CARD X of the Tarot is the treasure map.It solves 'X', allow me to present some *NEW* evidence how the
Lost Symbol and my path, my journey have been on a collision course.
I just had this link sent my way by a fella who supports my work in his own unique way. is a link that discusses Dan Brown's new book soon to be released on Sept. 15th.
The authors of that site arrive at the same conclusions that I have.
The authors of that site suggest that Dan Brown's
Lost Symbol will be associated with both the 8-pointed star of Venus (morning and evening) and the CODE I keep harping about, 11, 2, 5, 8, that we find on CARD X of the Tarot.

Indisputable FACT: CARD X shows the 4 Evangelists reading their 4 Gospels and it contains
the 8-pointed star of Venus (note the 4 axis of symmetry) and we also note the name of YHVH positioned on the wheel in the inter-cardinal directions...and there is so much more...
A picture is worth a thousand words?...I could write a book about CARD X alone.

True Cross is formed by joining the
Four Royal Stars as depicted by the 4 Gospels.
That would be a gospel truth...for a change!!
#1 is FOMALHAUT in Aquarius
#2 is ALDEBARAN in Taurus
#3 is REGULUS in Leo
#4 is ANTARES in Scorpio
TRUE CROSS = CARD X of the Tarot = 4 Evangelists =
4 Royal Stars that form a CROSS in the heavens, that also served as the two equinox, and two solstices' markers between 4000 BC and 2000 BC.
During the Age of Taurus.
How old do they claim the timeline in the bible is?
About 6000 years?
It has become clear to me that my stock is about to rise 
after the release of Dan Brown's book on Sept. 15th, in just a few days time...
..IF in fact Dan targets the 4 Evangelists and the 8-pointed star of Venus as pertaining to the
Lost Symbol or the Key of Solomon.
I have been writing about nothing else for quite some time.
go to my blog, my boasts are never without good reason.
Something I wrote 2+ years ago... wonder if Dan Brown and his wife who does his research, came across any of my research?

Folks soon you will see, in time.
Some of you will see the truth immediately.
It all depends on what you have bought into.
How much
de-programming is necessary.
How many veils need to be lifted.
XX of the book called
THE ROYAL SECRET, a FREEMASON expose' deals with specifically the
And at the bottom of page 166 we read the following.
I highlighted and BFC the word
Therefore, the cosmic, or kabbalistic, numbers and symbols, as represented in the SWASTIKA, or Jaina, cross may be summed up as follows:
18. A symbol of life
26. J.H.V.H., or Jod, He, Vou, He
27. Mercury
28. The moon, also a lunar cycle
36. The sun.
72. A great year, or the precession of the equinoxes through one degree of the ecliptic.
180. One half of the ecliptic, or the passage of the sun from one equinox to the other, creating vegetable life in the northern hemisphere.
280. The period of human gestation.
The SWASTIKA represents ALL of the above according to at least one outspoken Freemason.
A fella who knows his craft well?
Order the book, you decide, tell me this book does not enlighten you.
And yes the SWASTIKA is a valuable KEY because we can link it directly to King 'Solomon's Knot', the square Greek Zodiacal Cross and the Great Year known today as Precession of the Equinoxes.
As I did some time ago. idea what it is like, to be a nobody, who has been entrusted with the gold ring of truth?
I feel like Frodo...surrounded by a bunch of weak egos who would fall apart if they dare step into the 'unknown' by donning the gold ring, opening a portal into the dark side of the mind.
As Jack Nicholson once said in a film, as he stood trial, "the herd of EWE can't handle the truth."
But for those of you who can.
Maybe after Sept. 15th, after the release of Dan Brown's next blockbuster, the herd of EWE will start to listen to ole' Raphael sans the IGNORANT heckling from the cheap seats ...
ONE word can summarize what much of my work hinges on.
A S Y M M E T R YThis next blog helps tie many of the loose 11 dimensional strings together.
String theory will be followed by a Knot Theory. IMHO
A Knot theory delivered by a SWASTIKA waving new-age NEO-matrix NAZI who was born a square head.
That would be me.
It is a fairly concise blog, it could use an update, but for those of you who are ready to see the underlying unity, the connections that can be veiled BUT can never be destroyed without destroying us in the process.
go here: version with additional info: this thread will attempt to present the information omitted from the Playboy article that was fed to the 4G clan.
The 4 G's of Preparedness..... God, Guns, Groceries & Gold
But I would like to add another G to the formula.
5 G's of Preparedness..... God, Guns, Groceries, Gold, Geometrynamaste