For my duplicate Copies layer I lowered the Opacity to 50 (instead of 60).
Instead of using Sharpen More I used Effects/Edge Effects/Enhance. I liked the sharper edge that I get with Enhance.
I added a slight drop shadow (2,2,25,2,black) to my tube before merging the three layers together. The drop shadow that I added to my merged diamond layer is 3,3,50,15,black.
To create my frame I made the background layer active, selected all, promoted the selection to a layer, sent the layer to the top of the palette, contracted the selection by 4, deleted the selection, selected none, and then flipped the image.
For my text I used
Dev Gothic, color #6A6C6C, blend mode set to Multiply. To create the text highlight I selected the text, made the background layer active; promoted the selection to layer, moved the layer above the text layer, offset the layer (horizontal:-2, vertical: 2) using my Move Tool, deleted the selection, selected none, then changed the blend mode to Screen. I did the same for the text lowlight but I changed the offset to H:2/V:-2, changed the blend mode to Exclusion, and then lowered the Opacity to 20. I moved this layer below the text in the layer palette.
I used
Pixelette for the image credit, color #404040, blend mode set to Burn.
I set the timing of the frames to 25 rather than 20.