General: The 2001 10-13, 7-11, 9-11 Manhattan Working
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Monday, 20 July 2009
Death to Happy Rebirth Day...with Sirius Consequences.
Incorporating Kubrick, Nichols, Carter, Henson, OZ, Baum, Jason, Speilberg, Landis, King Kong ,The Muppets & Revelations.
I've applied the tag 'working' in the context of this post to echo what 'occult' circles descibe...and in respect of 'The Great Work'. You may have even heard about them 'The Amalantrah Working' and 'The Babalon Working'...they do seem to be well referenced.http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread412433/pghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babalon_WorkingThis being 'working' as in an act of magick, ritualised or however...this should explain the 'Working' as in 'Working Girl' or literally 'Isis Working'...as you'll see.In fact the above 2 listed 'workings' do in fact seem to relate to 'portals' in time and space...which when you have read this, will directly relate this 'portal' idea to 911 and 'ground zero'.
a big thanks to Chris Knowles whose blog and ideas have made this possible.
This is kind of a mix of a few things but with similar themes running throughout them...I have trouble separating things out...so I just went with the flow. I would have loved to have done this in parts...but that is something I struggle with and it all just kinda spills out like this...so apologies if it is on the long side! These are just subconscious and subliminal ideas that I feel are being foisted out there in the media matrix...what precisely any of it means is not clear. Obviously from the content you'll read, I am suggesting that there is a great deal of 'fore-knowledge' from the players involved...but like I've said, the purpose of it all... is still not clear. Themes that seem to be constantly referenced are alien/ancient astronaut origins of mankind...genetic tampering in our evolution...stargates/portals and stairways to the stars...Death & Rebirth mythos...veneration of sirius, horus, osiris & isis etc...templar/masonic ritual...creation myth egyptian & bibical...cyclical astronomic events connected to both time and destruction...and of course the 'synchronism' that connects all these through 'mass media' and 'predictive programming'/'subconscious tampering' of the populace.
Things that you may require as reference material to bear in mind:
2001 a space odyssey + Kubrick/Clarke
Working Girl
Trading Places
Baum's OZ material
Friday 13th series
Jim Henson Muppet content
Chris Carter X Files/10-13 elements
Parts of Speilberg material...mainly Jurassic Park/A.I.
King Kong (1933 & 1976)
Revelations (king james)
Not recommended for those of a nervous disposition or acute sufferers of triskaidekaphobia.
Jacques de Molay, the orders last & 23rd (10+13) grandmaster spoke with the king in Paris on June 24, 1307 about the accusations against his order and was partially reassured. Returning to Poitiers, he asked the pope to set up an inquiry to quickly clear the order of the rumours and accusations surrounding it. When the pope announced that an inquiry would be convened 24 August, the king acted decisively. On 14 September, in the deepest secrecy, he sent out his orders throughout all of France which resulted in mass arrests of Templars and confiscation of their possessions on Friday, October 13, 1307. Jacques de Molay was arrested in Paris, while he was planning to attend the funeral of Catherine of Valois. Just for a bit more synchronicity or ritual, Washington DC was purchased from a man named Pope and the land was known as Rome.

Another weird link with Freemasonry and the Knights Templar came on Saturday, October 13, 1792, when a group of Masons, Hoban among them, laid the cornerstone of the White House.
According to researcher David Ovason, "A letter submitted by 'a gentleman (of Philadelphia--J.T.)' offers the only surviving eyewitness version of the Masonic cornerstone laying, which was held on Saturday, October 13, 1792, when the Georgetown Lodge No. 9 of Maryland gathered for the ceremony."The news story appeared in the Charleston City Gazette for November 15, 1792 and reads, in part, "On Saturday the 13th inst. the first stone was laid in the south-west corner of the president's house, in the city of Washington, by the Free Masons of George-town and its vicinity, who assembled on the occasion. The procession was formed at the Fountain Inn, Georgetown...The Ceremony was performed by brother Casaneva (a typo--it was Peter Casanave--J.T.), master of the lodge, who delivered an oration well adapted to the occasion."According to the Gazette, "the inscription on the brass plate," placed inside the cornerstone, ran:"This first stone of the President's House was laid the 12th day of October1792, and in the 17th Year of the Independence of the United States of America."
Over the years, the legend has grown that the White House cornerstone was laid on Friday, Columbus Day, October 12, 1792 by George Washington. Actually, Washington was nowhere near the federal city bearing his name that weekend. He was in Philadelphia.
- Nor was the cornerstone laid to commemorate the Tricentennial anniversary of Columbus' arrival in the Americas. Did Lodge No. 9 get the date wrong? Not likely. The cornerstone was laid to commemorate a very special anniversary...Black Friday...the original "Friday the Thirteenth"...Friday, October 13, 1307, the day the Knights Templar were overthrown in France.
- Exactly 485 years before Brothers Hoban and Casanave laid the White House cornerstone, knights loyal to King Philippe IV attacked Templar churches and strongholds all over France. It was the beginning of the end for the Templar order.
- Eleven months later, on September 6, 1793, "three Ancient York (Rite) Masons, then resident in the federal city, had submitted a petition, praying for a warrant to convene and work as Masons. These were James Hoban, C.W. Stephenson and Andrew Eustace. The petition was granted, and Hoban became Master of the newly-formed Federal Lodge No. 15."
Sirius, Freemasonry & Washington
It seems strange then, that Sirius should be related to the founding of America. According to Masonic author David Ovason, the Declaration of Independence was signed while the sun was in alignment with Sirius in July of 1776. It is however, appropriate that Sirius should be related to the most Egyptian styled icon in America’s capital city – the Washington Monument. In 1848, when a corner stone of the Washington Monument was laid the sun would have passed over Sirius. He goes on to say that in the course of the ceremonial the star of Sirius would have been seen on the Eastern Horizon. It would have been rising over the capitol building to the east of the Monument. The Monument itself was originally designed by Freemason architect Robert Mills. Mills was trained by two fellow masons James Hoban, who designed the White House and Benjamin Latrobe who designed the U.S. capitol. Mills original design seemed to combine the whole pantheon of Pagan mysteries. An Egyptian style obelisk surrounded by a Roman colonnade and Greco Roman looking statues all around it.
The Templars & Banking
Also worthy of note is the year 1111 A.D. (11-11) and reference to fact that the Templar order was possibly formed that year (see Holy Bood, Holy Grail) and that 9 knights formed the order...giving us an 9 and a 11-11...tie in. Resonating on that 911 kinda deal imo. 9-11-11. Also of resonating interest might be the fact that the 'order' has a major connection to Palestine....which in November 2011 was made a UNESCO member state...yup 11-11.
Then & Now...
The 2 Towers & The pillars of masonry...Jachin & Boaz. Isis (with Horus, the child) whose sacred star is Sirius. Shafts aligned with Sirius (queen/isis) and Orion (king/Osiris)
 subliminalsynchrospher... The Giza/WTC/Orion belt 400 × 317 - 52k - jpg |
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"Through the darkness of future's past, the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds (2 worlds perhaps meaning the ether & the material plane?)... "Fire... walk with me." We lived among the people. I think you say, convenience store. We lived above it. I mean it like it is... like it sounds. I too have been touched by the devilish one. Tattoo on the left shoulder... Oh, but when I saw the face of God, I was changed. I took the entire arm off."Re Lynch & Frost (Co-writers Twin Peaks)..."Then they pitched the idea of a of science fiction TV series, The Lemurians, in which detectives would probe the possible presence of aliens on earth." hmmm?then from the film version...Fire Walk With Me...we get another reference to 'the convenience store' through Jeffries played by David Bowie.Jeffries says: "I sure as hell want to tell you everything, but I don't have a lot to go on." (In thescript, but not audible in the movie: "But I'll tell you one thing: Judy is positive about this.")(From this point on, his comments are interspersed with the "convenience store" scene.)- He continues: "I've been to one of their meetings. It was above a convenience store." and later "It was a dream ... We live inside a dream."- Then: "I found something ... " (In script only: "... in Seattle at Judy's ...") " ... And then, there they were ..." (which is referring to the convenience store crowd).see it here...starts at about 1min 48secs.here...his role as 'the man who fell to earth'...his 'spiders from mars' and even the 2001:ASO like reference with his hit A Space Oddity...and even his name ' Bowie'...resonanting like ' Bowman' from Kubrick/Clarke and 2001 A Space Odyssey. A neat little tie-in...I think.
7-11Remember the Wallis Budge reference at the top of the post...Sept is Sirius, the star of ISIS. Now how else can this be referenced in respect of 9-11.
 The WTC event as 7-11...it has been spelt out to us of course!
 A barely 'occluded' reference to 10-13...13 stars on the X(10)...giving you 10-13
What is now often called "The Confederate Flag" or "The Confederate Battle Flag" (actually a combination of the battle flag's colors with the Second Navy Jack's design), despite its never having historically represented the CSA as a nation, has become a widely recognized symbol of the South. It is also called the "rebel" or "Dixie" flag, and is often incorrectly referred to as the "Stars and Bars" (the actual "Stars and Bars" is the First National Flag, which used an entirely different design).
The most obvious starting point when looking for 'imagery' of this type has to be 'The Friday 13th' franchise...which started out in 1980...that series has firmly put the concept into the group mind.
 The appropriately named part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan.

Have a look see at this video clip from the intro that I came across at youtube...makes interesting viewing...if you get my drift?
They even had a 'Kane' (Kane/Caine/Tubal etc) playing Jason...'Hodder' relating to bricks and building? A Horror, Inc. Production...of 'Paramount' (K2 11-11) importance...literally! K the 11th letter of the alphabet and 2 a sum of 1+1 giving 11-11. And all should be aware of Crowley's work in respet of 'cabalism/qabala/kabbala etc. In fact the mountain K2 and Crowley have an intimate relationship...he and a companion were the first to attempt a climb in 1902.  Paramount with its K2 reference? and the fallen 22 (11+11) stars that ring the peak...is that fallen stars or are they angels/demons (think the biblical fall)...in the city of Los Angeles or Lost Angels/Demons? The 'magick'of Hollywood (or Holly-Wood that 'wands' are sometimes traditionally made from, these same wands being just a euphemism for the 'penis' of the 'sex magick' sorcerer.) 
A land of steel & concrete...trapped by dark waters! There is no escape!!! You can't get the adrenaline pumping without the 'TERROR' good people...I love this town!!!
Kinda goes nicely with this (cough, cough)...thanks to Chris Knowles...now they're cooking!!!

Along with intro shot from Pushing Tin...with the allusion to 'a lie/a li'
 Typical 'Templar Masonry' symbolism. (I'm sure you're all aware of the Bush clan and their links to 'Skull & Bones/Russell Trust' masonry...out of Yale...so I won't go over that here)
They naturally went on to make 10 movie versions of the 13 story...before then revamping the original very recently. So for the last flick you got the double reference to 10-13....X(10) 13.
Interestingly this Jason X 10th part was set in space in the year 2455 and even featured a cameo from a one Mr David Cronenberg...whose own work bears closer examination....particularly 'videodrome'.
I also found a reference that phonetically suggested Jaques De Molay...one actor who starred in one of the movies and heavily in the TV series...John D. Lemay...yeah its a stretch, but it worked for me...got a certain resonance.
Jason also invokes the legend of Jason & The Golden Fleece...and here is an interesting slide to go with it...from occultist Eliphas Levi (Crowley imagined himself to be an reincarnation of the man!)

While we're on the subject of 'Jason' I thought it might be correct to mention 'The Jason Society'. Regarded as somewhat a 'myth' and mainly the fodder of conspiracy circles (MJ12 etc)...but then aren't most of them?

Harford/Cruise visits the HOTEL JASO(N)? where Nick 'the piano player' was staying...only to discover that he has been whisked away by heavy security connected to Zeigler (Director Sydney Pollack)...perhaps the hotel was part of a front for the organisation??? I don't think they'll be using Nick anymore...at those evening get togethers!

I've since thought that Kubrick's choice of actor for Zeigler's part and that it went to a fellow director, was perhaps suggestive of something in itself. We see a film director playing a role as some kind of 'secret society bigwig'...make of that, what you will.From William Milton Cooper...The JASON Society, or JASON Scholars, takes its name from the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and it is a branch of the Order of the Quest, one of the highest degrees in the Illuminati. The golden fleece takes on the role of truth to JASON members. Jason represents the search for the truth. Therefore the name JASON Society denotes a group of men who are engaged in a search for the truth. The name Jason is spelled with capital letters when used as the name of the JASON Society. Lower-case letters are never used when referring to this secret group. The name may even have a deeper meaning, as the name "Jason" and the Golden Fleece appear throughout history in relation to various other secret societies. In these instances the story represents man (Jason) looking for himself (Golden Fleece).Top Secret documents that I read while with Naval Intelligence stated that President Eisenhower had commissioned the JASON Society to examine all of the evidence, facts, lies, and deception and find the truth of the alien question.Founders of the JASON Group (not the same as the JASON Society) include members of the famous Manhattan Project, which brought together almost every leading physicist in the nation to build the atomic bomb during World War II. The group is made up mostly of theoretical physicists and is the most elite gathering of scientific minds in the United States. As of 1987 the membership included four Nobel Prize winners. Today JASON continues to offer scientific help the government cannot find anywhere else. They are probably the only group of scientists in the United States that know the true state of highest technology.JASON is shrouded in what appears to be unnecessary secrecy. The group refuses to release its membership list. None of the members list JASON membership on their official resumes. Working completely behind the scenes, JASON has guided the nation's most important security decisions. These include, but are not limited to, Star Wars, submarine warfare, and predictions about the greenhouse effect. The JASON members are each paid a $500 per-day consultant's fee.In the documents that I read while with Naval Intelligence the JASONS predicted that the greenhouse effect would lead ultimately to an ICE AGE.According to the Pentagon, the JASONS hold the highest and most restrictive security clearances in the nation. They are given the protocol rank of rear admiral (two stars) when they visit or travel aboard ships or visit military bases. The only other reference to the JASON group that I have been able to find is in The Pentagon Papers. The papers stated that JASON was responsible for designing the electronic barrier between North and South Vietnam for the purpose of sealing off infiltration of the South by North Vietnamese regulars during the Vietnam War. I was stationed on the DMZ and I can tell you that it did not work.The veil of secrecy drawn around the JASON Group has been so tight and so leak-proof since its conception that those who think the government cannot keep a secret need to reexamine that position. The government was able to contain the JASON secret except for the one leak; but the JASON Group itself, a civilian group, did even better. No leaks have ever occurred from within JASON. JASON is administered by the Mitre Corporation Government contracts allotted to the Mitre Corporation are in reality allotted to the JASON scientists. This is done so that the name JASON does not ever appear in documents which may come under public scrutiny.What is the difference between the JASON Scholars or JASON Society and the JASON Group? The documents that I read referred to the JASON Society in exactly those words. In public documents the only JASON reference is to the JASON Group, administered by the Mitre Corporation. I believe the JASON Society is one of the highest degrees above the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key in the Illuminati. In other words, it is a higher level of initiation. The JASON Group is a scientific organization formed and hired by the JASON Society and the U.S. Government for obvious reasons.I know a lot more about the JASON Society and the JASON Group, but I do not want to injure Mr. Grant Cameron, who has done extensive research on these subjects. He will publish his research in the coming months. I guarantee his findings will amaze you.
The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost flank of America's foreign-policy establishment for more than half a century. The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization of business executives, scholars, and political leaders that studies global problems and play a key role in developing U.S. foreign policy. The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-official groups concerned with America's role in international affairs. It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 of the Order. The members of the Order make up the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations after undergoing initiation into the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society.
X Files 10-13 Productions.MR '10-13' Himself Chris C Carter
 Occurrences of 10/13: looks like more than just over excitement about his own birthday doesn't it?
Chris Carter's birthday 10/13/56
Chris Carter's production company
Pilot - autopsy time: 10:56 (month & year)
Deep Throat - case file #DF101364
Deep Throat - thug's license number: CC1356 (initials,day&year)
Genderbender - according to Detective Horton, the time the victim entered the room with a woman: 10:13
The Erlenmeyer Flask - door # 1056 (month&year)
Little Green Men - 1013 on 'WOW Signal' See WOW Signal here - thanks to Dennis Wittig
The Host - John Doe #101356 (full birth date)
End Game - top of Mulder's letter - To: Dana Scully,001013
Paper Clip - Fox Mulder's birthday 10/13/61
D.P.O. - 10th high score on video game had a time of 10:56 (personally I thought the 9/11 high scores were more resonant myself...and this was season 3 episode 3 for 33...that episode is choc full of refs from Oswald to 911 to Zero and Jack Black resonance, horseloverphat)
2Shy - time Mulder & Scully get Incanto's skin test results back: 10:13
731 - Combination to unlock train door #101331
Apocrypha - door # where alien is held (& Krycek): 1013
Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man - Security Council Resolution # for the immediate extermination of EBE's: #1013
Max - Time on Skinner's watch, 10:56 (month & yr)
Redux II - time when Mulder & Samantha are talking in the diner: 10:13
Emily - one of the dates on the manifest (assumed to be the date Scully's ovum were harvested)
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas - radio station Mulder is listening to: 101.3
Terms of Endearment - The time that the baby's body was placed in the fire
One Son - In the teaser, the date and time the members meet at the air force base - 10/13/1973, 10:56 (10/13 month & day, 10/56 month & year)
One Son - Time Spender is looking for his mother - 10:13
Millennium - "The time is near" -- the time on the grandfather clock when Frank and Mr. Johnson are discussing Frank becoming the Fourth Horseman
Requiem - According to the police dispatcher, the code for a downed aircraft is a "code 10-13"
Within - the number of Gibson Praise's file is "1013-113"
The Movie - countdown-time Mulder recites to Scully on phone - 13:56 (day & year)
The Movie Soundtrack - The "hidden" track on The X-Files: The Album takes place 10 minutes and 13 seconds into the last track
The Movie on Video - The X-Files movie was released on 10/13/1998.
Ground Zero (X-Files novel by Kevin J. Anderson) - Time stamp on Chapter two - 10:13 a.m.
Antibodies (X-Files novel by Kevin J. Anderson) - Time stamp on chapter twenty-two - 10:13 a.m.
Requiem - According to the police dispatcher, the code for a downed aircraft is a "code 10-13"
Within - the number of Gibson Praise's file is "1013-113"
The Movie - countdown-time Mulder recites to Scully on phone - 13:56 (day & year)
The Movie Soundtrack - The "hidden" track on The X-Files: The Album takes place 10 minutes and 13 seconds into the last track
The Movie on Video - The X-Files movie was released on 10/13/1998.
Ground Zero (X-Files novel by Kevin J. Anderson) - Time stamp on Chapter two - 10:13 a.m.
Antibodies (X-Files novel by Kevin J. Anderson) - Time stamp on chapter twenty-two - 10:13 a.m.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Chris Carter said that if I Want to Believe proved successful, he would propose that a third movie go back to the TV-series' mythology and focus on the alien invasion foretold within the series, due to occur on December 22, 2012. (I am Jack's complete lack of surprise...lol)
some key Dates
August 7, 1960 - actor David Duchovny is born August 9, 1968 - actress Gillian Anderson is born August 9, 1957 - actress Melanie Griffiths is born December 23, 1988 - movie "Working Girl" premieres in the USA February 26, 1993 - World Trade Center is bombed for the first time September 10, 1993 - TV show "The X-Files" premieres March 4, 2001 - TV show "The Lone Gunmen" premieres May 11, 2001, June 1, 2001 - TV show "The Lone Gunmen" shows its last two episodes September 11, 2001 - World Trade Center is destroyedNovember 11, 2001 - "X-Files" 9th season premiere 11-11 March 11, 2002 - World Trade Center memorial lights display begins April 13, 2002 - World Trade Center memorial lights display ends May 19, 2002 - TV show "The X-Files" shows its last episode
The first episode of "The X-Files" to air after September 11 was the 9th season premiere on 11-11-2001...was this referencing the 11-11 doorway death & rebirth?
I'm starting to wonder if the 11-11 current was started when WW1 ended...and there was a ritual 11-11-11 aspect to it (11th hr on the 11th day of the 11th month)...now referenced by the Armistice! The last WW1 survivor has just died and he was synchronistically aged...yup 111 years old
....the 11th hour, An idiom referring to a moment very close to a deadline or a climax. The penultimate moment. This is the moment of last chances or the moment where it's just too late.
More...7/11 - 9/11 resonance courtesy of Chris Carter.
March 4, 2001 - TV show "The Lone Gunmen" 10-13 productions premieres, yes the PILOT episode:
Foreshadowing a number of conspiracy theories which would arise in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the plot of the March 4, 2001 pilot episode of the series depicts a secret faction within the United States government plotting to hijack a Boeing 727 and fly it into the World Trade Center by remote control. The stated motive was to increase the military defense budget by blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators" who are "begging to be smart-bombed."[3][4] In the episode, the plot is eventually foiled by the protagonists who board the doomed plane and deactivate the malicious autopilot system just seconds before the plane would have reached the World Trade Center.
Synchronistically enough the last episode of season 1...episode 13 (surprise, surprise) "The Lone Gunmen team up with Man in Black agent Morris Fletcher to find Yves. What they uncover is Romeo-61, a secret government organization responsible for decades of major incidents." Would you 'Adam & Yves' it....Isn't that what we're doing here...lol? Why are the premiere of "The X-Files" and September 11, 2001 the same number of days apart as the birth dates of the two lead actors, David Duchovny ("Mulder") and Gillian Anderson ("Scully") Why was Gillian Anderson 33 years and 33 days old on September 11, 2001? Why did 33 years and 33 days come between David Duchovny's birth and the premiere of "The X-Files"?
Kubricks 2001 was released in 1968 33 years before 2001. HAL the onboard ships computer...in the book is known as HAL 9000 #3 this in gematria sums 33. Clarke's novel The Sentinel on which the book & film is based was published when he was 33 years old. In Clarke's book 'Rendezvous with Rama' (another mankind meets aliens yarn) in the first chapter (spaceguard), reference is made to a fireball in the sky that is seen from Europe...this occurs 0946 GMT on the morning of September 11th... right day and close to the time, but the wrong year Arthur! Did you know that the span of 'Terror' in the US can be represented as the span of 3333 days...from the first WTC bombing in 1993 to the switching off of the memorial lights in 2002 (26-2-1993 to 13-4-2002)...the span for the period of the lights was 33 days...The span of the years 1993-2002 cover the seasons of the XFiles series...where we noted the 3333 sigil...hows that for 'symmetry'? The lights commeorating the victims were 2 blocks of 44 lights giving 88... David Rockefeller (Mr Twin Towers himslf!) was a sponsor and on the commitee. Can you see any 'symbolism' in the Oklahoma 'terror bomb' memorial that may relate to portals and gates and the 11-11 concept...Tim McVeigh was 33 years old and was convicted of 11 federal offences...when he was executed 611 2001 ( exactly 3 months before 911...611:911 mirror symmetry) in private...did he go through some kind of symbolic death and rebirth...cos I'm sensing 11-11 resonance here too...you'd have to be comatose not to?
 Reflecting Pool: A thin layer of water flowing over 'polished black granite' (hmm sounds familiar), the Reflecting Pool runs east to west (like the sun) down the center of the Memorial.

So the chairs represent the 'dead' or 'coffin'.... the doorways/gates 'the pillars' that shape, the pool and surround = the lodge floor and 6 steps (same in both) up to 'the survivor tree' the final rebirth aspect 'the radiant burst of light'...like the typical apron.(above) Stanley Kubrick & 10-13 & 666 Plenty of interesting number facts seem to surround Mr Kubrick!
Firstly we should mention that Kubrick made a total of 13 feature films...ending with Eyes Wide Shut (there is a relevant re-birth sync involving this too, I'll explain later)...he died 666 days before Jan 1st 2001...the first day of his classic sci-fi 2001 A Space Odyssey. The date of his death 7th March was also the 66th day of the year... the year 1999 = 1 A.D. + 666 + 666 + 666.
666 yes let's grab that reference for a minute...rev 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding 'count'... the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, three score and six."
count you say...ok let's just do exactly that...right after we've been told to count as instructed, using 'and' as a break point!
the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man (13 words counted) and his number is six hundred, three score and six. (10 words counted)
Templar on his 'beast'.
Stanley Kubrick was born on July 26, 1928 at the Lying-In Hospital in Manhattan...for resonance sake... :-) Seeing as though I've mentioned Kubrick...I thought that we should mention something regarding him and 10-13...and hey-ho look what turns up!
SPARTACUS....also the supposed code name of Adam Weishaupt, legendary Illuminist...and 1776 resonator.
 I'm Spartacus and so is Stanley Kubrick!
Production began on January 27, 1959 with Anthony Mann directing. He was fired on Friday the 13th of February. The quarry scenes Mann shot (appropriately) in Death Valley were still used in the beginning of the film. Kubrick was brought in by Kirk Douglas, making this the first and last feature film Kubrick directed where he did not initiate the project.
So Kubrick hits the Hollywood bigtime with the making of Spartacus...after Anthony Mann is fired on the not so insignificant day of...Friday 13th!
Here we see another possible reference from 2001:
Floyd checks his watch...making sure that its 10:13, no doubt. :-)
There is very little dialogue as a whole in 2001 (it contains only 45 minutes of spoken dialogue, over a running time of two hours and twenty minutes) and one phrase that I think is over-used is 'Happy Birthday'...this mantra seems to be almost conspicuous by its presence. In 2001 we get spoilt with 2 'birthday' celebrations (star child excepted)...Heywood Floyd's daughter (Kubrick's real daughter Vivian) via phone and Frank Poole's video message from his parents. (In the movie 'Working Girl' we have 2 celebrations of the event both Tess and Katharine...see later how this relates to 2001)
Floyd's/Kubrick's daughter synchronistically enough happens to want one of these....
 Bush wasn't officially declared as president until 2001...even though the election was 2000...there were a few issues apparently!

(I would've gone on to talk about John Landis and 'the see you next wednesday' franchise, that he seems to promote in his movies...but I've left it this time...the quote is definitely taken from 2001...his 'Trading Places' movie is a massive resonator....I found Aaron Russo's progress to a 'whistleblower' suspicious to say the least, seeing as though he was the films producers...insider falls on his own sword shocker, not....perhaps?)
more on Landis/AtLandis later...
The synchronistic aspect here is that in 2001 the words 'happy/happiest' are mentioned 10 times and the word 'birthday' is mentioned 13 times...giving us the magickal 10-13.
Is that a Templar Cross I see before me? 

Well its NASA so that's a given!
To end this part, I mentioned that with Eyes Wide Shut...Kubrick had his own 'rebirth' built in to the scheme.
Here is how...Eyes Wide Sut was his final movie and he died literally days after showing Warner Bros. execs the finished film in private. The last word that Stanley has recorded on the medium of celluloid is 'Fuck' the regenerative process. So Kubrick dies on the 666 date (666 was referenced in clockwork orange too, its a number of the Sun and the Sun is literally a 'clockwork orange' which fits nicely), this before the film is released into the pulic domain...obviously we know of his death before we will ever see the movie. So death of Kubrick to last word on film...is 'death to rebirth'. There was no way I was gonna miss that one.
 The '666' reference in A Clockwork Orange...right, right.
Moving on....
 Duchovny, Griffiths, Anderson, Weaver, Ford, Cusack...in the 'manhattan matrix'
Released 1988...13 years before 2001.
There appears to be some aspect that directly relates to the 'MOON' within the body of work of Mike Nichols. His feature film debut was 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' and the first few seconds of Nichols' film debut will show a shot of the 'FULL MOON'.
"The sequence of establishing shots of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? opens with a full moon framed by trees in early autumn defoliation."
EL 911 tiene fuerte relacion con la GRAN PIRAMIDE, en funcion al coeficiente 7/11, osea con la CREACION DIVINA EN 8 DIAS. Justamente las TORRES GEMELAS simbolizan EL SEXO MASCULINO Y EL SEXO FEMENINO, EL ALFA Y EL OMEGA, EL TORO Y EL ESCORPION O EL ALEF Y EL TAV. Todo es una referencia a las BODAS DE CANA, que tambien fueron en un OCTAVO DIA. DE ALLI SE EXPLICA LA FUERTE CONNOTACION ALQUIMICA DE LA GRAN PIRAMIDE.
Secret architecture of extraterrestrials - photo protocol: 8. Great Pyramid of Giza with 29.9792458º - 9. 7:11 - 10. Numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458 - 11. Great Pyramid: Polestar, Orion, Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) -- Athos: a pyramidion and enneagram
8. Great Pyramid of Giza with 29.9792458º Latitude - 9. The proportion 7:11 - 10. Moon and sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458 - 11. Great Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9 -- Athos in Greece: a pyramidion and a 9 pointed star (enneagram) on Athos mountain
Great Pyramid of Giza: proportions height to lenght are 7:11, and the angle is 51º 51 seconds - Speed of light in the vaccum is 299,792,458 meter per second - this is the same figure for the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid: 29.9792458º Latitude
 Before 4500 years when the Great Pyramid of Giza was built the shafts were pointing to Sirius, Alnitak and to the Polestar - Pyramidion with an eye on a gable wall of the monastery of Mount Athos
8. The Great Pyramid of Giza: 1/11 Mile high - "pyramidion" with 1 1/11 feet - position 29.9792458º Latitude -- John Greaves and Newton and the Great Pyramid -- Unfinished Great Pyramid - the missing top of the Great Pyramid "pyramidion" -- Cut stones at the pyramids of Egypt -- 9. Statue of Liberty: proportion 7:11 -- Proportion 11:14 -- Great Pyramid's position=speed of light in the vacuum - number 29.9792458: 29.9792458: Place of the Great Pyramid in the world = speed of light in the vacuum -- 10. Moon and sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458: 864: Distances and time are connected with the sun -- The km - moon and sun and the number of 400 - the meter -- 11. Great Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius: Great Pyramid: the pyramid shafts and the stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius etc. -- Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus -- Orion constellation with a knife or a phallus - fertile region where stars are born -- Orion constellation: pyramids=belt stars of the Orion constellation -- Orion constellation and Sirius: belt stars pointing to Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9: Pyramids pointing to wisdom center Heliopolis -- Egyptian Obelisks in the world are -- Heliopolis=cult center of the 9 great Egyptian gods (the Ennead) -- Greece: a pyramidion and a 9 pointed star (enneagram) on Athos mountain
from: Video: Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (full video), written, narrated and produced by architect Scott Onstott (3h 43min.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L777RhL_Fz4&t=3611spresented by Michael Palomino (2016)
8. The Great Pyramid of Giza: 1/11 Mile high - "pyramidion" with 1 1/11 feet - position 29.9792458º LatitudeJohn Greaves and Newton and the Great PyramidJohn Greaves was professor for astronomy at Oxford University before Newton and Newton analyzed Greaves' works (1h11min.37sec.). Greaves was the first concluding that the foot was the base of the measurement of the pyramid (1h11min.48sec.). Greaves scarved a line of one English foot into one of the walls of the king's chamber of the pyramid with the words: "to be observed by all nations" (1h11min.55sec.).
 Sketch of John Greaves of the Great Pyramid of Giza - Mr. Greaves scarved a foot in the king's chamber
Unfinished Great Pyramid - the missing top of the Great Pyramid "pyramidion"At the Great Pyramid ("unfinished pyramid") the top is missing, the "pyramidion": -- the height of the unfinished pyramid is 1/11 Mile=480' (feet) (1h12min.2sec.) -- the length of the horizontal south edge is 756' (feet) (1h12min.2sec.)
 The Great Pyramid of Giza, height and lenght
Herodot, "the father of history", showed that the Great Pyramid was originally capped by a small pyramid called "pyramidion" made of an alloy of gold and silver (1h12min.30sec.). This pyramidion cannot be found any more since a long time (1h12min.35sec.).
 The pyramidion of the Great Pyramid of Giza was of gold and silver and is missing since a "long time"
Measurements of Richard Heath show that this missing pyramidion was 1 1/11 feet high (1h12min.45sec.). So, the total height of the Great Pyramid of Giza with the "pyramidion" would be 480 and 1 and 1/11 feet, that is 481 and 1/11 feet (481+1/11') (41min.13sec.). This pyramidion is like a metallic cap reflecting sunlight and corresponds to the pyramidion with the shining eye on the 1 dollar bill (1h12min.50sec.).
 Shining pyramidion on the pyramid of the 1-dollar bill
The Great Pyramid is the biggest building ever built until today, and it was the highest construction in the world during 4,000 years (1h13min.5sec.). 3 million blocks of stones were used (1h13min.16sec.). [Cut stones at the pyramids of EgyptThe stones of the pyramids in Egypt are cut like the stones in Cusco of Sacsayhuamán or like the stones of Machu Picchu or other old "Inca" or "Vari" monuments in Peru, also the stones of temple of Tiahuamán in Bolivia are cut like this].
Great Pyramid, casing stones and interior stones  Great Pyramid, casing stones and interior stones - Interior stones of the Great Pyramid
9. Statue of Liberty: proportion 7:11
Numbers 7:11
The Great Pyramid has the relationship of height to breadth 7 to 11 (1h13min.46sec.).
 Great Pyramid of Giza: proportions height to horizontal lenght are 7:11, and the angle is 51º 51 seconds - Statue of Liberty with 7 rays and an 11 pointed star at it's basement represents also the proportion 7:11
Statue of Liberty has 7 rays and the 11 pointed star at it's base (1h13min.46sec.).
[And there is the chain of stores with 7/11-shops in Asia - just one more symbol praising the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza].
 7/11-shop in Thailand in Chaloklum [3] - praising the proportions of the Great Pyramid in Giza
Proportion 11:14
The triangle with half the horizontal lenght and the height of the Great Pyramid has the proportion 11:14 (1h13min.50sec.). The painter Albrecht Dürer used for his esoteric painting "Melancolia I" also a proportion of 11:14 (1h13min.52sec.).
 The proportion of half the horizontal lenght and the height of the Great Pyramid is 11:14 - Paintings from Albrecht Dürer have the proportions 11:14 being copied from the Great Pyramid of Giza
And there is Pi and Phi in the proportion of the Great Pyramid (1h14min.18sec.).
 Pi and Phi in the proportions of the Great Pyramid
Great Pyramid's position=speed of light in the vacuum - number 29.979245829.9792458: Place of the Great Pyramid in the world = speed of light in the vacuumThe exact place of the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid can be seen on Google Earth: 29.9792458ºN
 The position of the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458 Latitude
And now look this: speed of light in the vacuum is: 299,792,458 m/sec (1h14min.51sec.).
 Speed of light in the vaccum is 299,792,458 meter per second - this is the same figure for the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid: 29.9792458º Latitude
Thus the distances and the times are coordinated in their measurings. Who did this coordination between distances and speed of light? (1h15min.11sec.) [Extraterrestrials did].
10. Moon and sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458
864: Distances and time are connected with the sun
One day is 60s x 60min. x 24h=86,400 seconds. The length of one second is the Earth's periphery parted into 86,400 (1h15min.27sec.).
Sun's diameter is 864,000 miles (1h15min.41sec.).
 One day on Earth has 86,400 seconds - this is just the same figure like t he sun's diameter with 864,000 Royal Miles
In San Francisco the Transamerica Pyramid is just another sun worship with a height of 864 feet (1h15min.45sec.):
 San Francisco: Transamerica Pyramid is a sun worship with a height of 864 feet - see it in real [1]
The km - moon and sun and the number of 400 - the meter
km was defined with meridian Earth's circumference of 40,000km (1h16min.5sec.).
 Earth's meridian circumference is 40,000 km
The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun and covers the sun precisely during a solar eclipse (1h16min.19sec.). At the same time the moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than the sun (1h16min.24sec.).
 The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun with a perfect eclipse - Earth turns 400 times faster than the moon.
Earth is turning 400 times faster than the moon (1h16min.30sec.).
Scott Onstott thinks that the meter was secretly designed to resonate with the sun (1h16min.43sec.).
Concretely: 1 meter is the distance traveled by light in the vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second (1h16min.45sec.).
 The definition of the meter is 1 per 299,792,458 per second velocity of light in the vacuum
This number is also rising in other contexts:
The exact place of the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid can be seen on Google Earth: 29.9792458ºN
And: speed of light in the vacuum is: 299,792,458 m/sec (1h14min.51sec.).
So, it seems that the meter was an ancient unit and was only REentroduced 300 years ago [in 1799] in France under king Louis XIV (1h17min.04sec.).
Important supplement: The aim in France had been to have an equal measuring unit in whole France, but there was not a present unit declared the unit for whole France but a NEW measuring unit, the meter, was introduced in 1799 after decades of quarrels and measurements. It also came out that the first meter model was 2mm too short, and it came out that the Earth was not exactly round and could not be used as an exact reference (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meter).
The Great Pyramid was placed with the connection of speed of light (1h17min.21sec.). The "architects of the dawn of history knew about the speed of light 299,792,458 m/sec, and they knew the exact size of the Earth putting the Great Pyramid at exactly 29.9792458ºN Lat (1h17min.28sec.).
[Extraterrestrials were working fine].
11. Great Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion, SiriusGreat Pyramid: the pyramid shafts and the stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius etc.
The Great Pyramid with shafts pointing to stars
The shafts of the Great Pyramid are pointing to certain stars in the sky. This was found out by Alex Bedaoui and Victoria Trimble in 1964: shafts in the King's chamber point to the belt of Orion, to Sirius and to the Polestar - at the time the pyramid was built (1h17min.55sec.).
In 1993 Rudolf Gantenbrink got the permission to let pass a robot in the shafts of the Great Pyramid so they could measure the angles precisely so they could make precise astronomical calculations about the shafts of the king's chamber and of the queen's chamber (1h18min.17sec.).
In 1995 the book of Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert "The Orion Mystery. Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids" came out (1h18min.21sec.) (Adrian Gilbert: The Orion Mystery. Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids. Publisher: Three Rivers Press - ISBN: 0517884542)
They found out:
In the time when the Great Pyramid was built (about 4,500 years ago) -- the shaft in the south of the Queens chamber pointed directly to Sirius -- the shaft in the north of the Queens chamber pointed directly to the Polestar (1h18min.29sec.).
Before 4500 years when the Great Pyramid of Giza was built the shafts were pointing to Sirius, Alnitak and to the Polestar
In the book of Graham Hancock / Robert Bauval: Talisman. Sacred Cities, Secret Faith describes it precisely what was the sense with Sirius and Orion: -- Orion is symbolizing Osiris -- Sirius is symbolizing Isis -- the place of Orion and Sirius is called "Duat", the Egyptian underworld with a soul court for the dead (1h19min.1sec.). Quotation [from pyramid's texts]:
"Orion and Sirius represented Osiris and his consort Isis to the ancient Egyptians. They are in a region of the sky called the Duat, the Egyptian netherworld, where souls journeyed and were judged after death." (1h19min.1sec.)

Constellations with the stars Sirius in the "Little Dog" and Alnitak in the Orion's belt
"Whoever shall make a copy of the Duat, and shall know it upon earth, it shall act as a magical protector for him both in heaven and in earth, unfailingly, regularly, and eternally." (1h19min.32sec.)
 Hieroglyphs from Egypt
The pyramids are copies of Orion and Sirius on Earth and are magical talismans "bringing the power of heaven down to Earth" (1h19min.42sec.).
Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus
In Washington DC there are more stars: Arcturus, Spica, Regulus (1h19min.50sec.).
 Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus
Orion constellation with a knife or a phallus - fertile region where many stars are born
Orion is often depicted as a hunter with a sword, a knife and a shield. The knife between the legs can also be a phallus, so Dan S. Ward (1h20min.9sec.). In this region many stars are born, this is a very fertile zone, very appropriate (1h20min.25sec.). Sirius is one of the nearest neighbors of the Earth's solar system (1h20min.36sec.). All in all the Earth's system is very close to Sirius now, so also close to the Egiptian system of Duat [the Egyptian soul's system] (1h20min.43sec.).
 Orion with sword, shield, and knife which can also be a phallus - Orion's phallus is Orion Nebula fertile zone where lots of new stars are born
Orion constellation: 3 pyramids of Gizeh = 3 belt stars of the Orion constellation
Bauval and Gilbert showed in their book "The Orion Mystery. Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids" that the three pyramids of Giza are symbolizing the three belt stars of Orion in their positions and in their different size (1h20min.59sec.).
Orion constellation and Sirius: belt stars pointing to Sirius
Dr. Gerhard Heine [?] stated: the belt stars of the Orion constellation are pointing directly to Sirius of the Canis Major constellation (1h20min.58sec.).
 The belt stars of Orion are pointing directly to Sirius
12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9The pyramids of Giza are pointing to the wisdom center HeliopolisOn Earth the line of the three Giza pyramids is pointing directly to Heliopolis, the ancient center of Egyptian science and religion, with Pythagoras and Plato and other philosophers as their visitors (1h21min.16sec.). They were initiated there into the Egyptian mysteries and spread them in the West (1h21min.21sec.).
 Pyramids of Giza appointing to Heliopolis
Of Heliopolis only one obelisk is left, the oldest standing obelisk in the world. Of the ancient temple of the Phoenix only one obelisk is left. This temple was described by Herodot (1h21min.29sec.). Phoenix is depicted in the Security Council Chamber of UN in New York (1h21min.49sec.).
 The obelisk of Heliopolis is the only remnant of antique temple of the Phoenix of Heliopolis
Egyptian Obelisks in the world are -- in Heliopolis in Egypt -- in Central Park in New York: "Cleopatra's Needle" -- in London: "Cleopatra's Needle" -- in Rome with several obelisks being robbed from Egypt (Vatican, Flaminio, Macuteo, Solare, Dogali, Matterano) (1h22min.5sec.).
 Robbed obelisks of Heliopolis put in the world in New York, in London, and in Rome
Heliopolis=cult center of the 9 great Egyptian gods (the Ennead)
Heliopolis was the center for the 9 great Egyptian gods being placed in a nine sided nonagon: Atum, Tefnut, Nut, Nephthys, Isis, Osiris, Set, Geb, and Shu, called the "Ennead" (1h22min.9sec.).
Ennead comes from Greek "ennea"=9 (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neunheit_von_Heliopolis).
In San Francisco is more about the Ennead (1h22min.15sec.).
![Heliopolis with 9 gods, the "Ennead" [Greek: ennea=9] Heliopolis with 9 gods, the "Ennead" [Greek: ennea=9]](http://www.geschichteinchronologie.com/welt/arch-Scott-Onstott-ENGL/ph01-protocol/008-012-great-pyramid-Giza-864-Heliopolis-d/040-Heliopolis-9-gods-Ennead-88pr.jpg) Heliopolis with 9 gods, the "Ennead" [Greek: ennea=9]
 G.I. Gurdjieff, portrait - map of Greece with Athens and Mount Athos
A pyramidion could be found being painted on a gable wall in a convent of Athos in Greece so also there the key of Egyptian knowledge could be found (1h22min.31sec.), preserved by the Sufi Sarmoun brotherhood (1h22min.35sec.).
 Pyramidion with an eye on a gable wall of the monastery of Mount Athos
Nine pointed star ("enneagram") is the key Gurdjieff got (1h22min.40sec.). Gurdjieff stated that the enneagram is a hieroglyph of a universal language (1h22min.45sec.).
 Enneagram of Ennead, one of the keys of life
With this enneagram there is more knowledge included (1h22min.55sec.).
The knowledge of Gurdjieff was published and popularized by Peter Ouspensky with the book "Tertium Organum: The Fourth Dimension as the Esoteric Nature of Reality" (1h22min.57sec.). Peter Ouspensky provoked that the enneagram was introduced in psychology as one of the means for self discovery (enneagram of personality) (1h23min.1sec.).
 Enneagram in analytic psicology with personality types
9 pointed star is used -- in Bahá'í Faith with a nine pointed star as their symbol (1h23min.17sec.) -- Bahá'í scripture prescribe that any house of worship has to have the enneagram as it's base (1h23min.24sec.) -- in the 9th book of the [fantasy] New Testament [fantasy] St. Paul describes in Galatians 5:22-23 the 9 "fruits of the holy spirit": love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (1h23min.33sec.) - normally a 9 pointed star is shown with the first letters in Latin (1h23min.48sec.).
Teniendo en cuenta que el radio de la tierra promedio es de 7*12*12*12*12*12*12, la longitud de la circunferencia en este marco es de 44*12*12*12*12*12*12 tambien en pies ingleses. Osea que si cuadramos la LONGITUD DE LA CIRCUNFERENCIA DE LA TIERRA, TENEMOS UN CUADRADO CUYO LADO ES DE 11*12*12*12*12*12*12. VEMOS QUE AQUI TAMBIEN TENEMOS EL ORIGEN DE LA RELACION 11/7, CODIFICADA EN LA GRAN PIRAMIDE.
8. Gran Pirámide de Guiza con 29,9792458º de Latitud norte - 9. La proporción 7:11 - 10. Sol y luna - números 864, 400, el metro con 1/299.792.458 - 11. Gran Pirámide y estrellas: estrellas polares, Orión, Sirio -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 dioses (Enéada) - el número 9 -- Athos en Grecia: el piramidión y la estrella de 9 puntos (eneagrama) en el Monte Athos
Gran Pirámide de Guiza: las proporciones altura a largo son 7:11, y 2 ángulos son 51º52' (segundos) - la posición de la "Gran Galería" de la Gran Pirámide: 29,9792458º Latitud norte - la velocidad de la luz en el vacío tiene el mismo número 299.792.458 metros por segundo
Antes 4.500 años cuando fue construida la Gran Pirámide de Guiza los pozos apuntaron a las estrellas Sirio, Alnitak y a estrellas polares - en el convento de Monte Athos hay un piramidión brillante con ojo en un gablete
8. Gran Pirámide de Guiza: altura 1/11 (onceava) milla - el "piramidión" con 1 1/11 pies - posición 29,9792458º Latitud norte -- John Greaves y Newton y la Gran Pirámide -- La Gran Pirámide incompleta - falta la punta de la Gran Pirámide el "piramidión" -- Piedras cortadas en las pirámides de Egipto -- 9. La Estatua de la Libertad: proporciones 7:11 -- Números 7:11 -- Proporciones 11:14 -- La posición de la Gran Pirámide=velocidad de la luz en el vacío - número 29,9792458 -- 29,9792458: el lugar de la Gran Pirámide en el mundo = velocidad de la luz en el vacío -- 10. Sol y luna - números 864, 400, definición del metro con 1/299.792.458 -- 864: Distancias y tiempo están en conexión con el sol -- El km - el sol y la luna y el número de 400 - el metro -- 11. La Gran Pirámide y las estrellas: estrellas polares, Orión, Sirio -- Gran Pirámide: los pozos y las estrellas; estrellas polares, Orión, Sirio etc. -- Las estrellas en Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus -- La constelación de Orión con un cuchillo o un falo - la región fértil donde nacen muchas estrellas -- La constelación del Orión: 3 pirámides de Guiza = 3 estrellas del cinturón del Orión -- La constelación del Orión y la estrella de Sirio: las estrellas del cinturón apuntan a la estrella Sirio -- Las pirámides de Guiza apuntan a Heliopolis, al centro del saber -- Obeliscos egipcios en el mundo están -- Heliopolis=centro cultural de los 9 dioses grandes egipcios (la Enéada) -- Grecia: un piramidión y una estrella de 9 puntos (eneagrama) en el Monte Athos
Nueva York: la Estatua de la "Libertad"
Nueva York: primero la Estatua de la "Libertad" fue un proyecto para el canal de Suez - "Libertad"=Isis sin pecho
![Nueva York: La Libertad es una Isis [¡sin pecho!] Nueva York: La Libertad es una Isis [¡sin pecho!]](http://www.geschichteinchronologie.com/welt/arch-Scott-Onstott-ESP/ph01-protocolo/003+004-NYC+ONU-banderas-d/014-estatua-de-Libertad-es-Isis-sin-pecho-66pr.jpg) Nueva York: Estatua de la Libertad en una plataforma de 11 puntos - Nueva York: La Libertad es una Isis [¡sin pecho!]
Un escultor francés que fue un francmasón - el Sr. Fréderic August Bartholdi - dejó construir la estatua originalmente para la ceremonia de abertura del canal de Suez en 1867 (45min.29seg.).
También el Sr. Gustave Eiffel fue un francmasón. Él fue el comisario ingeniero de la estatua (45min.38seg.).
La "Libertad" es un derivado de la diosa romana "Libertas", la cual es derivada de la diosa egipcia Isis (45min.50seg.).
Después el proyecto de instalar la Estatua de la Libertad al canal de Suez fue rechazado por razones financieras. Por eso la estatua fue ofrecida a Nueva York para su puerto y así los francmasones instalaron la Estatua de la Libertad en Nueva York con una ceremonia masónica (46min.6seg.).
Canal de Suez: pirámide con ángulos de 51º52' como la Gran Pirámide (Guiza)
El Sr. Jim Alison detectó otro gran triángulo en forma de una pirámide entre las localidades de Guiza, Faro y la desembocadura del canal de Suez (46min.16seg.). Los ángulos son los mismos como con la Gran Pirámide - 51º51' (46min.29seg.). Eso solo es una coincidencia.
 El triángulo grande Suez-Guiza-Faros - las proporciones son las mismas como con el Gran Pirámide con dos ángulos de 51º51'
Estatua de Libertad=Isis: 7 rayos como Apolo tenía
En Grecia Antigua había una estatua grande de Apolo en la isla de Rodas. Apolo fue el dios del sol con 7 rayos (46min.41seg.).
 La estatua de Apolo con 7 rayos en la isla de Rodas en Antigua Grecia
También la "Libertad" en la ciudad de Nueva York tiene 7 rayos alrededor de su cabeza (46min.43seg.). Esos 7 rayos son elemento en la ceremonia de iniciación al "culto de Isis". La diadema de Isis es una diadema de 7 rayos (47min.13seg.). Puede ser que el número 7 es el número secreto de Isis (47min.18seg.). El Sr. Scott Onstott dice claramente: la Estatua de la Libertad en Nueva York representa la diosa Isis de Egipto (48min.7seg.) [y no tiene pecho].El hijo de Isis fue el dios del sol [sol - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isis]. También Apolo fue el dios del sol - para los griegos [antiguos] (47min.27seg.). La Estatua de Libertad está en una plataforma de 11 puntos irregulares en una "estrella básica"
 La Estatua de "Libertad" con una plataforma en forma de una estrella de 11 puntos - Gran Pirámide de Guiza: proporciones longitud:altitud=11:7
La base de la Estatua de "Libertad" es "justamente rara" con una estrella irregular de 11 puntos (47min.35seg.). Puede ser que eso es un elemento de la estructura egipcia de la Gran Pirámide: -- las proporciones de la Gran Pirámide son largo a altura = 11 a 7 -- y los ángulos de inclinación de la Gran Pirámide son 51º51' (47min.47seg.).
Y hay más relaciones 7 a 11 en el mundo: -- la tienda convencional de 7-11 [en Asia] (47min.51seg.) -- y la altura de la Estatua de "Libertad" de su talón hasta a su tope de su cabeza es 111'1' (111 pies 1 pulgada) (47min.59seg.).
 Una tienda de 7-11 en Pattaya in Tailandia - en todo Asia existe esa cadena de tiendas - adorando la Gran Pirámide con la proporción 7:11
Scott Onstott indica claramente: la Estatua de Libertad en la ciudad de Nueva York representa la diosa de Isis de Egipto(48min.7seg.) [y no tiene pecho].
Introducción a la Teoría M
Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado en Teoría M (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de contenidos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. |
- Este artículo es una introducción al tema. Para el artículo principal de la enciclopedia, ver Teoría M
Representación de la variedad de Calabi-Yau uno de los candidatos para representar las dimensiones compactificadas asociadas a la teoría M, diferente de las cuatro dimensiones observables (no-compactificadas) del espacio-tiempo.
La Teoría M es una teoría física, propuesta como una "teoría del todo" que unifique las cuatro fuerzas fundamentales de la naturaleza. La teoría M fue esbozada inicialmente por Edward Witten, su propuesta combinaba las cinco teorías de supercuerdas y supergravedaden once dimensiones. Tiene su origen en la teoría de cuerdas, según la cual todas las partículas son, en realidad, diminutas cuerdas que vibran a cierta frecuencia. Según esta propuesta, las partículas son cuerdas vibrando a cierta frecuencia en un espacio-tiempo que requiere al menos diez dimensiones.
Esta teoría sigue siendo una propuesta de trabajo y si bien tiene amplio apoyo, no es una teoría con aceptación universal, ya que no existen pruebas empíricas en su favor, siendo difícil de verificar dadas las energías requeridas para verificar los detalles. Además la teoría contiene algunos problemas matemáticos no resueltos, y sólo conjeturados de manera aproximada.
Hasta el siglo XIX, se pensaba que el átomo era el bloque más pequeño de materia. Durante mucho tiempo fue considerado el elemento constituyente básico e indivisible de la materia. En los primeros años del siglo XX se comprobó que incluía componentes más pequeños llamados protones, neutrones y electrones, que se conocen como partículas subatómicas. A partir de la década de 1960, se descubrieron otras partículas subatómicas. En la década de 1980, se descubrió que los protones y los neutrones (y otros hadrones) están conformados por pequeñas partículas llamadas quarks. La Teoría cuántica es el conjunto de reglas que describen las interacciones de estas partículas.
En la década de 1980, se consolidó un nuevo tipo de modelos matemáticos llamados teoría de cuerdas. Este modelo sugería que todas las partículas, y todas las formas de energía en el universo, podrían interpretarse en términos de unas hipotéticas «cuerdas» u objetos unidimensionales, cuya forma solo sería perceptible a escalas de longitud comparables con la longitud de Planck.
Además, la teoría de cuerdas conjetura que el universo se compone de múltiples dimensiones espaciales, la mayor parte de las cuales están compactadas y sólo son perceptibles a muy pequeña escala. Estamos familiarizados con la altura, la anchura y la longitud: las tres dimensiones del espacio, que con el tiempo dan un total de cuatro dimensiones observables, sin embargo, la teoría de cuerdas apoya la posibilidad de once dimensiones, aunque las 7 restantes no las podemos detectar directamente. Estas «cuerdas» vibran en múltiples dimensiones, y en función de la forma en que vibran, podrían ser percibidas en el espacio de tres dimensiones como materia, luz, o gravedad. Es la vibración de la «cuerda» la que determina su apariencia de materia o energía, y toda forma de materia o energía es el resultado de la vibración de las cuerdas.
Pero la teoría de cuerdas se encontró con un problema: tras una versión inicial de ecuaciones que la sustentaba, fueron descubiertas otras ecuaciones, igualmente coherentes. Hay cinco grandes teorías de cuerdas, todas basadas en un universo de 11 dimensiones, y todas parecen ser correctas, pero los científicos no estaban conformes con la aparente contradicción de cinco conjuntos de ecuaciones para describir el mismo fenómeno.
A mediados de los años 90, Edward Witten, un teórico de cuerdas del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados y otros importantes investigadores consideran que las cinco diferentes versiones de la teoría de las cuerdas podría describir lo mismo visto desde diferentes perspectivas. Se propuso la unificación en una teoría llamada «Teoría M», en que la «M» no está específicamente definido, pero se entiende como «membranas». La Teoría M agrupó todas las teorías de cuerdas, al afirmar que las cuerdas son realmente «anillos» unidimensionales de una «membrana» bidimensional que vibra en el espacio undecidimensional.
Cuando  aumenta en la Teoría IIA, la cuerda fundamental adquiere una estructura más compleja que deviene en una «membrana» donde el volumen del universo es tridimensional.
Teoría de cuerdas[editar]
Para entender la teoría M es necesario entender algo de la teoría de cuerdas. Durante cientos de años la física ha operado en el paradigma de que las partículas fundamentales, como el familiar electrón, son como puntos, o de cero dimensiones. Si se quisiera resumir la teoría de cuerdas en una sola idea, se resumiría diciendo que esta suposición es incorrecta. En vez de esto, la teoría de cuerdas propone que el universo está fundamentalmente compuesto por objetos unidimensionales que son similares a una cuerda. Estas cuerdas serían tan pequeñas que incluso en la diminuta escala de las partículas parecerían como puntos. En la teoría de cuerdas cada partícula es creada de alguna forma por diferentes patrones de vibración de las cuerdas. Uno podría preguntarse por qué los físicos se han limitado ellos mismos a puntos de cero dimensiones durante todo este tiempo; la respuesta es que es mucho más difícil trabajar con objetos de una dimensión y que con frecuencia causan problemas con la causalidad y violaciones de la ley de la relatividad especial que dice que nada puede viajar más rápido que la velocidad de la luz.
El desarrollo de la teoría de cuerdas ha venido principalmente por un problema extremadamente importante que ha existido en la física durante casi 100 años. El problema es que la relatividad general, la teoría desarrollada por Albert Einstein que explica cosas en escalas muy grandes o cosmológicas, es irreconciliable con la mecánica cuántica y el modelo estándar, que explica el universo a escala subatómica. También existen otros problemas con el modelo estándar: tiene unos 20 parámetros libres que deben ser ajustados a mano, y tiene un gran número de partículas que declara fundamentales (para cada partícula existen tres copias organizadas en generaciones, que sólo se diferencian entre sí en la masa). Además, debido a que no puede ser reconciliada con la relatividad general, carece de una descripción de la gravedad, la más corriente de las cuatro fuerzas fundamentales.
Usar objetos unidimensionales en lugar de partículas puntuales resuelve muchos de estos problemas. El número de parámetros libres de la teoría cae de 20 a uno (un parámetro que corresponde al tamaño de las cuerdas), y se espera que los detalles de la teoría expliquen por qué existen las tres familias de partículas. Aún más importante, los teóricos de las cuerdas encontraron que la teoría de cuerdas contiene gravitones de forma necesaria, es decir, la partícula que causa la gravedad. Edward Witten, el autor de la teoría-M, bromea que la teoría de cuerdas tiene la notable evidencia experimental que la gravedad existe a nuestro alrededor. Por tanto, la teoría de cuerdas une de forma satisfactoria la Relatividad General con la Mecánica Cuántica.
Sin embargo, la teoría de cuerdas presenta algunos problemas. En primer lugar, requiere 10 dimensiones para que las cuerdas puedan vibrar, en contraposición a las 4 dimensiones (3 espaciales y 1 temporal) que podemos observar comúnmente. Esto puede parecer incongruente; sin embargo, es posible que las 6 dimensiones extra sean extremadamente pequeñas y curvadas. Por ejemplo, si se mira a un tubo desde una gran distancia, parece ser una línea (unidimensional). Una inspección más cercana del tubo revela 2 dimensiones: una a lo largo del tubo (la que vimos desde lejos) y una alrededor del tubo. Por tanto, el tubo es realmente una superficie bidimensional a pesar del hecho que parece ser una línea desde lejos.
Otro problema con la teoría de cuerdas es que presenta 5 formulaciones diferentes. Este hecho es clave para entender dónde encaja la teoría-M. Las 5 teorías difieren en qué clase de cuerdas permiten y en cómo implementan la supersimetría, una parte técnica de la teoría de cuerdas que conduce al nombre comúnmente usado de teoría de supercuerdas. Estas 5 teorías diferentes, llamadas esotéricamente Tipo I, Tipo IIA, Tipo IIB, SO(32) y E8×E8 (leído E8 "por" E8, no como E8 "equis" E8), son en cierta forma un exceso de riqueza para los teóricos de las cuerdas. Puesto que la teoría de cuerdas proclama ser una teoría de todo, debería haber una sola formulación consistente de la teoría, pero en su lugar hay 5. Aquí es donde aparece al rescate la teoría-M.
En 1995, Edward Witten inició lo que ha sido llamado la Segunda Revolución de las Supercuerdas al presentar al mundo la teoría-M. Esta teoría combina las cinco diferentes teorías de cuerdas (junto con el intento previamente abandonado de unificar la Relatividad General y la Mecánica Cuántica llamado supergravedad once-dimensional) en una única teoría. Esto se logra tejiendo una red de relaciones entre las teorías llamadas dualidades (específicamente, dualidad S, dualidad T, y dualidad U). Cada una de estas dualidades provee un modo de convertir una teoría de cuerdas en otra.
La T-dualidad es probablemente la más fácilmente explicable de las dualidades. Tiene que ver con el tamaño, denotado por R, de las dimensiones curvadas de las teorías de cuerdas. Se descubrió que si se toma una teoría de cuerdas de tipo IIA con un tamaño R, y se cambia el radio a 1/R, se obtiene lo que es equivalente a una teoría de tipo IIB de tamaño R. Esta dualidad, junto con las otras, crea conexiones entre las 5 teorías (o 6, si se cuenta la supergravedad).
De hecho, la existencia de estas dualidades se conocía antes que Witten presentara la idea de la teoría-M. Lo que hizo Witten fue predecir el hecho de que todas estas diferentes teorías estuvieran conectadas es un resultado de que hay una teoría subyacente de la cual son todas aproximaciones. Adicionalmente, se encontró que las ecuaciones que requieren que la teoría de cuerdas exista en 10 dimensiones son también aproximaciones. La teoría-M propuesta (aunque algo nebulosa) sería una teoría que se realizaría en 11 dimensiones, aunque los detalles no se han fijado todavía.
La teoría-M ha sido el objetivo de un escepticismo creciente, puesto que algunos (notablemente Peter Woit y Lee Smolin) arguyen que los teóricos de las cuerdas han sobrestimado muchas de las fortalezas de la teoría, mientras que han subestimado sus debilidades. Un argumento en contra de la teoría de cuerdas cuestiona el poder predictivode la teoría, apuntando que la teoría de cuerdas no ha producido ninguna predicción "clara" (en el sentido de numérica) que se haya verificado en un experimento. Los críticos continúan observando que debido al panorama de la teoría de cuerdas, la teoría puede ser incapaz de hacer estas predicciones incluso en principio, y por tanto no sería falsable. Otra versión de este argumento es la que dice que la teoría de cuerdas no está todavía bien definida, puesto que está basada en gran manera en las ecuaciones de la perturbación. Los proponentes de la teoría de cuerdas responden que estos argumentos son tan sólo un signo de que la teoría de cuerdas no está todavía totalmente desarrollada. Otro argumento en contra de la teoría de cuerdas es que no conserva algunas de las propiedades de la Relatividad General, tales como la independencia del fondo, y que la teoría muestra un sesgo hacia la física de partículas. Los proponentes de la teoría de cuerdas responden que la física de partículas ha sido probada de forma más precisa que la Relatividad General. Hay finalmente un argumento sociológico que indica que la teoría de cuerdas ha dominado la financiación y las posiciones de por vida de la física de altas energías, haciendo la exploración de las alternativas difícil.
Qué Significa la "M"[editar]
De acuerdo con su creador, Ed Witten, como se acotó en el documental de la PBS basado en el libro de Brian Greene "El universo elegante", la "M" en la teoría-M "significa magia, misterio o membrana (este último término por el que originalmente nació la M) de acuerdo con el gusto de cada cual." También añadió: "Algunos cínicos han sugerido ocasionalmente que M también significa murky (cenagoso), puesto que el nivel de comprensión de la teoría es en realidad primitivo." Entonces, humorísticamente, como podría haber dicho el superagente 86, Maxwell Smart, añadió: "¡Puede que no debiera habérselo dicho!". Así todo el mundo podrá viajar.
Otros dan significado a la M como "Matriz", "Madre de todas las cuerdas" o "Madness" (locura).
Los escépticos de la teoría-M han bromeado que la "M" significa "Moronic" (estúpido), o "Mud" (lodo), que representa la suciedad. Algunos también sugieren que la M es una W dada la vuelta, por "Witten".
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