Thank you for uploading the Sandra Charlet tube, Judy!
Isn't the file format supposed to be .pspimage? The file format of this image is .pspi. When I saved it to my computer it's not recognized as a PSP file.
I saved it as a png and uploaded it. I tried the pspimage again and when it uploaded, it only showed as .pspi. I noticed there is another item in files and documents that shows as colorful_lens.pspi. I downloaded it and renamed it with a .pspimage at the end and it worked! I am supposing the tube you downloaded first will work, if you still have it. Just rename with a " pspimage" at the end.
Thank you for re-uploading the tube, Judy! That is good to know for the future. I hadn't noticed that the file that I uploaded was .pspi. I love this new tube!