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رسائل 1 من 210 في الفقرة |
The Master's Square - compares the Tabernacle, the Temple, and the New Jerusalem to the Masonic Temple, and investigates the universal, astronomically based, geometric method for Temple design and construction. This relates the patterns in the Masonic Floor to all the sacred objects in the Bible, as well as temples around the world.

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رسائل 16 من 210 في الفقرة |
Rockefeller Center: La Atlántida Global y sus símbolos
El Rockefeller Center es uno de los lugares simbólicos más densos del planeta, aunque muy pocos entre sus millones de visitantes se paren a reflexionar sobre lo que significan estas imágenes. Se trata de una simbología relacionada con la historia reciente del capitalismo global, cuyas consecuencias estamos ahora sufriendo. El mito de la Atlántida, resurgida del océano para volver a desafiar a los dioses mediante la ilusión del conocimiento humano sin límites, el poder de la técnica y el dinero, y el individualismo como motor del mundo.
 Es una simbología relacionada en parte con España. Según la mitología griega, Hércules en su viaje a la Península Ibérica se atrevió a robar la fruta sagrada que cuidaban las Hespérides, hijas de Atlas, fundador de la Atlántida, cumpliendo así la profecía sobre el fin de ese reino de titanes, como estaba anunciado. Este relieve del Museo de Olimpia muestra maravillosamente este episodio. Hércules sujeta el cosmos ayudado por la diosa Atenea, que le pone un almohadón en la espalda, mientras el mismo Átlas le trae las frutas de las Hespérides. Es una versión muy peculiar del mito, pues Átlas coopera en su propia destrucción, y sitúa en España, Hesperia, ese jardín prohibido.
Durante cincuenta años de su vida, el profesor Schulten efectuó investigaciones históricas y arqueológicas en la Península Ibérica en búsqueda de la Atlántida, y los últimos hallazgos parecen apoyar su hipótesis de que el reino andaluz de Tartessos, desaparecido en el siglo VI antes de Cristo, coincidía con la descripción que nos dejó Platón en el Timeo:
“(…) Sabios reyes habían formado en esta Atlántida una vasta y maravillosa potencia que dominaba toda aquella tierra además de otras muchas islas, y algunas comarcas del continente, apoderándose de todas, desde Libia al Egipto, y de Europa hasta Tirrenia (…) Empero sobrevinieron diluvios y terremotos, y en un solo día y en una sola noche fatal, todos aquellos guerreros fueron tragados por la tierra abierta. Desapareció la Atlántida y he aquí por qué aun hoy no se puede recorrer y explorar aquel mar, encontrando la navegación un escollo en el fangoso lodo que dejó la tierra al abismarse”.

El nombre del océano Atlántico viene de este supuesto reino hundido, que los cartógrafos del Renacimiento situaban entre América y Europa. Jacint Verdaguer en su famoso poemario La Atlántida, defiende que la búsqueda de ese mítico continente originó la aventura de Colón hacia el Atlántico e, indirectamente, el descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo. Desde entonces, la Atlántida se asocia con América, y así lo describe el catalán José María Sert en los frescos de Titanes que pintó para decorar el vestíbulo principal del Rockefeller Center de Nueva York. Este mismo artista fue encargado por Manuel de Falla, para pintar los decorados de la cantata escenificada Atlántida, que aunque nunca llegó a estrenarse por culpa de la Guerra Civil, es la gran ópera española, escrita sobre todo en catalán, pues está inspirada en los poemas épicos de Verdaguer.

La Atlántida narra la lucha entre los dioses y los titanes hijos de Atlas, una lucha que recuerda bastante a la narración de la lucha entre los ángeles y los demonios, que fueron finalmente vencidos y arrojados al infierno. También la Atlántida fue destruida y hundida en el océano según los viejos mitos griegos. Por eso, el relato de la Atlántida, como el del Génesis sobre el Árbol del Conocimiento del Bien y del Mal en el Paraíso terrenal, simboliza la ambición sin límites del ser humano, y también del origen mismo de la civilización tal como hoy la conocemos, basada en el saber por experiencia, en la ciencia.

Todos los símbolos del Rockefeller Center siguen una estética griega que ha quedado un tanto adulterada para adaptarse al gusto popular del momento: El Art Decó, símbolo por excelencia del capitalismo americano. De hecho, este complejo de rascacielos y plazas fue construido entre 1930 y 1939 por John D. Rockefeller, Jr., al que debe su nombre, uno de los grandes magnates y pioneros de la economía de mercado actual. Se trata del primer conjunto urbanístico diseñado ex profeso en Manhattan, con diecinueve edificios que ocupan una superficie de 89,000 m2, entre las Avenidas Sexta y Quinta, y las calles 48 y 51, justo en frente de la catedral católica de Nueva York, la famosa San Patricio.El Atlas es la escultura más grande y, quizás, la más característica del complejo Rockefeller Center junto con la figura dorada de Prometeo y el Zodiaco, que está situada en la plaza interior, en frente del vestíbulo principal que decorara Sert.

Atlas, según la mitología griega, fue condenado por Zeus a soportar sobre sus hombros los pilares que mantenían la tierra separada de los cielos. La escultura del Rockefeller Center en Nueva York fue realizada en 1936 por Lee Lawrie y Rene Chambellan. En ella, el eje norte-sur del gran orbe de bronce apunta a la Estrella Polar, y en uno de sus anillos se encuentran representadas las 12 constelaciones por las que pasa el Sol a lo largo de un año (visto desde la Tierra). Sobre los hombros de Atlas también puede observarse una especie de viga curvada con los símbolos tradicionales de Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, y Neptuno.
cuarto dia, las dos lumbreras y las estrellas
jachin y boaz, genesis 1 (gen de isis)
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رسائل 17 من 210 في الفقرة |
Jul 10: Spain and Atlantis go hand in hand. That's why it's playing the Netherlands/Orange tomorrow.
[Permalink] .
Jul 11: Spain and Atlantis. This is why Spain was in the World Cup final (and won)...
The legend of Atlantis comes exclusively from Plato's writings Timaeus & Critias in which more or less the only clue given for the location of the mythical island/continent is the 'Pillars of Hercules' also known as the Strait of Gibratar. Atlantis was said to lie somewhere beyond it, as Plato wrote:
For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles,' there lay an island [i.e. Atlantis] which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent...
The northern 'pillar' of the Strait of Gibraltar is essentially the southern tip of Spain!

And the southern 'pillar', the Atlas Mountains.

'Atlas' according to Plato was the name of the first king of Atlantis... who is signified by the World Cup trophy.
  [World Cup trophy left; Atlas right]
Orange, Atlantis, Bigfoot, Lucifer... Themes uniquely and accurate projected for the current window on this website (an echo from an earlier Orange/Lucifer Alignment window early/mid June) were pretty much all there.
Bigfoot, in addition to the eclipse ending in Patagonia (= land of the big feet) and the World Cup being a big-foot (-ball) event, was whispered through the big headlines about the sudden arrest of the so-called 'Barefoot Bandit' (see above graphic)... in the Bahamas which as I've been noting of late is often thought to be remnants of Atlantis!
And Lucifer, as I was reminded by reader Azazel the other day, is in the capital of Spain. Madrid has in what is claimed to be the world's only public monument dedicated to Lucifer! (In the 'Fountain of the Falling Angel' in Buen Retiro Park.)
The window is still open... Lucifer/Atlantis Rising... Monitoring the Gulf oil disaster situation (very much related)...
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رسائل 18 من 210 في الفقرة |
Jul 23: What appears to be a Katrina echo...
...whispering 'Atlantis'. Stay tuned. (There's an 'Atlantean gate' around July 30, then toward mid August...)
Jul 25: Caribbean Atlantis keeps whispering...
Most recently through the tropical storm 'Bonnie' originating in the Bahamas...

Where they have the Atlantis Paradise Island (reflecting popular theories identifying the Caribbean islands as remnants of Atlantis)...
And where the 'Barefoot Bandit' was captured on July 11...

...coinciding (same day) with the total solar eclipse and the 'Atlas'/World Cup final featuring the Netherlands the 'Orange' and Spain the 'Atlantean pillar'.
World Cup trophy = Atlas = king of Atlantis (Plato: Atlas was first king of Atlantis)
  [World Cup trophy left; Atlas right]
Spain (winner) = 'Pillar of Hercules' = Strait of Gibraltar (Plato: Atlantis situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules)

As discussed before the color orange here alludes to King William III of the House of Orange -Nassau in whose honor Orangemen's Day is annually celebrated on July 12th. The Bahamas' capital Nassau was named after this king.
Immediately to the southeast of the Bahamas is the second largest Caribbean island called Hispaniola meaning 'Spanish'. Along with Cuba (the biggest one) it signifies the principle island of Atlantis at least in this part of the globe. The devastating earthquake in Haiti (one of the two nations of Hispaniola) back in January was in this way a 'reenactment' of the legendary cataclysm of Atlantis described in Plato's writings.
You may have also noticed around July 11 Haiti and Cuba's Fidel Castro popping up in the headlines, which should have been an easily recognizable signal announcing the 'resurrection of (the King of) Atlantis' in perfect sync with the Atlas/World Cup and the Gulf oil leak disaster...
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رسائل 19 من 210 في الفقرة |
So that's Atlantis (shuttle/ISS/Dawn) and the Sun (Ikaros) together whispering 'Solar Atlantis' again on May 20.
Why May 20? Because that's precisely when the Sun glides past the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus every year. And Pleiades is widely thought to derive its name from a word meaning 'to sail', making the stars 'sailing ones'. Juxtaposed with the Sun on May 20... 'solar sail'!

This was also a 'Solar Atlantis' ritual. How? Simple. The Pleiades in Greek mythology were the seven daughters of Atlas ('Atlantides') or the first king of Atlantis! (The name 'Atlantis' can mean 'daughter of Atlas'.)
What? Want more? No problem...
Ikaros fully deployed its solar sail on June 11 coinciding with the start of the World Cup in South Africa. The World Cup, as discussed before, is 'Atlas Cup'. Definitely an Atlantean sporting event, underscored by Spain ultimately winning the trophy a month later during a total solar eclipse, geographically alluding to the 'Pillars of Hercules' inseparable from the legend of Atlantis per Plato.
  [World Cup trophy (left) & Atlas statue (right)]
 Spain (winner) = 'Pillar of Hercules' = Strait of Gibraltar (Plato: Atlantis situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules)
It was also right around June 11 that there were big headlines about a young sailor Abby Sunderland getting lost at sea while sailing around the world! Atlantis, Atlantis, Atlantis...
 Jun 10 Teenage girl sailor 'in trouble' in Indian Ocean Jun 11 Abby Sunderland, Teen Sailor, Found Safe at Sea Jun 12 US teenage sailor Abby Sunderland rescued
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رسائل 20 من 210 في الفقرة |
  [World Cup trophy (left) & Atlas statue (right)]
Being a young girl and a sailor, Sunderland signified a 'daughter of Atlas' or Pleiades, the seven 'daughters of Atlas' AKA 'Atlantides', etymologically associated with sailing ('Pleiades' means 'to sail' or 'sailing ones').
On the same day (June 11), Japanese spacecraft Ikaros fully deployed its 'solar sail' for the first time.
Ikaros was launched May 20 together with Akatsuki, meaning 'Dawn' (= Lucifer).
On the same day (May 20) a new ISS module called 'Dawn' ( in Russian) opened its door for the first time in space; the module was the main payload on shuttle Atlantis STS-132 (launched May 14).
On May 20 the Sun was right next to Pleiades ('sailing ones'), together expressing 'solar sail'.

The Atlas/World Cup final was on July 11, Spain vs. Netherlands; Spain's southernmost point is (Strait of) Gibraltar AKA 'Pillars of Hercules', a major geographical marker/gateway beyond which, according to Plato, lay Atlantis.

It was in this context that another 'daughter of Atlas' named Laura Dekker, from the Netherlands, embarked on her own sail-around-the-world voyage on August 21 (day of Jupiter impact) from... Gibraltar/Pillars of Hercules!
[Note: She originally planned to sail from Portugal. At the last minute she chose Gibraltar instead.]
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رسائل 21 من 210 في الفقرة |
The pillars are not material, for sure they were represented many times as for eg in Solomon temple, we've gotalso the legend of TubalCain and Hiram Abiff or the pillars of Hercules, legends encrypt knowledge for the initiates.The pillars encrypt the knowledge of Hermes, Toth, the baboon, the moon mon-key. B-A-B -OON Boaz - Aquarius - Boaz - Moon   Blue-Toth - Blue-tooth rune, same VW beetle codex, the valnut rune which is called the death knot, the world knot comes from nut, nuts which are seeds are the highest source of zinc the philosopher's stone - open sesame 9 = 1001 binary nights. So if we go to the particular zinc molecule we find the Borromean rings, the rings of the Lord which is clearly the Demiurge. What were Jachin and Boaz Sol-o-mon temple pillars made of ? Sol = Sun O = 15 =1111 MON= MON-KEYBrass same material of Moses serpent, and alloy of copper and zinc which together with sulfate make the galvanic natural battery, Lucifer's Demiurge light key.  Nordic human sacrifice under the Valknut - underworld key    Zinc molecule - hexagonal - triquetra - Valknut  Borromean rings as elipses  Saturn rings  Saturn hexagonal north pole - Nasa picture Planet number 6 - counterclockwise spiral rotation - start from the outside, number of the beast and man  The rings of power and the two towers of Tolkien - Jachin and Boaz   glowing mushrooms http://www.answers.com/topic/philosopher-s-stoneNumerous instances are on record of Seton's projections, the majority of which were verified by multiple observers. On one occasion, while in Holland, he went with some friends from the house at which he was residing to undertake an alchemical experiment at another house near by. On the way there, a quantity of ordinary zinc was purchased, and reportedly Seton succeeded in projecting the zinc into pure gold by the application of his powder. A similar phenomenon occurred at Cologne, and even the most extreme torture could not wring the secret from him. Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/philosophe ... z1trpneEMoSo lets make gold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g_ml8tAnWE
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رسائل 22 من 210 في الفقرة |
http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merov ... teau07.htmIn our hotel that evening, we met some interesting characters. One was an old Flemish guy who was convinced that he had discovered the origin of all indo-European languages, and that it was - guess what? - Old Flemish. He’d discovered a book which is the oldest book ever written in Europe, and the title translates to "History of Atlant." He said that Atlant is the name of the place and that "Atlantis" really means "Atlantish" or somebody from Atlant. He showed us this book. There were indeed many recognizable words in there, and they were written in characters that were more than a little bit Runic. We inquired as to the original meaning of the word "Cathari", and he explained that it was a conjunction of "cat" and "ari." "Ari", he told us, was the same as "Aryan", meaning "noble", "lofty one", "shining one." This much we know. So the Cathars were Aryans and Cats. Who then were the Cats? "Cats", he replied. "You know, cats." One of us made a meowing sound, almost as a joke. "Yes!", he exclaimed. "Cats, as in Catholic or Catalonia - cats!" The guy was totally brilliant, but who knows - he may well have been a nut.  Bastet Cat-a-lonia Cat - Cat eye nebula - galactic center a - Aquarius http://translate.google.com.uy/?hl=es&q=lonia&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1241&bih=606&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wTlonia - the Ionian Ionia Ionia (Ancient Greek Ἰωνία or Ἰωνίη) is an ancient region of central coastal Anatolia in present-day Turkey, the region nearest İzmir, which was historically Smyrna. It consisted of the northernmost territories of the Ionian League of Greek settlements. Never a unified state, it was eponymously named after the Ionian tribe who in the Archaic Period (800–480 BC) settled mainly the shores and islands of the Aegean Sea. Ionian states were identified by tradition and by their use of Eastern Greek. According to Greek tradition, the cities of Ionia were founded by colonists from the other side of the Aegean. Their settlement was connected with the legendary history of the Ionic people in Attica, which asserts that the colonists were led by Neleus and Androclus, sons of Codrus, the last king of Athens. In accordance with this view the "Ionic migration", as it was called by later chronologers, was dated by them one hundred and forty years after the Trojan war, or sixty years after the return of the Heracleidae into the Peloponnese.[1]  Ionian order 96 spirals over the pillar 9 + 6 = 15 =1111  4 Ionic order columns -1111, 96 spirals 9 + 6 = 15 =1111 Magic fountain of regeneration Jachin and Boaz pen form - end of the pentagonal cycle of the ages - Iron last age. Puerta de Hierro - Madrid Iron door - Madrid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerta_de_Hierro_(Madrid)  4 Cats - 1111 - Cat eye nebula in Draco Dragon constellation Els Quatre Gats (Catalan pronunciation: [əɫs ˈkwatɾə ˈɣats], Catalan for "The Four Cats"), often written Els 4 Gats, was a café in Barcelona which opened on 12 June 1897. It also operated as a hostel, a cabaret, a pub and a restaurant. Active until 1903, Els Quatre Gats became one of the main centers of Modernisme in Barcelona. The artist Ramon Casas i Carbó largely financed this bar on the ground floor of Casa Martí (1896), a building by the architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch in Carrer Montsió near the center of Barcelona. Els Quatre Gats was reconstructed during the transition to democracy, in 1978. Pablo Picasso visited this pub–restaurant often in his early art career. Other major artists who met in this cafe were Santiago Rusiñol i Prats, Miquel Utrillo as well as the sculptor Julio González. Els Quatre Gats was the inheritor of a legacy of tertulias and art reunions specific to Barcelona, but also drew inspiration from the Parisian cabaret Le Chat Noir. Art exhibitions, literary and musical meetings, marionette shows and shadow plays also took place there. Casas and Romeu. Ramon Casas' partners in the enterprise were Pere Romeu, who largely played host at the bar, as well as Rusiñol and Miquel Utrillo. The bar hosted revolving art exhibits, including one of the first one-man shows by Pablo Picasso; the most prominent piece in its permanent collection was a lighthearted Casas self-portrait, depicting him smoking a pipe while pedaling a tandem bicycle with Romeu as his stoker.  Cat eye nebula in Draco the Dragon constellation - galactic center Catholic - Latin Catholicam Cat - h-o - licam Latin Licam means loss of lives O = 15 =1111 Ammonia has been detected in the Draco Nebula and in one or possibly two molecular clouds, which are associated with the high-latitude galactic infrared cirrus. Amoniac - Amon Ra - Ammonite spiral Ra - ven Ra - even - symmetric - Gem - Gemini - Twins - Gemelos - Gematria A-mon Aquarius - mon- key Amen  Pierre Lotti by Henri Rousseau code 1111 Chimneys behind Alice Wonderland Cheshire ringed cat Smoking - fire Five fingers - end of the pentagonal cycle of the ages Spiraled 9-6 Dali Turkish moustache Tree of life Cat - as - trophe a - aquarius s - spiral change - 6 to 9 trophe-um - latin trophy The cat trophy _________________ E.T.A.E |
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رسائل 23 من 210 في الفقرة |
Not saying that Comet Enelin is a spaceship and/or that Elenin is literally a doomsday comet. The pattern, however, is real and the underlying storyline is evidently important (otherwise we wouldn't be seeing this pattern convergence steadily increasing layers and coherence). There is a "message" in all this...
Timing-wise, needless to say, the latter half of October should be interesting to watch. Personally though I continue to be more interested in the coming period closely matching the traditional Dog Days with a number of anchor dates including ~July 27 and ~August 16. We're looking at some sirius stuff there.
In the meantime, the royal newlyweds (William/Kate) will be touring Canada June 30 to July 8, then the Los Angeles area July 8-10. Meaning they will physically (more or less) touch the San Andreas Fault running through California... where the phoenix - quite potentially in the form of another "Birthquake" - is rising from the Underworld per Lucifer's Destiny. As you may recall, the theme gave us an "11:11" signal back on April 29 (Royal Wedding)...

...evoking the phoenix perched on the twin obelisks perhaps alluding to the resurrection of Atlantis from the Underworld via the "Pillars of Hercules" (= Strait of Gibraltar = traditionally considered a gateway to the legendary island). In this context it hardly seems like a coincidence that it's precisely on July 8 or the day of the royal couple arriving in California that NASA plans to launch its final space shuttle mission - Atlantis STS-135.
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رسائل 24 من 210 في الفقرة |
[Hat tip to reader 'dd' for noting Arlington position.] |
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رسائل 25 من 210 في الفقرة |
Diego ARMANDO MAR-ADONA tiene un fuerte nexo con el GRIAL. Recordemos que DIEGO, el jugador mas grande de toda la historia, era numero 10 y la "MANO DE DIOS" fue justamente en el contexto del partido contra GRAN BRETAÑA en el MUNDIAL DE FUTBOL DE 1986. GRAN BRETAÑA, YA HEMOS ANALIZADO, tiene un fuerte nexo con el GRIAL pricipalmente en el contexto a que es el PAIS DE LA REINA DE LOS MARES y su famosa bandera que es una estrella de 8 puntas, con fuerte nexo con ISHTAR, CON NEXO ESOTERICO EN EL CONTEXTO A LA RESURRECCION DE NUESTRO SEÑOR. EL 8 ES EL NUMERO DE LA RESURRECCION.
Argentina, tambien tiene un fuerte nexo con el grial en el contexto a la PUERTA DE PLATA/SILVER GATE/PUERTA DEL HIJO DEL HOMBRE/SOLSTICIO DE VERANO/ORION/PENTECOSTES.
Porque el día primero del primer mes fue el principio de la partida de Babilonia, y al primero del mes quinto llegó a Jerusalén, estando con él la buena MANO DE DIOS
2. Éxodo 31:18: Y dio a Moisés, cuando acabó de hablar con él en el monte de Sinaí, dos tablas del testimonio, tablas de piedra escritas con el DEDO DE DIOS.
3. Deuteronomio 9:10: y me dio Jehová las dos tablas de piedra escritas con el DEDO DE DIOS; y en ellas estaba escrito según todas las palabras que os habló Jehová en el monte, de en medio del fuego, el día de la asamblea.
Y él estuvo allí con Jehová cuarenta días y cuarenta noches; no comió pan, ni bebió agua; y escribió en tablas las PALABRAS
del pacto, los diez mandamientos.
CONCRETAMENTE DETRAS DE LA "MANO DE DIOS", en el contexto al NUMERO 10, estan los diez mandamientos en el contexto al VERDADERO SHAVUOT.
LA COPA, EN EL FUTBOL, y en la mayoria de los deportes tiene un fuerte nexo CON LA COPA DE LA SANTA CENA CRISTIANA. PARADOJICAMENTE que un deporte tan POPULAR COMO EL FUTBOL, tenga tantos mensajes subliminales GRIALICOS. Cuando CRISTO usa el DEDO en el contexto a la RAMERA (REFERENCIA ESOTERICA CON FUERTE NEXO CON MARIA MAGDALENA) estaba haciendo referencia al DEDO/MANO DE DIOS.
274. Juan 8:7: Y como insistieran en preguntarle, se enderezó y les dijo: El que de vosotros esté LIBRE sin pecado sea el primero en arrojar la PIEDRA contra ella.

Apocalipsis 10 (DIE-GO/DIEZ) 10:1 Vi descender del cielo a otro ángel fuerte, envuelto en una nube, con el arco iris sobre su cabeza; y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego. (EL ARCO IRIS TIENE CONNOTACION CON EL PACTO DE NOE EN CONEXTO AL LINAJE SEM=SEMEN=LINEA DE SANGRE=LINAJE=SANTO GRIAL. IRIS TIENE UN FUERTE CONTEXTO CON LA ILUMINACION. ISHTAR DA A LUZ UN HIJO Y ESE ES EL MENSAJE DE LA LUZ)
10:2 Tenía en su mano un librito abierto; y puso su pie derecho sobre el mar, y el izquierdo sobre la tierra; (Un nexo con el TERCER DIA de la creacion EN QUE FUERON CREADOS EL MAR Y LA TIERRA. LA RESURRECCION DE CRISTO TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON EL SANTO GRIAL)
10:4 Cuando los siete truenos hubieron emitido sus voces, yo iba a escribir; pero oí una voz del cielo que me decía: Sella las cosas que los siete truenos han dicho, y no las escribas. 10:5 Y el ángel que vi en pie sobre el mar y sobre la tierra, levantó su mano al cielo, (ALLI ESTA LA ALQUIMIA, OSEA LA ESCALERA DE JABOB)
ESCALERA DE JACOB (ALQUIMIA)=GRIAL10:6 y juró por el que vive por los siglos de los siglos, que creó el cielo y las cosas que están en él, y la tierra y las cosas que están en ella, y el mar y las cosas que están en él, que el tiempo no sería más, (Fuerte nexo sabatico. EL SHABBAT SE LO GUARDA JUSTAMENTE COMO SIMBOLO DE QUE YHWH ES CREADOR O CREADORA)
10:7 sino que en los días de la voz del séptimo ángel, cuando él comience a tocar la trompeta, el misterio de Dios se consumará, como él lo anunció a sus siervos los profetas. 10:8 La voz que oí del cielo habló otra vez conmigo, y dijo: Ve y toma el librito que está abierto en la mano del ángel que está en pie sobre el mar y sobre la tierra. 10:9 Y fui al ángel, diciéndole que me diese el librito. Y él me dijo: Toma, y cómelo; y te amargará el vientre, pero en tu boca será dulce como la miel. 10:10 Entonces tomé el librito de la mano del ángel, y lo comí; y era dulce en mi boca como la miel, pero cuando lo hube comido, amargó mi vientre. 10:11 Y él me dijo: Es necesario que profetices otra vez sobre muchos pueblos, naciones, lenguas y reyes.
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رسائل 26 من 210 في الفقرة |

171. Salmos 45:9: Hijas de reyes están entre tus ilustres; Está la REINA a tu diestra con oro de Ofir.
201. Romanos 11:33: ¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la ciencia de Dios! ¡Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!
Rom 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! |
σοφια sophia {sof-ee'-ah} from 4680; TDNT - 7:465,1056; n f AV - wisdom 51; 51 1) wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters 1a) the wisdom which belongs to men 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and proverbs 1a2) the science and learning 1a3) the act of interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice 1a4) the intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious number or vision 1a5) skill in the management of affairs 1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth 1a7) the knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living 1b) supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God 1b1) to Christ 1b2) the wisdom of God as evinced in forming and executing counsels in the formation and government of the world and the scriptures For Synonyms see entry 5826
Gematria: 781

El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción
16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.
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رسائل 27 من 210 في الفقرة |
The Labour of the Sun
Symbolic Analysis of the Current World Events
By Goro Adachi February 15, 2002
Pillars of Hercules
The great philosopher Plato told us in his writings that there was once a great civilization called Atlantis -- an antediluvian 'island' -- that was situated beyond the 'Pillars of Hercules', now called the Strait of Gibraltar at the western extremity of the Mediterranean Sea. Supposedly, it was destroyed in a catastrophe comparable to that of the biblical Great Flood. True or not, this tale has fascinated many minds and spawned a countless number of books as well as a major Hollywood animation film, 'Atlantis', released just last year. The recent years saw a great surge in people's interest in the subject thanks largely to certain predictions made by the famous American 'Sleeping Prophet', Edgar Cayce many decades ago. While the track record of his predictions has not been stellar, his apparent psychic abilities demonstrated elsewhere warranted for many that his information about the 'resurrection' of Atlantis should be taken seriously.
The influential prophecy was that, basically, around the turn of the millennium, archaeological evidence of the lost civilization would surface along with the discovery of its 'Hall of Records' -- an Atlantean 'black box' -- that supposedly contains vital information about the world that came and went before ours. In Cayce's own confusing words:
For here those that that were trained in the Temple Sacrifice as well as the Temple Beautiful were about the sealing of the Record Chambers. For these were to be kept as had been given by the priests in Atlantis or Poseidia when these records of the race, of the developments, of the laws pertaining to One were put in their chambers and to be opened only when there was the returning of those into materiality, or to earth’s experience, when the change was imminent in the earth; which change, we see, begins in ’58 and ends with the changes wrought in upheavals and the shifting of the poles, as begins then in the reign in ’98… (Reading 378-16)
Around the year 1998 certainly saw variously activities that were apparently attempts to 'fulfill' Cayce's prediction. Of course, no Atlantis resurrection occurred and most involved are now inclined, in an ad hoc fashion, to interpret Cayce's words as indicating that the rising of the Atlantis is to begin or be underway around 1998 -- which actually should have been the view all along in light of Cayce's nearly indecipherable wording.
Just as when the widespread millennial anticipation of some major earth-shaking events had largely faded, however, the year 2001 brought us the world-changing event of 9-11 in NYC and Washington DC. Certainly, this was one of the biggest events that the US had ever experienced. It made the proud and seemingly invincible nation stop laughing and curl itself into a survival mode - at least for a while. Of course, this event, however profound and shocking it was, was not anything related to the idle issue of some mythical world from beyond history.
Or, was it?
The most tangible geographical clue as to the position of Atlantis is the Pillars of Hercules. These can be conceived of as twin towers marking the Strait of Gibraltar, the narrow gate between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The location is immediately north of the Atlas Mountains in northwestern Africa which has been identified with Hercules. This mountain range is also personified by Atlas in Greek mythology, the first king of Atlantis, who was condemned to support the sphere of heavens on his shoulders for eternity. And yet another alter ego of these is the air god of Egyptian mythology, Shu, who was visualized as a pillar connecting (or separating) earth and the sky. So, clearly, the notion of a tall pillar is deeply embedded here in association with Atlantis. Or more specifically, the idea being conveyed seems to be twin towers considering the twin Pillars of Hercules and the fact that Hercules himself was a twin (Robert Graves, The White Goddess, p.125). Further reinforcing this view are the Masonic 'Antediluvian Pillars' -- interchangeable with the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz --that are said to have come from the time before the Flood, or from 'Atlantis'. Since these Antediluvian Pillars (or Enoch's Pillars) were originally constructed for the purpose of preserving the knowledge of the pre-Flood realm, they are analogous to the Atlantean 'Hall of Records'. The Atlantean 'black box' and twin pillars are therefore clearly inseparable.
So, we are forced to wonder if the 9-11 destruction of the WTC twin towers are related to the anticipated millennial 'Atlantis event'.
The 11th Labour
It is a widely known fact that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were heavily intertwined, for some reason, with the number '11'. On the 11th day of the month, an airline jet designated 'Flight 11' crashed into one of the WTC twin towers which visually form the number '11', to give just some examples. So, it is intriguing to find out that, in Greek myth, it was during his '11th Labour', out of 12 Labours in all, that Hercules came to Mount Atlas. And his mission here was to fetch fruit from the golden apple-tree planted in Hera's garden on the slopes of the mountain. This he accomplished with the help of Atlas, freed temporarily from carrying the celestial globe while Hercules held it for him. That apples should figure in this particular Labour compounds the synchronicity as NYC, the city of the WTC towers, has the nickname the 'Big Apple'.
Interestingly, immediately after getting the apple, Hercules went on to free Prometheus chained to the Caucasus Mountains. Prometheus, the greatest benefactor of mankind, had been confined there by Zeus for stealing 'fire' for us -- which should sound familiar to those following the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, the official slogan of which is 'Light the Fire Within' (and the theme of the grand opening ceremony was clearly Prometheus imparting divine fire to humans). This seemingly weak association actually gets a big boost from the fact that the 11th Labour involved an Olympic-like wrestling match between Hercules and Antaeus. In fact, the Olympic Games have been thought to signify the death and 'election' of none other than Hercules.
The indications are that the U.S. Olympic Games' close proximity in space and time to the 9-11 twin-tower destruction has some important underlying symbolic 'message' -- and we will have some insights into this below.
'King of Terror'
According to mythologist Robert Graves, "'Hercules in Classical Greece became in fact another name for the Sun...the Sun and the Ark are, indeed, the most important elements of the Hercules myth" (ibid., pp.133,145). The Ark connection certainly correlates well with what was discussed in my previous article 'Mystery, Babylon the Great'. The sun connection, on the other hand, contributes to a remarkable associative web that provides a solution to one of those mysterious pieces of the 'puzzle'.
For a long time, people all over the world have been trying to figure out the meaning of the phrase, 'King of terror', that appears in Nostradamus' most famous prophetic quatrain, designated X-72. This is, of course, the dreaded '1999' prediction.
Century X-72 L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur: Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois, Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur. The year 1999 seven months, From the sky will come a great King of terror: To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois, Before after Mars to reign by good luck
Popular interpretations of this were that it predicted a rock from space hitting the earth, a nuclear attack, the coming of the 'Antichrist', and such. People -- including most of the so-called "experts" (more accurately, 'Nosta-dumbasses') -- sure had fun with those simplistic views, until the year 1999 came and went without anything of such magnitude occurring.
Did Nostradamus 'miss' with this quatrain? Should Nostradamus be considered a discredited "prophet"?
Frankly, he might as well be disregarded. It's about time those one-dimensional thinking Nostradumbasses got a wake-up call and be disenchanted. This is not to say that there isn't a prophetic quality to the quatrains -- just not in the form, or level, that most people automatically assume. My personal position is this: everything is "prophetic" (i.e. 'signs are everywhere if you have the eyes to see'); this quality is pronounced when the element of creativity is involved; and since poems are the result of a very creative mental process, quatrains of Nostradamus should easily contain seeds of the future, even if he wasn't a "prophet" per se. There is a deep, multifaceted philosophy behind this view, but we will not go into that here.
Ironically, interest in Nostradamus was resurrected with a vengeance immediately following '9-11'. For weeks, if not months, after the event, Nostradamus books were the fastest selling items in book stores, including Amazon.com which listed as many as five Nosty books in its top-10 sellers. Even my website became inaccessible for days because it was getting just too many hits. The cause of the frantic public reaction was to be traced back to, of course, fake quatrains. Most notably, there was one quatrain that got a lot of attention which turned out to be something a skeptic made up (before 9-11) to demonstrate that a vaguely worded prediction would fit some events sooner or later. This person's 'poem' would quickly prove to describe the terrorist attacks rather neatly (thus making his point), but I personally see it as an amusing example how a poeticized brain with room for spontaneity tends to resonate with the 'future', even if not consciously intended.
The '9-11' event, in my view, also 'resurrected', specifically, Quatrain X-72. It now makes a good, poetic/symbolic sense from many angles.
It turns out that the 'King of terror' is an epithet related to Ra, the sun-god of Egyptian mythology who is called the 'lord of terror' in the Pyramid Texts. Since the sun is closely associated with Hercules, who in turn is linked to Atlantis and the WTC-tower destruction, we have here the first sign of X-72's relevance. And of course the fact that the 'King of terror' is to come "from the sky" evokes the 'kamikaze' airplanes, masterminded by the 'king of terrorists' (Osama bin Ladin), that assaulted the twin towers. It may also be noted that 'airplanes' are a potent metaphor for Shu, the god of air, i.e. the 'air plane' (air dimension). Shu is none other than the pillar equatable with the Atlantean/Herculean pillars, thus relatable also to, again, the WTC twin towers.
Line 3, 'To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois', reinforces the connection because in the early days of the New World, the region of NYC was given the name 'Angoulême'. The attached notion of resurrection is also fitting as it relates to the idea of the millennial Atlantean 'resurrection', and it conjures up Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead and resurrection. It may be said that Osiris embodies the 'second coming' of the paradisical antediluvian golden age, i.e. 'Atlantis', which in the terminology of ancient Egypt would be called Zep Tepi, the 'First Time', which was the Age of Osiris. In a way, the whole ancient Egyptian theology was centered around the idea of Osirian resurrection - the cyclical return of the golden age, symbolized in nature by the annual flooding of the Nile which brought the gift of fertile silt to the land of Egypt. Amazingly, this association is corroborated by Line 2's 'King of terror'. Like Ra, Osiris is viewed as the 'Lord of Terror' in the Egyptian Book of the Dead:
"Hail, Lord of Terror..." Who is this Lord of Terror? "...It is the Heart of Osiris..."
The fact that the Great Sphinx at Giza has the Arabic epithet, 'Father of Terrors', reiterates the Osirian connection, especially considering that the Sphinx is a form of Horus, the son of Osiris, whose life-mission is to bring back the 'First Time' of Osiris, or to resurrect his father murdered by Seth.
The Great Sphinx/'Father of Terrors' and Horus also happen to be closely associated, if not equated, with Mars which was called 'Horus of Horizon' as well as 'Horus the Red'. We also know that the name of the Egyptian capital adjacent to Giza, 'Cairo', denotes 'Mars'. And on Mars are purported artificial "monuments" at Cydonia which includes the famous 'Face on Mars'. This 'Face' was rephotographed in 2001 by Mars Global Surveyor and was revealed/confirmed to have, apparently, a dual nature: its eastern side is leonine and its western hominid. Note that the lion-man combination directly reflects the duality of the Great Sphinx that has a lion's body and man's head. The connection is even geodetically supported, as researchers have found that the tangent of Cydonia's latitude equals the cosine of the latitude of Giza/Sphinx (both equaling e/pi).
The striking revelation here is that the latitude of Cydonia, ~40.8 N, directly relates to the WTC destruction in NYC, in that, simply put, NYC sits on the very same latitude! And relevant here also is the fact that Cairo, the 'city of Mars', was originally called 'Babylon'. In my previous article, 'Mystery, Babylon the Great', I identified NYC as the modern Babylon and its twin towers as the modern version of the Tower of Babel. Clearly, then, Mars is a 'King of terror' -- which, come to think of it, is very natural in view of the fact the Red Planet is indeed metaphorically the 'king' of the two Martian satellites Phobos ('fear') and Deimos ('terror').
The multi-layered connection is rather overwhelming, and sure enough, this is echoed by X-72's Line 4 which specially mentions Mars: 'Before after Mars to reign by good luck'. Mars being the Greek god of war, the line also hints at the involvement of war, thus is nicely relatable to America's on-going 'war against terror'
This leaves us only Line 1: 'The year 1999 seven months'. Obviously, the indicated timing does not match the 9-11-2001 date. What does this mean? Saying 'close enough', for me, just does not cut it.
The 2-Year Offset Scheme
This problem perplexed me for a long time. But rather than forcing a contrived interpretation upon it, I decided to just patiently wait for the answer to make itself known to me (and I felt quite confident that I would get the answer sooner or later). It was on February 7 (2002) that the answer finally began to appear, thanks to an article by Robert Bauval (the brain behind the Orion Correlation Theory) posted on a online message board. It was titled "SATAN’S CALLING CARD SEPTEMBER 11: A DATE TO REMEMBER" and discussed the symbolism and synchronicity involved in the '9-11' event.
It contained information concerning calendrical issues related to the date, September 11. I learned that ,for the Ethiopian and Coptic/Christian-Egyptian calendars, the Gregorian Sept. 11 almost always marks the New Year's Day. In the year 1999, however, Sept. 11 also coincided with the Jewish New Year, known as Rosh Hashanah. So, here is our first clue as to the connection between 9-11 and 1999. Bauval then goes on to point out that:
...the Jewish ‘New Year’ has a much deeper meaning to orthodox Jews. It is associated to the Messianic Age, and many Jews today actually believe that it will be on that ‘Feast of Trumpets’ that their long awaited Messiah will come and make his appearance on the ‘Temple’ at Jerusalem. This day, it is said, will be the ‘ultimate redemption’ of Israel. Curiously, in recent years fundamental Christians have also associated the 11th September with the Second Coming of Christ, probably to conform with the ‘Rosh Hashanah’ Judaic prophecies but also, apparently, because some believe the true ‘star of Bethlehem’ appeared to the Magi on the 11th September 3 BC in the east, when a bright light was seen at the conjunction of the ‘star of kings’, Regulus, and the ‘planet of kings’, Jupiter, and when the sun, Venus and Mercury were in Virgo.
This is remarkable for two reasons. First, the notion of the 'Second Coming' of Jesus emerging here correlates perfectly with the permeating theme of Osirian (Atlantean) resurrection since Jesus is a version of Osiris (as well as Horus). This is backed up by the fact that many of Jesus' tales and symbols very closely mimic Osiris', just as Moses' birth episode is a mirror image of that of Sargon the Great. Indeed, the Jesus-Osiris connection is reinforced by another comment made by Bauval:
The ‘Beginning of the Year’ or New Year’s Day of the Egyptians was marked by the first dawn rising of Sirius, a star sacred to the goddess Isis, which originally occurred on the day of the summer solstice i.e. on the 21st June Gregorian. This special day was called 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth. But because of the ¼ day difference as well as a small variance the sidereal year and the tropical year, this after all man-made calendar slowly ‘drifted’ away from both the heliacal rising of Sirius and the summer solstice, such that by the early Christian times the 1st of the month of Thoth had drifted to the 11th September Gregorian, which is why the Egyptian-Coptic ‘New Year’ i.e. 1st of Thoth, starts on that date.
Sirius-Isis is the wife of Osiris, and the star's heliacal rising not only marked the New Year but also the beginning of the Nile inundation, which in turn symbolized the reawakened vitality of Osiris, i.e. Osirian resurrection.
The second reason has to do with the speculative date given for the star of Bethlehem, i.e. Jesus' birthday, Sept. 11, 3 BC. This would make the Gregorian calendar 2 to 3 years behind the actual dating from Jesus' birth. So, the Gregorian "year 1999" would correspond to year 2001/2002. The date 9-11-01 would, therefore, be analogous to 9-11-99! Let's take another look at Line 1 of Quatrain X-72:
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois The year 1999 seven months
Note that 'seven months', or 'seventh month', is originally written 'sept mois'. Its resemblance to 'September' is no coincidence as September was originally the seventh month. So, the line could just as easily and validly translated as 'the year 1999, September'. Combined with the 1999-2001 calendrical correspondence, it would further turn into 'the year 2001, September'. And we know what happened on 9-11-01 and how the event is very effectively described by the rest of the quatrain!
But there is more.
Black Sun, Double Sun
'The year 1999 seven months', if taken literally, points to July/August of that year. Curiously, on August 11, 1999, there was a major total eclipse. It turns out that this, too, strongly resonates with the Osirian resurrection theme. Osiris' death is traditionally associated with a black sun, and the death of his Christianized version, Jesus, is similarly associated with a darkened sun in the Gospels. Needless to say, a total eclipse is in effect a 'black sun'. And, of course, the relevance of the sun is quite directly suggested by Line 2's 'King/Lord of terror' being an epithet of the sun/Ra/Osiris. In a sense, then, the 1999 eclipse was a symbolic omen foreshadowing the more physical manifestation of the death/resurrection of Osiris that was to come on 9-11-01.
The Great Sphinx, the 'Father of Terrors', is also an embodiment of the sun/Horus. Here, we actually find another confirmation of the 2-year offset scheme of X-72. Sphinxes are almost always found in pairs (the one at Giza is a rare exception). This is echoed by the fact that the Sphinx is a form of Atum who in turn is closely connected with Rwty, the 'double-lion'. The double-lion, Aker, also guards the Fifth Division of the Duat, the 'Tomb of Osiris'. Now, in view of the Sphinx/lion-sun interchangeability, the 'double-lion' may be rephrased as 'double-sun'. The sun goes through all the Zodiacal constellations of the ecliptic in one year. So, the expression 'double-sun' may be interpreted as 'two years'. And 1999 plus two years gives us 2001. (Come to think of it, the 'twin' nature of Hercules/sun and the Atlantean/WTC towers has the same implication as well.)
The notion of the 'double sun' next brings our attention to another quatrain, II-41. This is one of the few quatrains that I have found to be relevant to our own time, as can be seen from my previous articles. It specifically mentions 'double sun' (Line 2).
Century II - 41 La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera, Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir: Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera, Quand grand pontife changera de terroir. The great star will burn for seven days, The cloud will make double sun appear: The large mastiff will howl all night When the great pontiff changes his abode.
What catches our attention here, aside from Line 2, is the reference to the Pope in Line 4. Could it be just a coincidence that the current pope, John Pope II, is called 'De Labore Solis' in St Malachy's remarkably accurate prophetic list of popes from many centuries ago? The Latin motto, De Labore Solis, means 'From the Labour of the Sun', or metaphorically, 'of the Eclipse of the Sun'! Although Pope JPII was indeed born during the solar eclipse of May 18, 1920 (!), the allusion to an solar eclipse/'black sun' here is an amazing confirmation of the foregoing interpretation which centers around Osiris and Hercules. Wait a minute... 'labour of the sun'? Did we not just establish that Hercules personifies the sun and how his (11th) labour relates to the current world events? The 'labour of the sun', in other words, denotes 'Labour of Hercules' so as to confirm our earlier interpretation!
The new and important twist here is the fact that II-41's Line 4 refers to a change of papacy. In other words, we have here a strong indication that the reign of the 'eclipse pope', John Paul II, is coming to an end... soon. But how 'soon'? All the symbolism seemingly suggest that it is to occur concurrently with the unrest caused by the '9-11' terror. In fact, the Salt Lake City Olympics would be an effective time marker for the pope event. This is because 'the Olympic Games were the occasion of... Hercules' death and of the election of his successor' (Graves, The White Goddess, p.132). In light of the inseparable link established between Pope JPII and Hercules, the occasion of the election of the next Hercules signified by the Olympics inevitably implies the election of the next pope! While I cannot say for sure whether the timing of the two events will directly coincide or it will interact in a more indirect fashion, the next major world event is likely to be the exit of Pope John Paul II. And my view is that the election of the next pope will be very strange, not unlike the 2001 US presidential election, as discussed in my Two Suns of Election MM article.
These findings above are really just a by-product of my 'other' research, so I actually have a lot more information that can help paint a clearer 'big picture'. And I hope to share the 'other' findings on this website some time in the future. In the mean time, you can look for more future updates on the issues discussed in this and previous articles.
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Rex Deux
Resurrection of the Dragons
By Goro Adachi March 11, 2002
What the...
Very much aware of the symbolic significance of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games as discussed in The Labour of the Sun, I sat down on the night of February 24 to watch its closing ceremony, an openly ritualistic event, to see if there was any 'clue dropping'. Having recognized the existence of an esoteric undercurrent in the opening ceremony, I was curious as to what kind of encoded 'message' might be present in the second 'ritual'. Of course, my view is that reality itself is an encoded message, or a 'game', so this was not anything new; I'm always scanning for clues. But high-impact world events, accidental or not, I have observed, are usually symbolic expressions of important themes that underlie physical phenomena that surround us, hence my special interest in the international event of the Olympics.

As the two gigantic T-Rex's at the Olympic stadium were shown on the TV screen, I inevitably went 'what the...' I mean, these were clearly out of place and, simply, bizarre (not to say scary). Of course, the exoteric justification (= 'excuse') was probably that the general region of Utah has large deposits of dinosaur remains, but still those dinosaurs had almost no apparent relevance to the themes of the ceremony and were just... bizarre. To me, this was a 'Hermetic device' having the function of prompting questions consciously or subconsciously. This, in other words, was potentially a 'clue' planted, again consciously or subconsciously, by some intelligence.
Messianic Resurrection
Later in the show, the dinosaurs were revealed to be operated from behind the walls (not really, but that was the story line) by the Osmond brother and sister singing 'We Are Family!...' By this time, I began to get the gist of the shrouded 'message'. T-Rex's are 'kings', as rex means 'king' and they were certainly the king of dinosaurs. And since the term 'dinosaur' means 'terrible lizard', the T-Rex could easily be considered a 'terrible king', or 'King of terror' a la Quatrain X-72 discussed in previous articles.
Century X-72 L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur: Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois, Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur. The year 1999 seven months, From the sky will come a great King of terror: To resurrect the great King of Angolmois, Before after Mars to reign by good luck
At the Olympic stadium in Salt Lake City, then, the 'King of terror' was symbolically 'resurrected' to accord with my previous interpretation that this quatrain, in conjunction with II-41 etc., relates to the 9/11 event and the Winter Olympic Games. Note that this 'King' of the Olympics could also easily be viewed as the 'King of the Rings' -- as the Games are symbolized by the familiar multi-colored five rings -- which may be rephrased as the 'Lord of the Rings'. And The Lord of the Rings is a phrase very much fresh on people's minds today because of the very popular film by the same title that came out late 2001 after the 9/11 event (it was the first of the trilogy, so it's an on-going project). [Update: the second volume/installment of The Lord of the Rings is titled 'The Two Towers' (!) and the third 'The Return of the King' -- needless to say, the correspondence is incredible.] This curious coincidence is compounded by the fact that, in Greek mythology, it is Prometheus, the provider of fire and a version of Saturn-Osiris, that would be considered the 'lord of the ring', as we read that:
Finally [Hercules] reached the Caucasus Mountains, where Prometheus had been fettered for thirty years... Zeus had long repented of his punishment, because Prometheus had since sent him a kindly warning not to marry Thetis, lest he might beget one greater than himself; and now, when Hercules pleaded for Prometheus's pardon, granted this without demur. Having once, however, condemned him to everlasting punishment, Zeus stipulated that, in order still to appear a prisoner, he must wear a ring made from his chains and set with Caucasian stone - and this was the first ring ever to contain a setting... Mankind now began to wear rings in Prometheus's honour... (Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, 133.l-m)
This event, remarkably, is said have taken place during Hercules' journey of the '11th labor', i.e. the very labor we have linked to the current world events, including the Olympics (see The Labour of the Sun). Note also that the Salt Lake City Games had a very Promethean official slogan/theme, 'Light the Fire Within'.
But here we need to take into consideration the idea of 'family' musically attached to the kingly dinosaurs. A 'royal family' -- was this the implication? Or, since the 'King of terror' has been equated with Osiris (see Labour), was it an allusion more specifically to the messianic family, i.e. the family of Jesus, the biblical Osiris? To use Christian terminology, it was a symbolic 'Second Coming'. This association is intriguing as it has been said that Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross (the 'tau') (Christopher Knight, et al, The Hiram Key, pp.241-2), and thus Jesus, the 'King of the Jews', may be described congruently as a 'T-king', that is, 'T-Rex'. And then there is the intriguing fact that the messianic bloodline, signified in medieval literature by the Holy Grail (Sangraal, which can also be translated as 'Blood Royal'), is entangled with the myths of the 'Ring', including The Lord of the Rings:
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is one of the most enchanting and successful tales of all time. First issued in the 1950s, this famous trilogy could just as well have emanated from the Dark Ages or medieval times, for it has all the qualities and attributes of the most ancient Grail and Ring traditions. (Laurence Gardner, Realm of the Ring Lords, p.1)
To express it esoterically, then, it was an allusion to the return of the wounded 'Fisher King', or King Arthur, the medieval Osirian-messianic character who is inseparable form the Grail romances. It is fitting that the Gaelic word uther, from which the name 'Arthur' apparently derives, means 'terrible' (according to Gardner) and Arthur's father was called 'Uther Pendragon' (actually a title) which would mean 'Terrible head of Dragons' (though it has also been translated as 'Wonderful head of Dragons'). The 'terrible dragons' are, of course, clearly evocative of the dinosaurs, the 'terrible lizards'. Traditionally, 'dragons' are associated with kingship and crocodiles/serpents; in ancient Egypt, for example, pharaohs were anointed with the fat of the holy crocodile, or 'Meseh' from which derives the term 'Messiah', i.e. Jesus/Osiris. Correspondingly, Osiris' death is associated with a crocodile in Egyptian tradition (E.A. Wallis Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, vol.II, p.358).
Deux Dieux
The messianic family, stemming from Davidic royal lineage and the offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (i.e. Sangraal) according to esoteric tradition, is said to carry the title, Rex Deus, meaning 'King of God' (see Marilyn Hopkins, et al, Rex Deus, 2000). Now, it is curious to notice here that the term 'Deus' (God) closely resembles the word for 'two' in various European languages. As Boyd Rice writes:
The Latin word for God, Deus, seems to retain a vestige of the ancient understanding of the dual nature of deity. In many languages, the word denoting "Two" has either a spelling or a sound very similar to the word Deus, for instance, deux, dos, dua, deuce, and so forth. This becomes even more explicit when examining the specific terms some of the countries apply to God. For example, the French Dieu [or its plural form, Dieux] echoes deux (two) very closely, and the Spanish Dios is derived from the word dos by the mere addition of an "I." (www.dagobertsrevenge.com/articles/undivided.html)
This would then nicely relate to the two T-Rex's of the Olympics and the biblical 'T-Rex', Jesus, being a twin (Judas Thomas/Twin was almost certainly Jesus' twin brother, based on non-canonical sources such as the Acts of Thomas). And, of course, we are reminded here of the twin nature of Hercules, antediluvian pillars, the Sphinx/Horus and such -- underlying all of which is the notion of the Sun/Ark/lion, as explained in The Labour of the Sun. (In terms of Nostradamus -- who, by the way, may well have been a member of 'Rex Deus' -- this motif is potently expressed in our 'two suns' quatrain, II-41.) Indeed, Rex Deus, or the Messianic bloodline, is Davidic which in turn means the bloodline is of the 'lion king' -- as the tribal symbol of King David's, Judah, was the lion. Moreover, the Davidic 'Fisher King' is called in Arthurian literature Anfortas (in fortis) meaning 'in strength', which is also the Latin name for one of the two pillars of the Temple of Jerusalem (i.e. the 'Boaz' pillar). These twin pillars are a version of the antediluvian/Atlantean pillars, the New World version of which was destroyed on 9/11/01. The Catholic theologian Margaret Starbird writes:
The name of this [Boaz] pillar, which is also the name of the ancestor of King David, is a clear and obvious reference to the promises made to the Davidic bloodline, the line of the princes of Judah, that the dominion of its princes would be established forever "in strength," since Judah was the strongest of the twelve sons of Israel's patriarch Jacob. The name Anfortas is thus associated with the broken left pillar of the Temple of Jerusalem, which is symbolic of the broken Davidic succession... [T]he "Fisher King" Anfortas -- that is, the Davidic "Fish-King" Jesus -- can be healed only when the Grail is restored... (The Woman With the Alabaster Jar, p.86)
The reference to the broken succession/pillar here is interesting as it potentially relates to the fact that the Great Sphinx is missing its 'twin' and also to the darkening of the sun (= lion/sphinx/Fisher King) on the day Jesus/Osiris died as per tradition.
All combined, we can derive the symbolic implication that the two towering T-Rex's signified the resurrection of the messianic king, or Osiris-Horus, the fall of which was earlier expressed by the destruction of the WTC twin towers on 9/11.
Proof of the Vikings
Let's take a look at Quatrain VI-97 which I have repeatedly correlated with the world events of our own time including the 9/11 attacks.
Century VI-97 Cinq & quarante degrez ciel bruslera Feu approcher de la grand cite' neuue Instant grand flamme esparse sautera Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue. Forty five [or 'five and forty'] degrees the sky will burn, Fire to approach the great new city In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up, When they want to have proof of the Normans.
This quatrain's relevance to 9/11 and related events can be summarized as follows. First, 'five and forty' (cinq & quarante) of Line 1, if interpreted as 40.5, would correspond to the latitude of New York City where the WTC towers stood. And NYC is insinuated by Line 2 mentioning 'the great new city'. The abundant references to burning fire, needless to say, evoke the burning towers still hauntingly fresh on our mind. (The "great scattered flame" is actually even evocative of the grand firework show of the Olympic ceremonies.) What is most remarkable, however, is the implication of Line 4: 'When one will want to want proof of the Normans'.
"Normans" is essentially another name for the Vikings (or 'Norsemen'). "Viking," in turn, was the name given to the twin space probes NASA sent to Mars in 1976 (Viking 1 & 2). This Viking mission made the very first successful landing on the Red Planet and, more significantly, it gave us the first pictures of the potentially artificial "monuments of Mars" at Cydonia, an issue still very much controversial and relevant today. This association is particularly important here because the Cydonia region of the 'fire planet' is situated approximately at 5°W. 40°N. -- that is, "five and forty"! The 'monuments' themselves are located on latitude 40.5-41°N., which happens to be the very latitude of NYC _and_ Salt Lake City! As if these weren't enough, the most prominent features of the Cydonia complex are the popular 'Face' and the geometrically sound 'D&M Pyramid'. The 'Face', as revealed/confirmed in 2001, is of dual nature, having a hominid side and a leonine side, just as does the Sphinx (= sun, Hercules, 'Fisher King') which has a body of the lion and a head of man. (The connection between the two is corroborated by the fact that the tangent of Cydonia's latitude equals the cosine of the latitude of Giza/Sphinx, both equaling e/pi.) The partially collapsed 'D&M Pyramid', on the other hand, is pentagonal -- echoed by the U.S. Pentagon partially destroyed in the 9/11 attacks.
Line 4, 'When one will want to have proof of the [Vikings]', then, would have the implication of people wanting to know the truth about Cydonia and/or more generally about the existence of life on Mars. And, sure enough, presently around the turn of the millennium we are rapidly getting more evidence indicative of the existence of past/present life, as well as intelligently designed structures, on the Red Planet. (Most recently, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft gave us, on 3/1/02, more evidence of water on Mars, more pictures of strikingly artificial-looking features, and amazing confirmation of Richard Hoagland's 'Mars Tidal Model' which I consider a brilliant piece of work.)
As it turns out, the 'Norman/Viking' reference also nicely brings together 9/11 and 'Rex Deus' as we learn that the Viking leader, Rollo (Hrolf), came to France and obtained Normandy (becoming the first Duke of Normandy) in _911_ AD. And Rollo, interestingly enough, was genealogically linked to the 'Rex Deus' clan:
[Rollo] extended his lands by conquest and his influence by alliance and marriage with the leading aristocratic families of the time. He sought to establish strong bonds with the local aristocracy and, in particular, matrimonial links with dynasties of the Rex Deus tradition, such as the families of Chaumont, Gisors, d'Evreaux, Blois, the Counts of Champagne and the ruling House of Flanders, whose younger sons were the Counts of Boulogne. Was he [Rollo himself] also Rex Deux, from a family outside the confines of early Christian Europe? (Hopkins, et al, Rex Deus, p.107)
From this angle, the phrase 'When one will want to have proof of the Normans' would come to mean 'when people become aware, and want proof/'resurrection', of 'Rex Deus' or the 'Grail'/messianic bloodline -- that is, our own time.
Now, the 'resurrection' of this hidden bloodline/tradition would also imply the fall of the Church as its existence today is the result of the Roman Empire 'hijacking' the 'Fisher King' tradition. The Catholic Church or Papacy, in other words, is just a poser on the throne with no legitimacy what so ever. The 'king' is naked and the people have been too conditioned and timid to openly acknowledge this awkward fact. When the true 'Fisher King' is publicly acknowledged, therefore, it would automatically leave the Church and its manipulative doctrine nowhere to go but down. This situation brings us back to Quatrain II-41, the 'two suns' prophecy already applied to the current events, the last line of which indicates the fall/shift of the papacy: "When the great pontiff changes his abode."
In The Labour of the Sun was discussed how Quatrain II-41 pertains to 9/11, the 'King of terror' (Fisher King), and the inevitable end of the reign of Pope John Paul II, the 'Labor of the Sun' pope, in the near future. Since writing the article, it came to my attention that there is one particular date that may be seen as a window through which the smoldering archetypal story line could potentially manifest itself physically because of intense symbolic convergence. The date in question is May 1st -- i.e. 'May Day'. First, notice that just as the date '9-11' numerically had the implication of emergency ('911' being the emergency phone number), 'May Day' is similarly the international radiotelephone code used for indicating trouble and requesting help. Second, in Europe May Day is Labor Day which in the United States is celebrated in September (the month of 9/11) -- 'labor' being a code word for Pope JPII, as well as Hercules' 11th Labor that has been found to closely relate to 9/11 and Prometheus along with his fire and ring. May Day, in fact, is also the festival of Belenus, the Celtic god of fire and the sun, and a pagan festival of rebirth and renewal. The first day of May, therefore, is a time with strong 9/11 resonance and particularly relevant to the 'Labor of the Sun', i.e. Pope JPII, though I am not ready to predict that the papacy will actually suffer a loss on that date.
Update: According US intelligence sources, as reported by The Washington Times (May 13), Islamic terrorists were planning to attack a nuclear power plant and this "was initially scheduled for May 1..." So, there indeed was a high potential for a 9/11-related major incident on May Day 2002.
Echoes of Lost Paradise
Dinosaurs, the kings of the earth at the time, were suddenly wiped out about 65 million years ago. Rocks from outer space, it is often theorized, hit the earth and devastated all life upon the surface. Quite recently, Tom Van Flandern (formerly the Chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch of the U.S. Naval Observatory) put forward the theory that it was the 'explosion' of what he calls 'Planet V' between Earth's orbit and the Asteroid Belt (which is the remnant of the theoretical 'Planet K' that exploded about 250 million years ago) that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The planet Mars, in this radical model, was formerly a satellite of Planet V that survived the catastrophe and became an independent planet. Richard Hoagland's more recent 'Mars Tidal Model' was an extension of Flandern's 'Exploded Planet Hypothesis', and so the new data from the Mars Odyssey probe just released 3/1/02 that dramatically corroborated Hoagland's theory was also confirmatory evidence for Flandern's. By inference, then, it may be postulated that those dinosaurs -- analogous to the 'King of terror', 'Fisher King', etc. -- and the Red Planet have an inseparable historical connection.
The reader may recall that I have previously stressed the intense correlation that exists between the 9/11-related events and the destruction of the antediluvian world, 'Atlantis', in connection with Mars/Cydonia. Here, then, we have the implication that there also is a link between the prehistoric 'dragons' and Atlantis. Remarkably, this strange association actually resonates well with the fact that in ancient traditions the angelic wisdom-providers of the antediluvian paradise, including Osiris, are usually associated with the serpent, i.e. 'dragons'. The coherence is intensified when it is added that the essence of Osiris was equated in ancient Egyptian theology with the Benben Stone (the capstone of the pyramid/obelisk) which in turn was, or represented, a meteorite -- i.e. a rock from outer space (Planet V). Correspondingly, we may recall that, in Mystery, Babylon the Great, the antediluvian tower (Babel) and the Osirian 'fallen angels' (Nephilim) were found to be the embodiment of a heavenly stone. And to top it off, the Nephilim were 'fallen ones' (as in fallen meteorites), and were also called awwin denoting 'serpents' (as in dragons/dinosaurs) and gibborim meaning 'strong ones' (as in Davidic 'Fisher Kings'). The messianic association is echoed strongly by the Holy Grail/Blood Royal: in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival from around 1200, the Grail is called lapsit exillis which, as lapis ex caelis, means 'stone from the heavens'!
So we now have entangled themes involving dinosaurs, Exploded Planet Hypothesis, Mars, Atlantis, heavenly stone, messianic tradition... What does this all mean? While I have my own hypotheses, it is wise at this time to just wonder about it rather than force a shortsighted and linearly conceived conclusion out of the partially disjointed pieces of the puzzle. I have faith in the idea of 'if you ask, the answer will come'. This appears to be how the 'game' is played 'down here'. Truth requires patience, and patience here requires unwavering respect for truth.
I'd like to end this article by pointing out that the next Winter Olympic Games (2006) will be held in Turin, Italy. Turin is the home of the single most important and controversial relic associated with Jesus -- the Shroud of Turin, the linen cloth in which Jesus was supposedly wrapped after the crucifixion. On the Shroud is seen, somehow, a seemingly photographic image of Jesus. While ostensibly a Christian relic, the Shroud has much to do with the esoteric 'underground' tradition that aligns with the 'Fisher King' rather than with Pauline counterfeit Christianity headed by the Papacy. Indeed, the Shroud first surfaced soon after the suppression of the medieval warrior-monks, the Knights Templar, who were accused, among other things, of worshipping a strange head -- which may well have been the head portion of the Shroud. The first known owner of the relic, Geoffrey de Charney, is in fact thought to be the nephew of Geoffroi de Charney, the Templar preceptor of Normandy who was burned to death with Jacques de Molay, the last Templar Grand Master. And some have theorized, with good reason, that the Shroud was actually created by Leonardo Da Vinci who has been claimed to have been Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, supposedly the parental organization behind the Templar order (see Lynn Picknett, et al, Turin Shroud). The Priory of Sion, extensively discussed in the groundbreaking book Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982), is practically analogous, or attached, to 'Rex Deus'. This combined with the fact that the Templar knights in the Grail lore are depicted as the guardians of the Holy Grail/Blood Royal which, in theory (based on "heretical" traditions), stemmed from the dynastic 'Sacred Marriage' between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, it may be inferred that the Shroud is in a sense a form of the Grail which in turn represents the hidden messianic succession.
Is it just a coincidence that Turin, the very place where this 'Rex Dues' relic rests, has been selected for the next Winter Olympics? Perhaps. But consider the following. Turin is at latitude 45°N. so as to echo the opening line of the 'Olympic/Martian quatrain', VI-97 ('Forty five degrees the sky will burn'). The last line of the same quatrain, 'When they want to have proof of the Normans', may also now denote 'when people want to find out the truth about the origin of Christianity, about the suppressed messianic legacy, and about the true nature of the Turin Shroud which was first possessed, as far as we know, by the 'Normans' (i.e. the Templar Master of Normandy). The Shroud even resonates with 9/11. The relic, as well as Leonardo/Priory of Sion, is associated with John the Baptist as it is, for example, kept at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin. And the saint's birthday was celebrated on the summer solstice just as the date 9/11 corresponded in the early Christian times to the original summer solstice day of the ancient Egyptian calendar.
Also, the demonstrated Martian/Cydonian nature of Quatrain VI-97 incites the thought that the head imprinted on the Shroud might relate to the more or less similar-looking 'Face on Mars'. This is clearly a silly notion -- except there are various clues that are supportive of it. This leads into an area that overlaps my 'other' research that I do not want to discuss yet. But I'll just mention two curious coincidences: the Shroud is called sydoine/sindone/sindon in other languages ('Cydonia' anyone?), and John the Baptist was decapitated and his severed head became an object/idea of great esoteric importance. This is only a small hint. I don't want to open Pandora's Box yet... :) But I will say that Mars/Cydonia anomalies and the Grail-Ark-Shroud-Fisher King theme are to merge in a startlingly direct and elegant way.
The Quest for the Grail is an interplanetary saga.
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رسائل 29 من 210 في الفقرة |
Terminator Code 311
Aldebaran highlighted by Venus' 'hyperdimensional turn' on July 4, also known as 'the Follower' or 'Torch-Bearer', is a 'red giant'. And it is - a big reddish star, in the Hyades cluster representing the 'head' of the celestial bull Taurus. Aldebaran is usually seen as the right eye of the Bull, whereas the left eye is star '311' (Epsilon Taurus). Perhaps not widely used but the numeric '311' designation is repeatedly mentioned in The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval:
It is... interesting to note that the 'eyes' of the bull were Aldebaran and star 311 (Epsilon Taurus), the latter being the 'left eye'. [p.158]
I found these 'eyes' to be a key to the 'riddle' of Terminator 3, released in mid-2003 right before the 'total recall' election won by Schwarzenegger, the occult 'Torch-Bearer' and a big Hollywood star...
Terminators are machines with artificial intelligence - A.I., which can be interpreted as 'eye' or 'a(n) eye'. Terminators are also 'aliens' or 'foreigners' from the future making them comparable to Seth/Set the alien god. The Terminator's 'eye' would then be Set's eye, as are Aldebaran and star 311. (Remember, the Hyades represents Set so these stars are not only the Bull's eyes but also Set's eyes.) And 'Set eye' would be SETI - i.e. SET-I or SET-Eye... well, maybe.
The main ad graphic used for T3 encodes these associations. The Arnie-Terminator's face, taking up most of the space, emphasizes his red right eye as if to allude to Aldebaran, the red giant star representing the right eye of the Bull/Set. (It also evokes HAL the 'red eye' A.I. from 2001: A Space Odyssey.) And only one side of his face is illuminated... just like the Crabwood alien glyph, the Ultra-Tech picture, and Hoagland's 2003 Face picture!
At the Terminator's left-eye region is a reflected image of 'Terminator TX', the most advanced killing machine featured in the film. While capable of shape-shifting, TX appears mostly as a beautiful feline woman, seemingly alluding to the beastly feline/leonine left/east side of the Face on Mars... (And the lion is the most feared 'killing machine' on land.)
The 'TX' designation conjures up 'Texas', the official abbreviation of which is in fact 'TX'. Many scenes in the film are very Texas-like to underscore the connection.
It cannot be missed that Texas represents the political 'Ground Zero' in the post-9/11 period under the Bush presidency. Both Bush and Cheney are from Texas and have done shady dealings with corrupt Texas energy/oil corporations like Enron and Halliburton. Without Texas there probably would have been no Iraq invasion or even 9/11. Schwarzenegger has a shadowy Texas connection as well - a connection seemingly acknowledged in T3 as he utters 'TX corrupted me'...

The fact is, Arnie's rise in California politics has much to do with the state's disastrous energy situation (massive blackouts etc.) which in turn was driven by the corrupt practices of Texas energy companies, particularly Enron. It is known that Arnold met with Enron's CEO/Chairman Ken Lay in a private meeting convened in 2001 to discuss energy issues. As reported on August 14, '03 by IPA (confirmed by FTCR in Oct '03):
Consumer advocates with the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, Heller and Balber said today: "The California energy crisis was the culmination of a decade-long push to remove consumer protections and regulatory oversight of California's electric power system... Leading the charge was Ken Lay, the former CEO and Chairman of Enron, whose close ties with the Bush family were supplemented by campaign contributions both in Washington and across the country, notably including more than $100,000 to California Governor Gray Davis. It was, of course, no surprise that Governor Davis failed to meaningfully take on the power industry's manipulation of the California energy market during the crisis, opting instead to sign overpriced power contracts and force consumers and taxpayers to pay for the miserable failure of deregulation..."
"In order to counter the virtual public consensus that deregulation ought to be dumped, Ken Lay, during the spring of 2001, began a series of high-powered meetings to salvage the deteriorating argument for his energy scheme.... He met privately with Vice President Cheney in the days leading up to the administration's publication of what became an extremely Enron-friendly National Energy Plan. Successful on the national front as a result of his longstanding relationship with key Republicans, Lay hoped to regain his footing in California by forging ties with prominent Republicans in the state. In May of 2001, Lay convened a private meeting with junk bond king Michael Milken, Los Angeles' then-Mayor Richard Riordan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, at which Lay reportedly presented his vision of solving the state's energy deregulation crisis by, absurd as it sounds, expanding deregulation..."
Enron has since imploded of course, but Enron's backing of Schwarzenegger tells us a lot about his nature, or at least his assigned 'mission'... his destiny/fate. It is symbolically noteworthy that 'Enron' spelt backwards is 'Norne', the name of the 'three goddesses of fate' in Norse mythology.
The idea of fate/destiny would then relate to such things as the 'Spear of Destiny', i.e. the holy lance of St. Longinus said to have pierced the side of Jesus. It's essentially an alter ego of the Holy Grail and said to have been possessed or sought by various messianic or antichristic leaders throughout history like Herod the Great, Constantine, Hitler, etc. The Spear represents the power that 'Antichrist' must possess in order to succeed in his endeavors. And this association suits Arnold's role well - the false Horus (i.e. Set) or the false 'messiah'... and/or indeed the 'Antichrist'/'Beast'. As I wrote on August 20, '03:
...there is an allusion to the emergence of an antichrist in the Book of Revelation 9:11 (yes, 9-11):
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
...'Abaddon' and 'Apollyon', both mean the same thing - 'Destroyer'. [...] And of course... Schwarzenegger is none other than the 'Terminator'! [Arnie was also Conan the Destroyer (1984).]
The Terminator series is all about the end of the world or 'Judgment Day' (the title of the second installment), i.e. typical stuff from the Book of Revelation.
My interpretation has been that, like the Grail 'rose line', the Spear and its original possessor St. Longinus together allude to a longitudinal line (meridian), thus dovetailing with the foregoing Meridian theme. Even the name 'Terminator' is suggestive in that astronomically it refers to the line separating the illuminated and dark sides of a celestial body such as the Moon (and the line on the Moon tends to be longitudinal...)
The Spear of Destiny now resides in the Hapsburg Treasure House Museum in Vienna, Austria - the country where Schwarzenegger was born and raised.
So, we could say Schwarzenegger is a 'Trojan Horse' sent into the US government - ultimately the White House - to play the role of the Beast/Antichrist in the coming period of intense troubles... possibly World War 3 in which the United States would be the new Nazis, the 'Fourth Reich'. (Note: I'm not saying Arnie literally is the 'Antichrirst'/'Beast'.)
This process was perhaps kick-started on 9/11, 2001 - exactly 225 years from the birth of the US (1776) and the year highlighted by 2001: A Space Odyssey, the ultimate red-eye A.I. ('HAL') movie. Closely related to this, it was the Odyssey probe that took the Face picture on Oct. 24, '02 showing its illuminated beast (eastern) half, discussed in Hoagland's paper published when Mars was making its close approach to Earth last year seemingly commemorating the 'rise of Schwarzenegger'.
I certainly find it fitting that it is in Homer's epic called The Odyssey ('the greatest tale of all time') that the story of the Trojan War is told, famous for involving the Trojan Horse tactic masterminded by one 'Odysseus'. This shows that the ultimate 'false gift' (Trojan Horse), Odyssey, and '2001' are all closely intertwined.
The Contact theme becomes more prominent in '2010: The Year We Make Contact', a sequel to '2001'. Its plot involves Jupiter transforming into a star which the original author Arthur C. Clarke (2010: Odyssey Two) calls 'Lucifer', i.e. Venus the 'light bearer'!
Venus' July 4th 'hyperdimensional turning' at -19.5 deg. Galactic Meridian near the red-eye star Aldebaran carried all these associations. In a way the 'Super Torch Day' (7/4/04) was a 'Super Eye/A.I. Day'.
Now, while Aldebaran, the red/right eye, was clearly a key component of the encoded symbolism, we find more sinister and explosive implications attached to the left eye represented by star '311'.
First, in Terminator 3 are given specific time references to the beginning of 'Judgment Day', to be marked by world-wide nuclear detonations. There is one particular scene containing the following conversation between Arnold-Terminator and John Connor (future leader of mankind):

Terminator: |
The first launch sequences will be initiated at 6:18 p.m. |
John Connor: |
What, today? |
Terminator: |
Affirmative. |
Kate: |
John, what is he saying? |
John: |
Judgment Day, the end of the world - it's today 3 hours from now. |
Terminator: |
2 hours, 53 minutes. We must continue south into Mexico to escape the primary blast zones. |
The coding is quite simple: we can simply turn the numbers into days: i.e. '6:18' into 618 days and '2 hr 53 min' into 253 days. Based on the repeated references to 'today' or 'from now', we can count forward from July 2, 2003, i.e. Terminator 3's release date. This yields the following:
7/02/03 + 618 days = March 11, '05 7/02/03 + 253 days = March 11, '04
Both 'March 11', one year apart - leaving little doubt that the decoding is valid. And '3/11' is... yes, '311', as in the 'left eye' star 311!
http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/sc2012-4.htm |
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رسائل 30 من 210 في الفقرة |
«Une seule chose était indispensable, lorsque, rencontrant une caverne, propre à servir d’abri temporaire, ils désiraient préparer, à un ardent foyer, le repas nécessaire ; c’était le silex, dont le nom basque est suarria, c’est à dire, un trait de lumière ou étincelle courant ça et là par l’effet du choc de deux objets dont l’un, le silex, est penché de côté, et l’autre, acier ou fer est brandi, -to sway (soué), faire pencher de côté, brandir, - to hare, courir ça et là, - ray, ré, trait de lumière ».
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