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De: luistovarcarrillo (Missatge original) |
Enviat: 20/02/2010 15:10 |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART - 21 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT FOUR SCENE 4 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] Elementary school in Puttaparthi. Boys are lined up in front of the school building. The school master is inspecting the line. He is hoping the boys have brought some gifts for him, but no student has. He is irritated and annoyed. TEACHER: Slate and pencil, slate and pencil, slate and pencil! All of you have brought only a slate and pencil. Do you think you will receive education if you come to school with just a slate and a pencil? How about bringing some vegetables like brinjals, drumsticks, etc., as fees for me? Don’t you fellows want to pass and later enter High School? BOYS: Yes Sir, we do! TEACHER: Now listen! If you come to school tomorrow with just slate and pencil and no vegetables, I will beat you. By the way, did I not ask you to report well before the bell rings? | | | | | BOYS: Yes Sir, you told us so. TEACHER: Then why did you not? You don’t care; you don’t bother; you don’t listen to your teacher! You have no respect for my words!! BOY: No sir, it’s not that. My mother is very sick, and that’s why I was delayed. BOY 2: Sir, my house is very far and I am late because I had to walk all that distance. BOY 3: Actually sir, we have come fifteen minutes earlier! TEACHER: Are you questioning me? Are you saying, “We are on time and so why are you punishing us?” | BOY: No sir, I didn’t mean that! TEACHER: Then what exactly did you mean? BOY: I am merely saying that we did not come late. TEACHER: You dwarf, you dare to argue with me? ……[beats the boy] Just because you scream, do you think I will stop beating you? At this juncture, the Head Master of the school comes there. The class teacher is scared that he might find out about his effort in extracting bribes. TEACHER: [alarmed, to himself] The Head Master is coming! If I do not start the class immediately, he will take me to task!.…… [to the boys] Go inside the classroom! Hurry!! SCENE 5 Kondama Raju’s house. Sathya and His grandfather are talking about the story of Lord Krishna. KODAAMA RAJU: Do you know who is the brother of Krishna ? SATHYA: I do. KODAAMA RAJU: Who is the brother? SATHYA: Balarama! KODAAMA RAJU: Really! EASWARAMMA: Sathya, how do you know all this about who Krishna is and who is Balarama? |
| | | | SATHYA: When grandpa narrated earlier the story of Krishna , he mentioned that Balarama was the brother of Krishna. Grandpa has forgotten telling me all that but I have not – that’s all! KODAAMA RAJU: Your grandfather is an old man, is he not? That’s why he forgot all those things. You on the other hand are young and sharp! SATHYA: Grandfather, you say you are old but you remember very well all the Puranic [spiritual] stories. KODAAMA RAJU: Sathya, can one forget the stories of the Lord? ……… Do you know what Balarama once did? | SATHYA: Yes I know. He complained to Mother Yasoda that Krishna ate mud. Yasoda then called Krishna and asked, “Did You eat mud?” KODAAMA RAJU: And what did Krishna say to that? SATHYA: Krishna asked: “Mother, am I a kid to eat mud?” Krishna insisted that He did not eat mud but Yasoda did not believe Him. KODAAMA RAJU: Then what did Yasoda do? SATHYA: Yasoda slapped Krishna and ordered Him to open His mouth! When Krishna opened, Yasoda saw all the fourteen worlds. She said: “Is this real or an illusion created by the Lord? Are You Krishna, and am I Yasoda, Your mother? How strange!” Later, Yasoda told herself that what she saw was entirely her imagination and promptly forgot it all. In this way, God threw the screen of Maya or illusion and concealed His Divinity. Do you know why? EASWARAMMA: I don’t know. KODAAMA RAJU: I too don’t know! | | | SATHYA: Grandfather, you don’t know?! Then listen. If everyone knew right then that Krishna was God, then it would have interfered with His Mission later. Did you not tell Me that Krishna came to punish the wicked and protect the good? If the word got around that Krishna was God, the extermination of the evil ones and the re-establishment of Dharma or Righteousness would have become a more tedious process. KODAAMA RAJU: Sathya! From today, I am not Your grandfather but You are mine! From now on, You must tell me all the scriptural stories! END OF ACT 4 SCENE 5 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART - 22 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT FOUR SCENE 6 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] Puttaparthi Elementary School again. On this day, the boys are bringing vegetables as gifts for the teacher. SATHYA: Why have you brought all this? BOY: To give to the teacher. SATHYA: To the teacher? But I have not brought anything! BOY: If we give all this, the teacher will not beat us. BOY 2: Otherwise, he will accuse us of coming late and punish us. SATHYA: But you have not come late! BOY: May be. But did not the master say that we must be here at least fifteen minutes before the bell rings? Did he not warn that if we failed to do so he would beat us? | | | SATHYA: Are you saying that if you gave him all these vegetables he would not beat you? CHORUS: Yes! | | SATHYA: You should not give all this! It’s wrong!! When we have done no wrong, we should not be afraid. We should not give all this to the teacher. CHORUS: You do not know! SATHYA: I know! If you give now, he will keep on asking again and again. It is wrong to give such things. BOY: Then You tell us what we are supposed to do. SATHYA: Come with Me, and I shall tell you what to do. CHORUS: Come on fellows, let’s go. We’ll do as He says. Come, let’s go! | Sathya leads all the boys to a big tree in the neighbourhood, and asks the boys to sit under the tree. SATHYA: We will all sit here, and not go to the class. Come, sit down! Don’t go. When the Headmaster comes and asks, “Why have you not gone to the class?” we will say, “Because the Master beats us!” We will tell the truth. We will report that everyday the Master demands vegetables, milk, ghee, and the like. BOY: My God! If we say that, the Master will thrash us! SATHYA: Look, did I not tell you that you should not be afraid? Listen to Me and sit here. Am I not with you? The Head Master comes, and is surprised to see all the boys under the tree instead of in the class. HEADMASTER: Are you all not going to the class? SATHYA: No Sir! HEADMASTER: Why not? HM: Is that so? What else? | | | SATHYA: Sir, if the boys give these vegetables, then the Master will not beat them. Otherwise, they get a thrashing. Is this not wrong? CHORUS: Yes Sir! You tell us if it is not wrong? At this stage, the class teacher comes there and is surprised to see what is going on. He acts as if he is disciplining the students. TEACHER: [to a boy] Put your hands down! … [To HM] Salutations Sir!! HEADMASTERr: Salutations later! These boys are refusing to go the class! TEACHER: [acting surprised] What! They are refusing?! Hey, who is there who dares to stay away? [To HM] Sir, I’ll take care of these fellows. HEADMASTER: Is this the way you run the School? Instead of teaching lessons, you are demanding vegetables, milk, curds and the like! Is this not wrong? Unable to bear your harassment and punishment, the students are going on a strike! This is a great insult to the School and to me personally. … Listen, from now on you will never beat the children; if they misbehave, report to me and I’ll deal with the problem. ……. Boys, all of you now go to the class. Go now! CHORUS: Yes Sir! SCENE 7 Class room in Puttaparthi School. Boys have placed the vegetables they have brought, on the table. The teacher enters the room and sees the vegetables. TEACHER: Why do I need all this? I don’t want this tomato, this potato…..[sweeps everything off] Henceforth, I do not want all these things! I am your mother, father, God and all the rest of it. SATHYA: Students worship Goddess Saraswati, the Fountainhead of Knowledge, and the Teacher is Her Instrument who imparts this sacred Knowledge. Sir, there should only be a sacred relationship between the Teacher and the taught. It is to drive this lesson home that I did all this and not to insult anybody. TEACHER: Yes my boy! Such sweet words from one so young! SCENE 8 The scene is the bedroom in Kondama’s house. Sathya is lying on the bed. Kondama enters and sees the boy. For a brief moment, he has the vision of Lord Krishna lying there, instead of his beloved grandson. Sathya reveals Himself as the Lord. Kondama is filled with ecstasy. KODAAMA RAJU: Krishna ! My life has been fulfilled! It truly has been fulfilled!! SATHYA: [pretending He does not understand] Grandfather! What are you saying? END OF ACT 4 SCENE 8 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | | |
SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART - 23 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT FIVE SCENE 1 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] The scene is the Puttaparthi Elementary School , and the bell goes to indicate that the classes are over. Boys come running out, eager to get back home. Venkama Raju comes there to meet Sathya’s teacher. TEACHER: [to the boys who are rushing] Slow, slow! VENKAMA RAJU: Hello Teacher Sir, how are you? TEACHER: Thank you Mr. Venkama Raju, I am fine. VENKAMA RAJU: How is my Sathya studying? TEACHER: If at all there is anyone who is really studying well, it is your Sathyam. VENKAMA RAJU: Really? | | | TEACHER: Yes, and this is the truth. You may not believe it but Sathya does not need to be told twice; He grasps everything first time, right away. The fact is, we are learning a lot from Him! He is far above the Elementary School level…How do I say it? He has to be educated somewhere way up there! [holds his hand high] I can’t say anything more!! VENKAMA RAJU [Thinks]: We must try to admit our Sathya into High School. SCENE 2 The scene is Sathya’s house. Discussion is going about the next step in Sathya’s education. | | VENKAMA RAJU: [to Kondama Raju] Father, Sathya has completed His education in the Puttaparthi Elementary School. Higher education is available only in Bukkapatnam. SESHAMA RAJU: [to Kondama Raju] Yes grandfather. It is desirable to admit Sathya in the Bukkapatnam School . If He is admitted there, then later He can go for much higher studies. EASWARAMMA: If He has to go for higher studies, then does He not have to go to a distant place? Venkamma and Parvathamma also are wondering whether He has to go that far. SESHAMA RAJU: Mother, Temple and School can’t always be where we want them. Rather, one has to go where they are! Can’t be helped! | EASWARAMMA: True, but is not Sathya quite young? VENKAMA RAJU: Sometimes it becomes necessary to go to other places for study. We just have to adjust, that’s all. SESHAMA RAJU: Yes mother. There are many boys who go to Bukkapatnam for studies. Sathya can accompany them. This is the right age for study, and we should not be hesitant. EASWARAMMA: Sathyam! SATHYAM: Yes mother. EASWARAMMA: Are you ready to go to Bukkapatnam and study there? | |  | | | SATHYAM: Yes, I am ready to go there and study. EASWARAMMA: Are You really willing to go to Bukkapatnam for studies? SATHYA: Most certainly, mother. PARVATHAMMA: I’ll dress You up! VENKAMA RAJU: And I will walk with You up to the Chitravathi River . KONDAMA RAJU: Easwaramma, it seems that even though Sathya is keen, you don’t want Him to. Tell me truly! Do you want Him to go to Bukkapatnam or not? EASWARAMMA: Everyone is saying that He should go there. Sathyam also says He wants to go. Don’t I want Him to study further? Yes, I too want it! | SCENE 3 Sathya is being helped to get ready to go to the School in Bukkapatnam. KONDAMA RAJU: [to Sathya] You must study well and become a great person! EASWARAMMA: Sathyam! SATHYA: Yes mother? EASWARAMMA: Behave properly and study with earnestness. … I have kept sanghati in this; and in this, I have kept other eatables. Remember to eat them! ….. You will eat them without fail at midday , will You not? | | | VENKAMA RAJU: Sathyam! SATHYAM: Yes, father. VENKAMA RAJU: You must study English well and learn to speak it fluently. People should say with pride, “My! This boy speaks like an Englishman!” Understand?! SATHYA: I will do as you say, father. SESHAMA RAJU: Sathyam, that school is not like our school. It is Bukkapaptnam School, and a big one. You should not argue with anyone there. Listen carefully, come home and do your homework properly. If you want to go for higher studies, then schooling in Bukkapatnam is important. You must behave properly with Your teachers. KONDAMA RAJU: [to Seshama] My dear Sir, it is not Sathyam but the teachers who must behave properly with Him! Get it?! ….[in general] Why are you all confusing Him by constantly repeating your advice? VENKAMA RAJU: [to Kondama] Is it not beneficial to repeat good advice? I am telling only your grandson! KONDAMA RAJU: For my grandson, telling once is enough! He is a child prodigy! His education is of a different type. Who is there who can truly educate Him? It is only on account of your compulsion that I am sending Him to Bukkapatnam…. VENKAMA RAJU: [to Kondama] It is your attachment to your grandson that makes you shower such praise! [to Sathya] Sathyam, come on, get ready. Your friends are waiting. END OF ACT 5 SCENE 3 (To be continued...) - Heart2Heart Team  | | | SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART - 24 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT FIVE SCENE 4 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] Sathya is admitted to the Bukkapatnam High School. Every day He has to walk several kilometres to reach the School. He goes there in the company of some friends. While many like Raju, some are jealous of Him. One day, they decide to tease and humiliate Him, while He is on His way to School. They lie in wait for Him near the river. Soon, Sathya comes that way along with His friends. They are all singing Bhajans. BOY 1: We will sit here on this boulder till He comes. BOY 2: This is Raju’s route, is it not? We will sit here. BOY 3: Yes, today we will take care of Him! Hey look! He is coming! BOY 4: Look at our dress; it is dirty. But His dress, it is shining! BOY 5: Look at Raju’s dress; it is not crumpled. BOY 6: We will make His dress dirty and look like ours! BOY 7: Come! BOY 8: [to Sathya] Hey You! Stop singing! BOY 9: Come! Boys throw mud at Sathya and laugh. | | | A BOY IN SATHYA’S GROUP: Stop! | | ANOTHER BOY IN THAT GROUP: It is wrong. You shouldn’t throw like that. SATHYA: Why did you stop? Throw more mud! Come on, throw! AN ATTACKING BOY: Raju, are You not angry? SATHYA: Why should I be angry? My clothes have become dirty and that has made you all happy. But has My dress becoming dirty made your dresses new? The attacking boys now splash water over Sathya’s dress, instead of throwing mud. SATHYA: Do you see? You first dirtied My dress but have now also cleaned it! It is so easy to hurt a person. | ATTACKING BOY: Raju! SATHYA: It is easy to make a dress dirty but impossible to contaminate a pure mind. ATTACKING BOY: Raju, does it mean You are not angry? SATHYA: No, I am not angry. You did what you did out of just ignorance. Come, let’s all go to school together. BOY: Yes, let’s go together. ANOTHER BOY: Come, let’s go. ANOTHER BOY: Raju is a very nice fellow. He does not ever get angry. SCENE 5 Sathya and a few of His friends are on their way to School. On the way, they offer worship to an idol of Ganesha. BOY: Sathyam, how do you get these flowers and fruits everyday? SATHYA: In My house there is a Power that gives Me all these things, which I then offer to Ganapathi. BOY: Will that Power give us also various things? SATHYA: Most certainly yes, but only at the appropriate time! When the time comes, I will give you even without your asking. BOY: You always give to Ganapathi. What about me? SATHYA: Ganapathi never asks but you do! That’s why there is a delay! Don’t ask O mind! If you demand, there will be a delay! But if you don’t ask, you will get it faster! Did Sabari ask for the opportunity to serve the Lord? Jatayu did not ask and earned a glorious end. Don’t ask O mind! Sathya waves His hand and materialises Vibhuti. The boys who are with Him are wonder-struck. BOYS: Ah! Vibhuti! | | | | | ONE BOY: Raju, please give me! BOY 2: Raju, give me also! BOY 3: Raju, please give me! BOY 4: Give me also some, Raju! A Muslim Teacher of the Bukkapatnam High School comes there, and he too receives Vibhuti. BOY: Raju, how did Vibhuti come into Your hands? SATHYA: Did I not tell you that there is a power in My house? That Power is also in Me! | BOY: Raju, You are a small boy like me; yet You talk profound things. I don’t follow anything! CHORUS: Yes Raju, we just don’t understand anything! SATHYA: Those who need to know understand! Come, it is time for school. END OF ACT 5 (To be continued) - Heart2Heart Team  SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI PART - 25 (Continued from the previous issue) ACT six SCENE 1 [ This page has lots of Graphics. Allow time for the images to download. ] The scene is a classroom in the Bukkapatnam High School. The Telugu teacher is conducting the class. He is asking questions, and the students are giving the answers. TEACHER: Yesterday, I asked you to write the notes for the lesson I taught you. Have you brought the notes? CHORUS: Yes sir, we did. TEACHER: Good ……Sathyam let me see Your notes. SATHYA: I did not write them. TEACHER: What? Did not write? …. Why? SATHYA: Because I already know the lesson, that’s why. TEACHER: It is immaterial whether You know the lesson or not. When you are told to write the lesson, you must. Haven’t all the other boys done so? SATHYA: Sir, all of them could not answer you, whereas I did. TEACHER: So! You are proud, are You? Pride is not a qualification for students. I am certainly happy that You know the lesson. But, because You failed to write it down, You will have to stand up on the bench till the end of the class hour. The class period is over. The bell rings. It is time for the Telugu teacher to leave and make way for the teacher who would handle the next period. That teacher is Mehboob Khan. Khan loves Sathya. He is aware of the innate Divinity in Sathya. It is to Khan that Sathya gave Vibhuti earlier. The Telugu teacher is unable to get off the chair. When he gets up, the chair also rises – he is stuck to the chair! This causes amusement to the students, all of whom except Sathya, roar with laughter. ONE BOY: Sir, what are you doing? TEACHER: Can’t you see? I’m doing the chair dance! Mehboob Khan enters at this stage. KHAN: [to the Telugu teacher] What happened to you? You seem to be stuck to the chair! Do you like the chair so much? Or, is it that the chair likes you very much? TEACHER: Do you think it is funny? I don’t know why this chair has got stuck to me. But for you, it seems to be great fun! KHAN: There is no surprise in this. Why did you punish Sathya? Ask Sathya to get down and you will be released form the chair. TEACHER: Khan sir, is there any connection between Sathya standing up on the bench and my getting stuck to the chair? KHAN: Yes, ask Sathya to step down, and you will know! TEACHER: Sathya, sit down. KHAN: [to the Telugu teacher] Now you get up from the chair! The teacher becomes unstuck. KHAN: [to the Telugu teacher] Now do you see the connection?…. Sathya may appear to be a student but He has Divine Power in Him. To demonstrate that, Sathya enacted this little drama when you punished Him. Understand? TEACHER: Sathyam all along I thought of You as a mere student. Only now do I understand that a Divine Child is my student! You are the one Who teaches the master! ….. [to Khan] You take over the class now! KHAN: Thank you teacher! SCENE 2 Sathya is sitting all alone. His classmates come there to talk to Him about the strange incident – the teacher getting stuck. BOY: Raju, You taught a lesson to the Master! BOY 2: Not an ordinary lesson but one on behaviour! SATHYA: You are wrong! Guru or teacher is like God, and it is from him that the student receives instruction. It is such teaching that eventually leads the student to the Knowledge of the Self or God. And it is that Knowledge of the Self that in turn leads to Liberation. BOY: Raju, I don’t understand what you are saying! SATHYA: Maybe, but that’s the way it is. BOY: Why did You get the chair stuck to the teacher? SATHYA: You don’t know? God loves the unusual. From time to time, He does such things for His pleasure! When He was a young boy, Krishna stole the dresses of the Gopis; that was a naughty prank. But that same Krishna, when He grew older, protected, in a moment of great crisis, the honour of Draupadhi by giving her an endless supply of clothes. BOY: Yes, my mother also told me that story. BOY 2: You seem to know everything! Why then are You studying in school? SATHYA: God has been a student before when He incarnated. Sri Rama was a disciple of Sage Vishwamitra. Sri Krishna similarly was a student of Sandipani. This is the way incarnations receive instruction. The scriptures extol the Guru as God. They say: Mother is God, Father is God, and the Guru also is God. BOY: That’s fine Raju. Now You created Vibhuti by waving Your hand. Was it magic or a trick? SATHYA: Neither. Divine Power is infused wherever God directs His Vision. If the hand is charged with Divinity, then Creation automatically follows. That’s all! BOY: Raju, are You saying You are God? SATHYA: The Sun is referred to as the Sun, Rama is called Rama, and God is called God. God never tells anyone that He is God and that He has great powers! He does not open His lips! Only the one with deep faith knows who God is! BOY: Raju, can You explain that in more detail? SATHYA: When the time comes, I shall. Meanwhile, you think deeply about what you have been told. Then you will understand by yourself! It’s getting dark. Come, let’s go. (To be continued) - Heart2Heart Team |
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