the mirror is being fine tuned by sound, light and energy received by our antenna's which constantly changes in order for us to play out the life we wish to live and also to live by the universal laws which basically control the measures of our existence?
our DNA might change in the process to adapt to these new beginnings being presented to us.
it just seems that the time has been speeding up, but it is just the universal creator who is growing intenser trying to speak to us, guiding us through our role and place in our vessel which operates consciously and subconsciously to what we see, hear, think and ultimately everything we perceive.

and when we are conscious and pay attention to these sort of things (beauty's of the works of the creator), the universe seems to pay attention to us much more and through many ways unimaginable.

and we must try to protect our DNA at all costs from the chemicals our technocracy's so dearly want to put in us so the antenna gets jammed from us reaching our FULL potential. they will go to any extent to stop this from happening. we must be weary what we eat and breath and even hear. ... re=related ... ng-Layouts raph, you will like what they say about THC on page 7