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James Watt: Father of the Industrial Revolution - Engineer's Planet

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James Watt and the sabbath stroll that created the industrial revolution

This article is more than 9 years old

On a spring Sunday in May 250 years ago, the Scottish engineer had a stroke of mechanical inspiration – and changed the world

Robin McKie
 Science Editor
Fri 29 May 2015 15.48 BST

Two hundred and fifty years ago this month, a young Scottish engineer took a Sunday walk across Glasgow Green – and changed the world. Thanks to the idea dreamed up by James Watt that Sunday in May 1765, human beings became masters of power generation and so transformed our planet.

At the time, Watt was merely fixated with the problems posed by the primitive and inefficient steam engines that were then being used to pump water from mines, and had already made several futile attempts to improve them. Then, on his Sunday walk, the idea for a new device – which he later called the separate condenser – popped into his mind.


It was a notion that would have stunning consequences. The separate condenser changed the steam engine from a crude and inefficient machine into one that became the mainstay of the industrial revolution. Britain was transformed from an agricultural country into a nation of manufacturers.

Today, many scientists believe the processes unleashed by Watt have begun to alter the physical makeup of our planet. After two-and-a-half centuries of spewing out carbon dioxide from plants and factories built in the wake of his condenser’s invention, the atmosphere and crust of the Earth are beginning to be transformed. Watt truly changed the world, it seems.

Indeed, that walk on Glasgow Green remains “one of the best recorded, and most repeated, eureka moments since Archimedes leaped out of his bathtub”, according to William Rosen in his book The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention, published in 2010.

In 1765, Watt – then an instrument-maker based at Glasgow University – was working on a Newcomen pump, a state-of-the-art device in which steam pushed a piston through a cylinder. Water was then sprayed into the cylinder, cooling it and causing the steam to condense, creating a vacuum behind the piston that sucked it back into its original position. More steam was pumped in and the piston was pushed forward again.

It was a very powerful process but also a very inefficient one. Constantly heating and then cooling the engine’s huge cylinder required huge amounts of heat and coal. Steam engines like these had only limited usefulness.

Then Watt set off on his walk. When he was halfway across the green, the idea of a separate condenser came into his mind. Such a device would, he realised, create a vacuum that would help suck in the engine’s piston but still allow its main cylinder to operate at a constant temperature. “I had not walked further than the golf-house when the whole thing was arranged in my mind,” he later recalled.

The earliest known portrait of James Watt, painted by Carl Fredrik von Breda in 1792. Photograph: SSPL via Getty Images

Watt would have gone to work straight away but was constrained by the dictates of the Scottish sabbath. He quickly made a model of his device, nevertheless, and this is now displayed in the Science Museum in London. Four years later, he patented the condenser – and triggered the industrial revolution.

“Watt’s condenser tripled the efficiency of the steam engine and that meant that mill or mine owners got three times more mechanical work for every tonne of coal they had to buy,” says Colin McInnes, professor of engineering science at Glasgow University. “It meant that Britain’s coal stocks had been effectively trebled. He made a tremendous difference to the rate at which industry spread through Britain and subsequently the rest of the world.”

Until Watt, human enterprise was constrained by the process of photosynthesis, says McInnes. “In other words, we had to rely on natural living sources for the power we needed to run our factories or plants: fast-flowing water or horses or burning wood. By making the steam efficient, Watt changed all that. He gave us the means to exploit energy-dense fossil fuels in an effective manner. It changed the world and ended the era of renewable energy.”

This point is backed up by Ben Russell, curator of mechanical engineering at the Science Museum, and author of James Watt: Making the World Anew, published last year. “Before Watt, industry had to rely on water power, and there was a strict limit to the number of factories you could build on the banks of fast-flowing rivers,” he says.

“After Watt invented the separate condenser, you could build highly efficient factories almost anywhere you wanted. It made it possible to build plants that were driven by cheap, relatively easy sources: coal and steam. The cotton industry was transformed. So was brewing. And mining. Watt brought wide acceptance of steam as a power source.”

Within a few decades of Watt’s breakthrough, networks of factories and mines, linked by railways, were spreading across the country, triggering a national frenzy for fossil fuels that has since become a global obsession. Steam power no longer dominates global industry but our reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas still lingers – with growing impacts on the planet.

Indeed, the Nobel-prizewinning chemist Paul Crutzen now argues that the greenhouse gases produced by burning fossil fuels have brought about such profound changes that we must accept the world has entered a new epoch. He calls it the “anthropocene”.

","alt":"How the condenser works","index":16,"isTracking":false,"isMainMedia":false}" data-island-status="hydrated" style="box-sizing: border-box;">

According to Crutzen and many other scientists, the planet is no longer being shaped primarily by natural processes but by ones set loose by human beings. We are raising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, scarring the planet’s surface in our search for coal and metals, cutting down forests to make way for factories and homes, and acidifying the oceans. Humans have become planet changers.

As to the event that triggered this onslaught, there are few better candidates than Watt’s stroll across Glasgow Green 250 years ago – though for such a momentous event, it is still afforded remarkably little recognition.

Indeed, it was only relatively recently, in the 1980s, that Glasgow’s councillors decided to install a small boulder in what is Glasgow’s oldest park, with a simple inscription: “Near this spot in 1765, James Watt conceived the idea for the separate condenser for the steam engine.”

By contrast, a few metres away, a 40-metre obelisk dedicated to Horatio Nelson was erected in 1806, only a year after his death at Trafalgar. Thus a remote battle was celebrated with a grandiose monument while an invention that gave birth to the industrial revolution and changed the world had to wait almost two centuries for recognition – in the form of a small stone.

On the other hand, Watt’s striking achievement will be recognised on 5 June, when Glasgow University stages a seminar, The Invention that Changed the World, focusing on Watt and his revolutionary separate condenser, as part of the Glasgow Science Festival.

“Watt was a real product of the enlightenment,” says the seminar’s organiser Lesley Richmond, deputy director of Glasgow University’s archives. “He was self taught, yet went on to work at Glasgow University at a time when Adam Smith and Joseph Black were teaching there.

“He was far more than just the inventor of the separate condenser, though that was the device that was to have the greatest impact. He also invented a machine for copying documents, for example – an early photocopier, in effect.

“And there is so much we can still learn about him. Many of his devices and papers have still to be properly archived and studied. In 2019, we will mark the bicentenary of Watt’s death. By then, we want to have all his work in digital form. Then we will get a real chance to appreciate his fantastic achievements.”


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/12/2024 14:36
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/12/2024 14:40
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/12/2024 13:01
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David Randolph Scott
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Nacimiento 6 de junio de 1932 (92 años)
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  • Medalla de la NASA de Servicios Distinguidos (1969)
  • Medalla de la Paz de las Naciones Unidas (1971)
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Decoding The Last Supper Painting Secrets by Da Vinci.

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Time Travel between Science Fiction and Biblical Scripture - YouTube

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, MA History, BA History


saint james brother of jesus



Jesus Christ had twelve disciples, each of whom accompanied the Biblical savior during His time on earth. Many of them continued His Christian work after the ascension.  The twelve men were Peter, James (Jesus’ brother), John, Andrew, Philip, Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus, and was replaced by Matthias), Matthew, Thomas, James, the son of Alpheus, Bartholomew, Judas Thaddeus; and Simon the Zealot. Of them all, Saint James, also known as James, brother of Jesus, James, son of Alpheus, James the Lesser, James the Minor, and James the Just, was one of the most prominent and significant.


James, Son of Alphaeus, James the Greater, and James, the Brother of Jesus

St James the Minor, Peter Paul Rubens, 1613. Source: Wikipedia
St James the Minor, Peter Paul Rubens, 1613. Source: Wikipedia


Various Gospels are often ambiguous, at times, as to which James is being referenced. Two to three James’s are spoken of in the Gospels – James, brother of John (aka James the Greater); James, brother of Jesus, and James, son of Alphaeus.  The Catholic doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary holds that James the son of Alpheus and James, brother of Jesus are the same person, as James could not be Jesus’ physical full brother.  In Protestant readings, the two are separate.  If the two are separate, then very little is known regarding James, son of Alpheus.


James, Brother of Jesus

Statue of St. James the Less in the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran by Angelo de Rossi. Source: Wikipedia
Statue of St. James the Less in the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran by Angelo de Rossi. Source: Wikipedia


James, the brother of Jesus, was a follower and Disciple of Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry and one of the first leaders of the early Christian Church.  He remained in Jerusalem as leader of the church following the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, and was likely martyred at the temple in Jerusalem.


James’ Position in the Early Church

St. James the Minor, by Georges de la Tour, 1615-20. Source: Wikipedia
St. James the Minor, by Georges de la Tour, 1615-20. Source: Wikipedia

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In Acts 15, a Council in Jerusalem was held regarding circumcision over which James presided.  The Acts 15 Council is considered probably the first Christian council, where many Apostles congregated to discuss the matter brought by Paul and Barnabas. In Galatians 1, the Apostle Paul records a meeting with James in the process of Paul confirming his conversion to the other Apostles.  James may have been the first elected leader within the early church.  Through the writings of Eusebius in the 200s, we have the records of Clement of Alexandria from the second century that James was elected leader of the Jerusalem Church.


St James Was Martyred

Saint James the Less (Menologion of Basil II). Source: The Byzantine Life
Saint James the Less (Menologion of Basil II). Source: The Byzantine Life


The death of James the Just around 62 CE is recorded by Eusebius, Clement of Alexandria, and Josephus.  Eusebius copied the chronicles of an earlier Christian, Hegesippus, who wrote that James was martyred by being thrown from the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem, and beaten with a club when the fall did not kill him.


Non-canonical Writings Attributed to Saint James

The Protoevangelium of James, James Orr. Source: Rakuten Kobo
The Protoevangelium of James, James Orr. Source: Rakuten Kobo


The Gospel of James, also known as The Protoevangelium of James, is a book of unknown source that was being circulated within the second century church.  Both Origen and Clement of Alexandria reference the book in their writings, so it was at least written around that time.  The Gospel of James contains the first mention of the idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary, the mother of Jesus.  The book was condemned by Pope Innocent I in 405, and it has generally not been accepted throughout church history as canonical due to its late writing and inconstant content.


The First and Second Apocalypse of James and the Apocryphon of James are other 2nd century books whose author claimed to be James.  Each of these books were from a collection of gnostic (secret knowledge) texts found in Egypt in 1945.  In addition to an authorship too late to be James, they are also part of gnostic texts written in an attempt to legitimize the early movement within Christianity.


James, the Son of Alphaeus

Two Martyr Saints in an Initial S (Alphaeus and Zacchaeus), 14th century. Source: Victoria and Albert Museum
Two Martyr Saints in an Initial S (Alphaeus and Zacchaeus), 14th century. Source: Victoria and Albert Museum


James the son of Alphaeus, while mentioned in the listings of the apostles, has very few details known regarding his life.  Outside of being listed among the apostles, and described in the Gospel of Mark as “the lesser” or “the smaller,” he is barely mentioned in the Bible. Several early Christian writings attempt to identify him with James the Just, but most try to maintain the perpetual virginity of Mary in a complex manner.  It is speculated that he died as a martyr by crucifixion in Ostrakine, Egypt. 


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/12/2024 16:51
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