The president of Hollywood might have the answer
Jerry is a English mixed name. The meaning of the name is `Holy Spear Warrior`.
Thomas the Apostle, also called Doubting Thomas or Didymus (meaning "Twin," as does "Thomas" in Aramaic") was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus.

Tom -twins - Jerry spears of destiny and torch light in X cross - Hitler

From Spanish Link The day of
St. Thomas (Dec. 21) is a major holiday schedule several cities of the Basque Country, as Donostia, a Bilbao, Mondragón or Azpeitia. The origin of the festival lies probably in the celebration of a popular market coinciding with the day of payment of rent, despite its religious name.
Fair or Santamás St. Thomas is the dean of the festivals dedicated to this saint in the Basque Country. [Citation needed]
There is a written record held since 1351, thanks to the privilege granted by King Peter I. [citation needed] the festival lasts three days, starting on day
21 and concluding on the 24th, although the great day of the fair is on 22 December. [citation needed] [edit] Introduction of pork On 21 December, characterized as the starting day of the fair presentation of the pig to be drawn on day 22. That day the festival begins with the launching of rockets from the council. Then starts the competition showcases that rewards businesses that best represent the spirit of Christmas 3 Another of the stars of the day is the Giants and their entourage of
Mondragon in the afternoon leaving shortly before the presentation of the pig in Herriko Plaza, where, at nightfall, leaving the
bull of fire. [citation needed]

3 black sun days after the sun Christ crucifixion on 21 and his resurrection on Christmas
Venus - Europa on the bull Taurus horns this 6-6 sun transit over the bull horns indicating Christ birth
Mon -singularity code - dragon
From Spanish link
Bulls fire The "fire bull" or "bull embolado" is to ignite torches or balls placed on the horns of the bulls and smeared with tar o and dropping them into a square or the streets. This practice is carried out in places like Medinacelli (Soria), Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz), or various locations of Tarragona, as Amposta, and Valencia, as Ontinyent. Often eyes burn with sparks. For bulls of fire ("embolats" in Catalonia) are attached to the animal's head with metal artefacts up to 5 balls of flammable material that ignites before releasing the animal. To put this "torture machine" tying immobilize the animal by the horns, pulling the tail and holding the legs sharply. The animal, a panic she feels when being wrapped his head of fire, is giving head butts in an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the fireballs. From the fireballs falling liquid jets and hot embers splashing into their eyes and nose and burn his body. The desperate bellowing, butting and drooling of animals showing the stress they are suffering unimaginable. In the Terres de l'Ebre (Catalonia) sometimes the animals are placed on the horns fireworks. In Medinacelli, Soria (Castilla-León), marks the most cruel of these shows. He puts some on-horns blows so violently that often causes bleeding the animals bleed from the mouth and nose. Also carried out in Aragon (Zaragoza and Teruel especially) and Valencia, where they suffer this martyrdom about 1,200 bulls and cows a year. Other communities such as Madrid, the Basque Country, Castilla la Mancha and Andalusia have expressly prohibited the bulls of fire and some have been replaced by trucks or frames carried by people.

Giants back


Venus transit over the bull horns, Christ birth and fire ritual on Mon-dragon singularity fire key.
Bull fire and giants back festival from Jesus crucifixion 21 December Saint Thomas till 24 Christmas and Christ resurrection -black sun - Thomas in Aramean means Twins - Gemini symmetry code - Olsen twins as Tom and Jerry in the silence code.Tomas Aramaic Tau' ma Tau -Taurus - bull ma - mother and strong water in ancient hebrewSiamese Jean Cocteau black face cats - black Madonna burned Queen of Ethiopia code together with his black sun, Jesus and the bull and don keys in Notredame of London. Tom and Jerry - St Thomas Disney 33 club - illuminati keys Jerry is a English mixed name. The meaning of the name is `Holy Spear Warrior`. - spear of destiny. word also begins with "al" meaning "strong". The second letter is the "mem" meaning water. The word ma means "strong water". The Hebrews made a glue by boiling animal skins in water. As the skin broke down a sticky thick liquid formed at the surface of the water. This thick liquid was removed and used as a binding agent - "strong water". The word ma means "the one who binds the family together" - the mother.
Picture: Strong water
Word: am
Meaning: Mother“I-am ALAP and TAU,” says the Lord God, he that exists and has existed and comes, he that holds all. (Rev. 1:8, ARTB) . . .
I-am Alap and I-am Tau, the origin and the completion. (Rev. 21:6, ARTB)
A note from A. Frances Werner;
In the last ARTB Bible Blog on RAINBOWS, the sign of a new covenant and new creation, I mentioned that throughout the Aramaic New Testament, there are other comparisons between Jesus (Yeshua) and Noah. Here is one that is interesting.
In Greek manuscripts, this verse is rendered ALPHA and OMEGA, the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet. Likewise in Aramaic, ALAP and TAU are the first and last letter of the Aramaic and Hebrew alphabets, although it is pronounced ALEPH in Hebrew. However, there is a significant difference between Greek and Aramaic/Hebrew. In Greek, the word ALPHA can also mean #1 (as in an ALPHA male, describing dominance in animal groups). English, like Greek, does use the letter "A" to describe personality types. But both English and Greek generally do NOT assign assign MEANINGS to our alphabet letters. Think about it. There is no meaning to the letter "C" or "D" or "E" in English.
Aramaic and Hebrew are very different. Each letter has a MEANING all on its own. TAU, the last letter of the Aramaic alphabet, also means an imperative COME! in Aramaic. The more interesting letter is ALAP, which means BOAT. Because the New Testament has so many scenes from the Sea of Galilee, it is filled with the word BOAT, which is used over 45 times.
I don't want to make too big of a conclusion here, but there are some interesting things for meditation. The BOAT of Noah saved the inhabitants from death and destruction, bringing its passengers to a new creation of the physical earth. At the time of Moses, the Passover initiated the deliverance from slavery with a new covenant and Torah (law) that saved us from sin and its consequences, including death. It has not yet yielded a new creation because of the idolatry and disobedience of the Israelites.
Is Jesus (Yeshua) saying something more to us? He is not only the origin and completion, but he truly is a BOAT saving us from destruction. All who respond to his call to be IN HIM are brought to a new creation. Selah! (from the Greek words θαῦμα thaûma, meaning "miracle" or "marvel" and ἔργον érgon, meaning "work") is the capability of a saint to work miracles. It is sometimes translated into English as wonderworking.[1] A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a thaumaturge, thaumaturgist or miracle worker.

Marie Helene Rothschild surrealist party Menu
Soupe Extra Lucide / Lucifer
Imbroglio de Cadavres Exquis - Muddle of corpses exquisite
Lady and Sir Loin/Lion - The beauty and the beast
Tubercules en folie - Hercules in madness - quest for the golden apples
Piches ? et Chevres hurlant de tristesse - beakers and goats howling of sadness - beakers -precipitation -end of alchemical process
En fin - in the end

FERMENTATION is the fifth operation in the alchemy of transformation.
Fermentation is a two-stepped process that begins with the Putrefaction of the
hermaphroditic "child" from the Conjunction resulting in its death and resurrection to a new level of being. The Fermentation phase then begins with the introduction of new life into the product of Conjunction to strengthen it and insure its survival.