Da: justjam (Messaggio originale) |
Inviato: 31/05/2018 17:42 |
Watermelon Gradient Challenge

I made the tag above for a font challenge Here. The font is called Happy Days and I used size 106 with a stroke of 4.
The watermelon gradient and seeds can be downloaded Here.
Both the watermelon gradient and the seed tube were made by me a long time ago.
I used EC 4000 glass with a soft bevel by timber: bevel 6.99, smoothness 75, check inside marquee, E. D. 3, 0, 50, 0, 40, white.
The drop shadow I used on the seeds is 2, 2, 25, 2 and the color #6C0606.
I duplicated my name and moved the copy below my name layer. I gave the copy a gaussian blur of 4 and moved it down and to the right a bit.
I'd love to see what you do with this gradient and feel free to show your results on this thread. |
Da: SilentEyez |
Inviato: 03/06/2018 21:43 |
Thanks ladies! And thank you for the gifty, Timber! ♥ I love the different designs that everyone comes up with :) Um, I think I should be be able to duplicate mine. I had forgotten to include some of the info (process) in my post but forgot. I used the font https://www.dafont.com/search.php?q=gorgeous+girls. I wanted to used something chunky/bold because it makes it look watermelony lol I used Motion Blur and set it to 180 and 50%. I selected the motion blur layer text and added a 2px outline (border) to it. And to mess with it some more, I decided to add some Noise. I don't remember what % was used though but that can be to ones preference. Lol, I am looking at the saved PSP file for this sig and there's a lot of layers going on and some are Xed out lol I can send my file to anyone that wants to see it and try to figure out what is going on with it :D The seeds as a pattern were at 50%, I believe and I used a drop shadow for it (can be any setting of choice to suit your font and style) and clicked to have it as a separate layer. I then set that drop shadow layer to Burn mode. I should really start writing down the process as I go along. Though, I usually save my files with all of the layers during the making (and they tend to have many layers of Xed out stuff lol).
I made another sig sometime after and I liked the result. It was not as complicated as my Watermelon try lol I will get that uploaded and whatever info I remember about it, I will share it lol I had fun with the Watermelon challenge and cannot wait to try another one out. ♥ |
Da: RitaF |
Inviato: 05/06/2018 18:17 |
Here is mine great tags....thanks Rita
Da: SilentEyez |
Inviato: 05/06/2018 18:49 |
That is so cool, Rita! I love how you used the seeds for a scalloped border ;) |
Da: justjam |
Inviato: 05/06/2018 21:21 |
 Awesome, Rita! I always enjoy your animations. Thanks for giving this a play and showing your results.
I agree with Karla, the seeds as a scalloped border is great.
Da: RitaF |
Inviato: 06/06/2018 02:46 |
Thanks I enjoyed doing it.... |
Da: timber |
Inviato: 06/06/2018 06:11 |
Karla, I have tried to create something similar to this noisy tag made by you.  I've managed to re-create parts of the tag using the notes that you shared, but I'm at the point where I'd like to have a look at your layered PSP file that you offered to share  . You can upload it to the Files and Documents. I've just tested and you can upload files in .pspimage format. Maybe if I see the layered file, I can re-create it better than my feeble attempt  LOL. Rita, thanks for playing and posting your results! You're always coming up with interesting ways to create new animations. Something that I noticed about your tag is that you added a drop shadow to your seeds and it really adds dimension to them that I wish I had thought of when I created my tag. Your seeds look so realistic. I'll have to remember to do that when I create another watermelon tag. And I echo what has been said about your seed scallop border; it's a nice artistic touch!  This beautiful tag was made by SandhillsDebby 
Da: RitaF |
Inviato: 06/06/2018 07:06 |
I decided to make a whole tag and with Judys way *LOL* no seed border this time
Da: RitaF |
Inviato: 06/06/2018 07:07 |
Thanks timber, I didn't have a sexy watermelon lady for my tag hahaha but yours is great. |
Da: justjam |
Inviato: 06/06/2018 19:34 |
I love it, Rita! Your new tag looks so cool and refreshing. I like your glitter border around your images. Thanks for playing again and showing your results.
Da: SilentEyez |
Inviato: 06/06/2018 21:46 |
Omg, those tags are fab ladies! ❤ I really need to practice more. I wish and hope I can get ahold of other tags I've created.
Timber, of coarse! I will get the file uploaded as soon as I get the chance ;) |
Da: SilentEyez |
Inviato: 07/06/2018 02:32 |
Timber, I uploaded the PSP file - hope it helps  |
Da: timber |
Inviato: 07/06/2018 04:19 |
Rita, I love your latest results! I'm all about the glittery edge  LOL. I didn't make the sexy watermelon lady tag; that tag was made for me by Debby. I was just taking advantage of the watermelon theme on this thread to show off another watermelon tag  . Karla, thanks so much for sharing your layered PSP file with me!  I will take a look and see if I can reproduce something similar to your name tag as I really liked it  when I saw it. I'll be back later with more questions or my results. My thank you tag was made using Judy's watermelon gradient and my Amazon Southwest Text Tutorial; it's snaggable.
Da: SilentEyez |
Inviato: 07/06/2018 05:28 |
No problem and cannot wait to see your results! :D
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Messaggio 19 di 20 di questo argomento |
I am back! I played with the gradient the other day and made this seedless tag, lol. The font is called ArenosaBQ-Regular.
(wanted to see how the caps and lowers looked)
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Messaggio 20 di 20 di questo argomento |
!!! Hermosos trabajos !!!..... me ecantaron, que posibilidad hay de aprender ?.
Muchisimasgracias,mi nombre es Mayray soy de nacionalidad colombiana.
Mayra de Buelvas
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