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PSP Christmas, New Year, and Winter Tutorials Index

Many of these tutorials have disappeared, but thanks to the Wayback Machine, I was able to locate some of the oldies-but-goodies that you may remember from days past!

**If you find any broken links on this page, will you please let me know on this thread here, thank you.

All tutorials are linked to the website.
Member results threads are indented and a link to the tutorial is within.
Let me know if you need any of the tutorial supplies.


Ornament (Snow Globe) by Mona
Swirl Candy by Rosie
Candy Cane Sucker by Suntiques

Euro Style

Forum Style

Christmas Sparkle by MizTeeque
Merry Christmas by MizTeeque
Wolf Pack by Zuzzanna

Old School

A Star is Born by Tyleress
Animated Lights by Barbara
Bauble Babe by Vix
Blue Christmas Angel by Zuzzanna
Brrr by Zuzzanna
*AC* Candy Cane'd by Schweetieangel
Christmas Bell by Zuzzanna
Christmas Branch by Zuzzanna
Christmas Mobile by Zuzzanna
Christmas Peeking by Zuzzanna
Christmas Shape by MizTeeque
*SAC* Christmas Spirit by Vix
Christmas Spirit by Zuzzanna
*SAC* Christmas Window by Zuzzanna
*AC* Circle of Cheer by Vix
Concept Christmas by Tyleress
Dancing Snowman by Mona
*SAC* Dear Santa by TammyKat
*SAC* Five Gold Rings by Vix
Flakes of Joy by Vix
Follow That Star by Vix
*AC* Frosty Choice by Vix
Gifted by Vix
Happy Holiday by Zuzzanna
Happy New Year 2006 by Schweetieangel
*AC* Happy New Year 2007 by Schweetieangel
Ice Queen by Zuzzanna
Lonely White Christmas by Monti
*SAC* New Year by Zuzzanna
Santa Present by Zuzzanna
Silver Bells by MizTeeque
Snow Angel by Joy
Snow Box by Zuzzanna
Snow Globe Ornament by Joy
Snow Queen by Zuzzanna
*AC* Taste of the Season by Vix
The Best Gift by Zuzzanna
Twinkle Lights by Mona
Vintage Christmas by Mizteeque
*SAC* When Judy Sings by Vix
*AC* Waiting For Santa by Zuzzanna
Winking Santa by Mona
Winter Window by Vix
Winter's Wisdom by Zuzzanna
You Decide (Naughty or Nice?) by Schweetieangel
Christmas Time by Jascie
Kiss of Winter by Fiona


Bauble Bear by Monti
Bear by Meneka
Bell by Meneka
Bow by Monti
Candle by PSP Larry
Candleholder by Louise G.
Candles by Monti
Candy Cane by Monti
Champagne Bottle by Monti
Champagne Glass by Monti
Gingerbread House by Monti
Gingerbread Men by Monti
Hat by Monti
Holly by Meneka
Holly by Monti
House by Meneka
Mittens by Monti
Noel by Monti
Penguin by Meneka
Penguin (Sitting) by Monti
Penguin (Standing) by Monti
Present by Monti
Santa by Monti
Santa Bear by Meneka
Santa Hat by PSP Larry
Snowman by Meneka
Snowman by Monti
Stocking by Monti
Tree by Meneka
Tree by Monti
Train by Monti
Train w/Carriage by Monti
Wreath by Monti


Christmas Ribbon by MizTeeque
Winter Warmer by Vix
Forever by Becky (scraps provided)


Blinking Bulb by Mona
Mittens by Mona
Ornament (Velvet) by Mona
Poinsettia by Mona
Reindeer by Mona
Winter Hat by Mona
Stained Glass Snow Angel by Deb



Christmas Cake by Tyleress
Diamond Sparkle by Joy
Down The Chimney by Penguin's Playground
Happy Christmas by Monti
Ribbon Candy by timber
Simple Christmas Name by MizTeeque
S'mores by Joy
Carnivale Cane by timber
Snowman Bar by timber


Tutorials by Louise G.: Santa's Picture, Santa Star (Shape Tool)

Miscellaneous Tutorials:

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