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From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 22/05/2017 19:16
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/12/2015 16:48
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/12/2015 17:25
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/12/2015 17:27

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/05/2017 17:55
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/01/2016 16:15
Originally Posted by fr0sty View Post

Did you know the great pyramid is perfect, but they say the top of the pyramid is not in the middle of the square base and has an error of a quarter of a inch lol . but that is because the modern scientists has calculate wrong the Pi number. 
Pi or π is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space; this is the same value as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It is approximately equal to 3.14159 in the usual decimal notation (see the table for its representation in some other bases). π is one of the most important mathematical and physical constants: many formulae from mathematics, science, and engineering involve π.
 Circumference = π × diameter

 Area of the circle = π × area of the shaded square

Calculating Pi number 
π can be empirically estimated by drawing a large circle, then measuring its diameter and circumference and dividing the circumference by the diameter. Another geometry-based approach, due to Archimedes,[19] is to calculate the perimeter, Pn , of a regular polygon with n sides circumscribed around a circle with diameter d. Then 

That is, the more sides the polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches π. Archimedes determined the accuracy of this approach by comparing the perimeter of the circumscribed polygon with the perimeter of a regular polygon with the same number of sides inscribed inside the circle. Using a polygon with 96 sides, he computed the fractional range: 

I will say only that his ARCHIMEDES axiom (287-212 BC) resulting from the conclusion that seems logical in our OLD thinking and reference, namely that a circle can be compared and even overlapped with circumscribed polygon with infinite number of sides is not accurate! 

The modern scientist will say to you if you give them the TRUE PI NUMBER "Archimedes established margin that included PI: between 3.1408 (223/71) and 3.1428 (22 / 7), so the your result are not included in this interval, so that is false!"

For the moment all the guys out there uses PI=3.1415(....)
but the true Pi number is 3,1446(...) go and measure on terrain!!! practical !!! 

PI=4/radical(PHI, the golden ratio = 1.61803399(...)) = 3.14460550981492(...) !!! 
 The Golden Ratio!!! 

According to the true pi number the diameter of the Large Hadron Collider is smaller with 8.13 meters!
According to the true pi number the GREAT PYRAMID IS P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!!!!
According to the true pi number N.A.S.A. is using the true PI number. lol
According to the true pi number the humans will be able to build more perfect buildings (and durable ffs!!!)
Correction: PI=4/sqrt(PHI)=3.144605511029693144(...)...without doubt...MEASURED!...But, pay attention, please, about the"PARADOX OF THE SMALL ANGLES"up to sqrt[sqrt(89)]=3.071478656(...) sexag.deg. I'll explain you, later!
See you, please: http://quadrature.ro 

Mircea-Mugurel Serban

Last edited by vlahstar; 18-06-2009 at 09:21 AM. Reason: Completion!
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 19/02/2016 21:15
Originally Posted by fr0sty View Post

Did you know the great pyramid is perfect, but they say the top of the pyramid is not in the middle of the square base and has an error of a quarter of a inch lol . but that is because the modern scientists has calculate wrong the Pi number. 
Pi or π is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space; this is the same value as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It is approximately equal to 3.14159 in the usual decimal notation (see the table for its representation in some other bases). π is one of the most important mathematical and physical constants: many formulae from mathematics, science, and engineering involve π.
 Circumference = π × diameter

 Area of the circle = π × area of the shaded square

Calculating Pi number 
π can be empirically estimated by drawing a large circle, then measuring its diameter and circumference and dividing the circumference by the diameter. Another geometry-based approach, due to Archimedes,[19] is to calculate the perimeter, Pn , of a regular polygon with n sides circumscribed around a circle with diameter d. Then 

That is, the more sides the polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches π. Archimedes determined the accuracy of this approach by comparing the perimeter of the circumscribed polygon with the perimeter of a regular polygon with the same number of sides inscribed inside the circle. Using a polygon with 96 sides, he computed the fractional range: 

I will say only that his ARCHIMEDES axiom (287-212 BC) resulting from the conclusion that seems logical in our OLD thinking and reference, namely that a circle can be compared and even overlapped with circumscribed polygon with infinite number of sides is not accurate! 

The modern scientist will say to you if you give them the TRUE PI NUMBER "Archimedes established margin that included PI: between 3.1408 (223/71) and 3.1428 (22 / 7), so the your result are not included in this interval, so that is false!"

For the moment all the guys out there uses PI=3.1415(....)
but the true Pi number is 3,1446(...) go and measure on terrain!!! practical !!! 

PI=4/radical(PHI, the golden ratio = 1.61803399(...)) = 3.14460550981492(...) !!! 
 The Golden Ratio!!! 

According to the true pi number the diameter of the Large Hadron Collider is smaller with 8.13 meters!
According to the true pi number the GREAT PYRAMID IS P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!!!!
According to the true pi number N.A.S.A. is using the true PI number. lol
According to the true pi number the humans will be able to build more perfect buildings (and durable ffs!!!)
Correction: PI=4/sqrt(PHI)=3.144605511029693144(...)...without doubt...MEASURED!...But, pay attention, please, about the"PARADOX OF THE SMALL ANGLES"up to sqrt[sqrt(89)]=3.071478656(...) sexag.deg. I'll explain you, later!
See you, please: http://quadrature.ro 

Mircea-Mugurel Serban

Last edited by vlahstar; 18-06-2009 at 09:21 AM. Reason: Completion!
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/04/2016 00:25

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/05/2017 19:32
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 15:33
Resultado de imagen para tuerca tornillo
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 15:38
Resultado de imagen para tuerca tornillo
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 15:38
Resultado de imagen para tuerca tornillo
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 15:48
Resultado de imagen para RUEDA EJE
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 15:49
Resultado de imagen para ovni dibujo

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 20/04/2019 14:33
Resultado de imagen para APPLE BACK TO THE FUTURE
Previsualización de la tapa del diario Clarin
Resultado de imagen para NOTRE DAME FRENTE
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Resultado de imagen de PROVERBIOS 25:11


Resultado de imagen para NEW JERUSALEM PYRAMID
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID LAST SUPPER

Incendio Notre Dame: Última hora de la catedral de París (15 DE ABRIL)

Resultado de imagen para 15 DE ABRIL LEONARDO DA VINCI
Incendio Notre Dame: Última hora de la catedral de ParísIncendio Notre Dame (París), en directo (Bertrand Guay / AFP)
Resultado de imagen para NOTRE DAME DAVINCI


A la catredal de Notre Dame hi observem més rectanlges auris:

Creat per Mario Pastor

The DaVinci Code, Notre Dame Cathedral from DaVinci Code

original movie prop

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Resultado de imagen para hipercubo cuadratura del toro
Resultado de imagen para PHI A NOTRE-DAME
Resultado de imagen para PHI A NOTRE-DAME
Resultado de imagen para PHI A NOTRE-DAME

Math in Architecture and the Golden Section

math in architecture

The Golden Section (aka Golden Mean, and Golden Ratio) phys.org

We use math in architecture on a daily basis to solve problems. We use it to achieve both functional and aesthetic advantages. By applying math to our architectural designs through the use of the Golden Section and other mathematical principles, we can achieve harmony and balance. As you will see from some of the examples below, the application of mathematical principles can result in beautiful and long-lasting architecture which has passed the test of time.

Using Math in Architecture for Function and Form

We use math in architecture every day at our office. For example, we use math to calculate the area of a building site or office space. Math helps us to determine the volume of gravel or soil that is needed to fill a hole. We rely on math when designing safe building structures and bridges by calculating loads and spans. Math also helps us to determine the best material to use for a structure, such as wood, concrete, or steel.

“Without mathematics there is no art.” – Luca Pacioli, De divina proportione, 1509

Architects also use math when making aesthetic decisions. For instance, we use numbers to achieve attractive proportion and harmony. This may seem counter-intuitive, but architects routinely apply a combination of math, science, and art to create attractive and functional structures. One example of this is when we use math to achieve harmony and proportion by applying a well-known principle called the Golden Section

Math and Proportion – The Golden Section

Math in Architecture

Perfect proportions of the human body – The Vitruvian Man – by Leonardo da Vinci.

We tend to think of beauty as purely subjective, but that is not necessarily the case. There is a relationship between math and beauty. By applying math to our architectural designs through the use of the Golden Section and other mathematical principles, we can achieve harmony and balance.

The Golden Section is one example of a mathematical principle that is believed to result in pleasing proportions. It was mentioned in the works of the Greek mathematician Euclid, the father of geometry. Since the 4th century, artists and architects have applied the Golden Section to their work.

The Golden Section is a rectangular form that, when cut in half or doubled, results in the same proportion as the original form. The proportions are 1: the square root of 2 (1.414) It is one of many mathematical principles that architects use to bring beautiful proportion to their designs.

Examples of the Golden Section are found extensively in nature, including the human body. The influential author Vitruvius asserted that the best designs are based on the perfect proportions of the human body.

Over the years many well-known artists and architects, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, used the Golden Section to define the dimensions and proportions in their works. For example, you can see the Golden Section demonstrated in DaVinci’s painting Mona Lisa and his drawing Vitruvian Man.

Famous Buildings Influenced by Mathematical Principles

Here are some examples of famous buildings universally recognized for their beauty. We believe their architects used math and the principals of the Golden Section in their design:


The classical Doric columned Parthenon was built on the Acropolis between 447 and 432 BC. It was designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates. The temple had two rooms to shelter a gold and ivory statue of the goddess Athena and her treasure. Visitors to the Parthenon viewed the statue and temple from the outside. The refined exterior is recognized for its proportional harmony which has influenced generations of designers. The pediment and frieze were decorated with sculpted scenes of Athena, the Gods, and heroes.

Math in Architecture

Parthenon Golden Section

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Built on the Ile de la Cite, Notre Dame was built on the site of two earlier churches. The foundation stone was laid by Pope Alexander III in 1163. The stone building demonstrates various styles of architecture, due to the fact that construction occurred for over 300 years. It is predominantly French Gothic, but also has elements of Renaissance and Naturalism. The cathedral interior is 427 feet x 157 feet in plan. The two Gothic towers on the west façade are 223 feet high. They were intended to be crowned by spires, but the spires were never built. The cathedral is especially loved for its three stained glass rose windows and daring flying buttresses. During the Revolution, the building was extensively damaged and was saved from demolition by the emperor Napoleon.

Math in Architecture.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

Taj Mahal

Built in Agra between 1631 and 1648, the Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum designed by Ustad-Ahmad Lahori. This jewel of Indian architecture was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife. Additional buildings and elements were completed in 1653. The square tomb is raised and is dramatically located at the end of a formal garden. On the interior, the tomb chamber is octagonal and is surrounded by hallways and four corner rooms. Building materials are brick and lime veneered with marble and sandstone.

Math in Architecture and the Golden Section

Taj Mahal designed by Ustad-Ahmad Lahori

As you can see from the above examples, the application of mathematical principles can result in some pretty amazing architecture. The architects’ work reflects eye-catching harmony and balance. Although these buildings are all quite old, their designs have pleasing proportions which have truly passed the test of time.



Reply  Message 5 of 9 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/07/2019 19:44
Resultado de imagen para NEW JERUSALEN PHI

Reply  Message 6 of 9 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 19/07/2019 01:29
Resultado de imagen para SWASTIK CHRISTIAN

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 11/09/2019 19:18
Resultado de imagen para EINSTEIN ABEJAS

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 11/09/2019 21:08

Reply  Message 9 of 9 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/02/2020 02:22
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Resultado de imagen para MARS GIZE
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Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita
Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita
Resultado de imagen de isis horus set jesuita

MATT 16:18 is an in your face glyph for the golden mean ratio 1.618

(“MATT” is pun of “MATTER”)

Golden Mean ratio of 1.618

Golden Mean ratio of 1.618

The Golden Meand and the Equilateral Triangle in a Circle

The Golden Mean and the Equilateral Triangle in a Circle; THE CRUCIAL FACT IS THE MIDPOINT OF THE TRIANGLE SIDE


Star Tetrahedron, formed by the MIDPOINTS OF THE CENTRAL EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE  (the blue and rose colored lines indicate these midpoint halves)

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Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
Resultado de imagen para HECHOS 2 BIBLIA PENTECOSTES
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Saint Mary Magdalene in Venice


A closer look


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Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
Resultado de imagen para mateo 16:18
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Resultado de imagen para ALDRIN EN ARGENTINA 16:18 HORA
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