Late breaking news…
I am the source of this breakthrough… 
The 55 holes (with a 56th at one time evident) found in the Grand Gallery is a reference to DNA, I suspect.
How do I know?
The evidence is pointing me in that direction.

S H A R Z A R W A A N 55 Rings of Brass
55 brass rings line the perimeter of the Kaaba cube in Mecca
more info:

Though it should be noted I did find one photograph posted on wiki that has 56 brass rings, the 56th being placed in the southern corner of a diamond configuration, however in the image above the 56th brass ring can be seen in the top left.
[I want to mention at this time that the Freemasons lay their cornerstone in the northeast.
Similar to Stonehenge, the ‘heelstone’ (healstone?) is placed in northeast.]
Also in regards to Stonehenge we find that there are 56 Aubrey Holes in the most outer circle, not 55
(…but it should be noted that the 56th hole blocks direct line of sight from the ‘center’ of Stonehenge out to the Heel Stone)
So in Mekkah (the real spelling of Mecca), in Stonehenge, and in the Great Pyramid we seem to have a significant common denominator identified as 55 vs. 56
and this quote was taken from wiki:
The true purpose of the holes may never be known, although future excavation of the remaining twenty-four using modern archaeological techniques will certainly provide more information.
Well I disagree, the fact the Aubrey Holes were treated as ‘tombs’ suggests my theory that these ARKetypal temples are in some way connected to our DNA.

And of course it is another coincidence that the Heel Stone is about the same distance from the center of Stonehenge as is the Black Door (where they hold service for dead Popes) is from the Obelisk in St. Peter Square.
’55’ X-perts went to ____ and asked is DNA the HOLY GRAIL?
The DNA KEYHOLE temple theory also aligns itself with the best of the other theories that currently exist regarding Stonehenge.
One theory was that it was a solar/lunar calculator, and the most current debate is fueled by the theory that it was a healing center.
Well our DNA is altered on the altar called Earth, and both the solar and lunar cycles are playing a role in how our DNA is affected from cradle to grave.
In other words we have great evidence NOW that the ancients saw a connection between our DNA and the dance of the coSmoS.

image: The Dimensions of Paradise
by John Michell
note: in the above image we have a pentagon with 5 edges and a hexagon with 6 edges sharing a common edge.
Therefore we end up with a geometric shape that has 9 edges not 11.
Compare to the images of DNA below.
It does appear therefore, based on the primal prime numbers, and other archetypal clues based on shape/form, that my IDEA or theory has great merit.
We also find:
>> 55 black and white dots in the Ho Tu (I Ching)
>> 55 atoms comprise ATCG
>> 55 = SS = Holy Spirit
>> 55 km is also a ‘boundary’ surrounding the earth, 55 AU is one too.
>> 56 = 5 + 6 = 11 = II = two pillars?
Ho Tu 55 black and white dots and 55 is the sum of the numbers 1-10
Next to DNA’s nucleotides ATCG
And YA sure it is all a coincidence, that the 5 pointed pentagram/pentagon and 6 pointed hexagram/hexagon were both amulets/Seals of Solomon, and lo and behold LOOK it is the same geoMEtry (pentagon rings and hexagon rings married) that we find manifest in the chemistry of ATCG of DNA.
And how do we make the jump from the RIGHT geometric brain to the LEFT algebraic one?
Does FIVE have anything to do with F + IVE = F + I37?
…what SOUND is F ?
…what is 137?
...why are both the physicist/mystic enamored by 137?

And I almost missed the 91.37 cubit reference to the length of the GRAND GALLERY, which I had previously connected to why we build TEMPLEs based on the structure of our DNA…so we can enter the DNA Temples and thus heal our selves in ways we have yet to master….
BiNgo score another direct hit for the MM MaN.
The Myrrh-ijuana Mystic MaN.
“…The Amphora, the Rosetta Fractal, DNA and the Holy Grail”
But wait there is ONE MORE GREAT reason why the numbers 1379 are important.
The number 5 is the number assigned to ‘MAN’.
If you surround the 5 with the numbers 1379 what configuration do you arrive at?

cha ching we have one of two sources that would combine to become the I-Ching!
Those 5 odd/yang numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) comprise the + of the 3×3 LO SHU Magic Square, (in the corners are the EVEN female numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?) which is fundamental to the I Ching, the Chinese ‘bible’ re: morality, causal/acausal synchronicities’, it is their Book of Changes of Transformations, eastern alchemy, a blend of science, theology, and the metaphysical.
XX Mystic recovers Mystic Tablet i.e. the 3rd Bagua Arrangement to the I-Ching … now what?
You folks will need to wait for my book….ETA?
(Can’t say when it will be completed. I know now that I might need to come back, again, and again, in order to put the finishing touches on me mnemonic, meme, magnum opus)
Pray it gets to print before the I37 aLIEn
invasion takes place.
An invasion designed to instill FEAR.
IMHO aLIEns are evidence of a mass hysteria that I see ‘we the sheeple’ consciousness is being directed toward.
The Philosopher King/Queen, the ONE-who-is-to-come, will take a REAL GOOD look at their OWN life, and they will put all the pieces together in a language that is comprehensible to each and ALL.
A simple truth that encompasses science, theology, philosophy and the arts, reduced to ONE idea we can all rally around.
Till then, it will be bu$ine$$ a$ u$ual.
End of story…
hardly…here is an update:
SS ‘the Holy Spirit’
Held up to a mirror this image yields pi.
i.e. in the mirror the SS or 55 looks like a 22 surrounded by 7 doves.
Leonardo Da Vinci might suggest the above image of the Holy Spirit SS/55 >>> put to the test using a mirror leads us to pi >>> 22/7 and >>> 3 1/7
Try to remember we are trying to recall how those memory games would have been played, recalling ideas by utilizing associations and correspondences. Both the QaBaLaH and I-Ching promote learning about the universe by being keen observers of nature, and noting the associations and correspondences that must exist if the concept of an underlying unity is even to be considered.

The Templar/Maltese Cross was formed by joining the letters A-E-O-N
4 x AEON and AEON or AION means AGES.
So we have a reference to the 4 AGES
(gold, silver, bronze, iron is one version)
Knights Templar Magic Square has 25 units
It can be thought of as 5×5 or 5^2
The Maltese Cross and language:

The Maltese Cross and the Great Pyramid:
So there appear to be correspondences/connections between all of the above.
i.e. Sator Square (Knights Templar), Maltese Cross, 25, Great Pyramid design
But what did I find in this book that got me excited again?
I went looking for information about the 55 holes in the Grand Gallery (DNA archetype) and found 56 like in Stonehenge.
But in the Great Pyramid where the 56th hole should be we find this:

visit the well >>
55 DNA Temples – Holy Spirit – SS – the KEYHOLE
But it was the MANY references to 25 primitive inches = 1 sacred cubit that caught my eye.
All of the following references to the number ‘25‘ are listed in the book :
25 (primitive inches)
It is suggested that the missing capstone would be 5 points 5 sides
And as listed in the book, the references to 25 are associated with all of the following:
the ONE-who-is-to-come
the Great Initiate
the birth of enlightenment
the Messianic Ideal
What the hell is a Messianic ideal?
Is an idea and the IdEaL essentially the same thing?
Does the ‘Well’ lead to a Hell or lower realm?
Yes it does…

And ONE day folks will realize that 25 = ZS, and the Holy Spirit or SS is in fact a reference to the number 55 and our DNA structure on the atomic level.
This has been proved that we have 55 atoms associated with all the building blocks of life called ACGT.
And we know another fact that is easily confirmed.
Somebody long ago felt that there were 10 Rules or 10 Commandments we should be aware of and live by.
Simple addition reveals the sum of the numbers 1 thru 10 = 55
And it is also a fact of life that at some point in our ‘fractal self-similar’ evolution we were sent another reminder of how to interpret the inPHOmation that ‘just is’.
“… the 55 seems to be generated at the completion of the fine structure constant 137 that comes in horizontally on the number 21 …”
-Anthony Morris
The 10 Commandments are listed in Exodus 20:3-17.
Can we in fact find a profound correlation between Exodus 20:3-17, the 3 Mother letters, 7 double letters, and 12 single letters AND the position of ACGT as letters in the Alephbet?
Recall that Alpha = 1/137 = the fine structure constant.
Oh my oh my what has been recovered?
Could it be this simple?
go to the comments below:
To me it all adds up to 137 along with hinting that the Exodus across the Red Sea could be another clue in fact that the Red Sea could be the Reed See, and the corpus callosum, that ‘barrier that divides our LEFT and RIGHT brain.
What consistent connection can we find between the Egyptians and many other pagan/heathen/indigenous basket weaving CULTures concerning reeds and magic squares and sacred knots?

So what do the SwiSS and Vatican City have in common?
And how do we use simple geometry (some like to call sacred) as the link between Switzerland and the Vatican City.
It really is simple as counting 1 2 3
The most primitive societies count in this manner …
1 … 2 … many
One to many?
The most primitive societies have no number for anything beyond ‘3’.
And that is rather interesting because we can find a profound analogy in string theory that suggests the same thing.
There is no need to count beyond three when looking for patterns.
So here is yet another AHA I want to share.
There is only ONE country in the entire world that is currently using a distinctly shaped flag that is NOT a square or rectangle.
Only ONE.

And it is Nepal.
I see a number ’13’.
How about you?

The Holy See (Latin: Sancta Sedes “holy chair”) is the episcopal jurisdictionof the Catholic Church in Rome. The primacy of Rome makes itsbishopthe worldwide leader of the Catholic Church, commonly known as the Pope. It is the preeminent episcopal seeof the Catholic Church, forming the central government of the Church. As such, diplomatically, the Holy See acts and speaks for the whole Catholic Church.
The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is one of the three sectors (divisions or units) of the International Telecommunication Union(ITU); it coordinates standards for telecommunications.
ITU-T has a permanent secretariat, the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), based at the ITU HQ in Geneva, Switzerland.
ITU-Tassigned code 379 to Vatican City. However, Vatican City is included in the Italian telephone numbering plan and uses the Italian country code 39, followed by 06 (for Rome) and 698.
Rome = 396

And how do we connect ROME to VBM and a much bigger picture?
click on link:
Swastika – 396 – ABHA Kingdom – 1251 – Yin Yang – Greek KEY fret pattern – Saturnalia

fig. 513 Ya – Holy Ax
YA = fig. 513 and it also is called the HOLY AX and the same ‘characters’ are again found in fig. 525 which means LONGEVITY.
The characters that resemble the numerals 5 and 2.
52 placed in the north and 25 in the south lead us to another clue about the need to go back to the Well, the 3×3 Lo Shu magic square, and Marko Rodin’s recovery of Vortex Based Mathematics!
And perhaps a solution has been retrieved from the collective unconscious, regarding one of Jesus’s famous miracles?
How to feed 5000 people using 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
The oldest traces of hominid existence in Switzerland date back about 150,000 years.[19] The oldest known farming settlements in Switzerland, which were found at Gächlingen, have been dated to around 5300 BC.
‘SS GoddeSS Civilizations’ and the Vinca script 55oo B.C.
Which brings us back to the beginning of this IDEA I had about patterns and how to communicate….SS truthS!
1 dot/pebble/stone represents the SPACE between the PARTS of a LETTER
3 dots/pebbles/stones represents the SPACE between TWO LETTERS
7 dots/pebbles/stones represents the SPACE between TWO WORDS
Sticks and Stones can break ME bones but calling me names will never ever hurt me.
IGNORANCE of SOUND a.k.a. hertz hurts you.

The “Large Coin, Fifty” (da quan wu shi 大泉五十) exists in many sizes and varieties.
The example above is one of the rarer varieties. It has four lines extending from the corners of the hole to the rim which the Chinese refer to as si chu (四出). (diameter: 26.8 mm, weight: 4.2 grams)
I need to study coins.
Because they were the currency of THOTH thoughts too.

The strange relationship that John Michell was alluding to in the above image between pi and phi has been solved by Livio Catullo Stecchini.

Naturally, Sonnet 55 is addressed to Hiram Abiff.
The reason we can be sure of this has to do with two Key words in the text of Sonnet 55—they are “masonry” and “arise”.
Sonnet 55 is the ONLY Shakespearean sonnet in which these two crucial words are to be found. The clincher is that the words masonry and arise are conjoined by precisely 55 words—again, this is not a coincidence, rather it is an affirmation.
KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”