
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
De izquierda a derecha: Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, Thomas Edison, Aristoteles, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins y Charles Darwin.

Do you notice the symbolic 8 rays within the circle? Symbolic of the star Sirius.
2. Isaías 22:22: Y pondré la LLAVE de la casa de David sobre su hombro; y abrirá, y nadie cerrará; cerrará, y nadie abrirá.
3. Mateo 16:19: Y a ti te daré las LLAVEs del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
4. Lucas 11:52: ¡Ay de vosotros, intérpretes de la ley! porque habéis quitado la LLAVE de la ciencia; vosotros mismos no entrasteis, y a los que entraban se lo impedisteis.
5. Apocalipsis 1:18: y el que vivo, y estuve muerto; mas he aquí que vivo por los siglos de los siglos, amén. Y tengo las LLAVEs de la muerte y del Hades.
6. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Filadelfia: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la LLAVE de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
APOCALIPSIS 22:16 (1 mas 6 es igual a 7), osea 22:7 (numero PI) se lo relaciona con ISTAR
Apocalipsis Capítulo 22
Después me mostró un río limpio de agua de vida, resplandeciente como cristal, que salía del trono de Dios y del Cordero. 2 En medio de la calle de la ciudad, y a uno y otro lado del río, estaba el árbol de la vida, que produce doce frutos, dando cada mes su fruto; y las hojas del árbol eran para la sanidad de las naciones. 3 Y no habrá más maldición; y el trono de Dios y del Cordero estará en ella, y sus siervos le servirán, 4 y verán su rostro, y su nombre estará en sus frentes. 5 No habrá allí más noche; y no tienen necesidad de luz de lámpara, ni de luz del sol, porque Dios el Señor los iluminará; y reinarán por los siglos de los siglos.
Y me dijo: Estas palabras son fieles y verdaderas. Y el Señor, el Dios de los espíritus de los profetas, ha enviado su ángel, para mostrar a sus siervos las cosas que deben suceder pronto.
7 ¡He aquí, vengo pronto! Bienaventurado el que guarda las palabras de la profecía de este libro.
8 Yo Juan soy el que oyó y vio estas cosas. Y después que las hube oído y visto, me postré para adorar a los pies del ángel que me mostraba estas cosas. 9 Pero él me dijo: Mira, no lo hagas; porque yo soy consiervo tuyo, de tus hermanos los profetas, y de los que guardan las palabras de este libro. Adora a Dios.
10 Y me dijo: No selles las palabras de la profecía de este libro, porque el tiempo está cerca. 11 El que es injusto, sea injusto todavía; y el que es inmundo, sea inmundo todavía; y el que es justo, practique la justicia todavía; y el que es santo, santifíquese todavía.
12 He aquí yo vengo pronto, y mi galardón conmigo, para recompensar a cada uno según sea su obra. 13 Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, el principio y el fin, el primero y el último.
14 Bienaventurados los que lavan sus ropas, para tener derecho al árbol de la vida, y para entrar por las puertas en la ciudad. 15 Mas los perros estarán fuera, y los hechiceros, los fornicarios, los homicidas, los idólatras, y todo aquel que ama y hace mentira.
16 Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la mañana.
17 Y el Espíritu y la Esposa dicen: Ven. Y el que oye, diga: Ven. Y el que tiene sed, venga; y el que quiera, tome del agua de la vida gratuitamente. (FUERTE NEXO CON OSHANAH RABBAH, JUAN 7:39, Y CON EL UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA)
18 Yo testifico a todo aquel que oye las palabras de la profecía de este libro: Si alguno añadiere a estas cosas, Dios traerá sobre él las plagas que están escritas en este libro. 19 Y si alguno quitare de las palabras del libro de esta profecía, Dios quitará su parte del libro de la vida, y de la santa ciudad y de las cosas que están escritas en este libro.
20 El que da testimonio de estas cosas dice: Ciertamente vengo en breve. Amén; sí, ven, Señor Jesús. 21 La gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo sea con todos vosotros. Amén.

Mateo 6:33: Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su JUSTICIA, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.
Marcos 7:1 Se juntaron a Jesús los fariseos, y algunos de los escribas, que habían venido de Jerusalén; 7:2 los cuales, viendo a algunos de los discípulos de Jesús comer pan con manos inmundas, esto es, no lavadas, los condenaban. 7:3 Porque los fariseos y todos los judíos, aferrándose a la tradición de los ancianos, si muchas veces no se lavan las manos, no comen. 7:4 Y volviendo de la plaza, si no se lavan, no comen. Y otras muchas cosas hay que tomaron para guardar, como los lavamientos de los vasos de beber, y de los jarros, y de los utensilios de metal, y de los lechos. 7:5 Le preguntaron, pues, los fariseos y los escribas: ¿Por qué tus discípulos no andan conforme a la tradición de los ancianos, sino que comen pan con manos inmundas? 7:6 Respondiendo él, les dijo: Hipócritas, bien profetizó de vosotros Isaías, como está escrito: Este pueblo de labios me honra, Mas su corazón está lejos de mí. 7:7 Pues en vano me honran, Enseñando como doctrinas mandamientos de hombres. 7:8 Porque dejando el mandamiento de Dios, os aferráis a la tradición de los hombres: los lavamientos de los jarros y de los vasos de beber; y hacéis otras muchas cosas semejantes. 7:9 Les decía también: Bien invalidáis el mandamiento de Dios para guardar vuestra tradición. 7:10 Porque Moisés dijo: Honra a tu padre y a tu madre; y: El que maldiga al padre o a la madre, muera irremisiblemente. 7:11 Pero vosotros decís: Basta que diga un hombre al padre o a la madre: Es Corbán (que quiere decir, mi ofrenda a Dios) todo aquello con que pudiera ayudarte, 7:12 y no le dejáis hacer más por su padre o por su madre, 7:13 invalidando la palabra de Dios con vuestra tradición que habéis transmitido. Y muchas cosas hacéis semejantes a estas. 7:14 Y llamando a sí a toda la multitud, les dijo: Oídme todos, y entended: 7:15 Nada hay fuera del hombre que entre en él, que le pueda contaminar; pero lo que sale de él, eso es lo que contamina al hombre. 7:16 Si alguno tiene oídos para oír, oiga. (Aqui nuestro señor niega la TEOLOGIA DEL DIABLO EXTERNO QUE ESTIMULA A PECAR AL SER HUMANO) 7:17 Cuando se alejó de la multitud y entró en casa, le preguntaron sus discípulos sobre la parábola. 7:18 El les dijo: ¿También vosotros estáis así sin entendimiento? ¿No entendéis que todo lo de fuera que entra en el hombre, no le puede contaminar, 7:19 porque no entra en su corazón, sino en el vientre, y sale a la letrina? Esto decía, haciendo limpios todos los alimentos. 7:20 Pero decía, que lo que del hombre sale, eso contamina al hombre. 7:21 Porque de dentro, del corazón de los hombres, salen los malos pensamientos, los adulterios, las fornicaciones, los homicidios, (Todo PECADO ES CREADO ADENTRO DEL SER HUMANO. Los DIABLISTAS no ven que NUESTRO SEÑOR NIEGO la existencia del DIABLO) 7:22 los hurtos, las avaricias, las maldades, el engaño, la lascivia, la envidia, la maledicencia, la soberbia, la insensatez. 7:23 Todas estas maldades de dentro salen, y contaminan al hombre. 7:24 Levantándose de allí, se fue a la región de Tiro y de Sidón; y entrando en una casa, no quiso que nadie lo supiese; pero no pudo esconderse. (La TEOLOGIA DE LUCIFER JUSTAMENTE ES LA QUE TOMA COMO EL MISMO AL REY DE TIRO EZEQUIEL 28 CUANDO la tora confirma que ALLI SE HACE REFERENCIA AL REY DE TIRO)
Ezequiel 28:12: Hijo de hombre, levanta endechas sobre el REY DE TIRO, y dile: Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Tú eras el sello de la perfección, lleno de sabiduría, y acabado de hermosura. 7:25 Porque una mujer, cuya hija tenía un espíritu inmundo, luego que oyó de él, vino y se postró a sus pies. (Noten que aqui se esta haciendo REFERENCIA A UNA MUJER, demonizada por el PATRIARCADO. Lo curioso es que tambien aparece la expresion "sus pies" dandole un NEXO CON BETANIA)
¿PORQUE MARIA MAGDALENA UNGE LOS PIES DE JESUS EN 7:26 La mujer era griega, y sirofenicia de nación; y le rogaba que echase fuera de su hija al demonio. (El demonio que hace referencia NUESTRO SEÑOR no es un diablo personal, sino que UNA ENFERMEDAD. Los griegos creian en DIABLOS PERSONALES Y OBVIAMENTE NUESTRO SEÑOR SE ADAPTO A ESA CULTURA. "ser griego entre los griegos" como dice Pablo. Lo impresionante es el NEXO QUE SE LE DA A LA MUJER CON LOS GENTILES. PARA LA TORA MUJER/VIUDA ES SINONIMO DE GENTILES porque la DEMONIZACION DE LA MUJER TAMBIEN TIENE CONNOTACION CON LOS GENTILES)
Deuteronomio 10:18: que hace justicia al huérfano y a la VIUDA; que ama también al extranjero dándole pan y vestido.
7:27 Pero Jesús le dijo: Deja primero que se sacien los hijos, porque no está bien tomar el pan de los hijos y echarlo a los perrillos. (Noten el PARALELO DE LOS GENTILES CON LOS PERROS. Aqui NUESTRO SEÑOR ESTA HACIENDO UNA REFERENCIA PROFUNDA A LA CONSTELACION DE SIRIO/ESTRELLA DE BELEN QUE TIENE JUSTAMENTE UN FUERTE NEXO GENTIL. El calendario gregoriano esta en funcion de SIRIO)
7:28 Respondió ella y le dijo: Sí, Señor; pero aun los perrillos, debajo de la mesa, comen de las migajas de los hijos. (Esta expresion tambien aparece en el contexto a la PARABOLA DEL RICO Y DE LAZARO)
19. Lucas 16:21: y ansiaba saciarse de las migajas que caían de la mesa del rico; y aun los PERROS venían y le lamían las llagas.
7:29 Entonces le dijo: Por esta palabra, ve; el demonio ha salido de tu hija. 7:30 Y cuando llegó ella a su casa, halló que el demonio había salido, y a la hija acostada en la cama. (El demonio tambien, no hay que descartar, pueden ser angeles, mandados por YHWH)
Isaías 45:7: que formo la LUZ y creo las tinieblas, que hago la paz y creo la adversidad. Yo Jehová soy el que hago todo esto. 7:31 Volviendo a salir de la región de Tiro, vino por Sidón al mar de Galilea, pasando por la región de Decápolis.
7:32 Y le trajeron un sordo y tartamudo, y le rogaron que le pusiera la mano encima. 7:33 Y tomándole aparte de la gente, metió los dedos en las orejas de él, y escupiendo, tocó su lengua; 7:34 y levantando los ojos al cielo, gimió, y le dijo: Efata, es decir: Sé abierto. 7:35 Al momento fueron abiertos sus oídos, y se desató la ligadura de su lengua, y hablaba bien. 7:36 Y les mandó que no lo dijesen a nadie; pero cuanto más les mandaba, tanto más y más lo divulgaban. 7:37 Y en gran manera se maravillaban, diciendo: bien lo ha hecho todo; hace a los sordos oír, y a los mudos hablar.
The Babylonian "Sar" is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [*H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; "prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head." The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, "Aesar" is a word for "God" in both, Icelandic and Irish, "Osar" in Egypt like "Osiris" was the prince. The English word "sir" and the Roman "Ceasars" are also traceable to this root. It is used in Daniel 10:13 & 20, referring the archangel Michael who dispatched the fallen angel (Daimon) who opposed the messenger angel that God sent to answer Daniel's prayer. In Isaiah 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the promised seed, it is used of the Messiah as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18]. It is additionally used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.
According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; "Zer," meaning "to encompass" gives us not only the English basis for: "Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans," but also Zero; "the seed." Further, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. To this end the Chaldean word for the "woman's promised seed" was "Zero-ashta," that also formed the basis of the name Zoroaster. We should note that in the writings of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster as a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment, was prophesied. These references to the woman's promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:
"In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One." 3
This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decan Coma, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially when we view the supernova in this child's head [pictured below from the Dendera zodiac] who was the promised seed, during the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind. Hislop goes on to say: "As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; "the circle," and zero; "the seed" was easily established."4
Bryn Mawr ~ Philadelphia Revisited
Who is Ka Ra?
Why Cornet thought of the following, he cannot be sure. He had been told telepathically by a spiritual entity called Ka Ra that his birth place and time were pieces to the Rennes-le-Chteau puzzle. But how could this be? Bryn Mawr, where he was born, is on the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean from the Valley of Rennes.
Those who have tackled the Rennes-le-Chteau mystery almost invariably looked for answers in that valley or in ancient Egypt. Most recently Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) developed a very complex solution through decoding esoteric documents in their search for the Tomb of God. So, if the burial place of Jesus is located in France, why look for clues in America? Furthermore, why should Cornet believe what Ka Ra told him?
First, let's try to understand who this spiritual entity Ka Ra is. You won't find any reference to her in the Bible, in the encyclopedia, in ancient Egyptian texts or hieroglyphs. That is because it is a New Name, constructed from the combination of the Egyptian word Ka with the name of Ra. Ra is the feminine gender, while Re is the masculine gender. Ka means spirit in ancient Egyptian. Thus the name Ka Ra means Spirit of Ra. If Ra represents the Sun God, then Ka Ra refers to the female aspect of the Sun God. In addition, the Greek word "kara" means head or top, as in deity. No coincidences here.
Who was it that was speaking telepathically to John in prison when he wrote what has become known as the Book of Revelation?
Sun God = Son = Jesus = Horus
Revelation 2.17: To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.
The book of Revelation clearly states that when Jesus returns he will have a new name. This fact is repeated a second time in that book: Revelation 3.12: ...and my own new name.
E.A "He Whose Home/Abode is Water" (Sitchin, Divine Encounters, 1995)
For this exercise, don't get fooled by gender (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion). This is the perfect ploy to keep those who think they have eyes, but do not want to see, from finding out the truth. Follow the trail of clues wherever they may take you.
The hieroglyphic symbol for Ka is represented by a pair of upheld arms while Ra is represented by the sun disc. When the symbols for Ka and Ra are combined, one gets Ka Ra. The hieroglyphs below are from E.A. Wallis Budge: Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection (1973). They show these two symbols combined as part of other hieroglyphs, but not as a separate deity called Ka Ra. The best place to hide something is right in front of someone. Note that the Ka and Sun Disc symbols are placed at the top of the Tets, symbolizing Kara (head or top).
If Jesus = Horus and Lazarus is Greek for Osiris, what is the meaning of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? Was it a cleverly disguised Egyptian ritual and not a miracle?
Saturn: Source of Measure Mr. Pietsch shows how Saturn rings true.
Canon of Measure and the "K" or "Ka" Symbol
excerpt from Saturn: Source of Measure by Bernard I. Pietsch
"Sacred measures are hidden only in the sense of being obscured by the filter of phenomenal or local observation. They are founded on that which is beyond mere appearance. Because they are relative to a larger framework than that which is visible here on Earth we sometimes refer to Canon measures as cosmic values.
"One of the keys to the domain of the cosmic is represented by the "K" symbol. K represents the ratio with which we part the veil. From the phenomenal world we enter the cosmic realm—a dimension where Time, Distance, Velocity, Number, and Geometry become co-in-ci-dent with one another, where one is an expression of all, where everything is in one thing, and where the law "as above, so below" becomes observable. Here the application and utility of Number in all its forms transcend the limitations imposed upon it by ordinary logic. Here, Number can become Time, distance, angle, ratio, logarithm. We have but to invoke the magic inherent in Number, and all is made available.
"K is the number 1.01430555. With it, the first measures to be unveiled are those of Time. The ancients understood the intimate and inseparable relationship of Time with all dimensions. (With K we will reveal the legendary "harmony of the spheres." But first some groundwork must be laid.)
"For a number of important reasons we adopt the solar year indicated by the base of Cheops Pyramid as the value 365.15 days which is 36,515 inches around the perimeter of the base. This number divided by K produces the Sacred or Cosmic Year of 360 days. The same length of time is involved but the relationship of the year to the circle of 360 is clearly established. From this ancient Sacred Year we derive the following units:
360 Days |
525816 Minutes |
8763.6 Hours |
24.34333 Hours |
1460.6 Minutes |
87636 Seconds |
"The derivation of the Sacred Day of 24 hours 20 minutes and 36 seconds is not only a mathematical construction. This is also the day (mean cosmic) responded to by plants and organisms. These circadian rhythms tend to be about 20 minutes longer than the mean solar day of 24 hours; biological rhythms in humans as well seem to follow this cycle. Also notice the number of minutes in the Cosmic Year: 525816. Dividing this by 100 renders the number for the feet in the Canon Mile. The mile has its origin in sacred time."
The Masonic - Knights Templar Connection
Cornet realized that his late wife Bonnie had grown up in Collingswood, NJ, directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. Ka Ra told him that his wife's childhood home was a piece to the puzzle. When he studied the Rennes-le-Chteau diagrams in GenIsis, he could not help but notice that the town of Rennes-le-Chteau is located on the west side of the Extended Pentagram, while the town of La-Borde-de-l'Auguste is located on the southeast side of the pentagram. He realized that the town where he was born, Bryn Mawr, is located on the west side of Philadelphia, while the town of Collingswood, where Bonnie grew up, is located on the southeast side of Philadelphia. Furthermore, La-Borde-de-l'Auguste means "edge of August," and his birth day (31 August)(MISMO DIA DE LA MUERTE DE LADY DY/PRINCESA DIANA) is at one edge of August. He later discovered that this date on the ancient Egyptian calendar was very special to the Egyptians. It was the day the Ennad is in festivity, and the day the Hier (to the throne) is established. When he discovered that Philadelphia means "Womb or Birthplace of Isis", he immediately saw the connection to the Extended Pentagram that Wood (1986) had so thoroughly linked to the Goddess Isis. He got partial confirmation when he discovered that Bryn Mawr is Welch for "high ground," or "great hill." Rennes-le-Chteau is located on a high plateau, and therefore is synonymous with high ground.
Image from GenIsis
The Knights Templar became associated with the Valley of Rennes. The Masons became associated with Philadelphia. Early Masonic tradition and beliefs hold much in common with those of the outlawed Knights Templar, although the two organizations are very different (see The Miter and the Trowel). Robinson was correct in his conclusion that there was a strong Templar influence in the early development of Freemasonry (Robinson, 1989).
Wood discovered that various towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes were positioned at key points on an invisible set of gigantic esoteric diagrams, which could be seen only in their entirety (if visible) from high above the ground (much like the Nozca lines in Peru).
Campbell and Wood uncovered additional features of these diagrams which belied any thought that they might be the fruits of vivid imagination. Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) reveal more data from decoding some of the same esoteric texts. Their data indicate that the authors of those texts were very much aware of the Sacred Geometry laid out by the positions of towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes. But in order for those towns to have been located where they are, someone had to be the architect and engineer who planned the layout before any construction began. And that someone had to have the surveying tools with which to accomplish this Herculean task. The following five figures come from GenIsis (Wood, 1986).
Circle of Churches |
Pentagram-Meridian |
The Crescents |
Temple of Solomon |
The Serpent |
Now let's go to Philadelphia, and see what Cornet uncovered using the clues given to him by David Wood and Ka Ra.
http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/esoteric/esoBryn.htm |

Just recently the University of Bradford released lectures in freemasonry and published it on their website. Dr Robert Lomas of the University of School of Management has dumped his archives on his research of Freemasonry and the information he’s got from the Masonic writer Walter Leslie Wilmshurst and published it on the internet.
The release of this information of Scottish Rite freemasons from the Hermetic vaults of masonry is astonishing to say the least since it reveals their knowledge and understanding of the Galactic Alignment that occurs this time around era-2012.
Galactic Alignment
Galactic Alignment is the conjunction of the summer and winter solstice Sun with the Galactic Equator that happens around 2012 (in the 2012 era from 1980-2016). It is the origin of the 26000 year precession cycle and the beginning of a New Age.
Galactic Alignment has been popularised by John Major Jenkins but was also discovered by professor Sergey Smelyakov 2 years prior to John Major Jenkinks’ first publication of his theory. For a detailed discussion of this subject see our paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’.
This freemason revelation came to my attention through the publication of an article on Wayne Herschel’s website. Herschel has interpreted the freemason’s disclosure as a confirmation of his ‘mystery’ star theory but we’ll provide an alternative interpretation in this article.
Earlier we have re-interpreted Herschel’s Stonehenge-Pleiades connection and showed how the Pleiades are a pointer to the summer solstice Sun on the Milky Way (summer solstice Galactic Alignment) that is encoded at Stonehenge.
Freemason’s clues
We cannot expect that the Scottish Rite freemasons will give away their secret knowledge that they have preserved for centuries without further ado; the revelation of the information that they have given on the Bradford’s University’s website may be as close as we can ever get about learning their esoteric mysteries, yet they have left the door ajar enough for us to swing it open and reveal what’s inside.
We must keep in mind that the nature of the information that is provided by the Scottish Rite freemasons is of an exoteric nature. The hidden esoteric or occult meaning of their information is only revealed to the initiates of the Order. While a Masonic symbol may have a clear obvious exoteric appearance it may distract us from the multiple intended esoteric meanings. In other words an exoteric symbol may have one or more esoteric meanings.
All we have is the mysterious ‘Tracing Board’ and the clues that were given by the Scottish Rite freemasons on their website.
Here’s a summary of the important clues that were given:
“The blazing star, or glory in the centre, refers us to the Sun, which enlightens the earth, and by its benign influence dispenses blessings to mankind in general”.
“In all regular, well-formed, constituted Lodges, there is a point within a circle round which a Mason cannot err; this circle is bounded between North and South by two grand parallel lines, the one representing Moses, the other King Solomon; on the upper part of this circle rests the Volume of the Sacred Law, supporting Jacob's ladder, the top of which reaches to the heavens; and were we as conversant with that holy book, and as adherent to the doctrines therein contained, as both those parallels were, it would lead us to Him who will not deceive us, neither will He suffer deception.”
“The three great Pillars supporting Mason's Lodges are emblematical of the Divine attributes; they further represent Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif. Solomon, King of Israel for his Wisdom in building, completing, and dedicating the Temple at Jerusalem to God's service; Hiram, King of Tyre, for his Strength in supporting him with men and material and Hiram Abif, for his curious a masterly workmanship in beautifying and adorning the same. But as we have no noble orders in Architecture known by the names of Wisdom Strength, and Beauty, we refer them to the three most celebrated, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.”
Moses caused a tent or Tabernacle to be erected in the wilderness, which by God's especial command was situated due East and West, for Moses did everything according to a pattern shown him by the Lord on Mount Sinai. This Tent or Tabernacle proved afterwards to be the ground-plan, in respect to situation, of that most magnificent Temple built at Jerusalem by that wise and mighty Prince, King Solomon, whose regal splendour and unparalleled lustre far transcend our ideas.
End Quote:
Let’s carefully analyse these clues.
Solstice and equinox Sun
The first thing that attracts our attention are the cardinal directions that are noted in the tessellated border of the board. According to the Scottish Rite freemasons, the mosaic on the border represents the planets of our Solar System.
There’s no doubt that the blazing star at the centre of the ‘Tracing Board’ is our Sun. The point within the circle depicted on the table at the foot of the ladder is the ancient representation of the Sun as well as the Egyptian hieroglyph for Ra, the Egyptian Sun god.
The Blazing Star corresponds with the equinox Sun that rises in the East and sets in the West. The top of the board is the East and the bottom is the West. The equinox Sun lies on the line connecting the cardinal directions East and West.
The Scottish Rite freemasons gave us the clue that ‘The grand parallel lines that bound the Sun between the North and the South’ are in fact the tropic of Cancer (North) and tropic of Capricorn (South). The tropics determine the extremes of Sun’s path at the summer and winter solstices.

The grand paralell lines
Given these clues, there is therefore little doubt that the Suns on the left and right represent the solstice Suns!
The Sun on the left is the summer solstice Sun that rises in the North East and sets in the North West during the summer solstice. This Sun appears in the North East region of the ‘Tracing Board’.
The Sun on the right is the winter solstice Sun that rises in the South East and sets in the South West during the winter solstice. This Sun appears in the South East region of the ‘Tracing Board’.
The central Sun the blazing star has yet another very important significance; it represents the Sun on the Galactic Equator as we will demonstrate later.
The three Suns depicted in the ‘Tracing Board’ from right to left seem to suggest the movement of the Sun through the Galactic Equator at the equinox. This is the basic concept of the precession of the equinoxes.
The name ‘Tracing Board’ therefore may suggest the tracing of the Sun along the precession cycle since it presents the idea of the conjunction of the Sun with the Galactic Equator on solstices and equinoxes.
The latter is the concept of Galactic Alignment or Great Celestial Conjunctions as we have called them in our paper ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’ (Smelyakov, Wicherink 2006). There are four of these conjunctions of the Sun with the Galactic Equator in a Platonic Year (one full precession cycle) that make up the four World Ages of the ancients.
The ecliptic crosses the Milky Way at two places; one place is near the Dark Rift in between the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius while the other is in between Taurus and Gemini near the Pleiades.
In our present time the Sun aligns with the Dark Rift near the Galactic Centre at the winter solstice. Also during the summer solstice the Sun aligns with the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way in between Taurus and Gemini. The sun now resides near the Pleiades and the Galactic Anti-Centre.
If we take a careful look at the ‘Tracing Board’ we notice that the Sun on the left is depicted in a black dark region. This dark region represents the Dark Rift of the Milky Way. If we look at the Sun on the right we notice that there are seven stars depicted near the Sun. The seven stars denote the stars of the Pleiades
There is one thing however that doesn’t quit seem to fit. The summer solstice Sun ( Sun on the left) is near in the Dark Rift, while the winter solstice Sun is near the Pleiades.
This is the reverse situation of the current Galactic Alignment that is occurring during era 2012!
Although the ‘Tracing Board’ conveys the idea of Galactic Alignment it is actually referring to the Galactic Alignment that occurred half a precession cycle ago (around 13.000 years ago). This is the time that many researchers have associated with the time of Egyptian Zep Tepi (first time), the Deluge and the destruction of Atlantis.
Bible and Astrology
In order to further understand the secrets of the ‘Tracing Board’ we must understand that the Bible contains texts that are an allegory of the esoteric astrological meaning that it conceals. We can only fully decode the ‘Tracing Board’ if we accept the possibility that the biblical references given by the Scottish Rite freemasons are in fact astronomical hints. It is beyond the scope of this article to prove the assertion that the Bible encodes astrological information.
We refer the reader to Jordan Maxwel and Michael Tsarion who have done a lot of research into the field of astrotheology.
Also this this website gives information on the astrological –biblical links that we will be using in this article.
So let’s look at all of the clues the freemason’s left on their website and in the ‘Tracing Board’ and review them in their astrological context.
Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob’s ladder appears in the ‘Tracing Board’ and is reaching into the Heavens. Jacob was the grandson of Abraham and Sarah, the son of Isaac and Rebecca. Jacob's 12 sons were the ancestors of the 12 tribes of Israel. The 12 tribes of Israel is a reference to the twelve houses of the Zodiac, just like the 12 apostles of Jesus are. That’s why Leonardo Da Vinci portrayed the apostles in 4 groups of three in his painting of the Last Supper separating the zodiac into four seasons.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Last Supper with four groups of apostles
Notice by the way that there is no chalice on the table!
Jacob dreamt of the Milky Way as a ladder with angels ascending and descending it. The ascending angles of course are the up and down moving stars in the sky.
And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! (Gen 28:12)

Milky Way erect during summer
During summertime the Milky Way stands erect on the horizon and forms a ‘Stairway to Heaven’ or Jacob’s ladder. The idea of representing the Milky Way as a stairway or ladder leading to Heaven was a very common theme in ancient times. This idea was expressed as a rope, a tree (World Tree) or a ladder leading into the skies. The Maya called the Milky Way the Wakah Chan during summer sunrise ‘the raised up sky’ and it was represented as the World Tree.
On the website the Scottish Rite freemasons speak about the ‘The Volume of the Sacred Law’ appearing on the table with the circle and dot (Sun) supporting Jacob’s ladder. The Volume of the Sacred Law is a reference to the religious book, the Holy Bible containing the Masonic square and compasses.
This statement I believe states that the Sun (circle and dot) is supporting the Milky Way (Jacob’s ladder) and that this knowledge is contained in ‘The Volume of the Sacred Law’, the Bible which rests between the Sun (circle and dot) and the Milky Way (Jacob’s ladder). In other words they are speaking of the importance of the Sun on the Milky Way (Galactic Alignment), information that is contained in the bible...
The Scottish Rite freemasons write ‘there is a point within a circle round which a Mason cannot err; this circle is bounded between North and South by two grand parallel lines, the one representing Moses, the other King Solomon’. As we have explained above this is a reference to the solstice sun. So according to the freemasons, Moses must be equalled to the solstice sun!
This reveals yet another clue.
In the book Exodus a “pillar of cloud” is mentioned that guided Moses out of the desert during the daytime and a “pillar of fire” that accompanied him by night.
21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night; 22 the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people. (Ex. 13:21-22)
This pillar of cloud and pillar of fire is nothing less than the Milky Way:

Pillar of fire representation of the Milky Way at night
Notice that the three pillars in the ‘Tracing Board’’ are surrounded by clouds! The horizontal architraves disappear into the clouds. Notice that there are three pillars and three clouds, but they are not normal clouds since they are all vertical clouds, pillars of clouds which is very unusual! The fact that the three pillars are also veiled by the three vertical clouds stresses the fact that the pillars and the clouds are linked. These are significant clues that the pillars represent the daytime ‘pillar of cloud’ representation of the Milky Way.
The pillars themselves appear in three styles ‘Doric’, ‘Ionic’ and ‘Corinthian’ representing Wisdom Strength and Beauty that are the attributes of the pillars that support a Scottish Rite freemason’s Lodge. According to the website they also represent Solomon King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abif.
The astronomical significance of Moses (representing the Sun) is revealed while he ascends mount Sinai on his way to receive the Ten Commandments from God. The cloud in the following Bible texts refers to the Milky Way. Now follow this:
The cloud is coming.
9 And the LORD said to Moses. “Lo, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you for ever.” (Ex. 19:9)
The cloud is on the mountain (at the junction) waiting for Moses the sun to arrive.
16 On the morning of the third day there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. (Ex. 19:16)
Moses the sun is ascending.
15 Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. (Ex. 24:15)
When Moses enters the tent (covering or covenant), the sun is crossing the Milky Way.
9 When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the door of the tent, and the LORD would speak with Moses. (Ex. 33:9)
Notice that the pillar of cloud stands at the door of the tent an indication of the erected Milky Way as it appears in the summer night sky.
One might argue that the association of the pillar of cloud with the Milky Way are wild speculations, but me must remember there is another clue given by the Scottish Rite freemasons mentioning the fact that Moses his tent or Tabernacle was erected due East and West according to a pattern shown by the Lord on Mount Sinai. This pattern corresponds with the ground plan of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem! We are surely dealing with an astronomical event here, since all temples in ancient times where aligned to the rising and setting equinox Sun due East and West.
Another interesting fact is that Moses was on the Mount and in the clouds for 40 days and 40 nights.
And Moses entering into the midst of the cloud, went up into the mountain: And he was there forty days and forty nights. Exo 24:18
And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. Exo 34:28-29
Professor Sergey Smelyakov has calculated that the era of the Great Celestial Conjunction lasts exactly 39 years! This is the time that the Sun resides on the Milky Way during a Great Celestial Conjunction at solstices or equinoxes. So the biblical account for the duration (whereas years are represented as days) of the Galactic Alignment era comes very close to the calculations made by professor Sergey Smelyakov. John Major Jenkins mentions era-2012 (1980-2016) as a period of 36 years. This period was calculated by the astronomer Jean Meeus, however Smelyakov has proven that his calculations are more accurate than the calculations made by Jean Meeus.
Finally in Revelation, the book that deals with the End of Time prophecies, we find another reference to the crossing of the Sun with the ‘pillars of fire’. The rainbow in the text symbolizes the ecliptic (arc of the sun).
1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire. (Rev. 10:1)
King Solomon
King Solomon is very important to the Scottish Rite freemasons. The knowledge they gained and the secrets they keep originate from Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
King Solomon completed the temple in Jerusalem that became the abode of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant contained the Ten Commandments that Moses took down from mount Sinai.
If Moses meeting with God at mount Sinai represents a Galactic Alignment (the sun’s conjunction with the Milky Way), then the Ark of the Covenant must be the container that stores this sacred knowledge.
When the Knights Templars on their crusades to Jerusalem found the remains of the destroyed temple of Jerusalem (Solomon’s temple), they discovered the ‘Holy Grail’. The ‘Holy Grail’ is most likely not an artefact, the chalice of the Last Supper but very likely ‘a secret’ that reveals the true origins of Christianity and its foundation on pagan traditions astrology and its ancient Egyptian-Sumerian-Babylonian roots. Leonardo Da Vinci as a freemason understood this and that’s why he’s left the chalice out of his painting of the Last Supper.
If you look at the ‘Tracing Board’ you see a hand emerging from underneath the blazing Sun on the Milky Way. The hand is reaching out to the chalice, it’s the Masonic symbol of the ‘Holy Grail’. Since the ‘Tracing Board’ reveals information on Galactic Alignment it’s my assumption that this information was part of the knowledge that the Templars acquired on their travels to the Holy Land. This knowledge has become part of the Holy Grail that was passed on to the Scottish Rite freemasons.
Beneath the chalice (Holy Grail symbol) we find an anchor, a key and a cross. The key symbolizes the ‘key’ to the secret knowledge, the Holy Grail that the Church has been trying to hide. The links of the Catholic Church’s to its pagan roots were destroyed during the first council in Nicea in 325 AD and Christians were taught that astrology is evil and devil worshipping. We now understand why.
The cross represents the celestial cross that is formed by the crossing of the ecliptic and the Milky Way. This is the origin of the cross symbol that is far more ancient than Christianity itself who adopted this symbol to represent the resurrection of Christ as we have explained in our article ‘Crucifying the Earth on the Galactic Cross’. The cross represents a Great Celestial Conjunction or Galactic Alignment when the Earth Cross aligns with the Galactic Cross.

Earth Cross and Galactic Cross merge during a Great Celestial Conjunction
The symbol worn by the Knights Templars is a red cross.

The anchor in the ‘Tracing Board’ symbolizes the anchor point and origin of the precession cycle, the current Great Celestial Conjunction (Galactic Alignment 2012).
The mysteries of the Templars and why they amassed so much wealth after their return from the Holy Land may be nothing less than the extortion of the Church since they now had compelling evidence of the ancient pagan roots of Christianity that could be traced back to ancient Egypt, Sumer and Babylon.
Research has revealed that Christ was NOT THE FIRST Saviour to have been born from a virgin mother and die on the cross. For example the Egyptian Sun god Horus was born from the virgin mother Isis-Meri (Mary) on December 25th, 4 days after the Sun of God (Horus) had died on the winter solstice day on the zodiac cross. He was resurrected and reborn four days later when the Sun of God started to rise again in the winter skies. The similarities between the Sun of God and the life of the Son of God Jesus Christ are remarkable. The list of prophets who were born of a virgin mother counts at least 13 members and they all lived before the time of Christ
The Templars probable extortion of the Church and King Philip IV’s personal dept to the Templars became the turning point when the king persuaded Pope Clement V to intervene and take action to stop the Templars. On Friday the 13 October 1307 king Philip IV had members of the Order arrested, tortured and burned at the stake.
Since many of the Templars were informed on forehand of the betrayal by the French king, they fled to the port of La Rochelle from where their ships set sail to Scotland. On board were most likely their treasures and the Ark of the Covenant. The Templars got protection from Robert the Bruce after the battle of Bannockburn, which took place on St. John the Baptist's day. The Templars worshiped and accepted John the Baptist as their Saviour and not Christ since they had turned their back on the Church.
Their treasures including the Ark of the Covenant were most likely buried in Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland near Edinburgh. Rosslyn Chapel was built according to the floor plan of Solomon’s temple and the Tabernacle of Moses and is believed to be a replica of Solomon’s temple itself.
The rebuilding of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem is linked to the prophecies of the ‘New Jerusalem, city of Revelation’, the biblical End Times, the second coming of Christ, the end of the Maya fourth Sun, the end of the Hopi fourth world, the Apocalypse (meaning Revelation), the End of the Great Cycle (Platonic Year) and the current Great Celestial Conjunction or Galactic Alignment 2012.
These I believe all these eschatological prophecies are ALL THE SAME EVENTS.
Revelation 21:1-6 (King James Version)
1 And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5 And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are True and Faithful. 6 And He said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the Water of Life freely.

The Royal Exalted Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar of England and Wales

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
The arrival of the Templars in Scotland was the start of Scottish freemasonry and the formation for the Lodges of the Scottish Rite as well as the Lodges of the Masonic Knights Templars of England and Wales. Is it therefore a surprise that the revelations of these Scottish Rite freemasons are published on a website of a British University? Certainly not! What is surprising is that they came out with this information now we’re heading towards 2012!
The initiates and keepers of the deepest secrets of the End of Time Prophecies, such as the Maya and the Hopi, and now the Scottish Rite freemasons as well, all step forward in this special time to announce their message to the world. It seems the time of the Apocalypse or the time of Revelation has come.
Tranquilos, que nadie se asuste... no vamos a sufrir una invasión de demonios del averno (al menos eso espero  ). Me he permitido la licencia de usar ese titular por un motivo concreto. Hoy, 21 de junio, es la fecha en el hemisferio norte (en el sur ocurre al contrario) del solsticio de verano. Arranca oficialmente la estación más calurosa del año y hoy el día tiene más horas de luz que ningún otro.
Como ya comentamos en el blog en su momento, los antiguos romanos contaban entre su nutrido panteón de dioses con la figura de Jano (Janus en latín), el dios de los solsticios. Era también el dios de las puertas, de todos los inicios y de los finales. Poseía una rica iconografía –de la que algún día hablaremos más a fondo–, en la que lo más destacado era su representación con dos rostros, cada uno de ellos mirando en direcciones opuestas. De ahí que se le denomine también como Jano bifronte.
En lo que respecta a la temática de este blog, lo que más nos interesa de él es que los collegia fabrorum (las cofradías de constructores romanos) le rindieron una devoción especial, siendo su patrón.
Como decía más arriba, se consideraba a Jano el dios de los solsticios, las «puertas solsticiales» o «puertas del cielo». Así, el solsticio de verano era llamado janua inferni, la "puerta del infierno" o de los hombres, y el solsticio de invierno, janua coeli, la "puerta de los dioses". Además de patrón de los constructores, Jano era para los romanos el dios de la iniciación a los misterios. Era la «puerta», no sólo solsticial, sino también iniciática.

Esta devoción se transmitió a los canteros medievales y pasó a la iconografía y la religión cristiana bajo el culto a los dos «san Juan»: el Bautista, que tiene su festividad el 24 de junio (solsticio de verano), y el Evangelista, que tiene su festividad el 27 de diciembre (solsticio de invierno). Hay casos muy significativos en este sentido, en los que esta pervivencia es evidente. Jean Hani, profesor emérito en la Universidad de Amiens, menciona un notable ejemplo en la basílica francesa de Saint-Remi, en Reims: «En una vidriera aparece un único san Juan, que engloba en una sola figura al Precursor y al Evangelista, fusión subrayada por la presencia, sobre la cabeza, de dos girasoles (los dos solsticios) dirigidos en sentido opuesto: una especie de Jano cristiano, en suma».
No es el único caso. Otro día hablaremos de la presencia de zodiacos en iglesias y catedrales medievales. Hoy es suficiente con comentar que junto a algunos de estos zodiacos, generalmente esculpidos en las fachadas de los templos, y a ambos lados de Cristo, aparecen en ocasiones los "dos Juanes". Están marcando, de este modo, las fechas de los solsticios. ¿Qué simboliza esto? Como bien explica de nuevo Hani:
Del mismo modo que ellos ‘abren’ los dos períodos de la historia marcados por las dos venidas del Salvador, igualmente, en el plano cósmico, ‘abren’ las dos fases del ciclo anual, símbolo reducido del ciclo universal del tiempo y la historia; y en esta función, han reemplazado, desdoblándolo por así decirlo, al Jano bifronte, del que los Collegia fabrorum, antepasados de los constructores de catedrales, celebraban la fiesta en los dos solsticios.
Además, la división en la janua inferni y la janua coeli aparece también en algunas representaciones medievales del Juicio Final, en las que se divide la escena en dos partes: por un lado, los condenados que van al infierno –descienden, igual que el Sol a partir del solsticio de verano, o janua inferni– y, por otro, aquellos que se salvan –ascienden, al igual que el Sol tras el solsticio de invierno, o janua coeli.
En los templos medievales las representaciones de Jano son bastante habituales –además de los casos mencionados–, sobre todo en los zodiacos. Os pongo las imágenes de varios ejemplos. La primera corresponde a una representación del dios existente en la catedral de Amiens, en una serie de los trabajos de los meses. La segunda y la tercera proceden de la catedral de Chartres, también en Francia. En ésta última imagen Jano –aunque no se aprecia en la fotografía– está rodeado de símbolos del zodiaco.

Por supuesto, y como algunos de vosotros ya habréis adivinado, este culto a Jano, y más tarde a los «dos san Juan» en las logias medievales, se conserva en la masonería actual, pues tanto las fiestas solsticiales como los dos «Juanes» tienen gran importancia.·.
Eso es todo. ¡Feliz solsticio! y ¡Feliz noche de San Juan el sábado! (ojito con las hogueras) 

The vertical Rho (s) Line.Marking the vertical centre of the four Celtic Cross Quarter Days Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas (Lugnasagh), Samhain.Alpha and Omega denoting the start and the end of the Celtic Year.Constantine decreed (March 7, 321) dies Solis—day of the sun, "Sunday"—as the Roman day of rest [CJ3.12.2]:"On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost." - Constantine IAll a bit Mithraic (Cult of Mithras [Gematria 365]) Whose cult members recognised each other by secret handshakes.Happy Yule tide to one and all. Let everyone celebrate the Winter Solstice (Winter Sun Stop) again in peace and the Invicible Sun will stop but on the third day (December 25th) will rise again towards the north (Septentrionalis) marking longer days.
 geomancy.org The Celtic Cross-Quarter Day 209 × 182 - 27k - jpg |
 bbc.co.uk The Wheel of the Year 446 × 300 - 11k - gif |
 hermetic.ch about January 4 (though it 600 × 400 - 4k - png |
 pendragon343.com These four QUARTER days plus 375 × 358 - 26k - jpg |
 almanac.com celtic calendar cross-quarter 570 × 610 - 75k - jpg |
 transceltic.com Celtic Cross-Quarter days 678 × 195 - 43k - jpg |
 pinterest.com cross-quarter day, 598 × 880 - 370k - jpg |
 geomancy.org The Celtic Cross-Quarter Day 200 × 199 - 23k - png |
 scoop.it Celtic cross-quarter day . 255 × 191 - 18k |
 emi-argentina.blogspot... used cross-quarter days to 623 × 534 - 15k - gif |
 hermetic.ch The cross-quarter days occur 555 × 570 - 20k - png |
 en.wikipedia.org Neopaganism[edit] 1024 × 662 - 603k - jpg |
 niksblog-authorinprogr... Brighid, the Celtic goddess of 250 × 202 - 11k - jpeg |
 en.wikipedia.org Germanic[edit] 1264 × 892 - 144k - png |
 en.wikipedia.org The eight-armed sun cross is 2000 × 2000 - 89k - png |
 cromleck-de-rennes.com The SUNSET on the Celtic Old 800 × 579 - 77k - jpg |
 mythicalireland.com on the cross-quarter days 500 × 338 - 35k - jpg |
 paganwiccan.about.com Quarter Days and Cross Quarter 160 × 120 - 7k - jpg |
 irishcentral.com four cross-quarter days, 370 × 400 - 63k - jpg |
 alternatehistory.com Massive immigration of people 600 × 399 - 52k - jpg |
The Pagan Sabbats ... More Information
In order to understand the Sabbats, you need to know a little bit about astronomy.
Every year on planet Earth, there are two equinox days (around June 21 and December 22). They are six months apart. One-fourth of the year (91 days) after each equinox day is a solstice day. The two solstices are six months apart. Thus, the two equinoxes and the two solstices divide the year neatly into fourths. Solstices and equinoxes are astronomical events, and have to do with the earth's relationship to the sun. They have absolutely nothing to do with tradition.
These four days, called the quarter days, mark the beginnings of the four seasons. This isn't Paganism. It's astronomy.
About halfway between each pair of adjoining quarter days is a cross-quarter day (we are now dividing the year into EIGHTHS). Even though these do not fall on astronomically-defined days, they are (traditionally) considered more important than the quarter days, since the ancient Celts "began" their four seasons six weeks earlier than the actual beginning date(s). Some Pagans celebrate only the four Sabbats that fall on the "cross-quarter" days.
There is also some authority for the idea that the Celts celebrated only two "seasons," summer and winter, with summer beginning on May 1 and winter beginning on October 31.
These four QUARTER days plus the four CROSS-QUARTER days are the eight Pagan sabbats. Because there are about 46 days from one Sabbat to the next, we can diagram a "Wheel of the Year" (the "New Year's Day" is Samhain, October 31).
In the Southern Hemisphere, the Sabbats and the seasons are reversed (since December is a hot month, and July is cold). The dates shown here will apply only to my own particular half of the planet.
Remember that the starting point of the "regular" calendar year is arbitrary; there's nothing special, astronomically, about the day we refer to as January 1. The Pagan year starts with Samhain (prounounced SOW'EN), which is a cross-quarter day.
Here are some traditions concerning the eight Sabbats:
(October 31) — The Celtic New Year.
Ancient cultures were agrarian, not industrial. Samhain marked the third (and final) harvest; there would be no more crops again until spring. The people were involved in the very serious business of preparing for the long, cold winter. This was the time when farmers had to determine which of their cattle (a) were strong enough to survive the winter (there would be no more grazing for the next few months, and the only food for the livestock would be the limited amounts of hay that had been put away in the barn), and which cattle (b) would be slaughtered and eaten. They ate lots of vegetables in the spring and summer; they ate lots of meat in the fall and winter. Remember that there were no refrigerators, no electricity, and no supermarkets.
Samhain [which means "Summer's End"] was associated with death.
Samhain is the festival that honors our departed loved ones (the ancestors), and it is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is the thinnest. It was believed that the dead actually walked among the living on this night, which is why people dressed up as skeletons and ghosts, so that they wouldn't "stand out" and would make the spirits feel at home. Most Pagans, if they acknowledge or celebrate only one Sabbat, celebrate Samhain.
At Samhain, the Sun God, having died at Mabon (September 23) and having returned to the womb of the Great Mother, grows strong and awaits his rebirth at Yule. This begins the time of the greatest darkness, the time of the Crone, the ancient Queen of Death. In the natural world, life is decaying into death, returning nutrients to the soil that will bring life again in spring.
Other names for Samhain: Sambain, Samhein, Samain, Samonios, Samhuinn, Samfhuin, La Samon, Shadowfest, All Hallow's Eve, Martinmas, Hallowmas, Blood Harvest, Calan Gaeaf, Third Harvest, November Eve, Ancestor Night, Nos Galon Gaeof, Hallowtide (and, of course, "Halloween" [Hallowe'en]).
(around December 21) — On the longest night of the year, the Great Mother gives birth to the Sun God. Some witches observe a "longest night vigil" (as if they were sitting at the bedside of a friend who was in labor) followed by a daybreak celebration of the Sun's rebirth. Or they rise just before dawn and light a single candle.
For six months, the nights have been getting longer and longer, and the days have been getting shorter and shorter. It is said that some cultures believed that if they didn't perform a certain ritual on Yule, the days would continue to get shorter, until one day the sun simply wouldn't rise at all!
In Dallas, Texas, the longest day (with the most daylight hours) is 14 hours 17 minutes; the shortest day is 10 hours 2 minutes (a difference of 4.25 hours of sunshine!).
Other names for Yule: Saturnalia, Midwinter, Alban Arthan, Finn's Eve, Feast of Sola Invicta [the invincible sun], Modranect, Modranecht, Modresnacht, Mother Night (and, of course, "Christmas").
(February 1) — Pronounced "IMBULK" or "IMMOLG," depending on whose books you read. Imbolc means "in the belly;" this may be a reference to the promise of spring, OR it could be a reference to the fact that the Celts may have "started" their seasons six weeks before the actual beginning of the season (in other words, they thought of Imbolc as the beginning of spring). The Sun Child (born at Yule) plays happily, becoming stronger each day as he grows toward manhood and the days get longer and longer. The Great Mother, however, is growing younger and younger with each passing day.
Other names for Imbolc: Imbolg, Candlemas, Feimbolc, Feast of Ormelc, Oimelc, Feast of Pan, Brigit, Feast of Brigid, Anagantios, Festival of Milk, Festival of Waxing Light, Nos Gwyl Fair.
(around March 21) — The words "Easter" and "estrogen" are derived from the name of this Sabbat. It is a spring planting festival that celebrates the return of fertility to the land, and thus its symbol is an egg. The Sun Child is now an adolescent; because the Great Mother Goddess has been growing younger and younger ever since December 21, they are now the same age (Ostara is an equinox day), and she welcomes his embrace. They conceive a child who will be born at the next Winter Solstice (Yule). It is a chaotic, sensual time.
Other names for Ostara: Yster, Alban Eilir, Eostre, Bacchanalia, Lady Day, Gwyl Canol Gwenwynol (and, of course, "Easter").
(April 30) — "Beltane" means "bright fire." It involves the lighting of bonfires and the winding of the May Pole. Traditionally, this is the Sabbat when the Great Rite (which involves sexual intercourse) is celebrated.
The cattle had been penned up all winter (no reason to let them graze, since there hadn't been any any grass growing), and this was the day when they were first let out to wander the meadows. Two bonfires would be lit, and the cattle would be driven between them (not too easy to do, since cattle are afraid of fire). This ritual was believed to "purify" the cattle and make them fertile during the spring.
Other names for Beltane: Beltine, Beltaine, Bealtine, Bealtaine, Belotinia, Walpurgisnacht, Cyntefyn, May Eve, Roodmas, Roodmass, Cethsamhain, Nos Galon-Mai.
(around June 21) — It was believed that whatever one dreamed on this night would come true (thus the Shakespeare play A Midsummer Night's Dream). On this longest day of the year, the Sun God is at the peak of his power.
Astronomically speaking, Litha is the first day of summer. In some cultures, the ancient calendars showed summer beginning on May 1 and ending on August 1. Thus June 21 was, to them, "midsummer."
Other names for Litha: Alba Helfin, Midsummer, Vestalia, Whitsuntide, Gwyl Canol Haf.
(August 1) — A festival of firstfruits (the first harvest). It is associated with the baking of bread. The days are becoming shorter and shorter as the Sun God's power wanes.
In ancient Ireland, sporting competitions were held to celebrate the beginning of harvest.
Other cultures have "first harvest" festivals. The Jewish feast of Pentecost is the feast of firstfruits. There was a ritual where the high priest would ceremonially cut the first grain in the field and wave it to Yahweh in a "wave offering."
Other names for Lughnassadh: Lammas, Loaf-Mass, Lammas-Tide, Ceresalia, Elembiuos, First Harvest, Lad Day, Lugh Samhioldanach, Nos Calon Awst.
(around September 21) — Festival of the Second Harvest. Sometimes called the Witches' Thanksgiving. Named for Mabon, the son of Modron, who is a hunter god. According to tradition, this is when the old Sun God, who was born last Yule, dies. The Great Mother is pregnant with the new Sun God, who will be born in three months.
Other names for Mabon: Alban Elfed, Festival of Dionysus, Second Harvest, Wine Harvest, Harvest Home, Gwyl Canol Hydref, Harvest Home, Harvestide.
Have you ever wondered why we feel full of energy in the summer but slow down and want to stay-in in the winter? And why does Nature burst with life in the spring yet start to 'go to sleep' in the autumn?
It's because we are all responding to the changing energies of the different seasons and our Celtic ancestors were exquisitely aware of this.
They followed this seasonal flow of energy around a 'Wheel of the Year', honouring the changes with celebrations that kept them in touch with heaven and earth.
There are eight key points in the year - four Quarter days that mark changes in the sky, and four Cross-quarter days that celebrate changes in the land.

The Wheel of the Year © Apogee
I find it helps to think of the year as a clock face with mid-winter, the first Quarter day, at 12 'o clock.
This is the Winter Solstice (Dec 20th-23rd), which is also known as the shortest day and is the darkest point of the year. The Solstices are when the sun seems to 'stand still' in the sky.
Opposite this at 6 'o' clock is the Summer Solstice (June 20th-23rd) - the longest day of the year and the point of highest energy.
At 3 'o clock is the Spring Equinox (March 20th-23rd) and, at 9 'o clock, the Autumn Equinox (Sept 20th-23rd).
An equinox is when night and day are of equal length.
These are like the edges of winter and often take a hard toll on our bodies.
In between these 'sky points' are the Cross-quarter days which mark 'gear shifts' in the energy of the earth. These times are also important agriculturally.
Imbolc (Beginning of February) is when the first lambs are born and ewe's milk is available again after the long winter. The year is beginning to stir and wake-up.
Beltane (Beginning of May) is the transition from spring to summer when Nature is pumping with life-force and fertility.
Lammas (Beginning of August) is the time of ripeness and when the earth starts to give up her harvest.
Samhain (Beginning of November) is the end/beginning of the Celtic year. It is a time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and it is possible to commune with the ancestors.
There is great joy in being aware of the seasons in this way and celebrating them in simple ways.
As the year unfolds, we will look in detail at the eight energy-points of the year and the ways in which they affect us.
We will also look at how these festivals have been celebrated in Wiltshire, both past and present.
The Winter Solstice - click here to learn more. Imbolc - click here to learn more. The Spring Equinox - click here to learn more. Beltane - click here to learn more.
Have you ever wondered why we feel full of energy in the summer but slow down and want to stay-in in the winter? And why does Nature burst with life in the spring yet start to 'go to sleep' in the autumn?
It's because we are all responding to the changing energies of the different seasons and our Celtic ancestors were exquisitely aware of this.
They followed this seasonal flow of energy around a 'Wheel of the Year', honouring the changes with celebrations that kept them in touch with heaven and earth.
There are eight key points in the year - four Quarter days that mark changes in the sky, and four Cross-quarter days that celebrate changes in the land.

The Wheel of the Year © Apogee
I find it helps to think of the year as a clock face with mid-winter, the first Quarter day, at 12 'o clock.
This is the Winter Solstice (Dec 20th-23rd), which is also known as the shortest day and is the darkest point of the year. The Solstices are when the sun seems to 'stand still' in the sky.
Opposite this at 6 'o' clock is the Summer Solstice (June 20th-23rd) - the longest day of the year and the point of highest energy.
At 3 'o clock is the Spring Equinox (March 20th-23rd) and, at 9 'o clock, the Autumn Equinox (Sept 20th-23rd).
An equinox is when night and day are of equal length.
These are like the edges of winter and often take a hard toll on our bodies.
In between these 'sky points' are the Cross-quarter days which mark 'gear shifts' in the energy of the earth. These times are also important agriculturally.
Imbolc (Beginning of February) is when the first lambs are born and ewe's milk is available again after the long winter. The year is beginning to stir and wake-up.
Beltane (Beginning of May) is the transition from spring to summer when Nature is pumping with life-force and fertility.
Lammas (Beginning of August) is the time of ripeness and when the earth starts to give up her harvest.
Samhain (Beginning of November) is the end/beginning of the Celtic year. It is a time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and it is possible to commune with the ancestors.
There is great joy in being aware of the seasons in this way and celebrating them in simple ways.
As the year unfolds, we will look in detail at the eight energy-points of the year and the ways in which they affect us.
We will also look at how these festivals have been celebrated in Wiltshire, both past and present.
The Winter Solstice - click here to learn more. Imbolc - click here to learn more. The Spring Equinox - click here to learn more. Beltane - click here to learn more.
Halloween is date of astronomical interest. It has to do with seasons: Halloween is a cross-quarter date, approximately midway between an equinox and a solstice. There are four cross-quarter dates throughout the year, and each is a minor holiday: Groundhog Day (Feb. 2nd), May Day (May 1st), Lammas Day (Aug. 1st), and Halloween (Oct. 31st).
"Long ago, the Celts of the British Isles used cross-quarter days to mark the beginnings of seasons. Winter began with Halloween, or as they called it, Samhain," says John Mosley of the Griffith Observatory. "Halloween marked the transition between summer and winter, light and dark -- and life and death. On that one night, according to folklore, those who had died during the previous year returned for a final visit to their former homes. People set out food and lit fires to aid them on their journey -- but remained on guard for mischief the spirits might do."
And so something astronomical became something spooky. It's not the first time. Happy Halloween!
'In it Le Cour looks forward to the future Age of Aquarius as bringing with it the return of Christ in the role of Christ the King. It is a work of esoteric and apocalyptic Christianity in which the author also voices his belief in an esoteric spiritual tradition that originated in Atlantis.(and quoting from the book) 'The work of 'Atlantis', founded the 24th of June 1926, is inspired by the same directives as those of the director of the Hiéron (i.e. de Sarachaga) whose signet ring representing Cybele was bequeathed to me by Mlle Lepine.'.[the book contained a drawing of an octopus subtitled] 'une symbole de la tradition primitive: le poulpe' (a symbol of the primitive tradition: the octopus).'

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