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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 1464 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 19/10/2014 23:34
En diversos periodos de la historia ha sido tema de especulaciones místicas; probablemente los primeros fueron los Pitagóricos, que la consideraban una figura sagrada. La razón matemática de su anchura (medida por los puntos extremos del "cuerpo", sin incluir la "cola") por su altura fue aproximada por el cociente 265:153. Esta razón, que da 1,73203, se consideró un número sagrado llamado la medida del pez. Exactamente, la razón geométrica de estas dimensiones es la raíz cuadrada de 3, o 1,73205... (ya que si se traza la línea recta que une los centros de ambos círculos, junto con los dos puntos donde los círculos se intersecan, se obtienen dos triángulos equiláteros unidos por un lado). El cociente 265:153 es una aproximación a la raíz cuadrada de 3, y tiene la propiedad de que no se puede obtener ninguna aproximación mejor con números más pequeños. El número 153 aparece en el Evangelio de Juan (21:11) como el número de peces que Jesús hizo que se capturaran en la milagrosa captura de los peces, lo que algunos consideran como una referencia cifrada de las creencias pitagóricas.
9. Vino entonces a mí uno de los siete ángeles que tenían las siete copas llenas de las siete plagas postreras, y habló conmigo, diciendo: Ven acá, yo te mostraré la desposada, la esposa del Cordero. (Noten la relacion de la COPA CON LA ESPOSA DEL CORDERO)
10. Y me llevó en el Espíritu a un monte grande y alto, y me mostró la gran ciudad santa de Jerusalén, que descendía del cielo, de Dios,
11. teniendo la gloria de Dios. Y su fulgor era semejante al de una piedra preciosísima, como piedra de jaspe, diáfana como el cristal. (LA "GLORIA DE DIOS" es una clave sabatica en contexto a EXODO 24 Y 25. Se vuelve a repetir el patron del  libro de EFESO EN SU CAPITULO 5.)
12. Tenía un muro grande y alto con doce puertas; y en las puertas, doce ángeles, y nombres inscritos, que son los de las doce tribus de los hijos de Israel;
13. al oriente tres puertas; al norte tres puertas; al sur tres puertas; al occidente tres puertas.
14. Y el muro de la ciudad tenía doce cimientos, y sobre ellos los doce nombres de los doce apóstoles del Cordero.




(ABCD) Double Square in Solomons Temple



Noten el MONSTRUOSO NUMERO 36, incluso con la FORMA DE ORION, en una estrella de 6 puntas. Son siete pelotitas, con 6 perimetrales. 6x6=36
AQUI ESTA EL ULTRA SECRETO DEL NEXO 666 CON LA PIRAMIDE DE LOUVRE, EN EL CODIGO DA VINCI. 1+2+3+ 4+5+6+7+8+9 +20+11+12+13 +14+15+16+17+18 +19+20+21+22+23 +24+25+ 26+27+28+29 +30+31 +32+33+ 34+35 +36=666







Kaaba, Mecca:

15. El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus puertas y su muro.
16. La ciudad se halla establecida en cuadro, y su longitud es igual a su anchura; y él midió la ciudad con la caña, doce mil estadios; la longitud, la altura y la anchura de ella son iguales. (LA CUBICACION DE UNA ESFERA. HAY UN OBVIO NEXO ALQUIMICO. LA GRAN CIUDAD ESTA DISEÑADA CON EL MISMO PATRON DE LA GRAN PIRAMIDE DE GIZE)

La relación geométrica entre el codo real y el metro.

Figura 16. La relación geométrica entre el codo real y el metro.


3.1416 - 2.61800 = 0.5236

17. Y midió su muro, ciento cuarenta y cuatro codos, de medida de hombre, la cual es de ángel.
21. Las doce puertas eran doce perlas; cada una de las puertas era una perla. Y la calle de la ciudad era de oro puro, transparente como vidrio.
22. Y no vi en ella templo; porque el Señor Dios Todopoderoso es el templo de ella, y el Cordero.
23. La ciudad no tiene necesidad de sol ni de luna que brillen en ella; porque la gloria de Dios la ilumina, y el Cordero es su lumbrera.
Haz clic en la imagen para volver


Los números pueden estar explicados matemáticamente en la “red” pero el problema que plantea el conocimiento de la arquitectura es: ¿cómo se le da forma con esos números a un edificio?. En arquitectura los números operan a partir de los polígonos estrellados formando concatenaciones, tal y como a continuación vamos a describir.



El número de oro viene dado por la solución a la ecuación de segundo grado
x + x² = 1     x =   1+√5 /2  =  1,618033989
Propiedades  1/ 1,618   =  0,618        1,618... x 1,618...  =   2,618...
Dado una circunferencia de radio 1 el lado del decágono inscrito en él es 0,618...
Dado un pentágono de lado 1, las diagonales de ese pentágono = 1,618...
La técnica con la que opera la arquitectura es la de las concatenaciones.
Una de ellas, la más usual, es la que presentamos en el dibujo. Si la circunferencia en color azul tiene R=1 el radio de la roja es R= 2,618, correspondiente a la que presentamos en El vitruvio” de Leonardo da Vinci en la portada de este trabajo.

Se aplicará en la restitución de una tabla de F. Brunelleschi  Nº 6.


Así como el número de oro está asociado a la √5 el número de plata está asociado a √2 y presenta una serie de propiedades similares a las del número de oro.
√2 = 1,414213562        tg. 22,5º = 0,414213562
tg.67,5º = 2,414213562
1/2,4142... =  0,4142...          2,4142... x 1,4142... =   3,4142...
Observa nuevamente la concatenación, esta vez con el octógono, de la circunferencia en color azul sobre la de color rojo.
Si el radio de la circunferencia azul es 1 la de color rojo es 2,4142....
Si el radio de la circunferencia azul es 0,4142... la de rojo es 1.
Aquí tenéis un ejemplo.

Se aplicará en la Rix House de J. Soane  Nº 3.


De igual forma que el número de oro está relacionado con la √5 y el de plata con la √2, el de platino lo va a estar con la √3
√3 = tg.60º = 1,732050808
1,732... x 2,732...  =  4,732...
Combinación, esta, muy utilizada por Andrea Palladio.
Observa la concatenación de la circunferencia azul sobre la de rojo, a través del hexágono, directamente a la circunferencia azul. Si el radio de la circunferencia color azul es 1 el de la circunferencia en color rojo es 2 y el lado del triángulo inscrito es 2 x 1,732...
Este polígono es el más prolífico en la historia de arquitectura como vamos a verlo en los ejercicios.
Aquí tenéis un ejemplo.

Se aplicará al resto de los trabajos Nº 1 - 2 - 4 y 5.
Todos los derechos reservados. Depósito Legal ZA - Nº 69 - 1998
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2006 - 2007

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Respuesta  Mensaje 115 de 1464 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/11/2014 03:25

Estructura del CsCl
220 × 218 - 9k - jpg

Estructura del cloruro sódico
698 × 458 - 29k - jpg

Cloruro de cesio, cúbica
428 × 248 - 15k - jpg

estructura tipo cloruro de
686 × 457 - 23k - jpg

átomos de cloro y sodio se
321 × 202 - 14k - jpg

en forma de cubo,
500 × 375 - 45k - jpg

Figura 3.1.
400 × 400 - 22k - jpg

Cristal de sal, general
800 × 536 - 52k - jpg

Figura 2: La celda unitaria
487 × 242 - 4k - gif

granitos son cubos mas o
218 × 185 - 6k - gif

Al ser el agua una molécula
180 × 180 - 13k - png

Estructura del NaCl
220 × 215 - 15k - jpg

cloruro de sodio, cúbica.
434 × 228 - 20k - jpg

cloruro de sodio, etc.
462 × 396 - 13k - jpg

cloruro de sodio, etc.
762 × 390 - 7k - gif

Figura 1: En este caso la red
716 × 371 - 45k - gif

Sistema Tetragonal
188 × 206 - 5k - jpg

grano de cloruro de sodio
360 × 181 - 4k - gif

El cloruro de sodio tiene una
416 × 403 - 79k - gif

del cubo en angstrom.
245 × 247 - 31k - gif



Respuesta  Mensaje 116 de 1464 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/11/2014 04:08
LEON (LEON de la tribu de JUDA)
Busqueda para NARDO

Entonces María tomó una libra de perfume de NARDO puro, de mucho precio, y ungió los pies de Jesús, y los enjugó con sus cabellos; y la casa se llenó del olor del perfume.
1232. Salmos 128:3: Tu mujer será como VID que lleva fruto a los lados de tu casa;
Tus hijos como plantas de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
49:8 Judá, te alabarán tus hermanos; Tu mano en la cerviz de tus enemigos; Los hijos de tu padre se inclinarán a ti.
49:9 Cachorro de león, Judá; De la presa subiste, hijo mío. Se encorvó, se echó como león, Así como león viejo: ¿quién lo despertará?
49:10 No será quitado el cetro de Judá, Ni el legislador de entre sus pies, Hasta que venga Siloh; Y a él se congregarán los pueblos.
49:11 Atando a la vid su pollino, Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna, Lavó en el vino su vestido, Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.
49:12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino, Y sus dientes blancos de la leche. (LAODICEA=ILUMINACION=APOCALIPSIS 3:14. LA ILUMINACION en la tora tiene un fuerte contexto con MARIA MAGDALENA Y EL SANTO GRIAL. En la pelicula "EL CODIGO DA VINCI" cuando ROBERT LANGDON Y SOPHIE NEVEU van a la mansion del INGLES SIR  LEIGH TEABING es increible que PREVIO A QUE ESTE ULTIMO le revele a SOPHIE el nexo de MARIA MAGDALENA CON LEONARDO DA VINCI le hace cerrar los ojos y le pregunta de cuantas copas habia en la mesa en la SANTA CENA y justamente ella responde que una sola. TEABING, un ingles, cuando SOPHIE abre los ojos (ILUMINACION) le muestra que en dicha pintura no hay ninguna copa y que el GRIAL ES JUSTAMENTE LA MUJER QUE ESTA A LA DERECHA DEL SEÑOR CON PELO ROJIZO. LA ILUMINACION EN LA TORA ESTA 100% INTERRELACIONADA CON LA ESPOSA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO)
Sabemos que Cristo en el contexto a la santa cena tiene nexo con el planeta Jupiter.
Sedek en hebreo tiene connotacion con Jupiter. Concretamente Nuestro Señor en la Santa Cena tiene un fuerte nexo, insisto, con el planeta Marte y el planeta Jupiter. Sabemos que en Jupiter, la mancha roja, esta en la cercania del paralelo 19.47.

Further, volcanic activity is pronounced at 19.47° on other bodies in our solar system, including:

The Sun Sunspot activity and the region
of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5° North and South.
Venus The presumably active major
volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5°.
Mars The vast Olympus Mons shield
cone volcano is at 19.5°.
Jupiter The red spot is at 19.5°.
Neptune In 1986 Voyager II discovered a
similar spot at 19.5°.
Concretamente hay un nexo alquimico en el contexto al color rojo.
La cuadratura del circulo, osea la alquimia, tiene interrelacion con el numero 19.47. Noten la interrelacion de la SANTA CENA, en el contexto al Numero 13, en el contexto a la estrella de 6 puntas que simboliza a la UNION ENTRE EL HOMBRE CON LA MUJER.
El cubo de Metatrón
Cubo de Metatron (version incompleta que no contiene coordenadas válidas para el dodecaedro o el icosaedro). En la imagen se observan los trece círculos de la "Fruta de la vida"; a través del trazado de líneas se obtiene el Cubo de Metatrón, que sería únicamente el contenido del hexaedro central que surge en el dibujo.

Si observamos incluso la estrella de 13 puntas y completamos los vacios observaremos que necesitamos 6 circulso mas, osea 19 en total. Un numero muy interrelacionado con la Sabiduria/Sophia. ¿Porque la relacion de la mancha roja de Jupiter con el paralelo 19.57? Es obvio el nexo cientifico con la Santa Cena, en el contexto a la alquimia, osea la cuadratura del circulo. Marte, el planeta rojo, incluso tambien tiene volcanes en el mismo paralelo.
Vulcano era hijo de Jupiter/Zeus y Juno (de donde deriva Junio) y hermano de Marte. El dia de Vulcano, era el 23 de Agosto, justo al finalizar Leo y comienzo de Virgo (Esfinge de Gize). Sabemos que en el contexto al calendario gregoriano dicho dia es el dia numero 235 (23.5 es la inclinacion del eje de la tierra e incluso la distancia entre los tropicos y el ecuador. Entre tropico de Cancer y tropico de Capricornio tenemos 47 grados, dandole un nexo sabatico en el contexto al cuarto mandamiento con referencia al septimo dia segun Exodo 20 y Deuteronomio 5. La esfinge de Gize tiene fuerte relacion con los tropicos y los solsticios ya que esta diseñada en funcion a los mismos. Vemos incluso la interrelacion matematica con el ciclo de la luna de los 19 años en el contexto a los 235 ciclos lunares en 19 años solares. Es impresionante toda esta interrelacion cientifica con la SANTA CENA Y EL CODIGO DA VINCI.

Respuesta  Mensaje 117 de 1464 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/11/2014 22:45
Por favor lean todo el capitulo de Ezequiel 16
16:1 Vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo:
16:2 Hijo de hombre, notifica a Jerusalén sus abominaciones,
16:30 ¡Cuán inconstante es tu corazón, dice Jehová el Señor, habiendo hecho todas estas cosas, obras de una ramera desvergonzada,
16:31 edificando tus lugares altos en toda cabeza de camino, y haciendo tus altares en todas las plazas! Y no fuiste semejante a ramera, en que menospreciaste la paga, (EL CENACULO, OSEA LA SANTA CENA, FUE EN EL APOSENTO ALTO EN LA MISMA CIUDAD DE JERUSALEN EN LA CASA  DE MARIA LA MADRE DE JUAN MARCOS)
16:32 sino como mujer adúltera, que en lugar de su marido recibe a ajenos.
16:33 A todas las rameras les dan dones; mas tú diste tus dones a todos tus enamorados; y les diste presentes, para que de todas partes se llegasen a ti en tus fornicaciones.
16:34 Y ha sucedido contigo, en tus fornicaciones, lo contrario de las demás mujeres: porque ninguno te ha solicitado para fornicar, y tú das la paga, en lugar de recibirla; por esto has sido diferente.
16:35 Por tanto, ramera, oye palabra de Jehová.
16:36 Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Por cuanto han sido descubiertas tus desnudeces en tus fornicaciones, y tu confusión ha sido manifestada a tus enamorados, y a los ídolos de tus abominaciones, y en la sangre de tus hijos, los cuales les diste;
16:37 por tanto, he aquí que yo reuniré a todos tus enamorados con los cuales tomaste placer, y a todos los que amaste, con todos los que aborreciste; y los reuniré alrededor de ti y les descubiriré tu desnudez, y ellos verán toda tu desnudez.
16:38 Y yo te juzgaré por las leyes de las adúlteras, y de las que derraman sangre; y traeré sobre ti sangre de ira y de celos.
16:39 Y te entregaré en manos de ellos; y destruirán tus lugares altos, y derribarán tus altares, y te despojarán de tus ropas, se llevarán tus hermosas alhajas, y te dejarán desnuda y descubierta. (muy similar a Apocalipsis 17:16) 
16:40 Y harán subir contra ti muchedumbre de gente, y te apedrearán, y te atravesarán con sus espadas.
16:41 Quemarán tus casas a fuego, y harán en ti juicios en presencia de muchas mujeres; y así haré que dejes de ser ramera, y que ceses de prodigar tus dones.
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2014 18:33

Ezequiel 16: Infidelidad de Jerusalén

Ezequiel 16:1 Infidelidad de Jerusalén[a] Vino a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo:

Este mensaje recuerda a Jerusalén acerca de su anterior condición de menosprecio entre las naciones cananeas. Utilizando el lenguaje figurado de una niña pequeña que crece hasta convertirse en una mujer madura, Dios le recuerda que la levantó desde un nivel muy bajo a una gran gloria como su esposa. Sin embargo, traicionó la confianza que

Dios había puesto en ella y se prostituyó entre las naciones paganas adoptando sus costumbres. Si lo dejamos a Dios afuera para cualquier cosa, aun la educación, la familia, la carrera o el placer, lo estamos abandonando de la misma forma.

[private]Ezequiel 16:2 «Hijo de hombre, da a conocer a Jerusalén sus abominaciones,

Ezequiel 16:3 y dile: “Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor sobre Jerusalén: Tu origen, tu nacimiento, es de la tierra de Canaán; tu padre fue un amorreo y tu madre una hetea.[b]

Jerusalén : Simbólicamente designa al reino del sur (o a todo Israel). Tu origen , tu nacimiento : Se refiere a la historia antigua de la ciudad, antes del tiempo de los israelitas, donde Salem aparece como el otro nombre de Jerusalén). El amorreo representaba el elemento semita en Canaán; los heteos no eran semitas. Esto no tiene nada que ver con el origen de los israelitas.

Canaán era el nombre antiguo del territorio tomado por los hijos de Israel. La Biblia a menudo utiliza este nombre para referirse a todas las naciones paganas y corruptas de la región. Los heteos y los amorreos, dos naciones cananeas, eran conocidas por su maldad. Pero ahora Dios dice a su pueblo que no es mejor que los cananeos.

Ezequiel 16:4 Y en cuanto a tu nacimiento, el día que naciste no fue cortado tu cordón umbilical, ni fuiste lavada con aguas para limpiarte ni frotada con sal, ni fuiste envuelta en pañales.

Ni salada con sal : Esta práctica sobrevivió hasta los primeros años del actual siglo. Su propósito era impedir el crecimiento de infecciones.

Ezequiel 16:5 No hubo ojo que se compadeciera de ti para hacerte algo de eso, sintiendo lástima por ti; sino que fuiste arrojada sobre la faz del campo, con menosprecio de tu vida, en el día que naciste.

Fuiste arrojada sobre la faz del campo : Un niño abandonado en un mercado o un área transitada tenía la oportunidad de suscitar misericordia y ser rescatado; pero éste fue lanzado y abandonado para que muriera.

Ezequiel 16:6 »Yo pasé junto a ti y te vi sucia en tus sangres. Y cuando estabas en tus sangres te dije: ‘¡Vive!’. Sí, te dije, cuando estabas en tus sangres: ‘¡Vive!’.

Ezequiel 16:7 Te hice crecer como la hierba del campo; creciste, te hiciste grande y llegaste a ser muy hermosa. Tus pechos se habían formado y tu pelo había crecido, ¡pero estabas desnuda por completo!

Ezequiel 16:8 »Pasé otra vez junto a ti y te miré, y he aquí que tu tiempo era tiempo de amores. Entonces extendí mi manto sobre ti y cubrí tu desnudez; te hice juramento y entré en pacto contigo, dice Jehová, el Señor, y fuiste mía.

Extendí mi manto sobre ti : Similar a la frase de Rut 3:9, «extiende el borde de tu capa sobre tu sierva», una frase que simboliza la unión conyugal.



En aquel mismo tiempo el rey Herodes echó mano a algunos de la iglesia para maltratarles.
12:2 Y mató a espada a Jacobo, hermano de Juan.
12:3 Y viendo que esto había agradado a los judíos, procedió a prender también a Pedro. Eran entonces
los días de los panes sin levadura.
12:4 Y habiéndole tomado preso, le puso en la cárcel, entregándole a cuatro grupos de cuatro soldados cada uno, para que le custodiasen; y se proponía sacarle al pueblo después de la pascua.
12:5 Así que Pedro estaba custodiado en la cárcel; pero la iglesia hacía sin cesar oración a Dios por él.
12:6 Y cuando Herodes le iba a sacar, aquella misma noche estaba Pedro durmiendo entre dos soldados, sujeto con dos cadenas, y los guardas delante de la puerta custodiaban la cárcel.
12:7 Y he aquí que se presentó un ángel del Señor, y una luz resplandeció en la cárcel; y tocando a Pedro en el costado, le despertó, diciendo: Levántate pronto. Y las cadenas se le cayeron de las manos.
12:8 Le dijo el ángel: Cíñete, y átate las sandalias. Y lo hizo así. Y le dijo: Envuélvete en tu manto, y sígueme.
12:9 Y saliendo, le seguía; pero no sabía que era verdad lo que hacía el ángel, sino que pensaba que veía una visión.
12:10 Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la puerta de hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a
casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
12:13 Cuando llamó Pedro a la puerta del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
12:14 la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la puerta, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la puerta.

1. Marcos 14:15: Y él os mostrará un gran APOSENTO ALTO ya dispuesto; preparad para nosotros allí.


2. Lucas 22:12: Entonces él os mostrará un gran APOSENTO ALTO ya dispuesto; preparad allí.


3. Hechos 1:13: Y entrados, subieron al APOSENTO ALTO, donde moraban Pedro y Jacobo, Juan, Andrés, Felipe, Tomás, Bartolomé, Mateo, Jacobo hijo de Alfeo, Simón el Zelote y Judas hermano de Jacobo.


4. Hechos 20:8: Y había muchas lámparas en el APOSENTO ALTO donde estaban reunidos;
53. Marcos 14:12: El primer día de la fiesta de los panes sin LEVADURA, cuando sacrificaban el cordero de la pascua, sus discípulos le dijeron: ¿Dónde quieres que vayamos a preparar para que comas la pascua?
58. Hechos 12:3: Y viendo que esto había agradado a los judíos, procedió a prender también a Pedro. Eran entonces los días de los panes sin LEVADURA.

59. Hechos 20:6: Y nosotros, pasados los días de los panes sin LEVADURA, navegamos de Filipos, y en cinco días nos reunimos con ellos en Troas, donde nos quedamos siete días.



Dos días después era la pascua, y la fiesta de los panes sin levadura; y buscaban los principales sacerdotes y los escribas cómo prenderle por engaño y matarle.
14:2 Y decían: No durante la fiesta para que no se haga alboroto del pueblo.
14:3 Pero estando él en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, y sentado a la mesa, vino una mujer con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de nardo puro de mucho precio; y quebrando el vaso de alabastro, se lo derramó sobre su cabeza.
14:4 Y hubo algunos que se enojaron dentro de sí, y dijeron: ¿Para qué se ha hecho este desperdicio de perfume?
14:5 Porque podía haberse vendido por más de trescientos denarios, y haberse dado a los pobres. Y murmuraban contra ella.
14:6 Pero Jesús dijo: Dejadla, ¿por qué la molestáis? Buena obra me ha hecho.
14:7 Siempre tendréis a los pobres con vosotros, y cuando queráis les podréis hacer bien; pero a mí no siempre me tendréis.
14:8 Esta ha hecho lo que podía; porque se ha anticipado a ungir mi cuerpo para la sepultura.
14:9 De cierto os digo que dondequiera que se predique este evangelio, en todo el mundo, también se contará lo que ésta ha hecho, para memoria de ella.
14:10 Entonces Judas Iscariote, uno de los doce, fue a los principales sacerdotes para entregárselo.
14:11 Ellos, al oírlo, se alegraron, y prometieron darle dinero. Y Judas buscaba oportunidad para entregarle.
14:12 El primer día de la fiesta de los panes sin levadura, cuando sacrificaban el cordero de la pascua, sus discípulos le dijeron: ¿Dónde quieres que vayamos a preparar para que comas la pascua?
14:13 Y envió dos de sus díscipulos, y les dijo:Id a la ciudad, y os saldrá al encuentro un hombre que lleva un cántaro de agua; seguidle,
14:14 y donde entrare, decid al señor de la casa: El Maestro dice: ¿Dónde está el aposento donde he de comer la pascua con mis discípulos?
14:15 Y él os mostrará un gran aposento alto ya dispuesto; preparad para nosotros allí.
14:16 Fueron sus discípulos y entraron en la ciudad, y hallaron como les había dicho; y prepararon la pascua.
14:17 Y cuando llegó la noche, vino él con los doce.

Respuesta  Mensaje 118 de 1464 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/11/2014 23:16
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 02/11/2014 19:57

1146. Apocalipsis 11:8: Y sus cadáveres estarán en la plaza de la gran CIUDAD que en sentido espiritual se llama Sodoma y Egipto, donde también nuestro Señor fue crucificado.

8. Apocalipsis 16:19: Y la GRAN CIUDAD fue dividida en tres partes, y las ciudades de las naciones cayeron; y la gran Babilonia vino en memoria delante de Dios, para darle el cáliz del vino del ardor de su ira.


9. Apocalipsis 17:18: Y la mujer que has visto es la GRAN CIUDAD que reina sobre los reyes de la tierra.

Respuesta  Mensaje 119 de 1464 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/11/2014 22:17
Washington night

  • 8. Mateo 16:18: Y yo también te digo, que tú eres PEDRO, y sobre esta roca edificaré mi iglesia; y las puertas del Hades no prevalecerán contra ella. (JUSTO ADONDE ESTA ALDEBARAN, LA ESTRELLA ROJA DE LA CONSTELACION DE HYADES, ENTRE ORION Y PLEYADES)
  • 19. Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.



  • Respuesta  Mensaje 120 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/11/2014 18:00
    Buscar, en cambio, BIG BANG BIG CRANCH
    Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 12 of 12 on the subject 
    From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/11/2014 14:50

    lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013


    El Big Crunch –‘gran colapso’ o ‘gran implosión’- es una de las teorías que se barajan sobre el destino final del universo. Si tuviésemos que simplificar, diríamos que se trata de la teoría opuesta al Big Bang.
    El Big Crunch propone un universo cerrado, cuya expansión se iría frenando poco a poco hasta volver al punto original. De este modo, el universo se comprimiría y condensaría, por lo que su materia acabaría concentrándose en un solo punto previo, similar al existente antes del Big Bang. En otras palabras, la gravedad impediría la expansión del cosmos, con lo que éste empezaría a encogerse hasta finalmente ‘morir’ aplastado, aunque en realidad estaría concentrado en un solo punto.
    Tal y como afirma otra teoría, el Big Bounce (en castellano ‘universo oscilatorio’), tras el Big Crunch podría acontecer otro Big Bang, y así sucesivamente. De este modo, no podría descartarse la posibilidad de que nuestro universo provenga de un universo anterior, comprimido y ‘muerto’ tras un Big Crunch. (VESICA PISCIS = SERPIENTE =ONDA SEONIDAL = 4/7 = RELACION SEXUAL)
    Lo cierto es que éstas son sólo teorías sin una base del todo sólida. Otras como el Big Freeze o el Big Rip servirían también de alternativas para teorizar acerca del destino final del universo.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 121 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/11/2014 19:57

    Respuesta  Mensaje 122 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 15:00
    BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 05/11/2014 11:55

    1 Pedro 5:13: La iglesia que está en Babilonia, elegida juntamente con vosotros, y Marcos mi HIJO, os saludan.

    HECHOS 12:12 / 33 / JUAN MARCOS



    If you were to start in Ancient Babylon on the plains of Shinar in what is now downtown Baghdad, you would be 33.3 degrees E latitude. This is just about where most experts place the tower of Babel . You would also be near the banks of the Tigress river  with the Euphrates river to your west before you would hit the end of this large desert valley surrounded by mountains plateaus and mesas. If you were to walk a straight line west to about 380 some miles, you would be on the top of MT Herbon












    Babilonia/babel estaba ubicada en la mesopotamia asiatica en el paralelo 33, que es el PARALELO DE LA PRODUCCION DEL VINO A NIVEL MUNDIAL.

    Science of Magic - 6 Point Star
    logo ésotérique Franc maçonique

    A gauche, l'emblème maçonnique.

    A droite, l'"étoile de David".

    Deux barres ou lignes horizontales appliquées sur le compas et l'équerre maçonniques suffisent à faire de l'emblème une étoile de David.

    étoile à 6 branches animée
    En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo:
    Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra,
    que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta)
    de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales)
    y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados). Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos."
    (Mateo 11: 25-26). (El cielo y la tierra, es la alquimia, osea la ESCALERA DE JACOB. La cuadratura del circulo es el patron matematico de la alquimia y esta basado, insisto, en el numero de oro. Justamente Salomon es un tipo del GRIAL.)

    "¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia)
    y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios!
    ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!"



    This shows Mercury's Inferior Conjunctions with Earth which make a triangle.

    Now here are Mercury's Superior Conjunctions with Earth that make an inverted triangle.

    Here is what we get when both of these synodic periods are added together.
    The star of David.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 123 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 17:01

    del Sitio Web PsicoGeometria

    ¿Cuál es el origen de la gravedad?
    por Dan Winter
    traducción de Carlos para Psicogeometría México
    artículo original

    Einstein postuló la equivalencia entre la masa y la energía mediante su famosa fórmula E=mC² , cuya aplicación práctica vivenció trágicamente la humanidad con la detonación de armas nucleares durante el siglo XX.


    Es un hecho que la materia está constituida por paquetes energéticos altamente organizados que poseen por un lado las características esenciales de la dinámica energética (movimiento ondulatorio), y por otro lado, las características esenciales de la materia (masa). La masa fue asociada cualitativamente a la gravedad por Isaac Newton en su famosa Ley de la Gravitación Universal. Sin embargo, su naturaleza ha permanecido hasta la fecha como un gran misterio de la ciencia.

    Dan Winter ha propuesto que la organización geométrica de la energía constituyente de la materia es lo que genera las características esenciales de la misma, incluida la gravedad.


    En algunos tipos de configuraciones geométricas basadas en el número PHI (1.618033, proporción áurea) conocidas por la humanidad desde hace mucho tiempo y presentes en la naturaleza en forma generalizada, se presentan en forma espontánea, repetible y coherente, centros de concentración energética denominados "puntos de implosión", cuya capacidad de succión y ordenamiento de la energía están relacionados directamente con la "similitud" que el cuerpo geométrico que los contiene guarda con la forma del Universo.


    A esta relación de similitud se le denomina "auto-recurrencia" o "fractalidad". A nivel atómico, la implosión es lo que provee la fuerza convergente necesaria para estabilizar el movimiento ondulatorio rotacional denominado "masa".

    Al definir la masa simplemente como la resistencia al cambio de posición de paquetes ondulatorios en rotación, resulta evidente que una ley de tipo geométrico se requiere para explicar la razón de tal resistencia de las ondas al cambio de posición.

    Einstein llamó a este problema insoluto:

    "El modelo geométrico de la compresión infinita no destructiva".

    La respuesta: abrir el tapón (punto de implosión) para permitir una vía de escape a la carga eléctrica a la velocidad de la luz mediante un proceso de multiplicación aditiva (heterodinámico) recurrente.

    Einstein sostuvo que la aceleración es debida a la gravedad, siendo por años esta la única tesis medible con relación a la naturaleza de la gravedad. Sin embargo, ahora sabemos que es la aceleración de la carga eléctrica a la velocidad de la luz lo que crea la gravedad, siendo el acelerador la interferencia constructiva ondulatoria de las velocidades de fase cuando los centros de carga / masa entran en un patrón geométrico autorrecurrente.

    La prueba: La carga capacitiva dispuesta en arreglos geométricos auto-recurrentes basados en PHI crea gravedad.

    Michael Faraday, mejor conocido como el "padre de la electricidad" sostuvo en el siglo XIX que "La capacitancia eléctrica es a la gravedad lo que la inductancia al magnetismo". Si Faraday está en lo correcto, la carga eléctrica almacenada en un capacitor presenta la forma de un campo gravitacional.


    Townsend Brown encontró experimentalmente que, en un capacitor cargado, la fuerza gravitacional resultante está orientada hacia la placa positiva del mismo, por lo que, si la placa positiva se encuentra sobre la negativa, el dispositivo pierde peso, mientras que, si se invierte la posición, el dispositivo pesa más.

    La cantidad de gravedad creada en un átomo (o en cualquier cosa) está en proporción a la cantidad relativa de auto-similaridad (fractalidad) entre su interior (núcleo) y su exterior (electrones).

    La proporción entre la recursividad de carga bajo tus pies y sobre tu cabeza es la cantidad de gravedad que sientes.

    Existe una fuerte polémica entre algunos miembros de la comunidad científica internacional acerca de las investigaciones y postulados de Dan Winter con respecto a la relación "causa-efecto" entre la aceleración de la carga eléctrica y la gravedad. Sin embargo, no existe actualmente ninguna otra explicación científica al origen del fenómeno gravitacional.


    Lo cierto es que, al desarrollar esta teoría en aplicaciones prácticas, las posibilidades resultarían impresionantes: dispositivos antigravitacionales, obtención de energía eléctrica de la materia mediante patrones geométricos, viajes espaciales a grandes velocidades, por citar algunos ejemplos.



    Decálogo de la Geometría Sagrada

    De un poema del 2do libro de Dan Winter “El alfabeto del Corazón de la Tierra”
    traducción de Arturo Ponce de León

    1. El universo esta hecho de una sola sustancia: el Campo Unificado.

    2. La sustancia universal tiene una única forma de onda – la onda senoidal. (VESICA PISCIS)

    3. El universo puede ser descrito como una geometría de anidación.

    4. En un universo hecho de ondas, solo el Foco Atencional es el medio que crea.

    5. La forma es lo único que el universo tiene para conservar. Todos los cambios cualitativos vienen de diferencias en la forma, no en la sustancia.

    6. La única manera de conservar la forma es manteniendo el nido de proporciones que contiene longitud, profundidad y volumen.

    7. El mejor camino para mantener un nido de Razones es la Proporción Dorada.

    8. La coherencia en cualquier nivel es coherencia en todos los niveles.

    9. El AND es la semilla de cristal de un cuerpo de luz de mayor dimensión.

    10. La luz, cuando es doblada sobre si misma, se conoce a si misma.



    Respuesta  Mensaje 124 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 17:38
    “You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.”
    ― Terence McKenna

    “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”
    ― Terence McKenna

    “The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
    ― Terence McKenna

    What follows is a summarized intro to sacred geometry and esoteric mathematics, particularly that of the Fibonacci/Golden Ratio/Flower of Life.
    What Is Sacred Geometry?
    The standard definition of Sacred geometry is the geometry used in the planning and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, tabernacles; as well as for sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens and holy wells, and the creation of religious art. In sacred geometry, symbolic and sacred meanings are ascribed to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. (Wiki)
    Pythagoras is often credited for discovering that an oscillating string stopped halfway along its length produces an octave relative to the string’s fundamental, while a ratio of 2:3 produces a perfect fifth and 3:4 produces a perfect fourth. However the Chinese culture already featured the same mathematical positions on the Guqin and the tone holes in flutes, so Pythagoras was not the first. Pythagoreans believed that these harmonic ratios gave music powers of healing which could “harmonize” an out-of-balance body (Wiki)
    Although it is more than just architecture designed to shapes with religious meaning and values. These shapes are used because these religious traditions understand, or perhaps understood at one time the deeper esoteric principles those shapes, patterns, and ratios represent. 
    When i talk about sacred geometry I mean it defined in this way: The perennial sacred art-science dedicated to the study and applications of Harmonic power and the symbolic Shapes, Patterns & Numbers that constitute the language of nature & consciousness as a universal code of creation.
    Sacred Geometry is an ancient-future cosmic wisdom we are fast reclaiming. Under the new labels of Design Science, Fractal Harmonics, DNA Resonance and Scale-Invariance Physics, we are walking again the higher turn of humanity’s spiritual spiral.
    Sacred Geometry is currently re-discovered as a knowledge KEY for shifting to a new paradigm of universal wholeness and loving inter-connectedness with the Web of Life. Traditional wisdom holds the universe to exist because of a profound harmonic order. From the quantum vacuum to atoms to DNA to galaxies, certain precisely reoccuring ratios and geometric symmetries are the foundation of the whole cosmos. 
    The contemporary faces of Sacred Geometry are called: Design Science, Fractality, Invariance-scale Physics, Phi Recursiveness, Hyper-Harmonics, Self-Similarity and Quantum Geometry…
    The study, understanding & applications of Sacred Geometry in nature and in consciousness offers a needed and substantial gift: to open our human awareness to perceive again a living, interconnected, intelligent and benevolent universe. Sacred Geometry is the collective re-appearance of our deep innate wisdom: seeing and becoming the all-encompassing Unity of Life
    … so that the heavens can be understood as spiritual realms preceding and continuing life on earth; harmonic chords can be played by celestial bodies choreographing graceful time-space dances; the “Big Bang” can be heard as the Primordial Song of the Universe and each star can be smiling to each flower… while the human family is holding hands with all of creation… - (School of Sacred Geometry)
    What is the Fibonacci Sequence?
    Fibonacci Sequence
    The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers:
    0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …
    The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.
    The 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1)
    Similarly, the 3 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+2),

    And the 5 is (2+3),
    and so on!
    Example: the next number in the sequence above would be 21+34 = 55
    It is that simple!
    Here is a longer list:
    0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, …
    When you make squares with those widths, you get a spiral:
    Fibonacci Spiral fibonacci-spiral

    Do you see how the squares fit neatly together?

    For example 5 and 8 make 13, 8 and 13 make 21, and so on.
    The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a “Rule” (see Sequences and Series).
    First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this:
    n = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 …
    xn = 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 …
    So term number 6 is called x6 (which equals 8).
    Example: the 8th term is
    the 7th term plus the 6th term:
    x8 = x7 + x6
    So we can write the rule:
    The Rule is xn = xn-1 + xn-2
    xn is term number “n”
    xn-1 is the previous term (n-1)
    xn-2 is the term before that (n-2)
    Example: term 9 would be calculated like this:
    x9 = x9-1 + x9-2 = x8 + x7 = 21 + 13 = 34
    Golden Ratio
    And here is a surprise. If you take any two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci Numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden Ratio “φ” which is approximately 1.618034…
    In fact, the bigger the pair of Fibonacci Numbers, the closer the approximation.
    About Fibonacci The Man
    His real name was Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, and he lived between 1170 and 1250 in Italy.
    "Fibonacci" was his nickname, which roughly means "Son of Bonacci".
    As well as being famous for the Fibonacci Sequence, he helped spread through Europe the use of Hindu-Arabic Numerals (like our present number system 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) to replace Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, etc). That has saved us all a lot of trouble! Thank you Leonardo.
    (Maths is fun.com)
    The golden ratio can be seen throughout nature, in pincones, flowers, shells, tree branches, even the proportions of the human face and body.
    fib face

    What is The Torus Field?

    In geometry, a torus (pl. tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a ring torus or simply torus if the ring shape is implicit.
    When the axis is tangent to the circle, the resulting surface is called a horn torus; when the axis is a chord of the circle, it is called a spindle torus. A degenerate case is when the axis is a diameter of the circle, which simply generates a 2-sphere. The ring torus bounds a solid known as a toroid. The adjective toroidal can be applied to tori, toroids or, more generally, any ring shape as in toroidal inductors and transformers. Real-world examples of (approximately) toroidal objects include doughnuts, vadais, inner tubes, bagels, many lifebuoys, O-rings and vortex rings.
    In topology, a ring torus is homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of two circles: S1 × S1, and the latter is taken to be the definition in that context. It is a compact 2-manifold of genus 1. The ring torus is one way to embed this space into Euclidean space, but another way to do this is the Cartesian product of the embedding of S1 in the plane. This produces a geometric object called the Clifford torus, surface in 4-space.
    The word torus comes from the Latin word meaning cushion. (Wiki)
    As the distance to the axis of revolution decreases, the ring torus becomes a horn torus, then a spindle torus, and finally degenerates into a sphere.
    This image shows the famous Milk Hill Crop Circle. it shows the dynamics of the spin of the torus from a top-down perspective. You can view my article on this crop circle and watch it be set in motion spinning from it’s center axis, go here: [ http://anuhazi-owl.tumblr.com/post/17368037678/a-high-res-version-of-the-milk-hill-guardian ]
    What is The Vector Equilibrium?
    The underlying structure of the torus is the Vector Equilibrium, or “VE.” It is the blueprint by which nature forms energy into matter. Buckminster Fuller, one of the 20th Century’s most prolific inventors, coined the term Vector Equilibrium. He named it this because the “VE” is the only geometric form where all forces are equal and balanced. The energy lines (vectors) are of equal length and strength. They represent the energy of attraction and repulsion, like you can feel with a magnet.
    You can’t actually observe the “VE” in the material world because it is the geometry of absolute balance. What we experience on Earth is always expanding toward and contracting away from absolute equilibrium. Like a wave arising from the surface of a tranquil sea, a material form is born (unfolds) from the plenum (fullness) of energy (ironically referred to by physicists as “the vacuum!”) and dies (enfolds) back into it. The VE is like the imaginable – yet invisible – mother of all the shapes and symmetries we see in the world.
    What is Metatron’s cube?
    Metatron’s cube depicts the five platonic solids which may be derived form the flower of life. The five platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all life springs, according to spiritual belief. The Platonic solids are five structures that are crucial because they are the building blocks of organic life. These five structures are found in minerals, animated and organic life forms, sound, music, language, etc. Metatron’s cube is also considered a holy glyph, used to ward off evil spirits. The Kabbalah’s Tree of life is also thought to be derived from the flower of life.
    Vacuum Geometry:
    The geometry of the fabric of the vacuum of space expands outward from any point of reference in octaves of perfectly balanced tetrahedrons. Each octave of perfect balance is a geometry Buckminster Fuller called the Vector equilibrium, otherwise known as a cube octahedron.
    The cube octahedron is made of 8 tetrahedrons pointing inward to a single point and the star tetrahedron is made of 8 tetrahedrons pointing outward, so you have both the expansive side of the vacuum (electromagnetism) and the contractive side (gravity) represented in the geometry of the space itself.
    The doubling in size of the vector equilibriums in space happen in the same way octaves from in the doubling of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
    vaccum geo music_n
    All things are connected to all other things by the one thing that is everywhere no matter where you go: SPACE!
    64 is the fewest number of tetrahedrons you need to form 2 octaves of perfectly balanced geometry… what Buckminster Fuller called the Vector equilibrium. This is the seed geometry of the holofractalgraphic vacuum structure according to Nassim Haramein…

    Respuesta  Mensaje 125 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 17:45
    All things are connected to all other things by the one thing that is everywhere no matter where you go: SPACE!
    64 is the fewest number of tetrahedrons you need to form 2 octaves of perfectly balanced geometry… what Buckminster Fuller called the Vector equilibrium. This is the seed geometry of the holofractalgraphic vacuum structure according to Nassim Haramein…
    As well:
    • 64 codons in human DNA
    • 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching
    • 64 cells is how many we have before our cells star to bifurcate shortly after birth
    • 64 things are needed to be able to approach the Ark of the Covenant according to the copper scrolls among the Dead Sea Scrolls
    • 64 is fundamental in computer memory and coding
    • even The Beatles knew: “When I’m 64”
    Here we see this expressed in 3D, and lo and behold the shadow of this shape makes a perfect Flower of Life.
    This all could, of course, be a coincidence…
    What is the Vesica Picses?
    vecpic 2

    What is the Flower of Life?
    The Flower of Life is a name for a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.
    A “Flower of Life" figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles, in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.
    It has been helped into common knowledge by the new age authors such as Drunvalo Melchizedek.
    Figures as prominent as Leonardo da Vinci ascribed significance to the Flower of Life and three similar symbols, called the “Egg of Life,” the “Fruit of Life,” the “Seed of Life. These figures have historically been considered symbols of sacred geometry, with some authors asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time Melchizedek claims that Metatron’s Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were “thought to act as a template from which all life springs.”
    FOL evo
    The Flower of Life and the Seed of Life are linked by New Age authors with the Biblical prophet Enoch, the Archangel Metatron, the six days of Creation, the Vesica Piscis religious symbol, and Borromean rings. (wiki)
    Kabbalah / Judaism

    The symbol of the Tree of Life, which may be derived from the design of the Flower of Life, is studied as part of the teachings of non-Jewish Hermetic Qabalah.
    New Age

    In New Age thought, the Flower of Life has provided what is considered to be deep spiritual meaning and forms of enlightenment to those who have studied it as sacred geometry.There are various groups all over the world who derive particular beliefs and forms of meditation based (at least in part) on the Flower of Life (Wiki)
    The “Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator’s thought.
    After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex’s motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life. This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the ones used to create the Merkaba.
    If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life.
    The Flower of Life (left) and the Seed of Life (right).
    The flower of life holds a secret symbol created by drawing 13 circles out of the Flower of Life. By doing this, one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe. This is the source of all that exists; it’s called the Fruit of Life. It contains 13 informational systems. Each one explains another aspect of reality. Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the galaxies. In the first system, for example, it’s possible to create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists in the universe. In short every living creature.
    The most common form of the “Flower of Life" is hexagonal pattern (where the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter), made up of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circular arcs, enclosed by a large circle.
    The “Seed of Life" is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming a pattern of circles and lenses, which acts as a basic component of the Flower of Life's design.
    It’s been known to humanity for tens of thousands of years, and we can find traces of this knowledge passed down through all the religions and cultures of the world.
    Flower of Life - Turkey FOL turkey
    Flower of Life - Amistar, India FOL india
    Temple in Spain - 1aaflowerlifeancient-1
    The Osirian Temple at Abydos in Egypt, we find the same. They are at least over 6,000 years old and may date back to as long ago as 10,500 B.C. or earlier.and can be found on a 100 ton granite boulder. The interesting thing about it is that forensics discovered the images not to be carved into the rock like most conventional petroglyphs, but instead seems to be ‘burned’ into the rock under extreme heat and pressure, with almost a laser-like precision we would find difficult to replicate even today. It’s probably going to stick around for quite some time.
    floweroflife egypt
    In china a popular motif is the Dragon or Lion which guards the so-called sacred knowledge under it’s paw. Found commonly in Beijing.
    Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. He has drawn the Flower of Life itself, as well as components therein, such as the Seed of Life.
    He has drawn geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and has also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design.
    Flower of life made of intersecting spheres instead of circles.
    [The following snippet of info is to be taken with caution, and I do not advise the practical use suggested here, for reasons i’ll explain later] The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional (pic3). If you relax (sit three feet away from the screen) and let the flower slowly draw your eyes out of focus, the flower will open. Try and not focus on any one point, blankly stare, take the flower in as a whole. You may get a headache and itchy eyes, this will quickly disappear.
    We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don’t fight it.
    3. Flower of life with two layers added.
    What appears is a reptilian entity apparently.
    This creature is said to be very frightening and fierce looking, and I can not assure you it can do you no harm. I know this sounds mad, but it is true and very real. After you get used to interacting with the reptilian, you can move on to the next entity. To interact with the second being you must rotate the flower by 30 degrees and repeat the steps.
    The second being is the Chinese dragon ( the fu dog). This creature is even more frightening than the first, so be prepared. Again, this creature cannot harm you in anyway. Somehow these entities are in suspended animation. They are real but they do not and cannot move. I know within freemasonry, they call the first entity “the khaibit man”. You need to have been initiated into the 10th degree to be aware of the khaibit man. As part of the initiation into the 10th degree, the khaibit man is conjured up in front of you.
    You may know that the complete flower contains the kabbalah`s tree of life, the fruit, the egg and the seed of life (pic. 4 & 5).
    4. The Kabbalah Tree of Life derived from the Flower of Life. geomsag06_16
    5. The Kabbalah Tree of Life derived from the Flower of Life.
    The complete flower also contains the three dimensional metatron cube (pic6), which holds all the Platonic solids (pic7). Not just the building blocks of life, but the building blocks of creation itself.
    6. Metatron Cube geomsag06_18
    7. Platonic Solids geomsag06_19
    I found this symbol on a knights templar tombstone (pic. 9), found within the St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall, Orkney (pic. 8).
    8. St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall geomsag06_20
    9. Knights Templar tombstone from St Magnus cathedral in Kirkwall geomsag06_21
    I believe this symbol is a representation of the egg of life (pic.10),which is the second rotation of the first layer of the complete flower of life (pic. 11).
    10. The egg of life (left) geomsag06_22
    11. The second rotation of the first layer of the complete flower of life (right)
    I was born and bred and now live back in Kirkwall. At no time did I ever get taught at school, that there was any knights templars who came from or to Orkney.
    For whatever reason, the computer generated flower (pic. 12) does not work for the contemplation. It does contain all Freemasonry’s sacred symbols.
    I thought I’d add this picture as you will recognize the pattern (pic13).
    13. Pattern of snake’s skin geomsag06_25
    The complete flower of life does have another use. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points. This picture gives you idea how the grid looks (pic.14).
    14. If you overlay a map (after getting the correct scale) with the complete flower of life, all sacred sites, standing stones etc, will sit at the centre of six points.
    Here is more of it found in Crop Circles. (Mostly in England, Wiltshire)
    crop14 3426_10151367358883907_1986986026_n fol_china5_533 uk2009ao
    Fibonacci, Phi, Flower of Life, Golden Mean/Ratio, Vector Equilibrium, Metatronic Spiral, Torus Field, even the yin yang all contain these distorted proportions and interconnect.
    See here how the tree of life creates the VE. 6213031706_064caf656d_b
    triple-tree-of-life copy
    Phi-Scales: PhiScales4
    I have to contend that although this ratio can be found to the extents of our galaxy that is does not actually represent the natural progression of life, but instead the inorganic digression into physical death. The milky way itself may be victim to this artificial pattern and have ‘fallen’ from the M31 Andromeda galaxy. In this case the majority of life and matter and subtle forces may adhere to and match this specific ratio and pattern, but it might not be the same in other galaxies.
    Incidentally, if all you can see as far as the horizons of the galaxy is this same pattern, of course you would assume it was natural. Our whole Universe may even be eventually conforming into this finite fibonacci fractal, and that is something I do not wish to happen, if what I know about the Flower of Life is indeed true. In which case, the Flower of Life should be more appropriately dubbed, the Daisy of Death. Now I have shown you the conventional thought behind this geometry now I will dive a little deeper into it and show you what the popular teachers are not telling you.

    Is there any artificially induced and distorted life pattern propogating throughout our world, and expanding through our reality? A reverse-creation mathematical encryption derrived and warped from an original divine blueprint and primal cosmic order? I’ll present the information, you can make up your own mind. I used to be heavily into qabalah myself, but I always sensed something was wrong with the tree of life. Look at it’s shape and dimensions, does it feel right and perfect, or does it feel like maybe something is… missing?
    What follows next is my old article which was mysteriously deleted somehow. Luckily it was circling around the net a bit so I was able to recover it, and expand it. Whoever does not like me revealing this information will have to try much harder to supress it.
    This is what is commonly reffered to as the Flower of Life, AKA: the Daisy of Death, and is somehow passed as ‘sacred’ geometry.
    The metatronic code problems began billions of years ago in another time matrix with the fall of a specific collective. The point is that the metatronic code is not a new thing and certainly the FOL was not something Drunvalo came up with. He is simply one of the contemporary sources who are promoting it. There are lots of wonderful things in Drunvalo’s teachings but the core of what he is getting at in his teachings is the Metatronic code and his unnatural way to spin your merkaba which causes molecular compaction of the seed atom leading to a loss of eternal life status (ie. metatronic). The reason it is seen in so many ancient cultures is because various people and collectives where actively promoting it then just as they are now.
    In the FOL pattern the diagonals are set at 60 degrees. This is an unnatural energetic and geometrical relationship that prevents the spheres from phasing correctly with the top sphere (think 3 balls like a pyramid), thus preventing back flow return from god-source. When spheres can’t phase and spark correctly, they become cut off from the normal flows of eternal life currents and become metatronic. The metatronic code is therefore based on 2 spheres (vesica pices) instead of the eternal life 3 spheres (tri-veca phase unit). The FOL is simply taking the vesica pices and expanding on it. Once you can spot this 60 degree diagonal (vs 45 degree in Krystiac eternal life structures) you can easily differentiate between Krystiac and metatronic easily. Most crop circles are based on the FOL geometry of 60 degrees so it’s easy to determine the agendas behind them.The FOL geometry is a soul harvesting net. It forces peoples Merkabas to spin in ways that (long term) prevents ascension.

    Unless deprogrammed…
    A method that perpetuates the paradigm of taking a soul, as opposed to giving.
    Keeps one in the Lower Self = EGO.
    The over-lapping circles (as much as it all fits nicely together), only capture and entrap your love/light energy. There is nothing Sacred about it. The real Sacred Geometry is found elsewhere, like Fibonacci, and in Marko Rodin’s work, and deeper, electromagnetics for just one example. They are creation.To deprogram:
    Connect to your heart space and ask SOURCE that all mutations in merkaba spin be cleared and cleaned away.Activate with intention [Pale SILVER + clear bright WHITE light] all as one colour.Activate this colour as a pillar or sphere.

    Then cleanse each chakra with crystalline WHITE light (sphere or pillar) around your entire body, that reaches beyond the head & beyond the feet.
    I also highly recommend the study of the energy mechanics, and the practice of the dynamics in Keylontic Morphogenetic Science. Begin with the Maharic Shield to anchor the D-12 un-distorted Krystic frequencies.
    Now you can ascend correctly (if you choose to), by Trusting your HEART & cleaning up your EGO. Ascension only occurs when based on truth, light and wisdom of the HEART.
    The flower of LOVE and its infinite possibilities exist as your infinite and loving heart. It is not confined to any geometric pattern. It is free to be itself – it is source in manifestation, capable of infinite greatness and unconditional love.
    The geometries, I kind of like them and they are pretty to look at, at first, but then i start to feel the underlying intent behind them and the frequencies they carry, which are ‘metatronicly’ tuned.

    What this pic actually represents more than anything else, is Molecular Compaction. This all ties in with the Blank Slate Technology (BeaST) and the ‘666’ metatronic alignment code.
    Anti-Kristiac – Metatronic Coding
    It means to digress from the original “Christos” Divine Blueprint. When the Precise Mathematical-Geometrical Instructions for Perpetual Motion of the Original Creation Program – the Krist Code – from God Source is altered or modified in any way (Anti-Christiac Expression), the self-regeneration abilities (perpetual life) of the manifest forms is interrupted leading to destruction of the corresponding matter-form via self-annihilation of the Partiki units (pre-matter units of conscious energy).
    Altering the precise Krist Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life breaks the link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding can not receive any more energy directly from Source only a LIMITED SUPPLY of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black hole system that has to suck energy from other systems and progressively self consumes, therefore, has a Finite Life.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 126 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 17:50
    When this happens the manifest being is unable to fulfil the Primal Purpose and maintain the Primal Condition – this is the Fall.
    The ‘fall’, due to Metatronic Code Configuration, is the result of excessive misuse of Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression of Divine Intention reaching a point at which it jeopardizes the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life expression and continued existence of Cosmic Order.
    The word metatronic, is actually derived from ‘Metatron’, which is not just a singular ‘Arch-angel’ as taught in most nu-age and qabalistic circles, but is the name of a family collective; a family collective out of an entity. An entity is the first level of Ascended Masters consciousness collective.
    The Metatron collective fell, loosing its Krist Code encryption because there is a law of physics that says that if you are an Ascended Master being and send in more than a natural proportion of your energy into the time matrix, say for a salvage mission, if the salvage team you sent in goes down, it takes the whole collective down. I believe this is exactly what happened.
    The collective made a decision that it would use its knowledge of Primal Creation Physics, and that it would take over this time matrix. (That was originally what its fallen parts had wanted, and what the rest had tried to stop).

    As long as they were able to feed off something else that had its life force connection to Source, they wouldn’t go into implosion. (Molecular Compaction)

    They were able to create a way of feeding energy off this time matrix and off the Phantom Matrix into their Time Matrix.
    If those two matrices (ours and phantom) were severed, they would go into implosion eventually. They’d get a few billion years of evolution out of it, but, eventually, they would be a deteriorating system. They would become extinct in terms of the race identity that they held. They would go back to Source as space dust, which is, as fragmented units of consciousness (Oblivion) and that was unacceptable to them.
    They created artificial light through a particular synthesis of mathematics producing a totally polarized light through this process. In their universe, everything is bi-polar.

    The Metatronic bodies that were created through their programming are very interesting structures. They take part of what would be a normal living biological structure, and they take out certain parts of the template that are missing and they plug in certain parts of the template together.
    When there’s not 30% left of the original template where you can do bio-regenesis to plug it back in to its natural Divine Blueprint. It creates an atrocity and it creates something that is not compatible with the mathematics or the scalar frequencies of the Christos Divine Blueprint for this Time Matrix or any other one.

    So, in making a choice to be immortal, they made a choice to be finite, because their immortality is dependent on sucking energy from living things, living matrices.

    They take no responsibility for the fact that they’re the ones that created this blasphemy of science.
    They sealed their own destiny when they created the Metatronic distortion. And at this point, they are simply trying to feed on whatever is available. These fallen, finite geometries are the main tools used. These metatronic frequencies are not just an issue here for Earth, but for the whole universe and it’s multi-dimensional anatomy.

    It’s not like this pic is going to kill you or anything lol, don’t get me wrong, i actually like it, so long as people are aware of the underlying energetic coding that is present and it’s subtle effects on our own multi-dimensional anatomy.
    Prime examples of metatronic geometries and frequencies, that i will share with you but spare you the details are: the un-natural and inorganic ‘Golden Mean(ie)’ spiral, Phi. Any geometry based upon the Fibonacci formula (AKA; Fib-of-no-chi). Proportions used in this pic seem to be aligned with them. The Golden Mean & Fibonacci spirals have no direct connection to their centers. The rectangles & squares being empty have little inner structure. They need external structures to get them going. They are progressively removed from Source.
    In it’s early stages the Fibonacci spiral isn’t a proper spiral. As it expands it approximates to the Golden Mean spiral, but only to a scaled down version of it. The Fibonacci spiral doesn’t have in inner spiral, i.e. it’s incapable of converging towards the center.
    The Fibonacci sequence features a sequence of numerical expansion in which the “next expansion number” to come is reached by “adding together” or “devouring” the two numbers that come before it.
    If we think of each number as a quantum of energy, then the two previous numbers are “added together” and consumed in order to “become the next number,” leaving nothing in their place; the “numbers before” become “finite quanta” that must “disappear or die” in order for the next number to be “born.” Thus the “numbers” within the Fibonacci sequence ALL represent finite energy forms that will be consumed and cease to exist, in order for the next generation to emerge.
    Also, there is The Torus, but what i know it by as The Poison Apple, or Gravitron.
    The Gravitron is a part of the BeaST (Blank Slate Technology) machine that hold the tilt of planet Earth at it’s un-natural and artificially sustained 23.5 degrees angle and is becoming aligned with the natural Earth’s Staff. First seeded in Density-3 (Harmonic Universe 3, dimensions 7, 8, 9) 570MYA by the Metatrons (Budhara-Shan-tar-eL) and continued by the ThE-tans, the Gravitron vortex networks was linked between our Sun and Earth twisting the Tauren up side down in a unnatural configuration called Demon Seed.The Planetary Reusha-tA spiral is harnessed and turned into a set of vortices (The gravitron) which creates an unnatural artificial gravitational field on this planet and is one of the things that one has to override in order to levitate or fly again. The Gravitron is an electromagnetic harness field that is part of a larger electromagnetic harnessing structure called the Net that anchors at a particular angle in Mexico through the Mayan Temples kicking more storms since it has been progressively activated. (2005)All these Gravitron vortices doing the wrong thing generates the Poison Apple field, which is a configuration of energy that holds the 23.5 degrees tilt on the Earth’s planetary axis. (Staff)These are Black Hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose by which this planet has been imprisoned for quite a long time. You will see these on an unfortunate and massive uprise as time moves on now (Seen the movie Thrive? a good example)There is also “Metatron’s Cube”, google that if you’ve never heard of it, but beware of any accompanying information which is more likely than not, fallen, biased, spiritual propaganda.
    02_12-tree-10-treeBelow: Template Comparison & Eckasha Holy Trinity Creation Paradigm  
    What is ‘false’ ascension science?
    “False Sacred Science” teachings, and the inorganic environmental and biological consequences created through their use, are built upon convoluted, self-serving perversions of the organic Laws of Multidimensional Physics.
    Applications of these “twisted multidimensional science” teachings,historically engaged on Earth throughout different periods over many thousands of years, has taken a terrible toll on human evolution and on the state of our planetary environment.
    The “false Sacred Science” teachings emerged from periods in our ancient and pre-ancient past, during the historically ignored “ancient advanced Earth cultures” currently associated with “Atlantean and Lemurian mythology.” During these ancient times, many environmental and biological horrors were created through application of the “false Sacred Sciences”; the technologies that emerged from these teachings represented a perversion of the organic, living multidimensional technologies that were once available through applications of genuine “Sacred Science.”
    In ancient advanced cultures, the “false Sacred Science” teachings became known as the “Death Sciences,” because reduction of eternal-life potential to finite-life de-evolution was the eventual result of their applications— regardless of what temporary benefits of finite power such technologies supplied.Since 1999 the MCEO Guardians’ teachings have provided an ongoing, comprehensive study of the “Cosmic Context, Structures and Dynamics” of space-time-matter creation and spiritual evolution, of planetary, galactic and universal “lost history” and of the contemporary “Big Picture Drama.”
    The MCEO Freedom Teachings® have also provided a progressive program of studies in advanced multidimensional anatomy,including studies of: 15-Dimensional Anatomy; the 15-Chakra System, Axiatonal & Meridian Lines; the Light Body, Rasha Dark-matter Body, Elum’Eir-adhona Spirit Body, Aah-JhA’ Hydro-acoustic Body and Jha-DA’ Body; fetal integration, Bhardoah, growth cycles, Evolutionary Ascension Cycles, DNA, and much more.
    Progressively since 2000, the CDT-Plate translations and MCEO teachings have revealed many long-hidden secrets pertaining to the “Science of Ascension,” which includes the organic processesof interdimensional and trans-dimensional atomic Transmutation, Transfiguration, Translocation and Transmigration.
    In our learning of the actual organic processes by which — and cosmic structures through which — the bio-spiritual dynamics of “Ascension” can occur, we have also received an extensive amount of information on the intentional historical distortions of “Ascension Science teachings.” Through learning about the organic intricate structures, genuine processes and Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics through which actual “Bio-Spiritual Ascension” (for “planets or people”) can take place, the falsehoods carried within “false Sacred Science” teachings became progressively more obvious by comparison.
    During the ancient Atlantean period, there was one particular body of “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged among Earth cultures after one of the GA-MCEO CDT-Plates was stolen and placed in Illuminati hands. The CDT-Plate revealed many advanced teachings of organic “Sacred Science,” which Illuminati-Elder forces then twisted to form a particular “wormhole technology” through which they could seek fulfillment of their “Earth Templar Dominion” agenda. (Historical information on the stealing of the CDT-Plate and resultant ancient dramas is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition.) In ancient cultures, this particular body of advanced twisted “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged, along with its resultant technologies, from perversion of the CDT-Plate teachings, was casually known as the “Bloom of Doom” technologies.This ancient name was adopted in reference to one of the primary inorganic “energy distortion geometries” used in this “Death Science,” the structure of which, in common respects, resembled a “blossom.” Other characteristic components of distorted mathematics and physics were also inherent to the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science. Components related to the “Bloom of Doom” technologies included a distorted mathematical growth formula for artificial finite life that in later days became known as the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence,” both of which were distortions of the “Krystal Spiral & Sequence” organic eternal-life growth ratios illustrated in the GA-MCEO CDT-Plate teachings.
    The Krystal Spiral is based on the Kathara Grid.
    Kathara Grids rotate around their common Azur-A center and expand from there.
    kathara grid: krysta15
    Stage 0:
    Stage 1:
    Stage 2:
    This Azur-A center is the center for the Krystal Spiral. The Spiral holds connection to this center at every stage.
    The points on the Krystal Spiral are connected to the center by the central vertical lines of the Kathara Grid.
    These form arms or radii for the spiral.
    The Krystal Spiral expands by √2 = 1.414.. for every 45° or by 2 for every 90° of rotation.
    This derives from the height to width ratio (2) of the Kathara Grid. The number 2 is key to the Krystal Spiral.
    The Krystal Spiral forms a smooth exponential spiral that looks the same at every scale from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic.
    Krystic structures support an open living universe with full higher dimensional connections and direct connection through center to Source.
    They derive from the Kryst Code, which embodies original intention for creation as expressed through the Kathara Grid, Krystal Spiral and subsequent structures.
    Krystal Spiral Numbers (Krystal Sequence): krysta19
    Krystal Spiral:
    1) The ratio between successive numbers is the Krystal Spiral ratio of 2.
    2) The Krystal Spiral can be generated by addition as well as by multiplication.
    3) This addition / inclusion of all earlier points is a key distinguishing feature for the Krystal Spiral.
    4) Every number is the sum of all the previous Krystal numbers plus Unity.
    5) The Krystal Spiral has a very regular spiral structure with simple well behaved math.
    6) We get the primary number sequence for the Krystal Spiral by adding all the previous numbers, not just the last two, as it’s the case with the Fibonacci spiral which creates a progressively greater separation and isolation from Source.
    7) It is symmetrical, centered and aligned with the Kathara Grids that generate it.
    In comparison to the Fibonacci sequence of finite life, the numerical expansion of the Krystal Sequence from the CDT-Plate teachings occurs through multiplying the preceding numbers, in specific increments that are based upon the core structures of Kathara Grid rotation, to create the “next expansion, ”leaving the “numbers before” intact; in “energy quantum” terms, the eternal quantum integrity of all previous numbers remains constant, as the quanta of the numbers before are multiplied through self-generated power to “create the next unique number.”
    Thus the “numbers” within the Krystal Sequence ALL represent eternal energy forms that will remain to infinity within their own unique individuation, always in relationship to the center-point from which they emerged, and always within the context of what they have “grown to become,” while the “next generation” emerges as a unique quantum expansion born of relative multiplication of the quanta before.
    This is “creating new growth through perpetually self-regenerating power,” not growth through “recycling of finite energy,” and thus the mechanics of the Krystal Sequence imply that it represents a growth-expansion formula for organic eternal life, not inorganic finite life. (Molecular Compaction)
    The growth-expansion pattern of the Krystal Sequence can be found in nature, within energy structures and biological forms of an organically eternal nature — which includes all life-forms within the Freed Worlds of eternal-life “Ascension Systems.”

    Respuesta  Mensaje 127 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 18:00
    The “Krystal Spiral” has a direct, immediate and permanent relationship with its own center-point of creation, whereas the Fibonacci golden mean spiral, which is relatively based upon the geometries of the “golden mean rectangle,” has a de-centralized start point of expansion, rather than a centralized “center-point” of creation.
    There is a logical/ intuitive implication held within this comparative that begs the question, “Do WE not have a direct, immediate and permanent relationship with OUR own center-point of creation?”
    This is what all New Age philosophies strive to teach us, and yet the logical/intuitive implication held within the “supposedly sacred” Fibonacci spiral promoted by New Age teachings illustrates a contradictory “off-center relationship to origin.”
    The differences between the Krystal Spiral and Sequence and the golden mean–Fibonacci spiral and sequence can be simply understood in terms of their respective relationships to their “creation points.”
    The Krystal Spiral/ Sequence emerges from its center-point of creation — to which it perpetually retains a living, “breathing” (expanding and contracting) connection through preservation of what “came before” — and it expands through multiplication of that which came before.
    The golden mean–Fibonacci spiral/ sequence emerges from a “point of adhesion” to a living/ breathing form, to which it progressively loses contact, as it expands perpetually through consumption and annihilation of that which came before.
    The MCEO Guardians humorously refer to the golden mean–Fibonacci spiral/ sequence as the “Fib Of NO Chi (energy)” mechanics; the simple differences of logical/ intuitive implication between the “Krystal” mechanics and the “Fib” mechanics provide a comparative illustration of the core differences between and intrinsic natures of the respective greater “creation paradigms” each system of mechanics represents.
    Throughout the MCEO Freedom Teachings® many “direct” and “implied” differences have emerged between MCEO teachings and other paradigms, and with each comparative, a relative “body of reasonable doubt” has grown in relation to some of the other paradigms.
    Through the progressive comparatives, it has become obvious that the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” Metatronic Death Science is an “alive-and-well and dominant force” within the contemporary (False) New Age movement.
    Fibonacci Sequence krysta13
    Metatronic structures can be traced to their origins in Krystic structures. They represent distortions from them.
    Metatronic finite life structures lead to a severing of higher dimensional and Source connections. This in turn leads to an isolated, closed and dying universe. (Fall) krysta14
    1) Starting from 0 & 1 add progressive pairs of numbers to get the next number.
    2) Every number is the sum of the previous two.
    3) The ratio between each pair of numbers approaches the golden mean ratio Φ, e.g. 55 / 34 = 1.618..
    4) Each number has connection to the previous two only. There is progressively greater isolation from Source.
    The Fibonacci sequence features a sequence of numerical expansion in which the “next expansion number” to come is reached by “adding together” or “devouring” the two numbers that come before it.
    If we think of each number as a “quantum of energy,” then the two previous numbers are “added together” and consumed in order to “become the next number,” leaving nothing in their place; the “numbers before” become “finite quanta” that must “disappear or die” in order for the next number to be “born.”
    Thus the “numbers” within the Fibonacci sequence ALL represent finite energy forms that will be consumed and cease to exist, in order for the “next generation” to emerge.
    The dynamic of Merkaba Field “Vulnerability” to Free Will Choice allows manifest beings the opportunity to explore Free Will Opposite Expression through “life lessons” brought about by Cause, Effect and Consequences, in which the experiential illusions of “Limited Supply” and “separation from God-Source” can be explored.
    If exploration of Opposite Expression becomes excessive, the Personal Merkaba Circulatory System becomes progressively damaged until a “point of critical mass distortion” is reached, causing the Personal Merkaba Spirals to COMPLETELY REVERSE SPIN, which creates complete separation from the natural Cosmic and Universal Kristiac/Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System. (Merkaba)
    This is a condition called “MONADIC REVERSAL”. (Anti-Christiac Merkaba)
    The reverse spin can no longer circulate Life Force energy from the naturally rotating Universal Merkaba Circulatory System and thus becomes a FINITE LIFE, fueled by a LIMITED SUPPLY of energy that remained within its own shield template and personal Merkabic Circulatory System when the Monadic Reversal occurred.
    Confined to its own “energetic quarantine”, the reverse spin Anti-Christiac Merkaba “turns in on itself” becoming an “internal Black Hole” that progressively “self consumes” as it first expands all of the limited energy of its Reversed Shields and Merkaba Fields outwards into manifest expression, then reverses polarity and progressively draws the expanded energy back into its center, growing progressively denser at the core, as the Merkaba Fields and its “form constant” manifestation arena reciprocally become Compacted, manifesting a condition called MOLECULAR COMPACTION”
    MOLECULAR COMPACTION is the process by which higher frequency energy (Kundalini) comes in but the receiving part of the shields below it are not functioning so it crushes the remaining parts of the dysfunctional receivers in the shields (Miasms) and then spreads erratic whacky energy out through the shield, and when that happens the next set of currents that tries to come in will do the same thing but now there is more damage because of the erratic frequency that is flying around from the previous time.
    MOLECULAR COMPACTION is the reason why we die. That is the ultimate cause of Death behind every single malady, as far as health stuff. Due to our shield reversals and thus the inability of the shields and DNA, and therefore the body, to be able to receive and synthesize naturally the normal currents from the Soul. (Primal Life Force Currents)
    Fibonacci Spiral
    This is “recycling of finite energy” to create growth, not growth through self-generated power, and thus the mechanics of the Fibonacci sequence imply that it represents a growth-expansion formula for finite life, not organic eternal life.
    The growth-expansion pattern of the Fibonacci sequence can be found in nature, within energy structures and biological forms of a finite nature — which includes many, but not all, life-forms on contemporary Earth.
    Spiral Comparisons spirals compare
    The Krystal Spiral has a very regular spiral structure with simple well behaved math. It is symmetrical, centered and aligned with the Kathara Grids that generate it.
    The Kathara Grids have a much richer inner structure than the squares or golden rectangles. Every Kathara Grid embraces the center and sustains a dynamic for outward expansion and back flow return to the center.
    The Golden Mean & Fibonacci spirals have no direct connection to their centers. The rectangles & squares being empty have little inner structure. They need external structures to get them going. They are progressively removed from Source.
    In it’s early stages the Fibonacci spiral isn’t a proper spiral. As it expands it approximates to the Golden Mean spiral, but only to a scaled down version of it. The Fibonacci spiral doesn’t have in inner spiral, i.e. it’s incapable of converging towards the center.
    The Krystal Spiral is much stronger and expands more rapidly than either the Golden Mean or Fibonacci spirals. Even when the Golden Mean or Fibonacci spirals start further out the Krystal Spiral will always over take them.
    Another component of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” technologies emerged through distortion of the CDT-Plate symbol called the “Kathara Grid.” Distortions of the CDT-Plate Kathara Grid symbol became known in the “Death Sciences” of the Atlantean period as the “Tree of Artificial Life,” because temporary, inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of matter, light and biology could be created through the “twisted mathematical secrets” implied by the symbolic structure of the Tree of Artificial Life distortion. The genuine Kathara Grid represents the organic core mathematical radiation-structures, or “lattices,” upon which eternal-life “living” morphogenetic field–matter templates are built. The mathematical relationships depicted within the organic Kathara Grid symbol represent the literal “core mathematical formula”of organic radiation-lattice structure,numbers of which lattices group together in very specific geometric-mathematical patterns— forming the structure of organic multidimensional radiation templates upon which “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles organize into structured manifest atoms and forms.
    The organic Kathara Grid “lattice” features 12 “Signets” or “power points” placed in very specific positions within a “cross-bar lattice” of very specific proportions; the proportions and relationships depicted in the genuine Kathara Grid symbol represent the mathematical formulae of organized-radiation-structure through which organic, living matter, light and biology are formed. The organic Kathara Grid is not a “theoretical invention,” but rather is a depiction of the core organizational structure upon which the organic, living, eternal-life Cosmos is, and has always been, formed. The organic Kathara Grid, and what it represents, exists as part of the organic Natural Laws of Physics that are indelibly inherent to the eternal, multidimensional Living Cosmos, and to the eternal “Unified Field of Energy and Consciousness” within which the Cosmos resides.
    Distorted versions of the CDT-Plate original Kathara Grid symbol emerged through the “Bloom of Doom” teachings in Atlantis as the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol, which originally depicted 11“Signets” instead of the organic 12, and which had specific structural distortions within the shapes and proportions of the “cross-bar lattice.” The organic “living” Kathara Grid symbol represents the literal “core mathematical formula”of organic radiation-lattice structure for the eternal Living Cosmos. Likewise, the various versions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol represent a distorted, contrived, inorganic “creation formula” through which unnatural multidimensional radiation template-structures can be artificially created — by abusing the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics— to harness and direct the organization of “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles, in order to form inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of light-radiation, and atomic and biological form.
    Further distortions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol emerged later in history as “Tree of Life” symbols depicting 7, 8, 9 or 10 Signet points, with different “cross-bar lattice” distortions. These later Kathara Grid distortions represented renditions of the Atlantean “Tree of Artificial Life” creation formula as adapted by various groups of Illuminati who were in competition with the Illuminati “Bloom of Doom” creators. All such Kathara Grid distortions represent attempts at implementing unnatural creation formulae that deviate from the organic structures, and Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness, inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.
    Two other components of the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings, and related “Death Sciences,” are hidden within two common symbol-forms referred to as the vesica piscis and the “star-tetrahedron.”
    The “vesica piscis” symbol is a set of 2 interlinked circles with the inner-most “outside edge” (circumference) of each circle touching the center-point of the other circle. Within the CDT-Plates, this symbol was originally called the “Bi-Veca Code,” and it, along with its 3-circle Tri-Veca Code symbol counterpart, referred to specific organic structures, processes, functions and interrelationships inherent to the organic multidimensional electromagnetic frequency spectrum, and especially to the organic creation mechanisms and natural dynamics inherent to light-radiation and the organic Living Light structures upon which the eternal Cosmos is built.
    The “star-tetrahedron” symbol is a 3-dimensional symbol-form constructed of 2 pyramidal-shaped vortices, each with a triangular base: one pyramidal-vortex is in the “point-up” upright position and intersects along a vertical line with the other inverted, “point-down” pyramidal-vortex. The 2-dimensional depiction of the star-tetrahedron is the commonly recognized symbol of the “6-pointed star” or “Star of David.”
    Within the CDT-Plates, both versions of this symbol were depicted with a circle around the symbol, and both were referred to as the “Hierophant” symbol, which depicted the mathematical formulae and multidimensional structures inherent to “Merkaba Fields.” Merkaba Fields are organic energy vortex structures that are part of the natural multidimensional “circulatory system” of the Living Cosmos, and which under certain conditions inherent to the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics, can become “vehicles of transport” within the organic processes of Genuine Ascension.
    The Bi-Veca Code/ “vesica piscis” and the Hierophant 6-pointed star/ “star-tetrahedron” symbols, and the “Ascension Science” teachings corresponding to them, were part of the original “Sacred Science” teachings contained with in the CDT-Plate that was stolen during the Atlantean period. In the hands of the Illuminati, the Bi-Veca and Hierophant symbols and their corresponding bases of knowledge were, like the “Kathara Grid” and “Krystal Spiral,” distorted: first into the “Bloom of Doom” technologies, and later into a variety of “Death Science” teachings and practices used by competing Illuminati groups in their quest for Earth Templar control.
    Unlike the visibly discernible distortions of the Kathara Grid and Krystal Spiral symbols, Bi-Veca Code and Hierophant symbol distortions were not immediately noticeable; instead, the distortions were contained within the twisted teachings of finite-life energy mechanics that accompanied the symbols, while the image of the symbols themselves looked relatively the same. “Death Science” teachings involving the Bi-Veca Code — without its organic Tri-Veca Code counterpart — utilized the distorted energy mechanics inherent to the vesica piscis, by which inorganic, artificial, finite-life static “Dead Light” radiation fields can be generated through corresponding use of distorted Merkaba Vortexmechanics.
    “Twisted” Merkaba Vortex mechanics implement unnatural distortions of the spin-speed and spin-direction of Merkabic Vortex sets, to create a particle/ anti-particle harness field within which energy and atoms can be trapped. Once trapped within the inorganic Merkaba Field, the harnessed energy quanta can then artificially sustain a prolonged longevity of form, and achieve limited local interdimensional transport, as long as the inorganic Merkaba Harness around it can “feed”/ drain energy from organically living energy fields. The inorganic Merkaba Field, also known as the “Death Star” or “External Merkaba,” must “feed,” much as an “energy vampire” — as unlike organic “Krystar” Merkaba Vehicle structures, the “Death Star Merkaba” is incapable of independently generating energy quanta for self-sustenance.
    Once activated, this “Artificial-Light Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” created through the “Bloom of Doom” and related technologies, engages the finite-life mathematical growth formulae of the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” to increase its spin-speed by draining energy from the life-field around it.
    Usually, inorganic Death Star Merkaba technologies employ the unnatural spin-speed starting ratios of “34 / 21”in relation to two separate “same-spin fixed-vortex sets” (4 vortices, rather than the organic 2) placed in counter-rotation to each other, which accelerate and blend to a “common spin” of 55 when activated. Following activation, the Death Star Merkaba engages acceleration and quantum expansion via the inorganic growth ratios of the Fibonacci sequence, using the “energy sucking” dynamics inherent to the physics-mechanics illustrated within the Fibonacci spiral. Organic Krystar Merkaba Vehicles begin with a natural “331/3– 112/3” spin-speed ratio of a single set of 2 counter-rotating vortices, and build spin-speed and energy thrust to much higher speeds — beyond the known “speed of light” — throughinternal quantum self-generation, following the mathematical correspondences characteristic to the organic “Krystal Spiral and Sequence” growth formula. The “ratio numbers” pertaining to organic Merkaba Vortex spin-speeds refer to the number of rotations each counter-rotating vortex completes in a given period, for a period measured in increments that can be relatively compared to “one rotation per trillionth of a billionth of a nanosecond,” or RP-TBN.
    Upon full activation, the “Death Star Merkaba Harness Vehicle” and its contents, be it a person, planet or galaxy, can engage limited local interdimensional relocation— but only throughinorganic wormhole, portal and black hole structures formed by the same “Death Science” technologies. Once a biological or matter-form engages full Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, its matter-template becomes permanently mutated, and the being or matter-form loses its organic potential of natural multidimensional Ascension, along with the ability to pass through the organic Star-Gate “Ascension Passages” inherent to the Cosmic Templar. Though the Death Star Merkaba offers the “immediate perks” of temporary extension of form longevity and limited interdimensional transport within black hole/ wormhole systems, due to the organic Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal system of the Living Cosmos, the ultimate fate of the Death Star Merkaba is inevitable implosion, energetic self-annihilation and release of its harnessed quanta to space-dust. Use of the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle can be compared to “taking a poorly planned quantum joyride that inevitably ends in a deadly crash at the end of a dead-end road”; at the least, use of the Death Star Merkaba is a very unwise decision, if one genuinely cares about the potentials of one’s own experiential evolutionary destiny.
    Unlike the inorganic, externally-fueled External Merkaba of the Death Star Vehicle, the organic, internally-fueled Internal Merkaba structures inherent to the Krystar Ascension Vehicle allow for progressively unlimited interdimensional and trans-dimensional travel, and full, holistic evolutionary expansion back into the Original State of Pure Source-Consciousness. The Krystar Ascension Vehicle is formed through, and functions as, a natural consequence to harmonious use of energy and consciousness in relation to the Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.
    merkaba stargates
    The distorted vesica piscis Artificial-Light manipulations and Death Star Merkaba mechanics, which are at the core of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” and “Death Science” teachings, work together with the distorted matter-template mechanics of the “Tree of Artificial Life,” “golden mean rectangle,” the “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” and other related “Death Science” components not discussed in this writing, to form an inorganic technology that attempts to manufacture an “artificial facsimile of Eternal Life Ascension.”This “facsimile of the sacred” is intended to allow the organic Laws of Energy and Consciousness that govern the eternal Living Cosmos, to be bent, broken, twisted and misused, without truth or consequence, by the whims of finite ego.
    Beings who knowingly employ this mentality desire to “take a free ride at the expense of whomever or whatever crosses their paths,” without any consideration for “fair or harmoniously balanced energy exchange”; they suffer from a Dis-ease of Supreme Arrogance, through which they become self-deluded into thinking they can escape the organic Natural Laws of Action and Consequence-to-Action by which the eternal Cosmos functions. Such beings inevitably learn, most often the “hard way,” that such “delusions of grandeur,” and the perverse technologies created to fulfill them, simply do not work within the greater structures and context of the eternal Natural Cosmic Laws of Multidimensional Physics — forenergetic action will always be met withcorresponding energetic consequence.
    The genuine “Sacred Science” teachings of the MCEO existed long before creation of the CDT-Plates or seeding of the Angelic Human lineage; the organic First-Creation Dynamics featured in the MCEO teachings existed as the living framework of cosmic reality long before the nature of these dynamics were ever recorded as “teachings.” The “Death Science” distortions of these “First-Creation Dynamics” also existed within our Universe long before their more recent historical return to Earth through the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings derived from Illuminati infiltration of the stolen CDT-Plate. Technologies born of the “false Sacred Science” teachings, and corresponding perversions of Natural Cosmic Physics Laws, have wreaked havoc for eons within our Galaxy and others, since their inception billions of years ago among interdimensional races that attempted to “push the concept of Free Will Consequence” beyond all intrinsic, organic cosmic boundaries. Prior to the appearance of the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies on Earth, these technologies were known in our local Universe as the “Teachings of Metatronic Death Science,” named after a local entity collective, called “Metatron,” who was instrumental in bringing the Death Sciences more directly into our local Galaxy.
    The Cosmic Krist Seed Atom (Formally known as the Azur-A) is the Living, Sentient Consciousness Field, formed by the intermingling of the Divine Trinity (ManU-manA-eirA) God Forces, which emerges as an elliptical-sphere-standing-wave-body within the CENTER POINT of the Cosmic Krist Template.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 128 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/11/2014 18:05
    The Azur-A or Seed Atom allows the unified Man-u (Holy Spirit) God-force to emerge with the “Eternal INTERNAL Flame” (Amoraea Flame) of God-consciousness, or “open two-way-swinging door” between God-source and Manifestation Fields within IT.Azur-A means the “Center Point of Eternal Creation”.

    Fuelled eternally by God-Source via the “Eternal INTERNAL Amoraea Flame” at its center, the Cosmic Krist Atom perpetually creates “Replicas” of itself to serve as the “Living Seeds” and Divine Blueprint form and within which Time Matrices, Universes and their inherent matter systems are perpetually born. The Smaller Replicas of the Cosmic Krist Seed Atom are called “Universal Christos Seed Atoms”.Each 15-dimensional Time Matrix is seeded by God-Source and the Cosmic Kristos Seed Atom with ONE Universal Christos Seed Atom.The first Universal Christos Seed Atom perpetually exists and MANIFEST AS the D-12 “Universal Christos” Pre-matter Liquid Light (elliptical) spherical-standing-wave-field; the Universal Christos Field.The Universal Christos Seed Atom of a Time Matrix creates many smaller, individuated, replicas of itself called GOD SEED Atoms or PERSONAL God-sparks that retains the God-Source attributes of the Krist DIVINE BLUEPRINT.
    The Personal God-spark Seed Atom within the Shield Manifestation Template of an individual exists as the portion of PERSONAL ANATOMY through which the natural energy conduits between the manifest Self, Universal Christos, Cosmic Kristos and the Cosmic Divine Trinity (ManU-manA-eirA) God-force PRIMAL FORCE CURRENTS, remain OPEN.
    When we talk about the Seed Atom or Azur-A , we inevitably end up talking about the Monad as well, as they are deeply connected, essentially different aspects of the same thing.
    You can think of the Monad as the light generator, the energy that comes through the template and brings it to life, and the Seed Atom or Azur-A as the core template that energy is beamed through.
    They are both formed of the same intention, and are just two aspects of that intention that are necessary to create a projected, perceivable hologram or reality field.
    When you go into your Inner Sanctum (Brehmn – Azur-A), and focus your attention in there, there are a lot of things you can do, like astro project, when you feel exhausted or overwhelmed learning to center you attention and focus in this star of energy inside of you, pulling your attention from your crown chakra and go into your Inner Sanctum when everything else is out there and you are into the quietness and hyper cognition level that can be found in there.
    This is the best place to learn to communicate with your higher levels or the Guardians.

    When you go into the Inner Sanctum, you are in the point of connection with the whole Universe.
    Now let’s investigate the difference between the MCEO teachings that lead us to an energetically eternally self-sustaining path of accretion of our Quanta towards God-Source and the “false” Ascension teachings, which are based on devouring or destruction of existing finite Quanta for the accretion of further new Quanta or in other words death/destruction and re-birth cycles. The “The Tree of Life” teachings that were dispensed by the entity Quetzlcoatl to the Mayan Civilization, in fact, represent The Tree of Artificial Life or Metatronic Death Science technologies. Quetzlcoatl is the same Anunnaki entity who was known as Thoth in a previous incarnation in the Atlantean period and who stole one of the CDT plates that contained some of the MCEO Ascension Science teachings. The Illuminati Elders used that technology to create a Wormhole link between our Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core and the corresponding Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core in a Parallel Universe, which is a falling system that is based on Metatronic Death Science. The Illuminati plan to open this wormhole in 2012, when our Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core come in alignment with the corresponding counterparts in the falling Parallel Universe system. No wonder, there are verses about Wormwood (something that comes through the Wormhole) in Biblical Revealation texts, which is part of the distortion introduced in religious texts as part of the Illuminati Master Plan.If the Illuminati Master Plan was successful, our Solar System and the Parallel Universe Solar System would engage inorganic Metatronic Death-Star Merkaba-vortex dimensional-blend via the Wormhole, which would cause rapid mass extinction of the life fields in both systems, then both solar systems would be “drawn back in time” to the 10,948 BC Atlantean time period of just before when the wormhole link was created. However, this Illuminati Master Plan will not succeed, as they will soon find out. Due to the GA-MCEO Guardians’ intervention efforts, the Illuminati’s wormhole link opening event will not proceed to completion in 2012, but will instead be postponed to about AD 2230. The MCEO Guardians have progressively activated a very ancient network of trans-dimensional Earth Interface Star-Gates which include the “Arc of the Covenant–Hub Gate Network,” the “Polarian Gate System,” and the “Na-VA’-Ho Spanner Core Gate System,” which together, in 2012, will allow for the opening of the “Aurora Silver Seed Gates,” through which Earth’s Templar can retain direct connection to the Living Cosmic Templar Ascension Passages, despite the Illuminati’s scheduled 2012 opening of the Fall-aligned wormhole.These gates will remain open for the next 200 years. In 2012, the Guardians will introduce an Expedited Bio-regenesis Healing technique called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, through which accelerated reverse-mutation of the DNA Template can occur, to allow reclamation of the organic ability of Ascension through atomic Transfiguration.This “200-year window” will enable humans, both of the “Angelic” and “Illuminati-Human” lines on “Amnesty Contracts,” who engage the “Silver Seed Awakening Healing” at its initiation in 2012, to heal their atomic-biology and Encryption Lattice sufficiently to engage biological “Star-Gate Slide Ascension” into the nearby “Free Worlds” and the “Path of Re-evolutionary Ascension” within which these worlds reside. Contemporary Earth is presently a “Blended System” with over 66% of its Encryption Lattice in Fall System BPR alignment. If the fall alignment percentage remains at the same high levels in 2012, Illuminati’s strengthened environmental electro-magnetic Metatronic Time-Harness in 2012 might induce an automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation in all life forms. However, Individuals who make choices that allow their personal Encryption Lattices to enter Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment with the Guardians’ Stardust Ascension Grid between December 21, 2012 and January 31, 2013, will receive the gift of the “Silver Seed Awakening”, which will create progressive biological immunity to the Illuminati’s environmentally induced automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation.So, what can a caring humanity do “in the meantime”, in preparation for 2012 and beyond? In short, the answer is to make positive, love-based, joy-filled and wise choices in life, in preparation for, and following 2012, which will provide the opportunity for us to SHIFT ourselves into a more desirable evolutionary alignment than that of the “Path of Fall,” with which the primary quanta of Earth are now engaged due to the 66% quantum alignment of Earth’s Planetary Encryption Lattice, and geomagnetic field, to the Metatronic Code. An example of a wise choice would be to refrain from engaging in Metatronic Death Science based “false” Ascension teachings. Pointers have been provided in the above linked summary #2, on how one can discern between “true” and “false” ascension teachings. Eg: if one sees constructs such as the “tree of Life”, “Fibonacci Sequence” or “Golden Mean Rectangle” used in the teachings then that paradigm is definitely based on Metatronic Death Science.Within the intensive studies of “Cosmic Context, Structures and Dynamics” progressively featured in the MCEO teachings, we have learned of the intricate genuine “Sacred Geometries” inherent to personal and cosmic structure, and the corresponding Sacred Processes of Physics and Consciousness—such as Partiki Phasing, Takeyon Harmonic Key Cycles and Eckashi Expansion & Adashi Return Cycles — which are interrelated elements of the organic cycles of growth that govern cosmic formation, biological creation and spiritual evolution. We have also learned of the “nature of space-time,” and of both the small and massive organic multidimensional “time cycles” that govern space, time, matter, consciousness and manifestation.Progressively since 2000, the CDT-Plate translations and MCEO teachings have revealed many long-hidden secrets pertaining to the “Science of Ascension,” which includes the organic processes of interdimensional and trans-dimensional atomic Transmutation, Transfiguration, Translocation and Transmigration. In our learning of the actual organic processes by which—and cosmic structures through which—the bio-spiritual dynamics of “Ascension” can occur, we have also received an extensive amount of information on the intentional historical distortions of “Ascension Science teachings.” Through learning about the organic intricate structures, genuine processes and Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics through which actual “Bio-Spiritual Ascension” (for “planets or people”) can take place, the falsehoods carried within “false Sacred Science” teachings became progressively more obvious by comparison.
    “False Sacred Science” teachings, and the inorganic environmental and biological consequences created through their use, are built upon convoluted, self-serving perversions of the organic Laws of Multidimensional Physics. Applications of these “twisted multidimensional science” teachings, historically engaged on Earth throughout different periods over many thousands of years, has taken a terrible toll on human evolution and on the state of our planetary environment. The “false Sacred Science” teachings emerged from periods in our ancient and pre-ancient past, during the historically ignored “ancient advanced Earth cultures” currently associated with “Atlantean and Lemurian mythology.” During these ancient times, many environmental and biological horrors were created through application of the “false Sacred Sciences”; the technologies that emerged from these teachings represented a perversion of the organic, living multidimensional technologies that were once available through applications of genuine “Sacred Science.” In ancient advanced cultures, the “false Sacred Science” teachings became known as the “Death Sciences,” because reduction of eternal-life potential to finite-life de-evolution was the eventual result of their applications—regardless of what temporary benefits of finite power such technologies supplied.
    During the ancient Atlantean period, there was one particular body of “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged among Earth cultures after one of the GA-MCEO CDT-Plates was stolen and placed in Illuminati hands. The CDT-Plate revealed many advanced teachings of organic “Sacred Science,” which Illuminati-Elder forces then twisted to form a particular “wormhole technology” through which they could seek fulfillment of their “Earth Templar Dominion” agenda. (Historical information on the stealing of the CDT-Plate and resultant ancient dramas is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition.) In ancient cultures, this particular body of advanced twisted “false Sacred Science” teachings that emerged, along with its resultant technologies, from perversion of the CDT-Plate teachings, was casually known as the “Bloom of Doom” technologies. This ancient name was adopted in reference to one of the primary inorganic “energy distortion geometries” used in this “Death Science,” the structure of which, in common respects, resembled a “blossom.” Other characteristic components of distorted mathematics and physics were also inherent to the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science. Components related to the “Bloom of Doom” technologies included a distorted mathematical growth formula for artificial finite life that in later days became known as the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence,” both of which were distortions of the “Krystal Spiral & Sequence” organic eternal-life growth ratios illustrated in the GA-MCEO CDT-Plate teachings.
    Another component of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” technologies emerged through distortion of the CDT-Plate symbol called the “Kathara Grid.” Distortions of the CDT-Plate Kathara Grid symbol became known in the “Death Sciences” of the Atlantean period as the “Tree of Artificial Life,” because temporary, inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of matter, light and biology could be created through the “twisted mathematical secrets” implied by the symbolic structure of the Tree of Artificial Life distortion. The genuine Kathara Grid represents the organic core mathematical radiation-structures, or “lattices,” upon which eternal-life “living” morphogenetic field–matter templates are built. The mathematical relationships depicted within the organic Kathara Grid symbol represent the literal “core mathematical formula” of organic radiation-lattice structure, numbers of which lattices group together in very specific geometric-mathematical patterns — forming the structure of organic multidimensional radiation templates upon which “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles organize into structured manifest atoms and forms.
    The organic Kathara Grid “lattice” features 12 “Signets” or “power points” placed in very specific positions within a “cross-bar lattice” of very specific proportions; the proportions and relationships depicted in the genuine Kathara Grid symbol represent the mathematical formulae of organized-radiation-structure through which organic, living matter, light and biology are formed. The organic Kathara Grid is not a “theoretical invention,” but rather is a depiction of the core organizational structure upon which the organic, living, eternal-life Cosmos is, and has always been, formed. The organic Kathara Grid, and what it represents, exists as part of the organic Natural Laws of Physics that are indelibly inherent to the eternal, multidimensional Living Cosmos, and to the eternal “Unified Field of Energy and Consciousness” within which the Cosmos resides.
    Distorted versions of the CDT-Plate original Kathara Grid symbol emerged through the “Bloom of Doom” teachings in Atlantis as the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol, which originally depicted 11 “Signets” instead of the organic 12, and which had specific structural distortions within the shapes and proportions of the “cross-bar lattice.” The organic “living” Kathara Grid symbol represents the literal “core mathematical formula” of organic radiation-lattice structure for the eternal Living Cosmos. Likewise, the various versions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol represent a distorted, contrived, inorganic “creation formula” through which unnatural multidimensional radiation template-structures can be artificially created — by abusing the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics — to harness and direct the organization of “dark-matter,” quarks and subatomic particles, in order to form inorganic, finite-life artificial structures of light-radiation, and atomic and biological form.
    Further distortions of the “Tree of Artificial Life” symbol emerged later in history as “Tree of Life” symbols depicting 7, 8, 9 or 10 Signet points, with different “cross-bar lattice” distortions. These later Kathara Grid distortions represented renditions of the Atlantean “Tree of Artificial Life” creation formula as adapted by various groups of Illuminati who were in competition with the Illuminati “Bloom of Doom” creators. All such Kathara Grid distortions represent attempts at implementing unnatural creation formulae that deviate from the organic structures, and Natural Laws of Energy and Consciousness, inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.
    Two other components of the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings, and related “Death Sciences,” are hidden within two common symbol-forms referred to as the vesica piscis and the “star-tetrahedron.” The “vesica piscis” symbol is a set of 2 interlinked circles with the inner-most “outside edge” (circumference) of each circle touching the center-point of the other circle. Within the CDT-Plates, this symbol was originally called the “Bi-Veca Code,” and it, along with its 3-circle Tri-Veca Code symbol counterpart, referred to specific organic structures, processes, functions and interrelationships inherent to the organic multidimensional electromagnetic frequency spectrum, and especially to the organic creation mechanisms and natural dynamics inherent to light-radiation and the organic Living Light structures upon which the eternal Cosmos is built.
    The “star-tetrahedron” symbol is a 3-dimensional symbol-form constructed of 2 pyramidal-shaped vortices, each with a triangular base: one pyramidal-vortex is in the “point-up” upright position and intersects along a vertical line with the other inverted, “point-down” pyramidal-vortex. The 2-dimensional depiction of the star-tetrahedron is the commonly recognized symbol of the “6-pointed star” or “Star of David.” Within the CDT-Plates, both versions of this symbol were depicted with a circle around the symbol, and both were referred to as the “Hierophant” symbol, which depicted the mathematical formulae and multidimensional structures inherent to “Merkaba Fields.” Merkaba Fields are organic energy vortex structures that are part of the natural multidimensional “circulatory system” of the Living Cosmos, and which under certain conditions inherent to the Natural Laws of Multidimensional Physics, can become “vehicles of transport” within the organic processes of Genuine Ascension.
    bi veca
    The Bi-Veca Code/“vesica piscis” and the Hierophant 6-pointed star/“star-tetrahedron” symbols, and the “Ascension Science” teachings corresponding to them, were part of the original “Sacred Science” teachings contained with in the CDT-Plate that was stolen during the Atlantean period. In the hands of the Illuminati, the Bi-Veca and Hierophant symbols and their corresponding bases of knowledge were, like the “Kathara Grid” and “Krystal Spiral,” distorted: first into the “Bloom of Doom” technologies, and later into a variety of “Death Science” teachings and practices used by competing Illuminati groups in their quest for Earth Templar control. Unlike the visibly discernible distortions of the Kathara Grid and Krystal Spiral symbols, Bi-Veca Code and Hierophant symbol distortions were not immediately noticeable; instead, the distortions were contained within the twisted teachings of finite-life energy mechanics that accompanied the symbols, while the image of the symbols themselves looked relatively the same. “Death Science” teachings involving the Bi-Veca Code—without its organic Tri-Veca Code counterpart—utilized the distorted energy mechanics inherent to the vesica piscis, by which inorganic, artificial, finite-life static “Dead Light” radiation fields can be generated through corresponding use of distorted Merkaba Vortex mechanics.
    “Twisted” Merkaba Vortex mechanics implement unnatural distortions of the spin-speed and spin-direction of Merkabic Vortex sets, to create a particle/ anti-particle harness field within which energy and atoms can be trapped. Once trapped within the inorganic Merkaba Field, the harnessed energy quanta can then artificially sustain a prolonged longevity of form, and achieve limited local interdimensional transport, as long as the inorganic Merkaba Harness around it can “feed”/drain energy from organically living energy fields. The inorganic Merkaba Field, also known as the “Death Star” or “External Merkaba,” must “feed,” much as an “energy vampire”—as unlike organic “Krystar” Merkaba Vehicle structures, the “Death Star Merkaba” is incapable of independently generating energy quanta for self-sustenance.
    Once activated, this “Artificial-Light Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” created through the “Bloom of Doom” and related technologies, engages the finite-life mathematical growth formulae of the “golden mean rectangle” and “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” to increase its spin-speed by draining energy from the life-field around it. Usually, inorganic Death Star Merkaba technologies employ the unnatural spin-speed starting ratios of “34/21” in relation to two separate “same-spin fixed-vortex sets” (4 vortices, rather than the organic 2) placed in counter-rotation to each other, which accelerate and blend to a “common spin” of 55 when activated. Following activation, the Death Star Merkaba engages acceleration and quantum expansion via the inorganic growth ratios of the Fibonacci sequence, using the “energy sucking” dynamics inherent to the physics-mechanics illustrated within the Fibonacci spiral. Organic Krystar Merkaba Vehicles begin with a natural “331/3– 112/3” spin-speed ratio of a single set of 2 counter-rotating vortices, and build spin-speed and energy thrust to much higher speeds—beyond the known “speed of light”—through internal quantum self-generation, following the mathematical correspondences characteristic to the organic “Krystal Spiral and Sequence” growth formula. The “ratio numbers” pertaining to organic Merkaba Vortex spin-speeds refer to the number of rotations each counter-rotating vortex completes in a given period, for a period measured in increments that can be relatively compared to “one rotation per trillionth of a billionth of a nanosecond,” or RP-TBN.
    Upon full activation, the “Death Star Merkaba Harness Vehicle” and its contents, be it a person, planet or galaxy, can engage limited local interdimensional relocation—but only through inorganic wormhole, portal and black hole structures formed by the same “Death Science” technologies. Once a biological or matter-form engages full Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, its matter-template becomes permanently mutated, and the being or matter-form loses its organic potential of natural multidimensional Ascension, along with the ability to pass through the organic Star-Gate “Ascension Passages” inherent to the Cosmic Templar. Though the Death Star Merkaba offers the “immediate perks” of temporary extension of form longevity and limited interdimensional transport within black hole/wormhole systems, due to the organic Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal system of the Living Cosmos, the ultimate fate of the Death Star Merkaba is inevitable implosion, energetic self-annihilation and release of its harnessed quanta to space-dust. Use of the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle can be compared to “taking a poorly planned quantum joyride that inevitably ends in a deadly crash at the end of a dead-end road”; at the least, use of the Death Star Merkaba is a very unwise decision, if one genuinely cares about the potentials of one’s own experiential evolutionary destiny.
    Unlike the inorganic, externally-fueled External Merkaba of the Death Star Vehicle, the organic, internally-fueled Internal Merkaba structures inherent to the Krystar Ascension Vehicle allow for progressively unlimited interdimensional and trans-dimensional travel, and full, holistic evolutionary expansion back into the Original State of Pure Source-Consciousness. The Krystar Ascension Vehicle is formed through, and functions as, a natural consequence to harmonious use of energy and consciousness in relation to the Natural Laws of Physics inherent to the eternal Living Cosmos.
    The distorted vesica piscis Artificial-Light manipulations and Death Star Merkaba mechanics, which are at the core of the ancient Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” and “Death Science” teachings, work together with the distorted matter-template mechanics of the “Tree of Artificial Life,” “golden mean rectangle,” the “Fibonacci spiral & sequence” and other related “Death Science” components not discussed in this writing, to form an inorganic technology that attempts to manufacture an “artificial facsimile of Eternal Life Ascension.” This “facsimile of the sacred” is intended to allow the organic Laws of Energy and Consciousness that govern the eternal Living Cosmos, to be bent, broken, twisted and misused, without truth or consequence, by the whims of finite ego.
    The genuine “Sacred Science” teachings of the MCEO existed long before creation of the CDT-Plates or seeding of the Angelic Human lineage; the organic First-Creation Dynamics featured in the MCEO teachings existed as the living framework of cosmic reality long before the nature of these dynamics were ever recorded as “teachings.” The “Death Science” distortions of these “First-Creation Dynamics” also existed within our Universe long before their more recent historical return to Earth through the Atlantean “Bloom of Doom” teachings derived from Illuminati infiltration of the stolen CDT-Plate. Technologies born of the “false Sacred Science” teachings, and corresponding perversions of Natural Cosmic Physics Laws, have wreaked havoc for eons within our Galaxy and others, since their inception billions of years ago among interdimensional races that attempted to “push the concept of Free Will Consequence” beyond all intrinsic, organic cosmic boundaries. Prior to the appearance of the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies on Earth, these technologies were known in our local Universe as the “Teachings of Metatronic Death Science,” named after a local entity collective, called “Metatron,” who was instrumental in bringing the Death Sciences more directly into our local Galaxy.
    (Detailed information on “organic First-Creation Dynamics,” the historical “Fall of Metatron” and related characters, and the mechanics and historical applications of “Metatronic Death Science” is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition, throughout various MCEO Freedom Teachings® workshop DVD programs, and in Introductory-Topics Summary-1.)
    Ancient Deception, the Fall of Atlantis & Comparative Review of Death Science Paradigms
    In the ancient Atlantean period of Earth, the “Bloom of Doom” Death Science technologies became well-rooted in Atlantean cultural practices; our contemporary planetary environment, human DNA and the evolutionary potentials of Earth’s collective life-field are still suffering from the progressive, continuing effects of the applications of the Atlantean Death Science technologies. A primary factor in the spread of Death Science teachings and technologies within the advanced ancient cultures of the Atlantean period was the mass deception used by Illuminati groups to misrepresent these teachings as originating from a “Divine Inspired Source”; part of this deception involved the “demonstration of great powers” that could be achieved with application of the Death Science technologies. Masses of people were deceived into thinking that the “wisdom and powers” allotted them, through use of the Death Science teachings and technologies, were assisting them to heal, reach greater levels of spiritual enlightenment and attain mastery over the process of Bio-Spiritual Ascension.
    In reality, the Death Science teachings and technologies progressively mutated the DNA, and entrapped the consciousness within a biologically-induced state of false euphoria—while systematically dissolving the organic evolutionary potential to achieve Genuine Eternal Life Bio-Spiritual Star-Gate Ascension. The ancient Illuminati races of the Atlantean period promoted the Death Science technologies precisely to achieve these results, for their true motivation and intention was not at all to “assist the human race” in aspiring to its potential “evolutionary glory”; the Illuminati agenda was to covertly USE the human race as “unwitting, expendable tools,” through which the Illuminati goal of achieving Earth “Templar Dominion” could be fulfilled.
    In ancient times, both the Illuminati-Human races and their ET Illuminati-Elder-kin directors KNEW that every biological life-form represents a “biological electromagnetic quantum,” which exists in a symbiotic bio-electric interrelationship with the electromagnetic structures inherent to the Planetary Templar and Star-Gate system. The Illuminati intention was to harness this “raw biological power” of Earth’s most “genetically advanced” Angelic Human species, by cultivating the human biology into a “vessel” through which the interdimensional frequencies of the distorted “Metatronic Code” could be “electronically channeled en masse” into Earth’s Templar. If a mass of Angelic Human bodies could be genetically mutated to “run the frequencies of the Metatronic Death Code,” then a critical quantum of the “collective human body” could be used to create “quantum override” of the organic electromagnetic coding of Earth’s Star-Gate Ascension Passages, which are “electronically keyed” to the organic Angelic Human genome. Once such a “mass of Metatronically-coded biological electromagnetic human quanta” was created, masses of humans could then be “guided” to perform specific “spiritual energy rituals” at various key “Sacred Site” locations of Earth’s Templar, during the “all-important periods” of Earth’s SAC Star-Gate-opening “Ascension Cycles.”
    This process of “invasion from within” worked relatively well in fulfilling the Illuminati small-scale agendas of the ancient Atlantean period, culminating in “Fall by design” of Atlantean culture and resultant cataclysmic destruction of the territories of Atlantis. These “small Illuminati victories” of Atlantis represented “baby steps” in the fulfillment of a much larger “Illuminati Master Plan,” to which these “small steps” were intended to lead.

    Below: Ecka Maps of the God Worlds


    Respuesta  Mensaje 129 de 1464 en el tema 
    De: Alcoseri Enviado: 05/11/2014 20:40
    Espiritismo en la Francmasonería - Desde siempre en Masonería, hay innumerables hermanos procedentes de todas las ideologías imaginables, de diferentes religiones, de diferentes corrientes esotéricas y de multitud de ideologías políticas, se mantiene todo en una armonía perfecta, donde todos exponemos y todos respetamos. Así en nuestras logias masónicas hay hermanos espiritistas, espiritualistas, espirituales y demás ramas relacionadas. -------- Muchos dentro y fuera de la Masonería piensan que los masones tendemos a una corriente de pensamiento Político, Religioso o ideológico en particular, pero no es así, por razones de la evolución del alma humana en masonería confluyen personas de las mas distintas ideologías políticas, espirituales y académicas. Pasando por masones de todos los niveles culturales económicos y sociales- Hombres y Mujeres en Logia de todas las nacionalidades y credos ...------------- El Maestro Francmasón el Q:. y V:. H.: Joaquín Trincado Matheo, nació la madrugada del 19 de Agosto de 1866, en la Villa de Cintrueñigo Provincia de Navarra, España. Hijo de Ignacio Trincado Alfaro, y Romualda Matheo Ayala. La familia Trincado pese a su humilde origen, poseía Escudo de hidalguía (lo cual indicaba ser de clase noble y distinguida), el cual fue confirmado ante los Tribunales de Navarra en 1523. Muriendo Buenos Aires Argentina el 6 de diciembre de 1935------------ El Francmasón Q:. H:. Trincado Matheo perteneció a la institución de los “Hijos de Viuda”, es decir, que Joaquín Trincado tuvo como un honor hacerse Francmasón y lo fue con ahínco hasta el fin de sus días. Esta aseveración parte del hecho que tras su Paso al Eterno Oriente, a la hora del sepelio del maestro trincado, las más altas autoridades de la Gran Logia Francmasónica en la República Argentina pidieron permiso y lo obtuvieron de sus familiares para rendirle los honores Masónicos correspondientes; y de esto reposa parte en la publicación “La Balanza” del 15 de Diciembre de 1935, que refiere: “…cubriendo el féretro la Bandera Universal creada por él y a la cabecera se leía la siguiente inscripción: “SUMMUM SAPIENTAS DOLORIS SUMSUM!, que por su jerarquía masónica de Gran Maestro le correspondía con sus insignias”.------------ Con este sustento, y al igual que lo menciona en su libro “Los Extremos se Tocan”: “sale al descubierto la Masonería, contraria al régimen absolutista y freno férreo del Papado…”, añadiendo que por los resabios humanos, la Institución de la Escuadra y el Compas tenía que trabajar en las sombras y practicar la conspiración. Así considera el Maestro Trincado que, “La masonería forma un escalón en la escala del progreso espiritual”, y como tal mucho de la Francmasonería es análogo a los principios de la EMECU, de lo que se deduce que sus principios le dieron bases para estructurar la escuela.----------- Su Paso al Eterno Oriente se debió a una vieja afección cardio-pulmonar. A la hora de su desencarnación termino espiritistas para designar a la Muerte estaba rodeado de sus familiares, del médico y sus discípulos más allegados, falleciendo a los 69 años de edad, en la habitación de su casa en Buenos Aires Argentina, Calle Sarmiento No. 3137, el 6 de diciembre de 1935 a las 10:30 p.m. Sus últimas palabras fueron: “En Vosotros descanso-------- “Existencia de un único creador el Gran Arquitecto del Universo al que él llamaba «Eloí»”, “La substancia es una y todas las humanidades, una sola humanidad solidarizada en una sola fraternidad eterna y universal llamada espiritismo” “Vida eterna y continuada” “Progreso indefinido e infinito” “La necesidad de la reencarnación para alcanzar el progreso” “Pluralidad de los mundos habitados”.--------- La presentación que Trincado realiza de su doctrina es científica y afirma "El espiritismo luz y verdad, estudia, investiga, inquiere, pesa, analiza, comprueba y hace axiomas y leyes, que deja al libre examen de los hombres y no admite fanáticos, sistemáticos, dogmáticos, detractores, mixtificadores, ni supercheros. No se impone, se expone"----------- Espíritu y metafísica------ El espíritu es la base en las obras de trincado, al cual define como la causa innata de todo ingenio y razón humana, es el modulador de todas las leyes que representan la vida o la razón pura metafísica y partícula consubstancial coeterna de la causa original y única llamada Eloí, al cual el filósofo define como centro vibratorio y padre o raíz de los espíritus. El espíritu es la voluntad de Eloí con la cual modula su pensamiento o substancia única universal: éter, alma o electricidad.--------- En su obra "Conócete a ti mismo" lo define así: Para la vida universal, demostrada en los cuerpos, mundos y hombres, el espíritu es la metafísica, porque hace evolucionar todas las moléculas del infinito que han de reunirse en un solo cuerpo o demostración física; y por lo tanto es el espíritu el guarismo imaginario o el ideal de la razón, y es así la matemática pura; lo mismo que para el espíritu, la metafísica y guarismo indescifrable que todo lo metamorfosea para llegar por sus leyes al estado físico demostrativo; es pues, Eloí el guarismo abstracto para la materia, pero el guarismo ideal para el espíritu. De ese ideal del espíritu nace la razón, que primero idea por esos espacios, por ese éter infinito, y, razonado, de la idea llega a la realidad de la matemática y el ideal se convierte en realidad tangible, que la medimos y la pesamos aún abstractamente; en esa medida y en esa pesada, pesamos y medimos la vida, el espíritu y el Creador, raíz de esas matemáticas que nos enseñan el peso y las medidas de las cosas en su estado físico.---------- Conócete a ti mismo------------- El espíritu es sencillo y no ignorante pero como tiene que vivir en sus obras para perfeccionarlas este se embota en los instintos de la carne y es cuando empieza su lucha de los cuales derivan los distintos grados de progreso espiritual--------------- Substancia: Éter o Electricidad------------Joquín Trincado afirma que "Éter, electricidad o alma, es la substancia universal de la cual todo elemento y cuerpo derivan".-------------- Éter, Alma, o Electricidad, decimos la misma cosa y es la única sustancia existente, de la cual, la Electricidad en todos sus fenómenos, es la materialización del Éter en sus ondas que, llevadas a la Matemática por las leyes de Ampere, Ohm y Joule, podemos afirmar, que medimos y pesamos el Alma Universal,------------- Conócete a ti mismo---------------- Pero el éter que todo lo llena, que a todo le da alma para sus formas que en sí mismo no puede dárselo porque no posee inteligencia, voluntad. Como la inteligencia y la voluntad son solo del espíritu que es el ordenador y creador de todas las demostraciones de vida, y estas no es posible verlas, ni existen sino compuestas de éter, material o substancia única que el espíritu encuentra para crear las formas que demuestren la vida, por lo cual electricidad y espíritu son inseparables; y eso es lo que manejan todos los hombres, sin serles posible obrar nada sin ese todo.------------- Filosofía política----------Trincado propone como sistema político "La Comuna Universal de Amor y Ley" al que afirma es el reino de justicia espiritual anunciado por jesus. La "comuna espiritual" es un orden mundial de perfección relativa de todos los progresos y ciencias en un solo principio de sabiduría; el espiritismo racional. En ese reino la ley es conocerce a si mismo y respetar al projimo, lo que es igual a adorar solo a Eloi en el templo único del Universo y sobre el corazón del hombre por altar, oficiando el único y supremo sacerdote, el espíritu.--------------------- LA COMUNA COMO BANDERA Y EL ESPIRITISMO COMO CREDO Nada hay más bello y armónico que la comuna como régimen y nada hay más grande de Eloí abajo que el espiritismo, porque es el credo universal. Decir comuna, es decir justicia; y decir espiritismo, es decir Eloí; por lo que espiritismo es todo, desde el microscópico e impalpable electrón hasta Eloí, en lo intangible, y desde el más rústico mineral hasta el hombre en su estado más bello, en lo tangible.---------------- Conócete a ti mismo---------------- Trincado indica que la humanidad no puede estar dividida en clases sociales y reconoce como justas las reivindicaciones del movimiento obrero pero rechaza el comunismo violento afirmando que llevarían de nuevo a un control del poder por parte de la supremacía religiosa y no del pueblo. Piensa que el socialismo es el puente entre la esclavitud y la libertad pero que no se concretó porque la religión aprovecha el defecto congénito del hombre, el egoísmo, que es utilizado por la religión para infiltrar entre los "librepensadores" desde dentro, incitándolos a rebeliones que sean pretexto para su reprensión. En su libro Filosofía austera racional dice: En sus doctrinas es así y ha visto, aunque tarde, que el primer socialista en verdad es Jesús revolucionario y mártir de los sacerdotes, y la lógica nos enseña que: si la religión fue causa del asesinato de Jesús, y siendo los socialistas los continuadores de aquel protestante, serán los sacerdotes los que deshagan el partido socialista. Y así está demostrado en mil formas que vemos.-------------- El triunfo de las religiones consiste en la mayor división posible de los núcleos de fuerza y el socialismo se encuentra casi atomizado y hecho una babilonia ininteligible: tanto que hay grupos socialistas tan fanáticamente cristianos, que la religión católica faltará a su deber si no los canoniza declarándolos santos.-------------- Hecho un análisis espectral, no se encuentra diferencia entre religión y socialismo, y debían ser los dos extremos imposibles de juntarse, pero no sólo se han juntado, sino que se han confundido. ¿Cómo se obró el... milagro?..., pues haciéndose hipócritamente socialistas los religiosos.----------------- Filosofía austera racional----------------- Religión------------Trincado afirma que "la religión llama dios a las pasiones del sacerdote y es ese el mismo actor quien manipula la expansión espiritual natural del ser humano, creando rituales y dogmas que lleven al extremo la superstición y fanatismo en el pueblo, mermando así el progreso espiritual, científico y ético del individuo para poder esclavizar las conciencias y la vida en su totalidad".--------------------- Trincado afirma que la religión ha mixtificado las figuras de Jesús de Nazaret y todos los profetas de la escuela esénica de moisés para su fundación. Dice que en nombre de Jesús se han ejecutado crímenes horrorosos siendo todo lo contrario a su predica, en su obra Conócete a ti mismo dice: Jesús, que decía en su humildad de corazón: "Aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón"; "Si no hiciéreis lo que yo hago, no entraréis en el reino de mi padre”; Jesús que no tuvo dónde reclinar la cabeza en propiedad; Jesús, que llevó su amor al extremo de sufrir la muerte más ignominiosa dada por los sacerdotes; Jesús, que si entró al templo fue porque allí encontraba a los hombres y allí les enseñaba la humildad, la libertad, el respeto y el amor; Jesús que hasta su saludo era siempre: “La paz sea con vosotros"; Jesús, que imponía: "Dar al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios", es antepuesto a Dios; es puesto como baluarte contra el amor, por la caridad; contra el respeto mutuo, por el desprecio; contra la libertad, por la opresión; contra la humildad, por el orgullo; contra la pobreza, por la avaricia, el acaparamiento y el boato; contra la justicia, por la injusticia, y por fin, los que se dicen ministros suyos hacen todo lo contrario que él hiciera; y con todo esto, es hecho ídolo y llevado a la guerra él, que anunciaba siempre la paz--------- Alcoseri

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