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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 11/02/2015 14:36

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Respuesta  Mensaje 260 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/11/2015 17:12
This post explores why numbers do count and are relevant markers in our lives.



The above link is rife with references to the swastika.

...Now Kether is the beginning of whirling motion, and this is represented by the whirling activity of the Holy Swastika.
...These seem to further suggest that the Solar Logos of Horus is the Chief Mystery signified by these numbers & words of Liber Legis. This Solar Logos is symbolized by the Holy Swastika.
...thus Aleph (= Swastika) is a symbol of the Solar Logos.
...Swastika is a Weapon of War. But note, however, that 111 results from the addition of the letters which spell the word LOVE. Thus the Weapon of the Solar Logos is Love,
...Mystery of the Solar Logos (X); and thus the numbers & the words, which reveal the mysteries of the Solar Logos, are proclaimed in His chapter. The numbers 4 6 3 8, which conceal the significance of the Swastika (X)

That link helps confirm my journey that began 4 years ago with a simple thought.
A simple thought from which there was no turning back.
A thought that became an obseSSion.
An obseSSion I continue to nurture into a paSSion.
A paSSion that SeekS a truth in the paradox of life and death.
The thought was simple enough.

God = Energy

I then took my god = energy thoughts, using the swastika as mediator, and proceeded to get banned from a few forums and ridiculed in others, but I feel my ideas share common ground here, plus the fact in 3-4 years I have gathered quite a bit of historical evidence to dispute the scripted HIS-story.
And both time and effort have granted mi the result of reducing the entire theSiS to asymmetry.
And by showing how asymmetry transcends SPACE, TIME and MOTION...I have thus found an apt universal archetype.
Not to mention that a mirror produces chiral asymmetrical images.
Not to mention that a mirror represents the same paradox in regards to how the universe we inhabit has been veiled to us.
Asymmetry is the veil that separates us from the 'other side', and produces the paradoxes necessary to produce the 'illusions'.

So here I am 4 years later, ranting and raving about a divine symbol being able to connect ALL in the cosmos. 
(do read the above article re: all = al)

What do you want to know about the swastiKA?
What do you want to know about the number 4?
What do you want to know about the numbers 1258?
What do you want to know about the mirror and mi-ra?

Enough about mi, what do you want to know about yourself?
Why do we always use words to describe our personal experiences...?

Words are based on letters which derived from numbers which came from images/pictograms/geometric pixels.

Therefore the 'ewe' should be able to tell mi about themselves in numbers and pictures...
Right, of course I am right, because that is where the bull-shit meter is activated.
In the right hemisphere of the brain, this is where left brain paradoxes can be reconciled.

But it seems the mainstream herd of sheeple have been primarily concerned with counting money while they shleep and then bleat about their dreams the next morning using vords...

Jesus Salvator = $

It is through the simplicity of connecting through numbers (1-9) that a person can also connect to the transcendent....IM not so HO
I.e. psychologists suggest there are only 9 personality types that can be placed on the enneagram.

Vords just get in the vay.
Ja way

The swastiKA is still revered in the 'east'.
The swastiKA was killed in western consciousness.
If the swastiKA is resurrected...
Would not east meet west?
The swastiKA MUST be resurrected, for humanity to even have a chance in reaching their potential.
That other symbol that is battling the swastiKA for the hearts and minds of humanity can be shown to be, behind the suppreSSion of the swastiKA.

That other symbol is of course the CRUCIFIX.
Yup the fix is in.
In vogue apparently.
Have you had your fix today?
What kind of daily fixs do the ewe fill their crucibles with?
Holy Grail was a cup or crucible...long before Dan Brown exploited an archetype into a literal translation of an archetypal Mary's womb.
The holy grail is your body...your body is an alchemy vessel.
You are the alchemist put in charge of a particular body.
What are you going to do with this veSSel?
What kind of desires do ewe fill yer' holy grail with?

It is obvious to mi, why there has been a plan, planned with an intent to distort, maim and marginalize the profound significance of this divine symbol, the swastika, and to put others in charge of what you fill your veSSel with.
An archetypal symbol of great significance capable of representing quite a bit of the life that goes on around us.
A symbol that is anchored to each of our (right brain hemisphere) unconsciousness', representing the swirling archetype that sets life itself into motion.
Swastika >>> vortex energy >>> helices >>> DNA >>> a helix when unwound is like a scroll or a Torah representing a linear Life and Death cycle, however linear it is plotted on a circular plane wrapped around a toroid or a torus?


And the swastika is also the Star Gate we paSS through upon dying.
But a gate or door or mirror always has two sides.

Suggesting Elvis HAS left the building but he and the Doors became stars elsewhere.
I imagine that all the sheeple one day will become people...

Ewe may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one...



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 

Respuesta  Mensaje 261 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 16:59

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 03/12/2015 13:56

Respuesta  Mensaje 262 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/12/2015 17:52

Justin Timberlake et le signe 666

Index de Justin Timberlake pointant sur le 666...

Au cas où le spectateur n'aurait pas compris ce qu'il fallait décoder!

Un sexe pointant vers un orifice? non!


Justin Timberlake et le signe 666

Et toujours Justin Timberlake et le signe 666...

Se reporter à la Galerie dédiée

Respuesta  Mensaje 263 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/12/2015 16:37
Jano - xano - xacobo - Jacobo - san yago - santiago
Jano - Iano - Ianus - Ianua - Iacobus

el Hermes no es equiparable...es hermafrodita y bicéfalo
el Jano es bifronte
ya quisieran el Hermes y el Shiva tener lo del Jano...

Es que todos ellos son mensajeros,el contacto entre dioses y los hombres , arquitectos del universo y además poseen dos "vertientes"


El Primer Día del Año, es decir, el Día Primero de Enero de cada Año es dedicado al Dios Jano, Janus, Cronos o Saturno, Iao, Baco, Iod-Hevé, Thoth, Hermes y Mercurio.

"Dupuis fue el primer erudito que identificó a San Pedro como Janus [el término janitor, originalmente el que tiene las llaves, deriva de janus]. Janus alternadamente deriva de Dianus (Día), un Dios de las horas de la luz del día, la forma masculina de Diana la Deidad “Lunar” [Venusta, mejor dicho]. Janus es considerado el Dios de las Puertas, especialmente responsable [como San Pedro] del Portal del Cielo. El mes de Enero es llamado después Janus. (...). En los antiguos días Janus estaba en el cielo medio en la salida del Sol alrededor del Solsticio de Invierno, abriendo así un Año Nuevo. Janus es no solamente competente para abrir y cerrar días y años, sino también guerra y paz. (...) Así como Janus conduce el círculo anual de los signos zodiacales, San Pedro conduce a los Doce Apóstoles del Cristianismo Romano. Hércules es llamado un Portador de la Maza, pero Llave y Maza pueden ser expresados como sinónimos en Latín: Hércules es por lo tanto, un portador de las Llaves igual que Janus."

"Las regiones del Cercano Oriente tienen la mayoría de la lluvia en invierno. Esto conduce al cuadro de Janus como Barquero a través de la inundación del invierno. (...) Janus como Barquero se refiere otra vez a la actividad de Pedro como pescador. Janus fue representado no solamente con la Llave del Cielo, sino también con una Vara Larga que puede ser reinterpretado como la Vara del pastor con la que San Pedro mira a las Ovejas (...)"

Antigua Gema Gnóstica con la figura del Abraxas y el Nombre Inefable de Dios IAW (IAO), el Anubis y Hermes-Cristo de los Gnósticos.

En la obra "The Gnostics and Their Remains", en el capítulo titulado "The Abraxas", su autor "Charles William King", [1887]", en referencias al Dios ANUBIS, lo describe

"... portando el caduceo de Hermes para denotar su oficio de conductor de almas [psicopompo], no… a través de las sombras del submundo, sino a lo largo del sendero planetario hasta su final reposo en el Pleroma. Así el Evangelio Gnóstico "Pistis Sophía", describiendo al Salvador [Jesús Cristo] después de haber recibido su Vestidura de Luz, con las cinco palabras de poder inscritas y con los nombres de todas las Dominaciones encontradas en su Ascensión, lo hace venir primero a la Puerta del Firmamento, luego al Dios de la esfera, luego a la esfera del Destino, y finalmente a los Doce grandes Aeones: cuyos Poderes todos cuando vieron sus propios nombres escritos en su vestidura quedaron impresionados con temor y comenzaron a cantar himnos a Él."

"Este ANUBIS-HERMES aparece algunas veces ondeando una rama de palma, para proclamar su victoria sobre los Poderes del Mal; o presidiendo a la psychostasia "peso de las almas", la escena comúnmente pintada en el Ritual Egipcio de la Muerte. En el último carácter, él aparece aquí como Cristo, el Juez;… En las antiguas Gemas griegas Hermes es a menudo representado inclinándose hacia adelante, con el caduceo en la mano, y por su mística virtud asistiendo a un alma emergiendo de la profundidad de la tierra -- una extraña coincidencia en forma, probablemente también en origen, con la medieval pintura del Salvador [Jesús el Cristo] sacando almas del Purgatorio…" […]

"Hermes en este particular carácter de Psychopompos, fue muy utilizado por los Naasenos (Ofitas) como el profético representante del Salvador en su grandioso oficio. Ellos interpretaron a Hermes conduciendo a las almas a través de la oscuridad dentro del Elysium así como Cristo guía las mentes del iluminado, fuera de la ignorancia, dentro del Conocimiento [Gnosis], en todo su especial sentido de las palabras…"

Un poco más adelante, este mismo autor, dice:

"Este doble carácter de ANUBIS es... expresado… [como[ el Buen Pastor, cargando un cordero sobre sus hombros, recostado sobre su cayado, sus lomos atados con un cinto [o ceñidor]… Pero un examen más detenido … se resuelve en el Dios de dos cabezas de Egipto… el "ladrador Anubis"… " ("The Gnostics and Their Remains".)

El "ladrador Anubis", en dos palabras: ¡El Veltro!

"... el gallo, heraldo del Sol, estaba consagrado al Dios Mercurio..." (Fulcanelli, “Las Moradas Filosofales”).

El Gallo (GAIO, o I.A.O.) es el atributo del Apóstol Pedro. Cuando el Gallo de la Alquimia, de la Pasión, Canta por tercera vez, es el anuncio de la Resurrección.

“El Gallo" es el emblema de la Resurrección. Simboliza también al Mercurio de la Alquimia, las Energías Creadoras Sexuales, que el Alquimista Transmuta por medio de “La Llave" que es el Arte y la Ciencia de la Transmutación Sexual, tal y como está en las Obras de nuestro Venerable y Amado Maestro Samael Aun Weor, de nuestro Venerable y Amado Maestro Rabolú y del V.M. Thoth-Moisés. (Ver nuestro Trabajo titulado “Preparación para ser un Fiel Discípulo de la Logia Blanca“).

El Divino Jerarca de la Ley de Dios Anubis es asimismo Hermes y Thoth:

"Hermanubis (Egipcio).- O sea: Hermes-Anubis, "el revelador de los misterios del mundo inferior" -no del infierno o Hades, como se ha interpretado erróneamente, sino de nuestra Tierra (el mundo más inferior de la cadena septenaria de mundos) -y también de los misterios sexuales. Kreuzer debe haber adivinado la verdadera interpretación, por cuanto denomina a Anubis-Thoth-Hermes "un símbolo de la ciencia y del mundo intelectual".

"Estaba siempre representado teniendo en la mano una cruz,..." (G.T. H.P.B.)", el "Ankh", la Cruz de Thoth.


Respuesta  Mensaje 264 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/12/2015 17:34
La Luna Masónica
Alcoseri 22/12/2015 14:32
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:31
Alcoseri 22/12/2015 14:31
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:30
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:29
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:28
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:28
Muere el francmasón Neil Armstrong, primer hombre en pisar la Luna
Alcoseri 22/12/2015 14:27
Operacion Paperclip, la conexión Nazi.
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:26
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:25
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:25
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:24
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:24
BARILOCHENSE6999 22/12/2015 14:23

Respuesta  Mensaje 265 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/12/2015 19:51

Respuesta  Mensaje 266 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/12/2015 18:34

Respuesta  Mensaje 267 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/12/2015 20:35
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/12/2015 16:48

Reply  Message 312 of 313 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/12/2015 17:25

Reply  Message 313 of 313 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/12/2015 17:27

Respuesta  Mensaje 268 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 06:17
Originally Posted by welshwitch View Post
Winston Churchill and Diana were both buried in lead lined coffins- so we are told.
Lol Funny you should mention Diana and Winnie, as they form a trio with Newton of the Top Britains, randomly came across this this evening.
Alchemist beats Winston Churchill, Diana to become top Brit
All that glisters is not gold

ENGLISH ALCHEMIST Sir Isaac Newton is the greatest Briton in history, according to a BBC World poll.

The alchemist garnered 21.4% of votes, putting former Harrow School pupil Winston Churchill into second place, and Diana Spencer, the dead Princess of Wales into third place.
(Some info on Churchill here I have not looked through, http://michaelking.id.au/manager/ind...132&Itemid=144 )

Isaac Newton is a crucial pivot in what we seek here.

Like other Gothic Romantics Blake clearly knew something of what was going on

William Blake's Newton

Sculture based on Blake's Newton outside the British Library.

Blake's "The Humilty of the Saviour", Christ in the Carpenter's shop.

Why a carpenter? We all know of Christ as a teacher and a fisher of men. We are told Joseph was a carpenter. Carpenter, mason, architect. There is a cult of Christ that does not have Christ as a pauper but as born into the gentry. Think about it, only those who were worth taxable were required for the census. If Joseph was a pauper the census would have passed them by. Jesus was born into a family that was part of the direct lineage of a King of Judea, a family that had a high lineage. The only reason Jesus was born in the dirt was not their abject poverty, as school children are allowed to believe, was that they had not reached their end destination of Nazareth before the labour.

Carpenter, mason, architect.

The mason's square theme repeated in the Ancient of Days

God the architect, the ultimate mason.

Some good info here.

One trail I have followed is to the base of the religious and symbolic roots. For the Israelites, the recreation of the 3rd Temple is the one and only goal for all. For the ultra orthodox, no music with a beat is allowed; the rationale that it may induce a feeling of happiness and euphoria, this is not allowed until the Temple is complete.

The maintenance of a Temple on the Mount IS THE CENTRAL TENET OF THE JEWISH FAITH this is the house of God. God was contained within the ark, and the ark needed a building to be housed in. This was functional, the rooms and dimensions being important for the utilisation of the energy of the ark and the rituals of the priests, only one of who was allowed to access the ark in the Holy of Holies, and who had to remain in the dark isolated for a year before being able to access the ark.

The Tabernacle was a huge tent that was carried by Moses and Joshua as a portable Temple. The Temple in Jerusalem, The First Temple, was laid down according to the design of the Tabernacle, but to twice the size. This has always been though of as the start of the tradition of the Temple, and thus all that we know of as Masonic. This is where it started. However, it would appear that Moses stole the ark from Pharaoh, and that it was possibly housed in the Great Pyramid. Further more, the trail takes you further back in time and further south towards Upper Egypt and Ethiopia and to temples that were constructed using arcane knowledge. Moses' Tabernacle was an exact half size replica of one of these southern temples, as Moses was an initiate, a Mason. The Jerusalem Temple was not THE FIRST TEMPLE, it was THE LAST TEMPLE. The so called 'First Temple' in Jerusalem was the very last time this knowledge had surfaced, it was lost soon after. The attempt to exactly copy the First Temple is at the heart of much of the esoteric search. The Third Temple will be based on the Second Temple which was destroyed by Rome in 70AD, but that in itself was based on incomplete knowledge of the First Temple, so it was not an exact copy. So by the time of the building of the Second Temple the knowledge of the First Temple, aka the 'Last Temple' to bear the precise dimensions for a True Temple, had been permanently lost and they were guestimating.

Within the geometry of the Temple are contained all the arcane secrets of the cosmos. To understand the Temple as an initiate, the matrix will be explained. The Ark was a tool for manipulating the matrix. (Do you think it is still lost? I don't think it was ever lost, just stolen. I believe it could be in use today.) The Temple was the toolkit and amplifier, the machinery to use the ark, as were the pyramids.

Nassim Haramein on the Ark.

(Worth watching the whole thing if you can find a decent copy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79_HwQ-92f8 )

All Masonic energies are geared towards finding the exact dimensions of the Temple.

Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 11:10 AM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 269 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 06:39

Respuesta  Mensaje 270 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 06:57
Full circle

And that I think brings me full circle.

I'm now fully shattered from that posting stint so that really is me done for now! I feel like I have just sawn the top of my head off, and tipped it up into the computer!

Great stuff WW and others. It does all link, what we are trying to do here is scratch back the paint and take a look ate the weave of the canvas... good job all round!

Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 04:53 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 271 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 07:08
Lots of Savile 'Revelations' today - and coincidentally * wry smile* Saturn is forefront too...

Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth


Respuesta  Mensaje 272 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 07:12
Re: Ownership of the Portal: Brotherhood of Saturn, Chronos, & the Linear Time Trap. Saturn is a device & the Illuminati know.

What we believe we are experiencing is a Cymatics performance on a universal time and scale. It is comparable to a Humpback Whale singing its song in the darkness of space and if we watch the NPole of Saturn for long enough we should experience more geometric patterns as the frequency/pitch changes or increases/decreases.

What does it all mean? It is strange that it should be a Hexagon due to the ancients interest in Sacred Geometry and its links with The Flower of Life.This is a bizarre coincidence but even more so is the fact that when you add up the kHz frequencies of the first 3 notes of the Rosslyn Motet:

At (ancient tunings 432 kHz)

B - 488 +

C - 512 +

A - 432 =

Saturn's distance from Sun:

890 million miles/1432 Million km

The Da Vinci chapel echoes to sound of Saturn


Last edited by goodness; 29-07-2013 at 01:46 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 273 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 17:49
Raphael wrote:
Saturn is blue and Jupiter is red
I would expect those associations.

I would Xpect them as well. Those colors also fit in with the theme that they were regarded by in the mythic archetypes of old.
They have a great conjunction every 20 years or so and was regarded as extremely important by the ancients.

Saturn acts as a good mirror for planet Earth's capricious dance through space.

As we might suspect, Saturn dramatically demonstrates the pervasiveness of the Golden Proportion in our solar system. Known as Phi, 1.618122977 or .618, the Golden Proportion is the framework origin of all Nature. Though only an abstraction, it is through comparison with this mean, that we establish the individuality of any natural event or living geometry. The identity of a plant for example, is recognizable by its individual adaptation to or departure from the Golden Mean—Nature's guarantee of individuality within the law.

Numerically, the Golden Number is expressed as the minutes in Saturn's rotational day, 618. Geometrically it is exemplified on a planetary level by the conjunction period of Saturn and Jupiter. Every twenty years or so, Saturn conjuncts with Jupiter at the phi point or .618 mark of its orbit. In other words, when Jupiter completes one revolution around the Sun plus .618 of its next 360 orbit, it is closely aligned or conjunct with Saturn. From Earth we see Jupiter and Saturn together in the heavens. After twenty more years we will again see them close in the sky but advanced about 222+ degrees or the phi proportion of the orbital circuit of the heavens.

Respuesta  Mensaje 274 de 379 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/01/2016 00:55
great stuff orage 
It should become clear why NONE of the biblical narratives have any images or sketches to accompany them?

just filled with WORDS, nobody thought to sketch the son of god?
put the S in front of WORD = SwordS to divide the herd with?

The Old Testament has both ORAL and WRITTEN traditions/teachings...but the VISUAL is notably absent.
Does it give THEY a license to fill in the BLANKS (the sheeple) pushing the buttons from a distance, using the archetypal imprinting that is already in place, similar to DNA?

Maybe that is the void the Tarot/Tora/Torah tried to fill.

CARD III the EmpreSS of the Tarot of Marseille

Now what about that $ that is front and center on the globe?

HIS-story = IHS story = I + H + S

Remove the H from HIS-story
what is left?

The IS story.
The story of $
Human consciousness in the 4th dimension is all about $
It is not a coincidence they share the same KEY on the qwerty keyboard.
4 = $ = cha ching**

**this however is the wrong kind of alchemy.
The journey is NOT about acquiring the material gold...
It is about unveiling the spiritual...
This path, personal alchemy, is always available to everybody...
IHS = IS = $
more IHS and IHC?

More manipulations that are intended to obviously fook with the IGNORANT sheeple brains.
Who are the sheeple?
...read my posts...they identify themselves ALL the time. 
Sadly that is how IGNORANT they are of who there are! 

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful."
Lucius Anneus Senneca (the younger) (4 BCE-65CE)
interesting eh?
Lucius was born in the same year as jeSuS. 
Does he ever mention jeSuS?

As it happens, the life of Seneca, like that of Philo, was contemporaneous with the "Jesus" of legend. Yet though Seneca wrote extensively on many subjects and people, nothing relating to "Jesus" ever caught his attention, nor does he show any awareness of a "vast multitude" of Christians, supposedly, punished for the fire that ravaged Rome in 64 AD. 

more jeSuS = CULTure programming found here:
waste of taxpayer's money or $ = the fucking self-serving judeao/christian hiStorianS


Last edited by raphael; 07-03-2010 at 12:44 AM.

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