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General: ¿Maradona incluyente en un marco de proporcione COSMICAS?
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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 162 en el tema 
De: Alcoseri  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 30/10/2012 20:49

Estos Mensajes los Paso a mi Facebook y a los lectores parece gustarles - Pero ¿ Maradona ?  Bueno, Bueno.-Él como futbolista latinoamericano me parece un sobresaliente deportista y algo más, pero enmarcarlo dentro de un contexto incluyente en un marco de proporciones cósmicas pues como que, no.- por ello los post donde aparece no los envío al Facebook

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Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/10/2015 17:37
Revelation 21:6 (New American Standard Bible)

6Then He said to me, "(A)It is done I am the (B)Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end (C)I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the (D)water of life without cost.

Revelation 21:6 ... is it a reference to '216', and what Plato was referencing re: '216'?
>>> Alpha and the Omega?
>>> the beginning and the end?

Similar to the Gospel of Thomas?

18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that
you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the
end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
he will know the end and will not experience death."

Om let me think about it.
But first I should probably read this first.
:arrow: viewtopic.php?p=213901#p213901


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/11/2015 14:40
UPDATE as of Dec. 2011 

It has been nearly 2 1/2 years since I initiated this thread. Feel free to jump to page 9 to see where the yellow brick road which starts off as a spiral has taken me. 
>>> http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=73263#73263 


What this thread is all about.... 
... watch these two videos. 
The voice in the first one is annoying, the infomation is very good, and to compensate the music and graphics in the second one is very groovy. 

1/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vybaO0bYM0U&feature=related 
2/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkGeOWYOFoA 

114 quotations by Christ in the 5th Gospel of Thomas 
114 suras in the Quran. 

Coincidences or indications of a common design? 
Shall we continue? 



This thread has evolved into a depository, a place where I deposit 'coincidences', events or observations involving primarily a series of numbers, 11258, that appear to be woven into the very fabric of spacetime. 
And these numbers are woven into the narration itself. 
These 'numbers' form an intrinsic part of the hidden unseen architecture that 'just is' in the world at large. 
What these pages are logging/recording are the many profound coincidences that for whatever reason have been brought to my attention. 
However so many pages later** it should be clear to the reader that the thread that connects the many 'coincidences' together, is design. 
(** if you take the time to read mainly my entries on this thread, where I continually provide more and more evidence, what I present, can't really be debated, only interpreted by you the observer. 
What do you see? 
What do you feel? 

The 112358 evidence: 
recap: Gospel of Thomas is recording the words of Jesus himself. 

a.k.a. the Gnostic Gospels 

Now if my research is correct, the archetypal Jesus using parable is discussing Phi and phi and other aspects of sacred geometry and a celestial narrative. Shocked 

TRUTH has 3 stages. 
1/ First it is ridiculed (the last 5 years I have experienced is evidence) 
2/ Then it is 'violently opposed' (how many forums have I been banned from as I continue to upset and negate the 'literal' bible babble, using figurative interpretations?) 
3/ Then the TRUTH is held as self-evident. Wink 
-Alfred Schopenhauer 

The information I have gathered is profound. 
Will such a 'revelation' ever see the night/light of day? 
I welcome all comments. 

Raphael wrote:
Here is a letter I just sent off to Elaine Pagels and Tom Harpur. 

Dear Ms. Pagels: 

I am an independent researcher and have come across an interesting find... 
Actually it is amazing. 
re: the 5 Gospels 

Briefly, how do I connect the Gospel of Thomas to the Pine Cone found in the Vatican, EASTER and Phi/Fibonacci? 
Pythagoras said 'all is number' and the most interesting number is Phi and its reciprocal phi...and both are separated by a '1'. 

Macrocosm Phi = 1.618 to infinity 
microcosm phi = 0.618 to infinity 

The only two numbers that share this property. 

Now while researching many different sources and disciplines, I came across a code that had been embedded in the Tarot. 
CARD X of the Tarot I believe to be a mnemonic, and it contains the Code re: 4 Gospels and yields the numbers 11, 2, 5, 8. 

Quite easy to explain. 
It is a reference to the four constellations Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. 
I soon realized that this formed part of the Fibonacci series, However the 3 was missing. 
i.e. 1, 1, 2, 5, 8, 
but it should read 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 etc.....to infinity. 

Much later I found out the meaning of the missing '3' on CARD X, it was in reference to the Hebrew alphabet, the third letter Gimel. 
This lead me to the Shemporhorash and 72 names of god, each comprised of 3 letters, 72x 3 = 216, as studied in the Kabbalah. 
Recall the independent film called Pi? 
It did deal with the 216 letters. 
And embedded within the 216 letters is a Code for the Fibonacci series. 
(easily explained) 

But it was when I was reading about the Nag Hammadi Codex II re: Gospel of Thomas, the 5th Gospel that my suspicions were confirmed. 
Nag Hammadi Codex II manuscript of the Coptic text...occupies page 32, line 10, through page 51, line 28. 
32 10 51 28 

And Pythagoras would whisper into the ear of Fibonacci...do you see it? 
Do you see the code? 
Now if we unscramble the numbers 32 10 51 28 we arrive at the complete Fibonacci Code. 
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8....nearly the same as CARD X of the Tarot or the Fibonacci numbers. 

Coincidence you might suggest. 
Not at all. 

The Gospel of Thomas was the icing on the cake, granted to me for my efforts. 
I have so many references to these numbers it soon becomes clear that this Phi/Fibonacci code was used in the structure of the Bible AND the recording of western history, by the victors who wrote the history. 
Of course, because these geometrical concepts dealing with pi and phi, were part of the Oral Traditions of a bygone era we know very little about. 
Cultures based on Oral traditions do not leave many written records. 

Another great example of how these numbers are woven into the fabric of the narrative, to reinforce the belief, I imagine. 
On 8, December 1735 Clement XII laid the foundation stone of the facade of S. Giovanni in Laterano. 
The MOTHER church as you know is Laterano. 
8, December 1735 becomes 
8, 12, 1735 
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 
Why the 7? 
Or if we make it similar to the Tarot code, we would remove the 3 and the 7. 
And 37 is a direct reference to the MOON (3) and the SUN (7)...and a very profound number in Gematria. 
And again, 37 is easily explained using art/paintings commissioned by the Vatican and elsewhere. 

Another example Ms. Pagels? 
Battle of the Milvian Bridge took place between the Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius on 28 October 312. 

28, 10, 312 
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 8 
add one of the twos and the 3. 
0, 1, 1, 2, 5, 8, 
again eerily similar to the Card X of the Tarot. 

Egyptian Dendera Zodiac yields exactly the same numbers as CARD X of the Tarot. 
11, 2, 5, 8 

The Mayan, Egyptian, Hindu calendars ALL yield similar numbers... 
i.e. Joseph Campbell notes: 
"It perhaps is merely coincidental that whereas the basal starting date of the Mayan ceremonial calendar is 3113 BC, in India the beginning of the present “Great Cycle” … is supposed to have occurred on February 18, 3102 BC." 
OR (feb) 2, 18, 3102 
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 8 
ADD one of the twos and the three. 
0, 1, 1, 2, 5, 8 is again the same as CARD X of the Tarot. 

And why do we keep adding the 2 and the 3? 
Well if the universe has a musical component to it as many believe, is it coincidental all music can be composed using the 'timing' of 2 and 3. 
OR is it because most Hebrew letters correspond to two-digit or three-digit numbers? 
OR is it because of the relationship of the FIRST THREE PRIME numbers which are 2, 3, and 5 to a circle of fifths in music as mentioned above? 
OR can we consider all of the above? 

Tarot ... is the source unknown? 
There is a great book that matches the Aztec Book of Days (22 days) to the 22 archetypes found in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. 
And those are just a few of the 'coincidences'. 
But we know this is not a coincidence Ms. Pagels. 
Can I suggest a design? 
And can I suggest I want to make my 5 years** of research available to you. 

We are both passionate people, who want to set the record straight. 
Truth is the noblest of causes. 
Are you in for a chat Ms. Pagels? 
Thank you for your time. 



p.s. this is the PRE-quel to the fiction called the Da Vinci Code. 
This is for real and not a joke. 
Please note I have sent a similar letter to Tom Harpur, and I will keep trying to share this profound discovery with passionate people, till somebody takes the bait, as the Age of Pisces comes to an end and recognizes the value of my 'uncoveries'. 

We discover nothing, we only remove veils.

The archetypal TORAH scroll is based on the unraveling of Phi? 
Does the creation/evolution follow this pre-destiny? 
Is Phi our 'yellow brick road' that we can 'follow' back to Oz...in order to return to Kansas? 
Has ALL BEEN WRITTEN and we are just witness? 

**Fintan, you dude are also welcome to share in my work. 
Your I/O is a powerful theory, but the bridge between science and religion is still missing a vital piece? 

We all contain vital pieces to this puzzle called life. 
Pot-luck party anyone, what have you been cooking, what are you bringing to share, and place on the Emerald Table, the buffet called life? 

Whatever lay ahead, the proverbial fork in the road, has two solutions, to the same underlying problem that manifests in the material world for us to 'see' and 'feel'. 
One solution is accessed through the 'quantum realm' and the other solution would be 'relative'. 

The TRUTH is out there, but are you honest enough, with yourself, to see the obvious TRUTH? 
WE are immersed in clues. 
Sorry to inform everybody of an archetypal truth ... we are not '1' 
Evidently Phi and phi together both suggest we are divided by '1' Idea 

And this archetype the number 'I', I feel can represent the Y axis, the N/S axis, or maybe the SWORD that the Abrahamic Levant Religions have used to slay each other.... maybe the SPEAR of DESTINY itself ... represented by the archetypal St. Longinus or what if I suggest St. Longitude who held the upright SPEAR that pierced the side of Christ, and the blood of Christ healed the Roman Centurion's BLINDNESS? 

So WTF was a BLIND soldier doing holding the SPEAR/LANCE of Destiny anyway? 

Archetype folks!!! 
Do not insult the POETRY...the WORD...of the Creator Alchemist, by using silly LITERAL interpretations. 
PoeTREE is the 3rd tree I found in EDEN, along with the TREE of Knowledge and the TREE of LIFE. 

The Pahana 'the white brother' has entered the building and has something to say to all of you. Arrow 

*UPDATE* as of March 8/2010 
Arrow http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=63092#63092 
please go to page 7 of this thread to catch a glimpse of many 11258 connections that have YET to be posted. Shocked
KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 187 of 187 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/11/2015 11:38
more evidence for those seeking the truth... 
>>please recall that the 'tetragrammaton = 72 names of god = 216 = FIBonacci 
>>please recall that Plato spoke of the number 216 in the 'Republic'. 

He learns that all of the orbits of the planets can be expressed by one single number, which is a singularly shared common denominator. This important and heretofore unknown number is nothing more than the product of 70 multiplied seven times by 60! 

The staggering figures on these tablets were originally ignored as the ramblings of weak-minded Sumerians obsessed with numbers. 

Nevertheless, Chatelain saw that there could be a lot more to it — his attention was drawn to the number195,955,200,000, and he explains in his book how this is the expression of 70 multiplied seven times by 60. [For simplicity’s sake, we will shorten this number to 19.5 x 10^10.] 

That is all I NEEDED to read, and immediately I said, I know this, I am familiar with this 'formula'. 

Does the Ninveh number have a simple formula embedded? 
195, 955, 200, 000 = 216 = NINEveh? 

Can you see how I arrived at 216? 
Reduce the numbers and read right to left...like many of the ancients did. 

200 =2 


But wait...my contentions that the HIS-story has been scripted by the victorious is evident in the story of Tobias. 


Highlighted above in yellow are three items I would like to draw to your attention. 

Raphael >>> the name that adopted me and mi, these past 4 years. 
Nineveh >>> the topic of this thread and my insistence we focus on Phi = 216 and the numbers on CARD X of the Tarot, 11258. 
Tobit 12:14:18 >>> 12:5:18 >>> 11258 

Above is just a sample of the narrative I have DEFINITELY UNcovered/REcovered regarding the CODE 11258. 
Would you like to see the same numbers in a recipe written by an alchemist, the RECIPE for the Philosopher's Stone? 

JB van Helmont is one alchemist, Flemish. 
Jabir or Geber is another alchemist...Arabian. 
Jabir loved '17' and 11258 = 17 

KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/11/2015 15:22

Reply  Message 98 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:54

Reply  Message 99 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:55

Reply  Message 100 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:57

Reply  Message 101 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:58

Reply  Message 102 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 01:59

Reply  Message 103 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 02:08

Reply  Message 104 of 111 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/11/2015 02:12

Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/12/2015 18:55

“Eli, Eli lama sabachthani”

Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/12/2015 19:43

Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/12/2015 20:56

Reply  Message 299 of 307 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:10

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:43

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:45

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:45

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:46

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:47

Reply  Message 307 of 307 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 17:48

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Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/12/2015 19:35
77 In Luciferian And Thelemic Gematria---Lucifer and Laylah
Reply  Message 100 of 101 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/12/2015 15:35
Reply  Message 101 of 101 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:57
 BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:33
The Simpsons Movie Clock--1111--255--555

Reply  Message 294 of 296 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:36

Reply  Message 295 of 296 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:38

Reply  Message 296 of 296 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/12/2015 15:45
857. 1 Corintios 11:8 Porque el varón no procede de la MUJER, sino la MUJER del varón, (EL HIJO TIENE ORIGEN EN EL ESPERMATOZOIDE Y NO EN EL OVULO)

858. 1 Corintios 11:9 y tampoco el varón fue creado por causa de la MUJER, sino laMUJER por causa del varón.

859. 1 Corintios 11:10 Por lo cual la MUJER debe tener señal de autoridad sobre su cabeza, por causa de los ángeles. 

860. 1 Corintios 11:11 Pero en el Señor, ni el varón es sin la MUJER, ni la MUJER sin el varón;

861. 1 Corintios 11:12 porque así como la MUJER procede del varón, también el varón nace de la MUJER; pero todo procede de Dios. 

Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/01/2016 00:51
Originally Posted by orslah View Post
I kept looking at the Fibonacci Numbers;

Love Debbie
Debbie I am not sure if you have seen this link.
it is a compilation of FIBONACCI sources that connect to the pattern detected by moi, regarding the numbers 11, 2, 5, 8

AND some folks in their holier-than-thou IGNORANCE, (and there are many on these forums) seem to believe that only *experts* can see divine patterns?

Back to remembering...
later I found out the Masonic cipher is 3.
(because of its association to gimel and gamma, the two languages that used similar forms of gematria long ago, among other reasons....)

so when we add the cipher 3 to 11, 2, 5, 8
the FIGURATIVE FIB that is being VEILeD by the big LITERAL LIE called jesus reveals itself.
So I am suggesting that the advertising camPAIN called jesus was used to VEIL LAWS of NATURE from the pagans that the Church was trying to convert?
Occams Razor applies here folks, in a very big way...why delude yourselves with HIS-story based on the LITERAL LIE called jesus, born 2000 years ago.

An archetypal FIGURATIVE jesus was born 6000 years ago.

Easily proved, based on this zodiacal CODE that folks should start their end of daze with 
... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,

I love coincidences that reveal patterns...
take a look at the post number assigned to that thread I just linked you too.
#5228 or 11, 2, 5, 8? 
or design?

design of course, based on certain patterns, just ask the Mann who supplies the NOBEL GEL, the glue that binds all of EWE to YOU using a U?

And the U looks like a magnet or cosmic good luck horseshoe to me.
lol lol lol

And please note that the horseshoe shape fits nicely into St. Peter's Square....

2 versions of OMEGA
, man

AND please note that the U used as a horseshoe in the image above resembles an upside down OMEGA symbol too?
OR that the Masonic cipher 3 can look like an omega symbol too if rotated 90 degrees through space?

Mind if I ask a rhetorical question Debbie based on the above image?

Why oh why was the Temple of Delphi and the letter/shape/glyph 'E' attributed to Apollo who we see has a swastika on his chest, just like the Buddha?

2 FISH and 5 LOAVES of BREAD = Marko Rodin's cosmic blender concept re: 25

Courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication where the miracle of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish took place, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

I love patterns...Am I being lead back to the source?
By what?
right click and take a look at the url # of this image that I posted off the web...OBVIOUSLY the Church of the Multiplication is to be a part of the narration I am supplying.

i.e. this is the photo url.
You need to know, that before I was lead to 11, 2, 5, 8, 
I was exploring the numbers 528....re: the solfeggio frequency that heals DNA, as some researchers claim.
I was born at 5:28 am?

regarding the Church of the Multiplication I want to ask the following questions... 
a/ does it look like an OMEGA symbol?
b/ does it fit into st. peter's square?
c/ is it a mnemonic/shape/temple design pointing toward the Holy Grail, the ARK, our DNA?
d/ does this 'omega' temple shape fit the binary (1 and 0 ) representation, of what we find in St. Peter's Square Ellipse, as seen from above?

YES lordy lordy lordy do ya see it dude?
ground control to major tomtom
the pope is sending you a message... 
go here>>> HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Message


Last edited by raphael; 29-06-2010 at 03:31 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/02/2016 13:25
12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
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Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/06/2016 23:52
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/06/2016 15:03
Reply  Message 224 of 224 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/06/2016 13:40

TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010


“If one proceeded to announce that there is still nowadays a work of the former Egyptians, one of their books that escaped the flames that devoured their superb libraries, and which contains their purest doctrines on interesting subjects, everyone who heard, undoubtedly, would hasten to study such an invaluable book, such a marvel. If one also said that this book is very widespread in most of Europe, that for a number of centuries it has been in the hands of everyone, the surprise would be certain to increase. Would it not reach its height, if one gave assurances that no one ever suspected that it was Egyptian; that those who possessed it did not value it, that nobody ever sought to decipher a sheet of it; that the fruit of an exquisite wisdom is regarded as a cluster of extravagant figures which do not mean anything by themselves? Would it not be thought that the speaker wanted to amuse himself, and played on the credulity of his listeners?”
- Antione Court de Gebèlin, The Game of Tarots,
from le Monde Primitif (1781)


RING ONE: hidden element

3 Rings linked together, their centers being vertices (corners) of an equilateral Triangle.

Viewed in this diagram, we are looking at a 2-dimensional map of Earth from its side, represented by One ring of our choosing (blue):

Orient the planet so the Great Pyramid at Giza (30˚N) lays at one of the vertices, the Earth’s center at another, and its axis’ North pole at the third.

Exploring this set of relations, it can be demonstrated that the architectural proportions of the Great Pyramid at Giza exhibit a means of utilizing the measure of Earth to express the mathematical constant, π. To understand how we must suspend, for a moment, our habit of thinking of number in purely quantitative terms and consider the ways in which some numbers are also inherently bound to specific geometric forms - like with ‘square’ (1² 2² 3² 4² 5²...) or ‘cubed’ (1³ 2³ 3³ 4³ 5³...) numbers we see a sum attached to a particular shape. Other shapes each possess their own sequence of numbers also attached to their change in proportion.

These are called ‘figurate numbers’, and tradition has it they were introduced into Greek mathematics by the pre-Socratic philosopher, Pythagoras, in the 6th century BC. A student of the ancient mystery schools, it is likely he acquired this knowledge during his journeys to Chaldea & Egypt; but all that is really required to calculate the number sequences tied to these shapes is a stack of pebbles and time to spare, counting out the variety of polygons & devising ways of stacking them to construct polyhedrons.

To the careful interpreter of nature a pattern was discernible amidst this numerical data - One that, properly placed, could be applied to the measure of all things. It is suggested here that the Great Pyramid at Giza, in relation to the 3-Ring structure given above, embodies this application.

Let us then imagine the Great Pyramid as keystone to a system of ‘projective numerology’ - an application of mathematics using figurate numbers to model distances and proportions as shapes, and translating them into their related forms as ‘seen’ from different angles & in other dimensions.

At the root of any square pyramid’s architecture is its’ seked - an ancient Egyptian ratio of angular measure used to determine the slope of a pyramid’s sides and thus its’ height.

Utilizing the seked of the Great Pyramid, the perimeter of a square pyramidal base equals the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to that pyramid’s height.

Within our 2-dimensional map, as our planet rotates upon its’ axis, the Pyramid appears to move from one end of a vesica piscis to the other, as if turning on a Wheel whose rim is the 30th parallel. Thus, in one quarter turn (11/14 ≈ π/4) the Pyramid appears to move in a perpendicular line to the base of the equilateral Triangle articulated within our 3-ring diagram.


The distance of this perpendicular line from the Great Pyramid to the Earth’s polar axis is 3430 nautical miles, or 10x the cube of seven.

Let us then imagine this distance as a stack of 10 cubes, 7x7x7.

A ‘quarter turn’ (11/14) of the Earth thus ‘apportions’ a 10x10 square of these cubes:
10² x 14/11 = 127.27272727...

So, by the logic induced with this arrangement of proportions, distances can be pictured in the mind’s Eye as figurate numbers of octahedral symmetry with 7-unit sides. Reading the Run & Rise of the Great Pyramid’sseked both forward and backward we get a formula for modeling a linear distance of the Earth’s measure as a column made of figurative cubes.
[3d:2d = 343 : 127 ]

As such, we can picture the square pyramid monument atop this ‘column’ as pointing to the center of an imaginary 11th cube.

It follows, then, that a 12-hour rotation (180˚) measures a distance from center-point to center-point of the cubes at either end of a column 22 cubes of 7 long.

The center point of a unit cube has a specific relationship to the vesica piscis traversed in this 12-hour ‘distance’ within our diagram, as Two rings sharing a single radius give a rational approximation for √3, which is also the space diagonal of any unit cube.

In other words, with respect to a unit cube, the √3 is the distance between opposite corners of that cube. Tracing these space diagonal lines joins the opposing corners, all of which intersect at the center of that cube, and thereby delineate the edges of six square pyramids joined at their apex.

22:7 ≈ π
To the Egyptian god Thoth, equated with the Greek god, Hermes, and particularly the Roman god, Mercury, this ratio is significant in describing the number of conjunctions aligning Mercury & Earth with the Sun every 7 years. Also known as a ‘synodic cycle’, this is an example of what ancient Greek astronomers called an exeligmos, or ‘Turn of the Wheel’ - describing any period wherein Sun, Moon, and/or planets return to conjunction(s) from which they started. The term is still used today, but is more specifically applied to the Triple Saros cycle of reckoning lunar eclipses, each 120º of longitude apart, eventually returning to a point relatively close to where they began: exeligmos. The Romans used the term annus magnus, or ‘great year’ to describe the same class of periodic event.

As we shall see, each of the planets have a harmonic ratio of conjunctions with our planet Earth, and with each other. By fixing the Earth to the center of our ecliptic plane, the motion of other planets relative to our position appear as serpentine spiro-graph patterns, looping in close when aligning into conjunction with the Sun, and looping out to trace a wide arc that coils about the Earth until looping in again for another conjunction.


Venus: Earth

Consistent within our model of 10 cubes of seven, the Great Pyramid (pointing to the center of an eleventh) also corresponds to the tip of an octahedron of 7 = 231. And it just so happens that 11x 231 is the number of days in the exeligmos of Mercury & Earth, 22:7. In addition, the measure of the Great Pyramid’s base side lengths (440 cubits each) give a total base area measuring approximately 231 meters square.

Being a close approximation of the value π, and our annus magnus with the planet Mercury (Hermes/Thoth), let us then imagine this column of 22 cubes of 7 as the staff of his Caduceus. As we shall see, the cycles of the other planets can be represented as the serpents entwined about this Staff, their helices in tune with the ratio of their exeligmos. (231=7*33)

Imparting more than just the inevitable passage of Time, they were the very music of the spheres by which the harmony of creation was made known to the ancient Geometers. Our 3-Rings establish the base unit of an entire system of weights & measures (metrology) by symbolizing an angular dimension constructed by the movement through Time of the Great Pyramid, like the point of a metronome entrained to the Earth’s tempo. In effect attuning the mathematical constant π with Mercury's Great Year  & the linear measure of Earth's size in units of angular measure. 'Squaring' the circle much like the Great Pyramid's seked.

1 nautical mile = 1.15 miles
The nautical mile used as our base unit of measure for obtaining the distance in cubes of seven is also a unit of angular measure equivalent to 1/60th degree of Earth longitude (=1 minute of arc degree). Converting this into survey land miles = 1/10² the number of days between Earth:Mercury conjunctions (=115).

22:7 = 12 hrs @ 30˚north (12x 30 = 360)
180˚ = 10,800 arc minutes of degree = 50x 216, the cube of 6
216 also equals the number of degrees between Earth:Venus conjunctions (x5 = 1 Earth:Venus pentagram = exeligmos). So, by subdividing each degree of arc into 60 minutes, Earth’s 180˚ rotation (22:7) upon its’ axis thereby possesses a kind of numerological resonance regarding its harmonic with Venus, the exeligmos of the pentagram. Reputedly a symbol of good will among the Pythagoreans, the pentagram also provides an easy means of obtaining the golden ratio.


12 : 1 = (22/7) = 60 minutes
In this way our measure of both Time & Space define each other by weaving together the value π with the ‘divine proportion’ of the golden ratio.

Of the numerous other curious facets to this TooL of Hermetic Metrology, establishing not only our system of weights & measures, its choice of cubes & octahedrons also exhibit a direct connection to speeds of both sound & light:

1 meter
=distance trave1ed by sound 1/343th of second
=distance trave1ed by light 1/299,792,458th of second

343 = cube of 7
299,792,458 = c = speed of light in meters per second
1296000 / π = number of square degrees in one whole sphere
c / 1296000 = 231.321....
231 = octahedron of 7

Stranger still, the proportions outlined above are also paralleled in the numerical structure of the Tarot de Marseilles’ pattern of 22 major arcana trumps when applied to the Hebrew alphabet - in turn derived from Egyptian (via proto-Sinaitic) hieroglyphs which depicted the symbols those letters are still associated with.

We see traces of this tradition within our own English alphabet with the letter A: also the glyph for an Ox head (turned upside-down) having the same origin as the Hebrew letter aleph.

Referred to by 'occultists' as the Book of Thoth (though never adequately explained why), the key to unlocking this puzzle, as with any cryptological TooL, is knowing where to place the cypher, or sifr - the arabic word from which we also get Zero, or ‘nothing’, the rank of every Tarot deck’s Fool [aleph=0].

And this role proves more than suitable for One who ushers in what ultimately reveals a prank, of sorts... leading to what is arguably the greatest punch-line in history.
Reply Hide message Delete message  Message 85 of 85 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 18/06/2016 22:03

Octahedral number

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
146 magnetic balls, packed in the form of an octahedron

In number theory, an octahedral number is a figurate number that represents the number of spheres in an octahedron formed from close-packed spheres. The nth octahedral number {displaystyle O_{n}} can be obtained by the formula:[1]

{displaystyle O_{n}={n(2n^{2}+1) over 3}.}

The first few octahedral numbers are:

16194485, 146, 231, 344, 489, 670, 891 (sequence A005900 in OEIS).

Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2016 02:46
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Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 162 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2016 16:29



Las Pirámides de Gizah, Egipto, alineadas con el Cinturón de Orion


The Gizah Pyramids, Egypt, aligned with the Orion Belt






 RELICS OF THE REMOTE FUTURE ANTHOR ZEITGEIST -Constelción de Orión y las 3 Pirámides de Gizah II





























Reliquias Ancestrales del Remoto Futuro

de Anthor Zeitgeist

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