Aww, thanks, JJ, for the compliments!

I think that picking a tube that inspires you is key, and it must have the features that you want to "box" in the right places. I tried another tube before I picked this one, and it just wasn't right for this tut.
I think I do have a sort of eye for design (in the sense that I know what I like to look at), but I don't always have a hand to go with the eye LOL. That is why I struggle so much to get my tags right. I don't always know how to get the light in the right place or to get the softness or the right texture. I have quite a few layered PSP files that are uncompleted tutorials because there was something that I couldn't get right. I'd be happy to share some of my frustration with you if you're envious of that

There are times when I try to create an original tag that is multilayered like these tutorials create, but I'm still learning how to make backgrounds and use filters and such. I'd love it if I could whip up some of these ideas myself but I just don't have the experience with it and that is why I am spending so much of my time doing these tutorials. There are techniques and skills to be learned that can then be applied to original ideas. It's hard to make something that you have a picture in your head for if you don't have any idea how to start. My strengths are working with animations, dolls and text, so these types of tags are a real challenge for me. I'm absolutely tickled when I can create something that I like to look at more than once

And please don't sell yourself short! You also have a keen eye for design and detail. I've always loved to see your work, and there was a time when both you and Jossie were away, and I can't tell you how much I missed seeing both of your works! You have your own unique style to your work that even I can't mimic because I don't know how you do what you do lol.
Hopefully we'll be able to teach each other some of our tricks and techniques

. I'm getting better at working with the bits of things (the pieces). It's putting all the pieces together that has always been a challenge for me. That is why so many of my tags are text tags.