Following up the article Pyramid Energy – Part I
Fractal 44 is a fractal of 44 squares. To get more information deciphered, it is interesting to go further in the study of this fractal. Two crop circles combined together present the next geometric step of Fractal 44.
On the left : Crop circle formation, Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, 19th July 1999.
On the right : Crop Circle formation, West Kennet, Wiltshire, 4th August 1999.
Credit : Lucy Pringle
“Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent.” Pythagoras
The Windmill Hill crop circle represents the feminine aspect or ‘socket’ while the West Kennet crop circle represents the masculine aspect or ‘plug’. The combination of these two crop circles representing the union of masculine and feminine is illustrated below. There are a total of 288 circles representing the ‘socket’. The yellow squares and yellow circles represent the ‘plug’. There are 156 yellow circles (39 x 4) superimposed on the 288 circles. Adding 156 to 288 brings the significant number 444.
The union of Windmill Hill and West Kennet showing a perfect fit.
The harmonic number 444 is 37 times 12. The number 12 has already been seen to hold an important place in the manifested world, also representing the passage from 1 to 2. The number 37 is the twelfth prime number. The numbers 3 and 7 are linked to creation and represent the steps for light to be perceived in many colours by the human eye. Contained within the oneness of white light are the three primary colours and seven colours of the rainbow.
When Fractal 44 is positioned on each of the four corners of the union of these two crop circles an astonishing correlation appears. An area containing 6 x 6 square units highlighted in red is formed encoding the 6 x 6 x 6 cube and a key to the fourth dimension. This Geometric Key brings both a geometric and numerical understanding of how Pyramid Energy works in connection with Fractal 44.
Alton Priors, Windmill Hill and West Kennet crop circles combined.
Fractal 44 repeats itself on each corner of the original bringing a total of 188 single silver squares producing Fractal 188, constituting of five 4 x 4 grids, sixteen 2 x 2 grids and 44 single squares.
In three dimensions there are nine 4 x 4 x 4 hypercubes, sixty-four 2 x 2 x 2 hypercubes and finally four-hundred and forty single cubes bringing a total of 1,528 cubes.
The yellow circles form the masculine aspect of creative force, motion, frequency and voltage as a fractal element in nature.
The purple circles form the feminine aspect of space and capacity ready to receive the masculine creative forces.
The Hebrew word ‘Father’* (אב) has a gematria value of 3. ‘Mother’ (אמ) has a gematria value of 41, adding together to make 44. The gematria value for ‘Child’ (ילד) is also 44. Fractal 44 encodes the Trinity of Father, Mother and Child, well known in Ancient Egypt through the personifications of Osiris, Isis and Horus.
“Behind the wall, the gods play, they play with numbers, of which the universe is made up.” Le Corbusier
Fractal 44 when overlaid on the ground plan of the Temple of Solomon, an interesting geometric correlation appears. The yellow rectangle is the Holy Temple of Solomon. This Temple reflects the structure and motion of the universe. The accumulation point of Zero Energy, a 101 ‘gateway’ is located exactly on the most Holy Place of the Temple which is the sanctuary, shown as a green square inside the yellow rectangle. The sanctuary is a cube of edge length 20 cubits.
The Temple of Solomon from the prophetic vision of Ezekiel is five hundred cubits long and five hundred cubits wide. The Altar is shown as a red square in the centre of the 4 x 4 grid. The position of the Holy Temple is slightly different from the position of the Tabernacle suggested by Villalpando.
The illustration below shows the combination of Fractal 44 and the ground plan of the Temple of Solomon rotated 90 degrees three times. The Holy Temple and the Altar are shown with colours. The inside and outside courtyard, the gates and the 30 chambers along the pavement are shown with red borders.
The Fibonacci spiral is constructed from the green square unit representing the sanctuary. Golden Spirals emerge from Zero Energy Points showing the behaviour of the fifth element, the spiralling ether. The Temple of Solomon is a great reminder of a connected universe, a multiple manifestation of spirals coming from Divine Consciousness.
© [30/09/2017] by Salah-Eddin Gherbi