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Objetos interesantes en Can Mayor![Can Mayor Can Mayor](http://www.austrinus.com/sections/img/Portada_canmayor.jpg)
Sirio (Alfa Can Mayor): Es la estrella más brillante del cielo, de magnitud -1.4. Se encuentra a 8,7 años luz y es la quinta estrella más cercana a nosotros.
Adhara (Epsilon Can Mayor): Estrella que forma un sistema binario, separado por 7.6 segundos de arco. Sus componentes brillan a magnitudes de 1.5 y 7.4, y es un objeto fácil para telescopios pequeños.
Collinder 140: Cúmulo abierto ubicado 6 grados al sureste de Adhara, es visible a simple vista y un excelente objeto para binoculares.
NGC 2362: Cúmulo de estrellas de magnitud 4, lo que lo hace totalmente apreciable a simple vista; contiene alrededor de 60 estrellas y es un objeto fácil para telescopios pequeños y binoculares.
M93: Cúmulo de estrellas que cubre aproximadamente 30 minutos de arco, conteniendo estrellas de magnitud 6 que son fácilmente distinguibles para telescopios pequeños y binoculares.
NGC 2440: Nebulosa planetaria ubicada a unos 5 grados y medio del cúmulo M93; brilla a magnitud 10.8 y se le puede apreciar una forma irregular a través de telescopios pequeños.
M47: Cúmulo abierto visible a simple vista, conteniendo estrellas en su mayoría de magnitud 6 y 7; es otro excelente objeto para binoculares.
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Message 4 of 5 on the subject |
Patmos Island is where allegedly the Book of Apocalypse/Revelation was written by a supposed John the Revelator or John of Patmos or St John the Divine or St John the Theologian, as his many designations go about him, a mysterious figure with an uncanny ability to predict certain things of our current era with a degree of precision, and a mind-boggling linguistic encryption code that speaks of a higher synchronistic Gnostic mind (Nous) at play. Without even opening the book itself, we notice by Gematria that his very supposed name “John” encodes the most famous part of the book, the Beast of the 666 number, as this method of number/letter transposition is the direct and specific instruction given in the Rev 13:18 verse, in order to decode not just that chapter but the entire book –or should I say… the New Testament itself…?–, our current English language the SEAL that opens up the encryption:
Always in Universal Standard English Gematria / a=1, b=2, …, z=26:
Then we can easily confirm the method of Gematria of the instruction as correct, by looking at the title of the book:
Where this number “234” is evidently the key to the “666”:
666 = 234 + 432
Such that the exact Rev 13:18 verse of the “666” is perfectly matching this code:
234 = 13 x 18
Where the “Mark in the Head” prophecy is already implicit in the 13:18 verse number, as:
[ 13 = ID ] & [ 18 = HEAD ]
Magic Square of the Sun; the horizontal rows, the vertical columns, and both diagonals add up to 111, so that the sum of rows & columns each add to 666 *(CLICK TO ENLARGE)*
Even the very name of the Magic Square itself delivers the triangular number reference:
We can see it ties directly into the “666” prophecy code of Rev 13:18, because when we use the common alternative spelling of “MAGICK”
[ (666=432+234) & (13×18=234) ]:
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Message 5 of 5 on the subject |
In Hebrew alphabet the V is same as the W, and since this alphabet was alphanumeric (both letter & number) the V/W carried the No. 6:
6 6 6
The covert announcement for this Archonic agenda, has been effected via many covers:
“We Were Warned”
“We Were Warned” motto in the poster for the film “2012”
All Bar Codes embed symmetrically the 666
6×6 Magic Square of the Sun and No. 666 *(CLICK TO ENLARGE)* -caption from another article in this blog-
The 3D Matrix Timelines converging via increased Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity are many, both scattered throughout the Solar System’s long cataclysmic “history” as well as throughout its parallel Binary objects, such as the Nibiru system and its Trail of Doom objects, which seemed to have been “locked” away from the current Earth Timelines, but is about to be “merged” by opening the StarGate-Portals thus their Timelines now merging unto the Sun’s. Some have suspected this is the Opening of the Bottomless Pit prophesied in Apoc/Rev, others even suggesting this is to be effected via the Particle Accelerator projects such as the LHC / Large Hadron Collider in Geneva (“New Genesis”), etc. My very personal contribution to the paradigm lies in the understanding and decoding of the NUMERIC multi-dimensional or Etheric aspect of the quantum Grids, which involves the progression of Magic Squares as Keys to the Matrixes, from the 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn to the 6×6 Magic Square of the Sun –THIS ONE REPRESENTING THE QUANTUM ENTANGLED YET “PARALLEL TIMELINED” (ISOLATED) SYSTEM ABOUT TO BE MERGED WITH THE CURRENT SUN’S TIMELINE–. The caption shown right above (from another previous article in this blog) is the real decoding I arrived to many years ago all by myself, concerning the true meaning of the famous Apoc/Rev 13:18 prophecy of the “666”, having everything to do with Demiurgic Science & Technology and the Manipulation of Timelines into a “New Genesis”, including the technologies of cloning and robotization (Android). Shown right below is a further clarified code I discovered years ago in relation to the same 666 code, but involving the number “144” as the obvious ref to the Speed of Light which is a 144 harmonic; WHAT THIS MEANS IS THAT THE PARTICLE ACCELERATORS PROJECTS ARE ATTEMPTING TO SPEED UP STRANGE OR EXOTIC PARTICLES TO THE SPEED OF LIGHT POINT, MAKING THEM COLLIDE IN ORDER TO CREATE A NEW “BIG-BANG” AND CHANGE TIMES & PHYSICS (“Times & Law”, as in the famous Book of Daniel prophecy). Keep in mind the Great Pyramid at Giza was originally covered with 144,000 shiny polished encasing stones.
![144-patmos island](https://deephighlands.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/144-234-432-6661.jpg?w=300&h=55)
When the usual suspect types of retarded moronic scam cults & religions of theocratic/fundamentalist slant teach like for ex the WatchTower org (Jehovah’s Witnesses) that Daniel’s prophecy of the Beast attempting the Change the Time & the Law was merely the Vatican producing its Julian Calendar centuries ago to rule the world, you cannot help but conclude that some people are either totally demented or at the very least they are full blown idiot goons willing to believe the most pathetic miniature-minded interpretations, their brains stuck on a bubble of Medieval lack of awareness unable to grasp the enormity of what is at at play (the agenda for a “New Genesis”) -ridiculously obsessing about soap opera styled petty political world strugglesm which have alwats been and always will be and have nothing to do the stunning prophecy about “Times & Law” as Changing Timelines and Physics-. But then again, if you are as naive or as ignorant not to know that the WatchTower org for ex was founded by the Rothschild cabal to slowly condition the feeble minds of the masses into accepting the New World Order as idolatry of a seudo jahvic “Government Body”, than you just deserve what’s coming. It indeed was created to the express agenda, intending to carve a niche of New World Order adherents within Christianity, only that these would be “sleeper” believers in the meantime hypnotized by the Jehovah’s Governing Body scam; at the proper final time, they would be ‘activated” into transferring this adherence directly into the New World Order itself, in classic mind control long-term methodology. While on the other hand maybe some of them are actually just role-playing the naive retard, but actually were & are agents for the agenda, maybe even of actual et/ultra origin was Walk-In’s. By contrast, in this series of articles you are accessing the real true Gnostic knowledge of very advanced nature which has been painfully transmitted throughout millennia, concerning these crucial “Future-Shock” things, being embedded in spiritual traditions of very old, part of convoluted TimeLoop processes, some of them finding their way into oxoteric religious traditions here & there, as is the case with the prophecies addressed. Below you will begin to see how complex is the multi-dimensional science involved, this the true context behind the prophecies.
The Compass and Square of Freemasonry (crypto Jews) is the Hexagram. The X at the top is also a symbol of Saturn.
Israel could be entering the final stages of negotiations to turn over control of Mount Zion to the Vatican, if recent reports by Israel National News are to be believed. According to the online news source, a secretive meeting took place this week between the Jerusalem Municipality, Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Tourism and senior Catholic officials. During the meeting, the Catholic delegation reportedly pressed Israel to follow through on a years-old proposal to give the Church control over the compound that houses the traditional "Hall of the Last Supper." ![Image](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/%C3%9Altima_Cena_-_Da_Vinci_5.jpg/640px-%C3%9Altima_Cena_-_Da_Vinci_5.jpg) ![Image](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Cenacle_on_Mount_Zion.jpg) the Cenacle Crusaders found the Tomb of David According to Benjamin of Tudela, writing about 1173, the tomb was discovered during repairs to the church; the motivation for it being declared to be the tomb of David is due to Davids conquest of Mount Zion described in the Book of Samuel. In 1335, the ancient church became a Franciscan monastery,
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
![](http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d106/thestudioaz/180680_1724367823427_1065304800_319.jpg) .
![](http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d106/thestudioaz/180824_1724371303514_1065304800_319.jpg) l
It is known to many persons who are not students of the occult that the Tarot is a method of divination by means of 78 symbolic picture cards, to which great antiquity and high importance are attributed by several expositors. And the literary history of the Tarot is also fairly well known. In ancient times the number 13 became a number of fear and superstition because the 13th card of the Tarot is the card of Death, and is pictured as a skeleton (the symbol of death) with a scythe reaping down men in a field of newly grown grass where young faces and heads appear cropping up on all sides. This image later became known as “The Grim Reaper,” and it was ascribed to the planet Saturn. In medieval England the standard fee of the hangman was 13 pence - a shilling and a penny...
But 13 is not an unfortunate number, as is generally supposed. It has become so firmly associated in the popular mind with the notion of “bad luck” that it is easy to forget the fact that in the ancient mystic religions 13 was the characteristic number of participants in many orders and occult groups, including sacred meals – a fact reflected in the size of the original Nazarene Last Supper. And it can be clearly shown that 13 is not only the most cherished number of the United States, but also the most fortunate number for Africans, African-Americans, and people the world over of African descent. We shall begin with the United States:
Starting with the 13 colonies, the first national flag had 13 stars, and even today it still has 13 stripes. On the green side of the dollar bill there are 13 steps in the pyramid of the Great Seal. The motto above the pyramid, which reads “Annuit Coeptis,” has 13 letters; the eagle on the right side has a ribbon in its beak that bears the motto “E pluribus unum,” which contains 13 letters. The eagle has 13 tail feathers, and on its breast there is a shield of 13 stripes. In one talon the eagle holds 13 arrows, and in the other an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 berries. Over the eagle’s head are 13 stars that form the six-pointed “Star of David.”
The phrase “July the Fourth” contains 13 letters and the number 4 (1+3), the birth number of the U.S. (July 4, 1776), which leads us to the real reason why the “founding fathers” chose this date as the official birth date of the United States:
In the occult science of numerology it is said that, “He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion. It is a number of upheaval and destruction; a symbol of power which, if wrongly used, will wreak havoc and destruction upon itself.” Astronomically, on July 4th the longitude of the Sun is 12° Cancer in the Heavens, and on this date the Sun conjoins the great star Sirius, whose longitude is 13° Cancer. Sirius is a first-magnitude star that is 40 times brighter than the Sun, and is the star that rules all African people. It was venerated in ancient Egypt from time immemorial, and was held in great reverence by the ancient Egyptians because it rose heliacally with the Sun at dawn during the inundation of the Nile River, the lifeline of ancient Egypt.
In astrological parlance it is said: “If the great star Sirius is well-placed in a horoscope, it will contribute to the amassing of wealth and the acquisition of fame and honor.” Sirius conjuncts the Sun in the horoscope of the United States, in the 2nd house of money and material possessions. The Part of Fortune is 13° Capricorn – opposing the Sun and Sirius – in the 8th house of other people’s resources! These powerful cosmic patterns explain, astrologically, the great wealth of this country (much of which was acquired through the ignominious practice of slavery)...
Cancer is the fourth (1+3) sign of the zodiac, and it rules the continent of Africa, its inhabitants, and people the world over of African descent. The Moon rules Cancer, and is therefore the cosmic ruler of all African people. The average celestial motion of the Moon is 13° per day, and 13 weeks is the time it takes the Earth to travel from the equinoxes to the solstices. For example, it takes the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of spring (March 20th) to the first day of summer (June 21st); 13 weeks from the first day of summer to the first day of fall (Sept. 23rd); 13 weeks from the first day of fall to the first day of winter (Dec. 21st); and it takes the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of winter to the first day of spring...
[13x4=52, which is the time it takes (in weeks) the Earth to make one complete revolution around the Sun, and in most years lunations (i.e., conjunctions between the Sun and Moon) occur 13 times.]
The fear of the number 13 is unfounded internationally as well. It is an honored number in many countries throughout the world. There are 13 occurrences of the quantity 13 in the design of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt, the largest stone edifice ever built. In the Indian Pantheon there are 13 Buddhas. The mystical discs that surmount Indian and Chinese pagodas are 13 in number. Enshrined in the Temple of Atsuta in Japan is a sacred sword with 13 objects of mystery forming its hilt. And 13 was the sacred number of the ancient Mexicans – they had 13 snake gods.
The 13th letter of the English alphabet is M, which finds its roots in the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “mem” (meaning mother), which was the ancient Phoenician word for water. The ancient Egyptian word for water was “moo.” M is the most sacred of all the letters, for it symbolizes water, where all life began. It is the root of the word “mother,” and relates to the evolutionary destiny of Africans, African-Americans, and all people of African descent who are ruled by the number 13:
The Chosen Caretakers of the Universe...
The Lesson of the Lights by Malcolm McEwen http://sites.google.com/site/malcolmmcewen/chapterone,thesongoftheuniverse![Image](http://sites.google.com/site/malcolmmcewen/srichakrablackandwhite.jpg) The Sri Chakra of Sharda (circa 800AD) depicting Shakti in creation and showing the three circles of the creation (Space, Time and the Universe), the central core of the Singularity (God) and the four gates (the four laws of physics) surrounded by 43 triangles (the steps to completion) ![Image](http://sites.google.com/site/malcolmmcewen/quantumplumbbasic.jpg) The quantum plumb diagram of atomic nuclei showing the three colour charges, the flavours as spatial placement, the gluons as bi-coloured rectangles and the integer spin visualised as the route a quark must move through to traverse the nuclei and return to it’s original position; represented here as two rotations, one inside the other. @ Ralph I am trying to plow through that site as well. Some of the info on that site resonates and some of it is quite confusing. I guess they all hold bits and pieces of Truth, Stephen M Phillips, Tony Smith, Wing Y. Pon aka (holon 137), D G Leahy and this Spanish dude http://www.lavozdelseptimoangel.com/eng/index2.html ![Image](http://www.lavozdelseptimoangel.com/eng/imgs/animacioncbopolon.gif) ![Image](http://www.lavozdelseptimoangel.com/eng/imgs/cruz4seres.jpg) amongst many others whom are all holding some of the beads of the Sacred Rosary, although none hold the Rosary It self. I gueSS its our job to select and match so that WE can finally become ONE with the sacred Rosary and decipher all 108 beads. WE are getting closer of course to hold poSSe52ion of it. Namaste, Mo
![](https://www.google.com.ar/images/icons/onebox/calculator-40.gif) |
24 * 74 = 1776
HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
I C, the pillars are giving birth. /irgo's legs extend down to Libra's / Scorpio's balances were the pillars reside.
The Babylonian "Chelae Scorpionis" is Libra's balances in sidereal Scorpio!
For those wondering, yes, our astrological signs have been tampered with with as well, the degrees are way off. Eastern sidereal astrology is the truth! Is there anything they don't have there hands in?
It's the same directly opposite side of the zodiac with the bulls horns & Cap El lA, with Capella being north of the horns.
PerSeuS (Algol = negative feminine energy) is chasing CapELLA. (masculine positive energy = the lamb)
In-Between the bulls horns & capella is were we will find our 137 axis (F#4.5) or the nuclear axis.
The light bends with the the sound !! 1 black hole in the east, 1 white hole in the west, or we can rotate the ying yang 90 degrees.
There is a invisible white hole in Scorpio that the stinger is pointing to, it is the starting point of the west pillar. (at 9 on the major scale)
And that my friend is why Zuben EL chemali is the only star in the sky that is green, hydrogen green that is.
Here is the BRANE of the operation
3 x 3 / 81 Permutations of the Lo Shu
![](http://www.fengshui-center.ch/IMAGES/Lo%20Shu.gif) ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ulHbbXCRCJ4/Rgu9ZWFjMKI/AAAAAAAAAPM/dvPPhKEci7M/s200/magic_square3.jpg)
P.S. 19.47 major (related to ADAM) 25.52 minor (related to EVE)
Those are two mirror numbers or mirror partners above & below G on the musical scale. Could note A on the scale be 19.47?
Hmmmmm, Zuben EL, Algol, & Scheat are all on the 19.5 degree mark with Capella at 20.
The 19.47 degree angle is linked geometrically to the Mercury synodic hexagram circumscribed by the Earth's orbit.
22:7 = Mercury-Earth Synodic Cycle (22 x 116 = 2552 : 2555 = 7x 365)
![](http://www.bob-wonderland.supanet.com/Mercury2.jpg) _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
Did you ever notice how often Eli occurs as a prefix or iel as a suffix as names in the bible, the prophets and main players, along with all those angels and archangels? I started to.
ELI and IEL and EL too?
The priestly tribe of LEvItes positioned around the tabernacle, surrounded by the other twelve tribes.
But please notice the simplicity of what I suggest using a MIRROR?
LEvI rotated 180 degrees, i.e. as in an out-of-phase wave, looks like I^37
there are many many occurrences of 'eli' or 'elijah' scroll down the left margin >>> http://topicalbible.org/naves/e/eli--high_priest.htm
Quote: |
Elieli (1 Occurrence in bible)
Matthew 27:46 and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a great voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why didst Thou forsake me?' |
therefore ELI ELI = my god my god
ELIjah (104 occurrences) http://bibletab.com/e/elijah.htm
LEvI (79 occurrences) http://bibletab.com/l/levi.htm
dEvIL (58 Occurrences) http://bibletab.com/d/devil.htm
dEvILs (48 Occurrences) http://bibletab.com/d/devils.htm
EvIL (1503 Occurrences) whoa!! http://bibletab.com/e/evil.htm
like I thought....language is the prime moover of the herd...
EvIL = LEvI = I^37 >>> is it a number or an idea?
I37 is the age of LEvI, IshmEL, and later aMraN
shall we take a look at the number 37
one fella claims that the number 37 represents the collective unconscious.
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Concerning the collective unconscious constant which is any number when divided by the integer 37 creates the modulo decimal remainder , .891891891..., which is the link to the fine-structure constant: ( 10 ^ ( 143.9999879 / 37 )) / 37 / 18 = sqrt 137.035999701 ...there have been many numbers associated to the divisor 37 and the collective unconscious forms: Leahy's dream number .....2808 Van Halen's number..........5150 Hindu number ..................108 Druid number....................144 Hebrew number ................288 John of Patmos number.....1260 and 666 Leahy triple logic number....82944 Denglers number as name...1069 John Michell number...........1080+666 = 1746 Mayan/Aztec number ........2304 R.Tomes harmonic.............3456....etc.
...the key has always been the divisor number 37. The following is from an article in the Jan. 10 , 2009 , magazine , New Scientist, called , " Inside the Mind of a Autistic Savant ".
The article goes on to talk about the savant Daniel Tammet , who is a human calculator of whose one of many feats , set a European record for the number of digits of Pi he recited from memory ( 22514 ). The article interviewer , Celeste Biever , interviewed D. Tammet and here is a portion of her interview concerning the number 37 and D. Tammet's fascination with this particular number:
Question: When did you realize you had special talents? Tammet: At the age of 8 or 9 , I was being taught maths at school and realised I could do the sums quickly , intuitively and in my own way--not using the techniques we were taught. I got so far ahead of the other children that I ran out of textbooks. I was aware already that I was different because of my autism, but at that point I realised that the relationship I had with numbers was different.
Question: To most people, the things you can do with your memory seems like magic. How do you do it ? Tammet: The response that people often have to what I can do is one of " gee whiz" but I want to push back against that. One of the purposes of the book I've written , " Embracing the Wide Sky " , is to demystify this, to show the hidden processes behind my number skills. I have a relationship with numbers that is similar to the relationship that most people have with language. When people think of words they don't think of them as separate items , atomised in their head , they understand them intuitively and subconsciously as belonging to an interconnected web of other words.
Question : Can you give an example? Tammet: You would'nt use a word like " giraffe " without understanding what the words " neck " or " tall " or " animal " mean. Words only make sense when they are in this web of interconnected meanings and I have the same thing with numbers . Numbers belong to a web. When somebody gives me a number , I immediately visualise it and how it relates to other numbers. I also see the patterns those relationships produce and manipulate them in my head to arrive at a solution, if its a sum , or to identify if there is a prime.
Question: But how do you visualise a number ? In the same way I visualise a giraffe ? Tammet: Every number has a texture. If it is a " lumpy " number then immediately my mind will relate it to other numbers which are lumpy--the lumpiness will tell me there is a relationship , there is a common divisor , or a pattern between the digits.
Question: Can you give me an example of a " lumpy " number ? Tammet: For me the ideal lumpy number is 37 . It's like porridge. So 111 , a very pretty number which is 3 times 37 , is lumpy but it is also round. It takes on the properties of both 37 and 3 , which is round. It's an intuitive and visual way of doing maths and thinking about numbers.
Question: Why do you think you treat numbers this way ? Tammet: When I was growing up, because of my autism , I didn't make friends. Numbers filled that gap. The numbers came alive. My mind was able to pick out patterns and to make sense of them. It was similar to how a child would aquire his first language....
Question: What can we learn from the way your mind works ? Tammet: The differences between savant and non-savant ability have been exaggerated. Savants are not freaks, cut off from the rest of humanity. The thinking of savants is an extreme form of the kind everyone has. The aim of my book is to show that minds that function differently such as mine , are not so strange , and that anyone can learn from them. I also hope to clear up some misconceptions about savant abilities and what it means to be intelligent or gifted ...( end of article quote )
Wolfgang Pauli knew through his mandelas and the collective unconscious parameters of Carl Jung that the fine-structure constant ( 1/137.035999701 ) , a primal number , has a connectiveness to the primal numbers of man.
This connectiveness number is the integer...37: Leahy dream number ....2808: ( 10 ^ (( 2807.9999879 / 37 ) - 72 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Van Halen's number ...5150: ( 10 ^ (( 5149.99999881 / 3.7 ) - 1388 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Hindu number....108: ( 10 ^ ( 107.999999879 / .37 ) - 288 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Druid , John of Patmos number ...144: ( 10 ^ ( 143.999987919 / 37 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 John of Patmos numbers ...1260 and 666: ( 10 ^ (( 1259.99978254 / 666 ) + 2 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Leahy's triple logic number ...82944: ( 10 ^ ( 82943.9930413 / 32 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Plato's number of the world soul...2592: ( 10 ^ ( 2591.99978254 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Dengler's name change number ...1069: ( 10 ^ (( 1068.99998792 / 37 ) - 25 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Mayan/Aztec number ...2304: ( 10 ^ (( 2303.99978254 + 288 ) /666 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Harlston's Hunab number ( Aztec) ...378 378 + 288 = 666 R.Tomes master harmionic number ...3456: ( 10 ^ (( 3455.999789 / 666 ) - 46 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701
...hard to track down this Jerry Iuliano
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
socrates1fan wrote: |
Celebrating independance day in my opinion has gone from… |
…has gone from creating independence to the creation of a dependence.
…on cheap hydrocarbon energy.
July 4th is when Sirius conjuncts with our sun Sol baby. July 4th when the dog days of Sumer NOT summer begin … ![Laughing](https://i1.wp.com/www.peakoil.com/modules/Forums/images/smiles/lol.gif) (sirius = dog-star) Sirius was the most revered star of the Egyptians.
AmeriKAn one dollar bill has a pyramid on it eh? With the all-seeing eye?
KA meant what to the Egyptians?
KAballah or CAbala MerKAba VatiCAn MecCA KA‘bah stone in MecCA KA Ba … Ancient Egyptians believed a human soul was made up of five parts: the Ren, the Ba, the Ka, the Sheut, and the Ib.
Swasti means good luck.
The powerful divine SwastiKA is being used against the herd of EWE….and fear is the button THEY keep pushing. NOT the Love button, have you noticed?
Symbol illiteracy is going to cost the EWE their freedoms…
Wake up. Siriusly I have a plan to take over the vorld…want to join in?
Here is how….flood the streets of AmeriKA wearing swastiKAs. NOT the Nazi adopted one however…there are sooo many to chose from….
Watch the Zionists, the NEOCons and the POPE flip, THEY will then know THEY have been exposed. AND the symbol that fulfills an archetype capable of connecting the Macrocosm with the microcosm will be once again part of human consciousness. Simple plan…easy to put into action and peaceful. Wear on your hearts and sleeves a symbol that can be compared to DNA, neutrinos and swirling galaxies… It will represent the swirling grassroots force, people united by a united cause that reflects the life force itself….
Surround the White House NOT with guns…. THEY will just kill the ewe. Surround every government building with people wearing the swastiKA…then we have won.
Because the only way we can defeat the THEY is to show a unity of purpose and a melding of hearts and minds…
The swastiKA is the ONLY symbol capable of uniting EAST with WEST, NORTH and SOUTH. IMHO
Symbol illiteracy is going to cost the EWE their freedoms…
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/category/swastika-july-4th-and-independence-day/ |
January 2005 Volume 14, Number 1
Genesis 49 contains Jacob's prophecy of his descendants' traits and circumstances in the end time. He likens Benjamites to voracious wolves, while Moses in Deuteronomy 33:12 calls Benjamin "beloved of the Lord." What can we learn from this tribe of two extremes? (Creatas)
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Message 22 of 23 on the subject |
Genesis 49:27
Error: Unable to contact the Online Recovery Version API.
Benjamin is a ravenous wolf, In the morning devouring the prey And in the evening dividing the spoil
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Message 23 of 23 on the subject |
Benjaminite Wolf Prophecy
Let's follow the prophecy of the Benjamin Wolf.
Genesis 49:1 “And Jacob called his sons and said, “Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days:
Genesis 49:27 “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; In the morning he shall devour the prey, And at night he shall divide the spoil.”
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