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De: luistovarcarrillo (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 20/02/2010 15:08 |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART-16 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT TWO SCENE 3 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] The scene is the house of Subbamma, where Sathya Narayana Puja or the ritual worship of Lord Sathya Narayana is in progress. PRIEST 1: Lady, please offer your reverential salutations to the Lord, saying: ‘O God, I worship You with pure devotion in order to seek Your Grace.’ PRIEST 2: In this Kali Age, worship of Lord Sathya Narayana confers the greatest strength. People refer to Him by various names such as Sathyeswara, Sathya Naryana, Sathya Deva and Sarweshwara. The worship of Sathya Narayana has now been completed. All may now offer salutations to the Lord. On conclusion of the Puja, the guests prepare to leave. At this time, the women who have come make their offerings to the deity that is worshipped. In return, the hostess gives them Prasaadam. LADY: Madam, please accept this floral offering. Since the Puja is over, we would like to leave. SUBBAMMA: Please receive Prasaadam before you go. LADY: We now take your leave. SUBBAMMA: Thank you. The worship is being brought to an end, and the priest chants ‘ Om Shanti’ three times. After this the holy water used for the worship is to be distributed to all present including Easwaramma. The priest tells Subbamma to do the distribution. PRIEST: [to Subbamma] Lady, please distribute the holy water to all. SUBBAMMA: [gives holy water] Easwaramma, you receive this Prasaadam first before anyone else. ESWARAMMA: Subbamma! By the Grace of Lord Sathya Narayana, the Puja has been performed in a grand manner. Allow me now to take your leave. SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, take this Prasaadam home. Let the children stay back and have food here. ESWARAMMA: As you say ………. [to children] Stay back and have your food here. CHILDREN: Yes mother, we will. SCENE 4 Easwaramma is back home doing some household work. Her husband Venkama Raju walks in. | | V.RAJU: Easwaramma, …Easwaramma.. ESWARAMMA: Yes? V.RAJU: Did the worship of Lord Sathya Naryana go off well? ESWARAMMA: It was glorious, and a feast to the eyes! V.RAJU: Where are the children? | | | ESWARAMMA: Subbamma asked the children to eat in her place. V.RAJU: Oh, I see. …… If I had not been busy with this groundnut business, I too would have attended the function. Here… keep this money carefully. By the Grace of Lord Sathya Narayana, we all are well. ESWARAMMA: [receiving the money] I shall go inside and keep it safely. Meanwhile, please go and wash your feet. After that, I shall give you Prasaadam. V.RAJU: I will do as you say. | Venkama Raju has a wash and comes to Easwaramma to receive the Prasaadam. ESWARAMMA: Please have the Prasaadam of Lord Sathya Narayana. V.RAJU: It is our good fortune to be able to receive the Prasaadam of Lord Sathya Narayana. Wherever the Lord casts His glance, there is prosperity. His will decides whether the family flourishes or not. END OF SCENE 4 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | | |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART-17 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT TWO SCENE 5 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] Easwaramma is in the backyard of her house, watering the sacred Tulsi plant and offering worship. Suddenly, a blue ball of light appears in the sky. It moves toward her and enters her! She feels strange. She cannot understand her extraordinary experience. She enters the house. As she does so, her father-in-law, Kondama Raju, is worshipping Lord Shiva. EASWARAMMA: Father-in-law! KONDAMMA RAJU: What happened? EASWARAMMA: I had…….. I had a strange experience. ……. When I was watering the Tulsi plant, blue radiance emerged in the sky, formed itself into a glow of light, which then entered me. I felt a strange sensation, as if some extraordinary power had entered me….. some strange power…….some strange power. | | | Kondamma Raju recalls the words of Venkavadhuta: “Very soon, my dear fellow. Lord Narayana is going to take birth in OUR Ratnakara family! You will certainly have His Darshan. He will shower His Love on you. He will show the proper way to the world. He will wipe out the troubles of the good and re-establish Dharma. He will, and this is the Truth!” KONDAMMA RAJU: [elated and excited] What Venkavadhuta said is going to come true! A new light is going to shine in our house!! SCENE 6 One night a few months after the above incident, there is rain, thunder and lightning. Unable to sleep, Venkama Raju gets up. Suddenly, he hears the sound of various musical instruments. Also, lamps in the house spontaneously light up. | | He is puzzled. Next morning, he goes to a temple where the priests are chanting the Gayathri Mantra. PRIEST 1: For health, wealth, and liberation, it is desirable that the Name of the Lord be regularly chanted at home. The way to total prosperity and protection is the Gayathri Mantra. PRIEST 2: It is enough if the Gayathri Mantra is chanted 108 times everyday with proper reverence and devotion; all difficulties would disappear and all benefits would accrue. There is no Mantra superior to this. PRIEST 3: That is not all. This Mantra is the assured cure for all diseases. By chanting this Mantra in the proper and prescribed manner, one can ensure good health. | PRIEST 4: Above all, the Gayathri Mantra promotes discrimination. This wonderful Mantra is the pathway to Knowledge and Wisdom. Adoration, Meditation and Prayer – these three constitute the essence of Gayathri. PRIEST 5: Bhargo devasya - this is Adoration. Deemahi – this is Meditation. Deeyoyonaha Prachodayad – this is Prayer. PRIEST 4: Wonderful! PRIEST 5: The efficacy of the Mantra would be immense, if the words are pronounced properly. PRIEST 3: The Gayathri Mantra is considered to be the Mother of the Vedas. Actually, it has three names – Gayathri, Savithri and Saraswati. | | | | | PRIEST 4: Gayathri is the presiding deity of the senses. Savithri is likewise the Goddess of life – she symbolises Truth. Saraswati is the Goddess of speech. Venkama Raju comes to the spot at this juncture. V.RAJU: Greetings! PRIEST 4: Greetings Mr. Raju, and my blessings. RAJU: You all seem to be engrossed in a spiritual debate! I have come hoping you scholars can clear my doubt. PRIEST: You have a doubt?! Let us hear about it. | | | RAJU: Every night, lamps in our house, light up on their own. In addition, the musical instruments spontaneously play beautiful notes. These phenomena fill us with great joy -but then, why are these strange things happening? What could be the reason? I have come here hoping you could offer an explanation. PRIEST: [to assistant] Avadhani, can you please fetch the almanac? AVADHANI: Here it is. | PRIEST: Mr. Raju, is there a pregnant lady in your house? V.RAJU: Yes, my wife Easwaramma. PRIEST: The angels are producing the Divine music to please the child growing in the womb. Such things happen at the time of incarnation of the Avatars. They are a signal that God is going to incarnate again. I think that shortly, God is going to appear in human form in your house. Your life would be fulfilled and the world would be sanctified. RAJU: Wonderful! Your sweet words have resolved my doubts. I take your leave. | | | END OF ACT 2 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART-18 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT THREE SCENE 1 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] It is 23rd November, 1926; Monday, in the holy month of Kartik. It is an auspicious day when Lord Siva is worshipped and at Kondama Raju’s house worship of Lord Siva is in progress. | | | | | Meanwhile, Easwaramma is in a room inside closeted with ladies. She is having labor pains. Everyone is anxiously awaiting the birth of the baby. This includes Kondama Raju and Venkama Raju. VENKAMA RAJU: It is half an hour since Kamalamma told us that Easwaramma’s labor pains have started. | KONDAMA RAJU: Venkamma, today is Monday in the month of Kartik. It is an auspicious day on which people worship Lord Siva in the temple. Subbamma comes to the Raju house, to be of assistance at the time of the birth of the baby. VENKAMA RAJU: Subbamma, you have come at the right time! Please go inside. SUBBAMMA: I will, thank you. | | | Subbamma goes into the room where Easwaramma is. SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, here is sacred Prasaadam, take it. A little later the cry of a baby is heard. Everyone is very happy! VENKAMA RAJU: Listen! That is the cry of the baby! A lady comes out of the bedroom. LADY: [to Kondama] Sir, a grandson has been born. | | | KONDAMA RAJU: Venkama, did I not tell you that you will get a son and I will get a grandson? This grandson is no ordinary one but the very embodiment of God. Venkamma, Parvathi, Seshama Raju! Won’t you get some sweets for Grandfather? VENKAMMA: As you say, Grandpa. We want to see our brother. KONDAMA RAJU: Certainly. VENKAMA RAJU: Father, is there anything sweeter than your words? KONDAMA RAJU: The year is Akshaya, the month is Kartik, the day is Monday, and the star is Arudra. A jewel has been born in the Ratnakara family. The Lord of the Universe has Himself taken birth here! The world is going to prosper and be happy! | |  | SCENE - 2 A few days pass. The child is given a ceremonial bath and made ready for the naming ceremony. The baby boy is brought to Kondama Raju. KONDAMA RAJU: [holding the baby in his hand] Treating Him as a gift of Lord Sathya Narayana, we shall name Him Sathyanarayana Raju. | |  | Sometime later. The baby is in the cradle. Easwaramma comes there and looks admiringly at the baby. Suddenly she sees a wonderful and remarkable Divine glow around the infant. She is amazed and dazed. Meanwhile, Subbamma comes to her house and calls from outside, but Easwaramma fails to hear her calls. SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, Easwaramma. [She waits; no response; calls out again], Easwaramma! EASWARAMMA: [finally responds] Coming Subbamma! SUBBAMMA: I had to call for you three times! You are looking only at the child but not in my direction. Did you not hear me? Are you so much enchanted by the child? EASWARAMMA: I saw a Divine Aura around the head of the baby. While I was gazing at it, it disappeared. I was engrossed and perhaps that’s the reason why I did not hear you. | |  | SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, Sathya is no ordinary child. Born on a Monday in the month of Kartik, this child is another form of Shiva. EASWARAMMA: Subbamma, don’t tell anyone about this aura. People may start feeling jealous, and also cast evil eyes on the child. Isn’t it a fact that all tongues and all eyes are not alike? SUBBAMMA: Yes, yes, that is true. Oh, I forgot the purpose for which I came here. See, I have made this silk dress for Sathya. EASWARAMMA: It is very nice, Subbamma. You love Sathya so much. SUBBAMMA: There is no one who does not love Sathya. END OF SCENE 2 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | | |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART-19 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT THREE SCENE 3 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] One day, Easwaramma is busy with household work. The baby is left on the floor. It can now crawl. A cobra quietly enters the house and slides inside. The child crawls and moves towards the snake. The mother is not aware of this; she is busy with her work. The snake and the child face each other. The snake raises its hood and gently waves it. The child smiles. Suddenly, Easwaramma sees what is happening. She is horrified and screams, ‘Snake! Snake!’ People come running in. A few are armed with sticks. EASWARAMM : [to a villager about to hit the snake] Stop! It you try to hit the snake, the child will be in danger!! KONDAMA RAJU: [to EASWARAMMA] Don’t get excited! [To villager] Don’t hit the snake. Instead, go and call Naga the snake-charmer. VILLAGER: I shall. The snake charmer is brought. He skilfully catches the snake. Everyone is relieved. Easwaramma hugs the baby. EASWARAMMA: My child, …my child. VENKAMA RAJU: Don’t cry. Nothing has happened to the baby! KONDAMA RAJU: There is nothing to be afraid of. Our Sathya is the very embodiment of God. This incident is merely for proclaiming that to the whole world. People disperse, discussing the incident. Many realised that there was Divinity in the child and that was why the snake did not attack the child. However, no one realised then that the child was the Incarnation of the very Lord Himself. However, later, as the boy grew up, He performed many miracles, Leelas. Slowly, many began to understand that the boy they called Sathya, was the very form of God. | END OF SCENE 3 ACT IV SCENE 1 Sathya is now a boy about five years old. One day in the Raju house; the children are being served food by mother Easwaramma. For Sathya, Easwaramma has prepared the dish sanghati, made out of millet. [Even today, Swami eats mainly sanghati; it is a poor man’s food but very nutritious.] EASWARAMMA: Sathyam, do you like this dish sanghati? Is it nice? SATHYA: Yes. EASWARAMMA: Shall I give you some more? SATHYA: Yes! EASWARAMMA: Seshama! SESHAMA RAJU: Yes mother. EASWARAMMA: How is the sanghati? SESHAMA RAJU: It is very nice! | | | | | EASWARAMMA: You like it? Shall I give you some more? SESHAMA RAJU: No mother, I have had enough. EASWARAMMA: Venkamma, how about you? VENKAMA RAJU: Mother, I will have some more. EASWARAMMA: Parvathi, what about you? | PARVATHAMMA: Me too, mother! EASWARAMMA: What?! Is it so good?! You always say no but today you are asking for more! ……. Seshama, why don’t you also have some more? SESHAMA RAJU: No mother, enough! I have already had rice and other side dishes EASWARAMMA: Great, you and your calculation! When you are young, you must eat well. I will give you some more, and you had better eat it! At this stage, Venkama Raju enters the house. VENKAMA RAJU: Easwaramma! EASWARAMMA: Oh, you have come! Join the others and have lunch. It is already late. VENKAMA RAJU: Has father had his meals? | | | | | EASWARAMMA: No, he said he would wait for you. He asked me to serve food to the children first. Please go and wash your feet. VENKAMA RAJU: Will do! Venkama Raju comes after a wash and sees his father Kondama. KONDAMA.RAJU: Venkama! Why so late? Come, let’s eat. VENKAMA RAJU: Yes sir. | Together, they sit down to have their meals. END OF ACT 4 SCENE 1 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | | |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART - 20 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT FOUR SCENE 2 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] Sathya’s education commences in the traditional manner with a formal religious initiation ceremony performed at home, with Kondama presiding. Sathya who is not supposed to know anything yet, surprises the priest. He is given a slate and the priest tries to get the young student to write a salutation to God. PRIEST: I shall show You how to write. We shall begin with the salutation: Om Namaha! SATHYA (writes): Om Namaha, Sivahaya, Siddam Namaha. Everyone is stunned. The priest realises that he is no longer needed and prepares to withdraw. PRIEST: [To Kondama Raju] The formal initiation into learning is over. You can now admit Him to School and let Him study there. Sathya is very intelligent. KONDAMA RAJU: My grandson will not only write on the slate but, when He grows up, will rewrite the lives of people by lighting the lamp of Wisdom in their hearts. Is that not true Sathyam? | | | END OF SCENE 2 SCENE 3 Sathya is about to be taken to the school in Puttaparthi for admission. His sisters are dressing Him up while His mother is packing the school bag. Everyone is ready with advice! VENKAMA RAJU: Sathya, You must listen carefully, and absorb the lessons taught by the teacher. You must study diligently and earn a good name! KONDAMA RAJU: [laughs] You will know later how well Sathya will be studying! Hey grandson! Come, I’ll walk with You up to the end of the street. Meanwhile, friends come to pick up Sathya and accompany Him to school. FRIENDS: Sathyam, Sathyam! EASWARAMMA: [to Sathya] Your friends have come. [to the boys] All of you stay together and go carefully. BOYS: We will. KONDAMA RAJU: Come on boys! I too will come with you. VENKAMA RAJU: [to E.Amma] Looks like your father-in-law is going to school to study! EASWARAMMA: Is there a better school than him? Is there a greater temple than his mind? Sathyam is very lucky to be his grandson. I feel so happy! VENKAMA RAJU: Let’s go inside; I am feeling hungry! END OF ACT 4 SCENE 3 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | |
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