Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow, Middlesex, UK
photo selection 2
Shirdi Saibaba
Radha & Krishna. Krishna statue was in pink initially, but it became blue miraculously on 2006 Krishba Janmashtmi celebrations.
Left Side view of the temple at Sai Sruti
Right Side view of the temple at Sai Sruti
Shirdi Sai Statue with Vibhuti.
Picture of Shiva and Shakti.
Shirdi Baba with crimson Vibhuti at his feet.
Vibhuti on Swami's hands and chest on the photo.
Statue of Shiva covered in Vibhuti (Side View) < next page>>
Swami's Leelas at Sai Sruti Temple in Harrow, Middlesex, UK
photo selection 3.
Statue of Shiva covered in Vibhuti (front view)
14 Jars of Vibhuti materialised by Swami on his 80th birthday at the temple.
Vibhuti materialised on Shree Jalarambapa's photo in 1989.
Swami as the Judge - Vibhuti appeared on Swami's photo in 1993 when a devotee prayed for his help in a court case against her. She won the case!