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General: Gradient Challenge: Candy Corn
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جواب إلغاء الرسالة  رسائل 1 من 7 في الفقرة 
من: timber  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 18/10/2018 00:51
Gradient Challenge

Here's a fun gradient and perfect for Halloween.  It's called Candy Corn.  I don't remember where I got it from, a tutorial perhaps.  If you know where this gradient came from, then would you please let me know, thanks!  Click the gradient preview to download the gradient.

I've used the gradient for this text tag.  What else, right?

Here's some notes for how I made my tag.
  • Broad Street Font, size 72, stroke=2.
  • Materials: foreground and background=candycorn gradient.
  • I used vector text and have a separate layer for the stroke and for the fill.  For the fill layer I Converted the Text to Curves as Character Shapes, so the gradient would span the height of each letter.  If you don't convert the text, then the tallest letters "steal" the yellow part of the gradient from the shorter letters.
  • I selected my text fill layer, then applied SuperBladePro Coconut Ice (my favorite), but changed the Radius of the preset to 56.  I duplicated this layer and set the blend mode to Hard Light.
  • On a lower layer, I added a Drop Shadow (5,5,25,8,black).
  • For the glittery part of the text, I drew out a 15-pixel rectangular selection at the bottom of the letters and applied Noise (gaussian,65,mono) to the text layer (not the copy of the text).

  • Have fun with this one; I can't wait to see your results.

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    جواب إلغاء الرسالة  رسائل 2 من 7 في الفقرة 
    من: justjam مبعوث: 18/10/2018 05:30
    Awesome ,timber!  Thanks for posting this challenge.  I made a candy corn gradient from a tutorial that I found HERE.  It looks like the same gradient.
    Here are my results.
    I used the font Mama Regular size 72 with a stroke size 1 and color #ED956B.
    I used an inner bevel of:
    Bevel # 2, Width 2, Smoothness 35, Depth 4, Ambience 0, Shininess 34, White, Angle 351, Intensity 29, Elevation 59.
    Then I applied EC 4000 Glass with timber soft bevel settings.
    I copied some of your ideas timber.  I duplicated my text layer and changed the blend mode of the top text layer to soft light.
    I used a drop shadow of 4, 4, 25, 4, color#404040.
    I had to try the glittery part and added gaussian noise of 45, mono.
    This was fun and I paln to play more with this gradient! 

    جواب إلغاء الرسالة  رسائل 3 من 7 في الفقرة 
    من: timber مبعوث: 19/10/2018 02:22
    I know the tutorial and gradient that you're talking about, Judy.  The gradient that I shared is different from the other; it's brighter.  Did you download the gradient that I shared?

    I love  your results!  The font you chose has a great shape and so much like real candy corn; great choice .  Thanks  for sharing your settings.  I will have to give that font a play .

    جواب إلغاء الرسالة  رسائل 4 من 7 في الفقرة 
    من: justjam مبعوث: 19/10/2018 02:42
    No timber, I hadn't downloaded the gradient you shared until just now. 
    I'll give it a play.

    جواب إلغاء الرسالة  رسائل 5 من 7 في الفقرة 
    من: justjam مبعوث: 19/10/2018 03:16
    Ok, I'm back with the correct gradient. 
    I did this one the same as the first that I posted except, I used 65 for the gaussian noise this time.  I used an angle of 180 on the gradient so the white would be on the top.
    This gradient is a little brighter than the other I used.  I like the shape of this font also cause it look alot like real candy corn.    Thanks timber for the new gradient! 

    جواب  رسائل 6 من 7 في الفقرة 
    من: timber مبعوث: 06/10/2020 02:55
    I was looking through my Halloween tags for something to play with and I found a folder without a tag and just some notes, so I made one.  I realized it looked familiar and I remembered this Candy Corn Gradient Challenge, so I came to look.  Apparently my notes were some of Judy's settings and font, so here's my tag using Mama Font.

    I started with the original gradient posted in the first message but I edited the gradient so the white and yellow areas would be wider.  For the Stroke, I used a Foreground-Background Gradient using yellow and orange.

    To glass the text I used Eye Candy 3000, and I learned something new and weird LOL.  When I applied the filter to the text the only portion that was shiny was the top of the letters and the bottom of the letters were dull.  I wanted some shine on the bottom of the letters, so I rotated the text 180 degrees and then applied the filter and I was surpised (and happy) to see that I got shine on both the top and bottom of the letters.  Imagine that?  The Glass settings that I used are from Kes' Glass Text Tutorial, but I changed the bevel width to 8.

    I added PSP noise to the orange area and the outline but left the tops and bottoms of the text noiseless as the noise made the text look dirty.

    The text looks good enough to eat now LOL.  Thanks for sharing your settings, Judy, I used the same font and drop shadow as you.

    جواب  رسائل 7 من 7 في الفقرة 
    من: SilentEyez مبعوث: 13/08/2021 12:39
    From: SilentEyez Sent: 13/08/2021 02:41
    I should have tried this one sooner, it is so cute! Love the colors and Halloween feel to it (^_^) Lol, though I do not like candy corn itself! All of your tags are awesome, gals! ♥

    For my tag, I used the font Janda Apple Cobbler Solid @ 120 pt. It gives it that cutesy Halloweeny/Autumn feel ♥

    Bevel+Glass: I used the settings that can be found in Timber*s Amazon Southwest tut
    Glitter border: (possibly) #FF7318, #FFE205 - I chose them off of the gradient but did not jot them down; Foreground Stroke @ 4 pt (as separate layer to "candy corn text")
    Noise: Uniform, 100%, Mono
    Drop Shadow: 2, 2, 50, 5.00, black

    The black cats GIF is one I found on the web. Cannot remember what website. If anyone would like it, I can send/upload.

    *Edited message to correct some info*

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