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Réponse  Message 1 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (message original) Envoyé: 20/12/2015 18:43
The "great army" is precisely the name of one of the 12 streets that extend from the famous circular road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe ("Place Charles de Gaulle"), which is called in French, "Grande Armee".  'Grand Armee' is not only one of the 12 streets but it's the direct extension of the main street, 'Champs Elysees' (Elysian Fields).  The "mountains" is likely an allusion to the Arc de Triomphe which stands in between 'Champs Elysees' and 'Grande Armee'  Here are pictures showing the relevant region of Paris and the relationship of the Grande Armee avenue, Arc de Triomphe, and the Elysian Fields.


   · Red region = Arc de Triomphe & Place Charles de Gaulle
  · Purple street = Grande Armee avenue
  · Blue street = Elysian Fields

The "Arc" is obviously a reference to the' Arc de Triomphe'.  And the notion is strengthened by the word right after "Arc", "turning" - which implies circular movement/shape and nicely corresponds to the famous circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe (see the picture at right).  The phrase "Saturn in the Arc" corroborates the Saturn-ark connection we've made.

The latter half, "turning/corner of the fish Mars" can be interpreted in a quite different and symbolic way, and it is necessary to use a map of the relevant region of Paris again:

As you can see, the Elysian Fields, the Arc de Triomphe etc. are placed right beside the Seine River. Interestingly, on the other side of the river, there is a garden called the "Field of Mars" ('Champ de Mars') in which stands Paris' landmark, the Eiffel Tower.  This is reinforcing the relevance of Mars.  Now, the word 'Seine' (name the river) means "fishing net". That metaphorically makes (the Field of) Mars the "fish" trapped in the net. This would also make the same region where the river is turning 90 degrees the "corner of the 'fish-Mars'" to fit Line 2.

The "fish" also correlates with Sirius because the Dogon tradition tells us that the "Nommos" that supposedly came from the Sirius system were fish-like (and yes, we're now getting into the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence).  So the phrase 'fish Mars' again associates Sirius with Mars.

The very first word, "poison", creates an interesting connection with Line 2 because the French word for "fish" is "poisson" which is nearly identical, both in spelling and pronunciation, to the word 'poison' which is also a French word for poison. Thus, combined with the last word of the line "salmon", the notion of 'fish' seems to be emphasized.  Interestingly, the original French word used for 'poison' was actually 'Venins' which resembles Venus.  It seems relevant, therefore, that Venus goes retrograde (i.e. reversing its apparent movement in the sky) during the key period of August 1999, corresponding to "salmon" (which is known to swim against the current) of the same line and also to the previous line's expression, "turning of the fish". This last line of the quatrain strongly reinforces the concepts put forward by the interpretation of the previous lines. The last word of the line "polemars" is not a real word, most likely it's a made-up word / anagram.  Decoding is not that difficult - first we'll divide it into two words, 'pole' and 'Mars'.  Continued from previous interpretations, it is not hard to see that the "pole" would refer to the 'Eiffel Tower' that stands in the' Field of Mars'.

To decipher the whole line, we need to take a closer look at the map of the region of the 'Field of Mars':

Notice that the park, the Field of Mars ("Champ de Mars"), seemingly crosses over the river. The Seine River can be viewed as dividing the park and there is a bridge connecting the two parts. Since the park area can be viewed metaphorically as "fish" based on previous interpretations, notice how the park left of the river can be viewed as the "head" of the fish barely 'hanging on' to the body, the Field of Mars, by the bridge or the "thread" from "polemars" / the Field of Mars.  Thus it would fit Line 4.

Also, since the French word "fil", which I translated here as "thread", could also mean 'stream', the line could also interpreted like this: "Their head hung by the stream of the Field of Mars". This would still be metaphorically describing how the Seine River is dividing the Field of Mars and its "head".

And that's basically how Quatrain II-48 relates to Paris (and through which to the 'Sirius/ark complex')... but there is one last thing to add to all this.  And this is my favorite part :)  Well, we've looked at every line of the quatrain, so what's left?  Ah, yes we left out the number of the quatrain 2 and 48.  Why, of course, those numbers are the coordinates of Paris (Paris: 2.3 deg. E & 48.8 deg. N)!

Now let's shift our focus back to II-41 and do more in-depth study:

Century II - 41
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make double sun appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.


Like earlier pointed out, 'great star', 'burn', and 'seven' relate to Sirius.  Now we can associate the "great star" with  the Place Charles de Gaulle (Arc de Triomphe + the surrounding circular "square") since it was originally called the Place d'Etoile or 'Square of the Star', further linking the two quatrains II-41 and II-48.

From a slightly different angle, the fragments of Comet SL-9 'burned' Jupiter for about '7 days' in July 1994 and caught the attention of the world.  The dates of this 'light show' were July 16~22 which roughly coincides with one of the key 'Sirius dates', July 20, mentioned earlier.  Moreover, the dates July 16~22 very closely matches the dates of the historic Apollo 11 mission - first ever manned landing on the Moon - which were July 16~24 (and the landing occurred on the key date, July 20).  This is meaningful especially when you consider the fact that Apollo the sun god could be identified with Horus the sun god (the son of Isis, and earlier associated with Sirius and Mars).  Recall also that July 20 was associated with the 'flood' (of the Nile) in conjunction with Sirius.  In Greco-Roman mythology, the god who causes the Flood to punish mankind is Jupiter - the very planet Comet SL-9 crashed into.  And Jupiter was mythologically associated with the 'eagle' - the very name of the spacecraft that landed on the moon on that exact flood/Sirius date, July 20 (1969)!

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Réponse  Message 30 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 31/12/2017 01:03
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set
Reply  Message 67 of 68 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/12/2017 21:39
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set
Reply  Message 68 of 68 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/12/2017 21:40
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set

Réponse  Message 31 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 06/03/2018 00:31
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set
Reply  Message 67 of 68 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/12/2017 21:39
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set
Reply  Message 68 of 68 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/12/2017 21:40
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set
Reply Delete message  Message 51 of 52 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 30/12/2017 22:47
Resultado de imagen para isis horus set
Reply Delete message  Message 52 of 52 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 05/03/2018 21:23

La minoría más importante de Egipto

Quiénes son los coptos


Los cristianos coptos de Egipto conforman un grupo religioso de antiquísimo origen y constituyen la principal minoría del país.

Son unos ocho millones -el 10 por ciento de la población- y la mayor comunidad de Medio Oriente. Sin embargo, los demógrafos y analistas internacionales estiman que, si continúan siendo víctimas de estos sangrientos ataques y tensiones, están destinados a disminuir rápidamente Las masacres de hoy son solo las últimas en el tiempo en una larga trama de sangre por parte de grupos terroristas yihadistas. Los coptos se concentran en el Alto Egipto y en las periferias de las populosas ciudades de El Cairo y Alejandría, las dos más importantes del país.

Tras el derrocamiento militar en 2013 del presidente islamista Mohamed Mursi, los sectores más radicales que simpatizaban con él lanzaron una ola de violencia contra los cristianos coptos, especialmente contra sus iglesias y sedes. En febrero pasado, la filial del ISIS en Egipto amenazó directamente a los coptos en un video y les aseguró que “lo peor” está por venir.

Los coptos están presentes en todo el país y todas las categorías sociales, aunque se consideran marginados y fuera de algunos sectores como la justicia, la universidad o las fuerzas del orden.

Tras el Concilio Vaticano II, la Iglesia Católica y la Iglesia Copta iniciaron un camino ecuménico de diálogo que llegó en 1973 al primer encuentro -después de 15 siglos- entre el papa Paulo VI y el patriarca de los coptos, Shenuda III Juntos decidieron iniciar un diálogo teológico, cuyo fruto principal fue la declaración común del 12 de febrero de 1988.

La mayor parte de los coptos adhiere a la Iglesia Ortodoxa Copta. El resto está repartido entre la Iglesia Católica Copta y varias confesiones cristianas protestantes.

Es en ese marco en el que debe inscribirse el viaje que el Papa Francisco emprenderá al país entre el 28 y el 29 de abril próximos.

Historiográficamente, la historia del pueblo copto se remonta a tiempos del antiguo Egipto. Los miembros de la iglesia copta consideran que muchos de sus ascendientes fueron constructores de las pirámides. Sus antepasados más cercanos se convirtieron al cristianismo en el año 42 d. C y, a través de los años, conservaron su religión a pesar de las conquista musulmana de Egipto 600 años más tarde, con la cual, el país se perfiló con una mayoría islámica. Desde entonces, los coptos han sido objeto de discriminación.

Los primeros monjes coptos vivieron en Egipto en el siglo IV y la suya fue una de las iglesias que más sufrieron la avanzada islámica en el norte de Africa

Réponse  Message 32 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 23/03/2018 15:34
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger TOTAL RECALL MARS
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger TOTAL RECALL MARS
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger TOTAL RECALL MARS
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger TOTAL RECALL MARS
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger TOTAL RECALL MARS
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger
Resultado de imagen para HASTA LA VISTA BABY
Resultado de imagen para HASTA LA VISTA BABY
Resultado de imagen para HASTA LA VISTA BABY
Resultado de imagen para MILKY WAY CLOCK


Resultado de imagen para JUDAS TADEO PINTURA SANTA CENA


comp 2014

Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger

Réponse  Message 33 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 10/05/2018 18:04


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Angelo Bronzino 008.jpg
San Marcos Evangelista
Origen Latino
Género Masculino
Santoral 25 de abril
Significado Latín: Proviene del dios Marte
Germano: Viril
Zona de uso común Occidente
Artículos en Wikipedia Todas las páginas que comienzan por «Marcos»

Marcos, o en su variante en italiano Marco, es un nombre propio masculino de origen latino Marticus (sustituido por Marcus) posiblemente asociado a Marte, dios romano de la guerra. Otros sostienen que Marco posee un origen germánico, y derivaría de la palabra martello, que significa "viril".

[editar] Variantes en otras lenguas
Marcos posiblemente tiene origen en Marte. Significa "el que trabaja con el martillo".
Resultado de imagen para jano dianus

Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 30 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/05/2018 14:45

Viking I :Mars Landing, July 20, 1976 - YouTube
20 jul. 2010 - Subido por mars2057
On July 20, 1976, the Viking 1 spacecraft landed on Mars to end a 500 million-mile ... 0:00 / 5:22. Live ...

Viking 40th Anniversary - YouTube
19 jul. 2016 - Subido por NASA
July 20, 1976, 7 years to the day after the Apollo 11 moon landing, the first successful landing on Mars by ...

Viking 1 lands on Mars - Jul 20, 1976 -
On July 20, 1976, the Viking 1 lander separated from the orbiter, touched down on the Chryse Planitia region of Mars, and sent back the first close-up ...

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 30 de 30 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/05/2018 14:22
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking

Réponse  Message 34 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 15/05/2018 16:44
Resultado de imagen para FACE ON MARS
Resultado de imagen para FACE ON MARS
Resultado de imagen para FACE ON MARS GOLDEN NUMBER
Resultado de imagen para FACE ON MARS GOLDEN NUMBER
Resultado de imagen para FACE ON MARS GOLDEN NUMBER
Resultado de imagen para FACE ON MARS GOLDEN NUMBER
Resultado de imagen para APPLE OVNI
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
99. Ezequiel 22:7: Al padre y a la madre despreciaron en ti; al EXTRANJERO trataron con violencia en medio de ti; al huérfano y a la viuda despojaron en ti.
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL MARS REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para STAR WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para REVELATION 12 LAST SUPPER
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para oveja maria magdalena
Resultado de imagen para JUPITER JUNO MARTE
Resultado de imagen para MARS PHI
Resultado de imagen para MARS PHI
Resultado de imagen para juno temple jupiter capitolino
7. Génesis 49:17 Será Dan SERPIENTE junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
Resultado de imagen para inferno venice
11. Proverbios 25:11 MANZANA de oro con figuras de plata
Es la palabra dicha como conviene.
12. Cantares 2:5 Sustentadme con pasas, confortadme con MANZANAs;
Porque estoy enferma de amor.
13. Cantares 7:8 Yo dije: Subiré a la palmera,
Asiré sus ramas.
Deja que tus pechos sean como racimos de vid,
Y el olor de tu boca como de MANZANAs,
Resultado de imagen para PHI 666
Resultado de imagen para MEXICO PHI NUMBER GOLDEN NUMBER
Resultado de imagen para SANTIAGO Y JUAN EFESO Y ESPAÑA
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGONO PHI
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGONO PHI
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGONO PHI
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGONO PHI
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID PHI
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS

Réponse  Message 35 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 05/07/2018 17:31

La Visita del Pastor Alemán (primavera 2012 León Gto. México) )


Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 29 de 30 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/07/2018 14:09
Resultado de imagen para PASTOR ALEMAN

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 30 de 30 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/07/2018 14:14
Resultado de imagen para PASTOR ALEMAN

Réponse  Message 36 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 20/01/2019 02:10
Resultado de imagen para ISLAND GIORGIO VENICE

dollar US animé


11/9 O 9/11

Poster WTC


Image roll-over


11 Septembre 2001...?

Resultado de imagen para 666 1776
Resultado de imagen para espiral aurea naturaleza
Resultado de imagen para alien el octavo pasajero gato
Resultado de imagen para alien el octavo pasajero gato
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
Resultado de imagen para chiesa della maddalena venezia
Eye within an interlocking circle and triangle, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Church of Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Tomb of the architect Tommaso Temanza, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
Tomb of Tommaso Temanza
Resultado de imagen para the dark side of the moon pink floyd
Resultado de imagen para MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO DE VENECIA
Resultado de imagen para VENICE SNAKE
Resultado de imagen para genesis 22:15,18
Resultado de imagen para MAGDALENE NEW MEXICO
Resultado de imagen para GALAXY PHI
Resultado de imagen para GALAXY PHI

"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia)
y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios!
¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!"
(Romanos, 11: 33).


Resultado de imagen para LEONARDO DA VINCI VENECIA
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS
Resultado de imagen para einstein estupidez infinita
Resultado de imagen para la mujer es machista
Resultado de imagen para travel through time
Resultado de imagen para MEXICO PHI NUMBER GOLDEN NUMBER
the Apple
Resultado de imagen para HAWKING CYGNUS
Resultado de imagen para MAGDALENE NEW MEXICO
Resultado de imagen para cristo no es dios
Resultado de imagen para MAGDALENE NEW MEXICO
Resultado de imagen para MAGDALENE NEW MEXICO
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 i9 l 12 k 11 y 25 0 w 23 a1 y 25 )
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( q 17 u 21 e5 e5 n 14 0 m 13 a1 r 18 y 25  
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( h8 e5 b2 r 18 e5 w 23 0 c3 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 d4 a1 r 18
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 ( m 13 a1 r 18 y 25 0 m 13 a1 g7 d4 a1 l 12 e5 n 14 e5  
Resultado de imagen para MAGDALENE NEW MEXICO

Réponse  Message 37 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 07/02/2019 18:42
Resultado de imagen para GENESIS 49:27
Resultado de imagen para GENESIS 49:27
Resultado de imagen para GENESIS 49:27
Resultado de imagen para genesis 49:27

Respuesta Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 89 de 91 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/02/2019 14:46
Resultado de imagen para GENESIS 49:27

Respuesta Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 90 de 91 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/02/2019 15:03
Resultado de imagen para GENESIS 49:27

Respuesta Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 91 de 91 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/02/2019 15:31
Resultado de imagen para GENESIS 49:27
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para APOLO NI CEFAS NI DE PEDRO
Resultado de imagen para CLOCK CHRIST
Resultado de imagen para santa cena leonardo da vinci
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FRASES DE EINSTEIN
Resultado de imagen para APOLO NI CEFAS NI DE PEDRO
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para APOLO NI CEFAS NI DE PEDRO
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FRASES DE EINSTEIN
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13

Réponse  Message 38 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 05/02/2020 17:23
Resultado de imagen para cydonia mars number 33
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para alien number phi
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para 25 july mars 1976
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger TOTAL RECALL MARS
Resultado de imagen para mars arnold schwarzenegger
Resultado de imagen para HASTA LA VISTA BABY
Resultado de imagen para HASTA LA VISTA BABY

Resultado de imagen para JUDAS TADEO PINTURA SANTA CENA


Resultado de imagen para juno temple jupiter capitolino
Resultado de imagen para SATURN ORION
Resultado de imagen para GIZE
Resultado de imagen para emmet brown frases
Saint Mary Magdalene in Venice


A closer look


Resultado de imagen para chiesa della maddalena venezia
Resultado de imagen para SCOTT ONSTOTT
Resultado de imagen para interes milei javier
Resultado de imagen para SINDROME DE ESTOCOLMO
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 11:10
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 11:10
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 11:10
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID PHI
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para LEONARDO DA VINCI VENECIA
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS
Resultado de imagen para einstein estupidez infinita
Resultado de imagen para la mujer es machista
Resultado de imagen para travel through time
Resultado de imagen para MEXICO PHI NUMBER GOLDEN NUMBER
the Apple
Resultado de imagen para HAWKING CYGNUS
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para HORA 16:18 APOLO 11
Resultado de imagen para MARTIN MC LIFE BACK TO THE FUTURE
Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para BACK TO THE FUTURE THREE BROTHERS
Resultado de imagen para LOS TRES PASTORCITOS
Resultado de imagen para LOS TRES PASTORCITOS
Resultado de imagen para LOS TRES PASTORCITOS

Réponse  Message 39 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 11/02/2020 23:54
Resultado de imagen para 27 DE SEPTIEMBRE RELATIVIDAD
Resultado de imagen para CERN GINEBRA WATCH
Resultado de imagen para 29 TH SEPTEMBER MICHAEL CERN
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para REVELATION 12 LAST SUPPER
Resultado de imagen para HORUS MARS
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
Resultado de imagen para MARS LAST SUPPER
Resultado de imagen para ILUMINATTI MATRIX
Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita
Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita
Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita
Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita

MATT 16:18 is an in your face glyph for the golden mean ratio 1.618

(“MATT” is pun of “MATTER”)

Golden Mean ratio of 1.618

Golden Mean ratio of 1.618

The Golden Meand and the Equilateral Triangle in a Circle

The Golden Mean and the Equilateral Triangle in a Circle; THE CRUCIAL FACT IS THE MIDPOINT OF THE TRIANGLE SIDE


Star Tetrahedron, formed by the MIDPOINTS OF THE CENTRAL EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE  (the blue and rose colored lines indicate these midpoint halves)

Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para LUNA COMO SANGRE BIBLIA
Resultado de imagen para alien number phi
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para 22 july 1976 mars viking
Resultado de imagen para MARS 4TH JULY PLANET
Resultado de imagen para MICHAEL WAR REVELATION 12
Resultado de imagen para 25 july mars 1976
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Resultado de imagen para HASTA LA VISTA BABY

Resultado de imagen para JUDAS TADEO PINTURA SANTA CENA


Resultado de imagen para juno temple jupiter capitolino
Resultado de imagen para SATURN ORION
Resultado de imagen para GIZE
Resultado de imagen para emmet brown frases
Saint Mary Magdalene in Venice


A closer look


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Resultado de imagen para SCOTT ONSTOTT
Resultado de imagen para interes milei javier
Resultado de imagen para SINDROME DE ESTOCOLMO
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 11:10
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 11:10
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 11:10
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Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para LEONARDO DA VINCI VENECIA
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS
Resultado de imagen para einstein estupidez infinita
Resultado de imagen para la mujer es machista
Resultado de imagen para travel through time
Resultado de imagen para MEXICO PHI NUMBER GOLDEN NUMBER
the Apple
Resultado de imagen para HAWKING CYGNUS
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
Imagen relacionada
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Réponse  Message 40 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/02/2020 16:48
Resultado de imagen de robert temple gize sirius

Réponse  Message 41 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 14/02/2020 19:14
Resultado de imagen de CYDONIA PARALEL 33"
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Resultado de imagen de sirius obelisk osiris
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Réponse  Message 42 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 04/03/2020 16:46
Resultado de imagen para mars wars
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Resultado de imagen para mars wars
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Previsualización de la tapa del diario Clarin

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Resultado de imagen para einstein pi
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
Resultado de imagen para chiesa della maddalena venezia
Eye within an interlocking circle and triangle, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Church of Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
La Maddalena
Tomb of the architect Tommaso Temanza, Santa Maria della Maddalena, Venice
Tomb of Tommaso Temanza
Resultado de imagen de sion mars
Resultado de imagen de sion mars
Resultado de imagen de flower of life freemasonry
Resultado de imagen de TESLA FREEMASONRY
Resultado de imagen para mars wars

Réponse  Message 43 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 13/02/2025 19:08
“The Heliacal Rising Of SIRIUS” - ΩΡΙΑΙΟΣ 12

Réponse  Message 44 de 44 de ce thème 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Envoyé: 20/02/2025 19:07
    • LINE 2:  "Saturn in the Arc turning from/of the fish Mars"
    •  Region surrounded by red = 'Field of Mars'
      LINE 3: "Poison hidden under the heads of salmon"
      LINE 4:  "Their head hung with thread of 'polemars'
      LINE 1: "The great star will burn for seven days"
      LINE 2: "The cloud will make double sun appear"
      LINE 3:  "The large mastiff will howl all night"
      "The mastiff that will howl all night refers to a secret branch of the priesthood in the Catholic Church that no one knows about except a few high priest members.  This secret branch of the priesthood is like a private army, and the commander-in-chief is the pope.  Their job is to fight for the church if the need should arise, similar to the way the Jesuits used to be the soldiers of Christ."
      LINE 4:  "When the great pontiff changes his abode"
      LINE 1:  "The great star will burn for seven days"
      LINE 2: "The cloud will make double sun appear"
      LINE 3:  "The large mastiff will howl all night"
  • The "great army" is precisely the name of one of the 12 streets that extend from the famous circular road that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe ("Place Charles de Gaulle"), which is called in French, "Grande Armee".  'Grand Armee' is not only one of the 12 streets but it's the direct extension of the main street, 'Champs Elysees' (Elysian Fields).  The "mountains" is likely an allusion to the Arc de Triomphe which stands in between 'Champs Elysees' and 'Grande Armee'  Here are pictures showing the relevant region of Paris and the relationship of the Grande Armee avenue, Arc de Triomphe, and the Elysian Fields.


       · Red region = Arc de Triomphe & Place Charles de Gaulle
      · Purple street = Grande Armee avenue
      · Blue street = Elysian Fields

    The "Arc" is obviously a reference to the' Arc de Triomphe'.  And the notion is strengthened by the word right after "Arc", "turning" - which implies circular movement/shape and nicely corresponds to the famous circular road going around the Arc de Triomphe (see the picture at right).  The phrase "Saturn in the Arc" corroborates the Saturn-ark connection we've made.

    The latter half, "turning/corner of the fish Mars" can be interpreted in a quite different and symbolic way, and it is necessary to use a map of the relevant region of Paris again:

    As you can see, the Elysian Fields, the Arc de Triomphe etc. are placed right beside the Seine River. Interestingly, on the other side of the river, there is a garden called the "Field of Mars" ('Champ de Mars') in which stands Paris' landmark, the Eiffel Tower.  This is reinforcing the relevance of Mars.  Now, the word 'Seine' (name the river) means "fishing net". That metaphorically makes (the Field of) Mars the "fish" trapped in the net. This would also make the same region where the river is turning 90 degrees the "corner of the 'fish-Mars'" to fit Line 2.

    The "fish" also correlates with Sirius because the Dogon tradition tells us that the "Nommos" that supposedly came from the Sirius system were fish-like (and yes, we're now getting into the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence).  So the phrase 'fish Mars' again associates Sirius with Mars.

    The very first word, "poison", creates an interesting connection with Line 2 because the French word for "fish" is "poisson" which is nearly identical, both in spelling and pronunciation, to the word 'poison' which is also a French word for poison. Thus, combined with the last word of the line "salmon", the notion of 'fish' seems to be emphasized.  Interestingly, the original French word used for 'poison' was actually 'Venins' which resembles Venus.  It seems relevant, therefore, that Venus goes retrograde (i.e. reversing its apparent movement in the sky) during the key period of August 1999, corresponding to "salmon" (which is known to swim against the current) of the same line and also to the previous line's expression, "turning of the fish".This last line of the quatrain strongly reinforces the concepts put forward by the interpretation of the previous lines. The last word of the line "polemars" is not a real word, most likely it's a made-up word / anagram.  Decoding is not that difficult - first we'll divide it into two words, 'pole' and 'Mars'.  Continued from previous interpretations, it is not hard to see that the "pole" would refer to the 'Eiffel Tower' that stands in the' Field of Mars'.

    To decipher the whole line, we need to take a closer look at the map of the region of the 'Field of Mars':

    Notice that the park, the Field of Mars ("Champ de Mars"), seemingly crosses over the river. The Seine River can be viewed as dividing the park and there is a bridge connecting the two parts. Since the park area can be viewed metaphorically as "fish" based on previous interpretations, notice how the park left of the river can be viewed as the "head" of the fish barely 'hanging on' to the body, the Field of Mars, by the bridge or the "thread" from "polemars" / the Field of Mars.  Thus it would fit Line 4.

    Also, since the French word "fil", which I translated here as "thread", could also mean 'stream', the line could also interpreted like this: "Their head hung by the stream of the Field of Mars". This would still be metaphorically describing how the Seine River is dividing the Field of Mars and its "head".

    And that's basically how Quatrain II-48 relates to Paris (and through which to the 'Sirius/ark complex')... but there is one last thing to add to all this.  And this is my favorite part :)  Well, we've looked at every line of the quatrain, so what's left?  Ah, yes we left out the number of the quatrain 2 and 48.  Why, of course, those numbers are the coordinates of Paris (Paris: 2.3 deg. E & 48.8 deg. N)!

    Now let's shift our focus back to II-41 and do more in-depth study:

    Century II - 41
    The great star will burn for seven days,
    The cloud will make double sun appear:
    The large mastiff will howl all night
    When the great pontiff changes his abode.

    Like earlier pointed out, 'great star', 'burn', and 'seven' relate to Sirius.  Now we can associate the "great star" with  the Place Charles de Gaulle (Arc de Triomphe + the surrounding circular "square") since it was originally called the Place d'Etoile or 'Square of the Star', further linking the two quatrains II-41 and II-48.

    From a slightly different angle, the fragments of Comet SL-9 'burned' Jupiter for about '7 days' in July 1994 and caught the attention of the world.  The dates of this 'light show' were July 16~22 which roughly coincides with one of the key 'Sirius dates', July 20, mentioned earlier.  Moreover, the dates July 16~22 very closely matches the dates of the historic Apollo 11 mission - first ever manned landing on the Moon - which were July 16~24 (and the landing occurred on the key date, July 20).  This is meaningful especially when you consider the fact that Apollo the sun god could be identified with Horus the sun god (the son of Isis, and earlier associated with Sirius and Mars).  Recall also that July 20 was associated with the 'flood' (of the Nile) in conjunction with Sirius.  In Greco-Roman mythology, the god who causes the Flood to punish mankind is Jupiter - the very planet Comet SL-9 crashed into.  And Jupiter was mythologically associated with the 'eagle' - the very name of the spacecraft that landed on the moon on that exact flood/Sirius date, July 20 (1969)!

    So, in various ways Line 1 corresponds to the Sirius complex.

    Besides the 'double sun' reference to Sirius, this line still continues the allusion to the Jupiter-Comet SL-9 collision - the 'cloud' of the fragmented comet colliding with Jupiter to produce a great light show (becoming the 'second sun').
     As previously stated, the "mastiff" alludes to Sirius the 'Dog Star'.  But a new interpretation can be derived from this line when combined with the 'hypnotic interpretation' by 'Brenda' of this line presented in Dolores Cannon's 'Conversations With Nostradamus' material:

    I must say that this sounds like it may relate to the Knights Templar after whose tradition the Jesuits are structured.  This would be very congruent since the Templars are intimately associated with the ark/Grail and so also naturally with Sirius the 'Dog Star'.  And the CWN hypnotic interpretation and my own converge nicely.

    On another level of interpretation, the "private army" of the pope could be in reference to a military corps known as the Swiss Guard that the Vatican maintains and whose function is to protect the pope and his personal residence.  Remarkably, here we again see a Switzerland connection (in the name).  Remember that Switzerland has been linked with the Templars and the 'ark' earlier.  But it gets even more interesting:  it turns out that King Louis XIII of France also had a body of soldiers called Swiss Guards to protect him. But they all died on August 10, 1792 during the French Revolution while defending the royal palace in Paris.  So, we meet Paris again.  The date August 10 is intriguing too as it is only one day before a total eclipse over Europe (Aug. 11, 1999).  And it is said (I haven't really checked) that the 'eclipse zone' passes exactly at Paris in the midday!  Paris again...  I feel there will be a 'resonance' of the demise of King Louis XIII's Swiss Guards manifested around that time.  This likely correlates with the sudden dissolution of the Knights Templar on Oct. 13, 1307, when they were betrayed by the pope at the time.  And here comes the last line of the quatrain...

    Notice that this line shifts the focus from Sirius to the issue of the Church completely, even though the foregoing interpretations made this transition very smooth.  And this line is relatively straightforward.  The implication is that we may see the Church in upheaval in the summer/fall of 1999.

    Incredibly, if we go back to Line 2, it appears to describe the nature of the upheaval in more detail:

            LINE 2:  "The cloud will make double sun appear"

    This now can be interpreted to be referring to the next pope election.  To see the connection, we need to first look at the process of the election. The most common way to elect a pope is by ballot. By lot, the cardinals choose from their group three who collect the ballots of the infirm, three who counts the votes and three reviewers of the results. Two votes are taken every morning and two every afternoon until a two-thirds plus one majority is obtained. The crowd in St. Peter's Square follow the bolloting by watching the smoke that comes from the chimney on the palace roof. The smoke is from burning all the ballots. If the necessary majority is not reached, the ballots are burned in a way that creates black smoke. When the majority is reached, the ballots are burned in a manner that creates white smoke to signal the election.

    Now, the word Nostradamus used for "cloud" was 'nuee' which actually implies a big/black cloud rather than a nice/white cloud. Therefore a more fitting translation would be:

         "Black cloud will make double sun appear"

    Next, the "sun" appearing is symbolic of the successor to Pope John Paul II, because he is the 'pope of the solar eclipse' (JPII was born during a solar eclipse May 18, 1920; and he was given the name "De labore Solis" - 'of the eclipse of the sun' - by St. Malachy, an Irish bishop who visited Rome in 1139 and supposedly had a prophetic vision in which he saw all the popes that would sit in St. Peter's Chair. And he identified the future popes by two-word Latin mottoes which correspond to the most striking events of their reign or by their coat-of-arms. They appear to be surprisingly accurate).  I don't think I need to point out its relevance to the solar eclipse of Aug. 11, '99.  So, continuing, the 'sun appearing' would metaphorically refer to the pope who follows the 'eclipse pope', John Paul II.

    But the line says there would be 'two' suns. When combined with the "black cloud" part (which means unsuccessful vote), it's not that difficult to derive the meaning of the whole line; it would refer to a situation of 'pope vs. antipope'  (i.e. one elected or claiming to be pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen).  And the indications are that those two 'popes' will be the last popes.  At least there are no more popes after them in Malachy's prophetic list of popes.  Perhaps it could be viewed that the dissolution of the Church is to begin in the summer/fall of 1999 with the next election.
    Remarkably, it turns out, this Church issue is applicable to the other quatrain, II-48, and especially its second line:

            LINE 2:  "Saturn in the Arc turning  from the fish Mars"

    As mentioned earlier, the "Arc" can be applied to the Alps which forms a big nice arc at the northern end of Italy. And "the fish Mars" symbolically allude to the cardinals (from whom a pope is elected), because the cardinals wear a red dress and a red cap, the color of Mars; and St. Peter, the first pope, was a fisherman - and the role of a pope is referred to as a "fisher of men".  Now, coincidentally, one of the cardinals considered likely to succeed Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Carlo Martini, is the archbishop of Milan, Italy which happens to be located right inside the Alps' "arc" at the northern edge of Italy. This suggest that Cardinal Milan will be involved in the coming trouble of the papal election

    Amazingly, the very same line alludes to another participant in the schism.  The key is to interpret the "arc" as the arcs of latitude/longitude (which are indeed 'arcs' drawn on the surface of the planet). And it just happens that the long./lat. "arcs"/ 'coordinates', based on the quatrain # '2-48', corresponds to Paris as explained earlier; and Paris happens to be the location of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, the archbishop of Paris, who is also regarded as a very strong candidate to succeed John Paul II!  Cardinal Lustiger is also a Jew (but believes Jesus was the savior), which is interesting because the prophetic motto St. Malachy gave to the next pope is "Glory of the Olive (Tree)" and the olive tree is a common Roman symbol for Jedea/Palestine.  Furthermore, this Christian-Jew mix can be compared to the "fish Mars" from the same line of II-48 because it can be taken to mean 'Pisces Aries' which corresponds to Christianity and Judaism.  (Jesus represents the beginning of the Age of Pisces and Moses signified the Age of Aries.)

    So, we seem to have found the candidates for the next two popes who will be involved in the destruction of the Church.  The reason why "Saturn" ("in the Arc") would correspond to both Cardinal Martini and Cardinal Lustiger since both can be viewed to be "in the Arc" as we've just seen is perhaps because they together bring about the end of an era, or time, just as Saturn represents 'Time the destroyer'.

    This concludes the discussion on the Church matter, but let us take another look at II-41 and interpret them on a different level.

    First, let me mention that the hypnotic interpretations of the CWN material indicates that II-41 and II-48 relate to a "light display" associated with extraterrestrial intelligence (!).  Looking at Line 1~3 of II-41, I can't help but theorize that this "light display" would have to do with Sirius:

    Those lines just strike me as collectively describing how Sirius will be 'screaming' in the sky.  It correlates strongly with X-72's second line "From the sky will come a great King of terror/appeasing King" (the "appeasing King" => Jason of the Argo/ark => Sirius).  Of course there are many ways Sirius can "howl" (metaphorically), but let me present some especially intriguing possibilities.

    Consider the following:  Sirius was called the 'Arrow star', and the Sanskrit word for 'an arrow, 'ishu', also means 'ray of light', and the Dogon tradition tells us that the ray of Digitaria (i.e. Sirius B) sweeps the Earth once a year.  This imagery of an arrow-like ray of light that periodically 'sweeps' the Earth strongly reminds me of one particular type of star - a 'pulsar'.  A 'pulsar' is a virtually dead star, a neutron star, that rotates rapidly and causes electromagnetic beams to be emitted like a lighthouse (i.e. rotating light beams).  The unique thing about pulsars is that their light emission is focused into 'arrow-like' beams and not omni-directional like most light sources in the sky.  Therefore, the visibility of a pulsar depends on the geometry involved between the pulsar and the observer.  So it is possible that a pulsar that's been invisible to us for a long time suddenly appears in the sky due to some slow-shifting geometric relationship.

    What I'm getting at, is that there may be a pulsar in the Sirius system that's about to be observable for us on Earth.  And this would make the "double sun" of Sirius.  But will it be Sirius B?  I'm not sure.  Sirius B is considered to be a 'white dwarf' and 'white dwarfs' are not known to develop into pulsars, so scientifically it's unlikely, but science is always revising itself so I won't rule out the possibility of some unknown mechanism that lets Sirius B become a pulsar.

    But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here.  It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation.  According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays" ('Sirius Mystery', pp44-45).  These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar!  I mean, what other celestial bodies "throws pairs of... beams" besides pulsars?  Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'.  And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 (also the date for Cassini-earth 'crossing') and the cross of christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. - all relevant to Sirius.

    So it seems possible that the 'light display' refers to the discovery/appearance of another star in the Sirius system (emme ya/Sirius C) which may be a pulsar.

    If the Sirius "light display" of this kind and the Church schism are to occur, they will likely coincide with each other timing-wise.  And the key period seems to be the summer/fall of 1999.  Keep in mind, however, that those two are not the only projected events - for example, we have the Mars/Cydonia/Atlantis issues (still Sirius-related though).  Notice that the quatrain # of II-41 we just looked at contains the Cydonia/NYC latitude number '41'.

    Also, we're also likely to experience some unexpected events that will fit the quatrains and interpretations nicely - and we'll learn from it.

    I guess that's it for now.

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