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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/05/2015 03:31
: BARILOCHENSE6999 (Original message) Sent: 02/05/2015 00:30
Reply Hide message Delete message Message 51 of 51 on the subject
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 01/05/2015 23:41


Jano o Janus era un antiguo dios solar asirio-babilónico, asimilado primero como dios principal por los etruscos y luego por los romanos. Su principal característica es la de tener dos caras, una cara mirando a cada lado, una hacia atrás mirando al pasado y otra hacia adelante mirando al futuro, pues era el que vigilaba el umbral que los separa. Por eso se le dedicada el primer mes del ciclo del nuevo año, (enero que proviene de januarius) y se le relaciona con el principio (alfa) y con el fin (omega) de todas las cosas. Es el eje de la rueda del tiempo y se le conoce como el “Señor de la Eternidad”. También es el "Principium Deorum" o dios del principio y se le invocaba cada mañana al comienzo de la jornada de trabajo o cada vez que se iniciaba una nueva actividad.

<<<< Jano con sus llaves, su báculo y su gallo, signos compartidos por San Pedro





Jano, el dios de las dos caras, es el sincretismo de Moloch (el sumerio anunnaki Ningishzida). Por eso algunas monarquías -las servidoras de esta facción anunnaki- tienen el águila bicéfala como símbolo. Además el símbolo de Moloch son las aves rapaces o aves con garras, como el dragón, búho, halcón, gallo, pavo real, etc.

<<<<<<< Las dos caras de Jano y escudo de la familia rusa de los Romanov.




Jano, una deidad de arraigo popular muy profundo, era el dios de las puertas ya que se le ponía en la puerta y de las casas (los romanos llamaban "januas" a las puertas). De ahí su nombre y las dos llaves que le representan, una dorada y otra de plata -la unión de los opuestos- y se les asocia con las dos puertas solsticiales (solsticios de cáncer y de capricornio). En la simbología cristiana, éstas llaves son las de Pedro el apóstol, con las que abre y cierra el “Reino de los cielos” y forman parte desde siempre del escudo del Vaticano. Por su parte, el solsticio de Cáncer se ha convertido en la festividad de San Juan.


Primer  Anterior  93 a 107 de 137  Siguiente   Último 
Respuesta  Mensaje 93 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/12/2015 16:10
77 In Luciferian And Thelemic Gematria---Lucifer and Laylah

Respuesta  Mensaje 94 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/12/2015 18:29
Reply  Message 78 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:17
Reply  Message 79 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:19
Reply  Message 80 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:21
Reply  Message 81 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:24
Reply  Message 82 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:27
Reply  Message 83 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:28
Reply  Message 84 of 84 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/12/2015 13:31
Orion sobre la pirámide Maya Chichén Itzá
Image Credit & Copyright: Stéphane Guisard (Los Cielos de America, TWAN) 
Credits: D. Flores and B. Pichardo (Inst. Astronomia UNAM), P. Sánchez and R. Nafate (INAH).

Explicación: Bienvenidos al solsticio de diciembre, un día en que el mundo no se acaba … ni siquiera según el calendario maya. El día del solsticio de diciembre es la noche más larga del año en el hemisferio Norte y la más corta en el hemisferio Sur.
Para celebrarlo, mira esta espectacular fotografía de Orion elevándose sobre la pirámide central de Chichén Itzá, uno de los grandes centros mayas de la península de Yucatán. Conocida también como el Templo de Kukulkán, tiene 30 metros de altura y 55 metros de ancho en la base. Está construida mediante una serie de terrazas cuadradas por la civilización precolombina entre los siglos IX y XII.
La estructura se puede utilizar como un calendario y se caracteriza por las alineaciones astronómicas . De hecho, los mayas eran unos consumados astrónomos y matemáticos. Usaban con precisión los movimientos cíclicos de las estrellas, del Sol, de la Luna y los planetas para medir el tiempo y elaborar calendarios.

Brillan a través de las nubes en esta escena nocturna, las estrellas de la constelación de Orión, El Cazador, representaban una tortuga en el cielo maya. Tak sáamal.

Respuesta  Mensaje 95 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/12/2015 18:51
 BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:33
The Simpsons Movie Clock--1111--255--555

Reply  Message 294 of 296 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:36

Reply  Message 295 of 296 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:38

Reply  Message 296 of 296 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:45
857. 1 Corintios 11:8 Porque el varón no procede de la MUJER, sino la MUJER del varón, (EL HIJO TIENE ORIGEN EN EL ESPERMATOZOIDE Y NO EN EL OVULO)

858. 1 Corintios 11:9 y tampoco el varón fue creado por causa de la MUJER, sino laMUJER por causa del varón.

859. 1 Corintios 11:10 Por lo cual la MUJER debe tener señal de autoridad sobre su cabeza, por causa de los ángeles. 

860. 1 Corintios 11:11 Pero en el Señor, ni el varón es sin la MUJER, ni la MUJER sin el varón; 

861. 1 Corintios 11:12 porque así como la MUJER procede del varón, también el varón nace de la MUJER; pero todo procede de Dios. 

Respuesta  Mensaje 96 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/12/2015 20:12

Respuesta  Mensaje 97 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/12/2015 18:11

Respuesta  Mensaje 98 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/12/2015 16:54

Respuesta  Mensaje 99 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2015 21:35
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Respuesta  Mensaje 100 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/12/2015 21:56
14. Dijo luego Dios: Haya lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para separar el día de la noche; y sirvan de señales para las estaciones, para días y años,
15. y sean por lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra. Y fue así.
17. Y las puso Dios en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra,
18. y para señorear en el día y en la noche, y para separar la luz de las tinieblas. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
19. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día cuarto. (1:19=EL CODIGO DEL 11/9 O 9/11. ESTO EXPLICA DEL NEXO CON NUEVA YORK LA CAPITAL DEL MERCANTILISMO MUNDIAL)

Génesis 37

1. Habitó Jacob en la tierra donde había morado su padre, en la tierra de Canaán.
2. Esta es la historia de la familia de Jacob: José, siendo de edad de diecisiete años, apacentaba las ovejas con sus hermanos; y el joven estaba con los hijos de Bilha y con los hijos de Zilpa, mujeres de su padre; e informaba José a su padre la mala fama de ellos.
3. Y amaba Israel a José más que a todos sus hijos, porque lo había tenido en su vejez; y le hizo una túnica de diversos colores.
4. Y viendo sus hermanos que su padre lo amaba más que a todos sus hermanos, le aborrecían, y no podían hablarle pacíficamente.
5. Y soñó José un sueño, y lo contó a sus hermanos; y ellos llegaron a aborrecerle más todavía.
6. Y él les dijo: Oíd ahora este sueño que he soñado:
7. He aquí que atábamos manojos en medio del campo, y he aquí que mi manojo se levantaba y estaba derecho, y que vuestros manojos estaban alrededor y se inclinaban al mío.
8. Le respondieron sus hermanos: ¿Reinarás tú sobre nosotros, o señorearás sobre nosotros? Y le aborrecieron aun más a causa de sus sueños y sus palabras.
9. Soñó aun otro sueño, y lo contó a sus hermanos, diciendo: He aquí que he soñado otro sueño, y he aquí que el sol y la luna y once estrellas se inclinaban a mí(El sol/Jacob y la Luna/Raquel y once estrellas/once hermanos. El es la doceava estrella)
10. Y lo contó a su padre y a sus hermanos; y su padre le reprendió, y le dijo: ¿Qué sueño es este que soñaste? ¿Acaso vendremos yo y tu madre y tus hermanos a postrarnos en tierra ante ti?
11. Y sus hermanos le tenían envidia, mas su padre meditaba en esto.

Apocalipsis 12

Apareció en el cielo una gran señal: una mujer vestida del sol, con la luna debajo de sus pies, y sobre su cabeza una corona de doce estrellas.
2. Y estando encinta, clamaba con dolores de parto, en la angustia del alumbramiento. (La referencia es aL SUEÑO DE JOSE DE GENESIS 37  con referencia al SOL/JACOB, LUNA/RAQUEL Y ESTRELLA/JOSE O BENJAMIN. Es una relacion con MERCURIO/MIERCOLES / CUARTO DIA DE LA CREACION en que fueron creadas las dos lumbreras y las estrellas segun genesis 1:19. ESTHER=ISHTAR=ESTRELLA=ORION DISEÑADA EN FUNCION AL PERIHELIO Y AFELIO DE MERCURIO.)
3. También apareció otra señal en el cielo: he aquí un gran dragón escarlata, que tenía siete cabezas y diez cuernos, y en sus cabezas siete diademas;
4. y su cola arrastraba la tercera parte de las estrellas del cielo, y las arrojó sobre la tierra. Y el dragón se paró frente a la mujer que estaba para dar a luz, a fin de devorar a su hijo tan pronto como naciese.
5. Y ella dio a luz un hijo varón, que regirá con vara de hierro a todas las naciones; y su hijo fue arrebatado para Dios y para su trono.
6. Y la mujer huyó al desierto, donde tiene lugar preparado por Dios, para que allí la sustenten por mil doscientos sesenta días.
7. Después hubo una gran batalla en el cielo: Miguel y sus ángeles luchaban contra el dragón; y luchaban el dragón y sus ángeles;
8. pero no prevalecieron, ni se halló ya lugar para ellos en el cielo.
9. Y fue lanzado fuera el gran dragón, la serpiente antigua, que se llama diablo y Satanás, el cual engaña al mundo entero; fue arrojado a la tierra, y sus ángeles fueron arrojados con él.
10. Entonces oí una gran voz en el cielo, que decía: Ahora ha venido la salvación, el poder, y el reino de nuestro Dios, y la autoridad de su Cristo; porque ha sido lanzado fuera el acusador de nuestros hermanos, el que los acusaba delante de nuestro Dios día y noche.
11. Y ellos le han vencido por medio de la sangre del Cordero y de la palabra del testimonio de ellos, y menospreciaron sus vidas hasta la muerte.
12. Por lo cual alegraos, cielos, y los que moráis en ellos. ¡Ay de los moradores de la tierra y del mar! porque el diablo ha descendido a vosotros con gran ira, sabiendo que tiene poco tiempo.
13. Y cuando vio el dragón que había sido arrojado a la tierra, persiguió a la mujer que había dado a luz al hijo varón.
Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la serpiente al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo.
El punto de su órbita que está más cercano al sol (perihelio de la órbita de Mercurio) está ante el punto en el que está el planeta Tierra cuando en nuestra memoria el concepto "día" tiene como valor "19 de diciembre". El punto más cercano al sol (afelio) forma el otro extremo de la línea perihelio/afelio que coincide con la línea Sol/Centro galáctico. Es decir que cuando en nuestra memoria el concepto "día" tiene como valor "19 de diciembre", el planeta Tierra está frente al punto del perihelio de la órbita de Mercurio, el cual en esos momentos está entre el planeta Tierra y el sol mientras el planeta Mercurio suele estar en cualquier otro punto de su órbita, y de hecho sólo cada 83 órbitas de Mercurio (20 órbitas de la Tierra ó 20 años) Mercurio y la Tierra se alinean mientras Mercurio está en su perihelio, es decir, cuando el "19 de diciembre" es el valor del concepto "día" en nuestra memoria.
Orbit of Mercury (yellow). Dates refer to 2006.
Animation of Mercury's and Earth's revolution around the Sun

La particularidad de esta línea de perihelio/afelio de Mercurio es que está alineada con la Línea fija formada por Orión/Sol/CentroGaláctico, y como la Tierra pasa cada 19 de junio entre el Sol y el Centro galáctico, eso significa que también en ese día pasa frente al afelio de la órbita Mercurio, y frente al perihelio el 19 de diciembre.

Si "eliminamos" la excentricidad y convertimos la órbita de Mercurio es un círculo racional perfectamente equidistante del Sol, resulta que la órbita de Mercurio inscribe a un pentágono (inscrito en la órbita "perfeccionada" de Mercurio), y este pentágono es la figura interior que resulta de la estrella de 5 puntas formada por la Tierra y Venus durante 8 órbitas de la Tierra y 13 de Venus (8 años), lo cual es el Ciclo Pentagonal.



Respuesta  Mensaje 101 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 06:35
Related to Mykah's post, focusing on the pyramid symbology and the two faces.

I began to think of the celtic notions of above and below.

Think of a large tree, we only see half of the tree. We look in amazement and wonderment at the life that is harboured in its branches and the incredible atmospheric processing factory the tree is. We forget that below us is the other half of the tree, its roots providing a harbour for an entire ecosystem, and the roots are an enormous chemical processing plant.

Duir - Double-ended oak treeThis picture comes from an ancient druid grove in Derby and shows an oak tree (Duir) with its branches and roots entwined to make the circle of life. In the 90s an ancient oak tree was uncovered as the sea went very far out on the Norfolk coast. It had been buried upside-down within a circle of posts, a woodhenge. Time Team built a replica of it that was most impressive and gave you a strong sense of what the place must have been about.

The concept of burying the tree upside-down, so its branches were in the earth and its roots in the heavens has lots of esoteric symbolism.

Two faces of the same coin.

I think of the pyramids coming in pairs. The depiction of the Star of David on the Israeli national flag is for me an indication of a double pyramid, one facing up, the other, subterranean facing down,

The pyramids true power was not just the enormous energies it sends up into the atmosphere, image those same huge energies also being transmitted downwards, or perhaps the underside pyramid focuses the subterranean energies into the above ground pyramid?

I have often wondered what is beneath Silbury Hill, not just what is in it.

The Nile as Tree of Life:

but which is the root and which is the branch? What is up and what is down? For the Ancients, The Med was the bottom of Egypt, South was at the top. The Delta is the roots.

Black is white. Above is below. Top is down.

Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 102 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 14:58
Related to Mykah's post, focusing on the pyramid symbology and the two faces.

I began to think of the celtic notions of above and below.

Think of a large tree, we only see half of the tree. We look in amazement and wonderment at the life that is harboured in its branches and the incredible atmospheric processing factory the tree is. We forget that below us is the other half of the tree, its roots providing a harbour for an entire ecosystem, and the roots are an enormous chemical processing plant.

Duir - Double-ended oak treeThis picture comes from an ancient druid grove in Derby and shows an oak tree (Duir) with its branches and roots entwined to make the circle of life. In the 90s an ancient oak tree was uncovered as the sea went very far out on the Norfolk coast. It had been buried upside-down within a circle of posts, a woodhenge. Time Team built a replica of it that was most impressive and gave you a strong sense of what the place must have been about.

The concept of burying the tree upside-down, so its branches were in the earth and its roots in the heavens has lots of esoteric symbolism.

Two faces of the same coin.

I think of the pyramids coming in pairs. The depiction of the Star of David on the Israeli national flag is for me an indication of a double pyramid, one facing up, the other, subterranean facing down,

The pyramids true power was not just the enormous energies it sends up into the atmosphere, image those same huge energies also being transmitted downwards, or perhaps the underside pyramid focuses the subterranean energies into the above ground pyramid?

I have often wondered what is beneath Silbury Hill, not just what is in it.

The Nile as Tree of Life:

but which is the root and which is the branch? What is up and what is down? For the Ancients, The Med was the bottom of Egypt, South was at the top. The Delta is the roots.

Black is white. Above is below. Top is down.

Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 103 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 00:36

Celia Fenn – When Two Suns Rise – Sirius and the Planetary New Year – 7-20-15

Celia Fenn   –   When Two Suns Rise   –   Sirius and the Planetary New Year   –   7-20-15


The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on the Earth recognized this as the moment when an important New Cycle of Evolutionary Time was initiated.

This period was also associated with what was known as the “Lion’s Gate”, the historical moment when the constellation of Leo aligned with the Pyramid complex at Giza. But you might ask, why is that important to me in the year 2015?

This is because the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun. It is the time when Earth has Two visible “suns” in the sky. The one sun is Golden, and the other is Blue in Frequency. This conjunction of Stars celebrates the long connection between Earth, and its Sun, and the Star System of Sirius.

In Ancient Egypt, in the post-Atlantean civilization that sprang up on the banks of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius, as it is known, also marked the time when the Nile River rose due to rains in Central Africa, and flooded the plains of Egypt so that crops could be grown. The rising of the waters signified the return of Abundance and Blessings to the land, and this was also associated with Sirius and it’s helical rising in the East.

Sirius has long been a guiding light and force in the Evolution of the Earth. There were many powerful Star Teachers that came to the Earth to assist Humanity, and they were believed to be ‘gods’. These teachers included the Beings known as Isis and Osiris, who brought the arts of agriculture and learning to the peoples of Ancient Egypt to assist them to reconstruct their world after the trauma of the Atlantean catastrophe.

And now, at this time, we are told that the Sirian Master Teachers are returning to our world to assist us with aligning our frequencies with the incoming Diamond Light that is raising the frequency of our Planet and of Humanity.

The Gold Sun and the Blue Sun

As Master teachers, the Sirians brought information to the Ancient Egyptians that helped them to remember who they were and where they were going. They taught them the principles of Ascension, and these were recorded in papyrus texts and on pyramid and temple walls. They reminded us all that our bodies are from the Earth but our Souls are from the Stars.

In recent years, they have also reminded us that everything is energy and frequency, and that ascending or raising our consciousness, means that we can align ourselves with the frequencies that are coming from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Center, and that are raising the frequency of our Light Bodies and our Physical bodies and DNA.

It was the Sirians who first taught us about the ‘Christ Consciousness’ that was embodied in the Golden Light of the Sun. The Gold Frequency was Divine Light and it carried the energy of Divine Love and Compassion.

As Humanity opened themselves to receive more of the transmissions of the Divine Light and more of the Light Codes that would elevate consciousness, they embraced the Gold Light and activated the Light Body and Multi-dimensional consciousness.

The first Sirian Avatars of the Christ Consciousness were Isis and her partner Osiris, who brought the Golden Light to Egypt. The second Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene. Together, they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness.

The Blue Sun was Sirius itself, and it carried the Blue Frequency of that Star System also known as the ‘Blue Star’. This deep Blue Light carried the Codes of an advanced race of Light Beings who were in the service of the Divine Plan and the Evolution of the Galaxy and the Earth.

The rising of the Blue Sun indicated another cycle of Light, Love and Support from the Sirian Master Teachers on the Path of Evolution. Following this event, those on the Earth could expect great blessings and abundance in their lives.

You might wonder, what happened? Why was this teaching lost and why is it only now being recovered as we move into the Ascension process?

Well, in the Ancient Egyptian world, the Sacred duties of the Master Teachers were disrupted by a corrupt priesthood that had an agenda of control, mostly through the manipulation of sexual energies.

Since this world is a free-will zone, Humanity was left to carry on its path and the Sirian Master Teachers withdrew from Egypt.

The arrrival of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represented another opportunity to anchor and ground the Golden Frequency.

Initially this was achieved, after the death of Yeshua, by Mary Magdalene, who carried the teachings to France and into Europe. But again, a corrupt priesthood arose that ended the line of Mary Magdalene in the 12th Century with the Albigensian Crusade.

Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.

The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.

The Lion’s Gate

After the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, there is a powerful Portal or Vortex that opens which allows these new Light Codes to flood into the Earth grids. The constellation of Leo no longer aligns with the rising Sun as time has passed. But, the energy of the Lion is what is important at this vortex.

The Lion is the Frequency Keeper of Africa, and of course Egypt is part of Africa. The Spirit Keeper of the Portal is the Spirit Animal that guards the integrity of the African continent. The Lion also represents Spiritual Power, and Yeshua/Jesus was known as the ‘Lion of Judah’, as the representative of the Sirian avatar line on Earth.

So, the ‘Lion’s Gate’ is that moment when this portal opens to allow new Codes and new Information that will be the template for the year ahead. The Royal Lion stands guard over the New Timeline. In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Gate was represented by two Lions who faced each other.

They were known as the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, and of course, it was ‘today’ that came pouring through the gate. The Infinite ‘now’ of present time that can be experienced as flow and creativity and blessings. The Lion’s Gate opens on the 26th of July, reaches its climax on the 8th of August, and closes on the 12th of August.

So it is, at this time, that there are many endings and new beginnings that go with the torrents of Light that come through the Lion’s Gate. Do not be sad or upset if these are intense times, they are meant to be.

The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be rooted and blessings result. In the Ancient Egyptian world this was clearly visible as the river flooded, washing away the last of last years crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land.

In our time, the manifestation may not be so obvious, but we are going through the same intense process of ending and new beginnings for a richer and more abundant cycle ahead.

Ascension and the Master Teachers

Now, as we are in this wonderful process of the Ascension of our consciousness to higher frequencies, we are once again being aided and assisted by the Sirian Master Teachers.

But, this time, we are not in a relationship of ‘gods’ and ‘subjects’. We are ascending into our own power, and the Master Teachers are seen as guides and helpers, rather than ‘gods’.

As we recognize the Divine Flame within ourselves and as we embody the Higher Frequencies, including the Gold, Blue and Diamond Frequencies, we understand that Earth has ‘graduated’ to a new level where the Sirian Master Teachers can be consulted as ‘Star Family’ and ‘Star Elders’, but that it is we ourselves who must drive our own Evolution through our Intentions and our Choices.

The Master Teachers are here to hold ‘Master Classes’, to remind us who we are and to help us to step into our power, but we must be the ones who embody the Crystalline Rainbow Frequencies of the New Earth.

This time of the Planetary New Year and the Lion’s Gate is an ideal time to embrace this truth and step into our Multi-dimensional Light and Power as Ascended Humans, as New Earth Souls who embody all the Higher Frequencies of Light that were gifted to us by the Star Teachers and Avatars to advance our Spiritual and Physical Evolution on Earth.


Source:“When Two Suns Rise: Sirius and the Planetary New Year” by Celia Fenn, July 19 2015, at http://starchildglobal.com/channels-and-articles/when-two-suns-rise/

Source Link: When Two Suns Rise

Respuesta  Mensaje 104 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/01/2016 00:49
Originally Posted by orslah View Post
I kept looking at the Fibonacci Numbers;

Love Debbie
Debbie I am not sure if you have seen this link.
it is a compilation of FIBONACCI sources that connect to the pattern detected by moi, regarding the numbers 11, 2, 5, 8

AND some folks in their holier-than-thou IGNORANCE, (and there are many on these forums) seem to believe that only *experts* can see divine patterns?

Back to remembering...
later I found out the Masonic cipher is 3.
(because of its association to gimel and gamma, the two languages that used similar forms of gematria long ago, among other reasons....)

so when we add the cipher 3 to 11, 2, 5, 8
the FIGURATIVE FIB that is being VEILeD by the big LITERAL LIE called jesus reveals itself.
So I am suggesting that the advertising camPAIN called jesus was used to VEIL LAWS of NATURE from the pagans that the Church was trying to convert?
Occams Razor applies here folks, in a very big way...why delude yourselves with HIS-story based on the LITERAL LIE called jesus, born 2000 years ago.

An archetypal FIGURATIVE jesus was born 6000 years ago.

Easily proved, based on this zodiacal CODE that folks should start their end of daze with 
... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,

I love coincidences that reveal patterns...
take a look at the post number assigned to that thread I just linked you too.
#5228 or 11, 2, 5, 8? 
or design?

design of course, based on certain patterns, just ask the Mann who supplies the NOBEL GEL, the glue that binds all of EWE to YOU using a U?

And the U looks like a magnet or cosmic good luck horseshoe to me.
lol lol lol

And please note that the horseshoe shape fits nicely into St. Peter's Square....

2 versions of OMEGA
, man

AND please note that the U used as a horseshoe in the image above resembles an upside down OMEGA symbol too?
OR that the Masonic cipher 3 can look like an omega symbol too if rotated 90 degrees through space?

Mind if I ask a rhetorical question Debbie based on the above image?

Why oh why was the Temple of Delphi and the letter/shape/glyph 'E' attributed to Apollo who we see has a swastika on his chest, just like the Buddha?

2 FISH and 5 LOAVES of BREAD = Marko Rodin's cosmic blender concept re: 25

Courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication where the miracle of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish took place, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

I love patterns...Am I being lead back to the source?
By what?
right click and take a look at the url # of this image that I posted off the web...OBVIOUSLY the Church of the Multiplication is to be a part of the narration I am supplying.

i.e. this is the photo url.
You need to know, that before I was lead to 11, 2, 5, 8, 
I was exploring the numbers 528....re: the solfeggio frequency that heals DNA, as some researchers claim.
I was born at 5:28 am?

regarding the Church of the Multiplication I want to ask the following questions... 
a/ does it look like an OMEGA symbol?
b/ does it fit into st. peter's square?
c/ is it a mnemonic/shape/temple design pointing toward the Holy Grail, the ARK, our DNA?
d/ does this 'omega' temple shape fit the binary (1 and 0 ) representation, of what we find in St. Peter's Square Ellipse, as seen from above?

YES lordy lordy lordy do ya see it dude?
ground control to major tomtom
the pope is sending you a message... 
go here>>> HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Message


Last edited by raphael; 29-06-2010 at 03:31 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 105 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/01/2016 04:50
Which TORUS modEL is best? 



Marko Rodin and the Cross of the Ilu? 



BiBLE = BaBeL = BaB-iLu = Gate of God = Cross of Ilu = 369 = 4 axis of symmetry 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 106 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/02/2016 00:26
Which TORUS modEL is best? 



Marko Rodin and the Cross of the Ilu? 



BiBLE = BaBeL = BaB-iLu = Gate of God = Cross of Ilu = 369 = 4 axis of symmetry 


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 107 de 137 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/03/2016 01:18
Reply  Message 673 of 673 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/03/2016 21:54

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