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notcias: Where is Mozambique? Mining Sector Brings Foreign Investments
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De: isaantunes  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 08/05/2012 21:41
Image of Where is Mozambique? Mining Sector Brings Foreign Investments
Where is Mozambique? Mining Sector Brings Foreign Investments
The U.S. Embassy in Lisbon wants to take until the end of the year, a delegation of Portuguese companies and American ones to Mozambique, in order to stimulate partnerships between the two in the African country.

The initiative is part of a diplomatic effort to encourage American business between the two countries, which passes this week by the visit of a delegation of about two dozen business owners and managers to the East Coast of the United States, says in interview to the American ambassador in Lisbon, Allan Katz.

For "realistic opportunities to join" partnerships and then potentially lead a trade mission for companies from both countries to Mozambique before the end of the year, in May the embassy will make a second conference called "Access Africa".

"We have American companies that may not be aware of Portuguese companies and the opportunities they can pursue with African Portuguese partners. (...) There are comfortable where they know the culture, language, and Portuguese companies obviously know," says U.S. diplomat.

"Mozambique is emerging as a growing economy, will have many different sectors that need to be developed," he adds.

Katz points out as sectors with potential for partnerships in mining, but also transport and above all a business of building "a large number of train carriages," but says that openness is total.

"One thing the government should not do and choose winners and losers. We must create opportunities," he says.

The first conference, "Access Africa" were made "some relationship" and the goal now is to find U.S. companies interested in moving forward with Portuguese partners, which, like Visabeira, "are already doing business [in Mozambique] or have opportunities to do. "

The U.S. companies can benefit from the knowledge that the Portuguese have the market, and offer "capital and know-how that does not exist."

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De: mariomarinho2 Enviado: 08/05/2012 21:53
The U.S. companies can benefit from the knowledge that the Portuguese have the market, and offer "capital and know-how that does not exist." """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Concordo em absoluto !!!

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