have no source of water other that the rain which God chooses to grant us.
Jesus said: He maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. - Matthew 5:45
While the LORD did not send much rain to Egypt, he did send the Annual Flood of the Nile.
The Flood of the Nile had produced many important contributions to our modern culture. Geometry was first developed in Egypt so as to measure the land after the flood, in the event that land boundaries were wiped out. But another great contribution was the development of the first solar calendar.
The brightest star Sirius was a special star to the ancient Egytians. The hottest days of the year occurred when the Dog Star was lost behind the Sun's glare. The ancients believed that Sirius added heat to the Sun. So the hottest days of Summer were called "The Dog Days" after Sirius.
The Nile Flood occurred right after the Dog Days, sometime in late July. And by a fortuitous circumstance the Flood always happened shortly after Sirius was first visible in the morning before sunrise. The Egyptians would watch the morning sky intently. On a morning when Sirius could finally be seen, they knew the Flood would soon happen, and save the crops for another year.
The first sighting of the morning rising of Sirius always happened every 365 days. Over time it was found that about every four years, Sirius would be sighted 366 days after the previous sighting. This day was celebrated in Egypt as "The Feast of the Opening of the Year," the first day of the Egyptian new year. And this was the first calendar in history to measure the Sun's annual cycle instead of the monthly cycles of the Moon's phases. In this manner, Sirius was the important "calendar star" for measuring the solar year.
While the solar year was well known in Egypt, the Greeks and Romans had used a type of lunar calendar. In reforming the Roman calendar, Julius Caesar consulted the Greek-Egyptian astronomer Sosigenes. As reported by the Roman encyclopedist Pliny the Elder in about 70 A.D.:
Caesar during his dictatorship, who with the assistance of the learned astronomer Sosigenes brought the separate years back into conformity with the course of the Sun.
The Roman historian Suetonius later added:
He (Caesar) linked the year to the course of the Sun by lengthening it to 365 days, abolishing the extra short month and adding an entire day every four years.
This was the establishment of the Julian calendar. As we saw in a recent Update, this is essentially the calendar still in use today. The calendar of Julius Caesar was revised in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. Since that time the western world has come to adopt the modified Gregorian calendar. (For more on the Gregorian reform, see The Astronomy of Easter.)
Anyway, as you gaze up at the evening sky this month, observe Orion and his faithful dog Sirius. As you watch Sirius creep toward the sunset in the coming months, pause to consider that this little twinkle first taught people to understand the annual cycle of the Sun's motion.

For more information about topics from Classical Astronomy, please check out Signs & Seasons, a homeschool astronomy curriculum!
I'm new here, and research the mysteries of life, and feel that there may be elaborate electional astrology attached to the Gregorian Calendar, that involves complex opening and closing ceremonies involving the fixed star Sirius, the Sun and an angle of the earth. We know that the priests of Egypt started the great Egyptian Calendar approx. 5,000 years ago when the Sun rose on the Asc., and Sirius was in Paran to the Asc. Sosigenes incorperated the Knowledge of the Egyptians into the Julian Calendar when Julius Caesar wanted a better calendar for the Roman Empire. Sosigenes was a brilliant mathematician, and a student at the great library of Alexandria, that held all the scrolls of human civilization from the dawn of history, unfortunately this was burned down in the first few centuries A.D. There are many fragmented reasons historians give as to why Sosigenes chose 1st Jan 0046 BC to start this calendar, many astrologers have wondered about the significance of 1st Jan., astrology apparently doesnt show any reasons to choose this day....why not the Equinox's to show the beginning and ending of a year? My research into this area has led me to believe that Sosigenes wanted to close the Egyptian Calendar at Sunset on 31st Dec. 0047 at Thebes, the ancient capital of Egypt, before starting the Julian Calendar on 1st Jan. 0046 BC. As i have said, the Egyptian Calendar was started on the Asc. Angle when Sirius rose in Paran with the Sun, the closing ceremony needed the Sun on the Desc. angle with Sirius rising in paran with the Asc. Thebes was at 25*N40' , 32*E35', but modern Luxor is 25*N41', 32*E39' which is only a few minutes out, so we can use Luxor. I have Brady's starlight astrology programme that charts star parans, so if we set up a chart for Luxor/Thebes for Sunset on 31st Dec. 0047 B.C., we get a time of 17:19pm., Sun will be 08*09' Capricorn, Desc. will be 08*08' Capricorn.....Sirius is rising by paran on Asc. orb 00 mins. 36 Secs. Now to get Sirius rising while the Sun is setting is purely worked out by latitude, but before time zones if Sirius was in paran with the M.C. which is longitude it would show up everywhere in the western hemisphere conjunct an angle at the same time, bear that in mind when i go further in explaining the strange connection with Sirius with our evolving calendar later in this thread. I see that attachments are available, so i will try to put the chart and Brady's Parans from "Starlight" directly on this, for 31st Dec. 0047 B.C. at Sunset at Thebes....I'll be back soon with research on Julian and Gregorian Calendars.
Before i go further i must state that i am a moderate Christian, and obviously not saying that electional astrology happened during the change over from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendars, it could have just as easily happened by the will of the Cosmos, yet both arguments need easy discussion. Later we can debate the Council of Nicea, that started on Thursday 20th May 325 AD, that set in stone the equinox's, and Easter, but for the moment i want to look in detail when Pope Gregory XIII closed the Julian Calendar. In the early years of the 14th Century large clock towers appeared in several Italian cities, another advance in timekeeping was the spring powered clock, that was invented between 1500 and 1510, by Peter Henlein of Nuremberg, replacing the heavy drive weights permitting smaller and more portable clocks....These advances in design were precursors to truly accurate time. This means wealthy individuals carried smaller clocks with them, and by 1582 some clocks also displayed even "seconds". Now when Sosigenes closed the Great Egyptian Calendar in Thebes/Luxor we know that he would have used Sunset.....but by 1582 there is evidence that wealthy individuals may have thought as we do now....which is the "end of the day happens at midnight". Pope Gregory changed over from the Julian to the Gregorian between the 4th Oct to 15th Oct. 1582, so the last minute of the Julian Calendar could have been 23:59pm on 4th Oct. 1582...the Sun is near the I.C. obviously, and amazingly Sirius is in paran with the Asc. just like Sunset at Thebes on 31st Dec. 0047 BC....could this be a closing ceremony for the Julian Calendar? I have put parans on attachment for 23:59pm 4th Oct. 1582, for Rome Italy. Now by 1582, projected fixed stars were used far more than parans, perhaps an astrologer would like to set up a chart for 1st Jan. 1583, at time 00:00am., which is the first New Year in the Gregorian Calendar, and tell me what star is conjunct the M.C. by projected, orb 00*47', that is continually on the M.C. at the stroke of New Year till 1703, after which it begins to fade only being on the M.C. for two out of four new years....it eventually peters out on 1781 where it is 01*00' degrees off the M.C......i think you will guess which star it is! I will continue with this later, Monk.
Hi everyone, please find on attachment chart for the stroke of midnight, for the first Gregorian New Year, Sirius projected on M.C. is at the bottom of chart marked with felt tip. For those that find it a bore to understand why we changed the Julian over to the Gregorian calendar, i will give a short explanation, obviously most know the reason on this forum. Sosigenes although a great mathematician, did make mistakes....it seems the Julian calendric year of 365.25 was not a miscalcalation of the solar year, but rather the Sothic year, which because Sirius is off the ecliptic, its annual cycle, re heliacal rising is 365.25-- the accrued differences between the Sothic and Solar year (365.25--365.2422) mandated a change in 1582-- though the Venerable Bede had noted discrepances between the calendar and seasons as early as the 10th century. Which means that by 1582 11 days had to be cut out of the calendar, thus 4th Oct. 1582 was followed by 15th Oct. 1582, being the year of confusion. Now we know Sirius was conjunct the M.C. at the stroke of New year, by projected fixed measurement from 1583 till early in the seventeen hundreds, but it would be interesting to look backwards....was Sirius conjunct the M.C. before 1583? Obviously we would be looking at 22nd Dec. at 00:00am, as days had been taken out of the calendar, which effects the M.C. at new year. So for looking backwards at 00:00am on 22nd Dec. we get Sirius on M.C. for only some dates, being 1579, 1578, 1575, 1574, 1571, 1570, 1567, 1566, 1563, 1562, 1559, 1558, 1555, 1554, 1551, and 1550. Before this we only find Sirius on the M.C. every four years, being 1547, 1543, 1539, 1535, 1531, 1527, 1523, and the first year was 1519, by a degree measurement. So before 1582, Sirius was slowly aligning, but after 1582 we find Sirius on the M.C. every year till 1703, So Pope Gregory changed from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar exactly within the time frame when Sirius would be on the M.C. for every year! Our journey with Sirius doesnt end there, by the early eighteen twenties, the Egyptian paran started with Sirius on the M.C......i will leave that till the next thread section!
Hi everyone, Before we continue, i need to look at another area of research, between 4th and 15th Oct. 1582, during this time of calendar change over, Sirius was conjunct the small asteroid called Juno, and at the stroke of the first New Year on 1st Jan 1583, it is 3 degrees off the M.C. In researching the 20th Century i have found this asteroid highly aggressive, and although i cant prove that its power comes from slipping into our calendar unseen in 1582, as a birth time of increased power, i have to bring this to your notice.....it has been on an angle of under a degree at exact time of terrible events in the 20th and 21st Century, i will explain later! Now after 1583 at new year, as the M.C. is attached to longitude, we could find it at most locations at midnight, but things changed with time zones which were brought in with the invention of trains and to help commerce. The Greenwich Meridian at long. 00*W00' (Kent, U.K.) means that large chunks of the Earth is under the same time, in some locations the Sun isnt any where near the I.C......the golden rule is that any location that sits in every 15* degrees from Greenwich would have Sirius chiming in the New Year, but the rule is broken as Lourdes, France is aligned in longitude to Greenwich but operates a different daylight saving formula, so the sun is over a hour away from the I.C. So now research into Sirius gets fragmented, so for a start i need to use Greenwich, Kent, U.K., instead of any other location for the time being, yet i choose Greenwich, London, yet wish to state it hasnt any significance, other than to show the path of Sirius if we didnt have time zones today. The last gasp of Sirius chiming in New Year by projected measurement of 1*00' happened on 1781 on the M.C. The Egyptian paran at Greenwich (London), Kent, U.K. aligning Sirius on the M.C. at New Year started in 1802, but obviously not for all years, being a gradual process. This gradual process means that by 1818, Sirius chimed in New Year again every year till 1904, after which it begins to fade, only aligning for some years.....It is still chiming in New Year on some years even today, the next times will be 2009 and 2010! In bringing in time zones means that Sirius will be chiming in New Year at some locations for a great deal of years, it is fading from longitude 00*W00', and multiples of every 15* degrees, but locations that are a degree above or below every 15* degrees will show Sirius at New Year, if they are the same daylight saving hours, in the Western Hemesphere. If you have Solar Fire V5 astrology programme, which will show parans, you can set up a chart to check this as New York sits at 73*W55' Long. which is a degree short of being at a multiple of every 15* degrees from 00*W00'. At the stroke of New Year on a continual basis New York has Sirius in paran with the M.C. Back soon, Monk.
Hi Everyone, In 0046 B.C. Sosegenes was making adjustments, so the new calendar started on 1st Jan 0045 B.C., so you can choose either 31st Dec. 0047 B.C. or 31st Dec. 0046 B.C. for the end of the Egyptian calendar, which doesnt make any difference as at Sunset on both dates, obviously the Sun is setting as Sirius is rising. So running through what we can research.... A) The Egyptian Calendar began approx. 5,000 years ago with Sirius the heliacal rising star on Asc. B) The Egyptian Calendar ended 31st Dec. either 0047 B.C. or 0046 B.C. at Sunset in Thebes, Sun setting as Sirius is rising, to start new calendar on 1st Jan. C) The Julian Calendar ended 23:59pm on Oct 4th 1582 in Rome, Sirius rising on Asc., and obviously the Sun near I.C. D)The first Gregorian New Year starts on 1st Jan. 1583 at midnight (00 hrs 00 mins), Sirius is continually on M.C. till 1703, after which begins to fade, last year on M.C. by projected measurement 1781, orb 1 degree. E) by early 1800, Sirius was in paran with M.C. on some years, by approx. 1818 on a continual basis till 1904 from Greenwich U.K., ( used because time zones changed M.C. at other locations at New Year). Although fading Sirius is still present on some New years for London, but continual at some other locations. We must deem it strange that Sirius has been influencial with the angles of the Earth, and i can think of no other research that has a history of 5,000 years regarding the presence of a fixed star in regards to mans efforts to understand time and calendars! Further information regarding religious interest in Hermetic doctrines during the Renaissance can be found at the Warburg Institute and the research by Frances Yates. Pope Gregory XIII died soon after introducing the Gregorian Calendar, the next Pope was Sixtus V, and for purely decorative reasons in 1586, moved an Egyptian obelisk to the centre of St Peters Square, which can be seen to this day. I'm not saying he did it for any other reason, i'm religious and dont want Evangelist comments, i'm just stating facts...let everyone make up their own minds!
Cuando miramos hacia arriba por las noches y nos encontramos con las familiares constelaciones de verano, es que ha llegado Enero. Al caer la oscuridad comienzan a distinguirse primero las estrellas de el Can Mayor con la brillante Sirio, luego de Tauro y Orión, con las 3 Marías y las 3 Chepas; y hacia el sur: la Cruz del Sur y sus eternas compañeras, Alfa y Rigel del Centauro.
Este conjunto de estrellas brillantes están en la dirección del plano del disco de nuestra Vía Láctea. En esta época del año, durante las noches le damos la espalda al núcleo de la Vía Láctea y si miramos hacia el norte del cielo vemos el Brazo de Perseo, que nos rodea y termina en esa constelación, que se ubica al norte de Tauro. Si miramos hacia el sur del cielo y arriba, observamos un sector más brillante de la Vía Láctea, con nebulosas brillantes, es el lomo del Brazo de Carina-Sagitario, del que alcanzamos a ver sólo una parte.
En medio de la Constelación de Orión, tenemos la fabulosa Nébula de Orión (el objeto central de las 3 Chepas, que parece una estrella débil pero en realidad es una gigantesca nebulosa donde están naciendo cientos de estrellas en este momento). La Nébula de Orión está a 1.500 años luz de nosotros y sus estrellas más brillantes se formaron hace 300.000 años.
En Tauro, que hunde sus cuernos en la franja de la Vía Láctea, tenemos dos cúmulos abiertos de estrellas, las Híades y la Pleyades. Las Híades es un grupo de estrellas muy débiles que parecen rodear a la rojiza Aldebarán, formando un triángulo donde Aldebarán es su vértice más brillante. Este cúmulo, formado hace unos 300 millones de años, está en la etapa de dispersión, y se ubica a unos 150 años luz de nosotros. Aldebarán no forma parte del grupo y está a sólo 68 años luz de la Tierra.
Cerca de allí, encontramos otro hermoso cumulo estelar, las Pléyades, las 7 Hermanas o las 7 Que Brillan, como las conocen en los campos chilenos, es un pequeño asterismo (miniconstelación). Están al norte de Aldebarán y es un cúmulo de unas 250 estrellas recién formadas, hace sólo "50 millones de años", estrellas niñas para los parámetros astronómicos, y aun permanecen juntas, pensemos que el Sol tiene unos 4.800 millones de años de existencia. Están a 415 años luz de distancia. Los japoneses las conocen como las Subaru.
Es así como en un mismo sector del cielo, entre Tauro y Orión, tenemos toda la secuencia de cómo se forman las estrellas: Nacen en nébulas de gas y polvo como podemos ver en la Nébula de Orión, luego de formadas comienzan a dispersarse por las vecindades y con sus potentes vientos estelares despejan los gases de la nube donde nacieron, como lo hacen las Pléyades y finalmente se dispersan alejándose unas de otras como las estrellas de las Híades.
Tauro es cruzado por la Eclíptica, la franja del cielo donde se mueven los planetas, la Luna y (aparentemente) el Sol y está flanqueado por al Oeste por Aries y al Este por Géminis, todas son constelaciones zodiacales.
Si nos quedamos despiertos hasta más tarde, en estas noches veraniegas alcanzaremos a disfrutar además del sector del cielos que veremos al comienzo de las noches de Febrero, donde el cielo es dominado por la gigantesca constelación de Leo.
Las estrellas más brillantes del cielo son Sirio y Canopus, que forman una línea que conduce cerca del Polo Sur Celeste. A la medianoche están separadas por 36 grados y 20 minutos.
Sirio es la estrella más brillante del Can Mayor y Canopus la más brillante de la constelación de la Popa, que formaba parte de la antigua constelación del Argonavis, la nave mitológica usada por los héroes griegos para buscar el Vellocino de Oro.
Imagen: Sirio A, la estrella perro, y su pequeña compañera Sirio B, una estrella enana blanca, vistas por el Telescopio Espacial Hubble de la NASA. Las líneas cruzadas son efectos causados por el sistela de soporte del espejo secundario del telescopio espacial.
Sirio lleva el nombre del perro de Orión, el mitológico cazador.
Día de Año Nuevo
click here haga clic aquí
Caesar changed the calendar (Daniel 7:24-25) in order for it to start on January 1st, a month named after Janus, the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings.
He was the god of 'regeneration.'
Two Babylons pg 128 “Now, wherever Noah is celebrated, whether by the name of Saturn click here , “the hidden one,”–for that name was applied to him as well as to Nimrod, on account of his having been “hidden” in the ark, in the “day of the Lord's fierce anger,”–or, “Oannes,” or “Janus,” the “Man of the Sea,” he is generally described in such a way as shows that he was looked upon as Diphues, “twice-born,” or “regenerate.” The “twice-born” Brahmins, who are all so many gods upon earth, by the very title they take to themselves, show that the god whom they represent, and to whose prerogatives they lay claim, had been known as the “twice-born” god . The connection of “regeneration” with the history of Noah, comes out with special evidence in the accounts handed down to us of the Mysteries as celebrated in Egypt. The most learned explorers of Egyptian antiquities, including Sir Gardiner Wilkinson, admit that the story of Noah was mixed up with the story of Osiris. The ship of Isis, and the coffin of Osiris, floating on the waters, point distinctly to that remarkable event. There were different periods, in different places in Egypt, when the fate of Osiris was lamented; and at one time there was more special reference to the personal history of “the mighty hunter before the Lord,” and at another to the awful catastrophe through which Noah passed. In the great and solemn festival called “The Disappearance of Osiris,” it is evident that it is Noah himself who was then supposed to have been lost. The time when Osiris was “shut up in his coffin,” and when that coffin was set afloat on the waters, as stated by Plutarch, agrees exactly with the period when Noah entered the ark. That time was “the 17th day of the month Athyr, when the overflowing of the Nile had ceased, when the nights were growing long and the days decreasing.” The month Athyr was the second month after the autumnal equinox, at which time the civil year of the Jews and the patriarchs began. According to this statement, then, Osiris was “shut up in his coffin” on the 17th day of the second month of the patriarchal year. Compare this with the Scriptural account of Noah's entering into the ark, and it will be seen how remarkably they agree (Gen 7:11), “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the SECOND MONTH, in the SEVENTEENTH DAY of the month, were all the fountains of the great deep broken up; in the self- same day entered Noah into the ark.” The period, too, that Osiris (otherwise Adonis) was believed to have been shut up in his coffin, was precisely the same as Noah was confined in the ark, a whole year. * * * APOLLODORUS. THEOCRITUS, Idyll. Theocritus is speaking of Adonis as delivered by Venus from Acheron, or the infernal regions, after being there for a year; but as the scene is laid in Egypt, it is evident that it is Osiris he refers to, as he was the Adonis of the Egyptians.
Now, the statements of Plutarch demonstrate that, as Osiris at this festival was looked upon as dead and buried when put into his ark or coffin, and committed to the deep, so, when at length he came out of it again, that new state was regarded as a state of “new life,” or “REGENERATION.”
Two Babylon's pg 244 “Saturn, the hidden god,–the god of the Mysteries, whom the Pope represents, whose secrets were revealed only to the initiated,–was identical with Janus, who was publicly known to all Rome, to the uninitiated and initiated alike, as the grand Mediator, the opener and the shutter, who had the key of the invisible world.
Now, what means the name Janus? That name, as Cornificius in Macrobius shows, was properly Eanus; and in ancient Chaldee, E-anush signifies “the Man.” By that very name was the Babylonian beast from the sea called, when it first made its appearance * The name, as given in Greek by Berosus, is O-annes; but this is just the very way we might expect “He-anesth,” “the man,” to appear in Greek. He-siri, in Greek, becomes Osiris; and He-sarsiphon, Osarsiphon; and, in like manner, Heanesh naturally becomes Oannes. In the sense of a “Man-god,” the name Oannes is taken by Barker (Lares and Penates). We find the conversion of the H' into O' among our own immediate neighbours, the Irish; what is now O'Brien and O'Connell was originally H'Brien and H'Connell (Sketches of Irish History).
The name E-anush, or “the Man,” was applied to the Babylonian Messiah, as identifying him with the promised seed of the Woman. The name of “the Man,” as applied to a god, was intended to designate him as the “god-man.” We have seen that in India the Hindoo Shasters bear witness, that in order to enable the gods to overcome their enemies, it was needful that the Sun, the supreme divinity, should be incarnate, and born of a Woman. The classical nations had a legend of precisely the same nature. “There was a current tradition in heaven,” says Apollodorus, “that the giants could never be conquered except by the help of a man.” That man, who was believed to have conquered the adversaries of the gods, was Janus, the god-man.
In consequence of his assumed character and exploits, Janus was invested with high powers, made the keeper of the gates of heaven, and arbiter of men's eternal destinies. Of this Janus, this Babylonian “man,” the Pope, as we have seen, is the legitimate representative; his key, therefore, he bears, with that of Cybele, his mother-wife; and to all his blasphemous pretensions he at this hour lays claim. The very fact, then, that the Pope founds his claim to universal homage on the possession of the keys of heaven, and that in a sense which empowers him, in defiance of every principle of Christianity, to open and shut the gates of glory, according to his mere sovereign will and pleasure, is a striking and additional proof that he is that head of the beast from the sea, whose number, as identified with Janus, is the number of a man, and amounts exactly to 666.”
Hislop further links Janus to Adam, the 'god-man' in the flesh (carnal nature). This is the essence of the Mystery religions. Man's desire to be immortal and at the same time not die to the carnal nature.
“But there is something further still in the name of Janus or Eanus, not to be passed over. Janus, while manifestly worshipped as the Messiah or god-man, was also celebrated as “Principium Decorum,” the source and fountain of all the Pagan gods. We have already in this character traced him backward through Cush to Noah; but to make out his claim to this high character, in its proper completeness, he must be traced even further still. The Pagans knew, and could not but know, at the time the Mysteries were concocted, in the days of Shem and his brethren, who, through the Flood, had passed from the old world to the new, the whole story of Adam, and therefore it was necessary, if a deification of mankind there was to be, that his pre-eminent dignity, as the human “Father of gods and men,” should not be ignored. Nor was it. Tampoco lo era. The La Mysteries were full of what he did, and what befel him; and the name E-anush, or, as it appeared in the Egyptian form, Ph'anesh, “The man,” was only another name for that of our great progenitor. The name of Adam in the Hebrew of Genesis almost always occurs with the article before it, implying “The Adam,” or “The man.” There is this difference, however–”The Adam” refers to man unfallen, E-anush, “The man,” to “fallen man.” E-anush, then, as “Principium decorum,” “The fountain and father of the gods,” is “FALLEN Adam.” * * Anesh properly signifies only the weakness or frailty of fallen humanity; but any one who consults OVID, Fashti, as to the character of Janus, will see that when E-anush was deified, it was not simply as Fallen man with his weakness, but Fallen man with his corruption .
The principle of Pagan idolatry went directly to exalt fallen humanity, to consecrate its lusts, to give men license to live after the flesh, and yet, after such a life, to make them sure of eternal felicity. E-anus, the “fallen man,” was set up as the human Head of this system of corruption– this “Mystery of Iniquity.” Now, from this we come to see the real meaning of the name, applied to the divinity commonly worshipped in Phrygia along with Cybele in the very same character as this same Janus, who was at once the Father of the gods, and the Mediatorial divinity. That name was Atys, or Attis, or Attes, * and the meaning will evidently appear from the meaning of the well-known Greek word Ate, which signifies “error of sin,” and is obviously derived from the Chaldean Hata, “to sin.”
The Keys Las Claves

“The very apostolic designation, Peter, is from the Mysteries . The hierophant or supreme pontiff bore the Chaldean title peter , or interpreter. The names Phtah, Peth'r, the residence of Balaam, Patara, and Patras, the names of oracles-cities, pateres or pateras and, perhaps, Buddha, all come from the same root … No apostle Peter was ever at Rome; but the Pope, seizing the scepter of the Pontifex Maximus, the keys of Janus and Kubelé, and adorning his Christian head with the cap of the Magna Mater, copied from that of the tiara of Brahmtma, the Supreme Pontiff of the Initiates of old India, became the successor of the Pagan high priest , the real Peter-Roma, or Petroma (the tiara of the Pope is also a perfect copy of that of the Dalai-Lama of Thibet)” ( Isis Unveiled , Blavatsky, p. 30).
Two Babylons pg 184 “Janus bore a key, and Cybele bore a key; and these are the two keys that the Pope emblazons on his arms as the ensigns of his spiritual authority…I have said that the Pope became the representative of Janus, who, it is evident, was none other than the Babylonian Messiah. If the reader only considers the blasphemous assumptions of the Papacy, he will see how exactly it has copied from its original. In the countries where the Babylonian system was most thoroughly developed, we find the Sovereign Pontiff of the Babylonian god invested with the very attributes now ascribed to the Pope. Is the Pope called “God upon earth,” the “Vice-God,” and “Vicar of Jesus Christ”? The King in Egypt, who was Sovereign Pontiff, * was, says Wilkinson, regarded with the highest reverence as “THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DIVINITY ON EARTH.”
Janus – Lucifer
Two Babylon's pg 205 “The power, the popularity, and skill of Nimrod, as well as the seductive nature of the system itself, enabled him to spread the delusive doctrine far and wide, as he was represented under the well-known name of Phaethon, This Phaethon, or Lucifer, who was cast down is further proved to be Janus; for Janus is called “Pater Matutinus” (HORACE); and the meaning of this name will appear in one of its aspects when the meaning of the name of the Dea Matuta is ascertained. Dea Matuta signifies “The kindling or Light-bringing goddess,” * and accordingly, by Priscian, she is identified with Aurora.”
Janus – Phoenix

A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). Un ave fénix es un pájaro mítico con un plumaje colorido y una cola de oro y escarlata (o púrpura, azul, verde y de acuerdo con algunas leyendas). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. El nuevo fénix está destinado a vivir tanto como su viejo yo. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek).
http://littleguyintheeye.wordpress.com/tag/sihor/ |
Manly P. Hall The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy
“Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color … The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection … The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn . Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again.” [pp 176-77]
Barbara Walker Now Is The Dawning , p. 281 281
“Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who “rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”
William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan's Door Revisited , p. 4. 4. “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic 'christ'.”
Manly P. Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry pg 108
“These were the immortals to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird , now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem .”
Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer The Mysteries of Osiris , pg 42

“When they [pagans] desired to express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the attributes of a key … At times, they gave it two heads, back to back … In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed Eagle of symbolic Masonry. “
Here we see the true meaning of why January 1st was chosen as New Year's day. The day that was sacred to Janus. The two headed god who represented being 'reborn' or regenerated.
Biederman's Dictionary explains the symbolism of the eagle: “In ancient Syria, the eagle was associated with the sun-god. It was said to be capable of rejuvenation, like the phoenix.”
Order out of Chaos
Manly P. Hall, 33o , the 20th Century's most revered Masonic scholar, titled this “The Double-Headed Eagle, The Supreme Symbol,” in his book The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Chaos begets order, but chaos ensues again, followed by order, and so on. The conflict of opposites leads finally to system equilibrium which is disturbed once again by renewed conflict, and a new, temporary stage of equilibrium is achieved. Ever upward, evolving until perfection . So, the Illuminist is a perfectionist ever changing, seeking more light as he travels down that yellow brick road to tomorrow.
Order out of chaos brings 'balance', equilibrium
The hexagram is the sign used in the Royal Arch in Freemasonry. Masonic author Wes Cook, writing in Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine , [Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965, p. 132] stated that the hexagram represented “balance and harmony” in all facets of the world. Another Masonic publication links the hexagram with the infamous Chinese YANG AND YIN symbol. ["The Significant Numbers", Short Talk Bulletin , September, 1956, Vol. 34, No. 9, p. 5] 5]
The hierophant
The hierophant of the tarot cards gives the same imagery as baphomet because the hierophant represents the same thing as baphomet. It is believed by some that the tarot cards were derived from the Knights Templar who were made infamous for worshiping the idol of Baphomet.
“There is a distinctly sadistic aspect to this card; not unnaturally, since it derives from the Legend of Pasiphae, the prototype of all the legends of Bull-Gods.” (Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth)
Baphomet represents 'as above, so below.'
The following image is the 'Magical head of Zohar'. It represents a balance of light and darkness, male and female…the divine/perfect/regenerated man. It is the principle of 'as above, so below'.

The androgyne, a combination creature of male and female, symbolizes the hermaphrodite principle of the two-faced entity or two-headed eagle. In the Jewish Cabala, this strange creation of the feminine and masculine principle is known as “Adam Kadmon,” both Adam and Eve, a Golem. This conjunction of opposites is part of the science of alchemy, or hermeticism, and is especially beloved by occult magicians. In witchcraft, it is known as the joining of sun and moon.
Keys in Freemasonry
Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol pg 245 “…one of the mysterious symbols of early Masonry is the key, said to be an attribute of the dog-headed Anubis, who was for the Egyptians an emblem of the dog star, and keeper of the ancient Mysteries. The key was meant to symbolize the closing of one year and the opening of another, because the Egyptians formerly commenced the year at the rising of this star. When Fellows adds that this marking of the year by the star was later extended to the opening and shutting of the place of departed spirits, he was reaching into the mystery of Cancer and Capricorn…From this single reference, we begin to see how important Sirius really is within arcane Masonic circles – not merely because it was a star of prime importance to the Masons, but also because it was linked with Masonic symbolism in such a simple-seeming device as a key.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol pg 246 “The specifically Egyptian sba star (which related only to the heavens) was taken as representing entrance into both Heaven and Hell, and thus by extension, the realm of the Earth, where angels and demons might meet to contend for human souls. The blazing star of the Masons is a symbol of an accessible Heaven. It is equated with the sacred key, which can unlock the mysteries of Heaven, Earth and Hell.” |
Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius

The Holy Scriptures speak of this key as well
Rev 9:1 And the fifth angel trumpeted. And I saw a star out of the heaven falling onto the earth. And the key to the pit of the abyss was given to it. Rev 9:2 And he opened the pit of the abyss. And smoke went up out of the pit, like smoke of a great furnace. And the sun was darkened, and the air, by the smoke of the pit. Rev 9:3 And out of the smoke locusts came forth to the earth. And authority was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have authority. Rev 9:4 And it was said to them that they should not harm the grass of the earth, nor every green thing, nor every tree, except only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Rev 9:5 And it was given to them that they should not kill them, but that they be tormented five months. And their torment is as the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man. Rev 9:6 And in those days men will seek death, and they will not find it. And they will long to die, yet death will flee from them. Rev 9:7 And the likenesses of the locusts were like horses having been prepared for war; and on their heads as crowns, like gold; and their faces like the faces of men. Rev 9:8 And they had hairs like the hairs of women; and their teeth were like those of lions. Rev 9:9 And they had breastplates like iron breastplates; and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running to war. Rev 9:10 And they have tails like scorpions, and their stings were in their tails; and their authority is to harm men five months. Rev 9:11 And they have a king over them, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name was Abaddon, and in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
Father Time
Baby New Year with Father Time
Baby New Year with Father Time
The myth associated with him is that he is a baby at the beginning of his year, but Baby New Year quickly grows up until he is an elderly bearded man like Father Time at the end of his year. Again, the 'new man' regeneration concept is seen.
Groundhog's Day Día de la Marmota
click here haga clic aquí
Groundhog's Day traces back to the Celtic festival of Imbolc. It is yearly celebration of mother earth coming back to life. Again, the theme of resurrection is seen.
The Groundhog='earth mother'=the serpent
A Scottish Gaelic proverb about the day is:
Thig an nathair as an toll Là donn Brìde, Ged robh trì troighean dhen t-sneachd Air leac an làir.
“The serpent will come from the hole On the brown Day of Bride, Though there should be three feet of snow On the flat surface of the ground.” Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations, Ortha Nan Gaidheal, Volume I, p. 169 169
The day is also called 'St. Brigid's' Day. In Irish mythology, Brigit (exalted one) was the daughter of one of the Tuatha de Danaan.
Tuatha Dé Danann were the nephilim click here .
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions – James Bonwick
By far the most interesting of the peoples that formerly inhabited Ireland were the Tuaths, or Tuatha de Danaans, or Dananns. There is much mystery about them in Irish traditions. They were men, gods, or fairies.
They arrived in Ireland, on or about May 1 (the date of the festival of Beltaine), on dark clouds, although later versions rationalize this by saying they burned their ships to prevent retreat, and the “clouds” were the smoke produced.
“the Tuatha De Danaan arrived in a mist, it is said, and that they came through the air and the high air to Ireland.”
The Tuatha de Danaan were sometimes described as 'fairies.'
An Encyclopedia of Fairies (Briggs, 1976) gives numerous ancient examples of fairy abductions. Almost always a special drink was given to the abductee. This drink, usually described as a thick liquid, was an essential part of the fairy abduction. Women are abducted much more often than men and some fairies take special delight, in repeatedly capturing women for amorous motives. In short, some fairies simply liked having sexual relations with mortals.
Fairies abduct their victims through paralysis; then they simply carry (levitate and fly) the abductee away into “fairyland.” Fairyland is always nearby; under normal conditions we can't see or perceive it. The paralysis induced on the victim is how fairies get their abductee to enter fairyland. The modern word “stroke” (meaning paralysis) is derived from the ancient terms “elf-stroke” and “fairy-stroke.” Fairies travel in circular globes of light, sometimes called “will-o-the-wisp.
It is interesting that this holiday traces back to Brigid who was considered a Tuatha De Danaan which trace back to the Fallen Angels and Nephilim. This holiday is known for a groundhog coming out of the ground which traces back to the serpent coming out of the ground to welcome Spring. An interesting picture forms of the serpent seed 'coming out of the ground' to 'welcome' the 'Golden Age', the false kingdom.
Weather prognostication
Predicting the weather via a groundhog coming out of the ground is nothing more than a sugar coated tradition that traces back to divination.
Isa 8:19 And when they say to you, Seek to the mediums, and to spirit-knowers who peep and mutter; should not a people seek to its God, than for the living to seek the ones who died?
The groundhog/serpent comes out of the belly of the earth to divine the future…this traces back to the spirit of the python which can be seen in the book of Acts.
Act 16:16 And it happened, as we went into a place of prayer, a certain girl slave having a Pythonic spirit met us, whose divining brought much gain to her lords.
This unclean spirit is used to foretell future things and is the same as the Ob in Hebrew seen in Leviticus 20:27 which the Septuagint translates as “Engastrimythos”, a ventriloquist, one that seemed to speak out of his belly.
This link between the python spirit and belly speaking is source of the modern day tongues movement. This is seen in part 11 click here on the section on the camel & gimel. As seen previously, the mysteries speak of the devil appearing as a camel in the garden. Kabbalistic teaching associated the power of speech with the letter gimel which is a picture of a camel. Speaking in 'tongues' is associated with the kundalini spirit/python spirit Click Here .
Feast day of the bride
A Scottish rhyme about the Feast Day of Bride begins:
This is the day of Bride, The queen will come from the mound…
In other versions it is a “serpent” that will emerge from a hole, an allusion which Professor Séamus Ó Cáthain has linked to Scandinavian customs regarding the reappearance of the hibernating bear. For this is the time when the animal world begins to stir from its winter sleep in the depths of earth, and life and light is ushered in by Brigid, the Queen.
Cross of Saint Brigit, the fiery sun-wheel turning
Cross of Saint Brigit, the fiery sun-wheel turning
The use of this symbol in this feast further solidifies its connection to the beast counterfeit system. See Mark of the Beast 666 click here & Mark of the Beast Cross click here studies for further information.
Crop circle connection
- Secrets in the Fields pg 98 – 'Beltane Wheel'
Secrets in the Fields pg 98 “The date of its appearance – three days after the Celtic solar festival of Beltane – and the thirty-three 'flames' show a definite connection. Traditionally, thirty-three is a solar number and in many religions it is associated with divinity. Dividing the 365-day year by thirty-three gives 11.060606, with eleven years representing the periodic recycling of sunspot activity, and 666 (amidst the zeros), the number attributed to the Sun as well as the 'Beast.' “ "
More on crop circles below…
http://littleguyintheeye.wordpress.com/tag/sihor/ |
Robert, silly question. How has the modifications to the current calendar affected the helical rising? Since the Julian, (and the modification to it by the Gregorian), don't the calendar changes assist in keeping the rising from moving a great deal?
For instance, from records, we know that Sirius was at the meridian at midnight on New Year Eve in 1582 (or one minute after midnight on 1 Jan 1583). But 10 days were dropped from the calendar in 1582 (at least among the Roman Catholic countries) during the change to the Gregorian calendar, so if that change hadn't occurred, Sirius would have been have been on the meridian on December 21st, not at midnight between Dec. 31 and Jan 1.
The days were dropped of course, due to the addition of days caused by precession. I'm using midnight on New Years here as I am not sure of the rising date during 1582. Since you are showing a rising date ~July, I would assume the rising date would jump back 10 days in 1583, correct?
 Originally Posted by Tensor 
Robert, silly question. How has the modifications to the current calendar affected the helical rising? Since the Julian, (and the modification to it by the Gregorian), don't the calendar changes assist in keeping the rising from moving a great deal?
For instance, from records, we know that Sirius was at the meridian at midnight on New Year Eve in 1582 (or one minute after midnight on 1 Jan 1583). But 10 days were dropped from the calendar in 1582 (at least among the Roman Catholic countries) during the change to the Gregorian calendar, so if that change hadn't occurred, Sirius would have been have been on the meridian on December 21st, not at midnight between Dec. 31 and Jan 1.
The days were dropped of course, due to the addition of days caused by precession. I'm using midnight on New Years here as I am not sure of the rising date during 1582. Since you are showing a rising date ~July, I would assume the rising date would jump back 10 days in 1583, correct?
Tensor, I'm pretty sure that the software I used, SkyGazer 4.5, uses Gregorian dates for pre-Gregorian period. I will check that and confirm. The deletion of ten days for the Gregorian calendar change was not related to precession, as I understand it, but was solely due to the fact that the Julian calendar wrongly included leap years on all the centuries. The difference between the Julian figure of 365.25 and the correct 365.2422 days caused the ten day drift of the solstices and equinoxes against the calendar over 1500 years. 2000 was a leap year, but 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be.
The Gregorian calendar will not stop the Sirius rising date from changing due to precession. Over the next ten thousand years the rising point will migrate back to due south, and will also move around the year. I need to make my analysis more precise by using Sun and Sirius both exactly on the horizon instead of the rough diagrams linked in the OP to calculate the speed of this drift. This use of both on the horizon does not give the observable heliacal rising though, which happens when Sirius is about 7 degrees west of the solar right ascension. At the latitude of San Francisco this now happens on August 7.
Alsor, I will check the answer to your question and revert.
Let us take this even further, the occult number for Sirius is 23 within the Law of Fives, since 5 is its root numerological number. Sirius rises in the Constellation of Orion, from behind the Sun on July 23rd. The "Dog Days" of Summer begins on July 23rd. Sirius A has a luminosity of 23.5. Sirius A shines at 23 times more brilliantly in the sky, than our Sun. Sirius B revolves 23 times per minute and completely orbits Sirius A every 50 years (2+3=5). Sirius C also orbits Sirius A every 50 years at a different trajectory, since it is four times lighter. The sidereal day for Sirius is 23 hours and 56 minutes, since it rises 4 minutes earlier each night. It is estimated that the Sirius Star System's age is around 230 million years. According to the ancient text, July 23rd was considered as the highest of Egypt's Holy Days. The Dogon characterizes the number 23, as magical. Sirius' rise commences the Sumerian, Egyptian and Dogon New Year on July 23rd. An Oort Cloud orbits at about 50,000 AU from Sirius. The extraterrestrial Nommos from Sirius first contact with the Dogons was 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the multi-star system of Sirius actually consists of 5 stars - Sirius A, Sirius B, Sirius C, Sirius D, and Sirius E.
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DNA link to Sirius. |
The themes of genetic engineering and the apotheosis of man fits perfectly with Sirius, and the numbers 23 and 5. The Bible analogically and metaporically documents the manipulation of mankind's DNA in the book of Genesis, the Genes of Isis (Sirius), where the 23rd verse of chapter 1 of Genesis brought the fifth day of creation to a close. Man is characterized by the number 5. The separation of man from is "animal side" is considered as perfection. Therefore, 5 is the number of the Perfected Man. 5 is also the the number of the Man-God and symbolizes the break of spirit and matter, since 2 is duality and 3 is divinity. Upon the sixth (2 x 3) day, the divine creation was altered where humans now have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with the average menstrual cycle at 28 (23 + 5) days and 23 days in the male sex cycle, on a biorhythm cycle of generally 23 days, taking 23 seconds to circulate blood throughout the entire body, with 23 discs in the spine and 23 joints in the arm, breathing at approxiamately 23,000 times a day and a average lifespan for each person on planet Earth at about 23,000 days on a Earth axis tilted at a 23.5 degree angle. Additionally, mankind was created with 5 fingers on each hand, 5 toes on each foot, 5 senses, 5 members (2 arms, 2 legs and head) and 5 bones formulating the metacarpus, the metatarse and the brain-pan. |
Mateo 16:1 Vinieron los fariseos y los saduceos para tentarle, y le pidieron que les mostrase señal del cielo. 16:2 Mas él respondiendo, les dijo: Cuando anochece, decís: Buen tiempo; porque el cielo tiene arreboles. 16:3 Y por la mañana: Hoy habrá tempestad; porque tiene arreboles el cielo nublado. ¡Hipócritas! que sabéis distinguir el aspecto del cielo, ¡mas las señales de los tiempos no podéis! 16:4 La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada, sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue. 16:5 Llegando sus discípulos al otro lado, se habían olvidado de traer pan. 16:6 Y Jesús les dijo: Mirad, guardaos de la levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos. (¿fiesta de las levaduras? ¿Porque PEDRO APARECE A MARIA LA MADRE DE JUAN MARCOS EN CONTEXTO A LA FIESTA DE LAS LEVADURAS en contexto a HECHOS 12:12? ¿PORQUE JUAN MARCOS ES UN NEO-JONAS YA QUE NO FUE CON PABLO A MALTA en contexto a HECHOS 12, 13, 14 Y 15?) 16:7 Ellos pensaban dentro de sí, diciendo: Esto dice porque no trajimos pan. 16:8 Y entendiéndolo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Por qué pensáis dentro de vosotros, hombres de poca fe, que no tenéis pan? 16:9 ¿No entendéis aún, ni os acordáis de los cinco panes entre cinco mil hombres, y cuántas cestas recogisteis? 16:10 ¿Ni de los siete panes entre cuatro mil, y cuántas canastas recogisteis? 16:11 ¿Cómo es que no entendéis que no fue por el pan que os dije que os guardaseis de la levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos? 16:12 Entonces entendieron que no les había dicho que se guardasen de la levadura del pan, sino de la doctrina de los fariseos y de los saduceos. 16:13 Viniendo Jesús a la región de Cesarea de Filipo, preguntó a sus discípulos, diciendo: ¿Quién dicen los hombres que es el Hijo del Hombre? (CESAREA DE PHI-LIPO ESTABA EN LA TRIBU DE DAN AL PIE DEL MONTE HERMON. DAN TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON LA VIUDA. EL CALENDARIO JULIANO NO FUE POR CASUALIDAD QUE DENOMINO A JULIO EL SEPTIMO MES Y EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO. EL OJO OMNISCIENTE QUE APARECE EN LA PARTE SUPERIOR DE LA PIRAMIDE TRUNCADA SIMBOLIZA A SIRIO/UN OJO EN EL CIELO. EL CALENDARIO JULIANO-GREGORIANO DE ORIGEN EGIPCIO ESTA DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO.


3. Deuteronomio 4:48: Desde Aroer, que está junto a la ribera del arroyo de Arnón, hasta el monte de Sion, que es Hermón;
10. Jueces 3:3: los cinco príncipes de los filisteos, todos los cananeos, los sidonios, y los heveos que habitaban en el monte Líbano, desde el monte de Baal-hermón hasta llegar a Hamat.
14. Salmos 133:3: Como el rocío de Hermón, Que desciende sobre los montes de Sion; Porque allí envía Jehová bendición, Y vida eterna.

"After listening to you say Mt. Hermon was on the 33rd parallel AND 33rd meridian, I got on GoogleEarth and decided to look around the area to see what I could find. (You know, GoogleEarth is satellite pictures of the entire earth, and you can navigate to anywhere you want to go and zoom in on your target.) I was disappointed to find that it was out in the middle of the Mediterranean.
"Sometime later, I heard you say that the area was what is now the Golan Heights. So, I started scanning the area around the 33rd parallel in the Golan Heights area. Then I decided to 'refine' my search, so I scanned around until I was at 33° 33' latitude (33° 33')! As I was looking over the terrain from a fairly good height (about 13.5 miles eye altitude), I saw a small white 'dot' below... At that height, it was obvious that it was a very large structure!
"I zoomed in on the white dot, and it looked like a rather large building up on the very top of a mountain, with several roads going around the area. Wow! Then, a few days later as I was re-listening to one of your audios, I heard you say that the ancient longitude was from the Paris meridian, not Greenwich, and that there was a 2.5° difference, which would make the longitude 35.5° instead of 33° on our Greenwich meridian. I eagerly got back on GoogleEarth and found my white "dot" on 33° 33' 13"....and would you believe that the longitude was 35.5°!
Mateo 17:1 Seis días después, Jesús tomó a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan su hermano, y los llevó aparte a un monte alto; 17:2 y se transfiguró delante de ellos, y resplandeció su rostro como el sol, y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos como la luz. 17:3 Y he aquí les aparecieron Moisés y Elías, hablando con él. 17:4 Entonces Pedro dijo a Jesús: Señor, bueno es para nosotros que estemos aquí; si quieres, hagamos aquí tres enramadas: una para ti, otra para Moisés, y otra para Elías. 17:5 Mientras él aún hablaba, una nube de luz los cubrió; y he aquí una voz desde la nube, que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado, en quien tengo complacencia; a él oíd. 17:6 Al oír esto los discípulos, se postraron sobre sus rostros, y tuvieron gran temor. 17:7 Entonces Jesús se acercó y los tocó, y dijo: Levantaos, y no temáis. 17:8 Y alzando ellos los ojos, a nadie vieron sino a Jesús solo. 17:9 Cuando descendieron del monte, Jesús les mandó, diciendo: No digáis a nadie la visión, hasta que el Hijo del Hombre resucite de los muertos. (Se confirma objetivamente el NEXO DE LA RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR EN CONTEXTO A LA SEÑAL DE JONAS Y LA RESURRECCION DEL ESTADO DE ISRAEL/GRIAL. LEER ROMANOS 11)
Harry Truman e Hiroshima y Nagasaki
El presidente de los Estados Unidos Harry S. Truman, siendo del 32° grado del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado, fue acusado de haber cometido un crimen de guerra masónico por haber dado la orden de cumplir los bombardeos atómicos sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki, firmando su crimen en escogiendo ciudades cercanas al 33° paralelo. El número 33 hace parte de una numerología masónica común. En octubre del mismo año, fue elegido al grado 33°.[53] Otras fuentes añadieron el facto que las dos ciudades era las más pobladas de cristianos de Japón siendo el cristianismo un enemigo de la masonería.[54] El dia elegido, el 6 de agosto, es la fiesta católica de la Transfiguración de Jesús, el dia en el que los catolicos conmemoran la transfiguración del señor en estos términos: "y se transfiguró delante de ellos, y resplandeció su rostro como el sol, y sus vestidos se hicieron blancos como la luz".[55] Asi a una transfiguracion divina oponian una de signo diabolico, la bomba atomica.
486. Hechos 12:10: Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la PUERTA de hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
487. Hechos 12:13: Cuando llamó Pedro a la PUERTA del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
488. Hechos 12:14: la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la PUERTA, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la PUERTA.
HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2/3:3)
gate in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
7 |
1 |
20 |
5 |
) |
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
16:14 Ellos dijeron: Unos, Juan el Bautista; otros, Elías; y otros, Jeremías, o alguno de los profetas. 16:15 El les dijo: Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo? 16:16 Respondiendo Simón Pedro, dijo: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente. 16:17 Entonces le respondió Jesús: Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de Jonás, porque no te lo reveló carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. ("hijo de Jonas" tiene nexo con la "señal de Jonas") 16:18 Y yo también te digo, que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. (NUMERO DE ORO) (MARIA MAGDALENA SIMBOLIZA A LA IGLESIA/NUEVA JERUSALEM. AQUI NUESTRO SEÑOR INDUDABLEMENTE BUSCA UN NEXO ESOTERICO CON SU ESPOSA Y EL GRIAL-S-OPHI-A/SABIDURIA-ONE EN EL BILLETE DE UN DOLAR ES UN ANAGRAMA DE NOE)
El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción
Lunes |
Martes |
Miércoles |
Jueves |
Viernes |
Sábado |
Domingo |
8 Llena
23 Nueva
Siguiendo con el patron de Rosh Hashanah el 8 de marzo (DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER)
21 de marzo/ (14 de Nissan osea Pascua)
1 de mayo/25 de Ishar
13 de mayo/8 de sivan (Exodo 19)
20 de mayo/15 de sivan/(conjuncion de las pleyades con el sol/caida del mana/Exodo 16)
21 de junio/17 de Thamus
4 de Julio/29 de Thamus o 1 de Av (Verdadero Pentecostes en el dia numero 118/119 desde el 8 de marzo/1 de NISSAN. El 4 de julio fue la INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU. ¿Sera este el MENSAJE QUE ESTA DETRAS DEL 911? SOLO DIOS LO SABE)
15 de Agosto /13 de Elul (Dia numero 161 del calendario luni-solar hebreo interrelacionado con el numero de oro phi. Tambien tenemos una referencia con el comienzo del calendario maya en el 13 de agosto o 13/6. El calendario LUNI-SOLAR GREGORIANO de origen EGIPCIO esta DISEÑADO EN FUNCION A LA ESTRELLA SIRIO/ISIS/MARIA MAGDALENA. El 15 de agosto esta en UNA POSICION DE ORO en funcion al 1 de enero y 31 de diciembre, entre el 13 de mayo y 13 de octubre primera y ultima aparicion de la virgen en FATIMA, entre el 4 de julio y 11 de septiembre que fue el 911. El arca de Noe, la gran piramide, el arca del pacto, el universo, la naturaleza integra, etc, etc fueron diseñadas en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO. La CONSPIRACION PATRIARCAL y MISOGENA, que demonizo a la mujer, IMPLICITAMENTE EN ESTE CONTEXTO NEGO QUE LA CREACION FUE HECHA POR DIOS. En realidad la creacion es una cualidad femenina, espiritu santo, de DIOS. EL PATRIARCADO, DETRAS DE LA CONSPIRACION CONTRA MARIA MAGDALENA, TAMBIEN NEGO A DIOS/DIOSA COMO CREADOR/CREADORA. LA MUJER ES LA QUE TIENE Y PROCREA AL HIJO ¿CASUALIDAD O CAUSALIDAD?)
171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres;Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
15 de septiembre/15 de Tisri o Fiesta de los Tabernaculos
21 de septiembre/21 de Tisri (Oshanah rabbah o septimo dia de los Tabernaculos)
13 de Octubre/13 del Octavo mes hebreo (Curiosa es la analogia 13/8vo mes hebreo con el 13 de Octubre)
20 de noviembre/22 de Kislev
Asunción de María
La Asunción de la Virgen María a los Cielos |

Asunción de María o Asunción de la Virgen es la creencia, de acuerdo a la tradición y teología de la Iglesia ortodoxa y de la Iglesia católica, de que el cuerpo y alma de la Virgen María fueron llevados al cielo después de terminar sus días en la tierra.
Este traslado es llamado Assumptio Beatæ Mariæ Virginis (Asunción de la Bienaventurada Virgen María) por los católicos romanos, cuya doctrina fue definida como dogma (verdad de la que no puede dudarse) por el Papa Pío XII el 1 de noviembre de 1950. La Iglesia Católica celebra esta fiesta en honor de la Virgen María en Oriente desde el siglo VI y en Roma desde el siglo VII. La festividad se celebra el 15 de agosto.
4:22 Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la libre. 4:23 Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la libre, por la promesa. 4:24 Lo cual es una alegoría, pues estas mujeres son los dos pactos; el uno proviene del monte Sinaí, el cual da hijos para esclavitud; éste es Agar. 4:25 Porque Agar es el monte Sinaí en Arabia, y corresponde a la Jerusalén actual, pues ésta, junto con sus hijos, está en esclavitud. 4:26 Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es libre. (Fijense que aqui PABLO dice que la JERUSALEN ES NUESTRA MADRE)
4:27 Porque está escrito: Regocíjate, oh estéril, tú que no das a luz; Prorrumpe en júbilo y clama, tú que no tienes dolores de parto; Porque más son los hijos de las desolada, que de la que tiene marido. 4:28 Así que, hermanos, nosotros, como Isaac, somos hijos de la promesa. (Pablo se esta incluyendo o igualando con ISAAC, OSEA EL HIJO DE ABRAHAM Y DE SARA. Pablo esta reconociendo que ISAAC ES TIPO DE LA IGLESIA)
MATEO 16:18 GALATAS 4:28 1 PEDRO 5:13 JUAN MARCOS 4:29 Pero como entonces el que había nacido según la carne perseguía al que había nacido según el Espíritu, así también ahora. 4:30 Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la libre. 4:31 De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la libre.
Juan 8:1 y Jesús se fue al monte de los Olivos. 8:2 Y por la mañana volvió al templo, y todo el pueblo vino a él; y sentado él, les enseñaba. 8:3 Entonces los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron una mujer sorprendida en adulterio; y poniéndola en medio, 8:4 le dijeron: Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en el acto mismo de adulterio. 8:5 Y en la ley nos mandó Moisés apedrear a tales mujeres. Tú, pues, ¿qué dices? (La PIEDRA, en contexto a la RAMERA es una REFERENCIA A MATEO 16:18, NUMERO DE ORO, osea PEDRO, que en el contexto a la SEÑAL DE JONAS es irrefutable su NEXO CON EL PAPADO)
8:6 Mas esto decían tentándole, para poder acusarle. Pero Jesús, inclinado hacia el suelo, escribía en tierra con el dedo. 8:7 Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté libre sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la piedra contra ella. (Esta es una alegoria espiritual con REFERENCIA A QUE NO TENEMOS QUE DEMONIZAR AL CATOLICISMO A PESAR DE SUS ERRORES. ¿QUE DENOMINACION NO LOS TIENE? El termino libre es un enganche con GALATAS 4:26 especificamente con la JERUSALEM DE ARRIBA, QUE ES LIBRE, Y QUE ES NUESTRA MADRE. JESUCRISTO, NUEVO ABRAHAM, ES NUESTRO PADRE Y MARIA MAGDALENA, NUEVA SARA, ES NUESTRA MADRE. HONRAR PADRE Y MADRE)
89. Gálatas 4:22: Porque está escrito que Abraham tuvo dos hijos; uno de la esclava, el otro de la LIBRE.
90. Gálatas 4:23: Pero el de la esclava nació según la carne; mas el de la LIBRE, por la promesa.
91. Gálatas 4:26: Mas la Jerusalén de arriba, la cual es madre de todos nosotros, es LIBRE.
92. Gálatas 4:30: Mas ¿qué dice la Escritura? Echa fuera a la esclava y a su hijo, porque no heredará el hijo de la esclava con el hijo de la LIBRE.
93. Gálatas 4:31: De manera, hermanos, que no somos hijos de la esclava, sino de la LIBRE.
94. Gálatas 5:1: Estad, pues, firmes en la libertad con que Cristo nos hizo LIBREs, y no estéis otra vez sujetos al yugo de esclavitud.
8:8 E inclinándose de nuevo hacia el suelo, siguió escribiendo en tierra.
8:32 y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres. 8:33 Le respondieron: Linaje de Abraham somos, y jamás hemos sido esclavos de nadie. ¿Cómo dices tú: Seréis libres?
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
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Canis Major loyally follows its mythical master, Orion, across the southern skies of winter.
The brightest star in Canis Major also is the brightest in the entire night sky — brilliant Sirius, which is just 8.6 light-years away. That's only twice as far as our closest stellar neighbor. Because it is the brightest star of the Great Dog, Sirius is known as the Dog Star. Its first appearance in the dawn sky in August heralds the "dog days" of summer.
Sirius is actually a double star. The star that we see as Sirius is about 20 times brighter than the Sun. It is also hotter and more massive than the Sun. Its companion is known as Sirius B, and is nicknamed The Pup. It is a white dwarf -- the hot, dense core of a star that was once like Sirius itself. At the end of its life, the star blew its outer layers into space, leaving only the core. Sirius B is as massive as the Sun but less than one percent as bright. It shines simply because it's still hot.
Canis Major's second-brightest star is Adhara. It is well below Sirius, in one of the dog's legs. It is about 425 light-years away. It emits about a thousand times more visible light than Sirius does, so if it were moved to the same distance as Sirius, it would look about 200 times brighter than Sirius does.
Because the surface of Adhara is extremely hot, the star emits more ultraviolet energy than visible light. If our eyes were tuned to the ultraviolet, Adhara would outshine every other star in the night sky.
One interesting sight in Canis Major is a star cluster known as M41, which is about 2,300 light-years away. It's visible to the unaided eye as a faint smudge of light below Sirius. Binoculars or a small telescope reveal a swarm of several dozen stars.

La ciudad del vaticano es una ciudad-estado que se encuentra dentro de Roma. Su población se calcula en menos de 1.000 habitantes y su extensión en 0.439 Km2.
Allí se ubica la santa sede de la Iglesia Católica, máxima autoridad y gobierno con el papa a la cabeza. La santa sede posee personalidad jurídica propia y mantiene relaciones diplomáticas con los demás estados. En el interior del Vaticano encontramos la basílica de San Pedro, la tumba de San Pedro y el museo Vaticano.
Coordenadas: 41 54 07N, 12 27 25E
The 5 above articles in my other older blog each also contains some further extrapolation & elucidation of the multiple synchronistic themes embedded within the riddle, thus anyone interested in these things is strongly advised to read them as well in order to truly get out of the mental cage and think out of the box as required. Now let’s go back to the “KEY & SQUARE” at the St Peter’s Square (Piazza) and peer somewhat deeper into the total Obelisk height of 41 meters as a crucial clue:
Exact latitude of the Obelisk at the Vatican is: 41.90 N
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